. of individualiersontil liberty must be :suspen= • tleAl, or Shivery ,ean`, be no loriger tolerated. Sir', there is nut a sliive , in this Union' who is .trot entitled to the privilege of this Writ, and ...not 'one who, With ,a fair and impartial trial .under It, weuldl.not r ilike Sommerset v obtain • his ihicdom‘.. `: say-s.l3lnehstOne's conimektzit6r, K males Slavery imposSible iii Euiland." 'I say, Sir, this writ makes Slave ry :iniposSible Anieriea. •If hecould. say thus . much Of it hi a.. monarchy, may I not say aS•rehell.ot it in h republic?. Sir, the, writ of h&beas corpas and Slavery cannot exist to ether; they. cannot breathe the •SaMe fatmos - .phere ; one: OrK - the other must perish:: 'S'Again, SFr, At section nine,' the Constitution - reads, as '••• • •'; -' • • "The United States titian guarantee. to erAry