. 1 ,- . • - • - • pipitii:A.v4tly . . . . .. . lairEiudiiiiiii. TILE INDEPENDENT 'REPUBLICAN:' -I •, - , .-- - liilarged.Por-nitni4 Reellice;(lPrwcs. , tr..;Lisay:p EVERT rttankr xOIINING, AT 110344108.1, t. ' '•- .. * VIE el Slll srSTE.SI AborrEn. P.A., AT $1,50 Ett otitlx, 21 4 1' ADVAICC. .. I. or , anti after the fist 43i ..... to ! a nar), 1554.1, the Fenn , ---.._ 1 _ mylvania Telegraph, published at Liarrisbing, Pi., • Satin of Ad‘ c lertkiiss. , „.',„ Ni - 111 be owned ateleonducied hi . the undort.igned,. One Square (16 lines f,!Sr-leSs) ne week, t t ,.,'' , ,,%'-' wi) will give. 'their best energies ; to make it . worthy One square "I'7 - tiro weeks, ' . '-','' 'of its cause and of ii,s l ftientls. ' l i ' ' ! - One square 46 , ' three Weeks, .. 1,00 - 1 I It - will commence tile new yeali prier. on:entirely '2 9" One square • ! One montll, —l ' 2s 1 new type, and the Witiekly,greatly enl rged in firm, - . 0 . One. sgnare -'" 1 ' • two m0nth5,........z,25 006 Nave, • • ' ".; • three.r00nth5,.,;...8,93 One square • '"it ~m ss months, -'5 00 On'square , • ." i . One year 8000 . For two or more iluares, nserted by the year, a. deduction from the above flii 9is made. 'Yearly ad. vertisers will hailNh'e_pririle e of altering or cluing: log their adrertisemints without additional charge. Business cards; her, exceeding Pate linesi, inserted at',#2,oo trer.anoumiri b,• , :I Wa!rk. Sobbin a. 4 Care band dir► , . ' / NEW AIiiVERILLTANT SERIES. ONthe fifth Ja . nary next, the' first number of ;:t The New Series for 11156, Of tis well-known, Fair ily f , Newspaper:will be htsued, wi • new type and new at-- tractions ; the prinei'pal one i. 'of the kind which has been proved; by hot! &uteri an and European. peri odicals, to,be the matt acceptable and popular, viz.: --:..4,3 7 0ert in serialliisanieers.! • The title 0 , . . or. parts a , a lir else untold: . N0v. 99 . . , B 1. t., WILLIS, • - I , • : - In addition to thial new feldure, a aeries of original sketches, songs andiballads bk. G. P. Mothis, and an original novelette, hi verse, thundeaupon fact, caned The Story of a Star," by J.! M. Field, are among the inducements for!' ; ZIONV. subscribers to commence with the 'first nuroWr•of the ,l i ear. . - . 'Besides the,contilettions and iaborof the Editors, the mJournal lloe .lll contain the'Foreign and Do mestic Correspondence of 11 farge,list of contributors —Ah e spice of the uropean iM: tines—the selec ti* of the most interesting Ipublicatlons of the flay —the thiernovelS;4the Piquant stories—the spark ling wit end amuSinganeeflot—the news and gossip of the Parsian papeis—the personal sketches of pub lic clatrattem---thelOrring Scenes of the writhi we ' live in- , -the ekroniefe .of the news for 'ladies—the. fgsbi‘Ms--the facts atnioutlinrs of news—the pick of English inforrnatiorthe wit; humor and 'pathos of :the times—thi-ea„a a on life 4 litentturt.,-seciety and morals, and the up, I vatic y - of careful elteesings from the wilderness of Englist .periodical literature; eriticisih, -poetry, 4e. We need not remind our' rftders . that we lia also o e or two unsurpassed coreespoudents. in he lash' noble society of New- Fork, who vtin girt us early ews of every new fea, :lure of style and elegance aMong the leade.re of the gay world.ll • i• , - . runs.—For Trs.,For oneteopy, $2 forthree Copies, gs— one copy for th years, - f'p'-.. r altraya in advance. te Subserik thou delay. Address rtt • MORRIS & WILLIS, - '' Editors and Proiriciors, , t O 7 fultonfatreet, -.Kw ' ._:rort. - • l l. . . • VuE SATUR I APAV EVENING POST - Established Aug 4th, 1821. _ . Weekly Eatioit'betweeri 80,000 IS: 90,000-, In. issuing theitllrospectiti! l or 1856, the proprie tors.of the Post ,tak it for g . nteci, that the public are already tolerablr wl'Al :togMated- with theidiarne ler of a paper that 14.‘; grown.., rig during the stOrms and sunshine Of T Eli RTY-F0 "R YEARg. Their ob ,. .jeet always hagbeeh asit repains. to be, to publish . a weekly paper for lie family circle, which ;hall not only .1.-attee, but als instmet andimprore; those who may read it. TO a complish - this.object, the hest ar .tielea a'-e ielecte4 . r condens:ol from foreign and do m6stie.veriodeals, : rud.origi4il artieles of an instrue r tii-e' character pros, rol, when possible. . Letters from Po ign Lan4; the moat interesting '• --‘).—,-• pOrt ions Of the i'Veekly. Newi, of the World ; Sketch e of Plc, ,Adventql.e, and Character; Selected and firigipal Articles upon Agriculture; Account of the Produce snd Stock• Market.; and a-flank 'Sete List _ ....erature i5.•-Oeu t 0.,.•.., , _........ , ravelucluded anion I n the solid information to he cm.) following Motithiv Magazines: ! Harpers. Putnam a, S, •- • ,I Knickerbocker. 111 ickwomrs, graham's, Godey's Li s.untly found in the Post. • Bin the mind requires a wider ran:7—h has facul- 'l (-111 -'''' ll. "-'k a"' 3 . I- 1 ?_'. 113 - 11101 4 IVoill -I '. . .• ties which delight in the hunaorous" and lively, the i ll ,. -- I'ersons taking tve.meMberships are entitled to aginative and poetical. '1.11?..,..e faculties also must J a n y f ive "t the -m akaldne•s - for (-1;:u rear,. and -."1-r not able to take an en- 11644 - -- • I -I have their appropriate food, else they become enfceb- 1 r:A in the di:lntuition. 1 led,. and, as a consequence, I the intellect becomes The net" proceeds deririal Porn the sale of mem • narrow and one-sided; andsl be:-sliip, are devotfid to thug. purchase of e werks. of art 4.41 larged and genernas view oht 'ran •nattt-e and its! for the ensuirg year. .! !'• j -destiny. To sati4 theselaelt ven,Ymplanted cravings 1- ' Tke i P'frirn '1,11.9t.‘:&..5.urc.r. •of our mental bei..lg, we devote -a. Car ir•Oportioi t of i by becoming a member of this St3SOt'inli+, aie-- -the Post to Pietioti, - Poetry . 1 1,1111 Ilturnir. - ' lst. All personstreceive the fall twill , ' ot'ithqr nib- Among nurcontkibntOrs in lie first tiro l, of the eliore 1 gcripfinn nt the 1: aft, in tliC, ;shape of le': leg Maga :Depattments, are!lseveral of the meta gifted writers i zinc. Literature. ,f ,'• ! , lathe .land. NNI" also draw freely for Fiction and c i 1 .2ie1. Each me:hoer is contrilniting.lowar 3 pitrelia- Peetr-y upon the hOst Periodi;eals in this country and i 3ing choice ti k!si of art, trltich are to be istributed Great'Britain. ',W,e design commencing a New.Stury ia • our then:solve:4, rind are.* ;tire flamed e eileour - by MRS. ~ SOUT/iVORTff, an'Ontr of `•The Deserted caging the „triists te the country, disbursing thOusands "Wife," "Miriam , 7 8,c., in our first paper of January I through itsagcntw. - •• 1 -n ' • ' ext. . • m I - i These who ptn liv: , Mag-tzines nt Bookstores will ENGRAVING 4 illustrative of important places and 'I" oliserve that by j ;hlii kg o:isle:lsm:hi:ion, they receive actions, of Anne :Ohara' andlother new Ini-entinus— : the Magazine andree tielit in the annual distribution, . with others of a Humorous, 'fhtsuzlt,refuted character, 1 all at the same pace alone. ';i ! are also freely giien. ' . • ' i • Beautifully ill nitratedCc-al:log-nes giving full de .-;, -, --,ir , - ~. NOTI E.S OF .I lIE PRESS. i nriptinnA. sent f s- , oil r.pplicatiod ; FormemberAitt address, -•tC. L. DETIBY, Actuary C. .k. A. • - This is one of the few la ge papers filled with life i and thOught, instead of Imnberiaglrash• Its .man- ; 4t either of tle principle - ttfli4es--"Kniekei-bolter agernent is ntarit..l.,d by liberality, courtesy, ability and I 11. .„..aglain'” "Ilicles, 348 Bread*, ay; \ Y. or NVeatern tact. It employs the best literary talent,. and spares I ei aC''' i(-:6 W2le l s t r t't , :s a ngw l 7 ,lo - • uo pains or expebse. Aslalfamily paper, °tie of lite-I -- .. ---- 1 -- 7 - 7 --- ;: - ' 4 "- : -- - - -- 1 rar3 - • and general intelligence, we cordially recommend i NEW ITIILIFORD, • it.- , -Cayeiga chof, Attbuvi, N. _Y. . .• ~ 1 Shawl dr. press Goody Emporinm, -',..gur readers may-relY up nn it, that 'Deacon Iz' Pe- Fir , ; • .:1- F 4,11 ms L !OF !1855, . --- ~ ter on will be a 1 good as their word. So far as w Bavritt would inform 1113 itiencls and the Tub can jtadge lay - ye`as of obserration,-these publishers do 'II li o . , tiin - e l i„ now in ;s to v e, a nii 1, rece i v i ng rather more tharilthecproMise; and their paper is erT. c i iced with very nutrked •abi ty. It is singularly free a full a s sartmetithaf Fall and Winter Goods, including fromisilly sentiriumtalistn blitster . but is, of a 1 : n 7, !F i a t r c a v ri . .)7,ierl es, - and l ind healthy tone on itll su4ecti,alwaystrno ' derate iii dart- 1 Cloths. ;• Plain an Plaid Mennons, Pararnettass, De guage, but laliwis,mildly advocating the right. We ! agess . and P4l ns; "Deirk Rich Ginghams, in Fall find it one of the Most genbrallv attractive pa ens in I ; Styles ; Illankfiliioeade, Min and caree,l. Silks. -IVoril • mfr exchange.--41Saturclati.11 - isiter, .Piasburqh, Po. 1 Itroche, CashMele, Crape,and Silk Slur;sji; Rich Rib, It is the best literary and family paper in the Un ion.—Rock •Islaktd4,..Rocki 1516. Q, 111. ' i hops, Bonnet. a :ri ilower. ;'; Ladies Cloths and Vet -11 Ire::: for Cloaksird Manlitlas; Bk'oad sloths., Cassime . We hare hereitofore tqw;•ken in bight terms ~L 0 . ..f 1 3 2' i re's, fir, with :a large assortmert of :Staple and Fanny • merits of the Poi; as one-cif - the best ;exchange list, arid ye regard it...as one 0f . x .,.,Z," 1: "L" I . o'l3ods its usual, including BMA Ware,* Croeltery,-.lron cry papers tp 1 4 found ony.ujic : re. Its editorials li . ';"land Steel, Painti, Oils 800t..-'and Shoes, liets,•Clocks, o.&-e ngs of.tlin beet quality, be „ with a -new assorts ! written with ability, and teklE.tt liberal, independent;Runic) R bes. garpetings, 1 merit of Stores and Trimmi am] comprehensive view ciriiien And things:—, S tar ta I , int?' ..i.dverlizer.[ liilrigh I r iliatr i ; Po. . , . ins made to order expressly fothi_seustrun Trade, and I will all be sold' It the lowest fignre, or a little lower It is deservedly one of the rr.ost popularjourn als in for Cash Prodn e. or approyed credit. ' the United Stat§s,. combining-as it, does, in a literary N B. w - • oollSoeks Avantl•d, ! for which the highest point of view, ail the interest of the best magazines, ~,, ;•' 1 . I ,r,Ceswill continue to be 1,41(1,1 Flour and Salt eon with a vast amOunt of gsiteral intelligenee. - re pu te sumtlymn 1 ,,,, dr i limn s 1ite:1444 et. i . . TERMS (dash in advanthl) Single copy, Old a yea/. - New Milforkget. 4, 1-8"5. ~...I._: • 4 copief,• .- 1 *5,00, a year; , --1- ~ 8 " (And min t° gettet!•:up of C1ub,).10,00 " IF. 6. CHANDLER - ..... , 1:3 " (And one to getter-up of Club, .15,110 " AS it gassortment. of "F.4.L.1.; .AND I rLV .2O " (And-one to getter-Up of 'C1ub,).20,00 . t` XX T 4 Eie C ODS, which Will be sold as chimp as ;Address,. alte l ays post-pa id, - ./. ' any in this market. Phdds Delain.s, Paramettas and I. - DEA COY& PETERSON,, Si/ks of came, } } ' , of frailties and stvles--ginghagis, . • • •- N. 66 Soutti Third Street, Philadelphia. Prints and Shhwls, Brown and lOS..aehrdi Jinslini. .11r SurnpleNnutbers. seat gratis to any one, when Comforters. Cerpet Bags bnil; Overshoes, ICI ockery requested; ' • . . I . _ and Glass We* , Looking glasses, Window Glass and ' * I 1 Nails Grocerie of all kind and at u low figure, Flu 'To • Fiumi Fein's I,ooo,oo o` Eesders I .. id and candles •,ke l ... '1" I '- . ' • 12E -1 1 - - a JA DE CLOTH - LAY,. . A NEW' BOOS COMING .1: ', . . 4 good sine -I k ' also, Cloth 4 and Catisimeres, Jesintt . • . , Wr• have the pleasure of armouncing that we bare i Vesting., &c., ill he sold In very small pi p' fits. , in 'pi ess, and' sl, tall publish about the first of Decemb- 1 ' l ' ' - 5 014 SAND 'PIPE, .1 •. '.• , er, a new work, of fiction: entitled - 1 . . '.- ' I A few Cooti and:Parkir Stoves, forirood or goal, • -- ' . AO-SE C.LARg,. '. . b Id I • II - I ' 1 willc so - o to c ?se t ilem out. - • A ileisocr,-4Y. „FANNY 1 / 2 - Ellie; ' I. - . . - • • IVA 2VTED. ' l .'''i - 1 — I'' . , . ,liise.bast Work, and first, continuous tale of this hail-'i grain of all ki (Is, White Timms, Socks, (if good oifes,) liant and fascinating autluire-s,.hltuth liall," achieved I old Iron, old Cop Per or l'ewter bv . • 1- - . . ~. wauccess. unexampled in I ihe antral,: of letters. In the ' - Oct,. 17, '55 i J 1 F. 11 CITAVDLER. . i language of a leaciutg.peodical, it " "created a more protean:l sensation than any which has been issued • during * quarter. of a-century." . But it is unneeettia , ry to.allude -te, the merits of "Ruth Bali." -sJiadgitig faankthezumberof %miles of..it We have sold, -we I, • judge that ereiry•bOdyini the United States has read i . it. As respects the work iwehave now in press, ROSE ' CLARK,. we can only say that-Ave regard it as, in every: respect, a greeter, better"work ; rind are confident it Will not only eustaii;buti even increase the reputa • tion of its distinguished authuress. We have reasons. ../lic 'Thinking llose .Clitilt." - will wake a .grtlder -sett ; cation titan disl" Bath , gerl. 4 .r :, - - - , . , lt will fornunt elegard' i l'iiiio . volume of..ove -WO pag e s.ekrice $1,25, -on receipt of which ,copies will • be sent by mail, post-paid. It will be for Sale •by all I booksellers. -.- •'' - • ' - ' .. ..,-Pulzaehea,, by . , 1;ASOIC 'BROTHERS, 45 , 41. • • -.-• l• ' ' ' .N*w-Youtt. . 4.—______L_ . - • , NEW -, ITOVES. • / ~. 1014 ;13VB l TT has now in taw.* and is receiving-, ..1.1.• sla ,:- stotd: of; ; YEWSTO bulb, including he Star of Ow West d National Elevated Ovens Bleck Rover Wide Wcrild, and FaragOn Large Oven, i , to ,which he srould invite particular attention es the j o beSt.tookin Stoves In ;market, with a superior as, sortment of sugar Offi c e tuld Shop Stoves, for wood or coal_ , Stove pe g Zino, Sheet iron, Stove Tulles, 1% -1 -•- •.. , • . This e t is selected, Amu the .best Foundries of Albans and: P . ties for ' ' with; , the - best quality of Trinnuingstifade to for hiscustom trade, which' wilrentMle him in all , pects to defy competition, and'will be sold at the Most reduced prices for cash fr. approved*dit. 1 ' - - l' , Eilfcra, l Oetof;;Ii. er 2 1 - • _ win 1 : .:,gteatiy enl I, while t he price will tie lower thin tha of nay Other paper of its class era. published at th Capital elite State, and paYtnentslwill 'be remiliedlstnctly in ad-. vanes. - .No paper will be amit until it is paid for— andlll Will be digeoatinned,as. the subscriptions ex pire, unless they irei•enewed. —•L ' ' - The Telegraph will be issited•SEff-WEEKLY, on a sheet of tWenty-font• colutims,•ditring the session of the Legislature, and IWEEKLY, On.ndatible;sheet of forty-eight . COlttnuts the remainder of the year. • It will present a emnprOtensiiie summary of the Legis- - • lathe proceedings; lall important general laws as they are pissed, and aim to give the current politi cal intellipMce of tlie times in the fullest and• most reliable manner. Itt!,sitort, the Proprietors hope to I make it a complete ramify ar.A.Polideal 'journal, and I 'they confidently appeal to'll's paUple of Penusylva- •nia-to sustain their - enterprise. : ' -• . • The Telegtapli will advocate a liberal pOlitical pol; 1 icy, and aim to unite 101 l those whet, though animated i by the.same common purpo6..l, and looking to the same beneficent results, seem diltracted by the con flict of distinctive organizations. - ;It will sustain ;the 1 highest standard of American Nationality: ; and, while yielding a sacred, obedience to 4e coniprondses of:j the Constitution, Will!determinedly resist the exten-1 *ion of Ht.man SlaYet•y. - IVwill give a cordial, earn-' est but independent Qnpport.to the administration of -Goy. Pollock. , -, . - - 7 • - : • I ' • • 1 .. re 1111 si-lirilual, in, ;Advance. • The Telegraph, will - he furnished SEMI-WEEKLY during the sesFions o, this Lefislantre,nnd tit'EEKLY, On a'double sheet, the reneuntier, hl the year, at' the finlowing low .rates-;-tho mousy invariably to aecont , patty the.order :I • • 4 , 1 '. !. - Singh) fultscripii not •• I ,• ' .$2. 00 Five _copies, (1 'B,O ta r coin jl' ~.. ' 00 Ten copies (1 70 er copy)...';!' 17 00 Twenty copies (1 po per lope)! i ' .• 30 00 . And attire salmi price{ ($1 40 per copy),Mt any• number over twentyl. . , I ; • - Club- 'should be {Wade - .up at once, and the sub scriptions forwarde befOre I the, thst (13 - arm:try, so that 'hey'ean commence with the session of the Leg islature.-• ii !• - • , I •••.. '• ar Subscription . ; will belfor#aided flout this of fice. Ali orders nit st he athivessed to • - •:'' I I M'atillEk SELLERS. .- . -- ' ; , Ilarrishutg, Pa. - t r- Business men will filid the TEISiMArO . the efry•tcxi AdvertiArg Medium in Pennsylvania, out of die cities. • 1 )1 • - i • • . - Cosmopolitpu Art association: • • SEONEIYEAR, 4.nßANGEurstrs for the second annual collet!: 11..tion of this t+and pepticar.institution for the diffusion of Literature and Art. !laic been made on thernoist.extensive kalif. Among the works already engaged, is the Col ficumd "Genoa Crucifix,"; which originally cost ten tfinusanii•tiollets.. In forming the new collection, the diffusion of works of American! 'Art :and the encouragement of American genins, liarc not beeij 05000okvfl. ; Com missions hare beeMiSsited to mitnr of the most dis tinguished Amcuican Artists,, 'whO will contribute some of their finesl prodnetionS. , Among theni are three marble liusts,lexA -uted by the fr -- • • lie;" exec.._ op the greatsti living sculptor- 7 -11irant fii.onaz WA6uf INGSON, th, , rather of .Id 4 Country ; the Philosopher ; DAm i .F.l: rt,styn; the Statesnian. A special agrnt has f. - ;sited Europe and made, earefnl and judiciousi scleclions of foieign morks of art; both of bronze and. 'rill:dile ; it 4; y Aral choice Paint ingg. ' The whole formi g a large and valn3ble collection of Paintings and 'tate:al-A - ter' he - dinzilititect, free . amonkthe associatipn for Ole sOond year. •-• Te.i . 744. of Men lierghip: ' The payment 6f three driars'eOnstituteß any pne a member of this . axiheintiotqanci - entitles him to either. r. one of the foI:cAN,TI -tr.:lpzir.es for one yortr, and also tt ticket in the tii.:::rihutioo , of the Sto.tulry and l'aint . t::••=. J - • ! - • ; • - The Liternterc its-aeli tolsoltieribers conslsta of the r- • (1 , ? , 1 • • --•.••-•--: ' '• NEW GOODS. - - • • trsidaiiOns Warranted Two Itle;iatbs. LSOAViper 1. eather and, Findings • Boots and Ilatsurkd ear*, ChoeerhiSautl. y'rsit•itons, and every' ihir t k the ifi tal . line:. f. . . ' :1 WANT B--Fors. P,etrii. Dried - Apple's, 'Beeswax uud Prod i e itt the Red./Bag Store. . . I .. 'j, •BEiiILY.MciiMNEY. Great BentilD i epoti..Nov. 8, 1884. . ' '44 til4) - • • itriTsic4 mrsit lIMPROVETI MELODEONS, more Just toceireck!iy I J. LYONS 3 SON. --., - I.SI,STAIIIi TIMM.- ' '. . 4 GENERAL itesoOkrient of NE tip GOODS now I - 1 'iliTititt the stOop 'of J. LYONSA SOS. October 5. - ...._____. 4 . iat.kti'S,. I....llolaasop i l •Su . gare, GolTee owl TtA.s.— 3...7 fresh at j j l .: . -LTON6 A SUN..; BORN Be ,J lot.• low priceici kets,. BrOiris, Pails anfl Tabs—a new Inchite-CeAreis "and Paper Hangings, at :LY.l32cgt SON, -j;'A•bY Milk Q.1:1100L 7, Writing P4per; Envelopes, Peas ►J 4., a gri;st, yarieti ean be found at " October 5.1 - ' 'SONS & SQ„N's. 1 Watches, Clocks, GIIsSi; Joe." A new tosortfacet just received fnota - Edwittret Switywltind, GetitcaEly, &e., whieh will be . molet below "the New York ptitle.- snwaisrars. - 9kontroce,loo: ffl lint _ • .- • ' • • • T. B:fire t Isxd, 11. D. • 1311Y.SICIAN AND SURGEON, Jackson, Susque haul= county, Pi. 'Residence at the Postoffice. . . Hall & Lamb, . ABINET MAKERS., liave recently opened a ware= C room in New Miltbrd, Fa., and will keep con *tautly on hand all kinth , of cubinet-war ; - also Ready made Cotlius. Funerals attended with or without a hearse. Ware-room dearly opposite J. - Diek-erman's Story. - .r . New Milford, May 15, ISS i. ..20-16 • A. &74 . Baldwin, ATAITTACTURgIVS 'OF SADDLE- 4 7N 111 Trunks, Whips,f&c., in the Basement of Searles Hotel, Montrose, Pa. , • - BOOT AND stir4stA pat Shop first door eas of Odd Fellows' Dail ; Turnpike it.,.3fontrose. • Singleton ' • el, AN uow be-fountr,at his new stand on Ciwego,st. kV two doors west of Scale's Hotel. where he ;f -ree:fun* repairs with diJpateh, 'Watches, Clocks, .TeWeiry, Guns, and every descriptidn of Machinery. Wheel cutting; Gun!land Watch materials supplied al' the\ trade, ' ; —4.- , ' / Dz H. Smith, • ciURGEON DENTi i ST, Montrose, Pa., at Searle s Hotel, Mondays and Tuesdays of each week. . • ~ . y . -. . ~ . Henr S. Knapp, .. . ... . j, fO;NTROSE, r . .A.'f, with` Roti%..llPoooirttir tf-Car ifl ter, Wholesale ;Grocers and Coraraission: Mer . I eltants,! N. 173 Wasititt;itnn street, Petween Conrt 1 •c'l adaddsand Der streot4 ;Ser. York.. t _ • . . ------•"------ -- i - 7 I 1 ADDLE, TRCNX MAKE': and Car. 1,7 Trimmer. Shop at his dwelling .liouse, ipPosita Ifaur3.lDrinker';4. Atonlrov, Pa. f. • Miller & "Fowler, TMEYS COrNSEI;LORS AT nAW, ;:t1 Solicitors Chancery. place No. 44. Oarke sheet; Chicayo; • .! Pacific Hotel, .1 CllEuxnurti StREET, (noar Drotalway,) .Nr/r NJ' Hord. Solislulry & Co., Proprietors. n the ~ vicinity of the priucd , ol Aeoulbnat landings. 1 .• . L _ Thoims 111 , 75 t -rum - . b I . irt ItALEII IN DRY (MODS, Groceries, addling, .I.fi Crt'ockery,, Boots on,l Shuts, 4C,:c., .SlotritlumWs - Dtp, , t, l'a. . 1 - --,- - - 1 --- .Bentley 4: Fitcb, 1 . t . LA TTORNEYS AT W, AND "BOUNTY LAND A : . AGENTS, ..ifat:ro.ze, i'd. . B. S. 1:1:X11.1:1". 1.. F. • 1 FITCLI. ' . John Groves, . • ' v - • ..ssinoNA DU 1 I TAILOR. Shop. under Searles _L Hotel, Iflaine,s(reet, -VontroAr, Pa. , ! H IVERY AND EXCHANGE STABLE Office in .1-4 it the mir c&lVilson's Sture, Montrose, Pa- _ Colston, rtEntit IN STOVES, Ting Copp r, and Sheet. I_7 Iron Warv, 1,4,1 , r5t.11:e, near Great .Bcnd Depot., December 4. I • L. -P.l Hinds, • . i ITORNEY All LAIV, Sits9whainia, Pa; Offic4 LI. on. Maine st reit, on l e-doof east of, Lenheirn's. 1 Ftazie & Case, i 77011NEYS 4XI) '.01 . 1.15 - SELLOTIS AT LAW i t °dice on Tto ,, il.e- ttreet, - Ono door Ease to PosesSion , „-Vontiose; Pa., t -j. Al rt Chain . berriu, - TT6IINEY A LAW and JUstiCe! (NT the Peace; over L: L. Po. t, & Co's Stow. ..Ifirktrc;s.,. Wm. H. Jessup, - TTOI'NEY AT LAW AND COM3IISSIONT.H, of Dzia,s, fur tlie:Stato of New York, will atteini to :211 Inzia• - •5f...: cuttrit ea to 'him with pto . inptnclis and lid ditc. Office on rpuidle Square, occupied bi Hon: • Turr7ll, TABALEtt 4?itros, MEDICINES, Chemicals, 1 Paints, Oils, dive-stuff:, Groecnies; Dry Goods, Stotiewlitio, Glassware, CloOks, Jett elry, Silver Szl6ons. Spectacles, Musical. - Instru ments, Trusses, Sti:rgical Instruments, Liquors, Pa funery, Mirrors, Slatio:tery, 13rrishes, Sho6s, Yankee Noticis, &c. • B.(it. Lyons & Co., . .• , i . AT rintESALI ) ;. !AND RETAIL DEALERS' TN 1 . 1 Dry! Good Groceries, Salt; Flour,.and Hard ! rta e vl.ii n .tPtoro, 4 r__r. - .__:.. . t -- 1 ' - B. Chandler, - : - i TIEALER IN !IT GOODS, Ready Made Clothing, 1 :-1 .1 Groceries.,' tbaks. rsttl Stationery, etc., Public Avenue, ..I.fentrt ., i, Pa I . Perick & Dimock,. 131IYSICIAN4f AND SURGEONS. oflicc No. '1 t I • Otvego tztreli, if+itn.oto, Pa. 1 . —4 --. . . - - - - • 1 . . • ii. L. iPost & Co., • ' I !riF.ALtRS ITiDRY GOODS, GmccrieA, Crockery, 1 1.1 liardwarcl.catlie::, Flour, etc., corner of Tutn -1 ~ i Inge street and r ilaic Avelinc,•..3fi,lfte,,v, Pa. ; _.7.---.4.1--_ • , 1 .1. Lyons & Son., i TAEALERS IN)DRY GOODS, Groceries, Hardware, I 1 Crockery, Tineare, t;rocerictl,'llenk, etc.; also, carry nu the hop • ni»ell,k2 busine.----Pnblic Avenue!, .3.foniros , , Pa. I 1 Bentley & Read,. 1 TAEALERs I:j ; DRY GOODS, Diugs,lMedicincs, I 1 Paints,, O il l., Grocnie,4, hardware," Crockery, 1 , Iron, Clixilo, Wateht - -F., .ievelty, Silver Spoons, Per { emery, - Iv.c.—Flobt of Public ...kver.ue, 21i*troise. - P Sayo, Bentley & Perkins, rANtFACTIRETIS OF AND DEALERS IN all kinds oflgastm,.q.s, Stores, -kg:ciao:mut Imple ments, etc. °Re. at nacre's store, Public Atenue; Manufaehuy at he Eagle Foundry, FoCt of Cherry L.Tret, ...lfwarotc; Pa. William H. Jessup, TTORNEt 'S AT LAW, ..11opi rose, Pa. Prac 1. tice in lhzqueitanua, Bradfotd, Wayne, Wyo-. tiring and Luzgr,nt eon :Ales: • . "Willtstnt W. Smith & C0., ,-- • • ptAKER.-i. ' They keep cor:dandy on Land a godd assort. of - all kinds of Cabinet Furniture. ttlirlp and 'a Rooins at the• foot 4.)f Maine street; Vontrost, • ROkwell, Winto i & C 0.,. • --. A i lA.: o, uFA cl, ? I 'LL;pE c ß. ,c % e an i. d .or D it ir , f i gS renas in Straw oolicikilAon,R,i &d e :6%, ..4();:-'4) Co‘u - tlandt strt:et, :Ceti York, (up stai + ) . S. J. -- Eitiwsr.D. tr. W. Wit:TON. r t• C. Tyler, • T.N . TERF,:...STSI4 with L HUNT, Importer of,. and Dealer iu jihrdwitre nr4l cutlery, CarrtageSpiing . s, &c., No. 215 rtarl .Ftreet,l.New York, where his Mer cantile frietnl4,,ini this.' and other coutiGi.,- ~are inrited, and 4scnestls solicited to•call mid purchase. _Li,~ --7---7, i- Girard Vire Insurance Company, - 145 1 ,estriut $4, Philadelphia.. • 1 . , - ' 'lAPlT.iii 8300,000. To - the Citizens of Sf , sq lie/thaw C'ouaty: , A e PPLIC4.NS 10 will'lte te e c ir e d !pus for anau . spud or I)(..r,pettull, claturances irttbis Company, upon the most favorable ruts. Any person.yrishing to have his Property in ured will he satisfied, we tbink, by c,lling , on uS,}bltt be cannot.get insured innbitter CoOiattif, uorinpottinore favorable :Mita than iu this. . : BEN 'LET IL MCI!, „tient& .- October, I$l l .Z. _ t• .. . -., 43m3• 1 -"---- 1 . r --- 7 ---- . IVA. TED! 1 '`ICE tboutand Built.s of Oati—iooo.,Btpdtela of. 12 '-itueltwltent).ooo Bushels each:of i Ili.. and Corti-2000 Buibels of Y i triel ApPles—Fire hundred DOZ. good Aqui Socli.s. - ,.. A150 Beans, Pork; Poultry. Butter, Lard,llleeswas, laz-SeetV&c. for 'Lich; Fill pay' the highest mar - et prices in Goods, Anon ac t count. , i - " 0. G. HEMPSTEAD. t • TEA....si=ditith Green end Blaclo,a vcrygeneral au sort:net/14=4 , of superior fis.vor,.itt prices ratline frOm 31 dna* to 81, 0. G. 11E1IMEAD. I t Strayed. • , • •,,From thr premises. of the , Rubscriber• in Ararat t?wnship, on* about the 24th day of September Ise!, one white-faded brown • Heifer, 3. years old, and' seven Calves, sof them brown and red. Whoever will restore thetn!to the. owner, or give information - where they may beifound, shall be suitably ieWirded. • '` . l Ararat Ott. 12 1835. DAVID A VERY 'LVINs,t: 1111A I LDWIN ilk -PERKINS, ti'holemU and Retail dealers in Flour, Salt, Pork, Meal, Grain) Feed and Candles. Cash paid for Oats and Bye. • - • - On Chestnut Street,—East end of Lyons & Chan Biers - BLc ' re ' I " trc ' s ! Pa ' - AI.FBEn BALDWIN. SII,ARPERUSE.. BUSINESS CARDS. C. i 4. Simmons, 04eb Weeks. • D. D. Hinds. , , fAir.,. l ll. IL : Mor,chispis ..: • -- CELMIRITEii tATHOLICON : crim lc,r Er-Tim:so F I . 'lr stands pre-entinettt for its curative powers in ail the dis- ] ctuieslfor which it is recomineU- I tied, itsttaily eared - Av: ' , • PEMALE COMPLAINTS Of thise•are Trot ai:%eut trici:i, or falling of the womb ; Fluor ,lllbert,.or whites; Chrottie In iliviiftatua aid Ulmeraion :of .111e4V:oil+ ;•••• Imcideadal Ileiti orrhirgc..or Fooding ; Pa ilfttl, Stipp rraviii and irrujular .fUro : stnurtion, Eze ovith ~all . their, accompanying evils; (Cancer excepted,) uci matter hew severe or of hOw long Standing. • 1 . This Medicine bait never been introduced by -clop ty puffs, and misrepresentations' nor, is it kitentled that its present popularity shalt be stisttined by any ;medium but its merits and the approbation of the pith- Ec.E ENCES. . :ta. . . REF ' 11 • . I feel it a duty 'Octant cut upon myself, to 'declare publicly' the great - bless; . r . Dr.- lfarehisi's lirteiiino Ca tholicou has.proved to me. - For two years ',my health was miserable; I vas most unable to walli..-- Phy;ichute,pronoutiCed my cask falling of the wend", extensive Ulcerations, commencing with fluor allins. The pains, irritation, prostration, Sc., ieodered :life a burden. In this miserable condition, Dr. F. r. New land retvatuniendedinr. liatrbisi's I;terine CatholiCon. After;tkititg four bdttles I find my . selfin perfect health. Gratitude for my rti(storation makes me ardentiv-Jle sire thke•all my sex, alike unfortunate, may find Sure relief from this ineStintable medicine. . i A LIZARE77I A. . xr,lt - f..4_175.. _ .... No, 19 \Vest st. Utica, .', i . The above statement I know to be true. . . - -- : P.P. NE112.4..VD„1/ . ../).---Utica, N. T. *- i' ' l ' t-vvonld he glad to have a further imp.; ply,- as the medicine. is twee:vim: very popular, ttpiki think, will continue, as it has given relief in every in stance where properly taken. . T1104114S NEW..If4 .V,, if. D. , • Mt. terrain, Ind. The Catholienn is doing good set-vice here. All the patients that have tried the meditine have lseen h. , suetited but one+and that one nothing wi l .l herr). Truly Yours, Wit. LAIRD HA Z1:11.17, 31. D.: - . Olao. . . . , I must say, from my ov`n experience and per oral obsf;rvatiors in try practice, it has proved to lit hest and mifest rqmedy for the'difficiities for which it recommended, viz • those of lemale a.ealiner•z, ucir as Prolapstrs' Uteri, Fluor Mims, and al: iivegular and paidul menstruation, and di,+eases of irritation (lithe female organs,. F(1()TE, if. b., _ Sp:tense, , The claims of this medicine - to - the confide: Me of the public are tre-ugthetied by the fact of Its latrine; recieyed the approbation and liberal patronage oh nni ny prominent members of the Medical Faculty in the tuited States. some of whom bare voluntarily given letters of comnictirlation; (see pamphlet,} sustaining all that is - claimed for it us a curative agent. . ran?lAlets containing much useful inforMation touching the oatttre and • £43 mptrinis of the mimic: dis eases; tn:..•,(etlier with testimonials from ladies nf i r the highestresPectabllity, a certified by the ninsr;a.atis factory nutitority, to all which the attention of ladies and ptactionen i. respectfully int itcd, can he lni4,--ra ;Os at the stole of-AIIEL Agvat, Motirrose, Pa.. ; • ~. • .;n,141 by-lizfx_ , t of the .leuling Druggist .in the ad joining roantics.' -• • • • ar J. D. MIRCIIISI4 Co., Proprietors, Central Depot, 104 Broadway; j 4 T.• . , . . . TO TIII PUBLIC. rriiE would tender his thanks for the 1 Jibe it patronage_ iniftosed upon hint flips far dating the season, hral at the bone time andounce that 1•e has jte-t received n reit stock of .Goodsi mak ing' his asSortutent eery fcoutpiete in all its i'ations branches,.. and would sari further -that for ready rev And on short time to'riliublc customets, Itis goods will he sold as low as thele clot hedirtught at any oth er store in the county.: l'lettse Gill antl;examite. • • S. S. 1V0..1/4.5. • Gibson, October 12, 1A5.1.- addition to g(ifld (;otait„ there still rentants t quaatit•• of Delaines, 1. Sc.,Poplins, X.. of the lold stork, to-hetrihl itt barsj' gains, without reference 'to cost: '4l/81C1, 'lVilltlir 11 - 4.01, md several of ter kitals of tilmwbi at low prices, for 1 S. , ! .S. I. .1 k,ITGAEIS, compared with the market rricr*,F . :lll bej kr:: found very low at tit r e stole of S. 1. 1 00 KING, other kinds el Sto•ttes artdi -V.) Sore Pifte;for $.3.14 cheap as the elivarnisl I,y • I S. S. /..rri I.4LS: rrUIIKS Island Salt, p3l:ffaio Kokes, Ste„ furl _1 cll.- by TAT kinds of Produce . theirhtigh , :q ttlarker i price, atFo'i any youtttty of good IN oul t"ock.: 14,etv in exeltangp lor goods acy • Gil)son, October 12, 1i55 t GENERAL ASSORTMtIiT OF StA - PL .x. and Finley Dry Goode, Groceries, liiktilii-are, Hats, .Cciis, Boots and Shoes Wall Paper,; Drug?, Dye Stuffs, and Oils, &.c, which will be sold {s elicip , as the cheapest for cash or {ipproveileretiit 1 —l [ Irarford, June Ist, ISf4l. - 11. 31 . . j(iNEs.; , -I- - 1-4 4 LACK Grode Rhine Silksof exc'ellent Icluali , tl ...s: il. at .11. .'i:. JONES'.I - . I . 3ll .l o.. f t? , l ‘ ll:, n ai t it . l l, C , a... i h ,v niere shawl a i t i. r. ; ll l. p ‘ r ( i!l ; s ails E.IDYt; - laile.eljtin; gZIO;pTfe,I,TT - 171. 1.1 , ,- _ . (_r .1c paid for Wool by ' 11. M. J9NES. - idp.iford; June 1'5t.,118511 dlorD;i4l3itr.er by tl H. If..JONESL A pod imortiuent of Boots a:10. Shoes at 11. M. JONES TEAS. Sugant . and CoTees of fine qualitiel . fi t . tow prices 1v M. JONEII. AlllESwirifin(laip . .eat. Bonnet: 1 Ribbons at- A. M. JONE:3. I Bcrrege de • Laill i tis . 4 .l n . d . l (tits l : tftit i l : rt . t. fiIi i :I f BROID !NG' and r Window Di-43) 3 ;71 .1 es at f d !#! Ist, 14ta5. j 0 • , FALL TRADE, 1855.: BEG leave to : invite the attentimi of my oil fri4ntis I and enstotners io the vEitT L.l 6EI sTO of y 0011$, ( - ;ROC . ERIES, EA RD. IVA pt• , , CROCKERY. BOYN 7-lAETS. S PTV: .'. lIATS CA PS, PA I.vTS OILS,.CLOTIHM,!, BOOTS 4.{: SIIOES &v. ,Fe., I am now receivingi nwl while tendering thanks for past furors, I irould• rc spectfully ask them once more .to favor Me: with'.l a -share of the pakonjige they have heretofori; Pp lil,e~ illy liouored tire with: • • J. H. SUTPIIIN:f Sum:net:Nide, Sept. IS, 18.55. i 11 AIN' ProdicCe - c;i - an wai..Zrat, highest market nriei...sitt J, rr. STTPITIV.S..I OID WOOL SOCKS $‘ T • _ : • J. IT. SITTPIIIVs QT:GARS cheaper. titan they can be 4 - 4;ittine4iel where at J. 11. SUTPIIIN's FIRE! FIRE! FlfEt F TIE undersigned ha: been appe.'inted an' agent 1. the STATE MrITAt. FIRE IN'SI.TRANt'E co.,' Ilarrisburo, Pa. Said Company lias a : capital $500„000? • It is as an!' _avid cheap a company any in the State and insures on the'Stock i .or Mut ph= rzs3l - 0F7.11.g. we, the - tm/essigoe f t. he r reby state thai we h , done. btisi.sttwith the above company, ar4l••*e satisfied that. it is both safe aiiti cheap. In . ont; ex ; rienee we have never known ar.m- aisessrhents o premium note. I_ .• . X. Wq.l2.tatsi, ; W..TRatiFp • • I). D. WARKEIT,; F. B. ettatint.tit, . B. B. 'OI.I.SX, OiiLANPO Ed/RIDGY: • ' • IBILLINGS STROUD Agen - klour iiasd, Salt By thel, barrd,'sack t for poand; by [Augnst B.'OI•AD Sash sizioi Wilill4lB. -; ArINDCAV Sash of variouasiies econsuntly on* " 7 -also Blinds furnished to•order.by . . - • J. LYONS & SO_ . • antialto Robes. A CUOICE,Iot Buffalo Robes just iceeliettitid 21.. be fold' lit klefignee . by H. 'BUR . New Milford Nor. 1 ' Sh - ;fiat.'; cal/ Al i kiioE and vienill4.,l4of.Sintwts and ban! CA PCOteI•I4)4II°"OiC at q4: ll i 4 re. • • ' .71.1X0'13 & inn C6RDS Ittiop l iante,i by „ kJ [Nov, N.] J. LYO 1.1 &SO • . . Paints and 'oils. .t • , ZIIIC Paint, Blokes fi re Proof PaintAinsee, 'a Lim p 'ON, 'Fluid and Phosgene soktlow by - P. B. CHANDL DR , June 20th, 1855 • 13T the /daft]. Sack or pourid - • F. B CIiANDLI Sinnlscne June 20tb, lEr)6 _. _......1.1111.• I L •-... .- L- . ' tlrilltkit by their Itowerfill influence 'on the 1., interr h a Owen% ito pnrify the blood and. stimu late it into healthy action. . They remove the - obstriteo , 4l3 of the soniaeli,lKovels, liver, and other in garis of the body,t nd,lii restoring their irregular in:tion to health, mirrect, Wherever theY.ek.st, such 'd,.ran.4ements as are tlini, fir - A -causes of disease. An- tect-nsire trial itif their virtues, by Profe'sAerg',' Flit' tris of such exalted position end cliaracik.r as tolforbid the su.piciortof untruth: Their , ertillcates are published in my American Almanac, ivtliell- the Agents below named • ate pleased to firrnih fr•••e to all inquiring., - I Anneii.d. we cite Directions for thew nee in the c'.(mopla.in ts which they have been found to cure. . Fun. eterrtvusr..s.--'rake - 'one or two PillS,or such quantity as t, gently move the bowels. Cos tiveness is frequelay -the aggravatingicatise of r rttes, and the cure of one complaint isl the cure lof both.- No, perssn can "feel well:No - hit under It Co , t.:Ve . bnt,:t of la dr: Hence it should be, as it can be, proniptly tiered. - . .• Fop. I)l'Ber:es:Al. - which is sometimes he cause 'of CoSrieentss, aml ) always -uncomfortable, take solid l i doses .- from one t four—to stimulate the stomach and liver into lie. •tliv 'action. They will do it. and the hee , rtburn„ bfirn, and ssn'hurn of dvspeptiia. - wilt rapidly disapar. -When it has gone, don't c r forget what eared ou. - • 1 Pori a Fo:*r. Si at ten, or .3forhid . Inaction of the Broce/bwhich prilduces general depression of the spirits and had healt. take front lour toseight Pills 1 a t first. and srnall n. dnes afterwards, until activity iand Htrett4th I; rr tore.] to the system. - 1 Fort Nrtivorsf ray, SICK It 11....DAA.711E. NA csr:A., 1 1 Pain in'the S(oln-rele, awl: . or Side, take 'from four j to eight pills um going to bed. If they do not oper rite suffiewritly, tlse More the nest day until they do.. Thule -emu! slots will he savent out {tom the , ~' system.- Don't , ear thc , e and their' kindred dis- I orders because y. er stomach is foul.-• _ '• . Fon Stettorrt.. , Illierstnr.t.ts, and' ellliixerr .!rs . 1 of tie. - ..lkin, take the fills freely :mil frequently, to keep the Novels op,M. The eruptions will getter -1 1 ,1 ally soon begin t• diminish and disappear: Many - dreadful takers n id Sores have been healed ill/ by 1 the purg,ing :--:d ,irifying effect of these Ilills,and sonnt distrusting tiseeses which seemed' to saturate • • ) the whole systen have completely yielded to their ,F inilmolce, leavin'r the .slifferer in perfect health. 1 Pat:eras ! your duty to seeiety forbids that you ~ should •parade yourself arciund the world covered With pimples, blotches. ulcers', sores, and all or . tiny , of the. err lean diseascs of the skin, because your ' . i systern wants eitnsintr. T . o l'e err , : .rt r. l3Loon, they are the best medi:.;' 1 - eine ever discovered: They should betaken freely' and frequently. and the irminritieS 'which sow the 1 _seeds of . incurable diseases tyilltie swept out of the li .: . system like (Ma tilbefore the wind. BY this property they do a• , •• notch good in preventing sickness ashy ii 1 the remarkable kitres. which they are making slaty - [ Where. . - . . .. _ LlVr,ft.'S . (All , AIN'T'. JAI - NDler, and all Biaousi Afetioils. ari,e from some derangement—either', . ton iility. conge•tion, or obstritinians of ,the Liver.l. Toroi , l,ty and et , ligestion vitiate the bile and render] It' untit far ilig• stint'', This is disastions to thel health. timl• the constitniina is treqltently uncle;-1 • mined byito nth . .r caa , r. Indlg'tttion is the rynip•- ti•it,. Oh-,truellon •••f 4 1 16 elite:: w;iich empties the . brie into the stomach ca uses the bile, to c,Ve.flowl into the , blood. This princes Jaundice. with a' long and dangri °us trsiu of evils. .o,stitenes..„ or; _ altenietely css-livene,s and diarriwea, prevaals.l • Feveri di sympt•ins,,languar, low snitits,Wearincsry i resUce's i cs'. ;mil melancholy, ,via. sionctiMes - in,, sbilitv to sleep and sometimes great drowsiness; sometimes ther iicvcre pain in the side'; the skin i , :.i'l the white o thi! eye, become a greenish yellow; the t.t.csna.'ll ac d;•••the bowels tore. to . the touch r the whoie s:.' tetra irfitable, with a tender.ev.to fever; which may turn to bilheas fever, bilious , cocic, bilious. , diaerhora;dyser tery. &c. A incallim dose of ,three • or roar Pills tak . .ti at night, followed by twribi three in the morninir,land - repeated a few dart,will rennet e .. the. al'.' of ail hose troikisles. It is wicked to stiffri such pains ultra, von can cure them for 2.5 cents:A ' • I 4.IIrUNINTISV, ii 01.7 T. and cz.l; 1.1 ..Horaztary I* , ft 4 rrrs, etc rapidi .cored by the pant, ipg, etk•cts a Liu-se Pills upo y the blood and the s muftis which they :“T• •ed to the.vital ymincipahof Life. For tileste rindall Lrildred complaints they should betaken ill •roild ,is , s. to ;pore , the bowels gently, but freely. As a bit:NI:L. f1t.1.1., this is both. agreeable And tv•eita. Ni.' Pali can be matte more pleasant to take,' and certainly none has bi.eri - made more effectual to the ptitpwe :'orrichislh!fdinner pill is employed.. • 1 . .PEtf.P.lllr.9 BY Nr''' I.C.- AVER. A; GO., • • • .. and Analytical-chemist?, .DWELL, MASS:, • .VIL) sold) DV _ . . • - , ,nctr. ri•l'.f. Erunn!ncE, Irontri, g..snc.r.illy. I DR. .Vractical fmcl 8..8. INGALLs. ') 4 The Grtoi,4l 1 fmprnrc. f•lr, , romLining 1 , o,;11 rump, p:Lt flit l (pirr , tly tt. V in 14 Cvely c., is stip..ra,r 1 . 0 a Mill.,Ta-onoi = .-F•t:,1: Lpilc ill PR harIMA rnm STOVES A AlT . oornuri I i wan', TZPfia tiii 11, 1 4 piety of an ne".. , ..s anti dt - 7:p;lte kept of tlte "ititect imp Pxperient-e tit, ' that I{i• 2i:t:ong,l our nu Parvp.n •of NeW Vl. I'llo-nix, Three SiaL-3, Globe, =I . ~ ...'leis Lille of Mail Slzigtts, - ' FROM - :./.- 111 ntiiVi:ooll l, TO 1 1 10irritl*P. QT AGES will !cave Kirkwood, pris!.ing throtucheor i,l bettirrilivi, pberty. &e., e - .-ers- niorning after the 1 arri , -11 of the littilTraiii4 of ear. both Easi;ibd Veit, r.• , . ; ; reachl :g . Mont-cmte at 1 r— It. - Reininiag,', leave i•Mont: cc!, tl.:ily ifiunclays excepted) at 2. r. u., ireaeli iag K Imo° I i; time to take the Mail trains of- ears,' • i both .art and West, -being the r.ortrest and indst,lea ; Filde ii - otq , :i) mach the .New York and Erie Railroad. £. This line .intOsems a tri-weekly line for Dimoek, ,f 1 Spritte,vill:!. Ti pkintnnook; Wyoming.. op& Wilk4- s I barer, "melt-le. l'S .11ontroNe' at 7 a. M. evcri • Aim, ,1 O- at., Wetlnesda and Friday. ALA°, aline to Friends-; 3 . yule,. Leray.syi ' t„te. - fr - —. 1- • ; . • GoodVtama nd comfortable earrie; fi is anti provi-. fled ; and the, Inric..torw will _apace no painC to ac-: ll top commoilaie thel public. - -W.. K. lIATCII, IA "7 , :'1 April li. 1,5;4. -- .- - MORGAN Sr, TOT. . i- : - • I.: ~ 13OcKEZ;K hi SPOONS.; S.il% tn, and pritam Plitret4 arid r 1 • VI IA STI; (dins. Accartlet Booktii.ke.• FIAJIII -LA3 Oil - tte. ;- • FAMILY CI good. DRUGS & I sortment, said' PAIpiTS,&,C qqaTity.. JEWELRY trrns.! :. • FANcyPo PERFTNIE reccirod ::car. . Iu ediort, ?ler at .1 he variety, Mcm trose, NE W G00D5....; Mo ha. 4 jutt reciEved a lot oNea . Good:Is. Cgt We, gneh a Dalaneq * Do Bap.ir, Para mettais Alap i tzs, :sl,kir . a:ilea, I'4lol ..and Shawls; Infiet s general beDrx whichwill be sold law,' , S. . THE - beet -hnl. fit hey do .not Mont : 1 1'4; 3 '14.1 1... 3 i17:iiPN - t taprovcracill of lac i x . Dort',le-Art:ill Aill 1 . alt e . 1 (tad - Jiff . 1: 3 t17.47m . • oilier purnpF, or 'lna; aril carrying water, I'J:rill- and a Fire Engine. Thiz , I a Fobruni.y. IS - ; t, i 4 the whole of it I ,tl,reit it to rtet., :a, roansirj . if..:tilne. It can Ije nsed-I .11aW. - Iyater-fliot4any, it tn - 4n . ,...i.art or a building:. It Prttap-s Piper Lon Works and Man- Aimpt,t,...or all 't l.a add:ic•- , ., : ed to A:•l•Tf,oN"Dni*cr, who lu. the- izo4., right for S-•Luttptr., ILL ltrAny. 1) 'IIN N - VA - I:ZE FOI: lil PJ - •:(>I)T.E. - . • kELDREDIotre constantly on land splt , cteci n , tol tni of tin- t:hain\for well? pimps, _tern , .Tapani•vd &e. Job work (lone with nest , cb-t 7 ..et-t prfnninly atterAhid OVER n band, n.farrz - c . fp:sol-terAnnt of stores , ard 'apprnTed patterr:R. Our ug tb Fr`lf Cr :T ':arrant tn ' •_irc tFatistation. t.;:n h.• found the *ld ‘ ` .: ' ,47l.i• of the... lre,t, Elc , i-ated C!intlr , , - 10.ven• '• - Criltirni,r, •44 . ; . Dire Fly. !. . .We , r crn Qacen, i, ~ 4 -.. . Fre/lawn. _.t n. ELnittn.i . 9VES.. 1 gnritfa4sartrzent - of lthe best nt;liet: AN() ratite -Knil'es itrol Forks. 1t., , EqilrPr Plateq, Ge;nitorgilr+l, 41btiti" 4-n-art.. Ppoon?. , .Aliko-' Silrett! LSili•er ji-inan. Silver Butter Knives.: ''. " " ,11i44.9; Rows; noel all the Sitre,:, VI 1 ,1 nisi Flat esnunini Forks;-' 11l fructiati --'•• ' ' - ' IPS, Flnid, Camphtne Cindli4 Lainp .00ERIES: A full assofttiie nt,iew and l' 1 - It r ATENT - MEDICINES., A 6 t rate as- ', •‘ f „ ; 1 I Lki A gen enilwsortment, in of ichott. • I A - splendid vatiekritithe.ne4test pat- QR.; .IsiearlY every thingip this brattehJ A,,e4ojee ytyiebt., C-Nenf.4upplles eVer): u'eek.,l - - ,irevery tiring persons want, and cheap I ,t4ari , (.1* A. TLIJIRELL. ane 14:1865;""r• • Family , Pll Is, town canle had of JAYONS & SON. ily necding can - OM* 0 4 itrial.i. awer,tha rnninve, no charge,' pt. - --- . . . .. . . . . .. _ , ' I • 1 callatyttetrilftilsti • ..' i • 1 'EA011.16100111INDR.1". , 1 • -. ' . -,.:, . Al ._ .-. ... , . .-1.•.- . i 1 QATR,r,„ BENTLEY ilk PEllKlNS4raiing.pnich`k..: •''' ' c - • ~' ...' I. ' - • .. '''.. 4-0-advt. itrikott:& - Co. Ake Eagle Foundry, are -- ne -- '---- 0 (.7 NH .ST (.).A. - 1-1 : " . -.,-- i` 4 fill >ordrs From the trAde, and dtiworltin i. , ffill IR sabseilber would tig ... pia 4 " oll46 ,!Ailhis cued i : l. P gr a r 7in:e ll: With-skill in despatch: They will keep ! AI,. tomtsrs and tiie'l s u b lk g" t6lll S• i/14t • kie . ; l ',%": 4 .re ,onstantli on • hand 4- .P(ofeklbest ,liiints,) Stores,:oll - .. I d ray i d l*. assOrtment or 'TOOTS . 1: : fl t ;d:4 !r:S1:-kinale,). ,bilfirgOrit, ,Strataieutieri,, .Corn . 'Shellers; - ,' ' i Which he intentts selling foP.eadv Poi, t”;.(..i!ty per , , A . c.,ecc;.. .. .. i. ,., . , ~ .. t . .01t. chenpci. - ,than con be bought in this tnariteti.(the t ..vo 1 1 4.in,' I n a ti ei d a r attention. to the - Plotra-,witich Genuine Ileot . and Shoe Store down Tor Al. or. - the i we nuoulfacture. : We mattufiteinte and , keep for Tale f:lirwe Chrtnee for Bargains, up town, not excented.)-- 1... , ..',; 2.....i t & ra t c 4. Rlizihir* Plow. . ' : " . :'''pnah Stash" runs' be fotintl the first door East of the 'tVe ha 4 pureAedi tho:excluelve..right to- inramfae. .: .%Gdi Fellowa' . lkll, Turn - pike : street, : fi rst f100r... Al- turn An t .t i ow. g _i n thin.oonnty, .w aymi • w ynm i n g. o44 I,though not rinife so •contruouioas as, some' "'Maim" , , ftradf o o,tiritie/ea.Patent frort - Ream:llote, . The • vet it answer's our purpose very Well for; the preScut.• i riott,iailuquitt.entirsty.of jr9tt . ,..gpkt . qie f handieti.. '',N .. either can we promise - our crgtornera that our "es- I Itts celehraied forits easy draught, Whig' one-ibird 4ablishment" will not he “strriniascd''try noy,itt . the ; .easieiAtatt any . now itt as; .whilelts strength anrkdri- : Country soon. but we will premise o.tr customersithAt " rability6li,e -greaten:: -' '•, - '..' .. , • ... ,- • ~ We will :411 It and Shoes to suit .in ouality=ancti I! .• - M.Ac:' , lllNEIVir ' - ..- : •-•-• . , • price. Our stuck embraces a general vat .. rep . of new 1.. rd . all Onds manufactured and repaired hy.experient.. land elegant styl: , s of Ladies' and Gentleman s wear, i ed inac ti n uws„ -.:-• '•'•',..---,;.".?:-- -,,,- ..-1- '4 . — •• 1 among which . are Ladies' Silk Fox Cters, Colored i'..sst ea . „ 4 - 1E, ! , - . o, tes ; ,6trurirriVoit . . l 3filb t , .'Bl,i ng t: : jja.. - . I Gaiters, Enanteled Miters, Binet and Ilronsed Kas-i, ~ • -ii.; - , - .;.,:-.- ehirrewi ,tc.:' iv: • .=, ,:-.. • - ."._ pail Doors; En afnel,4l Ilpea s s . :mit Ettanwleti Iluskin,"•l. • . A ra oi ur .t.he-SroVes' which it - e - ituinnfactere,liretho- Kid Buskins Polkas, Calf Lace Boon; and Iluidritis, I. j i -„„ ipat iii„ . 7 oso 4„ .. o'§ h ",i , Routfiviindßeadyd,,„-p,,,,„ . 'Misses Kid .Boots; Jenny Lind Gaiters, -Gems Con gress, Patent Leather, Enameled and Itueltskin Gait- • .'est .04trisikr. ~ ,retnium dot,'• - and other kinds; all Sr. •., i rangedifer bp i ring wood or cottl.'Alito,'Sdf-Recpi.. ers, Patent-Leather Oxford Ties, Toilet Slips, French 1 talon 1 , 0H0r. , ; „ .ei , ,_ coun.v . pm , ic i r ,, olo. ;- s ionley , a,. .. Calf Pootk,"Thick Boots, Enameled Cat - and (:o 'rode i t n. 0 . 131 J,", ...," ' no a r iarietf Of tither Parlor - Stoves i , ltrotturts, dines' Patent Leather Monterey ,'Xiit Boots, . No, 'shoal -4200,1,an.burn0r,... i We weep. obi: , on hand , &c:tenths f lloriferelyS And Kip Tics , ChiltlicresTaY- Grintirtione trimmings, Dog .Clatini"-Atinitic.fittgs, - Um- .. kir Ties, Tall - 41°es Rosa Boots, &c. Silk flop Pa!est f hrella 'land Shitvel and longs-Standi; , &e.'te. Work . all color a. - • . , -. '• . " ' , t done 0 order lan.ehert'netetee sind.at the lowest tate - it. •• - Work made to order, and repairing rhino neatly,— I - air Orders i:fur:. Staves,. A gl inni vra ki vn i p i onenn q. Please c.... t r.11 and examine. - - ; • • i Szc - i.., a e 'solicited from tho s e .h and Ntratb4 • . Yon 'n ibe Bont . and Si ' - , .. . _ . ._ ..• . ... . _ - onrr- in tht4 _ MoniroAe, Slav - 1, 1c:55. Notice to tbC TT AVING just .rt tiirned,from•Neri York wish to the attention.of my old .customers, and of the public in general. to inv . 1°;• - NEW STOCK OF GOODS,..' • which - being bought with eal:lf at' the lowest in•ices, and wishing tO sett piincipallv for the saine,l Will b.f.' . ferthem at groatlY redticel prices.: . Cocheeo Prints.. warranted fast colorv, for oxily,B cents a=-card: Good'Brown Sugar, 18 ppu nd for one dollar. floTmtort ackno\vledged by all to be the best Naitin $5,50 per keg. Hats and Caps, - Itoots.and shots, Buffalo Rolled wall p - riees, all wool' Tfe Laines, Cashmeres, Parame4p, Dress Silk, -Silk Velvet, ke. _Moulin De Laines, per yard,. Satin .Bonnets and illoleskift flato,.Broche Shawls,. Double Long shaivis; 'Thibet do:,lskllityr at ineiniceiv ahlylow price. I lean •sefelywarrantiperfei-et, faction to all who will give me a c4l), laneshoro, Apr. 5, 1-Sat S. A. LYONS.. rItOCKS--good time keepers, - only ono dollar. . S. A. LYONS., Lan&boro, Apr. 5. NYE D---10ort tiTtZh"fihest price 'kill he paid. . - •S. A. LYONS. Laneshorn„kpr. - • • . • I 101.TNTRY exchaage : 4 .;; CJ floocls; . at roy store. A. LYONS, Lancsbore, April 5. NEW GOODS AGAIN At thellxellan,qe,”_.Broolitytt, rpliE suly •Triber tlthicipportni '' i ty of thanking L hi; friends for tln:ir Tory liberal atronitge the past 5e464111; and of saying to them i atirlition, that, having 'just received fresii iuvoice4 of FC2ionatile Good., of vet inns tiesoiptions, lit is. krill prepared to simply almo , ,t any article r,m at a corm try store. His .^. , ortment uenv,cOnipiete,:and,be ing the largest in town,. ofi'ers the ,greatelitinduee molt to purellasm-S, either-for Cash, llartee, or Golpd (short) Credit. Call and see.. • - : ' • 0: G. lIP.3.IPSTEAD.- - " Auguft 20, - Medicines weld' Driv,o4. %- A YRES" - Ctierry Peetcfrit--riknowledgeti to .C 1 the bast Bnlmonary !ten - telly extant.,---Thind's Evtrat of Witch Tirtiel—Laii -yalualrle remedy for diye.rs Baker's compound—a Viand specific for Diarrhea, UN'aer t terY, cholerii Noe-. bus ; 4:c..-Ayres' Javte's, -- Phinney's and 1 3:tight's Pills, Merrhant's • Gariling Oil, together witii,a-great variety - of Drug)i . in common use, kept constantly on Itand,lT 0 0. lIEITgTEAb. . Pletv , •elke Noti%!.e, That. it is very de - itilde that the accounts And notes otthe date firm of Srithh-Zz limn:Act(' firoutl be Set t...lo, and taut spcedi v. 0. G. fIEIIPSTEAD. Brooklyn, Aug. 20, 18,15. by the barrel orTiond,itit - thelriaErti , Tllltcs, 0. by i • 0. G. HEMPSTEAD: 'Vint: highest market : price paid for Futter, EW, Lard, Farm Prodnce of ail kinds, good Shingles, prime Wool Srlckq, &.c., in Georls, by riEii i tgtiS - Ci:—The subscriber has on hand, k_r; . and •IS fIOW -ohtntificturate• • a mail qtoC i s of Ready-nu-de Clothong, of good quality and Workman ship, which he offers :it very low tnices. 0. r. 11E"PSTIt AD.' 1)0 ikriS AND S ,6 1. —A good a;coi:tnient of excellent goalities,keptconmanilr on hitnd coIIPANy, OFFICE, ATIIE;s:f.,.. In:ADFORD Cf1C , ?....-'TY; P.A. CAPITAL, - .$200.000: . Sicurc4-by Bout awl .Ikrtgaile :on. !le: IZal Eatafi• of the .stoekltqcrs. . . Insures agllinst loss by Fire, of Ifouses, Stores, and other buildings, Goods, Wares,' and )lerchandise, on as .11troLble terms as. any similar Institution: Losses promptly agjuSte.d and paid..l Di n Ecru ns.—Tion. Id °race \V / cis .r, ler. do. ; George A; l'erli: (le. -r, Ni Shipman. do. ; C. 1' C:An'field do.-; _lion: John Lapo Wakeinan, LaeeYviile; Geck.. Barre ; Michael tleylei-t.-. Lan° Orrteris.—Bon. Horace W: F. Wells, jr., V. Tres. and Secretary. - Agent. O. S. BEzr.r. Montr., FACTS FOR TILE PEOPLE.-: ILE subticrilier is carrying n the-fHi.A IR MAK- M I 1 /SG BUSLY.ESS. in all its vArions branches at t. the. Chair and Ware Shnp in ; arfird, where m ay he ' found a greater satiety of • Vindsor and Rocking Chairs than at any other estate isiutient in I,he.county also Flag and Cane Seats, Bit . acts, Bedsteads, Loiing eei„si..ttireic Tables, Stands, lc all of which will at, the barest prices' retail; (or wholesale, with.. short notice,) ',All tear r imted made of good material.. .§.ltort credits. and stinill profits I will be niy motto. For demonstration of the Pbore , facts; please call at my shop hi Harforit Ilakforti. October 12, 1854 - • NEW, tSTATILISMIENT., • :- AI: ' p ‘: .l . l. 7 llt E t . ll 3 ar they TTArmli are n a umnia c c e t tr utlll u l f :te . tile t y h 7 e a Celebrated . Plows; They also' keep constantly. on hand, fßictt Illityne county, and %deli Plawsi C'ulti••atore,'.nuq Churns, ;Stei l jh and Cuttei Shoes,. Plot: P0;,,t3 of .ivarious patterns, too numerous 'to mention. We tripe, by strict attention to business., to receive our. share of public patronage. ..,Zarinfac-. tore, D. Po't's okl stunt roundrv, Matt, near Searle.'s . ' . tE - Rgairing 6n . slicirt.notide. - , . XERRLT 3OTT. ELLTAU, UOTT, Fcb. 6 STEAM GliffiT 111DS4W MULL. POST BROTIffAIS hating purchased . the alcifilfei establishmept, isilTkeep obast*l.x,i:)U,,l,aid pet/I/ea-Id Fiti'l , 7feitr, Corn Meal pf suiterzr abir. Cliap'Ad .Bran- at the Je•A:est,ep4tiliieesotm i , Custom work NV iltbe•tlone with:tlo - v4th, and Itr r idh cases irarranplf. • " • ‘4381,it Votiti , o4e; JUIT 1153:• • "" " Tifaht Don't belforgetful, friends ; one and Aged or youttelkgreat or amall. not toe stnaitj- Thst at lithe place to call, To. gat:your laces done tap tall. • Aantrose, Atilitt, 15, 11155: P.atolat Mime iskesi ? •-• FOR gals.!it,tll4 .fappees E*c an byl•-' `• • AIRROIr& June 24 TM .' • ' . • KA:RIES IORISuILLIM , rrilE,suhadriher RiAactma Agfa tforlpylnOandsell , w Estate—Forms,. eltil l o lu 8113quoimumi county: F^ • .4113 4 -ha. VIA!. in offer, tbuir, property. fiir rale•van givori minute deserip , tiu4 , of tunlr,FgrPtir MAots follmis ,NuMber , of, acres, how many improved, andUst high larc,biudia,grititud or common. fruit= other fruit treefq audit:ha uenrest, point, to the D. and ATA•4I.I , :4 • ,624utn, 's ,a win t 1 , list, nnsold,:!,'Hy °tithe sugiNtutero_deemiption,..prica awl-tonna can be given. tlAce•on,TArnidke rd.,4 riooci !mato( 3fain • lgolltruße; - Xligliat :184W , BALDWitt . . •4 x i ,••••1 Socks; Eggs, Butter ; Lank ewes*:ize; in eakitigelcie fideds at Cash - brims. Mfterkse, Oft 4, M:10. lIP„;'W.4IPO7It.:, = .'hoe trade, C. AL-51%1310`R 0. G. liEMPSTEAD 0..0. 11E7IIPSTEAD rAItStF.RS illiston, Athens; Fran; is do. ; T, D. Meyers Welles, Jr. do.; 3. E. to, Towanda; Gan, 13. Pa: lliston, -Presilient; 'C. eas. - ; J. E. Canfield; rara 11532m3 A. W GREENWOOD: .• 1540m6 _ , , • . filled at reasonable wholesple„Prlces,... BENTLEX _ . . pAytlift 110\G the great variety . of Medicines at Turrell's Store; may .he 'fonutrall of Dr. ;faux's: juatlf celebrated Familya)ledichzes : ClierfyiPecto,..• .ral and- Cathartic Fil ; . rcireSt Wijie Azid Forest Pills ; ontland's celeinated German titters r "Louden's ;series of Fondly ,Medicines;. Merchant's Gargling. Oil; the greatest .rcin'etly, for. sprains, in mart or beast ever kr.ovyn ; Mathewson's Infaltible Rerne , anilllorse. Remedy; ,prick's :Vennifuge.,.pid a variety of -other kinds; trask't . , , ,Magnetic.Ointinent,. the...great mink for burrs, ihtuinatisru, and all in flammatory eomplaints; - Pond's Fxtrect, a first rate thii%.for Antila.r Puepoaes ;as ;shove Ointment ; An drews'Pltin,,Bistroying4genVll good article i'Wood cook's-Bar Sain and Bone' Liniment; Ativeloirs ;lama dice Bitters, Canker Drops,'Liniment„ and l/sentery BrOp4; Baker's Compound for - Dvsenter,s; ; ,ffough. ton's Pepsin, for-By - spell:4a; Fefrirbold's Extract of Buchti and Extract of Sarsaparilla ' ;' a variety-Of. Salves",,,tbe best in market,".Pille; 4t.c., and an Canost " endless variety of. Patent Medicinis, altogether too numerous to enumerate---;but suffice •it to say,- that -1414 public trill find nearly every thing in this line, at the,Drug and Fancy Store of . "ABEL BRItELL:. Montrose - Julv 1b55- ^ Montrose; March 4. ') STORE . _VP I • Tailoring .IPaablishnient SUSQUEIASNAI)E.P.Yr. T would re:ewer:ft:3ly announce to theirtrierids and .thii yitiblity:genitrOY;. that, they .keep con'st.c:ndy ;on hand a full awarAnent of rteady C.tothinn., ShaeF., ifatik Cars, and. thiniefse tieuesequt for men 10.1 WOMete B wear. n'oniti - PartitularrY • ean. the,'aitention of country re.hants toour large stock orßeatlylitatd,e . dotbing, 61our man ufactitre, ttlifelt . we oar atnliolefra.e, at pr;ce=, that will' afford great iodueementi eatli and short 2 -lime ctuttomeia. - .1 • A large stoelt - of Cloth,Yestings,&c.; kept' ennOantly on Band;-Col; pei-sons. de6rotni of bar- ing - elozhing mode to-order: , • - r- 1 , , 1 • ' Oilierg punctually iiitendeit e tni' ' ' Thankful for past favors; vie-illope - to merit a colt.; tinuanec of the same. - '3.:...ASIIER'd; Co. • Susquehanitalvit, Pa:, May 12, •. Ani,tralia, California, Or-cil?Ti j) . hit'eon: the . Vloi)e _cannot presint , • greater incliteenielq4 than .. . . • i ... „-~, - 13;LE1,,Ei1..*. STODDIRD'S : -- - • \ ' ..10C.-;01r-AZii D- 5T.40)1?,..W.1"01LE. ; 7.2T1C1T is . now Ellett ...With_• . a. : new - and extensire, -- il assortment :of articl Ms in : their 'lino, en:.bracipts• 1 . a general - satiety of nett and elegant styles of lathes ' and :ger.tlernen's - fii-ear ' !ninety , ' which: ares Ladies •French, silk Lasting and Prenille Gaitets ' Kid and -Enamelecl-Poll:ss; Kid,•Patent Leather and Bronzed ' :tenet- LinthyltuskineaUd TieS -,_ Gentlemen's French .iitid Philadelphia; oak tanned twit skin and kip-Boots, Morocco, Caf and 'Cowilideljrogan's L-c-.. - Boys kip, calf and cowhide: fliftots•and 4 Utopians ; all kinds' of Misses and Children's weir. ' , Ali.;ci,..a general aSsort- Mem of Findings which consisti.in- part .of lasts, peg:, t•piroblas ' Ilangaritm ritaik-ttielis. thread, was, Bris tles,slmie binding, aid rasp - S,,andstones, shaluicti?, &c. ...Isci bek and, hemlock, - tanned calf upper. and bleleather, Morocco skips, and linings. . • , AVM-lc:made to &der antlocitailing neatly .dono. • : ' ' • -. ' - ~-:. „KKL,..IER & F..TODDARD . ! Mon tiiose; ..A. mil G, -18.54.,ii-', ~ -: . - - . • • - Safe's/. • • . THE subscribers have made arrangements" to fur : niskr"toperions who May be in Want of them, the aboVe named Ina-al t:l'l3le .54fcs, at tkle salmi prices for *hick they can he obtained at the manufacturer's.- : experienced the benefit of snch an at tiicle du ring the-late . coafiagration ourselves, would earn recommend to others' having valuable books ind paperi 'the preserVing widchwould be of immian import:lnce to them,. not to dofrithont one. Price; range from ??..51r toilt"),..and we can explain. to any . o:se wishing to perzhase, the difference in st),•lce; size,. price, Se., and furnish ,the oa short"xf Ace, "with the internal arrange:richt to stilt the pur chaser, '• •. BENTLEiI i -d: READ. • ..31onfros; December 19, 1854.. • • • • ... 1-r , lralitable LaiXdl t For Sale.t. 7OR .SALNLVVNE.BODY, about 5500 acres of I.- ,-Land on_ the 'waters: of Spriog•Brooki a- brai'cli of .0 1 , 4 1 lackAwatina rirer,,in.Luxorne, county, Pennl, about mida.ay .betwoen, the, thriving -,, to)vits .of &v.!'" ton aiid Pittstori. ~.Theso lands km:covered whit Ti!. urtble timber,- and. being nithato in tlie,nioit extensive mineraL,regiou in I , ,,nn,srltrinitt--kriownl to contain iron rire:---and believed to abound in: coal, and Wing ;Ago hi the imniediatd vicinity of several, railroads male and iti'r.vlnim,r,#s,•'-:...-ttfctir,t.o, the :cattitaliet an opportunity, foTtliefrivesflui;tit ?If `money 'that seldom • occurs: 'Pop furtherinfOfrnatitin nprAy• tO :g . P. QO - cli, Estt., , No. 11; Wall: stree,t N7er , York, or to the ilwteriber,' at MOntecise t l - ,Susipiebanna eonnty,Pa., tlut attorney in. fact of the onmegp.. - • • 1 April (08.14. ' ' ' "...E'lltY DALNKEIL • ~. -' - ZILITIE,'AND rl:4STidlt. -- _- I - "III: stibscrlbels'rare'. now.lininipz, acid irtl keep Constantly .oti;liand, Lime pi% a iery superior qualit„ . MontroSe Depot, and .will , aell it in-any quantities at a fair, priett. - ,,,, Pets.ops - irisbing a large iplantity c . atille supplied +.. - foti'alreasonale notice. Supezior groundr.Plitster *ill li4 kept constantly on handlereafter. ' '''' -. ' - ,I. L. POST,. 11. DRLNKER W..!IESSUP. L. ...4EARLE. .:E'. Ifontricse D - epoi, 4411 11-: .:John aroves' - lidiertisement.. AS nitture,-"who furnishes the birds and beasts wit an expo:coat for winter, lM ft s not made similar pro. vision for int); I bade Concluded to take it upon my tirAttesnl•to dint depitrinient . ; and therefore thittkpitper:tei Announce flint all shivering male bi- Ipeds, tbat Hoed new appand, gIOIiQIISL or mgloriotis, fastilnuabli'or'lmfasbleoriable;:reait have their wants supplied and, their,tustcs suitekby calling on me.: tit . thy' nlitipAn - - . "i . 1" -: GL lA , AY , P4t;.l4f_ps-hil inetima ,of ;foe ....* hi* fel ntlateh4 . ctistotneiv, :that ho 1110 :Ai* regianieilihe - ptitctic 4 itedicln,e, ilk hi vail gal: 0 11 Montiose, whtire 1k ion* he'lhiiturift. air tikili 4 un1 455 pßle.vl64llyr t ihtff6-et lieNioi/IJ ea}` to thogin• 41(.1304 icr hini, that he' will deduct tiventy : five pa' cent all acepuntSpiihrbo.l44Bifik of Apriltlak kgrfirawr tioolfiiko'rnyelti -will t%liiiet'fifty.). Ifkintiooe, Feb. 20, 1553. - 4 .......:.--- ME Windinglash. - .I . IIIE Iniing been appointaLP•figrl A -41 4 1 T0 A446: 1 ) 1 10 and door .inanunc• • 10111.10sh:finfirflani iu thi3liriest they hog a intialli;e4l .••••. 4 k ) • for, an tocy ny".prefa ICSC"}y tllal • Bbliciiii* OvorT maw - siloulti try for • 4 1 1 - " • ' D Dr.. pak4ollVele.bxatedT , Yegela ble it'eaupottudti ' ** 'to:amigo timpiki; for. DpontOrYi;Cbolera gorlan, (74iolera,,b4itura -o.r `rOtiontA)lnitii,ai luta never, 11014 in !Lain& instance° PFOOcinicthe desirdti: letir„arale iriboitlesat 50' coins nod LAMTLEY -Wrgrofish , lkiiguat , f42,11555,':, - 1 • :t • ,Kirgiviientio, I/14IttU ratalti over F. awicilqrs' atore,:mbnre plaiure to 30i 148 friet*aa 4144Ase,poseibhh,4. D.NIBGIL. litey Detist. , • ,raper , slanstuipg.. - 500' 444i " r T ost&sof, u". ened, and some for ltg - 5