Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, December 11, 1856, Image 3

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. ; . .
' MA' ut - .
i'PREID.I3IITI3VCITATIAN.S . R AGE. ; --,.• 0, - ILE-. ATI-MI:lb V( 1- r.E.--;:ii. work recently.! Notice. — The i Rev. (•
'l 7 ashiVort cOrrespondetits of the. Baltimore ! pithlished in . GL•srmatiy bvl•Fratiz.Lce * her, a 1--Q"' it ' l 'k.' ket , l "gi ,ta t,, ll° 1
•• f MSC', 011 zat:l:*uAV auo ;sant
following gossip :43ertidta Catholic, on the Ilistory„aml, Condi , I Tim public, are iiivifed to a
.i'atriet-'etanrivlllicates the:
r e s pgeting the President elect. We gi,Ne very Goa of the Germans 411 Atneriei; emitaias . the --: • ; Z..1..:.___..„..
little the rumor .of Mr. Buditin- I : following - prmsmant pztraaranh; us quoted hV 1 • ~.. air '
.%• -r. ' ere m-i- ;
„ l ei prospective marriage . with . Mrs. , POlk, 1 the .41getneirie Zeitang, :- : -'. -- - I benefit nf +hes liev.ltosmos
though, so far as he is conger. d, the alliance ! , "The CatholicS have, in the
. I.lnited States' agc,lnitrooklvo Centre .-
mould be equally :auspicious to his tioniestie i•as wcll as: in Cdnada, wOrld-ronoWned and I neaple tO. attend in 'the a'fb
happiness and.-his.politicalifame. .It is well ; ,a e oOmplisllctd pt•iests; nrd teachers, who are . s , 1 2 !) .. t e ll n e . ev r. ening. .A -:eneral
1 .
• understood that-the-late - PreSident.Pefli, who . ; supe.rioy in mind !told intellect to their l'rot- 1 -1 ` - I- - - : 11
Was on indefatigable writ e t. l e ft, a•dia r ly o f his ; estatit breihren.. ' This vexesthe 'preachers Of ' - - ' ' -
j Vriloable Diseor
a Oministratiott i containingrsQme very querul- '4 the old English 'eCt., and they - atv beside 1 has howa ;narked WWI a . grt
acs observations on . tae conduct of Mr.' .1311.1 themselves with . anger. - - The warehouse (lie 1 diseoyeies•• than. in! all .tie
chew), them his Secretary of State. This 1 their own theology offers. them onIV a ilm• 1 - Chris t i an era. . A "t i ftlg . titEl
.. ro j igion is cold, , inteilig „ ; ,, , I m . ll selettec, is the tli i ieever:- .
'record it was the.ambition of hi- lif e to ha ve ! weapons.
' ‘-"` 1 lor, of process! by la
. ~ ,
_, ~ ~ death: I . i
r imblisnea atter his On tnis, he desir-it and . yet not rations! enough.; they: : therefore, I gi .,,,4„,i w ild in the! mount ,
ed the.repUtatiotiof himso,lf. and:the ;adminis- i libel :old persecute the Catholic bhstreh, and 1 vertedinto an excellent IT
ittrtieious I medicalOp:eta. 'Thil deligh
tration.,.to rest, andno_douhi, ha left.instrue- I represent its priests as - the . most'
eftic, the cure iof tier
tiers for.its publication: 111.'is. Polleii Mar- 1 fmasts of prey. only to be devourctl.With skin]
. .. • , , i dyspepsia, complaints Of til l
riag,e to Air: Buchanan therefore, jii . - siteh
. a 1 and bones. . l'his is exactly the thinz most,' • 1 -• . t i d 1 ' ..
am, n en use n conneco
- case, might involye . a elinfliet of duties. •.;• As J agreeable:to
.the(.',atilulie managers. •.They to st 'Pills, rheinnation, apt
the Ntiiqow of M s r.•Polk,. she inus feelc 'Wand 1 have plenty of ' . liiaile . y , , which is everything I scrofulous - disorchlrs,l. are..
to'publish, as the wife. of Mr. , Pmelathan; 'to iin America ; ;ill hotoeh half 0t- it comes from
. t-i cured fib them. Dr.lltakze:'
• i
1 - • • thee colin'in
suppress, these damaging, revelatii - ins. Alto- Lampe; ~ Their prie'sthood is. - well regulat , d 1 s e `;'," ' n „Inn net. 3 I s . ... ii i
oitt.o.t. ee. , -..„
(Tether, the iitte‘ition is a conipticated One ; and 1 and drilled, and the . maltitircle.of ri'4eir helzer-'1- ' '
damands the next Presidekt's: most. delil-4.r. I ;717 fllift/ their Corniqut 'ids likfroite ozfio:„... • The
1 ~
Ateft - insiclatition.': ;Sixsty-livetears of prep. ,! •Ca tly - di.7 Itigirips have alrcail:Note.iwt Avryll -
oration ought :lot to - reSult♦ lii a'rnisstep. : I
.iii the; free SlC2 , es."t;r: or * cotes? polltical power. ! ; .
. '.But heres is the Baltimore Patriot's story : I They (lea Presitko ts and Govert , Ors; and a r e kr —7.7- - ..- : 1- • -
in ifpfi:ll. :50r, 2•4111, kit e,
"The gossip concerning Mr.' Buchanan's al- I ritti4ly ( . .!ll'eaos De;iiort a tic. though . they kiwi(' i
,17,t l ee with the widow of ,h
,deceas*ed Presi- t Wheri to 'chi, r;ge therir politic's.” - ,:s. , ' . . 1, 3 1 ,, r u ; 31i 4 ::V . , 1 , 1 , *: , A , L T i m i ' l .: T V;„. c' t. i. „ ( :
• i .
( lent, the 'accomplished Mrs.. Polk, grOws i The late Pus-id- . .ntiil electior'i, if proof 7.c . 0v YI- .
-: ~• . not . t. or s. / •
strenr , er and stronger ~and nettrillv beetin -to i a', • 1 *t r flub -. .c - •••••1• • ,
- ~, - . ~ :-,---, , .- , 0 , 11 0. 0 8 , : , :•••ei ion, 'n n "ii eas a con- I
In .S ninfnerseille,oi the I
partake of prObahility , .. In lady circles it.was i, firma:on of the gl•owitm, .he lief in it.l . i 1tec...:0, 3lr. File mi 7; . - 1.
;hinted that his equally .acoMtplistied .niece is i ~ ..: --• .. .. - ------:.— .I, - ' I Hiss PaLI.EN E. Sul-I.:: oft
. 1• s
• . - . 1 i ,rmocit 1,-.1 - vsin k vv.; k 5 —ll , e L(III 7 N - Vj le •
opposed to the. Union, and i war fs to preside i .. ' -' ' ^- • '' " • .•' '. *'' •}- pi! IniDinmelc, Nov. 14,0, i)
1 Jommal. of the ;?„-1t . 4 ult., says':
over the White 110 use lier Self and 'do all the
! • - O l ioik:Kr: j. CATE , a am Miszs .
o A proniineiit and highly Nspectahli . . iiiti- 1 of Dimock.
honors thereof: She, acted in \ that Ca pitcit v' -
of Louisville,: V. 0. was nerst• !either a i
for him wh'.lst. in London, rind of tOursti thinks i 7-t ' u • v i l - a - Montroc. Dec. of' - h, ti.
. s h,, i, r i,,i,t .. If , t i lt , i\' Ii or a Know . .;o:lsing, was in;., Or not fir • -cc
herself equal to it here';, .. - iti.TANT STANTON., foaiati . .-
alliace, dues take place, it Will he the first in- . 1. :r`..." . E. v """vint' a few. ii it aflyr .01, .late I mit;:and 3f155.141.111A 1. Vi il
'stance in American history of . :1 - ,. p resident ! Presidential ek•etion. Ito titere..:,hail a con- i re . ..... 4 .6-4 , .....- , ,--.... - -r , ...7....r...'
elect marrviiitz."—.N. r' . ....7re. 'P‘st. _ .! Yer"t'qn with ' 1 I'do .l . l )* iiiiel•s!, , rts,-.Tapd Lam- , ,_ - q • i
f-lilll 11 :141 1 11.1)0111 , Wr;it; Wil 4 t l' • :1 - -41111 - Ctr 1,1! • .-... •- ,
~ . . :/.... eq.;
the elect I.,egjslature; of that gtate- and law i • -
1 - =;;:- .- - : ---- -.- • -1:- .:
partner of otte of , !l i e .D..nlocr:ttie filetisher 't,! T r' t•r 1. t." - '4- Tt
, el 1,;111:o.ONV:,1.1, -,.,: ....A.,
I Pt:Collgre,s. - In' :hat pe,t-ver.:Ctly'‘_ Lott- f•Illi sou oil:rand 3 ilk:131:1:i
jsville gentletnatl pi - ess - ed home thei matter cif ; M.iotrOv. • ", -I .
the ,liansas ddlietilties,- and as!ii-cl, ;Ilt....('ltizo-ti 1 i-lorioviimaxm-3.0r...-4,.=?-
of IniThitia hots the. I)etnoc„ratif: ildtly eon 10 • 7 r ,/
.i . it . i . ."),, i :o ,
thein. The Italiana tarina:xst.t..i his ',- . 11 I.Vol . UVULA.
viows, elosiniz with these emishaticidientati. , : --•---------:-.--= - ' - - - 1 -: --
"One thin,.; is settli , d. Kan:as iii *4 .' :,-1 - ne . . -.l„,im i l - E,,,, i - i ll al, - 1;
‘,, ~ 4...
HI ; 1. a ;r ec. State. 11)t-aors not.llo 1)onlo- i ... 7 • 0111.7 . F. itzll(.lelr; -livon
era tic i‘zlrTy `t •v to : :11 , ---- 1 .1 evi:ry - wl1; - J, , in Ili , [IA nce.s(l.-;,:tgailly , ttl;ll
...\ -: !irtii.' . NN l ' trbe',Nortiviill ::••-i•tii,n , pi il k , 1 chie..a-ed, late or • ifrimop, ..1
air ~- have srteels..idi mai ter , :i gz - ,sai 41v fsr i th j'" t. he l ul.(-‘ile !i 1, ) tr 17 5
.i alt: s: o i
0. ,
, i i.
r i r ..
~ .1 , ...
B , crielli
v,:it t., .,,i .n 4 ..z .: wi1 ,.. i x •nt,.“l•:tl all - pe:-Fop: is de lft ,
"" "1,""' " `"•v, -- .4 " : i11•c.5.....d to 1••••'t! inaneyl;lll..
4.7T,'. DiAnocra , ..y.l - :lll...tlicre • are - 11:ili;.1 ,-, '.\ -- t - 1-;v; t, • • .. i ..N1C...1, 111
:--tan(l, and Hie. !i'llsi:TiN of '' iii:o iiie i . . UEtt t:-.1:,
17„:„..,,, ~, a ~ , ,i ve S't• a t e, i s , )14 ,. „( ti .:C ,, , ,. - ..._ i : D1.140d:,.Dec.. 10, .t.,6.
U1:(511e.,.ti0n.,1.-I‘,- tins gentletylan ciiiittei:tt:-‘1- a •
.% l• - ,;'; 0.
great i1: - ,.,..heat 17.1!ii:. if i‘•ll):stis 1,, , brolryht i - -1., - o nt- T - • -,- i
. , ~, .. a .1,...' i50:',...... , '." 1, 4 1Vi.:11
. .„ . •
ill :','t a, ' 'any S.'./ 1 . , '..• Ule I ?chl ( i‘_ - 1 . :: . 1•' , :lrtt- ;1% AcG of 3 , ..:. , :ni;4.1:• • rp,51 ., , mr • ;;I. go to tii, : : liorrid ploee nit . iltionti -, i 1 Il•tive Lied •i: , •1•• 1'.•111•:•.: 1 ,
1,'. , liinl, and, it ItaliailS he isrinto - F.l in • : , .sfa i ( : !.-(2n 'wt`-'r S' - :' - ' l ' l '" . or - •ihe *P.
free State, the Dentoeratie rit't - v S.:1( - ,oth w in ' ''. 'i ' ' '' . " -lia ."', f ! ir ... t , i . t. ' l- ''" i ' s t'
_ I ( oat:4y, It.ww,...ti ire Q . -:: o.i 'Lb
nOt. stop short cif Allt,. same hot - ;lest ioatdon.' • • 5.‘,.... 3 A 01ks 1657 - : ; 1
I - ' " ' ' ' •
TX% r•lrk . LW
" -- . - -' 7. Me lia:Eliord T;;ne , .,cletnocrat in- 1 r • i, • ,e---- 1 •
. -,,..,...:-...i.,,,,,,
Ssls` 11_1 , 011 Ist , .; VII 1:: ii, I . 2:o.iteral „or speclal ..$.,.t of' i . 'Etijah 1,. A•1i0n5,...1.;..
.Vz-5'..1::;0.v. , 10 preveist• Jorltle Viiimot 1 . ;•.,ri ; D:.'c'.. l o, 1 !•?:511. •st :, .illir.VF .
'i, - -
your,.roit,g Ail , i:s , tt7 in pOlitlie.z. No Wziwl,.r I . A Efas7S-Ml4rkNE
-1 ha. ,1 , , `1 , .;‘,1-:c....; 11:11 o the .1t:1p... A chan-re .4 at i• A E,-,,i),. / poxt. p l ii F. i l
.::, H.. , flislr*Q•t in •. - ,sscd in ivr.iii.;'.it I A 'TALL ttl* . r:lr: Swiss il.i.s . :oi
•. ' ‘', i . .....%0•i,.=.•;" l ac • - ' 1 I
7k.fiNNOtti.."•lt. Was Siar TeCell tl . y,t hat a I
-census 91 4 this extratirdina :y territory Inadei
the populatifin 1;0,000. 13uuli was
formation found in_ the,Weteri; papers.' lint
a St. Paul, paper now.estitn f ates it at 200,00.0.
•At.this rate of increase th t e e(.n`Stts of 1S1307;
will!:'Show Minnesota will} -a population of.i
half*-'inillion. of souls. These free terri:o'N
ies find States of the West Teem Jestined'i
to be great and flourii:hing.l lowa nw,v puU
nearly as many votes as lth sso d r i. •• .
. ,
Takin g the -r a ti o tit' ore t oter to everc., , ix
inhabitants, tlilt population 6flowa,w,.olil Le,
. 538.,5it2. App) . y. •-11.
tie ratio to
souritcr:tlic-4ivtiite popultiqon,
it the blajlts to 90.00 p, m-e have a tida.i
p. r ,ylatio n in that Slate. 'or ;:27,„51t'..;.. (1.4;n ryeentl y lowa ;Ws.; settled, this
I 3 a; reinarkitbl6 compai•i4n. vote ilf;
Michigan reaches
eate. a population of iiio4s:!.
oils 102.54.14 rotes, la ts ther/Oiire
11.35if2f6 itha t.i.—.-.2Vor,i/e wencan.
-Ono of the knowing clerks in the Phd..d.•!--
pltia Post Office, who It as an e3•e tit eve yt hi:.!:
that ean posZiblr=n4v e trottbi , .• that t.....•
upper right hand corner t4f the letter is the
place for the stamp. There it is reatEly yet to.
when Ehe clerk is running, ov,•r his pll_ , s. t 'J, ' . ....- i
; •
1 tetr.:.,ind ' there the inn,,,:ng stamp ...yrs t---: to i l
obliterate the po..tage , staroll. P.l.t 'a' p',4,:•-,..1
ar. o n the other end of th:;'!4t4-:-. • :•••• -,1 a ~, -,,,
net ca•ily seen, rmlbe-Ide- t 4,• cl •I, t- ~b' .1 .1
to° ,t3li j i IWICV_ once in Or, 1 4 r 'O , d
. i'l• - e'2.l- , ,t•
heal. ;lad once to impres.,l.l., •,. ••--,t t•;;
stamp. Now. if this 'were to h.. ,lo a 2
, every letter, the labor of the -, ~ ~-, •„,
donhicd, all through the n -,i', •
pondents to attend to the
, iu.t• m•• 14 Ivo, i...!
tioin, alwa vs to stick the n •;e: ttp , :, 4!, • :•._ -
nor rgl..•„, ledei eorr..•:. (a- the ml, - ,11- Le (~ I.i,
. 1 . ,
letter), o f tut- envelope, I I _ - • ::.:,•,. • • '
, Tilt' LAND SALL: IN Ft.A,....- 1...
- - , ,....1: it, '' ' t:' , - " -' '-, ''
~,,., „..,, .„ • t'kt.t„ ,, '•ad 2 e. I': th • re,' -.I ...:1,-,
TAO /lei:ware! land..•in .E.1n..1-,. t , ;o :, -. 7 -_, ~, '4 44
, 'a,
me. litif :ult. A I.4tter dlite iI. av, Ira; ti.,,i ,•- L i '''''' ..''''''• - r
_, , -
the 13tlf, s:tys: - . ' „.."-_-- T;.e art- I v•s,• •
.. ,
- TweAirth:, if not. lthte. - t•fourth , t GT tit ( ' 4 fp, - :1•:),,:: ~., S - •,,lte„i•rtn \ .-•
Ineeulators now pi c•:/,-nt I•e-e, :re ',/-4 - -•to
_the , t t • t i,,,.•„,,,,-.., th., t1 ... 1 ,.., 4 !,, 1
t ~ .. .
N r "rtit ; I ce-it hear of nut 1 i'Y i ' V. I' "ill 7 i : e ' - y% 1 - % :,n,t••. (JEL'-'.l, '.l - . '/ . •lie 1•2t1 *;1',1,.: , 'IV'S. , ' i I l e
~),--, ~, ~r - I,
SlaVd Stflteki, 01,1 C.. 11. KP1111:1('1,7:1• • 1. ha: •;:-;25- ' t h .. 1., - ,, r .. %\ 'llion .11' Pi:lit: , `‘. t" i. 1,1 "; ., -‘ ,. ti . .' i " - • 1 tt ' can '
''` "
,(), anti ? ne ,. from° B , ailitill ,( 4 * , :-\ P•• -. ..' 1 ' if i ( jiligo• •lv ".its,otni C 0.1.• i Ti.):•,n•,,,,. e:, 4 Lt.: it: ' 4 ,..,5. :I- e 1.:,. a-' -' •vt v
to InVeSt, in ti. e pnren a ,..C;)l l •,•:.; v:1114: 1 1 / 1e hilt 1 ih- . .. s' t
~t , . i.,.. 1 - ...,i...1 - , - 0 ;37,a zi -,...,r. r,„ r0i,,!, , , ~ :„ 1 ,311; : he,2 ~,,:: 5.....,:,
as there is in Kansas. •,,Tl f ie`(e are several • t ., „: :.ti) l ' ! „., , n1 .,,,,,,,„,„„ t , :,f t b, s El i„ Cni,„l I tl'o-c3-• tt•
••••• 1 ( . 1') -t• •-. 1
• 4-• try ; tuall. tt,.el td itt- !. 1
fr° l7l the North; f nle f'r°ll '4 4 l l l"'". "lth '`.."- .* - - - 1 °;" - and 'par of: the St..te deht NS illl I II: , /11(4:+':. ; j arizit,lll: 1 ,t,141 c./.1); , ... : ;
000 ; one from hulinna,•wiq l -a-, touch int , re ; ; b ut , „6 1 : 7 I) , .:ll,,cratic ruler-, • pi-1 ter t} - ill, it i: --lad 1 ire, .4-et ott..i ,;:,:, e': 4 1,4
one. from Nem - York ; whit AlO.OOO. mttr• ( 4 1‘' ', , ,t to‘vard han•rin•• -an I -ilo •t.-..• , Newllor,•• I l'• 11 (- 4 ' i'' °" to' '''' (-.! 'II
from • Ohio with as rntigi, all to !a.. nivt,-te,l. l„ ; • . r.. ~,:,,, ?, , ..f. • 1 ..: , • r , I„d,f I will be 1 ' 1 :I 1 -'i 1 " cvi" f'
~".;,;,__ / _ s
;• 1, \ ,,
_fit ~..._.,; _,...; 1.1(1.. ;,I Lan ; 0 0.. ; ; ,.. , kl, . ,
. 0 ,
trooth or -i. ----Al (7,-,•,11 Er en hs.a , journal. . 1 Rol3Eps 1:05 ..... vrit
ens Non•rnm•rsT. ' •• - " • •
i ~ , I re! 1 - ' , , r tit
e Sturm of l ' 11 , • , .- . t „ , _ . „„., t , Tl , , , 4 .„ , ~. , , -,,,- . . ' •-•-•
• , ,).,.... _ .-, 1 ni• - ( 4 t i I:a* VI r 4 ill ..-1t...11 ,
T 1 1. I. 1 , . .
" 1 :4 -i- 1 ::e - 14 "'-'7 nut 61.;,.t..• for Pr••••:: lent roots 11,4, . - :0,7C31. - I: jN. r,.--x,• , :, ;. n g. ,, .41
s Wel't :".;';.;" i- in Llct.dn• Ini'a.,.. than wa. '. , •.`...••i for no,- ; EI:so..X BENXI:TT:, (".,
Iroads are il'ioel-, . ,-.
' ;ll'. Ili+ •.1;1 bo` c . ;,
1 l ' `r
. . , ' " f lut'lit Ai the 3 larr.:4lll cat14.,.,.x1. /Le fa ,i•-•li A '. ~. ': ' -• 1
.IV.IIg or utu•art- • - •.; ~ , a ~.. to , ,
._, ~ ,
~,, , . • tit° itr. , , 4.: y...-r.
I : 1t... tam. ~,tu--, . 1,4 O,L tl-..4.0„,..: l l l.. et ••%t ,', • I ..."...-.:-".
. M .' SI . O t . I:':-. :: • Vee' 'V P .' ll . C . nrrit. • 1 h.,. ti::: t • •,:' •-,:- • .-.:-. , -Y•
3"tlav file " 1. , 1 ' .1 ---"; , D •:•10 - er...t•• In s 4 ,v * ".ll;:lonshi• t• a% ii:el: ;. t-• I ($ll ri I-• -:te•- I-1
- .. , 1 •
d •t T • •Li n- ' - , ' A A?‘i k _I t ;all v.-, %1
111 • i 1 ..- sa. i l" -' i th e ..11:1:v. 1)( pill:oion :o. \el Ina ) 1 . 1 . :IT vt , '" ' - 1
1 1 - 3 'it'' `igilt O f
~ tl'e ;,111'it 13 ;It ..; he Pre-d.entiar el( ••:,on ma•• 1 I.- ','-:".".
%NA. . -,,,, .. , 6 . , M ., +;.' , i -,, D.-..!.
. avi,:. II: inn lot. WiPii.. •
Vnit. air V t •i•T :l ,} l ,', i,,, i•lt ;
Baird() a•-e ovcr- .-), li. d
~. „, ~. ~ • i , Fremont's rnaj.,:--itleou_ld have r•a•.:11. ! 1 . 4 1:Il„.7E cAl:i:r ••• •..
, _l. i•oxt. Till: :•-: : . 1 In
1 1 " r toe'r `"'" 3. ....1, I .4:ty tl.oto-and :it I, -.4 , t. •
.rriving here. , .
i ; , :ee P:o.p,•:.••••;-• is 4,-, otle.
• ,
. c , „ -----'-- A r•-•cent 1. , ..ter flont London- , t I'4 .4
~„ t ,,,, yy •
'r.t.,rcricuv OF 1.. I']E.NA.Tan.-.le Ile ../.111Trig- ' ' r I ,' ,Cri r p .tt
th.t . t * tlit• ph:. •• - iciatis of Dr. Kane, mho c ;::•:; i :ii :-..., •... ~... s:
.4 t .., .
. bur g iCe Ysic i net s lwal'ing of the time ff'r "'CI' ! wa , t N c 6, del ie.t-te wh. Ti l:- le•ft, tit: , (••`, tit,: v, -t,- 1,12 . ; (',
In eU. S. • Senator from this State say.: l'::, -2. -,,-: .j I •••• o • i••• \Vt.-I In,i , :• f ,:. :1,0 ' Ps-o-v-4-•-i••-1
, •...... •
"The act of July 2,-, 1.9 . 35, fitvel the seeonti 14..-!,, h , r . ,, („, „,., ~,,.., , r , • . ', , . •' . .r.,. ...
" - IP 1' (r - `l - 4 II • , ,l rl
Tuesday of January for the election of 1..3 q ' . - . • • '''
•S. .3 ,upttar.o: V, ,/ :,:,-,1 1 , ,...i• 1,. ..f,,,, 4, 111 •'NI ~ 101 ' . 011,.1•••• 'll'Q/A 1.,...,•,.,
is attar Th, act of A nril 18, 185:3, chan7;ed ,3„,,ht..-•01 hi , . final rt ..1 , . en
..,„. If,. ~ ~., 1 ;•,.,.;.,,, I lal•ot-, I , v • - ••c'•=::'=:. i 1 -' 'I
:-• - • - .4 •
the ' time It, tags econd Tue'dal:' of t• ii
' in eon-collet:co of the e‘t, , •,-- ore , at II td I v. 7-; ' •. -16 "" a PI ' l ' e "'!' (.' I' l ~
The n'et of January 4. 18456, repealed the suet' tion '- '1 :•io•-, , , ,- 2..,•0.,... is ::-.‘„•:c....t. it. L.,
5 tre.•:, ent to :ill: L.).-., /,/ ar ~,:c: • •,.. 1,11. -
- • :Tic fa it: - .1: O t t (.. I
of is iii so that ihe election of tr. S. Senator I -
will take Dia • • tl •. - e rd 'T •••• tiqv . )i' Ir ' --------> T . .'. , - - - . ‘• •-• , . ~.. . "---'-h C..‘ l "" I ‘" ''' I
. (1, (91 1, ts CO • 1, tt. .. t•• • I .t. , t-. :. ' •It .st. .21 , .`rettn tt . t. (.1 -tad' '..t 6.. .. t 2 t - I;
int , ;
.4 1 ,, , ,L ,._ . 1 : 14
, ti i ,
„ c :,;,
uarr hen . . the -I3th." r4,1, 1 ,11: 1 ill el , :1 3 .11- 1,1,Irlir,!;;;;I wen I/Hd t' , ....1if I ~,,,, ~,t,: (tet,... -,..,,, t (:;,: - / - 1;1
:ihW N' , thir'r:t.„ to :1:29 I) t• ' 4,end• otit FOlnall.. , 1 / 4 , :.,
R.EPEBLICAN STATE: CONVi...".:1:01•I. A. - Ti ll.' , - -.'-' , -
' ki..../IP-11••• rev.- t, , ,
ii Erie Gazette suggests that a Repu,Vcan Stat i' -- ----- • - - - - Bolder Lill% Doa Glvtior Li
=,. .
' •I
Convention be held at au_early ' , lac, to or- f _LI'
ganize for the campaign'of 1857. ari names. 1 Vliet-$.
• I Three Per Ctait Ii :d) , or tln
••• 1 ir.g. The'Lact of ut./Irm,leti•r'' , , I
! t It't PlPit Othe.• Di-clo7" , r 1: ,
the second Wef4l, in January 4k: the titne. It ,-- --'-- - -'- *=:-. "-------= --- -2? - ----: ----: ', t, , ~ r
. a Dom; toe ('re;}- I'l,-1111 =
also proposes Judge Kellv s or Judge WilmtA tff g ii T r: ;:, 'S ',.`":. : 0r,,,,,i.pan _:\ i t,..,tiun,
E . 7 '
as a proper candidate for Governor. We are , r . T T
. 7 . 1
...,...5., 0 -,., •.% frfat.,,: /,•1
3 .t.7eKi to an early da3 - for stith a Conven t ;on, l , ll
- 1
il, Tr C I t ti V 7 T,,i, T 1 ] I \l ; the piinriple. til-t Oa° -1,
bat are not satisfied that it wOuld be politii.sto , LL l 'j S./ ti
jli li u '" J " 1 ' .l • ' l "' ' 4 ' ill ' l ''''' Al°
'- I '
: •
' O w United St A. , , LI D..:, 1
.4p,in - earl oy -as Liae- day nanic4l. p i'l•of. -.17 . . a. an.P.,13:1 - 11. - ns - ' , ° , 1 ,. D r ,, , ,,,,/... 1:_,,,:, 11 . , i 1 .!, ,1 ,
. . -
i y •-----
4 ,
,4_,, , ' I:f New York. avill etinduct a Lltt•leal Cote 1, , ch00l bool:, je.t (Pa. 1 El•in• •
uttea- OUT FOlt. A CHANGE or - r Asurox.--ii. , v,- •., ~,t :m ew tr ,
”: , Jrn. ,,, re.';nr*.l),/-11; lier . for F;e:.',ooli .1,:t; Pa 11.11; , ---,1 r• ii.l.
Ppiris letter sars'.•-•:•-;' At Present there i• at ' ,-, ' t 'f a.
..), -, I ( 4
D 7
~..." 4 1 r, . 1 t .. 0. ti'teeit'l-• Jclena-nts f i 'r !,;
the Itnnerial Cle;urt, an orftai . liz,..ld erti , ;;;.le n, ; 2 ","` a ' ;•;.- ' - '-h '-,-.° c ''''.''' llluc .` ,' ice ( “ 1 : i '-.3
- L4 • htna', t:e-w_ st zie. (a' ..k..•1;t1,:n0,i,
, , ' c•,():•,..'•, la ~• ttiv•-cily is_,•• youtrg, with n '• • : t
TA the small bonnet s now worn lir t a.• :41.• • ii 'ii anvitc.
• • C 0 N C . ,',%
,1,•,; RT , • - • lactl)4Loi•-•?:;•itq..lot•::141.•
des. It is wished to nice them - a citx•umf•-•- 1 .
- " I `l'f•e Cor•mi't-e will be 11 Vti,v to c , o d ie , a F .Qtai deal elic.trfe.r -ft.-....11 lhat
rehee more in harmony with that• of the Grin- • ''" " `- I . J - `'.- ''' • • lurk , 11.,. ' t I
, 3,,,-, A , c • !A.. In.
i i itiverg of Musiepre , ent. '
° ' i t'es• This is why some of the guests- ave.; .-, , I a teieti or I t;t5T. -A ;
aPPeared-iii 'velvet/hats, with' forge brims. in i The Oratorio of 4 .l.mritElt. or ,t..e Cantata ! rights to fatee. .„ 't tthate•
the Er, • ii„i ~ 1 oa , ' .7 - 1 , TS° 11 Di' Daniel' by PRoP. BR,,ADBUItY, will be 1 .. 4 4.150.;;-.4 new lot pf .uk
dish y c calico cacrpeu.ra- auzanee,
__ ,c,:-- ' s 1 iiitroduo:>(.l. ' ' • Books, wlth 'lr without et,,-,0h‘,..,
CA/Ms STOLEN BY nix IntuAral.-A gen- f The g l ,ll ten rind New York Gl ee aut i Ch o . ',Pens and : paper or •dirn.: 'lra fi;•,...,-
; KniveF,Razor, Pc.rt 3:onhLteL,P;
' tl Proan from Texas informs t„he'. Mobile- Tri- ; rus , Doc - ,k, %%ill be used., '-
\ ! Lamp „,„ , p ort 1 , , 0ii „,,, (Amts .
i) ulle that on election -day, at - San Antonio, ; Tickets for Gentlemen,. 1.00 I erent StatiA, Sc. Vie. An f all to
six lint.-
t• ses htud twocamels were stolen frotn I " " I,,adie , ,, . - 50., 1 rime Book l!•,'Ior o in the P .0.; OM(
Oa t fd.lin Wayne, of the Unita St.'ntes arreiv, i i Admission to Concert. '25, ' - - 1 ...
, 1 , 1 `,. 0 . irt t 'll dia w ns . . POrsuit w 4 irlatiV 0r t I . ; ~. i Books and tickets to be had of J. Lt & Il• fe,-:,..dt;._•,,..dthi1A1,ft.,„75(1:vir..,,,,..,1,-."
' . "'Nes, silt with what result.; was not known ; Sou.-
,__ . ;
' P. S. Attv-•-Pal•er or 1.31:1, , tni
when o
44. i nforniatlt• left , / ' - , , M.-. 11. Mow, L. I'. FITCH, : UniIPA SiOtt;l. ( be prieniad
l'itnon•rt -- 7. --- ,T, ~,,- 1 - --- „.. ' - Wm. 11. JEsttur, .Taus SitttnEP, ir., i rice.. 14quile, tit thi. i'tt,•t Pfilti
'''' .. '''''Nt r.,1 I AN: k..OLT.,ricrons.---zv a ., tt 1 T . A , . L yaNs. 6.- ro. ii tt ,i xit ,;..,' w ," , - ;
_-_Mt!4:_t_ro'le,_l) ._ ee_e : ll_ , l, l ' :tiff(3.. ‘
set passed by the.last Le•Yisiatore ' . -
it is inane • - ,-. • • „
the duty or
, ~
Tax Colleevirs t;' , l return Taxes 4 11 0 , 1 , 1 . ,„ De,it loth,
j /k,, , - , 1 , '
• ,rer-IL-.'.4ALI A. tl.
due •
due on unseated IaNI to the G . '' ' ' '' ' Q.---"
' , . i .
, .tr V.I urda ~ ift'fii Ulf/ „Pr'''.
46 • - ''' t 1' r. )111/111 , S1611enh i , .
• •
ce prior ..o tde Last m0,,,f, o r ,I.irlrir' r • i ' PROT.EGE. See -0,vo•-pecta-t in a
Thoie failino' to dO so a' ! -- a ' * *••••!-. '•' Restgh and Rc.. - adi - Fire Engine - -- -- 7 t 4 I
re trade respouslo;e- 4". .
~3 1 3 ' t d k(t • i
fur the toseZ , • -o.lllpartv, o. , zit ett .--- , pec-3- • - ErE;IC )
_-, it
Meetiug of the * Rough and Ready it; Engine Co., . •V, \-.:.....r e•J, ..r-a
G•FtEAT ittin7,l. OF POt ,-----" ILTE; ------ ... m g.„. -.VOIII-hati,.. i l n ii .• ll.l :t e t l h v. o rcl 'el; t ek ti , t(' l l ll P . i l tf i rle ty ll tt : lz d :l n o a r e / i S f r u eg rd u a 4 t j e . ' d v . en* ; I'l_4'l4E:
4and live t rkeyi, and three ••,thous„nd chick. I 7i. C..1•"6101143f, Foreman. - i N'°ltheml)en"SYlV:4i.':B‘ll!*lll4"
et/ from pper Ca - hada, wetle brougl it d r , 1 , 1 l , ' ', • G. A. 'Jr.sse,r,Secretary. 1 diens and ' Real ly new. tit ti.,-te 1.. t•.
. I .,'esterday 1),..11 r,.ailik• nid„ and ttrrned ;;;i l t, at . ; he ! ..,„ ___........_. ...,....... . ' .-' I.E. R. , R., and tbe . D,t l . b;I:‘,;.;.:-,al h
hunterilles tation.--Boston.:Tourn a l , - ; 'Aotiee;----thr =Clll'istelaS (Irv. the RiIVIC4.ET i griX linelieetbmioefis?,,,ii!„.l,:cdti{,e*-`1„1
1 •
1/- • ”"-,--• , ,-,.- -, i Lotkls, ofFfttetoryville, Pa., will * dedicate the Odd 1 i e 1 ., 1: b c l .
Wi11:r.7 n .1 4 - n u t t i -n r r 11. :11 ;11 -'' ,1X 1 :0 . 1:1 1 : 41." :
TettloAN.-.lle Adran, lMithignn, I,,•'x. I Fetkurs RA, nt thit place., They cordially invite all i
Postt6l suttee, that th e en-tlre it bi• bretbrmof The order who - eau Make it coUreaiript, i ""' i)r .i ... " .7
•Dti Wall - -
ion;; of that Stite;svith 'onel,or t% .. .o' ; ',." ent , t° Part)tifulle in iht egtreloonjes l uid ri=sthiit'escif the I --' ,
ions, has already rais ' t-m -r tize
nan - i , e ''., ----r-. ' occaslOa ; an)plearran - gement.ti Intro been mule ;for 1 rill ' S.IRTIFUR vrit.e.i,for Tin
0! P(i t emont 1 the forote,r, - aridllonxTriee pro' nrJses bountiful Prniis . 1 ji- :. 4? "! .. nil: WiTnPall'
fur Pret•ideht. in PM. • 4 ion for tbe latter, in the dirge {lf a goo 4 drone s, ' Prospeet 2 ps 14 ) another pile ,
; . .
TERRIBLE Snow gTOR.M " I ' !... '
•:•- i a:TAT...TRUE, D. 6.--LTh'
I ,
, ay last Was vert!,' vere% al
ittn: ••• Many - Imilding.;44'e'
idcir dam a . ged, &c. The ra
tip . and no trains tre.ari
L. 2.
.Darin„ the :storm tiff ; :l7l.i
Storm King.and •
Keilltnd were' all - wrecked
.iii '•
on oo.tro M=ere
Se.yeral .pr6oellers - front 'i
due and feurs•lfire..entertainedi
kan•Y: shattered•ve."els are ai
ou: ',•\•
„- I
t r;r~~ts!ir;;i~•~:
7 7 . ;:Py. 1411:em-c=
.v ::.i _
~; .- r:
i;a•. .. .. ~~~ ~CP.ii4
\ Cil ,1,
4.. r-
; •
~ 4. ~. i
4 , ",
2"; ' ;' •••1 the • 2::.
1 :i'.•tsl
I.C't tht;M:l'at-e
r:; i:!:&: li Ire 1:: •:72 :'~'.•~
1 ~ • r
1(113:' , 1• , ;,• , , .1 n
1- ; ;;; ',1.:: 1;
-- if 11
~.~, <<j
I •T:u
:ti '., %c
~ ~ ~; 5`
t Fn. . LsNn-t\ Will Vold a 1 . i IiiOTICE Iri .l .?..A.RlitlT
• ethollist Onurelt, in Mont• I • , , , 1 •
" LUTI11:11 :'1.1".. r G!.".1 ,j, :
ay, Dec. l3th land 1-1041 •
1 •
tend,: a
! SALLY rtg.ettoVidow t Orts Whittemore
.---..- • -- 77 -• I ', • i . •• ,t Mary his Wife, Aml.l
,loins .Day .t , I „ ey
e a donation visit for the -, Da:y; ibis wife, jasper Stainley, Math ew
n Irotst..t.s at the' Parson- i Stanley, liorar.e Stanley ati:dlley.lln a l t i•-.
)ocetnber. '23d.: • Nlarried i • widow o k Edivarf)Stanley.goruce,qt an i e y.
znoon,:and yOung.people I the.younger; Benjamin C'i!•, , Suinley, Su.
invitation to all is hereby% ';an P. Stanley, Jefferson btiniley, Major
onnmt OF Co)turrrsr.. i Stanley, Ellen Staltlerand Archa Stain.
' ----- . • 4,
-ley, children and heirs °CA reha Stanley,
••i4 • , .
siy:_ne lad fifty t .&ap, 4 . t4ecim.lo, land JasonSOn. p
ey Leonard
ater number .t valuable i Stanley and Mathew Stanley, children
time before , sineo the 1, atanteirs of Calvin tzta:44, lev•I• 1 t 1 c41.
moq important, hr inedi.- ; To the above natiled defendant., : -
, by - Dr. lird. - -ley of New ! . TAKE Ntyrter,•--That a S' , 1111111.1414.•3 i n p art i l i o n - b at h
• !eh - certain plants - , found : be,•: , .1, , ,an541, in the aboie mentioned (Is:, (Int of the
tins and-fir:esti, are 111- ' Conrt of Common Pleas, held i:i nail the 111.? Cnuntv
of gr : oltt. you , ti .,... a : t g.5„,, i „, ! ,,,,,,, i , dir t ,,,t,A to the Sheriff of said COun
tful wine has a surprising i tv, commanding - him to-annunim 'on, thin . said de
vteus tlisordemiparalysls, ! 6.1:1:1nt,5, that you be and appez ro r e ,a r t e i•h e i
the Court
liestlo tf.
• 'stomach Mid kidneys, i in llin.iiirose, in said County,
m St ith Dr. Flajseys For- ; said Court . , at ii Court of Coninioa Pleas, theni to be:
and f e ver; AdrOpFy, alltl ! held, oil the thirdlinnilayi . 'ist 'January next, to an -, :.•
1 niehlv and permanently i o'er the said Linthcr,stantley of a plea,' Wherefor4.--:
s advei•lisement'lt ill be : fey that the Said . l.:ucher,"Stattley and the said :blind"
I nEL MECRELI., Agent. : ants;"dci hold togi•tluir in PC iorsion,- iu -common annj
1 i undivinked, twenty-one:aeres and six -tonths or an afire
of land-, with the appurtenances, sittnat e i n th e j ou ".
ship of Ohoctinut, inn said County, you,, tits said : 1,..
I.'ep:lint4; rartithm thereofjietween you, act:m.4El:_ to
tine la-a. , anti cast:a:L: of ibis Cormoonw e alth to h e
I nadL-, do . coritriullot, io.ti no t:II.ZIc to he Made do riot
pornilt, ll:justly, an.'l von:tray:. :0 OW : , nitte laws en,'!
Ct1...t0ni."4. ' .. 'V. P. ii.lLLtsrEn,
, - 41,t.;itr'pf sus:ino.,am,:t county;
:Montrose. Doe. ",, 1$:.:13
_ ....,..
looOnot, Szol„'Cn.,
of V(:st.l, Biocirne
st :Inst., by .11. w. Geo. R.
310,, :Ind
Rev. G.ll. Roger.s, Yr.
',1171.M,1 M. (;11.f.5, 10)111
m.; his _tmc., Day, and riet Fe y
. Day :rtatilqy, and Ed
; w3Ol, Jame.:.llaytha
11.. v 0..W1r- . 1 , n lir 1 .•
' ' • - Stindpv. • Ifurar.. , ) Stank.y. )3 , nii.tmin C.
(% " 1 "•• t 'l .ll - 74 " 71 f ; '/ - • St . anh:y. Stoa:t P. : Stituli.v,
LTA") °r 11.11:4)1dYliS. Mojor;;;11 , 311 Stailley
and A;-oha Snini :(0. 1 . , 15i'01 and h
c. lItm:! , ; I: , in-
S. Moore, forrnclS.iy. ui,i
irSC i? 1)iS~
0 al: pot: , or.s .
Gr Le
to are
1 1 ";
i;t:1111! - St;111.N.! of tilo
1 ,1 1R•(1,1 , Z , NO:Z: 4
k Ili:. Com!
uvq!. Op.; (*cm:ft:is of
• l-T
v. 114 aly Jiunzar2,-
.. ..
B. WELLS, 00E:
w;i, for Th if Seth/1 . '74y
:III) OF' I['!:4ll.'\ DY
pre, : pc.:ttLi e lm
T,;.:t.?•:.; y ••'*::_i,..!.%.
~~. f.. ..t s.
11:•:y . T::(;•1 , :7•01
T v•all 1:1:1!
7't :
I 1
4 1.::f.1-,y
111 EDEE
•f* -
a E
L ,
St! Inr!:
. .
'o st::•:‘ , ..tihi - !, : , s;•1•:!;12i r -"r•In, addition to th c,
al I )(we list of contiihulims,
ti::-•i NJ)I4I ••4 . -1:,!ZON- - , v . ,2 0,,•:; , •n continuing the usual amount Of - Forehrti
•.i • it: tin: 1 - .••?;.•:"e• on Laijuers, 0:-iginal Sketehes, Choice Selectibtis from TLII
• -..--.•.!, . • : Vi,l i'..-. ...agr:CUP,III . II! AtOi'll . ,', General News, IN
-- i•:,... .ns A:zeed(;tc... , , Viinr ofj'zlie Prod:ice and Stock
• ; - .11:.i1..?:.-- :lie l'hiladolpilia ItOtiii! .1 4 ;•1:t*ets.-, Bank Note
~ -
.:' 1 " - •''''''‘!;' , ",' - ' 1--
1.: !{•. 1•:•.;? , oli;:is ,cre. A:c., oui• ol , ject being to - dire a
/'''' --1 "-: -! " -/
"•: 1 ".•'/ i C;;n.pli !'e Record:its far as artlimits will admit, of
rt• •: D• i - /AY.E I -:. ' ; 1 ••• i..:•••,:, World,
Gill.EN VINGS.—in fhe )1:417 of •:tigre% int:', we
; _'I:: ii. [.resent two kreeklotnajolail insti - netive,
;• 1 ; 1:1 - .: , uner of a huinorolisjoliaract,er.
='-. 1,• -..`”;, • Elo;;hige on the Post to anv part of the Ernit , ,A
!",<;, 1 •,...„:„ 1 .,,A qualtcrly or yearly IA ativance, at thel.if
-•; ;.-:: - :_•l,:;.i-,.• it is Ni:cived, is oi‘dy 2(1 cents a year. •
j TEIZelt.•; (('ash in . edvance)--- . ‘Single copy ?2 a year.
j ' 4 :•.
. ... ~.,. r.... .... • . .$:. - ) . a yQ4 , ....
• arees
' P. " (And One to the Bettor up ofl crul,, ) 11) .- • • -
1 f '' ( it
. .
...0 a( CI, ' i • 420 44... . .
. .
.1. 41 i
. .
" i*
ri la r
1. A)
lle. Fll Ul.ll lil_
(itiill ,,, Di (ri:t.- i - .
• 1/1•:-Af4 !‘ rX & PET::! SON" . .
6 .:. „ ~,f lI R , if“,: . , , , . No r,tl SoctriThiNi. S:re.ct. I'hi!adelpltia.
-' SAMPLE NUMBERS Acnt 'grat!s to nny 0n. , ,
. ....
I ~ 0.1,.., I , ;(!ueste.i. .. • .
• ',...,-,
r• — ...-- - To EDlToll. 4, %—•Edithrs who give the a'bo've
(ale h!..etion, or condensi. , the thaterial portions of it,,
~ t:w buticcs - of new contribirtiorr.4 and our tertus;) for
litei:•.eri;k4•ia/ colurris, s'.:ail' he ent;t/eg to nu e - .•..
cliaLge try sending a ?purkt:!.! copy of the raper con
eraining the advertisement or notice. - • 47.10
r: StuaNi,
"41p r:•••k id m' c'tbcr
•i. f':
' ; ::?
''et t "Er.
• t!:f: Ih:::
~ixkle; rts.
be tinol, Westr.ra
c of. Cr.::. Morgan, . ------- --,7--- ---
're;il 4 ' 4 4' i'''''t Li':- I ' .. -7 4 - e.ttitit and - ..irolitantmedi , :
h . ed . 1 , , -1. . r i i1 : ; , , 1 , 1 , 1=1 ( .7 1 ; :, 1 7, 1 :.,F C. P . . 1'U.T.N..1 4C, - . CO.—Will publi:sh Thursdav, Sep-
~1 1. , ,_,
..„ .... ',. ,, ,, ,, , ,,. .,..i t tett t; )e r '..?,, Ininton's Pllpirrtage to Mecca a-.(1 the
'` t. ,: , i ','- t :• .; , , i,: o . otr : i l:' . ' t : anal, of the Prophet, with introduction by Iliyard
.... i ,: t 1„,.
~.- 4 ,, :,
It - i Tavlot-. I *vol. lii mo., with illu s t ra ti rc i s ; Tt1,;;,0,
I , port i r .,, .
rr P- i ',,:;,,,. is . itoter that! 1 F t 111.. ithttory .of tit - it; euiiMts bOok is :IS flii;OWS
hi c ,d i: t o v or v „ r2 l f y ( ,c . . lill!ille., an officer in the East India I:mop:my,
:3 ,. t •, :hr.
. :1 1 ( , e ..., ! ! l i il :l ,r, ' l'ari!•':=F hr a h)%11: ri:•.7ldence in Upper India, acquired
~ itf,, ~1
,i ;-::.::,,,,, a .:„. : a I , ttt Ita - t: hnowletlgc. of the, Oriental •lattgu.ves and
~,,,. mi_ t . t , i 1 . ,,, 5 .,.., :ti , ctistents., projettNl a visit tinder' the. otispittes of the
r )- 4 "loyal Gonna-cubical Society , .• oll,ho ,G e't - Mre
:0;vd0,ry,,,, orJ, tcl,g • „ • •,, •, - I.- i 2 . 4 .,.... -..).-t 1.. of -. _ 7
imh Co —"Her, -Col- t ''": aro:I the tomb of the Prophet at ltlt.,dintt, plates
.G,..,„ : i:,„,f, , ,,5,.„,..„ ', rat ely if ever b; fore visited. by htly Erglishutan.==-
~! Ti , :: he sueet.ts:tfully nceontylisle-..t1 in I ti5J-1-, dis , tui-ted
~it , l as a . .."tloimuttnetlan DerviSh. . The history of the rill
! 5 . 11 . t grintage ismot stirpttss ,, , , d:itt latxtrest 'and mlainality,
by any boo:: of travel ever puldhshed—mnbriutimr id ,
~, • - , :•1
~ , ,-4. .. ‘ 1, ..0 0 ‘ tu5.tat,. :tn. '. rostoence at Cairo a-. 4 A 3.loll:lllinletian Student: tiii:
, s . i;), :f,:,7, . ,I l jonancy across the desert with the grunt annual car
t:, 1 7 ,,, , c , „ , w t i ting ! avati of l'il;:tatitm..; the visit to the tomb of .nolnti
-131:,e; and jr ,., 1 ho ,- . ,, Died ; the discovery that the•stteretlidaeli stone is au
„,; ( 1 c .,, , ,,,,.,. 2 ..,5,„„•,,, 56 „ , ' t aerobic; the annual sermon !preached at Mecca to tin
:h Hooks and Lines i estimated atitlience of.l 50;00 Pilgrim.; gathered from
' :A t Mat ) ; 'do le ( jiff- 1 nilPaPtS Of. the . 1 .14 - p , le,in" word ; his narrow- esctrl,s
e sold at the Mont- . I-fiotit detection, and the` rlly; accurate aecount ot'the•
I ctruthrtor.ies . uf the. Itlusselman faith.
.N.•I3I;LLARD. ' 1 • l'to the'religiou's community this work furnittl es in
t •,•' will'be here in a `iformation never before ;made public, respe.eti ~ the I
..e . -. _
:1.:-. B. t ettoc.lnoniali t tws of a large proportion of the Astern •
. ;(z. p ll bli c i,,,d i s th e. i 'Wor'Ll; lv.ltile tbr ,tr t eneral interest, 13tirton'..0, narrative.
f t t i',', m yi w „p t. d f d, I trill compare Stvorably with 'either Eothen on CrU,s-
-, l c
oeut am' the Cros:s r .• 6.I' , PUTNAY. & Ca. •
No. 211 - 13ro.ttlw I.
ay, N. Y . •
---, ----- . --- -,-- t { Editor Edito of comitt7 papers. insertin7 'the above 141.:
t•lt.:_ts 1'I„ ' . fin. - Sat...! varllsement will receivi- a coPy.ofthe book.; -
~ T HE „Q1.73.1-r..f.ill' ; -- -. :. : - -
tit:tiller place: - . 1
, i; vi
172 t. 1 . : :
7 7 ' 7 .7 1 '.N . Britltmate- c , rilie 11{111/ Ili' tween G: N. Allen':4
71 f;-? . • ' 1; 1 , ' • ''' '' - • . ,
I• . rr , - -4..:. Ctnkicl. Elio;.) aull the tiwelliilgr(GeOrge eroaei.,
-- 4'..—?9 ; .' 44
'.;13, nt - G-e, 1t,8,?4(1 5 .' i 1./:.:i1.4 nin. ""'ntc p-....nri Itialing; it will lie -- , t•tlltal4Y
i Ol f 6 i . 4 114) W-4 1 ii - ; reITA:1;e 1 (1 011 - 1V.111;):.;' it ac, illi:z. ottleo... -
I ", I'i'i t* 1 .
Z.: UCtigii aN;Y, & .1 1 ,17 iLL1,.151 110 A ~t i,.. ctliebrait34 English ad:
!1a . 41: 'Wes:;i , rill, S. 11 i • thcir, antes for 170: Sallirthig )xnq Posl.,
opert-v will./.1,10, , ,••• 1 Setipro,..l).l3otue is ano iliut e.
' place
. ~ . :, •. -',. , ',..
. 107 , ,Wf;t:Si.; -.N. I • , --- - .,--i_..L.:::' . . -.
15e . .'"47w8
, .. , .„
I ''- '9O 011[1,FEETI1E31 LOCK' : 1,17.411E1t, Flank,
Sabird<ty.l,r.catr.g i ..d. , 4), _ V./ audßaard.4,!2,s;(ol)Shitiglias,Sidiug,
;0- LI , BAIt , TI , - geil sx•_S:c. -:. - - . , ",,:: : J.
1 i'.• • , .' . , ..)
Moe Novi :4d, IS: - .01 -_ . , .
._ .
of A 703 S;; l ttli l y,.do c ,l.
3,.•0;:41.,1 Staid : \i.^.tthctt•a ;tt; -
:1:,11 licia
.uf o,:thitt.Sil:llll!V
To tile. :;IJave
TAlco notice.. hat :t - stannlons in partition loath i j o e n
i , sued,_ in the a lmit e 17ftS%; ()Ilt orth e en; lrt
or Coniaett Picas held in :old for th.• county of
rineltanon, directed 16' the lioritinf said colintr,coneLl
Inanding hint to .tuninons. 'you, the said defendant s ,
th a t von h e and appear, :;t; the court house in )lout-.1r0 , 0, said county, lief ore judge.:l of .said
:it a court of 'Nunn:ill •pl..rt,there to be held, on the
third illneity in -.l.otrii . ry to..xt. to answer the Fetid
Lulltz7 Stanley of a ploa, wherofOre--for tin : ttthe said j
Jaithet:`. 4 l;;l:ley and :ive =aid ti-l . endantSolo hold to-.
, 4 -0;1;o7• in . common anti undivided ; ten acres Of land, I I
a”partennuot.• , . , „ situate in the ttortishilt of
Civ!onut. in sLi,l oeunty-;- . :;you,.tho -saitl'clefonrroirs,
I it•tlviwn son, according to „the la•a-s;
andxku-tclus of this CuannOnwcalth to' be . d0 .., -,,;..liet, and the sewn' t;:i Ito erode do ant
r..r,d cont• - arr 011110 1 . ;t1 ,-, -and • ctt
:=lcritrnsk , , Der..:: :zh er irr of s„„1.,
toil 4.
POST.,isitEp.AcGUST 4th,
r 7 •ITF, of •,hl- , 'old and fir;ll;y
E. I•alun• tat:, phl , a,u.r: , . the attvntiun
th.• r ., 11,
np.rt , Ly the
IVe Luve
the folio:'. S
1-L . _ll 110 il* 1 [171,' (r., ; 1 41.)
tr A 1 -
4E r,. .7:!4Z. ii7711./I:,III:S.6;OLTEIII'UkTIf.
' 1-; .L.V _W. A.
isox, <rt. , .t ll,"
IS - e _
in tbi.- firqt
rr;), lb ; Squal.' - y-L's
„ .
)7:ti i-• ST(11:17 LITE, M.,
IT-yAitt v'ozitt•ti •siti: the
With :!tt:
Sfin th.ll
r,rey.l' :;:g
.:7`.E.!•1! :-. , ;1:7r'. , ,' . ..c4i ;1 ',Ce7, - ,1::III- ; : - tai;r:.
. •
'1 •
• - • r
lir * "
C., 01
In' T.
3'~ • n~~ ir iS::~ •* . .
n. Mai Nol-4.1,! by tiion...ll: l K , :. '•
•/.1,;;Ih, ty:le-dhnn,"
..: 1 ;
jvir el the S:NTOP" " 111)!;IC rietUrcs &c.
rt.:ill') or. rtvitcit;: -, iiiys.,
c,f the SlvisA Catitbns. orizillal
1. autl:or Qf "The Lost of
We 1..3,2 tit t! of Short ar. i CondeL-ed 1
..:(I) , TCTI - 511,'Glita'iL i.
numbers of the
i.'.:C::t with ~Ll„
70 Nov,•l.•* r • •
rot• ro.
'Mott iF; thi.4 [Ely ti
nott;:t tt:uludecttlitz:
Mott, tbi• q1.r. , :ti64-; : 01
111ont::)•. , t; Noy. 'CI,
in partition .1 S t ONWARD--
Died : A Ili
, .
pc::: it:lde the
1 - 61,11,1 impression :0a tit
the. nr.l;iiTh i ers niv.:ll-uPT
' hnit;lrOs American
ceivcd tint Nast. intlority,
nio;t. lot*
tr . lets etekio.let) :that
umcs each, iteing now ii
In the race;
fhi ilerful.
neimilwkdge- thel
ihrw, In; tertn-; of w
ipt tui dining
its puillieitltm :io fewer
1) .
, fico M1:1::1Stowe nun:
fl , r hni.l nr1111 , :r:
site has : pl.4l. , iirilo.i
;7•.: it
:;;r no
galret ;,1: 7 ‘.•
.3pic , tio!is.l3,
I,u+ tat, •
IL'lr. 7 .
rr JrE t
s•r.;•:i.eti!).•':•_, that
an noli,tiea• to' 'I be
tovats, thit Isltc , has it::
wit!' a fail llss:ortiatat. 0
rt-elle!‘ aril 1.. 4 .ltwt ka •
v'fiy Milli:wry
Hornet , getiqtaatly Aa
tao:lerate.] ':t11 and se ,
Atarat, ph%
- 1- -
4_ SaL Tay Eveiart .
sumn . ,or:
he 'YG~
We hare
Met::: , rg, A.
VinfrE k I
• ilieztOor al
! pcvn - Ogin
, • for th si
Las to so;
1 , 4! thy'. z... 1
I rithil:0)0
1 ;
- .t4-47L
that fir • .
IJ. White
, E
nf - i‘:r
r.);i:•': AN] . IS 1
1 -;t: .; 1 A ri 7 : ;
. _ ..,
r.1,.. 4 YE' .1
1 i -
77:11',.....,..,-' f,` l • . < ' pe ~ i
.kl._ :.. , Ift,! ni e conti: I!
!:.(1 rfqf, q oi.".il", l s e E,
• P
ztp4t . ilufcr.y,
MU' ,
't? ' oll::YLint
(;t . 111: t!
.1:: inerc:
.1;1111:e :or,
s lO:Tliar.d E
IFit.l Loris..
.D rap
It..,yet 11:
efi;zets . .
thae : - ba:.;
1 11,!=forotIs heal
rl_ , •:lnds to ,
;then. • d then
:•onntl ri.
amount n
(heed tin
Men of - 1
11..z'. 1" COI
jurei by
di; tCT!aI
Lin OW,'
It; 'if ron won
J. stoic, "
, Fiztances, toi
r(27, ' r6le.
pi vparlitioi.y,
tt4il yo l
or ;...6,1er0
, ;,e•tore voo to
.0 tlx• d:r
If you .
CP , : 'l:' 1 ,
T'ii„ %%ill
'lbloiciie4,.til l
c.iadieata, all :[
. ,) : , 1 i i :2 l
fi n :tc , •_lt o k i: l!.
medicine= ,a,nd tlit4 will
and fir i f
,il ;or IMit.rer
• IT your •e 1 biliomi (-wly
symptoms :1 drOw:-ines
furred ton. l :ie; etc.). take
rill 4, andhi..y will purg•
els all m , biii and hirioi
• I
a tit of sit ' mes 4, aMI sat'
.4 . ....20, o r .. 4 --;'. :),
If TO9 ! r.m the Il i vor i
"and Pills ill cur.! it. - T
erfal am'. lialsi sainiary : 11 '
• been' the tileitmi °rearm:
sona.f. ilisefre.. l.:
l',1111.:T:1 4 , therti is ni
year that. 1 in:l:_s inethlier
plAin of )ivadaelte, ,Or si,
tiirr-rd tonfiles, or sintne
These areitlie ihrelkal . in !
of :•ome kind or oilier at,
tOl/1 4 al W:11:Pl• 1:410W . llllt I
in the sto4la l r4 :Intl!biwo
a rwise tlisimlercil. Time
l'ills.will, In all ca e., n
eausel:, mid Iwill pi/rd . y
strength and ; aitimation.•
. The Forest.Me.iiilines kept. always atinmil;- to be
taken v:lainever suCli s sy llllolllti are rlitillit , 4, will
fre your :family ahnost entrely from siekne::s, - as ,
,: y
well aourldoetorf's bil. wit ell ilequently amounts.
to loom_ itl : al week;, l than Slilli le I q of the:e naiklicines•
to I;: , ep V: ?1,1.1; flllpily in goodlealth for ycare. - • ' ,
-1 .1,-I.DI'F' 4. the For>ot Win ' is your niedieine.--1-,1
*l', ' " *
This plea.Tiii, agrel::4;thle, yet ' effective tnedicine l (.ix-1
activ suits ) - Our- tlelicatei cimstiviti4n4. If you: are . i
weakly, or I_Tvoits.l or in ger'eral.ill-healtlf; this Wine, :
will domore; torestore yo 4 tlan all other medicines..
In all 01.44 *lmre bile exists, or
-the bowels coustipa:4 4
tell, the FO:4st PHIS also eho:4ld ha Laken, aCeortiim , N)
to the diriyetions. 1 '• ' i
yourself • against, - i4ekile is :m
which. th . ay )4.oparil4e your lit
the rarii.t Whine, and - Pi Is hi
voyages, that. you May' I ...iv
quireil. -
.1. r :- ,
j.--Forill3t Wipe-is lit lure
per luittle, Or 4 , ixotti:.
rills, twenty five cents r
Walker gfreet, \e', l YO:
'tit:l-Meta blii druggist it} a
iti thil Uniot4atut..llriilsh
Gennral DOpot, ti-t it , Vii
in Irrintrils,7i,i,Ai)Pil,'lloo
and al iirtiggi4t.s.. I'l
: •
TID alt: ~i'S,
SCh e$ 1e
Test n ) 1120311
EP:ll_94. sad ra,
Printirig ORibe.
• ....___l_'
A0131'4, a r.vf star
ch( - EtT' s tky I
Noy 2
. ,
~.. -
.ttoli. .
Ithat tho flint of 31.4 - ..E.4 ' ' ' 4 . ' - 16 " .-''.- - -- ~' - . 7 -, .. :
E. lfiz' PAEHit:EI - 11AL 4 Lkl; A AE
1. 1 ..b.(1 by inutnnfc:anst - lit. 1 for I 55i; is oror, and now the
m the Imitils or ( 1 W. i., . r.11,15'rit.1.;,1.71? . :(1.11i WAITE PAC- '.,.
l ' t°dif.lll4:l. ''''° 4 kr in' , " ! Or . ativ etireis Elmily tii`l,iriiTiC: et invesan. ° g A antai_ 1
. , ar.:.ount in iiitr7' tkos)sl4, Z.4.r . OcerieS' SC y .
. iare invited to Qat •at:tbe swre of •. .-
1...Y0 NS ee- SON,
.-. e.nd Like. N I‘.'flll' ;1 t the WNE Gtl.OllS nusv !A!":'ng 7 rit , .
ceircAi. l'ii..-;, - (... hamily . l.l..l:, .3,:,41 , 17 tile-i_ a....intat....
t , ± .. .1f.:,‘,1 se, i'..ote a pfP:ty ,::;;Tr; , 7 (lear eiceiz down to
g 1101 Preiteh,er .1' eviixl;ronct 1 .2".0 /e, ilih]
~;lirlr't'''c'f D 4 :i•mia'ls, it'"'l::'...; Vtl : litT: Sht!TZ'h., tt
lit aitld sonie very 11:1:14.,07pet, !tilfi ehe=v9 . , C1....›.!hr for
I 1n...1's w. r. of :4yles. and ptiee:} to suit etrerclJodr.
1 ; ...,'"'"'S 4,—, 1 -t...* „.—. t ..... 1 ..... ..+ 7 . 7 .,...f. er , -,3 • . • '
! • . ‘' , .....: . -..4.1...f... , t....,t; kv,,,7 e j pwo r . ;
--- r . " ._ .
.1 7. ,1 r, • ,---- ,
• ay,...,.. Aciar:. ...rt. ...t.orn , „. air,ra AS.ArtntetrAtt rectir.-
' ed. 'iltpc.), I"ap , ri f unpin:J. , : and 11'ine,..0., (Yet' tain:,
Feane of the iirettiest . witt...ras ever uMireii in iiii3
market. M.:lse gire te4;zieall. ' : ' --
Montrose,' Novetubi :. 17., - 1 5.5 +.1 . .; . .
SS, U1?-.11ALL El). ;
eat I- 11, 1t S
0 r•wiT)
ed I I t. •
2 tot_q
1.1 tlg2
1., t
I t
- .-i. tor,i.!'ii I.lst work Li
it ha; nrt - MIP:0 ill) .
, e/Ad.3 Of dre At;amie. • Eut
y tol Mate, that of the many
notices whic4 they hav,t
Lave been ilecideillr favore
ugiakic ; and t r uele s thus
n i ,ny Worli- fieti‘m evor
Vousand set of two Yol-
1!:; been everx
O tt litit`o , n.^• two oNcer)-
ens niirl pn‘i•er v.f.the tn.
.n ritei•
netcc (1:1.1.4 At:oetf"!int7.
liCe o Latt,','47'S litYM
.1 rk i .
;•311 , 421 7 ;.; to at :ttiAt....te
• l epliv't: biz; bathe Liu; t
SIQ,IPziON t'c Co.
1.V!,1i,1:er:,, 113;t6n
. ,
1bi ,, . - :::Ivotii , (11; , M;t co:1.
u. ur Cie wort: free of
I -
for .gust faloN, r:4);113
of Ararat,
.trilcsl tjotn Se-A: Vork
re, acrd ttst:-
I I ter
I w +l - 1.4 4 .- - I%lO;tl . er.
I \..3f. fiALliwl
prosp.mus is
ring Letter.
ES [TIT wyr.
eltouliag 1, tier Tel::lion to
•Dr... 1% Roo; - '
Fot'l: ittip.N:::,
'a., Sept..
:or York
ha4fron: you give
1-111" INSTANCE, anti our
eV!!rything.. The Dy s _
Ils section:to ularrn
rPts, a SI NGl.r.
TIN ‘S!'.
los s
ill ti l
' 111
i:lronn you. t-Itortly
You: . cCo'i: s z t , vv't.7
1110,\ 7 ;.4.1
( tit; b[.4
: IY•
S. - . Il :1•3-,r,e, and by one
all i!ou•nti„ - A.
• - t • ' '
orh, Fo:e
icry 19W11,
es.traor( 4
1 13‘IltICS a
ir. the
t I fIV , [, L 1 .3
i 720 if
11 , 01:!11:,:z" iu f - un er, , ry
lv,=itnt , .l4 - to tll_, tinp:tral-
i:f curvel.
'IA it iCiAI 1 - 0.111
..J.zzu . ll:ir-
1(1=,a::1 cou'f_ils 3 iii
.i;1 4
-1; in -1:;ti
Cr?J i,~::: ~::i~
.11 ii+
...... ..lei
t . 1 7 1 ,;(1 tt•ret:t arl , l
ti to thy pub
.:b: tin'ir
awl rc , sioreil to
tut their tt.ze. The grort
iittes Ii ye li.a
;d.thrtit to their , iiientl4.
ranctiur? v i titkir
ft you:- conqiultinn itl
I; or other
14, such tr:GPA:in•C4 ;Li
;1714 .
AVI:x :111.t1
We have the,pleasurete'return our - titeis.t' grateful
thanks to the..reatieri..of:the:Rour.JOttitteAL, - •f6rAhe
greatly . -old rged audience with ; which. we. have• been.
liimored in I. - , - ttnd to our -_respects, apd.,the..,
' pro illi: q.: -lit our• - coatintiefl.tiest serTice,s, .for.. tile ; year,
before" u. , .. With ;.the `privileged bearing.. that' we •
have :4 OW . seizured, , at. the firesides of. our whole - Vast,
country, it .1.4 ott,lY . -natural.ibat.we„ihould" took,- 40-,
i tional.responsihility, ; .wliil,,et - tho - Ssa4ne - t.iwte,,we,girit
• ~, t. , ; .up oure.iterg - 14..s.lbr.riew.vatietlos.of inclus - try.aud cm. -
-1 . '7l . ' , 4 6 2 0 " < •---11•:t.-TLH - ;:i.; -- •:'-, - . .- '' t - V2ipiise, ." .. - - ''' ---; . *: : . ..., .. -'-1' - , • '
, ~.
f - .The pap r
,fbr the catalog :. yea ' r Si's, ti, 'be . Printett Ott.
c m)l l kr ,-,.. c i t , Ltulks' s')lenfli.l W inter. ; Cloaks,. Sbari. , ,
flit az,:a,5e, 0 1`,,, , 1 1i,,,,,,„ W 0. 1.4,1 e ap ,,- . vi c . t od„ . . s, 1 - NF. TYPE,.nliti it'S prpeiniftelicr. of clOiltrts ahil
Tip:"ets and - Sh : nwis,• Pi n i a - 4 - 1 rid Plaid:di-wool Del4inc..s, 1 , ibi‘iip, so the eye.e.t1...,8 -O,I W - 9Wf.9r ',.- a
Iy„ es. ,„, !
,fanilly, paper, is {vi. be . still morOrtark . e.i.,....?_;".;-,.
Fancy Plaid Dress • Goods, Tilaek c rud 11;nd'
I. l illis, Boitnet Silks, I,ir.iti L -,s and, 1) 01 ..b,.,. 3T o i r ' - e A n .. . , Our coittrnts 1 - bi 1 .57,,.iy0 neticl.sver_coly -- .01,;...yri11::
tico•;, :rid Velvet Trimmings, Datbroi:leriog, Fat:ex ; ik- asvaried as the , ,Pia With which we -1 ;:ec:P" . •"•__-
T, t !,;„ ,-:•,; t .,..,-,,i, , , &- t .„ .t. r.
,xl, O, t h c iiirg,„t ,tits : ,,,,,, t . Tinie and the cvir-cillinsin7, World are'thegicat btit•
snlent.o rout ition 'br • . -.: . ' -,
t lets out, of a we luck - Viidotia .anti..duniietnent-
- .A. N C Y .0 - 00 D Si
.' , •- - . - ; :t . ,: wi.t.g(l--the 'ex,,ltatn4.l4.Vvitriety of event and - nov:
, - ,• - ” • i - eliy :I... , ttring, to us aiid 4,9our..readers, eltauatleßa- '
ever tlisplayeJ .in Mon!re- -, ', e.i-r.- l A'•-tlng (4 Li-"les I thente.4 inid subjects fife ntere4,;„..• - -... --‘:• -• •• - .
wl ) rk p as , l 'et" , Y:° l , l ' 8 0.3 ,"5‘' P.,Pt.fcuais , rt , ao Port • Th,,E,liiDrl, isill-Milletiatiniter46 devote their:the&
llonia-k - . , 5; t'apor .folaers, Cunin atat Chtsp Silawl Pius, i i,,,d , t hiti f ii,„,,,; . „,../,,-,„;,,,fir ri t o th e 'll ou i e - jo urrn l,„ •
_....,,:...., ~,,..
P..tazi s'hirt .Sta is and ;`-lleve Buttons, Chilyt, (lard. i ...N. p. -- 4;n.Ll§•proliost , s, - iii - addition - i6 . hiY. - it.sjitil-'
liask , N S. Chits , l'd :' (4 ,* C - h ill u. C oils mid- Saccer , '. 'Chi' i picturhlg6' - of florae life and rtYrat . fatittly - sycniiiailei'
Ink :.:1-ands alai Mate!) leis ChinaCancile Stiekl , I and interei:lll, 'cno-do6rs-altil,irt, to give mOre'orilie'
nod Toys of every tiescripti9a... iTRIVgLRY, Ear I , - -- • • • . • . ~-, -• --. • •,--, ~:-•.•
LcAt prs..l av - InratitiN.;-. ~ • -_-,-- ~.
1)lop.:&.-( - ..1:-t, Pins Sleeve llott6»s:, ',l« , t, Mi l e t -let zi , I - -•-. .. •
bretutifol Oil paintiot7s ivi-,lt linayr ,Gilt. Frartirs,• - rino .1. wikick his 0- Nir..tletiehit's ci l4 hjea-htin. i ( i . "Stet-A. 11 d::
M.:11.14e Statuary eitt.ll. - ;s0.1 in ..(3!ass,' ..t.: - e,.. ,ke.„ an 7 you- f lvtileir 110 .v . c . ben-- 1 -ii.i'id ( 4 1 2.'7 . 9,4 ;1 ,0 ;.4 .1 . 141 ; -. otjoit.*sq . i--
ow: atio - .) of all in this (I , li.u•ittamt...,woniti be "ail;n--; -rics. 6 f : ' - .....: ' ~.-..... -.!. , -,•-. -, - *-.
...;,-.-- -•
~ fi r ,i t ,.... 9 si,nl c ,. i t to sav that, alna.r;.t alythirter and '. • ' Pov - i;lit. , 4 Qt Living Cliniacterii.: -- . , ...
, • - f- -
1 eNcrytoliy.,7sinf.Ai e for ; • . • - • • I Gcoli.c.c, P. MOlZAlSjbesiiies'hii . u . .5. - uat constant ,la- - .
(3312.:,..v.111"..s Gift,' - • - -, tors upon, the sekin - al departeafttapf the - pkpe4, - ..* - ilr:
. ..
i . . . . w „i .ni, v _ Ev .- r era4 .- 1.) .1 ,,.. 5r . 4.1 ,,, -. make, it the woof on. whicb.. - -ti. - broldo . first the'my --
can In: - Obtain , A at this' k.itabliSliment. ' klso--htst •1 1i. A11011014 9' .54 P i ng' ... ...-Ealit-lidsi'lePe;i - f•`'.7.l
1 - tiafiliqgt
received a'l.l rg, , attlitioa to iny sti..c.k . .of
B. ot.lta-‘, s t kt tem ii - s_Bri% - T. D. .tr,..nnzi.ll has . itr';:ir ‘ pa - ra . tiOtt , a. - iiiciiilispiii,to"' - •.
- - ' ''
- .'. • ' --' • be entitled . . * .:•:•- it. -•'--- • , •:•---:-.; ':'-•..
ir.r.haling,st - no- of the moit popular New . 1300k.s . 1)0,1 .3 . • ts.s. ... - . , . 2.'..t-,.• .t "_. ..-- , f ,.3-_ , .
.a - gle kvo.Ne - ov. wises- ouge ~.. • -..-., - -
ii,4 '"d ,. 'imongwilicil arc ,ThrPe I*m% cent a linntlit 'i I * - ' •',':--3•'. - • ' . - ..• ' - i 3.4 , 2 -',
• ci.• - reliN of Fast I.,i'inz,l," "liitie, A.xit-and'ultile l ;PA this: rill lie Plibl!sTiett: 4l-I *.;'..,Fo l ii - ivt.:&- . (5f.'•
Bag," " The Ttrehligl4", ()•;; ~,. tb,-o ttg i A the , r ,,, ) ,L,.,, , ) . " - week.' ' '
.r. -- •'' - ;:. •;-,` '-'''.--.' --,- •=.-' l -..-: --' , .:;::•-'::,,,,',-...
"Rainbow arOund tiai Tetoli,". " Cmtp, Pire.4 of, the 1 . /16 ' -1(1c-4 'i tlm.124 ! )i ' 4Iiet1 ) - V"-,!i° 1 * 41 - 1 *' 11 9 : ' 10 , 1 .-• - :.
Red .11en," " WeAorn Baller Life,'-' elegantly lioutairt.rial• will contain ;•-,•: . ..'. - ;\:‘T- - -, - '•:.-.: ':.- ...s•: - ..::. r" ! . ; ::''
~. r -;
Albums anti Gift - Nooks. ,bitootilecits, Diaries* aml I, -The eentuannjeatro x t*.era , liir,illlitttkllorpriiii i, l4 l .
Itemoranda for 1857, 1 1 .veket ' Bibles; - Testaments; i contributors: '... - ''`• -- .-
-::- ' '''''.. --;* -....: ---' .: ' -.: .":!--,
IllYino Itooke, &e. , k-c. also -oe,katicl; it good,- sup.. i ' -...*1.11e. , 4 . -6 , 1 ,* AAA I ll s,..o, l 7, o f4eF.PAPlle t i t k i , sl 4,gq -I l';'
ii/V of Gent. 3 1111d 3 -90?$ I- -''' ''• i ..' .'
- . -;
' ' -•' ' . ~. — ' ll l6. tr°4 t tli g .. :4 (ti t:b i l 6 tr,b4oo 3 ) . .P l , !4, 1 ,T,0,,,'
- ' ' ''
'' ''l wit, fun aild anecdote' orthe &NIL' t , ' ,- • ': - -" --- . 7 : -- •"';' , '' , v-i ;
. 11 -n a rl 9 -- P l- ': .3: - -1.6 ) 2 '7' - ' , , \ c , . ._
L1.,1 :J. -c-,.....). -. (c . ,:4 k1„,71,.. 11 .1 - : ...c,..-J. ,-. -.!' . 1.. -I ) .tietry;.pathes•artittomaripor - =.••• -.- ----, ..-..... t ,, .. ~....
-•- -4 '-'''' ', 23 - .2" •• V - - i. I. , --Tlll 2 l - go, , ,liimilli neiv.sof-YailstirtjetthlAt.t - , -- ,; - . '..-,....;..
. , ... .
ebtuptizzini. , , 71latlt, Brow Slitol:6l,l, , :Claret, l'eFirlar . ol .1, ..._ 7 l-) e - re i 3 i m ii :ketehe4„:,orilicl_,,Apieut4is_vlattriitirt
Whitel:'or and 'T. r ool . 3lat. ,S.ilk' .Pluili 11fue ii iinif ,'' t.l.i•';' - --4.-':' "•• - ' 7. ' - - ' --'• '-' ' -.-- - "''' -'' - ''''" ' '
. .
,_,-. •.,,,, . - •.. ~0 A e ‘trnes:-.-- . ---• •.., --.•-...
rinfertz C10t. 11'. 0 1 1% ,3 . 011(1- (Nid-"re! 1 $. -v•ai:iCY . ;- 74 / 1.11 1; 4 7 4 - ; --The i tirrin"' sconce a' tiailv•- it
11P.(4- . iii atom, a choice li t tof I . 6.ily!ii:idii' -- - , - 1 ." . :._.:,...,. : - ,
- T he 0t,i,,-,,i`X,2 of iidliirdir..y,, itt4i . . , , , ,,..„ . ...
• - -.-,,, 1 , , _ . .-.
- .- . -q... , ,z,:- 5. , ..„.;,,..
taiCtifitl2:6 tritk 1:76.. ;::-' - 1
_-- 4 rtio.-Fai4hlorgt re ...-. ~ ~ ~,,...
- ~na..:ift.tte9 9 ~,,,.. .i. -The , : - valuable -11 brmapen, - 'aSs_to , :ittattitr.64itliiieri4 . -:
OverrCoauf, DITSS c4):itS, I .VeSi:a, - PlOs - i : Shirti 7. f..lel-: (Tics. elict grv i tt .or O o t t : : .. r i , '''' .-4 ;' - ''' .-4 '' - '';:''''' --.l '. '''...
. :
. .
_, .. - !ars St '-'...r:lis,;- cr.ii , itts - , floditlot4li3orr.,lsi-ielr.(iilf - 4ileh; ',- ; - ...-,,Criticitirrti Of - otOreitt.:l4ltoraitut:-: - . .)•,(-..--,
~ --Andel! thattiiiifie:':olierecLiii iilteieg.,thkrn4t
.., , .
litre oottirs, one (- 101 'i;:or the anvaticement of alp. iriterest. of: the, eOnstno- : . i
'flit.Y. \ill b , • - iiispo , if of 0 'de f,i4iiii . ,; . i low fl :-- .-,..) yr, froUt th,O.W . Orli:re. il-111.tii*-oTititi:J"wotiiit;lo4,*[(‘''.
"x• - 6 e " (I ''il 'II' licit, 64 i• - Plca:le chll, one rind elfg - - - .' -' Y. b.:C - 11'11011:D, ' 1 iutellect. - - --'[,..• - . 2 •:,... - ., -- 7 . - •:',"- - ; •' --.-...,-•,, ..,- - ••••::,,,.. - ; - .;": - , -. ! - .7 -:--.
I ,
RI .liept i,.:,•• 0-4 e .or ionte 1 . m ou t, rf ,, q . , .
.74; 0‘ ,-,.,, 12, 1 sdr. f ., - - , .',,,,- : j_ ' •-.-.."..:, '...- 1' , 'We ned,,ttof ieiiititcr - Otte Mtak . I*Wii;itkthitill!.;...
CA - cry c: ty :111d vrilage. 1 ---:„-•:..„--- ...,; ;. --=4 „, - t, -- , ,:i.j.-' ,, :z . --;.'i - -.:-.- 7 - •i have' etirretkio.tideottk iihollylopteipluutii.lo4-.14;Atk,5,
f „ Iile: • , ,1 ..
~G-t- o cecie,' ii 4
. hand, a :-' ,-.. .....- -; '...rciet 3 , tif , XelF:;T-ttrie, - ;tirt'd , thitct)itcatighihetto- killied. - lin4: l,
...c...-.S`owl - orl,:: -Aiy,ents; ! .11.. -- . .:. - • ......!* ' .!1; .'.... •,..,, .1011 . .1$PLI.11,.!, ' -.., i'tefiritci ....inof.4thoil.:4ii;kootiiithotiaod-0-:eikitiat7=oWl:';;
I't acllenti;-L.- - 13ott; -- i - „ -- '," . j.--..,„.,;t: -- 7-'' - '-' ,.. , h. - ,.. . :-. ' ' -,,
~:*.-.cOrsi: titiwfsebArteilit:icii!..4ltstiiidtirilletW-7.l.??illiiiiioT7,
II 3 )eeetithz,r :Id. - 1853. ' (''•fr . L" '-''' `k 44,1.--- P 9 iu'' 7 " l k'''.'i' '' . -',,'.''' ''''i -. .' '', eiTtiet Atilirlife.:i:,7l:2!. - '.. ,, :.: - :.. , .....,1i , .,: , , , ; , -. 2- :. - i.: - .::: - :..7*!.n , -.r..":L - r.. - .:: , :'
~- --: --- --, --,--;---,------ •.- -". ' ''' ,l ' ,- - I; ''' -- -•: -1 -:'- -- -•':.'i 1 1 .°1: " - '''.` ,11 `"" r ' . ?"'' '''-'-' - I'fir tiie' liattiii) -• tll'ri - ioraiiilitlirOvel l l 4 s4.ttutOtiii 4* -1-
C t It ' l: '' - - ' .-..1 I ( - I l!ri.P . FANCY TOY'. win .b1.'.=.41,.i l'iliii , lictsii; - _ - .FlTlQ; l °. lll kli'kqtilie+ •-00 " --1 7.tclifu ~.git '4ezvyery,
, ...- I.
• • • --- exiiait - , tnifea*rititiVOro44h)- all. sigott: - 0r'....-,
l'iliot.t tiv:ii: i - i , c.i oillegt IO or lo: ti, tit ....?,. - -1, - -1' till?',.--, f ,.5, 4)/ g lit'S.:-. '-'
" " .''ugg : -- f )1--- l-'F-.'l-..:1:;----,'-:•.::;--'!?'.-,z..--,7':'
to:r..t. 6e: "Ri:'iVitlffilii?''r : Ntiii-401.i5,.. i Icil:'. - 12,'1Etc:'` -- -
_..: -; ... _ , ..„,-:.:, „,..,.,4 . ..Vfogr,oo4nd_l- 1 . 1 tr. -- ..-- - :i,:-;t:, --,.... ~.:--._-'.,,..:,:. ..,-_.;
1, . - •• .--.-, .: . :-, .; -;:' , , :,-,...,.-. . -:..!.-::.,., 4 - -..:-;-. -!-------.----: ---- - • , '-.., - .is.- 1 :- . - Dy inte6c4 ; iz . ;l.l4ittaliT4vl--tp4tilorl :
~, :i -1 - x:,
, .... .
~ „i
.. ,
~,....:, - a - -vix,Liii-.4: 41 ,,,bt. -- -, 4 ,8.1.415 ; ,-gt,"4. 7 .,..;'',...-1-I'.. %,:..,?%',:: -.l:.4.ltc4tittilii:in,"lo4llitlM*PMl4,e*,:,:t.
...,,.., ~„,„...,.„.,, ....,_, „.........,..,,,..,.,.,..„.,...,.„,,cfrANDLrats,„,,,,,, a to- ke . • 1 no , Jog. -ti toe *a -!---
A l t
... . .. ,1.
~.., ,
.., ~...,.1 . .7 . ,„. . ~,
~.....„ ......
... ....
..,,, 1 ,„_,.,.,-.. ~ ~.. ..,,..,:.: •
~....,,, . ...., „ .T.,..,,,,tv . -Ae•m . :1 3 ,7 - t t t Al. hO e ttt.?„. . - : . ;-17 - ;:i:--::.: . :-.''.7:::::'.:...: : ,-:•,, ; „ : ',..", : 5--.,....' 7:
, ':-Fki 1tnd..1./ VIT:AL ( *.i .-, T . :',liifiT4l .l ol ,f Sfl'in'A - k-iiniggiititlANctielti,hi4i.. , ,, T.c - e:4",-t - for..ctlio'..eok:X4 - 4.'4ll:ciffrittiOTsl4*Att,: :
's 4-44 t -40 v0 - kiti .l- =4r . Y•4 l e, V. 41-4 ibe_aatltoa .0f. ,- Z - iii.l;ll, * -'.4 - .'e.•,' will twpyollti6lwidi! ,- !pr'i,iiie - t 6 fl, ---1.6 i . ,i.50,:ti 7 ar.4 6-. 4t#4*44 . ,..#4',!#*H.:/! : :.
It: rill ' Iri - U fike - ..*heurdalj.; - .2t.fiiiiiierlithit I : ', See prolpctitti , iii' i . .4dcira - .4t;:'..',,,, , ~'.'•'- ' .'•;•''.::-. ' -'.; , : -. '- , -';':‘ ' ,,:4,- ! .! • ll6: l :titisFt- T etitilt,_7...- 1 -:,
trlelibei place, _ • . 1 .11 - .'elf. '.. i.:i..« 10441-4'...i. ;:; ,- i . i.4 .i ''..PMitiltiriiitil-f - iitor??lo.:B , 44ttitti•iNkfrevyw,: :
- i
or art' .tz - ouiiktl 37411
lid Elf , ndeurEiittc,
oi• e: r..
this etc.
(Iv! i,
trail 1:1;tiliy the
itation,`nral fool your
. Mtio. :Li..•. , e • t•ai : ol'cttt
IJ:ltte your cor.3litutiou
) car'
itic i,
e l l a
t,' I;nown , snch
oti or the
tho zzfrtrwo.:ll and bow
tl4.-r, 81'4 thiN :.prevent .
re.oct.):- . i 'of
: 1,11
1 MI
htt, F(7rcst Wifte
nn tho...!Evei-. and bare
it:satiazz of this trouhle
i i!;.
!rut t.osit,
.at Fttfro_leb t or have
tu!Ctl'orable v nip tow.
lorot ; - fur. sitelt
1:1(4)iti-,sr e.r.ists
r thlt the sy..elt;
of the Foreg
it..Fichtte.s:: 'front blirla
blood, :lila product.
1:I :C
itht ,
m of I,i
,fl 11
tIo (,
L's e i
112, )rtit; wish to gu4rd:; , .
:1,11 - A'witp!;••
)"rplir,Witli •
9 . .01; 14.)pg,.
.1 ftA
j. 3
111 , 4
101 6
~ i' ~ ',
H ne.w
New :It our
Zt zol‘.
- .1, 16,7•6
VtlV:472l . rintii7l.l:;t.
.1d 1'..1"0>Z . 5....& SON . .
:11 a 2 t '7:11 ol;;N:A.tiill
5 0.717 tO 1 7). e ! I:;',f IN p fc:CTI
,“,••• • 2 ;; Sr ' t I:A A• i; 17.11
•• ./. :
•••\;.;•,_, tz ,, , „ ;:tt .rt rI•
• ,
f.;1: t liOsenbailin;
iI.ATi. wi•cr g ?i' i , e.v . aired t:::;;;filior-of
- 11 the °tin.; :112.'. 1 r - We told Lim it wait RI Ong
fol. a titau tr.i dregs sliqa a cultl t'ity, in lint,ai j ga . r+
to init.., jal . . , t aS rtinch a. it! is wrong for a f l atly to tir:Yss
'on. a cold dity iti a ti - dit liarngt: or g:tuzr. tiress. Our
ie:i!dihers said, " Tint et i ezybol. eat dress 'as :hes
" That is true. tinough,ti ti e answered, "
we Fay it is all- -wrong fon orris!: their . 14 , 1.4.411‘cn0
thourieives to' t aike cold, .
cerniiiily on,Other and i4o. t -ter :
their lives, aivut ii 'hey ivoutti c.l4i
•7-.% •_
with a i't , instuail sum of money; they ctmrd ,0. - tt corn:
tbrfaidy warm dresied frOnr top to.bottotrt.- q'heoth
or day we tnet a man halc-ftp.zcit for thn *ant of
Clothes, griinling his teeth toi , eiLer-Illte: a Threshing.
Machinn,- trot we ttOrMi Glared flhtl. WI; drnsSed him
en wr11111,1 ‘ ft)1` ehtll nod then aeld hiMnres
ep; and Siniwb et astrmi,hing lmv Nines for the rest
ofhis sufretimg farni!y, that the ^lan feels
.ts lnwpy and pl.,.a.zatki as' anyhd . kly
Titer f,n-e NAM! us
wiil find ilia We gii,A.;yo
C. 2f. wirrEsbEßG. ,
Muiltrosf Nov. •.!.:1. 18
• N.::::% 1 1
nre on lut:al one
ti MI of, •
rat! &
whjen 0;:r.
- Crockery,' lit
(.1*:1-i :111 , 1,1)3
Boots atul
hi) 0(1%
..litintri:t;e, I - 4.e. 1, 1
fl 0:11 . 1,110 P:
I.ale hc. •
•. l‘e
1.07 i
compl:ittt. i;ii,
ht:a twohit. .
(1113.1itr, of both in.l
rl?•i`, l',..::;: 1:,... t.;':...i..5.-r.-4, Bull
k i - 1 11'.0(7.IMIE.z;7—A
Ilt! boat:.
EWI:LRV.—Vic! hare rustle an addition
.lertoirr =trek of Gobi and Silva: and Gernian
Piris,Ear Drons,l:rae , ..-
I(qs, i:zilver Fruit, Knives, :Napkinßii;Spre
aeles Gobi Porta nu:innl'd.), &e.A ." e,',whiell
will be sold at a riTy
31ontnz..e, Yor. IS, 1S51;
I):l4lzets.-41.1A-rteeivoi ainati of Bilskets. and
I) fo;•:::Lie c1.1,..z11) by BENTLI:\Y .
Viee•i4` fur , 11. e by • DENTLE.Y a REID.
.-liontrose Oet.ol.);:r 1, 1656..
C "
• .
-01-1 :011). - :-zALT by tJ ; ponnt.l, bushel ( . •r• sarl. , j: Ls
:1:i1 for tr:11:. he • • . • •
131 7 ..NTLEY
Ll l ,l',Ell FROM NIIWI(Jilli.
x - roanvITIISTANDING tb. , 3 unp:lrallelled. excite
A in in: a;nl recent
Presidential election, U. 1T.a..":7;,:tr.11.13er...1izt4 sue
-ccedtsil in' thrintph, direer - frAim New York,
an, unusually 42,:fetkiVe ciiri:ll4ll . y Eeleeleir a -
$OO. - 111, , rit of .
J. EY . OSS 4: SON
Try" 'and -"ion
more for .1110. - than vou
!... 119 S a&uK.
IGt - M..05., •
mine :with a choice selec-
*.varietv of thy. trdwarii,,brq 4 :10 . 4 ;Ntetii 7 .
sl n tr.: Patent Ikieoieines,
a tr . .. .!r`_LTatil.t.r,, liaßand
W a Pa?!!;',
1 .;:e1) 01;7.r fo"
1.312.N.T1,E)7 = 11EA,1;,.
•rrtil:f.,v, of-Intr rti , n item
ti &t',`P jl7'; - nr: , l for
T - ..•,cT
BENTLEY &11F..01
t• of 1•:u1977n - ori
:VI1111(ly'S, jrist
r, ; 1., -1:E :t.17:.
!( Y61.:113::;•,
-ti1)11.2 . ;,' m'd ,plil i:t — rzt 7.7=411.
Our sk - n.c.can't
_:111-`,$ - TLET
E 1.12; really trukde Ws', Acellat-suuna:. n
t.lizendl& ,l B,ti - ndbuTingumtunidvalotifil*efut
'attltudes--rfor a incire ifterfoct-esiObitiotkr-lACierilett
rive end tiuguiticeut proport*s. are truly
to look upon. Don't &lite ambeaca thlkapportuai-
Iy offvreti fur stn inspectiott la: 'ablitadebrP i l will
reraulu ou oithibition -Ma a elortll-uldiP7444:llji
fee, but a. trifle. - .
3f;icetit6i. , l;
'NTOTICE N litmhy,-,v.vox to 1111,pirp oos fuming e-
ol& ovtingt attwo - of Ames Ititgas,ilate
of Gibson townctrictelece4ted, that tbi . :tame- Test be
p s reaelitthl to•the uotlerEleed arrangrneut;"and
all persom+ indelitesno Est to..are requvetagr tit
snake lonne'diate payoeo,
WlLLlctill T. CA.U,,,t4eitatar.
Gibsoo, No 7. 10, -fso6. • .14forD
r c» 'Execute No . • ,
- j - kr OTICT.I bUiCPt i f 111 - -13 luvfing -
J-N IV:mantis agratigt.thO..littaitiof.Soirc3rigissir,
,late of Great, &dJAR #!
iuust. b pr,emiaCtdif to:tho...uilderstr&oti,
razygerwtot,.oild 011 - -pcittotoi• indektte!.l,lO AkR
nre rovieste4 to - ngske.imiroNliaPi
Q 2 , 40110.11 Exe-eutp: •
Zdffd:NoV , 11 111 - '.0T.••••-'-
t •TAY 7 ' 41 11111t... ( 21 , ' •:-
r l . ) tittaiitv 10e. , telf-the - .giir - 'O3 - igryit-*2 =i liur,t,
.„.-r of ;inatrUction_at _
Ihßi fm:ege dating intend,
le3vinkr cl)put;:tite return the:
IA -ef t Jaz.v:iry through *IL
mo;lt h aaad r.oe , sikoTtir , theitiYo.C.7ll - tben return IQ corn:-
.plete m ennrsl: -- til64e'di.o- ; -.y . y. s e r vices before
leaving 'O-iIU thlyl
Tha-ze inflOated,lti Rtc tCiit abo , pleigg . tAli and fogli;
tlve-r'10:. it 14 aAitne• - gitt. , C47ttitit
inc -
vr - - • .
. , .
ag$ 1 : 1 01t - VIEEE'•:- . 11C11ntfr.;, -
. T 1.LLT4.11,q11.0 National ousore . cep:
' Att(l., Family - .Receipt 430014 4 ,Fitimeri
.Guitlein the Ilinngernent,of.Aniint4i4l'iligouse-•
.vdt;?, Duet*, Baal; of the Uttit,ed Sat*, with
_plates, C'ompktp Farrier •or Ifo - rse . l)Octorithristian;
Maeinne are- Ifqi/i-Traets acid ~Sur4.l4. School
tiook . s i ltihles dod School:Books=and.. Ii iiti Books;
Maps • Gt lintr;al4, '&647Vrftinit
open 4 'end for
sair. by , - LYolsiS kSON. ••
• Mont: 11 . 1.14k6. , •.= . -
Daily, Seini-WCell:tind . :lVeltli` Te'lo6ph
.T.l{F : - .l3A . l . Ly_:.T : rE,Lfi.G!lkl',_lf . .l- ;: i',.
OTWITrISTAN DD.; G the rtunori apreitti:tiy
political opponents . , thut the .Dittorlstiourd
would beqiiscontinuecl after the election, we announce
to the public that wishill not only eoutinife. its ptzbll=
cation, lint it shall be Alone with - renewedl46r and dOL.
termination to n: eet. the public expOtatlquiltuctwanbi.,
Tht , pOlfsheis: will spare no labor or CApense ttitoake
it a:paper eniinentir worthy of Ihe'itpitpill;4llpenn
sylvania. and one 'Which; shoul4- hUnti life r fie c-
Ode in narrithurg.: ; ; • ;
The Wilt- Tele - vra - nh will etintain - thelit - oknearg
r.-colved Ma-g.neti'd Telqgn.ollllfillbilllVW*ll.
, givcs pr.rticeint: attention to oui; ,: LbeatVeictment,
and endeavor to Inski. thq atidinter
e,.ting es rtnesaite. The Editorial pej'aiittlietit will bq
ender the nuriligeinent of able and exp'erietieed'gen
t.lerner, 'who, upim. all qiiestions the . .Trublie,
will expres.4 their opinions fairliand
Legislater=_. will be ‘:zztrinteil with several Impotishf
duties--the election of ITnited 'Stati-Sentito - ri 4 tliti -
election of a State, Trtnisiira ,r - the appoitiOntlient
ttie State, Se,;:—.which Will Ulrike - the pri'keedingstal
usuallv-into-eFstin','mtni hnfortant.- The Telegraph
will be able to preFe:it this and. ail othdr- flews tram; -
• spi , ire. at the 14.tate Capital stanch 'inore
eatifictorily than any other ringer Intim Sittte.l.-
TliE SF. M.14'.! EI:K L.Yia. VVE eKLYJ.,ELEGRA:PIf
be published, 11,3 heretofore. Wo shill! 'en
.!eitror to the_,Nreektjr rrelegraph the be 4 Sarni
ne.xspaper -Tt ri dl cO,nt/r . intill
ilt?:••-t news, tip h;r.
to , of goin; press; wil. 1
eazitain feu reports; -the markets; in Ltlk Atlantic.
A pc,,rtion of our cplutime be devoted. to
020 itxt , _,.;:e..-.lts Gr. Aglittlit;ire• and lreCklpilic.c.:„. TAO-
Se;lii-Weekly will b t publrshed' only: derinObe - oeii!
9 ions of the Legis - Litttre. -Worts :4141 bp - to ritakei.
the l'ulegi-ar,h theOOdel,tieWspaper of 'Op a(ate. - :
Da:ty Telegraplk wilt bp ftirta4ied lot!
~..71;b:,.....eriber; a; R. tiis.t.linee. for $4 per 4Opum 42:fog
six mor:ths; or - z,ll,for three niOlitha.
it: town rill 1).e: cents oer *eel;
- ...n3r,l'ole_weeTdy to the raiTipt%. • • -
.._ . . ,
'm. seuit- Wet: lay 'and Vic ekl,f'Tele.ivaiii: w4l be
fu rni -I: ed to til a ~ _.;. ' w •ll!):4eriberg ' at" $. 2,00 'per annum:
Our-Chth I-Zato:; are as follows: " ' . • - ..;; . 1 1 ::: '
Clubs of 3 • •
...... 6 .....‘ .'..f... - .. 1,7
• '' 4 k 26. .."., 1. .. ...... .".." .. . ... 10
Th:, perForf n loir• raises a Club wi • t
eceive a pogy
of the paper greas.' . • - • ").'
- Where i.•,• a pei;4.ll who cannot afrord thii? . 'iiitriti •
contA per week for.a Neu spaper; which !hall xitinveY.
to Lin . ; is addition to politicalintedligence, 41 ;fotelgo,
fioniestiz and loc:d .news ; in :a.word,; alt :of, polithmic
interest which ma ' transvire Other, at,-..hoPle or
a t road.
an l .; 9t*lri!.m (1. 7 .: everywhere far : the-gCneriins .
patconagd they Imre e.-ztentitjd fit iikluijilg the Cam
paign, We trust that they •m'll"ilt ititcti:retteivt!mir:;iims,:atid matte' tttc Telegraph'- itt -futtife_
constant visitot at: titt-ii•'firallie:s:
- , •
at Mice? ;,- • .
:dr Editors *ll6 gr s-e the above a few insertiow;
•and notice it editorially, 64' havraebithante — Whh
to b Deily for one yenr. 4 _ 4W
. : ' ieV4i..i;ia . ''' t , i:ii ' . .1. 0O F ::: : : 1. ''' ::: '
1 1.7 H E 4,16-UP..?iibt.lll.f.kxl,.