Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, December 27, 1855, Image 3

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    I T
P. Willis.
The Nolte Journal r0r,1850,-- •
AVIARIIMAPtSEittER, = ' , 7:-
01 the filth of Januaii neii;ttbilalet number :111'
t brlieir Series fox 1856, of tbiS'
.Siwirpaper will be issued,- with new tyPe intd:new at ,
ctetions; tbe Principal one is rthe - kind which basi .
ma proved, by both American and' European ileri
silmls„ to be the most aeceptabib and popular, via:
—l - Novel in arrinUnunthers. [The.title ie
_parts of-a . by . e'elso untold,.
A Revel." - - -
BY r. • • :'
. In addition to this new feature, a series' oforiginal
sketches,;songs and ballads by f3l. P. 'mortis, and tin
original novelette, in versejounded 'Mon fact, called
4' The Story an Star," by T. M. Field, are among
the inducements for new , stiltscribers to commence
with the first nutnber of the year.
Beside the contributions and laborer the Editors,
the Mine: Journal will contain the Foreign and Po-,
gestic Correspondence of a large list of contributors:
.-the sPie of "the-'European. lingatines—the selec-
ions of the Most interesting publications of the dap
-the brif novels--the piquant' stories--the Spark.
dug wit and amusing atterclote-=the news and gossip
of the - P{ wian papers—the personal s,ketches of pnb= ..
Cie characters,the.stining Rcenes of the world 'ire
live 'in-trthe chronicle of the news for ladies , --the
faslainns-the he facts and outlines of news—the pick of
Englishinformation—the s wit, humor, and pathos of
the times—the essays on life, literature, - society 'and
morals, and the usiinl variety of careful - choosings
from the vrildernotts of English periodical literature,
. er iq o i s m, , poetry, etc. We need not remind our
readers that we have also one er two unsurpassed
corrdspeadetits 'in the fin•hionable - society of New-
Tork, Who will give us early news of every new fop..
Lure of style and elegancewmong the of the
gay . , f.
Tsna&. —For one copy, 0; for three , copies, 0--
or-onecopy for three years, sfe' , -4tlways In advance,
Subscribe without delcky: stdiftecsa • c
, . 1 - MORRIS &.IiVILLIS,
&tilers . arta .1 - roprietors,, 107 I'4loa-street, Nete
And\ Stlll They Cline.
E W Re#4y.• Wick, and old Rants Clays is
round yet and:.will be tilt= after New Years. 'so
Tease prepare forlidin by calling at the• Montrose
Post Office., where you.ean get - I3CW, : entertaining,
and useful Books; cheap. • .
The limners .Feast, or 'conreisatitms around the
'Camp ; Rate Weston, or Ito will' and to do;
Ten Yearti among the Mall Bags; Primily -Pastimes,
or Homes Made Rapti* ;. Life on, the Road, or Claude
Dural ke.'ti Peter `Parley's Nese Universal History
and Gift Book's.. Mrs Mlles ,Ctiiewens; and Leslie's
New Cool ; Boo k's :an Illustrated Manners BOok;
and maxis; others 4 can't mention bete; but-can show
them, and sellthern 'to you LON! MR ills RtAbr, if
you will dill and give me a chalice.
z . ' A. N. - BULLARD
Montrose, Dec: 26, 1655,
N annual-meeting of the Stockholders in the
Great Bend and ffochecton• Turnpike Raid
Company will be helti at the Lusk House in Great
Bead, or.lithe second Wednesday of:January riext, - at
9 o'clockiit.'st., for tbe electiln of officers, Ice. •
Removal: •
ILS:Wilson has removed his Steck of Goods into.
r his new Siore"(in the Brick Block) at the foot of
Averufe where the Mercantile business will be con
tinued under the Firm of M. S. Wilson & Son. Ad
ditions tel. their • present Stock will .be continually
wade en particular attention givcn to keep up a
general assortment—especially . in .the Hardware
line. • •
One Word Itio - re.
I want, , to remind those indebted to me, that I lost
eotsidendyle by the Fire a cear , ago, and that I. bare
bin under the necessity of' rebuilding a Store Rouse
ar.d conruently must urge payment—hopilig all
trill after.,, to it:without furtiter notice-7 •
Moran, e, Dec. 19, 1855. M. S. WILSON,
• ~1 Turnpike 1 1 h 7 .911.ce..
The FtOckholdrs.cof the Lenox and Rarmnny tnrn- ,
pike road clompany-,will hold their minutia meeting on
llorday:Hthe 7th\day'of dannary next nt 10 o'cl.ick
A. M. at the lion e of Joel Steenbaek in Gibson': to
elect otliers for Aid company fon'the -ensuing year.
13 ;-. ordtir of the ant 13ENJ. COMFORT.S.ecy
Lint:six:lra, De .1G 1855.
• Aidc -- ' — '
IV7 OTi:CE ,
11 tratton 11)
lite of the 13(
been grintid
debted t tai
Atymentl and
tune &Oat
The • Subsci
assortnilat of
New ll.ars
Honiestkad, 1
dish, Sdcries•
works, pan i
also lots of
Call and see.
at Lact.
'rroft• _es of Ai ithmetics the best iu
use, 1 - i; the doz.l or single. Anders` new Spelling
Rook, ;I ImAnac4,l The farmer',, Family Knickerbock
ei, United State,l, Snob- Not:ling:Tribune and even
Ladiestfocket Airmaincs for l 556.
Diefes for 'sP—all styles and sizes the best in
mark 4 Liw Books—a nett • supply just received,
Pardor..s Digest complete to 1955.
Eer 's GoldeniGlois for Nantirving ind preserv
ing di Hair. AAA co flunTs = Halt itestorer, that 'will
make 'Ole wool grow on the tdp oftbe head, the place
There the wool ought- to gtow? For sale at the
Veatr9k Post °nce, 1 A. I.?: BULLAIID.
Morlrose, Deer 19, 18155.
, 1
li Gina .
ardi% Sale. . • r
VOTICE is he , by given that the undersigned will ,
II t Pose to üblic sale by sendue or outcry, on
Wednesday the rth day of January next, the equal
. tadiTided one tit rd Part of the following described'
Prupely, the estatOof Channy Wright a minor child,
of Orrt Wright late of Latleep township deceased.—
Nulled t alic_mh'
_by lands of Reuben Blackman and
, 47.-
Georg W...
~,-on the east by.butds of- saki•Geo.
W. ?Iran - Ili-and* e public highway, on the south by
kndstftvid. DAL:trill, and On :the west by lands of
slid s bein,..blicsonan; containing forty-six acres or
therealxotthe, mostly, improved and upon which is a
dwelliriehonse,•barn orchard &c . Sale to he held
upon the pre o'
. ' atone clock in the afternoon 7 .- -
terms pi paymen made known on the day of aide. •
P - ` -: ' EZRA S. BROWN.
- -, Lathrop, Dec. 10. 1855. 1. .48w4.
~ :11 : OCLANATION- . •
, aus9rEHANAI Corarri sis. -
ELueli braDICKI ,:: /El tlie,COUrpOCOlipEtnine4ll .
. j' , vS. , Orsicd County, August Term, 1
Lunn), Bre Kw. 1f155; No. I:91. • ' ' .
Toli f Larancha Bartiieki Wheieas a subpcens in i
' Dirorce NIA:" is_. ed to dogma . iTet*l.Bss, iibicli was'
duly ••t•turrsetl 7on est inr , nitie, and thereon an alias I
. subpl l pta. 'was is ned in said case returnableio No- i
Iven/ktr Term 1 55, upon the return ,of!rhich„-prooli
.was tnade that t e said.Lavanclui Burdick could not
' fiiind in my liwick. , / ~. -
Thisinotice is, there.fore tO require . you to appear
thefore the Judges of the tatkl.rourt on the third lion
47(Jarittary next,to ans,rpr ffitid cmnplaint ,itc.
_ ~.. •,,, ,., 11 1 . -F. REMUS - TER,
Office, liontrOttec - Dec. 12,-1855. 4810.
~:f . • • ILOCLAILS2I(IN
• ZU4L - ER e ibai COUNTY its.. . .
- NAT'ltka M: B . - In', the Court of Common 1
1 vs. I Pleislof said county, August : 1
Eitz i i.errn C. BELL. Term, 1858.. .No. 3. '.• -
1 .
Tor Elizabeth! r.. 7. Bell: Whereas a subpcena in 1
Div was issied to Aug4t Term, 1855, which Ives i
Auly,returiked gum cat ineentua, and therm:xi anolins I
sub na WWI issued in said case returnable to Nov. l
IC 1855, upon the return ofwhich, pnxf ous Made '
that !the said Elizabeth C. Bell could not be found in
I F.
ji 4 9' / 1" 11 ` • i .
• This : therefore ' to require von Co appear .
befoi t tie Jutes of the said Coals On the third Mon
slay btisa l nett to answer said complaint ke. 1"
I . F. , HOLLISTER, 'Sherif.
sk, el iribir i illontaqsa, Der., 12,.1855, .48w6,
iBoOkS Viltsioks 1 , ,
itiew suPp y just' recieyed; also Sheet *laic; ,
--., ,
• ' • - ' - ' ' 3;, - _LYONBIk SON.
Montrose, cc: 12, 1145; .. ' ' " , ',.
~ - ' • -
e Chris isinETAlunthac for 1856, and the
Protlinerian lmansafOr;sak bY. , '
'[l • - I . — ,71: irONS' it• SON.
fl Z.,,,Grecet4fa .
4 fresh-lot family G —rossertsjoatteceiredat the
attire of .-• I • - ~. .• 2, LIONS * SOS. •
X0114 m5.e".....4
11)6e. ec. 8. 18 , 55.. . •' - - .-- ---- ' -
aQYR lip:top article-44We tierman
'p and 4 Babbitt celebrated Sakerstas--Wa3h
-4 aad Bakhig Powders kW sale iry ' - -
11 " - s'- J. LTONS II; rig,
I ', " : •' ' .
lor's Notice.- „-
:en tliftt letters of idniiniv-
ltehabza- Depot deed, hare
.trsigned, and all persons
sill.phase make immediate
ing eta to t - WM pretcat.the
, ttlement. -
1. 111;13BARD,
Dee. it,* 1855.
• off{ EOokfil.
tat received a well selected
s suitablC for Cloi.:4luss. and
few of which are the Old
)ncuot 'or the Faithless Gpar
ice of u New York Surge :n,
/ jun, .Caste; Sl aliespear's
the Hunters of : Kentucky,
L'ooks. for the lit!ldones.'
A. N. •BL'i,LARD
....-N - ;,.-
' .'
Al Gaul GIIIIIIi. ' ..
I am varied stoat isy'ri ;sense Ofilistlee, to myself
and the - Pahlie to expose the intrigue of the leaders ,
of a certlfinOigete,(whiehlithall pal ifiei Blacksmith
League, 4t the first plactt for attaching tits- name to
certana.bitndbilts' that areiin circulation, the object of
whitil,:seents4o,bo to inform the' public that all the
blacksmiths le,.this Coo* s ave raised their prices
for Worlii- some tiventy,fiye per cent. AA my name
stands cc nnected with Others upon the abbve named
handbills,l only wish, to inform the puttee; that it was.
Oared there without. My t'.onsent. Being in the ern-.
ploy of gessin. Bewley toad Jenka at the first • meet-,
lug of e - Blacksmitb. heague: Widelt. - . was at their;
shop, tit oursel waspresent.. The Meeting was held
for the rpose of forming resolutions with regard to
raising' *cei of trot . * ate--,but ns them were.,but fdw
Smiths present, it WO carried that they adjourn nn
tii the 2e'th of Novenaber.; - during tins interval be
. tweet, meetings it became the duty of every one ,to"
notify all; the brother chips he cOuld,:to attend the
meeting on the 28th, According to appointment 'as
I understand, •a very large number of Smith s were
present di Bloomer Hall; orgtmized a society, elected
A. J. Brewster Presidenti A. B..llawley Treasurer.--
fixetl,the prices of •WOrk, and all obligated thentielveti .
to. prove Arne to each other. I understand that ttle
- Treasuret has ieponted that I.wis the finit one that
. iggestetrthe idett,of ft:mining a Society, and was the
most,ac ive in fixing this prices,,whielt I -deny and
"can proy ~ is 'Use." .I . wai not present , at she organi
ratio:l,, ough,solielied tqongly to go, by.orne of the
members' 1 sent fiord It`v my bmther,.who attended
the meet ngobat I whoq refused to berme a metn,
her of thAr soeiety.;", . - I
Everylntelligent Mind leatt . 'a glatice the ob
ject.of 14 is. scheme:; Lo k at the source from which"
it springs • 'ltionopply is he object. Thti Treasurer,
in ortier better to carry o :t lti.stiesigns,hiia reported,
il,•?' I • UnderStantl, that I Ino ntirktuan 'and in. - tisq
.of l'slighting, my w rk. - .Perhape he would' be . .
understood to say thnt I Ave SoMething of.. tact: to
turn of •vork fast qa e sy. Let this be l ,as 4 !nav e
he was Herr aniiotia to k .ep me in hii employ at the
expe.nstl'of 81,75 per dn... -As far EI, my workman- .
Ship isonterned I; lea e the public to judge. I
mast co ifess, ho
weirer, at lam unacquainted
working rountrand Ana vast Steel tot-cork ,rods.
I never Saw any, trot eve during. the ftiur weeks I
wot ker.l4n the shop :whet they Are advertised.. But
I havid turned ,to ; the d Stand at the Steam 11111,
where t have opene4 a c sh Blackimith S,hop, where.
I Will site for the following prices: New shoes per
'horse; S 8 cents; iiiiirpen, 40 cents; toe; 12i cents
per shoe ; oxen,. ner shoes, 81,75 cents per yokt;
All work done cheap for cash. Call and try i .
. , .
i - - ...
. V D. H. BICICO : .
"lifontt6e, Dec. Ip, 1855 .'-' . 1 4 8:
. . . ,
itRE coutiag; but F B. Chandler's large ands' ten
did assortment of Finley Toys, Christnias ifs.
tinegeli Year's Presents has receded. them, and lc
nose reakt for &general distribution among those de
sirous of Making glad +the aearts of 'their frietda or
"little ones. ' ;
Therei is. of course a universal rush' tti . "kriss krin•
gle's'Thend quarters, but yo extensi - .e l aad varied is
his supply that none need he disappidnted by not
haring an opportunity of making desirable. and satis
factory t elections. "1 He charges only--nothing—efor
exhititlng his beittitiful wares--so that all may bare
an opportunity of isecing the—" Elephant and
"squalling babies," provided then are npt favored.
with tho "soul-st is ring strains" ofkbe latter, at home.
Also:received, at F. B. Chandl'er's, addilonal
.supplv f elegant' N6w Books, _"children's Games,"
* Gold' . Pints and Casei, Silver Pencils, Port/unities,
Reticulrk Work Boxes,
,Portfolios, Jet Bracelets,
Shawl .
-clr.. ,
Alt , o ! l fresh arrival of 2t - Elli GOODS, among
which al-e French Merinoe4,.ParamettaQ, all-wool Dc
lairtes,,l,adles'„Embroiiiered Canis 45.: Midersleeves;
Worked Edgings and Insertions, stantpcd Collar and
Flouncig, children's hoods and.r!ppet-0,1 Silk, • Kid
awl NV rsted "Gloves; Moire Antique pimming4,
Children's Fancy Selo apsl Hosiery, ana!buget piles
of otheti nice things, forrtn examination df which-an
irtritation • is vETLY coxstDF.tiar£i.Y extended to all.—
Don'ffirget,the tlace, and lose a'goo.d bargain, but
call at 4nce,' and know thellentfits accruing from a
pruden and economical dkthurr..tnent of your mon
ey. ' Yours. , F B. CHADLEFI.
Montrose, Dec. IS, I Ssi ,
Cliattge of - Time. • 1
i 1•• It A.14 , 1:P.9AD.'
i •, . r
ON.:,indl after Thursday, Dec. 6tli 1855, the AEA
Fussdnger Trpin still depart from SCranton at
11.00 A. ad . DIM at Great Bend. at '.lO .r. x. 'Con
necting with the Dunkhk and Enifa'o Express East,.
on the '.:N. X. &E. It. R. . Pu.ssengers taking this
train will arrive in : Mir:do at - '10:34/ r. xi. anti in' New
York ..). lil:3(r r. "x. - - " ; .
Returning, will leave Great Bend at 3,r. w., dim
at Scranton at 5.50 e. tit. . . - ••
The 'refight Accommodation Train, with pasienger
car aftacheld, will leave Scranton at 1 r. m.: connect
ing with the Mail Train We -t, anti the Night Ex
press Traiiis both East and West. ; l'assengers tak
ing thik' train and the Night: Expiess Fast, Will ar
rive ili!Neir York at 10:05 A. ii. ; by taking the Night
i Expresl Vitest, will arrive in Dunkirk at ,15! M., or
' 1 / 2 , 7 - , .... it.):v Man - Train West, will arrive at Dun-:
kirk at: tt4/ p. in.. - .- • ; •
i • . . 3. Aglit* 6: Co. I ;
i . - Rettirmug, wilbleave Great Ile:td at 7 .1. at. and ar-
WITODESALE'.& retail: dealers: in i,i.-.14 7 . .',,,..d. at Sc ; rkntrln 12,10 P. m. . - . ' -
I. Clothino, also do2jorvi in ci nti i B, iFi i i „ , Nk. c. uss
rt.:l, F .s m, 11 - 111.r - ir:filtrii;; Mir' , o:., _ Carbondale,
Philadelplns, (via•the CittaWlSAi, lYiniatriSpoTt and
hats and daps, boots and shots, having now on hand
a largelsupply suitable for the season, .wo
. uld call the Erie and Reading Railroad, via Tantaqua,) and East
! oru.4ind all; interm;.diate places, will find first class
attention orptuebasers to the same. - I ; stage ccaches in readivess,tt Scranton, on the arrival.
For further particulars•sec advertisementin anoth
er plactx,in tile Republinaid . -•-• oflitecpask:lger and Accommodation Trains to con.
Sti§nnehanria Depot, De... - 10, 1855. I. : :. vcy thin to the above places: These choosiw. : -pH
- 1 •.. . -I 7 __________..4_ vale conv4yances will find the best of horses an-dear
riages of eN•ery deseliption,• at reasonable charges,
1 ChibitillaS is Coming. I
• . , .
The i keason for prosents!ii close at imnii, and (what ready o order:
1 1). H. DOTTERER, Superintendent.
more a. propriate thgive, of wbat will bcxmore grate-
good'.Suprintendent's Office.. t ' .-•
fully ,eceired and rnore highly prized than a
. Scratou, Dec. 6 1835. f '
Daguefreotype? .' ' ' ? ;
W. R. Deans has, some Elite gOld_. LOckets, 'gold '
Draeelks; Pins; &e.; hesiki.a new and imitutiftil lot
of Union 'eases"; which lack ontr the - . gritce of Some
well .kcouti face; to make them just the thing lo:=.the
season, ' 1 . . i . . •
. Q4dl Fellows Dail, Dec. 13, 1855
Nr - rti ST .:- 0 . .R . E AI NEWIUOII,ti
I li
'.. i\ Bentley . id: Read
HAVE the ,pl , ..ure of announcing to t •, old
etistomers, and, the nubile. general' • • they
haie (pIIP 1.E.7'.E1l theii NEW B R I ! " , .7'ORE
4 #
on Turapike street, foot..of'j Public- Asinite, and that
they will take liaises:4or. dlirinz the -present we2k.—
Tney hare also just returned from the city, and are
receiving a choice and delirable.stoek"Ofl . • 1 •
1 , WINT-Eii' 64 101):13.
compr4lng therr :usual variety of Dry Gobds, Grocer
ies. '(..7rnekery, Hardware, ))rugs,lledielties t &e.l
it i r a.:-.... irer-110•4;w- , ---- ---- ' ' - 1 - 1 - -
..-% - '
- 1 . • 1, Wantpd. - 1
r '
Al. kinds of country produce, old Cast & Illtught
ron,. Coal, Lumber, and a - sprii)k/fn.q of 'cash,
in exc b ange for Sleigh Shoes, Plows, iron, and Brass
(listings, Mill Work, and Machinery fitting, at the
Lsnesboro' .Follottry and Machine Slop, whore thee,
eubsciibers contintie the Foundry 'and Ilichineiy it- 1
sineisht and with their,present facilities for despatch
and gi - lod work, they fed confident thiyican and ivill
make it an object for, those viLanti n• u ansthine in their
line ut give thtui a call. A. &.S H. pAiLNES;
Laresboro ' Dec. 12, 1E55. - ' -•
f , ~
i Plows: \ .1"lolivg! Plorks !
An t iiinproced kind at tie Lanesboto roundry, call
and et ime and beready fur Spring. •*, i • 48w3.
• •• , Auditor S i. Notice. •
Titp undersigned having been appointed by the
Orphans' Court ofSnequthanna County ien enditor to
distqhme the funds in thelmrds of the administra
tor of the estate of John J: Whitman. deceased, will
attend to the duties of his said nrpoit intent at his
office lit,3lonirose, on Fridaythe 4th d4y cf January
•next:at atone o'clUck the 'afternoon, di which time
and place all persons intereeed will : present- their
claim N.Or be theieafter forever barred !from comirg
in urfund} ** . FRAZIER.
arose- Dec. , In • Auditor.
... ii ! F0n...07% - E DOLLAR. •
(..Pounds Nails, or 8 pounds Cotfc l e, or 20 yds..
7 t i
Calico, . :-, ibs-Young Hysots Tea, ' or 16 yds.
Shmiting, or 1 Yds. De Laime, or 16 lbs. Mackerel,
or 1 lbsiSil u!, or fl bars lisid Soap; or 9 lbs.
Ply Tobacco,. 9 lb;. Cut Tobacco for smoking, or
ne • iddle, (thi i of that, boys,) or 100 cents (at
coat 'worth of any-other 066, tooncmcrous to
men 'ob. ' .t I. LYONS& SON.
, "arose-, D•
: ;..'
( I
w • •
. .' .
'li li
f .
. , .
F 1 L' R ;)I I T 117
:inds of (1.: i
ISall & Lamb,
manufacturers and ldealers in all
Mum haiinpnored our ware room,
the Ficiory four miles
where. will be :found at
vt of cabinet , ware, - also ready
attended with. or without a
is„at wholeale or retail prices
, wards according to stile kc.
at 7 **clock.
. .
, •
•„ .
Item! Goods "rt _
44iri4S' 47 1 . F. p.
lIASVI,S, to k Shoes, Books, Stationary, ac.,
mid will not be undersold in thl market.
#k` Plenty 1140 C of six penny Prime. Please call
and see. . ; , !F. I 1:. ClidiNDLEa.
T kept,onotaixtly him&
• •
, •
, ALT. ~ • ".•
;als, st . •
B. R. LYONS•& CU's
tat; just arrived'at
865.1 ; TURRELLS
Received,' •
and Leather, and for Fair cheap-
41.4. 4 R. ASHLEY.
5, 1855. • • •
will . be rioted With .Ciunpbene
Wrealag 1,1111. I.;tli 18tid,
• ;
T_TAVt-on hand, a general asiortment `At Dry:
G ' GrogeOes. Haid-ware. Tin-Ware, Stoa
ware, 1 s n *sre, Looking GiasSes, Crockery,
Carpets, ,itimits and Shoes, ..:.Hats and Capi,;:Crlass,;
Nails;,Paluts,.. ;Atop and.Liuseed Oil , Doct. Jayne's.'
celebrated Family Medici:leg; 'Book's and
Carpentetilitt4 Joitnetui 1'Ools;11500014trds Sheeting,
Cottonld Woolen Yarns, Cooking, Parlor antl'Shop.
Stoves, tbve Pipe, Zinc,: an. &c. As we buy for.
cash ,re are disposed to ?mil for cash, A little cheaper
than tbe'Oeapcst. Call and see. • 'I
B. B. LYONS it CO.
QALT, WLOBE and PORK, by the•pound.. agek,
itarrO, Qr,by, the load. R. R. L ON . & CO.
Larkeatioro, Dec.; 1855.
- tivt
_ • ipolonds n Tea for one dollar,
At. at 13; R. LYONS S CO'S.
TweNe.pounds good Sugar for one `iler, at B.
Lyomi&res:.. •
Three !gallons Molasses for one di•Alitr, at B:1t.1
Loa .•
Sis pounds Candles for one dollar,4t B. R. 'Amok
Pourteeiyards i s .:ood'Sheeting for bite dollar, at B.
R. LYONti '
Twenty yards Prints for one dollar, at B. R. I:rose
& CO's. 1 .
Twenty pounds Nails for one dollar„ at .13:R.troNs
&. CO'S. 1, •• .
Thirteen bars Soap for one dollar, at B. R.' LTo!sit
Co's. ' • • • -
Elea ;:pounds Coffee for. one dollar, at B. R.
(walk COls. • . •
Seventeen pounds Rice for one , dollar,
.at R. ,
LYONS OS;i Co's: - • -
Fift cents per pound for Candled by the be; at
B. ktoss Co'4.
'Twelvis oent;s per poUnd for tip-tolY Mese Posit" it
B. R. LToss & Co's. •
Ltint4b, oro, Dee.,1855. •
q,ppr pair for the best Kip and tbiqi , Boota, at
B. It. LYONS do CO.
Laueshoro, Dec., 1855. • ;
— T
CENTS per pair for ',tidies' Undereleeveß at
0 • n. It. LYONS & CO.
. slf:t-wLs, , . - •
, .
L AAG E lot'of Shawls, at cost andlSontctliing le's3,
at !. - _ B. R. LYONS.& CO's.
L • clutqc•rs.
Cp:NTS pc . : yard, at
s) _ • B: R. LYONS & CO's
• ! B. R. LYONS & CO's
1.41 CQMPANY, Capital-$.24100,000i and increasing.
It is.oni of the best CoMpanies in the State. All its
lossolaji Ore promptly adjusted. .It has . paid over
half a million of dollars losses by fii.e.since it weat into
operaticM. Applications received at the store of B.
& CO., Laneshoro; and at , the store of Ly
ons b go., Jeisup, Luzerne county; - and at Mont
rose. B. R. LYONS, Agent.
atonttose, Dec., 185.5
Auditor's Siotice.
The tundersign2d an auditor appointed by thi
Court or Comqion Pleas, of Susquehanna County to
make distributiott of the fund arising from the Sher
iffs Sale of real crtate cf Ertkiel at
tend to she duties of his appointment at his office in
Moutrok., on Monday the Illat day of December inst,
at I o'clock in the afternson'at which time and place
all persims.interested will present their ciaimc'or be
forercribarred from coming in upon. said fund.
2dontiose Dec. 4, 18.55.
; EAVR Montrose for D. L. 6* A.
•M..for Express Freight Train to Scnultoo. At
120'clock? A. M. for Mai, Train to Great Bend.' :At
1 2 P. it. fcir Expres - 3 Freight to Great 'lend, and Vail
I , Train for Scranton.. Leave Depot for -Montrose on
arrival of skll the aboie trains at Station; except up
frei.7,l4 tr Jre. ,
I Foriserits apply at Searle's Hotel, Montrose, Pa.
Dedember 12, 1853.
Anititor't Notice.
Thq tupiersigned 'an auditor Appointed by the
Court'of Common Pleas. of . Susquehanna County to
trutkel.clisiribution of the proceeds of the :Sher iff's
estato of Lucretia Van'VOrlit late of said
County deeras -d will attend to the dutie+ of his ap
point:be:lt At his office in Montrose; on Saturday the
`2oth daylof December inst. at 1 o'clock in the alter
noon,'at trhieh time and place all peraon4 interested,
..will.pi-esunt their Mahn. or he forever barred from
cnmidg it: upon said fund.
MojaLt4se Dec. 4,1,855
- • • --
3E:n.sfms accUstomr.(l to procure subscribers fkr
Brinks, Magazines &c., or gPt up clubs fornews
papetv, are requested to send us their names and ad
dress; aid we, will forward them,
free of charge, a
pecaue4 number pf a Publication for which they will
find itao sale; and we will allow them a commission
, .•
of pei cent. for their services.
- i t . J. BRADFORD & BROTHER. -
• No. 3 Courtlaud al, New York. ,
# Auditor's Nptice.
VOTICE is hereby given that the undersigned
having been 11.ppointed an auditor by the court of
common'pleas:of Su.-vitichanna en., to distribute the
fundari4ng from the Shmiirs sale of the 'real estate
of Alroa 4 , R vnears on, deceased, will attend to_ the du=
ties ',fills appointment at the office of Beittley and
Fitch, inillontrose, on Friday . the 4th day of January
next at 9ne o'clock ln the afternoon, at woich time'
and pine° all persons iatercsted will present their
claims cEr be forever barred from coming in - upon
saidfund, L. F. FITCU.
Montrpse, Dec. 10, '55
. ,
IkAhED PROPOSALS , will be received at the
t - CoOnissinners' office in
. .Montrose, until Mon ,
dav thq 4th day of Fehuary,. A. D, 1856, for - the
reinjildnpg of a bridge over the Wralusing Creek in
Rush.tornship, near the house of N. D. Snyder, said
Bridge to be built in a good and workmanlike man
ner; in iall respects similar to bridge just
cotripletkl over the same stream near s A.. 1. Cham
picaPs id. said township, and to be finished on . or be
fore thdi first. Monday of November Court, 1856.— .
!nig plait and specifications will\be made so as to be
seen at the Commissioners' office in due time. .
•i ; A. CARPENTER, '•
- j. W. SMITH, Comm.'s.
, • „.
• WM. T. CASE,
A.-Caossmost, Clerk. • •
Oommissioners' office, Montrose, Dec.,4, 11355,
1 I • TO RENT; •
TN, BROOKLYN township, Susquehanna county,
if • iFAR if; containing 111 acres with about 69
atria hpproved. Said Farm will be rented for the
terin °flour years for one hundred and 6ftv dollars a
veir, the stock Included. The stock consists of one
itoke Oie,n, It Cows, 2Yearlings 2•Calves, 15
Shero.'o4l two 'Horses. Two hundred and fifty
furl aill be required in advance; ,the . residue can be
Paid /fat' -Produce and improvements on the
plates .Buquire of the linbscriber on the place; gout
t*b miles south of Brooklyn. -
IFatches 3 ; Clocks, Gillis,
nel essiortment just. received from 'England,
Gero . 4iy, &c., which will-be sold below
W' Noir York prices. 8019/41r02PS, •
;holinDse, Oet. 111, 18111$ f ,
' • 1 ,
1 ! .
rrliE Baptiettiktotirst, Istottla l 11.esr AO rn four
i . Copcierv, trubbeDetlicatp, d,Deo : l3iii.,- prices
to ecanetenee; at li i'eleiek: • •-• ,1 1 'i tl - • * ~ I
The Public Rtl3 invited to atteir
The undenugned tin auditor a
Court of , Common Neas of- Susqu'
make distribution of the fund 'arigi
HER Sale of real estate 'of Milton
to the dudes of bis appointment at'
rose, on Wednesday the 2 day 'of
o'clock in the afternoon, at which
persons interes, ted will present thei
ever barred from coming in uptin`f
Montrose Dee. 4 t _1855. '
Ignicuost, on . Monday," Ndrember. p..-.,
Ik Gold Pencil. Chain, and Locke much rilnoET as
a memento. The finder will route r a
. c tear =
ing the mile at this office.
A LI, persons are bereby - cautione'd against liarbor
.ll.."-ing or 'tinging n boy narfied George Sfanney
Dunn on my account, as I will pay no debts' or bills.
arising therefLom. JOILNI LEAN. -
Lenox, Nov. 14, 1855. .
Prof. Charles NOrris,
cIIICCESSOR of Charles Tlllmar4 .6AR
. 14 b n, bar-
KJ ing again removed-his :Ahopliinn It s f er loca
tion in, the, basement of Sesirle'sliotel, tot, e roorn•
Geer chelidiree Store, is priliarito exercik• tits art
in the ost scientific manner, o all who Imay be
pleased to entrust their beads or f ces•ta hlal hands,
Nov. 20- , :. , •,, I. 22y1
• • • To the f l eabite.
rriHE subscribers haring Wien the atom! and par.
'chased the snick in trade, of It: T. Asfiley, are
prepared to sell, for. R E.4DTPA rONLIY, a fine
assortment of Dry Goods, Perfumery, Yankee Nor
tions, Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Trim Mid Nails,
Boots and Shoe*,-Sole and Upper Loather, Salt, &c.
&e., at such prices as (they think) cannot fail to give
entire satisfaction to *ll who mac 4vbr them with
their patronage. J. A. St J. h. Ashley..
Brooklyn, Nov. 15,,1855. ' aatf
41 loves - -hove Tri , mingii. -,
T .
good people of Brookly and vie who
_- are, or Who may be, in want of Stoves, Stove
Trimming or Pip?,.are informed ,that thevican find ,
those articles in liberal variety a , t the "Exchange."
Among my assortment may be !band the!Ceystone
Slate, Forest' Qneen, (or <Elevated lOven,) and the' lab.
cst improved ° Cost Cooking Stove#. -i { .
. I
My stock of . Parlor and Shop Vtoves ini
tales -all
the most improved patterns, both] for.wood land coal.
Terms liberal. -? 0. O.'HEMPSTEAD:
.13n,oltlyn; Nov. 20. 1 ,.. ,•• .
- . IVIAV BOOK'S. " I -• •
TEST received, i direct from New York,' at the
tl Book, Stationdry, and Farm+ floods. Emporium
of the undersigned, a carefully ;elected aartment
.of new, interesting; and -valuable (Rooks ; Prominent
among whieb, arc "Amy Lee, or without and .within,"
by the authbr of "Per Parish"—"Yhe new Purchase,'
or Early Yeitrs in the Ear Writ," v Robert,(.7arlton—
"Teverino"tby the celebrated Isithoress, known'by
het Pen and genius 0 "fleorgelSand"--Tlite.Eands
r /..
of the Saracen, (It Piaurea of Palestine, lie Minor
Sicily, and „S'pain," by that distinguished T veler - and
. 1 7 riter, Bayard Taylor— with m ny others
equally tneistorious; deserving °fin univer I perusal..
A 1 °. a good supply of thoselnestimable Singing.
and 'Music4ocks, called the. "Shawm," xhich hook
is of itself, a library of Church Music. embracing'
about one thousind piecCs, consisting of Pstha and
hymn tune‘,• Anthems, Chants and sett pires. :
. All of the above and, many o.her work too nu--
tr.erous to mention % will be sold to applicants on the
most reasonable and satisfactOr?erms. If there are
any disposes' to doubt this, let glen call, and by per
sonal experience become convinced, 1
N. B. Persons-desirous of boat= not in
in our catalogue, can I'p accommodated by
leaving an order and giving short, notice..! - .
11Ontrose, November 20, 1856. , 1
' --- ------------ 1
i ..
• ..
i •To Fanny Peril's 1;000,000 Reoersl .- -
i ,
I Wr - lialT the pleasure of Atin uncing that we have
I -
rut peels, and shall piiblish.about the first of Decemb-
I er, a Lew work . Af,fietion, entitl d I
ROSE CL: I. . . .
W. 1
1 -
A .11.311ANCR-10 EA 'NY FElt t tir.
1 The last work, and first coati. tious tale, t f this brit
., liant and -s, fasrlaatingauthore tßutli Ilal "Achieved
r ammeess nnexaMpled In the ann Is of lettkirs.. In (he
language of a leading periodica4 it "created a more
I profound sensation than any which tias been isistiell
i 4 5”.4.-...-.e.---.....- -sr - ---.....,.....5.".- - 3114c,ta. La I•••••••+610~Ir
lry to allude to the merit's "Ruth Ha 11.7 Judging
f:om the number of copies. of iitt we likve sold, we
1: , • _ s
l i judge that every hods - in the United Suit has read
IL As respects the work we ba p s now in ness, Ross:
A, we can UnlY say that we l l regard It g, in every
respent,,a greater, better work;; , and are I:on fi dent it
will not only sustain. but even Increase the -,reputa
' thin of its distinguished authoress. We have reasons
-,. for thinking "Rose Clark" will make a rcater Ben
; illation than did "Ruth Rail." I .
It will firm an elegant 12mci volume . f over 40fi
I pages. Plice 41,25, on receipti.of which copies will;
Ibe sent by mail, pcistspaid. It Will be for sale by all
1 booksellers. . '.. I . •.I
- Published by MASON BROTH
'Cosmopolitan Art Issociai
for the ..second annual collec
tioni of this new and popular institution for the
diffusicin of Literature and Art, have b F n made on
the most extensive scale. .AmOng the works already
engaged, is the ft:- f::Tned "Gimon Crulifix," which
originally cost ten thousand dollars. - '
In forming the new collection, the diffusion of
works of American Art and the encokagernent:of
Arierhmn genies, have 'not been overia ked. Coin
missions have been i-sued to many of the most'dis
tinnbtashed American Irtists,l who will 'Conticibito
some Al their finest, prodnetion.s. •Antdrig'them ire
thrik marble busts, executed by the greatest living
sculptor—llirarn - PoWers: Gsonor._ N 4 ASIIINGTON,
the Father of his Country,; BEJAULIti F NEL]; the
Pll l lo4oither; DANIEL WETISIFit, the, Statesman. ': A
special agent has visited Entire' and Made careful
- and judicious selection of foreign aorks of art, both
of bronze and marble ; Statuary and Choke Paiut-
Jae. ; 1 I . •
The whole forming a large and vaka e,collection
of Paintings and Staturay, tb be dis t ributed free
among the association for the econd year.
Terms of Men ership.l -
The payment of three dollars constittdes any one a
member of this association, and entitles him 1p *Wet
one of the following magazine.s for one Year, and also
a ticket in the distribution of the Stallion and. Paint
' v 1 j
The Literaturelssued to subscribers Consists of the
following Monthly. Magazines: ' liarperfs,' l'utnaues,
Knickerbocker,• lllackwood's, Graham's,,Hisley's La=
die's Book, and Household Words. 4 i
Persons taking five memberthips are entitled to
any five of the Magazines for
j ne year, and viz' tick
ets in_ the .distributiort; . :,
The net proceeds derived from the sale of mein
bersbip, are devoted to the Putchace of works dart
for the craning year. I
The Advantage Serured.
~« 11 a I'll 7! NI :3 ec t., , ._,_
by becoming a member of thi. association, are
-Ist. All persons receive the[ full rah+ of their sad
seription at the start, in the rape of sterling Maga
zine Literature. ' • ( , ,
2nd. F.ach member is contrtbuting tolards purcha
sing choice works of art, whieh are to be diirtnbuted
a' on; thetteelves, and are at the stun tithe - encour-,,
aging the Artists if the count , disbursingethousands
through its agencv
• I '
Those who purchase Magazines at r ookstores will.
observe that by joitling this.associatior , they receive.,
the Magazine - awl feed Meiji the annual distribution,
all at the same price alone. _ "
Beautifully illustrated Ca *lopes giving' full de
scriptions, sent free. on appliation. For membership
address, ' C. 1..1.0.13Y, Actinitry C. A. A.
At either of the Pri t aciple; &Bees— i 'Snlckerboker
Magazine" office, 346 Broadway, N .Os . Weittern
office, 166 Water street, Sandusky, 0.
' -
sown ABE!: SHGESa
1/TN'S ' Thick `3oots•-•;-d, , heavy Kip do. ' --do:
1 Vi. heavy French Calf dO.—do. Pine French Calf
do. Boys coarse boots—Youths cause Boom—Miss
' es thick Lace . Boom-rlliaseS truunaldd do.—Ladies
do. do.—Ladies thick- do.—Children's Shoes of all
kinds---Ladies'ilne Gaiters! and Enameled Blskins,
with a complete assortment ! of Ladies', Gents and
' Misses` Itubb,:r Overshoes and Boom.
Our 'stock of the . above mentioned' goodz,.ln son . -
naction with a Complete assOriment4 'i . ' ). t . -
• - DrYGoods, Groceri ice" —
Is the largest arid best selectedever before offered in
this section of isn't nil:. ( - snit - . * 66 4 for Reidy, Pay
esclaairelji we eas and wit sell at hiwer prie.ekthrua
those trim sell on credit,' - 7 • -. ." "
Parattlis anti Itakaates parpcularly requested'
to mate a note of the abor , and notlraka their Fati
-purchases anal they bare Made us a reit.
14TTLE a: ENG.
' retektunnt6eir.pipoi, NoTrmber 7 itios. - . 44 ,
ti 05.
. , 1
. , , ...
pointa.*". the
*lnns Cibihn s t to
g fOteLklibr . , - *r
tfran:y, win ji k u4d....
lib of iirldbitit
imari next iirl
Ole and '0 1 011 44 1.
Auditor's Not
.r' ,
• -Aireverisa t e net cy,A.,.,.
Ll.j. who to,thi aubsefkm cithe
. tip note suTe:i.ccegigli.it4Otielted t
'adl and-pay., i lar , thettonequanF hie a :
Osilitit.lst or' anuiry est. • - .
Mo.Ptroic..?‘-91).. 291 •r T
• ,-,-- I Military No tee.- .
TN purse ace of ottletls of the t
41 .4iutart . Oe'lernl. L
I me dbected, nottedtl3herel* ven T to the. Cap.
tainalof the stiVeral Mililary Comp des cipfttsivelian-1
na wink, that they arn requileti t ) rhport to Inc the'
names. of all ..persorts who have, d . 11 &Iv in their
compani6, wlio.are nevi under th age cifforty.five
'years. Said report to be made a. Possible.
Vic several captains i t 't the.diffe ra. townships will`
please con - suit togethe , With thei , rolls; itrid peitict
their report. ' r•. 4.844 #9,1? Via?,,
Brigade tap? ter IsElli :Iothitiv. P. M.
InsPeCtoP B
siotSce amford, Nov 1, 113.1p.' ' 45+74
'OilleC. .
IQ - 1 ' 1 '
MEssr.s. Eurrons
~ , - it iVlCaepsiVy '. 1 ,. to aim at
laying broad and deep c idetriattir,y forindation up
on which the',aspiring •outh mayisecurely rear the.;
-- 11
superstructtr- of thota; solid and ittried aCquirements
which distinguish the Profound atui elegant scholar
from, those superficial retenders iwhesetonly claims.
to the character of' tilt rated men l i are bitied on their'.
parchment ct'edentials, ' we beg leaveto Announce tor'
the public through the columns of vonr ; paper that 1
-Rill be held as i 'tellectual or drillirnstitute at
Harfoid" Lruiversity co rirencing bee. 24th, 1855 to'
continue four days. 1 •
Believing that an. I stitute of this kind is the best
practicable means by w, ich to accompliel4he desired
object, "we cordially invite the teachers [Of com Mon
schools and fl lends of pincatioa throughout the Co.
to attend and participate in the, exercise 4.
Board will be procured at the- lowest pop.sib l e yrices
for those that come from a: distance. . . - ,i:
I WEster Tapaot; : ' ' 4 '
. ' 1 ..
WIS: Mt rig, '1 :7' -' '
' . 1 • .
, B. F. Ts:wsStrutv,'• Cum.-
•-• :
. I) W.llazsilnl
. ~ WO. i Vitra !In the Crimea. - , •
10,000 'Volunteers ranted! - to buy o:Otter's in any
way to suit, that are continually arrivint by express,
and kept and served 14 the beAt nit:liter at the Tern
perande &hien & Groicery on Maine St4et, opposite
the Farmer'slStore.• stlso, Pies sod other eatables—.
and most kind of Gro cries S. Provisiorts, Teas Sc:,
Flour kept constantly tn hand, and for sale at whole
sale and retail at . S. 4. MOTT'S.
llurd's Elam Rester+ and Golden Glois for beauti:
fling the hair. 4t. quantit of Leather! Gloves and•
Mittens at 1 1 ' S. S. MOTT'S.
New York Fancy Cindy - ;tinci choice Segars and im
ported Fruit: at • - 'S. S: Mum:
"Montrose,lNov. 14, 1855. i.
"1 -- 1
- I . liIOTICE.• -.: ci i , I
co rtneFaillprheretnfore exlatilig under the
nitrite df Wickham & lioaforil is *his. any - dig.
soloed-DT mutual conler.t. The notes fruit' adcontits
are in the hands of 4. Wickham for ii?,rni.ditzt* col.
lectiOn. ~1 .; j ...: , ~. WICKiTASI.
Friendivllle,,Oct: Ip, 1855 ' l' ": . •-:
P. S. .The subsciiber %could say to the puhlie that
he has just receive(' av, - -eartnielit 0; Fall and
Winter Gooilk.sitith Ile offers for 5:44,-t.Try low for
cash Or proiluce: -' •I J. 110SFORD.
Friendstille,Nor. 4 1855: ' i . . 44w11
l -
• Fresh Arrilr. I Of New doods qt.
Diekerni n &
!ÜBE suliseribers i would respectfully ,inform the
1. good pbople of suscauehanna coullty.that they
are now opening.
.c!ek of Fall avid Winter Dry .
Good, which 13 unusJalfy larg,e'and attractive, ull'of
which will 14e sold for, each or approve/ credit cheap
er than at any otberkstablialunent in-the cotnty.—
We mean jtist what we say. Please, give u 4 a trial.
ICeltilfOrd, Sept.llB, 1855. -
music 'music
received by ';. J. LYONS &SON.
-= • ; •
JUST iry Timci
GB?E,RAL acs§rtment of XEIIIGOODS n ow
arriving at the *tore of J. LYONS - & SON,
0::tobr 4.
QYRUPS; Sum, Coficb and Teas--
fresh at . LYONS & SON.
ORN.Bosket.., Ilrowns, Pails. er4, tubs.....a - new .
lot. .1177tdow Clirtaitis Banging?, at
lore- price.; tiv i • . LYONS .1; SOS. ;
11 SlC,Violins
`CHOOI.),, 800 S
L. "kc., a great vu, b.. •
Vicr fitz" Ali "DR ri ' S
'OO t r , \-
Worked Collars,•
Parijois, Iftr..~ ~ fashionable flzinnots, Fans, (.
choke assOrtment i each ,depattmeht.) a splendid
lo; of ozoird, rimming;Stapla:Goods of large,
variety, Clothing„( large stock,) Gents * and Ifoys'
Ilats,'"(silk land summer.) Cloths verrlow, Calicoes
from 4 cents to 1 shiling, Carpets, Matting, Oil-cloth,
and Rugs. -
• .
Ilardia - are—German Silver 81.1 Plated Spoons,'
Knives and. Forks.
Groc6ries---Flsh, a fine.assorcmcnt of Teis,
Coffees, Brotna TaPies, Rice, . ..Choeblate, Raisins,
Ground Coffee. Cori Starch.
Pert simmer H-Ray Water , TO et do., Genin
Farena. do: Extlactsel, German Cologne, a large stock
of Fancy Soaps, • • 1:
Fa rill i gerti blis—Hay Forks; Scythe E 4 naths,
'Rakes Am.! &c. i L. : POST & (XL;
I.IIS, .
r HE suliseribe .
.1 make to order, Di
sash ; Door and witilt
made of wood .and!
Blinds painted an
all sizes, qtrt,ntitie4, . 1
Floorindaned a,
1094 feet: I Tnttlitt l .‘
a geaeral osortmei
Bmpans4 Tables,
Good Pine, Cho
Grain of all kinds C
rsir"re inis rola.
prtived cre'slit. All
ceive pronSpt atten
Llneebom - June
.500 . 1 3 kOK
tAF Goods in lo at e,5-44-43-4:2-41;50 and '25
cent\ TO. , G VLAWAY
,before the Ist of
Jan. 185 d: •-• •'""-
• „ Any oniiiiurch ng worth of Goods
for sh, at one tithe, will be presented with on'e. of
the abo . te;packagei r. * Now ready fop delivery. "For
firther particultu-s Inquire of , .•
1•• .1 -r • J. 'Lt•ONS 4.SON.
"'"•l•Afontr ' Octobbr 0 4 ' 1855 •
, . .. .
, .
' •'' i . N W• STOVIII".- - -• •• :, -''
I• BVRRITT. ins inw in sto-elind is . redeiliing.
• a large . sto k of NEW STO VA'S, including.
he Star Of .the west and Nationsi;;Elevated . Ovens,
BlaCk Royer; Widl IFirrld, and Paragfin Large Oren,
to which he would invite particulariiittention as the
:best Cooking Stoves in .market, with Azatlper,ior as-,
sortment of I'arlor,lO ffi ce and ShoPStoyes, for 'wtiod
or • coal; also, Stdie Pip; Zinc, Sheet Iron, Stove
Tellies, 4:4..' "..: • ••I " ' • ..1 . ;: - ~1 "
This stock is sel'ected. from, the hest Foundries of
Albany itiiii Utica lor cash ; with tAte best quality of
Trimmings made td order for his custom trade, obic,h,
will.enable him .in all respects to defy competition,
and be sold.ati tbe most reauced prices 'for cash
or approied crair;.. -
New .3/ilford; October, 1665. i, ...
l ' • lin Full RO
I t. •
Two liondred kind Set) . clay-live Stoves fir
• I
rile by:Apiekerman d carratt.
. -
'IV, B ere in, re ipt of tha largeit stock o f Stoves
T v e' er
in Northein Pennsylvania:con:
, yer offer .t
slating of Cookm , Parlor, and Slx-phite,,botli for
wood aud.coat: Al •o, a.full assortment of large sizes,
for StO • ati and Ch rches.
.. .: .
• Would call rtarecular attentkiii to the Jeffcirioldan ,
Elevated Oven, the most perfect' ‘rind heaviest plate
itrive in market:' Among our'asfortmont of large
oven, would menton the Empire Mate improved. as
being very heavy lates; finish, sh, and a Rupert
oebaker,. Farm aof Susquehannicounty, you have
been in the habitbf purchasing linht stoves add light
trinunink, and ptivinw:as much a4yon ought to t foe and heavy trimming. t . .• .1 i
-'.• We triannfacture our furniture, afid wM penal man
nfietarees prices. Let those kW, pay it relater profit
e o i l it i et 4 l w ith - us if they caw.- robbing connected
with thq tinpado r ,tione as usual on short notice.
1 .Ne' } '','- ' • - DICKETIMAN 4VCIARRATT;
st Milford; Sept . 18.185'5; -l' .- ~ •.'i. ,
- 4-
altelodoni •
riOIIOCANTLY ON HASP . ferniAesi sec
1104,.5.3tfe*, . 4,T4TP14; It . SW
d Melodeons. rold_by
Writina.Paper, E•rivelopesi'Pens
etc can-be found at
ilg Establishment.
. • ,
eeps constantly op hand, and will
hove r Blinds, Windows& Window
ildow-frames'and all other-titicles
sed in building..!' •
hung on short Optice. Glass of
i nd qualities for side, i
pd rfitichtuf at-'3sl6': a $2O icr
; of all kind*' done . to ewdei ,ilsq i
,i. of.CABIN - Bl' WARE: ; 4 .. , I
li sciftds of all - ririeties, .Chairs; i
.and WhitewoOt . i lumber,-.-and ji
-en in exchange.for the above. t
pay., or , three iiicinths time ap
addressed to me will. re. i
lon. . JACQB tAYLOR... 1
'lBlll. 18E4. I N I
Enlarged Forxi,ancl Aduced Prices.
an pApr,.srttat Aectrrw.O.if„ •
On d ink:. ofe - ain of r.o
Jannar Y , 'l46 t .lhe l'oLn
will 'be . ' **fled *iincreondietetli - hi thi- undersigned,-
Who:Will give their bent vnergia;to:rauktrit.wortby,
of Its cause and of itsfriends. 1; . 1 , , -
• tool eomnienee.the new year.printc&tittentirely
mew type, and thb Weekly greatly 'enlarged in Aim, I
white' the prie.e' will belower than thatiof any 'other
papei °lli* class 'ever-published at; the Capital Of the.
Statl4,• and payMents will ! required strictly in. ad..
ir„vance. No paper will be scilt until it_is paid for
as the.inthscriptions ex-
Dire, Mile:is:they iirelimeived: • ' •
The'Tele4raPh will lie (witted gESII-WEEKLii', tur
a sheet of twenty-four .coilunnkduritig . .these*sion of
the begishitere; And NVE./pi.LY,,on double sheet of
forty-eight • coleums,the ueastnder of the year: It
will present a cemprelleasive . nintila.ry of 'the 'Legis
lative oipt e c,fiii4s alt . htiportaiit :gerittraliaws'
they arc' piisSed, and Idol to give-tlie current politi;
cal intelliganee of: the - titles in:the'st
reliable manner, .In shoitt, the proprietors hope
make it a complete Pandit , and Political Journal ; mid 1
they' confidently aiipeal tfi - the people of 'Penti,ylvd
nin to sustain tticir enter rise: ' • '
The Telegimpli will ad dente alibertil poiiucal poi.:
icy, and aim to unite all those who, though aninutta,
by, the same common - p#rpose, and, looking to - tha t .
siune beneficent rtisults, eein distraCted A. ttte con
flict of distinctive organlintionti. - ' It will'sustsin the
highest standard of American Nationality ; and,:Wlnle
yielding , - a sacred obedience to the.:ecmpromilic.s.of
the Coustitutiim, will detirmitiodly resist ,the exte47-
sio,u Iluttutu l Sinvery,.
.will give n cordial, eac~t
eq but independent support to the• administration bf
Gov. Pollock.
:ill-Pity' ilcivani4: -• •
The Telegraph' willbe • furittlh WEEKLY '
during the sessions of the Legi4latta re, and WEE iCLY, '
on . s. doable-sliee4 .tho rehminder of the year,. at. -the
following ley ratea--the money ; itt;cat,iabliAo,acpcom,
pany the order - -
Single inbscriptions ..... $2 ,
Five Copies (I'Bo - per eep;r) • - ' 0 . 00
:Teti Copies (1 70 per copy) . 17 00
. .Tvrenty. copies (1 50 per copy) , .30 04: ,
And -ut the same pipe ($i 60 - per copy) on may
nurnber over twenty.
Club should be made up at - once, and the sub
scriptions forwarded before tile fitst of-January, so,
that hey can ~ conatuenee with the Session of the Leg-
so.criptions. will be forsvarded horn this .of-
Bee. AU orders must . be addreesed to,
' ••Hsrriabuig, Pa:'
6,1 - Business, 'men will. find the Trisrmayri.. the
very belt -Advertising Medium hi Penosylvaeis, out
of the cities.. •
Sheriirs Sales.
By virtbe SundrY:wiiti issued out of thelCOurt •
.of Common. Pleat; of Susquehanna county. and to 'no
directed,..l-will expose, to, public Sale, at tlah., Court .
House in' Mi‘ntiose, - on Satertlaythe, nth day, of De
ceinber inst., at one o'clock - I': M.: 'All that certafii
piece or parcel of lantEbeing a bnildititOot,-sittiate
lying and beitio• in the borough of Susquehanna:De
poc known - inirdistingtlished as:heing Lot*Ni.i.'l4) as
the :sikwe laid down and distinguiShed on a map of
part oT the borough of SUSqnehanfin, 1)6600 feet
frOnt, lip 1 4 0 feet deep:' Vontainiiig 72(0 - square feet
of land, with the appurtenances, one frarried
House, and all improved. -
• -
:ALSO, One other certain peke or parcel of. land.
situate:is aforesaid, and boundedis -follows, to wit:
being the northeast half of Lot.,Nin 5 as laid down on
msp part of the. village" of Stitt:inch:ulna Depot,
b 3 WThiton Wentz, and in 'Deed...Book Ne.
21, -page , 096... Containing 36Ci.feet. pith ,the appur•
tenances, one framed Store building, with dwelling in
upper story; and all itiiproyed. •
Taken. - iti EXClltiert at the suit of 'Leiria S.. Lit
helm vs: N'athan'Lcnbeitn. '; • • • •
. ALSO, All that certain - piece .or parc e l . of .land
situate and being in the township of Bridgewater; in
the county of Susquehanna and bounded as follows to
wit: Beginning at a pia . on th cline of Orin Beebe's
lot; thence south 67 deg., cast,B6 perches to Moses
T.iler slot; thence by the same shuck 23 deg: west
one hundred . and . forty-eight perchW to a post, °tithe
line of Rollin Eloyes lot . ; thence nOrth-87 deg. weitj
86 perches to a post on Walter Fo.ster'S line; thence
by the -4.rne north 23 deg. east, 153 perches to the
beginning ; containing SO acres be the s'am esnore or
less, being the 'same lot conveyed* by the late JOseph
Butterfield dec'd. to Susan Mariaßatterfield, by deed
Bearing date Dec. 9th, A. D, 1848' and recorded in
the eece.for recordiN; peeds 6...c.i in Deed book N 04.-
1 17, .page 470 with.thei appurtenances„ one- - -framed
dwellingflouse, one: irtirn!anct6o acres improved.
TakeitittExemition st.tbe snit of 'lsaac L...r.cvtt
Co. vs..Jeseph D. Buttetil, did. Mid Susatulkf. Rutter
.fielill'P :;.‘ ~ 1! . - ,i: M:1 • 7':' •. • •
'. ALSO; All that clrt in,piece4Dr parcel ofland
*situate and being in the 16icnship,of Bridgewater in
rair f4e44%,.. ilffreiVi - '4l44r* - titig..4o;4lll:WeVein't4'•
1 of lands late of Abfam. Kennard's, 22 parches f;.om
1 the north-weit cornet thereof; tlienee south 89 deg.
i west, one hundred perches to's stake; thence north
' one hundred perchesitt) . a stake e; thence
1 . west,
I north 8.7 deg. east, one. hundred 'perches to a stake
in the line of Lemuel Beebe's lot: :thence - south"' 3
1 deg. east, by laMis . of.Leinnel !Beebe, andlandcif
.perches Abram Kennard ono hundredd.perches to the place
iof beginnini. Containing 58 acres ttad l l2o perches
• of land abd - allowance% of &per cent, with the appur-'
I tenances, one framed„Uouse and Barn, - one iforse•
Shed, one Orchard and about forty acres improved,-;
Taken in Execution at the suitof Hugh 'McCollum
~ vs. Moses Reed-. F. P.. FIODLLSI'Ea, Sieff.
1 ~ Sheriff's Office, Montros „, bee..12,.1855. • •
: -- ' Established August 4th,-I8:11. • -•..--•
Weekly Editign betweAu 80-000 &lc, 000.
hi issuing their Prospectus tor 1958,' the - proprior
tors of the Post;take it for granted,. that the public
are already tole'rably well, acquainted with the cha.-ae
ter of a paper that; has grown streng'during the storms
( and sunshine of TIIIRTY-FOU RY EARS.. - Their ob
lject always has been; its it remains to' be, to publish
tt weekly , paper for tl4 family circle, which shall not
only anintie, but also instruct and imnrove, those who .
may read, it. To accomplish this ohject;,,the best di-
:ticks', a-mseiected or condensed from foreiiii and de- '
'"mastic periodicals; and. origival articles ota.--, - -astAl ! e-
' tics character procure, when possible. •
_';Letter:s'front Fercligri Lands; the most Intel:aline
'pOrtions of 0 - L' Areeklj - News of the Worldi, Sketch
es of Life; Adventure' rind =Character; - Selected :and
Original Articles upon Avieulture;"AccOunt of the
Produce I,ntl Stock Markets; and a Bink'Note :List
are it:eluded aniong the solid
,infortnatlon to be • eon
s.antly found iir the Post. . .
But the mind requiem. a wider range-it hai facul
ties which deliglitin'.the; hunforens- and lively, the im-'
at - illative,. and peeticaL ',These 'fabultieS also must
have their appropriate'reod, else,theybeOmo enfeeb
led, and, as a consequence, the•lntelleet" becinties
.. . . ~ .
narrow and one-sided, and is not able to take 'an en- , , .• , ~ ~.., . • - ~.
lar ged and generous vie human - natire a n d. its TIIE LIGHTNING EXPRESS:". ,
. 44 /sinv . : :Pl° 33 "-i! - .4iest'l eai c u ' im P lame 4 t r iVill g s Time Scirecri--:Fare "'Reducid !::-ThiousrA
Of our menial being, we.cleiote - a fair prOPortion of .„ ; .• • .- - • .:, - i • ,-.., ...c.- ..
. hi Awilht .
the Nit to Fiction Poetry .and Ilumur. . •-.. ; •- . • • .... -- , . ~..- - -;..--,.., ..-.•; .
4onong',onr contributors in' the' first two kir ihe ibive •
.:, - f. : .. IIA-BV . ugy. 4 ,lEtik4, ~ • . . -
Departments; are several the mest gifted *titera _TTAyk formed a partnership in llontrose,.torihs
[in the ,land. We . ..als4 draW frielY - for fiction and kill pirrpo,se -of doing everybody's I3LAVEL•
t•Paetry'uton the best Periodicials'in this country and ,l - S"31ffIllIN G, at theold stand, near Iteele4s Ho-
Great B.itain . .. ',We - design commineing a New Story . {"felt , '; We 'have's purchased an entire` new stock cit
by Hits- SortiOchisu,''atithor' of ".Th6 Deserted 4 IRON, comprising a full. assorteten.t of- all klnds.,'di
11 7 ,11 b,” "Ilirlam,7"&e.,' in our. lirst Ailiii . r, , ,if Jaticr . erY i rest from_ the-city. WO shall • keep - constantly on
. :telt,. - ' ' .
_. •••' ' • • . '' '., -.` .s. ''-band , Ulster, rourd'Emd square Nail Rod' , Cast Steel
ENORA*VGS, ilhistraiive lifiniportanipliceSitnd ~ Ter-cork Rods,. Refined Xyrt”lnan, 'all Siactiliand.
actions, of',./Vricultural and ether. new Inveriderd—'; Iron, Spring Steel, lt, large assortment of titAlleablet
w 4 others ofillunaorOus, thou,;h refined characrei, l Iron,' Coil ch a i ns ; Carriage: Bolts, 8,62:- . ,
I , ai . e EaSO - freely given. ~
.IOPIc.a3 or TiIE'PRES'S: .: --- -. .i Iroried on shOrt notice; and '..iiteelc kink Or ;Mitatia
. Thiele one of. the few. large.paperS'l'4,r throughoet; as-akaybestsuirotir,.patioriaki::. ,
arid thought, instead of lumbering trash.: Its min-.i All business transactiorittfrinittdatkAttletl..;Optien
agement is marked by liberality, courtesy,ability, and_ly ear j,, Short., ffetteinen,ts acid l ongi fiiielids' ea
tact. , It employs the best literary, talent, iii,d spares I m o tt o ,•
"'' . . ' - --2 ' • -'• '' 2 7 " 1 '""F: •
4„ , ,
no pains or expense.. As;a Onlly paper, one pf lite- 4 -- ' -1 11Y•atticeliftenthirlei hiteliteir'irOPPO-,io'iiiiiii•
rary and general intelligence, we cordially reConunend•- aliberil shire of patronage. - -`' . All -Work icarranted.
IL--Careg.a CAiry, Auburn, .2i".'E. ...
._.. - ,- ~,N.1 . .i8i . _,.* good j oomor i mon w oo t e d,,,t o - , w h om
Our readers may rely upon it, that Beacon & .1"e-, 4 t, qa dy :ent a a :y rao 4 An d la g h 7lNspfrw in4, 4s_ g i ven .,
terson will be as good as ,their ward:: ":So. far as. we A.E.4-•• :lLVirtri. - -. ~ •
can judge by years of observation, these publishers dcr , - - = 'lmmiti v ie:-11 0 , 7 80,
..I#sli. ..,.•.-- •'' --••- • " 1 22yt
rather more than they remise; mid their paper is ed- - •- • • -.- • - ' - • • • •
ited with . verY,maticed ability: - kis singularly free
from silly sentimentalism and bluster, Ihnt is eif a
healthy ., tone on all subjeite,,ilvrays Moderate in lan . i
guage, but always mildly-advocating the right, :, We ;
find it one of the most generally attractive papers , L - 11
out- exchange..;-Satqlgo trailer, Pitiskt§h i Pa.--_,l
.. It is the best literary and timmily paper in the 'tin. :
loti.;L,i?oek Island , r,. Roe* Alcoa, lit; _.- -"`.'
• • We'hilve heretotbre spoken in high' tertits'Wthe
'merits of the Post, as one of the best opiipere ori'bur
exchange list,..and we regard' it as one Ofrnebestlite•-•
cry papers to be fonnd anywheire. - -Its editorials ,are
- written-with abilitY,A tad Aakan..libenti;' independent
and comprehensive view of ,- zoco. - an 4 thini,-a.--1-Slar.
and Aleertiser,' Wri:gliteilfr,l ) 4, ',, , ,,..t •. , -.
It I.,esirredly, one afthe Most popularjourriali in
the Unwed States coinbiniiag as it doei, in a literary.
point of viewiall‘the interest of the best . ,magarines,
with a visit-amnia of 'general intelliginane.---Retuk
/icon,' Eitehbld;'CU" - - • ' ' - - ` -,- :
TERMS '.• (Illash I n advance). Single cOpyi_ 82 a year.
4 cop t es, .. . . • k 5 00 a year.
8 s!. ,ind,ol6;to ittitter;Worciub,).lo,oo 1 4 .
A '3, 1 ; 1 Aitikori to getter-up of _C1ut),).10,0.9. - -,:
10`,"- And . il brie to getterriAp pf tlub,):2 1 );Q 0 4, . ~
A.ddrl 24/ 0 1wa g a i ) e si / 214 - - • - th' S ; OV
.1) ,AOO24NE r R ..t. ,
• •INn 66 Po-oda Third Street, Philadelphia.
% &yip!. 4.; Limbers D'Ai# grobo tv!
~ F q.„0 4 0,- rbon.
. __ I T 1451 - .VOPPAWIP4,O O . -
, HENRY DKr:mt.% ~1 v -
1 - .
In. r. Iturrrwo COoPER. „.' 4/I : °l f rii°B-14 " ..;
1" ISAAC-1.. PO:§TI.:‘:.:02:-.qt
.t .7''7 4 *Mf, - 12; 1860:
OiIIt..A.FTS ,00 Plow T°Tll City itll4 h iatielpi#or. .
F ...IV eolleaione promptly Made end `remitted:
1 Office houts from 10 I. .to 3:" • - . ~ ..4.
essro. Ben %Eton; N. Yoilr..'' %
REFERENCE;' &urine, C Kett ilaq., , PhiPa, . • . "
'. .. - . , 'Roo. Vii Lip J. up. Ilontyom ...:s
MILLINERYAt-NtikMifi At - lt,-: - -I', - •
- •_,:- ~,,•:-. Mn. 11..;., Ward : , _:: ~_'.
t 1). rospeetfully 'vepotica. 0 the pol i o
Wthat she bar' ' itOn i resumed bar, bittdriem. at
Milliner at Ili* Mliford,lln: ".-She hat ariangementa
by - which alte--trill'recelVe froailleir York' the latest
stleslof Witte and Missals' Hats , and Boillettiof eta:
cry description, and alao., to iwrgnttrAl:Mil ithcrrtutAt6C
any artieleof it tlie Bind that, any_peivionv taie4l,l!an.i. ,. ;
Fron:Suelfarran,geineitts arid - Vom' itir`Wt. evert- .
diet; she. holies to pleie ll who mug .aver her with '
timr efistotrn ~ Ad kindi: f 1441:.bnigr, , tricr repels:,
Ing-clune on abort mice., The. public are respectful.-
Irinvitell to call pad ex :Pe , for - Aenthelveep. s._ ;-, ..--: :.
al l
Thankful' far'layeit, she 'respeetrti,llT adieu
further patronage. '' - l',' ' - - - B. D. WARD: "--
New Milford; Oct~ 1k64:-."1
, , , . ,
.. .
• Tads 1 111.1 . --Lll ou. Pleaut:- •••• e• ',.. --..,
TilEftuli-seriber begs 1 ave - lcreallotedienttentiog .
to one of thriargeist, tiost diTersifiettbeet Below;
teal cod best, , bfiti.9:ll Sloe -.of rall.dic; Winter. ' --
Goads o;ierintroduce . +l , into 'this, taaiket,nnOthich ,
heis bOuivi to sellpr it es:sonahle stleane.eZ - elther' :
for . Caab, Baiter, Or short opprovitt'eredt:'.. - 7All f)er.' _
sons in -"rani, of Goods;- w other in the ilersrtatent tt,
riri -.o o 94sig.tis:o;. ll ,_ntiWere,T.rtit*.eq• ..- , trilitki
lioeta.k.blioe4potlling - fie.oiillm o ,4oeurf!4Y . .,_:ClS!"-
silt their,ciwp interest ( no ' ese than MIE_ I .O I A7 6 4 .,rik
rain calf preCicitii•to purilitish*.. - . ; , .- - ' ' .
'''' ' '-'- ,- •-- ' . _ ' '' i" -•.‘ ,, 0. G.-.ITEMPSTEAD.: • -
Brooklyn,4fov. 1, 18515: '':-
~:- - ' -,' : .-: '- ' -
conoiny_ is the 'order of the day; and one of - the
most. eireetual wars to economize 114 to purchase !litho
Store of J. WITtENBERG & BED., whe're just havib
Iseen 'open6d the , moat choice 'and •splendid.Stotk bt
Falit Winter Goo it overseen In 'the "county tifgas.
- Tlie foll Owing comprises twt a small portion:of the:
immpOse aortuleut to berm:nlit this Estaldishinent.-
Gentlemeit and Boys Clothink' endlesi vadat',
and P_rofuSlim,' a good assortrimit of Overcoat*, Drees
FrOck and liusiness•Coatw..lirerts anilTantsloons
every; desription and quality{ and in figure', cut, ityle,,
Sr.e ala `mode. • • • .• -' • •
.Our assortment comprises for_Ladies wee; Nest .
StylesatrocadeSiiki: Changeable Stripe and Plaid, ‘10:
Superior Glity'Bia iiii..AlwititlikDilanes all col- ,
ots:iir'id qualities, Di :nage at 4111 Vrieei, 411--Wool
'l' . 'lahla of- lieu , and elegant designs, . ; all „the 'bites* ?
styles-9r DrestGoods, Dombaziues, Black and Colored
AlpaCca,',.Frefich'3lirhieei, Printi anir Gingham; - a
hand"some as: -, ortment' of-Dres4 Trimmings, - Embroldi ,
arid Sleeves, Collars Cuffs, eta., .Jeconet and' Sidi*
Edgings and Xnsertiugs, Gloria,: Hosiery, Etc., Shaw*
Veils, am! Furs;
,Also a comp!cto asaortment of .
'ed and unbleached *Edina; .D' r, Tablaf i
Corirs,•, ,Stc., all w ch will bto
sold •at the lowest prices.. - , •
For, bargain's the •public- is respentlhilrinvitad
911-at the cheap, Store "of • • 1 ,
. L.R.OSE.NBA.I4 has thillda.y associated with-4100W
in their bushiess under the 'Firm of RQSENIIi"
Wll' iTSIIERG DEW,:stints
ind Vote's' o
the pia Firm, its these of- L. R9SENBAUId, • esti-- be
found at the did Stand; and, we balk+ that all will les
the pecessity of sottlieg thentWitheut further notice.
• . . L..nosENßAtrm..
.• . - • - • - J. WirrlißEßG:
Montrose: 0ct..15, 1855 •
Hooky; Books, , Biapoks
-, nr. subscriber would inform his friends and die
. _publ:c generally that he has on hand, the largest
and best; seected assorinient ealooks 'and Stinkmew,
to be found way where in Susquelnkina coupty„wkilch
he, will sell rjr ready. pay at - prices that ammo; fillip
•Amcmg 'the miscellane.onaßoOki may be fat:Mille
Life of Waihington, Jacks - On,' Tayinr. IsaaeT.Mo*"
per,-liorace Greeley, P. T. Baimum, and otbire; Misr
Pap_rs, Tezcher.) Rumanity:in the City, (Cimpin,r
Bell Saiith A.brciad, and Conseqaerie
. as, (Wykolt). P.uth (Faun; Fern,) also -Fern
-Leave.r., , tirst and second eerie., - American -Agitators
and Redarrners,. , Thoughts and Things."
..44......4 1KL AT•HgiNi 1- fgf r i•Agefr.---;.1
plate . Works,
.The Slave.of !the Lasep, The Esroapeif ..-
Nun, Lewic orthei Bended Twig Memoirs
Countesslllessington, 5 Tole. goldsmith's Animated '
Nature, The. Chemistry' of Cannon Life, Clarka's •
Commentary, New Teziarnenti, Barnes' Notes,. On
same,. Buck's Religions Anecdotes, Testaments, Bi
bles, from pock,et size to large ratoily, Efrain, Freya. •-
Gifi, Toy, Scrap, Note, Receipt, and Blank - Blooka or
all sizes, S.e Ito.. - •
Schnotßpthc:s—allklnds used in the county or fit
nisbed:on short notice. • _ . _
, , ,
Lad EooZs-A good 'variety c o ns t a ntly onhattd,ir
furnihod'to order: - ' • -• " - '
Stationir,y, AOA lot first rate "lilting paper at •
1 sliillihg per quire—Gold' and Steel Pena—Writing
Ink, Ilso best hi use, beside:ll4s ofother.artieles too
numerous to mention. ,Please call =I eiamine,- be
fore purehasingelsewbere, at the Ifontiose Post Ott
ace.. . ' • • A.:N, BULLARD- .
Nontrotte, 'August 15, 1855:' •••_
. ; -,. HOME iIiABOR•t, •• •-•
- . TV 0 °DRUPE (£^ !ELDIaD: .., --: -
HAAT removato the burnt tlistrict,ThereAtrir f:
'will be gladlto see all their old customers and - •
as tnapy.nei'v ones as please to give-them a cal— .
'They intend to keep- a --, 1 asserttnent of Stoves •
I- 'lf, the best kind an uality, iunong which 'May be •
. 4 rrera
-pun& ; PACEIN - 7X a d R.ARA (40alr, 4 TR-TIGHT. .‘,/
," AM-M . l7'r, RBI:2111V2d STAE.:OtTEIR WEST'
I ELEV. AtED OVENAIItiTIOIrk el:.l2Malf, - eissl.
i -IVESTERN OVEN. ~ Vie. Elevifed Oven Stoves all
t - bnv c dolthlefirelalacukavbich makes them-far sups-
i rlor,to: the single . &I.e. : plane ; Stoves.' Ne-keep, con- 1
1 , stantiv on, band a general assoitment,of TINWARE. 1
of n. fret rate quality, for time trade also, Welt and •
f CiitPrn Pumps, PttuP-thaiiili kid Reefs, 'LeadPipe
1 - pf- all Blies,- JapPanned Ware; &c. ke, all orwhiett
i they premfee to sell cheap:for ready- '
i credit. , :Job ,work done with despa, tch. and in order- . .
s.-A. woovtuFF. -:'
Moroose.Mai,3o;lt4. '... 1.. ..' " ': :'fit
_ ,
• ' It evo• - Gooths7, ,, och e ttp"for .cash. • _
, • el-tv‘ iforr. has uAtid anotherlot of New " -
,Gowia, Such ai kiaik.s, • iiritge ' Del .: Di
1/Agitil Col,lus,: tabroitleries, Lawns, ki.,„141016.
' pars at, YO'S' low ;Mime. Summer Shil 3ils o a lie l ilOT .
aolue'beautifht patterns it 'liery low prket),.al,to lilac,.
l: Silk Shawls. equally : lite fbi - Cash. - - . '-'-': - ' - 41 ,
2 -•'.. Parasols latest style at - •' • 'l. • C;I'W. - -3104 . TIL:".: . .
Mak pre;4. Silk ; 4. splengid artiOiott-ci„W,illit. ;
~ Sommer Stutr,sitt, great 'f,a.tietiess•li.t. , , --„,•- 0 ,, NOE. - J
- Grocerleaoritll4ll.nds. eery cheap : '- , : rP.t . ;; l o ll 'st
r rate article at sOcis'fer gallon . - Toil .ha t 6 ittitlj tv
I call and einmine, to become satlitletl that the "Hcii4 "
if Navigatiim " is - the Mack to buy' Cheap, 1,i,•„
r .l' , , •
- . Wautpd:- :„
t ,
Butti, tn'Hams, la!d%lo4lirAAlVadi
t otethirtr Trodece in exclitttti h*aeah
1 " Monf aie, J me 16, • 1985 1 ' '
~-.: o , ISI " i 5, 7 '
' -
I' iEWTAL :!&. wirers's, .0469..
. ,
Latest styles of i . Drisi . 4looils;BUitilk litioes4Up• ,
,pe Ltrathbr k,Findinga; Groceriii dia*lvisicitti•-•' -
At. the Rea FlAg Store l ,-, t li:EN,lpt 4w , g,,rozy .
Gpde_rtil o Se l tt. 6; 1655. , • .' ',
. . .
Igo ppoied to tioCaottiti,'-' ,
rv, 7 itottan, worth of Ready-lif4di Cloth
ing - -DICILERW,A244IILIII474,
YawSOPV 11111Fi