Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, December 27, 1855, Image 4

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. ' I .-- ~ • ,
. • ITS os. Favrr. r -
Examples almost without number may be
given;v where-tingle trees have, yielded from
five ;to ten dollarsit year in fruit, and many
instances in' which twenty or thirty dollars
have been obtained. If one- tree of the
Rhode island, Greening l will affird forty bush
els of tuit, - af a quarte t of a dollar per bush
el; which has' tten occurred, forty such trees I
oh' antere would yield a crop worth four
hitt:lnd dollars. But faking one quarter of
this amount as a low aterage for all seasons
and withimperfeet culfivation one hundred
d o llars will still be equal to the interest on
fifteen hundred per-ac 1 NoW, this estimate
is: based upori the pri of. good winter ap
ples for the past thirty years, im one apf our
Most. productive distri s; let a similar esti
mate be, made with fru is of pirer and of-a .
more delicate character. Aprieots, and the
'finer varieties of the phmt, are often sold for •
direct° six dollars pert bushel ; the best ear
ly, peaches ,fiom one u three .dollars ;id
pears from hardy and 1 reductive 'trees, two
to five bushels per tre , with good manage
: ment, Is a 1 rquent crop ; and on large . peir
Oeraffive ti mes the qnantity. An acquain
` tapei3 received eight dollars fur a crop grown
on two fine Young cherry trees, and twenty.
four dollars f'roin four young peach trees of
only six y_etWs' growth • from the bud. In
Western-Ne W -York, single trees of the Do
yeni-e3 or Vi4alieu pear have often afforded
a return of twenty del ars or more ' a ft er be
ing sent hundreds of n ile. to market. An
acre of such trees, wel managed, would fir
exceed in prefit a five 'hundred acre farm.
But the I!.anxiouslinqpiry is suggested,
' Will not otir markets be sorfeited with fruit?
This will depend on Ate-Judgment and dis
cretion of cultivators.' I With the exception of
the peaches ..
of Phil elphia and the straw
berries- of pincinnati a great deficiency is
felt in all bur large. cities. Of these two
fruits,' large .plantatio n are brought rapidly
into.bearing4 The fruit, when ripe, quickly
perishes, and cannot he kept a week ; yet
_ thousands o' acres in i peach trees, bending
under their : eavy crops, are needed for the
consumptint of the one city, and broad . ,Tifty
acre fields, reddened With enormous products,
•,send many hundred bnshels• of strawberries
daily into the ether. 'lf, instead of keeping
but three ddys, sorts were now -added three
months, many times the amount would be
needed. But the market would not be con
fined to large cities. 'Railroads •and steam
boats would i open new channels' of distribu
tion .throutut the ,xfuntry fur increased
supplies..' or would l i the business stop here.
Large porlons of the Eastern Continent,
would gladl ' become purchasers as soon as
.silficient quantities shOuld create &citifies for
t reasonable supply. Our, best apples, are
eagerly bought in London • arid Liverpool,
where nine 'dollars per barrel is not an tutus
sal price foil. the best Newton Pippins. 'And
being packed in iceAeyeriria pears gathered
,esrly in autumn have lbeen safely. sent to Ja•
riraica, and Strawberries to Barbadoes. The
,Baldwin apple has - been fujui:shed in good
condition in-the East'findies two months after
it is
.' entirely gone . ,lipA3oston.—SatPirriay
_Evening .34til, ~ r_ -.E__-J
How *Spend th - e Winter Evenings.
The winter evening ' are apps aching, When'
the family. ;circle will seek amusement and
instruction:l' i within its owu sphere, and . we
here take erasion to impress ii pun our youth
ful readerr4 the importance of combining in
tellectual instruction 'pith the culture of their
social undies domestics faculties. The youth
who spendS his winter evenings in perfecting
himself in Some branCh of science or in rnas
:Awing .wp+tielotae study,,-will hareAnvested 4
his time and labor in a manner that must
!confer incalculable benefit upon him in after
-life, and also fit him ; for - a more elevated
sphere of_u i sefulness to his fellow men.
It- is a jeyous sightlto see a cultivated fam
ily grouped about the : ir firtside on a winter's
evening, reading or discussing some abstract
!question it science - or philosophy. Such a
group, ha ° Ving within :its own Charnied circle
-all the mans of happiness, is far removed
from the gay, and giddy scenes only too cotn
mon among families laying claims to a high
social position. ,
Such a family as we have indicated, too, is I
removed from The strife prevailing in fashion- I
able circl4i, when excitement is dignified as
pleasure; Inhere clasS competes with class, in
endeavors3o excel in extravagance and folly,
and one qnieti evening spent at their domes
tic hearth is productive of more real and en
. 'during pleasure than' the mere votary of fish
ion can e.iperience, in a life time.
We'earnestly hope, then, that each one of
our youthful re.aders.lwill resolve on a course
of self-cultiire duringthe winter, and endeay.•
,or to be both wiser and better when the cold
weather shall have pissed. No better diva
sition of the- time can be made than'in reao
- and Study. It ie, only thus that good and
practical Hipen have grown familiar : with the
- `,thoughts and truths Of the great minds who
have preeeded them; and ;have fiued them
selves for the higheriwalks of life, - Industry
in study4as in everything else, is requisite to
ensure success. Natural defects may be
modified "by industrious application in pursu'A,
Of knowledge; but natural gifts of mind can
accomplish but:littl without systematic ef
fort. 'Take courage, then, dear reader, and
spend the coming evenings of cold weather in
a manner .that will redound to 'your moral
and inteleetual advantage,—New York Led.
ger. .
. .
Dr. SerOsby, in en account that he has given
of soniel'recent obse i rvationa made • with the
11 i
Earl, litosse's telescope. says :• .•• I
„. ,
With respect to the moon, every object
°nits silitace,of 100 feet, was now distinctly
~ seen; and ho had nOdoubt that tinder flit-ar
able e*instances, it would be so with ob
'• jests 60tifeet in height.
On it j surface craters ofestinetvide:.•-
.. ;toes, rocks,and mas es of stc4e almost inr.u
taerable. ' He bad no doubt that if such a
building as he was then in, was Upon-the sur
face of the moon, it would be rendered dis
:. liietlyfrisible by these instruments. . But
there were no signs of habitations such as
” onrs-740 vestiges - of architecture remain to
C .- show teat the moo ' is or ever was inhabited
'- " bra num of - morts similar to ourselves,--
- Itri-rted en apence which could lead
to theSUppoSition t tit contained anything
like t 4 green fields and verdure of this beau
tifal world of °tins. There • was no water
e visible L-not a seatar a river. or even the
, ,tneatuiLe of a mom . it for supplying town or
factory—all seem • . desolate."
BLUNT.—Dr. Baiiie, (who grass not more
fame 4 for medical skill thin for strong
~.I,eouturn-sense mod of displaying it) being
called, in to attend au eccentric individual
styling'hiniself Dr . .Tones; the dramatist, 'du
tbig le nervous atta4ic,which he was subject
~ ' - to, the fertilaiudividtal said :
Dootor,.do you think that I write too
mneh for thy euustitutionr
' replied e discriminating -doetoi,
butjog do for y. teputation.'
;ran "of the q . 11.1
ele4 - *lhl,lndrel -feet
e l
~ . ,
;Nose," at the kwer en
hbaidor opwan3s of
-- ' - # Farm e . r'p Itfe.'. . '. . .-.. .-
.The editor tat the Net . England . :Pariner,
im a notice of ii! newt 'agricultural eihibitiMi '
at Amherst, Massachusetts,. waxes loquent
.Spelikingofthe farmer- and 'the e ncibling
influencewhith Surround hint
'The highest gratification which e . fonnd
was net in theinoble horses, fat bee es,mileb
kine, pigs, ponitry or vegetables. b t in the
expression of the sentitnettt . fast in ing in
the rural population. A great man people
have discarded belief that labor' San evil
and that.thcrells no enjOyment in e omit
paliou -that earns the bread we eat and ie .
-i- . i
delightful homes we oc cupy. Afte looking
at all the dep4rtments Of the exhib tion, 1:
were so lOrtuoate:as to be introduced to sev
eral Of•the wo pen . i'd* Hampshire cuanty,and
in their espresiions . of attachment to rural ,
life and'of thl, happy influences' of rural oc
cupation's-Upon themselVes and their children,
we found a:s red of gratification fu ' exteed,
1 ing that which any other.smatter u ,
1 " -
They, tel that ' in the Calm-and rational per
suits.ofaurieulture and .its k• d 1 branches,
hortieniture and arboridulture, *there is less
excitement of f t..e 'pasSittis, less
. b.mptation
to lure from the paths of virtue , and a con
stantly ennub ing influettee that lifts the soul
through nature up to !nature's God. That
God' is dague reotyped; as it were; bef ore as
all ' • that we see , his wiedom and luvei, in the
bending great, - the trembling leaf, the'-spark•
:ling dew,. and' in a thousand. wonderful oper
ations consuu tly carried on by His Superin.-
tending care, and which are . . ever present to
him who cult Bates the soil.' That there are
I lessons of tritst,.ot Colifideuee t ofsubmissioul %
1 to be tbund an the t atrdeu-aud 'fields in many form pi
s% did tVisdOrn may found .
in every flower that • blooms, of• insect that,
hvei, that there are .' ~ • ' :
--+" S ermons ine stones, - ,
Mu.,kie iti the co nkin g brooki. '
Anil good' in ever,thing.".
Such sentitnents arc gt, wing : ground, find
•as they are rbeeived, the trtn house
. will be 4.
come embellished wisth poo k s, • with shade
• trees, with climbing plan • and flowers, and
contented hearts ; and the• tome of the firmer
become the happiest Of al in uur land.'
1 ...
i .
A Pozyr,an Isepriv.-1 .--:H Couldn't
, you get ,
young pork, (ma'am, to Iba e with your.beaasl l
said Old Roder, sonieWhat, cynically as he sat
at the.tableOle Sunday.
' They told me it Iv:6 . 3.°mq:said
lady.... 1 , • .. .
' Well, it ?nay be so, but gray ha r is not
h juvenile feature by - any means, in ikr lati
tude, ina'ami'.Contitiud he fishing - a - a' hair
about a foot and a half . lung with his fork:
'He may ;have been young,: but be must
have lived a every wicked life - 4ray so
scion:. I. '. I '' . • „
As he spokehe looked. along the. table
and a sligit emotion. has visible amOng the
boarders; - and the 7iaii wh'r, sat 'Opposite
with his mo4th full . e ! edibles. , with Which! he
was endeavinin„,a to sinotherra laugh, grew
dark with the•cfli)rt,-a d.then Collapsed, seat
tering dismay and en nibs o‘lerold Roger 's shirt frills. l - P
-- - i
. •
kr. bark w, a Met iedist 'minister in'.Buc
nos Ayre., gays that with tl)e single. exeep
tion of a silall Scotch Chapelilately complet-.
ed; there is not one buildin devoted to the
public worship ofooa, on, the long line of
country •Strtitehing from within two ie.:dues
of the city tb the base of the Andes, a dis.
tanee of at li,:ast 000 'miles; what is thei a
mount of populationis not stated nor con
jectured ;' but though the natives retain . :
tew of the Itoman Catholic rites, they have
no cheek . of , ny kind upon their inclinations,'
and live in . state of nature, as completely as
any tribe 6 nation on all .die African Conti
. 'i ' ; .
Mi.... A?tr y apilii - leon an 7 spestkin zr •,,,,i.. A
, . . ,
friend, who vas prostrated, by Illness, renntrls
ei that " het could hardly - recover, since ihis,
constitution is all gone.'. .. . ; .i
_ "If his• nstitution; is all gone," said a by
slander, " I do not i s4„:11oW he lives at alt.
'' Oh," rt.sponded the wag, ,! lie lk-eson'the
by-laws." ' " i
1,--;,—.7.---- .
, Mr— R undlop, the loftiest peak of the!
"Catskill M( untains i iS three, thousand ;eight
hundred fe. high.
Th ' Highlands! of the lludson Were.
I called by Like Indians Matteawan, meaning the
country of i' good furi." ..
, ;
ri., V;
$1,50 PER: ANNTX, IN Atry - ifit& : .
, • - 4--
~: •
ates of Adverttsiat.t • , t
One square 16 lines or less) one week, f0,50
One square I " !; two weeks,• . 0 '75
One'square I ' " ' three 'Weeks, : 1,00
One square i • " i one month, . , 1,25
One square - ! " ; two months, 2,25
One square I ". ; three months, : 3,00
One square., " I . six months, ' 5,00
One square j- 11 •1. - one year, ........ , 8,00
For two or more sqlikros, inserted by the year, a
deduction trim) the above prices is. made. Yearly ad
vertisers will have theprivilege of alterin. , or chang
ing their adiertisements' without addition al charge:
Business lcards, not exceeding five lines, inierted
at 82,00 pe;. annum.. ;. .
JOb Work • •
This office is supplied with a good assortment cf
Jobbing maierials; and idl - Inds of Job Work, such
as Cards, Pesters, Pamphlets &c., will be done neat-.
ly and promptly:
-- i ---
SitatrlA Dress ods Ensporlatn,•
• Fog Tux For 1855, ..
Burr t would inform his friends and the'Pub
H.lic, at he has now in Store, and it receiving
a full . in of Fall and Winter Goods, including
a great v etv of Ri ,n .h Fall Flints in new Styles:, Plain
and FancytHelanesi arid Plain - and Fancy Mohair
Cloths ; Plain and ' Metinoe.s, Paramettase, De
bagess and,P.oplins - Darlal. Rich Ginghams , in Fall
Styles; B 4 B - e , Plain - and fancy Silks.; Wool
Broche, mere, Crape, and Silk Sliawli ; Rich Rib
bobs, Bonnets and Flowers -' Latficit Cloths and Vel
vets for Cleaks and Mantillas, Broad cloths,' Cassithe
res, &c. with a large assortment of Staple and Fancy
Goods as usual, inatiding Hardivare; Crockery, Iron
and Steel, Paints, Oils, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Clocks,
Buffalo Robes, Ca:twangs, &c„ with a new 'assort-'
went of Sves and Trimmings of th e best quality, be
ing made order expressly for his custom Trade , and
ti t);
will eV be dat the lowest figure, or a little ewer
for Cash Produce, or approved cretfit.
N. B. Wool Socks wanted, foi which the .highest
prices will continue to be paid. Flour and Salt con--
standy on hand. • • ,
• New )ii Ord, Oct. 4, 1855: .. . . - '
HAs .! good 'assortment Of FALL AND RI
- TER -GOODS; which *4lll b 4 sold as cheap as
any in thiS market. Plaiditi Delains, Paramettas and
Silks of variety of qualities and styles ! --Gingbams,
PrintslA Shawls, . Brown and. Bleached Muslim,
COMP) Carpet Bags and Overshoes, Crockery
and Glass ; Ware, _Looking Glasses, Window Glass and
Naals, Griieeries of all kinds and at a low figure, Flu
id and candles, - ke. ,
A good stock—also, Cloths and Cassimerel; Jeans,
Vtistingsj .&e:, will be sold at Very small profits. •
A few Cooking and Parloi itoves, for . 1:ood or coal,
will be *Ad IoF to cloie. theta out. ; '-.
• .1 • WANTED., ''••-
Grain of kinds, White Beins,Socks, (if good (met%)
old lron,lo ld Copper or Pewter by .
Oct.ll . t '5O- - F. B. CII4IpLEB. -
Fashions Warranted Two Mouths.
Upper Leather and Findings, Boots and
Shoes, Hats and Caps, Grow' ries'and
and ever- thing else ixt my line. •
WANTED--Furs. Pelts, ,Dried Apples,. Iteeswas
11 .Prolttee at the - Red Fhig Store: - -
.Creat Bowl D.-pot, Nov. P, 4155. • 44w10.
) - •
T. E. Orchard
DIITSICIAN AND BUROE bN, 4Jukeon, ti•lsque
. ham= conch, Pa. Residence; at the Postotfice.
- ;Sall & Lamb; . .. , •
C ABINET HAREM, bare reee4ly opened a ware
room in Nei M il ford, Pa., - will keep cob
standy on band all kinds of Cabinet- ' ; also Ready
made Collins . Ptinerals attended ith or withoht a
hearse. Ware-*m nearly opposi J. Dititerman's
Now Milford, May 15, 1853. , t •
_ -
A. & B. Bald
AIL Trunks, Whiles, &c:,in the Rasement of Searte's
Hotel, Montrose pa. 1 .
• CAIL. Sunnio • ,
R .
00T AND OE Shop first door east
of OdtlYellinre Hall, Turnpike at., ifosetrosr.
. . .
r. , W. Singleton - ' •
CN now beibund at Lis new
,toad otiOarego st.
two doors west of Searles Motel, Isherd, he ef
fretttally repair with - dispatch,l Watchft, Ic t iockl,
Jewelry, Guns, gnd every descrirition uf MaChinery.
Wheel cutting ; I . ,Gun and Watch materials supplied
to the trade. ' • 1 .
Smitlii !
SIIRGEO'Sr_ DENTIST ; Mentrege, Fa., at Searle's
Hotel, Monoays and TuesdayS of each week.
Henry S. Knapp,
AIONTROS4 PA., whit Row, ( Woodrwir et Car
-131 ter; Wholeswle Grocers and iConunission Her
thants, No. 174 Washington street; between Court.
andt and .l wireeis, Nesr York.
Caleb Weeks; . •
v n ADDLE. 4RNE...W.s - TRUNK MAKER *nd Car
' 3 riage Trimmer. Shop at hiti dwelling house.,
early opposite; Oenry Drinker's. 216u4rose, Pa.
. • . " & Powlir,' • -
1 - 1. anti Solicitors in Chancery. (*ice No. 44 Clarke
street; Chitagd,, /
. ,
Pacific- Hotel;
((1 REENWItIf STREET, (near% Broadway,) aloe.
k..IP .rorft- - Salisbury & Co.,PrOruietors. • In the
rieinity of the fnincipal steantOat landings.,
. 1
'Thomas Ingstrum •
TIE.ALER IN DRY GOODS., Groceties, Mottling,
lJ Crockery Boots and Show, .ke., Sturehamin
,Depot, Pa.
• - Bentley .& Pitch,
I~AGENVS.ltontrose, Pa. - • •
le laud-
John. Groves.
VASITIONABLE TAILOR. Shop under Searle's
f oie], Um street, Montrose, Pa.
D. D. Hinds,
JLi in the .reir of Wilsou'.s Store, Montrose, P.
1 - DEALER . . IN STOVES; Tin; Copper, and Shed
If Iron Weir, Laier.,rille; near Great I3end Depot
L P. Hinds,
A TTORNEY . AT LAW, Sn4gtulto'nna, Pa. Office
on Itain'C stteet, one tioor.east of Leri)leirn's..
I 1 Frasier & Case, . z
1 , 1., 0
`cc tut Turnpike street, one door East o
Post's S ore, :Montrose,
ri Albert Chamberlin,
I ItNkT AT LAW and Justice of the Peace
r I. Pi,. Post S Co's Store, Montrair.
•• Wm. IL Jessup. • H •
Is, tor. the State of New York, Milt attend
•. !entrusted to him with promptness and
ftno,e on Public Square, .'oecupied by Don.
to all:basil
Wm. Jess
Abet Turcell,
Dye-stuffs, Groccees,•Dry Goods,
Stbneware, Glassware, l oocks, Watches,
Wer Spoons; Spectacles, MusiCal instru-
Aaqz, Surgical Instruments, Liquors, Per
xas, Stationery, Brushes, Shots, Yankee
ci '
Jewelry, Si
ntents, True
flattery, Mir
Notions, 8,
I• • Msrmin •';
4 - rods, Groceries, Silt, Flour, and
• ro, Pa. .
N7sT ROL '
trare, , Lao(
F. IL Chandler, H
DEALER ;IN. DRY GOODS, Ready Made Clothing,
Grocerike, Books and Stationery, etc., Public
Arenue, .VoAtrose,fra.
- -
- s Patrick & Dunock, '
Owego itreet, Montrose, Pa:
L L. Post. & Co.,
n EALERS IN DRY GOODS, Groceriei, Crockery
Hardware, Leather, Flour, etc., cater of Turn
pike street and Public Avenue, *tat rose,;
- J. Lyons it Son.,
DEALERS DRY GOODS, Groceries; Hardware,
Crockery, Tinware, Groceries, Books, etc.; also,
carry on the. Book Binding bi6 - iness- 7 —rtiblic Avenue,
)(go/rose, Or.
• ' Bentley & Read, - • •
EALE* IN DRY GOODS, Drugs, Medicines,
Paintsi O Groceries, Hardware, Crockery,
i r oryclock, ? ' Watches, Jewelry, Silver Spoons, Per
ornery, kc. 7 —F . oot of Public Avenue, „Montrose.
&tyre, Bentley & Perkins,
kinds of Castings, Stoves, Agricultural Imple
ments, etc. Office- at Sayre's Store, Public Avenue;
3fanufactoryiat the Eagle Foundry, Foot of Cherry
Street, Montrose, Pa. -
William & William IL Jettattp,
A TTOFNEYS AT LAW, Mon/ruse, Pa. Prue
tt:. rice in Susquehanna, Bradford, Wayne, Wyo• .
ming and LUzerne countim
William W. Smith St Ca, I
OAm - 2:ET MAKERS . Thcpkeep constantly on
. hand algood assortment , of all kinds of Cabinet
Furniture. :Shop and Ware Rooms at the foot of
Maine !tree!, Montrose, Pa ;
Rockwell, Winton & Co.,
:1111NUFACTURERS and DEALERS in Strafe
Goods, Hats, Cops,, Frees Umbrellas, Para.
ads, Ribtroita, cfe., 4 20tAjourtlandt street., New
York, (up *airs.)
K C-Tyler, ' •
TNTERESTED with I. L HUNT, Importer of and
Dealer 1t Hardware and Cutlery, Carriage Springs,
&e., No. 21,5 Pearl street, New York, where Ms Ver.
cintile friends, in this and other eotudies, are kindly
invited, and earnestly solicited to call and purchase.
' '
' Gii
bard Fire Insurance Company;
14 . # Cheitnut St,," Philadelphia.
x. CAPITAL $300,000. .
To the, Citizens of Susquehanna Count*
ITLICATIONS wM be received by us for enn
Anosiirpr perpehtal this Company,
upon the Most favorable terms. Any person wishing
to have hiS property irisired will be, .'satisfied, we
think, by calling on us, tliat he *cannot eetliusured
in a Utter :company, nor upon more farortSle terms
than in thil. BENTLEY k FITCH, Agents.
October' , 1856. • • -arra
• g
InVE thousand Bushels ef Oats- 7 3000 Bushele_of
1. Buckwheat-2000 Bushels each of 14. And
Corn -2000 Bushels of Dried Apples—Five hundred
Doz. good Wool Socks. Also Beans, Pork, Poultry,
Dither, Laid, Beeswax,'Flik-Seed, Le.; for , which
will pay the highest market prices in Goods, oron
count., 0. G. HEMPSTEAD. •
TEAS--;Bosh Green *ad Black—a very general as
sortmeot, Und of superior' ilasor, at prices ranging
from 81 clots, to $l. . 0. G. lIEUPSTEAD.
From die premises of the Subscriber. in Ararat
township, nor about the 24th day of September last,
one whitettamtir brown Heifer, 3 years old, and seven
Calves, sof them brown and 2 red. Whoever will
restore them to the owner, or give informationwhere
they may be found shall be suitably rewarded.'
Ararat jOet. 12 1865. P4I,VID 4VI;B P.
Whole gat and Retail dealer': in Flour, Salt; Port,
Neal, Grain,' Feed and Caudle. Cart paid foe Oat'
and Rye.
On Chestnut Street,—East, end of Lytios & Chan
.4ll4l..Etpke, _Montrose Pa. -
Dr. J. B. MarckisVe
' ,lol (gur CURS 01
fy stands•pre-cniim
curative. powers In AI
eases for which it is re ,
ded, usually called
Of t hese arc Pro laps a Uteri,
or Whig of t 4 womb ; fluor
Alba., or whites; Chironic
jta+natioa clad Vieriation Qf
the Womb ; • Ifteicku4al Hem.
torrhage, or Foodiug ; 11 sinful,
Sowessedand irregutur Men
struation, be , with all their accompanying evils,
(Cancer excepted,) no matter how severe r. of how
long Stir' ?ding. .
This medicine has neYer been introduci; by emp
ty puffs, and
.misreprftientations, nor is it. intended
that its preseutpopulaiity shall be susishied by, any
medium but its merits and the approbation of the pub
I feel it a duty incumbent upon myself to &clan
publicly the great bl e Dr. Marchisrti Uterin
Catholicou has proved to me. For two . Years an.
health Icl:is miserable '•• I was most unable to walk.—
-Physieians prOnouneed nay case falling of the womb,
extensive ulcerations, commencing With 'fluor albus,
The pains, irritation, prostration . 1,:c.; rendered lift,
a burden. In this miserable couditlon, Dr. l". P. New!
land recommended Dr. Marchisi's Uterine Catholicon, l
After titling four bottles I rl myself in . ye Erect health:
Gratitude for my restoration makes me ardently del
sire that all my sex, alike nnfortimate, may find sure
relief from this inestimable medicine.
. • No. 19 - West st. Utica, N.Y.
The above statement I know to be true.,;
• • F. P. NI;WLAND; . .II. D.—Utica, N. T.
• • • I would be glad to have a further au
ply, as the medicine is becoming very, popular, and I
think will continue, as it has given relief in every
stance where properly taken.
THOMAS SE 11 7 ..1fA -1/. D.
1 Mt. 'Vernon, Incl.
. .
The Catholicon is doing gomtservicc here. All
the-patientsthat have tried the medicine have ben
benefited but one:—and tlutt one nothing will help.
Truly Yours, liaf. LAIRD HAZLET'', M. I).,
• New-Philadelphia, Ohio.
I must say, from my or n esperience and persotial
observations in my practice, it IM's proved to be tl l m
best and safe s t remedy for he difficulties for whit:lil t -it
recommended, those of female weakness, suCh
as Prolapsus Uteri; hitter Albus, and all irregular and
pahtful menstruation, and diseases of irritation of the
tonally organs. I).' FOOTS,
,Syrocuse, N. Y.
The claims of this medicine to the confidence. o
the public are, Strengthened by the fact of ,Its haVitt g f
recieved the approbation and liberal patronage of tua- .
ny prominent toeMbers of the Medical Faculty in the
United StateS, - sotne of whom have voluntarily. gitpl
letters of commendation, (see pamphlet,) sustaining
all that is claimed for it as a.curstive agent. . •
Pamphlets , Containing much - Useful information
touching the nadirs and symptoms of.the, above dis
eases, together with testimonials from ladies of,the
higheit respectability, as certified by the titost sair
fitctory' authority, to all which the attention of
and practioners is respectfully invited; can be bad Fa-.
tis at the Store of ABEL TURBELL, Ageni, Druggst;
Montrose, Pa.
Sold. by most of the loading Druggist in the, it -
oinipg Counties. • .
J. B. MARCHISI S. Co., Proprietors, Central
Mr J..
Depot, 314 Broadway. N. Y.
'subscriber would tender his thanks for the
liberal patronage bestowed upon him thus far
during the seaxon, and at the came time announce
,that he has just received a new stock of Goods,-mak
. his itsAorttnent very complete in all its various
branches, and would. say further that for ready pay
and tin Atort.time to reliable customers; his goods
will be.sold as low as they can be bought it any (idl
er store in the county. .Please call and examine.;
S. S. IN° AI,Lh
Gibson, October 11., 1856.
TN addition to 'a very good assortment of Are!r 11 -arc
Goods, there still remains a quantity of Delni4es,
Poplins, Arc. &C.; of the old stock, to be sold at hat ,
withotit reference to cost; alto, Winter Bois
nett, Wool, Brocha, and several other kind:4l of
Shawls at low prices; for sale by -S. S f.
S " -"mared
eon with the market prico, end be
found verylow. at the irtcire of . S. S. '.
0001(131G, Parlor, and other kinds of:I-Roves and
Store pipe, for sale cheapi as the cheapest 1!)y.
IS. S. L L .
rirLTßlt§lsland Salt; INfrald &C., 1
sale by •
.11bn hinds of Produce at: their highest ma ket
price, also, any quantitviof good Wool .. a•ks
taken in eachange for good- , 1;Y: I
S. S.
_ .
Gibson, October 12; 1855.- i Ll2t,
. . •
La- and Fancv Dry Goods, Groceries, ifgdiihre,
Hats, Ceps, lic;ots and Shoes,' Wall Paper, Peugs,
Dye Stuffs, and Oils, lie., which will be' sold as cheap •
ts the cheapest for cash or approved. credit by 1 •
Harrold, June Ist, 1855. H. M..JOYES.
ALACK'Grode Rhine Silks of excellent quality
at U. IL JONES'.
BROCUE and Cashmere Bhaid pri
sat all ces.,i also
a few mautil#B by H. M. JONES.
R EADY made clothing at low pri i c i eB:y 3o . \4 l q. •
CASII pahlfor Wool by .11.31. Jons..
Ilarford; Jane lot, 18
1 ASII paid for Dairy Butter by
A good astorunent of ikkots and Shoes .at
' H. 3t. JONES
TEAs' sugars-in-i'dOtt;.e
fine qualities - and at
lon prices by
• _ j 4.. M. 307.08.
LADIES will find a great varietk of Bonnet's and
Ribbons at ' N. JONES.
T AWNS, Challi, Berrege do Lainea and Gingbams
ALA at .114 N. JONES.
ENBROIDENG and Window Thiperies atl
liarfonl, Juhe lid, 113515. 11. M. JONES.
IBEG leave to invite the attention of my old friends
and customers to the I'ER Y LARGE SP,OCE
BOOTS it SHOES &c. ke., I am now receivin, and
while tendering thanks for past favors, I wou d'
spectfully ask them once more to favor me vrith a
share of the patronage they have heretofore sot fiber.
ally honored me with. J. U. SUTPUIN
SummersviUe, Sept. 18, 1855
fIIcAIN and Produce of all kind% wanted at the
FJI . highest market prices at J. IT. SCTPITIN'S.
G OOD W OOL SOCKS granted at
SUGARS, cheaper than they can be obtained OW
where at
Prim undersigned has been appointed an agent of
1 the &ers stcrust. FIRE INSURANCE co., of
Riirrisburg, Pa. Raid Company has I r a capital of
4000,000! It is as Safe and cheap aco any as
any in the State and insures on the . Stock or *trial
plan. . - . I
We, the undersigned, hereby state that we have
done business with the above company, and "we are
satisfied that it is both safe and cheap. In our cape
rience`we hive never known 'any assmsments on a
premium Mite. . 1
F. M. Wimisags, Wx. !Image, (.
E. B. CHASE, ~) ' Oatastio Etroat us; -
- - i. BILLINGS STROUD, Agent. .
I. _
.z.lProntr and Salt J,
By tai load, r ! Sa, sack, or poand, by
[August 1, 1855.1
Sash and Blinds.
WINDOIN Sash ofvarious sizes constantly
Y I —also Blinds furnished to order by
- A CHOICE lei Buffalo Robes just received i►nd will
_CV- be sold at a low figure by R. BITAITT.
N4w Milfonl Nov. 1855.
Shawls and Hats.
A LARGE and splendid lot of Shawls. And
petted tomorrow at our store.
Tan COEDS WOOD wanted byy
I UVANoi. 20.) J. LIONS 41;
-s•'--__,..-- .... Pihats isailrotis:
ryitrix Paint , Blakes Bre Prod Paint, Lint'
1.4 Lamp Oil, Fluid and Phosgene - sold low
'F. B. c.u.a...NT
June 20th, 1855.
Y the Anna. Sack . or pound °
- - • • F. B
Mo4tmige, Jun.. 26th, II35:).
. ,
p • , L • L 8 ~
• ,
7-: :, :\ •.„ 4
11. ALES.
Tnt for itg
the dis
Sick Are caring the Sick to as extent sever
. before known of any Meddle.. t
JULES HAVEL, Ewa.' the' well known periamer
Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, whose Choice panicle
are found at shwa every toilet, says :
"I am happy to say of your CATHARTIC FILIA, that, i .
have found theni a better family medicine, foe witoloW__
'Use, than any other within my knowledge. Many oral,.
friends have realized marked benefits from them and oat.
lucid. with me hi believing that they preseitimitnUedinaly. - .
virtues for driving out disuses and curing the sick. They--
are not only effectual, taunts And pleasant tole taken:—
qualities which Must make them valued by the pub*,
when they ate. known.' . S.
The venerable Chancellor WARDLAW writes from Bp:.
timore, IfithiApril, 1a54 :
"Da. J. C. Ar as— Sir: I have taken your POWsib
great benefit, fin the listlessness, languor, low Of appet, et,
and Bilious headache which has of late years overtaken
me in the spring. A few deers of your Pills cured tow; I
have used your Chewy; Pectoral many' ears in my: (entity
- fix roughs and 'tide with unfailing succesw YOU make
medicines which care :! and I feel it a pleasure tocommiled
you for the good, you have done and are doing."
- •
JOHN F l . BEATTY, Sao., See. of the Penn. Railroad Co.,
says: i V
- Pe. H. R. Offect, PkitafipAia, Dee. 13, 1853.
Sir: I take pleaaaro In adding my testimony to the
efficacy of your , medicines, having derived very material
• benefit from .the use of both your Pectoral and Cathartic „
. Pills.. I am never without them in my family, nor stall I
ever consent tole:, while my means , will *ware thud,"
The widely rentiwnedS. 8. STEVENS, kl. D. of Wild
worth w:
" Havi ,
ng used T ri our tes estimate Pius in iny.mactiet,
certify from experience that they are an invaluable-purge,.
live. In tams of disordered functicias of - the liver, causing
headache, Indigestion - , eostivenesa, and the meat satiety
of diseases that follow, they are a surer remedy thatteny
other. - In all -cafes where a mitigative remedy is rewired,
I confidently recommend :these Pitt. to the public;
. air
superior to any other j have ever found. They are lure
in their operation, and perfectly rare— in:talkies which
make them an invaluable article he poblic use. I have
'for many years known your Gerry /osesorst as the best
Cough medicine in the world ; and these Pills - are hi no
wise inferior to titatjadmirable preparation for the Mai
went of diseases.",
1.1 "Actor; Xe., Aire. 25, tap.
C. AritiDear Sir: I have been afflicted from.
my birth with scrofula in its worst form, and now, after '
twenty years' trial, and an untold of amount of suffeting,
have been completely tuned in a few weeks by your fills.
• With what feelings. of rejoicing I write can only be
Imagined when you realize what I have suffered, and bow
4ing. -
' Never until now have I been five from this loath:tome
disease in untie shapet. At-times it attacked my eyes; and
=dime almost blind, besides the unendurable pain ; at
others it settled in the scalp of my head, and destroyed my
hair, andthas kept uni partly bald all my days • someßuteo
it Cattle out in my face, and kept it for month; a raw lore.
"About nine weeks ago !commenced taking your Ca..
thartic Pills, and now, am entirely free from the complaint.
My eyes are welt,•mY, skin is fair, and my hair has ...ono
, menced a healthy growth ; all of which makes mil feel
already a new pewit;
" Hoping this statement may be the means of roaming'
haformation that shall do good to others, I am, with every,
sentiment of gratitude, Yours, &c., -
s. T have known the above named Maria Rkkerl from
• her childhood, and her statement is strictly true. - I
Overseer of the Portsmouth Manufacturing Efta."
CAM JOEL PRATT, of the ithip Marian, writi* from
Boston, '2oth ApriVlB.s4:
"Your Plate have cured me 111_,R 9 a biitt 2 .l l ll.. attack which
arose from eerangeoient of the Liver ; which - had become
very serious, I had failed of any relief by my Phyqcian,
and from every remedy I Could try ; but a few dosei of
your Pills have completely restored me to health. Z have
given them to my children for worms, with the best et. ,
facts. They-were polmptly cured. I recommended them
to a friend for costiveness, which had troubled him fur
months ; ho told me in a few'daya they had curv4 Lite.
You make the - best uledieine to the world; and I ath free
to say so. .
Read this.from the ilistinKuisbrd Solicitor of the S'tipreme
Coutt, whoie brilliant abilities have made bin! well
.known, nut only in this but the neighboring State& ,
"Noe Ortusao,Sta
0 Sir: I hivegrt satisfaction In assuring yon that
Myself and famil hi ve Leen very touch hem tited 11 your
medicines. My wife was cored, two years since, a se
vere and -dangerous! cough, by your euroutr Pcc,ionst.„
and since then has enjoyed perfect health. My children
Lave several times liven cured from attacks of the Ditto
curs and Croup, b3i it. It is an ins aluable remSjiy for
these complaint.% your Cs-nisei - lc Piot.' have entirely
cured 'me Imm a dyspepsia and costiveness, whirls has
grown upon .me fur comp: years,— indeed, this cure is
much more importaht, hold the fact that f: had fttiled to
got relief from the .best rhysicians which this sevion of
the country affords, find frost any of the numerou4 reme
I bad taken. I •
"You seem to us ; Doctor, like a providential blessing
to our family, and you may well suppose we are hot un
mindful of it. Yours respectfully,
Senate Clindoer, Ohio, April 50 , 41854.
Da..l. C. Area Honored Sir: I have. roadtil that- -
°ugh trial of the CAiIIARTIC Pius, left me by you:7' agent,
and have been aired by them of the dreadful Rheumatism .
under which he found me suffering. The first have r
Hewed me, and .a few subsequent Moms have politely
removed the disease, I feet in better health now ;haat for '
Smite years before, which I attribute entirely to thb effects
of your CATHARTIC PILLS. Yours with great respher,
• - 4
The above are all from persons who are publicly! known
where they reside, and who would- not make those state
ments without a thdrough conviction that they were true.'
Prepared by DR: 7. C. AYES & CO.,
Practical and Analytical cumiata.Lowelli Hass
pg".VnEv. Tr Intl M. and J. EruEßODGE,3tout,roe,
and by Druggists . Rouerally. -
i •
„ . . ~-
1. 2 /337HFS ! PUMPS !
.The Greatest the Air!—C.
. If. lrilliams'il)unble-icting Ball ratre
l'urreiand Le)? PaniFs-- ! •
i N im m
proveent al,live all other fuming or ma
/A_ chines for lifting., thiorrit!g, and catlyillg water,
rombining both alPamp. and a Fire Enginis: This
Pump, patented in yebtuary, 1854, is the whole of it
metallic. Nolioltft Or screws about it, to mit; conse
quently it will last A man's life time... It ca' he used
in every variety o r form—can draw water - loin any
situation, aml carry it to any part of a building. -it
is superior to all Other Pumps ,for Distillerii , s, Paper
Mills, T . anneri, R i rie!: Yards, Iron Works Mal .Man-
Uflietuang. establishments of all kinds. •
All orders must Irie addressed to AnutsON buNtleic,
Lodersrille, Pit,,.. who has the sole right fot.littsipte
hatum. county.. I .
PEOPLE., - •
.W ooDREFF & MARRED have constantly on hand
Large anti well selected astortment of tin
ware, Reels and Chitin for wells, pumps,, tern
pumps, &e., Japapeed 4 2., lead
pipes of all sizes &c., &c., .lob work done pith neat
' nm 4 and despatch = all orders promptly attended to.
kept conshintly on hand,' a large assortmentinf stoves
of the latest impi*ed. and approved patteins. Our
experience in the business enables us to select those
that we can safely' warrant to-give entire satisfaction,
Anion g 4 our n i t eons stock can be found the ,/
,Paraggn air ti l gld Star of the West,l Elevated
New World, - ' 4 . Clinton, •1 [Oven.
Atlas, •" 4 .• . . Cultivator, •
Phoenix, • , „Fire 1- 46
Three State :1,
New tine of Mail Slageio,
tiitß •
• i` rnom
QTAGE:-.7.wi1l lc zee Kirkwood, passing thiOugh Cor
bettsville, tiherty, &c., every morning after the
arrival of the „Mail Trains of cars, both East and West,
reaching Ifontroye at 1 r. x. Relitracitx. leave
Montrose daily (Sundays excepted) at 2, reach
ing Kirkwood in time to take the Mail trait - is of cars,
both East and West, being the nearest an 4 most ft•a
"sible route to mail the New York and Erl 4 Railroad.
This line intersects a tri-weekly line for Dimock,
Tunkhatutock, Wyoming, and Wilkes
lauTe, which leaves Montrose at 7 A. M. c'.ery Mon
day, Wednesday ;and Friday. • Also; a line to Friends
ville tvaysvillq; &e.
dood reams mid coin . f"rtable carriages are
dexl, and the proprietors will spare no pams to :ac
commodate the pithlic, • W. K.• HATCH,
Aprils. 185 t.: • MORGAN' & R EST.
Look Here
D i
OCKET K\ ICES: A good assortmeli lof the beet
kinds in nutrkcet. Also Table Knives'andForks.
SPOONS. Silver, Silver Plated, German Silver, Alba
to,-and Britania-*are spoons. - Also Sillier, - Silver
Plated, and Ger Man Silver Butter Knives:?
VIOLIN STRINGS„ Bows 'and all the ixtures,.Vi
olins, Aceordeons; Flutes, Tuning i Forks, nstruction•
Books, ke. "
FLUID L AMPS , Fluid, Cutupllene, Cantlles, Lamp
Oil, 4kc. • t
n hand
FAMILY CFROCERIES. A full assortniebt, new. arid
, .
good. , 1 • : - ' i• . - .
DRUGS d: PATENT MEDICINES. A tirs.Crute xis- .
sortment; and genuine.. -, . ,
PAINTS SOILS.. A geneialassortnicnt,rd Of good
JEWELRY. 1 A splendid variety of the evilest pat.
- 1
COW. ' , I
FANCY GOODS. - Nearly every thing in this branch,
PERFUMERY. A Choice variety. (New supplies
'received nearlyi every week.] • ~
.i, .
In short, nearly every thing persons want; and cheap
at the variety atore 'of • . 4 . - /lIIRREtik -
,14: 1845. - 2 : .. .
1 SON.
. •• •- i N,ElPir GOODS. -_ • .
C• W. Mors haajust reclercit of , ierr Goods,
V. Fall Styles, such as Delan De Magee, - Para,
inettaa, Mapacks, Gingliams, Merinocs, Frinti and
Shawls. , Fn E4t a gencial assortment of Dry Goods,
which...will be ,sold low . . .- ~ i . .
, • ' ramity Pills.. 1, • .
lii, beg in town can - be had of d. S de - SON.
AnY family neetling can have them ..;'on trial;.- if
hey do not answer the purpose, no ghat,.
Mon!rope, Scipt.
Western (Inc4:11, i 4
• .
, •-• Great A ttr action
TE subscriber would - again announce to-his =S.
touters and the public geneigly that' be }aa re
coined &large
assortment of BOOTS ANDSdOES,
which he Intends selling for - Ready Pay twenty per
cent. cheaper than eon be baught in this market,lthe
Genuine Boot and Shoe Store • down- To,, or the
Rare Chance for Bargains, tip tewn, not
"Ouah 1 4 3toah" may be found tbeitirstAoor East.of the
Odd Fellowe Rail, Turnpike street,i,first floor. , Al.
though not-quite so commodious .
Some "stoats,"
yet it answers our purpose very well for the present.
Neither can we promise our customeni,,that- our "es
tablishmenV will not be "surpassed" by any in the_
country soon, but we Will promise our customers that
we will sell, Boots and Shoes to salt in' quality and
price. Our stock embraces a genekal variety_ of now
and elegant styles of Ladies' and dentlemen's wear,
among which are Ladies' Silk Fox Gaiters, -Colored
Gaiters, Enameled Gaiters, Black and Bronsed Kos
-suth Boots, Enameled Boots and Enameled Buskins,
Kid Bushitrs, Polkas, Calf Lace Boots and Buskins,
Misses Kid Boots, Jenny Lind Gaiters, Centzt Con
gress, Patent Leather Enameled and Buckskin Gait
ers. Patent Leather Orford Ties, Tiler Slips; French
Calf Boots, Thick Boots, Enameled Celt and Cowhido
:Brogans, Iloys*Patent Leather Montereys, Kip Boots,
•c., Youths' Montereys and Kip Ties, Children'sTay
tor Ties, Paridoes Eon Boots, &e. Silk Boot Laces,
all eelers.- '
. .
- -Work made to ord;: e,,and repairin g ; doneneadv.—..
Pledse call and examine. - _ . -
Montrose, 3tay 1, 1E55
• Notice to the
I-1.- IXING just returned from New Yorkl wish to
call the attention of my old customers, and of.
the public in gerieral. to mr!:
which being bought with cash at the lowest prices,
and wishing to sell principally fur the same, I will of
fer them at greatly reduced prices. • ' • •
Cocheco Prints, warranted fast colors, for only
cents a.yard. Good Brown Sugar, 18 poun for one
dollar. Boonton - Nails, acknowledged by ,0 to be
the best Nail in use, per keg. Hats at-0 . -Caps,
Boots and shoes, obes of all prices., all wool.
De L. :l i n e : l, te• arametta.4, Drew - Silk, Silk
Velvet, Lc. Mous De Laines, 1 , shilling per yard,
Satin - Bonnets and lloleSkin Hats, Broehe Shawls,
Double Long shawls, Thibct do., selling at inconceiv
ably low prices.. I can safely 'warrant perfect satis
faction to all who will give tie a Call.; • . :. •
Lauesboro, Apr. 5, 1854. S. A. LYONS.
CLOCK--good.tkne keepers, only one dollar.
• S. $. LY ON S;
. . . .
'.Latmqboro, Apr.,s. , . • .-. .
AATANTED-10b0 Hides, for the highest
V V price will be paid. S.•A. LYONS.
I.ancsbom, Apr. 5. .
G.IJUNTIIYTPRIiiDttE taken in exchange for
' .Gootls, at nip store. ' •S. A. LYONS,
Lanbiboro, April 5: ` § r- ..•
At the . 46
.Eichange," Brooklyn:
T HE. subscriber-takes this opportunity of thanking
friends for their very liberal patronage- the
•past'season, and of saving to them in addition, that,-
having just received fresh invoices of seasonable
G 0614 of various deScriOtions, he is still prepared to
supply alinost any article usually called fir at a coun
try store. His assortment is now complete, and be
ing the largest in town, offers the greatest induce
ment to purchasers, either for Cash,Barter, or Viood
(Mort) Credit. - Call and.see.
lirookivn August on 1855 . .
' Medicines and Drugs. •
k YREs' Prth.rOcl—acknowledged to . be.
the best Pulmonary lietnidy extant—Pond's
Extract of Witch Hazel—an exceedingii;.valuable
remedy. for divers e ills—Dr. Baker's. Compound—a
grand specific for Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cholera Mor.
bus, be.—Ayres', Jayne's, Phinney's. and Wright's
Merchant's Gargling Oil, together with • a great
variety of Drugs in common use, kept constantly, on
hand by . • . 0 G. lIEMPSTEAD.
That it is A-cry desirable that the accounts and notes
of the late firm of Smith & Hempsteaok should_be set
tled, and that speedily: 0. G. HAMPSTEAD.
Brooklyn, Aug. 20, 1855:
cl ALT be the barrel or load, at the market rates,
L. by - :• 0. G: HEMPSTEAD:
price, bald highest market price, bald , for Butter, Eggs,
1 - Lard, Vann Produce of I k,inds, good Shingles,,
jeriio, Wool Socks, kc.,,,in 'nods, by • •
("I TII 18_6,;:The Silbsen - her las - oh hand,
ami i, no . rotomfarturing. h small stock of
Ready-mrde Clothing, of good quality and worknum
ship;:wlich he offers at very low prices.. : . •
- DO iI•TS AND SHO ES--A good assortment
_LI of excellent qualities, kept constanily on hand
CAPITAL, $200,000.
Secured by Bond and Mortgage on the Real Estate.
- • of the Stockholders. .
Insures against loss by. Fire; of Houses; Stores, and
other buildings; Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, on
as favorable tenni; as any simildr Institution. - - Lsses
promptly adjusted and paid. • •
Di RE4ORS.—IIon. Horace Will istor, Athensran
cis Tyler, do.; George A. Perkins do.; J. T.- Meyer,3l
do.; C. S. Shipman, do. ; C. F: Welles, Jr. do. • J.,E.
Canfield do. ; lion. John 'Laporte, Towanda ;- den) B.
Wakeman, Laeeyviile ; Geo. M. Holknback,
barre ; Michael 'Meylort, Laporte, I'a.
liorice Williston, President; C.
F. Wells, jr., V. Pres. and Treas.; J. E. Canfield,
Agent, 0. S. 13xxim. Montrose. Pa. 11532m3
HE subscriber is carrying on the CHAIR
ING BUSINESS in all its various branches at
the Chair and 'ware Shop - in Harford, where may be
found a greater variety of Windsor and Rocking,
Chairs than at any other establishm4nt in the county;
also Flag and Cane Seats, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Loung
Settees, Tabled Stands, &c. &c., all of -which will
be sold at the lowest prices at retail, (or Wholesale,
with -short notice.) All work warranted well made
and of good material, Short credits and small profits
will be my motto. For demonstration of the shove
facts; please call at my shop in Harford village.
Ilarforil, October J 2, 15.54.
v. rt,. non F..rt
r AND E. MOTT would respectfully inform the
li' AND
public that they are manufiicturing Blatt+!Eby's
Celebrated Plows. They also keep constantly on
//ill; Wayne County, and Men" Hors,
Cultivators, Dog . Churns, Sleigh and Cutter Shoes,
Plow Points of. various patterns, too numerous to
mention. We 'hope, by strict attention to business,
to receive our share of public patronage. Manue...
tore, D. Post's old stand. • Foundry, M. Mott{ • near
Searles Mill.
rig - Repairing done. on short notice.
Feb. 6.
1310 ST • BROTHERS having purchased. 'the above
JL ~ - t ablLAltinent, will keep eosVantly on heed Su
m-vine .Fine Voter, Corn Mal of superior find
also Chop and Bran at. the lowest cash prices.—'
Cte&tom weit.will be done with de.gpg.ete, an in all
Cases warralltg - .1381tf
Montrose. duly. , 1855.. - • .", , •
Trteop Naht"liturt lErom.'
Don't be forgetful, friends, one and all—
Aged'or youthful, great or small=
• (lf not too turudl,) -
That at Odd Fellows' Hall •
Is the place, to call,
To get your faces done up tan.
Montrose, August 15, 1855
Patent Horse Rakes. •
VCR We at the Farther's Ezehinge by.
41: CO
June 20.
rr RE subscriber-will act as agent for buying and sell.
ing Real Estate—Farms, Houses, and Lots—lo
cated in Susquehanna County; Pa. All who wish to
offer their property for sale can give a minute descrip,.
lion of Weir Farina 'or Lots as - follows. 'Nmuhey of
"acres, howmitny improved, and how irateroti-bnild
ings, orchards, gatited•or common fridti' other fuit.
trees ; and the nearest point to the D. t.` kW. R. R.
And N, . • '
62 Wins on the 42 unsold. illy calling on the.
subecribei a minute desciiptkiri, rite and terms can
Office on Tunippto st. 4 doors west ois Mshist.
Mcnitrose 'August 15.1854:-..A. BALI)WIN
mai, Eggs, Mutter, Lard, Cheese, Flannel &c: in
any quantity id exchange for Good* at Cash prices.
Montrose, *et t, 11435. • • • lf; MOTT '
Yours hi the Bd4n'autl'Shoe trade.
Please Take*Nollee;
• • 1546m0
. .... . . .
.i_ . '' 411 G LE FOUNDRY.
S A O Y d Iy W ; EST 7. 0 Let t P b = ou lta: 3 l 7 ng 4. pure l l l :
premeed to fill, orders from the trade; and do . worki ll
their line wfth skill and datpatel. -.They wall keep
onst' stilly - Ott hand Ploys, (beit' kinds,) Stoves, (all
ldrida,) Cul t ivators, :Straw Cutters,: Coma ,S7telltre,
We kiwi particular. attention to the Plows Whi c h
we mannfilure. We,ntannfatture and keep for soli
. i Cele6ratevi Blatekley*Plote.
We have:purchased" :: '
the excluslire right, to manefae.
ture and st.n: in ' thls county,Wayne,•W,youting and
.Bradford, arßiekht;Pidesslron Beam Plow. The
Plow is maile entieely,el iion
_ezeepting the bandleA.. 4
It is celebrat e d for its; easy dt!aught, being one-third'
easier thanlany- now in use, whDe its strength and da.
rability Ira greater. • I • .
1 MACHINERY . -. ~
of all kin manufactOred andlieptdred by" eaperient•
Steam' sines,. Graying for Mills, Shingle.3fiz
(little+, okr.-d.e.
Among, the 'Stoves which we nufitctue, itre the
Key stone:Cooking Store, .12(M,04 awl Rea4do., For
est Quer:ilk, Premium d 0.., and Other idiots, ail ar
ranged fo burning wood or coal: .Al so , mivt,, rm .
' lator, P or Store,'Cotiage Parlor d 0.,, st m .,/, 11 %. i
Ctwo sim‘iido., and a variety of other. Parlo r s to , te ,,,
I both wood and real burners. We keep also on Wad
Grintistoitb trimmings, Doge Chian .. trimmings, • 1:113.
brella and-Shovel and Tongs•Stande, &c. &e. /Work
. o . 'der on short notice and at the lowest rates.
t gr Oiders for Stoves, Agricultural Implements,
Sc.', are solicited from those in the tradeand will kle
Red at rfitsonable wholesale prices..
t• - •
- t
' •
Montro6e, Mooch 4.
. ..
. ~.____
. ,
-A 31 _9 1 % the great ..lrariey of Medicines at Tut:tetra
211 :,.‘to , may be found all of De. Jayne's limb-
Celebrate Family Medicines :, . Arc's Cherry Pectii.
4 f
ral and thartic Pills; Balsey'i Forest Wine and
ForeslPil s ; Hoofiand's"celebrated German Bitters :
Louden's 'series of Fainily Medicines; Merchint' s
Garglingtl, the greatest remedy for sprains' in min
or beast e e,r known •, Mathewson's Infallible Reale- -
dy, and II Remedy ;,..figek-'s Verniifnee, and * it
I rse
variety 014 other kinds ; ~Thisit's Magnetic Ointment,
the great fernedy for burns, rheumatism, anti all in.
fiammatort complaints ;.Potity.s Extrac't, a first rate
thing forldrnilar purposes as above Ointment.;'-An.
drews' Paw Destroying Agent, a good aiticie - ; Wood_
cock's BalSant and Bone liniment; Atwood's Jaun
dice Bitteils, Canker-Drops, Linbitent, and Dysentery
Drops ;Baker's Compound. for. Dysentery ; Rougb.
ton's Pe pin,. for Dyspepsia; Eclmbold's Extract of
Buchnt arid • Extract of 'Saajwarillit; . a variety of
Salvei, the market, l''' Is, ke., - and 'an- ahriku
endless viriety of "Patent Medicines, altogether tr K ,
numerous i to enumerate --but suffice it to say; this
the publici will - find'nearly every Clang-in this:line, it
the Drund Fancy Store of - ABEL TUERELL.
Montrose, Ju1y,..1855. • , . .
. • 1
Tjailorlng , Esitablishoieut •
I' ' 1 . AT
T ASH. R it Co. would respectfully announce to
c./ their riends'aini the public generally, that they
keep cOnsitantly on hand a full assortment of Ri•iiir
.Made Chithing,_Boots and Shoes, Hats-and Caps, azti
every Oil ?else necessary for men and Women's sot.
We Won!. particularly call the attention of coutry
Merchartt • to our large stock 'of Ready-Made Clothil l ,
of our .o manufacture,- which we offer at wholoali,
at pric
and sho
kept co j
ing clo
Orde l
, Tha
ES9rtrnent of artfcles in their fine, embnaitg
a'genel variety ofnew and elegant stvles. tR Litlitl
and ge tlemen's wear, 4-among _whicit are. Ladi.,,
French, 'ilk Prenille . Gaiters, Kid :al,l
Enameleel Polkas, Kid, Patet . Leather and ,Bror7ed
Jenny Unds, Buskins and T 4s zsGentlemen's Frvlab
and Philadelphia , oak.tann calf shin and, kip hats,ei
Morocco,lCalf and Cowhide Brogamr-fte.. Bars ki.,
.calf and cowhide Boots and, Brogansilaill-li4adut
Misses arl Children's wear. Also, as genekb tsort
ment of indings which consist in part of lasts.,..peg-,
spar:lmes tiungartadtmila, tacks, thread . , wax, &d.,
tles,shoe Binding , .awls, rasps', sandstones, shoe knife;
&c.. Als oak and hemlock, tanned . calf - ripper
. a 4.11
soleleath r, Morocco skins
EE -an L d E lini ß t k lgs m.o .
Work lade toorder and
im i trio :
renairinyttatly dew..
4 -Montrolm I - Apr il 6,18 M: . -''' ' r
• .1 •
Stearns nnd Marvin's •Fire-Pro,"
TtIE subscribers have-made arrangements to tot.
. n'ish to perionsiwYo may be. in want of them, tGe
.abtive named invaluabk- - Safes,it - the same price fur
which they can be obtained, it the manufacttrer's.4
Having experienced the benefit of such an artiiele ai
ring the - late conflagration odrselves, we would tank
estly recommend to others - having valuable booksl4
papers, the preserving "of which would be of inuncr,..e
importance to them, not to do without one..
Prieei range from $3O to 4 ; 590, and we can explain
to any one wishing to purchase, t 4 difference in
style, su e, priee, &c., and furnish thepn on silo co
tice, with-the internal arrangement tb suit the pur:
:chaser: : - BENTLEY & READ.
'Montrose, December 19, 18M; .; •
. Valuablela For
FOR SALE. IN ONE BODY, about 5500 acres of ,
" Land on the waters of Spying. Brook, a laza
of the Lackawanna river, in Luzerue County, refih..'
about midway between the thriving ;owns. of Scan.
totfand Pittston. These lands are covered with til•
uable tiinber, and being situate in the most esten4Te
mineral region in Pennsylvania- - --known to contrite
ircat-eand believed to abound in tcoal; atoll bi;Jpg;
also in ate immediate vicinity of several railttodt
made and now in progress--offer to -the Capit.lfistaa
opportunity for the investmentof nosey that seldom
occurs. For further,information apply to N. P.
sack; Esq.-„No. 11, Wall street New- York, or to
subscriber, at IllOntrose,Susquehantut coutty,Pa., de
attorney- in fact _ of the owners.
• April 6, 1854
lIILE subscribers are. now burning . and will tetp
X t k
constantlyn hand ,. Lune of- a.. eery : superior
quality. at Mon e Depot , and will sell. le in cir
quantifies at a 'r price. Persons wishing a litri:
quantity can be stipplied 1.-pon a reasonable notice.
:Superior ground Piaster-rill be kept confitautly Go.
hand hereafter... . - .‘• ' - ',L, t. -POST.
Moutrese Depot, April S.
Johrt Groves' Advertisetnent.
AS nature,who furruthett the birds and beasts With
an extra coat for- wititeri‘tuni . not made a similar pro-
/Vision for man, Duple concluded to take,it upon my
self to attend to dust department; and therefore I
thhdrproper to announce that aA £llliVering mate
. t 4,
peds,that need new apparel, glorious or inglerior:,
fishionable tmetsbicmable, can hare- their vats
Supplied and their tastes Butted, by calling on ale,
my shop in Montrose.. '
Dm' H THAYER, takes this method of t 3
to his friends and customers, that he las again
resumed the practice orinedieine; at his old scud
Montrose whore he maybe timed at alt, tim unles s
Proregs lo : l 4 l 7 , eMPloYed.-- , tia;TrOidd say to .these la•
debted to him, that ho will diduct twentpfire Pe:
cent on all accounts paid before the first of Aprilrri;
(or if an* I will deduct/Gk,)
Montrose, Feb. 20, 1854: • ' - •
- ' l 7 _
( 1 ;1;-..11. '4%; baYRE having beeirappoistedrn agtct
1.3. for an eitensive sash blind and door moot`
toffy: bra to,ftirnish suly articles in thisliee ss
less Stites than t4er4re usually been sold
• July 114. 8.11. &.-1).
. Shaving Cnant. '
A. N Autiele which every tium elui'ultftry fly; vat
211: - by , • ' S. H.: & IK5'.
Dry Baker's'Celeltkiated Vegetable
• - • Coniptiund, -
Xsovereign remedy Pyseritery,.Cholera Norio,
Cholera, ,Infanstun or Sumner complaints---enthei
iegetable; and-has never in kel . ualo instance-of
prodieing the &sired e ff ect.. For sale is batiks st
60 oonts and $l, DECTLET & RP- I D'
Montrose, .iinguirl2f, x 533.
-.0. i. Virgil; Dentist has takeri'reoirev over F. It:
Chandlers' store, where it will be his pleasure to es
•Ids friends es quink . as tiassible. ze, D. VIRGIL.
Kay. 2, 1835: , „RtuideniDen#A.
".. Papernauglusl.
1)0 Roils inst, opened, and some for cts.
milt 1 7 11 .0 A St'S'
rihat - will 'afford great - inducements to rail
time customers.
. , stock of Cloths, Cassimeres, VeSting,l,,ir.,
ntly on hand, for persons desit;Ous of fiat
, ig made to order.
~.• punctually attended-to. -
: 1 for past favintywe.htwie to merit a con-
.f the same. - 4h; - ASHER & Co.
e .ma Depot, Pu., May 11; 1855. . ,
Austria lja, - California,
place on the Globe cannot prele,tt
greater inilacentents than,
is now filled with a new and exteitAke