II Maim , is 'Bali. A,t the ls Wyomin CO rge Assrtnb y Bowls of E. N. Baron,. in `N:atoli..Og , Pa., On the 27th of Dee, 55. The eompany of those thstate food of Cotillion cite= is respectfelly oliciteti. • . 1 . .111.USIC. , . • To. Violin ,i. Clarionet, \ .. 0 B $4,00. • 1 Ir4titte. . .. The. Susquehanna County Teacher's Association trill meet atTintock Corners on Saturday, the 22d. ins. A 1 o'clock P. M. I - A general attendance; is desired. - ' '• , By order oil the Executive Committee. Slip Sale*: The. Slips in the Preibytetian Chumb hi Montrose, will he rented for the Tear 18513, ou Monday Dec. 31, 1t , 55, it 11 o'clock, P. viigNpuir , ritrricE. . • \ annual tr,eetini of the Eitockhokiers in the .1A- Great .I;end and Cochecton Turnpike _Road Company, will be held ',at the Lu+k House in Great Berd,'ni. the second irednesliay of January nest, at 9 o'clocik A . y., for the dleetion of officers, kc. DRPs.TICErt, Sec's. • A' Gum Gagne. a m called upon by ti sense of justice to -myself tr a i s s ;publie to expose l the intrigue of the lesideri . r ra- eel-lain Clique, which I shall Clll the Blacksmith the first placefiirattaching my name to re i n handbills that are { , in circulation, the object of Seems to be to intent' the public that all the 1)11:1;Faliths in thitsCourdy 'save raised their prices fo! , CO: F.ome.tvrcutptive per cent. 'As my tope connected with others Upon the above named bo asill::, I only wish to inform the public that it was e , i there without my consent: Being in the em , c o:Messes Hawley ,and Jenks at the first . meet he Wad:smith gue - which was at their ' . 'of com=e I tea= present. The meeting was heldl fort t e 'porpot of forming resolutions with regard tot swg • Vices eif work d -c.l, bit as then? were but few ri , prevent, it was carnet] that they adjourn un the ‘2 , 0 of 'November ; during this interval be- , terra meetings it becatr the duty of-everyone to 1 T er an the brother chits he could, to attend the et i z .; oil the, 2.1411. ACcording to, appointment as 1 1 . 4 ,,,,),,,, f 55nd, a very largrnurubeeof Smiths were ~,,,,s , l " /4 Bloomer liallorganized a society, elected 11r(4..Aer Presideut,l , A. E. Hawley Treasurer— , l Lod prices of work. and all obligated themselves! w ;, eve true to each other. - I understand that the 1 s rts slrer!, has reported that I was the first one 'that -sated the idea of for gain[ a Society , -and was the p T a ctive in fixing the , prices, which I deny and st e prose is false, I was; not prevent at the orgam thTough solicited strongly to go, by some of the st,bersl I sent word by my brother, who attended 2! meeting, that I . wholli,refused to become emerit i:dine.: society. Irery intelligent mind can see at a glance the oh es ci this scheme.' Loot; at the source frOm which Monopoly is the object. The Treasurer, t.4,:".ier better to carry out his designs; has reported, unkletstand, that I anti no. workman and in the Isla of . -slighting my" work. Perhaps he would be t .,..3 t .,,0t51 to say that I hare something of a tact to „sivork fast end easy. Let this be as it may, auxhitli to keep rue in his employ at the egAlt.... of 0,75 per day. i As far as my workman -5::1V ie concerned I the public to ju.lge. I coTreAs, however, th4t I am unacquainted with . 0 ,-s;: , rows' and squa c east steel toe-cork rods. ILETr. any,i3Ot even during the four weeks I xorl.ed Me.shop where they are advertised. But 111w.' To:l:riled to the old stand at the Steam th , -e I have opened a cash Blacksmith Shop, where ,s,s , for the following prices: New shoes per las% Si 'cents ; sharpen, 4(} 'cents ; toe, 121- cents ozen, new shocs, t , '1,75 cents per yoke.i " ?Hi kw: cheap for cash. Call and try it. , 1 D. DI. BIFILPK. Dec. 18, I 85S 1 49w3. Si:It:IST:IAS AND NEW-YEARS ' 4 RE coming, but P 13. Chandler's large and splen ,i4.wor.tment of Parry Toys, Christmas Gifts Tear's Presents has preceded them, and ,I T tly for a w:neraldist i iihution among Those dc al making glad the oearts of their friends or The-c , is of course a usire l .rs-11 rush to "Kriss grin- I:ead quarters, but so extensi.e and varied is s4ply that none need] be disappointed by not .r.; on omirttinity of making desirable and gads. w, s%lections . lie charges only—nothing—for 44_ beautiful warps so that all roarhere loyi,cirtußty of , seeing I the—" Elephant " and av2.l'.li.tialdes,"--jarorided they are not farored the, "soli!-stirringstraitis" of the latter, at home. ,Y•D F: B. Chandler's, an additional , or rlegant New Books, "Children's Gaines," Nrs and Cases, Silver Pencils, Portmonies, Work Boxes, Phrtfolios, Jet Bracelets, Awl Al•o 11:.1:: , 11 arrival of A - EIT" 0001)2, among Merittoes, ll'aritraettas, all-wool De e, 'Embroidered rollers k Undersleeres, I r:dirties and Inserins, Stamped Collar and :111dr , tn's 'floods and Tippets, Silk, Kid Ai darted Glores 4 ')loire Antique Trimmings, LI , JrO Fancy Peltfi and lilnFiery, alto huge piles thinp, for an ,c , .r.mination of Which an' - 7; , :r;wi IS VERY eciNFlnEn TELT extended to all." totei the I.lace, and i :.e a good bargail but o ice, and know, the 1 enefits accruing from a economical di.4l:rs,nient'of your W 101.1.. - YourS. ' F B. - CHANDLER. Irec..lB, 3855. .1111 . 4111_, ASO 1 EW GOODSz _Bentley di Re - ad • . ll the.pleastire of aptiouncing to their old ctlstotneni arid the.public generally, that they re C PLETED their SEW BRICK STORE TurnAe street, uot of Public, *venue., and that 'Like poi3ussi9ri duriigthelpresent `.lace alt:o just retnroed prom the city, _and are 7j:lg a choke and deeiralile stock of Gi )0 DS, • 4 their usual rariety of Dry %x)ds,-Grocer- Crx.kery, Haqlware, Druks, Medicines, &c. tour* Dec. l2, 1855. - I r Gnairdiantsl Sale. )TIC is bs2reby thatthe undertigned ell'f)se t 0 public sale by s-endue or outcry, on z•Aav the 9th day of January next, the equal ;iltd;ne this It part of the following described he - . estate of Chauney Wright a minor child lTnght late of Lathrop township deceased.— ..1,1 north by landa-of Retl4en Blackman and Tiffany, on the esuiby„lands of said GeO. 15.cii i tand the publie.highwaj, on the south by rid Wihnarth, and on the west by i land.s of • fl'./31acaurtan ; connaning forty-six-a cres or ly improvediand upon , which is a „ot_lse, barn orthard u ike. Sale to ; be held tbermises at one o'cl elt in the afternoon-- 0 ! yment made kuo on the day of sale. tZRA S. BROWN. '7O Dee..lll. ] 855. 48w4. PROCLAIII4I - 021. - a-EIiJOSNA COVNTY 613.1 L;ILLICE )In the oourt of Common 'Pleas of said , untv, August Tenn, kacuA Brroicx. ) 1855. /Co. Lee oneha hurdiek: Vilhereas a subtwena in "r`.."%ta‘ , issbed to Astgust Term, 1865, which was ,!sett.rtsi non est invents+, and thereon an alias Pi PI. " I I 4 IN issued in said ease returnable to No -45." rtna i 'Bss, upon the return of which, proof madellitst tine said Lavancla Burdick could not im Lttie , - , is therefore to requiri uto .appear otslll t9tla,7,2f, of the - said 4ntrt on the third lion , efJetrilar's next to antoneli said complaint &c. ' F. P.M: )1,1.187811, Sheriff :lee, Montrose, 14.:e1 t 12, 1855. , 48w6. ' I . PROCLAMATION }, ..qi 4 N-NA Coeivry ssi . ~I it. _BELL - In Ithe ,Court of °pennon I Plea-4, of said county, Anku4 ima T.'.-7/IELL. .Term iss3. xo. 1. Eliz4edd a Belt: Whereas- a . subixena in . - **issued to August Term. 1885, oda& was 1 tttet4l. now' est heves , and thereon an alias 1 ' , tta sties issued in saki' retantable be Nov, • 16,54 boon the return which, proof was made tin said Maabetti C, 1B coulttnot be Sound in l e i not.iie is therefore require:coo s to appear ` the Judgesot the said ;Court J on the third lion iJs next to answir i said complaint &e. .• - F. P. otußTEft, sbeArr. - ~. tr. t- ?Mee, Montrose, Dec, 12 4 185 . ,5. Owe. _. Itookel•Books I-- • 4€.l ' 4 UPPIY just recievet., also Sheet *air. . - .1, LYONS t SON .._.l'; t 'Llruse, Dec. 18, 1855. f Co''' einFimlVAlmiuusc ' " r--- Al =mac Tor 54e by ,Groat► of Family l , 185,5. tip-top l article—Ame's .9ermao Ballots celebri.ted Sithenttut 7 -Wash. ' talking Powders forale by • I LYONS § (114. * tie EMI - 1 i. ' 15hetifris_Nnlei. - - -- Di virtue of Sundry 1141/11 iliSlltlt out -U. 0f ,. .e Court of CiPmition Plena of Susquehanna ' coitity and to. toe directed, I will expose to -public Sa' le-at the .Court House in Montrose, op Sataniay the 29th day of De cember ,4itst., at one d'plock P. IL t All that certain piece a parcel of land,being a buildiog lot,'-situate lyingbeing in the borough ofSusiguehanna Dte . pot, hn wn and distinguished as being Let No. lOws the e sa t laid and distinguished on a map of part of e borough of SuSiinehanna. being 60 feet front, tot r l2o feet deep. • twining 7200 square feet of land,. ith the appurte cos; one framed dwelling House, ud - all Improved. • . It ALSO, One other eerie. price or parcel of land situate alsaforessid, and bounded as followl, to wit: being this northeast balf-of Lot No. 5 u laiddown on a map of, part of :the village of Su squehanna Depot, by Whliato Went; and recorded in Deed Book No. 21, pago, 696. Containing 860 feet with the appurs tenances; one framed Store bonding, with dwelling in 'upper story, and all. imprnved. Takenl in Execution at the suit of Lewis S. Len. helm va.) Nathan Lenheito. . ALSO All- that certain piece or piiwcel of land situate ' d being is the township of BritAgewater, in the con a Susquehanna and bounded eafollows to wit : ginning at'a poit'on the line OfOrin Beebe's i k lot „ the e south . 87 deg, ,eat 86 . perches to Mosul, Tiler's lcit 6,Shence by the same Keith 23 deg. west, one hundi%l and forty-eight perches to a post, on the line of Rollin Hoyt's lot ; thenecknorth 87 deg. , west, 86 - perch Is to a post on Waite! , Foster'sline ; thence by the same north 23 deg. eatti,lsB Perdu' to the beginning ; containing 80 acres be the same Mere or les.s, being the wane lot conveyed by the lati Joseph Butterfield deed. to Susan Maria Butterfield,* deed bearing date Dec 9th,' A. D, 1848 and recorded - in the otacelfor'recordingpeeds&c., in Deed bOok 'No. 17, page 470 with the appurtenances, one i framed 'dwelling House, one Barn and 60 acres initwored„ Taken 4n ExecutiOn at the suit of Isaac 1.,- Post & Co: vs. Joseph D. Butterfield and . Susan If. Butter. ] ' field. i .. , ALS'O, All that certain piece or parcel of land situate and being in the township of Bridgewater in county q Susquehanna .and bounded as follows to wit: begotning at a post and atones in the watt line of lands late of Abram E,"Kennard's, 22 parches fir the north i weat cornet thereof ; thence south 89 deg. west, one hundred perches to a stake ; thence north 3 dee.' west, one hundredtperches to a stake ;;thence north 87 deg. east, one hundred perches to a , Fdake in the li eof Lemuel Beebe's lot; thence south 3 deg. eas by lands of Lemuel Beebe; and land of Abram K noard one hundred perches to the place of begins ng. Containing 58 acres _mad 120 perches of land all alloWences of 6 per cent With the,appur tensmces, One framed House and Biro, one Horse Shed, one Orchard and about forty acres improved. Taken i Execution at the suit of Hugh McCollum vs. Mosesed. • F. P. HOLLISTER, Still'. Sheriff's t Office, Ilofitres , Dee. 12, 1855. , 1.17110 I FS ' ALE. t n re b ta c t d a: eal C ers o Li readyi made Y Cl lung, also dealers in Cloths, Silks, Le., 1 , hats and c ps, boots and shoes, having now on hand a large su ply suitable for,the season, would call the Attention ofpurchasers to the ume.. . t .For furth er; particulars see advertisement in Anoth , er place in the Republican. Susquehria Depot, Dec. 10, 18.".5. . , ". • , - Christmas is Coming. The season for presents is close at hand,- and what more appr§priate to gice,.or what will be more grate fulty •receuvedl and more highly ?riled than a good Daguerreollyp? W. B. DjeanS has some flue gold' Lockets, gold Bricelets t Ph* dc; besides s new and beautiful lot of Vaion case, which lack only the grace of, some well knowri faoe, to make them just the thing for the season. Odd Killen4 Ball, Dec. 13, 1355 r 'L • s ss Wanted. A LL kin 15 of country product, old Cast & Wrought tron,lCoal, Lumber, and a sprinkling of cash, in exchange Or Sleigh Shoes, Plows, Ircen, and Brass castings, 5f 111 'Work, and Machinery fitting, at the Lanesborol Foundry and Machine Shop, where the subseriberi, continue the Foundry-and Machinery bu siness • and with their present facilities for despatch and goCrd'work, they feel confident the' can and will make it an ply) (or those wanting anything in their line to gicet em a call., A. &..S 11. BARNES. Lanesbpro, Peer 12, 18.55. •Plows i Plows! Plows!. • _ An imp veil kind at the Laneshoro Foundry, Call and get cub and be ready for Spring. 48v31. . . Audit(iris Notice. Tim undersigned haring ,been appointed\ LY the OiThar..a' Curt of SUS(Illeatlf1:1 County an auditor to, distribute i ie funds in the hands of the administra for of the e l ttate of J. Whitman, deceased, w t ill attend to .e untie. ofj his said appointment at his office in 3luntrose, on Ftiday the 4th day of .larinuf next. at ono o'clock in the afternoon, at which tinie and Placel persons interested will present .their claims, or thereafter s e forever , haired , from ceinirg in upon sal fund. fund. 1 11. H. FRAZIER. Montrose, Dec. 1(4 13:7,5. Auditor. ENNSYL AMA TELEGRAPH. THE Enlarge Forma l n d Reduced Prices 'IS cAsn Si STEM ADOPTED. On andter the first of January, 195 G, the Penn sylvania T legraph, published nt Harrisburg, Pa., it. will be ort ed and condecied by the undersigned, t who will iitfe their best energiesAn make it worthy I of its close' dof its friends. . - ..' ; It will co mence the new, year printed on entirely ; new type, • ,d the Weekly greatly enlarged in form, while the p 'cc will be lower than that of any other in paper of Its class ever poblished at the Capital of the State, and aYnients, will be required strictly in ad- settee. 11 , paper will be sent until it iS paid for— ! and a will e disdontinued as the ettlxcriptions ex- 1 pire, unlesste a ley are renewed. The. Tele • ph will be issued SEMI-WEEKLY, on a sheet of twenty-four columns, during the session of , the Legiskiire, and WEEKLY, on adouble sheet oft "I t Auditor'slf otace: forty-eight icolumns the remainder of the year. It 1 • The undel.signed an auditor appointed by the will pmsentia comprehensive sumtnary of the Legis- 1 Court of Codunou Fleas of . Susquehanna County to lative prodings; all important general laws, as I make disfrifiution of the proceeds of the Sheriff's they . are pissed, and aim to give the eurrent pad- IS.* of real estate of Lucretia Van Vorst late of said cal intelligotme of the' times in the •fullest and moat. 1 Co'auty. decra.ed -rill attend to the duties• of his tt.p reliable mariner. Di short, the proprietors hope to i pointment at, his office in Montrose, on Saturday the make it a elsmplete Family and Political Journal, and : 29th day of December inst. at 1 o'clock in the after. they ontfidintly appeal to The people of PenriSylraz i noon, at which dm...and place all persons interested, Ain to sustain their enterprise. j will present their claiins or be forever barred from The Telegraph mill adrocate a liberal pplitical pol- ;'coming in upon .. .aid fund. , - icy, and aim to unite all those who, thou animated I . n. FRANKLIN FRASER, Auditor. by the stunk common purpose, and looking to the ale ntrose bee- 4 1855 • same benefitent results, seem,distracted by the con -1 filet of diktinctive organization& It will sustain the highest standta-d of American Nationalify ; and, while yielding &sacred obedience to the 'compromises of the Constitution, will determinedly resist the eaten- 1 sion of Human Slavery, lit will give a cordial, earn- , est but independent suppWt to the administration of t , Gov. Pon L s--stric ly 'in Advdiree. The Tele ph will be urnished • SENT-WEEKLY during th e'ions of the ' tore, and WEEKLY, ou a. double sheet, the reinaluderothe year, at the, following low rates —the money in ariably to sworn- , party the order : 1 1 - 1 Single subicriptions„ ~ .. . ... ... ........et 00 Five copies (1 80 per dopy) 9 00 Ten copies (1 70 per copy) 17 00 Twenty topics ( 1 50 per copy) , ~....S0 00 And •at thp s ame pri (111 50 plr copy) on any number °TO twenty. Clubs should • be made pp it onci, and the sub soriptidns forwarded befo the first of January, so ~that. 'hey can commence " the Session of the Leg : ar Subs sptions will forwarded from this of fiee. All orders must be ddressed to 'CLCRE & SELLERS. Harriabut g, Ps. 'as men - find the Titscutarn the [verfising M 'um in Pennsylvania, out very' text A of the cities A new er tbnn I Brook' . . , . I Them Lightly at 1 o'cl, Moqtrz4; few R/ RALLY QUA*LS,ll3oois k Stu and will not be and pletity inore of six or 1856, and the LY:o.2tiB a.. BON. . , , :-- - . I- Nan 8414uub, jn WiNITTI.7IO3 ntanufactirera and - dealers in all I kinds of f tore, bo's' l *. moved our were rimm, from New • village, tn the Factory four miles east of the Wage, iiheed will be found it all times a goon nmortnteitt of cabinet Tare, also reedy made mem'# Funerals attended with or without s Reuse; also Bedsteads, g wholesaht or moll prices ranging from *2,00 upwa s according to stile itt. . TM 'es just received at the J. LYONS SON. REM I Just -sad Ived, .er, andforsale cheap .l k X. R. ASHLEY. 866. wil ay eve CO- be ted with Compbene . 1855, n g cirANDLars. Statignaty, (Ad in this market. Prito. Please call F. B. CH.A.MDLE.:. 1121 111 kept Dec 4th, 1; la'Nl LYONS & S9a - LAN,E1111110110: , • - Dec, 1855. •- evz on hand a general asscirtment of Dry -": ( AWL*, Groceries, ffartsrare, Tip-ware, Stove wart, Wooden ; ware, Looking (Daises, Crockery, Carpets;: Boots Ond Shoes, Bats and Caps, Glass, Nails;,PSlnts, Letup and Linseed Oil , Doct. Ja,ne's celebrated Fa Medicines, Books and Siationery, Carpenters' and owners ' Tools, 8000 yards Sheeting, Cotton and Woo en Tarns, Cooking, Parlor and Shop Stores, Store Zinc, tte.. &c. As we bur for : cash we'are disposed to sell for casit,,a little cheaper than the cheapest. Call and see. ! D,R LYONS A. CO. har‘FLOUR and, PORK, by tho pohnd, sack, l, or bthe load. B. R. LYONS & CO. Laneaboro, D .. e, 1855. INIVEI 'pound's; Young Hyson Ter,for one dollar, .I.' . at .R. R. LY6ss & Co's. Twelve pound. 4 good Sugar for one dollar, it B. Ti laosa & 'Co's. 1 ' I , Threeigallons .Molasses for one .dollar, al. B: R. Lrons it' Co's. • • . Si: poUnds Candles for one dollar, at B. R. L:ciais az Co's. I - i • Fourteen yards gckid Sheeting for oho dollar. at B R. Lros.i CO'd, ; ' . . Twentj yards Prints for one dollar, at B. R.- LYONS Twenty pounds Nails for one dollar, at B. R.Lvoss & Co's. 4 r.... 1 . . Thirteen' bars Soap fur one dollar, at B. R:Lross & Co's. , 1, . ; Eight"; hounds Coffee . fo r one dollar, at B. R. Lv r ors & Co i a: . • Seventeen pounds Rice for one dollar, at B. R. t_ LYONS & ;CO' ., S. - , . 'Fifteen: cents per pound for Candlee by the box, at B. R. Lrenes & Co's. Twelve Icents per pound for tip-top' Men B. R. I, , texs St Cos. Laneebb-0, - Dec., 1853. _ BOOTS. H 3 per ; pair for the best Kip and'*ck Boots,. at B, R. LYONS AL CO. LatiesbOro, Dee..; - 1855. "; CENTS per pair for Ladies' IToderslecreSl,* at Z i a . R. LPN'S & CO. LARGE lot of Shawls; at cost and 1-4 at B. R. Ll' • CARPtIS. ' r CENTS per yard, at Zia B. ILI LYON'S k CO's; ÜBBBR SIIOES AND SANDALS at 11, B. IL LYON'S & CO's. • FIRE! FIRE! LY'ING COUNTY MUTUAL; 'StItANCE COMPANY, Capital $,..).,200,000, aft increasing. It is one of the best Cotitpaniets in the; St te. AU its Josses by fire .promptly adjusted. It. I tals paid over her a ntillinn of dollars. losses by fire sitie4 it went into operation. Applicutioni received at . th. 'store of R. R. Lyons '' l 4l: C0.,-Lane - Aoro, and at the store of Ly ons A :cO4, Jessup, Luzerne county, .an at Mont rose, , B. IL LYON', Agent. Montfose,.Dec., 1855`.. . • , The " unilersigned an , auditor appoin ed by the Court of Common Pleas of •Susquehanna County to make distribution of the fund arising from the, Sher iff; Sale of real t stet° 'of Eztlicl ,Trouse, will at tend to tha,duties of his appointment at his office in Montrose, On Monday the 31st day of December lust, at 1 o'clo:h in-the afternoon at which time and !Aare nil person;',interestell will preient their claims or be forever haired from coming in noon said fund. • ' FRANK LIS,FRA.SER, Auditor. Montrose Dec. 4, 18.i5. El Change of Time. DELAWARE, LACKAWANNA ANDS WESTERN RAILROAD. WINTER ARRANGEMENT. Oand latter Thursday, Dec. 6th, '1855, the Mail (Y . f Paisenger Train will depart rom Scranton at 11.00 a. at.i Due at Great Reed at 2.1(i r. tt.l Con necting with the Dunkirk Express West nrid the New York F.sPress Eait, on the N.: Y. SE. R. Pass en.s.,rs taking this vain _will arrive in' Dunkirk "at 11 1 15 r. and in New' York at 11:15 T. It. - Returning, will leave Great Bend at\ $ T. a., due at Scianton,at 5.50 P. at. The "Freight Aceornmodation Train, with passenger Car attaches!, will leave Scranton at 1 P.N.; - due at Great Bend:.at 5.55 r . tr., connecting With the Mull Train West, and the Night Express Trains both East and West. Passengers taking this train told the. Night pzpress. Fist, will anise in New York at 10:1‘5 A. u. ; by taking the Night ExpreSs West, Will arrive in . Dunkirk at .. 12 at., or by taking the Mail Train West f i. will arrive at Dunkirk at 6:45:p. rn.. ' Returning. will leave Great Rend at 'A. it. and ar ,at Scranton 11,10 P. 11. • Passengers for Yirilitesharre, Pltts•on, l'Philadel:Aria, (via the Catawis ea, 'Williarnsport and iErie and Reading Railroad, .via Tamaqua,) and lEast -1 on, and all intermediate places, will find first 1 1 class Mac coachtis in readiness at Scranton,' oh the arrival 'of the Pas senger and Accommodation Trains to con rep then to:the above places. Those 'choosing pi rate conreyiinceswill find the.resi of horses and ear names of every . deseription, at reascin.ile charges, reads to order. . I , 1' D. II::DOTTLRER, Suparintundent. Superintendent's Office. 1 Scrantoii, Dec, 6 . 1665.. ; • LEAVE Montrose for D. L. & W. R. It at Gi A. M,for Express.Frehtlit Train to Scralltan. At P.; o'cltmk A. M. for Mail Train to Great 4Bend. At P, M. for Express Freight to Great Bend, and Nail Train for Scranton. Leave Depot. for litontrose on arrival ail; the above trains tit Station except up freight "'train!. For seat. apply at .Searle's. Hotel, Mbnit ose, Decembei...l2, AGENTS': AGENT S : AGENTS.: ERSONVaccustomed to procuin subgeribers for Books, Magazines lc, or get up Clubs for n.nws papers, are otqueAed to send us their nathes and ad dress, and We will forward them, free, of charge, a speemen nuMber of a - publication for WhiCh they wilt find ready sale ; , and we will allow them:a commission of b 0 per cent. for their 'services. J.tRADFORD INIPTITER. Courtland at., Ne:w York. gaudy on /md. . B...CHANDj.ER. Auditor's 111 at ice., SEARLE'S COACHCS Auditor's Notice.. INhereby , given that the madersiried IN having been appointed an attditortty the court of common pleas of Susquehanna co., to distribute the fend arising from the Sheriff's - sale of the real estate of Aaron Rynearson, deceased, will attend, to the dit ties of his apliointment at the office . of ; Bentley and Fitch, in Montrose, on Friday the 4th dip et January next at one o ' clock in the afternoon, "at wnich time and, place allfpersons interested will present their claims or beTorever barred from ccunini in upon said fund. -• L. F. FITCB. Yontrose'i Dec. 10, '/55 s • NOTICE. • IEALED, PROPOSALS Will be received at 'the Commissii, onens' office in Montrose, until Wed-. nesday the 2cl day of January, A. D; 1856, for the rebuilding of - A bridge over the - liryaluaing Creek in Rush township, near the house of N. IL Snyder, said .Bridge to be hallt in a good and workinatdike man sn all respects similar to the new br i dge just completed over the same stream • near; H.iJ. Cham pion's in said townshiP, and to be finished i on or be fore the first )fonds' of November Court, 1856. The plan atiCspecifieations 11;41 be made so as tobe seen, at the Commissioners' office in due. time. t A. OARPENTEILI J. W. SMITE. rosnmr's. • . WM. T. CAS E ; -Attest'--Wit. A. Caossmis, Clerk. ConztOlsaloners' office, Montrose, Dec'; 4, 1555. TO" KENT, TN BROOKLYN township, - Susquehanna county, A PA .Rll, containing 111 acres lOW about 60 * acres improved. Said Farm Ira be rented for the ten 'of four yowl for one blindred and Bikj dollars a year, the etoek included. %The stock anodes of one joke of Oxen, 3 Cows, * Yearlings, 3 Calves; 15 sheep, and MP Horses. -Two 'lmaged:and fitti dos lars sill be rettnired in advance; the resklbe.can be 'paid 'yeroif iti produce end Improver ten on the place. • tugolie tithe subecriber on the.pVece, about two =Bee south of Brooklyn. - L MOS ROBINSOX. Wattlies, Chocks, Gans, ate., A new amaciranwiat just reeeiied front 'England,' gwitzarland, Germany, lac., which will be told below the New :fork:plias. at BlifaUff Nostra; On. IS, MS, i • ' E . - . .. •I, , . Notice. , 1 ' ' Ot't : i -11 - - . v,e , our Acesa.,' rrlTE.Thiptiet Church at Suburn, near Antairti four 1 , ALL who .4:,'-e iiniebted to the subse either 1.. Corners, will be Declicatedpe . &h. : Berekee. : .1.1. by note.. or account, are',wrgeogthit re 9, ant to to" commenceat 11 o'clock, - , 1 - , cell and pay wir, or the consequence sin 4a 't 'i4:.0.4. The Public are Wilted to attend. 1 I :.,„• lon the lit of January next. ' IL it E.. , OTT._;; • =. - A. putuNDA,G.E. . 1 liontrose,-Kov. 1,(1, , 1855. - - , ' - • , AudiAor's Noile?e. .1•.. . i . '. •.• - ! ary- Wiet.. i i ' i ' • '''lllilif - l'i , . . The • undersigned en auditor apPointed I by 'the TN pursuance, of orders of the Adjutant GLeeral, to Court of Common Please( -,Susqlzehanua - County:to 1. me directed notice is hereby given ,to the Cap. make distribution of the fund arising fneu the &Or- tans of the sevgral Military Companies of, Basque/ma in Sale of real estate of Milton Ti 7.' will attend Ina county, that;theyitie requited to rep*tt me the. to the duties of his appointment at his offici 4 ,lnltont- I names of all ptrsonewho, bare done date in their tose. on Wednesday-the 2 dap of housry hest at4;.coMpanies who are ;now under th e age bt torty-Sre o'clock in the - afteinoen, at tihielt time and Osee 0.11 tycars. Sa id rei)ort,' tos' be made as soon ;,as possible: persons interested will pr4ent their claims or be for - - 1 The *viral Captainsl in' the different tojenships will ever barred from coming In upon said fund. ' I please consult together, with their rolls, , and perfect FRANKLIN FRASER, - Auditor. 4," their report. - , i ASA SPICER,f i Montrose Dec: 4; 1855. ' r I - " 'Brigade Imejector Ist Brig . 10di Dr ' . LOST , . Inspector's - of fi ce, Liarford, Nov.l, 1855. IN MONraosr., on Monday,' November 110th, a i -- - 1 . Gerd Pencil, c Chain, and Locket—ufelt valued as 1 ! ,t 1 M 1 e . Mcssu.s. Et rtpus—as it is necessary , to I aim at a memento. The finder will confer a favor lby_lear- i - t layin ,, bread and deep the elementary fodndation up -lug the sante tti this of fi ce. , . I - 1 ~, 0. - , . . , • - _, ou whicb. the. aapuingi yenta may securmy . near . the , ; ....Lng ... may recur ,y. ne.... CAUTION. • : superstructure. Of these solid and varied acquirements •-•-• I' A LL persons arc hereby' cautioned cautioned, i za ,:b,, r ., 1 which distinguish' .thit!profound and eicgantlscholar froat those superficial pretenders whose only claim's 1 - 1, tug or . trusting it boy named G eergetManney '1 m, ,- he 'chacter; or edneated men ire baSed!on, their' Dunn on my sealant, as I will pay no debtS arising therefrom. - ;OEN LEAN. . : parchment -credentials," we beg leave to luau Mice to . 1-- . 1 the public throttgb the columns of yciurlpaPer that - LenoT, N ov. 14, 1855. - --,-----` i there will be held as intellectual 'or drill Institute at - • Prof. Charles Morals, . : - .I Harford rnirertuty ceininencing Dec. '24th -1855 to UCCESSOR of Charles Whiten, BARB R., hay- I continue four dip. -1 - . ; Q 1.. J. ingagain removed his shop frentits fortner lora.' Believing that -an Institute of this kind is he bot lion In the basement of Searle's Hotel, to -04 room i practicable means by . sOlich to accomplish:the desired orer chandler's Store, is prepared to exercise his art I object, we cordially invite the leachers :of ommon in the Moat scientific manner, on all who I may be I schools - and frieodi', spate' in the exerclsear l orpducatioa throughbut the Co'. , ' • pleased to entrust tbelr heads or faces to biihatais, to attend anclpartic Nor. ?AL . ' . - • , 1 24 .. 1 . I Board will be, procttred at the lowest poisiblie peels . 1 '''' for those that crime fora a - distance: ' i, ; I • — . - To , the Public. l'-' - { , -i - - : ' . WESLEY' TAGROLi 1 . Talst'iscritt:Lbs e s rs toc h k aN i i n ng ta d k . en or tl i t t c le i r A t And ev per- .! . . 1 ~ .1 War,.MlLLte - . i _ i cum , std . , are !. .' _ ,• ' ; I P. F. Tcwrantmr, -.: -,' ~ prepared to sell, for. READY ! PAY War, a fine ', .• . - 1 ; ( -11; W.-Ilatsisn,i Isso%tent of Dry Goods, Perfumery, Yatik4e No- i --- - ---- - 1- - --- 4 - 1 , - 7%---------------=- --, -4 - - --- ` I dons. Groceries, Crockery, Hardware, Irclu and Nails, ( , Mar ! Wit lin thcfrimia.l ' L.Boots and Shoes, Sole and rpper Leatlier, '.1.a1t,•kc.... - ' ' , , .. 1 Ste., at such prices as (they think) cannot fail to w it h . . 1000 ° Volunteer* *tilted l to buy oyiiee to any entire-satisfaction to all who mar favor. illem with iw io suit, that] are. continual l y arriving hy •express ' their-Patronage. J. A. &J. R. Ashler,. i and kept and served in; the best manner at th L Tem— Brooktys, Noy. 15, 1855. , , 46t1 ; penance - Saloon & Grocery on Maine Street, o posite i the Farmer's Store. Also, Pies sad other ea Lies-- ~) and most kind of Grec:prieeit, ProvislOnsi'. Te .Ac. - , 1 ' Flour kept constantly 'on hand, and fn, side at wholl sale and retail at ; 1 .. S. S. MO S. 1 Stoves-_ore Trimming ething less, NS & CO's. . HE good people of Brooklyn .and vicinity who . . are, or who may be, in want .of Stovei, Stove rimming or Pip., are informed that they can find hose articles in liberal variety at the "Exchange." Among my assortment may be found the Keystone late, Forest Queen, (or Elevated Oven,lantl Ithe let st improved Coal Cooking Stoves.' - - My stook of Parlor and Shop Stoves inelu&s all he most improved' patterns,-both for wood and coal. errnS liberal. 0. G. HEMPSTEAD. • t rooklyn, Nov. O. - NE W BOOli S. • ! BY •ELEBRATED -AUTHORS. • Tug rece ed, direct from New York, 'at the V Book, Statjenery, and. Fancy Goods Etriporiuni of the tinders/OM', a carefully selected assortment of tree, interesting, and valuable Books ; Prominent among which, are "Amy Lee, or without and Withine-' by the author of "Our Parish"—"The new PUrckurse, or Early Years in the Far West," by Robert Carlton— "Teverino" by the celebrated authoress, kn O wn by ' f lier Pen and genius "George Sand"—The Lands of the Saracen, or Pictures of Palestine, Asi Minor , Sicily, and Spain," by that distinguished Traveler and • interesting Writers Taylor— with many! others equally useritotio ‘ s, deserving Of a universal perusal. Also, a good supply of those inestimable - Singing and Music 'Moira, oiled the "Shari-in," xhich Since is of itself' a . library of Church Music, embracing about one thousand pieces, consisting of Psalm and Hymn tunes, .Authems, Chants and sett piceeS. • • AU of the aboYk and many other works, tpo nu merous to menticin ' will be :mid to applicants', on the most reasonableandsatisfactory terms. If there are any disposed to doubt this, let them tall, and by per sonal experience doubt convinced. i • • N. B. • *Perrotrri*desitouri of obtaining books, eluded in our catalogue, can be amain:no& leaving en order rind giiing short notice. F. B. cruND • Montrose, November 20, 1855. To Fanny Fern's 1,000,000 Reade ANEW BOOK COM!N • ' WE have the pleasute of antlot:ncinr„ that in pte3S; anti shall publish ablint}he first of D cr, a new work of fiction, entitled . • . RO§E CLARK, The last troth, and first continuous tale of this bril liant and fascinating authoress, "Ruth Hall;" aChieved a:A uccesm unexampled in the annals ofletters. In the lanpage of a leading periodical, it " created a more profound sensation than any which has been { issued (luring a quarter of a.ceriturv." But it is unnecessa ry to allud,e to the merits of "Ruth Hall." :fudging from the number of copies of it we have sold, we judge that ever -body in the tnited States has read it. As respects the work we have now in press, Ross CLanx . , we can only say that we regard it as, i 4 crew respect, a greater, better work; and are confident it will not only sustain. but even increase . the i tioh of its distinguished authoress. Ict; have r for thinkinw i' "Rose-go ate Clark^. will make a ate cation tbandid'" Ruth ILI" It will form an elegant 1•2.m0 volume of or i pages.. nice $1,25, on receipt of .which uppii be sent. by mail ? 'post-paid. It will be for ...ale booksellers.: • Published by • MASON 13ROTI1ERS, .Nrw-Y ME Cosmopolitan Art Association SECOND YEAR. ' A RRANGEMESTS for the second annual .L . I. 'don of this new and popular institution diffusion of Literature anti Art, have been mi the most extensive scale. Among the works a engaged, is the far furled "Genoa Crucifix," originally cost teu thousand dollars. ' p I In-, forming the new collection, the diffusl works of American Art and Ire encouragenn American genius, have not been overlooked. - missions have been issued'to many of' the mei 1 tingnisbed American Artists, who will eont Some of their finest 'productions. Antong th: ,r three marble busts, executed "by the greatest, 1 sculptor--Hiram Powers: GXORGE ' IVAnllii the Father of his Country ; MEssauts Faaszta; 1 Philosopher; Dasttzt WETISTER. the- Statmn t ari special agent has,t i Ksited Europe and/made c ' and judicions set chops of foieign works of artj lof bronze and marble; Statuary and choice ; Inge. 1 The whsle forming a large and valuable coilt ; of Paintings . and Statuary, to be distributed 'among the association for the second year. 1 Terms of -Ifernberdlip. I . i The payment of three dollars constitutes anylaue a member of this association, and entitles him to either lone of the following magazines for one year, and also a ticket in the distribution of the Statuary and Paint- - 1 The Literature issued to subscribers consists Of the following Monthly Magazines: Harper's, Putnam's, I Knickerbocker, Blackwood's, Graham's, Godey's La= die's Book, and Household Words. Persons taking five memberships are enti4l.. to any five - of the Magazines for one year, and: ail tick ets in the distribution. ' • . The net proceeds derived from the sale of Mem bership, are devoted to the purchace of works'ofart for the ensuing year. • - 1 . The Advantage Secured. by becoming a member of this association, are. . lat. All persons reeeiye the full ruble of th , :i• sub scription at . the start, in the shape of sterling Maga zine Literature. I, 2nd. Each tnesst - -7.4 silt ~. stn. /eh member iscontributing town 4s purelia ing choice worke of art, which are to be distnbuted a rong themselves, 'and are at the same ti;te encour aging the Artists of the country, disbursin thousands through its agency,. k Those who purchase Ifitgaiines at Bookstort4s will observe that hY joining this association, they receive the Magazine find free ticket is the annual - distrlblition , all at the same price alone. 1 1 Beautifultrflhistrated Catalogues giving full de scriptions, sent free on ap - plication. For membership address, C. L. DERBY, Actuary C. A. A. .At either of the principle offices---"Knickerboker Magazine" office,34B - Broadway N Y. or Western office, :166 Wate r street, Sandusiy, 0. Al EN'S Thick Soots--do. henry 0-14 heavy French Calf do.—do. Fine French! Calf do.—Boys coarse boots—Youths coarse Boots•—ltiss es thick Lace Boons—Misses Enameled do. - do.:—Ladies thick do.—Children's Shoes a all kinds—Ladies' Fine Gaiters and Enameled Buskins. with a eeMplete assortment of. Ladies', :Gents I gpi ]heave' R ubber Overshoes arid Sonic • " Oni stoat of the above tneniioned goods, in Icon aectilon with a complete assortment of . Dry enseds, Groceries 4k4e., I - is the htsest and best 'selected ever before f orered in this sectieri of country ; sad as we sell fo..lltendiPay aaclaolvely; we can and will sell at lower prica tium those who sell on credit, • Farmers and Mediu:mks are partcularlyrequelstml to make a note of the above, and not maktitheir[Fen pureteuiee until they have made us a visit.. 'LIME k EiRDINO. Tolthannlek Depot, ".;orember i 1855. 904 HE El 'A AONIA..Nef::—BY FANNY FEUN. SOOTS 110 SHOESE EMI Hair Rittorer. mid Golden Gloss;. for fying the hair. A quantity of Leathei 410 v Mittens at - , - 8:8. 110 New York Fancy Caddy and choice Seiais ported Fruit at ' .S S. 11(/' . ...Voutro:ie, Novi. 14,°1855. - - - - -- - I NOTICE. TU enpartatership Lei etotne existing; nn er the name of Wickhain S llosford is this da " dis solued by mutual consent. Tho notes and ac mita are in the hands 'of A.; Wickham for irantiedia e col lection. ; WICKII Friendsillle,Get. 13‘, 1953 P. S. .Tite:suliscribor would sP4 to theiMbli6 that he'has just recei*ell a geneenl Assortment of Fat and. Winter Goods, *hick he offers for silo vi•ry /Me for cash or produce.i . • . J. HOSFO D. Friebkrille, Nov. 3 1 28:15. - • 4a-E Fresh Arrival' of 'New Gobdsl l Ditlierio l ait ik - Garrates. rirlM At, tbScriUers .Would respectfully Inforin tt -1.,. gooW eople. or rilisquebanna 'county: . that are now . eitin,; Allele, istock of Fall and SYinte Goods, w 'etria - trallsitally large and attraetive,l which will be sold fol. Bash or approved.eredit c . er than 'at any Other establishment in tit coup 'We mead just what we say. 'Please ~, ,i ve pia t i bICKERMAN d:GA4RA New Milford, Sept. iS, 1855. mrtrslc ! MUSIC DRI'i:CE'S IMPROVED MELODEON:. , ,:' more just reccived J. LYONS &SO;C.: ' 'rot in 'ted bT . . • -JK%Sg, IN TIME. GENERALlac.sortmont of YEW 000D4Oolv. I arricing at pie store of J. LYONS* - S,o'; October's: • . • MCli; • sea ; .F.ugars, Cotfee arid Te' fresh at • .LT ONWIS: SOlt. • . T4l and Tniis-7a flr4o4lS, 4 • Minningt at taina and P _ - lot. Windcqf P a rser prinex Li-oxs* lotr ,p.aelJini: ATLISIC r tt l is sod hj ja..o.\s, ILay".4 cemb- CIIOOL BOOKS, Writing Paper, E'twelt:yes, Yens 14.3 tic., a great ;Variety can be found at 'October 5. ' LYONS SON' . SILK ABDill'llLESS.Goops. ATANTILLAS:, Lachs, Beragel e Workdd Coll tr;, I Parasols, Lawiy•falhionahle Bonneti, Fan., (a choice assortmer.t 'in each department,)spletklid lot of moire.antighe Trimming, Staple Goods of li-ge variety, Clothing; lime stock,) stock,) Gents' 4nd ys• (silki and stanmer,) Cloths very low Caliebes from 4 cents to 16hillidg, Carpets, Mattiat,:ioll-e.l4th, and Rugs., 4 I IlardWare—Germ-an Bisect S riat4 - stl Spoons, Knives mid Forks ; . • er 400 Groceries-;—Fidli, a fine as.4artment; of;leash el will Coffees, Broma TapieS,' Rice, ChOcolatei by all - Ground Coffee, COrn Starch. Perfumery-131y Water, Toilet db.,. Ge Diu Farena, do'. Extracts, German Coio:vie, AL 14rge at ai ; ofFancy Soaps, Sc. ; • I ; Farmlngtools—Hay Forks, Scythe Smut Bakes tc. te. - ; I. L. Post & CO 'utu eacons .r s^n- TAL.Nrsu 9110 . i • . Fitrnikailug,Esto.blisistrayo,„ `PRE subscriberi keep's constantly on hand, and, a .1. make to order, : Doors, Blinds, Windows •Wind 1 sash; Door and window-frames and all, other art' • el made•of wood and used in building. " f. Windt painted zind'hung on short notice. f, GNU I all sizes', quantitiei and finalities for sale. 1 ; ... -Flooring planotand in:itched at Sl6 . 1.51.43 ' 1 'quo feet. Ti ruing of all kinds 41oue . to Oder, • a general tis,cortment of CABINET WARE. 'Bureaus, Ta dezi, Stands of all varieties; Chairs, Bedsteads, Settee,, dry.,; fie. „I. I 1 Good Pine, ChOrry and Whitewpod lumber, al ! Grain of all kinds taken in exchange for,theinhove. 1 elr Terms ready pay, or th:ec month.l time at proved Credit. AU .orders addressed to me willAe. 1 mire prompt attention. . JACOB TAYLOR.' j - Lanesboro Jtmc 18th . Isar,. - ' altec or the on ad 1 which on of nt of Cosn ,t ribute RI arc Jiving GTON, •, the • refal both tion free GIFT ENTERPRISE, • . 500.-PA C K A(.3-1..„S (IF Goods -is .lOts at.ss-414—53 7 -$241,11/ soul- cents TO GIVEAWAY before the Ist o: Jan. .1850. • ! • Any one. paraising :Fire Dollar's worth Of Goodi for•cash,-nt one tips; will be presented ad + one. o; the above packages. Now ready for delivery. further particularS Inqub.e •- Non/rosy, Octolier 24, 1855, NEW STOVES.: • c HBURRITTi - has new in store and is *ceirt • a lat ge stock of ~-VE STO rES, igcludi he Star of the West and National Elevated Ovei Black Rover, Wide World, and Paragon Large Ov' to which he would; Invite particular. attention _as best Cooking Stoves in market. with - a superior sortment of l'Parlors Office and Shop Stores, or woi or coal: also, Stove Pipe,, Zinc, Sheet Ste Tubes, &c. This stock; is selected from the best Fomi i driea , Albany and Utica or cash, with the best qpalitr Trimmings made to order for his custom trade, with,. will enable him inlet reSpects to defy . comitetitien :and will be sold at the most reduced prices for mid; • .1 • or approved credit. - ' New J/ilfurd, October, 1555 NEW MILFORD STOVE EMPORIUM . .'let Fall, Blast. Two. Ifundred and Seenty-Five Stokes fir ' sale by .Pickermon &Garrott. v.ATE are in receipt ofthe latest stock of sto,L - ;0,66 offered in Northern Pennsylvania, eon. , elating ;of Cooking,. Par or, and .Sit-plate„.lob for wood and coal; l i a.fullarisortment of large sizes, i for Stores and Chu 'hes: • Would call paiii ar attention tothe Jeirdrimaian Elevated Oven, the; most4)erfect and heaviest plate stove in market. ,-I.s.mcmg assortment of large oven, would mention the l Empire State imprOv.ekaa being very‘bmvy plates, perfect finish, and esuperi , or baker. Fanners of Susquehanna county, Ain bays heed in the habit or putchaehaglEbt stoves and light trimming; and ,paying u You night to tor heavy plates and heavy trimming. • We manufacturaonr furniture, and will sell et man• ofacturer's pi ices. i'Let t h ose who. pay a maktir profit compete with us ir they ; ean. Jobbing c4o4mxte4 with the tin trade, "done as usual on short alias.. .1 DICICERVAN 4t GAREA.TT... New Milford, Sept. 18,11855. • ineladleonsi GOIii3TANTLYpW Ef4ND or furnished to order on short-4010qt. • _ ;T. LTO 4' SON. i f i ' ' MILLINERY AT NEW. MILFORD 'PA. . ...- . . '' dienee . on the' lire tIPERATE by .their Powerfol ta. -t w •- . - ..• 11 *-D• W aril - t i 1 interual viscera to purify the blood 'ana . ohne - 1.1 OOLD respectfully give notice to the public' Lon it into healthy action. *Log" remove. the:.; ' - _ that she'bas again , restimed - tier business - itt obstructions of the stomach, bowels, liver, and other _.' . i i itu ktcry at Ilew Milford, Pa. She bas arrangements - °mans of the body. and, by restoring their irregular action to health,' -correct, fi r st - e secb I ' v Y, , 11t1 / I c l'.. s be. Will receiTe-from 1 -Ciw York the 'Welt. derangements as arc the first cantles of disimse. res of Ladies' and Misses! Flats and. Bonnets der._ An esterisivi. trial of their virtues,' by Ptofcssors„ •.. ty description, -anceelSo to procure on shirt-node° , 'Physicians,'and Patientl, has shows cures of don- .. tiy p article of the kind that any person Might went gemus diseases almost beyond, belief. were they not'l From such arrengethents and troni --- her past' expert- '* snb‘tantiated by - perssns of sxch exalted position . 4nce; she hopes to please all who may avon her with ,iind chanictec.its to forbid thefsusp . icion, of untruth: respectful,. ' • i 'astir custom. All kinds of reAriimniug . and repair- . , 'Their certificates are published in nly -American' ..t . - short notice. The ptit:lie aro Almanac, which the . Agents below named' are'. I 'Pg'. done °`l !1Y invited to call and examine lor themselves ; . . plt-tsedvto furnish free to. nil inquiring. . Annexed we _give Directions for; their use in the i, l Thardifol for past favors, she respectfelly 'solidi* complaints which: they have been found to cure . : Ifurther patronage. - - .•• . r 1.1.D. WARD. - Fun Cearevasess. —Take. one or two Pills or: 1 New „Milford, Oct., 1855.: -- -' --.- {4ms such quantity as to gently move the bowels. - ' • Cos tiveness is frequently* the aggravating- cause of PILEs, and the cure of one complaint is the cure of both. No person can feel-Well while under a costive habit of bode'. Ilenee it should he, aslt =in be, promptly relieved., •-. r , ' . • , • 1 . .' Ott DYSPErnit. which is sotictimes the cause of eoith•eness. and hlways uncomfortable, take mild ' doses— front one to four to stimuhtte theatoinaeh - and liver into healthy action:. They will .do it.arid• thj heartburn. Zocidybievi, and son:burn of dySpepSia will rapidly' disappear.p 'When it has gone, don't . ,forget what mare you. • - -, - ' For a 'Four; Snot:wit, Or Morbid Inaction - of th. Ittni.el:, trhich prkninces general depressiOn of the spirits and bad health, take from fear to eight Pills at first, and smaller doses afterwards, until activity and*litreagth is restored to the system. Fon Nenverssess, SIC& lIEAD..CHE, Nateraa, Pain in till Stomach, Brick, or Side, take from four to eight Rilli on going to bed. If they do not epee- Me snilicser.tly, take more the next day until they do. ' These complaints will be swept out from the system. Don't wear these and the& kindred dis orders because your stomach is foul :v. P. M. I 45w3 - • - - Fos Sef.ovul.s; EurstreWie; and all Diseases • of the skin, take the Pills frlscly and frequently, to, .1 keep the bowels epee. The eruptions will -genet- - ally soon begia to dindeish turd disappear. Many dreadful ulcers and sores bate been. healed up by .the purgingand purifying effect:of, these Pills, and: some disgusting , discasts which seemed to saturate the whole system have completely yielded to their, influence; leaving the sufferer •in perfect "health., Patients! your duty to society forbids that you - should parade yourself around the world coveied - • •_ with pimples, blotches, ulcers, sores, and all or any_ of the unclean disc . :ism; of the skin, because. your ; system wants cleansing. -. Tn PUMP? led Btooo,they Pie the bist•reeth eine ever discovered. 'They ahould be taken freely tand frequently. and the imputities:whieh sow the - seeds of incurable diseises will be Swept out of the system like chaff before the wind. $y this property • - they do as much good in preventing sickness' as by the remarkable cures which they :In making every , where. - Livstt • CWIPLAINT, JAUNTIICE,I and- all Bilious Affections, arise from sonic derangement—either torpidity. congestion, or obstructions of the Liver. . Torpidity and congestion vitiate the bile and•reia - der • it -unfit for digestion. This is' disastrous to the health, and ther'constitution is frequently under:- mined by no otbir cause. Indigestion is the syrup. tom. Obstruction of the duct which empties ••the bile into the stomach causes the bile to oterflove into the blood. This . produ.ces Jaundice, with , a , long and dangerous tram of evils. • Costieeness,'or niternately costiveness and dianhcea, presails. Feverish symptoms, languor, tow spirits, weariffess, restlessness, and' Melancholy, with sometimes in ability to sleep, and sometimes great'. drowsiness' . - sometimes there is severe pain in the side the skin . . and the white of the eyes becomes greenisb yellow; • the stomach acid; the bowels sore -to the touelt; the whole system irritable, with a tendency to fever, which may turn to bilious fever, bilious colic, bilious diarrhma; dysentery, &e. A medium dose of three or four Pills takenat night, followed by two or three . the morning, andeepeated a few days,will remove - the cans.) of all these troubles. -It it wicked to suffer " such pains when you-can cure them for 2i con is. • RHEUMATISM, GOUT, and all Wan:n:dory Fe ter', are rapidly teased by the purifying effects of these Pluls upon the blood and the stimulus which they afford to the vital principal of Life. • For these • and, all kindred complaints they shOuld be taken in deses,ito move the bowels gently, but freely. .ks n DiNsat.n. 'Pat.; this is both agreeable - and Nei Pill can be made more pleasant to take, . and certainly none has been made more effectual to. the purpose for which a dinner employed— ' PRI:PARED BY • , AYES CO.; . Practical and 'Analytical Chemists, LOWELL, MASS.., ' , AND - sou) tw • • • M r- A DEL TULEY:LI. and J. •Moutros 1 and by Druggi.-ta generally: ' 2! • -.- I. esuii and El J. BOSFOitD the they ' Dry .11 of top -114. . • , Among the anscellancouSliookimay be found, tilt. Life of Washington; Jackson, Taylor,. littac T. Hop !, per, borace Greeley..P, T. Bantam, and' others• i Star Papers; (Beechier,) Humanity. in .the City, (Chapin,,), .• , tell Smith Alamati, My Courtah4and its Consequent- es, (Wykoff) , i-Ituth' Gall, .(Fa • Fern,) also Fern Leaves, first and second serie.s..ainterican' Agitator:- • ' and Refortrier. , ';- Thoughts and Things "att - Moine and 1, Abroad, Civitting Along., The Old inn y llocid'er.Workat, •--- i Stanhope Burleigh, The News -,Boy,- L, Dow's Coin- - TIIIE SATIURDAt F.',.VENI rip POgd" 1 -plete .Works, The - Slave of the 'Lamp, .The; Escaped - • Establizhed August •4tlt, 1821. .- . - ',Nun, Lewie. or the Beaded Twig,. Memoirs Of th- . - Weekly Edition between 80;000 & 80,0u0: .. 1 Countess Illessington,• 2 vets: Goldsmith's Animrttee- • Nature, ; '!'lle Chemistry' of Common Life;, Clarke... - . In issuing their Prospectus for 1836, the ProP.ric" 1 Commentuty, ' New. Testament; Barnes' Notes, on --- tors of-the Post take it for granted; , that the public : i same Buek's Religious Anecdotes, Te4taments i• Bi-j are already tolerably well acquainted -witlithe charac 7 : hies, 'from pocket size to large dually, HyrnA, Pine.- ter of a.paper that has grow•.• strong during the storms.; Gift, Tot, Scrap, Note, Receipt, and•Blanktltioks o . and sur.shinc of TIIIRTY-FOCR Y . bat:S. - • Their 0 L - t all si.es, &c. &c. ;-•• - - ' . - • ject always has been an it remains to be, to. publish 1 ,Schoof 800k.5..-ttli . kintla used ie the county or fix- - a.weekly paper foe the familt' circle; which shall-not) uidted on short notice. . • • may romse, but altoiinstructaudireproVe, those who 1., ' Law hoot good vuriety constantly unhand or .- ~' , '. may read it.' To accomplish this object, the ar• 1 furlish...td. to order. - .- • .. ... . ... . - ---, " I ClaqS WV selected or condensed from foreign and do:. i '.. :St fi tc oner7 ;.' A good lot first rite writing paper at.. 4, meatic periodicals, and original article: of Art -in=tern- I'l shilling per o an tee . ens-- ,rt Gid d . S 1 P - W "tin tiye character rooeured, v. - ben posAble. - s Ink, the best in use, bdsides lots - of other articles fix, Letters.f.orn Foreign Lands; the most interesting ;.numerous CO mention. -Pleasecalt and examine be „ portions of the Weekly I;cws of thelVorld; Sketch-' fore pa-chasing elsewhere ,'at the.3lontrose Pest Of 'les of Life, Aar e)iture and Character ; - Selected and fl e e . , . . . ,-- : .. • . -..,.„. '. .A.,N. BULLARD. - - • I Original Articles upon Agriculture; Account of the I . .31, nt ,, 6 ,, e. Aw ,„i- 15 ..1 8415. , . . - . I Produce. and Stock Markets; anti a B.ank-Note List - 1 , • ~........_ , , . - . _ .• i are included amonithe solid inforMation to be con-1 - .•._ _ . • - . - • • 11 . 1011. E LABOR 1 I s.antly found iu the.l'Ost. - '.. I •. • ' • .- - 1 . . WOODRUFF (6 - ELDRED iii 1 But the mind requires a wider range-4‘has fluent- 1. • ; qv 1 ties which delight in - the humorous and lively;theitu- i T_T - 4 1 . E removed to-the burnt district, where they' Ail. will.be glad to see all their old customers and: aginatire and poetical. These faCulties also must 1 new ones as pleastr to give them ,a eall.-.- . nd to'keep a general assortment of Stove.. • - have their appropriate food, .elsl.they become eufeeb- ' as many . omes 1 Tney intend to r zoo, .and, as- a_ consequence, . the • intellect4.-c ) narrow and one-sided, and is not, able ' to take an eu- - I of the hest kind and quality, among which may-bo - . 1- larged and generous view of human native and its I ound 1 3 :HOWL Y and, P.ARA 0 0.-Nr A IRWOHT, - .7: T destiny.. To satisfy these heaven-iniplanted craving's 1 THREE STATES _AND-PRANOR COUNT of 'oar mental being, we devote a fair pYdportion of h •A IR-71011T, PREMW.4, STAR OF THE-WE S T . v : .1 , ELEVATED - OVEN AIR-TIGHT, , CLINTON and •- 1 , the Post to Fiction, roetry and humor. ThntElniated Pven Stoves el . ,- ` i Among our contributors in the first,loo Of the:.aliove i viv-STERX 07t*- 7 -', bavellouble fire-places, whiah',makeS thetri,far-supe•-• , ,`.. - dr; Department.:-..,.- A are several of the melt gifted 'Writers i An d !, nor to,the - single fire=place,4toves. We keep con-- in the land. rWe.alsti draw- freeli , for Fiction stonily 'on baud alteneralassortment of TINIVARL' 1 'Poetry upon the test Periodials'in thus Country and ~. GreaClLitain. We design ceinmeneing a New Story by ' titan. •Sournwoartr, author of I” The Deserted Cistern "Miriam," ke in our brat-piper-of January of:a...Brat rate' quality, fiar bome.trade; also, Well and . Cistern Pumps, Eking) Chains and -Reels, Lead Pipe d. all sizes,* Jappitnued-Waredie. kc. , , allof Ai1..., .. I next. thew promfse to sell/cheat') for ready - pay or approved. . I ENGRAVINGS, illustrative of.importar.t plac'as and 1 credit.. Job Work do. Cr ne, with despa . tch and in order.. i actions, of A:tricultural and, other new Invinti - Oiti-- S-- A.', I II_ Y OODRU„Fi. : • .C . ,B, ELDRED. . : 11:ontrose. Ma). 30, 1855. •- ~...z. 2Xvi. with others of a'Butintrous, .thoult. refiumfeharacter, • • - . are-also freely given. - • l• . ,---• , . , . . 51 •. .' . NO2'ICA'S- OF THE _PRESS. :., . -. TUE•LTGBT.NITNQ EXPRESS: ' - d*l This is one of the few, large pavers filled-with :life 27, nr . • ‘ s ave d I,:.._.,pij re - •. R - e 4i 5ee d1.......-ifiiiov e 4. and thought, instead Of 'unaltering trash.- Its-.man - . * . agentent is marked- byliberalitY,.courtesy; ability' and 7 - . ''.,'; • -•• ;-- k t i litt Y. it : 94 c. I '' ' .l- '• 7 ' :.. '7- -I. - - ) f ! tact. •It employs tint-best literary talent, and spares • :-,.''. -.. • - I-lAWLEY & JENKS . '--• - - . e• I no pains or expense.' Asa Pally intper, one of lite- •ILT AVE formed a partnership 'in Montrettio,..fiv, the ;',... airy and gei L mrat intelligence; we cordially recommend li. purpose. of. - doing. everybody's , BLACK. • it.-eayva Chief, A nbarui _Y. I. 1 - *. .$1 1 1:11r1111111G,.at the oldstand, near Reeler's He- -' Our readr.s -May rely upon it, that Deacon li. re; : lei. -We ha purchase an' entire new stock ot - i terson will' be'as good as their word. So far as we • IRO. , [prising a full' ssortment of ,all kirids - , : tli ,- 1 cast }Tars of observation, these publishers do ;-sect from the city. WO shall keep constantly Or, i t , ig I rather mere than they promise; and their-pipit- is ed- i hand, Clseer . .round and square Nail Rod.q,z *LA Steo- vg 1 ited with very marked ahility.'. It is singularly free ; I Toe-cork R.;(l%' Refined Tyre Iron y .all sizes, Band . - • 1 4,1:from •silly sentimentalism and bluster, but is of: :a ! Iron, Spring,Steeli - a . large 'assortul,ent of nudleahle n,• I healthy tone on all subjects, always moderate in lan- ! urea,. Coil Chaini; Carriage Ilidts; - &c. ke... • . -, - l e 1 gunge, butalways mildly advocatimiTtheright.,..We-! •- ''' • !VAC - DNS AND - .CAERIAGES . I:S.. I. litt'd it one of the most generally attractive papers. in . 1 ironed bi•di o i t notice and,itock found; or -made to )d l• our exchinge.-Saturday I'isiteri,Pelt,isunah,.Pa., ;., order throughoec aS may beat stilt our patrons. -' 'e I -It is the hest literary and he'll) . r6per in the Ije."•' - All business . transectionieninst .be settled obese ' ion,--Rork /slander; Rock Isl and, Ri. : -. - ••. ' .t y e a r . , sh or L sp w empn i s , al* 1„„ a - cants, is on . ,e 1- - We have heretofore spoken in-bigh. terms Of. the , motto. ,•-• - .. . -.., -.. ri . y I petite of the Post,;,aa-one of the best; papers. on our i • BY Strict atienticinitibusineSs we hope to reeelve i exchange list, and we regard it as one of the best lite- i a ßb e . ral B b iii , ii i sf inttronsp ._ : : All'work warranted: I cry papers to be ibund anywhere. Its editorials are i N. B. A too& journeyman ; . wootod; to. wbon i written with ability,. and takea liberal, independent ', steady employment and high wages will be oiwen. and comprehensive view of men' and things.,--Star 1.. :*...E Er • •- , • . ~ „ • I . S i . a . Ka. , I and Advertiser, Wrietteille,Pa„ ... - _„ 1, - ,._ g oz i trose ,li av go; l 8,55„ , ,- ,... ' 2261 I It is deservedlY - one of themostponnlar i journali in ! - -..- !_• ,- • • the United Statitt;,combining as it docicitt a literary }- • - point of View; alt tirodnterest of the hest magazines; with a vast amount of general intelligence,-=Repub - • lied»; Liteiofetd, Cl. , : - • - ,-• :, - - - -: TERMS (( c ash in advanceysugle copy, s2* year.•. 4. copies , ' • - ;',, , . ' ~....- . •.i ..$5,00 aria, A " . (And one to getter-up of Cliiti).lo,oo - " " 13 .41 (And one.tOgettcr-np of eel:O . :15,00 ' "... 20 ‘i- r (And 'one . , to getterme 0f.Ch04).20,00 , •" • . •Address, 'ohroyi.postpnik ••:• ' !'' : --•: - ",' - ' '-- ' - ' , DEACON (b PETERSON, - i . ' '.No.,66;foiuth Third .Ftret,-Philndelphi.i. _ - rir - Salmile.gutabers [Ma gratis to any. one, when requested. • - '• J. LYONS 14 SAN: El KZ= • - @ALT. 2 ITS Flue] for &A at, C B, It. Virs:M-411r co FOR of g D 01.1411 ifAY BA' lIAOAT OCIRST6RS,. - ' illi Pounds-Nalls,:. air 8; Pounds Coree,• or 2 0 'Yds• hiM Ailide, - or 8 lbs. Young Hyson Tea; or 16 yds". Sheting, or 10 *do. Do Lain! or ld;lbs. Mackerel; or 6 lbs. SalenitiOn4l Istrii Hird Soap, or 9 lbs. PI - i i ll Taboo : a:N.or 9,U m cut Tobacco fer,sosolOg,,er` no ddle, (think- of that, _ boYS,) orili**til (it oest),trortkof nanny other goods,. top Mllileicßis- t o mention. • .. ,4. LYONci4i SIM ' Montrose,, Der.: S. - • : m Ban Wet House l'' -., ~-1.1"041X, ~r _ , e- FOOPER- 4 k CO. ; 14. 7 CRY parirelt, ' } ito.vrko..l.e . • .111:11iTTINGICOOPEX. i ,, ros , b . 0 v ' ' 'IS'.A.AC.L. POST.. • ' • • em er 10. isms. DltArts. on keg York City - MAI Philadeiphia.—. Collciionepromptly marteAnd reraitteq.' 1 :Ofilae hours frorn -10 , A. M. to 8. •• . '• - L . 1 : ._ Messrs: Ailed& Paxton, &York: I KgPERENCS, • Sapluel O. Mcrrton e _Esii., rhira. ' 1 -. ' , • lion William Jessup Montroie.; -• . , I * This WaLy—dif Von Plea Se. 1 NE Subicriber begs leave.to call publiaittention to One of the largest, mast diversified, best siOle; 1 ted and-belt bought Stock into: Hill Winter..,, Goods ever introduced into this market; and sad& ' - he Is bound to sell for - a resernisble Sulvenci:either :for Cash; Barter, or ikori a pp roved Credt. ,- ; All per . 0.433$ in want of Goods, whither in the dellartzneatOf Dry 'Goods; Groceries, Map:lmre, Crockery _ Drug,,; • i Boots & Shaer', Clothing,&n.,:vrill =At assuredly con i suit their own interest (no-lest - than tnine,)ti eying - , mfa call previous to pirdtasinic - t Brooklyn, Nov. 1, 1855. RE U, PiUSE I IND ItEFLE.CT. Economy is the ,order of, the dap, and one of the.. most effeetual way to economize is to Purchaie st the. Store of Ji WrItENBERG k BRO., where just have been opened the .most choice and , splendid:Stock of Fall & Winter Goods ever seen In ti,te. County of Sus, _ queliann:n The following comprises but portiedotthe• immense assortment to be found at this Establishment.. t Goit.Jensen and, Boys Clothing in endlesi . variety , 4 and profusion, a good assortmentrof Overcoats, Drew. 1 Frock and - Business Coats, Vests and Pantaloons. of every, description and quality, and in figure, eft, style, : ik.c;, Isle-mode; • .4 _ ' , ' " -- ' -' - ' - Oui asserttnent comprbtes for Ladieri wear,'NeW 1 Styles Brocade SiikS, Changeable Stripe and'Plaid, do_ ' lt Superior Glossy Black, do. all widths!, Delanes all col-. , ors and qualities; De Bilge' at 'all prices, all Wow 1 Plaids of. new awl eldgaut designs; all the - latest' 1 styles of Dress Goods, Bombazines, Black and Colorek Alpnecs, French Merinoes, Prints and Ginghams; r.• . handsome assortment of Dress Trimmings, ,Embroiti , ere.d Sleeves, Collars Cuffs, etc., Jaconet and Swis 1 -Edgings and Insertings„ Gloves, /It:Glory, Am., Shawl;., 1 Veil's, and - Furs ; Also a complete nssortmeist of bleact. i ed and unbleached Muslinit; Drillings, Diaper, •Tabl4 Covers, Sheeting,' Flannels; dk.c:, all of Which will t.: sold at the lowest prices. - • --j -. ; For bargains the public is:respectfully, invited to.. call at the - cheap Store of -ROSENBAUM, 'O_tirINTENBERGA BRO. - • • Co-Partir.ershili: 1 L. ROSENBAUM has this day associated with the; in their busines;s, undei the Firm of ROSENBAUM WITTENBERG & BRO. All accounts and Notes o. the old Firm, as these 611: ROSENBAUM, can found at the old Stand; and we hope that all will v&.• ' the necessity of settling the= without further notieu.. L. 'MEN - BAUM. .1 WITTESBERG. J. WITTENBELIG. • MOLtiViel 0 4 43. /854 - ' • itoo ksesooks,•l36o49:' AT THE MONTROSE - BOK-STORE. ri•HE subscriber would inform his friends and the 1 I public generally tlukt he has orrband the larger.' and best selected ast=ortnictit of Books and Stationers to be Maud any where in Suscaehnna whict s::11 for read`, pay at prices that cannot fail tv I • snit. • t. • Ne w Goo ; Cilesitp tor . Cads. .' „ ri- W. MOTT ' ha 'stet received another tot of lime' 1 Goodi Such i Chao,. Drage 4 Debtinisi''Der ' Bages, Collor; Enibrolderies, ,Lawnvilic.-,• which hp 1 t,•offers at. rery low piers. - Sumner Shawls., a amyl° ... - i ' some be patterns at very roil' pricea r eleolnao,, - - • Silk.Shati)equalli low-f9r Cash' ' -...:-..- - -• • - RarasCislatest style. pt.' - '. ie "y_koillos . _ . ._ 'filiekinieslCSllic, a eplesulhi article:o • w o: 0.. v .. i . Sumpter StutlW ht greaVivietitaisf - N•C. W. IL - f, : Groeeides of all kinds, very,ehetrp.- - Syrup; a first , . I rate arOch) at. Octs per:gam. You baref , cakir _ha t call And exarainai bibeteCoe lad:fled that thd , “lielut . . of Navigation - Dia the - Vice to buy Cheap. .. . - - .'• - i' • •' -... ,_.. 'Wanted, . - . • I Butter.. piiiii, -- zr fkinicaikid,.sochs„ Is ifiset. all. hind, , _ . I 'citectilnll - rtlid4ce'lit_ 4:change Ibr goods at Cash i :pii c iak., ~:- !.. . , . : .o. W. Rim ,• , Montrose,titime 15; 1855. . •. ~ •.- , _ • •-NE'llir-PALIGL *WINTER 6001)11. ..' ' Liliestiaiffmtcf.lD Ghwel!, Boots i Shoeic' Up. ' ' , PW - ,losathce tc.-Fintllngp, Gickettrlaa_ * Proiltdcm&—: 'At Ole:Rat }leg Sure. HENRY. : MCKINITV.. 5 14ktera01 fiefs; 9 .. l sa.. .. , • , -33W8. • thoalMtiktiApeved to Ise Cheap,. OONE dollani wcirtkofßesdrafadeiCke. lag ___L mammas k GARRATri., Ira I , make, See. 1.10114:, NE.VPSTEAD.