• 'RESOLVTION Proposing Amenduttuits to.the Constitution / of thoConimonstaith. RaoleteeThy the Sewell eisdlioetee o Rfpr.eseisfs tires of tAs Cosunotsweidt4 of Pconsgsauut vegeta. era AserveLly met: That the foNorringitmcndrnenhi are proposed, to the Constitution, of the Common :wealth, in accordance with tbo provisions of the tenth article , k. 41 • There shall he annilditionatartiele to Said conga- Intioa to be designated as article eleven, as follows : • ; • Aar= xi. ;•.'• , . • •- .. OF PUBLIC DEBTS. . SECTION I. The state May contract debts, to Sup. • 'Ply casual deficits or Mures In revet,iies or to meet ospenses not otherwise prinildmi for; but the egg& _gate amount of such debts direct and contingent, whether-totitcitied !aliirtuo 'gone *emote acts of the general neittlibtri of at tneitit.ntiatitiAortime, . shalt never'efeceif seven hundred and fiffftbousand ' ' dollars, and the money arising from the creation of such debt% shall be applied to the porpose for which it was obtained, or to repay the debts io contracted, and to it Other purpose whatever: : . ~ • Stenos 11„ In addition to the above lim ted power She state may contract debts to repel km ion, sup -4 press insurrection, defend the state in W ,or to re deem the present outsnuiding 'Welt Its of the state; but the motley arising from the eci (reeling of . such debts, shall be applied to the purpose for which it was raised, or to repay such i dolits; and to no oth er purpose whatever. ' ' : - . Sterse: Et., Except the debts shove specified, in sections one oaten, of Ibis artleln;ll6 debt ithater er shall be created by, - Or on behalf,of thestate. .. Samoa 4. To provide for the payment of the pros . - ent debt, and , any additional debt contracted as it foresaid, the legislature . shall, at its first session, af ter the adoption of this amendment, create a Finking, fund, which shall te'sufficient to , par the accruing interest:on such debt, and annually to - redace the . . *principal •Ittecour by a'Stert not -less than latratit dreg and fifty them. nd dollars ; IrVelusinking road • shall • consist of the net anneal income'of the public works„; from time to time pwned,by the state, or the , proceeds of the sale - ef the' SIV: e, or any part thereof, _ and of the income or proceeds of side of stocks owned by the...state, together with other fttinls,'or resources, • that ouitf?.be designated by law, The said sinking fund niaiEbe inzreamed, front time to time, by a.sjgo ing to itOtny part of the taxes, or other , revenues el the state, not, required for the ordinary and current expenscit of government, .and unless in case of war, - invasionlor insurrection, no part of the said sinking fund shall be used or applied otherwise than in es ., tinguishment of the public debt,. uatil the *monk of such debt is reduced below the tune of five millions aof dollars. , - ',SF:CIION L. The credit of the commonwealth shall !not in any rummer, or event, he pledged, or loaned to, any 'individual, company, corporation. or associa tion ; nor; shall the.commonwmath hereafter become s joint miner, or stockholder, in any company, asso ciation, or corporation. • Samoa . 6. The counnonwealth. shall not nsswne the debt; or any part thereof. of any county, city. borough, or township; or of any corporal ion or asso ciation unless such debt shall have been contracted to enable the state to repellavasiOn, .Suppress do mestic insurrection, defend itself in time of war, or to:assist the state in. the discharp of any portion of its present.inclobtedni.4. SECTION 7. The lvialature shall not authotize any clitrnty, city, borough; township, or incorporated dis trict, by, virtue of a vote of it 4 citizens, or otherwise, to become a stockholder in any company, associa tion, or corporation; or to Obtain money tor; or loan its credit to, any corporation, association, institution, -tor party. twrm Alirrsnrrn• There shall be an additional article to said eons tution, to be designated as article Xll as : ARTICLE XU. OF NEW COUNTIES. No county shall he by a line cutting' off nr , Yr one-tenth of its popnlationiteither to form a new county or otherwise,) 'wit/Att. the exprers as -ent of such eoucty, by a vote of the electors there 'll( no;: Alall any new county be establi:lied, contain i;ll.; lea than *iur hundred square miles. TII I EX) .131F.NDMENT. F r o m ,ge (lion two of the TirsL article of the chnitt tution, strike ( A nt the. words, -"of the city of Phila delphia, and of each count!, respectively;" from sec tion five, samearticle, strike out the words, "of Philadelphia and the of several counties•" from sec. seven, same article, strike out the words, " neither the city of Philadelphia nor any," and insert in lieu thereof the 110148, "and no ;", and strike out -'sec tion four, lOW strticle„'" and in lieu theicet insert the following: In the year one thonsand'eight hun dred and sixty-four, and in every seventh year there after, representatives to the number of one hundred, shall be rtinned and distributed. equally, through but the s ta by districts, in proportion to the num , ler of taxable Inhabitants in th - 6 several parts there of; taint that any county containing at least three thousand •five hundred taxables,- may be allowed. a separate representation; but no more than three counties akar be joined, and no county shall be divi ded, in * formation of a . district. • Any city con taining a sufficient number of taxables, to entitle it to at le k ast two rep'resentativCs, shalt haie a separate represebtation assigned it, and shall lk divided into -convenient dia. - trims of contiguous territory, of equallaxiible liulation as near as may be, each of which districts-shall elect one representative." _ At the end of section seven, 'same article, insert theie words,: "the city of Philadelphia shall be divi -ded,into single senatorial districts, of contiguous ter ritory as nearly equal in taxable:population as possi ble; but no ward- 6611 be divided in the formati on theent" - The legislature, at its first session, after the adop tioti`of this amendment, shaltdivide,the city of Phil adelphia into senatorial and .representative districts, in the manner above provided \ t, such districts to r*. main unchangetruntd the apportionment In the year one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. rOttATEI JUIENDMENi. There shall be an adiEtionil section to the Ant ar ticle of said constitution, which shall be numbered rand mad airrollolis: • • &Gnus 26. Tho'kbgta" lature shall have the power to alter, revoke, or annul, _any charter of incorpora tion hereafter conferred by, or under, any special, or general laW, whenever in their.opinion it may be injurious to; the citizens of the commonwealth ; in suet roamer, holtever, that no Injustice ,'ball be • done to the 'corporator's: • Sissrz; March 27, 1857.. Resolvedi,That this resolution pass, On the firs :amendment,, yeas 24, nays 7 "on The second atnerill ment, yeas 23, nays 8; on the third smendmtut yens U, ;nays 4 ; on the fimith amendment, yeas 23 ;nap; [E0.7 1 0 1 frotn l / 1 0 4011112 411 VEO. TIAXIMLY, Clerk 1H ;HornOT ThrtirserrAnTrs, .Arit 29, . , Resolved, That this resolntion p pass. On 1R57. the first :amendintmt, 'yef,..s7B, nays 12 on the Second aniend ment, yeas 574 toryall4; on the third amendment, seas- 7 72, mos 211 v on the fowth amendment; year 8 2 , nays . • (.strict from the' real. =: • .12..C(0141EG1,tf1, Clerk. Filed in Secretary's office, May. 2 ISri: _ - A. G. eTILTIN, mem/ay Of the Commonwealth. Steetures Orrier., Ilanntsurna, June 22, 1857. Pennay/ranie:c ' its. Ido certitvthat the above romgolnk is a true Atod correct copy of the original "Resolution prop:. Sling amendtp_Tte to the Constitution a the Common wealth,'" soteln each branch of the Legisla ture upon the final passage therenc es appears from the origitude4o fife to this office. • . In testimony whereof There hereunto set my hand jI sjand caused to be affixed the seal of the Sem tary's Office, the day and.year abore written . . • • _ A. G. CURTIN," 78 if aif tho'COintnootrealth. ' Is EENATr, March 27; 1857. Tle reeolntkm proposing amendments to Life Con; Abash* tithe Commonwealth being under consider. , On the question, - . . • , -WM the Senate agree to this firk atnendmentli The yeas and - nay* wete taken agreeably to the T r , ro z VlS : lona of the f Cattatitutiou, and were as follow, cas—ldev......ts. Brewe, Bromic, Cofrey, Ely, Er .i,ptter; Flennaten, Frazer, Ingram Jordan, ail- KDos, Limbach, Lewin liyer, ' Scofield, fj,el lers, Simian; Steele, Straub, Vela% Wilkins. Wright mid Taantm,sp fla k er .:4 4 ,, . . , Nava—Mew& Crabh,;•Civeswell, 1 - mney,, Gregg, Pelitolie and Souther-7. • . . So rho .4a.:stion was daticaneed an the affirmative. the.quihition, •;• • ' ;WM the Senate agree to the second amendment? The yeas and Jaya were taken agneethly to the prorisiotta of the Constitution, arkl ware rui folkrir," . . YEAs—Messrs, Breirer, Browne, Cresewell, Evans, Fetter, flrrney„ Flenniken, In,gram s . Jordan, Knox, LaiIiIACIVAII IS Myer, gellPrs. Shuman, south- Steek - -4 7, AW114614:11 4 31.494 Wright ;and Tao art.,.Bpeakea.;4 • Rgro4Keitenf.'Coffey, (liabb, Frazer, Criegg. Hatti is, KriTinger, _Parse sod Scatield-64. ,So the queithisornii de • Ou•tbeAnestion, Wiq therSenatikagrar Irrthe The yms and nays were_ • •proviikkle or tt Constitution,. viz' ' - • Taas—Mesers. Brewer, Dr Ely, Evans, Flenniken, Frazer. linger, Knox, Llinbaeli, Lewis, Shuman; &able, Steele, Stye • Wright-24, ..;, llaws•--Messre. Coffey, Gregg So the tplesdpn was detidoci thuthe question, Wtl the &mete agree to the Th yew and nays were proshdtme , of the tonstitution, riot Yr.iko.-Mesarts. Brewer, Bin Ely, Erans,Ponniken, Yntier, Knox, .I,attbaclii Lew* Myer, mon Souther, Steele, istraub, Wriiht-211. ' • Niro--itessef. Orabb, Finney So the question was &tertian Tar Titt 1101.411 C 411) The resolution propciaing ame' natation of the 104=nonwealth ation, . On the gnestion, Will the llouFe agree to the fi The yeas and nays. were "tab prollitliOGlS of qua Constitution, TIKAS••••. d Ife&ein erson, ,10 1 l Beck, Ilishop, ;Hower, Iltvvin, Chase, Clenver, C raw f or d, Di c k e! Fold, Foster, Gibbon,y, Iliestand, ITill, Ifillegas, Hoglinj Mmes, Jacobs, Joni:ho t Johns,- ' Kerr, Knight,. teiseitring, ton near, Mangle, 3.pealmoist, ma, Hamelmm4 Nichols, Nkh Pearson, Petal% Petrikin, Pew (Philadelphia,) Hamsey l (York.) erts,'Hupp, (rear%) Stor,encen, Tobin, Val , erF, Voeghley, Walter, Weithrt ton, .illtheroir„! Wright,' Tam SrrArtn-111.' Kars- . --Ifessrii. &tants, Den Hancock, Hine, Montan, (Leh. era, Thorn, Watjner and Wint . So the ryttestlen ,was cletermin On the tptestion,' , Will the ilOthie agree to tiles The yeas and nays werl tSko provii , ions of the Constitution : riz: Yzas—Messra. Antler.on, lla • Rower, Calboun,i Campbell, Car ter, Gildes, Hamel, Harper, R. gas, Roffman, (lintlot,) llonsek • 'lnking, Johns, OltuAon, Kau rittg. tongaker, , laivett, Manta ,' Moorhead,- lltemehaan, Nicho ; macher, Team*, Peter*, Feta' Rarn.Acy, (I'hiladelphia,l IL Roberts, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, T Walter, Westbrook, Wharton, , SP F:A KA; Nava-31.-va. Arthur, Au.. eon, Bishop, Brown, Chose, Cie ter, Gihboney, Hamilton, Ha man.' (Lehanon,) JacobF, Mumma, Reed, Smith, (Cambr Sterenson, Strothersi Vkgonseller, Warner. Win . So the clue/mien qtas detormi On the question. • Will the the House agree to te thlol moon - Intent? The tem were and nays taken agreeably to the pro visions . of the Constitution, and • ere as follows, viz Tzas—Messra Anderson, R khouse, Ball, Beek, Benson, Bower, Brown, Cabot n,. Campbell, Chase, Cleaver, Crawford, Bicker, E it, tester, Fatisold, Fokter, Gibboney, Hamel. H 'r, Heins Hiestand.. Will, Hillegu, Hoffman, (perks, flothuanALebanon,) Housekeeper, Imbric., Imes, ' cobs, Johns, John son, Kauffman. Kerr, Lobo, Lo Taker, Lorca, Ma- .near, Mangle, .11Talmont, Moo end, Mmnma, Mus selman, Niehols,; Nicholson, N tnemacher, Pearson, Peters, PetrikinJ Postman, Pure. di, Ramsey, (York,) Reamer, Reed, Rnpp, Shaw, Sio n, Smith. (Cambria,) Smith„ (Centre,ilSterenson,„ To Vail, Vauvoorhis, Vickers,Vriegh ey,!Wagonaell , Westbrook, Willis ti,i ton, Witherow Wright, Zilmerman and Gets, SCEAKER---72. i • Nares—AtesSrs. Arthur, Angustme, Ilackns, Bishop, Carty, Dock, Giflea, Bamilton, lancock, Hine, Jenk- I ins, Knight, Le4enring, 3Fllrain, ItamseyPhiladel phia,) P,oberts, IStrethers. Thorn, WalterKWirner, Wharton and Wintr&fe-22. J.; So the qnestion Seas determ ed in the affirmative. On the qnestion, Willthe Ilmise agree to the ourth amendment ? The yeas andnays were taken agreeably to the pm riFiCkfls of the Constituti on , an . Fere as kdlows, viz: YEas--Nessns. Ande - , hur,Backhouse,flack us, 13wil. Beck, Bertson.llishop, Bower. Brown, Cal honn, Campbell, . Carty, Chase, Clearer, Crawford, Dickey, Ent, Eyater, Fausold, ester, Gibbonev, Ga do', Hama Harper, Reins, Hi ..t.a nd, Hill, Hillegas, ( Hoffman, lloLlMan, lionseke . ar, Imbrie, Inner, Jocobs, Jenkina, Johns, Johnrt, .Kauffman, Kerr, Lebo, Leisenring • Longaker, r est, Sianear, Naugle, Li r M'Cahnont, Wllimin, Mamma , • Musselmftn, 'Nichols, Nicholson, Nnuemacher, Pearson, Peters, Petnlin, Pownall, Purcell, Ramsey, (Philadelphia,) Ramsey, (York,) Reamer, Reed, Roberti, Rupp, Shaw, Sloan, Smith, (Cambritt,) Smith, (Centre,) Stevenson, Tolan, Vail, Vanhoorbis, Vickers, Voeghley, Wagonaeller, Walter, Warner,. Westbrook, 'Wharton, ‘Villiston, Witherow. Zimmerman and Getz: Setatata--413. Nars--Mmirs. Dock, Handkon, Hancock, .Struth ers, Thorn, Wintrode and Wright -7. • 8o the question was, in • the affirmative. 8 Ares Arnett, • litatuarnma t inne 22, 1857. Piressyleenia,;; st r - , • - . • - • I do . certify that the ohm and foregoing is a true and correct copy of the "T• 011(1 - ' 4 Na:re taken ou the resolution proposing at endments to the Con stitution of the Com the : as the same appears on the Jou rn als of the two Ho sc.+ of the General As sembly of this Commornrealth rim the session of 1857 , el r , = .. i Witness my hand and the seta of said office , ur e'-. 'this twenty-second daylof JUne, one thousand eight hundred ; and fifty-seven. , PYSnI3I Seerrtaiy o 41, 77 AS just 4turtted front II and choice variety ut Cf . and t/electett itith much cam, bass. Houses iu New-Turk, al touters and the public, at loa anock . romprilits ; DRUGS, PALTrac OIL`,VLVDO CROCK - FAY, CLOCKS. : . - WALL r.i WIND' FANCY GcIODS, • MUSICAL INSTR JEWELRY, FERFEME DRYS WOODriirWASE, • BROOMS, BRUSIIIN, • • JAPANNED! BIRD C :1 • ; • • CrIipRELLAS, • tIINS, PlSTots s • Ammn, AL00114)i;: - ; (For Medic' SU POSTERS. - 1 • -„ BOULDER BRACES, PORT IMAM' _ SPECT AC SILVER PLATE!) 21,1, FORKS, • GOLD PRISTE.„ • - -.FZATIONERT . VIOLIN ETRINGS, BOWS, At , And ail or this most tw 3 Put4 - • ' PATENT-.KERICINES. ThatthEA for dm Mend pat frotage hitherto NWT:, elk h. &Vele ad merit - ato &id li Via• creole of the mune. ABEL r Montrose. June 10. 1837. & LALT , I?.I the barrel or Pound, at 114WLET 4. GUILD'S. In the eakina tire Win:oh:set 7 . 11 1reelOY to ta. d. were. as fallow, ey Creib; ere Amok Agntra, Jordan; er. Scofield, Seller", ,Welath Wilkins sad Ifarris and ramose the affirmative. nrth amendraent n agreeably to the Were se follow, Coffey, Cremoreli, Ingram, KiSinger, del, Sellers, Slur lsh, Wilkins and Jordan and renrogo 'in the ifflrnuitire. I itnitAKICTATIVES. rit 20, 1857. &tents Co am Con ' g under consider t antendtnelit 91 agreeably to the ..d were aa follow, nr, liackhtmse, Ball, Calhoun, Campbell, iv, Rut, Rymer, Fan runel, Irarper, !reins, In, (Berl:;,) linbrie, iTohnstm, I:auffnmn, ;-aker,. toveit, n, Moorhead, Mum- Nunernacher, ; 11, Puree% Rninsey, Reamer, Reed, Rob (('ambri.l,) Smith, , Varroorhls, Vick • Ir, Wharton, Willir ermatt and - Getz, n, Dock, ilantilton, non,) Lebo, &nab.. sit in the affirmative. seontl atnetulatent n agreeably to the tul wen! xts 11)110WS, kbour.e. Ball, Beck, 3 . :. Ent. Fnusnld, Fcts. ;as. Blest:lnd, 1311- } per,. Ilnbrie , Intuit\ mut. Knight. Leiser'. 1 , e, Nune rownall, Purcell, y, (York,) Reamer. lani•Vail, Vocghlcv, irunterntan and Getz, !line, Ilae Iten=" Crawfinxi, E. 11ill,!line, ed in the affirmative. 't, G. Ct 'CTN. the Commonwealth Szty-Aeries dear-Latin PLATIIMI ErcAmr.*—The fundamental principle of every impor ts= invention has been very. simple. In its simplici ty is the elements of its worth, its usefulness and a ,daptabilitv. Inventions of complicated movement and visionary theories have never performed the ob ject sought to be.obtained, for with adaptability, oc cur:O and durability must be .conabined cheapness, All of these desidcmtums arc involved In the in yen. tion recently patented and known as " Smyth's, Self- Acting liens-Lever Platform Sc des." The scale in question, from its construction on the principle of gravitation, is never liable to be out of onler. mti.st perform its work thoroughly, because the Lasts of nu tute govern it. In sizethe scale is .a pigmy, hut for rapacity it is : wonderful, weighing any object l from one ounce up to lour hundred pounds. It can be reg ulated by any one who looks at it but for a moment. As their cosi is but a trifle, they will speedily be as indispensably necessary in the household calor-Iv:as any other me - ftil article of diiili&e..--Ere.Trauscriiit. 'es , Yorlt, with - a lat:ge 4D S, bought for rash, .rain over thirty of the cli he offers to his cus prices. for Ca: - .41. , His GLAsA. ESTUETS, - GIIOCERIIV, • GLASS WARE. Ens W 'DOW OIL SIIADES, INPORTANT AND VALCMILE lavrsmos.---Among others, we have been favored with an examination of the new and valuable invention (recently patent ed,) known .as Smyth's Self-Acting Dent-Lever nu form Seale." Mr. D. M. Smyth, the ingenious in ventor, has spent smile g ve years in the perfection of his work, and that he has attained perfection there seems but little doubt. This stale is construct ed upon a scientific principle which knows no varia tion or change, and hence its accuracy is b . eyond question. Its capacity and strength is unprecedent ed, while its form and the principle involved make it convenient and applicable to all purposes requiring scales deny description. Ills free from any com plication liable. to variation of to get out of order. Thp great and important feature,lowever, of the scales made under this invention, is the fact that they can be afforded at about one-fourth the cost •of any other platform scale of Ince capatity and accuracy in the world. The scale we have ireen (a wort of pocket edition as compared with other platform scales) has the wonderful capacity of weighing any object, from one ounce up to four hundred pounds. Pos sessing the extraordinary merits and adiantagea eon ceded to this 'invention, It cannot but be exceedingly Valuable. and the scales, made leader it, brought as they will be, iitidn the:reach of ever! Zink, must meet with an unprecedented sale, and come into im mediate and general use, 'swell to the benefit of the publk,.aa to those so fortanate as tetseeure the ex clusive rightof ramanfecturing and vending them, -State Bstriwer, . . EMI ' • :D WARE, - STONE WARE, iN 'ART SEED. POCKET KNIVES, ON, PEN TINE, CA MPOENE, BUIINLNG FLUID, P 9 /°.e ' , 074 LIRE AND PLASTER. • I HE subserlers are now burning and CU keep constantly on - bassl, Liman -ct very superior ~*ty at Montrose Depot, aunt, wilt nen it in any .;uantitjes at a fair prier. Persons wishing. - s large quantity can be supplied volt a amide =sleet. , S band ~ftaouud Plaster in be kept =want/pm 'H. MIMES. W. JEI*3tIP. L, SEARLE. ) V - t • V i • I ' Self-lotmglellt-Lever PIATP.OU . : .SCALEP. Trns INTENTION claims superiority over every other, in the-following respects: In the invaria ble Scientific print - 41de involved, and upon which It acts; in its undeviating accuracy; in its lightness and strength; in its wonderful capacity, convenience of form, and applicability to every purpose for which Scales of any kind are required; in its perfect aim. plicity, In the absence of any complication. liable, to variation, or to get out of order; and, finally, in the important het, that this scale can be &Corded at a bout owe-third the cost of any other Platform Scale, of like capacity and accuracy In use: And posses. sing in an eminent degree, all these merits, this, Invention is conceded to ho one of the most useful and valuable ever brought before thepublic. And coming, as it does, within the reach ()fall, it cannot but find an unprecedented sale and undivided market among farmers, housekeepers, mechanics, merchants, &c. everywhere, to the exclusion Of every other weighing apparatto; The invention of the Scales and the many invallia ide Improvements which we have made within the past few months, have Nought them to -such a de gree of accuracy, that they may be safely -relied Up on in every trunitaction of weight. ' • Manufactured and for sale only by • • , R. H: tiiTON & CO: ITAnronn, Sit.q. Co., I'a., May 18, 18.57, OPINIONS OF THE PRESS. • iNtiMitT.tXT rSrt . Nllo,t.—For :nne five rears paSt.. Mr, D. M. Smyth, of Pennsylvania, (now of this Stat e ) An ingenious and scientific mechanic, has Concentrat ed his mind and means epint an invention -at length perfectly successful, And for which letters patent hate 1 Inn been issued by the 'Government of the united * States. ThiS invention is known AA "Smyth's Self- Acting Bent-Lever Platform .Seale," and as this is the tirst,public notice of this useful and valuable len provt,ment, we shall take the liberty of expressing ourselrett freely upon its merits. -The platform of the scale-is about 12 by , lS inches, and the whole wale i s ; about 3 inches high and weighs entire only ateiat 25 pounds,- while it has the extraordinary capacitY o weighing any ottject from one:ounce to four hundred rnnels. Iry farm is compact anti convenient, and it applicable to every purpose for which scales Of any kind arc required. Under the-platform audatundtcd to the leverage is suspended a weighted Arm or . pen dulum. To this pentioluoi is attached an iodic:oor, uhich, together with the.pendulum,--the instant any object is placed upon the platform moves from its ~e-entre of gravity to the point indicating the exact 'weight. The scientific principle upon which it nets admibcof no iniceuracv or change, and a given pres sure Or weight npoo the platform must always carry the weighted Ann and indicator to the same poist.4 The principle beyond doubt is the correct one, and that it has been properly applied in this instance, the lucky inventor bus left no room for doubt, Ih to have attained perfection itself—at least so far as Platform Scales are concerned, and to have combined in a remarkable degree an invarialde scientific prin ciple, "known of all men," with compactness, con venience., strength of fornt durability and accuracy. Bat tlye great and important feature in this Scale:is the fict that beyond all these tneritzt it pmsessies the additional One of being cheap, and within the -reach of every liunily.—.Vbany Eye. Jeur.,Jan..2B, We haye examined this new' Platform Ga e and concur in all that i said by the Journal. The. prin ciple is at once simple and beautiful, and enslirt.A perfect accuracy, while the ptice will he thr ee ti mes thaLl of the scales now uscd.-31Laily ,Erpre,x4l. SXTTLI ' S PATENT Pt.*..-FoiLx have ex• att.ined this new invention. • 2'iOtillll7,. VITT be simpler or . more .completely din eloped than the principle up on irhieh its acts. The platform Nr117 , 41 snstains the weight lifts a pendulum, suspended and Loaded at the t c hron.zh an are of a circle.' and Ow indieater paints out. upon the graduafed . ' oireaniferenee,•the exact welzht. - In other platfOrm scaler the measure of avoirdupois has to be asecrtained try moving a loosep.m . giglit oti ti beam, as on a steelvat 11, till it hits. the. precisett: Stnyth's invention is a self:viork ing one, 04 Indicatea at tame, and to the minutest fraction, the figure. Br attaching the , weight on the end of the pendulum, the scale beelimes multiplied by fives or tens : by releasing the-weie.lit it irives ounces instead of pounds. For household purptts ' it is as cheap and fir better Than steelyards; and is finding tht way to all well regulated kitchens where' the receipt hook, with its presmiptions,otweighband proportions, is. used.—A *etas and ,Argas. , - A NEW Into—lf anybody doubts that this k an in ientive age, they should call and examitle Smyth's Self-Acting Bent-Lever Platform Scales. For simplic ity of design, and economy of spaie, they take prece• dente of any scales that have yet:been invented.— There Is one peculiarity about this: scale; it posses ses very little machinery, and agn never make a mis take so long as the laws of gravitation continue. Smyth's scale has another advantage---ita small cost. —Knitkerbocktr... &Err3l . ll PATILM PLVITOILV SCALE....-Thifl new and valuable invention was on "exhibition at our State Fair just closed. Nothing in its department received more attention or was more admired or ap proved. This scale, possessing the , extraordinary merits conceded to it at the Fall, cannot bin be ex ceedingly valuable, and must, vre think , emus into gelio.ral use. - Ti~c .41bavy ,Eveniv .Tournal pablishtm the above, and adds: Thin gealc - (Smyth'E) was also exhibited nt the State Fair at Iratortown, and not only received every attention given it in Ohio, hnt carried off the fiat and highestpretnium awa;ded-417 diploma and =liver medal.—Cleederui (Ohio) Joitmal. Mentr9:fe Depot, April 3, BM Mile SHOULD L 1 PURCHASE 1 ONE OF ," n 1 • Smyth's Patent impromles. . z Z .........,,_ MYTH'S PATENT IXPRO SCALES MEM) TEE FIRST)* ip HIGHEST PREMIUM —A Dipliount ,nild Silver 10141a1—, EMI - au n:tir aufa . AT W'ATERTOWN, :y. •' TAM SCALES ARE MANUFACTURE AND Fol;fiALE ONLY BY Os fir ZUNI. 041111 air HARPORD,RUWEITANTA , Pet E PER P All Y.. E SHOULD „PURCHASB ONE OR • SMYTH'S PATENT IMPROVRI SCALES. Sniyth's Patent Improved Seale4 RECEIVED TilE 3D77 3Ft.. 11 X 1 - - Highest Premiunt, • A DIPLOMA d SiL 1 7 ER MEDAL, AT TILE ITA TS tikial, WITERTOWN, NEW YORK.' '; THESE' SCALES ARR NUFACTUREi) ' AND FOR SALE ONT.). - . • • • H. EATOIUtk Co.; 1 Flarford, Strtqueltautta County, P IN Every Farmer, SHOULD PUROHLSE ONE OF Innith'spitutsmprautitlralts. SMYTH'S Patent Improved Scales RECEIVED THE FIRST-AND MEER U. AMR DIPLOMA.Ari'D SILVER MEM- AT THE State Fair at Watertown, New York. THESE SCALES ARE M4KUPACTCRED AND .FOR SALE ONEY BY ED EL E.VTCOTN 0 1 :30, HARFORD, • • SUSWEFIANNA COUNTY, PA. - I EVERY ' SHOULD PURCHASE ONE OF - SMITIUSPATENT IMPROVED SOURS. M/X ail 3E3E' el PATENT IMPROVED 'SCALES RECEIVED THE FIRST & HIGHEST PREMIUM A DIPLOMA AND - SILVER MEDAL , --, = AT TIM STATE FAIR AT WATERTOW*, N-: Y. THESE SCALES - _ ARE MANUFACTURED . AND FOR ! SALE ONLY. BY H 3; Eaton & Ihrford. Miquelon= AT THY r 4 , a I= • ELI krilitriti% • Fire &Lire Stock losonace Company; OF PHILADELPHIA NO. 8S WALNUT STREET, ABOVE FOURTH.. • - .CAPITAL oaoo,ooo. Blake InsvrasuT against loss 6r" damage &,y fire. vn Building; Funs/Jure anditerchauditerneia/. /,y. Altto,"On Zones and Cattle, vaircit death, from any cause. • 101" LOSSES PBOMPTL 4141U5TED.,420. B. IL Miller , Ilenry Zones., P. S. rfoi.ckley, J. R. Flanigen, .1. CrumWe, Satul. J. Bandall, Flanlgen, orWilmin,ston, Dd. • WY. 31. CALTIMRT, Sec. B. R. MILLRR, Pre*. , 4 - BILLINGS STROUD, Agent. Montrose, July 1,1857.—1 y Manufacturer's Insurance COmpany• CHARTER PERPETUAL, Granted by the State of Pennsylvania. CAPITAL, 8300,000. , . FIRE, MARINE, & INLA N D TRANSPORTATION: 'VMS Company was organized with a Cash Capital,. 1 and tie Directors have determined to adapt the' business to its available resourcea--to observe pru dence in conducting its Min, with a prompt adjust meig of losses. A.S. Lirriacon, Pres't. W. A. Minim, The Prea't. Ai.vasn'Wxzus, Secretary. Dinarroas.—Aaron S. Lippincott, Wm. D. Thom as, Charles Ise, J. Rinaldo Sank Win. A Rhodes, William Neal, Alfred Weeks, John P. Simons, Charles J. Field. James P. Sthyth. OFFICE,. No. 10 Merchants Exchange, Phil. LARD, 11l Agent. .N. 'L : • • Montrose, Pa., May 13, A 1837.-1, s . 0 • 1 11. 8.11. I t lit • ,Lyoming Co. liintnal'insnrance Company. catiplial,—s2,2oo,ooo. • I T is one of the best Companies in the State. It. wag incorporated in 180, ha Charter lierpetnal. It hay insured, since it went into operation, thirty millions of property, and paid over Aix hundred thou- Fand dollars losses. About twelve thOustind has peen paid in this Count,. Applications received at the litore of B. R. !Ames At Co., Lanes„boro, and at 3fontrn4e. „ 8.-R. LYONS, Agert. vanlyl Montro!4 , ,Jan : 1857 • CAMET-BLEOTUTORTA A 3 act KZ - ALL rA NrY CTCRERanddeealerin 311 kinds o; 1T 1 Furniture, i 3 now prepared to till all orders for • Bedsteads of all . kinds at wholesale or retail, on short notice. 'Retail prices range from $2 upwards, according to style. Bo also keeps on hand Ready-made Collins ; and •as hC_ ha+ an elegant Hearse, he is prepared to. attend funerals on short notice. • New Milford, Dec. 17, 1856. , 49y1 . _ arm far Sale!! (ANE M the host and cheapest FARMS on Roek kJ River, IP.. for sale. It 'contains •• . LOU :-Poereea% all under fence, 100 ih..,oder plow, all the timber nec olsary for use convenient ; a small stream of liring water runs through the place, good new house, well, orchard, Le: It. will turn oft worth of grain per =W m, or is well arranged f fo or stock or dairy farm. Is only, one mile from Como, a town of 800 inhabitants, which contains first rate grist and saw mills, plow, wagon, and bhwkstaith shops, Sce.Am. It is only two wiles front R. R. Depot, and four miles from Sterling, the rOunty seat. TEILIPS g 4000 ; - - . g 12.00 to tl5OO down; remainder in nine annual pay ment:a, with six per rent. infi l mit. Apply to• G. C. LYMAN, Sterling,'WhiteAde County, in W 'Several thou-land acres of Pine Lauds eonpin, and- prairie in lowa, for sale, on time. May 20, 1857.—tE OF A LL who wish to buy 'Books and Stationery 21 cheap, will call at the -MONTROSE BOOK STORE , in the Post Office, where they can get good articles at a Fair price: •• • Ju%t Recriv ed.—A new lot ofSchool Book , Tower's and Webb's Series of Readers, Wayland's lElml:tents of Mend Science, eight dilTerent sizes of tWehste's standard Dictionaries, at reduced prices. Ako.—Dr. Kape's -tread Explorations Recoil dections of a Life Time, by S. G. Goodrich, &c. A. N. BULLARD. Montrose, Pa., May 13, 1357. Tune, Pop Goes the Weasel.' 1 • * . _ i Hallo. Stranger, stop a.trinute--. j llere's,a Store, just drop in it . . j And view, with wonderful surprise 1 . The Books and Toys tluit meet yOur eyc.,=_... t ' . . . , At lic.t.LintAi I have Books and Paper, jbst the best, .f. That you can find, East or Weq; i t. If any of my friends should doubt it,. ' • t t' Call in, I will ease your mind about it— At Bututio'a. z*, Fine 'looks, Pens and PaTier too; t." All binds of children's Books. and new; hire every:tang, you'll find In the 'Book and Stationery line-- • At Prt.t.atuinc. • . , !-- ' . go conic along, come one,.come all,' , n ' ', Come rich andpoor, come great and small, .And,l will sell you Books so cheap, I krkw I shall your Mist= keep, At BIILLAB,DI3. :_yontrose, Mac, 18:57 HERE -- LOOK •HERE • • • TBE subscriber has been receiving during the past three weeks A fine lot of iPliffit I% SIMMER COl2llB l - milking, with.fornier stock, en assortment With which ith, ere is no comparison in this vicinity ; and that ,I they are being, sold in 'a mariner satisfactory to customers is mitnifeßt• from th e fact, - • ,i- • • 1; that notwithstanding all efforts att competition, the rush and ' o . , sales thus far have been - . • unprecedented: .. ire mean with frequeht additions, to keep the as. PI sort:l:lent good ; and ready or prompt pay. ing customers - can rest- assured that ',' ) . -the old store is not tobe outdone. - - • ' in addition to the large ye. . '? " • riety kept for -yearb, we •- % now have a good . - • , , . • assortment of. • ~._ AgilDir-M-IDE CLOTHING, 1 • , ALSO, ? • BOOTS . d. SHONA'. In Olt varieties. .Piease'gi . ve us a eat • : GibSON lay 27, 1857. S. S. INGAiLS: . , ~ ,nvE , Liical etc Travelivaig Agent% `vented! 100VSEVE.43 paying from *5O, t 05 1 ,50, per month: JUt NO bmnbag , or chance bastuess. Perreanent .employment given aril no capital mptired. F., furtkiter rstrticateks enclose postage stamps and A - - ••-' A. MOWN, Exeter, N. IL Wer211,"1:85. 7. - Tippers & 19 110ES,: k id_ReadMado C Inl4 Af ever" at p lott• st. GIIILD‘ DIRECI'ORB _.~_ __ 25 WITNESSVS;: - soi The. Forger • Corty,i,oted. _ 4011 N 8. ore /3 Atlllo7t, Ng Who hits had 10 years experknce •& 'Banker and Publisher, and Author'of , , „,„,„ A sole* of Lectures et the Brie/deity Thbernaele ow n' when, for 10 succeltadviulghts, over er GOA() People .= - 0* Greeted him with Rounds of Applause, while 43 lie exhibited the manner in which Counterfeiters execute their. Ftauds, and the surest and - a Shortest Means of Protecting them! Ca Th e Mink 'Vide Engravers all say that.Ae is the CO greatest AJge of Paper dtinsey tiring. • IRGEATF.ST- DISCOVIIEIIIIr of the nreseut Century tar "..,Deteetlue Counterfeit' Bank Notes., en, Describing Every Genuine B il lie Existence, - rol and exhibiting at a glance every Coun terfeit in Circtdationll CO Arranged so admirably, that METERENCE is EASY and IIETECTION LNSTANTANEOUS. its nr'No Index to examine! No pages toltubt up ! igIR But so simplified and arranged,that the Merchant, fra Banker and Business Man can see all eta Glance. Nye wig English, /kench and German; ime4 Thus Each May read the name in his 4:0 • own Native Tongue go . • Most Perfect Bank Note List Published, to Also a List of , . All the Privzile Bit keisi Allier • "- • w Complete Srimmary of the Fmkict or = ErRnPE S Aarcutc - A, will be published In'tnielfe .!ols dition, together with all the Important NEWS OA OF THE DAY. Also A SERIES OF TALES * 1 Front an Old Manuscript; bound, in the East. It . furnishes the Most Complete history of; • • ORIENTAL ea and describing the Perplexing Positione is which A gf the ulie , and Gentlemen of that Country hUve ya k been se often found. These Stories will continue throughout the whole year. and will prove , the c k Most Entertaining ever 'id - , , red to the *-. .mil . Ftwnished . Weeitly to Subscribers only, at al a„)ear.• All letters must- be addre,M to -;-• JOHN S. DYE, Broq.r, • .14 Puhlh- - hCr and Proprietor, In Willi Street,. N.Y. , ' Cott apl3Onlittql 1- 5 AYER'S QM 1 E RWV PECTORAL FOR SIM RAPID CORR of colas, Coughs,' mad lloarseness, . Biarrtiro, MAVL, 20th Dee, It Dri. J. C. ATER: I LTA not heeitica to sal brat remedy I hare ever iCiurnl for Coo floarneuoss, Influenza, and the emirorol symptoms of a Cold, Is your Cuuir PECTC Its constant use In any practice and my for the last Pin years has shuall It to pa superior virtues for the tr.vansont or I eomplatnts. PAILS ILN MIT, M. A. B. MOIITIIit, tag_ of tins. N. Y.. veritei t "I have . tuna' your Picchu'. myself mad in my farnily.over sines yob. turented It. mud toolieve it t h e best medlrine for Ira purpose ever lint out With A tot cot fte , !attr pay tvrvnty-Ive donna for bottle than do *lama It, or take any other remedy.* Croupy Whooping Conzhilintliienza. , . rirruwatraw, 311x9., F.,b. 7, 18Sfk , Drrtur,r. As tw t I will clowrfelly c,rtlfr yOur PE1:10111L14 thil best rercedy we tio.s..“ fx tir cure of Itlomping Oolg14„ erm r p awl the chest dire.shis of children. We of yoir fraterldry,irtlit Booth vpreciato your skill, wail eimucieini your mealeino to 04 people. • . . • HIRAM CONKLIN; M.D. - -- AMOS. LER, Esq.. Stovisasr, L. writes, .11 Jan.. 185 A: "1 bad a tedious luOu-nsa, which ortfined me In ,tooreele t week' Wok maul' medicluess withent relief: finally tried your riot:mai by the advice of oar clergyman. The first dose relisicid the siren,... in my throat and lunge: less than one halt the week made me completely vied. Your medicines are the cheapest as well as the best we ran toy. end we esteem you, Doctor, and four remedies, as the poor nieu'e friend." Asthma or Plathisie, and Itroorhitis. • Wict m PA.. Feb. 4. PITA. tint Tour efflllll4T Pact „ tut is perfhcmlna Ilistervegosis to this section. It 'k. p.f..e...4 Pert sf COOMllliption.l%).l ig uou eurtzlx wh.• haw in affection of the !cogs fa Me lest f.rty \paws. 11 Lie It 1 L. A'AttiCis. .Iferchaset. , A. A. R.tlysny. M. D.. ALPhrl. M7llwll Ca. VAN ivrttees. Sept. 11, IMb: “ During my prectte of many years f have found outhitict equal to ',our t'uutat PL.mast for ytivina ext. , and re List to cordioneptist patients, or crirlitic such as ate molar." We might add volumes Of evllionees, hot the moat consinaint penof of t vlitiums of this remedy la band in ifs +aorta niece: trial Connemption. trebably co our, evirio.ty 1 err , rl,,en kcwww which cured a many and runt. e.l.4;orotis cue a+ thfg. S'TDO nu human alt an reach but even to thou tta Caeaae PICTIMAL adore. rn llor arid comfart. A3TOR /10ff3t. NNW Y9llr errs. Moryht .11 , ,,cr01 Awe*. Lovett.: I feed - it a , loty and a pianenre ta Iq larm C r• /Ina ..t•cle li.r my write Sbe,knol 4 bern era months lahoone ondar the dahormr.symp, toms of Coroamptlow. from which- no aid we met t Mew, sail her mach regal, Ph. was .readily !Mime. 11171fn Dr. Strong. of wham we Lase come for adeire. recomm.mdad a its )oar medicine. ire Ile.. 11;4 kirria,... a 1 a da :roof skill hag TWE , TerP4 fn ITI th 74! day. Sha i. not yet aa ..arnne the maul to be. inn is , free from her - anogh, and calla henelfwedl rmtra, with grutitrl.• an. rr:otrd. ORIAND(./ 1 11ELBT,6r Enavrmits. • aniutopt , oc., do not do.palr MI you b.... tr!..l A Ale. enritot Putout. It 1.. mute by rift" of the be*, miNife,) phiplya,ft hp IN World. oral It. flirt.. Ail rourd ns the Iltgttagertts or It. virtues. —ll./adc,:etis Zoier. • . Ayer's Cathartic Pills. , lill ecienceis of Chemistry and kedleine Morn born taxed T their utmost es presluee this heat, gloat perftvt. pnreagst which is known to man. -Inustrierahle proofs are shown teat these PILLS hate virtues whi-h surpass IA rinelience the online ty medicines. and that they wiaimpreecdentedlyripest the Weem s( all men. They are sate and Times/int to take. bet phaierfal er sun. "Their penetrating.properties 'Omelets the Orel activities at the body. remove the olistructiorus'il fts•orAane, puffy the stood. and expeldlsease; They purge oat the Amfhomorreridet breed akd grow , distemper, ethattlate sluggish Or dißnrdOrPlt Or gan_s into their natural action, and Impert healthy ton* will strength to the whole system. N culy do they cure the every lay complaints of °eery body, but also Inctnidebte and danger Dm dilemma' that have baited the best of hrtamitiekliVlMbll, they produce powerfuleffecte. they are, at theAmtne time, tmeli tainiehed dowse; the indeed and beet physic that can be employed kr children. Being sugar-corded,. they are plesceni to take. sad being purely vegetable, are free from any Sisk of harm :tares have been made u bieh surpoes belief VITO they kiot anti etantiated hymen - of su'h exalted position end ettarecter es h • forbid the enspicion of untruth. :stony eminent clecsyniee ant physicians hare lent their names to certify to the pith!U: there .Liability of my remedies, while . othe-s have" went me the maw once of their conviction that my Preparations contribute Mt mei:*ly to the relief of my ailllctecl, artretion felkimmen. The Agent below mutusl is pkeues.l to furnish gratis my Amer lean Ammonite, containing directions fir the it nee; and certiti • cates of their cures of the following censiplaluts:— • Coetiventes. Bilious Complaints. Rheumatism, Ihripsy,"lfemt burn. Ifelvioehe arising from a foul Stomash; Nausea. Indtges lion, Morbid inaction of the Poweloond Palo arisin- therefrom. Flalalency, Lam of Appetite, all incemets and Cutaneous Die which require an erirnant Medicine, Reroftda or King' Evil. They also, by purifying the Mood and .3-iinuintisc tho eye tam cure many compleints which it would not be sum;eiced the: could mach: surh nstkafuess, Partial - stint loess , Neurulgla. an. Nervous Irritability. Lkvangament. of . the Liver and kidney Gout, and other kindred complaint,' arising from a_ low stake o the body or obetenction of its functions. •. _ • Do not be put oil by unprincipled dealers with some other pll they make more protit on. Ask for Area's Puta,And take noth tag else, No other they pen give yott compared with this In it intrinsic value or curative powers. TIM sick want the hest ale .there is tar them, they should hare It. • l i reintied by Dr. 3. C. AYER, Practical and Analytical Chemist, :Lowell %hays. Patta, tis. rata DO& Firs Box= cos a. ! SOLD • BY ABEL TUREELL. and by all Druggists and Meti e Dealera.—nl4v3ylew Read the following. Letter. 111VME -TE5T.111007.1114. We have received the ktter - in relation to Da. mouse & INDIAN ROOT PILLS. Axßric."( Pout: VOIINtRS, Susq. Co., Pa., Sept. 28th, 1858. Messrs A. J. , Worm k Co., New York:—. • • "The Morse's Indian Root Pills had front you - give universal satisfaction, in •XTSAX minxes; and our farmers use them for almost everything. The Ars cstErty has been raging in ttis section - to an alarm. ins 'extent, for the last six months, Scancur a matp family having escaped, xscx.rx Tunas viintax your pills Mvc been t:sxn AS PaKvvrivr i , in tilicb ease they have xxvrtt TAILED. I will Inform You shortly how to,send a further supply. Tont ob't. Servl." . ALPIIONSO It. SIitITIL : Such letters as tho above need no coutniuntfromtis; they ought to eonvinee all of tolufl viefirmly that Dr. 3lorses Indian Pool Pills .41 - rz:go viry beat Pill ever made.. - • Sold inlitmtrceet by S. IL; k liktyie; , ,and by ono person in every town, and in aIJ COUtitri. stoma. J. White 4 Co., 2 St. Peters.Plaee, Neliyork, polo Pioprietors. ' 4174 • tar ' 2 rFARMERS' ATTEND I SHE undersigned would respectfully announce to J the Yawing and All others intarested,'that we have associated ourselves together tinier the- firakol - - :320'.11t Tlittllkra t - - at the old • Stand of - IX dr Eliott, where we are pre pared to furnish PLOWBpf the most .ipproved pat terns no.r iu use. such as . ./nalcsVey's, iftsle a /ran lierax, ec.- Also Point/-.of all kinds, Landsides, Cultivator teeth, and all kindii of eastingi ferlsrtn• era awl otheri, all 'of which we worms - te: sell as low as can be' abrded by any estabUshment in it& cam try. . • .- • - 'ELIJAH' MOT" .- G. 'We are also ag,cits for Rtneq's Bork .Powevi, Drag find - amgo SOS for wood,' ahoo Dpi Churn Powers, which ',mean furnish on . short notice. ' rontrose o tan. 1,, 1887. The Independent IlepOie n i i , Ontiiiintstr trim illinissAT 210,Asnref, A? It 4111XLIN AITAIIICI. = rll44tee of Adieitisins.- • v Ono square (16 Ulm- or lcaejono .... One agnate;, :two:weeks••• •• • • Alt Ofie 'Square 44"-` three' weeks: . . .1,0 0 Oneluleare '`. l ! 'Otter month, .... 1,2 $ One square two 1u0ntirtr,......2,26 Ono Nun "" • three Orn3 square , '•six 'nitwit's, One square ."• .... one leer, • • • •• • • Two squares one year; .1 to .. .. ~. rn Threo squares one year, ... , ... The equeres one year,- ••• • • • ••••• • • • • • .... ... ... 28 ,0 One column one .• • t • • • • ..4040 Yeerly advertisers will have The of slu r . rinp,. or ch verthO anging their ndents, without sd. &lanai char.e,„ . ' • • - llitAness tirds,'lnot. exceeding five lines, Not e d at $2,00, per rinntn. Job Weik. • - This °Mee fs supplied with n good assortment 411 Jobbing_xitateils, and all kinds of Job Work, rad, tug :Cards, Pbsters,"Parnihipta o te., wiltbe donss e4t , ly and pro „ • mptly' - , - • • • . . .. Di Il e 'Wilniiit; it - ARADrATE, 4 tios , All9pathic azid ligaheopattiv, a xjr - Medlchw. IA now PCriaNalilittlf InettedtpOrest pz. 01 , ace; mew of Naleo aii , ,LEliat , d2r St« tebitir_orpoidtio X ; chyre.h. . - , -. , - ,-R / 44 r1 0.1tri ly , . - - - IL • ' -; ac EON DENTIST:ban tetarneed Xs Mee tram Sows lab cram dwelling olvadtei.tie diem* jz t. man men, wi ere all Dental wUJ, 1./e u perkirmeil in IA analg uner, - • - • eOll2 , Ne, 1L3711, 15n, . , . ,'• - - C.: C. Hollister,:: ' -• • itogramEn 1* limmt.iN: un_mt;Klrank; roll , * &e. y et ,L,P 1.41.. first door above Mott)! Grocery, Mettraga, PA.47,1 / " —.. . ,: ......_—..a.:-. 4 ...,........—,—.r. , ....--..........--..... . • ,1 i ,- • J., D.. Vail.' IL . D., • .• - DITYSICTLIN AND SUGEON 4 . baleraw.self low..eibk," IleaadttiTlletraitii.Valtan ; ' ; ' e trj:tirck-141.21"Pt1 A, A TrORNEY COM - .;SELLOIL AT LAW'. (Moo over S. k l i t WeA'A Prog tit , yre...seayoxrrozero Lverlc, P 1,141 • T. - ll:Orchard, M. D.. ITYSIC Alcp,Stl 110ZON isekson Susqualua t n * P 3. Be:eat-Ilse at. tliorPrm ake. • .Ir.peler.,lk - Sioddard. yiktiki.,Elis )ors SIDOEti, 'ant? Fiutnp, ues~tfird dbor below Siutic., Pa.. 444.3 Krizak x. etute.up. Wflliam H , Jetpip, 4 "NOB NET AT 1.-9 . 1%& . ..WYTAILT ruEue. me 00 Po. Ilc 34cputre. Moo-2-3:os; . - - ler - ,t; Fowler, - - A. ' TTO RNITI'S'AICAI.'O.I7 I I.OIIS AT LAW and Oath" :1/ eleuncery. Office No. f 4 (Urge stivti. CIIIGAG , /1 Bentley. A rroirxr.v. AT -,AW,A1 , 71) BouxLANDy L AGE.rai.— 12. - Ornca vol. of the Court House., Stuutnow.. ra.. • - - n. 6. Albert Chamberlin, TrnIUSET AT LAW. LND JCSTICE OF TITS 174ep 11 ... Dike over/. L. root .4 Co.'ll Rare. . . Wm. It Jessup; , A TTOF.!VET ATLAS' AN..D"rommISMONT.It OF. DEErei ZII4 for the nue of NewTorhorta artold to 431 Issutteemialtmotpi to h;m. with pmr.•,.. ,-- trn - e, and Nderdy . :,. cs . dtcr. un ilibile &owe, on - 'Wed by Hon.. Witita, - ndaly,- . ..' - • - - • : . . '•\ - - Abel _., ell,", :... V,11.1711. IN PrirGF. MEITIGINES, CITEMICALS,- NA a . cDle.tuft‘Groaerica, PXY girt's., ELUdirmill.Etone r .l" tha...nra r , Clpet, 'Mathes, Jewdry NI% f r spoon , . Npftudes, Va. *kJ histrumeria, Trlo,l, tile . -.1 firtrnraente, Ltelors. Petal ap, Mirrmt, bta:oncry. 13r . ualreti, Libcrtx, Sur..tee Nwuca., dr. , • _ • F. B. Chandler, D EALER Lt DRT GOoDS Broady. MA? elothlfix. Grp Bucks wad Stilliuncis, eft, Publle Aretne.Minraross; Pa. .L. Post & CO, _ • DEALERs IN DRY (X)ODS.,' f.mckerr. Raniirsm nue...llArrizo eAth Ler. n x; Pa. mr. etc „, , , oxirseraTumpLke ".tret,t :a/a PuLlie /Lys , • _ , Z. Lyons .& Son., • DEAL2ss IN Dirt 0001)$. 0 tiarrbrare.. Crorte7_ Tirmaze, Root : Ate.; 4180,, wry ert the i 01.seme Avehar., 3.le.rnsoes, Pe. . - . ... Bentley & Read , , .. ." -. . irkrALERS RI DRY GOODS. Drum. Medd:tNans4 4 0% ILI Grbeer l / 4 %-ttardivare, Crttker7. Irrm. Ulnae. Ware bak Jr.. , qrr. Sity"r '''.'...`!,.- PriluJ4uxF, ar.; Brick Bh,-...k. SI.-rx-rxrst. C. r. Sin: , LET • ' - —.............—,-....---_ - Fic WhamlL Jessup, A TrORZVErS AT LAW, Maa - marr, ra. PracitaL, la Spy A tranav, Bradford, 'Wayn, 'Wyoming andLararaa &until!". E. 6. FUNNELL,'. - FIEALER In Sta-fet.and Harfel% Mark y Cc &.e.• f. &AT .S.l-/A4.. 4.l.lraltalkunro Tratrm. Tnrlrvty 0_1!...1. at/ ~.!..q7-rect-pr Ceettlon,Cuail Rockwell & Win to .7 : • 141 C. 17 FAcTITRiRS rh, num Oft 11" eLpi, Y Tx., IT in 111:11%... Purvolt4, - FiLblx•ni, (te4P,SO. 40 Cunithu4 ~t7ert, Nair Tonic, (up Ptairsl) • loOr.Wlll-1,•... A. Baldwin, AV"111%. r4 li ctiNi,net,l:Zsu.rrigt r ' , Q,A cud eilAllta atyrv , MiXIITUXML , mch ..1.937.41. B. Thayer, : 110FIT3WIA): AND SVEGEON, Monism. Pa. Mice tit al Farmer start.. _ VMS • .B. .3. ;Moore, ILL WIITOIrr; fartnerlT of Oronge Contr. New York. ttar• logitxttnot In tiotontettatsna Comte, _uvula odor fits &mice to those *Joni hnildhor. or repairing' Gage 3nibt Or Other Inschill% torlihg that Mo.= Wanes rwronto Win In doing ia. Post Otnce t . .L-ttos„ cuirood. inlay , . . . . Comes - &-Solv •••• --- ~ -. . I TVEALERSehrellga and Amteleith 31Earble,, Head xjr f