Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, September 10, 1857, Image 3

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    Ifieltbilrol*sii - .
Brother COltb;l.trthe ..lrellabeiro Agitakr,
a l wa ys !rites some good things foe ;Ims pa,
r, btititi. 4 Mild. last treek,.Oa :' the price
. 1 .. . ,
of Libext37" i s 0 4 8 ,4" , anti. n(4 4 •t 9 be read
by the: lepithlkans ofthia &lintyorei :-
ne H e re i s
au e xtract frem it, which we e4*
t h e serious attention of every friendWrieepi l
don :' i
a n o es any freeman lean upotrany post i l
slic eess aeltieved by:the noble effortror the I
friends of Liberty'? If • sowdens ite, ,',Ol - ea...lia , j
t h a t the.succoss or tbn.Paatsl4o Ittla_ .41r bitii:Zl
and how ;signal .souser tbey-troty imam- • i
c o t gietrUnty likegiorioue Arad wrogiartiliszt I
, ;a e ries I to day, or to-tuorroir 1 - likkli 4inittt i
l e ans on la rotten,. AA. Sii9etos iniaidoy
is not a guarantrot success to-day. Titens. l
4 s n o vietory Without. labor, no true defeat;
without apathy. op the part.e,f the ,detested.'
li e wins who • world, he *rats w
bo wins.
Il e w 0 . 4-4...... best 14 .ho to ever alive to the' un-',
prtan 'of acAon:
„sad ',be is s dram who
.-leans On past endeavor., A thousand .aucia
- - could rdreeke work of wow easier wigiheoa ,
' freetnrlt enEt ten thousand melt tem& lose
the bekNoitheetrState to l'reedorn: It is
the crying evil of the time la,Pennsylvania,
that the Ilepublican hiveiscureed with drones
--tnettisho on ocal. lean l some - sees and di;
.thing. „Po' South and center Counties.
look,liP to 'the Norther* tier-and gloat over
.our monster majorities, fir,getting their duty. i
The Wilmot District hugs its nerVority for
F r emoat, fled cries—" Oh, if the lower part 1
of the 'State would but 'do something hand-
rosser Now this is all bosh, i I
The ; lower part of the State has no right
to lela upon cur majorities. '. liiind your own 1 1
. ,
business, and mind your own feet. Go to
. . work and , red.eein the lower part'of the State
—the, stpp_er part of the 'State will get along'
withde i t your laudations. The Wilmot Ens.
triet nivti not-wait fur the lower counties to
do " s omething httudsome.' We have some
thing handsome to do ourselves.' We must
not expend all our strettgth in hugging that
Fremont majority; we must gala work and
d o 360, better. That is ,what wehave to do
here in the Banner County. Wedo not thank
a ny croakers to put on a Sunday-go-to-meet
ing fitand say that 'Dogs. can't do better
- t h a n s he did last fall. She eon do better,—
'The ees are all kern, and -if their de - not
get i nto the ballot-box on the 13th of Octo
ber next- then the Republicans Of the several
• elgtiOn districts must settle with their own'
eons ci l enees. There is no e.scapit.g the con.'
d a sio'ti that if voters fail to come out, their
lt e pal,i,can neighbors will have neglected
duty. "
,t. Ml. Witnar's rinu.Atniazniit SI`ZIi.CH.-- '
Great have been the effects produced in. Phil
adelPhia by Mr. Wilmot's speech, rnade . bere 1
reccatly. Mary of the, most influential of
the old line- Whigs were ki attendance, and I
... expressed themselves highly gratified at the
sensible and statesmanlike views of that dia.
tieguished gentleman. It reminded them
forcildy of the, good old days of Clay and
NV elister„ When people went to a public meet-
Joe for the pur pose of receiving instruction,
mi d
ino t, !to be di gusted at the incoherent
ravi gs of some miserable moutitebank, who
.had the gift of talking by the hour, and -say
ing 'thing.
! jr. W ilnitt - it exposit i on of his famous Pro-
viso was
. a master-piece, and convinced all
whojheard him that he is indeed one of the
. ginat statesmen of die- country. . After the'
o:artalusitm of his speech, muy came to the
. ',... onl itn s inn that the Democratic Suite Cont..'
mid tlee might be well called a Prudential Corn.
InHee, from the fact of their positively fir
, bidding Giii- Packer to discuss. the political
topi j cs.of the day with Mr. Wilite.h.--Sun.
"nu L AND AT 1 31 . AR Wall - HALF TUE WORLD.
c 1,4)1A011 -Times says England 'ls at
present in conflict with the Eastern world.
Yr(;m Men to iiongkcmg the British flag has
lieeh unfurled, and at carious spots througla
optilhis great section of the:globe: the inhab
itaut of these little •isdands are actually en
gaged in . hostilities whit trell•nigb one half of
the people of the glob!:
Republican XelAillgli•
•j il'ON. G... GROW
min addecns his fellow citizens AO the political gees
lions of the day, at the following times and places :.
Monday evening, Sept. 21, At Itinimairille, In za
Tuesday evening. Sept. 22, at Anbarn 4 Comes.-
Wednesday ma. Ihniveme. -
Thursday " " ha, at Janes. In Libutf•
F, ride " ; .2!), at Sesotho:um Depot.
otler2.—The Ploughing Natoli of the Suaque
link County_ ‘ O, altars) Society, ea take place at
endarine, onMamriay, the loth trt• Septettdarr, at
o o'clock, P. M. The Committee of Arrangetnenta 1
S. F. Walsh., Dr- Calvin Leet and Mira Min.—
dam.of Phalghlt% John F. Thum, Sitorin Taykkr
d Michael Same.' ,
The Judges - are requeited to report on the Metas
the different plows.- • •
The C committee of Arrangements wi ll pay every at
tion to competitors on 'their arrival.
in proinium on pkmairiag,. . • 1 1 5
211 best,• - 4
sci best, - ..... 3
4 l th best,— ~2
1 1 5th best, • 1
Taoe. Nimmisos,t . .ii,":2_„..:_,, ,
F. IL Wrisaasts, , 4 = l ; e.
Atraen Raaarerns, ‘7°.^..
N, •
)0t • the Istdepeadheitit Freemen el
CAPltstf: '
Itomplianceortth theimpreaami wish of numer
n 1.4 'ends" ittwarions parts tithe county, as well is
it accordance with miyoinn seam of thity and pro
p 'etc, I am csomplaw-d. to , intonme that, (until fur
t*r advised elf thesepoputisi-will,) I ant stUl a eau
+date Ice your tom" for the osoe of Regitali .
and &earth,. foe a secood term. Should a solfsciesst
number of my fellow eilisens--approring of the man
ner in which I brace thus Sr strove to discharge the
tiuties of I.'.e tiffic.e—be dispeised to'sustain sae upon
the true merits of the gesemt— ion, after a fair and can
did view of the tate, icon only pronsise a continu
ance of my utmost efforts to deserts that confidence,
4rith all the increased ability to urge the du
ties to the public advantage,whioLuestit._ threeyears
.x . perience in the office has ginkgo!. It, isuWuveff,
majority shaula deem to* pass
funt, 1 hope they will treaty utoaves with for
l'eltanod. tio long as 1 delta hupegn theirs.
j Sepc.), IBsfi. 'Um W. 0101143.
To the Isellepmedleilet , Viers est boa:
*sr eleinetleftekothse
tagayekey Meads, etea ;korai*, hen been le
dad to offer artweif as an btIMPRWIMIII . Ciunattaes
for =run. It .Meted,' I la eledeseet
!charge the duties ertheelileelbitheidl sad limper
;taliv and to the beat of maraiireisia.l talk the yokes
lot Ailfellow ekbene, liebelfeillheilleirentas pert'
lot the county, which haa yet eager hed the eats ,
Sheriff. In painelple, I base ewer V= to
the extaeam of slavery end in *woe' At
the saw thar..l bold that the/Forth bu tie T;stbt to
inteetere'vrish Sinery„ When It *side au:Wigs
Institution. art "",the °tatted!. ilieenew ahem,
of whatever male or party, Dcreautaily
cmcs, Wince, tatcatta; and IfortUaera t atOsordd
both of the iC ate, 1
t shall tlet4eo telir . ll4llredole
the favor, and feel nudes meow obkiptioaa th e
Fame, and lfeketed; win try to member th at ire•
celved the office than the
Auburn, August 12,.1551.
• •
• • iviAß
In A.rinsott thold Ink,* Rev. 0. W. Norton,
ilr. ' W tiaaner llll . l kolinini; • orOilika". llll , ll oT
c r- U e rrid4lSte 6 4.. (NC INC
Jla Montrone, 'August - hth. by /ter, Riley,
Wzt.eov T. swra, of Basewocei. and Wis• 4 0-
Et..clog Iczwo,ko, of the wune,platte.
In Jessup, lupin 17th, by Md. .0 1 ey, Mr.
LTgApt Cistuk of Althea, and Illseedwinik Own
'XAX: of ihe title place.
Ia Buell, akitipse‘26tb, by theeetac, Mr. Smis B.
nowau,, or.rewip. Suaq. Co., Pa., And • Nis 4 - 6 4AN
!ttliw• oreastile,, W.yomint Co.,
. .
A nlet 1614.4 et bet Sahel. i'•# John Backbit**
ham, of Clyde, Huron Co. i Mkt, ;on the 17th of Aliw
Rua lest, Mae buziacts ilinxisono, formerly d
lifootaeK,Pe. - Zet deatlf itaLcialedhy ban
thrown from a ham, ,11114 a i
beloved hy•et.
large. circle Cif friends ilia- her 114 1111 4 -
ture wit Cheered 14- ffieli tender' symPatticol; ant by*
the Chrla hope utii alarm' us itaittoidslity:'
_ Libortft Allint;s7, 00; *aro*. of Rued
Bouthwords, io the 61st year of be age.
She einhotolutehlistianity at early life, and valuta
withtbailtureh of Franhlk. sad .Icheit sattled ,
tt e t ti til a turelt in Liberty.. lilach.mittla be said cot
the parity, Anntifty, and uniform piety of
this be cell end devoted , sister. In all this Mations'
of life, she !Musked a ehateefer wrathy of general
imitation.irkind in her cnimeccs, prudent and eyelid'
in ilex *044 the vranllei friatillOP and 41Seem""ot
all within the chttleuf bet aelptiltibultee. She mai
deeply derma*" got,sad alaitbfeliollowstaf tier
&Amu% frbietts left hticsbihd, fathet; atiothevand
sister, radata oink relattiesorbo thafily fad
this stroke of V.rftis Prorkkatee, end a church la
whose affectiois slat largely thetet • The evident*
&slave, that but loss siebar [albite gain," greali.
ly-soltigatta the *To* ittlils-patoful bereavement.
may bee surviving
bet, as,-she Moved
Christ, and vest with bat i • - ,• ' •
“ Where tbe;treekr are st rest." Fox.
In Cantos. Wyoming. Plenty, Aug: 0. Ir. an'
trstatt itoifos CArrzu, aired_34 years and 9 months..
Ir: terser - was etoe dour Moat prendelng Joni
men, as a skink' gorier hail wbrilry 'citizen. He waS
I=lly eripected tor hismoral worth and christiaft
ent: He was upright; in all his dee& and
pure. in his conversation: Ilia4st sickness was brief,
thoughbla health bad oat been good. foe yews, hut
brief ea it was, death did not sutfrise him, or find him
unprepared, or envilling to go. Ile made every nec
essary arrangement for his funeral, and conversed
freely aith his friends as to his future 'prospects. Ho
assured tr ern.he was willing and ready to go when:
his time should come. He bad not a doubt but that
he ehould enter into that rest in heaven, where at
last he should greet the entire &rally of man. When
young, he united with the Baptist - eiturth, but did
not remain there but a few years: He possessed nat
urally an enquiring mind, and W 29 anxious to attain
to all truth within the teach of mind, partkrularly on
religic' m. Hence he read and reflected _lunch,. and
; soon found himself advancing beyond the faith of his
fathers and the church. After much patient study
of the Bible, he became settled in the faith of a
world's salvation. In the enjoyment of that faith he
lived, and by its sustaining power in the hour of
death, was able to resig,n his spirit in hope to God.
His last req , hat the world should know he
diedt. Vaiversalist. Tlt ended the earthly career
of a good man. * Ha leaver, an amiable wife and four
ratan children to mourn. their Ica'. His funeral was
attended at the Baptig church, where a large cog
course of peeple manifested their respect dm the de
ceased, and their sympathy for the bereaved
As token of sympathy and respect, the following
rescdutions,,whieh epee for - themselves, wore pre
sented : _ .
At a special meeting of the members of " Dew.
Dropr, Lodge, No. 137, of the Lade endent Order of',
Good Templer*, located InFactoryville, Pa., held Au- ;
gust tBs d 857. the following preamble 'mad resole-
dons were adopted:
Whereas, the all-wise Ruler of chi Universe, in Uls
infinite wisdom Ind goodness,' has seen fit to remove
from our midst, our worthy and esteemed friend and
fellow citizen, Brother B. K. Colwell, and thereby
depriving us of his prmence and aid for tt future!
Therefore he it
Ratotven, That in the death of Br. S. B. Capwell,
this 'Adige and the temperance cause have.last a=
worthy advocate, whose memory It will be our pleas
ure and pride to cherish' and revere.
Risotvro, Tnat we deeply' sympathize with the
widow and family of our deceased Brother. in their
melancholy bereavement, and that we tender them
our condolence in their affliction, its a token of our
esteem and friendship.' -
Emootran, That a copy of these resolutions be pre
stilted to sister Capwell, the widow of the deeeased,
and . another copy forwarded to the Scranton Rrpufr
liran for publication. Furter L. RIC; Neer!.
M Vi
Charles J. Craig
irj As jest opened a WATCH AND JEWELRY
•ffiTABLISHMENT, InA. Merriunsn't Boot and
Shoe Store, on Phhtie Avenue, one door above the
Past Office. Clocks, Watches and Jewelry repaired
in the neatest etcie. lie witt MI an orders,for Watch-
Wand Jewelry, at lest than city prices.
tV — All work warranted.
Montrose Sept. 9, I at".7.-6mo
V • removed his Office tolls new residence, next
door above Dr. Patrick's, on . Turnpike street, where
he is fitting up roosts in a style of neatness and eon
renitince befitting his profe;facip. lie will be absent
the, coming week at Pltiladielpeia, for the purchase of
Office furniture, Dental Instruments, fie. He expects
also, to bring back some. itnprovetuents in hi s art, of
the benefits 6f which be bores his polo may avail
theniselycs at once.
Montrose, September 9, 1851.
S firui of SCOTT k JOHNSTON, Is this day
dlasolved, Kr. Johiratan baring !edit kis interest
in the Goods to Nincit Mei. The notes and accounts
are in onr bands, ready to be canceled, safest as our
friends can attend to them. The business oat be I
hereafter carried on by Scott and Riley, at the 01d.%
• I
stand. Please call and see them.
Springville, Sept. 1, 1857.-4ie ' ,
H'AVM concluded to remove West, the subseri
-11 expose to sale r athis house, in the town
ship of Bridgewater, on
Friday, Sipteadicr 111 k, at 10 °Work, A. M ti
the following described property, viz: or.e cow, one
yoke of two year old steers, one yearling heifer, two
calves., eight sheep, one hog,* quantity , of hay,-plows,
barrows,and a variety alarming utensils, beds,tables,
and other articles of household furniture too numer
ous to mention. Ttsata.—All stuns over $5, three
months time. with interest and approved security ;
under $5, "cash on the delivery of the articles.
Bridgewater, Befit. t,111511.-tw
XTOTIGE is hereby giseu, that the firm of Tralrle7
.I. l t k Guild it tbie day &volved by mutual content.
• Must, Aug."l.7, 1857. E. E. GUILD.
The books and accounts can be found at the store
formerly ooettpied hy the subscribers. All pergons
having unsettled accounts are requested to settle the'
eamc sg Effea as pourable.' ' ,
The business will be conducted in the future by
the, t .niider the firm of 'C: P. t 0. M.
wlev, who are (41,1st:only receiving from New York
and liiilaitelphia the lateit styles of
ra II amid Winter Dry Gods,
Clothing, Lc., all of which will he sold at a very stnall
profit, for ready pay.. C. P. !UNMET.
* 0.11. frAWLET.
Sepi. 2,
A complete assrartSaest st
C. 1".. is O. Y. IIAW7..EY'S
frizanbeen - bora'arwitist relexising a fine awl of
.Slosh for the Fall and Winter Trade for 1.857,
enshowing all the beetpatterns oC Cooking,Parlor,and
Skom varieties in nee, together with a Mali awsorttnesu
at Steve ripe, Store Trimming% Elbows, Tin Ware,
ke-. .IWO we offer at priees that (*mot be beat.
Among tour Cooking Starves, we will ebYlberete the
liteystane, /With= Mat Top. tarot Queen, Jeffer.
poniesolhe. Mate is warn of Stores" or fury of .the
litter's, will do well to Ore us s adj.
1111211MEMD & idLEFVE.
IlreAlmfgep!.. 2. tea.
Fri tn. = 0 tr oG i rie st nweived
Itiooklya, September 2, 120.
rtAvrriooDs, OBOOBRIXI4,II.tRDW.4 RE,
_ILI BOOKS. fit*, 4140 • a*Tartiistp (kw,
&pt. 2,1E41. TO'S SON.
WOWS ilk ~11111011.4.1affah .
rS , :' &TICS. Af : .LrlOlVl3 *
1111 r inedl 11larvae Week.
WE lave 'a Int salearlaestwf gaiing to Bar-,
'west Toolic web a *Yam, &She elltadu i l
IktripAsicell i Cradles, Sickles, &c., which we ate
ieftt,eliever than the cheapest." Best Hateable
tudY *Ltt. Best Meer Bead *rhea,
corAisitAirrAw. 4orsir far sl;lff. Other at4i.
Flee in Tertian. • k 111411LEVXM."
i'RQUisaU3S)I 4 I.
~.....,,,u ,
vt imatti ' dt k i r" 9. ;,efi Of '
yr ' terAtir'ot tbe ez umo nsoe
404 CoNimintmee *IP sit lair at , 141. V. we.
L= . erVE.,:t. ILSN.
ri e l 4.111)"1"1" 1044 bit4o4 MOM
111411riesday 4•1 'October, melt;
Athol's, thileh dayOratel uscroth,) sterffsh thes,itito sad Ccow
'LT Olken are to be ~4 air *Most to vet
Oda paste% to 'Piths adios of moors* d tolidOempbbsezttik,
08* pews to elf the yam of Gloat Catettodother WU* Bowl ef
Tym pani = to 411 the olden of Suites of the Siemens Court of
One puma to 1111 the %Moe of Itiatit at the Mims of Ropeowo
mhos of Pswostese.
Ow peons tcall oleos of of StooreloseeCotta*.
Gee penes flit the oleos et' We ear cower. •
Ono omen to 1111 the oleos of Retorter & lost odd anger,
One palm to ill the odlot or.Coanntsiotter for en comfy:
Gee perm to the ogee of TeellOOlt old
Ow person to ON en Ogles of Auditor S& d ornate.
Oto 'peewee bettor oleos of Comer tot sotel,oty.
And 'I also booby make known reed eve octloeUOL the *oil of
Midst the Gooosil Steaks* to the overeat words boons* red
too within the eclttl . t.z . of Solot~as ere as Moos to .
Ties OA of the tosessaaerelhe
cam be Wordi=llosebt Ittlabe
Xleettoo composed alba tellOWPt7Trirat
mill be Odd odsoottersse aiserthithe data. to mkt
"nik TbtaittS‘ WS, ditto* eampisoi . of Ow drAtittarb
will be held at tit* boom of Gloom tweetly tomold togroddp.
.The Thelon • for the /Meet eterepoued of 'the
_toseashtp of
leidorseater wit he held at the Carrot Hasse to the Sarni% of
Toe Election
he the &Uhl easuposset onion township of DiffilifirS
win be held st the home of James O. Robed* told ttontshlo.
Tlt• Eisteless he the dhderkit Imposed of Sher toto*,* of Choler
out' trill be held at tee seboal House sow Robt. Olmoe to sold
Tt Urtl i for Me of the thotaablp of Meted
will be bold st the tiottse dli r t iMVUM tit said townshlP.
• The Eisesthea foe the &strict composed of the Dam* a , Tlcaldelr
irth I* held Ott the laandaf lictcl to
' e Election go tbe dlthiet som a of tl l:3 l s tortdblp of Ilbstoel
#lll be held at the beessiestleen Sober hi addtosdadda.
'iThs Doetloo for Me district co of of the toomshtp of Toted
• will be Add all the Mow of A.S..lerk la tat towhaldp.
' The Eketlon tbe thit Mated c on ( tithe toonahlp of napkin'
esttrbe bold at theitbool harm tees...lamb Allots to saki to
a enadlpp.
Mrllldhodoe foe the diattietcosupleed allot? Dorms* of
silk vita be held at the school house to said Illerougis. •
The Kleetion for the dlstrkt composed of the trartothlp of 42115 t
Bend will beheld at (hr bate et Albed ADM Its said um - whip.
' The Election for the district ounhowed of the wnship &latent •
will be bald at lbw berme oflosseph Washburn In d s
id township.
! The Wootton for the district composed of the township of listford
will he beld et the house of E. W. Waldron In said township.
net Election (hr the district composed of the towtehlp of Tionnony
will be held at the house of S. Winter.. In old townddp
The Election for the district composed of tbe township of Herrick
will be held et the house of lialbsel Mooch In said 110
The lilkeeden fee the amid coMposed•of the ternahlr o l it Rases' .
will he held at the house pf .1..1• Inmer In said township.
The Election for Me distrlet nonpareil of the township of ssinsup
will he bald at the house of llsolei Hoff in Mid township
The Medina for the district composed of the tronnshlP of Leung
will be held ss the house of Grow t Brothers to ndd ht.whohlp,
The Eleetkm for the disuiet Complied of the tcoraddp OF Uhcrty
will he held at the house of Bela doves In said township.
The Enetion for the district euro_posa si of the toenwillls of Lathrop
I will le held at the house of Eitsha DA in said transship.
The Election foe the dlitriet composed:if the township of Middle.
1 horn will be held at the bone of Joseph Knee in said township.
I Tire McCann for the district composed of the ilorares of Ilsadrcor
will bit held at the Conn (bum in said inst)u,
The 'Medina for the sitarist composed of tths townal4 of Neer
Wilford will be Kehl at the berme occupied by la
el 4 %hip .
Tbe Medina. foe the district composed of the township of Oakland
srill be held at tlie house of Hobert Nlcol lu the Litentigli of Sunset.
Thu Eleethw Le who district ommassed of the township of Hain,
will he held at the house of X. D. ins des In sold tea naldp.
Tlid Election for the dbirtiet composed of ire township of Spring
rifle will le held id the tweet. of Sperm r Lilco% In add townddo.
The Election for the dlarid compost...lrd the townehlts of :died
Late,srtit be held at the house of Holed Metiertglee In said towned n.
The Election for the district composed of the Borm4h tC finanue•
harm wUI be in id oath* hogs. lately OcCuldrad lIX/ 4, d Dodd, to
said homunds.
The Viedlou for the district entermed of tblettnerehip of Thotuatet
will he held at the tome of E. It. Chandler In add tosettetab.
I also *min - toile Worn sad she meld. as In and by the Act of
Aseetably of Olt* Cometromreelth. entitled A a ad prescribing the
time and natant of sraleulttirot to the people lot limb raltdration or
frjection the prop ered amendments to the Constrintlon.'aiMmeed
ISM, I air Mended th at.** the) urpose • of ewer
tale the metureof theecti Whom. of *le Commonwealth In regard to
the o tion or rejon of mid dments or either of than. an
sadden will be held In midi t e n (Att wadi* emelt", and distlicasin
mid Camay, on saki awned Tuesdas oeul.m. m 57. fee the purpose
of deciding npon the adoptlem rejUction amid amendments=
.11 . than ; hte, elven:us drill be held at the place and
and clonal at the time at and a ',thin which the Gemini Uncilons of
thhr commenwenith are hehl. opened. and deed and It 'ball be the
duty of the Judaea Inspectors. and Mae of each .4 the told cowl,
Mips. "node and amidst to tredve at the mid chorine tickets alt..
ez srMten or printed, or voile written err partly prhated. from 'du•
seas duly quallttesi to rote forlateaders Crf tine Cameral Assem blea t ed
to deposit th em In a hoc or Imam to le for that purpose pros
the proper Deems; a hide tlekete dull be namedis de lalstged on the
&amok. ^ Met Amendment: thestood Amendment; - Third
Amendment." and *Fourth Amendment,' sad those who are fa , ore
site to said any (Moe, my express their desire
hr soling each ma Missy eatateds veto, at petneo or pertly .ffitLf
Of printed triads we Udtelecadelesteg eets the beide thereof the
words. - .For tire: Aaseadalestt," sod the see Avowed to each
amendments. er say ottissea. saw etWoaboo ‘..ttod
each as ewayeepente ateles et *We contenstne
on the ladde theist the ereetbt- sad aimo
that. the oleetilaa alt Use add moter all Tweeds' ,
be &whirled*, tbo Uemoral IldelatoesofttbsOodsbartroloab seesaw
; obeli illealttee the duke et the ream jukes tithe mid
Comity alid the riapeetteadlatrtsta &mot. tins leeetzeg aeterefly ar
certained the weber citrate Oren Yoe or made oraild amend
er...nat. In Das fliantbrthaeseld. to mete eat Mato thereof.
calomel la "wawa& leatale sett bet le h ItAIN ergre "lASf "'Ma
return' re buds shallbe Wilma to the rlothese of the
Court atNitnaatm Inarna of real 0-apeotr.hael the other faded and di.•
reeled te
44 to the Semitery at the
the Cetemeee
cosfeeedalla realth. tad •by ode .4 add
*9O moot
I also slate Lawn' Ore teat* tsa to aid by tbe IS* Section
the aforessid ad ma ghat amylase/so Wdellet.hotiod
the Met. 'Klee wry odboaceatbadatateat orprollt or trud
=lel LAO rebid eau" *ratio* State. tit WI iiky gay reincorpora
ted die-rid, sebethee otearahaboled &beer or sew, she 14 mahall
be, employed t o the leglahettre.leettelen I ,24 :Catkl .
meat of d th Slate ar Culled eludes or any city or Inetertmcw
Viet t an ales end ereey menace et Cowrie, rail otthe Stele die -
Wet orr. ant ref the select or come* embed of any city. Or e.onnos.
:down of any isoceporated district. b by by beaspable of bolding or
exercising at =of Date. the *eke or appointees* of Judge, In
epeet..r. riert entry election nettle Commonwealth. and that no
I nst.ertur or Judge or other order, dray a each election. dull to elig
ible to ai.v Mn - . t them to he voted for.
And IA the same act of Amdahly It la ',Do made the duty of m •
ere Nias or. sheriff. Itepote nbenife, Alderman. Justine of the ' ream.
Cr : instable Of Deputy rowirt4e. of thy, esesaty, townthlP
district % Wain this ersorionwe alth. w bent , se ailed upon be an offi
cer of a.n election, or be three qualified electors gloom: to any
a ' L ao, .1. as mut n. tie ati.dow of the ;dare ot General Elation
11 huh shall be alMncrd In such a a es , ao to peeves* voters from
approarbinethe coon ; and it shall be the dirty Addle itspective Con
e tide of such sward. ekietid err Mesabi; wit hin ihb emberionweithh.
to he pre.mat Wiesen, or be 1 repeerv. at the plane of bolting LW
lions. it, such ward. dLsrict or toe nahip. for the porpose of pewees
the the fitser as itrATC*lO4l: .
Aim that In the 4th ....eflom of the net of Amernlily er.thled
ad relating to execistious and , fee other puipsers. - women ed A tail
taw. It to ermet....l that the aforesaid rah damn 1.4 • be c.. ..
tamed as to prevent fitly intlitia often or tonsure raker from wins
tug maJt •
sige, Insperrv, of Clerk .41 any general or pedal rleei Wu in
tide Commons ealth • •
Punsuant to the ;emblems tontsthed la Cu. Mir section of the net
aforresid, tire durilv , of the aforesaid hind WWI resto.ctlesde tate
dorm cestltorte or return of tbe eledlos their roam:live
dbtelete and prlrduce Undo at a mottles aunt. Judge from each dis
trier. at. the Court House Intl. Btrooo 9f 'Moutons., on the third
dor atter the he of oketlon telly tied poems yam ors Friday the
16th dav of October next, ewe to oto and perform the dales required
be Law . of said d adzes, A'2.3 that obese a fledge by Lames. or me
moldable accident as unable to attend said meeting of Judge tee
the otetlSede or mare aforeold shall he tat, :n charge by one of
the laMeelory rr Clefts of the tied:Son of a id district, who shall du
and perform the , duties inquired of said dodge upside to attend. ,
*.j Alio that In the el sertleo of said act. It is enacted that "retry
end Veda! election salt be opened betweewlaght and Ten
rt7tlin'oreir. sad shall condom ,reborn Interruption or 114)MUIS.
;Ma until Sc: en o'deele In the \ming a hen the polls dull te
closed: .
Given under an - Hand, at me elec. In the Ilonmgli rJ Idontrow.
thedarcof SepterWrer Anno end In tis. Tear of the
Corrinoroweelth thr eighty-Amt. . I'. HOLLISTER. Shear.
Adiainistrator's Notice.
- 111ITOTI4Z Is g•tven that letters of 2tdrulubstrathm fel thee,-
1.11 ofJ Ite. 111ASIMLL. late a Jaw* tualtabip
maw& baxe been granted tbe subartilwra. and all persona in,'artked
tt. lead agate are recuested tr. taste liamedbte pajrnesrt, and tie.°
:ti rili. tinas thereon will please iv sent the same duly atteatett tut
as the premiers. • ADster.
• -• S. S. story. a saws."
siomtroft, m v at to 3.%7.-Aw
Farm for' Sale.
One of the cheapest .Farms in the Courtly.
IT contains t.B acres of good tillable land, has on
it a large two story House,' liors.e Barn, Black
smith shop, a splendid wood lot, is well watered, well
fenced, and under a good state ot cultivation. It 1.4
situated on the Harmony and Lcnoa Turnpike, six
miles from Susq. Depot, and two miles from Jackson
Center. ' Payments made easy. Apply to
worth Jackson, Susq. Co., Pa., Aug. leg '67.--4w
CAME to the premises of the subscribes, in Rush,
on the Llinlt of July,
two year olds; steers,
one heifer, bright Ted . The owner is requested to
call, prove property, pay charge., and take them
away. SETH 61.10VE,
Rush; August 5,1557.-4 m
THE subs.criber is fitting op his Machines:3r to ac
-1 his customers with work, to suit the
spinning and" knitting pubic, on abort notice. Thank
ful for past Carom, he hopes by strict attention to
business, to merit, a stare of the public patromego.
West Brooklyn, June 8, 1857.—tf
&wetting New and there!.
dretteris limprovoi Doable itarting, Enaction and Force
- Romp, rith Indickruhtacr hall Vahtes. dotard
the First Premier/la at the Nee York State
Fair, Arid at Elmira, 1855. Patent
• cd 6th of Jane, 1855.
MINIS imam is for alb by the tinthcriber to Ote Township, of
BEIVOICW•7I3, I.I,IOMAN. 51P1211141 , 11-I.X. Avec= fuel LarearO.
led Seem&Le of the woa . having boudit the tight of sad tannery.
and am tow ProPuturt to bash all that may be wonted in .Id ter
ritory on short notice. Amcmetbe wany tedeantates record by the
afthis pimp. we gettacity of arealogeneut, the yielcilaiwor.
Lad at baulk: , their catittatpof overtake'. the facility with which
all the peels ma to removed and repine& its derataty
so k' dom. taktiou mod tom,
ow be transformed at Oman: tato a i m
elided F!8 /MIA •
therein' Imarluti your building, Matta are. This pomp la nod for
all tee otom for whkh may yet elm be wed, and is nadir pro
, tamed 4 i pi *or. and any cestat the open** or Oda map
- oreisid beirre dto to nand to any in Ver. Mao et Nand Pant"
from PS to NW Power Pumas from flielth grot. _
Nog! Timm. Iterviants, Xechunice. rod ROOM_
sad every roethat has s boa" will you bun aft Palm
attschstir to protect your boatel:4a la tore of Inc? It may be better
thom as imatemew porky! will you watt an **lone .b olden
bads% yess bet the door? Rely a peuhp; at ,the only place they can
be told. het the shove named Mettler. Tar tortleulark *moire on
di=and vac the pump. or same& pan paid.
h.. An& V.% LW..-1133 - B. S. MUTT.
lan non prepared to furnish my cashmere .ride
that brilliant and durable style Of picture blown
mike Yelainotype, or Iron Picture.
liiteneeses made upon the PatentAtelsinotype
Pixie, pommel many advantages arer those made up
au glass and k Is thought :therthis preeeis ant yet
xx2ote di *dam.
-1 4
anytiody masts Atop pictures they min be ac
ccommodated during the mos& of Atit, for i can
tad aria make thew as cheep I and as food as dm
man in the art on the Green.
' far Plan Cues Leeman a: (Ma. varc .I 1
W. 11. DE S, Phenix Mick.
ilentroae, August 1, 1147.
1iri. f t,04,6„ , 1„ . 411=4 , gt deetr tepe a t
that tbe woe nil be onsistibed to the tar or
itZre&oda paeotalsatebtaa to said' agate art i ttdto
4 1tattieftte parseat.
- WEI. C. TIFF. 11. Lteoutot.
Varkott. t:mt 19,
Vat** Zarai n e. B WIWI! meta, rismr;
SM A olkoogßatClei,. corm, 'SUGAR
tr.. far. Ils4,090,118$16: Glikjami 8 10 bef°4
purchasiniAtuitesejb at k ;11:4 VAN%
llotitrole, Aug. I!, 1857.
t 4
- -
O!t.H Ei
r 707.-7,
-hew sidbes styies - • - ;
now blebs - egic 4 4
L LE,& 1141:1)12ct1
Fingers sad Meeks'les!!
uTILL please rewober, whed - building, that the
Y -stibsertbenr are tarnishing -
tit e-
(freight added) sod that Wry keep constantly an
'omi t a bur stock of
Nal h i e las% Vett y, Palate,ol 10, Do* r
Tr ham hap, bask and Mind Was
tenikaira Unto, its., 41111 C. Ake.
In fitct we bare almost everything in Abe way of
building materials, earn quality, and wld sell them
at a very small &draftee from caddie Cask There
fore, ire confidently assure builders; that they will
materially consult their own interests, by giving us a
call, bale purchasing. LITTLIt 114RD1311.1
L /A 9
° ILI I AS • 30 t
BY the load and barrel, constantly on band, and
for sale at the eery lowest rates, by,
Nicholson, Sept. 2. ISM.
Haying Tools!
SICKLES, &e., &e., •
a full stssortment, ju4 reeriveiVbr -
1.07' OF 7710S1!: FINE, Inf.{ I')
~31u.o: 'i 1i
in rud half 1.1615, jug!, recvivt•d, by • •
my 15,'57.
HA R w Al: a,
C/20 CKERT, .
11.1 TS,
• B °NSW TS,
' : FLOUR, . 'SALT.
P 0 rA $ll, LINK
a hundredth part of 'which we haye not time ro enu
merate. Enough to say, we have almost anything
and everything, expected to he fliund at a store in
the Country, all of which we s eAtrtermined" to turn
into C ASH. lir the very allorte4 possible time.
And we herewith issue a .
' ' •
CA Sli CIi:;•TOME.RS. Wool! Wool!!
... We ari-41 it distinctly inideratocal, that for
, . • rrITE highest market pi ice • paid in Cash for Ten
. C A. S• TI , , thousand pounds of Wool by .
we will sell any .kind of Goods, the quality consider. — Gib .. 4° __ n ."_....... ju1t .." '2 2 _' 4 .....)._ / —.:._ 857 '
cd, at much lower prices than ii.itial. _ • .74-
t RESH 111RICARIES2 . :. - - 4 W E Lave just received a frevelt supply of Dr.
C. VG.% R, Mottssiet , MCC; Coffee, Teas, and all kindai ,•: - Join Bn/4's Celebrated Sarsaparilla, awe best
41 .. from an
0 of Groceries, a full stock, just revoked, and for l';•"e'en remedy for all
sale b*, •- • : Lcrns,s, '4I.4EDINU. ' impure awe of the blaod, the unproper Ilse of 31er
. cure, and for the numerous ills that "Flesh is heir
to." It is put up in quart leintles and contains SIX
TITLES the pure Honduras Sa mapitiilla of anY other
similar preparation in America. Those why; have
trieilthe article speak of -it iu the highest terms of
praise. Even the Pbyijelantrin our county commend
it highly, and :several of them use it in their practice.
Price $1 per botth•, or As bottles for $5.
o r LI the Inralid try it. '
Brooklzn, July 15, 13 i'l• . ._ .
Di.F.NTY of Ow nice YOUNG TEA, a
prime article, sOour , abinings;Sor xtle by • -
rrIIAT Sateratiti, Snip ma Cdttgles, of tho best
qualities are for sale by the box, at New York
city whoisale prices,
_by •
rTin Cans, just wits!: you want for TWOCing war , ,
for sale by ' A.1777:E:
R ICH 01 voraol carpi" are offered'atiztrgailuctiy
notrr4 & S[loo4.'
CONSTANTLY on .haud, the best assortment of
. BOYS; and YOUTHS • •
and BROGANi,. •
and of the bent manufaeture, also •
• • SHOES .and GA.TEF.RS,
In great variety, selling a:it very law rates, by
liE largest stock, , and greatest `rarietY, of good
style?, in this-section of country, for sale by
BE Cast Steel . and St e el Poll Ases, 'Adzes,
Broadaxes, Cast Steel ;.4 Cnt Mill Saws, also
Patent Tooth Cut Saws, with riles of all kinds,
for sale low, by LITTLE 4.• ITARPING.
FIIIXISS, Pans, Tin, Painted and, Cedar Pails,
- Batter Bowls, Dairy Salt, kc., ke., fur sale by
OU wilt sate money by purchasing your Nail., l
Paints, Oils, Sash, Quo, Door Trilanniugs and
Hardware palatally, of Lring of NA RDING.
Urge stock oodistontly an bout
I.I7TLE 4k 1144RDINC.
Creelter', ad GUIs Wate, •
QTOXE WAXE, Looking.Giamer,
Drugs it Medicines, _ W.fl/Biter,
- - Window Paper, Window Shades,
Giindstones, and Hangings,
Storer : • Tip Ware,
Chain Pumpli, Bobkr,
graaer: Aliedicinee, for taleirr •
you can bey almost oolibiog roma tr IO the mar of
for CASH', at a very I "lintl inun ta iiri==oP , by ap.
plying to LfrILE4I. 114111)11W.
• -
W A N T D .
1.) UTTER, Foe, Lari t Tallow, Beeswax, Grain
1-1 0 of allkat6, Bars, ma ben and Copper,
Lumber, Drispe, Belts*, itc.,
wanted In c . .actuinge
• /274$ If lilltNl3.
• IP*E. LW SEX.-
" Litdels lardiag.
43-9,v..4E. 4 1,4_,
FR tuft bimodal e 0 Its dbeeverit, ae ' . --. .e . .y. Sett;
CI Its eriaathetaa as a TeettUsesse•Oomt
' eyes aeverbers-himose sad=thea. area
desk Zketion
etth re/it'll,* of peutalsmtat Id. Ors *Pi* ill NUTltutwatted.
„ ' 1 Br.JOBN 0. I;apox t *. D.,
• - . '.• Prweiteßeiretaii Se Qs* ateseyj--!;••
canto,- compiled [rum the 0121etat atostaisee ea lie to the da.
psetessat °Caste at Wsitsiagtea sod otter pews ta the pomades'
et the Author, with a MI aeceettkee.
The Invasion of gatis'is trete Inseauri: ... . 4F- -
'tie mftw.nto. we trastateat al the lEces_ Illtr a Messark Um
-msder fad n un et the Mooed WO. the war.
der at lialltsm and others. • - , .
The Casnowersy between Governor Geer! end Judge
• • .- -Leeoropte.
The prooredlizum of the Territorial Legieserw. of the prrwievery eetk
i lk we We orobteekee et ette-Netiowl Dowereee Rant,
Sketch of Kansas lot* its early troubles under
• r Gora. Reeder and Shannon.
is in: imam oars4ol
A copy w be swt
we of the Meted Stater. by ern, Tree
of ?oda" Co the moos at retail pow_
A =mut meow? TO ?SI ?SAPS. fr.l7 10Ce Ainprts WAINTZD.
Price in Cloth, $1: Papet, bi) CtL
. „
CUARLES C. RHODES, Puhlither, •
Ma 1) Inquirer Building, Philadelphia.
• .
1101111T110 . 1 1 0 141'11,81
BRA MIRY/. LY SH.4 PR. : - .
PIAR 14V P/IfSff. •
' sold by - . J. WINS
Mentrose, Jane Z,
e(stin sullsejiber has been receiving during the.psst
three weeks a fine lot of
making, with for Mer stock, an-assortment with which
there it no comparison in this vicinity ; and that
they are being sold in a 'planner satisfactory
• to customers is manifeht from the fact, .
that notwithstanding all efforts at
competition, the rush and. . -
sales thus far have been. ,
• unprecedented.
We mean with frequent additions, to keep the as
sortment good ; and ready or prompt pay- - •
• Ing cugtonters can -rest assured that
- the old snore hoot lobe outdone.
In addition till the , large -ea—
riety kept for years, we •
• now have a good
assortment of
R11<`:11) 1`,1L4 LIE CLOT/IL:VG, -
. • Auto:,
• • •
in all varieties.. Please give us • call.
Gibson. Nay 27, 1857. S. S. i'Sa U.S.
PAINTS, 01ItS, ie.
have . just received a fresh invoice Of Paints
A .V }:
and Oil., Dye.-stuffs, Chewiest% &e. s which we
are •selling-at the lowest market rates. Those in want
will give us a call. lILIISTEAD & IIcKENZIg.
Verse Rakes! IlorselMies!
TAICKETIM St GARRATT have just rerviveil
IL/another tot of the Celebvnted Revolv
ing lilforse Nukes,' which niv; admitted by all
that, hive nae4l them to be 3uperlQr to any now in
use, for sale ebOap.
New Milford, July 8 , 1857. •
Thrilling incident.
Wsubscriber haring again reautuvil the TAI-.
ORING BUSINESS prrosanentiy (if his health
Kill permit) will mire no reasonable effort to plense
all Who may ace fit to employ
_him. Shop in . the
Brick Illoek•ower Bentley cud Read's Store. •
Montrcoe, Juno 2.1, 1851.-e - P. LINES.
Dress-Making Establishment.
AIIRS. DAVIS, forrnetly of New York, has
11.1. owned.* Milhnery and Fancy Store, in the Nil
lage of Brooklyn, and has just returned from Now
York with a large and fashionable stock of goods,
consisting of Ladies and Mitungt Straw Hats of every
styie and variety, also Grape and Silk Hats constant
ly on hand of every hue and color,
.together with a
splendid assortment of Fancy Goo ds, such as Embroi
deries. Hair Braids, Hosiery. Caps, Head-Dresses,
Lace Goods, etc., de., all of which she 'offers at the
lowest prices. •
or Particular attention paid to Bleaching..o
• Always at Home.
Brooklyn, May C., 1851'.—raf
New Forwarding Line.
QUIP every day throughout the seam, by the
New York & 'Erie Rail Road.
Butter and other country produce sold at•the high
est market rates, at reasonable commissions.
• The proceeds will be paid•in curreut moiler at the
Old staid. new stock of good just receivell.
Great Bond, Jun§ 3, 11357.-tf
keep constantly on hand a general asaort
-1 of Ilarda•are. Cutlery, Iron, Nails, Manes,
Wall Paper, Window Hangings, Crockery, Groceriet
and Dry Goods, and in fact every thing accessary
for the comforts of Life.
We thank our old cnsUirnens for their patronage,
and deslre a further acquaintance,
• • - M B, \ WILSDN,L 50\. •'
Montrose, Tune 24, IBST.- •
TO Sip sere and Cliikristert
irt'ST the " Nicest thing Out," is\the new .rofiaa
0 Pitch Pipe, giving the sonuli 'oil Letters A
and C. For toning Instruments they \ "Can't he
beat," as the sound may be prolonged to 'any derira
.ble length. Wade of the best german Silver acul
" werranted perfect." Sent to any part of the Crum
tryoostpaid. try: receipt of sl,oo,by A. IL ,afffli.
Ximtrame, Pa, June 24, , . .
Books mid Stationery.
Anery lot of Pocket and Family Bible*, Testa•
menti and Privet Books. Alio, School Books,
such as are to he M . red in the Norinal School. A
choice lot °CA. W. iieniaon's Columbian Inks. Fed
ill mid Toilet Soaps, Perfumery and Flavoring Bx;
tracts,_ %/Upland cheap, at the Idontroee Book Story,
by A. N. !AWARD.'
Itcmtivec,. August 12, 1807,
Tate Bev. C. I. Butaien•
I10:411 haadaille • Shedassf is *WWI taa. 411liarroal a
idamat• sad, dulabi Co! Jaz -
418441111, Cologbe, 414
(-Nervosa Debility, •
is i ttitiettidelliii 04.73t00p : alga, In NW awl albotisal mats
of the B4IOVIZIT. Actuated by a dein to tend% td* coffer
init Wawa le well atneetally teed the Reeetpe (flee) to tea es de.
site tr. TIM_ JO ea etptiett directions for prepittncand succesittrtly
W1440* lit ue
atcl. Addreie Ittr. t • ti. ISURNETT.
an/.i.-6w . ICI lireadwer, S.C. Y. City.
. ,
d Sprlag teas
Is Great Prolusion Ik3latialiteence
'-''':-• ..'M-.'lU'*it'e'i?'-'-::,"':-
XViTB WsribeeltwienP to bits . hien& O's
Y 'pebilti ellft.sebstentisl. wd lospecatbiumo
Retreats tit Iteateakergekt igniestumatee).4l
be is-roasting arerge wad full stock of- .
incin&ti is t slut a great variety es es*
Coale to Pri4s, Gingham,s :Lawns, 13ar,ixe-IP
loses,:tAillies, - Silk' Plaid Bertres; ropl,fasi
rade, Mork cm:Fancy Pm+ Silks ;
Silk and Coduners' Shawls.; ifaattllces, P(reasas;
Rick Iti*nsa, flannels and Broadekes..
Cos:inters, Av., with 'a gTeat
indsaint'Gtoreterit, Crarkirt, /Archer; e boa aid
Steel, Nails; Slaresaldaaad rape; 13badaneiSitoes;
Corpetinp, Ptuor Ott Mho, Pairinarirtodote
Medea, Wall Paper ' Clock; Drnor, Oils Pointi,
ke. The . entfre stock baring been bought for
cash and with much care, will be mild at the jotrest
!Imo, and to meet the views of the'elimiest COM or
rats buyerk .
Nee Milford, Way' 111, 1681. "' •
B. Ploe and Salt coneafitly oil - land.
GOOD . PEOPLE:- -- -
- -
ALL.....,..... cr . - ,
-_-_, ..,---,.,
IA 'Xi 9C ' .E IV -- 1) -
1-- - . JIM TIM •..
Bead . of Navigation, 6 :
1 A l 9 ezatnine the chok e Mack of Spring k Saw
nwr Goods, put rec eived end open for limpec
tim, and'itale at a very low
. . : . C. Vt; MUTT. ..
DO yon trent a nice one, fora little money; Cafl
on . C. W. MOTT.
Montrose, June 10, 1957,
A.s low a spkir yard, at
W: 31OTT'S
wriss.; •
Dew stock of LA WA'S, and other 9.I:E.SS
4.. %DODS, expected this
Attention Farmers.
, .
r'lie sub , criber is prepared to furnish yon with ati
-Iricultwitl implements, of various kinds. Among
the mn,t noted, ere Wuettca's t'anYr Esnizss
CITAES: RAILWAY Hum-=s PONViItS Itlld Ttutrsnstts,
Lawrence Saw Milts, ;Drng Saw Mills, Clover Hullers,
May, Straw and Corn Stalk Cutters, Hardt:a :ivy
Aomertatitat ST W 431 1; 011.5 R, Il EliGe'S NO:: I'DCTA. I
DIA: Srfalt Case MILL . , the Caraier.rt Nita., adapted I
to grinding all
. kinds of min, nisei grinds corn in the
ear as fine as may be desired. This mill by a belt
attached to various kinds of powers, awl hi very cheap.
The Little Giant, and Double Giant, (double coned:ll
Corn and Cob Mill, unsurpassed by anything of the
kind, and should be on - medlar most of Fanners. In
rept& to Wheeler, Sfeliek, & Co's Thry..shing MU
' chine, I have used and sold - them fir the last siii
yetu.4, and know them to give entire' satisfnetion, - far
surpassing any other threshing inallitie ever tut:.;sil
-in Northern Penniqlyania, a ith which I ant acquaint
ed. either p....rsonaDy or by repistation. Lean furnish
a fen , of the Emery machines to those who may de
sire them, at something less than 4stst, and c.tit refer
you to thoge who have used threshing tusiciunes of
different kinds. . _ . . - . -
All machines sold by me I . warrior, ercept•the last
, mentioned one. All ate ant-ranted by'the Manatee
' terers to me.,Yen alit find it to your interest to
I gi v e tue a call befre purclrasiug elsewhere. • ••
Disnock, 5n....q. Co., Pa.,4nni.• 17, 19.57.-9.3tf . -
.. An Acrostic..
y razor's leen, myllrlisb can salt 'B
0 I:, conic, all, all, on land or
R ise tarns! storm, rest in fay vital D
R celiac, place feet, smooth Its a cliff 13 1
I charge a • sixpence- T .-SI to p 1 e fc 17 4
J 5
tranyr, I am death on kal 17
-171 ' It •
Sfontrose, Ifay 28, 1857
Please Remember,
rilflAT we are receiving NEW GOO/IS weekly
I. and therefore have always a fine assortment on
hand, which we promise to sell at prices as low,
as the 'same articles can be purchased for, else
where in the county. HEMPSTEAD* ItIcKENZIE.
Brooklyn, June 3, 1857. - -
OUR stoves have been so thoronghly . tried, to:the
entire satisfaction of all, that they neetl no.ree
=mend from us. S. H. SAYRE it BROTHERS, -
Montrose, May 27, -1857.
Are now receiving a fie 4 supply of an kinds of "
Which fur cash or produce can be bought very low
Montrose, May I, 1857.
A few M. good Pine and Hemlock shingles for sale
1 - 1 right, by HEMPSTEAD Si. Mc:KENZIE.
full a,isnrtment . of Window Sash , constantly. on
bind at the lowest market rates. Also many
other articles not carriisl by the "-Big Wagon.r
BLACKBERRY WISE.—It is nutiiitour to the
blood, promotes digestion. exhilarates the_spir
ts strengthens and invigorate* the whole system.
75 ets. bottle. For sale by- 4,1
July 22, 1557. A. TCRliftr.„
TILTLIC notice is,berebrgiven . that S.A. WOOD
'. RUFF is retelvliag new lot of Stoves and
Wares of all kinds usnally kept in the Store and
Tinware line of btuthren,arnong which totty . he found '
a better assortment of Stoves, heavier, larger, and
more dtirablethan ever before offered in this minty.
All the proof you need will be,just to call anti•exam
ine for yourselves.. All stoves, warranted in. every--
respect. , ,
- Kent constantly on hand;tn extelisive assortment
of TIN WARE, made out of the belt materials,'
which offered for sale as cheap as can be bought
in any market. Also on hand, Lead Pipe of all viz
es, Chain and Gearintr, for Chain Pump«, all sizes
Brass and PoreclainKCttles, and ail kinds Jappaned
Ware. _ ,
Jcbliing done on silortnotice and iu good order.
All goods in the line will he sold cheap for cash or
(al4)rored) credit: . £3. WOODRUFF.
Montrose, May 1, 1857 4—.
Coati 1
iiUscil HAIR
At:s di r el e elc'rm ared trfirs,- ci 11 1. c
wr d °o :Lant
and cheap statfresaare. *man ILsir is'recorationd
ed as being better than hair or camber* 'it is. fres
from all WV: 46 , IPPRN ptd so hal t -not even the bed
bug will go sesirit r intw rogues where it is. Mattres
ses of Hair or Como made on short notice.
Nes. I, 9, It 3, Banentent, Searles Hotel.
Nonttose, Aril 30, 1831.—tt
WOLFE'S • - -
kV Sept. 1, Vs. TURREWS
- •
•• • .
A 1.1. who _wish. to: bui Sta .. .ion9tic
" tbit - ; •
431 O.IV - T.R 0.4 .4' 0 07C Sired - ek,
hrtlie Poneilloe, *Dere they ttur2 got goad- Arti cle' •
at aftsit.prioe.. • _ - . - • •
•Imat Becelve4.--4: new loydrkbool Booka,
Timor's: and- Wobga - Series, of Ileatiard, IV2:42intra
Elmo:its of Metal Science; eight ditteroul ai Les. ot;
Webiter'i standard Dictionaries, at ,closed prices.
Katie's Arctic. Recol
lectiotue do Life Time, by S. 9. Goodrich, Lc. •
• • ' • A. N.131.71.1..41tT).
Montrose, Pa., May 13; 1857
Tune, Pop .ooeil
Stratigezrativ a utitr.uht----
Here, aStartsjust drop in i• • •
viesr v vrith, turralerfulsurpris4
O *
le BookaCtivis that mett your e.yes
- -
I have Bouks - mod.Papor, just the he:it,: •
.-! , -.l'hat, you osulka4,:tist or West; .
.... •If too - 00w friends 'should liionbt t...,. .
• CAB in, f rrill else roar mind about .It • '
. At 13uuratis.
Fine Btodits, Pens and Popo- too; .
tuIF kin* of Obltditin's Books, ancV : nuo;;
short, hunt. 'dyitrythin,;, , 'youli tiflci
o On Book ind Stationery line,— ... ..
.. . • . At firt.r/Ares.
Ci c3nie along, come one, come el 4
.tuni.riglf 'sad Poor., uoiue great int1.:16;41,
nd.l mil seltyoU Bootsso theap,
I kuorr I shad your eu4tchn keeo,
. Ac ItU.LLMID.3.
Montrose, Maly, 1R:floor
Tioga Point Agricultural Works. :
3L. IL *trona a 21.3AbICIC
It:ect - Ti . t - TVRI)/4,
ret!TerYlo.Vilri.vltilcei ,
'wed accaterr e Circular and °rose 'Cat Sat.!.
Mills, Shingle Machine e, &e., Enerle,lllo,rok's and,
Kretrieer's Cider ifjilaand J'reetre, (bra SheUrrs,
Clow's (Julie* Cradled, flaw,-.Strati, eted , ston.: Cut
tem Norse Pourre, i'arerit„ Grcia. Priaa and
Broad Cost Smears, Cnitietatorh, llv re lines, Cara
and ('o3 Alilly Dederick's:Hoy Powsiz•-, Stump
r hitter,
.EXCELS.ZO P4l Iti.V.Va S,
. . .„.
. .
. „ . .
.. .
Provision Safus - itcfri . gerzturs, r4tn,ther an 4.. 'Rubber,
Belting. Our taceiluor Funniug Mills are !nub...sill
ed. 14tas furnished fnr mpaiting n'a m:tubinest.sulti
by my.. Or De.e.iietivuCutniugn ,- -.7, :.Y.L-.• I.:„- 2 ,:..; .f.... 1.•
Circulari - of all machines sold Lt we; e1...a L ...1;•;.-. 7.-. , ... :
postage paid to 41 applicants. Send ns 3 -.,..-,- :...1.1.-.-.
anti . „ .
4gunt, fl: L. BLOVMAS, (of 51 . .trosU.
P. 0., Suiquelleauta County. Pa.
- • 11. .51..-Wi T iLLI,6. :., 11.i.:00::;:ii.
Atitena,,Pst., July 1, Ital;-tut . - . .
New Era in
TILT thoewho attempt,l to get ;IT a
Mouirwe.ftgaitist."evecoottrat, anti hi.,711
priceA," with dal kg-eods of three orfeur
have fizzled'; and" :
Retie* and Stodttard,
n how BOOT AXD SILOI STOIVE i lecateCi .!.at
street,%tttla orSeurle t s ith. the lark,e,..t. azd
1,4 t assortment of Coodit,ever biought into tLis
ket, bought et the ~
nLielt they will 31.411i 4 jectle' above..coat,are.
termineti to give !` the-old codger" a hard rii;e.
We do pot intend txp be undersold bi / 1 / 2 :, other
catabliAnnent in Teem. We have only to say, Cc,nta
and See, for "seeing is believing." We do not de
sire to puff our goods, preferring to "Tot our nrr
praise us;" but we may be pprmitted4a,y, far
information of purchasers,illat we have ;list rece!vcl.
AN EXTENSIVE STOCK a& Superior quality el
?tyle, comprising all kiwis . of Centleznen'e,
and Children's Near. Also a general uortntent r.rf
Finding?, and Leather of all kinds.
Work. made • to order, and repairing don& neatly.,
Moldiest!, Time 11, 1'5.54.(
(TILL setting a 62,18/ II 9)1.,_ nots-ittainling
1~ the -We advance, by • - .
'HIS is the great piinelple among dor selfish,
1. small merchants. In prool'of this look at the
late s 'Act pasaed ht Ifariiiilmrg, pyi?hibilirig hawking
and peddling in SaNuehatum County ; an" Act paa. - -
sect to gratify i:onteof the Ilerchants_,wlm
--prettied a desire . "to stop some ittr'pe ?cairn .1."
Their large wagon will run more regnlarly than
ever before, until their license for peeidling eN.pires.
In order to accommodate the comumnity and be able
to battle monopoly successildly, dig hate uvula ar
rangements to get New Goods weekly, front New
York, and they, the same from ik to 2.0
cent cheapet',. than anx other estabrishnieni in
quehanno, county.'hare now 'received our. .
The Largest; cheapest and best selected stock ever
offered in this market. It is not necessary to cuu.
merate the articles which our assortment comprises •
it is sufficient to say that we have a IGeneral -stock ot
the latest and most tailtionable goods in the market
and we cannot fail to suit the public, as well in mite
as in prices. • A few wards more to our fellow-citi
zens, and those who feel themselves
Independent and not obliged to purchase at some par
ticular store. We lcuchr. that it will be for your into
kat to examine and price our goods befure purchas
ing elsewhere; that is a true motto that "a penny
saved is better 4han tw earned." -We pre deter
:Mined to spare no pains to give general -satisfaction,
I and we shall always be 'ready 'and happy to exhibit
our assortment to those who will favor us with a call.
Ifontrose, May 2lth, 1851._ '
nallattilig:; I
Milt undersigned, 3lerellant, at Dialect; Four
.L. - Corner.s, has lately diseos'ereU that for ready
hay, he catuell more goods And make more money,
at one half the usmil,profit put upon country "Foods,
consequently I eati".sell gorlds from - five_ to tun ..Per
cent lower than other e5ta,1 0 . 4 0.1:10,-ri.,
But do not take my wet-lifer e:ttil,n , i
selves. Bring a little q•ish,.er some I.)F
produce, - and bny Tont. goods :t a
in the history of :mire:intik trail is large
and selected, and•reeei‘ing new a‘lditions
every',Week. .Ily'Aerpis of sale are reakr pay. It
:will certainly be for tour interest to (Ail and see me
• before purchasing el:sewiscre.
Vourvand salt kept constautl on Land.
Dimocir,dan. 1837.-2yl
Posit Brothers
) , ar,trow:receiring:thei:r :Intl; of
and invite i) ; teir friends to call and examini?, -
Large„ Stock of ti , r4;vsGoodi).—s4o.%
Shawrti, 13onnetsITIowers and . Ribbons, Silks, in raric
er, Gents. Cloths, Catairneres anti Ve.•:.tings, Tents.
finn DA:,ortnient. of :Fasbionalk? Clatllim.7, ..rar:.•4llP,
White goods, Laces, Edgings, Fipinidnits, coihrit
and Sleeies e ,e,rid .Our. Pt) . MINIS dr.-
zarttnent LI Ire think,:trell chosen in quality k s tvles:
Groceirics.--K good stock. .tlso, iron,•Nalls,
and Ilardwe., * • v ' - .
, .
ry.—A larze .totli . .
Ha - car', Boots and Moe.; Oil at:,t) - ITi.'tnp
Carpet. Large 'assorttnent, of Wall Paper.
Montrose; May 0 , 1857 ”.
Celebrated. Vegetable Comp:mad.
A new 'stud: of this medicine just reeetre4 r -ii
ri RPrervign - rumedy (or Chokiu inftrntltru, Stv.-
Iner eftinplaint!, BENTLEA . & READ.
July 8, 2837. „ .
rE -
SOL! ULMER and CODETSJI, a new siipply
1.7 just tll. - & READ.
?itontrnso Jl l . 8 Isc.„ •
AND 411. tYVAI:Eit3, lR
-8 A Y -
DR: .111 A K EH%