Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, July 30, 1857, Image 2

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lIOLUDATIIIIIIRIi, Nay 6th, 18e,
HON. DAVID Waxer, Toweeda, EreVord Co., N:
Sir: At a regular meeting (Igoe American Hido' ,
Council held in Altoona, on the 16th oflApril ihst
it was
Resolved, That a committee of five members be ap
pointed to soliCit from the candidates put in nomina
tion by the Convention held at Harrisburg, on the
tititol.Harch, their vieWe in .regatd,to the princi
ples 415 f the American Putt.
in pursuance of the foregoing resolution, the nn-
Arraigned were appointed said Committee:
~‘, arifirPaLl!. '
, •
• Gte. W. PATPDX,
" I lkaii44ll4Bl.lliNgaillity l / 1 1/11/1/1010 the
foliowng lurr ile 7ron, embrnee. th e print&
ple i s 404 Party; to Which Ivor attention
dmared • • ••
1. Do woo told ;twin the elision or appointment
of all (deers natire-beat Antedonas *paid be pre.
ferred t„ ,
1 4 . Are you irk ricror,ofilko promotion of American
tabor, Atnetiean'tiOts, and American internist
3.- Are you At timer-Orthe parificatittn of the bal.
lobbos;:a iehmst istie, aateralisitioa taws, ,the en
actment of a rtgisertilaw, and tbe,,prOlbitOn of kw
n paupers and consieni,landing opon 'nor 'boreal
.4. Are,yod oppm'ed to patertitrenee of' Church
Idedireldes noNeiC- - • •. • ' •
• 6: 1.44 lem la tirtermiViestieheatalhe tare wheel.
'Annie I'll elm" ditto& lidoikas ammtolotokaumai
.With great iem eei we rime n, yeur humble ear..
'4O; Joint Itiurritnttan ? Choireion.
July 10th, 1857. •
Gnartitsrsx: Yotir lettet of the sth of May
*le to hand - during theititting of my court*,
iminediately on the elose of which I left home,
an& returned only few days , since. Thin
"ninitbe'my apolm fi)r not earlier having
,retiponded to your,tominuniestion.
Tam re tresti'd teruin interrog
*oriim prOpOunded td me in pursitatice of a
residaticm of the late convention held at Ai
toon'a =• '
The histery of our State eitablishes wise
and mile policy in respect t 6 the point era
bfaced your fire 'interrogatory.• It will
he found rare indeed, that any except native
born citizens have held high official station
'fifth& in the Executive or , Judicial depart.
Incas of our State Government; and the
same einqs, with comparatively - few exeep
' tons, have filled the seats_ of our Legislative
The 'naturalized citizen cannot tea
ismably complain thit this traditiceal policy
should bc'preserved ' -There is nothing in it
intolerant or proseriPtive- nor will the en
lichtened and pattiotietiti:enotcoreign birth
sci'renrd it. It imposes no legal disqualifica
tion. - takes front him no tight. Official sta
tion of right belongs tone . Man. While I would
ndhere to this policy as one of wisdom and
patriotism, no Attletteatt who '
properly appre
ciates 'his resprmstbilitime, would neglect an
inqUity into the ehstactet wad fitness of inn
.didates presented tbr'illeTauffatge; nor could
he, whim!: beernyal of the best interests of
coentitv; distegatd 7 thillelaims Of principle
In fits *km. Thus obessicits 'may
4446.1 r!renlined 'dad filithfal is.
chm* elfduty aurae= ilestuatiftsst =traps
.fot the tatitralized cithea,lll Viiefbftlice to
one beim:on Otir - Iliderstissiing rite
frpirit of :your first parasitic - Ai item incon
sistent lritb the views hetet bikprested, I yield
it my Cordial" assent •
Are , you in tarot. of the protection. of A
merican Tabor, Arnerican rikhti and Ameri
can interests I
• To this, your teemtd interrogatory, I shall
content myself 'with u - simplo affirmative an
swer. •
The matters embraced in your third inter
romitor,i- are of the'first importance, and de.
-raindleo) most serious consideration of the
tertilbc and statesman. The boldness and
snceess with •sirick frauds are perpetrated
upon the ballet-box 'have become alarming,
.and -unless promptly ; and eifisitually checked.
must end in the subversion of our systein of
free Tivernraciit The forms of liberty may
remain, but - only as a cheat and mockery,
-glowing over as cruel a despotism as ever
envied *people. .
1 would sustain with my whole strength ,
.any, and eveg -measure wisely 'devised- to
serve the. purity of our popular elections.
fraud 'Dixon' the ballotAimi is moral
treason tigainst republican government ; and
all duly convicted of being concerned therein,
In addition to otheepenattles, should be for
- ever disquidified from hold - mg. office or exer:
cientr the elective-franchiee.
Doubtless our naturalization laws could
be so =miffed as to aid in securing purity
and fairness in our -elections; but we should
not weaken one State wirereigtityhy looking
to the General ferrernment as the great
source of reform in this Matter.' It belongs
exclusively to the States to replete this
whole question of , suffrage---to prescribe the
qualifications of eleetorel---to Insavide tate
guards against, fraudkand inffi et punishinen
for 4saults upon the integrity of the'ball. '-
box. • Our ewe Illtate cannot early or
vigerouslYixert its Coustittitional power in
respect to these =stem-I , IW, as they are
'-to liberty and the existence of free govern
It has.ever been a source of just, pride to
the true America', that his country offered
an asylum for the Opp:Owed of every land.
God forbid that we should be so ungrateful
'for Hs blessings, as to refnse- to-rthare them
witlythe honest anti industriona of whatever
clime or conntry; but it is ati marhge upon
• our hospitality,and s violetionofinternition
.al law, for the Governments of the Old World
to-ship cargoes of criminals and paupers on
our Shot" • Our Government cannot be too
Nigilant in •guarding -our tights'in this re
-To yotir fourth interrogatory I answer:
That lam opposed - to the, interference of hie
rarchies in polities.- - The office of a ChrVtian
minister is seeondtonO 'other indianity and
' reePonsibility. t would knot'detract front
his functions, or .icalatir the Teepeet due to
Ai% clomicter. I acknowledge, his right, and
as teacher of the people ; I believe it to be
NS - duty, to speak 004 = and fearlessly
against social' and political evils, del:tractive
ofpablicinioftds end et war with the interest
ark happiness of mankind. In tido publrelv
speaking, "If' , he tratieeleth the proprieties Of
bill - place arid Ace, auk) veil found :
In the cessarti — of in calightimed pubfre. Pint
that a - prieStitbrdekurristeill - by_ tba laity
Avitha myinteionsiseeplkaid'clattleter--witia
pretentious to .power
*Other by.,sareag ties; and ac
knowledging as their head akeeiglipatintete.
—that soda & oiler tribOidd enter the field
Opolitios; 'control 'oar electiCes and influence
the 'policy , of mirtiortirtnilent, is stately : eaise
fdr alarm, and shotrldanalken tbrijsalonliNig.
ihmee of the Atririerinpacite:
ably be denied `that iv such Idennchal • hi
threw"; ii hr* bear miittr ifeetioni.=
We 160 ' • wish eind*opd roC obi. :
damn 'without -
We see the4 - nterkinpetride divided on s.
momentous lestra "The principles otharrusa
freedom or hondage'are hroughtAa direct
conflict - 34's huifientallerrthr tolife'and
liberty is denied. The' &Wine), "only
awerted those w o Iteletheidvenmiern
In their hands that CM Created
,tirr *said
pankind to he *the
. great struggle ire See the etp, *lst their . Ser.'
'erect—the ancient polities! partied of the
country broken, pd men ot every nation arid.
faith divided, sav one. The 'natio of one
Church alone eta suite in polities! action.-:;.-
This unity in the midst of othezwise universal
division is truly mosetemat A tee. Fig&
sine Te.tas--from the Antic to :the
ev 4 To l 3's *NIS "'
.fe d ;: f rtifjaver .etnsipteste! . ..flatlid,
'or bf• , ;ore
tad dai!vdtarit**f this Chu aathyeit-in
of Beal! an on
.9111 the,' e. '
cann arise fehiiiimltitelligent assentlxi thb
principleiof slavery, because these principles
would reduce ninety-tine out of every hun
dred o r,these men to the-chndition of slaves,
Whence ire we to look for the cause of this
unity &mon; so many hundreds Of ihnnstinils
scattered over so wide a surface" Ire find
this - vO - faries'OrtheTatitoliC rani
asueng-Clas-leafit ,enlightened 'of our froPUla•
eon, and thug in' &Condition to yield ready
oheiljettc# itt un- thilAgs to. An . ±oth.9 6l Y -wh'ch
they have leen' Liught - to respect as of GOd'a
iippqintnient:-' The Chitral of their isith ad
vances 'high and eitraorditiary claims. It is.
the only tree Apostolic and Catholic Church.
It is infallible m doetrine--tniraeles continue
to he wrought within its holy cominstion—
its head is the Vicegerent of God on earth,
and sumeowse of the Apostle 'to whom was
entrusted the. keys of:Heaven. . It is it pure
hierarchy. Thelaity have little or no power ; •
all autboritl being Concentrated in the priest
hettxl. Again I ask, whence this
litient etetieis smiting' the 'votaries of this
Chnich - vihen eiery other- _denotnination of
Chrisibms is divided In seeking kir an an
swer. to this inqniry, all men will look to the
source where the power resides. When the ,
' votaries of the Church of Rome shall exhibit'
in our political contests the like diversity of
riews and action - that Li seettimbrig_ all - oth•
er chtsses of our people. then, and Mit till
then, will the public mind be relieved, from
the suspicion that hierarchal. "influences • are
mischievosisly at work in On-polities.,
h 'sidle to einde the point,:b3r labored ef
forts in defense of religious freidOlYl and the
rights of Conscience: No assault is made'tqi
on either. The largest liberty—the broadest
toleration; is conceded in mattertiof religious
faith and worship. The ground of com Plaint
lies here- 7 411:a a hierarchy, invested With pe
culiar sancirrand powers•in the eyes of the
laify; should exert a spiritual influence. to
control our elections, and give to the policy
of our Government a directitin adverse to the
wishes of a majority of the people, not within
the sphere of A nchinfluent*. Pio intelligent
man will question the faci, that the late Pres:
'dentin' election was controlled bi the united
Cathode tote.' If the adherents ofthat Chun+
had been divided in their votes, as Were all
the Protettant sects of our country. the pres
ent administration would never have had an
existence. The Slave Power . to-day: - *Mild
not be master of our Government—protntd
gating its 'abhorrent doctrines through our
judicial tribanals---underroining the sover
eignty of the. States, and boldly trampling
'down the clearest constitutional rights of the
It is also apparent to every' intelligent ob
server, that the same unity , in the ththolic
vote is relied upon as the main- suptsort of
our opponeits in the cOming s ,State-*Aon.
With these ondettiable facts before irk can it
be Said that" there IS - oti,kroond for !strong
vicii• - tai in the minds of Ameriess pen
re, that hierarchal influences's not only inter
fere in ant politics, but actually control, Or
• eleetioms t If the Protestant sect of nor court
try presented the same eppos4-
heti to the ProSlaveryDeinocracy, that the
Catholic Church does i n its etipprrn, our oP
pments 'Would not be slow or measured in
their denunciation. Indeed, the -, chleS and
press of that party assail , with gross - vitupe
ration such Protestant Christian tranisters as
openly, in the face ofday, denounce from the
sacred desk the crimes of slavery, andjesist
upon the !sanctity of the Marital and •parental
relations. 1 In them, it is a grievous offense
to proclaim, in• cormeetton with slivery, the
great essential truths of Christianity : that
God is the Creator and Father of all men-.
that Ile - made of - one flesh all the nations of
the earth-=--that He is no re of persons,
but bolds %vine] line all His children ; and
that He si l !'11 require of every one the, obser- •
vance of h is righteous law- : All things what
soever ye 'would that men should do to -you,
do ye evert so to them." This. altumee- be
tween an; Sufeient 'end'ortwerfel Church and
the slave interest of America, is the more re
markable when' we emssicler ;the - fact, that
the early ind authoritative ' tiaehings of that
Church are in condemnation ofihsvery. How
long: this 'strange alliance is to continue
know not i How long it is 'to be successful
is for the American people to decide;
To yoargifth interrogatory I answer—that
Tam' in favtir of tree schools forths education
of all classes,-and am opposed to any exelts
sima of the Bible therefrom". ' -
Respeetfully yoursj; D. Wtt.iitor.
To Jona Bassyrtaitira,Essq • Chalet's's dn.
- , .
Tom Tant u Aciteowjano*--Are atittxl
in ow, last that the friends of i ciras.PArilta
had assisted the Pennsylvania railroad in
Wiring the Public wiitks one &id 4 half mill
ion cheaper by, their . application. lo the Sn,
prem. Court for as injunction. This is now
admitted by all reasonable men; but tbe
Lancaster litelligencer, the home organ of
President Btiehausal,sclinowledges it frankly
in the followlog plain language :
"We do not wonder that - theeri were
given with a hesttylood will' by those inter
ested in the ,Pennsylvania 4141 rot& 'rimy
have made a capital specula:l(43'o the. State
—better indeed, than if they had - bought uu-
der the bill 'before the action of the Su
pretne Court 'Was had upon. it. They now
get it for sevellsuld a lailf millions of dollars,
whereas, then it would. have cost them nine
'Totrue, under their present put
chase' the tonnage tax is not taken ufl—hnt
that is of small moment, inasmuch as they
will doubtless be Ole to :get a Legislature
in a year of two pliable enough to repeal the
tax: and WINN. 'once it is taken off, no subse
quent iegislation , can be got 46 , restore
We, therefore, cunskler that the Pennsylva
nia taihmad has 'Medea milliostianA a, Leif by
the operation." ' •` .
. _Tim* aaitb the Isaill i gesbisi,!the Lancaster
-mouth piece e( Pewsident-Bum. *And is'
this the upihot 44(11.1 the disinterested. eijatta
which have been Made by the Supreme
coari,.-by the
,Democratic lesdeta—the Dein
novae Convestiemni the of i~.laoidera•—
to -6etiejit the.litnte $o at tarns out that
Ibe.railroad company ltarnmsde a "capital
likaaatttion"l—" better indeed, then if it had
imegiamader the bill, before the action oldie
Supreme -Coogl k lag. had lip* This hi
.m 1 cionfieisien ; tux! if the Lucca
sistwatiiite P 94 14 1.. wireewnrmirelntve -wnrk
ed outs "most isme,ivid impotent, tannin
ninortiinntit . - '
Rg~;Tait' ilfOßmove-Tiiistit.
- Y.••titteicaletiti:l,- . .eireepo; • ,
Aat- tfilDred-fieiht &tidos 'lliirekk . olf
tim teit'irtelf,:tiii *it to the
'bidleirtheift. ft difVe - r - i-.
iltiOiroeVot' it of the Mkt *Otis
ifiterletidialifittllvii -vet of comprisAncnin
to . mtntait*.-olitait IMO!).
iiidititiatovierrii*opoid Inv* Is tiobtoisiti-i
-''ttuff Jkild void, and
that ir.ipOireptitas tiO der OVer the quetriahi,
itigi7.ohvOry *ld ) out *ovriknit.,
p4k osy ottAi
reVritoricto,tahe- - Vidtek **to, 'old Undo .
Soot car! attend ids owniVgiticoste boi
-1 new vidrut "sistfirt*
4bgt the*" • •
of Bradford county says it geoPwide 111162 a
would haul all the PAMIR minfin ilifeeford
011.0 1 . lire* 41'140 will eve: ilfastor
kb _ sanCiradiris' Irrs. , , , ' t' -. 1
,-; - Elo., S y s olio orou rof
jalmeOf the 'eter. 14srgest moiliptious
colintisQn (10 --ii uniesseC ..,Ir., o
'counties ottly,tbutelekt'llihaj in nut*
her of its Schiewe *Have hal more sin=
gte &rats (small and new though' they be)
than any otherin the State—end so well in.
Rattle() that we have heard it , said at Harris.
bell mai ih the 'lower eountitsi, hy, thine who
knew beriumbennen 'only, If seems as if
ivety inatilnitn iirsidibrt &emir Is a law.
yet: Seek a host of i7ne4igelpt,:" wrifii
jfettd proem" eiontoreei *; :sit Meath Caft.
lira—nohow!; „Thp. y
.. VITA P o 4 o cle 2500
1 'Majority; they protnised tOOO - for - the triion
' 'lstatelieket last fall, and gave over 3500;
they' pmmisea 4000 for Fmntowr, and gave
him 4600; and if they now promise their
'own Wilmot 6000, and should "spread them.
'selves" and run up tt) 6500 Or 7000, "par.
'don something to the spirit of Liberty" which
animates them in this nOnteSt ! • .
Twenty years ago, Mr. Wilmot had jnst.
settle& in Bradford'county.--poor.. without
frietNnlmoin. - • That ,year (1837) the
Whi fried the eounty, - electing a &mato
over the Dem. Mat: in Siisqnebanna. = From
that year, - Mr. Wilmot's influence was seen;
the county became more and more Demo.
cram; Wilrnot's popularity still inorealing,
until • Slavery's demands were unbearable,
and they bolted, In mass! A tremendous
majority for him ; le of course to be , expected.
—Lerrisbarg Chronicle;
.0111TULRY isioncas.—The Editor- of the
SnotherA . Coirisainit. Advocate has.sesorted to
povel plan to .keep the obituary. notices
:from his paper. - Ileannounce*, that he will
publish every one that is sent,..yrithout alter.
Aim) or correction! lie hopes that tUa will
be an argaintnenns no! Amnesty's. He says:
. 4 This week we have handed the lot' over
to the printer just as they came into our
hands. had we dealt with them as usual—
cut out every expletive word. 'and phrase.
shortened every rambling sentence, erased
every unimportant statement and every rep.
etition '
obliterated all the stock phrases - and
All the sentiment about death, gtavelards,
Am, and, all the paltry and prayers, nnd; iu
s word, 'reduced them. to ..what such papers
ought to be—merely a terse statement of a
low very prominent factst--a.brietallusion to
clumseter, lad a very few pirticulirs of the
last hours of the deceased--had we done all
this as usual, some would have been reduced
about two-thirds. We have entreated wri.
Vera for 41 proper , consideration of what.oblit
caries ought to be, till , we are'bopelessly out
of heart. ' Now, if our readers prefer them
in the style we give them in this week, Mid
will say wilt will every week save up. some'
balm' work. We have more on band which
we have no room iv, and mina defer them
—as also some which • are barred by the
'.statute of limitatioen
A FACT POSens AST/1011 or Vita "Serra
SUM VISW. " —A C9rrespondint o f thelNerik
'erk huliperulNit ojmmunicates the follOsriug
fact, which hiss a snapper" toitt whip:
" A gentlemau of. the first trespectability,
residing in Sesannati, Georgia; informed ins
that he saw - k ten-gallon demijohn filled with
wine las slant al Sablzatta-suonning, iintr be
followed the man who took it to the c9lored
church of that city, where there was a meet
ing of the colored churches for comm union:
and he said they drank nearly. the whole of
it. 'Did they drink more,' I asked, thari is
generally used for that purpose by other
churches?' '0 yes,' he replied, 'I never saw
such drinking of wine in my lifer , The.nava
ber that partook at that time was estimated
to be about eighty, which would aff;,rd them
about a pint each. It is worthy of remark
that this is the church where the' author of
such remaiiikahle evidences of piety•while he
was worshipping there."
It is further related that the pastor- of this
church, a colored man, was helped to the
purchase of three 'slaves, in Order, that he
tnight be an example of a slaveholding" min
ister preaching the Gospel- to slsvesof ,his
own race? , 'This is.the piety which ,the au
ther,of the "South Side View" So religiously
9ornmendedl—N. r. bidefiendeat-
Suez Fatouna!—The Lawrence Reptsb/i.
am, the new Kansas free State organ, asks :
" Who ever heatd, ht the Stat.% °partiti
onl party 'urging another political . party to
vote r The question shows - more dearly
than any argument how utterly hollow, are
all the pretences of the Border Rtiffaunt.—
" Why do they want the Free State man to
rota I Ate they anakine to he bestient"•-
,rtid e'er a party desire to be trlppel up lad
throivni If not, why 'did the Pro-Sieve,
men go *hitting about and 'urging Free
State men to vote ?" 'Was it not Just thin:
Unties the F to mitt walked into their
trap. the itiody cheeps . ' Nevoid not be
nibbled, and the trill id not be sprtmg?
St. Louis Dernocrat adds to the account
of e.minent po-slavery politieiana investing
heir funds in freeStais lands in Kansas:
"We have , personal knencledge 'rimy
young pm-shivery genpackians who have in
vested. hundreds of thousands ef dollars ie
Chicago and the North wesleni States and
Territories. These Young PulthiverY Pew
-4iersta and Whigs, tinder the lead of .
ilreekinridge,- having screwed down the lid
of the tofint upon their own State, by filstela
ins upon it a Constilutkai making the eman
cipation ofslaves impel:sable, are now run
ning away from-their State, which, they have
tied to a dead corpse, and are laying out their
money in the free States. -
A LAVOtiILBLIC tocctinarser.:---Among the,
'Fourth of July loin:lent* in Newark, the fol
lowing, which Ire find recorded in the Deily
-"Advertiser, is •aottlt - trawseiilAngt' -;
A laarat the acriner of , Broad awl Market
sts 7 smding oriAiLliai+el, the bead of
wits& gave Way, astt-the AO in, eunipletely
biding the barrel with Vie- ostensive- krr t.
exciting meth wiervinxint among the ,itipeets
'tors. She *as' extricated-ivititilterippletrs
-ant posifion 'bye opieiting die
luta* Dtwxar4c4:-:-/ecurdiski :f r o ibe
Detroit Jr... Away, site, Dettagsty.
Douglas' State sre'aot is a situation 44 boast
efthe purity admit' shirtri• Th4, 1 00.e.
the Lkeebseisk foro4luse tee4'erreatso
Algt! kr mum linFirtisous 4rta.d, 4 fir;
brsOciag stasis, the Bridowell, Isgstber
tidal other Democratic'or4cta. T Ls• The-totat
ea beshegal OrivAd'ori
nOw. Ai Desoctittio;Tek:
mentio anilt"o . i0 0 4,4A0
UStzigpers_ the hi4l4r ,0
sots dins; and a 4sroosraticsoupt i ror:Csa
geessior*Pouventiou could sot. now,. be cal
jug*. SPotm*
,BrAry344 !WS,* iisirasaits serving oat
sit sassdie,setitese'Ol - . • _
licrominin annlilirsimist:=Soon after the
great torpeender had =diaehi d one of his .
hesxy Onus in the Ileente, a gienttemtin ;
was' estolliewltn telkeintnan: 44 Yeti,!? said
the leiiiir,l l 2' he :es, *Arnitt - stattimin.l3nt' no
pout in, - The- name individual met Xi.:
Webekr aMs daysittbseqUently, and - iro
proved thelmeeks2 it, elicit - his opinion of
the philoeopher - of Wheatland ; and singaler
ly %mei, he eaid eel& anthanan, "lie is
a pOticiat, statesman?'—Boa. rrnn.
X.TE S . •
A Wat says that a Miss is riois44l44 ln
circumfersoce, "as good u •
In iiiittgeitt - ikstisst,4juk_*4o
busisa orsocorn lisnised with ofillass.and
Dixon's 141kia.
S. PisrinnOsditor oftjk Gaul" ro
sette, heeeappcitnted?ok, Atter' at
that place, vice Mr. Lewis, removed. •
Geo. A. Chase; editor of the North Branch
Dernoenst, has lyeeived.the appointment-of
Pest Water at Timidomnoch.
Spider lites tan - be' imrett, it Is sald,ly
'irettingthe - . plany Ofectestwitti• - with` *at Y,
fiat as it - absorba gir:fele:l up., -
l'hok the times are changing' is fillfy est.
danced by the &ft, ba4 WWI% p -tc,enn
be seen Any day amusing themselves wi th
childish games, such as (Maris hoops about
the,strecno. •
The white of en egg hae proved Of lam. the
Most efficacious remedy for -burne. Berea
'or eight successive applications of this sub
soothe the pain And exclude ,the bum
pi parts trom the air. This simp ly remedy
seems to us tar preferable to onllodion, or
A eorreciondent 'of the New York Timaa
descrites a visit to the plantation of agen
tleman who owns and keeps within the Ter:
ritOry• of Kansas over one . hundred slaves.
The patriarchal eitahlishment of this slave
owner ts, in all respects, a Model one, and the
interesting narrative given exhibits, Squat
ter Sovereignty" !n quite a new
The New . Yerk Tribune, awaking of the
sloe tradepys :"The public so perhaps not
aware tbat.titi amount of capital chaining to
have a bogie in the United Sittes, which is
invested in the trade, is nolo*, than 0,000,-
900, and its profits $10,900,900 annually !"
Foreign wicker grave/v.oli nis that fifty
German Princesses are it snitable age to
be married, and that there j tare only half a
dozen continental Princes nld enongh to eons . -
mit matrimony. In this dfittressing noneon
junction of drcutmrtances,Xeems very prob.
able that three dozen Germast Princesses must
either die old maids or mitiry beneath them'
Sad reflection. Poor . -
It is estimated that Iktsgi t 'r Wood's resist
ance to the new Police w_
,cOst over
$150,000. 1c questket al Mayor Wood
pay the h4l, as ho prOtaieed to do, or must
the Amount come out the isxicete of tax-pay
- M. Godard, wbn mewled in a balloon at
Philadelphia on the 4th; came clown near
Wilmington, loft his assistant, and immedi•
ately ascended" again with oneissenger,
since wbkh nothing leis beta elEthein.
Of course they.raest have pl.' ed. Noth•
ing has Mr - 'wen heard 4 the eronaot who
ascended at Milan, Erie 'county, N. Y.. last
Erar, and was lilt seen passing toward Lake
The editor or the Pulaski Co, )
Democrat, had better hbrry honie and re;
ifere the tyff,who has been wielding the pen
in his absence:, hi a late humber, be announ.
cce, " Owing 0, the absence of the editor,
" One of thelisters alum lay over till be
Bs a_ 'Ro z a dee On U.
Delia," received by a gentleman of this city,
we learn that Col. Titus is about to depart
from New York for li:ansqts. Ile complains
bitterly of the injustice &one him by the Nie r
araguan corntspoudents. atutikclares his in
tention to n uke good Iris reputation for
bravery, if occasion wse in that 'I erritory.
" The Northern Abolition papers," he says,
" will have enough to do to keep track of me."
At one point in the Lake Superior mines
they have worked up into an old Indian' ir
ging, and founds large in* of copper which
had been hammered '
and worked a good deal
by ancient miners. Stone hammers, decay.
timber, charcoal, wero found in abun
dance in the pit Some Tot the 'hammers
were of extraordinary 'rife, weighing . from
- thirty to thirty - five , pounds: The diggmg
of course, sunk . from the suifitee. ' •
A Keen _Young . Lady requireda gold Med
al for a prize poem at a New York Seminary,
Which_turns out to have hien copiCii word
Kir word frimit the AveisPoSerap Both for
1849. This'll; as bad as thefellow 'rho sent
US it beautiful extract from t enoyaon as orig
inal—only be nu*. Nome iiry bad &Item
The • three Repel:dim Candidates were
elected inParis, on the Ofh apd 6th, notwith
*tending all-the efforts fif the 0 111vernmemt-
The following is the tiefinita- molt: Third
Electoral dietrictevaigns; 10, 050. - Thi
baut, 9,753 , ' Fourth Eleetond, Ditariet-01.
11,045 Voip, 10,066; Seventh Elec
toral dieviet--Darevon; 12,078; Laognetior,
The Troy Budget stern& the proposition 1
of the New York Neva and :Albany Atlas
and Argus, to. ostracise judge Denio. for
sustaining the' constitutionality of the Police
act. Its position is that judge D. had, by
this decision; placed himself oUtsicle tho pale
of his party, and .has no longer a claim to
its saffrages. it favors Judge:Brown is a
candidate in opposition to. Silage D.:
• .
An orator in a rural distriet-Of Ohio thus
held forth on;-the Fourth: "The American
Beyk! The American Feat. ; 'gentlesur,
-that proud bird °four liberties, as she stands
.--standing—as she stands—standing." (with
great vigor,) " with ace foot onthe Alleghe
nies and the'ather on the Rocky ; Mountains,
oral stretching her broad wings from dus dt
buitio to the. Pacific., shall--stietehini her
broad wings.—with one foot ion the Bails
Mountains and the oiler on the 'dope hies,
shall:--shaU-nows„.gentlenten and feltow•eit.
en ,i n
theyeknious firedogs tif—•ber Name
1 Ats
The Friend of Chins. of ihelYtti a a. may,
- received by the last Overland' - Mail, nays
Ott the famine prevailing in thst•nountry, es
eerds all that the oldest fliing,men,ever wit
nessed. The ?chefs aievnidling Pl ',the
- espitat of the province et - K f, Kwei-, a treus
'beg. hatiriaillin into *di - , 'lti - the
'province of Kitailgttmx the funitie is so se-
Ivere that eiiri the WerriCe ate iminin g them
selves into bud* of robbers, WO lazed the
"%wird arid gnu ibrth planderlng* order to
obtain_sustenanee. -
, .
B. t• :C•:Sisliii• adr zi taliii awe
twoa"inte m e Ainqicana" 7140,:041.a.)t
„vpte ior-asyliodv but t'iMasysis and Ow*
Hey mother Of tie” 8 ' ' r titan pin*:
11 rAteet:sa 3°2 /1 1 1 . 4 - t .
theAtati tO _
`Paiii.ted toy wkposiitico a. Mate
g il iti - COP* I 4 I / 44 4*/. 4 . 60,01
4000. 1 1* Wee.ll4l,o4Filltdt.t i t• t , -t, - .
- , The 1444101ekehlieleiedeiliPir Ali Reit*
'freelleller,lli e, lenerifetett thei id trist.,4tyilli
41 You will lbe glad to hair that Mr iguniniri
Still- ertntitifies to Improve, ind Vitt tinuigh,
everwhelited nitirinvitatiens trOnt; hintiiiiir
friends, kts• iodides i* theldeniuSicotlen-:
don life with ths genus* linden. On Wed;
tesday - he, dims% lly ineitation, = With the
=Beiiehesn ef-the lanerltiniplitheNrst tithe
such an invitation was . ever .extinchUl - - to' i
changer--.end , *hers he was, of coarse, nom.
gelled to make a short *Peed). Ask was i
, strictly private dinner, no report of whet be I
said am hegiveic • • ~- ' -
, Gov. Walker it seems is proving the
charge made against him ihat he
Kansas as the agent of a giant land S3eitda
itiono, Wee!, land sales took. p on
:rase ithne, ambriteing , about 1 ,000'
ac Ow, fchiriftha .of !attack were taken: by
sqot' tars. Sc.ctl'ons Dot claimed by squat
tenksold.onlin average at about $3,00. - per ,
acre:- The . T;eavenworth correspondent of
the Cincinnati Times in noticing the sales,
says:—" Gov. Walkei and suite have been
present until within the last day or,two, and
it is reported that he, in connection with ex-
Goy. Bigler; of Pennsylvanie, has bought
twenty thousand acres of timber land in that
of the Indians,•subjeet- to the approv
wi of Ole ;authorities at Washington. Gov.
ReedeAtiyeiti will remember, was removed,
osteesildy for speculating - in lands; and we
itall now- see whether wTuvt. wis sauce for
.the goose Is to be sauce' for the gander.".
'rho Pelansylranion says that Col Forney
had the offer of the Consulate at Liverpool,
'with the addition of a present of $lO.OOO in
cash from his friends, and thinks the Col. un- ,
grateful to refill* the offer, and now 'start a
paper in opposition to the old established or
gan.- It seems from the Pennsylvanian, that
Col. or
tried. - to bnv that establishment
again, but failing, intend; to break down and
supplant it. Stand back for a free light
among the harmonious Democracy.
A despatch from Washington sayol;" Got
ismer Walker's foray on Lawrence has had a
marked effect at the South, and the fire-eaters
are loud in his praise."
Rumors of the expedition fitting out by
the Government against the Mormons, have
reached Utah, but excited little attention.
They understand their Democratic brethren
better than to be frightened.
G. F. .A'EtD & IL 11. FRAZIER. EDITapS
Tli rsday, July 30, UM.
Freedom Nstional--Slavery Sectional.
DAVID WILIAM, Of Bradford County
WI WAN. MILLWARD,Of Philadelphia.
• ! TA'MES PEECII, of Fayette County,.
JOSEPII J. LEWIS, of Chester County
(• We are requested to call attention to the Cir
CIO advertisetnent in this week's Republican.
E r It is seldom that we are enabled to publish as
valuable and able an ortginatcommunication 'as that
which appears on our first page this week. If our
readeraihould be u much interested in its perusal
as we have been, they wilt thank us for laving it be
fore theta, notwithstandinz its length.
nr We pyblish this woolt. .--I.4rer-itorti Judge
*Taut< in snorer to certain intemortotorles. After .
a careful perusal of the letter, we are satisfied that it
espressos the Sentiments generally- entertained_ by
the,. Republicans of Susquehanna County, and also
by a Considerable portion of the Democrat, on. the
subjects &cussed. It is as far removed from pro
scription on the one hand, aff.from any inclination to
" court the Catholic Irish" ‘n the other. The letter
is condemned alike by the leaders of the South Amer
icans, or. Ha:aunt party, and of the chain Democ
racy, or Packerites; which is a strong argument in
its firm Let it be generally read. •
.vir We are so often asked - who are our choice
for candidates for County einem, that we think it
proper to siutttbat we do not take sides for any m
the different asPfrants, but are willMg to leave it en
tirely to the Republicans of the County to nominate
whossoever they think best. 'll I's thew right and
duty to Make 'the seleetions and for the proper per
formance of that duty they must attend the delegate
elections in their reSpective ToWnibips, and see that
such delegates are elected as win properly represent
them •
21ke Bogus Democrat says the flirts& of Mr.
Wilmot are opposed to the Catholic Irish. Comment
Is pot needle*.—Rommiale Being
How can we help being opposed to the Catholic
Iriab, when the Catholic Irish are all opposed to ua,
• v ir The alstuu-Democracy of Minnd.sota, in the
true spirit of Border Ruffianism, still keep ep their
bogus Contention, and refuse to act with the Repub.
Roan t4ority - whe . constitute the regularly orgnnized
body. In. deserting the original doctrines' f the' Den..
ecratie party with regard to freedom, the aodern
aban Democracy him also repudiated the primary
Dormocruie principle of submission to the lawfully
*sweated will of thy majority.
rir A dispatch from Washington states that the
President and Cabinet hare ceased to hare any ap
prehensions of bloodshed in Krebsas, and that Genet-.
a! Harney and staff will leave- in! a few days fisorttah.
Trotn i Xanses we learn that Gov: Felker's proc
lematfun and warlike detnonstrtions - Were received
with contempt and ridicule by the citizens of Lai
fence; who, in' organizing under a new charter or their
owa framing, have done no:more than bad prericerdy
been done by - themselro and by other towns in the
Territory. The Tree State men think the outrageous.
and tyrannical course of ¢he aorernor is dictated by a
desire to regain the confidence of the fire . -eaters, and,
i by luuistsing the peoplei to mince the iota on the To
peka Constitution,. which i 9 to be submitted , to the"
1 1 people again on the Ist of August:
Beams yes Doccarseis.—The Fourth of July
trait mkt:anted at Berea, Madison Co., Kentucky, in
s Banner *Web our Northern doughfuem would no
doubt consider highly isnpmper: Between two and
three thonsand people there assembled in tibeautiful
grove; and, the assembly having come to order, a.
prayer was offered by Bev. 4r. tee, and the Declara
tion of Independence was read 'by Dr: Wm. Chase,
al* which_ an eloquentanti-Slavery address, of 2*
hairs long, was delivered by that gallant Southern:
*Mot, Caeslue•M. Clay.. An address was also dent , :
ated by the Rev, Ur. Fee. 'llOl following resolu-
Bona, offered by *r. Clay; were adopted bY the large
tusenuitiage with bet two dissenting voices, although
swam otals,teholders and Others imppmed to. be
Mod); to.K4iety were in attemiance
gtoolvol. By thit free people of this Ccuntocav
wealth of,Kentuekv, that the fate decision in 'the
Drellkott otse; by. the majority of the Judge. of the
Viipiettie art °Me flaked States, is a gram warp.
atlas of 'enter, ember/ toad letterand spirit of the
Utifted.Statte Coseatation and the preeeleateof oar
Whore, . and a direct attempt to overthrow the Libor.—
** and rights of the people, - tad concenteeke nll
rntt=t e bout& of the Skre 011ortulty. ;• • •
?bat the declaim that a billet his tie
*het white a white Mira is board to romeet i hr Otce
4k. 109eitiV-Iritli agollarYi
NoldirMostitelte,aBdave Territoty. and ShiriState
.lueippiudikte to the - combined 'people Of IR the 13n:
kat, Add no more then rekg eewilaveholdee
beetto.vightewidelt ealivebot It boned tO 1111111Kti
• - 1111100.4 That the priacipies 0f1776 are agahr is
cujy, nod :whether attacked by foreign:or borne
• e oastitionaY
rat sey:thenorthetn' deught/leorto each, eerie ;
.I*fo)leifng were the volunteer Until
*flouters of toutticky—Xay tbeheriftes--tie . s-;
et - used for' trffies—flever be used to suppress the
tore ofileman Freedom ' •
The Orator of the Day- =• Cliadits Clay; the
Mend of Man. Dime is dear t& the heart of ey•
ery hie lime of Lawny..
Jobe O. I're—Tbe Oarless man ofOod—the man
who " believes iu.Sk CbthtMnity which means soma-
NO'elitaiet received from Greeley &
Aka" . shoe Bak*" New 'Yorks cops' of * piny et
f of tali pages published by theZn, itThe Oi s e
reneged &sit, In the United States Skipreme;
01Srufekplgel*Justice Tat* ari4Juiilles
tut* an Witti . l of the Opinion* ,of *god e
Judges," Ste. It Is Old by the publiiheriakill+ts
a copy; $f %axe' copies ; $2 per dozen ; (sls .o 'per;
hundred. It should be generally read, and'erlfl ho
valuable for reference. " •
To Pnenvars Arrurs.—We call the -attention o' er `
the FsuMers of this County, to the following column-
Mention sent \ tr remits-meeting of the-Phihnielphh,
Horticultural Society, exhibiting* very, earj and
nomical manner pc - coercing apples - foi
months, in a sounVate.
lrOur 'Farmers would but graft thati-trews;'ltitli .
choice varieties of winter apples, theitigh: prices
which they command in our large Cities, daring the
Winter, would amply remunerate thermtor the out
lay—and there cam be no reason why our-section of
this State to not as well adapted to &sing choice ./tp•
plea, or Pears, as the climate of Newtnglankflein
whence they are now profitably eaported toMnglind.
The following mode ofpreserringokppletefiont de
say was, by request, communicated:to the Semietthy
Mr. E; M. Davis, who, at a former 4tectiOg, gulut4.
ed perfeatly sound apples which have beer; kept,so
for two seasons. Many dour readers will doubtless
runt it valuable. . '
• "The apples which were exhibited / at your meet
ing, were kept in closets in **cold .!deck Cellar, free
from moisture. • •
The closets are made of ordinary ltsabcr, With ti c lkt
fitting doom. The' shelves are made to slide .tat
they ma, ho removed at plelmum ; latticed, Ofifford
free cirt:ulntion of air, and only far-enough. apart for
a: single layer of apples on each. About half a peck
of unalacked lime Ras-placed in an open pan on the
floor of each closet. • • '
- The apples were hand-picked and without more
than ordinary care, were taken to the cellar and pat
upon the Act* one bushel fdling.three of dim--
They were frequently' extuuined,.and such es showed
signs of decay, removed. ' - • •
The Winter . Pairmain and•the . Roman Stem re
tained their flavor till the middle of March. The C
ider apple wars much better than in December, but
before April became mealy. The variety known here
as the Regular, but which I think is the Redling, still
retains its qiialities, and I have no doubt, can be : kept .
August. - These, with a few Ressets r --Redstreaks
or Vandervers, arc the only kinds upon whiCh raie
tried this exueriment.• . •
The five stiOsets, holding in all fifty bushels,' coat
fourteen dollars. . • . E. M. Davis."
The meeting adjourned after the reading:of the
prizes awarded, which • owing to the lateness of the
hour, we are unable to print in a satisfaetori wan
Letter froin Kansas.
The following letter, though dated some Aire since,
he.fore / the recent difficulties in tho .Territory corn
menced, read with interest: , •
• LAW - to:Nor, K. T. June 25,1857:.i. -
Ditaft the Bth* inst. bas just ;
come to hand. About the state
, of affairs here, I have
not much to sty now. Our cause brightens The
great object of the Administration now is to make
Kansas. ao Democratic ?State. They well knew that
it is impOssible to make it a Slave State, without in
rolling the Union in a civil war.' Now "National
Democracy" is all the 'cry—" come back into, the
Democratic ranks, Mad Kansas shall he a free State."
?rain fools! What! after . we have stormed the lard
battlement, and crushed Uus enernybeneatb our feet,'
then st&render to them! None but traitors would*?
it, We are and will continue free from .Dlack. De
mocranv---. X•edboder they , would like.aome ogre to
bear the burden of their Mack and damning crimes.
You all know, in Pennsylvania, I suppose, how well
old Buck is keeping his promises of making_ Kansas
a fit - State. In the fast place, he appointed. Date.
Captain Emory, a murderer, and a villain of the dark
est dye, to an important office of trust. In fact, all
the offices are filled. With men that led on the inva
sions of last Santrirle. • -
,The Free State Legislature met, and passed some
laws, and adjourned. Gov: Walker did not deemt it
proper to disperse them with the troops. Yesterday
the election of delegates to the Constitutional Con
vention came off, and a grand fizzle it was. Law
rence did not poll a vote., And only stew over
in the whole district, 'where there are nearly sow 1
voters. -the Judgesi of election did not nudietheir
appearance at all in Lawrence; and in seer' piacifs,
they had butane Judge; when' :there shiudd bate
. j
been tiro. It *sidle bed move the Free Stab! Pir.:l
ty ever made, to keep Out of that 'lt noir.
shows to the world what ii - mbienthlst
been ruling billet...Ras:l: Il.epeat; *Seel:invention
one of the greatest fizzles of the age.2Now, if the , .
Governor will lay aside this eketion, ;and hone 'his
proelarnation for another,, of alt the actual retddenti
then you will see the yree State 'oieit rise in their
strength, and the Topeka Constleitkin will again
walk into the halls of Congress, and Kansaii will de-:
nand admittance as a Free , State of the Federal
Most truly Yours,
N. V;
To the Freemen of Stuninelumne Cotnty.
Firi.r.ow Cremes: As the ;vied is approaching
when among theofficers, to be chosen - fee the' put&
service,* seleeti'm must again Domed* for the station
/ - now fill, I take the occasion to suinonnee, as / belly
frequently promised to do who interrogated tittok
she snbjete, that I shall again be a candidate for your
suffrages for the office of Register and Recorder; if
on a future consultation of Ow popithir
appear to meet your approval. -
Duly grateful for the mirk of your generoureordi
dence in responding to my humble offer thus to serve
you three 'yr•ars ago, by ea surprising a majority'',
when t judging from all previous political results,There
seemed scarce a 'bedew of a chance, of' seems,
my first venturing upon the. experiment I hate tried ,1
to deserve that confidence by an industrious persontd
attention to the duties involved, in which 'I trust 4 •
have redeemed my pledge to "record all yew pod`
deeds," in an acceptable manner, thuttfar ; and know
ing by exper!ence how much better qualified anyone .
is, niter serving eve term, for serving agein, (as any I
one,acqUalnted with the duties of the office - will tea- '
ttfy,) I deem it no imProptiety thria-to . offer
Is there anything wrong or unbeecaniii . g in my • do•
ins so? Is it out of place fin' a School Teacher.' who
by becoming, familial. with the - disPositione anti, ca
pacities of vour children dicing One term, fins: im
proved his libiEtj- to teach theta profitably for anoth
er, to offer his services agate By sodding heirless
no door against the right of any one ebb , to seek
your employment. Neither do 'I. Every one who•
aspires tathe station has aui equal right' Ws - oqt'
your favor; nor will I attempt to win righ t
ging the merits of others who may be propmed.
Agate Suppose any eateasivelieeeantiltrot
efacturieg Company te.htive euipDayesi, e. ; ! GOA or
Book-keeper fiir a termone, two, or , Welt Taro,
till he bad PO ef,
got wltasted rietiffea-•
tione - of their bushiesrp" „TawWit l i 22— thet i l 6 bibt„ .
*ad Papertioind ever reedy atilditimertee etr.itp!
the document a: and 'lmport any 'desire' d inibreation,
to any stechhoiltler, !rho-roiAts comer /003
was ip other respects , listed Teethe staoon;
gave general satisfacdan, Iroild'theielpesitY
prlety hi Ms offering tercolitienwton
tette? Would it be deposal rem:kite; cir ewes ;Watt
poky to dismiss him-and employ o Vor howl**
Bathe ewer/Avow t h r" . Y e in t, "It * w , ciiii t ° "
SceneJsitiginary mat term 'pritteiplea ' ntdd afro
any why promote the Interest of . thetrin fa iitelfel4
ettailge ton* OA' 'the'
&m in . ihe old Rookskeepeitrwholiadlonget *Met
,lose ilk hods toorelY,*.liot..- 40 1 0 tilwii9;
ever! Cana Pam seine tithe? or snore re t refArk, 9l,
the countys *lei Would leive'to iml4oll*4
pentsrafpellfrig ,n 0 Marteg; anCbifyliikitr
renting a pima to livir-41telseofAirhigreer tie, its=
doom Oa d &ray./ --:
would looko: ado:fm ,***, 0861 4. i a ,4 1 "4Y*
ew the germs, twason',of : Art
- MADAN deffbaration. the 'selection
that ORiely',lnieri - thiniginiel the itiehif tX
4tosetotto deadbeat* diamond biyeetimeall tellsPBS ,
iiviesdas War; preemechgoadtApApecto
they oloY.!ioeso ,R 2 P O S - tbakliii , one or4T o MtVfg,
resexpi.-lira: to correct sonic erronecais irePtestiOw.
which I Sin Wombs! hivegeisehrOltainikenst tllfi
• ters. One UAWlents • eitie reak,'Serbe
prhiefple:tandeivold wog latireibrir Mil Orig.' To
8)101/ thItARIMO Of.taell all Welloolafta l iaata; 0(1 0
IleepBMBl , lo recur_ to tbeXtot theintyweadruitiqn wee
`en tetpendint ode. mans bymyselClVlSilclithete
waste 'sort ofprombes i or 'pledge, either. eipiesled au
intplied, to serve but' one tem: On the etintrui I
distinctly recognised*, Progrietrotto-01,004 6 A'
Goa offices, by intitaating the eonditionitt iwy first
=cement, that it was to be on the contingency
done should ho mode;- that le, If tho people
Amid not avail then:Wee" of the tosperienev of
pr lleeetsor, as they. had done 'innerly is the cm;
1 , • and others. Neither Was any such !apt
, • er . *lade to , toe by .others f nor did. I ev er
h ' him of any such understa9ding in arty,
ea ve
tiff ly. It does not seem that our legisla
tor) c , :isiieniplated any such " principle," in re.. -
to .4111 (dikes, when in the law , they
CoCo m ti '"4-4*ed t , o ft oli c., e w te ho rm are n c eh har cu ge ffice d w 9 i as th n th e e rtffi mi:
1 'on -disbursement of large stunk of ywn;
• left the peciple free to avail themselves at'
the experience of thater6mpimd main], withltimpit%
the pUblic records, 'without any such rustriedon., A e ,
cordingly, in most counties all over the :Rate, PrO•
, ' onotarielt, Registers and Reeorders,, shave bean
'elected without stint, whenever by personal awn.
cation to their liiminens thus' became competent, and
• gave general satisfaction to . the people. - .Ewen here,
Democratic,parti all a few yells ago, when thrinigh
Ah 9lnft,e o PY el e INic9itinet*,7l lb° niunbek 0
tolnphUtcirs•T/ir of Tatord;and - the orgeno'ordek
respective friends,it wets sprung - u pon _ the mii to mike
itifiefflefrettAßVlAill • itilltdoiltipie. -
cedent this/eve(' urns-that yertyOktthe strife of
its I :artisans Oftfitl 1# ifitas anrielenatt.2l the masses)
is in any way titillng upon the itiesent Repel:lima
party: Much less men It• be. spotn - SW - whoever* op
for office,tibtfrely ifidelf*Aditothrliffelioutt, party..
linkages, upon my own efforts. erected by myself., .
without any Audi-plan t alli's itt',:t , f ':•,: .! •
Another'uefoundad mtbereehich.L:atedd c O ireet,
is that I have-avowed ettletetrignadmmtev-beilt candi
date whet/Her nominated-by a; Comeetakereor i not: To
such as might be prajuditiedrby itattiGhtitift th a t i
have never..givetuntyholyanyladbetitY:foi So ra. ' •
• porting me. To ;di who hsve:appronehed me 'Open
the sabject Since I herit•beitt:itfthetifffee - tind who
have' hinted ritite'epina Me here ea ttiej.d.l.the 1 "..
im f
Mr. Finch;(wlet after - 141N( 4,4hist4rni4foraltp I t
-1 meat, was•tcted rot:threat nere /4: teestalve fit r ei by •
the Peelift!): _tfetv.'eie:PlCleftlgiffitkrOtons .
-Though opposed to eithet4stictilAbilleerck life f or -
unconditional restriction to beat - tenne.e.sho4di I have
reason to .belieterbad-fillt.'d the tffice tteeX l .ptably; I
I should 'wrier doing-the same thing-I did -three years `
1 ago--44 frankly lilMOUttekt tuyaelfew - candiditte fel' 11.
1 eleetton; (suldect to finch. ledithitione of..thei Popular • .
will as might be developed): and:leave:the people to
I take such action upon it, in their Convention or ode
erwise as AO -7lnighe-thinfe.fprotte4P„itcpeat that
this open, straight,' ferwaid.coutse is,orie that I my-.
self,gretitlYlpte/47- • .:Ithas lottgheencegartiol Wm*
as far, more hotmenhke.„ the:t r ot sly,. ,esespiag,. wis h &
the-bush mode , of seeking uffiec.--1-ttiver peesested
any tact or skill at ;,'•pactitts" Con. eotione w i t h D e l. 1 .
egates to secure any,resolt (61 whichwe used Wheat )
, something in" older parties,) nor hovel time to
• from my duties,,here, • to. go ,about ',the county _on
such erraeds, eve: hail I the , dispoeitilonv er omelet
I requisite,welch I trust, itis not. •All I'llayeteesay
! therefore, Imust sty intbb public manner. flotaltich
I I hope the length of this Manifesto will be examed.) .
I Henceforth I' submit the Matter to you; felkee ati-
tens: „Arai si
to - those who pa 'cipate in choosiag del-
,egates to nominating Convet 'clas-/ would:v*lA It is • '
I .9r..YfflktansPP , i9-4. 014 . 4 -.4- f f nxPrc•-4ifilftinltTfOn -
I your preferences, without anitlietation - from me, or
undue influeuces fromany Auorter. I '
-It.khe -delegates ,
so chosen shad bilietrittr.yioinik" ittithi td be most*.
ceptable to the people they scvendly represent,h
will be for them, to act accerdingli.„ And I here do- •
dare that Idesire - na 'delegate to . vote
,for me if the
revortioU,the:ease..,:Atipjothtileffialitifiksithhe lona
' here indicated would render, the delegate system a
mere mockerti, sithiCh'inust Week:ably:be, repudiated,
'ita it ban heen:bef o 4; whelxiatfiest :became , ettflhAt
by long . ix.dolgeuce in power. , :lot tumid I knoley
any.suppi4ed advantage from the, fact . that the party .
in which I 146"de:4-vo'llas: become tbe".in4entilti
this bounty. In other weeder; if have Mit teethed*
reklection by- a faithful persetaal attention taw dm
ties, j,riiiiuot ask it on any, .4 1 er 8 .09 1 i4 0 0. Omaltai' •
however Solent tluttinlieetletiftaY be. ' I , ~
lii couclusionf will sayrthat my ." position urid is ,
way to ohstiiiet Mt free fiction of a CotivtgotionS;ll ...i
though isalpfenybitt: itt a little elder than Alai pelmet - 4
"Iteriblie4PAirPaiiliti°l3 in; thji enunitTel enktdats
to pay, all due deference to the, wishes ottey.friends •
and follow-eitizen.,s id' whatever way they may &hose
to Make theta Oddest , ' I design_ neither to difyiioi •
to premeatrell- pleelget•nityselfto 'itstratie4tion'7 aVial6
ardssion-to the' action - deny acennention beforehand.
But if such a EaklyAiinstiluted holy. of :delegates,
manifestly 'sheeting the pepuJat:nfilf;sh tenke.ate
other selection - forAii duce, the 're will then lielamp- •
le time for toe to retire from the field. ,-' '" ' . ,•
• I _ Very topectlidly, yea - obedient-Servant; ,' ' '
I •• . _ 7 W 4)4II , !;B3IAMMAN. : .
P. S. I would moat respectfully ,invite. anv.ef my ..
friend:l.llo fellow-citizens frtaitall part:s..of th'e cove.'
tv Who may come in town, (as I eannotleave my post
'of du ty .
to go and•see them,)' to call on me andadvise ,
me of- their. .views, whether for or against the canes
I tinerr 6l Pet?lre?A: atreeioun-erinte' of ,riding In
Montrose. is 'one "I can neither uudertake to„palliate
or deny,' since, Frovidenee has . east lily lot here for
the present. Rut I desire tii . -do thc;„next liesit - tithe.
1 tan to living among friends In remote parsa,--ece4-,,
snit limit frisneein tithe matter, whieltlvermid fulliur .
much as Idc.tthe•dictum Of- those hettntknufN ' 4 *
assume to sta who_ shall and WO sliall;no4 be „candi
dates for the seVeri . offcest: ' '
.- ' • ' 91 ' 7. ViP:Ve "
Quarterll, anal3usk
'meeting of the ziea Ate tli r ddist. tplicopal
efitireit7i.M tie tin the articiai ,
ilitriodktithet3thi 2etliatal.7th
- -Cam.-.llAaot•ce9),
- .
• - - s'Sronit-Dpitsirr; • -' •-
. Mcmtrose, Jujy15,),...1§67. •
*env/46 Notlie.-- 2 1isr Mine iferinhision,
there Will.bewligiouriar.rwiet In- the Grfiwerin For
kakevoeaf.tholi."o.Ckoncli; 00. Saturday :and
Sabbath, the Ist and 2d days of Auguis.., , ,rreachinF
at two o'clock, P.--11.1,oulitturdv i - bylievAasoutus
Lassos, and also,Sabbath Morin. at , 11 o'clock. ,
'lttitajgb and Veadv istiiiie, cam&
pany,llo.l; atteudingke ComPanYAr
/0 1 " P herebruodfied !olueetl!tkiheir Akilmo
in'ePaied,ter exerciv;..k.SaturdaYl Auk: ;Of , 1
' „Period*
' itlfintsisnir giegrkitst. -
"Montrose rire.Eziginc.,COmp,7.,
No.- attend.—pr . isitiOC
h6rebry•nottfiedt tit; iti€4'at their' Engine 'Homo, on
Saturday, 'Aug. kot, at 7 o'clortcP..:ll.4 foz.r
S- • . -
- -lit Weiittiitiges:iter';` ! TilfiffilOtillivirghe'r N:
ViYeet;'itr: Rividie - NtelibiA iref-Nitigiireir
itiita.;,bosb of liichalsoni,Wymeilg'Co4fe. , f,-.0 , , -
in Iloittivee,34. 3 2tlttilloillie isniiiS , If i , :!AiNre.
few: Joeigittos, of Bielguuntekt, ,and -Miss 4 4ditora
:'l4l - Liberty,4eitilte:lllthiliet:4 WR4r.l7.tßlettard
reeilain Jeetw4JrOe cameien.4.ldisel'entE,/tioWee
a",ll4l,°t./.04,-erWtf • ~7.! 1.6 - i., 'T . :: - L.l .. -4- - • -
' - ' " , , •
; :VJELEI I .077.2gi1t-.., te , 'tureisti:4:o4wieeiers ath'
1 that brilliant and durable style 41 Pitlitilialisru'
ei the ateki!ellqPQor km Pigiurc , ~- q
. • Mani:ales' int& lipir". thq`rattie 'lNef4b44,rpo
t i latcti'pbsiiii'vettilenhtikcisi:•Vet• ticiiol - 4 'at+ *
on , giase, 4 oA6 ItlArrtholiglii that ttii 9 sauce li r
-- ,, if,),o,4;dotamti-aappiiturea' , .thdiciti , beviii,
easinceistied , daring the month &Alibi - Lief* V gee
" 4 iti l kiOtt , 4 lolo V - t1.1 141 4.,**9304.141 41 41P
lbw itYffie PelorMIIA ,gp..44. ~, ,,i.,
r.0....1: .em:r. ,
lirrißrtCixes,TOForspeekri 4e mJell
~..., ~- ..,...„ -w..-iV DE L s haft:p oe t; .1
' 41911011111 4 4 4e- I ,l B ai'i ,'':`• i:..Pf . ."-.
J--, :.'I4, 9I I4T,ER's - NPO,PE , .
IP/Pwa4P ,, ,.....„.r., , , , ...
.... , cott4cente4 IA thel 10119100 g, f4e W 4; -
t - itatate 'llt JOHN' Atre4V3l the kt driqa
INfaiiikthirp, r ike% ttelk4 W.' riPijkSexttgitee:
r•lfitfalf AMll744l4%\tHro4leir diSlirigsf ,
4 1iik fortmiipvikelittealotiwt 4404 , #011400t0r ,
4 4 4 ,
4: l = 2 ttlinf
4 4.4 )17 A l Ve-tf- I f el°
toC,AI "Va Acker.
',UV` 4.l l WgbiflitTNlV Z, f r ai of .41i.
" 4 4 11 4 1 P, k4 4014 Areititlain ii.I4II,, , AAPi.
- , .illtatiiiribsere,7 4 1(Akt4 1 1 41tet" Gsatevii•
4 r u ellk.: 4 oß* 4o4 l Sltaiiiihr *IT 4 4 Z.
t 727 7- 1-1 4a ,4 .: , t-zi 1 - - , 1 --,-,-, .h,,J :,q.nctz :4 r. '
41 a dfasv. n aRa for the eta 4 , ft ilf Sas.
lint ff ` Aweitit fa4riftWateltinfata the
er_ll4 . lses
of. the Orphans' *fart of=haitifeAlthatti,' eh
dittilltutitirfrattatAltatlhle Ifflor.atext.ltraXasfanua•
litntook aosrmom A Li; Ut 4 43#4;Ateg 6 W.
, Afg*Rl Rilice , I ,l°`t 3 / 4 ,11 131 Y •)2a,,0.,s
- _
4 irts*
Rs;. FAL/Mk D4/I Ri.l dtior . Rflit•
I wow, trr am/work:4r. atilickttcesscafttleek. th"
-4effiroas u patt bc ayiptoi# sittrtilied4V, and-Mqs
.00.TkninOko iipiknes : 50fis•g 54the •
wo *fit of , Itti?palfrietA Mkenzit , ..
'Aitooki" J. 111.14; 1851.41. ' • •
and 'conn.rt,
inet in. BENTI.EY •
Nontrose,'July '