11 II I 11l II . !EMN F. READ & H. r`,:f;oefts-, Co !' • • iror the harp - arra, Rtpublican. Lines ion the Death of Anna Williams.: DY SEP !LOPEZ. he has gone, the beautiful, the good,: . Gone to that far-off ,spirit land, mbre to dream; in j •the fbrest wood, Of those who harejoined its mistie band. I• , • I Hers was a mind of brilliant light 7-- A flower fair--too fail for earth. . Tirtue'S garb of spiptiessWlite . She died—to inheritimmortal,birth.. , rntold the sorrow of that herut • That le;yed tier—neaten knows hOw well. Alas! the agony when oared to - • The tearful sigh—the last fitrewell.. Farew l ell, one of that student band, 14. : 7 4 • That oft That oft haTe riparii6d" - these el hills"; Fare Well, thou bast gime to a better land, - ' Ko more we shall met thee withinthese walls. I • les, thou husk gone, no •more to roam • ' Amid the silent shades of ereta ; - - Death on dark - wings ltatb swiftly down, • And borne thee home to Beaten. arfori, 1855. • Igiets sl(eicilecs. 'I WRONG SIDE OUTWARD __.OR— • - . , . ;& DIFFERENCE BETWEEN CASHMERE AtiD i - , ' N CAilreo, '. :Did I tell vou-abont it Eunice ?' • It About what''?' '! My going to the city. wrong side outward. What do you mean ? said Eunice. Oh, I see you have never heard the story, .so,l will stell' you.. TWo years agd I. spent a erg wee;;s with .tuy .6iends ,the Wilmots, near timieity In the Filthily were young. ladies who 'found it necessary to di a great deal of shoPping . and not a little vi itin , r in, , the city and of course patronized .1 ; the; railroad 'connee,ting their little village with the Green Street Depot, to no trifling extent... ' ! . . . '',Now you shall- see` what a handsome and g itlemal:ly CondUctor wiitave on this route,'. s i d Bell Wilmot as hook ,a, luxurious cush-. ion in a crowded car ,fOr the firsts miscelli nous' trip to A 1 ! l' He is n - yy -beau idehr of a-conductor' add e Kate; 'let the car-be ever so crowded he lid is sure to find a place for tlte -ladies, and n4ver objects to our- place and carpet bags, a§ many ill natu'red fellows, dressed in aihttle brief.authorityi,, are apt to do ; and if . oi'ar purses are short-, tifter shopping excur-. signs, he often—' Kate's rhapsody was inter- Optd by the starting! of the train. • . ' - l'.lWe whirled-on to A—in about twenty. minutes, yet 1 had an 'opportunity to notice tt l iat the labelled official was very .attenteve t bur party. 's Ile opened the window which 4s swollen by danip :Weather ' at a look from \ Kite. and.orderod a, Dutchman,. smoking meekly upon the platform.-into the baggage car at a 'symptom of faintness from Bell. 1 could' not but acknowledge that Fanny Fern .suculd add to her list a ' model conductor,' taking this one for heroriginal.; l'' Arrived otour destination, 1 was again entertaii:ed by my frit nds praises of the va eons Inrc•lizints ar:cl milliners they were ac- r)stomed to patronise.7- • r ' I always purchase silks at Weaver's they • ale so concientious and never try to palmoff an infcriar article upaii - a customer. At Mrs. h'a , alle's yo? will- find a superb assortment • - ,o cloves and embroideries. -The prorietress isll a - red need French 06untess, and, one of the nir l ost lady-like perSotik you ever saw,' ra. tied 811 Wilmot, ...; ,_! 4 i. - _ . • ` And if you Wish* . parchase shoes, be sure and :call at Mittiiil . ; ; they are io se ecimniodating ; they 'never_ make • iry faces 'iflVou happen_to break -a string, or lose a" c:lasp, or any other trifling accident,' added 14te.' .. . .. . • This was - enough ; „yet if I needed more to . . 1 convince nie of the superior exceilence - of these • aristocratic - shOpiceepers, that .after o• • , no' ifs- observation woad. have furnished it. 1 .N? sooner did the" rich brocades, and ribbons I of '„ the fair Misses .Wilmot flutter inside the ddor, than every-attendant from proprietor i toterrand boy proceeded to- don their most 1 -' • I -talent. I ousequious suites an ca i , It Was not surprising, 1 i nice. The young vp. 7 ,41 ladies carried heavy , roes, and. were easily. pi.rsuaded to lighter -them.. - • ",The afternoon ..nlissts3 pleasantly and fa- . 114-uingly :enough in chatting and .shopping, . Q i shaking hands with old acquaintances, and trlYing to ' bow gracefully to • new introclue -tiais. and on our return, amid Many exprea siOs of satisfaction - aS our purchases . were turol led - before Mrs. Wilmot .and'Aiint. Lu ell:, the •gi i rls - forced :Me. to confesi that the. A— tn - rchants and the A--.; and 0- 7 .-- . c , linductor Par surpassed any 'other in the • .14 )own wcrld. .. .' i . - 1 And • it was, almost daily for the - first ~ fortnight Of my stay. "'.At one. time ,we t all , e on a celebrated dentiat for some trifling Acik.ith operation. Ile was an .acquaintance of frill's, and - she presented. him' to Mel as •a end. Ile was .very handsome and his * voice a4d sraileleaptivating — to one who could- aft - pr;eciate Musie arid sunshine. . Eunice 1.,..wa5 . a iL i i :lazingly c pleased With :him; 1 . -Who am so. f stidiousl I fancied him the inipersonatioia 61 4 i + , 11 anti; - benevolence--the -head And: thol i t—the means: and the end---fflorious 1 lia is• . tabination for those iv set theuiselv.es up I l arty---the 4 .., world' S . _ healers and teachers.. - - 41 e itn- I pressed' nip as one of' the few. to whom - aci- s ehee..tnayisafely commit her priceless treas. I . u es.siir*-that they wOuld be Used only for - 1 i e blessing 'of. hunianity. .- t . t i • Ah, . imam.: lid,i 'oiie in Corid4 I: riceived a letter from. home p on ra ly y. ,; e i,.? ert ..6n tia ., e .:sa si id ik . ett iEu .s n id icee 1 ..' . - '-.., .: , i,ine. Totice ,thatlia,klyoUng sister w.aS abont LO tae:a 1 este •.' I t : W' rn tour with a friend.. - .. Neiv dresses of courie are requisite,' wrOte , . my mother,' `and !-wish you -to •procurittiera 3..nmediatelv' . Then follOWed a-list of arti i . • (.. es needed. - - 1 '' . .- ' • . • i' This letter had been longer thatinanal on . • the route); that niciiiient I ithew::ltitstir.:Lib, .amid a sympathizing:eoticlaye of Waiting Mil. liners marveled: at' -iii long delay.; ..,...:... ::. ..!; . The articles must be' puretuiied ihat - veri: y, raining..as it was 4,antt.- moreover - I.:re mit ~ . alone, for. Bell and iliate had. Ont. ki'lied vial hair tin curliPers .and\ novels tinder. 1 , - , our pillaws. Tovriuiltiou t ra' In' tiba — ted • i .. .. . . . _ . . . .. .... ,‘. , r.• -, -d: .... ' , .....;• ,, -•:,.1.--,-- , ..,; • ..--: ~..p,.. . ~,.., .._ ~,, ~.. _. ........-,...:,. wr , .,...:• 4, ...:... -",," - 77 . ..i.1„.‘.. -- ..-: '..,-,' 2: —-' , ' -.' 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' -'' . -• • . d ' d.' - -: .‘ . - ' ' 1 _ RAZIER,' EI3ITO an 'I informed my friends °tiny, deterniina- ,1 do to go -6 .4 .-:,--. . , The . young ladies ' st fled - '0 astonishment . i - --, • • • • • X lllll Teems Teemenow I'll' .be et yonr serijee,' said Bell; ' but ttOfteedai. - .Why you're crazy-e--: lonic; at. the clouds -you'll take a dreadful' cold --don't get satin-striped ( - isaue; it frays . sktteettingly,' .• _ - 1 . . ' i • i dressed, walked to the station, a few rods I dithint, and found-myself. half.an hour too -early.. 'Very, soon • the , clouds. lowered and thterttin.fell in. torrents.. Nevertheless I ad- i tiered. to , toy i determination the.. more stub- ' bilrnlitlest. r i ltnew :the girls would ridicule me withoukine.rey. if - I returned: Batt look edat. my dress and thought of .my. bonnet. and was ;thankful that. tile old brow n' veil I found et ifinpletkie my pocket would 'protect the lattete„."Alif,yenautilla was of Watered silk atii,l handstkrudy.triainied e and I remember 1 a lady tild me that water eiculd spoil it.--e.. 1 Ilhw foe ish . I had been to *wear. it. • • i Well4Eunice, what do you suppOse I did? l' I turned; it wrong side outward I It was lined With elie!nsuat black muslin,. from which the gleiss had : disappeared le spOts. I was . the only' tkonpane of the ladle's saloon, and en- - joved the lull benefit of a seven - by nine look inieglass: .• I glanced in i., and seeing what a ludicrous figure my old- veil and outer gar ments madeeih contrast With my fine cash mtire trav e ling dress, With its richlyferimined barque,theidese of going to the city thor bufghly diejOsed at once presented! itself.e-e The skirt of my dreis was separate from the ' hod); and- I tiled lined -it.for comfort in winter I.i . th ,an old gingham dress clean • and w °le but I -must confess itadly faded., -Well, . I turned this' wrong side Outward also.' .• i You don't mean to stey that you went to the city in that style 1' kaid Eunice. • - 1' 1 - did, Bind 'enjoyed. ititiece convinced that I ivas doing ft sensible thing. But you shall he'ar. . Scarcely was my odd toilet complet- ewhen the whistle sounded, and 'drawing, th : thick Veil -tightly over my -face 1i mule. ni - cl t way to the nearest car.- And now Corn mi, need the !development. The handsome 'and gentlemanly conductor- nearly knoCked me over in the dear way -an his willingnCs tolpioneer e lady in blue silk with four &un ceite a satchel, a hat Lex, a parasol and a lap dogiiefel y Upon,. the platform. Returning, While I stood gazing vacantly at the rows of bat and hoot 4 before me none Of which moves. - ' 0 to relinquish s - seat in - my hchOl the ' 1j ) in del condue e tor pointed Co a corner seat be t ekn a • blaick woman with - a baby and a white Won* with two babies.. Of couree,.f acivifted it: and the cunning pranks of the lit tle African Made my. hard seat enduAle.. I‘W e ll, ',readied the city and vi a M: my way-to !Weaver's fashionable stow: The skies were wh.eping briskly and I, carrying a blue .outtorkumbrella, probably •did not call up . golden visions to the eyes of the younggen fleunin.clerks who lounged upon the Counters, 'ori sat with feet elevated at alarmingly . acute angles when I- entered, When'l enquired for ; -' s t ilka,' tissueshrenedinee, any fine summer di e se gneds ; ' - there was one undivided, stare:. It woald take too much time to tell how, se e strainer silks, and half cotton berages w re first - -produced, and how' I eventually t .z co wince d. them- that I understood their prdp eriquality. Suffice it to say 11. purchased tu thing there though tempting 'articles were displayed before me, but suited myself at a leis pretentious est ablishment - ' Next to. Mrs. Lasalle'e I. went,whose ana • themas upon me- for'detedting the cotton 'Wee prjesented nie for linen, I.will'net.repeat, but mlust say, they. Were de ivered in very en- • cOuntess-like rage though in excellent French.' "I did 'not-try the shoe store that day, but inpassing 'Dr. Is.'s office, soinething prompt ed meto enter. ! I had been amused.and not ie die leeetldisappeipted by. my afternooe's eneerience,i , iit now a little anxiety mingled with my curiosity. e l bethoUght me of a ner vous tooth-eche thertad robbed me of sleep fit- a portioh of several nights and which I hod iedutteusly concealed from: the family, chiefly because Aunt . Lucy7s infallible reniee di in euchcases. was whiskey and ginger bOiling 7 hotj a remedy to me infitiitelJ worse than the diiease. Perhaps. Dr. R'eciuid name - tnething less . objectionable. •• ' i rang, gently:and was admitted. , The - octor,whb evas•talking and smoking with ii i thing ;Feting mtueglanced at my dress 11S i 1 tiered, an& withoet further notice went on i e l.. With the cOnvereation. ;Finally l instituted ; ajslight co ugh and be turned toward me with:- 1 .- I. ' Wed, ',Old lady, what is ehe, matter with l ypu ?' ',i • .1 •. ' : •I; . II inquired in a suffering voice the best cure I f' an achinitooth. - . ' IT 'Crooked Itiron applied cold is the best ingand animal magnetism is the next best. .4ver try it, hey V And the' man of. science inked and grinned at his goinpanion, who i - tiirreejeeted a . quid of tObaceo frone,his aCseth quite near mei-poor gingham skirt and ii ldugbed immoderately. - In two seconds I st.is in the 'Street and on my way to the pe pte..,questioliing -within mysell, -whether there a -yet such qualities remaining in the world ail 4 unbought ,honesty and kindness.' My doubts were to be removed.. The t rain, stood at lie Depot as I came in sight,and 1 hurried my steps lestli - should depart without mie, -I lemanag d to gain a seat,but hlid no time tit) purcha a ticket and when the 'conductor ncme, I felt ;for my pnrtmonaie to. pay the kessary fare. It was gone. • An explore 4e;aliinid)ttlimilt anp h w i d ee kl , el 7: lls s t :ir i i i l l i ts g al° 'h *td im estil" t d lutt nlePaths tllsh al o v. u ziex l i d l:- . ele-I av ri lt b lee p.i.r trat or n th t t . s t ni he o n u e n xt t. eta H t e io i n et ln m d w e ould tritighli . suspicions that the storywas a lie, abd 'wept his _rofinds. .\ .-- . 1- . ~ . Soon after sot .one: touched in y elbo w and on lonking around: lewas greeted. by, a lank,ragged, emeernbed Irishrrian-Vrimerniled and held something toward -me. .It was my pertmonneie.. 0 - -.. • .• . ~ . . . :"I'-Faith and- beven`t I been searching the cars -Air ye this. bleseed- while,' -said be; : 4 aure . 'twat; nieself that saw ye -take ye.r, ,bandker eliieffrein;yer peckecandiend this ire thing eipinning - 00-the,paiingstonia ..s. : Anje didn't.. Pat Ti:!ngen . nfter ye--faith ill' 4nd not eeneoin4gthteane . road-e precious hin t - ' ethghtviidfor.it:„Bisisthe‘intu. fored,nt4rrtipted-lrish'hitrt. .A3dno* . l was itO-: - statioi and ' this *tie., tbOiiib loir . In : . the - west; wiiithinint rightly: -1 Ijrent pireetly to the 'MIEN - 1.60 m - 1 . d'. in flee inin*es emerged tbirefroni a' bell:Vr*ed- lady iritlkan uncovered boanet f thelatest ImpottatiOn. . As thoeoaduetot . , . ...thaplatfofobi to Ove'the .mitiiint:ori ere T:stappo_u_ r ilitia l endeied my fare, say- . -hag tirt-Mjcpurs ! had,' been found ' litid . re , t - ti - II ~~~ IFG#IM.ED.O , K. - .'n,ENE) . , turned to me. V You have a ..rtriii imagination, Eunice; picture .the countenance of that gen tler'nan.!• . . . . . Did you relate your 'adventures to the ybang lades 7' said Eunice. ' No indeed ! When the goods came they were delighted with them, affirming that the 'silk came from Weaver's; no other mer chant had-anything like it ; and the lace came frcim Mrs. Lasalle's they remembered see ing it there !' .1 kept my own counsel; and now Eynice what do you; think of it after all?' • • r I tbiiik the = wisdom yqu- purchased was cheap enoug b at all-events ' Yet there is one place to which l•wts4ou , had gone.' And where is that? r To church,' said Eunice. When.the old frigate Brandywine lay at Gkbraltar, the AmeriCan Consul, Mr.Sprague, cable on, board with a an who wished to join m, t the . shipi and after some .ebusultation— said man was received 14 the captain as a sort of stevrai d.. he having agreed to work for his passage on board, and some slight consid eration besides. His name was J.oe Lattiti• and he was a regular specimen of the strol ling Yankee ; but he dresied well, and was remarkably gOod, looking, !though there Woe ini.his face a-Peculiar look which indicated • fui,i, allowing, however; that the fun had some 1 sense in it. The moment t place&my eyes uPon the man,. I knew that I had 'seen hirri before, and when 1 had 'an"opportunity . to speak with him, I found that he had been a • performer rof:- legerdemain end ventriloquism in the United States, midi there I had seen' hint. He had travel:A through England— Fiance, and part of Spain, with. his imple ments of deception, and had just brought up at-` Gibraltar when nur ship • came in: Ile brioUght his whole kit on board in a large efn...st., Which he had perrniss'on to stow in ate bed-room iwhere it might be kept Perfee.t.. ly dry 11.. had *quite a,' pile' .of Money which he placed in•thct pin ser's handsfur safe kiieping, - blithe would tell none of ha how. much. But he was liberal and open hearted, arid it was not long before the crew, blessed' flip hour that bi ought hint on board,. for he was- the very .soul of wit and humor. jAt length our ship, went to port Mahon • aid here our Yankee tars i NS erv,at home.— One pleasant Morning ,a,party of ,us went o.n . shore, and Joel.attit was anongpiirnuniber. Ji.:.e,was dressed hi a shore-going rig, and ap peared a 'gentleman of . ecinsequence. Near the middle of the forenoona few' of us enter ed a cafe, and the only oceupent,' besides the It! eper, was .a Spanish offi fii.cer, W evidently,an . in- fortry captain; • from his dress. .e called t ~ wipe, and had it scrved.upon a table next to the one at Whicli, the officer sat; Joe seated himself so that his back cainc against-the back I.of the Spaniaidi—but he did not notice, when 4•sat down - , how close he would be. Our laugh ,and jest - ru high, and just a , : Jive said soinethina more than usually he threwi himself back, find thereby hit the , S e with fliree that he spilt a glass or wine on his' bosom. The fellow leaped,to Itls' feet, but before Joe could bei; pardon for the unintentionallnishap he commenced a tbrrentt of oaths and itivectrii., partly in Span iel and partly, in. broken ,tnglish. r Ills Inn . guage was sAi abusive . that-Joe's tempc`i was Op in a.moment, and instead of askinfi t' .par dun; a.s . he Ltd intended, hp **surveyed ihe*ra .man from head"to foot, and then said : 'Go on cir, your langitage is beautiful— Very beautifiill fur a gentleman.' • you call me no gentlemen,- eh r ut tered the Officer, in a towering passion. If 1 were gfiing to • call yotkl should call you a . jackas,!' calmly and eontemptiously uttered Joe. • Aha-a-ha' half growled the. Spaniard, .rol a ling his black eyes wildly and' fnriously.---: I i:Now by Santa Maria, yon shallnnswer for , that. 1 am a gentleman! But you----you One leetle puppy I ._ Ah-a hh ! Now you' shall fight ! . , Joe would 'have laughed the' matter - Or, but be found that the captain was determined to fight, and 'at length he resolved to fight, and. to accommodate him. The keeper °rale cafe. Called Me to one side, andknformed me that the officer waS:Captain Antonio Ifizar, one'of the . most _notorious duellists in the place— that he was always quarrelsome when under the influence of liquor, and that his compan ions always, left hint Clone, rather than *have a fuss with `Not five ! Minutes before you came in,' ad ded the keeper,. four 9f, his fellow officers . left him because they. raw be was ripe for a fuss.: So you had better get your friend a way.' 1 pulled Joe away, .and told him all that had just been told 'me but he only sinned . — and assured me that derii. was nothing to fear. I felt:sure at Once, fivm his very. manner, that he had some Safe fun in his bead, and I let him go. • • My name is Joseph Lattit, sir—a citizen :of the United i'Sates, and general of the order of Sublime Darkness,' said Joe,;pOmpously, ;turning to the Spaniard. Your name, sir.!' Antonio 13ikar, Captain in . Her Most CiAbolie Majesty's seventh regiMent of !Ulan try. But• your office, sir !" I don't compre end.' • • . . `•011, you wouldn' t know if ,I. should tell :you.. I am- simply General of a body of Men who sold themselVes to a gentleman who .burns sinners and bereties i down -here.', And Joe pointed most ,mysteriously down tovrard the floor as bespoke. . f. The Spaniard smiled a very bitter,: sarcas. tic smile, and thereupon "Joe took up 'two large knives which lay upon the bar, and tos aed Mena, ominfter the other down his throat, (making several wry faces as they took pas isage downward. . The fellow had evidently- Iliever seen anything of the kind done before, !for he was astounded. , lt , r 'Now i si.lt ' said Joe; , making one - or two , , • Imre grimace% as th o ugh he still felt the' iktiives sonnewhere in the region of the dia., ;phragni ` you will wait-lere until I'go and bring my pistols, and yOu shall have nth'. :faction. Will yeti watt?' 1% 4 I can *enure pistols,' said the officer ' for= ,:getting his astonishment, and coming ba ck to 1 .- , his anger. ,' - , , - ,' • - -4 I fight with my own, If yciu are a gen . • tletnatt,. you Will wait here: . , . Joe. turned to: iii and beae us wait. fi:e bun . - ''llefelibilie 1' 0, cries . cried the keeper, '..whes+e:tie my Wives I' - ' • •• 'l'll pay you for !ern when I come baelc,' aaid'Joe;sitid *an IA beelioned for rne- to *ON TRQSF,, ,TTIVIZDAY .I .' DECEMBEH:''.2O-.:-.1 7oz Larrrrs „R110w7 : 3, A'quir.iNaeiv.,---0.4:-:4w5.p.:,,r-i..,-ftK \ I - cure out. I did so, aid be tool the ki1i%423 --one from hia bosinn and the other from his sleeve—and told me to keep' them . he 'sturned. - seems that Joe found a boat ready :to take him oIT-to the ship at .onee,l, for he was tiOt gone Over three quarters of an hour, and when he came back he, had - two superbly mounted pistols with him. He 'ilOaded tin . = with powder in the presence of the Spaniaid, and then banding him a ball asked him if he would_ - mark it, so be would knoW it again.L-, Th e f e llo w hesitated at firat, but!at length he took it, with a mad gesture, and bit it between his teeth. • 'l,slutll know . ihat,' he said,: l'unlesth 41 is battered against your hones.' . ' Now select your pistol,' said Joe. The man took-thetn both, and . 'exatnined them, hut he WAS satisfied - that they were both 'Alike, and both good, and he told Joe he had no choice. So our steward put', the balls l in, find rammed them careftilly doWn.. The whole party pees adjourn , court, back . of the , rate, where Were marked off, and then the! took their stations. I "trembled! for I saw not how ho !would this. • • •-,- - , i - ' Ctint i' cried S ptiniard; i 'One-..--tvro—three V I .-. • i , F i • The Captain .fired fi rst, and '•ith a mo st deliberate aim. - Joe fired into t e air. Then :the latter walked'defiberlately t p to h i s an, taionist, and taking a bullet : erom betvrimn ,his \ teeth he handed it to him. ( f t y . -0 .. - sai • i lou can use:it neNt_time . did Joe. The officer looked first at Job's teeth and then at the ball. It - was surely thersame One: he had seen put in . the pistol, and now he had seen his toeman take it from his-:.mouth.-;-. 'He was unmistakably astoundedY `tome,' cried Joe, ' let's-load againr 'San Peblo P eiclaimed Bir, 'you "tise some—what you 41 him—sore trick! ißy' San Jago, I shall !dad the Oslooyself!! .-' Do so,' said Jo4 calmly, .and as he spoke he handed over histpoWder-flasic. The Spaniard poured (Mt an extra 4linanti- I. : ty of powder,,and having poured - it into the !pis tot, he called for the rummer. He then iput ir; the same ball Which he used before.— Mean While, Joe had . 'been loading his own pis-, tol. , , . . - I . ' One moment,' uttered. Joe.,reachinn• iota his hand. • The capS'are in the butt o?yOur pistol. Let me get them.' .. E . . The fellow passed, over his pistol, but he :kept his eye upon it. '. Joe opened a little sil ver spring at the end of the,butt,.and tette— there were some perciission caps there. fiHe took out two, and-Ravin;t; eapped his own pis tol- he gave•it it toss into the air, catching it , adroitly as it earre down, and then handed ;back the other to the Spaniard. -I .hatlwniell ed Joe most carefully, but I sail- itothing.but of the way—and yet he had Changed pistols with his foe ! ' Now,'. said he, ' I'll put a !ball into !my 'pistol, and then we'll be ready. . He slipped something, in, which,lookek-to me like a catridge, - but no one eT4e sate it.' .' Now.'•eried the Spaniard,' let me see ;you. 'hold this 9n yoUr niouthr, • . Again they took their stations, and again they were ready. . • 1 ' . • ' One—two—three V - And the Spaniard fired first; by aim, Joe . .firing into the air as before. And again Joe stepped forward and took the ser SaMC bul- i let from.his mouth, and handed it to his; an tagonist ! The fellOw was eompletely.dutph. I founded; and so were the rest. I . . ' You no fire at,me l' gaspedithe Captain. I . • , . ' I'll fire at you next time,'!said. Jee, in a tone of th4der. !Thus fitr'l I have ,only shown you that powder and balls can have no effect on me. Twice have you fired . at me with as true a pistol as ever was made, and both times have I caught. Your - ball ;be tween,my•teeth, while I havetired into the air. I - meant that you should li e long enoUgh to know that'for once in . you Lille you had Seen, iftlot the *old fellow hiniself, (pointing meaningly downward;) at least ono who-is in his employ. The old gentlemSn will lik6the company of a Span'sh Captatn'Of Infantry— and I'll send you along! . Come; load up a gain !' -•- . But the astonished Spaniard did not seem. inclined to - do. so. A man Who slalloWed carving knives as - be would sardines, and 4, ho caught his pistol balls between his teeth, was notoeirte . tly the man for him to deal with: = While he was pondering upon what he had seen, Joe; took a handful of bullets from i his ' pocket i and began to toss them! rapidly dOwn his throat, and when - these were, gone, he pick *ed up " half 'a dozen - good-sized stones, and sent them after the bullets! • • 1 . 1 . . . Holy Santa Marie!' ejaeulnted the 'SPan is-hile-his eyes seemed starting from their sockets,'' What a man ! By mY soul, 'tis the devil !' ' And as he spoke, he hurried twav from the place. After he was gone, Joe beckoned , for . me to givelhitn the knives. I and thepsaw . hint slip them Op . his coat sleesies. We returned to the cafe, he approached the keeper. ' ' 1 • 4 You . want your knives,' Said he. But the poor fellow dared net speak: , 'Joe put his hand to his right ear, and pulled out one of the long knives, Thed I, from' the left ear, he ' drew the other One. The keeper Crossed bimsellin terror, and shrank trem bling away. But we finished our wine and having pant for it, turned to go. .• Here,' said Jac, , '. I haven't paid for the use of the yard yet,' and 'as he spolce`he threw a. piece of silier.upon the counter. , ' No ! no! no l' shrieked . the Not' fel low—. criezi don't ;leave your money - here= 'don't !"..!. • ' ' ' - Joe picked it up: and went away, laughing. When we were alone he explained to me the secret of the pistols. They were a pair he had - used in his legerde , main performances, and such as all wizards use - whci perform tricks of catching bells, Am , The main barrel of the pistol bad tid entidsc4:, tion With the nipple fur _tom 610; 1 :but •Wittai' appeared to'be-the'Sockiffor jtlie ratimei wart, in fact; a second barrelHo be tat*: smaller than the other, bpt r it Large as the bore of any rifle-pistol, and with this - ie.! cid, barrel VW priniingiinbcie conneeted4--- , So the apparent, barrel' of the 'Weapon might be filled with powder and balls, and no harm *paid be, done. When Joe first returned with his pistols - , of course he had both ..thcai secret bowei loaded with blarik• charges and then the other loading was nothing but . efrect; in appearance. .At the second : loadirlOoe had charged the secret barrel cif his own OS= to), while the Spaniard had been filiint jup - '11:z; ? rz ESE 11111 the main barrel of his, then, of 'course, it be-, came necessaiy to make anexChange, orolse BizUr would have never gol f his` pistol off.- 4.x isoon us Jee got the, other_ 115istol into his pos*ession, and made the eXeliange which we spoke of at The time, - he' had' Only. to press il l smartly itpoii a rec.ret sprit g ripon the side Of the stock, and he had the hole charge which the other bad put. in, emptied unto his. hand. So, ho had the marked ball tci dispose of its . .. he chose:, 1 , ''. ''. Ever' after ; that; wvv hile e remained. in Ma.; bon, Joe'Lattit was an ohj -et of eitriOsity arid dread on shore; for an a , unt, all colored to suit .the exaggerated conc. ptints_of the-cafe • veil, t h e, - cit y , and the pious Ca holies there anted nothing to 1 de with such At num, only t . tie sure and keep lon the good-hutriored side. ' '', ' ' • 'Coi'respt? . narnel of th r. L4wßizser, 'ed to a "wide wel va paCes combatants 'fur poor JOe, make or Last night was an axe; rence. Authors of a start been comingin all day, a was reason to believe ‘tba .gerated-hy the fears of siune.nnd.the loVe 0f the :marvelous in others, - i was - still certain that it-Med:invaders from MiSseuri were ari-', preaching li:Swienee trom several slirectioiu,' and it was believed that an sittack .wOuld be made - during the night. leSterdliy the sham Sheriff Jones was in Late nee. I believe he had, some bilsiness, but tt, was the general -in that' he was h .re I to spy out the Ladd. It . e gds well .kno a . that -he and his friends were making grea elertions to bring a Missouri Mob ,upon the citizens' here . - .yet seen is the peace-loving C tweeter.] of :the.- in•- telligent l'ieople, of inue -alniseill Lawrence, that he and the ethers we it Ind carne unmo lested; were even treated with -eivility, -, •The 11 instructions Ofthose whci hake ti: .manage meat- of, the- of . of Ithel .pla are that _there must be.- no . aggiessiVe ~,varfii re, . and. that until violence is used there Must be no' resort td arrns,:and- these `nstriretirns. arc con curred in - 133€ all, so . far 7 .3 1 hale seen. Thii , may place the defenders. f this place at a dis advantage, but it is bette7 that it should be 1. • - 3 . . so. , - . ,It now appears that twie hOuses were burn ed on the might that Bra Sort was rescued, on • the Waukaresa;----the hou-es!rif Coleman and ,Beekley; the Murderer-n:11 this accomplice. Itja nova charged that th sei, leanings, were dcineby thriFre‘e.....Staie- men; -and use is made '-ofthis,2together -with other - things, to excite ' the Miis'ourians to conielepr 'There , is•- - but doubt that these shanties were burned by the teiculwho -had . eneavored to arrest Branson, orsoine' of the' ,:ind it was a deep laid part of!the same sell one which Was ev idently &signed to area itUte the quarrel.— ~1 I have not seen a' ree-Sratd, Man who- dries' not depreeate the • transactieh ; Jew of these believe ttiatany Free-State 'Mau did it; and when it was, supposed at iirit that some fool, .ish Free-State man had done so in the excite ment, there ,wa , ; a genera l WWI • to 'ferret 'it out and have - liini piinis red: . • An .examine tion of the facts shows tl at, the guilt in all .prObability.licii at the doorsot those who wish to make' capital out of it.' ;At the-meeting held at Hickory Point to iniiestigate the,inur der of Howl a resolution Was introduced' and . unanimously sustained, which deprecates re prisals of that kind as like to bring reproach upon the Free -State men, no Matter what the provocation; % It is also tagown -that all the Free-State men . in the- inimediate vicinity 1- were -engaged in the rescue bf Branson,: carne on. with] him to Lawrene4. ' Beckley' .hild been seen in the direction of his own - house by some women about th time it was(-burn ed. The firiusea destroyedhvere only isliant „ice worth. little , and had n i l:thing-in them, as the owners had them llay or two be- ' fore. However, from the r -hoise- some Pro- . Sitivery.men hive been making about ito here is . little - doubt.biit they intend to accuse the 'Cee-State men of the lir ling. ..„ .iI went out in the streets of Lawrence last • fight, and thoughell was 4,iiiet enough, found I here and there a • guard pacing - the streets' With a Sharpe's..rifle on hislitrin;. and it . : few . other silent ;indications knOtea toldthat these who had assumed- the • responsibility' •.ot Ae tense "-slunibered not; nor Slept.” • The Moon was. not 'np,' and the stars, burned. but, dimly through'a haze of smoky ail-, the prairie grass being jai flame in .taro or ihree, directions.:— . Some teams that .. had comic in froth -. Wes' pert at I dusk . reported hi ving . met arined horsemen; and men in wagons, - with arms, ammunition, and provisieils; coming : up from Missouri. 'One man said there \ was a- 'cam 'i pany drilling at Franklin _in the. afternoon.----' I also learned that a meetiil l g had' been eon i;e:ned at Westport the day after the rescue - 'cifißranson,; anifthat runner ,were . sent to sev etr, .coUnties to raise men—Anter still, iteitthey Are enrolling men at 451epentle+, and mulcting theie Who would alit go ...in:P; . to defray eXpenses. . Under.these'cirenniStarees . it is ni.. t:su.prisieg that.. t lt 6-e 'shorld ..11,q a gohdd • l of uneasiness ; indeed, I Was only : , % .serprist • that thereshould rich have been More. Groups were assembled' iiere and, there:---: 11,-arty hur,'stiof langlitet.t'oeci:sionally, told . that - sonic. few discredited the dangor,•ordes-- - plied it ;'. but serious whiiperings .hero and: there, and talk ;about -the` ,`:seven -. hundred ; men at k'ranklin,' • showed; .that otherS - : were not so easy,'.- -indeed, all ditesvf ~ that-if Law; react was not attacked thatjnight it. unaO.til.Y ' hetatise - its! .enemies .coeIkl: not: raise yforce ' 1 'enough to. +enture... Abotit.g.o'elock I -Stett ed for franklin f in corripar,k).,:witir.ti: leading • Fres-State !trian:; - . It is fou'r iles distant,and after a sharp walk we reach it ; but sail/ .no,. of indications any large.f :• - - ''.- _ , . - - -- • . .. :We ;werit,:a ;we distanee beyond ; and tvi.o , .' wen, whpui Ive had - aeeti 'i :Franklin,: who. were .doubtless a. watch, .l fa ed-: . ii , ooupin umn *ow oft.gr. • itve -pasaol .:: lip . .Nlre ...gone , :911 14: Mile and a.: . half further i -ino the.:Waukart,, i)ottona; i W e ,wiaiild have seen the -smarip,where ! ,thtireWaa-it-party::og . ..Misitourians, r '. W . e,.ret - "' .tertted,to lia,wrenee.abouturiduight, satisfied" :11* ZO.atilrapt:would _lititruidethiste:night,.- - . 1 • I savrfloinp gentlemen : it - „in ratite-...tipfroin. , itio s ia,co ff „last... oitriin6 , ,- 1 - They.1914,,1n0 th*their,79nrd'ageluni'insn thapped 4.-part :of n• bond of Mioeourkins;joo.;*fero:vonpOcl, On it,he.Wankarnsa.!. :•VheilOrone . b44 lavvr:eFi: .441.40 494:tkienti nistic.tionoquan Immo!. to rare hiag,up,!but tho , ttaviiilOvouooooded I 6 '-' `escapieg i frOna-their ; and , orisVe on.` FroniA .thise - . gentlemen-I:jeirtiogeOst Itini *pile ' down nbOn4 - Weatix4rtin4 .dkeitmillefi 'Mkt -pion ftpieted - tbat-Ofteen . ; hninliedlrAtiiiinial, ens irouttintionibinttO:fiiiinth , **init Un-* ietleie.. -. ;:ol6'3lissoirrien;•ll,hOVlts-Miareeeni- 1 H \ I - . • , it .:.--.::,,• .- .1,-....-• : rilpatientis".- \ • ! 12111 rN . "'WfißClMacf c : i t •; ' THE WAR IN MEM N . 6 r. 30, '1855 I . i • : ting one nLaw . - ing character had d although there. they were-esag- BM . . , „•.•• • ' ' . . FRAZIER & SMIT4,.-.1 40 -111.13LISHERarOt;:1::_' 1,4.1:0;149 Timicitivelttin tttiiT *hi) idently'a,decentish heirder 'rutEaul,'lnibfrned thorn that he wastuin up as lapiA,Leiomp ton, near vthich u ad..a,olaim _that, souks hody bad 13i;en eliqgcschihg ,on. _ meant. to settle th 4 t. buSineo first, and then hp was going dotirt to Lawrefide 'mit the ,O4ers of Gut% Shannon 'about enfereing'the laws , of the Legislature of the llission.. .From orte:of these gentlemen ,1 Jean:led that Shannon: bad declared there would be fifteen but men marching on . Ltiwienee:", - )l.pleasaiit Tittle - .Etre'eritive iriciderrt 'also rehited, 'gied for irhst icworth; ttt sattors.if ,of &Joke ( butit altogether inedttsletent ,with_thz anteeedeptu..of ,the jrikthinien,..:.. It 'was: that ancl `Seuret4ry .Nvood,sori had - played a garne. of " ee - ren, tip" lto see, irbielf should go up:te stretid to-the' Lawrence difficulty, and that . Shannon .11a played SO wretchedly that Woodson won it, and has to UM come - - •-•-' All day,. to_ day; there las - been. a good deal of excitepent c and constant rnmors; firstohat three haUd,reil men of the:. Platte County boys had crossed the Misiouri River at the Delaware FerrY, : and were marehiog to lAwrenee, tierctssthe Delaware &Serve. This latter story, though possible, does pot appepi to . he. well, authenticatedi .. .hut it.,is certain that, men are coming,Opthis - i - vay,and going to LeComplOri, from Missouri ' I went down this afternoon to : Franicli, *and met several' small companies'of MiSsouriansC'whei ,were, on the way .up. §ome had grine'up to Lecomptotkand I fnuud . quite a co' pany camped at Franklin, hat not trioret. Hown fif tY,.l should think.: many bps gone l a m op to Leconipton I know not, but by e xam _ ining those on the road its to the ',nu her of those men who luive.toroe up-from the direc tion of Westport within the past thirty hourts, I learn that they iviir not - mike more : 'than' one - hundred and fifty. ', - With those:: already up, and the , worlimen'at Lee - Inopts:3n; tegeth er With the fewlircuSlavery, men in this Tart of the, Territory, : I . ! :d0 ,, n0t, , think a, foree:, of much Over two hundred strong has yet been aggregated, and with that they will hardly ventrtre -to attack' Lawretec 1 met' Sec; Woodson, this afternoon, going up to Le compton, but Whether in completion Of that - unfortunat,e game . pf " seven up," , I ,cannot say. _ The camp , of the invaders at Franklin was , an ,odd spectacle.- -About \ eighty yards }lack of the main street or itio'muglifsre a. semicir cular row, of wagon; and carriages vrasdrawn up,- and' in - the curves of that line were many of these marauders ; SOMO sittin„, , *,..some stand and some Stretched at full length. Sev eral were examining, their arms,_, chiefly sthooth-bored guns , and revalvers,. hut,. the majority had evidently been ." priming" them selves rather than - `their piece.: Whatever curses they might have prono . uneed' against the Free-State.men before they started,their atithema maranathaieWeined at. the present time to be chiefly ~ - - - e nted against the portion oitheir own fraternity who Were, " enuring to • come." bind that the Alm:via' e.ristence of Shai-pg's ;Vies' inanciabout Lazerence operates hearth:Nita, Rid lias a highly' salutary eject,. Several a thwse Missourians have behn curs. ing these "':abominable rifles" in a manner th7at proved conclusively-them were sincere. lt,is quite likelrthat the Missouri forces 'in Franklin and Lecompton may. 'receive a. suf ficiency of reenti)reetnents,to justify them,in attacking Lawrence:\ I. begin' to suspect, however, that they have i most -wholesome regard for their I perional 'safety. 'Althongb Jones has had his emisSaries at work • for four or filo days, the- Free State men-here have made no effort to secure:o it from -dis tance,-- even_ in the Territory. s 1-believe a few of • the military companies within ten miles of Lawrence have volunteered to`eome in :if they are wanted, mid will be on hand if need ed, but this is all. ' ;4, \ Business goes on here with but littleinter ruption on account-of the anticipated hostil ities-. The Free State Men still ntaintainsthe same steady Pei icy. If United States offieers come here to make' arrepts they will submit< quietly;,even thoughnearly eiiery one of these is known, to be the tool of the Pro-Slivery, interest. But if the Missouri offieers forced. on them bythe . . bogus Legislaturei dare :act.,'' they will ,be set at; defiance:. Everi. then it is - 1 their intention. to let theyeekless-hords of ad , ? venturers who-and, encaniped around! Law- Tence 6iter the town 'unmolested; and not to. proceed to 'violence until the attack of , these men makes it self-defense. - The Free-State -men are thus prudent,- but should war ensue,' which God forbid, lam of the opinien these invaders will, get a drubbing that-:will teach them tii - stay at home.' - The Free-Stats blood is up. Those whose rights have been so Often and. so grievously trampled upon have . determined to maintain, them s nml that - new' is the "•eonvenientoeeason." - • ; Should Governer. Shannon,, and ,the MlS souriani- who - are so anxious to aid him ,in carrying out those obnoxious livrs thatitere -s.ently declared in 'Leavenworth- fie''" would enforce," fidl in getting together force enough to make even, Lawrence alone .-succuinhiit ,will be ah Smut! " hack doWn." This his - been' assumed as the duty and'deterrnination of the-present Territorial Goiernment ; and. if the first effort to thin sustain - it pro'ves failure, it will. be Ninou.s to such a - policy and such at government. 'fhiS, is keenlyfelt • - by these - reckless men, and hence the sive effort they. will'iriakStOcarry theirpoint • - may int/hire 'the Teiritory':inviolen6 and bloodshed. _ I - haveno,idesirs and no motive te gerate or,tin der-estimate the facts. The con- I diet of these Pro-Slavery men is worse than. any thing I could hope to, ohMin ereditior— 'Were to invent n case ; ancl,„ll6Wevke- enX:. lons i may bete' see:the TerritorY'Seiredby peaceablefhen, this"sentiniebt-cannot.driVe. aineSaldents , bUstickgravoliraernent„ and which . , thres4A. to ,invol vs . .the citiaeuti Kansas in deadly strife._ ~.Thelt4 ; 9,l ll ?l,,b,fri= deed; hreii_bytit present. but' the terror which the'Proe`Statd'tiatlnitin inspire tlfdr *great -1 est, eeeueity. : JJ . •;;;, .;,::;., .^ v, is:now, ,midnight ott , ths•linn, - ,tlayet;No„. file far theattaek has notboan tinule and.wilt pot be made to night. - Should it be to-morrow ' those, J .:wlio .have learned that 6 ,4Nliat,orSwite4jinty„jis.:o9.4fri#L4, l l thElj 1"1114s .1"fili1111.411. m's!!** l ?ie 40/7 &ph. etfititei Sovereignty,"‘ • • TY , 44:m 2 • ::t 4 • . • #3,l4Kted; U. Sr*ClitAlt , t4rlVillini‘Deq , ... B thfk ocre Ge9ige Sy Fietamt4 ,F,Tik3yibtott.iNc eittdiante, by' majority' 1 ' ~'.'. 111 - :t. ~,' - 4. :$ 1 ;.....- ..3 - 4:q.:lft f ,i11,';.!.:..t4 'i'''..Ltthis f:'•x.kg ~ -, , - rf':;i':i . ,) '4_.i.:-;;I; . - . - f-',4I:F . ' 4.:, - , 1:',,:r! . 4 - : ' ,', ::-, . -,', Crl . ! 1i..1',1' MIEBEMEM ME .A.. NEGRO NESTING. •. - ;..;12 - cr -1 _ , - ' =Then.following exitgaitely ,l 4Mthful: add ludicrous accoant, - dra negra , Meeting;lsfroul. the PiNember..nein*re.f.-F'euianlN monthly litugaine :- - ~ ,- • , ~ le' have 'IV - 44: tO'' - to ' .(` i'iiiiiii Some,,,peop_ _ , __ „ en, a . meeting7-10R10. have;-'74. Wii 1 4*-s *miaow m i . - was tl,o - noiie Made,anil‘coMamais.,. liiiAngi,‘ it; Widgenuineind Unafraid; 9294.- ;Ft. antaughti' and 1-eajoyisa; iirthey ;did, the ire% 'rollicking styla4 - 01iiiing• way 'iv -the' sense 914itamoment e end.shouling, or,Aanc.' irigt' 0 ,r - calTng: about ::a s : the ' imPubse,-.114, 0 4 - ffietn•-;-- ' :''- - ; ' ---' - : : • _• "Oh; God!, '4:;ol4 t uid'r ihiinfiiii si'iiiirtnalt i iri ii ir -1 n t,„:,,,,.,, '•• ,-- .: ...„1-1 , ,-,...;.: . 4 ' 1 . 4 . .• • ~.,..--„,-,. ',-, ' Oh;'l..ord.t. , • • ' t . ', ;- ,-;.,!:- ~' • , , .. -, ' Set me, upt . :i ;,.. -, . 1 .. g Set,me eu Abe rifit: • i.,. • , „ - ... , - Bet me on , the r cle, edge ways • ''' Oh, 'Lord r' - '.- • '' . ' • 4 :Set me up edge-Ways!' • - - -' - I suppci4ashe had some distant reference -,to the-Rock of.Age4 ; at MT-nits she said ,whav she chose, and it -no doubt. answered ' hdi purpose ; and was antood as singing ihro% the nose, or growing Very,'Weary .. ,with dull, discourse; „or "burning 'gilt - 'paper--practicei in which some religious nations indulge. ',.• --' Negroes , arc, ot. 091 Y., religious-they are . Wags ; yet the genius for.humor is held ,to be an indication _ of „the very' highest .capability_ ' ill its poise Or. When' My, gran'ther - Fiivv ler, away tick in "those Connecticut :limes wheaclerg, men Owned it few slaves,. caught, is-. nigger! Off boWing and ,-ftisong .like a, Greek priest, before an _ugly wooden image that he had, cut out, he said.: ' ~. , ••. f - What'i 'this ? ' Whiathis, Cuff'? ' ' • -For a moment Cuff Was silent, -bid' • he . looked ' up and said :• • i ' „ ••. ~. ,--.• .. •: • • . • • '.Why, Massa . Fowls , white-manistealnig ger7--nigger no like „Whit,anum... Whit,- 'likeGod let h im kcal : - Mgger--nigger .no 'like whita- matt' '; God.' ''Maise, Fowls. make his-46p, .. - ftiid. lia'like him ;. Cuff snake his 'God, end then'he know--what. he is, and he like, hitn;,-too, „Walt,- wakiklassaFowle.' • Again, on - ine, my friend, V. .g, asked Anthony Re a superb' engine:driirer on the :Obi° river ' ow h Cala() ,to get free." :- '• -' %V , Masia- - - - Vineent;- my heath .was very bad when I was in Kentucky, Iconldn't do no kind of work; - 1 - was 4 very feeble; 'twee jes' es--ninclini Leonia do , te hoe, my .own garden and eat the , sess ; and ,the .lois- sus that - owned me see that I was a mis'able ,nigger—one. Of the mis'ablest kind.; so:1 said to' her:. ' .Missus, rni -- * inis'able nig-. ger, and Faint Worth. tichhing, and I think - you'd better- sell- me, ,I'm such arnis'able .nigger.'... Now, Massa Vincent.; I was suth sc. poor nigger that ; raisins "agreed - ,to sell Me . for a hundred ffollarSi iind•l agreed to (1749_ to Work and 'earn the:suoney to pay7her, and' mv' health his been getting better ever since, and 1 'specks I made about nine htintired dol.; . ' lark that time, out of. that nigger l . ;Wish, wah, MasieVincent.'`.. -,,•,- ,_ ~. _ But With All. this charming jollity 'and wag-. nishness the nigger his terrible'capacites for revenge and hatrefflWhich opportunity May . ' develope, as in -St: Domingo,) 'and - which:. if ought- to convince the skeptic that 'he jai a man, iaot a balai i ,on ; and whenever our south ern partners quit us; and begin to take care ' of their niggers then:sets*, they will learre_ that they . are no joke. - 1-• -' • - ' - ' i The nigger is no j,)lce, and no bahcion '• ' ha is simply a blackintn, and I say :. Givebint fair play and let us =see what he will, come to: - Tll£ P t Arxs. —The id ea - 'generally - enter: - \ tamed that, the immense arid plains lying be , ween _the Missisaippi River and Rocky . II o untainsmust remain forever unsettled. and' i uncut mated on account of the eciircity othiel - and ' ater, is likely to ; undergo a, change.-- - it Scie iffOmen are no* exploringthcie plains, or p, •ries,find from the: little we hoar of their esearches s ' the - proSpect' appears good thaep euty olwater and coal can be obtained at a s ' all outlay °tint:mu and labor. ..ISuc cessfui experiments ihavo'been made . in test- "- lug the'practapabilityof boring artesian wells sand the result is most satisfactory. In one initaneet, near the Pe& - ,s river; about the:thir ty second parallel; it' the depth' Of six bun dre&iind,fifty , feet,:;the; greateit, abundance of Periketry 'pare :water -WO3 obtained.:_, Be sidei this, „the operation developed axis. tande as: cal beds easily accessible;, and, so far as' the experiments have ' progies.seil, evi- dentlY underlaying the *bole of that imnietise . C.llllfitr.*:: P - \:: ' . ' '-• ' - ,', -- r'' Thelinrbortanec:of this, AliseOvery '-ivill ;at ouce_be apparent If rivers cannot be crea ted by:these wells,\waterliblEcientfor all the \ purposes of irrigation May-he obtaine,d;lintt the plains May beconeas - thickly Inhabited, and the land, renderedproductive as any portfon of our tountry,-.lrithr..plimlT of goat • for-AM!, the *ant of tintliO will hardly keeif back the pioneer "; for file m aterials for build ing are . too Minierottatoildmit a 'of inch a Sup: position. -The-thOrn will :doubtless: grow as . Well , there , as here, and ,live hedges, even- in - sections- wheie kesAs ige.Abun4ant,,ere noiv, adopted by, the farmer., ~.,- - S,„i , - The expedition for Making th ese Observa tions Mid aperimenis'on the 'Western" prai -ii- was ient oat "by - the Government on* a ',short 'time sirisie, and it4rtionly may- be con sidered; with,the Auceom...thot has Attended Ate_ expriment,. as one of O M most important that' bass been coinraisainned,:. ,ltillices of aeree'd the beat limati'Willsthillr'be'Opetiecf . up to . agricultural enterpitise;‘-iad the country lying, b4Weiti - S.the.,,gississsflp! -..and,Rodty - Uotnitaink, iiiitelid:_of remaining adeport .Viiiiiii,rddottiiii tn . iolifiide 'Mid :;,lifirrieifMesa, rn `Will'heeoe fiettled With an encutfitiepoptilit-- 'tion; And: pour 0 < 'Ate rich - 40mi alto-the-lap= .9 14 PmOn'Ifkreill- ;-:-- .:';` .!'.. ', , : , - - .:1.;..._ '!z , ..'l I ; We sball soPlihri , ,t ll # l 4TfOrt" 'ftl!!!-"" 1 P6liiiiai frointhedeir:_teatstfit Irlis t hiugon t - ititiircl66l4f : ia - thik'atestaltate the ititVrtiftatiori wned 611 theilisbje64 friaiiii-ptifit6trearce, - :justifies thelroosestingaletasiticipatioal.,:- I , .‘Yi,t,h ifoich= 4 -Y4'4,411*-.PC,14014017 'Welt ar ' 3l ' , SI#F I 9 1YMPIldiFed 'arable„,,,what Unto, s co, tWilet to tlia'iiiajliz at 4 trade of Sh 4 tiliiiiit4*Xaids fttlOticadi -r4 " " . . Sin* AxwA.-i- Nzenta.--The , Vera tiroz corpls*dmitabt Ott.Nsii . •o . 042ns Delta. has & . niskint irrqutries: intyr,f , theptxligree o f '_l,KoAtesionn. betiot44ol *mew itrid,lutiti 4 dis , t Tertd*o l l'. set'ent.# l o 3 4 64 l/ to. .IfMrtrci,4 4; I '4! lopot:of Melipttilio l idUys Oil: f first Oat *as iiit s .li.s6o3ll be 4,4l,nnittiaett-liorilgifilriiigi fonds 1300:tgligglbxfativonAnktforobtaattuair, turn 611;is genera,' : = MM CM .. 'a. T,'. .a_. -1‘.t..!..4.; 111111 A MI