II - titsee,lipeotp. II SILEI I !'nR k MiILiI4:a THAN" te)DDER.!. - ',Notwithstatiding inuch that,' ha; been 'wrii,- ; ten, during a few ye i irs . past, especially in the • agricultural jkaarnals, on the 'true principles of •wititer protection and feeding of domestic • aninidis, there isStill-e great amount of wet ly ignorance, on t(ns subject. ~ List:Winter iviiAtanced 'upon the ilsrm of a triad who possessed a fair Share of intelli s geneekipon general Matters, and we were not a little - surprised to r find ' hintisti II clinging to the Old opinion; that his stock WinterCd b:et.- . ter,when exposed to , cold, than if warmly' housed. lie kept no account of the amount of food consumed, but .his : observation had *gilt - liiin—and 'truly—that his sheep, :for instanee,.. consumed - more, food in a cold Winter than in ono'ot moderate temperature; and he, reasoned' that if they ate more it 'in dicat better health, and_a faster growth of fleSh and 'Wool, and, of coitrse a greater pOlit. ' FollOWinectut this! opinion, he kept a flock of sheepln an open field,exposed to black winds ' 'and petting storms: In this field lie had,plac - ed a number of small stacks of hay, to tine after another of fehichthey had free access, and upon Which they made rapid inroads.-- "_ Their only shelter was afforded by the lee ward Sid4of these*hay stacki, end by the stonewalls that sureounded.the field; togeth er with a grove upon the northern side that . served to break off the wind from that dime tion„but from entering.,whieli they were Pre vented by the intervening: fence. '-,lle :was quite4sure they ate bettor 'when thus exposed than if housed and allowed a warm sheltee,a round nod under the barn, His other stock 1 , Were!treated in a !eimilar manner, 'lnstead of warm: sheds or stables they fed and slept in a cold open, yard. _Ho said it kept them iu better I heart,' and gave them a sharper 1 appetite=s-as to 6'9 latter he was doubtless corre!e,t. -'i ; '' -. .. . . Ile't he, likethoesantMfothers, : had drawn lei ednelusion from -alifie. theory, Which . a , few nareftal experiMentell'ohld have 'correct ed. 'rife. should' have- - considered . that „. 'the ifrofitableness - of keeping- animals depends not upon the abSolbte amount of food they consume, but upon the greater Or'`-less pro , duet Of flesh, wool,! &c., - obtained from a giv en amount Of nutriMent. Had "he weighed his animals in 'the Fall and divided, them, keepi l ug (Mein clo4e, warm sheds or stalls; and the other part in, the colder situation; he ...would have found that the pristeeted animals, while;consuming less, food, gained more in . Weight than, the others, and M in ay or . June Would ' his s ve been ;in superior health • and heart!".. In the case referred to, it was found necessary to give the sheep a doSe of tar, by applying it ,upon therr • nosea,in the Spring ; to operate as a tonic; and to counteract the .' running at the :nese,' produced ' by, colds, whi.h.sheep ' catch' as well as men. TliCre is a. prineiple or two involved in_ feediae.and nutrition, which, if well under. stood by all who have the, care of animals, would render their labor doubly profitable. The feud coeiumedby animals serves . a doubly' , or trble purpose: i. It supplies the waste of the dystern prodOged, by the natural wear of ' the,Varions organs', and keeps up respiration :and the, resulting, aeat. What is left, after thestknds are . served, goes to increase the fles11;or weight,' t• . - ' • •.. , The wear. depends upon the amount of ex- ' ereise cal:en; lienee the more quiet animals :arc kept ..after allowing just.eneugh etereise • to preserve the Orieins in 'a liealthy state, the -less wil be the a - Msttint of food required to supply the waste:l The h,frat of the body results from . the' the consumption of carbonaceous rood, especially the lily and starchy portions. The uniondbf the' earbon, in a taljlow candle or oil lamp with the',4arrOunding stir, producing the heat and' the q.lipb., has an exact counterpart 'in the lung;' and blood o r ! . ' the animal, where' the air "drain in at respi ation unites with the oily or tipsy s matter inlthe blood, and gives heat" tothe ssestem. • . - Oil aflivarm day not much heat is'rentored' - freni the surface ' - oaf the'body, andthe animal , breatlal less rapialy and fully, and less fat is ecansumed to supply - wasted heat. If the 1 sau4eeount, of day .food is consumed and disk j :sted as on a, jeeld day, there will be a i law: surplus to ioe stored away as fat. As a matter, of course, the colder the weather the.liess surplus Et,, or profit, will be obtain -- •ed from the food .I • - , • ... Another point nstially overlooked is this : In the coarser substaneesuch as bay and stra'w=•-eonstimed by animals, there is but a smil I proportion bf oilysor carbonaceous mat ter " mid - to get at this , it: is necesessary to 1 ' - digest' a prodigious quantity of food. This , OV 'rtn*es - the digestive organs, and results in J mo t e or less debility. ' - -v , o have hereian explanation why a-smal ler quantity of meal, which supplies oil and li starch, (both of Whiebare rich in carbon,and thet 1 ellief heat-proi/uchrs element,) will ' keep r 3 an Minna! in so much better health. - - _ . Theprinciples ' above Indicated, which are .fully Ostabliihed by both scientific theory and , oft-repented ex'periment, lead to the .certain eofelusiOn that,i.for all_ kinds of animals, whether kept - as ;stock s or for fiatening, it is • must profitable to furnish- warm shelter.-4 We repeat : a flock Of sheep,' or a drove of cult' le s will, without 'doubts - eat much less food and gain much More in weight, if kept pear ly 4'4 Summer heat during Winter, than . if i Left expose d to our inclement weathers. 1 ,r • Iprott.'S S. S. Prentiss." says Pntnn tit's Afaga:tine, "was 'a born orator."— Stieli was not the testimony of the late Al exander K. Mi.-Flung, whose intimacy. with Prentiss during-the most glorious part. of his life, gate him- peculiar adVantages for forriiiig a correct judgement. McClung used to" i sax that he hi id known' in his time,but two "Korn (rators, r men who talked eloquently alWays. becausethey couldn't help it—be use,c they were perpetually inspired and nOcdeil no preparation; one of, them was ,r2l Marshall, of Kentucky, and the, other, Tom Corwin, cif Ohio. All the' rest he had -e#er met, including Prentiss, the most -elo quent of all, bad to prepare themselves care ,end labbriously beforehand. Prentiss, 4 said, sometitnes failed Marshall and Cot an Eagle. • li".Tbo Lackawanna Railroad Conipa!;y hay&purchased two new. Locomotives, The P#Astield,' The Seymour and a - few davi'ago obierved a beautiful new Pas sOilger ear,' in*led foi the same road. Their COal and Fr e, =stare in. process Of con struction at JeSsup, the present terminus of the line. Quite - a number have already been Manufactured, nd more will be constructed as they are needed by the increase of busi ;:tss. This road is under eicellent manage ent, and with the success Which is promii: forl r .by present' indications, the stock must prove ..a very profitable Inrestment.--Scran , treraa : vEr"i A *inn of the teited 'States " ' farnishei the Aiondon Tema with a very,dik _ilified and - tru al enswei, to . the .. linitUlt• -+ , .1)011- this co l ' ta7 recently wade in the - col- 'li - INEW c r oopg, . t rf litrit/S-Pf that i urxtal. _ la " - regard La the ra' - ; Mons Warranted 'rwo Mouths. Kired 4 ,invitsinte ice "the Emerald Isle; the i LSO; l'per Leather And Findings, :Boots and iii*Aktiti :-- r.% Ireland the kaly.imilon ! Shoes, Fir. and Caps, Groceries and rrovistons, r 7l.r attempt _ .09. 1 4 pin: AlCilia_lffin.tatinTa. a rly e l l l E Vebe in my line' • son in 1847:4 Ameriewships, which were tip - tie F - 41" ‘ Pe/144 Dried 4 PP I e- n 1 Iteeaw al . _ rou at t i tze Red Flag Store. ed with' j into. *tit its then stafriog ; .... - RENRY MeRiNNEY. poiCidation? -.. t- -, - -- - ...,- • - -,-., I met pend D epot , Nor. 8,186 t. ''-- . 44wici - - , , • - •,:z' - I - •, I. ' 1, Ell long ligl4 with Wild Beasts. ' On the '4th of iNoveinber, 1855, Arvine CNA, ef,-Jersey Bhorei was exploring the ',route' fOr a neW road o the Settlement of the "F lug and AssOciatieln," a new colony. ear . the s4.of. the himetis Ple Bull settlers t, in rotter . county. - Milieu .eVen ing d, on, he icomrnenced *racing, . his steps, 't. lest his way, in a dense forest at least et t'' miles f6mi a settlement. Au old man, ti ed with Walking; he 'sat down on a . log to ,re at a moment and Coeteraplate his .situathn.; His attention was stiddettlY ar rmted by a rustling in . the .huihes elqse by, and On looking around, he saw ii huge bear coming towards hint. To . draw VI) his trusty rifle and shoot, WO the work of la moment. • .Bruin gave a fearful roar, *which awoke the echoes Of the ghxuby solitude, and then was still. .)Feariag that he' was 'only. wounded, , Clark 'hastily re 7 hiaded' his rifle With two 1 balls, the laas in his 'pouch, and hitscharged them into the body or the bear, when he cau l' tiOnslyi apprOached and found that he was , dead, fHe describes • thd bear's roar, - as he r . i received Ilia 6.athiwound,lasterrific,and ea . l , 4 cuiateo to make the stoutest h eart qua il with fear...l . A dark .night was Settling,' down. on - him--;- he had no. bullets-4--,was fi4r in the wilderness, - withott food or shelter. flie,tad .no match es to..kindle a fire4-and, io add - to hiS further diScornfort, it conitneficed mining. What was,to be done,? TO rentain thefe, , was ex ceedingly dabgerOus. He! continued to grope his way through' the laurels. hoping to find- a path that might lead Loa hunter's habitation, bittle(vain. The bowling of a pack of wolves greeted his car. lie soon became exhausted, and fiiu n.that Ite'Would have to remain there fur the n gilt, Coming to an aged hemlock, he state .hiinself at the r o ot. : Could he but 11 obtain e fire, he would be comparatively saf4. The 464 was made by Collecting some dry tnateriala, and, loading his gun 'with powder, firing ;the charge into a dry.eotton handker- ' chief. 1 It was a Edlure ! .A. 4 the gun was diseharged, another bear, apparently within twentY feet of hiM, gas-c a hideous rtiar, that made ~ C lark's hair stand -ix} end. Bruin was terribly - flightened by thel discharge' Of the guti,and hastily scampered off, muchk to the relief Of Clark. -"\-- f Here he remained, not daing to fitll asleep. About two o'elbek in the orning, tai add to n / thelterrors of his. situation, the yell 'sofa pan ther Was heard. ] :.The beast approached-- came. nearer, every few Minutes uttering a screech that froXe thehlood in his !veins!— As a last resort fp defend hiMself from the 1 .savage animal, ho .re goaded his gun, putting in some tlifee-cent pieces-and steel pens, (for he had twilling elSe,) which he hoped might 'do some execution. The animal 'came so near that the glare of his eyes resembled two . balls Of fire ! •iTitere Clark remained, with out daring to move—with thd lieu' eyes of - the panther fixed ; upon hirit..-Ati this dread-; ful siiitation,.expeeting every' nlOtnent to Le torn iii pieees, 'hc, remained until the break of d, whsn he was relieved from danger by the ft " teal disappearing. Hungry, weary, -a #" teal and excited, he lift for the settleMent, 'where he arrived about pooti,:and related his thrill ing adventure. - A party proceeded to ttio placelwhere.the bear was .shot, and .brought in hisc carcass, which provedAd .he A very - i large pue. It WakdrOsed hod fonkarded to 'New ilurk} It was'3' - riveral.'days before Clark fairy CeeoVered Erna the fatigue, the fear, and excit*ent of that night, which will nev er be retnlved from his mind. ' i!' .- 3 .. . ' . 1 . i ' . JOHN OF LitNeASTF:II. -! - ' A siFixent.thxr 11EASox.—A•ladi walking,. a few day's since, tit one of the Wharves in New=l"Orl, asked la sailor whom; she met, why - a, ship wa:.i called "she."; The son bf Neptune replied ;that it'was "becatise the rig. ging ICbst,more than the hull." I 2:, THE INDEPENDENT REPUBLICAN. TtIlL15111:11 ETF.4 TIIURSDAT mon.lima, AT llovntosr, •PA., Ar $1.!,50 PER ANNVM, is-ADVANCE. j Rates of Advertising. One square (111 lines or less) one !week,: One square • two'weeks; 0,75 One .4quare " . three weeks, 1,00 One 4quare " one'rnonth,l 1,25 One iquare ti two rnonth4 2,25 One pare it months , onths, - 3,tko One quare l tt -•,anthr ,ac :quart .-: six . months, ......-- 5,00 One #quare .i '- . one _r • 8,00 For two or ore squares, inse rt, by the year, a deduction from tie above prices is made. Yearly ad vertiters will ha 1 - e the privilege of altering or chang• ing:their aclierti:ements Without additional charge. BUsiness ea t, not exceeding five lines, inserted at Vi,oo per ann rn. . _ . . • .111:iob WOrlii• *- • This office is applied with a good assortinent of Jobbin g materials, arid all kinds of Job Work,!such as Cards, Posters, Pamphlets, &c:, will be done neat a ly arid 4 , promptly. _-i. --- 1 NEW 29[ILFOED , Shawl 41c Dream Goods Einporlutn, fen vas Fst.t. OF 1865, 'ff Dania: would inform his friends and the Pub .k....12. lie, that he- has in:min Store, and is receiving a full assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, including a great variety of Rich Fall Prints in new Stylas, 'Plain and Panay Delaney,` and Plain and Fancy Mohair Cloths ; Plain and pAd Merinoes, laramettass, De bagrlfas and Poplins; Dark Rich Gingham, in , Fall Styl ‘; Black Brocade, Plain and fancy Silks, Wool Br he, Cashmere, Crape, and Silk Shawls ; Rich Rib bo , it Bonnets and flowers : Ladies , Cloths and ; Vel vets for Cloaks and Mantillas, Broad , cloths, CasSime res,J&c. - with a large assortment of Staple and Fancy Goods as usual, including Hardware,- Crockery, Iron and Steel, Paints, Oils, Boots and Shoes,Hats, Clocini, Butralo Robes, Carpetings, &c., with a new assort merie-Of Stoves and Trimmings of the best quality, be inglinade to order expressly for his custom Trade, and will all be sold at the loweat figurb, or a; little lower for Cash 'Produce, or approved credit. ! H. B. Wool Socks wanted, for. Which the highest -- itinue to be paid. Flour and Salt con td. - • I l, Oct. 4, 1855. i : ' , . CLEAR THE TRACK , in a great hurry I Why, vrhat's the to*? 0. nothing, only Bullard over -*ostoffice has jnst received by Railroad Expn...4.s, as np* lot of Books and iStaticmery,- - and I want some 14eforc they .are gone.. Yea, Mats eio: Conte on4,2Pre has got Mary Lyndon, The Hidden Path, My BOndage and Freedom (F. Dougiass,) Ber thd and LilliV, Hood's Choice Works in sett of four vols. Ac. be:, Young Folks' Glee Book, A variety of popurnr Song BOoks, and a! large addition to his stock of Writing Papei, Envelopes and Ittbss.-alftif the best quality, and cheap for theist:any, et Abe Postotlice, t door north of L. Searle's ' ontrose, Sept 19, 1855. A. N. BULLARD. #t 1 .F.; .' COANDLERI ' • 'AS ti good ass4rtment of FAL AND MY ' TAR C.: 0 ODA which will be sold as cheap as v in • this market. I Plaids, Detains, nuatnettas and Si e lis'of variety of Oddities and styles—Ginghams, Tints and Shawls, /3rowti • and Bleached Nusrms, mforters, carpet Bags and Overshoes, Crockery d Glass Ware, Looking Glasses,'Window Gifu and . ItaiL , ;„ Groceriei of all-kinds and ht a low figure, Flu id and candlils, Ire. • - 1 RE4DYMADE CLOTHErG.. 1 * good stock—also, .Cloths and Cassimeres. Je 4ns, estings,'&.e. : , will be sold at very. small profits. I 1 . /TO VES .A.N.I) P/PR, z: A few Coo leg and Parlor Stoves, for wood or Coal, srll be sold Iw to close them out. ' - .. I . I * W.A Arrii.i); o .. ain tir j in 'alias, 'White Bell" 80 4; Cif good ones,) 11014 OldiCbpper or Pewter by ' • 11M , 17,'554 ' , , I'. B. 42.19.2rDLNR. i • Bb , 'lNEss ati„Ft.btg,. • ' , T. B. Orchard, X 111). .: " HYSIcLAN AND BURGEON, ;lagoon, nuance- JL - ltenacounty, Pa. Residence at thePcistokgeo. , Hail 411: Lam% SINET MAILERS, bare recently opened a ware- V room In New Milford, Pa., ark will keep coil. stantly on band all kinds of Cabinet-Ware alatiMeady• made Coffihs., Funerals attended with _ tor without a hearse. Artu4-room - rn nearly opposite J.' Diekerrnan'a Store. I New Milford, May 15, 1855. 1 20-17 A. &"Ph Baldwin,- TA t-rs OF SA DDLES, Tru t rMk,ghfae.on tpasernCfTee Hotel, Mohtrose, C. N. Sinuiloftd, , B6°T.kli.D MOE MAHER. :Slop finst door east of 04d Fellows' Ball, TurrOke tit 4 Montrose. W. Singleto4 I- AN now be found at his new stand, 011 Owego st. C two doors west of Searle 's lintel,!wherc he ef feCtsiaqy ;repairs wick_ dispatch, Watches, * Clocks, J e welry, Cons, and every description Of liachincry.' Wheel cutting ; Gun and Watch rnateriats supplied to the trade. I • - Dr. H. , COTRGEON DENTIST, Montrose, Pa., at Searle's 1.....7910te1, Mondays and Tuesdays iof each week. . - Henry S. Knapp, ,r ONTROSE, PA., with Rosr,-Woodru? Cqr 111_ ter; Wholesale Grocers and Conunission Mir eh:nits, I. 173 Washington street, between Court. andt and Dey streets, ll'ew York. ; • 'L Caleb - Weeks'. • . - Q ADDLE, HARNESS; TRUNK iMAKER and Car- P , .0 flag& Trimmer. Shop nt hip dwelling house, early Oppesite HenryDrinkrre. fil:prztrose, ? Miller & Fowler, A TTOUNEYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, ilt.:and:Salicitorn in Chaneiny " Office No. 44 Clarke street, Chicago, 111. • ' . . . „ Pacific Rotel: t . REENWICH STREET, (near Ihradwriy,) New kir York. Salisbury A: Co:,lPrOprietors. In the vicinity of the principal steamboat Jatulings.. . - Thomas ingstrozo.l TIT:AIi:ER IN DRY VOODS, Cvroceries, Clothing, Crnekery, Bootsind Shoes, *c.; Susquehanna Depot, Pa. • . '• • • Bentley & - • A TTdIINEYS AT LAW,..ANDIIOUNTY LAND .Lle._ AGENTS, Montrose, Pa., U. F. nrxii.Ev. • • ' . f.l L. F. FITCI/. • John Groves; ASIIIO\ ABLE TAILOR. Shop' under Searle's -Hoed, Maine street, "bin/rope, . ; • ' D. D. Hinds; y WEBS AND EXCIIANGE STABLE . Officio in .I_2 in the rear of Wilson's Store,! ..iffintrose, Pet , . - 1 • '' J. Colsten, i : -) TIEAVER. IN STOVES; Tin, copper, and Skeet .113, Iroti 'Ware, Lodersville , Great near ' reat Benti, ,De Deeeniber 1. _., . ----- I, " ' t L.P. Hinds;.• , 4 TTDRNET AT LAW, SrusqloAatina,Pa. Office t.l.:.oni'Maine street, one door east of Lenlieini's. Fraiier & Case, 1 - A TTORNEYs AND COUXSr:LLO.IIs AT LeAYV . - .Ill: Office on Turnpike street, ene loot: Enst 6 Post's Sore, ..Vrmtrorsr, Pa. Albert Chamberlli, A TTORNEY AT LAW and-Justice of the Peace; ovk.r L. L. rck & Co's Store, Jtontrose.': IL 'Teem+ r, • TJORNEY_ AT LAW AND COM3IISSIONER of 2 :Herns, for the State of New York, will attend to all-btisiness entrusted to biro withlpromptnees and fidelity. Office On Public Square, occupied by Hon. W ut ..Jc,Ss up. Abel Turceil, D EALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, Chemicals, Paints, Oils, Dye-stuffs, Groce.iies, Dry Goods, Hardwatr, Stoneware, Glassware, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry] Silver Spoons, Spectacles, Instru inents,-`Trusses,• Surgical InAinunentS, Liquors, Per fumery,',,Mirrors, Stationery, Brushes, Shoes, Yankee Notions - B. R. Lyons . & Co., , . W it/ r L y %SAI.E l. e A xr, N )c D . erille,FT., qAditt'FDloEtt:".tnEliStiarT: • ware, Lanesboro, :Pa. - .. - -:-, —.l . , • . 77 .,,,....;.- - i - P. B. Chandler,: - - • • 1 - - TIEALER LN DRY GOODS, Ready Made nothing, 1 i• qroeeries, Books and. _Stationery, etc.,:', Public trenui, Mon lose, Pa. ' r • ' ' •, , • •;., -Pa trick & PHYSICIAN::: WAND SURGEONS. t Office No. 4 Owego street, Nalitro.to, Pa. • - I. L. Post & Co., - • • nEALF.Rs IX DRY . GOODS', Groceriea, Crockery, 31.5 Ilardware,-Leather, Flonr, ete.", corner of Turn pike street and Public Avenue, Montrose, Pa. J. Lyons & Son., ; DE!'IEALERS IN DRY GOODS, Groceries, Hanbcare, ockers, t'i•ockery, Tinware,•Grrceries,Books, etc.; ali s t . , carry the Book Binding business--Pnblie Avennce, Monti:on% Pa. . . Bentley do Read, TIRALERS IN DRY . GOODS, Drugs, Medicines, .I_l Paints, Oils, Groceries, hardware, Crockery, Iron, .Clocks, Watches, - Jewelry, Silver Spoons, Per: ornery, kc.—Foot of Public Avenue , Montrose. Sayre, Bentley & Perkins, TANUFACTUREFLS. OF AND 'DEALERS IN all 1! !kinds of Casting' s Storeis, Agricultural Imple• men* etc. Office at Sayres - Storp, Public Avenue; Manufactory at the Eagle- Foundry, Foot of Cherry street; Ifostrose, Pa. - William & William H. Jessup, A im RNEYS AT LAW, Montrose, Pa. Prac- Itiee in Susquehanna, Bradford, Wayne, Wyo. miniand'Luzerne counties. . William.W. Smith & Co.; CABINET MAKERS.. They keep constantly on band a good assortment of all kinds of Cabinet Furniture. Shop and Ware Booins at the foot of Maine street, Arontroie, Pa. Rockwell, Wintonl& Co., 1 1 ,ANUFACTLIRERS and ~ D EALERS in, Straps III; Goods, Hats,. Of f s, Fuivt, Umbrellas, Par* sols;ilatona, k.. dv., No. 20 Cotirtlancit street, /Veit (np stairs.) a. si.noccatit.. ; Ir. A. winns. X. C. Tyler; - ' ' lICTERESTED with I. L. HUNT,lmporter-of and Dealer in-Hardware and Cutler; Caniagegprings, Ike., iCo. 215 Pearl street, Nees Yi;rk, - arhere his Tiler eantUe friends, in thbr and other counties, are kindly incited, and earnestly solicited to all and purehaie. Gir rd FIrC kusuranOe Company, jr'l 145 Chisiniti St., Philadelphia. L CAPITAL $3OOO ;$ OO • To;tlie Citizens of .Susquehanna Cotinty:- - A !PPLICATIONS will be received by us for ann.- Lll. nual or perpetual insurancesin this Oranyany, upon: the most favorable terms. Any perm wishing to ; have his pivperty insured will be satistied, we think, by calling oh us, that he 'cannot get insured in a' dater company, nor upon more 'favorable terms than in this. • BENTLEY 1: FlTCll,,Agents. Detober, l8:i5. 4llrrilt - - 7 - , ' WANTED! - r r . 1 4 . ,. Nrit tbot7 . 2rudieLt of Oats-3000 Bushals of I t Buckwb ? will -000 Bushels each of Ith. Corit---2000 a shels"of Dried it_ppki—nie hundred Do* good liicol Socks. Also &ans. Perk, Poultry, Butter, lard, Beeswax, Flax-Seed, kc., for which I will pay the highest market prices in Goods, or on ac. milt. • t 0. G. ITEMISTEAD. EAS—Both Green an. Black-4 Yerigeneral as tertment, amt of superic+' flavor, at win' ea ranging froth 31 cents,- 041. - 0. 0. HEMPSTEAD. • • A Strayeii I . From the premises of the ii i ubseriber in Ararat toWnship, on or about the 24th day of &Timber last, on white-faced brown Heifer, a years old, and seven CalSes, 6of them brown and Vred. Whoever will restore them to the owner, or give infonnationiihere ,th 4 may be round, shall be suitably rewarded. Amu 9et. 12 1856.. Dd VIII AVERY. • BALDWIN& PERKINIS, Whtilesak and Seidl dealers, in Thar,' Salt, Pork, Moll, Grain, Feed and Candles.' Cash paid for Oats arid Rye.. On Chestnut Street,—tast end. of Lyons k Chan. dlers Store, Montrose Pa- I 4614gb l ALDWLV. ' • - - II Dr. J. B. CELEBRITED CITHOLICTI v rosi TUX ISEULT AND cviz OY rz*ttas. It stands pre-eminent fir Its curative powers in all r the• (Hs eues for which it is ft-chimera (led, usually called- FEMALE COMPLAINTS. Of these are - Prolaprus i Uteri, or falling of the womb; fluor- A/brar, or whites; Chr is In fianiatirm andUle Sion of the 'Womb ; faci Hem- orrha."sve, or Footling Supprossedandirrers ar fen. struation, Lc with all their accompanying. evils, (Cancer excepted ) ) no matter how severe or of how long Standing.. This. medicine has never been introduced tv puffs, and misrepresentations' nor is it . 1 that its present popularity shall be . smu s ine, medium but its merits andthe approbation of lie I feel it a duty incumbent upon myself tO declare publicly the 'great blessing Dr. Ilarchisrsl Uterine Cath*on has proved to me. For two Years my health was miserable • I was most unable, t) walk.— Physicians pronounce d my case filling of the. Womb, extensive ulceration, commencing with fluor ailing. The pain; irritation, prostration, &c., rentleml life burden: • In this miserable condition, Dr..P:t P. New land reedit:mended Dr. Marchisi's Uterine C tholicon. After taking four bottles I find myself in perftt health. Gmtitude for my restoration makes me at ently de sire that all my sex, alike , unftYrturiate, tray l find sure relief from this inestimable medicine. • • • E.L11.41111771 A. IVEW.L.d4rI). , No. 19 'Wost st. Utica, T The - above statement I know to be true. F. P. Nh; IFL AND„V. • • • I would be glad to have a futil ply, as the medicine is becoming very popu think will continue, as it has given relief in stance where properly taken. • .. THOJLAS ..VE WiTAY IL D. • . , • - • ML Vernn, Ind, The Catholicon is doing good Set - rice 'ere. All the patients that have, tried the medicine have been benefited hut one—and that one nothing wt, II help. Truly Yours, lat. LAIRD lIAZLETP, M. D.; _ New-Philadelphia;' Ohio. . .... I must say, from to or n experience , end personal observations in my practice,, it has prot - mk to ,be the best and; safest remedy for the difficulties fpr which it recommended, viz • those of female weakness, such as Prolapsus Uteri, Floor Allms, and all; irregular and paiaful Menstruation, anal diseases of irlitetion of the female organs. •D. Y FOOrE,I M. D, .. 'Syntettite, N. Y.. The claims of this medicine to the, confidence of the public are strengthened by the fact of I Its haYitig reciered , the.approbation and liberal patronage of ma ny prominent members of the Medical Faculty-in the United States, some of whom have voluntarily given letkrs of commendation, (sec -pamphlet,) , 1 sustaining 611 that is claimed for it as a curative agent; --- • Pamphlets containing much useful information touching the nature and symptoms of the: above dis eases, together with testimonials from latliei of the highest respectability, as certified by the most satis faetorrauthority,lo all which the attention of ladiei• and practioners is-respectfully invitett, can be had gra tis at the store of ADEL TURRELL; Agent, Druggist, Montrose, Pa. Sold by molt or leading Druggist in the ad joining Counties. t 7 J. B. MARCHISI St Co., Proprietor., Central Depot, :344 Broadway, S. Y. - • TO THE PUBLIC. r' HE subscriber would tender his thanks for the 1 liberal patronage bestowed upon him thus far during the season, and at . the same time announce, that he has jest received a new stock of Goods, mak ing' his assortment very complete in all its various braneltei,: , ;and would say further that for ready pay and on short time to reliable customers, his goods will be sold as low as they can be bought at any oth er store in the county. Please call and eximine. S. S. INGALLS. Gibgon; October 12, 1635 laddition to a very good assortment or New Pres.' Goods, there still remains a quantity of Delains, Poplins; 41.. c. Sc., of -the old stock, to be soil at bar gains, without-reference' to cost; also, Winter Dm ne.ts, • Trool, Brocha, and several other kinds of Shawls at low prices, for sale by S, S. 1. (21.GA115.,- - compared with the market price, can tie 0 found verb low at the store of eIOOKING, Parlor, and other kinds of Stores and Strke Pipe;Tor rale cheap as the cheapest by S. S. /NG:ILLS. •Butalo Robes, Sc. Sc., for 1_ .stilO: 1 1)i • • S. S. 1. ___ A .17 lands of Prod* at their _ Highest market •il . irke r algo, any quantity of good_ Wool Socks ... taken in ONehange for good; by .. Gibson, October 12, 1855 CiEgERAL ASSORTMENT toF STAPLE . Li. and Fancy Dry Goods, HGroceries', -ardware, Hats, Ceps, Boots and Shoes, Wall Paper, Drags, Dye Stuffs, and Oils, &c.;. which will be 1;o141 as cheap as the cheapest for cash or approved credit by. Irarford, June Ist, 1854. H. M. .TONES. A LACK Grode -Rhine Silks of excellent quality la_ at_ 11. It.. JONES'. - T:1 - .1ROCIIE and Cashmere shawls at rtl pricer, alio' _I a few mantillas b-r- II. M. JONES. r"._-..... EADY made clothing at low prices dq- .- " . .11. M. JONES. - CAS" paid for Wool by 11..11. JONES • Ifarfoni, June l l I st, 1845. C Li A7;11 iird for Wiry - Butter be t 1 - llt N. JONES. A good assortment of Boots andlShoes at • IIL if. JONES. --i -•- ! rIrEAS, gli s ilii - ix - ia - 60 - iii4i of fin cputiiiien mll at . .5. lcra - prie'es by• • IH. AL JONES. LADIES will find a great rariet. oil Bonnets and Ribbons at I IL M. JONES. AWNS, Chain, Berrege de Liines sindGingbains 1,4 at It M. JONES. EMBROIDERING and .Window Draperies at Harford, June Ist, 1855: H. M. JUNES; FALL TRAim,.lB55l - I BEG lure to invite the attention of My old friends and customers to the , VBRY L.AAGE STOCK of DRY GOODS, 0 ROCERIES,XA RD WA RE, CROCKERY, BONNET'S, SHA IFIS„ FURS, HATS k CAPS, PAINTS & OILS, CLOTHING, BOOTS& SHOES cee. &e.i.l am 'now receiving, and while tendering thanks for past favOrs, 1 would re spectfullj ask tbmit once niore to fiver me with' n share of the patronage they have heretofore so liber 'ally honored me with. • J. 11. ;SUTPHIN_ Surnmenyville, Sept IS, 1855. • GRAIN and P- G OOD_ WOOL SOCKS wh n tcd at. I • J. u. Q UGARS, cheaper than they can be obtained elsc ►7 where at -J. A. t.TITIIIN."S. FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! lut undersigned has beemappointed v an agent 01 the gTATI: nercat. FIRE INSURANCE co., of Harrisburg, Pa. Said Company ha a capital •of $500,000! It is as safe and cheap a company as any in the State and insures on the Stock or Mutual plan. - . • We, the undersigned, hereby state ithat w - e have done business with the above company, and we are satisfied ttutt.it is both safe and cheap.j _ln our eipe rience we . have never known any assessrnents on a premium note, - , . F. M. Wit.ttaits., * . st. Jtagune, • D. D. Wansna, -. F B..Cdasntart. • . E. B. OWE, • - ORLANDC ELDRIDGE; BILLINGS STROUD, Agent. - - - . - . . Flour and Salt By the load; barrel, sack, or fond, ' _l•August 1, 1 1 3Z5.1 . 7. B. CIiA\ D LRR Sash ami 1111nair. %17 INDUS% Slsh of vario us aims conataz i ltly on hand 13linds furnished to ordfr f .. & $ ox J• Lypo.. s. • , Stittlalo_Rllieai. • • . * ACIIOICEIot iluffal9 Babes jast received and will be *old at 4 lowArre by H. BURITT. New Milford Nov. 186.5. • ' • Shawls and Ha . ALARGE and splendid, lot of Shahs and hats ex pected to-Morrow at our store. ' 100 CORDS W'OOD wanted fiyl [Nov. 20.1 J. LTONCt SON: Paints and 01b4 7MR Paint, Blake. Sire Proof P4tt:, Unseat and' Loop Oil, Fluid and Phosgene Aoki tow I_)y F. B. et I.4.NDLM ;tole 20th, 1855. - Flour. • - BY the 13arrel, Sack or pound ' F: n Montrose,. dnno, i 2ot . lepr. REFERENCES. ant 'roduee of all kind.s u•anted at the highest market prices at .T. R. SyTPITIN'S. TESTI3(O4.I7ALS ._ _, ..... TWO A PENNT - SAVED — WORTII 1 .1 1 ! EARNED: T •VATTEIirfiERGA BROW ; Monti take It) • this method ofiidiising their old friends and customers and the public at largt;.that thei have just received and - o' ened the largest, prettiest and cheap. eat stock ofit ADY. MADF. 'OLO'THIINIG ',Over - beet and - o ' to this, Place, . bleb they Offee tit a stnallidtcean from cost, therebv o, eringyureltesere the rare Opportuni. ty of-ohtainingigooda at about two thirds; the usual . A a largel assortment of Dry Coeds, Comprising for I ' dies Wear, new styles Brocade , Stripe, . Plaid; . Plait and changeable,Silks, Delaines, Ruslih, De Rage- Re g n tt e delstitim of new and elegant desigua. -- AlLthe latestst; les of ll.atileS Dress Comds, FrenSh Lewis, Prima and Gh;tghame. . A handsome assortment of Dress Trimmings, Endwohled Sleeves, Collars Cuffs, etc. Saconet and•SwiSsßilgingsand Insertings,Glovei ilits, flosiery,l Veils land Parasols. t . Their imrttitent of Shawls is very largelembracing every thing that is rich and fashionable brith foreign and domestic. j Their Bonnet Department is large and complete,. embracing thii very-latest styles i with Trimmings to match. 1 .., - . An extensiite assortment of Irish linetts, -napkins toweling, table e,.. covers, curtains ke. . t We have also a supply of Shirts, tlentlfmen's Col lars, Suspetidets, Gli,ves; Umbrellas. and mgood-many other articie4, too ibuncrons to mention.' For bar. gains the public is respeetfully invited tn . , call at• the cheap store o r , J. WITTIMBER(i- k BRO. • corner of Cluisnut 4 Owego Streets, fonti doors east of Post's store. . ' - iy em ntended t i i by any the pub The GreateislfMprovemerit of the Age , Jr; Williams' Double-Acting lall Valve • rye •pH ntl Lift Pumps=l . . N improyement above.all :tither pulnps or , ma- 1 chines fin -lifting, throwing, and earyyittg Water; combining bdth aTentip and a Fire Engine. This Pump,.patented iniFebruary, 1854, is tho whole - of it No! bolts -nr screws about it tq rust, donse tptently it wilt last ;a man's life time. Rican be tised in erery ratiOtfof form---can draw-waier from 'an,' situation, and carry it to any part of a It is superior te; all other Punips For Distilleries, Paper TannerieS, Frick Yards, Iron Worits and Man ufileturitig establishments of all kinds. - I All milers jimSthe addressed to .A.untsos Dimming, Lochtrsville, Pa.; who has the sole right!, for Susque• hatuia eountl 4 . • FM ther sup , tar, suul I even , in- • ALL READY. STOVES Ni)A TIN WARE 1 7 0 R THE I PEOPLE. IA TOODREFF St ELDRED have . constitntly on band , 1 I a large and well selected astorthient- of tin ware, Peels land, Chain for wells, pinups, ..,, tern pumps, &c:, tlydr,atilic Morns, Japan - r:.: .7.. t, lead pipes of all si'r.es ,te., &c: Job worst dope with neat ness and despatch ; all. orders promptlylattende(l to.- iSTOVE,Sic,PIPE`I a . , kept constantly on hand, large assortment of stoves of the.latest improved - and approved pittterns. Our experience in the business enables'us . to. select those that we Can' fafel. warrant to 'give entiro satisfaction, Amongst out tnnnerons stock ran be fain(' the -_ -- . 1 - 'Flux:pm air tight ' Star of the West, Elevated New World," . ! . Clinton, 1 [Oven Atlas,.ll -. / - I" Cultivator, 1 44 , 10i,pi X, 1 " Fire Fly. 1 tl - , .. Three States, I" Western Quee'' n, 44 . Globe, I • I " . ' Premium. l ' • ! i S. A; wocuntr vs. , • is.cn. ELDRED. - . ----- ' - - 1 ---4.• • • • • - GOODS! GOODS . U rirly-F. sul(),criber is receiving Lis Sp -1W- and Sum -mer st( ck tirGoods, comprisinr. , , a ?great variety, which' will 1 e sold' as low as any in this market.— Please call anil examine. F. R. CIJANDLE/t. - . ~, - -./1„..-1 I'S .4 NI) CA.P.S—A good as:sit:intent of the latest style.l . i -. ~.. 1:1::'..I I) It(1/..1 DI: CLOvir.vo-4.% good variety of Spring add SiOnnr:.(r Clothing of the t.i ,, t (TT. 1)I: Y C(' rinS-.-- - -.A. general In'sollthent - •throuP( ll- O r, t. .11_n, D.'IESS thIODSt. Semi -ist3ng of J..r, wrs, Bo: ege I/el ° hies( French Pei:does. Pirsian r-(4.line, i i Prime() I.an - vs,::Fartey P. ints,: Ladiesll\'o:l•it.g Cal- LP's, In-ertipas,fEdgings, Plneti Silk Nt.intilT.(ssThi!(et and 1741$1,:ayre 1i1u..(c1,, Para:T:l-, hosiery, Plo.t es, &c. BOOTS i .11.11 Sil 01. W. - (...I.A ks—t7,l hlrg.l 81 , 011- iiir , nt of oviory iit..ccii•Con and style. 1 ' A 150.% great variety of }Taney Articles. Yankee Notions. kit. • Crockery:, hardware, and OsoCeries ;td all kinds.— Trif7 . , k-, a h.0r...1 let' ler sale elleap, 111001,.., , and 1- I '..a: I'joil lotierv--Wall l'a Iner--41,:ei; 1 ner--41,:ei; ilt;ar of tile be- t quality.. - i . tro,e, liiiy. ':, 1$: - ,Z;-. F. B. eIf...I.XIILEA. . : - } . - - Tielir` . I.s Fiat. .o 1 Mtn i I - SI i'iges, „ . Fil:rtst •J ri lit I.li - 000 TO :1ic..1 - I . nosE. i.;;;TAGE. u - i111„,Ivc ! Kiikli'i(ollei(*e.iitg throunh COr- C 7 Isettsv lie, I,iheity. itc., e - ,Nr - lorirling after the arrival ( - ,1 c'lle,ltailTl.:i(os of ear3,totlt .o.t.s.t- and West, reaeldig -J,lntiarse. at I P. It. I:4tirn;iip, leave m:l:se - 4 oily Ite (Sundays excepted) att2 P. .V., teach ingl Kirklv s aof in time to take the Mail4rains of cars. both East. , l l(e .l West, being the - nearest andOnost lea: sibie mutt. to reach the New York lent Erie llailread. This lint intersect; a tri-weekly A 4: for I)itnoelc. Spilt:14111111 , Tonkhanaock, 'Wyoming, and Wilkes- - bane, whi -L leaves 3lOntroz-e at 7 A. 131. every .S.ltin . dav, Wet - lite:4l4 and Frid.tv. - Also, ailing to Friends ville, tz(raysville, &e. - , j - • I, Uood teeing and finglerfrtGi „ r earrolges arc provi ded, and ttre proprietors will spare n,h- pains to ae eimnollatle the publie. -W. K. 1L . April ti t l$L4-. -.._ . 31011GAN?.st WEST. 1. - . al. H. INGALLS. 42t1 I . Look fitere: ?. POCK!;T- KNIVES. A good as,imi.ftient or the best - kinds in 'market. Also Table Knives and Forks. SPOONS.' Silver,-Silver Plated, German Silver, Alba., to, :tad Illitattia-tvarc spoons. - Also ilver, Silver Kited, and. Gqrman Silver Butter SIKINGS, Bows, and all the fixtureS,.Vi Wins, AciordeOns, Flutes, Tuning Foiks, Instruction Books, tt:c. • cLuni• LAMPS, Fluid, Camplienei Candles, Lamp Oil, Ac... f d • ,FAMILY GROCERIES. A full assoitment, new sand good: ! . DRUGS- & PATENT MEDICINE :4. A first rate as sortmenti and ; genuine. , • PAINTS & OILS. A. generalassortment, and Of good quality. f 1 • . JEWELRY. A.s.plendid variety otthe neat j est pat 'terns: 1 " FANCY GOODS. -Nearly every thitg intthishrtinch. PERFUMERY. A - choice varietyi ( New supplies receivetltnearty every week.l 4 In :r;hori, nearly every thing persoruf want, atnl cheap at the variptv:store of TURRELL. Montrose, - June 14. 1855; o - ;.- Niw Goods. •i•- rirlfEigabsOriber is its constant t:receipt of 'New Goinis,. in his- line of httsine,Ss, nearif eiery week. The public will find his assortment No:1, and his articles new anti of good quality.; The stock con sists as nstial ftf Drugs, Medicines , paiuls, Oils, Dye Stuffs, Qroclrics, Fancy hoods, Tr:leetrY, Perfume ry, tfe. I more at the lower end of the. burnfdistriet. IleintioSe June 1855. TURItELL. FOR TIW. VALI. Tam+. BENTLEY; & -READ, have justrecieved a largo and well seleVted Stock, of Dry Opals, Groceries, Croekery, Ilardwarc, Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dyestullk, Booty& Slioes, - Tempoorii, Rats & Caps, .Watcho, JeWelry, Silver Spoons, &k.., whicq they of fer on the most favorable terms. • 'Montrose, Pct. 1, 18 . 454. : ;. • Loss and Square Shawls, De Lahles,' Figured and Plain, tb great quantity of parametlaS, and other Dresti Goods, ;for -sale cheap by - . • BENTLEY & READ. Paints.. ,- . frnsh supply of White Lead Blake's Fire Proof 114ntn, Eng. Venetian, Yellow Ohre, Patent, Cb‘ v e & Parts Green, Linseed Oils, raw and boiled, for !by I• : BENTLEY it BEAD. riFreneh Window Paw Freneh WindOw Blasi of carious sips, and Patty, always ion hind at , . ' BENTLEY-ft...BEAD'S:, AYar.s thir.RITY PEeronst & Hoothind's Gertna# Biltrs, To wrisand's Sasapattna, Vaugn's Lith onhiptte, all; of Dr. Jaynes celebratkd Medicines, Pe trolennt or noclr Oil, 3fugani Linfinient,` Bang's TH. copberpns, end Lyon'.B Katbarnui ; also, Dr. Phi' Brand4th's, iToughts, , Moffhtts, *noway's, GriTen berg, ffnvertign alin , Brnnets ...P)ant Ront cOnsbintli on hand, nniLlor.sule = BENTLEY & READ. Clocks,. Ilinbrellas, - Carpet • Trunks, tone Ware, ISoda; •and Comtinin Craecor's, Codfish, Nails, India Ilubbcr, School Books, it., just received, and for sale right, by lIEXTLEY & READ NEW. . W. Moir , has just reek ved iklot of New Ooods, *all *Pea, ouch • rus Deland; Do. Doges, Para• mithuk Ataypncaa , (Doghtuos, Mutinous,• .Prints and Shaw*. In.act a general itosOrtnyukt, of Dry Dikods, whiehl will he sohl . kilF. • ' . - L LYONS 4 SON. ' • . . , I_ ..:j . Fa mily , P 116.• ' • - 'DEM best in town can be had...I.I•YONO & Sa. L Any.farnily noviing cnn Ilavet them on trial';' if .tiny do not - answer the purpnae, do charge. AfottiTritc Sept.. 18. ' i - . 1 PUMPS! rtrivirs:; i New Goo&.1 Neve Jewelrir. • aplended s ittra entjust arrived at • got - amt., Nov. I, 1854.1 ' 1111tREWS 1. , Great Attriction • - :,;'. COUAW.,.:ST6An't • . , . .. T HE stOscitber woubStafialo filMounce Ito his cps , - towers and the public generally that- ha tas-re-.• wired & large. assortment- of BOOTS.A.NDs d o k which he intends selling for 'Ready Pay twenty p er I cent. cheaper than can be bought is this minket, (the.] Genuine. Boot -and_. Shoe Store down Torte or th e Rare Chance for Bargains, up town, not "excepted,) "Ouch Stoah"'nuty be found`the first door, East of the Odd Fellows' Hall, Turnpike street; first floor. Al though not quite so commodious,as Some "steaks." yet it snswers our purpose very Well for the present. ?either can we promise our Mistomers• that ,our ."es tablishment". will not be `.'surpassed" by Any . in the country soon, but we trill promiie our customers that we will sell Boots and Shoes 'to' auk in quality and price. Our stock - embraces a"general - variety of hew and elegant styles of Ladies' and ' Gentlemen's weer,. I among which are LadiO' Silk Fox Gai ..., Colored Gaiters, Enameled Gaiters, Black and lro used Kos sutklloota, Enameled Boots old Eitain led Buskins, • Kid Buskins; Polkas, calf-face Boots d Buskins, Misses Kid Boots, Jenny Lind Gaiters .Genti Con -01 grew, Patent Le they, Enameled" and nekskin Gait ers, 'Patent Leat er' Oxford Ties, Toilet Slips, Frene.h Calf Hoots, Thick Boots, Enameled Calf and Cowhide Brogans, Borte.P tent Leather Monterey : R. Eip : Boeta, dc.", Youths ' ] t tereys , aml Kip Ties, Children'sTay:. , for Ties, Paridoea Roue Boots, &c. Siikßoot Laces, all colors. , - Work made - to order, and repairing done neatly.— Please call and examine. Yonrsi In the Bont and Shoe trade, Montrose, May 1, I. Q. M. SIMMONS =MEM - Notice to 'the Public.. -• • TrATING just returnedfrota New York I wish to .L.l. call the attention of my'old .enstomers,..and of tho pitblic in general;,to my. - • NEW - STOCK OF - GOODS, which being - bought with cash ;at the lowest prices, and wishing . to sell prihcipally for the same, I -will of fer them at greatly reduced - prices. . Coeheco Prints, warranted Fist colors, for 'only / 8 cents a yard. Good Brown Sugar, 18 pounds for one dollar. • Boonton Nisi's, acknowledged by all to be the best Nail in use, $5,56 per keg. Hats and Caps, Boots and shoek Buffalo Robes of' all prices, all. wool De Laines,, Cashmeres; Parainettas 7 Dross Silk, Silk Velvet, 3louslin De Laines,llshilling per yard, Satin Bonnets • - and. Moleskin Hats,' Broehe Shawls, Double Long shawls, Thibet do.; isellinm t' at inconceiv ably low prices. I can safely..warrantPerfect sati4- faclion to all who will give me a , • Lanesbora,•Apr: 5, 1854. -S.: A. LYONS.. CLOCKS—good timekeepers, only one dollar. S. A. LYONS. tancsboio, Apr. 5. r8;8;77A - NTED-160111-litits, -for whichthel'higltcat price will bc:taid. . S. A.. LYONS. Lanesboro, Apr. 5. OUNTItY -PR:ODlail:ialieTtiitTe:tcha nge efor l Goods, at-my More. A. LYONS. ;Lanesboro, April i 5. • REW.GOOREI AG/AN:. . At the "Esehattge;!" Bri*)klytt. T HE subscriber takes thisppporteXtv:OT thanking 1 his friends for their-verY . libertr:Oironage 'the past season, mid of saying to them in addition, that, lavia just received. fresh invOices of seasonable • ClGoods of various descriptions, he 13 still prepared to supplyalmost any article u s.w;lly called for at a conn -1 try store. Ills assent is now complete, and he ing the largest in town, offers the greatest induce ment to purchasers, either for Cash,'llarter, 'or Good (xltort) Credit; Call and sae,' • Ilreolilyn, August 20, 1555. • Ittediriaps and Drugs. • •l VIES , ' Cherry P;iet'Gra , /—acknowledketi to, be i .0. the best Pt:lnv:nary Remedy extant—Pond's , Extrart or Witch Ilaxcl—in exceedingly valuable remedy for' divers ills—Dr. Baker's 'Compound—a l grand specific fur Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cholerilior has, &e.—Ayres' Jaynes, Phinney's and Wright's Iferchant's(largling Oil, together with . fi great rariety of . Drugs in connnou use, kept constantly,on band by . 0 G. BEMPSTEA - D. . • Plrase Take Notice, ~ . That it ii - very desirable that the accounts and notes i of the late firm of Smith & Hempstead should be set: I i tied, anti that Teedily. .0. G. HEMPSTEAD. - i i • Itrooklyn,Anz. ..It); 155.5.‘ . ' - • 1 1 „," ACT ; by, the bat-reft.er Inaii; :It, the market rates, by . • 0. 0. HEMPSTEAD. °•I`IIE.Iiii.:4IO7. market price paid for Hotter, Eggs, lii r ril, - Farm Produce of ail kinds, :good Shingles, i prim, Wool Socks, .tc., in Goods, by : . • 0. 0. HEMPSTEAD VI.OIIIIIIIN,G—Tho subscriber. has- on hand, • awl is now manufacturing, a, small. stock - of Ready-turtle Clothing, of good quality., and workman ' ship, which he ones at very low prices. - G. HE YPSTEAD.. q p nal l ities ° ,let c A blirt.an od il i v " on r 11:1 1 :( t 1 • 0. O. VNION INSVRANCE f.:I3:IXPA.NY,• OFFICE, ATEENS, DRAEFORD COUNTY, CAPITAL, $200,000. . • . Secured by Bond an& 3lorf Oor on llteßeal 174 late Insures against loss b) . - Fire; of House?,Stores, and other buildings, Goods, Wtires,. and . .Mercandise; on as favorable terms as any sitnilar.lnstitution. LoSses promptli adjusted:and paid. - Di rtizrons.—llon,. Horace Williston , Athens; Fran cis Tyler,"dp.; George-A. Perkins do.; J. T. to.,Meyer, ;. C, N. Shiptuo,n ' C, F.Velles, Jr. do. • J. -E. Canfield dd. ; Hon; John Laporte, - Towatida ; den. B. Wakeman, ; Geo. M. Ilollenback, barns; 3tichael Meylert,,Laporte, Pa. Orrtenas.-11 - on. Ilorace,Williston, President.; C. F. Wells; jr., V. Pres. and. Treas. ; - :T.. E. Canfield, Secretary. Ageui, 0.5.• 3fontrcise.;- Pa.- I 1532r0a FACTS FOIL. TIIE, PEOPLE. TIIE subscriber iicarrYing on the CHAIR MAK: LNG USLYESS in all- its -various branches at the Chair end Ware Shop it Harford, where Maylbe found a greater variety df 'Windsor - and Roclimg . Chairs than atatgy other establishment in the county; alsO Flag and Cane Seats; Bureaus, tiedsteeds,Loung es, Settees, Tables, Stands, 41r.c..&c...a11 of 'Which will be sold at the lowest prices at retail, (or wholesale, with short notice.) . All work warranted well made and of good material. Short credits and-small profits will be my.motto, ..For :demonstration of the Above Facts; please call at my 'sliop,in Ilarford village.- - ' • • A. W GRpßwooD.r.l 'llarfOrd; October 12,1854. , 1.546M9' PLOW SHOP. - .• -. - NEW ETABLISIIMENT. - AT AND E. MOTT would . respectfolly inform-the .01• public that they are manufacturing Blatehley'S Celebrated Plows. They also' keep. constantly- on hand, Sick Hill, Wayne County, and Idea 4Plotra,` _Cultivators, Po g Cl arm, Neigh and Cutter Shoes, Plow Points' of various patterns, - too numerous to mention. We hope, by 4itriet attention to business, to receive our share of public patronage. Mantifac tory. D. Poses old stand. Foundry, M. •Mott, -- near Searle's Mill. 'Repairing done.on.short notice. " MERU!' MOTT. Btu:yr mgry. Feb. 6 STEAM GRIST AND SAW iIIILL. I 3OST 111{0TIIMIS.. having„ pnrchmed the above eonstantlYon bled' :Su; igt7lne avid Fine. FlOur,',Corti'llfeal of superior guild ity, also Chop ernd'Bian - at the lowest - Cash prices.— ell#ol6l work. via he - done with despatch, and in all eagesiearronted. • "r. • Haiti Montrose. aft, 185:3. -• ' • • • • rteop.Nalit Ilturt From. . . Don't be forgetful, friends, one and all— Aged or youthful, great or stuall 7 L .; .(If not too small,) - - That at Odd `•. Is the place to- call, , • To.get your faces done tip tail, _ W,` .11. DEAN& Montrose, August 15; 1855. Patent Rorie Rakes; ' • von JAL) at tba Firaier'iVactianga by ' IV •- At. LATHROP k.OO juna !O. •••,- FARMS F4R SALE. , • LTE subscriber All act as,ageut tbr buying and sal; T lug:Beal Estate—L,Fanus„ irouses,,and Lots--16. cated Bssquehanin‘Ceimit,'-W : All who wish to offer their 'property for sale entk give a mitnte'd4rip• tion of toeli Farms ear?, follows It- ' , Number of arm!, how many improved and bOw . 'Tutored, hail& ings, orehirde, grafted or common fruit; other fruit trees; sfriethe u#3l 'point to this "0: - .1...&3 1 /,! R. R. suntN.T. farms on the list,' 4l unsold._ By -calling-op the, subscriber a 'minute description, „price aid terms can be given. " .0 ron. Tutttplka + doorattistor./isk 8t • Montrose, August 1 . 0,:1854. •. :A. BALDWIN, - • Mck*, Eggs, Butter; LW, Cheliet Flannetitr-in awe quantity in exchinge.fer.oooa at Call 54outemet,'Ilact. 4, 18155, C, :3(017 1 , • 0. G. IiE3IPSTEAD. rARMERs .•• of the ks.'loddeolders w . EAGLE,. FOUNDRY. QAYRI, BENTLEY & PIIRKINS having pi:T.O,, odor Wilson CO: the - gigle roundry, are tw peeparett t? °Were frana the ttade, suid , do wo r k h their line;with skill and despatch.. They will kp or . on Inind''.lleies, (bent kinds,) (a r c; inch;) Cultivators, Straw Cuitirs, 'Corn 61,11,3. - ; c. We invite particular attention .to the Pions: we manufacture. :We manufacture and keep for 4.;.! The -Celebrated Bliztehley Plate. t We leave purchased the exclusive tight to manuflr ture and sell in this county, Wayne; Wyorsilq. ar,,t .11radford, l arnich's Patent Iron Beam Plop% 7 , 11 , 4 Plow is mule:entirely of iron t .excepting the itu).lf-, It is celehrated for it's easy dmUghts" bong nr4 e - tEivi easier, than any now in use, while its strength and 4 . , • rubilityare greaten - • - . . • • • of all kinds-manufactured tnd repaired. by fillieriite• 'ed machinests. . 1 • Sierim Engine:, &eatin g Jar Stitpgle .". • t. • Among the Stoves, which we matmfacture, atfli, reystorie. Cori king 51014, - • Ro fish eat Queen do., • Premtunt. do.; and other kind:, a !i,: ranged - for burning Good or Coal. Also, .7.y.„; : ,, m. later, Parlor Stove, .Cotta9e Parlor -.10., 5t,p14.,- two4simt.,:do., and. a variety of other . .Palk w. both wood and coal borne a. . •We keep :IN) 1, 4 „.. Grindstond trimmings, .:Dog Churn brella, and Shovel' and Tong! Stands. k..4lc . p:' w o .r. done to order on short notice and „at Dr Orders • for Stoves,. -AgficultralAtilpl,-L-: are-solicited front, those is the trade, a n . filled atTeasonable wholesale ririces. • Montrose, March 4. . , • PATIENT- A 311):\G the great variety of Medicin% atTunen . 1 - 1 Store, may be found all of -Dr, Jaine'i. celebrated Family Medicines: Ayre's C6crry Pte.' ral and Cathartic Piths ; Halsey'S Forest 1 ;4 Forest Pills; Ilootland's celebrated German Bitte r , Louden's series, of Fianily Medicines; - Mt•rcri , rt; Gargling Oil, the greatest renredy for sprains i n L .,„.." or beast over known.; Mathewiam'ainfallibl...llritt dy i . and Horse Remedy; prick's Vennifego, vaidety of other kinds; Track's Magnetic t - mmp t , the great remedy for burns, rheumatism, and all flanunatory complaints; :Pond's Extract, a ii t . t thing-far purposes as above Pint:nem : k drewsi Pain Destroying Agent ; a good artielt w„, crick's, Balsam and - Bone Liniment;. AtViCA.S. dice Bitters, Canker Drops, Liniment, and it;•eat el DEops.; Baker's Compound for-DYsentery : ton's Pepsin, for Dyspepsia.;' ilelmbold's Ext.it: &elm and Extract. of Sarsaparilla; Tatillr Salves, the best jn market, Pills, lie., and an o.tr.=ll 41diess vanity of Patent Medicines,*altoatihe t numerous to enumerate—but suffice it to say, t 1 ,4 thepublic will find nearly every thing in thi>, the Drug and Fancy Store of. ABEL TUP,IIELL. Montrose, July, 1855. GENERAL ,FURNIISUItriG STOIC; AND Tailoring Establishment - . AT -SI. 7 BQtVtAICSA DEPOT'. JASHER & Co. would respectfully . annez-,. ! , t , their friends and the. public generally, ‘ tfLi. keep constantly on,hand a full agsenthtent cfil4 Made Clothing, Blots and Shoes, Hats and every thing else adeesiary for men and womett';:., ; wotild particularly call the attention of er..-.! Merchants to our large. stoek of the. (I.lf of our own manufabture, which rve offer at irilolv" , at prices that will - ,,aiffOrd great inducements to and short-time customers. • A large stock cif Cloths, Cas.simeres, kept conFtantly J en hand, for persons desitou, Q n..„!, ingclothing made to order': = - orders pitnetitallr attended to. - :Thankful for past: favtirs,•vie hope It - ) tinuance,of the same. . - J. ...ksHEll Susquehanna Depot, Pa., May 12,;157,5 - Australia, California,' ' Or any place an. the. Glube 'cannot )r; . fi.. . , . greater .inducem Ca ts than - - ' • .. , :,_ - BEELER A: STODDARD'S 7- • • BOOT AND SHOE STOMP.; • i WHICH is now filled - with a new aiel . ..-„1-1,;d .f.T `assortment of articles in their line, er.:ime z ' a general.cari,etT of nen' and elegant et-des ct la:. and , gentlemen s ireat, "among width me I:: CFrench;Silk Ltstipg and ..I'renille (iaite:.s r,i 1. - Enatneled rolkt:, - 4, Kid; Patelit Leather 'and Ens,, jenny Linds,-Muskins and - ; • Gentletacti:s Fr. , ' and Philadelphia, oak tanned calf skili.aliii Lip 1 - ",,,,, Morocco, Calf and Cowhide - Progans &c. . ell .) calf and cowhide Boots and Brogans ; ell hi:: j-Misses and Children's wear: Alsti, a gervr,l. l . t. 7 .-.1 meat of Findings which consist in part of 1a5r. , .;..--;.1 1 Sparables, I imgarian nails,.tackS; thread; ma . I' 1 tlcs„shoe. tan - ng, awl,,-, rasps, sandstones, si,m.,iiziq A , &e. Also .oa • andiliendOck, tanned, calf r.r1.7 0 i:soleleather, Morocco skins and liiting.:. Work made to order and. repairin g neadt to . .. _ . - .KFELEII. &-.STiMb_ks.::l Montlysp, April 6„ 1854. Stearns and Fire•Pr4 • . - - Safe's. • TIM subscribers have made arrang.ernev nigh to persons who may be in Wain of t!:c.r;:': , . above named invaluable Safes, at the sans: Which they eaa be . obtained- at the tnanurder , ' -Having experienced the benefit of such ring the late contlagra.tion.Ourscivelk estly recommend 'to others having,valuaLl..l..ze 'papers,*the-preservingof Which would. be Va_r importatice them, -not to - do nithouveLe. • • Prices range from in to tsoo,'arn3 we cz- , ... 1;14 to any one wishing to ptrehasei style, Bize,_price,. de., and furnish tht , m t!ce, with the internal . arrangernenf snit chaser. - • . I BENTLEY k EL. • 3fontrose,lDecember lA, 1E451 ValnableLaudi Tot Sale. Ir l oll SALE Ei* ONE BODY, about :Sit r Land on the witers-of. Spring Brook, : of theLackawruma river, in Luzerneßoct-,Fc.. about midway between the• thriving, tovt ton and Pittston. These lands are "coyerti* . e... wade timber, and beinkuituate in the me i nx , „ mitte#l region h PennsylVaniaknown to ci: iron Ore—and believed to abound in coal. et. also in'the 'immediate - vicinity of severiln:l -1 made and now in progress=- : bier to the- cria.i•: opportunity for the investment of money test 4i. occurs. For further inforMation apply to S.F.: sack, Esq., Xo. Wall street New , Yorict::,:: substriber,ltt,3l,ontroce Susquehanna ceenm attorney in fact of the owners.' ' Apit 6, 1 . 854. • HENRY DEIM. LtHE Jiff •PLASTEB. I ff lL iliks4tsc r ibers are sow burning anal:, consliindy on hand,, Lime' of o Ayer? .c.l quality - at Ifontrt* Depot, and will quantities at_ a fair price.. Persons wisl±; quantity-can be SuPplied I.zzon a reasopablzw ,, :: Superior ground Plaster Dili belept liand.heradter. -• L. H. 1/110W .4.11-111- Montrose Depot, April 3. . . John 'Groves" 'Adrerifiscuirat AS nature, who hirnishes the hirds . and k"" All extra coat forwinter,.has not made a k:le; .vision for than, I have Concluded .to'nlizedt L: 4 ! sox -to attend - to that . department ; and thri,' think proper to announce th at flit shiveritgr-=' pods, that need :new apparel, glorious orirce , fashionable- or Anfashionahle, can h 4 •,., :1 1,,i.r supplied and their tastes suited, by calling ca , ray.. shop in Montrose. - fit NOTICE. tICT. It 2tfAXEß,takes this A` Id 116 frie and•eustotucre, that I,okj 'creamed thO practice of medicine, at litt , 7 ,Xontiose 'where he may be - found at all prams:4o4ll'y etnp,loyed. wnahrsiy to deb Led to him;- that he will .deduct ticuanz7 ,cent Cm all ac,ccrimts paid before the tint (or if any poor like myself! will deduct fTly .Montruse, - Feb; qa - • ---•- vtiroo*.zash. g&UM tuiii.n been apreirri for an exteusite cash b lind and dtr cL d 1017 unprepared to 'furnish any arikles Ist-. less rates than they bare usually biTn Rid „, July qq,.' - $ Jhavjng Creams s urticltt 10kicb vvery - : luau. should . . . Dakees Celebrated Ve Cionpoanid, 41. soverel,q - n remedy for Dyeentery, nolo! - Cholera Infanturn 91. summer . e me e talair-. !- vegetable, Ault has -never Wed in a single 01 : Prodbeillg tbe-dPdre4 eked. For ale. ir.!e) 60 cents and 11. - ; BENTLEY ,t 0 Montrose . ~.A .mnst,ni 1865.. Itentoved. • Dentist has taken room Citaidlers ) stt.ine, h will be his big Mends agA i n tek as " o w e . C. it . V 0 11 / I Y - 29 ,1 85 6 . • - Resident 1011' EZEI Paper, . 0 500 J . Roltsjust opined, and some 14).5 . 0 ,1 • .7141760.01,;' ii:l S. 11". SAYtE. REN.TIST S. PERKINii: