II l i ender4t eSsentudly ineansistent with itself. T i lai-ing•nrge . d-the adoption - of the Missouri niproupse, tht iufercuce t • isirrenistible,tha t on utes'in`tUfOpiniin, vtssies the pow ' xto letil te,upon tli subject e,stavery •n Territories \\ hat an ' abiarditk, ,would it th em be, if, Whilst, asserting this, .80 VEgg-. 16 1 . N POWER IN.,..e()NOßESS i which pow, ,et.liona its tiaiifi•l'iglfisi Li EX94,115, lig I s • a ald in the' • - el.v same lgeath also aria thin identical power ,' for ,the population of a Ter ritor r --in ati:un•Orniuliied -caiSlicitir ?" • fln conelusru; 1 claire to eit.(. , rate and re: alTlitit , rcyeri sautiinent contained =in m,- - )..lerl:s county; letter.' I .cling to the :Nilsson r oCompromisewith greater tenacity ,than ex ' , aril' yet r- -- fii m: 13 ,- ,4;eliei - e' T that - it''wll - 1 be i ' tell •14 'Congrens.•- • - • • :17ouri, 1.-Cry respeetruk , i ' Is JAMES lit:CLIAISLVS:. • 7: Sand~or~t-Es~.~ , . . soa►lke Northern . Chrlstiln'Adte."' • .• .:Letter from Rev 443 I :rirkle. Deaf . ffilobard:• 7 —The:,46‘ liti w lea a nie good Ina*, it‘t • returned to thi's • --- ace fraoroa-'ttoiir to the WeSt,iich'cCie: V , haie eir preaChalg;• and .looknig at, the ,§cenes sting:Orin the new part ofjour great Val k'. ll* iienea'hie t, as - they are the reacting of`.the,seenes of jfr-youthful days, With the exception of the lmsas war. "sixty-eight years since, I was inillar with the war hoop Of the savage In• ilms. • But 'here .confess they are nothing compare with thecold,blOocied ering, houSe•hurning, • hOrse..stealin'p., • and t ki s hintiorc e maksi by slaveocracy and Mis• riri niiirtaits. t history has.no - recA,rd an • ything'llte' , ll. I tel . 'my American tood boil intoe'wlth indignation, tai think I . . I. liberty for which my fathers and kini- I n fotight,' - and watered the tree Of our glo ,ui i ben)." swkth their . blood, mint uow be dden,6wit under the .unliallow.ed feet 6t tyrants over , slaves • 'Wilt a free Chris-. 11 people suffer itl t indignantly say, NO. re-traitors to..our_liberties fultst be rooted; 0-iuk ofeokruption and tyrit i nny,lat.lien nr, eeably. if we out, but_therwise if We.niust. tWas amongst spree of Ile retugues ; sofne rhad hem robbed and burnt eat, horses oxen •And''yet we have t, and - editors ,of 'papers who .Will tictly It any sue • -li ,things- have transpired and lie sanie'fUneflotOwilnit they do not tell truth. The tOries.and,traitors are out all aid I;prevaiL May . God save the Republic! I ataitS ever, . • ii.k' Tip` to • - Your' brother in . Chri4. FINLEY,.: . . NV HERE ARE TIIE DENtocrtATSI-111e. Pi nn . . vatilan aut.l' other Buph.attan: agar: huxe 'U assuring, their • readers ever sinee'the oeirmati nollittatio.ti, that the t zreat. luidy,of Whigs rj Btr(:firin, an and.liy way .of ‘ .proof thattic.ft wa4 tli o . ca.. t e, in',llie State of • 11laine, four out of gi ilti L eigatin - ratittli)aies_ lt,•r t:.;, - ,n - Ertesg, wire ta -1:i.0 frorrthe 4.)ld'i‘Vitig - t!ii - iii* - . \ ,.lin lowa t, , ,r,,, thr Buelianwrs-eounteil on tarrying the State' I,yj an orerWhelMins,„majority 'front the -al, le eft fact tfia,i,"'U'l . .reaf 'prbportion of the Wlll.tg lialls - i'lie3 tliiiir, jiarty, JN,;% . v,'lii_lii)i I, OAT, Iti . at . ill'e'N‘rhi l l,.. s ate .:eperally tor-BuChau 7 I t an, the.ipiestiuir arises, where are.the Demo s'? ..,, lom;ii-nna _Maine hare ,lieen earrle,l th'e:Preliwiriters•hy larger riiiijorities than .I,to liiio given in those S'iiii.ti for the Deir tio„-party,...aniithe conclusion is irre4isti , thAltilre Whit.te have turned Deriiorais majority 'of . the. 01l D..in, , ,erits are i.o w [llie;,ltapublican rank:, where they :ire bat lg for, the game prineipleg that animatel. 1 r party under the leader,hip . .of J,..illt,oit .I.‘faili;on; ',while the pretehried aii,l spe lt:l fio i, , t)pip,;crat's, havhpo &lit:carded every ear din I principle of . the fathers of the:lli:oth, are ve T , pcipsisteptly:endeai-oring to tlevatkil to thelP.resiclency a nr.an . 'yylio distingul.lieci halm: gelfint early life as.the - deadly foe ofthe Pem,- ocri;tic party, but who iu hiA latter days. has assiiwd the I:Ye:it/a:nit - le tta - nie in order more eti . t.ctuttllr to : overthroii- Democratic.uririti - _.. ples, . . 1 . . li T i \T. 1,9T . E.--; - -Prie vote hi the United State.; Se / ate annxed Texas to the-United . .-_`ltate..!..:. Mr I I Itininc , tan' of .Insiana east that votc.--.- Onz: rote. in the. Indiana Legislature electod -71lr, llannegatifo his .placc in . the S6nafe..-.-- . -- Th - I tok_ovas cast by Afidison . 111arsh, - . of Sta non County... Mr....Marsh,' was chosen to the; legisl at ure of i _ Indianal - .), one vote.: . . ll - • - .. ience ox.x,v'ori., .citists by a private citizen at ' - primary clection, annexed Texaa, pro .voled. the Mexican-war; -.sacrifice() - ft f:y thou- Rani). lives, roiled upon us a national: 'debt of ..enej hundred millions ($.10Q,0.00,000.) p . ve as Palifoinii. Utah and 7 :Ne*Mexico . ,.calle3i lath being a new empire on the. Patific.ccast, . pl4ed Zachary . Ta'ylor in the -Presidential chlir, and .oaped our politics 'for at lea*t .th e - adininistrations. . . . i: , 7 , r — The -144(4 , io'C'os are charging in • their 4iigikis and tracts, says. the Honesdale i inoc:ra l t 1 that .William Lloyd ..Garrisoa i 1 1 0ail :Phillips:, H. C. Wright, .and that set, : out for' Fremont. Variotti; quotation§ Imadel front .fhe v. - ritings..of those-.g - entio,. Men in favor of disunion, for which. she 'lie; pub!licansare hearesponSible.. Now, we §e6 the 'Liberator,' tit,: organ of these anti-slave ry-mltraist.s every week, and,'we know,4l4t , - not a maul of them Advocates the eleetiOn of Frenont. The whole statement is 4,false buil a'd through, ,top and bottom, center and ei I.& m fe.rence. • : - . - —:. . • . . V" The following Ti''fro lit the_hic:4lmond eivirer6tin6 orilleehief - OrganS of the .t. na tien" lia i rty,!Alileh' is supporting Mr. Bu- . ;I . • . . I . la an :-• . . ' 'Amkr and Surritter i tifriendA mint he Pun l shed and.,sileteed.' , Government which cm* . Ail' ppitS§::Stich - crimes as theirs has fail,e'tof ;its. pyrposc., :'Eit her such wretches tau. , Velitingror-plit iii . The Peniteutiary, or the Soutivshould' prepare at once' to quit the .I„ini+n,P .-' '.. ~ . • - .- . 1 . . Nirgorktfre. Li s, as is S'ell : knOW-T14'130 '64 brinu r> . high rates. _The - liiehnlOnd Eluinirer • with a satisfted air, that the average prit.of,tand in-tide*ater Virginiti is ten -dol.; larlper are j Wilat Avote.d.: be thought of sue. -a bid for land in tidew4tke tira It, is:Afiiitez . el the - .planter.. tna3i gaittih:.oe 'r rue of his:unpaid. Itibctr, ite , lose.'itn tea deprecated valUQ' of his - Jana:. rYang"Meo, are you ( - loin , ' your Id I ty i ,thisonitast?" not GO TO . WORK I Toil,aye you eau a pi ish wonder=;: lab el . diligently-. . , o to work.--candilt ' Deliv4.o.l- - , - - - ' ,•:,.; ;7; 71••• ..,,, ..:, - • - , Who in liiOder's -goine to work for 10 `tcenty -a - d ay, a hile :: butte t 's 20 ce n ts per poOld i•--Hotliarzyiliarg Register. hi. Di'selisk•Eiti.:—.ls .4 ` e dii, o i of 1118 -Lexio , tfditi,i:bf4i:, - .oiiizett writes from Westpoo to kis Ora paper isif be ha) whin wdr4co•S' et)/ 114.*A1 , 1a• - • =. • . *ay 8 . 1-- it w ag the opl s tiion of many of ourtt . izetts that tlie abolitionist's would mot fighL `l bis., has; been' discoveredito be a mistalie. Itt!weli trained; and full of war... " •- Tbeodoroirrelinglnitysetf • ide , nt of Rutgers Ce ll ee, wbo vas. tit* \flag etoldidate for. Vine'reeSident in 1844 IV* quested by; the killinore Inen tohead their • Statellectorld Ticket, Ile de,:littetakeitUri .l3d avo L ws his .preference for Fremont' -• .Itepobtlieati 7,fittsi. Meeting*. adit:eiti the citizens of Sus qucharini& 4 'etfifiiniiiig counties ou'thopOtilicalhues, tionn Of the air 'et the following places Anil dates: Frico4sCilie„ Saturday, October 4 1 at . ) rot, . (Sheru-opd's,) lion:day, October 0, 41 r.sr. Auturn cettie, Tuesday, . . ..... " Iliuiock,'Tll4 eveu i„ g, Niaulssm,;Wyouliag Co., Niipinesilay Oct: 8, ati. r.u. _lleli4, Thursday, ' October 9, at 1. r. u. Waverly, lAizerife Co. Pa., Piiday, Oct. 10, at 1 P.M. ;,‘_zaitir,da,y, October 11, at Ir. u, - giro. Fi s The 'Montrose - Tire. Co. 'No. 2 - wiLL,meet at their Engine House, Monday,. October dth, nt :10 minutes past :Vp.'elgek - , M., equipped according to -Lair. A full.attepdauce is equested; ;as it is the last meeting for. exercise. • Si 31. WILSON, Sec r. lloitgiu aud attend. Rongit'and Ready:Fur Corapany are herrhy noti fietktp` meet at the,ii,.Engine 'louse, 'pryored (or er treisei Eaterday.tiest,9eMber. 4th, at G o clock, r. . • •G. A. irsanr, See'ry.. • • • revey need Ague. • Tire. need not, tleycribe this Itoranenting complaint, for localities bordering near lois many of our read ers hate experientetrbs'elfeeta in a greater or less degree. ;Until our lands are more thoroughly cleared up and drained, We May expeet to be visited annual-. lv with it.. What most will interest the reader, -at the prelietit moment; is to be told of a remedy that will drive it front the F:ssie:m!talld leave the patient , to' a condition to be speedily' restored to usefulness. We know of one which is certain to accomplish thii, has prodUced . a WINE and PILLS fre t a. plants, whiCh Fronk to thoroughly root out this -scourge of the human family. ::We have ample proof :of these simple remedies, accomplishing what they purport to do; and W;e would those afflicted with the feter'and or thnse who may be ex -posed in the . latitudes of the -.disc.:lse, to. Instantly procure the medicine and girt Hit a thorough trial. llentro-le, Sept: 2t. AIWL TI7P,IIELL, Agent. ; 7-4 i)l4i * l t l49'es* , te. Nr . • In New NUVora, oa tbe Rev. George It'Ree'se,- T.tt - cdrx: raid Mrs. Lt-&Y A. KE.vion, both of - Bri4gewater. • • . )1 In Jackson, Sept.:l2oth i , by Mr; Torrey wtritden Esq., Mr. Curs BVitTCII OrljUAlless Co., N. Y., nn(l , Mrs. llinftrEr IVlLl.stirrpr; ofikokson. env ~~~b~~'#iscl~l~~~fa. . R. Thaypr, ANDe t SURG4OT.T., 3iont: °Fe, °Mee in the Fonuer's tore. . ---- lriUy Doll,ll.rs pet. 1.001T.,n.r2 1 11) %D ILEC LOCAL aid ',TRAVELING 'AGENTS wanted, at s:;tYper., month. U.lirres.i ARM 4 . ; CO.; Eliza beth tinvit, Lancaster County,. Pa, • • • NEW MILCOIip Si Cloak and Dre:s . Goods Emporium. FO it FA .T.Ji m 1f556 TT 111711RITrivitiult1 attention to 41:: .1L • new• stock of . Flllll and Wl:ilex- Goods, includiu4 a gri. , af:carleiy of rich Fall Prints, in new ;.styles; aua Fancy Delaities and Cashniere; Plain and Panty 3ltslitair and Plaid Me. • - :blocs and l'ara' Inattzish;. Black .fl ocadc; and Fancy Silks_; --WoOl;1•13rnclie ;Cat.liniere rind Sill: Shaw•ls ; OCtits :hands, Ilich Iti4botml, Dntnets and Flotrei-s. Ladies Cloths and rick yolvets for Cloak Broild Omits, eassinitire,whit a large miSot•t ineirt of other-. ST-I,.PLE bard FANCY -6,00DS as usual, inCludirg flakd tvtive, Lon and Steel, Paints, Oil.; Enotsatni :Sboes,! flats, Caps, Clock - s,Eilo I.obc..4;•Caipeting, &c., ttitli t large and new assor!- Ineut of Nisti.ves. of illeAnost • improved ti-T1 LES and cONSTIZUCTIONaII'of yshich will be sold to meet the views of the clo'se.st 4yeilz,for cash •or New Millard, OetoLer 2.;•lsf:a. 0 • Auction. 11F, tullt ? tyip (* r.at tell . liroperty - F111:1 by public Tendue, ott the fann,ol:tephert Hazleton, - :4**Dininek. cler•:l.,on ..F , 4l.ltriray the 11th day of Oetilber in:4, at One o'ani:, P. M., to wit : Flye eo..vs, one pig, lioire lore sleigh or - - c,otter, 1 one Itot-se . wnt:mt. 1 One Lors'e hari.vss, one Lowerake, ten tone 17a3 - ", 1 0:11.).:111,) tn:d lion hat., chair.;, Sc. • Six months credit oirrill sums exceeding live dol lars, with iiacicst avid approved :4ccurity. Tile firm is zi!..,0 for ;aIC: . - TEARELL, .Ez tr.cte. . • ELLI4II BUNNELL, • Dil.p?cis, Oct. 2w .EncutOr's Notice: NOTICE is hereby riven to a 1 perstinS hari.ig fie , 1. muds. egainFt the estate !Lam.- tor, late c3i Dimock township,; deceasil, that the 'same must be presented to 4 the untlersigned.for ar yailgemettt, And all. j)etstMs imrebked to said Estate ate request:A to make iMmediate payment. • WM. J.ITCRIZELL,- ' • • .ELIJALI BUNNELL, "-"'" Dimock,. October 2, l't:•;s6. 4lr Nrm GOODS. are on hand once more with a 'choice select titin.of " - • • - , Fall Or Winter Goodsk.. • which comprise's our usual Tariety; -of Dry Goods, Groceries, Crockery, Ilardware, mugs and Medi cines,Baints, Oils and Dye stunts, Patent Medicines, Bootslthsl Shoes, Sole and Lipper-Leather, Hat,: and Caps, Watches, Jewelryi and Silver Spoons, Carpet rlag, Trunks, Umbrella:4, Wall - and Window Paper ; Ciocks., hcc., of ishich we offer for sale MI our usual terms. BENTLEY I: READ. 31entre, October 1, ISZA reccircd a load of Acts, and for sale cheap, by BENTLEY & BEAD, . • . 4cesP•for sale by BENTLEY / 1 / 4 : READ. , NJ. -Montrose, Ocidier I, -1?.56. • friIiAJTLY SALT by •1111 poun4,llu7.thel cr Pack, just _AY rec•ziredAnd farkle. fiy - • • • : • • BENTLEY k -,_ ' • SADDLE' ..I HARNESS. MAKER . • AND TD.IIIIIII neceSsor of A. & E. ljaldwin, (lategondliam and I 1., smith,) will offer on Food ;: - terms,Alll kinds of worki!` in hi; line," sneti ;.ts (Heft, Ilaruessi, Trunks, &e. ffurriess made' of the best o.ali-tanned .CARRIAGE 77:1,ilk1tING . or all kinds done on abort notice, All kinds-!Of Carriage Trimming,: kept on -hand and furni,:heil cheaper than can tat purchas ed elgeothere in Northern Pennsylvania. No:-1. - 1, '2, and: 3, Maser of 'Scarle's Mont _ rose, Pa . • Noritrose,'Oetober 1; 011.- tf • BM iIIik.IiCEMENT X 7 7 ",1- (>0 ) a • t rrITE undersigned haling asl4ociated thouselve.sin 1_ the Mercantile be ii e under the name of Mott Tyler, at the old ongituzl Ifeadof Navigation," announce to the inthlic :that they are rows _receiving a large stock. of • ":fie* .& 600d1 1 / 2 audi as Dry..Goods.'DreSs Goods, Cloths,.Canimers, CrOckery, Mils and Cam Groceries, .hr., Le, which will he isoldlqr. Ready Pak, at prices that can't tante suit.. - - C. W. MOTT, -' JAMES C. TYLER. ' Montrose., October' 1, 856. - • 1 -- 4' , J•41."r''.1:4....4.-1,... t r • ; 4 ' . 1 , A4niiinl4*.#lor7s -. 1(141ke. Vort6g.hi'berti),l given toall persons having deg smonde 1 11 1$ estate of: JONI: .Loito. late of Lathrop wornship,, deceased, that the flitUtt 11111 a be pre.4entd to the undersigned- for ,tknitive inetit, and all persons indebted to said. Estate aro re questeio' 4olediato payment. •-• • . JOIIN LOUD, .A.diniMattst.r. , Lathrip, Oct. 1; 180. i. • - . 38-6 w K. CIELILNDLIEIt - has a supply of. Coil .1' a paign Doottrosols,'antl a large variety6f, New Rooks, including life. Stowe's great work, Ciletitimir l a good . stock, wElf be sold very vby F.. 8. CUANDLkR. FilMr4;47—IVAD4;p 0 3,4 v er bbl. LARD, TAG - indCTM:- UANDLE. A A Sew Ploughs wad Slovesoritich /IL be told Lest thp cos.t, ,to close them out, by .1 Sept. 24. 1856. ' F. B. CHAIipLE.R. OMEN _ MILL - INFRA, - . .- 'Dress Making and Fancy Store. -•: • ',.= . . -, A: D.. sTc.)Ru.--&-Co. - - -. ..111 9 1;11$ I:espee ully . announeet.to the ladies of c i zt.\:. . 1 V V - MOntrOse an vicinity, that they baireopened a FANCY DRESS G Mat RNISIIING - STORE, on Main Striet, over ha . Fart er's . Store *here they will be happy to see t ir - ohl friends, and also solicit be ptt runage.vf licit, of "4: Miss Chase m i ll attlnid to the illiniry,dgpartlitent ; the Proms-z' ;thing de ‘f.i, „toartinen will be utttiv the el arge of -Miss Witter- - tionse. — - ": , ' Sept: '24, 1-856. .. - - ' 37--tf • ,Gitatre of DELAWARE, LACKAiIr.AN . •• • RAILI,i4 EW mut expeatiims- bro. 11 licirth and \t eat, yla Gi . and from the Lack•rnituna au icctly thninglt taNew York On and after Monday, Aug. followx: • Cincinnati Express-Train b IL,..arrives at Great 'Be Owego, Bittglunntoti 'Lc., and rnEs.s . s Train which leaves" York and Philadelphia, Due'at M out - rose, . Scranton,.. , " ',l..3trOudsbitrg, " Delaware, 1.5 minutehi " Junction; . New York,— ...... I'assengera from New York lea , r. 2, North ricer, at From Philadelphia, leave Wal •Wharf, at Leave Junction, • Due at Bridgeville, Phil. conm " Delaware, 1:" ? minutes i " • mon, " Montrose, '" Great Bend, ..... Connecting - at Great Bend with METER! ' Train West lt • Scranton AcconnnnAation Trtir Scrailt9ll for great itenttat.. arrive at Great Bend, Connecqic.g uith Day Elpri..sseq West, on N. Y..; E. R. R Returning, 14..a'reS Great item' 4t Duo Seranton,... , T . .J. In, Stroudsburg Acennamoolation T leaveslear Strocuislourg nit NeW Train inter- mediate .plare, at • 5415, Returning leaves'. fur ScrOallsburg at 3:311, ,e. u. Passengers to and front :vets 'cork will eloange Cars at Clarksville.. . • To and from Ploilallelploia'.l•4 B. D. R.: 8., leave or take the cats at Driageyille, For Pittston, Rinvton, and k 13. h. R ears'at.Seraotton For Jessup, AVVllibAhl, altd cars at Greenville. . Tickets sold anil liagenge clu tions on connecting inadS... l'as.;engers to and. from Wil,cesbarre,' Wyoming, (r.,. via Lackawanna . & Bloomsburg R.iiitoad, go through without any 4.4ertiiton at Scranton, as the trains on that road 'UM hi etilin :riiodt with lira EN.- press trains on the 1)...1.A... li'. It. It.,—hence pas sengers may leave - Kingston at! 1 . )::0, ..c. m.,,mai ar rive in Philailelphia at 8, r. m., tirN. Y. at 7:15. . Returning, leai.! Pkilmlelphiaat 7 A. M., or New York at 7:so, and 'arrive in•Kingstoo at. 5 F. m. Fare front KFmtstoo, Wyolif l ng and Pittston to Philadelphia, **.t.,511. to Ninv li Yol., .$3,75.. , Tickets.sold antlllaggn...? clie:keil ihrotirh. ft. 11. DbTTERF.R, Sup't. Wm. N: Jr.xx.4, GenerarTicket ..V•ent, 0 Sept. -24, 1:;56. __ _• Bryant liton3e W EAT BEND PA.—P. M.llwari Prol actor „5'.1-''9,/... , (Q:Dr:OrDi 0. xo opExr.A . G ; 'By * ,• tt LYONS R SON: lrontrosi., Sept. 17, • Cra11:119 Eli;;;61.: „ 3 anti flutter crack rr.4, for...x.tt , by .1 LYON;:;t SON. I)at Tlratv4ttla Vlowerti, i,v on't\it tr Pill: Ircnvz, Paihi and Basket.. at H ats, :t fit =h ar; ival, at J. TONS I: SON'S. Violins, fin- i.n..dollar, are Gstitars jn-d• re ccii - eti by • . 1 .• LYONS S. SON. INloidro 3- F , c, S;.--,:t. 111-1, ISS l tl. 1. . • 1 I --- "N — P— D r PJ TAMES IitiCITAINAN.;Iiis , .dJetrineg and policy, t./ Colds': and Su:1111er'; ,Spc-eilics, -.Border 11.nif fian Coda in Kansa-: l and PreAidential Pl:amin,l, Fre- mont Songitors, JtHt received and for sale - LYONS 4 SON', *3lQ:those, Sept. lb, 1556. Dissohtliao., • VOTICE ITN•hy thai the tin-Partnership ~1.11 heretofore eaiSting In:Overly the subscribers tinder the firm and 'style of Fritarn and Sinith,• .S. l ddle and Harness makers, t! day (lia:nlved by mutual consent. , GI. F. FORM - IAM. Montrose Sept. 1, '56. H. A. SM. 171 , N. G. F. Fortiliant will continue to carry on the Saddle & Harness linsioess at thit &(I stand, (Nos. 1,. 2, anti 3, Basement of Searle's Ifotel,.) Where he will be laapl)y to see all who may needkutythingitt his line. Montrose, S,Ept. 17, 153(1.' I . , :14.41w Dite.oirgio . THE Co-P,4tnerehip hereto fi ;44. exiAing tinder the . I.J lino of 6"zoit, Jolmston•t. to., IA this tiny 'dis solved bi - cAtt , tal consent, (Mr. i; ierman havinggonr south.) The lnlyinem will lie ercutler curried. on by Scout s : J 0 b :1 ,4. 00 , in who:1010u% are ,all matterA belon g ing to the late firm. 1 SCOT 4 Sprinpille, gept..), 1856 ritroRTANT TO VA r Nen . I ,Frel;ht fi.ienc Tri _ DILL 4a ..41{11fir CA : nilmh•Aloyl ifirdtants T 7 O/1 the better. accommodatirn Susi - I'a counts. we have-c s ircight every 'day of the week (St at the store of 31. S. Wilson and •Ai to shipping the same to New Ye hills: will bp paid in . 6 ,11 at their Capt. Wiekhant tlieir.Salest perience on th`4... N. Y. & E. Bail Faying that justice wilt, he done ,t the ahove arratTgerricut we invite A ell. . ,lfontro'Qe, -:11tg. '26, 1F.56. NEW Fil -. HALL & SAT' . If...t.xUFACTI:IIERS' and tle• + ll. Furtsittirc, are 110 W order tbr Bed=teads• of all Li l t o: p tipwarthi,accor4ini; to styre.': W, Ready-rnarle Cotlios• ; and a 4-1 we are:prepared .to notice. - •A New Milford, Thar I, IS:I6 FARMERS' TO, YOUR rare chance ta'mal•c fro; per cent. mt your A, TlTE,subserilier is prepared t' Machine: laud various other niints, not 'to be surpassed by from the well known and long es ry of Wheeler, Melliek & Co., Al are but few farmers in this_coutt alba-the above per cent., or mori erCan he applied in cawing *Foot wise, chUrning, cuttifirstraw, rious other' uses too numerous to eral reasonsi can make it an ohje to purchase, to call upon me an flied.. I.kave - the freight S 0 art portatiou is but a mere trifle. Ail ranted to perform airrecommend bills.) can also,furnish mathin ttfactoriecif &wired. yot orders;and your machines will Maack, qsuulia. ca., Pa., June COME AND S ii Q r' CENTF.4 in eain, will buy a 1 Uri th e , splendid' stock of 8 Goods just receiving,at the Cite storo at Dimode Four COrnent, ,I body now goes to buy their gotniz; Ha r m 'and Salt kept gitrayy on h Diniock May 4 1 ?.. 1*56. WI • . . • E.tray. frit-NE.lld° the enclosure of MILI the 22d dei . of July last, It . ed to be'sbout 12 jeariOhl, whh forelleakand oi little white on t The owner is requested to prove. Ses,'N:k4 tike her away. HE New Milford, Au 4, 12, 1856. Alum • A:Cp WESTERN. • 11 gunge Tonl / e front tlsif Ea - 12e14. 'inn] 144 . :ra n ten ; di6 118, Trains will be run 1310 Pt:4'On N. rd 8:15 A. M.; - inn , ' Olt E Great -Ben; t. for N 8:30, .4 9:14), • .10:4:5, .... . r ..2:00, 11l ..,1 =EI ... 3:13, .... .. " e Pier, No. A. 41 llt ' • " ctiop, ...12:15, P.' M ..... ,1:30, • " MEI EMI the Mail . 0:1n, P. %I- I, reay.es ' 8:00; A. U. r. A. East awl jlikeF.4)az L Carbondale,. change ked between all sin ME EN LYONS Sz so&"'4. JOIINSTOS. Y,5- 'v. gra tit nontrot4 . IMONG, Eric Baihr;:gs. n of the Formers of nchuleti to receive esc,,ptc , lo 1 1 ;on, Who Will attend mit ; and theiFicturn :tore. whoAe tow; ex 13ad. justifies him itt Lip Patron;._ With farifierA to rive tip; .11. — STUS .• ' ARMSTRONG. EOM OEM lens in all kind► of :pmparetl to fill ull litla at whole,zale or ice); range, from $2 also keep on band have an elexant d.funerula on short \A. 11A1,16. T. SATTERLY INTEREST. - 12 -to 25 or 3 .t.elain en t. furnish Thieshing Agricultural Inpic ny in this country, ahlished rnanufacto only, N.' Y. There t y hut what can te l., as the horse poir it in log or other- I hay, Lc., and vs mention. For sec ct for those wishing hare their order,' 4. , ,ed that the trans. ill hnplements war. A, '(see large hand-: eey . (rem ether; Mad.: r time to send -yotir be in readiness at : 1?.. T. TI.Firt.NY. • 0, • 10354:: -'22nB dollar's worth of ring • iuid Summer Casb and Barter i bere almotit et•ers• . ME IL THAYER. . Ihe enbseriber,. on !re] mare, snppos aihite strip in the e. leit'fore fooL.— roperty, pay char 'llY TIFFANY. alin3 . • • pat:Egli 11110.111 I AC' LECOON. . pnrlngatce °tan act of the genera A5:4..1,114y of cinnthon*oditi..it sciitt sfisatda , eatitted gni . act relating. to , the efectiOns.olthieotrtmonwealtiop-' .p t s wet i the t - sd : day of Jthin'4l:l).•lBBo,' s I • F. P. 'IIO.L. LISTER, i3lgb Sheriff of the:Conn ty df Susquehanna, in.eahl Commonwealth, do hereby give notice fo the Electors of the county aforesaid, thata General Elec. • inSuid-connty, on the gtit.freleadtray ofOchibei‘iiiiritt; -• • • , - at being the 14th day ofswitl niontls) at Which time, k l Stute.antl'etiontv' Otlicers are to be elected as.. rot- ! lows, to wit: • •• " • One PerAtin to fill the Office of Calm! Commission er of the bOard of P6nAilvanin.. • • ' .One-pereon itvflltthe Office of Anditor deneral for „ . the State dr ', • . • , 'Otte poison to ft! the, Nice of Stiiveyor ttenetal, for the Stare'aihr&taltl; • ' • ; One person to Ali theOffiee 'of .Reprei,entative In Cimpess of the rat& State.. for the district 'co in . , ea of the eountitis'of Dradford,.Snminehanna . and to fill.the Ofliceof State Senator of the iozied of th . Mounties of Strqueltanita, v:W.yetitin ms to fill i • 0. ice jt....,Vemhers of the 'press.V es Poingyrrania,‘ for the Julo.sed !tar Indies of t3timptc.hanna, ..avt u Sullivan: two persons to fill the Ofliec of Associate Judges of the county: of Susquehanna. • One person to fill the Office of Coasnasioner of the counts. aforesaid. • Oak!' person to Willi()Tice of:District attorney for said county. '." • . . . One person to:fill the 0 tee of County AnditOr,tind e i , t4ts, One persdn to fill die Office of County Surveyor. And I also hereby make known -and gie notice; that the place of holding the General Elections in the „,. era l %r m.& . hoi o ughs andtcnvushipa within the county of Sustinehanria are .. us follows to wit: The Election for the district compo4ed of the town& s hip + o f Apol t i con will beheld at the douse of Joseph Ikehe's in said township. The Election for the district composed of the town ships of Ararat will be held :it the'seho o i h ous e n ear the Presbyterian church in said toiWnsltip. - • ! , The Erection for a:11,6 distrietcomposed of the town- ship6f Auburn wille held at the house of George - Bar erly• fit said township. ; 7 The Election for: the district composed of the town- ! Ship of Bridgewater - Will he held at the Court House in the Borough of .Ifontrnai, • The Election for th#district composed of the town- •, ship of B7ooklyn will he heltrat the house of James .0. Bullard in said townsliip.. - • • The ElLlction Tor this di:trict composed Of the WWll ship of Choenout, will, be held' at the school house near lloitt: - Giffins in said township, The Election for the : district composed of th etown;. • ship of Clifford wi It be held at the house of Iliram• Ilarrmin In said township. - - • ' The Election for the, district composed of the Dot: (nigh .of Dundaff Will b,:; held at the Dundaff Hotel' in said Borough. The Election for the district comprised nfthe town ship of Memel: mill he livid at the house . /of John . Baker in said toWnship. . • . ;- The Election for the district compoSed of the town ship of Forest Lake will be held at the house of Bet sey. A. Clark in said toWnship, , • lit ;Election for the'llistrict composed of the town ihi of Fra.tklla:. will be ,hell at the school house near .Tacnh Allard:7, in said township. The Election for the district compesed of the Bor ough of Esiendsyille, wilt be hcid'ot the school house in said borough. The. Election for' the district entnposeil of the town.; ship of Great Demi. wilt be held at AI! •house of Al fred Allen in said towtiship. The election for the distriet • eninposetrorth e town ship of Gib Son Will be held at the house of Joseph Washburn in said township. • ' Vie Election fo . r the!district composed ofthe town ship of MAMA will beheld at thelkreisoi Waldron in amid tOwnshift- • • • . The Election for the Aistrietcortiposed of the town ship of Illatnony will be held at the *use- of Wit liat Sampson in said toiruShip:-: The clettjen for the distaiet composed of the town ship pf Ilerriek will lieheld at the house of.ShUbael Dimoek in sail township; . . • The - Election for the district composed ofthe town• ship of Jackson will be held at the lionise: or Ji J. Turner in said township. The Election fertile district composed of the Mire ship of Jessup will be held at the house •of Daniel Hoff in said township. . . The Election fur the district composed ofthe torn-. ship of Lenox a ill be held at the house:of Grow anti Brother's in said township. • The Election for the district composed of the town ship of Liberty; will be hel I -at tho house-of Dela Jones in said township. The Eleetiop fur the district. composed of the tow n . • ship of Lathrop will be held at the house, of Elisha Lord in said township. The Election fur the district composed of the town-. ship of Middletown will.be held at the house of •Jos-. cph Russ, in - said township. . The Election fur the district composed of thellor otigh of Montrose, trill be held at the Court House hi said Borough. - . • The Election fur the diStrict composed of the mien - s hip of New Milford will he held at the house occu .pkd by John B. Hazleton in aid township. The Election fur the, disttiii composed oldie town ship of Oakland 'Will held at the: bona: , of Robert. Niml in the borough of Susquehanna. . The Election fur the district composed. of the town ship of Rnsh, will be held at the house of N. D. Suy, der in s:.-aid township.. The Election for the,district composed of the town ship of Springville will l o held at the house of Spen cer In said township. The Election for the district coinposettof theloin ship of Silver Lake will be held at the house of ROG -ert MeGerigles in said township. r . • • The Election fur tlte district composed of the Dor .ough of Susquehanna Will be held at the house fiddly occupied by Elliott Benson in - said barone t . • The, Election for the district composed of the town ship of Thomson will be held 'at the house recently occupied by Martin J. Mumford insaidlownship. I-also make knowli and give • notice as in and by the 13th weetion of the oforcid act. I - am " that every -person eseept Justices -of the peace,. who shall hold any; office or appointment of profit or trust under the United . States, or of this -State, or of ally city or incorporated : district, whether a , commis sinned officer or agent, who is, or shall be, employed limb.* the ligislative; judiciary or executive .depart ment of this State or United States, - or any city or incorporated district ; and also that every member of Congress; and of the State Legislature, aid of the select or common council of any city, or commission. Of . any incorporated district, is ire law incapable. ofholding or-exercising „at the same time, the (Alice or appointment of Judge, Inspector, or Clerk, of any election of Llt Commonwealth, and that, u 9 inspec.; tor or Judge or other officer of any such .election, Anal be eligible to any office- then to be voted fur." And by the same act of Assembly Itis also made " the duty of every Mayor, Sheriff, Deputy Sheriff,r Alderman, Justice ()file Peace, Constable or Depu ty Constable; of every city, county; township or dis , trio within this Commonwealth, whenever called upon by an officer of an election, or by three quail.; elector thereof, to elearatty window or avenue to the window of the place of General Election which shall be ohs/meted in Such a way as to ,prevent' vo ters from :approachipg the Milli! ; and it shall be the duty of the respective - Constable of such ward ; •dis, trio or.township within this Commonwealth,. to be . present in person or by deputy, at the place of huh?. ing such Elections, in such ward, district or township - , for the purpose of preserving the peace as aforesaid. Also that in the : 4th section of the act of Assem : lily entitled " An act relating to:executions anal for other purposes,"-approved April Itith, 1840, it- is en acted that the aforesaid 13th section, "shall not_ be construed as to proven tiny olficecorberough officer front serving as Judge, Inspector, .or Clerk at any general or special election in this Common wealth." . ' Pursuant to the provisions contained in the itith section, of the act aforesaid, the Judges of the afore said disbiet shall respectively take charge of the Cer. tificate or return' of.the elpction of their respective districts, and produce theriat &meeting ofone Judge from each district at the Court-IL:mein the Borough or Montrose; on the third day after the day of elect km being the present.year ea Friday the llth dayofoe 7 tobcr welt, there:to do and pertorm the duties re illiked by law of 'slid judges. Also that where "a ' Judge by sickness orturavoidable rtecidentis enable to attend said meeting of-judges, then the certificate •or return aforesaid shall be taken charge of by .ono of the slnipectors.or.Clerks of the election of said dist tt.let, who shail de op] perform the duties required of said Jude unable to attend. Also, that in the Slat section ofsaid act it Is enatt ted that " when tricker more counties shall compose " iii erie& for the.,choiee,of a member or 'members:9f the Senate' of this Conummweeltb oe of the House of Represeritative.st Of the. United States or of ibis Quo mon wealth, the'Judges orthe election in each co-tar ty; having met as:aforesaid, the Clerks _shall mike. out- statementifall the vote!! which ahall.have oceu given at suchde : ooU within theectiuty, foe err t ' ery person voted for as suchw member or- members "which_shall be signed -by said Judges and attosted by the Clerks; and one of the said Judges shall take charge of such certificate and shall produce : the Mae at a meeting arena Judge from each ecienty at such' place in such - district, as. is or , may be appointed by law for the purpose, watch pieetitsg shall lie .baldon the seventh day alter election. • The return judges for the Senatorial . utstrict cop posed, of the countie2i.ofSesquehattna, Bradford, and. Wvoming,wfil meet at Montrose,Susquehanni County, 'on Tuesday the tweity-first day of gctober nest, to perform the dittiptrtjained by, law map said judg'es, The return wry ,ordieoUtinqional. district. composed athtiOtwitit*ef ?twine .I,' Bradford, t and Tido.' will " Meet; lit Atte Vim. . nagh. of Towanda, Bradfod..enunt.Tttiedaii ilk tircntj . . -4t day of o c .. Ober'nefit, to perfirtii thkidtitiett injt! cd.bY law up on stildltetigcs.:-;c..1r. 2 : -. .": - ;--;','D ,'-'''' `'. "".: . - ' .. The Return - -trudge - 4 di tlttOkePresett ire Di. riot composed of the icouni6 ofSusqueltati ,t 1 voicing, Und.s4liran i will *alit at ilie , Court lIOUse in the I:1Z r ......g....,,...4,_ in thicoitnif of St Noma, on Tueaday:the - 'l.lBi, -.14y of . °daler !lei •'lO-perfornk„ e those duties ettjoitteal bylaw 00. - to . - ttJttilge.4. Almi, that hi thi3 Illtit seed t said aef, it k en acted that :" every gene* a -special aection :hail he opened between Aright intli ' ea in the torencsut, and shall continue 'without: intt4ruptionl or adjuurn meat until Sir Tell o'clock.ht.,.. tlie,,e're.riiit;„,, , w,hett ,tita polls hit awl '1 ', .',..- - 2, 4 . 4 . '!' .j Given und6iM - r,ll;oki(tti-":14, id k. "(ll . iii. - r'ill: Ro 'rough of WforttryiktitherjOilillayi.of ' p remier Ai't) Dentitil; 1e44,,.. - :and in the year 9rthe• Connttonwenbli the eightibilf:..e,,: - ;'F.1 1.. ,- - 1101IISTE);, Sheriff. 'ffittEriliflK Satt;c: .. - . - : - . . DY Nirfuqbl:satinlir Waits issued out, of t.llO Court. '-1,-, let Cbannion 'Pleas of S • usquelnuana COntatr anal to hate dire,:ted, .11011 exposeto 'sali by pultlie 'endue, at the Court Haase hi Nentiosii, tin Saturday the 4th day of October nest, at, one o'clock - 'r. xo . 'lllo follow. i Irt." . tit'°c-ribotitieciT or l Parcels of land, t wit :', . • All that certain pieceor patecl 'of Ism Aittuito and .being in the township] Or Clifford in. II e county of / Sinutaillaanna, and bounded and descaibe I as tidlow z ,t, to' Wit :' iteginning at a.post the ninth corner °filen, jainin_Ayer's:lanti; thence tatting lands of PetegiloP- Itins,, north 44 deg. - east 124 tierebeis and agile / tenths to a post-and stones in the line . Of. original, surrey ; thence along warrattat4. line, toorth.46: d .g.; west, 2.5 perche..: and five-tenths~ to abceikitree; thence north 44 deg.. eat 40 perches, torn post in grenig... Sali4bat ry's line; therice stitith 4it deg. cast, •1:11.- perches to a post and ,stones; thence south :4+ de*. west, 165 .perches to a post; Ince north :40 de,....' , . west,.92i percheiv to the place , f beginning, containing ,101 acresrindi2ai pnrchesranore or leks; with ie aipput te nances,.one fratneal house, two barns, at :mall orchanl, and aboue,ll) aerie improved. ,--• • 1: Taken ntexecution at the Suit of fletajli .vs. John' Carr & Charles , N. Miller. Allaniii Slocum Carr •Dee'll. with notice tb Eve Can nuts Stoack . T. T. , --,/ 4 ALSO=-All that certain piece or par situate in the townshiP of Great Rend, ' Sumplehanna and State of Pettusylvania, is describet l'as folitnatc t' wit: on the 11,4 thereof,' by the road or Public highway, erly side by the Sumach:inn:l river, on t Or Loutberly'and westerly by' land hereto ed by KT. Young to June ok Ta)lor, I known' ail the saw mill property, it is also to contain all the lands'' and prtmases ly neithside of the Susqhehanna river; am onveyed to. the said El T 4 Young, by: W (excepting therefrom a. certain portion of . • huts, heretofin conveyed by lahlYoung t said Jane Sr, Taylor,) and containing as supposed . filont two to four acres of land, be the same more tw i ll. the Anne being Subject to a certain tight of way, through -or over a part of the sante, to the New Yo k and Erie Rail Road 'Company, and also subject to ertain wa ter privileges- b ere Weft. conveyeil by the i•aitl Young, to June 4, Taylor. Also the right, title, interest and. claim acquired by a s certain nctpf the Le,giSlatnre of the 'State of Pennsylvania, suprposed to. have been passed in the year Mt), by which act mill Thong was authoriied to ronstruet and erect a dam, °rants at the head of "Buck's Island" (so calH) in the Susquehanna, with the exclusive right of drawing otT the water.of said rivernt that place; itnd of construct ing races, sluices, .canal S Sc. for Millingimposes or otherwise, subjeet, only to. privileges hell l tofore con veyed to:Ate:Pia ;- June AlTaylor, with the. apparte:. 1 dance one one saw. Will, and ail improved. 1 .: ' ... ..... Taken in execution* the suit te . ' S. B. S. Bentley Exeentnraimf F.Fijrih Skinne Carpenter vr. E. T: Young. • The above sales are ailjourned.ttatil S• I t olter ; 1, 1 th, at, tip: same, e V. P. IIOLLTSTE Sheriff's Offiec,,Montivse, Sept: 17, I' United states Agricultural ontrom. 160.citEsiTt.". ST.ItEED 'TIRE Fourth Annual STATES AGRICULTI:EAL SOCI hell at •PO W ELTON, (Phi lad el ph ) Wednesday, Thunidav, Friday and Sat berith Sth, Oat 10th tend 11 th, • ' ,Premunns frw,i Tic. nt'ii-Feee to 'Two lam, a no:tilting in the alzgn!.r.ate tO Foiti sand Dollars, Will he oireredfar the'vai of Domestic Animals, Fruits, Anuiricatt etables, Grains, Agricultural imPlettn•l •chincry. . • ! • A' Local Cominit tee a the various bratichei of bide:it/1- hits he to co-operate with the officers of theSo fecting r arningetnettis fei. the Exhibition Thousand .Dollars have liceit gitarsitt.tet penes. This material aid, coupled wit tenee of the selected location, and the 11 of Premitnns offered,- induces the expo; the Exhibition of-'1856, Will be sitperiorl p - redeecissorg. ' • • 1 A Grand ,Agricur well as gentlemen NI FRIDAY, October men will address tit' ,Favoraltie arning for the transportath in.progret - is, the ten lineation at the off uml-Pinquet, in wi II participate, will • oth,;witen4istinpl usk‘mbine. men ts with the'vani' n of 'Stock and. Otlxr articles are s Ofwbich will be I ;iren. on :fp the Awards of P-entin+, and 1 be published in tie Journal of ii . . • '' -- _ 1 , t, with the Ilegulaqons and Pro button, will be furnished •on ap-' n McGowan, Assistant SeCretary :Agricultural Stieie y, 160 Cfliest if the. Philailelpbb 'Agricnlturai i.ss i ng the Secret y.Tat Boston. - ALL ; 1 11 . WILDER President. , Secretary. H . 34 7 -3t._ --- The Mit Entri the Proceedingi, the Society for 186: " The Prernbitn' Li. grtglinte of 'the:TA - ft, pheation to "Mr. Joi of thti . Vnited State, tut!. street, (Roonti Society,) or by add MARS!' Witt.tAti S. KIN c to* the,TAmes., 1111174% FIDST. ,eta pc'etie and eatpliatio... a attic for er - crytl+-i; to whistle, or. sing A 800 • 71ke Artist S time to ery A lime-to get wom A time fora tore m A time, far, flirting A time to pay you A time to Make pc And a time when n But of these, or of There are none in Than the time to r( .And the time toga . , I , and..a. time. to get better, . . 4,,t.ltinitin,T letter,: ith heartless coquette, 1 addreks null debk _ Pople think yon-are tnnrt, isforttine - will. upset-your eert, titers to numerouto mention, • worthy your ear est attention le. for "reinthit ani! Daploii . yaiir.Dertmerrcotypes takehl. 4 1 . , - N. B. Those °fluty customers wht. tures taken and fottgotten'fo - pay, will mind that, ,uttless they Conte to their seil , send along prim bird 'amount, ilte , lected to the uttpleisantness of se e ing u Public "Black lint." if am willing, tpodating, considertte, patient, and, al not Wish to. be try eti '.witl,v. !Alm) I for all,. that I ! le nn . do - a c redit tnisini happy . to know. that but :few bare bee t i with so strattgo an )itleans l that. of grit a _Daguerreotype! • . . , : . W. 1 Sky Parlor, in t ' e Brick Block ore Read's. - . A gooil Daguerreotype Instrument, set of tinits.fer thb husineis, for. safe terms ; .-. . i 1 11MHERSi Ne ws flitlord, - Pal:, t ihin of ConnH s trc Uerchant- Al TO a ti n i t ' l l3 P ca ed i dle ll .r 6 ; at t t o e • !l thelr stock' of Yankee Nc: tioni,,Jewelry, Ntnitehes, Ger Man Silrbr stud l'hited Vi'are;"and a general assortment Of fancy Our Mock being 'fresh front lnpolitOs. and Jfinu• fiteturers once a - month, will enable; tl to give our `customers Nefi- Goods and New Stylesat all times. - MAR T--S A A . . . will find a stock of; Goods.,snitable ;to lair trade at Now york Jobb . ing•Frittes.l-. Our gthii4 itre - bought of Ifun ttfacturers and Importers. direct-A , • , N. B. ,Cash, paiilfor.Ftire: ItArnEN - „ • r • .TOFIN.IIAYDEX, • • „• 1 1 •- -TRActit.ilftlF o N. • • . • '. • •itiYDF t .N. irewlfilfOrd. 1,400,54 - -4011 THE,. POLYTECI111:0, g4LICO OR VIZ ORM OFIR4iNtiORVA. , `West. Pena liquat*, delphiu, INCORPORATE'S by thg Loa:direr° I'ftsi, and or ganiped on the 'plan °tithe:lndustrial Colleratlf Centinentli•Rurerke, affindra thertingli 'prolintanuai ednottion in CtrlL.R.snmarftrso, ritacrieAt ensure: Mr.cm4Ntekt. Exeriontiwn, Attent.rteltstt ash Afnar; "Ibintsminoro.: , -The }Numb Yenr nil - volumene° nit ll'onde; AST;pf, 15 h IRS& For C pee and farther Jahr:nation, addr4s; ALP/OlD! L. KENNEDY, - 31,'D., Pres. of noitlth PoVteehnie Col ege, rhilad'itt caninge !Maki I - rug untioralgued ttacimpurobast.. I _ recently ticeopkal by..lpnas Mat pared to . Cani on Ibe.Caniage Mak all its branches, Al Mods' of Carrie' ed to order, and repairing done on Itcl I E. 111 Siontrate, July Ist 1856: min An i~tinto•A of rand Ilar- t el of land, County of minded and the ly mide in the southerly' pre convey land bring turlerstoo l l og on the heretofore 11. Payton, I mid prem. ,kinner ind dec'J. and tuyday, Oc- 1, Sheriff. 56. Society. =a UNITED ! TY. will Jita Tuesday, rtlay, !Oeto- woldred 1),•1: tirPen Thou : . 04'1.4 c7.l:vz:ei NVit:e;, Veg- I/Ls •and lia- epree.eatbig appointed •ietV. in pct•= aiui Fifteen to meet eS -1 excel ilfge amount, ctation that to any of its h4i phiee shed gentle qt 9 ittitrtiati 9 1 have had pie-- I.l3lease bear in roses 'snip, and hv may. be sub- Ebeir in to be accOm -111 that, but (19 berg - say,,nnce I . utic As ;and am posSessed ng treated Cur 13, DEANS. . Ileatiey and ill a complete h 'reasonable thoz4d stand is flow .pre busitiess;in matinfitetur zmitioe. ROGERS 1 RESOLUTION. - ~, .Fi;•62)' iiiiy . :IgiigitinOii i' F lo - the't'onstititteon •I - - of the: Comr#9ninealth. -‘, . .... 'Re laert by tlm Scnreteraii4 11~ uf Rep risentik, flea o .01f CentrilOmpealth ofFelinzka'nia.tii Oen* 7eritl 4Witql.',lll Rid, That the folloirini''arnenthnent4 nre prOpoged to the eomtittition of the conpnonweitith in ttertirittnee with the, prot - i s iiniA of the tenth attlele Tr itg-r A St Evnli There Alai' be-nn . nailhinild[nrtiele to 8 3 ' eottsti. tution to be ileztignated as article ns follows . : • . AnT OF . PUBLIC: DEBTS r.4Eerto:c 1. . The state may,contracts.lebts,•te ph easaahletleits - or failures in revenues, or. to Meet exttetn4ts not otiterwise - provided'fior; Jolt the - ait..re. gate mitvont of such debts direct and ''eonth o g en t„. I whether Coe tittetetlitiy - tlifue Moe or More nets- of • the ,tenteral assetrobry,.or at different periods of ,titne, sitall.neViA , excytsl iVVekl'lontithetland 'fifty thetts.ittel t and money Mising, front the creation of ! such, delits;,shall Ire apt4hAld - the.pprpo - SeSfor it was ebtditted, or tni remiy the tleibis soeetiteacted,, , and to no other purpose - whatever. • • exertos .. , In additiim to the above limited.posi,— t . er the state limy contract. elebt - s to'repel invaAtui,sup, piess insurrection, defentl,the State in war, or to Iv- • (Oen' the:present Outstanding intlebteshiesti: of the i viitate ; but the money arising ,front the contracting .of, such 11,11 ts, Filkall be applies" iortheTurpose tor which ; was - r' r tised, or, to, repay sueh•tlebts t attelto no other vvtrotever.: purp • izEcrtos-.3. Except the debts above skeifi e d, i n I rutctionti Dire and two of thilitriiele, iiirdeht whatever'. I shall bel created by, or on .belralf of the slate. . •SEcrioN. 4; To -provide for the. payment of the I presentl i ileht, mid tiny additional debt contracted- tt.4 Artiret4.3l the legislature shall,,ttlits first cession, nG ter the .ittloptioit of this 'amendment, create a - sinking ; fund, whielt shall be - sufficient ; - to pay- the' rtecruio:g • I interestout• such debt, and annually to:reduce the principal thereof by a sum not less thantwo hundred and filly thousand dollars;, which sinking fund shall cintsist of the net annual income of the pohlic Works - , , from time to lime owned by : the state, or the ptit- I coeds of the..side,of :the - same, - or any Part. thereof, and of the income or proceeds of sale of stock owned ;by the state, together with other. funds, or resources, • that in be .desjgnated by how. The said sinking rfund may be ilium: wed, "from tine to time, by assign log to it any: part Ofthe taxes, Or other revennes of the state, not required for the Ordinary and .current e N; p e ns,..‘s, i, J rf government, And C 4812 ier war, - . in y i tsit* or insurrection; trp:trt of ,s.ithl sinking - fund shall be tts,ed or applied other.wise than In ment..4f the public debt, until the, Intionnt -of such , debt is reduced below thesuin.tif tire otoilliemt of•dol- . . Scrim '5. The credit of the commonwealth - At...11i .not in. any .mattner, or event, be pledged, -:or Waned to, any individual, company, corporation, or 'assacia tion ; Or shall the commonwealth hereafter- becam e . a joint Owner, or stockholder, in any, company, asso ciation,%or corporation. - '. •. - - - . .SEcrioN 6. .The commonWealtlishall. not assume the deb or any part thcreof,i dr , any county, city, boron,_ .4 or township; or orlo3r corporation, or as sociation; unless such debt si.til have been, contrac ted tocivahle the . state to repel invasion, suppress dOmestie insurrection, defend itself in'time of War, oe to assistl the state in the discharge of any"portion of its present indebtedness. ' - 1 - . •,- . tigc - riox I. The legislature.shall not authorize our county, pity, .borough, township,- or incorporated dis trict, yi virtue of a vote of its citizens, Or otheitrise to becothe a stockholder in any cchsepany, association, or corpfiration ; or to obtain money for, or loam its. credit to, any corporation, as,:mciation,...institution; or party. • sEcolm.osr-Nnirevr. - . There 6.:1‘411 he 'an additional article to said congito. tion, to.!be designated as tuticle:Xll,- as lid-fonts: ARTICLE Sir. . • .• • OF STIV COUNT.fF—'3.•- Co county shall. be - divided .:1?y a .I . ine cutting off overAnn_. , 7 toutb of its ropoulation, (Other to , foam a new co unty or otherwi4e,) - witltcug the exygvss assent or sodj t eounty; . by a vote or the TeleCtors tifereor;: nor Altall_ank• lieir county be 6 stablisiled,.-PentaiPlug less than foTir hinulred tureare . THIRD AItEND.ILF,NT.: section tyo. - of the first 'article of the cottsti trike out; tne. ." of Ow City of anrl oreacle cmcnly respcclicely fivt o .see. t4nite article strik.i out the words, " of i'la& of (i.e sireral r from seetion rone article, strike out the 1.0rd5,,.4n - Cither tens l acy." and insert iu Gen lie words, "and no;" and strilte.opt section ine artiele, and in lieu thereof insert the fol- Frov titian, ,11 1 )1iia 6011 fir adelphi •evett, ate. ea!, thereof four, bi " St.t tired an afler, rt shaft ap the r.tati of taxal except thoun.ta, scparattl countie4 . ritix 4.. 111 the rear one-thoUsand eightinin -1 ,sixty-four * and in - every seventh year there : presentatives to the number. of one hundred, mrtioned and distlibuteil equally; theduir,hoin ;e, bY district-3;in proportion to ,the nuMber !de inhabitants. ht the several- parts thereof; itany county coniainisir at, least three pive hutfdred taxahle3, may -be alloird• a 'representation; but no more than three t shall he joined, and no co - mty shall.he the furmition pia di At; iet. Any eity.eon- ELME . . taining 4_ sufficient number of taxables to entitle: it td it least two representatives, shaltlull-6 a separate reprcsentatitin assigned it, and shall be- divided into Convenient districts of cmiti,gpotyi terrnory, of equal popitlation ds near ais may beLeach of 'Which diAtriets -shall elect One 'representative," 1, - At the end` of section seven, same article, insert these words, ' 4 the city of Pliilotlelphi;i shall ,Le into single senatorial : tlistriets hf contigu ous territory as nearly equal in ta.rt,le popitlation eta possible-; Intl ierttd Shall in, the for-, nation thereof."' . f • -- . - The legislature; at its first session, after the:adop tion of this amendnient, shall divide the city Of Phil- - adolphia into senatorial and representative 'districts, in the manner above:provided ;, such districts to - re main unchanged nntil the appartionmCnt In the - ear one tbotisand'etzlit hundred'and sistv-trittr. • _ FOCT:TII ANII7SPIIE.iiT„, • To Lc seeljou'xxxt, Article 1. The tegi elature shall have the power to alter; reL voke, or . annul, any - charter of incorporation hereafter conferred by, or under, ahy:Spechili. or -general law, whenever in their opinion it may-he injurious to the. citizens of the commonwealth ; in such Manner, how. ever, that ho in.Patice shall be done to the corpora tors. -. ..•• . . . lii S.F.IVATE, April2l; 1A56: Rep-dyed, That this resolatiOn piss. Ou the first mendment,yeas 24,nays 5. "On the second aniendment yeas 10, nay.s d. .On the third amendment, -yens 28 nary 1. On the fourth antendment„yeas, 23 7 nays 4 ,Extract from the Journal. THOMAS A. MAGUIRE; Clerk. IN ITOfISP. OP niNtESENTATIVES, • 21,:1855 . ./Zr.tnlecd, That thiiiresolution . pat. „ On tlm, first amendment, !mil 72, nays 24. Oti :the secontl,..n. mentlnient, yeait GSa nays 25. On t . 4e third atuetni ment, 54, n'ays 25 ; on" fourth Omentlpo.Mf.,. yeas 0, 'no-s Extract fripr the Journal. • 5i1ar4.47e14 SECRXTAIWR OPF*F:, t • A. cußtn4, Filed April "24, 185 G. Sec. of the Commonwealth SPCIt MARV ' S OFFICE, • • Harrisburg. June 27; 1850. Pettna;y/rania. tut I do certify .that:the aborts and foregoing is 'a Artie and cornet eory. - of the original."ll&Olation relatite to an amendment of the amtstitution". as the..fattnc' remains on file in this-offient: - In. testimony whereof I .hare• hereunto LF. ' s .set my hand mid calmed to be l affixed' the •-Y•- seal of the Seeretar",y's Office, the day and. year above written. • • • .• A. G, CUR,TIN, ScOtary of thei.Commotiwealqi.. SENAT'. April 21; ;11356. Resolution proposing-amendments to. the Constituz f den of the ominonwealth; being under consideral. tion. • :-. ~ .: • ,: -.- '' - - - On-the q ashen, , . •- ' ~... ',Will the Senate agree to the first a :avail ' The yeas and.mays were taken ably its the provisions of the Contditotion, and *ere -as -.fblktws,'• cla : -.. :. - - , ::• - _.., ' : - -. ••:-- .1 'iss*--31essrs. Browne, Buckalew,Bresswell,! ;ins, Fergon; 'Flenniken, -11(•ige , ; Ingrein, Knox, Laubach, iftlintack; -Wine; Billet , hurnan, Soinherßtratth„ TtlggirS. - Kalton, Welit!, Wherry, Wilkins and-Piatt„ Speak 2k: • • ':+3 . .ms,.4ossrS. Crab; O egg, Jordesr,±Nell4ngei no4-riatt.-4, - . So the question was detervahred•hrtheittilisnadve. OttAbv.quesOtini - - - • , Vali tile Senate agree to the:Sewed tuneultnent7 The yeas itrid nays were taken agreeably - to the provisions of the CotuitlEntion and were - as: follow!, YcAs—)imrs. Browne, Bue)oiletr, Creanwpitir ans, ;lop, Ingraut. Jamison, Knox Labaueli3eivis; litlllintoelt. Sellers, Shuman, Souther n . Straub; Wad. ton, Welsh. Wberry and Wilkins-49. Na3 , 3--Metata. : entbb.- 'Ferguson; Gregg, hairy Price and Speaker-6. "So' the question waideteitnined in th e - anitniatives., Orr theittneatinct i .' • the gittuttii Wtho thlra The Yee& wet lap acre takett agreeably to the Constitution; and treo anittalomt,. viz : YEas--NOsraftrowne, !Inaptly!, Cralth. Grp well, Evansi - :Ferpitsort, Flenniken,' 11oge,"10krahl, Jatuj.iou, Jordan,. knox, !Anhui'', Lewis, M'Clintock, Mellinger, Pratt, price, Sellers, Shuman, Souther, Struab ; Taptiort„ , •Waltou, wit* yeien T :willdw. -- am Nati Giejurr74 . 4-;: So tho hequestio nquestio Kau deiermined In the ittlirttuitive. t, ti; Will the Senate agreel,6 thi Tho yeaCand naysmere taketr'itgretithly. to-the COnstiosti4; undoorit-aka tus---Yeosta„.llrowne. Pluck dour , C :reirrea, ' nns, Flenniken, H ge , 'lngram, Tonison, • JOrilan, Knox, Laubaeh,; Lewis, W'Cifinoeic‘' Nee, Sellers, Shuman Souther,..Strattik,-Waltoit; witek,W4rryt Wilkins- ,Piatt, B , peaksr,-23 ; ` .` eniblOregg, - ..114414ger and rratt So the qUestiOn wits' doteinAne4 hi tlie'alllitnitiro. iyJcifirnkl or - the toll*Reinesentativeti,'*prif 21/ 056. -/; ;The Teat ui tollicivto grisephtriothkprt:e , ‘Lions 0414 AilliLaf: 6 ll.4 ll • amendment, Irene ii i. re P t ti r.s. 4 l .! -- 1',..t..,: '`' .l l/ Andeikht i luaeltiVi; Bittlittut, Rau; Reek, (Lytorning,} Ireek '(YOrkil 'frernfia'itY lk)yer, Ilrualt,4litelunian, (Martell; ekalphilk Curly, _Craig, .(!rnwlbid,,Dowdall,:,Edinker c _lsulaold, Vo4ler e Getz, Ilaines, ltarpe!, ilellth Batik !fill, }rutis,eolfe„,r Aai • un ! Ink -11:4 'Johns, Johnson; TapOife, 'Lebo, Lon.gaker, Lovett, lrealinUnt, rill'aidhf,"ll‘ll - unh. 'naught, kleneae; -,liontgoluery Moothehd-, Nunitentacher, Orr, Peatson, kinelloathm' ,sey, 'Reed, Reinhold, Riddle, Ilebeits, SILO*, -Smith; (Allekbetif,) (Ouniln SnAth, (%gryonding,) Strintse, ThartOon; Fail, `Whailon, ‘Nrrigtft,' (Dau phin.) Wright:, anizerne,) ZinnnermiUt- int Weill% ,Sieofrer-735 - • - .1 , . AVS-3leiars.,A.ugu4ine:Bary x clgser, , tkobo t i r n i peek, Fulton, Golord, Gibboney, 'Walken, I lanenek, Ifousekeeper, Iliiiiekei.,:Leisenriee. Ma= Mcirrisri Nutinna, 'PAttetiOn, talikbury, geoid!, (Philadelphia;) =Walter, Mint-rock, - and - A • Years- - So'tlte question ultp detioninettin the alurtittive. On' the question, , Will the lion -to agree t - 0, thi. , second atnehdUient? yeas and naylii *ere taken; 'and ;tibia ani ft& lows, viz : Y sas--Nessrs.: Anderon,. Backus, Baldirin,;' Ball, Beck, (I.ycoming,) Beck, (York,) - .Bernhard,' Boyd,. Brown, Brielinnan, Ca14,10:41, Caniphell,'Carty, Craig, Fansehl; Bans, Barbs,llegas, Hriarrec . Itn brie; Ingham,. Janis, Irttin; jolin?4,l9hitoni . :Lapapte, Lebo, .I.ougak er, Ler 01,, M'Calmoak mwi o r, Baattgornery* _head. Niinne'nutell'er,Arr;',lPearSir'n; Purcell,ritanrso, Reed: 'leghe.T . %)._Strquge,..Vail;.Whalloni)lr 'right, (r ! nseruf,) Zirrunqr num anir .15"..4.r47.- i llesFra.,Airgustitte,,Bartsciare7 l .4'4.oggr l • Gibhatjey, Urine:key Lei - souring, Magge;ltahley, Num ma, 'Patterson, Phellis; S.Sll4lrry;' , Strifth's(Cratobria,) Thenirrsori, Walter, Wintrode,lYright,(Batiphin)ind Yearsley-25. kle'.`the question, was`datelinineri h thrgirnattiTc. On the girestinn,_ - - - Wilt - the Briuse agree tri - the tblrd arnendnient? •: The ,}'eas and hays were taken, and were sa tbl-, Yeas—M e..tirs.. Ami p ' Maw,' Bahliht, Beck: (LyeaLieg,) Deel4 (Yoric i ) BernhailL -Beg, Bireri, Celdwell,•CatilibelL'clet l y„ Cr:iig, Crawford, Edinger, FaittehLlkater,:rry,-Getz, Itllies,.liatuel i Haw,' iletniciEbbot; Hill; _Hillegas, jfaleently, Bouseliesier; Intbrie, Inffitem, In `nig, Irwin, Johhtt, Johnson , or'ioN!..eb o . l4 l lll ger• Lorca, 111. - COmout,WCopib;lla4e,, lteneir; 31iit:romery, Ntamenticher, Orr,- Piaiseh, itinkey: Reed, Riddle, SheeKgmlik.fAlle giteny,) Smith; (Cairthtil,).Sinith, (Wiemitir:JTheiti ,Whallon, (Dattphirq Wrigh t. (Laurie) had Zimmerneat—C • • ' • . , „ . . ~.„ flart?„-Cbrer: , C lio Driirda,ll, Fulton,•Gaykird, eoek,llunek..7,.LtiWnring,,lrearthy,:lifaaoe,Manley; Moorhead,llonis,ratterson; isburr; Walter, _Si intrude , ; TearsLiy ;. a eight. Sp,.akcr-2.5. SO themuestintt eras deternthtM ftethWlntrinittve*: -• On the rin‘tion, • • ilettse agreo,to.tholitarth.taimdinettti-, 'The yeas and nays were 00 4 4114 . N tr e Ga. - Under/on, .r.4lill;''Beck; (Cy comini,) Beek, (Turk,) Bernhard,' 'lthyd, ittiyeer, Brown, Brysh, Buchanan, Caldwell,- C40041;014'; Craig. Crawford, Bowdall; Bdinger,lansold, , ,Foiler, - Fry. Getz, Bamel, Ilarner:,:llqing,;lfibbs, in:M.4olle gas, Hippie, ilottseiteeper, Bitnsecieer f hm lime, Innis. Irwin, Johnson, Laporte,' . Letatc'toriint 7 ker, Lovett, -B'L'almpnt, Pit'eartityt, Ittetinftr, Mont o. mety.illoorhead, - I'lannensaat: M., Orr, Pearson; Bhelpsi Pnreeli c ,Bamsm.tßeect, • ItAnhold, Shenk:Smith. ..(Oatibria.,) Smith, (Wyoming,) T h ompson, Vail, ;WIal; Inn, Wright, (Lnzerne,) . 17earslef; Zimmerman anti Wright,lSp&sker-;--(.9. - N A ys-11 essrs. Barry; Clover .Cobortrn, - ,, Enitonc Giblionet, Hainerrt,liancoek,,,llunekor T lngharti,Leis-• enring. iiagee, Manley, Morris,. Patterfon, ,Siiiihnry and Winn-ode—L-IC, - • r ' SO the queitiOn• was detennitied.itt the affirmative. .. ...-SsenErstes Ovittati.• •4- • -.. • .7 27 t"' • ,Ibtrnsburg, ono ,1 : 846. ./ Pennsylvania, a : ' • ) -,, : , ..-...,-. : ~.), • 1 (lo certify that the above and roregiong.„ a* ntu correct copy - of the' "Yea4 . and - 'Nays"' taker* the Re - Auden_ proposing amendments - 40 the': - onion of the Cotnutonwp.alth i .as the Rune appeartl,plV the Journals ok,the-ifro „Houses .of .t,hcr-rliiiterst:sin-i• senibly, of this • Conkthoilwealth AV theßosiOnigtBi`. 1 —,--- Witnesi nw hand and the 'sent Of e,tdd;Oft L. S.fice,-,this twenty-stivestlitdfty:d 7 Ante; 'olio . •-•--, thousand - eight hundred arid ftilyzatt. - • ' "I:: 1 eeh tars cit,the;ropurionwcalth. The - Jiro. A 4 .tegtoi LOOK WELL TO:YOUR INTERESTS' , AND buy ypur Brookwood Stationery-71 11)4o.,10* IIL can get them cheap. Seu3ember at the- Montrose Book,Store in the POstolfice - , - Where' yelt?, can find Books of all prices, from .aOte cent . pritier to a ten -dollar Bible"; mid nolwithatanding old books': have been sold in town of late at auetipa pric4,; es, "you may learn by calling at the Postoffico, that old and new books both. beJought lore.. ' Dicks' c oranlem works, Expedition Uhlman, Doves: writinga, hunters Feast,. the Ybite.Chiet, ank the Scalp; Genird 'the Lion-Killer i - the *orroisasiss - Papers, Bmniage'and Preedom, Lite on di Road Salad for the Social tind solia.ry, • Acise Rood's works Iv - various • atylesi_a new , kkt of. School - Books and Stationery," Xitakee Notions, ke. also a few of those tip-raiGlitss Lamp Look netkingla bill fiio dollars and over at one thnv shall have MM . 'dollar's Worth thrown in: extra, , or:thtt. dollar's . worth shalt have two dollars extra. • ' .; t Call and be convinced, at .;the , Nast:rose ,Boob; Store, one door north'4 .. S4Re's lioteL - ' Yontrtise, Aug. f , 1850. 'ANiiictiLlitli : ` - TreiIIIPERAIOICE., SAILOOIII-:" - -Allik - -. T T. ON,MAIN - LtREES I .::).4OI+ITROStOIi, - .. ,:. itE `subscriber I.4ts•this'inetiati t4tAeop.4 , ba !-- i T. fore , the:OoPlesif SMiquelutnottierttintlthat it: the TeMperince[Saloon (the only hi . Iffbritibie) is the.phtee . to 'get Pie*, Caliest.litaUiteit- Cliiirso; NeW York Candy, .kirdiues, .fferring, Oranges'MitT:', LailciPti . APPles , , NfififEsuou:,,,ricklea phitept..ctins,. . Tongue and.oCucumbeos Small Iteer,!, IFekort- L'enk• , made and Soda-water; - lei - ',Oreatit'a l ":to, ...eat_innt r , drink: , Alsti„ at . ' the "SaillitT l igtaie,' is . ii - Opt*i.hainr a" : good assortment of .GROCRRIESi fresh.filtNei York;. such as Tea of ,different-kinds,i goad," fromta.2, , '9(l_ to Os. per PuUod.;l 3 c o Tcli..i . olow,..ll4lhlg.4l •-• 9 cents per pound - , : hest . COrec- Sugar , -4.4.1 i c ents, - ' and crushed, polr eilzed'and gritntdatetT Siigar at 'IA cents per Timind: MUCkerel;CriC.Vdtv,and Blue -Fish, Pork, - Lard, -- SmokettlfiracarldlichinthNiii, Pita Beef, Hayti T9batco. ' (plug anditnikte,) , lnnigar,, ••• Tallow. - Candle:a. Stearin°. , atotk-iabd l Spertit do 4 :, '. , Rice, Soap of diff R erent lands ; 'from:l6-10-12*cents a , Inn., Soap. Powder antkiiraahlng;Soditi.;Sackifigt :Or s . ' family 1-1 » Shot, reroußdOttclifa,iVilflte - wiaMmW , ' ,, mid- Sh oe Arnehes, Stare atid..Sttotiißlitekhti,Thilf..:., Clll4.Perflthicry and .ii rarielfOf ExtiseisOltdOtelii., -Pepper, - eltntainatt;tilosietylround dck f . :Gi; *UK , .- terd,tireneh-And Almeria:mi . Wee' Ikafifficet . ~ Starehi Amor for pudding:4,BlN* tutypitt, _ iniL , to It . pence-pir -pottild, Zaet*. , ,PqrA l 4 l kitritat-1- - ; • ' mites, Lfenite - , -- drOita tutdmsqt4i4 qt 1k ti,t044.t.4411. klndsi - Pancy Candy Ditilg s VUitl64:DtkiVielidiiK Ch Plutaa.and.miles, Otingesiti Plalt . PluitAtms, , Bionut and 'ChotaWfu - anv 404 - --.:.. eat Nuttookthatern,:Patent - Ik''llluv_-TritniiNiii ;; ont . .n.lati* SI Ate and tc . ad.N.o" - gices: 4o .oPos , 011ain bottles, firOfir,SlAri;s4l..alltkrki) M1ir1f 2 ;...- Karaorides,s - Len'ti - 11W1Vriglit'S' T1114..8**1-174. - - Phyla Camphor Ointment s torti'Mire for theToothaeha, go l iiti s ;p lu zio t. ,t. 0 . ' ,4 4l l,..sainit, Horse mediene; , andiitaito" -- , . - .;,....tiitch4dieil'a VIOL -ananik tehhit arei Rontei , '''Whiiilitr.ailt.l / erii‘ VS.. .f : 404-41styltIrds,AtiiiiliatIVAWalte , Batik • darWetraiA ;c4fOrdefoisilh tr.MonittiAir4le - .Ja harliail . tO*lWe'si i 4 1 Wei:Ii 04 Se E KSP# 1 14 11 04 4 Floo- r 1 4 'l l a4 - d ' li . gie Pciuml;*k:or AuTelf*4l:; toil-- ,-..it0..i . i9 koid- q uay!.7-10: - .-c*De'.i,,s,i011,1*.:' , .moil - ... :•:,,,,,-.,.. 2 - ~ .• , --- ..---..--, , , ,,, ,.:%:'f.,, - ,-- . Agionletiiee4 bx.ltrettiktite*-444*Tetat.... 1 dram withihn atanvi shall' reeel*O-o,o**joutoitio. ! and 60.440.4144'4747 0 00.4p.cm.kw00. - went 014 - ':',. The a bove. ar,,,, t . .. ~, . re ~... ..P , l ib - - --ood it ' - iii' gaWitVkiltiitiTtiOr inleta.-.- PoePlo - - arit , teiptentint. tit Want initaini.: for then?Alita. Tint* , cash or,readkpkvi...i.:Aftimit: - ltd . for past favors I hope to make it an object fik: Ithose that want Gilleeries, Eatables, ke., So get.thent f - at the Temperance Saloon and Gosettry. . Way 51 ; 1836: - ' IS, S. 110TTI -