•Do tioak Visit, . • The Men o& Bev. ;. A. Boost and Lam are 1, vited to attend a , on Visit 'at his house, o . Toadaylthe Bth otJan aftentoon and evening. , NOTICE. .." A Conferendi of the &mu Association o ~o:l[Tniversaiista'will be held at Ste Wy . county, On Wednesday and Thursday, th a n d ill of Jantutry, at which time the Usive ch um recently 'completed •there, Will be Aledicate. to th worship bf Almighty God. Friends and . from abrhad are invited to come and enjoy with rich feast; Per order. ' • • ~ O ASit paid for Wool and Pelts by 11V. • WOODRUFF ik'ELDRED. Montrose, Jan. 1; 1856. . - A dministrator ' • Administrators' Notice. ' IVOTWE is hereby given that letters.of adminis -111 tration upon the estate of ABEL RICE, late of Harford 'township, deceased, lutve been granted to the subscribers, and all persons indebted M said • estate Will "pleaSe make immediate, payment, and ',those hiving claims against said estate will please present them dale attested for settlement. -• AMBERST CARPENTER, 1 • ... PINCEL CARPENTER, f A d m'rs. narfopi, Jan. 1, Ins. • - . P. WHITE'S - New Wirholeiale anti Retail . • I STORE. . SIISQUABLANNA DEPOT, JAN. li 1856. ; • Here is the place to buy it Double Extra Flour for , - ...510,25 per barrel. Extra Flon r . 9, / 5 4. New Itesri Pork, , ' 4 ... 22,50 " " Corn Mei), • I,o6(sack)so lbs. i Buckwheit Flour ; 1,25 " 50 lbs. . Double Ektra Flour, 2,62 "' 49 lbs. Extra Flour, - , 2,50 • : " 49 lbs. 'Boonton Nails,. . ' 4,50 .fer keg . Candles. 4 16 cents per lb. • Extra P0rk,.... '12 " lb. 'Candles by the box, -14 f - " lb. Double Extra Boots, 2,15 per pair. virCll in. _Everything Cheap at the Cash store i i of . { P. WRITE. Fine 'Wooled Sheep'llir Sale. • r - rIIE subscribers offer Tor sale,•3oa French Merino Ew4s, four year old and under. They have • enbred by ourselves with great care' for many years, aud are a very superior lot, averaging the past year 'fowl poundsof _wool per head, which sold for 140 cent.R ; per pound, this year; and also one French Merino Suck, two years old, bred- by F. M. kotch, q., from imported' stock. They will be sold cheap, as we intend to dispose of bur enti .. stock. We W a • also sell our Grist, and Saw Mill, both in good repair, with a house and three acres of land•ad iloining. They will =be sold cheap and on reasonable' erns., 1 Also, a good Dairy Farm, adjoining the above, of 4 20 acres q JOHN C. & .J. R. MORRIS. ' I. Morris, Otsego co., N. Y. 5013* .. 1 .' ff TIEN IROTRERB, I• New Milford, Pa., '`TOLL call the attention of Country Merchants and' Peddlers to their stock of Yankee No noes, Jewtlry, Watches, Getman Silver and Plated Ware, and general assortment of Fancy Goods. 1 1 Our Stock being fresh from Importers and Mann , fintn-ers,crice a month, will enable ns to give our =turners New Goods and. New Styles, at all times. , I MERCHANTS AND. PEDLARS - hi find a shock of Goods suitable :to their trade at :yew York Jobbing Prices. Our goods are bought of Manufitcturers and Importers direct. 1 IN. B. Citsh paid for Furs. - ' \. WM. ; HAYDEN, , t JOHN IIAYDEN I • . TRACY HAYDEN. 11. GEO. . - New iltfilfo l rd, Pa., Jan. Ist, 1853. MAYDEN 50y1 1 .I . A.rtuAsir in,. 1836. . I„vE have commenced the New' Year With a first Ti • rate assortment of Goods, rhich we are DE TEbtINED tq sell at therlowest price; for cash, pro dLiec nr, apriroved credit. BENTLEY & READ. - - • W ()OLEN, Long and Square Shawls, .Silt and Y • Bros ha do., Merinos, Paramettas, Alpaccas, Delains, De Bages, and other Dress Goods. . RENTLEY it READ. QREETINGS of every grade, Batts, Wicks,' Cars Ilpets, and Cotton Yarn, Ticks, Stripes, Flannels, dding, and in fact a general assortment of Staple gls.eonsnintly en hand, at the Immo prices trY 1 '• • BENTLEY & READ. frATEN T•llEiliCiliES.--.-All!bf the popular Patent , Medici nes of the day for sale by BENTLEY & READ. '---1 - Fresh Fluid, Camphene, Oil and Can !' df,;s,,jaeit opened. BENTLEY & READ. Irrou waai a good suit of. Clothes, or either Coat, t test, or !Pants, call and select your cloth, and wti l will get cpu up a garment in the best of style, at abut the saine rate that slop work is .sold, and ,60 pet' cent. better. BENTLEY k READ, 11 ALLOW! for sale by [Jan li , 1856 J • -I: - 11 Register's Notices. 1 rncNOTICE is hereby given to all persons . :I P u eoneerni , d in the following Estates,\ to wit : - 'E4tate of !Warms Wiptstint, late. oP Hai - ford toTaship, deceased; Charles Tingley, . . at,.. of Atolls° Baravr. late of Jackson town r,l4)n de:eased; Chatles Tingley, 'Administrator--, ..,:.it"f Aronsrrs PICKERING, late of Jackson to 12,14, deettased; "Samuel W. Pickering k. D. Adi Be ~ AdmiMstrators-- 4tate of JKLIA ANN PARK, late of Franklin town ship, deertuked,f James Deans, Administrator-- That the accountants have settled- their accounts in the Ilegisteios office in'and for the county of .gus quehanna, and ;that the same will be present:A to the ildges of the Orphans' Court of said county, on MGR the tip.2Sth day of January instant, for confirmation. and itilnaance.' J. 'W .. ..CHAPMAN, Reg'r. Vegster's - offiee., Montrose, Jan. 2, 1856. • Auditor's Notice. - Th tinderaigried fuming been appointed by the Orithins' Court ofBustinehanna County .an auditor to - eli‘trilnite the funds in the bainis of the administra for otl the estate of John J. Whitman, deceased, will 'attend to the 'duties of his said appointment at his offic t in Montrose, on Friday the 4th day of January ter, ;at one O'clock in the afternoon, it which time and .pa ce all persons interested will present their claimß.• or be thereafter forever barred from coming . Ir. upon said fund- H, R. FRAZIER. • ' ltpatmse, Dec. 10, 1855. Auditor. ;3 4 :The time of auditing in the above case is ad jourdid to Friday, the 18th. day of January,- 1856. H. H. FRAZIER... ' , PHCENXX.- . BLOCK.. Ts E are happy.to aay we are " home again" with I the largest and cheapest assortment of Goods hake ever had the pleasure of offering to our nu tomer.. • Wel invite our: friends and the public to our new and B Patious Store in the "Brick Block" and can asure them it is well filled with new and . desirable. toofl, J ust purchased at-the ittorest possible Balm and for side at small profits. * . Ot e0:1: only the, opportunity to convittee_ewery WI the aboi e fitcta. . Dry Goods. • g?N' s ral assortment consisting of Broad cloths, letig,litneres, Ladies press Goods,' Shawls ; Dos lin eic"?aratnaita a , he 'at BENTLEY BEAD'S. ' flats& Caps. 4 "rtn ntjUilt received and for sale by le B. 1E IL Boots & shoes. ge Aterrtzunt etsoperior quay, for sale by • B. k B. lEMI - N f s eries, Afresh supply, atedighdy reduced prices fir sale 11bY • 1. • 11 Draws & iftedielnic----", rsT reeeiv.edl bygen rtm a eral assoent, and h e sol e J t low prices liV-7:iltibillver Nom, G i olll 4u ll , I re? ' 1 , 1 Thimble* Spectacles, Fruit Knives, Jeerel ry of all kinds &&,, jastreetived and for sally nominee, Dee.; 25, 1865. .. . 'B. lc R. _ Gatardisues Sale. • OTICE is herby given that The undensigued will „ 4 - expose to•finblic sale by vendue or 'outcry, on n 'tlineSday the 9th day of January next, the - equal undivided one third part of the following , described P ro P"ril. L , the estatc of Chauney Wrightia minor child 4 fbira.llVright late of dro p townslai deceased.— liuunded north hi lan Reuben' . and =!9r,v Tifrany, on the east by lands of saltiAleo. , Tiff: 'ay said the public highway, on the eolith by 41, 0 David Wikaarth, and en the west by lindriof !API P.ei en illaughn; Containing forty.oti norestw . uts, rn Improved and upon which Is 'it .I.ll ing house, hint- ke. Sale to be held 1/4,n.t1. premises it one o' in the afternoon— 1., v -_ • • of Payment made known obi& day of sale. • - t ROLA S. SROPIN. • • Latiiiiipoe..lo 3554. Ow!: c 't ttett 1 - . • I Mal BENTLEY &READ BENTLEY & Irsu , ••. rrlirgpseictrolders ofthe , htcmte land Ogbiimi •TUrtipillte Road, irM at the house ofThiii. L. Maiford, in Beimont e , • yne Co., Pa.,-on Thurs day, the i!ayerAtin o ry !toll, atone o'clock P.N. j elect anions for dri 'easing year. • Idekt. . • ' - •• . usrdlaus Sale. . . I TOT o ICIC is of haby gir teltzettitrinPstr4uorteectors: iuehatana - County, there win be _exposed to- public iinkie breendtmi, on Wednesday the 23d day of ,ta - miry next, at 111 o'clock A. X., the equal undiyided ions haltpsrt of all following described two pkeei. fl t• parcel* of LUZ the estate 'of James A 4 Chandler, inoi• son Of Charie Chandler, late of Lenox Town iship, in said County, deceased. The first piece sho ots. in Leuilix township aforesaid at the Forks of the TunkhannOck Creek, north of the Milford and Owe. :go Tunspikb Road:—Beginning at a post and stones corner of the Edward Sihppen,trict ; thence south 61 deg. west 954 perches to a post ; thence crossing creek below the Forks, west 201 and nine tenth per. -. to a post in the onginal warrantee line ; thence north 8 deg. west 62 and one tenth -perches to a 1 Bisswool stump Original corner; thence north 85 1 deg. cast 694 perches ; thence north 3641eg. east 1204 perches to original 'corner; thence south 53+ deg. east, 1394 perches crossing said .reek to the place of beginning. Containing 158 acres and 83 perches, more or less: ' The second piece ' situate in said township contig uous to the above described, is bounded as follows to wit :—Beginning at a stones corner near the Great Bend and Phi ladelphia turnpike Road ; thence along Said 'Road south 15 deg. Cast:3s perches :is stoner; :thence north 84 deg. east 59 perches to stake and sVones • thence north 23/ deg, west 42 perchn.s to a geirilA ; thence ,south 78 dog, west 52 perches to the 'beginning. Containitg 13 acrts be the same :live or less. 1 , !The sale to be held Upon the premises of the . first described piece—and terms of payment made known on the day of sale. '- . .. A. F. TROWBRIDGE, Guardian:" Great Bend, Dec. 24, 1855. - PROCLAITIATIO'N. IILATHEREAS the Hon . David •Wilntot, President lOr Y ofCourt the of Oyer and Terminer, and en -11 erallail Delivery, Courtof. Quarter Sessions of the 'Peace, and Court cif Connuon'Pleas, and Orph ans' Court, in the Thirteenth Judicial District, composed of the counties of Suiquehanna. Bradford, and Sul „liven ; and the lions. Jo'in Bbyle and palls D. War -I:er, Associate Jddges in Susquehanna county, hate issued theirpreeept, bearing date the 26th day of i December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and fifty five, and to me directed, for* Tait Delivery,' in the BOrough of Montrose, and troun-. 0 of Susquehanna, on the third Monday of January trext, (it being the 21st day.) .1..30 I liorzcx is hEREDT oivr.rr to the Coroner, Jliktes 1 f the Peace and Constables of said county ot us- I ushanne, that they be then ,there, in their proper Itt their at'two o7elock in the afternoon of said day, records, inquisitions', and other renrembran ees,. to do those things which.tto their offices ' apper tu 'n to be done. And thoie whir are bound by !wog izances against the prisonersi that arc or shall be in I e jail . ; of. said county. of Suilquehanna, are to be then there, to prosecute against them as will be just. i Dated: at Mbntrose , the 26th day of December in t to year” 6f our Lord one thoutirind eight hundred and fifty eve; 'li • . P.P., BOLLISTER, Sherfff. .4-----...-4-4 , c --- • i Sheriff Sales. • By virtue Of sundry write issued out of the Court o ,Ctitumon Pas of Susquehanna County and to me dected, I' will expose to Sale by public 'endue at i r the court hot* in Montrose on Saturday the 19th day 2fJanuary ne t,k et one o'clock P. M. the , following - AealiEstate to wits: lAll that certain piece or p ar celae of land situate lying and being in the Township of Clifford, Susquehanna COunty, bounded and described as follows, to wit:— On the north by the public highway, on the east by laird of Elisha Phinney, an the south by_ land ofJohn W. Wells and Mary. Hodge, and on the west by land of Peter Ryver.bum. Containin g . about 55 acres, in ire or less. Together with the appurtenances, one framed House, two Barns,. one building formerly oc cuPied as an Axe Manufactory, oiaesrnall orchard and about thirty[a6rea improved. Taken in Exeicution at the stii; of Nathaniel F. Pal incr Assigned t 6 Solomon Arnold vs. E-11 . Stephens, 'ALSO,. All that cein tract er parcel of land sit tir4e in the rowiship f Great Bend in the county of Siisquelianna arid Sta of Pennsylvania, and butted, bonnded and _ii.scri4d as tolloirs to wit : ' Circum scribed scribed by a line comMencing aria post the southerly sorrier of the Hatch ok Diyton lot now _ occupied by Merritt Truesdell ancet others, running thence along thil fence upon the Cerchecton and Great Bend Turn pil&! Road in a so utherly direction, seventy feet to a' fot ; thence back'.l36 feet to .a stake and stone tit) e from tb north,ensterly corner of the lot hereby, de..ribeil ;hence 50 feet to thenortheasterly corner of t i tip said t hereb6 described tO a stake and stones ; i thee 126 feet in inortheasterlY direction along the siudi line of the said Hatch or Dayton lot to the place • Of beginning. Contitining nine thousand two hundred and forty eight feet,' he the ' sane more or less. Taken in Rxethation ut the suit bf Nelson C. Warner and Howell Assigtrees of E. Lusk vs. William F. Brad ley. - i . i' ' ALSO, . • .. . All that certain piece or parcel eland situate and beiri i g in thewnship of Lenox, and bounded as fol low ,to wit : Beginning at a post on the highway, on a, tract of iand , suiveyed in the warrantee name of Jamles Jordan, 'aid a.corner of land surveyed for George Felterf; dense. along said Highway, south 20 deg-r6e.s Westlloo perches to a stake, a corner of land surv' yed far ; 11. Gilbert; thence due west along said Gi Ft's sac, 104 perches to a post Mid stones . ; then n i e , north 20 degrees east, 184 percho to a stake 'in a swatrip i thence south 78,degs. east, l lo2 perch es tol the place of beginning;! containing 112 acres anti 105 perches, more or less, with the appurtenan ces, one Log House ; one /Framed Barn, one Corn Hour e, and about 40 acres Improied—late the estate of R6ey Bailey. ' i'' • Ta`ken in execution at th- TB. Tilley Bailey: . ALSO—Altthat certain nate and being in the to the v riount pf !Suaquehan :, - to wrt : On the north b on the south by lands form . F. S4henson, bn the ens Orriti.Stephens, b'r-, and malt'S land and pertly by t lot, cOntaining 112 acres purtenences, - one Log H about iF Bs acres hpproVed— Strati e. Taken in execution et &mire] Strange.', i ALSO—AII those follow' g described pieces or par cels Orland, to tit i . One 'tindred acres of land situ ate in the township of. G ' -Bend, in the county of SiasqUeluuma and State of P lvan* late the estate ofJeeolt Skinner, 3d, and isha Squires, described in Sheriff's Deed to William span, dated Aprillqth, ' 1844 fond, on which stars two framed Dwelling ! ' • Hon 'one Saw Mill; one framed Barn, and about 40 ac s improved.land. ' lso, one other tract of land, ituate as ' aforesaid,. ate the estate of Jacob s p Skinn 'r, 2d, and, Elifitill ' red,' described by said Sheri a Deed tei, said Wi Dayton' dated Aril 13th, 844 . , containing 400 cres and 140 perchet of. i , land, with allowanceof six 'er cent. Also, one eth er tract of hind sittiati ' . e toWnship, county, and state resaiid, containin '1 00. acres, embracing that which was late:the estat the said Jacob Skinner, 2d, as described hp the dpherirs Deed to Urbane i i Burrows, and frorn him 4 illam Dayton by dked bearing date May 28d,- 1801 being thetsame premis.: 'es formerly purchased g .bane bvbane Borrows and Eli- Au Wiffaing of William . end Jesse Lane and being die same lots, of lab iconl l eyed by - Edwin El dsidge t d wife to 1ta,118041 midi by deed executed the 2 day of . March, llkt, . :also, all that other tract pareelpf 1-nd sits in the same' township,. ,forme occupied by said Smith as the home farm, la and the same:als conveyed-I'm him hf the nalchEdwin EldridE s 'gni:life by deeAsiteetted , the 18th day of 1. May, 9, an by refereOce to which same several deeds - e d 'mini' of paid several lota' will more . - filly and at boge appear, laid ,deeds: being recorded in-SusiOehaima county--iintaining in all about 1960 acresi hind, be the saws more or leas, with allow ance o isix-per cent. On dip hoine faroi ere two dwell ing honses, one framed' batn, onelog barn, one sta ble, alsibOut:4o acres improved • . : Tak In execution at gt ! "suit Of . i Hansom Smith vs: Hiram` Curti&h• • • - ALBO.--All-, those two Vrtain`plettes or parcels of land situate and being in the borough of Susquehan na Depth glad bounded as rollows, to wit: The first hounded oni the northeast' lands of A. L.. Guelden,- on the isrutheitst by th e pu "c highway, on the south west by lands l of , T. 0, Bee with; and olf,the north west by lands l of 'the New pork & Erie Railrod - Co., t l containing about 28 Square' rods more .oi -less,- with the apphrteisineses, iiine sifselling bowie and black smith's' andalltiptovid: The second is bound ed on the north by road lading from . River street to the ; Turatiike, fru the east by lands in of the e n w a 'f j ork °llll.l * i tri alit4e e 1411 - ' v00 °13 4 41 00 4 1 7arni al by e:Tit s. vat da of Levi E. Paike and --i-:. Chollarosaßt pc lson lot being about 60 feet wisk and about - 15perehes cid 6 inks from front torr, with' th e appoitemn eel, 'onetframed house aml fll Improve Hate the es tate --/!. ithaw. : '.T . ,-- - . Taketil . in extent ion at the suit of . Ftedell lc Ben 7 Tit S; Hi Etimar, Bail On Apical of Jos B;Castk. if , ,F. r.`ROLLIRF.E, WE . , - Shentri MI6, Montrose; Dec.. 24 fifsti:''-' '... gull of Grow & Brothers - i piece ! or parcel of land sit •nship of Bridgewater, in and hounded as follows, ithe old Silver Lake line, "ly contracted to Stephen i by lands in possession 4,1 est pat tly by Caleb Car. e lot called the Fisliback ore Or less, 'with tte ap-• se, one Log'Stab . and late_ the estate of Samuel . 1 • suit of Caleb Camll It vi.l„ 11E1 A Ginok - Gante. • I am called upon by sisense of justice to myself and the public to expose the intrigue of thejeaders of a certain Clique, which I shall call the Meek:Smith League, in the first place for attaching my name to 'certain handbills that are in circulation, the object of which, seems to be to inform the public that all the t blacksmiths in this County ltavOraised their 'prices for.woric some twenty-five per cent. As my name 'stands connected with . others upon the above named handbills, I only wish to inform the public that it was placed there without my consent. Being in the em ploy of Messrs. Hawley and Jenks at the first meet ing of the Blacksmith League which was at their !shop, of coursel was present. The meeting was held !for the purpose of forming resolutions with regard to raising prices of work &c., but as there were but few :Smiths present, it was carried that they adjourn un ,til the 28th of November; during this interval be tween meetings it became the duty of every one to :notify all the brother chips he could, to attend the peeting on the 28th, According to appointment as J understand, a very large number of Sthiths were present at Bloomer Ball, organized a society, elected A. J. Brewster Prsident, A. E. Hawley Treasurer-- fixed the prices of work, and all obligated themselves to prove true to each other. I understand that - the Treasurer has reported that I was ,the first one that, suggeited the ides'of forming a Society . , and was the toost active in fixing the prices, Which I deny and Can prove Is false. I was: not present at the emani ration, though solicited strongly to go, by some of the 'Members. I sent word by my brother, who attended the meeting, that I.wholly refused to ecome a mem,. ber of their society. Every intelligent mind can see at a glance the ob ject of this Scheme. Look at the source fmm which it - springs. Monopoly is the object. The Treasurer, in order better to carry out his designs, has reported, as I understand; that I am no workman and in the habit of slighting my work. Perhaps he Would be Understood to say that I have something of a tact to • turn off work fast and easy. Let this -be as it may, he was very anxious to keep me in his employ at the x pensc of $1,75 per day. 'As far as my ' workman ship is concerned I leave the public to judge. I inuat confess, however, that I sill unacquainted with si , orking-roUnd and Nita t cast steel toecork mods. never•saa'; any, not even during the four weeks I worked In the shop where they are adve'rtised. But Ihave returned to the old stand at the Steam Mill, Where I haw-opened a cash Blacksmith Shop, where s'lcie for the following prices: New shoes per bOrie, RB. cents; sharpen, 40 cents; toe, 13{ cents per shoe; oxen, new shoes,-$1,76 cents per yoke. All work done cheap for cash. Call And try D. li. lIICKOK. 4'w3. Dcc:l9, 1855 • c, • • And Stilll They Come. 'IM Books Evert, IVrek and old Santa Claus is .41 round yet and will be till' after New Years. i!o plpise prepare for him by calling at the Montrose Post Office; where you can get new, entertaining, arid useful Bookg7a - 4 1 3. p. •Ihe thanters Fease or conversations around the Camp Fires ; Kate NVston, or. to will and to do ; Tea Tears among this Mail Bag's; Family Pastimes, otinotnes Made Happy ; Life on the Road, or Claude Duval &c. , Peter Parley's New Universal History and Gift Book's ; Mrs Bales ,Crowens f and Leslie's Nei* Cook Book's ; an Illustrated Manners Book ; and many ethers I can't mention here, but can show them, and - sell them to you LOW ?OR Tltr READY, if you will call and give me a chance. A. N. I BULLARD. • • Montrose, Dec. 26, 1S 5. TURNPIKE NOTICE. N virtual meeting, of the Stockho/ders in the A• Great Bend and Coebeeton Turnpike Road Company, will be held at the Lusk House in Great Bend, on the second Wednesday of danuarry next, at 9 O!clock.a. IC, for the election of otfirent, ke, _ - HENRY•DHINKER, Seri. ------ itieniorai. , M. S. Wilson has removed his Stock of Goods into his hew Store•(in the Brick Block) at the foot of Pub lic Avenue where the Mercantile business will be eon tinUed under the Firm of M. S. Wilson & Son. Ad ditiOns to their present Stock will •be continually mare and particular attention given to keep up a genCral as.• rtment—especially• in the Hardware line. One Word More. I to remind those indebted to me., that I lost considerable by the Fire a year ago, and that I hare beeo under the necessity of rebuilding a StnreMonse and attend must urge •paywent—hoping all will attend to it without further notice. Montrose, Dec. 39, 18.55. M. S. WILSON ,* k Turnpike lkotice. T4e'stockholderi --- of the Lenox and liarmiiny tnrn pike;rtrad Company,will hold their annual meeting an d Monday, the 7th ay ofjanualy next at 1u o'clock A. M. at the hou.le of Joel Stecnback in Gibson to eletentEcers for said company for the ensuing year.. By By ::ortler of the Board..BENJ. COMFORT. Secy. • 14nesboro, Dl'd. le, 1855. - • Mote Nevi - Books. I • PRV.PIE FOR THE UOLIDATS. sul;criber las just recOred a well selected , msoilment pf newiDooks suitable for Chtisunas and 1 New Years presents, a 'few of a hich are the 011,. 1 troznistead,,Geoffrey Moncton or the Faithless GuA - - j dian, Sceyies in the practice of a New York Surge3n, Doesidcks, the book for fun; Caste, Sdake . spear's yrotki, Daniel Boone and the punters of .Kentucky, also *Ls of Mk:attire Gift Books for the little ones. Call and sec. ' A. N. BULLARD. - Come at Last. I'rtiff. Stoddard's series of ArithmetieS. the best in use, for the doi. or single. Sander? new Spelling rook Almanacs,' The Farther's, Family Knickerbock ,er, Cited States, Know Nothing, Tribune and even Ladle.' Rocket Almanacs for 1856. Diaries for '56--all styles and. sizes the best in thavkcit. Law Books—a. new supply just reeeivt..d, Pnrdcth.s Digest complete to 1655. Hurd's Golden Gloss for beautifying and prelerr ing the Hair. Also Hurd's Hair Restorer, that will make lthe wool grow on the top ofthe heart, the place where'. the wool ought. - to grow.' For sale at the lloiarbse Post Office, by A. N. BULLARD. Montrose, Dec. 19, 185.5. --1 • i t save Yoni• Bacon.__ A 4.1. . who are indebted 'to the subscribers, either 111,y note or account, are urgentlt, requested to call :Mil pay up, or the consequence will be a s--,.. ontqilst of January next. M.-tk E. MUTT. - Moninkse, Noy. ,20, 1855. ' ......_ i i Wanted. 1 A 'Li kinds ofcOuntry Produce, old Cast & I,Frought Ll_ lion, Coal, Lumber, and a oprinkiing of cash, in exchange for Sleigh Shoes, Plows,'lron, and Brass castit\o; ill Work, and Machinery fitting, at the Lanesbp Foundry and Machine Shop, Where the subsc.ri , continue the Foundry and Machinery bu siness -`, with their preient facilities for despatch and go:4 Work, they feel confident they can and will make it an object for those wallahs anything in their line to giro them a call. •ALA;.S IL BARNES. Lauf:RANI), Dec. 12 185 5. , Plows! Pliiiiii - ! Plows 1 An iMpros:ed kind at the Lanesboro.Foundry, call and ge! one and be ready for Spring. .1 481%3. New Goods. ' • ' T"ESubscrtber has received a full and complete assortment of Goods usually kept In a Country Store—which will he sold as cheap as the cheapest. Having purchased hite in the u, irhen Goods in te em market bare conside.rbly .fa off, lam persuaded I can-giye a little bett 'us than my neighbors. Thankful for past f orsi l t respectfully invite my friends 4nd the . Public to I and examine. 1 • F. B. CHANDLER. Montrose, Dec. 25, 1655 r FOR ONE DOLLAR • NAY BRIT;IDAT OUR STORE, 20 Voo d sfraPery B orn g utsoc°. n•Pee;., oror ;L s . Sheeting, or ' 14:1 ylk De Maine, Jr 16 lbs. Mackerel, or 16 lbai. &detains; or 11 bar Bard Soap, or 9 lbs. Plug Toliacbo,or 9 lbs. Cut Tobaoco for smoking, or ne' Fiddle, (think of that, boys,) or 108 costa (at cost) wort h of many other goods, too Svitmerous to mention. J. LYON, a SON. 1 Montise, Dee. 8. I • I 1 SALT. 4.2 PER bard for Balt, it . - 4 . 's cfP r B. R. LYONS & CO Just; Received, . A newi lot of Boots and Leather, and for cheap er thin eirer, by J. A. & J. R. 4.8111.EY. Brook! Pa., Doe. 5, 1855. aotioe, The new /314 - Block will be lighted with Cam . phewe Lights, fn Friday evening January 15th 1855 at. 7 o'cleck. , Kontroae, Dee:`4 1855. ' • • • - New Good* .4.111M47 DAILY 4Y 8. CH4NDthir4s. QBAWLP, Boots k Shoes, Books, Stationa, q and twill not* undersold in this market. .1 plenty more elf six penny Prints. Please ean see. • IL- 011.4NDLOa. , & SAM' kept academie. on hand : F. It:CAMNAZ47. 1(06. I . • BA Iv . LAltESiltiito; • Of. isss. I • 1101rAVE on hand :it general assortment of Dry II Good*, Groceries, ilard-ware, Tin-ware, Stove= ware, IVOoden ware, Looking 7rltsses, Crockery, Carpets, Boots and Shoes; Bata and Cape, Glass, Nails, Paints, Lamp and Doct. celebrated Family Mediein6 l BoOks and SiwtiwiterT, Carpenters' and Joiners' TOols, 6900 yards Sheeting, Cotton and WooletrYarist, Cooking, Parlor and Shop Stores, Stove Pipe,lme, ava&c. As we boy:. tor eas t, we are di s p ose d to sell for csah, a little cheaper than the cheapest. 'Call and tee.! • ALT, FLOUR and PORK, birtio3 sack, ) barrel, or by the load. B. li. LYONS . * CO. Lanesboro, Dec., 1855. FIVE pounds Youn gg yson Tea for dollar at B. R. Lvoss & Co's. Twelve pounds good "Sugar for sine dollar, at B. R LYONS & Co's. Three gallons Moissses for one dollar at B. R. LYONS & Co's. . , - •• Six pounds Candles for olio clam, at B. R. LYONS & Co's: Fourteen yards good Sheeting for one dollar, at B. R. LvoNa & Co's. Twenty yards Prints for one dollar, at B. IL LVoss & Co's. - I Twenty pounds Nails for one dolitar, at B. R.Lioss & 'lrteen bars Soap for one dollak , , at B. B. Lucca & Co's. Eight pounds Coffee for One dollar, at B. R. LT.. ONSI a CO's., Seventeen pounds Rice for onl dollar, at B. R. Lvogs & Co's. • Fifteen cents per pound for Quid ea by the box, at B. R. LYONS S . Co's. Twelve cents per, pound for tip-top Mess Pork' at B: R. Lvoss & Co's. Lanesboio, Dec., HU. BOO'R'S. - $3 per pair for the beat Rip u 34 Thick & go. BootS . , at , . Lanesboro, Dee., 1855. BR. r CENTS per pair four a :es. Awl.) . B. R. AWL 87 ARGE lot of Shawls, at enst anid something lest, J at 1). R. LTONS is sCO'a. CARP/RIFt 95 CENTS . per pul, at B. R. L. ti3BER SHOES AND SANDALS at - • • 13. R. Lt i ONE & CO's. • FIRE! FIRE - r-YCOMINIO COUNTY MtiTUA.L• INSURANCE Li COMPANY, Capital 82,260,0150, and increasing. It is one of the best Companies in t 1 e State. All its losses by fire promptly adjusted. J has paid over half a million of dollars losses by .fire Since it went into operation. Applications received it the store of R. R. Lyons d Co., Lanesboro, and a the store of Ly. ons d: Co., Jessup, Luzern° county and at 'Mont rose. B. R. L ONS, Agent. Montrose, Dec., 1855. • - 'Auditor's 11(olice. • .- 'the, undersigned an auditbr apPointed by the Court of Common PICAS of Squilla County to make distribution of this fund arising from the Sher iffs Sale of - Zeal (state of Efekiel Houle , will at er tend, to the duties of his apponitment at his office in 31obirose, on Monday. the 3 Ist; day or Recember inst, at I o'clock in the afternoon at which time and place all persons , interested will preaent thMr elaints or be forever barred from coming iri!upon 4 Aid fund. 1 FRANKLIN FRASEIL Auditor. Montrose Dte. 4, 1864. •1. I . • Change of Tim, DELAWARE LACKAWAY*.A.L... 1 - tt s t . • 1 RAILROAD. I -' - WINTER ARRANGEMENT. , N and after Thursday, Dep. 6th,i 1855, the Mail OPassenger Train will depart from Scranton at 11.00 A. Y. Due at Great Bend at 2110 T. M. Con necting with the Dunkirk and Bunl4 - Espress East, on the N. Y. .k E. R. R. Piissengers 'taking this tram will arrivti in Buffalo at 10:30 P. ~ and in New York at 10:30 r. it. . Returning, will leave Great Benda 4 r. it., due at Scranton at 5.50 P. it. ' : 1 - The Freight Acconunodation Train, rwith passenger car attached, will leave Scranton at 1 is . .; connect ing with ,the Mail Train West, land tie Night Ex press Trains both East and West. .1 as :tangent bik ini; this train ;and the Night ExpreSs Fast, will ar rive in New York at 10:95 A. M. i .bytitking the Night Express West, will arrive in Dunkirk at 12 st., or by taking the Mail Train West will I rise at Dun kirk: at 7:20 p. m.. . , -. • , Returning, will leave Great Bend it A. IL and ar ta Scranton 12,10 P. Y. , Pasengers for Wilkesbarre,.llttston I , Carbondale, Philadelphia, .(via the Catawissa; Winianisport and jEric and Reading , Railroad, via Tatnitmtui,) aut upas on, and all intermediate places, will fin ft t class Rage coaches in readiness at Scranton;e arrival of the Passenger and Accommodation Trains to eon, 'rey them to the, above places. Those choosing pri vate conveyances will find the best of horses and car r riages o every delieription, at reasonable charges, ready :4order. 1 - D. U. DOTTERER, Supmintandant. Superintendent's Office. / Scranton, Dec, 6 1855. , f : , • SEARLE'S COA.CHES T F.AVF.lMontrose for D. L. W. It R. at 8} A. L 11.,f0r. Express Freight Trail' to Scran ton. ton. At 'l2 o'clock 31. for Mail Train tai ' Grea t Bend. At 2 P. B. for Express Freight,to Gientllyd, and Man Train fur Scranton. Leave Depot for ontrosa on arrival 41* all the above trains at Station, except up freight trains. I For Beata apply at &ails's Rotel, Montrose, Pa. December 12, 1855... - , Auditor's( Wolice.., - The undersigned an auditor '!appoutted by the Court of Common Pleas of Susmiehann County to . p make distribution of the proceeds of he e Sheriff's Sale of real estate of Lucretia Vad Vora late of Raid County deceascd . will attend to the duties of his ap t pointment. at his office in Montrose, on turday the 29th day . of December inst. at 1 o'clock in the after nvon, at which time and place all person interested, will present their claims or be forever . . from coming in upon said fund. ' ' FRANKLIN PRASE 3fo3trO:le Dec,A,1855. AG ENT'S : AGENTIS :: AG NINII _ DERSONS accustomed to procuie .eu .. for 1. Books, Magazines 4 . c., or geinpc be FOR` news alcribers pap7B l , are requested to send us their el; and ad dress, } and we will forward them free Of eharge„ a specimen ritnnber of a publicatimi for whkhithey will find ready sale; and we will allow them aeonimitekion of 50 per cent. Tor their services. J. BRADFORD i BROTHER. • No. 3 Courtland st., Nhw York. • • - Auditor's Notice. XTOTIC.E is 'hereby given that 'Abe undenkitsned 1. 2- .1.1 having ben appointed an audiior by the court of D, common pleas of Susquehanna co., to distribute the , - fund arising from the. Sheriff's sale Of the; real estate of Aaron Itynearsom deceased, will attend to the du ties of his appointment at the officio of Bentley s 6 nd Fitch, in Montrose, On Friday the 4th dayi January': next at one o'clock in the aftenmoi;- at nicb time and 'place all persons interested irill present theirclainis or be forever belied from 'comink in upon said fund, • L. F.IFITCLL Montrose, Dec. 10, '65 • . 1.4, ! _. --- . , A , ~,,, NOTICE: ', ' GI EALED PROPOSALS will be -, veeel at the 3A 4:!s Commissioner' o ffi ce in Montrose, nal Ron , day the 4th day of Febuary, A. D. 18 6,- for the rebuilding of a'; bridge over the Wyalusin Creek in Rush township), near the house of N. D. S yder, said Bridge to be b uilt in a good and wbrklike num tier, in all -ma 5 is similar to the new - dge just' completed over ibe same stream near H 3. Chem- 1 pion's in said towinebip, and to be finisb u4, on or be fore the Ann Monday 4 November: Co - 1856. !The plats. and rpecifieations will be made so u to be seen at the Commissioners' eke in-due dine ' • - A. CARPENTER, J. W. SMITE, WM. T. CASS, ..A4eit.- 7 Wit. A. CaomixoN. Clerk Commissioners' office. Hootrese, Dec. 4, ~. . . TO 'RENT, 1 * I TN BROOKLYN towiuship, Susquehanna immtj, 4. A FARM; eontaining 111-aeres with' about 60 acres Improved. &Id paw will be rented for' the term of four years for one hundred and filti dollans a I year, the stock Ineinded.. The itock of one yoke of Oxen; 8 Cows, 2 Yearlings, - 8 sew; 15 Sheep, and two Horses. Two hundred fifty del-, lays will be revered- In advancer l ; the resid e can be pald • 'yearly In reduce and impro*emen on the place: Enquire of the subscriber on the plaice, about two:miles south of-Brooklyn. ' t . k - .. - - - , TUOS.IIOBINSON. . - .. notice. ; .. 0 . T HE Baptist Church at Auburn, near Au .urn Am. Coinent,"will be Dedicated Dee, eel. Services te) commence at 11 o'clock. i -.-- ; ‘ • The Public are invited to attend- . .- .: • B. R. LYONS & CO. LYONS & CO. 'ONS & CO's WESRTEN . . - Cliristinas is Cotring. ' Tsp season for presents is close at,hand, and what mo, appropriate to give, or what will he more grate full- received and more highly prixed; than a good 4- .. , - . . Daguerreotype? ' - WI B. Deans has some fine gori, „Lockets, gold .Brael,A e t.a, Pins, Sc ; besides a new and beautiful lot of f '•Dnion cases, which laek only • the, gr ace , of some ar,ell known face, to*nutke them just the thing for the season. , ) . , '0 d Yellows Hall, Dec, 15, 1855.' • • . -; i . . Auditor ' s ' Notice.. ' - The undersigned an auditor appOinted by the -Court of, Common Pleas of Susquehanna County to make distribution of the fund arising from the Sher iffs. Slitle of . real estate of Milton Tiffany, will attend to thl duties of his appointment at his office in Mont rose, on. Wednesday the 2 day of January next at 1 o'clock in the afternoon, at 5c . 1116.6m0 and place all persons interested will present theirelitims or be for- . ever barred from coming in upon said fund. FRANKLIN FRAS'ER, Auditor. - .. Moltrose Dec. 4, '1855. Auditor -• Os - raostt, on Monday, Noretrilier 19th, a 1. (I.ld Pencil, Chain, and Locket--ritacli valued as . a mcniento. The finder will confer a favor by leav ing t 4 same at this office. • CAILiTILON. - per.ons are hereby cautioned against harbor _ lug or trusting a hoy named Gorge Manney .an pn my account, as I nil! pay no*.debts . or bills arising! therefrom. JOAN LEAN. LenOx Noy. 14, 18.55. 1 • QU4Prof. Charl 'ESSOR of Oradea BARBEP, har ipg again removed his shop from-its former hien tion writhe baseinent of Searle s Hotel; to the room over Chaiteiter's Store, is prepared eacrebße hips art. in the I Most scientiffe . manner, on all4-irlio may pleas e 4 to entrust . their beads or faces to his he- Nor.l 20. • , , I To the Public. - ' : S aise MR subscribers having taken the store and put , 1.. d the irtoek in trade; of R. 'l': Ashley, are prep to sell, for. READY PAY ONLY, Oki assortnient of Dry Goods, Perfumery, ; Yankee!N oi eons. Grocerier, Crockery, Hardware, Iron and Nulls,' Boots d Shoes, Sole and . Upper Leather; Salt, AT. Itc., at uch prices as(they think) ca m& fail to give entire tisfaction to all who may favor them with' their pit:via:gr.! J. A. & J.' 1k: Ashley. . 8r04.0n, Nov. 15, 1855. " 46tf . ----—, --- Otoves--Stove Trimionlito. - TAE people of 'Brooklyn . and vicinity who - are, or , who maybe, in want of Stoves, Store Trimming or •Pips, are 'informed that they can find those- articles In liberal 'variety at the "Exchange." Among my issortment may be found the Keystone ate,ate,F in t Quien, (or Elevated Oven ,) - and the lat est imp ved Coat Cooking Stoves. , . 'My . kOf Parlor and Shop Stoves; includes all the improved,paiterns, both for wood and ao6l.- Terms B nil- : O. G. HEMPSTEAD.! BrooVyn, 10i ,. ..2 - 0. , -- 1 • : : 1 COmmr's. am Hall & Lamb, • ~ ..11:UH:FIRTI:IRE manufacturers and dealers in *B kind* of furzuldm having moved Mir, War* moil, from Herr Milford village, to the Factory four miles east , of Ithe . Village, where will he fOund all times a goon assortMent of cabinet ware; - also ready. made coMna. Funemis attended with oi witbsint ia Hearse ;Talsci Bedsteads, ai wholesale ori•etail prkim . ranging Vom $2,00 ppwards'aceordlng 'stile &c. • • I _ : sew Jewelry. A split4ded assortment, just arrived at , Montrose, Nor. 1, .IStm. TCRRELLS • I S.SRU AISE .CIIRISTRAS AND PIIHEW YEARS 1 A RE coming, but F. B. Chandlers large and splen- I XI. did•assortment of Fancy Toys; Christmas Gifts 'and Neir Year's Presents has pfieceded them, and is now ready for a general distribution among those de sirous of ittaking glad the aearts of their „friends or "little ones. I There is of course a urriversalfrush to "Kriss Erin gle's" head quarters, but so exnsil e and varied,is his supply that none need be disappointed by not having an opportunity of makinkdesirable and satis- Ii [factory selections: He chargeonlv—nothing—for lexhibitinif his beautiful wares-. 80 that all ma* have an opportunity of seeing thii—""Elephant" and "squalling babies," provided they are not favored ''with the soul-stirring strains" of the latter, at home. Also received, at F. B. Chandler's, an additional . .supply of elegant New Books, 4 1' Children's Games," Gold Pens and Cases, Silver Pencils, Portmonies; Reticules, Work Boxes, 'Portfolios., Jet Bracelets, Shawl Pius, &c. Sc. 1 Also afresh arrival of NE lir GOODS \ ,• among which are Arch Merinoes, Parmettas, all-wool De laines, Ladies' Embroidered-Cogars k Undersleeves, Worked Edgings and Insertions,!Stamped Collar and Flouncing, Cbildren's Hoods and Tippets, Silk, Rid and Worsted Gloves, Moire 4ntique Trimmings, Children's Fancy Belts and Hostern and huge piles , of other nice things, for an examination of which an , invitation is VERY CONSIDEPATELt extended to ti11.,- . pon't forget the place, and lose a good bar ng gain, but - at once, and know the benefits accrui from a • .rUd,ent and economical dieiburs,..'ntent of your mon y. - Yours. , RiIAI,;IDLER. Montrose, Dec. 18,1855. 18. C Root • NEW . 130tIlif. • . BY CELE.BRATE.D I,AUTHOBS. DST received, direct from New York, it the Book, Stationery, and Fanl Olio& Emporium•f the undersigmed, a carefollv elected assortment • f new,:, interesting, and veluahle.Books ; Prominent mong which, are "Amy Lee, orittitbout and within," • the author of "Our Parish"--"Th , Rnew Purchasel • r Early Years in the Par West," ly Robert Carlton-- Teverino" by the celebrated authoress, known by er Pen and genius u "George ;Band"—The Lands . (If utieheivSammericteonr.,ioours,P.dice:resnin: oPftdiestiuninree,rsAaslipaeMruisnaolr. icily, and Spain," by that distingidshed Traveler and ' Wresting Writer, Bayard Taylor:— with raanyothens Also, a good supply of those inestimable , Singing Ind Music Books, called the " Shawn)," which book is of itself a library of CfiurcA-Musii, embracing about one thousand pieces, consisting of Psalm and ymn tunes, Anthems.. Chants and' sett pieces. All of the above and many.other works, too nu erous to mention, will be sold,A6 applicants on the .rpost reasonable and satisfactory terms. If y there are any disposed to doubt this,' let them call, and hyper *nal experience become convinced. N. Ei. Persons desirous of obudning hooks not in cluded •in our catalogue, can belaccommodated by le.aving an order and giving shore,notice. .. F: B. CHANDLER. Montrose, November 20..1855.1 , . PROCLAMATION. SUSQViZHANNA Causrr es. ELIJAH BURDICK. In the Cotirt oft:common Pleas vs. of said eotinty, August Term, LiVINCILt. EVRDICK. _ 1855. W0; 1 291. ITo Laraneho .flurdirk: Whereas a subpoena in Divo4,e was ierued to August Term, 1855, which was duly returned non en inseams, axed thereon an alias stibpcena was issued in said case , riestmable to No rembe-r Term 1855, upon the return of which, proof n*l made that the said Lavancha purdick could . not be found in my bailiwick. • 1 This -notice is therefore to reittiire you to appear before -the Judges, of the said Court on the third Mon day oflanuary next to answer said complaint kc. • • • F..P.HOLLISTER, SberifP Sheriff's Mee, .llontrose, Dec. 12, .1855. • 48w6. • PROCLAMATION. 7 SQL - EliAlk'N'A ,COCNTY Sq. I • NitTIIAN M. BELL ) In the Court of Common L . vs. t • Pleas of said county, August Et m tzas C ) . BELL. Tenn, 185:1, No. 1. '; ;To Elizabeth C. Bell : Whereb a subpoena in Divorce was iss'ied to August Tenn, 1855, which was duly returned non eat inrentus, and thereon an a/ia.e subpoena Was issued in said case returnable to Nov. Term 1855, lipon the return of which, proof was made that the said Elizabeth C. Bell'could not be ound in my bailiwick. • ' This -notice is . therefore to. require you to appear . before the Judges of the said Court 'on the third Mon day of January next to answer said 'complaint &c. F. P. HOLLLSTER,'SheIiff: . Iterirs Office, 'Montrose ; Pee. 14, 1855. 48wG. , . NEW STORE ARO HEW GLOODSI • 1 ' Bentley dc .Red -.. • T_TAVE the pleisure of . annoua'ping to their old 14 customers, and the public &mildly, that they ' have COMPLETED their -I'E H r BRICK STORE , on Turnpike street, f00t...0f Public - ..ivenue, and that they will take possession during the. present week.-- They' hive also just returned from the city, and are receiving a .choice and desirable stock of ' ' I • WINTEIt GOODS. ' 1 . comprising their usual variety of'Dry Goods, Groc,er j ice,' (rockery, Hardware, Drugs, Medicines, &c. : 6 Morrose, Dec. 12, 1855. . . .._. i C o . .1. Awher & CO. rATITOLESALE & retail 'dealers in ready made 'V T Clothing, also dealers in Cloths,. Silks, &e., hat.. and caps, boots and shoes, fiaving now on hand a large supply suitable for the season, would call the ,atteption of purchasers to the same. .. . - . For further particulars gee advertisement in anoth er pace in the Republicau. . :_ S.squehanna'Depot, Dec. 10, 1. , 35r, - - tott l 16814-411 IitIONS • • E "L ST hick hea vy ie. i! Fre nch do.--Boys coarse boots—Youths ctiarse es thicks Lace Boots-.-Misses Enameled do.—Ladies do. do.--Larlies thick do.—Children's Shoes o 1 all kinds--Ladies' Fine Gaiters and Enameled Buskins, with a complete. assortment of Ladies', Gents and tivershoes and Boots. . Our stock of the above mentioned goods, in con nection with a complete assortment of • Dry-Goods, Groceries, ace., • - Is the largest aritbest - selected ever before offered in this section of country ; and as we sell for Ready Pay exclusively, we can and will sell at lower prices than those who sell ort,eredif„' - • Farmers -and• Jfichanict are parocularly requested to make a note of the 'above, and not make their Fall purchases until they have Made - us s. visit. NEW MILFORD . TOVE EMPORIUM - . In I' ll Blast. ; 0-- _. , Two hundred and erenty-kie . Stores, for sale by Dicke W VzoP d 7 Garratt. ' E are in receipt o the largest stock of Stoves ever offered in .lortherti - Pennsylvania,. con ( sitting of Cooking, Parlor, and Six-plate, both for wood and coal ; -also, a full assortment of large sizes for Stores and Churches. ' • . ' Would call particular attention tcr the Jeffersonfin Elevated Oven, the most perfect and heavist plate stove in market.. Among our assortment pf large oven, would mention the - Empire State imploved, is being very heavy plates, perfect finish, and a:superi or baker. Farmers of Suehanna county, ion have been in the habit of pur ng light stoves ind light i f tsi trimming, and paying a much as-you ought to 'for heavy plates and heavv.trimming. .We manuflicture our f*niture, and will sell at man ufacturer's prices. Let those ivho pay a maker profit compete with •us if they can. 'Jobbing connected with the tin trade, done as usual on short notice. DICKERIIP; & GAREATT. Kew Milford, Sept.. IE, 18„55. 1 ,-- - A PENNY SAVED WORTEUTIVO EARNED. • - • • JWITTENBERG At BRO., Montrose; Pa.., take • this method of advising their old fricilds and customers and the public at large, that they have just received and opened the largest, prettieit and chear est stock of READY MADE CLOTHING ever bro't to this place, which they offer at a small advance from cost, thereby offering purChasers the rare opportuni ty of obtaining goods -at about two thirds the usual price. • Also a large assortment of. Dry Goods, comprising_ for Ladies Wear, new styles Brocade, Stripe, Plaid; Plain and changeable Silks, Delaines. Muslin, De Bege Bera,ge delaines of new and elegant designs. All the latest sr les of Ladies Dress Goods, French Lawns, Prints and Ginghamr. A handsome . assortment of Dress Trimmings, rinbroided Sleeves, Collars Cuffs, etc. Jaconet and Swiss Edgings and Insertings,Gloves Mite, Hosiery, Veils and riartsols. Their assortment of Shawls is'very large, embracing every thing that 4 -rich and fashionalde both foreign and domestic. . Their Bonnet Departinent is large ands complete, embracing the very latest styles, with' Trimmings to match. • . , An extensive assortment of 'lrish linens, napkins toweling, table covers, curtains arc. We havealso a supply of Shirts, Gentlemen's Col lars, Suspenders, Gloves, Umbmila.s and a good many other articles too numerous to mention. For bar gains the public is respectfully invited to' call at the cheap' store .of r .V, , WITTNBER 'corner of Cliediut'it Owego Stre ß ets, four doors BRQ. doors east cf Post's store. . , . • LANESBO U 0 .. Furnishing Establishment. r l'imflaEkesutiio.)ocrdiibee,rLcooeemps c,, i ' li , n gt d . s, n, k j t ,..ir iti o t t l i o t . t .y a s n :y. an i d n , d wt o ' w ll sash ; Door and window-frames and all other articles made of wood and used in building. - I - Blinds painted and hung on short notice. -',Gla.saof i all sizes, quantities and qualitiesifor - sale. ' I Flooring planed and - matched at $.lB (.!20 per 1000 feet. Turning of all kiads done' to order, I sis° a general assortment of CABINET WARE. 41 1 ,,. Bureaus, Tables; Stands of all varieties, ~Cll re, Bedsteads, Setteck&c., ltc. A - Good Pine, Cherry mid Nthitewood lumber, and Grain of ell kinds takviin.exchanne.for the above. ar,Terms readv -pay, or three months time ap-,' provedleredit. , .. t i . ,ll orders addressed to •me will re. ceive prompt attertion.. JACOB TAYLOR. - Lancsboro Jun 18th, 1855. SILK A. D DRESS GOODS. i IiANTILLAS, Laces, Berages, Worked Collars, • Parasols, La -ns, fashionable'Bonnets, Fans, (a choice assortment in each deiiartment,), a splendid lot of moire antipse Trimming, Staple Goods of large variety; Clothing, (a large stock,) Gents'. and Boys' Hats, (silk And summer.) Cloths very low, Calicoes from 4 cents to l• shilling, Carpets, Matting, 011-cloth, and Rugs. • .-:- Hardware—German Silver & rlated Spoons, Kidves and Forks. . . • -. Grocerielt-Fis..h, a fine assortment of Teas, Coffees, Broma Topics, Rice, Chocolate, Raisins-, Ground Coffee, Corn Starch. ' Perfumer} - -=Bay Waiter, Toilet do.; Genin Farena; do. Er.tracts, German Cologne, a laige stock of Fancy . Soaps, &c: &e. ' ' .. FarnkingTools--Ifay Forks, Scythe Snatlni, Rakes Sc. -fie. I. L. POST ..t. CO. ' Adniinistrator's Notice. AT OTICE is hereby giveh that letters of adminis tration upon the estate Of FREDERICK Ptcßunmo late of the Bore of ‘Susquelialana Depot dec'd, have been granted to.the undersigned, and all , persons in debted to said estate Win please .make immediate payment, and those ha'vi , 4 elating will present the same duly attested for settlement. JANE PICIRIN c- G, , Win. IL HU Adm. re. :ARO, ) qugettehanna Depot, Dee. ,18, 1:55.. i GIFT ENTER PRI . • - I . . c ' 500- -- PACKAG ' . B - ':i (I F Goods in lota at $ 3 444,342—51,50. and '23 V cents TO GIVE AWAY before the st of.l Jan. 18.54. I .. Any one purchasing Fire Dollars Worth of Qo - s I for cash, at one time, will be presented with one off` the'abovc packages: Now ready ‘ for . delivery. ; Forl further particulars inquire of • - ' • 1 . -1 • . i •' ri . . Jtontrose ' • October 24 '1855.- ';.' ....._- IJ. LYONS &,SC - - NOTICE. rrlit: copartnership heretofore_existing under the ll• name of.. Wickham k Hasford. is this da„ ' disT soloed hi mutual consent. The notes - and accounts are In the hoods of - A. Wickham for 6nniediate col— lection, ' .• '4.,WICKIIAIL J lIOSFORD. . • Friendsville,'Oct.- 1 3, 1 1835 - A L. .P. S. The subscri would - Say to the public that he has jest received a general assortment of Fall and Winter (foods, which he offers for sale eery/ low for cash produce.' -, . •- 'J. nOSFORD.: .. Friendsville, Nov. '3, 1831. 1 7 N ' • -,4•1w6.- , Frerh Arptval air New .Goods at ,Itiekeratan(* Garratt's. r 'RE subscribers - Would' respectfully inform the good people of Susquehanna county that they tire bow opening their, stock ol.Pall and Winter Dryfloods, which is unusually large and attractive, all of which will be sold for.cash or approved credit.cheap: er than at - a,nY other establishment - in the county., We mean jut 'what.we,-say. Please give usa DICKER.WAN dt GARRATT.. ; New ifilforkSerit. 18, 1888,7 -,,• • , i.s. 22y.1 War t War I In the Criiaea 19,000 Volunteer* wanted ! to buy Oyster'ii in any way to suit, that are continually.arriving by express 'and kept and served' in. the ,beg manner at the 'Tem. perinee Saln y on MalneStreet,opPosho the Farmer'S tor e;Also Pies and.other eatables-- and most kind of Groceriits•S: Proxisltnts,- Teas Ake., Flour kept constantly on band; and for - eatent whole ! - sale and retaikat - • • 5. "S.. MOTT'S. :I Ilurd'a Hair Restorer and . qltleti °kw, for beauti fying the hair. A quantity or Latitinzir Gloves ; and Mitten at , • - - 13.:5.. MOTT'S."' . . ... New York.Faney Candy and choke Septa and ha-, _ Ported Kruit at •:•--- 4 , • P 4 -S. MUTTS. -• Moinrose,lfor.- 14; 1856. .. .•- ........ Booket . Booki A new suPl 4 7 Plat recieved, also Sheet Musk. , • • -...J, LYONS & SON, Montrose Dec. 12 1855 The C. detain Family Abnensie for t the : PrestrYtethin Alreplee for sale. , •t• J. YO A ; ..3 ;507. ~cerise. , • A fresh fot orfszokly eit.o cc rie ttJuaelwahVilat the store of LY.O7?-4gq uontrase, '1). ; L: _ raUrS-I.aart.--a, tip-top e-- . } German Soap and Pabbits celebrate totaapatzif,,,Wasb. ing and Bakirg Powders kir sale by I-• "4. LYON'S & EOM,' I - LITTLE & HARDING. Tankhannock Depot, November, 1865. 44w4 _~..~.~ ' -..` • 'I Banking House POsr, COOPER; do CO. lIILN.44tY DRINIKEK Vft 1 • Bu.rrruttf COOPER.' : J I9NTROS I ISAAO L: November 12, 185YrPOST,' ' DRAFTS. o n X r e c; t tl rk m e s it a y an d I : bli t e . f i e s.—!:: Office hours from 10%, Y m. to eau ](cents. Al en 4 Fazio; REFERENCE, Sitaud C Korot, Eaq., Phira. Hon: WYlflism Jesatzpiltoaitaia: _ MILLINERY At mllsomum... ) - - , Mrs. H. D. Ward vollTrespectful gZtfottee tothi pu blic . lr;e, ashehasyud b usiness he o Millinery at New Milftlrd,lia. - Fliii his arrangements. i by which she will receire.froysNre:York thelsteit styles of Ladies' and Misses' Meta and. Bonnets gig- • ery description, and also to prochre on sheif rietier , any article of the-kind that any - person might want. From such arrangements and from' her . pt experi -1 enec i She hopes to pleage all wheonaf favorler with ~their custom. 'All kinds et' re-trimming Antrepair ing done on short notice, The public ars respeftftd- - I ly i nvited to. colt and examine . tor 4 , 4lageftes: • . 1 Thankful - far-past &vole; she`fesiiatfully solicitir - further Patronage. - k . R. D.' WARP. New Milford, Cret.ilBss. _.. - 42nie • . This44ray- 7 -11 Ton Please. ' • - T HE Subscriber .begs fear call •to public attentrou • ted ato one of sou ght geet;n/ diversified, best Setts!. nd best Stoeh o 411 c Winter Goods ever introduced intVltis market, and 'Which he is. bound to sell for a'rei nable*advanee either - 'for Cash, Barter, or short approred• Dredt.' /111 per sons in want of Goode, whether in the depar tment of Dry Goods, Groceries, liardWare, Crockery, Ding*, Boots &Shoes . , Clothini4c., %inmost eisuredlyeo_ snit their own interest (no less thiuMine,) by giving: me a call previous to purchasing. • 0: G. -A-turn -EA& BrOoklyb, Nov. 'l, 1855 PAUSE,. AND REFLECT. • Economy is the order of the day, and one of -the most effectual wars to economize is to purchase eigite Store of J. WITTENBERG . it BRO.,.whyte just 'rave - been opened the. most choice ind, splendid Stoat of Fall L . Winter goods ever seen inthe COuntyfif Bus- . quehanna. ' - _ The following comprised but a . stnali portion of the immense assortment to I be Found pt this EstabliihmenX Gentlemen and Boys. Clothing in - endlos variety and profusion, a,goolassortinent of Overcoats, Dides Frock and - Business Coats, Tests and Pantaloons of every description and duality and In figure, cut; styk, kc., a /a • , Our assortment comprises for Ladies wear; 'New Styles 'Brocade Silks, ' angeableStripe and• Plaid, do. Superior GloSsy Bla , do. all widths, Dehmesill col- ors and fwalities, e Bage at all prices,, all Wool Plaids of new a elegant designs, all - the latest styles of Dress G BontbazineS, Black and colored Alpacca, French • erinoes, Print.l and Gin g its • handsome assortment of , Dres.s Trimmings,' Drihrtikl 2 erect Sleeves, Collars Cuffs, etc., Jaconef and - Swiss .. , . Edgings and Inserting; Gloves, Hosery, &e., Shawk Veils, and Fors; Also a complete assortment of bleach ed and'unbleaehed Muslins; DriMngs, Diaper Table Covers; Sheeting, Flannels; &e., all of Which ' will be sold at the - lowest prices._' - For bargains tho pull& is respeetfuny invited' tot' call at the cheap Store of _ • - • ROSENBAUM, WrrTEN B ERG & BRO. Co-p$ rtmershlp. L. ROSENBAUM his this day associated with theist •ia their busiriess under the - Firm of ROSENBAUM, WitTENBERG & BRO. 1 All ateoUrits and Notes o the old Firm, as those of L. ROSENI3AUM, can be ;, found at - the old Stand; and we hope that all will see' she necessity of settling them without further notice. ROSENBAUL C. 'WITTENBERG. J. WITTEXBERG. nontroae.Oct. lb; 1855' " BRoks, Rooks, Itiookal • . AT, THE MONTROSE BOOK STORE. T HE subscriber, would infe'rta is friends and the public generally that he has 3m hand ihelargest and best selected assortment of Bolas and StatiOnery to be foundsy where in Susqueh.?nna county, which • he will sell r ready pay at prices that cannot fail to suit. Among the miscellaneous Books may be found the • Life of Washington, Jackson, Taylor.- Isaac T. Hop per, Horace Greeley; P, T. Baruutuomd Others; Star • Papers, (Beecher.) Humanity in the-. City, (Chapin,) Bell Smith Abroad, My Courtship and its Consequene es, (Wykoll;) Ruth. Ifall, (Fann.TlFern,) also Fern Leaves, first . and second series American - Agitators and Reformers, Thoughts and Things at Horne Ind- Abroad, Getting. Along, The Oldlfin, Hood's Works, Stanhope Burleigh, The News Boy; L. Dow's Corn plete Works, The Slave of the L4np, The Escaped Nun, Le.vrie oti the . Bended 4 rudg Memoirs of the . Countess Illessifigton, 2 vide Goldsmith's Animates'', Nature, 'The 'Chemistry of Common Life, Clarke's- Commentary, New -Testament, Barnes' . •Notes, of ` same, Buck's Religious Anecdotes, Testaments, Bi- • bles, from pocket size to large family; Hymn, Prayer, 'Gift, Toy, Serap; Note, Receipt; and Blank Blooks of - all sizes, &c. &c. Scho6lßookv—ell kinds used in the county orTur-; wished on .short - notice. . Law Books—A good variety constantly on hand or' furnished to order. . - Siatinnerp. A good lot first rate iritiitg.paper at 1 shilling per quire --Gold and I k Steel Ink, tile best in use, besides lota of other articles too numerous to mention. - Please call and examine, be fore purchasing elsewhere, at the Montrose Post Mt..., - flee. • - A. N.' BULLARD.- Montrose, August- lii, -- - . • mortirE %LABOR :- -• :- .'• • .- 'WO ODRTIFF d, - ELDR.E '-- - I, nr - AV . E removed to theburnt district, - wh re titer 1 JLI will be glad to see all their old, era - and as many new ones as. please to giiithem call.— I Tbey intend to keep a general assortment o Stoics of the best kind and quality, among Which may be (mild PIRE',,VIX and PARAGON AIR- GliT,. THR.EI? STATES AND ORANGE . 0 UNTY Arft-TIGHT, PRE317172f, STAR'OF Til limit_ .L3VATED OVEN AIR-TIGHT,. 014/-V2 Noittcr WESTERN OVElii- The - Elevated Oven St es , an have double fire-places, Which MakeS then r con-- the'single fire-place ,Stoves. We he p con- - stat ily on hand a general asSortu3ent of TINWARS oekfirst rate qualify, for home - trade; aiso, Well And Cistern Pumps; Pamp-Chains iu4 Reels, Livid Pips ,f all.slies, JappannedWare, &e. /tc:, ' all of which t promfs'e to sell cheap for ready pa' or approved ere *t. Job work done with despatch : and in ordqr. - S. . WOODRUFF.. " i G. D. ELD4D., - Mon y ose, Mai SO; 1855.. - / ''' '• ,- ttvl TH 7 Time So . , IGllll'llll-NG EXPRESS! . _. :, I!—Fare Reduced !7-Through by Daylight . ! ..`' . . -..- 11A % \ ..E . 1..' & JENIvS.- la A. s vy, col -inert a trtnership in liontrosii, - firr-thr- • IA- purpose of doing ei,erybody's B.LACIL*- • SMITININWst told stand, near . * tel. We have purchnetl en entire 14w stock ol • IRON.,compri2ing a full- '6sortnHienCot all kinds, di- • reot from.,the city. Wu abatl.. keep .constantly , .on • - htip‘Clter, you'll(' and imitara\Ruil•Roils, Vast Steel:, ' • Tise-cok' Ro(1:1, Refined Tyre Nit . r,.. all si ea, Band Iron; Spring Steel, a -,lirge asiortMuut,of malleable • Iron, Coil Chains, Carriage Bolts; AS.-itet • * * WAGONS'. AN.4 - -.C , A:R A - ES .: , Ironed on short notice; and Stock fouu or -made'ta order thrOughout, as bury hest suit our us. '- - All,husiness transactioml must be B Stti •o / i e° a ' . year. • ;Short settlements and, l motto. ~ ong- frier is one: I !; : strict atten oh to. business we hope to ;O. ''. _ .. a liberatTshare of pitiOnagef • All work warran '•'': • - % N. •Rit A good Journeyman wanted, to'aah ' • ' •. ' steady employment and high wages will be *giveul2.'• : A. E. llatet.rr. ' 7 . PanateJtarit. ,: - - Montiose, May se, )86&-k. • •' - - 12:1: Ilfrv: Goods; Cheap for Cash. .. W. MOIT has Justveceived another lotqf AZ*, • oi\ V.) - Goods, Such as Cltiloi• ' Mitike •De.l*:, Bages, Collars - Embrolderiis, Lawils, tte;; r4 - ba offers at very low ' - prices; Summer Sbaw L I" UMW las, • . some bea u tif u l patterns at Very low pilhessairso Mack' - .. ei.'Si Shawls equally 16w thr eash: -- : ' .. r .; - 1 Parasols latest stylo at . , c is.f e litorn . 1 . . . Black Dress Silk; a spiendidarticle„T'at e.''' W; it. .' • i . slitsmer Stuffs in great • varieties, at , C .. 2.. - L Groceries of all . kinds,, 'erg cherip-T,. WO, a Mut •. - ' rate article at . 5 9eta'per , gallon. f ,1 ' TO ve. pnly,to .f " . • call and esainine, to become amid - that 44E0 4 Bid 1 . .:. of Navigation " b theophtee to itrtry,cheap,..;," t. ;..- ~. , _ i!-- 111 Waitted ts .' --' Tye: ; -'• f' ' es. Batten-4ga, Thunitlard, , gmks; hi'fitC,l itifAda: oteountry Produce fn • exehinge. tbr , qc - Kis go t : , . • 1 'MontroUttltnie 75 ) : 155.1. '':' ' " 2, -- ', -'-'.• -.'''''''' VIEW FALL it-WINTERGOOD11::: Latest, etyble•of. -Press . 6604 e. Ikobvivini' I*, pe. Leather& FindinO, Grecerlei, ,- A$ the RA Elea Store. , IMMY.II9III,NNR .: Lodersinle Sept. 60 854, rssway-L1 - • Sapliosed to beli Ceopi rINE thousand donarit worth of Iteid*Mitdeinota ing at: -DICKERIUS & GAR4rrts, 3filford,'Sept. 18, 1 .. 1144, • --'