Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, December 27, 1855, Image 2

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l' kr •
Mimilair ber VT; 111156.
- • The law of Tiesiepopere.
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they are held vespousilde until they hive settled
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The Conrtathave decided that refusing to take
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- I' 1
The'Breath Still Widening.
The Sham Deinocraicy are evidently ar t
7 -1, ,
ranging 'their programine for the next presi •
dential contes t ! ' -It is Perfectly evident, from
wPat. has now Ilbecomelthe settled 'policy of
the party, that its candidate will , be placed
on an extreme pro.Sla4ery platform. Since
the Nebraska bill Was tntreducecl,•f•there" has
been noswersiing on the part of the leaders
from the course, of pro-Slavery policy to
which that me asure so t ipoiatedly committed
them;, and regent indications show that - the
league,hietws+e the Slivery interest And
, the
Sham Democracy is,te be maintained invio-
late, and the party- candidate for the -Presi
dency is to be aseleeteld from: ittnteng those
willingto'yield most t the demands of the
South. But who shal that candidate be 1—
Thii:is a grave questi 1 , that has been some
time under discussion.' , Pierce is, by the
knowing ones, at oncefitt to be out of the
question. The whole general-course, of, his
that of Lawrelce, has been so disgraceful to
• the gOvernment of a eat nation, , that even
the Southerners to wh o m he has sold him.
Self despise hiM, and . would much prefer 'a
new man , proVided they can have satisfaeto.,
. -- • ,
ry Assurances that his will administer the
, , ,
government s o as,nest to a dvance, the inter
ests of slavery-Propagatldisni. Besides Pierce,
Stephen Arnold Douglas of Illinois, James
' Buchanan, of P i ennnsy lvania, Henry A. Wise,
of Virginia, and Gen. X,ewis Cass; of Michi
gan, have been
as-the , candidate of
' the party tor ihe office. But within a short
time past; Dangles and Cass have withdrawn
their names, and Wise has written a letter
in Vi'-' Lich he d 'dares it as his opinion th at the
South should i presentl no- Candidate for the
,Presidency in 1856, and he as well as How
- ell Cobb, of Georgia,lhas'declared in favor
' -of Buchanan \ il 'ln fa 4 t, the tide, among, the I
party managets, iesnis to be setting strong-1
- ly. in Buchanap's fi.ivoi;. ' Many ,of the prom.'
inent politicians and papers of ,the South
—where the Strength of the party now lies—
hive:come oit s for hiitn. One reason assigned
iforthe prefetence is{ that the Sout.h .cannot
+elect a Presi4ent,wilbUut aid of New York,
PeinisylvaniAl" or Ohio ; and it is supposed
that if either 'Can be Icarried, it must be Penn
. ,
sYlvaoia by tpeilomnation of a citi zen of the
State. Again,- Buchanan, having Peen abroad
in England for some time,
,has escaped the
damage of reiiptation that many Democratic
leaders suffoied aboht the time of the pas
. sage of the 'Nebraska bill. He. iseonsidered
more avallalape than' Pierce or Dotmlas, at
the NOrth, , use of the odiumthey acquired
by their suprt, of that Dentocratie measure.
At the sameitime, it is - well understood that
, he' will be'lsil that tie SOutlfdesires,.if elect 7
ed.'. 'Ste seat it stated•that. he has given as-
Turatuss to:ltia SLa4e.driving partisans,• that
he approves the principle of the Nebraska
bill , - and we , cannot doubt the correctness of
— the report, fir in no other way than by. - an
unreserved committal in favor of - slavery ex
• tension could he hive :received - the. general
expression in his favor at the South. In •
further evidtice of his position, it may be
- fiat J. ,lancy Jones, of Pennsyl
vania, a confidential friend of Buchanan, pre
pared the plktform bn which Richardson was
• nominated for the Speak#kship, a platform
• *bias simply endorses the liebrslta bill and
condemns Know.Nothingistn,lnid which is
regarded att . Washington as an index to,Bu
chanan'a• orpnioas..i His being Buchanan's
-' - man in thcflouse,l may account for the re
- markable e4Orse of Mr. Jones while the. Ihal
lotings for Speaker have been , going On , ge
seems to have seized every - possiple Occasion 1
for the avo*al of ultra pro-slaver3l -- opiniims.
' - He expresso his thankfulness that the party
had been tt last free d . from every vestif,se of
FreeSoilism—alluding; probably; to Mr.
; Grow, and a few (- , others; ! who
-acted .svith i the party, having voted against
• ' : Bithardson. • Again, he not only declared
• '''';'.lilinself in favor : of admittinglansas sndNe
,. breaks with constitutions sanctioning slave
,',7ry, bat td‘ in f4Or of extending slavery to
.. : Oregonnei Waihington Tehritories, it they
should, seed delegtesinstructed in favor of
. • the institutiOn. Or'aisother occasion - he as- 1
, Betted thet no territory hen . the right to ex
elude slavery.'' The South 'must be , satisfied
that, ite„islivhat is icalled a National Demo
crat, a' name :to Which be l ays Mr. Glow
lays no claim. : ! '.`
' •
Mr Bachman ;then, is likely to be the
uandidate liinesented by ow, South for the'
Presidenoi.. How much support will he get
at the NOM Judging, frorn -the vote given
in the Reuse for a Spealiefen the platforai
of his friend Jones, it will be - miler arnall.- 7
Riebardickp'` , as Mr. Grow stated in the House
otherilay, receives just seventeen North
- ton 41tIted4 /111' told. Ana even some of the'
SaireZteek4 wcre "denied as'antiNebrastA men,
AMA 1 lxite,for Rielia:rilson -by desert
-their it*wed iiiriz4les; and disobeying
'the it strt ctioui of their oilistituet4l4 The,
prospect . s not brilliant for the proSravery
. i
candidate, at ttui, North.+But ikr thougta
that Bucbanan I may eatr F'ennittivania, hi..
1 •
, u , lerityl . ~ witlirentiplitik;
1.4;c11 rim s, ',lin ~,E , Ir . ,_: SlavelptalAit,*
4, per
South era,ple , %-. othettbluoPh. ,
We ha #nO Ldislifiveredj..:mucti .4Vidence , nl . l
'tine hi,anoia4loilv.StiettsttlySt
to overcome theUje - ctiotts that tjlie . body Of'
the people halie, to suppotting a pro-Slavery
candidate, 1 •-- t- ' 1
For example,' let ps - t*isider What support
he, as the nonlinee of thenational i demotraey,
would receivel in Susquehanna clunty. , We
may assume at once, that, he wciuld get the
Otthnlie ir4:blyoteiAllinco 0 s : fesp. Then
there-area fe'fr nage in the county_ who are
willing, to l ets others do their thinking, and
• , H .. r i : • ;
' 4 '
Nal ' iadili Io6ept ti , ' ploernqY P"P r '
is sentdeivn . n• them_labbled ai such from
Washington.. Aootheri class Are regular,
Hunkers, eithice from policy c;:k. principle ;
but these, midi the 'Catholic :Trish; acid the- ig
&re:rises altogether;maqe but small Miner
ity 'of the votes, of . the liounty.t : There re
mains a considerrible body of:Frne-Soil•Pern
oerats, men' ho \ire honestly '
'[opposed ' to
Slavery.eitenicet, , but w,bo ha V 4 hitherto ad
hered to the Oirty. Th 4 Mo»tr4ss De?nocrat
~has undoubtedly had conSiderabl; influence in'
shaping the course of these men. That pa
perl ,
professed ,l
to be strongly opposed to the
Nebraska , bill• and to believe thitt the party
would ultilna ely repuctate the !Principles', of
that bill, and i y its, reiterated protestations
of unconquerable attachment tic Free Soil
principles indbeed many to belifve it in earn
est.' But roil , all thosqprofessibni are dis
covered to have been false and; deceptive--
intended only to. eaptivate and lead astray
the-unwary. l • i ' \
A Presidential contest 'is approaching, in
which all will] be forced ',o tako !kides openly,
for or against' slavery eXtensio4 At 'such 'a
time, when we find all the lead ng old Free
Soil Democrats of the bounty and the Dis
trict---W.iimlit, Grow, Good rickt, of the Dracl
ford ReAortef, in filet'call whoe professions
ever meiint a ny, thing, Unitingiheartily and
fearlessly in l i the great ' free Sol). , movement
to buila'hea Repoblican party [for the salva
tion of r theCOuntry, where do We find E. B.
Chase? ~.Jusi. where imy one oierditiary sa
gacity.who, haS - . watched his cPurse would
have predietcid---n the
,arms of' s the Aitional
Derr.ocra4. 1 - 4, from the loudlnouthed op
ponent of ''sla.,,rery he apPeared,,ife has bezoine
' conierrative. 'lf theSouthernet*, Democrats
and Know NOthin deprecate ,; a
s ; gitation, so
, r
does he. He says, with Henry; M. Fuller,
although the INebiliska bill has :been passed,
and its evil consequepces are Onvulsing the
country, " G l ued peciple of the North don't
sigiMte,4inly ikeep quiet and the South will
fix Katism.”l -If the Southerners denounce
Seward,„' , and Wilson,:, and . I‘ 'ilmot, and 1
Banks, so doeS,lfe. ' Men whorni a little while 1
ago wlien heisa4rAt to !profess Free&nisi!),
he lauded to i l the skies,i4l i now .nrideirms and i
defames flr ceiling right on ii the. straight I
forward pat of principle. If Southern Dere
,ocrsts bepra se ex-President Fdlmore, Know
Nothing Sill-er Gray "Whig as r.he is, for, his
conservatisn, (shown by signini the Fugitive
Slave Law 4re.,) so does Mr. chas ( e. 1f the
Southern firi•-eaters and pro-Slfivery fanatics,
Howell Cobb, Henry 4. NVisi. &e., are la
boring wlthiall their Might
. torpromote the
election of Buchanan to the ['residency - , an is
1 Mr. Chaje.t Even:while: he las professing
1 anti- Sla v principles, *those who way have
I believed hill honest in gl
the support of Bier
must have suspected him, wheii they'sass' him
lobby; - and election'eerifig 4,r suck Know
Nothin s tis Sin - ion Camelmil. and Elhanan
Smith. But now when he'appears to have
decided that it is best to let his livords and acts
correspond,, there is no lengerlany room for
doubt. Si l •ice be has determl,6ed to adhere
to the Nattpnul Deni - ocracy,,;svhich, r - as Bu
chanan's frilend Jonas so happily expressed ir;
has been )urged ,of every vestige of Free
Soilism, we.shall know exacq •
where tefind
hit n heri4er—that
,is, in tl3e - pro-Slavery
ranks.; either voting for EllichtMan, or, as he
hints,' if Buchanan should not Lbe.- nominated;
then . for the Southern know Nothing nomi
nee, Firm re. 'But can he hairy those Free
• Soil men h has hitherto deluded, with him ?•
, • 11,
Will th ey ko with. Wilmot and Grow in sap
port of tree Soil principlesi or wily they .
follow Chase, and serve in, the Cohorts of
Slavery? iThey will he true!to their prin
ciples. ,ey will turn
,with {loathing from
this man, ho, they riow cantiot but. see, has
so long . nd shamefully .milled —I
ed them. -f
Ti v
he. gets o ,ce in 'reward for Services render,
it will riot! be for having seenred the_ Free
Soil votenf Susquehanna Cohnty to a pro
slavery ca i ndidate, for that heLnever again can
do. - This! body of Free-Soil <is, split off from
the Partyt shatnefully false. to the natne of l i
Democra v, will give their i 3 Otes for Iließe-
r ib. P. 'd t inISM
peblicim eanaidate for ['real ea • ,
. ',',
and we are stare that if he , is not elected it
will not bp from airy ] defaulttof the Free-SOil
men of Sisqueliimaa Countyl :J
We hat,-4Finced this county by way , of
illustuttig ule 'The satire proc6s of disintegra
tio' enily going on 14, the Democrat
ic party t roughout 'the Notih. The people
will not be " roped in" to 4e support of a
corrupt and wicked coalition between the
reckless and ambitious Slavery extensionists
of the Soluth and the hungtb'r and nnprinci ,
I N Aiand
pled office seekers of the art ; the
consequence that th r at extreme Sec
tional pro slavery ;-party4called as if in
\ ' I
Tnohkeryi Demoeratic—wilt find arrayed -a
against it, in solid colum4, all the 'friends
of freedin, and will trieit with a defeat
so signal as will teach the pouglases, Rich
ardsons,land the - who l e brbod of Northern
E: _ ,
traitors;leven. iown to.E. 11. Chase, that po
ho*ever utikoown
Rxista the. he of thii peOpk,.
, .
-- • •
''. Eitir- 1 1101 M . WORDS.—* January 111.1111.:
ber has ireachelus. Our faders rtre already
siwaref i ;he high e-stirnatet . w.e -,placC on, this •
ii i
periodi . This .number maintains it's reitu.
tation. Dickens' new •stoiy, 'Little Dorrit'
will . ' appearin the presi•ni volume, , besides
the list al ruiseellauy. li«= is - the . time to
subscribe. ' • , . . • . ,
Tern:te,. (4,00 a yzkr.„ , 4
adrass.D ix & 'Ed
wards, Pullahers, . No., 10 -. Park Place, New
York.. - , •' -- ; -- ,'
. . • v!. .. , , •
-a ,
Prize Eihibitiert.of itesquelismu4.oo epy,
The Academy Hell was detai4lto#ded'
a i bp: f .,4l T
hege tpils of the it
14 i 4t hm:tyrhwoo*i4 fcet! IL; La r e ot .
:beikt k iqoly
with everything-tending to niakek the .andii
encecomfortablel The exercises ofthe-Oveti
ing were opene:d..with. .prayar v ioyAlw 404,
Mr. Itiley, after
. which the Academy Glee
Club favored the audience' with that rich old
college song, 'l•Gaudeamus.' This' waa fol
lowed by • declamations "em the Primary
Department,. who at) did .well. • .flafttei
risoti - gavethe • :..' Seminole Indian
, Chier .
perfection, and, Charlie Itjtrehard Wished" all
little boys and•-Very
their parents.. The Prizes in this Depart
ment were awarded as follows: arst.
to Benj. L. CLlndler, - --who,.in a very 'happy.
manner,told us Hof' thoughts that make'irieks
throtigh the . bjairi of the Printer's De‘i,il. l --4
Tile . second Prize to Pulaski K. Ljons,Wlibm
we.think Fantir Fern would have been Proud
to have"heard rehearse her Bachelor's
citiy." • The-third Prize to Joshua Bailey.',
Iu . , . •
the . Academical"Depaitment the first
Prize. was awat:ded to Wm. J. Chandler, who .
Was a staunch i , ltepublieitti. The second ,Prize
to Charles -Webb, who didn't fancy the eon.,
duct , oeßel-Shiriz'itr and his astrologers
The third Pr:tie. Geo. Bentley, who *as;
for the time, the nob l e; Kc;sstith,
•In the Higher: Department, Fred. M. Ben
net did justie4 to the .`,Spartin Gladiator,
.Spatticusi B,lStuait Bentley: frightened the
ladies, and, we understand, some Of the gen
•tleen , too, With the 'Rum • Maniac, -
Charles. N. Warner
.and. a, certain Itermit .
thought the girls a miserable institution,' /
but the hermit's son didn't. The first Prize
in:this depart Ment:, was awarded to ROn't J.' ,
Armstrong, Who, .in Oratorical:stile, ispuke '
• Deinosthenes against iEsellines. The ',see ,
end Prize:to Ileac J. I'o4, whci liked i Prize
•rand well he might, for if he aI
Waysacquits himself in its creditable a man
ner As . ,he did! last Thursday. evening he will '
bear of many Prizes, and those not second. .
rate either. The ; third prlze to Samuel. Jes
sep,...who,• with Lord Chiathato, thought . that
England should have chastised
,Fiance • en a.
-occasion, and have ceased from -rmtult
ing the United States. ' S:itnuel and his illus-1
trious predecessor were{ right, asJohn, , Bull
was compelled to acknowledge at Yoriitowti.
. The:Ladie'
were well l i
Written, and read •in a most admirable man
ner. 'Cloud Pictures;'' by Mist -_Salome
Warner,'ltook, the firsil Prize of first
ion ; and The' , . Drama of a Life,' by
rah Clemons, ; in the see4mci division. Adis
cretionary Prize was also awarded (o Ms
Mary J. Carr,for a beautifully written •piece
entitivci Leaves of ToWn Life.'
The - Prize:4 for best C,'•nopos'itions were,
awarded by -Elisha Mulford, chairman'
of the committee on Coinposition,. inia very,
neat and-pointed address; and for best. dec
konation by tDr. J. Blackman, chairman of
:the committee on Declamation, Who .
knoWle.dged thediflienlty under which the
committee labored in attempting to diSehargo
their duties faithfully. Doubtlessly many of
the' Nlothers :present Thought thatitheir Tom=
my,Chariic,4 Harry deserved the firtPriZe;
and it the cor,nmittee i hail consulted their
clinations; eery person - who participated in
the exercises would have . received a first
Prize, for the cominittee, As well as I the at.
dienee; were hig hly delirrhted With the '
bition: • • l• I - ~ :1
The, exercises were !interspersed
sic,-both vocal ,and instrumental. 'l—
arc happy to learn that-the Aicademy
was, never in a more 41ourishing ctindition
than at present, and We predict that the best
N4rthern Pennsylvania w ill be that
located•in Montrose:; it the unflaggj energy
of the' leard,dPrinciPai, Prof. J.
and the untiring cllinis of the accomPlishe,d
Precepties4Mis.s Frances J. Woolworth can
secure this desired reSult., 1 _ ! .
- . 1 ! New Publications I
Kate Weeton,or To Will .and ,to Do :
Jennie Di Witt, De Wilt and 'Davenport,
Publisker's, 160 Nif '
ssau at. New Pork.
This is interesting; Temperance . story,
the scene of; which is i'aid in New York State.
The,characters are well dra3vh, varied, and
distinct, ana the plot; is such as to Preserve
the interest; of the reader untligging to the
end.. The inOral of the story is good, and we
can safely commend it to the perusal ofstory
readers. ; •
- •
• - .
The' Himitte'ra Fecrst':; . or Conversa tions -.2lr
ound tile camp Fire. By • Cape. fitizync
Reid, ALitliorof ‘the J?f/le Rangirs,"The
Scalp Hinters,' cf e. , .De Witt anFl Daven
port Publishers; 1160 Nassau at. Neia
• York. • • ! •
This work eompribel a series ofd thrilling
tales of :`hair breadth 'seapes' in the westerh
wilds, toldin the spirited style for which its
author is $o well known. In ibis (book the
reader will find bear!, deer, elk, noose, buf
falo, wolf and squirrel hunting advehtures ,re
lated, besides charmknideseription of back-,
scenes, both ! by sunlight and moon-
light. • ;
Both the above books for sale; at SQL
- -
LARD'S.: . I
tiODEY ' S LADY'S 15 oos.—Among;the attrac
tions of the January number of this old fa
vorite of the ladies; the-editor enutnerates . --
Three'Ste6l Engravings, one of them'a xplent.
did colot4d fasbioni plate, with fOur figures.;
one beautiful lithograph, printed in blue' and
gold ; twelve full page plates ; forty-three en.
gravings ;•.and sixty ix articles. The editors
of Gotley - evince much talent and 'industry in
maintaining iLs reriutation for beauty of em.
I bellisbment and vffriety and interest of liter
rary contents. Tekros, per ant,um, toways
advance, !one copyls3; two copied $5 ;' three,
copies $ 0; five cdpies and one to getter up
of dub, $10; eight copies and one ,to getter
u p of club, $l5 ; .even copies • and one to ,
rester up, of club', $2O; Lady'slßook and
Harper's' litagailn., *4,50; Lady's Book and
Arthur's :Home Id i agazine,3,so. • , AddresSL
A Godey,• No. 113 Chestnut Stieet, Phila
We Will fuinisb the . Lady's Book at.d
Republican for SS, - 1
,50 A year, i
i 1 Good Templar of Pennsylvania. i
.P We ollierve, that the annual sessienArthe 1
- , -0...
Grand .trp pf). 0 1% 0f , e. rvald in
tie city :i rie.,'ol4 - 1 19t1Oniat#041`
larg` -..,- "",,,
inst., andAlarg . Iltper Orlftpret4ntitlves
i l n at tendate.e. a Awsion Oii sal4f ,o 4 ,,bas e
.been attlinusti interestl* and pr fable
The following is a list. of the officers for
' =aim
I Rey. Charles Perkins, G.' W. 0. Templar,
Bradford Co.
1 Lydia a E. Wright, G. W. V. Templar, Pot
l• li Ctlaat G. Ni. gecelltrir StrsqUeliati
!la Cam..
J. L H oar d ,. W. Treasurer. Tio coI
ga •
Rev. L. i.e. Rogers, G. W. Chaplain; Ti
S. Merwin Smith, G. W. Marsliall, Eri
Co. 1
Lucy Snyder, G. W. D. Marshall LyoorrH
in g Co. , 1 1
1 Elizabeth C. Wright, G. W. 1. Guard, War 4
lerr C.o. . j
C. K. Martin, G. W. O. Gultrd Bradforl
1 Representatives were electA to the R. W
G. Lodge of N. America, which holds its sesl
Vision in Louisville Ky., next May, as follows ;
Representatives.—S. M. &nit!), .rie,llitri
per Michell,. Crawford; Joel Jewell,' Fit Ail u•d;
J. S. •Hoard, Troga. and Charlet; Perkins;
1 13radford. - 1 ' '
A 1 ternatet.—S. B. Chase, Susquehanna„
C. Wright, Warren. B. M. B.olev, Tiogat
A. B. Robbins, Crawford, and IL F. Snyden,
The next Annual session is to •be held a.
'Meadville, Crawford Co., on the 3d Thursday
of December next. The Quarterly Session 4,.
at Providence on the 2nd Tuesday of March,
at Reading on the 2nd Tuesday of .Turre, and
,Danville on the 2nd Tuesday of September.
We rtre requested to state that the addresls
of the G. W. Sec'y. for the ensuing year will
be, Great Benii, Susquehanna Co.. Pa.
. •
• The South unite to Defend Slavery. , [ 1
. . 1
The Raleigh , llqister give s . - a report. of 1a I
speech. by' Hen. -John Kerr, late Whig• ineni•-• 1
tier of Congress; at a Democratic Mass me+.
in recently : held in North Carolina, from i
,which . waestraet the foilowing„shinving that 1
. .
hoWeiei wrong, 'sectional, and dangerous, it
may be held for the freemen of 1,1 - North to
unite in support of the cause of freedom, sill
parties. at the 'Outh are a unit us rf l gards sup-'.
o theinterftts of slavery, and prepared
to act together tur that purpose
For hintself,he Was still a'WhigOn all 'of tile
Old Lssues ; but those issues had Cithei be(n.
settled or had been abandoned byl his fornicr
associates, and rieW ones had: been presented.
As against:the pestilent . isnis'of the KiteFw .
Nothings, and on' the great questions °lei:ee
ry, the nistitUtion and the Uuron, he was
with- the DeinOcratie party ; he was-, with
that party because he was fur his country and
for the perpetuation of the Union accordiag Ito
the constitution ; and that party, in his hum
-1 ble judgmentwas the only on 4. which at
this , time could administer. the govern men t JD
nationaL principles,' a m
:and give re& , tatile, as
surance that. our institution's wciald• be pre
.served.. He ' spoke from :. persOnal obsq.
vation and experience Whilc 'in•
He had seen, 'With regret', the g,rat body
the Whigs of - the Free Stat - is • l inaintainil
grounds of hostility .10 the So l itli; and be l f l
proclaimed the filet 'everywhere; as due i t
COMPf Al justice even, that the Democrats c
-the.sama region,-us a party, and as represen
ted in Congress, were disposed, an d--ha , l shoW 1
a readiness` by -their votes to respect the e , la
stitutionalitights of the South ; and to aid it
securing those rights-to. our' people as lit - i•
volved m the. slavery /questi o n. I •. 1
He did not pause to ask, in a 'contest pike
this, what the••true
,men were called--h,
looked to acts, net names—to deeds,Pi ro
i ro
1 fessiuns, and - shaped his course accordingly
. .
,i,say4' l the
,American 07?gan.! which piece h e le - rt.
on the
10th inst that!
ilia's ; written a letter, taking : bold
j .. Governor Shannon shad discharged his 'army'
!!he.Karli;:a3 2`tobraslsllll!, -' hich'i of Border nuflians, Who had-returned to• their
ihiliited to the Southend members homes; and that peace and - quiet Once More .
lave heard of a leiter, writtaii . du: re i gne d i n h . : - , insas..
I,f that l.ill in, CcnireS, fakir : pre-'
Thu rntlians . were very .
touch_ exasperated -at the Governor when
.110- will these two bi4s for the} -- learned - that -he had concluded
. -nOt to
Shen brought into juxtaposftion? use them in an attempt is Subtlut.. the'people
of Kansa"!
. t.o . vtissalage of
.. isso,u_ri. - They .
.....A. dispatilt frOM Washitigiiin says of
charged tus ; Escellenoy . with perfidy,- ahtl
fail' advises were received by :Le !AA mail from Er- t threatenea , to
visit him with their very .pasha=
rope,. to the effect that Austria had offered. e- O
. 16 th r
- , ar :vengeance at - somk ! future titife.. The
l'inigenll'° an - u lti matr a e b' hich I't *been accepted i ruffian .:truly, 1,200 strong, w.bile istatiOned
by France and England; .i L iici Austria stands pfedgedd at I:4 , ranislin, !Linde pri, , ollors of
all that
pa,..4 _•
to the Allies, as a +mdition precedent to their assent- 'TA: that . way, either going to or, ecnning froin
to it, thlt if Russiff rejems it ; then she is 19 rdi•clare•f L awre . ,:e
I and as a rule, robbed their prison
tear anal Male c(kimon cane With the .41iies,— crS. of suelt articles of value as they hap-
This strengthens the prospect of peace. '' • pencil to 'ptszes.,'.. - They stopped the United
its !oi l ,. S . tateS, , t , tail, 'u..:,(1 trade wpristme.r or the ! ear:
s.,,l'' . ...... Tlierc tv-ts- ‘ much exeltement
of t cinnati, during the past w:fek, owing tothe supposed
I `
tier, ant" detained--him about 'an hOur, when i
st o ttue of ' . tbe shrewder IWO.", canto to the coll-1
1!!. abductio,u of a l'rotestant 4ervaut gh.l from thethouse
I I. they .tru oet themselves' into
il of her cmploYer, hi. ROlll3ll Catholic. It turt:is out cu b m n t '',.' • s t n m. . .. ....
- - ! - • trouble with- Unelu S, •so tiluv • finally re.:
o that she.was hake 41 to -ersit the Catholic Church,
leaped their- rrisouer ;tad-lei hinc",goj, with Lbe
of where Ate Was baplisc(Land fremthence she. IVO I4k- . L '.. . 2 \ , '
111:11i to .I..uweever ; I,.ttt .gr. J. 'S. 'AiOft 'a
in; to the Orphan Asylum,ithrciugh, the insiruMenMt- •
passenger in . the., mail ci melt or wagon,i, Was
1 ity'ofFatherßmlotr arid mlters . ; bat sifter a shilrt de- _ ,
getitineu as a nriisoner and. robbed of a rail-,
tention, she succeefled in returning. to her frie'pds,—
toad ticket or pas..!s Which .he liad:•Proeured
Steps bare beet taken for th a arrest of one or snore
1:4 I.l.3t!ifi n,..t ornii r ig \k , his il: rn ic.r bolo' ft in
of the parties. .. 1 1 ..I. • . -
llichigan; Mr: Mutt returned 'with Mr.!Wil- •
- We are glad teear, says the Chicago lets: : • \•. . •
, o . Tribune, that prouipt and efficient steps nrelto be ' . Mr. Willits assures us that not more than
0 . taken to organize - .i. compa'ny of two hundred Merr for fifty of the (.;o% crnor's twelve lfundred min
the purpose of emigrating to Kansas thti mtrierit i were. residents of Kansas ;\ hut to .Blake' a
their services shallibe roottit-ed-to aid the pecipbe of shoev ' Of regularity; . they OAP le across • dip!
that erritorf to il l efend th e ir homes= an d fi:/eshles, l Missouri fine into:the 'l'erri`ry r
• and. o protect their civiland political rigl'ts,iikainst their firms, of course) before being eitrol
In led'
• ! •
the inroads ofthe 'ruthless gang of were nO
Stringfellow at:- into- se , rvice.. That they were residents .
- sassihs, whOso outill;ges th r ey have so lOng" elifinred. is. also evident fi.orn the Tact 11:1: it -- : -. 01.i. , r they
C- : i Thee will each belprovided with . a copy of Sharp's had , iii!en dislquided• by. the (Jovei•rr and
1 1 rific—a document for*hich the. cowardly. intEans had dranlc up all their whisltt4,,...tiEw took
- .
ie stand in mortalfear—and Ifmins to unttch. i, their. depart(' re .to I MissOuri at once: They.
".1 ,-- J ~, .. 1 ,1 ~.., left, their canip on the 9th inst.-
• .!. .. The -Ti attn. states that Ex- - . v
• i • - Thomas Barber a. worthy citizen reSidtng 1
Governer William' Sinith; -, Of Vii:ghda, who votes for
I , , - .3 • near Lai% since, arid formerly fr(,tro Guys;
Richardson for Speaker,. iviis.cleeted by , ,-
I or. Shannon's neighborhood in Ohio, wat ,kill•\'
A i .i:Cothings, and opposed 4'y . . the Democracy lof 'the
ed c:_, Clark,
the United States lndiiir, agent;
district. A street fight :,bctween 'the ex,GOvernor ".Y.
as ; . - • on the 6th inst. _lir: .Barber, in eotitpany I
and the Demecratic Edicor, grew out. of chi; state-.
uftli a couple, 44:- y0ur...0. hien, Vtitts . i . i.linz. out i
e •
_meta, anti after Stilling, clenching, and rolling in the i
.-., .. _ -' . !-' _ , ,
~ , ",
I \ , umi 'two )A hen. the pat t,), , n t r , "pi t. tp ) ct.trk,.,
1 gutter,--the coral teats were separated.
* N' '' . '" 1 whO'was:iti -a carringe with br... W, - t oil. ; The
1 j lash, the - Star Editor, mu4t learn not to tell files out
j party in . the carriage commenced-tiring uPon
lof school. Smith supports the pro Slavery candidate
! the others wittout : provoctition, hit) One. Alf.
I for Speaker, and his Detnocracy is therefore Unques-
. tionable. '.l'• - I ' • 1 Barber in the back, and killing •111.1 n llinost
I ' •
• !! ' lustantiy, . Thu horse 'on which 'one-of 'Owl
• . .
....T ,
he ordtr rtnEans'who lately . :linvtill- t i , tows,:. rdmi
Wai Mounted - ;Kali .Ship shot.
• , -
.ed 'KansaS for 00 third tiine--this time not , io vote, i Clark i- said to have toasted - of this dinstard-
i- , but avowedly to fight, which they might hate done ,Itv,ieca vithli he 4.e/tolled the ! camp,.su;y- I
i '
. . j if the Frce Statelmen conld have bceti disarincd . of i ing..that he bad killed one d—d abolitionist,
BtlellANAN FOR Persrnerr.--4 correToo- their Sharp's rifle —had Ocksses‘sd thenntelvei of- five • a m t. h • say the wool fly. &e.
deaf of the New: , Yoi k Herald, •titing- from' pieces of carton. ( The egthnon Were obtained in this-i
-ii4l . L• • .
,• •
Coleman, •1 he murderer of:vouive`DOw is
Philadelphia, is informod fro i n '''t rel able I:wak. : 'AbOut. I °oi l . men br,,ke into the 'ar•senal]at .I:ih- yet at large- and during the. inya..4oll,w4s pro
'source that . henry A.' Wise; the fire-el. tins 4. .erty,.Dissoruri, lecured the man in charge by tying mu t e d to 4,fliee in theleamp-of the . marauders. 1
- ! -- - • • •- - I .'
r i ',him, took the cannon, shelis, &c.. en hand, and march Governor Shannon, excuse.* himself
, - Alt: the
Governor ofVirginia, baswithdrawn his ante ied off -to attack Lawrenok c o t. S umner
, wa i caul 10 I ridiculous figure 'he ...Lis - :helm. outtiug,,: , ty
as a candidate for the Presidency, in, famt r of_'t bate sent a force or 1.7.§.1 . tr00ps to recover 'OM stns i paying that he did not - undersitind,.;the4Osi
'James Buchanan, and that .Rowell Cobit, , the lei, arms, and.. protect the arsenal from further dap-. I tint; of- the Frei State ,men7--itt. other, yrords
equally ttro:slavery GOvernor of Georkii, has recfatkibus•. . -I - 4_. 1 the people of .Kansas—that the state:of.things!!
also declared hiinself in favor' r;f Pennsylva- .... An informant 4 the Placerville!;Am,4: I had - been grossly Ini , re . present y ed . to him:or !
• j . , , he never wotild have issued Ins pv!clet ll 4o9 ll , 1
nia'S favorite son," What - sort offtsurances. j lean says that the inounisins about Silver Creek, - Ott'!.
' i.
have!these Southern leaders 'o,ho will have! lEI Dorndo county, "Califothia, abound in ganle; such . I , 'k'.F“' Perhaps if be had .sought infOriwation'i
. -
•,- - o f the people tit Lawrence, instead` of taking
au ult'ra pro-slaveryite for- theit.-Presitlential as •grizil .... ies , monntain
i ly'vfie, the lynx_ and ter and ' 1 •
- , counsel of outiaws - and cutthroats, lie might .
• - 1 wild cat are-among the lime footad, • while use or 1 hove
candidate, rceeiVe . a from our minister t9tEttg., . moved • himself. the inortifiCatipti
.of his
prairie hen are tinmerousinpon all the borders ortho
land, to make them so enthusiastic in lii* fa- , meadows; . He remarks tbat Dorsey ik 1 ,4 0 . 3 have , present positioti. - - . - Our informant 'is of, the
... - opinion that had . the Governor led his ruffians
vor ? - ~ ••• -•- 1 lost-some fifteci head of battle from their berd,while.l . -
~ • jams; Lawrence .he would have 'been badly'
.. The quondam Free-Soilers in, this r ' ion, feeding epos. the Stiver.Creekmeadows,thepastinni
beaten. They were very • well . fortified, .ha'd
Who 'have lately come out for achatian, must. _e'er and 141 " nt t` , 4:(n4 the excursions °t; grizzlies ttgorce of about- I,ooo' men;with,Soo Sharp's -
P r
andlyons; while' others ,Jear unmistakable signs of . .
show - more zeal in his belnilf, o' . the pa in . of , rifles capable of dischary,ing ten times a min ,
- r ' • I 1 •
superior,partisani,hip will have tole a 1 r d - . .their ferocity. Pile:. fin oz ox has . hi*. ahouldes "" 4 . tde and. doing execution- one.. mild . . .So -:- bad
. ,
1. , entirely bare otskin and flesh from a sin&le stroke-, the ' llissouriatis.' marched against .LaWrence.
ed to his Southern Supporters, and ' tile , : re- Ma paw;. while 'mother! has all the Cleat' torn from •
I they Would have rtOod \ a 'right-smart ehanee'•!
'rewards distributed accordingly. ' I ' one hip and hatfnch, and'this i too,, by one gtab of o f beilig,,..; feces b y ., the . 300
. s l i a i.,, c , , s .
-M"l4lr.' Walken-a Alabatna, a Sot tl
ertikiniw Nothing a member of the House i
apologizing for -hisparty -for not voting fo
Riebardson said, "The fact must now b n
alined by all'partie% that, if tiro•
e Souther
know NOthings had, at the . opfnin
contest, ihreWn themselves with his supplor
I '
er,s, there . could'kuive - been no result usher
than to have Frei-Soiled'. the Organizatio o
the House. Then, so far as thel mere fa '•(
our organization is concerned, thir action hv
beet, to stave otisueh an
_organization of th
I - louse:I
• Mr. Walker (Xmeluded - by. pres!:in
of himself and the other prb-Slaver
Anew Nrithings; a desire to meet and coifer
• •
with the SlaVe Dernocraci,\ fertile purple,
preventing the House from &thug under ti
Centro! of the Republicans,
I - .
POPULATION 011 NNW YORle l.; , 13Sus
returns have beep to far compiled as t( . .give
the entire population of the State, lich is.
three millions four hundred,ancl sixty - xi thou
sand one hundred and eighteen: (3,466 1 4 IS).
Thee is exclusive of the pope ation'Of the In
dian reservations, whir/ will sikld about three
Thousand. At the last aenau l ' in, Isso, the
population was 3,095,394. : i t
_ - The population" of New IYork : ".City is
rair The 'heir U Idge ac ro ss the - StitgU4s.
hanna river;at - Susquehunna Depot; i i corn.
pleted. •We understsuld 4,op'e i of the
fumesti blest substantial, and best constructed
bridges in the County.
• -
rumored that pavers! Democrat
te meiabira will:abaent Ihettolekrea from the Wane,
Mas to fartntio• an organltatiouj .
1 ....Baker is . t 4 be tried againl
,t of Pole, it is d t,i in Jamary., ,„ 4 ,* , ,,,;
,-; 1.-:Fiir e vilikk tittslippo e • .
igairy got4l?at, Ytet are it 0 . 1,
• ~,,. ',.., ;:--.. - . ~i ii 49
i ts
5 Tre: than Olen- istliti the ?PI 41 th 'kein`
iesoliwdinkceeek s of — l.ea4-.. - -..i.-„,.-4 , ',.....,,,,,,..- I ~
- ....Dr linne's v iii relation to his lakt
explorations in the PO svgions, is expected nixt
' . ,motitik .... his te„he , tt iave d_oil_ar_ book , aid
1 •1- 1.
.. , ....Geor g e 14w is said to .be carrying itil
L beifere- hint in the elietion of Know . Nothing Rae
gates from New York State ¶o the Presidential min.
condom-10 be held at 'Philadelphia the 22d of Feti.
i . ..".,*(Sti jr/rag , o(titt,4 !the sevetitli
.Judicial-Distitct, of New York inui, decided that „ibe
Prohibito it Liquor, aw of• that Mate is constitutiim
al, taid prelsecutions'inier the law will hi temmipc
ed In Rochester immediately , ' " .
, : • .. , . l -
.... ,The,raisiwi of the pay o f ; witneses
a nd jurors; we see, ' 1
agitated throughout the Sate:-
The price of everyth ng •T...e eat. has. bemi dotthio .
i ,
'since the existing ra es were established, and g i ro.
duce must. dome do n, or . *ages of alt kinds mast
go up. '
~, if.
. 4,lVtiter i
proves tile:
and recommends the
haVe become "unfa4h
the shoulderi of thei
. . . .
or - gd
cy, eireo - in the Free
der.ruffums of )lis..
charv. the origin of
Free stat❑ men. Ti
thOtight,in this matte
A Letter 1
One of ift Oldest Set t
there long before th,
was seriously though,
Shandon hag "not o f
of lean as. to M
the people.—St..Li)l
1t is a cur
hundrei verses in . 1
Mark's; more than
and about otte , hhttn.
Matthew: Nearly o
is to be lointil in M
the iospel _•by . Luke
' riegro
to his cringiviation
commands >of qya.
GOd tells me tits - do
ble,) ant
jump troo 2:stun tr,
(join' troo it:longs
me." - •
' . • W . e. itear
that Mr: Bucluin'an
grottn , l in furnt.of t
is beitq o priC4ely p.
of Congmss. :\V,e i t
ring the Iliseuss:laii
ttiO)ppotitio, i
the 'Pi esitiency. fit.. •
MORRIS & IN oxen Tiosis JOUR. AL FOR
IS il.—This brilliant fertile, and
perolTers a now induCement to subseacrs for
the next yeiit, viz.: }A novel, in serial tiuni
bers_, by Mr.] Willlsovhose verseat4 , geniu
needs no comment:' !The title iilPapf Pane,
or' Pa . rts . of LiferTntold."
'w In
,this produc
tion, e may eotifidentiflook for adtriething
piquant, original,4Md !General
Morris will a6o lend !the aktmetions of his pen
in a series Of,originatiketehek s ongs ' and bat;
lads and tO'illow u thAt there,is sometfibig
,under the 'sun;_ woOd.seem
to be high the heirtiebs, we ail) proni:
iced 4 the' st `efa itai;" a novelettAn vbr*,
founded upon fact, by J. NI: Field, ,the pop
ular ','Straw ' ache!, New Orleans tficiay one.
Everithingjebe, thOirghi of or unthhught of,
- in 'the'llterary wort 0, will appear Weekly in
the'equitinkof this journal =spicy etieresp en
dance; sparitling'stoies,'dainty 'and' niersiora.
lee inorcesitxl critiellune--candid' Ind.."care,
paws of a
•;! •
(Ito - veto : I Pork Timis gip-.
wearing ilniwls by . gentlenjeu;
;idles tri plae'n'their sitscria Oat'
onable tind'w r 'on't weaout l ,on
broth Ors or husbands:
• I '
bs of i.tut . I"ieret! Dentogra,-
bt4ta, sympathize with the, !:#or•
tri. invitee their alacrity; to
'he troubles in Kansas uponi the
at tile; Irish :was father tei the
,is apparent to the 4:lest read-
,hat Isiellain recriwa f44in
I lra hi ragas—one Whfl IWIli
'organization' of that Ter: tort'of—writ
of—writes to us that W !son
e hundred of the aiqual citizens'
• 3
in hiii war upon .the rights of
's /aid.. - ' '
aus fact that. there,a rp 41ye
ewis gospel - that are alsi) in
hroe hundrettaerses in
ed and twenty that are atria in
. 1 •
e talf;of the gospel by Matthew
rk, and more -than one thirti of
is . to-tie found in Mark orldat-
reatlier was hold* ,tortll
upon the subject - of obeying the
I,Saysi .oo he, "Bredren, Nvli'aie'Ver
in thia k; (holding up ale Ell.
, 1
to do.; If I pee in it dot "must
illl-rtn Trine to jump at I it.—
o 1 ,
ri.o Gol, juinpin' at it i
lotgit to
:i '
-( * - kt
?: s:,'
ful—together yitik a ; universal; chronicle of
facts and hy,..1, pews, novelties, and eoto '
sties..Th %ill be . interspersed with inn
/prawn) nin e aecountofthe prw
itii i
~,, of the age. IV bat e'• AO
slihet,tmdziir h ere
any Fete r hiA tii a weekly
Ase t *n. s ' Vtimatraetive medlit. be rtouo
friehstakaloiAris & Vi illiapro . e iii
fittheir new ierie, of the Hnirie 3 yaell
Terms for one._eopy $2; ,ir $5 for' thr e 4
las. PubliOted at .107 Fulton street 'New.
York city.—Louisville Journal.
Irapolbw of Fuller's Course
. ,
in4ependent, the well known ana able
Washington correspondent of the Phdadel
phiaNpr; „21n!criccilt, 1 wholfria . fa
vor of .Fuller for Skeaker at the commence
ment of the session, writes to that paper as
folloWs • - -"
The South CII take no man that dofti not:
squa r e to its standird, and in •voting, *IOW. I
. dai-
ly for .Mr..Ftiller,r•t heyclaiin openly to have:
had every museblexception rettiov,cd-by his
personal •committals. - Surety they should.
. • ,
cuncoie this privilege of requiring assurtineeNtl
to - dui:icon the uthe.riside of the line... They I
htt‘;e 'voted, itistrinkunder these alleged irLi- ,
ligations toriktiler, but not, ,a•mant :oft them
will when :the teSt May con t e.. to. protect
the in an afactuting interest. or„st l'ennyrytitiitt.,
On the contrary, every .th an Of Owen, : I •ven,
ture to predict new; ..will, be fottrid .544144;
and . zeal nusly . suppOrt ing .a. propositken., tO
repeal. the .duty - on. railroad iron, 'wbenever
it shall be offered: • •The .record will verify .
er.Confound this declaration. before : long..; it
is the policy of Venasylvania now, in view of .
the -combinations, known to. be - made itgainSt
her peculiar intervits, to csniciliute; the good.
lfeeling of the Eie , titin Stat'es; and,. if practi-,
i •
I cable ; to make: common cause. with theta; as
1 they have ibetki . . , aevustomed:to ,tio .al ways
heri:totom—,with -the exception of 'the last
session—and. thus rrev'ent thci . thrll!lllati(l.ll
i •
a sclaline ilVl . llded to tittiio - down her
prosperity.: ;I friendly. feeling now
.exists in
that quarter, which May be unitureOnto an
adVarn atteous. - alliance, of vastly.. more , eon:
Isequence,. practically, 'than the whole. South
t ern vote, now concentrated Upon
.Mr. i!uller.
1 •
1 This suggc.stion is ,worthy• of thought to,those
who claim .to be animated in this canvass by
1 motives which apply ; to.the prosperity of'the
State particularly,.and who pridess .to have .
combined with the SOuth.for• that purpose.-- 7
Let ns trOst theyltnay not be deceived whe4t
the day.of trial shall come, tr they cannot
!avoid the responsibility which Must he an-.
stiobred to,their constituents then. '
From Kama. . .
. We )earn from Mr. Wilicts, u•lio arrive-4
Nl Lowii.-yesterday -from Luwrenee-; K. 3.7
titles bi-fore ilen - iing in ritnge of the 70it coin' I
mon rifles. - • - : .
-The' tor eitiinsively, circulated in His.'
:souri e Eist - lthat. thatt - the people of
Kan F aSI *receded' front,. their peAtion as; it
Condition of being-let :thine is utterly untrue
and without foundation ; butihe ste,ry had to
be told colierfor-retreat by the finvero.:
dr and 'his party. indeed;' there' were deeiVl
ded sign's of nintiny in the Missouri entno
Until the 'rabble' were Assn re,' I ;by thei - . lea& -
era that the peoplelhe 'rerritol had- Macre'
'all the ecnces.siot
people of Kansas oecupy'preeigety:the gtouta
'they occupied before the rahl e ilr':,thatiof
abidiug eitizetni, bat they do not2iteopize a'
,taws the littbeinni nits of the tdiamAtegishv
turd cocoa' 4ien thent• lay ti*ldialoeti ,
ders,,nor will they recognize as la*--fillicees
the appt4hteia`orthat.f.uffnittly Gor
' irtior Shintion la 'Said tiow t6.bellisposed;tes
side with the peooe, of Karwas;vand4fill prob
ably/take tip his , reSidence at iffol,*Ye•--4V:
.1•• , ,',..0t,..- .• •
, Ingrorhe" : Panorama of the " Invasion of
Ru ..r , -li s la k the Allied Powers;" will be ea.
bibi -, is. iursday) and Sa4trday evening,
at illoatieVall. -, . • -
. 1. , •
sumanix- - . •
.' , 4lksbealfffi of No*nber, at Suriunerevateby the
Rev. Georgeß.Reese, Its. limy; JAMES Homy.
I of Biughaniton; N. Y. '
and LYfilA MART , daughter of
Ira Suners'Esq., orthe former place.
, _ ..
' 4 ln Ararat on the l3th inst 4 by the Roe. 0. W.
1 Norton, Hr. Ifortset RAttsgs and Miss SA
r ILTON, bOth of Gibson,. PC. mu E. Haw
llon the P.til inn., by the Rev. J. R. Ifc'Creary, lie., Ited 111,e llitittn Itak,.Danghteref
11)r. E. I . 4 Brundag-., , , both of Franklin, Susquehanna
i'Co., Pa- t'
.14iIn tartan', ink dui - 12th inst. - by. 'die Ray. A. Itil.
' ler, _Ur. C. FllLegn, 0 Bethany, and Miss
iLitairElEniirmat'ar Harfori: • . .5• -- . -..-: . .
lln Pike, :131-naford Co., pee. la th , by RCM: James
Hodge, Mr. lik.:nivitO)lfieuni44.-iind Mi.m Saws M.
swEh-r, fortnerbrof Clifford. Susquehan' ea Co.
The Slips in tint, Pis.4‘yteriall ChtiLch in Montrosc.
will he rented fo - r j tlit . 1856,1t0 Monday Dec. sj.
855,. at If o'clock, - ;
?Vag Society of - Suittiehanna Co., win
: hold ita. twentie(h tinmiatineeting in Sew
ford, on:WedneWtlay,- dip second:Alai:of ,Jatittiu7. ne z e .
at 10 04 0 ek-At ! 4 • :, ~
The . es.i: Of the" meeting will be, Ist". Thn
Election-of Officers, and delegates., 2d, 'Annual nit.)
dress by the President. Report of the Commit
tee upon the Sanatory_ condition of the County for
the past year,: o . !iginal essay i v*Pi. Wilmot.
- • ' lifilOCK-;Seey.
TAE Stockhohlera oftbe Belmonte and Cfghquaga
Turnpiltt Road, will iteet at the:house ofThos:
L. Miff°, d, if: Belruoute, Wayne Co., Pa., on Thai,
i dac, the 3d ray of January next, at one o'clOck
!to elect officers for the-ensuing year. • -
I ‘ 3, 1866
New Good y.
Subscrtber has received a full-and templet;
'assortment of Goods usually kept in a Countey
Store—which will be' sold as Cheap as the cheapest.'
Having purchased late in the sea Son.,. when Goodsis.‘
market have considerbly 'fallen . off, T am peratioled
can give a little baler bargaine than my neighbors.
Thankful for past favors I respectfully invite my
fiiends and the Public to- call-and examine. • • .
F. B. COANDLgii.
. Montrose, Dec. 26, - 1855. ' , 7'
•-N IX ,B
E th a e rej a h m ap e r s z at to ut sg esi w r e are.
as " v ibo rt m in e en again cof
Goods " wi t h
we have ever bad the pteisurt of °Tering to our cut,
We invite our fr . iends and the public tlo3ar new
and spacious Store in the "Brick Itloc . li n Aind. can
assure them it is well filed with new and desirable
gotids just purtita.getl at thb lowest poslciblesales,..and
for sale at small profits.,
• We ask only the • opportunity to convince every
one of the above facts::. .
, • Dry Goiids. • .
•A . gerirral, assortment 4coneisting of Broad clothe,
.A..`11.. Ca=sinieres, I.4tlies Dre,:a Goods ' Shawls, De.
laiyes, Parainattas, &c., at 'BENTLEYS; BEAD'S.
. i - • Hats& Cair4. • .
A large assortment just received and for sale by
- - . . .- B. &-E.
Boots dr, Shoes..
3arge aslsortnieut of superior quallty ; forsale by.
' Groceries.
fresh-supply, at sligVy reduced prices for ale
Bang% ac ?Medicines.
IL - ST receiyed,.a general aasortlnerif, and-for sale
efi at low friecm by B. &IL
TCItES, Silver Spoons; Gold and Silver
V l l7 ' Spectacle.,. Fruit Knives, Jewel
:ry of all kinds &c., just received and for sale by
Dec, 25, 1655. B. & R.
Guardiaxeg Sale.
XTOTICE i 4, hereby. gifen that in phrstrance of an
`order `of Safe front the Orphans' Court of Sus
quehanna. County, there will be exposed to public
sale by 1 . /endue,: onVirecinesday the,?.'.3d day of. Ja
uary next at H o'clock A. IT.; the equal undivided
one half part of all the following delscribedtwo pieces
or - parcels of land: the .estate of James A. Chandler,
.ruiriqt con_of Charles Cllr idler late of. Lenox Town.
ship;id' Reid County;,;deceased. The first piece sits.
ate in Lenox tow . ash"p aforesaid at the Forks of the
TUnkhrrnneek Creek, of the billfold. andbee•
,go.Ttirtlpilie,Rall ;—.4Beginning at a post and stones
corner 6f the Efiwardl-lbppen tract; thence south
26i, dteg. west 951 pereheslo a poet; .dunce crossing
I,said creek below the. Forks, west 2hl and nine tenth
, perches to a pozn in the oriental warranteeline ; thence
north 8' deg. west 6.1.' and one • tenth perches to
I. Basswoo I stamp original :cornert. thence nOrth 'B5
Ake. east.6l4 perches ; thence north 36 deg. east 1201
i perehcs . to otigmal colluer ; thence' south 63i deg.
east, 1391 perches crossing said zreek to the pine
Of heritining. COntaining 168 acres and 83 penhet,
more or l'ess.
The second piece situate in eaid township cork
eons to the above described, is honinded as follows
to ,wit,tl.l •gini , ing'ara stones corner near the Great,'
Benatand Philadelphia turnpike Road •, thence along
said Read South 15 deg. east 35 perches -o stones;
thence north 84 deg. east 59 :perches to stake old
stones t• thence north 23i deg. west 42 perches to a
Hemlock ; thence south 7:3 deg. west 52 perches to
the beginning. Containing 'l3 acres be the lase
tpere or less.
The sale to be. held upon the
. premises of the fist
escribcd piece— , and terms of payment made knoit
On the day of sale. . . • '
'eat Bend, Dee: 24,.2835: - ; '
•. ,`.• . ,': IFILQCII.A.7IAL9'.IO3f, -
%AT EtERE.kS the Bon. David - Wilart, President
_ V ,Y
of Court of Oyer and Towner,. and Gen.
eral Jail lirerY; Court of. Quarter,Sessions of tbe . ,
Peace,;and Co urt" of Common - Pl eik;' and Orphans.
CoUrt, :in the Thirteernh,Judiciai Di triet, composed
of the counde. of Susquehanna, Bradford, and Sol.
livan ; awl the - l: \ us: - .To n Boyle andßavi.s D.lTtr
ner, Associate J ages in Susquehanna county, Late
••issued their • precept, bearing' date ,the 26th d.. k t of
.Dlcember, , the \ear Of Our. Lord one thousud
eight hundred and if - , fire, and to me directed, for
huldipg a ,C.'ourt of Op. and TOrminer, , and Geteral
Jail Delively, in the Dot nib of lioritrose, and min
ty otSusquAanna, - on th third Monday of 'Janet?
next, (it - being thtr2l'st da,) •), • ... . • ' •
;;Not . ick ts lIEREDY Glyn: the Chroner, Juniees
of the, Teace ,ma Constables, of said. county - of Sus
quehanna,:th.irthey be then ere,! in their proper
persdus,' aftieti'eclock in the a, ernoon of said dos*,.
'with theirt4cords, , iequiiitions,•an Other femembrur
\ \l
eT , , .re do 'those:things which' to oir o ffi ce; tipper:
j tam to-he done. And -those who are ound by recit
1 ukr.ances - agaitist the . risciners that hr .or shall be i:
, 'the, jail Of - staid
,efituatrof Busquehatin, , are tc . , be
1 the there; to proSectite against them a s -ill he Alt,
:.. Dated - at -Montrose ,: she. 26th day of ' Dc. ember is'
the , year ,of out lord one thousand eight hum' AO4
;fifty/hire. , -
~F. NfloalsTEß.
By 'virtue - of sundry writs issuecout of the
of Common Piens . of Susquehanna County and ce , ..
directed, t. will expose, to Sale byltiublic vendue
the coui•t , braise in MonirCse on Saturday thel9tl4 4l ;
bfJanitarPriext;•• at one .o'clock M. the Moil
Reid Estate•to wit :* •
All that certain piece-or ,parcel of land'situatelr4 ,
and befog in the Township of Clifford ; Susquehano •
County, bounded and destribed as follows, - to
On the`nciretr bY•tha"Pnblie'highway, on 'cliseas by
land - ofElisha'Phinney;,on the south - by
W. 2Welli and Mllry Bodge, and oU the west by la rl
of Peter •Ryvenburg. Containing about bb tcrt
more or less. Together with the-appurtenances , or.
,fc anted-Rouse; two Barns;-one building forairrlY
;cuplecias =Axe Manufactory, one small:orchard CI
about thirty acres improved. -; -
1 keii
icr Execution. at the suit of Nathaniel F. N.
mer Anivta to Solomon Arnold Vs- E. Srcfb°
"ALSO; :All that,ceitain Imes alercei of
hate in - tliettanship'of Great Bend iu the
Busquebania•add State of -Pennsylvania., mid
1,014104. d e ebbed as follows tc wit: "eircr 2 '
licorne t' rilti, - by a line, comMencing at a, post thcsouthelY
cornet' of the 'flitjA Davton lot now occupied b!
an& other:, running thence .10: 1 1
senee'lliroiCthe Cocheeton and Great Bendltre•
P ik e -1 % 4 In a' Outhei ly direeticta, seventy kilo t
.r if e isiert eati:ft6; l: l4l e nl4 7 lll ;' th ellaC C ii il rj e k e lie ls 44s : 4 Z i r l it C cr t ' U th il'a e ers tL oak rt t h eth. eai lend t l e : ri tt y °Le4eierl
of the said lot hereby : described to* stake and stare;
thence 1 00.fee$.1Ms; northeasterly, direction along
synth iine:pf.thesaidllateltor.DaytonlOt tg the Pb`"
• . 4 4 b"egitt.olog• 611MRilit.rdne thouSandtweloc a
at# l forty eight:feet; bet same'rnore or len.
" Token EXt:tufleti at the suit &Nelson C. Wart
and. HoWell Assignees of F. tusk. Wiltitim,F.
Presriffi'offii..; itont Dec. 6, ?Ws,