Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, April 17, 1856, Image 3

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r , • . ,
Soathapik:lansfor Slavery Balsas.
'..-'We lead 1 that . the New . ork 'Kansas,
League has been put in pevvessi n of the fi . k.._
lowing parti culars, and that private letters
cgrrOborate AL; Statement. Mr. r)iltre W Ood
son ;is engaged in delivering leettrkesin,So - iith.
'ern cities, -inlrde r to induee ... thepeoplejo '
combine in a . ' . ystemiitie;Plan . for eolonizing
Kansas, teolpOrarily, with a Stiffirent nuniber.
Of men of Pr4Slavery jirinciple. l ,- to outvote
lbe:Frec Soilets incase :bottgltui' bill should
paSs,appointing a new election a nd' Con.
vention. ,:. - .
-- :-.-4,itpriling t l o.the statements ni
Woodson in , sOmii (if himlate le
of the principal' Southern - cities, t
. take-the Free S'(,,iters by surplus
among them a pajority ; of Pro-f
tern, just in time-to comply .withl
,!ions of the .laW,-that the scale nni
ed. 'According:to Mr. Woodson
tations, a secret association' has h
in a large aural)er ot . eonitties ip N
metter , of which pay *25 eael.
. Said to pureha:ce- .land ,in- Kansa
opening of theland officer; and a ti
is now engagedlin selecting the 14
Who is believed . to he a certain )ti.
ard, who is sup sett to enjoy the
vor of the give mem,. at Washit
agents.. *2oo;ooo . have:'already I
by suchsub:scrippons, aceording,to
son, an al, according to others, a :ft
.1-' - . lamount. :•1 i
One great ol t ji,ct, which their s 1
fats in view, is, to . obtain ,ail :Weill
.of the Freit.Sttilers and .Prt"...SlaVery men 'in
. - ,
-every settlernetl,.4o that thi".nuMher may he
,eertaitity known, which in . each Precinct' will
be reqnweil-to stictire a majority. Although
'i . pacific , intentiotei were made ppoininent; by,'
the _Southern" lectart2r, he intimattd th at, in
:in ca r e they! shoald prove ineffectual, an ap
AO force would doubtless "..made;- . if
found necessary. i:
No evidence hits •vet - been afforded of the
number of men . ratsed or tikejy. to be raised,
':: by 'the c:iiiirts of the Sett - a - , Asoqation, Mr.
(VSToodSon and others: .It is only 10.nown that
:a few parties kiwi been colleetedan l d forwardl.
,ed to the' Western counties of Miss4uri, where
- ,al.itt 1000 51ar, , ,, ; - 'are said to ha 7. recently
•iattivedl . 13okitlis remarked that"hjith
whites and the, 614e.ks have notyl k et crosspd
• 'the line, info 1ian.441.9. 7 ,-.2V: Y. - qouriek.
i •
The' tirkion NeMinees
Mr. ClocuaAN vas flirmerly edit, or 4,f the .
Y t •
ork Republicon,l-and has been a Member-Of i
State e .7 , , I.egiNfatiare„where he se l f•red. with
ili s Onctit'in. Ile i4 - itut old-line Whig tir,:.isid e d
at-the,Whig Statelconveitmion held !last year,
against the eteitsiiiit of slaver... Ile ciij,iv..-
'...Alfigh reputation, or character and labibt v.,
• Mr. LAPORTE, HOile of .the metribt4t. of the
present legislaturv, from BradmrdLeounty. 1
.:: Hiltii.uierly belonged to.the democratic. par. j
*y; bin h;e alWayiS acted 'with the friends of ;
Mr. Wiltniq in:opi'itisitton to the!ensititi iii i
. .51a‘evy.-atid mas iitiiiiittitteci and eki:tecl, last
ear, to the •legislature. yr - a eleari . 4pen lii-„,
, . 1 , ;(1 1, i ; ea t, t,....1i. k .•.1., I k . ei.,.!.'rUzing * ; the great Re.'
0.11)1 wail ll i, .Vcit:etil as the gceat ii,q),.....f the
60...1 - 1.14,11,,• cf.l,l.(lliti ilinif-cit - wail iik at . , the,
kitiri;e-st ini.iiit.a.t.
~... ...le occiniii.'s a pitiiiiineut
, i 1 11
pl:+11:./1 in 11.0 irft'?itclit 11 , 01Jse ari cafe ot ,AIS,
.lilo,l 1:0,111“1.1111:110.1.1.:. I -
' r Mr. l ' fil.:l-.1 . $ is ii:i4t l a.ftientWt: of rite' Iro.iis'e
iti:m .Arilisis 4,1,g O r c - is th ~ author
' of the ith:e minority 'rep.rt,.frinn the Judieia
fr et iiii Inillee, zg;t:iit. , :t the right of ttian‘.;:t for.
- t .i . .'1 0 ,,•;-. through thisAtottittionWealth,kt . has
_ .. 4
altaii:cd . a.,1411 ,(4.',itiotertt.'th bar. We
tearer that he ,tudie;d : taw itAhis• cite. under
~ ....,` tile:tate Wititer. It4a,vatd, of ;whom he wi t .; a
. 1q1;1;€-Irv• Di; has ht reiiifore acted withthe
Biitericon .I..irty, I.'iit regards the gis.tion.iif
f;_Nlic - . - .c . . it , iiirw jiree!tited,• the over ru t bng anti
a t' s ( ; 1 - 0 i lig Issue t.. 1 lb e 15 'd ily.'--,Pittsbirrg Gq
, .::::'t,te: ' • .
. .
• ['l.l.lE 11 - 11 - Eir.s 4)F TI?E WEST.—;It is tint
161.4:1, iron. aful J Which tin:
af.,un(lonee NrviOund hi the unit cottsti
ttif-(; its - rnincral but Snit is he in- I
to it and:
1 eopl.- I,lllc, theinselYes the
ft. t
t.dOticlitti ivrIKJ , i appears
.in the reottree4 of the
reieo..n ilia I,44..nerallyitit t derstood,.we' su
Chia_ atiwtig the ach.s of the Minnesota Leg
at -its. reet4,lt essi, t, was one char
company 6! company explore the 91t1 region' .
abinit the -head watei.s' ~ f the James rii;er and .
untie trinutares ty the.:.Red ricer s pf thtt
nvith. and. if deetad expedient, to engage
in :the tttaitufacture cif salt. The bet-author
.Ition- put down the area,ofeountry .4bunding
itt iatt , ...sprinus and and, in' sont etc : :es,
in p.rpltailized salt, tying )partlk within the
Atilex i ii-att and Tartl:V.-Nithin thc'grit pi;:-
: , ,e4i41 1 1, at tea 1, s , 4lll:tie
• -poi‘tiori of it lie*. on Athabasca far--
stir westward. • '• '
. .
•THE IIIYL^ or A tri;tpts.--The
1 141 ;Lrt-S the qtl' stion wV•tyer that
baby,' 616.z.sseil 11- telegraph; hvl?th..
the heir to the Frenthempire,nts the
thr:e ttit-r4 eiot\siderable, of •the . eontin,ental
.eiFlusiye of Fra . nee,\ some
tin t i l ntesettied t V ittAu esti on for the ill sel res.
T4/6• determined four years, agO, that nil) trtale
descendant of I..ouis-I,NaPirteon ;Amid(' be re 7
garde , l as the heir-apparent of his erulwn.—•
cniiiire,•:irecordirig- to thistarrangetatittta
was, to lie Louis .Nap'”leole:s 'only fori lif;
•‘‘ b tii -he died, Pus-i 4, Austria and
„ ,
...pledi , ed their ‘vord.. hi/ . caera owe`to rrtore
oho l iri-gitimate heir of: the. th.c:Otte,' T() re:
-, •
no other. Pos t ] uowever-,1 is; of
-,opitfliin that Louis - N:Ipoleon Ntli undotihted:
Aqiert 11'11m-elf to Ifit% e these . pledges eau-.
• celled, that e /lma to he pro-.
claititect • • • - •
----, -
• .
, Sakoquiehanl r ia Academy. 1 .
Mgt Summer Term of ',thie, institution will coin
' r ~ 1, 11 , e .. e on'Thurstlay, Apiil 24th;'isiad condi - 1u four
lc:Evil :week& • • - ":1 ' .
- •
•• , N 4 Nonce.' - .
Tlit. Board of School pirectors of Bridgeirqt
, I. l i4triet will, tneet ° i,u Mootror,e on Saturday, IA I
- 19;11,1at one o'clock P. K. 1 1 C.. 1. CURTIS, Se y.
.. .
. .
1 .liatice. •
T4re will be prenehineat die gniremilist • mill
in 4lii .-. .. Borbug:,, 'Phil Sunda!" next, April, itql,b, ty hoe
Rey. "!I'..j. Whitcomb. SCrvices to continence gt the
Qual , hulini. ---' '1
MARRIED. ' • I t
Lilmatit - ille, on the : ni=t.,
L. S. fklurr,.of
5 1 '4•:• ELLEN RILEY, Of AilbUrn, PA:
• 1 3_viRt.v. T. TilollltaA, On :the tith 'ult., Mr. liirG
Of Libeity, to Miss Smoi M. PUILII* of
` l.l %rl.!lLake. • -
DI3. • ,
- • .
In :Middletown, at the residence of his.diugitter i
Aprilri dr, Joint RomeratO, or .Forcst. ogel. I
i 3 e34r.F.
fhlithe 7th instant, at residence of her In in.
Silve r Lake. Mrs. giant SUTTON, in the 88th. yeitr of
1-wt P. 511 s. bad been a rainsi." - tent fo4ow
er of Christ in the Presbyterian ehut4b for 38 y*ars.
• .
ONCE ',TORE. I • -
Vkly. gave notice \ some line xgo that the &rip of
Wo{siruff -: k Ei r dre4 "was.di.olved, and that
and need e d it spttletneLt °flour matters. ;
- We rltn - oose that you have all heard that self-preser-.
h,st law of nature: In order to save
ourselres t os t, we wish those indebted .tri' us
would pap, /43 YTI Carl - end iv, our 'notes and aceco;;,
at till shop of S- A. Vrotidiuff for a short time. hah
ger. ..After that they .fidli soniewhdre eL4e: • This
I's no false, alarm, for we *lint the money; and e
longs to us, and it is right *e.sbouid have it.
.Moritrose, iipril 14. 'Be.
.1 "will hold examined
follows: •
Clifford, 18th., (M
Ararat, 21st.,
!Thompson, 22nd., (M
Harmony, • 23d., (Lan
Oakland, • 23d., (Sus ,
Gibson, 2sth.,
Harford, 26th.,
Brooklyn, 28th.,.
Lathrop, '• 29th., (Lord
Springcffle, '3oth.,
Dimoc,k-:-May Ist.,
Rush, " 2nd., (Gra
Auburn, • sth.,
lade by mr..
Lures in .one 1
ic plan is to
by sending
Slavery: vo.
fthe requisi-
Sy. be turn.
s represen.
'en • finlned
ii"t..snnri, the .
to form •a
ilss, after the
steeret agent
fit tracts-. -
ydge Lem.
priYzite fa.
*ton, sits
been raised
Mr. Wood
nett larger
Bridgewater 6th., (Mo.
New Milford, 7th.,
1. Liberty,
Franklin, "'" w
Great Bend, 10th.,
.Silrer Lake, 12th fi(Drat
:itconut, lath., (Stan
'endsville, 13th.,
Middletown,. 15th.,
Forest Lake, 1 elth.,
Jessup, 47th.,
Directors, Teacher's, (an ,
and parents interested, at
B. F. Tewksbury, Conn}
• - CROC •
lIINA, ° i= LASS. AN
choice. s‘pleetion, and
•MontrOse, April, 1858.1
mtal'ties, at
Montrose, April 15,18
feret agent
bite 'census
- kTurier. ls hereby girl
It tration Upon the gst ,
late of. Forest Lake town
grantfd to the `subscriber
to said estate are requeste
went, and those having I
present the same, duly atte
Forest Lake, April 14,
Map of Susque
From dental Ifeasuremen
thc County,. by a , i ,'C'orpsl
fully Contlx , lad for
rrHE undersigned p
sliffiOent iiumbenor •
roads, Crossizigi.und Statiot
School Houses,' Stinvs,
es, Mills, Lemctepies..3tatin
are to lie shown' on:the Map
topography of RiveticSteeat
The names of prkertv hob
hose in the county who sub
Map) - ariSalso to he. inserted
es, in ;the, styl6 of the Mal i
Maps of, the principal •ill
large Seale on the margin;
the ptiblic-and Privlite buildit
eta, who express" themselves
publi4tion, will afford evert
and impart all the intprmatio
relatioa to new!Roads laid oul
Completion' of the surveys, - so,
all the alterations and.,improl ;
up to the time.of its issue.
Ncvexpense will be Spared
the Ifighest style of art. - Th/
a suitable scale, so 'a; to sholl
- Oculars above speeitied, and 1
mental gap.: To be 'engrave'
scribers hatitistneiv- colored,
ritory comprised • in
. each tow
rollerti. A's the Map will
~ squarc feet : of engraving, at
:ainlJdollars,it will be seen that
lion list will Warrant_the hear
.The ;Mops are 8 . 0Pc1.6 illy
, rt on s ly one ;
No morf„Map. issued than
map will eiintahl tables.of -th --
t i olt s.,,asszed value of prope
scl - tools;•nuriiher of vote r s, &c.
village respectiver, carefully i
est :L I:th en ti c., docupt en ta; .
Rt?ing upon a just appreer
ilte . -itizens of Montrose, to
.Gounty, va;tbe
~ aboVe plan, t
prpper ex - pectations, amid
~subscriptions are respectfully s
1414 -- --' • JAMES D.
OTICE hereby given . ' thkt in. pursuance of the.
1\ itet , ot As,enihlv, the following.imined persons
hive filed their Petitions with the Clerk of the Court
of Quarter SeSSIOIIII, stI Peace for the County of
:81L-quehantui, for Lieellto . keep Taverns tindtat
ing Houses in said Connti3 to !talc:
Hiram Cook,'- . ... ...,;: .........Apolacon..,
I. 0:-Bullard, :-, I ~.... . Irrool:Vn. '
Wadford 0. iVatrO4,s, • '•• - do. • '
Jacob K.iiiillt.‘,l " • ‘ '
Cho • cor o tut
Patrick Casey • : .
Hiram Barman • - '' ' - Cliffohl.. -
Jonas 11 iron burgh, i • ' • ,-. do,
Gtroige W. LOY'S, A. ' , DilllOCk.
John BakCr, --. 1. do •
Benjamin Ayrys; • ' '
4. .r Dundaff.
M. W. 131i:19., - ' - ' Frieadscille.
. Evans •Grigg,i,-; ' • - Great Bend.
Alfred Allen, • . • do.
='E. B. Edwards;....' • do. •
A. P. Snoover,
.`..- ...... ..•. _Glenwood.
Loren Norton, jr. • ' - '....Lanesboro. •
Williani S;ainvon, • ' l' ' do. •
...David Wilrnitith,- i . .. Lathrop. •
A.' A:. 13 eerna .1.,', • ' 1 Lihert v.
Loonar a S'eni:re--4.. -'1 -r 4 Montrose.
William K. Hata,.. ...' fr .... i'l: .... . do.
Xohn B. Hazleton, '' - '........New Milford.
F. F.: Badge,r; . • - 4,— ‘. do.
Philander IThinney; .' . ' -r''' ' Bummers.
Spencer•Hichox, .......... ..... . . 1...... Springville.
' If arrison'Betison,'- StisqViehruinna Depot.
Thomas Carr, -a, 1 ' • do.
Robert Nic01,.... do. -
AlfrEd Tl.otopson do:
. • • 'Jessup
B. Glidden, • • •,' 'Friendsville.
Oliver J. CraA,... "..; • . ....MOntrose.
I: - N. drullardo.
~ •
-William Painten, • ' - ' Great Dend.
James 8e11,..,..., SusgM.h.imia Depot.
' An adjourned - Court for granting:Tavern Licenses
&c., will be held at the Court Itguse in Montrose., on I' -.--"------ • t - • -" ---
Friday the9th day of May next, at ten o'cloek in the , • • • Administrator' e.
s. Sale.
forenoon. at whichtithe all Persons applying '
g for Li- - NOTICE is hereby given that by virtue of an order
cerise will be 'required to file their Druids &e. .1 / •of Sale issupto me from the Orphan's Court of
April 17,'56. SIDNEY B. WELLS, Clerk. ' 'I- Sumpiehannatounty , I will 'on Ecturdag the 14th day
. _
~ . . ,
t i ' .of Nag'nott .
at one o'elork P. it,.on the premises of
Sale of Real:Estate . by order of the ; Charles Edwards deceased, in the township of Gibson,
. - Orphi tiff Court.: " 1 , i.spOse to:public sale or vendue, the following<descri
•DT virtue of an order Of the Orphani Court, Made the'• bed pieces or parcels of land, with the appurtenances
.1.,), 9th day-of Ai n it, 1856_ Th e , il l kse i , -ik ers w in thereon; to wit. all that piece, situate in the township
offer for Pkil 1 . ...., at public Yendue • 011 f.,,; ( l s y. t he 9th -.' of Lenox, county of Susquehanna, and State of Penn
day of May next., pn the prerniseti at 10 o'clock ' A. W.'. oYlrania, hounded on the north by lands of Noah Res-.
the following (L.:scribed piece of land situated'' in the'', Big re, on the': east, Amith and west by lands of liana:
Township of Brooklyn, and County of .so.toehan.a.ton Downer, cohtaining four acres.
Beginning at a post in line of Jarties Ta:elrer., thence .. Also the undiVided half of
.ii piece of land, situate
by - land ofV. Jegi,lip, East 25,rods 143 lltdis-, thence in the town , itip of Gibson, county and State aforesaid, '
h t , h in d o f Elisha Mack. -s out h 21 rods and west 3 : and bounded on - the north by land of" Timothy Car
rtE4sand south t 8 rods,tb line of Edward bttu ; thence ' penter, and on the east, seuth and Vest by hind, of
by land of said Otto, west 20 rods and 10 li n k s to li n e . Hannah Lonneygart, containing one half acre. -.•
of James Packer; Thence by land of ',Dunes Packer ' Also fifty acres,from the -south side of the hine-
North .13 rods to the beginning. Containing about stead of said Decedent, the *hole farnibeing si tmate
Ore acres, be-the same fno i rc or lees. - Raving there- as last above mentioned, and bounded on the north
ott_ erected one farht housB.arid barn; and all iproved. • by lands of De: lambi 1). Potter,. Oa the east by land
l a t e the E stste o r W aß : l i ng i on B a yl e y ;d ec used. " otFitch Ressigne s South by land of Noah Ren'sigue,
Terms made known on4he daY of sale. 1 • . iAnd west by lands of- B. 0. Rice arid . J. K. Adams,
A AfOS WILLIAMS, Guardians, of minor';' Mill fifty. acres .haying about thirty acres under int—
• •
A. W: CEDE. ~ oild reo - o rw. a t-provernent, with a thrifty: young orchard uPon,the
B: 5. - SAUNDERS,' ley, deed.
same;. The above sold as the eatite of Charles:Ed-
ALL indebted to It . Tbsykr &Co., Thayer k Cran
dall, or R. Thayer individually, will please take
this kind admonition that we are in want ofour dues
and must have those old accounts settled up. Now,
ii you '4ll and settle, and payils when ytmi
can; we 'will he satisfied. Vtlierwkqe wetshall be r un•
der the, necessity of IPaving our books with.saustice-:
of theiFeaee for settlement and collection. &Ve will
givo until the fU•St of April next for you to call and I
see Mt Many of these debts are snail, and the costa
would amount to more than the debt. E,o, friends,
call, and notoonspal us to do what Is so much against
our. feelings. • -
Also,. we would'',say to thipablic that wishing to,
sell out our entire Stock of goods rather than to move,
thorn, as wear gding to build a new store house the:
cowinvammer, we will sell, you goods ,at city cost
for the next tam months.: -
Shingles and most kinds of Lumber taken ex
am -, , change for goods . R. THAYER is
Montrose, February 26 1856 - h h
. SA .
April 9, 1856.
oda and Bumf; Cntcker,s, Moe, Coffee, Tea Fish,
be.---a new supply, also GairtiertSeditsjusi open.
'ad 'Sod for pale by J. Lyons az Son.,
April oetit 105.0. • • , :
ee in the diffeient . ,towns, as
nifood.) 10 o'clock, A. X.
Ana's Mi q 0 - A.
iodist Church)"' 0 A. it.
'lO A.
IV A. n X.
/0 A. u.
2 rot.
-boro') •
'a' Depot)
crone) •
rille Centre)
10 A. X
k.'ney's) 10 m
I ey'aY 10 A. X
3 r. x
1 0 10 A. M.
in A.
. 10 A. .11.
those expecting to tench,)
' rkbqueted to be present.
at low prices, for sate by
latge ib supph e t
. • •
. ,
orls 16i fee.
n that letters of
, i p , dfieeased, hare been
and all persons indebted
• to make immediate pay
!aims ,thereon wilt please
sed for settlement.
GE MOTT, jr., Adm'r
anna County:
and Surreys throptehoigt
141 Suereyors who are
the(.lill'cult Task
iblish shortly, provided a
bscribers be Obtained, a
.7021 P 'OF SUSQUE
the._ public Roads Rail
s, ChurcheyPOstokoes,
Mc! and Private Ilous
actories, Shops, Sc. &c.,-
in addition to the usual
- s, Ponds and Mountaius.
lers genernlly (Including
'tribe in 41vance for the
-at their, respective phiC
s exhibited by the can-
_es will be inserted on a
also engraved views of t
i-g's. The County Offic- ,
warmly in &vol. of 06:
facility in their power,!
in! their I>osserision in .... 1
t ori approved, after‘thel
that the SfaloWill show 1
etnents in the highways
dia execute the ]lap in
.plan will he plotted - on
diAtinetly all the-par
ual:A a lavge and, °rim-
Land delivered 'to - sub-
FO ns to show the ter
and mounted on
ontain some eighteen
cost of severalthous
only a large subscrip
expense incqrred.
)y .yuascription: and
subkribed for. The
• population, produc
y.religious Focl'e tie
of ead; township and"
uadcup from the fat•
. Lion Of efforts, by
• 6sue a Map - of their
at_ shall answer their
, entirely 'EathiclClOrT,
001itited by .
SCOTT "nibl6:her.
• To Dealers in Merchandise within the'
County ofSusquekanna—t -
pursuance of the several acts of assembly of
this Comuttm . wealth-4o provide revenue to Meet
the demands upon, the -Treasurtand for other parte*.
undentigneil appraiser of•Meithaatile Tax
es of Susquehanna County. :his 'prepared a list! of
Merchants trading Within said County and placed .
each of said 'merchants in that Class which to him
Seems tight and- justaccording to the provision! of
Said acts of assembly, as follows via.: ' •
R , sidence. • .Proprietors. • Class. P. Af.
Brooklyn, Jiunes" F. Bnith, . 18 ,
E. S. Kent, • 14
0. G. Hempstead - 13 '
J. A; A J., R. Ashley, 13
" F. W. Allen, • 14
J. C. Lee .
14 • -
" . I. I.Tost & Co., ' 14
Lathrop • ' IsrmeA. „Newton, l4
flopbottom, A. B. Menil, 14
Bell & Tingley, .. 14
Lenox, Schultz Eaton '&. Co., 14
E. R. brow & Brother, 13
Clifford, D. C. Brundage, 14
.-.1. 4 N. •Ilaistead, • 14
Greatßend, J. AN. Dubois, , 14 •
S. H. Dayton, . 11
Henry McKinney, 14
John McKinney, ' 13
• Lucien Scott, • 11,
L. S. Lttlibeisn;
T.homas A: Whiting 13' .
Z. Blakeslee,-: .44 •
A. A. Beeman, 14
Franklin, Stillman Fuller, 14 .
L. Merriman. 'l4
.Liseph IL Slocum, 13
Thomas Arnold, . 13
Church & li. S. Phinney,l3
John Miller, l 4.
John Smiley, _ • 13
Solotrion Taylor, 14 -
N. E. Kennedy, 14
S. S. Ingalls, 12
Jackson, James J. Turner, ` 14
Thomson, L. W. & W. J.Mumford 14
Harmony, B. It. Lyoita & Co., 13 •
46 S. A. Lyons,: V 14 •
D. A. Lyons & Broi' : 14 •
Benj. Aylesworth 13
War,. Tremaito4. Co.:, 14
, Brandt & Schlager, 14
Suer; Depot, Cyrus S. Bennet, .13
. Smith Sc..Shutts:•` 14
W. H. & J.F.' Hubbard 13 •
A. J. Davis, • 14
-Thomas Ingitrum, 14
N: C. & D. 'W. Norton, 14
James Bell, . ' 13
S. B. West,. • 13
Henry Cohan , ; l3
Edward Carlisle, •• 14
A. J. Seymour, 14
James Creegan, • •14
W. W. Clark, 14
Miles Creegan,. 14
Patrick Stack, 14
Gaylord* Curtis • , 1,3
John Asher, , 14 •.;'
H. M.-jones,', ~ 12/
Pe noel Carpenter, 14
Zernh Ferry, ' ,; 14
G. W. Seymour & Co., 13 ,
Johnston Edwards'& Co_l4
New Milford. Wm. C. Ward, • 13 ,
",* Diekerman &,; Garrett, .13
Henry Burritt, 13
J. Moss A. Brother, 14
Hayden & Brethers, 13
Sutphin & Young, 12
L. 11. Woodruff, 1:1
Wm. IL Thayer, 14
J.-Smith juts.. 14
Springville, Stott Johnston & Co., 12 .
A Park, , 13 .•
Philips A. Sheldon, 13
liirant S. Lewis, • 14
{Veltman Swisher & Co., 14
- John P. _Lambert, lt
Montrose; C. , 11r. Mott, 14
" . IV. J. &S. IL Mulford,
J. Lyons & Son, 13
F. - B. Chandler, . •
" IL - J. Webb. • 13
A. Lathrop & Co. 11
44 , I. L. Post A Co., 10
" . Guttenberg Rosenbaum .
&. Co., . 11
Bentley & Read,. 1
• Abel T.:irrell, 14
M, S. tlrilson, 13
• - R. Thayre jr. . • 14
J. Ethridge. 14
. S. D. Sayre, • 1.9
Forest Lake, David D. Mecker, 14
Josefills, Francis . Quist,
Silver. Lake, T. Stalivatt; •14-
F r i e tidayille, Jeretninh Eitisfortl,* - 14
• " F. B. Marsh.& Co.,
A polacon,. IVnt. Bunn', 14
Middletown, josephi - , - .lt - oss,.. .14
P. C Wright,: ' _ 14
Rush, . r IL Canfield, 14
."' . . Norman Granger, 14 -
.-• Groceries, Restaurants, dec:
' -Circatlftshbaid Newton. 8
• 64
- 1 N. V. Carpenter; ' 8
" . Henry Crane, • 8
, Alan son' Hubbard,. , 8
. .Walter Paintin, 8
" • . lVnr. A.-Snow,
Bridgeaater e „ D. S. McMillen, ; 8
. Dundaff, Enock. Chambers. 8.
Thom-on, :11. P. Hathaway, . 8
Susq'a Depot; D. Davidson,
" D. A. Benson, ' it
61 . P. White, 5 , 8
" - D. R. Pope, • 8
' " George Chatfield
Timothy Homes, ~
" • Wifrmore,
'• Perine•i'scM '7
. 41 C. 11..Eggleston, 7
New' Milford, :Isaiah V. Shay,
J. P. Mill4r, - 8
Montrose, 0. M. Crane,
44 . N. Bullard,
" S. S. Mott,
Silver Lake, Robert Gaige,
Apolaeon, ..11. Barney,
Clifford, James McAlla, 'lO
And the Judges of the Court of Common Pleas of
said county will hold a Court of Appeal at the Court
House in Montrose; in and for said county, on Mon
day the 'lBth day of April next. at 1 o'clock e. x., at
which time and placwany of the merchants defined,
destribedouid classed as aforesaid,' or tlieir agent or
attorney, - may appear_ and appeal from said assess
ment if they think proper. .*- • • .
. • R. SEARLE, Appraiser."
Montrose, March, 1856.
10 As ;
10 A.,
10 .11.• M !)
C /0 A. M.
10 A. M.
10 A. M.
' 10 A. M.
10 A. M.
~ •
• 44
wards, deceased. ' - c r: • -
TERMS made kniEreu on the day of gale.
J. C. EDWARDS, Adger •
flarfard,April,l3, 1856. • • 13ff4
VOTICZ'is ' given Witt an application his
been -wide to the court of Common Pleas for
the county of Susquehanna to ebange the eorporate
natac of the Coagrvntional aduteh and Soddy of
.Nete Afilford to the Presbyterian Rhurch and Con
gregatical.of Neu Milford and that a hearing upon
said-application will be had before the court in Moo
tro4.on-,Fliday.Aptil 18th at 10 o'clock A. Y.
EsIDNEX 0. WELLS Proth"y
a •
oer A. T. liaosnog.
• .
Adertinistratorg,s Notice.
IV-OTICE istereby elven that:letters of &drain's
tration upon the estate of DAVID BLIICICINOTOX,
late of •Gleeett 'township, deceased, 'ave been
granted to the undersigned, and all persons indebt
ed to said estate wilt please nuke Immediate-pay
ment,.,and thcwelavieg claims will present the'same
same dale stinted for settlement, at the office of No
thaviel at Sosiptehaunar Depot, - where the
anlveribet, will attend on &twdsys foetettletnent of
the semi, LYMAN BLACKINGTON, Muir.
Aprit 9,10511.
• )01115
nuirrans FOR THE TEM]
(INCE triO ore i gilt new year,
__l../ With its hi rags and its cheer,
We have gladly w komed here.
- Now, as your Plana you fix, •
And as earnestly Yon mix •
In the scenes of ft
_ , the
Pray gi ve yourseiv pleasure,
At your earliest hear of leisure,
Of securing such ,
As Deans, the ,".Min , of Faces,"
With - s sunlight p•lncil fraceEi 1
And to suit your finacy, places
In his neatly finish‘d eases*.
- , I
Defer not till to-morrow I.
Wait not for seam /led furrow . .
Which come with `ge and sorrow.;
But go let the artis take you, •- -
l i
• Ere youth's warm low forsake, you,
And a copy tnm he 1, make vou.
The, place where this done to perfec
(No doulit,you have been there before)
Is (Fin sure you cannot Mistake the directice
• . At 4 ol4lFyllow's llall,l second floor:
& c alk
• 1. _ _ 11.419
Cabin l et Makers,
TAKE pleasure in offering to their custome
addition to their'nsull large stock or CA
WORK. the litrgest,and•bet assortment of
FLAG, AND. woof; SBA T_CHAIRS ever
ed for sale in Susquehanna county, all of which
manufactured expressly to their order, and the
warrant themlo be a superior article. Cull at
Ware-room, foot of 3litiutti , strect, and' exatnin ,
yourselves. ' . W. W. sutra
E. 0: roam'
Montrose, Feb. 561 . I • ,A. SMITH. Ja
.. • WINTER I tooll3 ..
, •: AT • •
, • A. LATEIROP •&I 00'S .
Av Eoffering 1
are now the balance of a large a ock
- .at greatly reduced •prices, in order to MalCe
room.for our Spring purchar. Now is the tirrie to:
bin cheap, as we are determined to sell off our stOck:
Fifteen and twenty per cent inay be saved by calling;
on usimmediately. I • 1
Fine, Rich French :3ferinoes, worth 10 - tuld _1
ahilling4, at $1 per yard. I .
Beautiftil Striped and Plaiii Delaines usually oI
' for 2s/told 2s . 6d. for IS , ' and 20 cents.
. Frirainettas,..illplecas, thurgs, Flannels, a
Linilseys at. prices that will ' BEAT THE Jaws."
Saitnetts from :39: fid. per yard to $1 per yard, n
20 per cent. less than the market price. .
i We also keep on hand a tine assortment of
•- ' 8R0.4 L cZio Tffs, -
I .
all grades and colors, in prim, Loin $2 to $4,50.
' Black and colored Doe Skink -Fancy ditto—Sheip
. Gtey, Kentucky ,Tears,; .:'orcArinis. .
nendy-Yinde 'Clothing. . 1
Overtioats frOtri $4 to $10; I Pants - Tor only $2,50
I.Vests Over-bawls, Flannel Jackets, a very nice at-ti
de to work in---cfill and try dne on.. .
i Mats ondiCaps, Bo is aid Shoe*, Ci:orkt
. . Harifrare, eincllGroceri es. ,
L . , A lot .rogre or,those fine Teas. Try, 'if noth
More thin. a drawing, and yo will be sure to 'xi
,! . • . - .
~ . TA NAI:Ei N '77 0 KS.:
Beside Many other things thawe shall be happy to
shew all who favor as witha call. We can and, will .4011
goods as cheap as. they can be bought anywhere in
this; country, Ilingbannon!noteicepted; liere canot
sell a dollar's worth of goOds - da a, year's credit as we
will a. hill of fifty for cash. • Buy the .amount and,
• . .
bring the pay, and you need not spend your time gkl
ink :to :” York State," as we give you the worth of
your money hereat home: . .
• -
I'. : '; •. , N. .:13[. 3 . 1 '
1 - Remembett all we have,saidi we mean, and - if a y
lany one:will call at."NO. 3, ITELIC AVENUE, -e
)will prorpe all we have said' to 'eh. entire eatisfaetio .
1 . 'Or All kinds of Prodaee, BUTTER,. SOCK ',
IAA - 11 gGGS, taken in eicha ige fOr goods at the
ArOrE ItiiTEl4,
f..., Montrose, February 11, lilsCp. . E 1
I- • L . 1 •, • 1
New. Milford, 'Pa-, .
A . ArouLD c:ailth . e attention of Country Iferchan
Vr V and 'Peddlers to tileirlstock of Yankee NO
tionS,Jewelry, Watches, Gentian Silver and Plated
Ware, and a geniral assortment of Fancy Goods. ,
Our. Stock being fresh frim Importers • and Mathi
facturers once a month, will enable ns to give mir
customers" New Goods and Styles , at all times..
will.find a stock of Goods . Suitable to their trade at
, N4w York Jobbing Prices. Our goods are bought of
Manufacturers and Iniportets-direct. -
N: 13. ristri)aid for Furs. • •
55 505'1
New Milford, Pa., Jan. fit, I
In Full East. ,
, • -
T zto Hundred and Sevei4-Five ,Stores for_
sale by Dickerman 4. Garratt.
% TE are in
_receipt of the largest stock of Stove
ever. offered in Northern Pennsylvania, con
Fisting of
• Cooking , : Parlors and Six-plate, both fo,
wood and coal : also,a full aSiortment of large si
fa i r Sto• es and Churces.. • .. -
IWould call particular attention to the Jefferao.Aa
Elevated Oven, the most perfect
. and heaviest plat
stave in market. :among d l ur assortment. of largo
oVen, would mention the Empir+ State iMproVed, as
. tuying, very heavy plates,:perfectpnish, and a sttperi-'
or, baker. Farmers of Susquehanna county, you have
13(len in the habit of purchasing stoves and light
trimming, and paying as math as you ought to
. .for
heavy plates and heavy trinining. 1 '
manufacture onr furnirare, and will sell at man-'
afiteturer's prices . : Let those r wlib par a.maker profit
'compete with us if they car . Jobbing connected
with the tin trade, done as tismil on short notice: '
;New Ifilford, Sept. 18, 1865. -
• 7
' 8
I - - • • -
G '
111 ANTILLAS; Laces, Berag(is, Worked Collars,
-Parasols, Lawns, fashionable Bonnets, Fans, (a
choice assortment in. each depaii.ment,) a splendid
loi of rdoire antique . Triliunin.; Staple. Goods ollarge
1 .
etc,vac Clothing, (a large Stock) Gents'. and' Boys'
'II ts, (silk and summer,). ClethS very low, Calicoes
from 4 cents td 1 shilling, CarPetd, Matting, Oil-cloth,
• and Rugs. ' ' - . • 1 1. • "
liardiwttre--German Silver &Plated Spoonfs,
Knives and Yorks.'. . , .. 1 . ..
rOceri.i.:-Fish. a kfine ti.,6ortment : of Teas,
Coffees, Brotna Tapies, Rice, Chocolate, Raisins,
GrOttrid Coffee,, Corn Starch. ' I .
Pc!turnery—Ray Water, Toilet do.,
Fa enr. do. Extracts, German ,Cologne, a large stock
Of 'un s ay Stiaps, tkc. B,:c.
armingT Tools—May ) R
Ra es &c. &c. ; - ' L
A- PRIME lot of Sew'York Int4)ected Sole Leather
- just received; also, light 47p w r do.. and Kip
Skins. • , • BEN. LEY ti READ.
kebrtuiry G, 1856. • ,
Itif;fevery description just re
ceived, and for gale by BENTLEY & READ.
Fresh •Arrival of New Goods at
' Dicker:oast a: Garrott's. ,
'UE subscribers would reipebtfully inform the•
It good people of liuquebannii county that they
are n* opening their stock of Fall and Winter. Dry
fivids, , which is unusually lag and attractive, ell•of
which' will be sold for cash or approved credit cheap
er than at any other ektablishment in the•county.--
We; mean just what we say. ,Pletwe give'us a Mat
New "StSford, Sept. In, IMS:
Grient B
- Administrator's Notice.
XTOTICE Is herein given that, .I..tters of Adnilnis-
tration upon the Estate of Wm. H. Brown late
of I f township,deceased, hadtheen granted to the
sulals l eriber, and all pensons, indebted to said Estate
are requested to make immediate fragment, and those
having claims upon the same to present them duly at
tested for settlethent. JOILNI ENSCOOTEk.
Marcb 26th:1866.• 12w6..
NOllO2 Whereby given that to
- _
Ji arid aired is dig day dlirsolved - bY loal eon.
sent: • The notes and oteeounti eilin be fan 4 at the
shop of S Woodruff, whets boeineas will still be
carried 00. ' • 1 - . •
- 81 A. WOODRU T. ,G. D. R9MRD.
Wootton Mardi Mh 111/4. ' 1 . •
• I Lobk Here. j
: 1 4
nail. just rceived from New •York,la full and desl;•
rabic stock eifl . •
• I
ilre* Goods I . 1• t
CbmprisingFa first rite assortment o f Drugs, Meld- 1'
ChemiCals, • Medical lustruntents; Paints, Oils, !'
Dye- : stuffs; Chi* GlaSs, and Earthen:Wire, (a gobd j
variety of Prockery,)liiittannia Ware, ; Japanned and
Plimished Tin Ware, Silver:and all tither kinds. of !
Spoons,- SilvetWrks, -Butter Kniveal Arc. • All soda!
of Catups., - .A. food variety of Wood and Gilt Frame
Mitrrit, - Wall and Window Paper, Stationery, Stone
WOndark Ware..BrushcS, Broorea, Drn: -
ceries, Lamp Oils,,,CoMplienC, Burning Fluid, Tellcle
Stearin - and S.pernmeeti Candles, Bide and othSr„
Whips, Varnishes, Window Glass, .A first rate
variety ,td IJeielry, perfumery ' and Fancy ! Goods,'
Gold and' Silirer Speetacles, Gold
~ Pens,
Flutes,' Fifes , I Accordeans, Violin 'incllViolinCelln I
Strings, ; The ., largest assortment . of Pocket
Knives in SuminchannaCeunty'and the best qualify
in market! Shot Guns' Pisiols,• (Single and Double
Barrel; s qlevoliers,
, In s ort4 - the-Physician, the Invalid, the Howe
!Keeper, the. Farmer,Ahe Mechanic, thc Manufacturer,
the Professional Man, the Gentleman,jthe Lady, tiM
Young stud! the 'Old, the Rich and th‘poor, the Bean
. iful and the Ugly, the (lay and the isashionahle ik and
all the rest 'of the people,. will find soMethinglo suo,-
ply their everyday wants at Turret+.
~ S tore in the Kew Brisk Block—Prices Low—Qual.
• ites Good#Call-and see': ABgLITURRELL,
I , Montrose, March 5;1856. •
al — They, a/v all Going to iTurreirsJEll
rs, in
• (Tee.
, .
.LAIND gU50811.411 7 ,T4
• COVNTK . • I
TOTICE is hereby, {given that agreeably to - th 4
acts of !Assembly ofthe Commonwealth of Penn
sylvauis dirt!ctitig the mode of selling Unseated lands
for taes; the following tracts and parts of . tracts of
unseated lands iyill be siold at public vlendue: bath 4
second Monday of June Inezt, at the Ctirt House in 1
Montrose, 0: 1 aryearaoei! dne and costs tiacrued in
each tract reipecticeey, unless the sanc:be paid 'be;.,
fore the day!of r sale. corunteucelat 10 o'clock ! i' r
hi. the
ca n
• for
• IBull,.
William J. Torrell,
Nathaniel ' L
2 Solomon TaNilor,
R. H. McKtiele, ..
di Truman Bak .• •
1. 1. it.tazumr.
llorace Gris
& O. Bart,
d Enock Coplcv,..i
Ithamerlfott,.."i, ..... •
, L. L. Barrett,,...i..
1-- Arnos H. St-erns,
3 Sedate Crisa - old, ~
. •
1 j i LATHROP.
I Kitchen, Wilcox, .I.tentroi & Co.,
; 1 ,
, ! LInERTY.
No. 40041--William J, Tiirrell, . 1 .
i No. 69-54-85,—.$ A. Las a1t., 1 ,.
2 1 No. 58-;:59-66-7-li --Pope • Sirozig,.
•. i No. 67-68-75464-Edo1111E14 , 60;e,
J. w. Brackney 1 f
~, 1 '
' . l ,
1 °Ala;
Jacob R. Siu4h, I •
• Tno'
.John F. Diluniorej
F. 8,7, O. Hort, 1,
Thomas Carr, L
Joshua Giddings, I.
Joel Lamb En.,
H. Craminond4 . .
S A.
Treasurer's Offie'e, Monti
. 1 1 _
. ' 1 D e c. i- •
trAvE -on ,' hand a gotieral assortment of Dry
1.1. Goods; Groceries, L1a..71-ware, Tii-Ware, Store
ware, ll'oode4 wire, Looking Glasses,l i Crockery;
Carpets, DootS and Shoes. Hats and Caps, Glass,
Nail's; Paints, Lamp and Liinsied Oil, DOct. Ja!ne's
celebrated Family Nediiv.,,=:., Bou•ks.and Siationeyy,
Carpenters' and Joiner.; Toi)191, 5000 vards.Sheeting,
Cotton and Woblenrarns, Cooking,l i arlOr !and Shop
Stor'es, Store Pipe ] ; Zinc: - &e. &c. As We •buy for
cash we are disposed to, sell for cash, a lktle cheaPer
1 I
than the cheapest.; Call anti cee. , i -
1 • / I It. R.'ll - 0. it CO.
QALr, FLOUR tind P 11K,, by the pOu'od, sack,
barrel, 'or hp the load. 8.-R. LtO:4SS/c.
,LaneAoro, Dee 4 1855. ; 4V
IvE pound's "'dung II;son Tea for
1. at B. R: IsicON & CO . s.i 1
,Tvrelre pounds good Sug#, for one dOlllll
LYONS & CO'S; 1 1 ; '
Three gallon. _Molasses ft one dollar 'at 'WTI,
t i -
Loss .k.Co's. 1 •
Six pounds Candles for one doll., at B il . LYONS
& 'Co'S. H 1 . 1 1
Font teen yards gird Sheeting for oue tlllar, at B.
R.I. LYONS it . 0071.
.1 . ' I
1 • • •
Twenty yards-Pnuts for one , dollar, at 11 7 R. LYONS.
& fo's. 1 I I ~ ,
Twenty pounds Nitils for one dollar, at B. R.firoNs
lc (71o's. . . I i' , .
Thirteen barn t ...4.0ap for one. dollar, at 8.1 ,
A. Los
Right pounttsl Coffee for One dollar, at B. B. lx-,
ONS & CO'S. _.-., 1 ' 1 . I
Serentoett - :pnends Rice . fur one dollar;, at. B: R.
LTVNS & CO't4 \ 1 - I
Fifteen cents - per pound for Candles by the box, at
B. IR. Lyos3 . ft'. Co'S.I - I
, 1
' mariootmtl' fdr tip-toiy- 3fess Pork at
1 .. .
800,T,5; If -
p\tir for the bt Kip and Thick jßoots, at
+. I J - I I '4 IL LYONS & CO.
LaoesbOro, pec.,.11855. •'i I •
0 l• .'•" OFX2TSpcir •-• lp ir 'for -Ladies' triidersleeves, at
L surAwLs.
lARGE lot Of at cost and sorne4iing Less;
at • 131 R. LYONS , 8c
Olt CENTS p 4 at
•' •
.!AC rosT.l
TARAFTS on biewtYork City and Philadelphia.—
Collections protnptly made and remitted.
Oilice hours finds 10 A. 11. to 3. i• •
sfeszirs. Allen & Paxton, N.lYork.
REVERENCE, Simnel C. Morton, Esq., I'hil'a.
1 =
qrks, Revthe Snatbs,
,PO3T at CO.
, •
This Ithu Pleasel,
Subscriber be6s leavef;3 call public attention
I do one of the hirgqst, most i it'crsilled, be44elec
'ted and brat • bought .Mork of Fall ilk Winter
Go l ods ever inttbduced into this market, mill which
be bound to sel 'for a reasonable advance, either
for, Barter, .o skort apprin,ed Cred.t. All per
sons t an want of Goods; whether in the departinent of
DryGoodS', Groceriea,,Bardwa6, Crockery,lDrugs,
Bogus Shoes, Cldthing 4., will most assure con
! suit their.own intcrestl (no less than mine,)bY giving
Irne aicall previous to purchasin •
Brooklyn, NOv.l, 1.8.5.."
V -801 P $ NUFAi
T o E subscriber keeps constal
at his establishment in Mai
ity of SOFT SOAP,imanuEtti
wood ashes and grCastg in the of
not by auy patent Prqess. -
• For thrive that furciiih the grt,
the roap . for $1,46 4 Apirrel. W
to be a good arilelN or Soap
the money refunde4 -j -
1 rticiss.
, - P 1
er barrel, ......,1.. I, ...... L... • • $5,60
Ifalf 8arre1,.,.....1‘..1.... : .. 1 .. .... ...... 2,50
ibillon - 4 ,I ••
• 124
I. Whol:sale tlealorS 1041 be furnished—lf delivered
t fbelAshery in Monttwe—at the rite of tea !arras
Ifor $l5, or at Scranton at ten barrels for $5O. i
1 I . 301.124.11VRY WAMM.
Montrose, Mari.b i l7 litse. - ' I lop
firm or Woodruff
'lines, or t iViimbers. Acres. Taxes)
- •
I 1 ; 9
++ i
•-- 118 8,46
' 100 s 7,20 !,
, • • 42!") . 30,24 i,
• - 1110 14,88 i
l •
-. 100 7,20
i WOODittIFF Treas'r.
sse, March IT, 1856.
ill af ;„,YONS Fa 0
J:; , .
iff(fiti - sif4s
OTors Imam
4 erat, rate artlelei
aivi3crd sale I 7
,I[etrolls, Mara 19.
1 for
War*iiii - treat Britain
`BE Centrai 'American question is not yersettied,
but 011.77 1 EN8 ERG, ROSENBAU 3 Id: CO.I
,akfinally settled in their netv store, in the East end
or the New Brick Bloc, where soldiers who intend
f•O•etdist for thy war can be supplied with regiment
als and allisort. of Clothing, and those who desire to t
take their wives with them,tan also be supplied with
tie beSt of materials for ladies' wear, from a Stocking
up to a Bonnet either in soldier or citizen •style. • •
I f Knowing the( citizens of Susquehanna county to be
I ,biave and patriotic, we an Sure they intend to be
ip'repared for the Corning struggle, and therefore ad. :
livise them to cull on •us and examine our extensive,
,stock, which we are assured we can sell al low as
:any other firm this, side of New York' city.
Our stock, which we have very lately purchased
Vinci with great ears selected, comprises a full assort
I of , •
'il - • • • LADIES' WEAR,
44 tt i ch as Shawls,!from $ 1: up to Va.; Dress Goods
I frOm a4O cent Calico Dress to •a sft Silk ; Litilime
oaks, Embroideries of all descriptions a and those
~ !c. happen to ! live in a very cold airtime we can
supply with a go';Rid suitof Furs tibeep them warm.
;li . GEIVTLEMEN'S 1V.,6 1 41R. ' t.
• I
?To gentlemen: who do•nfit want to be troubled wlih
. 0
getting Up newiliiits of clothes, we would say that we
haVe a very full !assortment.of Ready-made Clothing,
.01 atil.descriptioits and 'prices, and in case we-should
not have the article they want, we will take their or
aq and supply !them on very shortnotice.
.. ,
ll 're have also a very goad asSortment of Cbildren!s
f. e !thTtig, from an infant up tom young plan; which
: be surpasSed for tastefulness, as - well as for
fluidity and cheapness..
• We have also a regular fiSsairtznent of Gentlemen's
Fu 'A:thing Goods, - sucli as Fine Shirts, Collars, Cn- .
de Garments, Silk Neck and Pocket Handkerehiels.,
St cks, and• a great many other - articles
en to Mention. 1 . : .
i addition total, these, We keep a full stock of
Staple and Donw:rtic Goods,lsteli as Sheeting; of all
qualities and prices, Flannels, Tickings, 6inghams,
uric a great varietyof Other articles Which are usual-.
lv needed in families. : . , .
to are very Sure that those who, are in want 'of
an, of the articles mentioned,, would do well to call
an . price our goads, and satisfy I themselves - how
titult they can save by buying olus. • i
i hankful fur inst. : favors while at our old stand, we
Inv to our friends!and the public generally. to calbon
u±t our new, and More commodious establishinent,
wh re we' are alwilya ready to Wait on theta with all
posible attention' ,-
ocrrEsusttoi • ; L. ROSEN#I.I,OI.
11. %Urn:MI.OA.: • ' I ' J. WITTktiBERG. '
. ,
1.301 $12,3V,.
1.301 12,31
k 50
. 87
,b 0
, . .
.11 . 'NOTICE., .' ' ..'- ..
ntßrAciloitiet:i Is herel.‘y given that S.A. WOOD-'I
JL I RUFF is receiving .a ner lot of Stoves and .
Was of all kinds', usually kept in. the Stove 'and
Timtare lice of bUsiness, among which may b limn&
a better assortment of litotes, heavier, larger, and
modurable than ever heft& offered 'in this county.-
All , e proof you need will. be just 4o call and 'exam.;
•ine . i o
1 1
.r.yourselveii All stoves warranted in • every
res ect.
pt eonstantly, on hand ; . han an• extensive assortment
of !IV IV-1,126',; mad 'out of the, liest materials,
whiiKis Offered fOraLW .- M. cheap as can be bought .
140 1, in atv market— -Also on hand,' Lead Pipe of all stz
t es, Chain and Gearing ',for Chain Pumps, all sizes
1 i,so4 i Waal and Pt rceblin Kettles,. and' all, kinds Japnued
is,9o I War* . .. •i • -. : .
5;,40. Jibbing done on short notide and ir!,good order.
0 5,20 ;. All ~.loods in the lihe will be sold cheap for cash or
380 (apploved) credit. S. A. WOObRUFF.
, ,_114,
1,80 ;
, 2,36
2,9 ti
9,35 ,
N l ' l
ha's q
Ny - ttiellhe has rento7;ed his stook or Goods, where he
will rth pitasure trait. upon patrons. An entirely
!new and extehsivelassortmerirof Goods will soon`be
luddedi to the:present stock..., The pationage of the
Ipubli l o Is solicited, frith the - ttssuracee that t'le iute
rest of purelmiers ycill be-prottiotetl. . .
Iltii?tros4 danuirs , 23.18664. •
_ I • - 1 -
t' ll ! ". Bi CITANTILER
TX AS a very fine dock of Delaines, selling from
;:.1.1.110 benls to I.'2'. nts perj'ard'; Paramettns from
!1.5 tol 50 cents; POnts flout 5 to 123 cents; 'Wool
PlaidSlfrom 50 to 15 cents Candles 15 cents per
' , Pound,i and all other goods equally low. Please call
' and se. 1 •
o • ' 'the •'.
constant 1. band at e lowest prices.
lia -ch 26,' 1856. 1. • F. 13. CIIANDLER.
I ! _ • _ • _
—..------ -----,- ------
', , r • 1 . ,
1 ' . R 1 IVI OV AL.
, .
M. Wilson has !removed his Stock of Goods into'
lis nel.Slort (idthe Brick Block) at the foot of. Pub-.
lie Avenue where the Mercantile business will becort
tinueti limier the Firm of M. S. Wilsoi, & Soh- • Ad
ditionit ktr- their present
. Stock will be continually
ramie lalncl particular! attention given to. keep. up a
Oenerill assortment4-pecially in the Hardware
ne. ! i-
ne dollir,
1 at B R
and cb,
Rill atte
t Motip
..... ._ .
o!' A.l , '". Baldwin. We. Wipe by strict attention to
brisin: to receive Our share of public patronage.
;Con it ntly on band, .%idtlles, Bridles, Hairless,
Wilips l l'ruitics; ValiSes, ke, t iCarringe trinnning ' in
all its 4ninches; will be ineatTY done to order on rea
sonable-terms. _ Shop, N0..2, Searle's Basement.
F P .
Jan. 185,
-411 y
foil cash,
the alx
'OAL.S at
R. LYONS Ar l CO's
wise ,
n & Coi
I November 1: ‘ , 1855
tly on hand for solo
trose,*the beat gnu
`wed from tba l lye of
'dfashiouedeatty, and
.e, he manufiketnres
rranted to 111 cue,
zany benturned and
,s sad colds, 71 re
,.LEY tP.
I ,i3trio4e,.Mareli 19, 1856.'•
everahi e ho:1 triumphed ale,.
- , stacte. .
TWITIISTADING w destructive fire; an ex
tendixe. loss, and a ten triontlis sickuess,
S,be I Turreil • •
.mpleted his ICCYV *id: Steve, (built upon the .
round'oeclifiied by - his forruei• Store, that was
led by fire, nnd in the . I . eiv Brick Block,) into
one Word More.
t to remind thOse indebted to me, that I lost
fable by the Tire a year 'ago, and that I Jaare
tiler the necosity of rebuilding b. Store douse
hsequently i nzt nrgo payrront—hoping all
d to it urithikut furthee notice.
, se. Dec. I* /. I*-8455
- New Advertisement.
Fordham, ,B. A. Smith & Co., -would re
petfully inforin the. pablig that they have pttr
the interest in the Saddle& flarness ImAiness
~.yORPI. I .III, SHIM & Co.
an. 1. 18 . ,bGi .
0 1 3 CKAGES ,
,tt 10. t.,, , t 541-4342-41,50 and 25
is TO GIVE AWAY bef6re the 18t or
~.. • ; • • '•
r i• •
. - •
e.putehashig lire Dollars irorth.of Goods
at one tinte,i will be presented with one of
e packages. j Now ready for delivery:. For
;articulars inquire of •
3. LYONS & SQS. •
, se, October 24,1k5-5.
y,Vott r
Howl L.ll3pildero Depot for Masque.
bail areonaity-at Ne w Milford.
- TAICK 'RMAN & GARRETT are giving especial
.1.1 ati ntion to the iinprorements
„contemplated in
thi:i cotin y the coming season,..iipd now offer a help.:
e k
iniharnl by keeping constantly Ter sure a large quan
tity; of Wdow Sash aid Glass, Blinds, Doors, Nails,
Paints an Oils, and a complete assortment of build-,
ersillardivare, &e....-Those going'to put up houses'in
theispring, will find it for their interest to give us a
call;' ,Wa..ean fUrnishreierything you want, and at
the'i'very lowest Manufheturer's"prices.
i ,
New *llford, February 8, 1858,•
__ 3
Ne* Goods. 1 -.-
Oaertber hasp received a full and complete
irtment of Gods usually kept in a Country
Stote—Which will be sokil as cheapjts the cheapest.'
Hailing piarebased late in the season,.when Goodwin
tuatjtet b ve considerbl,y‘ fallen of, I am persuaded
I can gi • a little better hal-gains twin my neighbors.
Thailkfu or' past favnrA, 1 respectfully invite -my
' ti .
- frici,)ds and the Public to ball and ,examine; --
4 11 . . 1 ', F. B. CHANDLER.
lafentruse, 'Dec. '26, .11355. _ '
4311 Ids Nails, 8 pounds Cotten, .or .0 yds.
veft' co, or lbs Young 4yson" Ten, or ' lo yds.
SheCting, r .10 yds. D - Laine, or. 16 lbs. linekerel,
or 16ibFatlerstus. *rill bars Hard :Soap; or 9.lbs.
Plug To co, or 9 lbs.leut Tobacco for smoking, or
one }lddk4 (think 'Of that; .boys,) or 100 cents (at
least) witridt •of many othertoods„ Am) numerous to
Monti/ J. LT osB k SON.
MUntrbi Dec. 8. I - : • ' .
. .
ill . , • W*NTED I _ . :,,,
-TNITZ ithousiuid Dushelsof Psis—low n '" 4 “" u 1 1
u Bi b • irbenta-2004 Bushels' each of 'R)... lid
oorii-2 II u slicla*Tried A pples. , =- - Five, fiundre.d
Voz. } • ••," • • Sock& i 4 Also Beans, Pork „Poultry.
Sutter,e tin* Reeswitx, YhisSeech *e., for.'ishichl
"will pay lit 4 highest niiiricntl,pricos %Vomit', or on ac.
count. 1 ~,. 0. G. IMIPSTEAD. .
nA othlireeis indl'illscire—a very gettiri4 as
ien dof sup!,or tiatimin; at pricesi ranging
frOuill e to, to $l. ‘, i 10: c 4. lIEM L'StgAtt.
i °
, -
C *Bll
j ..-
Wad - he ti .
111'; / J ::8 + 4;
1 4 an 1 1
7 1
BE .subscribers have rat . iveAl-Alt
7. ` Shoe Store into the ,hull greceno
3lessrs. Bentley, e lteld i -Re lie AVen '
the PostOftipe, where, itotWithstandin
state of politics, the stringent! a the 11
the•" Sough Sunthins," Hail of
Mon ,
.0-Lantern inducements, ...a the gre
one extreme follows another,l in XII In,
ty, we shall have .a cold - 411liter, In
state of things the subscribers beg lea
they are,prepared to meet the.'wants,of
Shoe wearing public, with good and "inl
-odes of,Aent#.awal / Sitttocof,Eastern -or
facture;, warranted equal (if Mat better)
fered'ut this Market. Their#ck etnly:
I variety of Laties.Sttx. Lksvmn,./Pat. '
i ters, Silk Lasting Congress Gaitiri;-Flt
1 gre4 - Gaiter. 4 , Morocco Gaiters, Ladles , .
! City Made Bronzed BuskinN Ennild.
1 Buskins; Pat. Leather BusktT, Mori:we
Calf Lace Boots, Enatn'd Bo ts;. Fur B
I &c., 'Misses. Silk •Laceing Pat. fox _GC
Gaiters, Calf Lace' Boots, Kid Lace
Linda Kip Shoes, Children Gaiters, I
rAukle Ties, Pat.'Vaiup French Buikit
1 kip Shoes, steles French Calf. Kip and
Calf' Rnarn'il, Kip' and Cowhide -Bro
Boots, Thick and Kip, and pat. Loathe
Rubbers and Sandals, a generzil asso
ings, Spatablis, Thread,- Was; Steel.
. Tacks, Bristles, Heel Ball, .Bout Weld
Pincers; Shoe Knives, Edge Blacking,
loon ; Binding, W a iter Prot f Blacking. P
IGum Arabic, Gum Tragacanth, Etlp:e f
Hafts, Pegging and Sewing_kal Blades,
All kinds by the side or polity", to sm;
Tho Public are invited to ealrbefore pu •
wiput. Customers may rely'Opon getti
bargain for, and that is better thou tb;
"sonte places. If they buy, ta4tern we
he aceomodated 'with 1:0' good in-artiel l
. found in this market. If they' prefer 1w
tore they can hare it' without being hum
kinds of work made to order and warrant ,
iug done on-short notice..
THANKFUL fur past fevors, they !lope.'
tcntion to butjuess, to meoitla rotitivii
same. . - • SIMMONS &ME
P. S. It now overr - A year since the_
llontfose, at which time the Sobscr*Mer
witha.greast losS, in fact he Idithis that;
to those tndebted to : - Citli; Note
count,: that the aiine must be settled wh
notice r\-.Yours,Ate...r : $I!
Montrose, Jan. Ist. 18:58, • .
BURRITT has now in Stoflt'and s TN:ening
-Li • a large stock of NEll7B7'O Vg.", including
the Staiot the West. and N'ational E t ter ted Ovens ;
Blaclcliover, Wide, World, anilTaragon Irgel:tven,
to which he would invite particulaititteu ion, as: the
best Cooking Stoves it. : lnarket, with a .uperior as;
sortment of Parlor, Ogee and Shop 'Ste fei wood
tor toal; also, Stove Pipe, Zinc, Sheet fon, Stove
Tubes, die. .
This stoc from the fro the heat Flundrie,s
Albony And ttica for'cash, with the bes quality pi
Trimmings made to order for hiseustom t isticli
will 'enable him in all respectit to defy c ,mpetition.
ain., will be sold at the most reduced pric s for cask'
or tpproveA credit
ew Milford, October. 18G5. -
w.ytta AND 7 faaOCl5. -
, •
1 rSTIT-EY &..fkEAD with :plevure in
friends and the public..thattthey•haVe.
menced the iepait ng of Watehs, Clocks,
of New York, and lite- of.Syracti,se ; ant
has he been recommei:ded by some of the
es there as a steady and,..ftrst rtiie
tare-given "him a periMial titerest.itt th
so that our friends mar have every confide:
.ing their work done with care and dei
r pt!ti:
Id addition "lit his general knowledge: ct
0u.4 kinds uf English and foreign:, watelies,l
derstsaids the Clock . business, from the lar •
to ,the smallest . Maptet Clocks; rah:ether
1 home-made.-. • • •
Montrose, January 8, 1858.
-1 •
Ftiraisii Pelts toy
1 C. WRIGLIT b'eing desirous of el
S ness for the purpose ofl4aving; iu.t I
takes thii method of • inforrhintt mast
the public generally ; that he will s"11 his e .
of Goods at cost for cash or ready pay.
will be given after, • I
He would say 'to those indebted to him .
Note or Book account, that the'sante . must
immediately, without further notice. .
Ile also offers for . sale hisjannirv. Sto
p.wo owellinglkouses, and the appurienam
with, Im:tiler:with - thirty-two aeres of lan
nide!' 'wilt be sold cheap: .
' C: C. WE
Middletown, Jan. Bth, 1850. .
I\TOtict iti - hereby given . that letters of
tratiort upon the estate of jonx . l3.'
late of • Rush , township, deceased;A:iye' i ..e
ed to the subscriber, and allper+sludeht•
estate are 'requested to make imrnq'diate'
and tho4e having claims thereutriwilli pteas
the s.aule - duly attested fou.seidenient.:•.
- ELII.I-3101REi.
Rush, March 17 T -1 1 854. s .. .
A.4atinisrator 4 s INo,i;icm
- NTOTICE is hereby' given. that letuirs of
71_1 traAion upon the Estate Of MAIO"
fitse of Brooklyn township, in the l (cotintr of
hanna, deceased, have been granted' tp the. :
and all persons Indebted to said estate are
ad to make immediate payment andi thos:
Claims thereon will please present thet F.lnne
tested for settlement.. CRA'SA'EIIEIOO
Brooklyn; March IS. 1856.
• FIRE! FIRI f ;
COMPANY, Capital $2,200,0 in, And in
Jt is one pf the best Compinics 41;.thef'Sfute..
lOsse,s b fire promptly adjutneClifAute p
half of dollara lOgsets,by fire sißce,itw
operation. Applicationii rectlive4 at . the:sto
R. ! Iyims tf; tanesboro, and at ,the stor
,ons d. Co.,'Jessup, Luzern° . enunly, ant' a
eit°. . • D. It.I.YONS,- . 1.
"'Montrose, Dec., 15.55. . • •". •
. - -J. AgitlA' At
AXT, 11611SALE.S: retail deuler4 •in rm.)
Y.! Clothing, also dAtleri - in Cloths, • Slik
hats and 'clips; hoots nail having now.
a large-stipply suitable for. the , seasun,:would
attention'of purchasdrs tO, the.nt
Sao, •
For further particulars see 4drertisenieitt,
er place in the Rerifiblictiii. ••*
• Susquchtuina Depot, Dec. 10, TSTIS.
AT T/11.16 OLD IS'y
VAN. now hi
ally kept 'eomitrisir
m a A
bought cheap
BmnlP advance
I A small
be sold at- ui
time to bUy a
ATS and
QOME of prettit..t
L a . new, ot Mt e
from tisit -4'
the bestlhality, I y
At.songs ever tittbliArtcl
Acitleoris, Violint4 - anti Oui
tollar to twenty-tLve:'• ,
Pc r, .ale
• J. 1.4 'ON'S fk.sf
- . •qo
, Tana- commonPana !ft r `.;aClotfic:f
itop‘el LYQNS•k:SO]
;TB_OPY wants a Cppy of the Amtiieat
leg' •• • • •
lea • • .
'We* Oood , h . Cheap for "Cash
el' W. MOTS has jus.tveeelveli-annther lot of
Such, Bcagel, Widnes
Rages, Collate , Znibecideritfa s Laiens,4e., mobil
°Teta trt-very Icor price*. Sunimer Shawls,- a 'lli
some beandful plattekrsts at very los Prkes; also
loyr for,euali."
Parasolaiutest eye at _. OF Ir.-110T,
fila4 tress Silk, a_spletutclartieler,, at ( Ard
flutinkterStuflh In great Varieties, alt,
• 'GrOceriei of all kinds, very ettintli t SP i rtlotA
rate artiele•tik• 50eta per •Y c
gallop. have-lit
calland exiinins, to become tvuisfled lligt the,
of Navigation "is the place t 6 buy (34eup,
. . . Wanted._ , •
Baiter, Zggs, Babas, Lard,,,,Socka, !o. ,s
of Country Produce in viebange'ro , gooda at
trim?, ' . AV. 440'
Idontrose, Jitti6 . ;
' Socks, tiggs„.Biztter, Lard, Cheemel
tnr quantil in inithsogO for Goods
Mantrose„ DM 4, 1855.- Csl
• ••
intifjali -''= '•ii` . ;-
1 i
ik ',Boot *ski. i - i
/ - acc:upieliks• - •t
, t , Arl't. ilboi,;iti :
the,: mixe r : - 1 , ,;:P.
ent'4' . .marke't .., - .‘,.- - f,/.22
pittlit..;atutit - -cdfl. - •
t dOnith,‘. - 11V1'f,.,,
. an ptigiatiltili',.l-1
view _nf tithr :,,.'
to Fay tbat- - ;.7Ni,
' he Boot sunirO:ij
I .tantiallit - rti:4l',,
owe Itginw. - ..... -- i. - ...
than any 01.4 :, 1 ,'
• tee.i a generai.".l-,7-..,1z...'
' of treetU*4, ''' .. .i.:
.eh'h:hi Cilr, ji,s - ,4 •• 1 ,..'
.taritqlllTielt; : .„,:- il - ,;,
1 nat:itLii, Jiid:-• - ,... ii,k,,F°
Lace Root*. 4.1.4-A
‘11:d ReF.kina' , , , ,
ertt, 'Color*Ai: , i. - ?,
gob!, Jenny.:"' '' - t1
*ton g10ew,, , ':,:.- F t
t .s, ,Calf a,g4. ,;.„ :,
B .....,-.
t ,
toga ont, ''',: ',,
; 11 % Yet i tt:a.4
ment, rultit : ., t
*Ats. Vesp..:t ii
, Ilarnmenl...:-!•. i':
ont and:Ga-- 7 i '
to Rlacicii,g, ~ , :- , i . li
1 ' A
rustles. Ait , ri, ; I
&e• ':
, if ,
. .... ..., II
ei.tomtry. -, .....
ham,: g i!rgi-,---,.i :1
g what they
y ( - an do in ; ; 3
I 44 can be `",l •'-'
•,e manufaie . '''-t•.. 1
4 01 1 1
eg'? ~ ,
d. • Repair si
-- '-'•', .1
en P
y attlet at- 7'
mee of the --',
fItIMAN: - - i'
re at Fire is 11
having met -, A
e would say 1 . ..
L e
Book ac-
out farther
oral the&
gain COW
luad Jew
so hitill7:
the vetii:
e:al eat Tivriat
A iug liztii--
te: ,..9 l , r i n k .
tners slues,
tire it.ii:lt.
Vo credit
either by
• d settled
etotisly r
a Alf cf,
actin' nis
n. grant
ti to _aid
t. 1 12A I.
duly at
Admit .
All its
. d over
nt luto
e of .0.
L Ly-
1 Um
RE 0
1 bt:el
11.4 the-
Gadh pri
eiv 1
I lie
I he
i t
r emit