d 12 V`iCI~~~I~~~~. El . __, . . .' - PII c . G DOW BIITXHSp. ' • .When butte ' is designed fur. keeping sev-, I oral - months,. it I's of - thehigliest importance I that it should o workedfree 'front all re- i mains of bntte Milk. Bore butter is an oil I which will kee * equally as • well as lard or. tallow. - - Butte milk,, ont the contriiry, - Con tains casein, a, itrogenons Compound, which decays very, Soiin- when lin contact . with air. Were it:possibe to rem ve every particle of the.butterniilk,. and all races of - ittiparit ids' or foreign subs 'ices, n salt - would.- be re quired, nor wo . ild it ' tiocessary !to pack butter from th air. . - ' BALTW . • • ' ' .- -: •In salting b , uter, the s It itself should he -of the ptirest k nd, and itshould be so tho roughly *ark in that. verye particle Of the e l remaining butt . imilk be left in direct con tact with a patielp -of salt.. A' very simple method of purifying salt 'for butter - or cheese' is to add .a pin ft of boiling 'water to four or 1 -five,pounds of' I.,...stir[thent well now and • thin,for an ho r r.inor.• drain elf the wa r ter, .and hang e tindissoiv'ed.salt ina bag to • drain antddry., _(Thedrainings inayhe used for salting.ini 'ids, or patting upon hiy,) In /. -this 'process -th' water di solves out the bit ter, disagreeable 'portion of the salt—the - chlorides Of magnesium ud calcium—which are More soluble I than l ure salt.. IA little care this' kio. is a thUsand time's rerun-. 'nerawl in the sweater taste and - better qual ities, both of Witter and cheese. . The amount' f Salt to be added 'to butter la depends tipoki s freedom from casein—that is, upon, the an outfit of Werkine and washing it has received . and upon the length of- time it has - to be ke' t ;rand also upon. the matmer en of packingd the climate oridegree of heat i?s, . to which it be,subjeeted:: -If -butter is elthoroughly fr i d - ''tom and packed in vessels -nearly . iair=tight, with the salt well worked in, andl'when -not-to be subjected -to high temperatttre i in,ilva in climates, it .will keep well with lesi thanalf an ounce of salt, ~1 to the pound. INhere noni.of these condi _ tions are met, ohe and a half ounces,',or more; required. , ll' • 1 _ • , .. Many of the best butter - makeri recom mend to add onehalf-thefsalt, and let it stand twenty-foar lionrsi then, work it °Ver . amain . and add the c'ther. half This process re moves., more - Of tie water, and as', a conse quence,-more q t e casein. To secure qui.: formity in adding the salt, spread.the•butter . in n thin sheefi-sprinkle la little salt all over . theTsurface, roll it; together, and repeat the - processtill alPis added. I 1 1 1_ IPA eKiNo. ' . - ~ I .1 . For home - nee; stone . jars are undoubtedly .., the best. Foritra tsportation to distant inar .kets, wooden vessels mast- be 'led ; . These shonld always .'he inado df perfectly ;seasoned timber - and be• water-iight.l. There is so ' , 1. much danger. el flavorfrom the Word, that .. we - have recommended 'heating-the: inside of, 411e:butte& tubii nearly t 1 charring, and then -:sttrichigiT - them lin - a stro t g:'brine for 'a 'few i hours or days. i 1 The heating can be, done by .plicing them Over a small coal - furnace, or' by kindling - a inv. Jot shavings , en the inside. No harm can be-done if the entire inside is -, , charred. Thenroinaticiap of the. Wood will, by this me-ans,,. be , desttioyed, and }the tubs will be all the ; !mere durable. ' After burn - ing, the inside eboald, o course, be scraped -entirely clean..ll The importance of this re -cotamentiation Will he appreciated !when we, 'state, that - one4burtli - to one-half of, all .the .hotter carried to market in this country, is ' - - more or less changed, in flavor by the pack ing tubs. in putting_ down the butter, lent be thorough I vlpressed . together to free it . from - confined . eir, and then let its surface be -kept as . Mitch as possible, from access to air. . If the tabs-- oil. firkins_ can beheaded up, so -much the better. ' . , We have lit 4 pt butter in a tub- unchanged . 'for .au epsire by*covering with a strong . brine, dnd laving a-cloth over it. I' 7 New York • _ s..:Vbat a Pi I ' .r Farmer Cant Affor4. In nn addre - te„ttle. Annual Faii. in Erie County, Hoff, Iliorace Greeley made sundry very scnsible observations. We note two or . three specifications on the subject - taken Tor uurfeaptilm, on which we Would make aTeW• - auggestions. Among other things, 'he said , • "No poor man can afford to be a poor farmi er. -No poor ;Out can afford to cultivate is land in such al manner as will cause it to de teriorate in value. NO poor mail can afford to prOduce weeds. Farmers Cannot afford grow a crop on. a soil that does not con tain the natural. elemeats that enter into its composition. , P I No poOr farmer- can afford to keep fruit treis that do not bear good fruit, nor to work Wlth poor implements." - - ,:. . .- . All - this is ,I well; _it is' :true.. It is perfectly' undeniahle...-. put: it -ii !malt, one side' of - the • Story. SomelotherAindred truthsare equal . .ly obvious. *That poor cripple at the cor ner cannot affOrd to waste - his-time .. in inac , tion. The pkioi- scholar' cannot .Well afford the- -time : to walk. a bandied : miles to the . . place - Where he is to seek- for employment: That - poor_ sick- wadian,• the • farmers wife, . cannot affordlito carry sibaut that e.hionic dis -e.ase which- - his been a burden -to her for year& I . i .• • This chapter Is a long one, audit is equal ly true' as t 6 former.. So the.poor fernier cannot afford to be -a poor farmer. Well, • . cattle afrordj;to be poor in any Wly ? - _ There certainly are tiro sides to this.. Poor farmers and Poor.mechanics have a good deal to say: for themselves. The 'latter would .like a set of) improved tooh3. The want vf them preven'ts him fr i om oampetiug. fir a capital job which is adVerqsecl, and hence he' . • _must let his I ,richer neighbor,,ch6 is, yet a ' mechanic, sedure the cmtract.and !pocket the 1 profits.. .9,n4. this waSl ONLY be4use he ,is poor.. 'lf hecould haVe procured the tools, he might ha e secured, these profits 'to hun self:- . --:_ i . , t . SO . 4the..rti hi .goes. _1 1 -TO him th; hat bath 1 . given' more. abundantly. Were-, this any . thing . ,..- more i an the accidentals and - Contin- \ .genek r .. _ .O t ia dint upoti a Uglier, Which is .the ttel ` true Potruo,: ' . e .. stim . Id! he.mceb puzzled with 1 - oar thinlngh ..-. . 4 ~... , ... But therejare palli iviss•erei-ilere: There are ,possibili 'es - Inthe,pixor•Ottan.-Ofw!lich he makes ,no,,_, et..ount. , i The cripple - can use crutches, au . he. ought; to ; do so. ; - But he is I not bonnil--. ruk: So- the pooriltriner can' generillYitd 'retie - lisi . condition,'hy : the es-, it . cruise of ina stry, eockicimy., prudencd..in saw- . ing and intin fadttritiirtiottiurci, by judicious .-- crops, etc..e.. Wel 'think, - however, that . they need . ticouragetnent rather...than .een . stireciend to . t, are their-hope and Sitliefiatice . st r entheued. „ Anythin - g thit'idak - ea . thein . • dealgee-theniselres 'or mist rust .their their 9wn lioweivi,lietit only up' inst but injurious, and . indeed - reilus:: - • - I. - I - , • 41 , - . . *‘*We dd. i t; ,t Censure, the orator "for the sug . F giiiliOlis.ln;„ttsis address ' above c - ii .. hut we beveak a t' iritvficinduess and kindness and ' and-Of oleo I raga for. those Who as real ly lament -:.: sir jrapttfact!ona, as the. most . ii i ardent reforiaen .'. . .'!-. .- - • i . . - ti y 7 Pat, ai.e - youi t 'asiaap?' *Jeep. tr i ien4ie MO 11110 tee n be jabera: ' I • • Divil th 'Then : be •I'm asl, OM A. FIAIIAVLO.VII - UTTER.. A late EngliSh paper contains a letter pur r ort7ng to luie . e:T'beiiet ~ .r r it„teet' by` a young gardener to tila4y:whom heiloVed; and whom he wished. to WO. - WheiliWexactly such a letter wait, posi*elywrittetiOd 'sent .by the gardetier;. we - hike: not thelpmans of 'know ing, tiorisit of much cOnSeinence.. .The' let ter is ,ati'ingenieui . one, by Iwhitever. : means • it cro ne to see the light.' It reads thus; .' . "MY Ross, MJRT—As s , ott are the pink. of perfection an the blossom of Islay, - 1 wish, f to tell. Yon tin t my heart's. ease has been torn up by the roots, and the peas of -my, holm entirely : destroyed; since' I- began to Pi" after yew. ' My flame is William Budd. At first I. was poor, but by . shooting in the ;spring .and raising a earnation fast, I obtain ed a celery, and by a little Obbaging, &e., 1 -roseito be maseer (thoughotnething like a creeper) of . thej whole garden, I have now full command of the stocks! and the mint; I can raise anteni4ne. from a benoy-royil to a plum, and \Cha(n* eirenditure leaves. I put in a box fer"..),•ew.. If; I. rday as a coxcomb speak of mysdf I should Sity, that I am the flower of loanod ; that 11. am . neither. a I. standard nor a 1 dwarf,; a Mushroom nor a a Iklay-pole.. I% ynoK is of tt.turnivreddfsh: kind, and my 1' k's bang . In clusters round my i ears. lat often in the - clpany 0 t akes, and rath i fond' en liines in "shrubt, Which, -my elders ire.provelnic furl.. as I had better berry :till this, and :41y, that 1 h.ive. a Windsor bean 'arid that I luive some Li„indon .pride; and ' as - I ant' a-branch of a cojstoek tvieh'a!portly bearing,l Well know wit h n and cl where to make my bough.. So Lett u e act for oisrselve3 - and "fix ,an early day ftirj graft ing your 'fate' with mine., I ntri cer r ain 'that we should mak4 . a very nice Pear,,and never repent, even when - we became ; sage. by thyme., Yew would be the baliii o(my. life, I would be the balsam bf yOurs, sO that the 'people who call us:green now, would call - us ever green hereaftcri . And .noiv - sWeet , ,peasj be witleyew.; if .heAvho tried it tares ine from from yew, :I shall becont• a melon cauliflow er, and wither &way ;': my tongue will always be a scarlet' run . ler .in y qur 'r 14r.,1 aise; have l e planted my hop in yew, and tow .1 imy live for thyme when I may lie 4 frOm your own tulips that. I rini your own sweet William, ! and not your . • WE: rmo WiLt-0.",. . . . ' fiLtE' Win E LE'rrEV. - Asa.--s-The prac tice of blueing. he paper p 1p had its, origin in a singular ac iderital cirCumstance, which; not merely as an historical fact, but .as form. lug an aniusingl anecklgte,:is perhaps wkwth mentioning. . k oceitrred • about, the' year 1190, at a :papier mill belimfffingito a Mr. tl Buttonshaw, whkise•wife, o the oCeasion in question,' was 4merintendit g the vashing of some' linen, witetv.accideutallk sh dropped her bag of, ixiHdered bine into t'he l midst of :some pulp m aforward State of preparation. and so great was the fear she, entertained of the mischief she had done, seeing the b!ue rapidly nmalgainatC4 withthe'pnrp, that all allusion to it wjas studiouslyAtoided; until, 'on-Mr,Buttenspaw's inquiring in great aston ishment What it •was'that . had imparted the ai t g peculiar color t the pulp, his wife; pereeiv-, ing that nik \ very rent damage had been;done, took .courage,• dat oncejdiselosed the se cret ; for Which she" Was afterwards rewarded in a remarkable, manner byllicr husband,. who being natural li Ipleased with an advance of so kumll as four shillings per:bundle, upon' sub-' - 1 Milting the improved make to the London market, hantediately presented a costly scar let cloak (suine i 4yhat - --More Congenial to taste, in those days' it is prest.med, than it Would be now,) with ' niitien satisfaCtion to the sharer Of his joy.—llerrinis Pop Hand Paper Ma king, , 1! .. ,1 %, • , , 10 ,,,... Dec.WASIIIICGT9..i 1, L 000: At a meeti gl.of.tha De . .'eratic.tnettiber:s .1 of the thirty 7 fOurth Co r ss, LA& in the i House. of Representatives the even:ng, of 1- the Ist of Dectinher, 185 , iiorr. George - W. I , Jones of Tati6ssee was !elected, Chairman ' and lion. 11' .• 'II. English -and- Thomas I Ruffin of *Norli Carolina Were - elected See- • I retaries. - . • , 1 l 4 g* • The followingrcisolutio,. introduced by I i -Eon, Glancy •.ones .of ipermsylvania, was 1 1 ! ) unanimously .a' opted : ] . Rlsalred, - T at the Ahmocratic,.tneMbers 1 of the House of Iteprelsikatives, though a a-minority in , e body, dern this a fitocc.a- the , rsion to tender to their filloW citizens Of :whole .Union their • heartiest congratulationS 1 on the triumpfl, iit the-recent electionsin the. Northern, Eastern, and '.Western • States, of the principles lor . the Kansas-Nebraska bill, and their di:votion to civil and religious. lib erty, Which ha e been so . violently) assailed . by a secret p &lea! Order, known . as the KnowLNothing party ; and. though in a mi nority, ever fai d it ]to he] our.. highest duty to -preserve mar organization, and [continue our effortsht.he maintehance and defense of these principles, and ' the constitutional rights of everysection and every class of cit izens, against . their opponetk, of every , de scription what ver, either so-called" Republi canism, l(uow-Nothingism, or Fusionisnond to this cud we l look• with confidence to the support audapprobatkin of all noun and true Men, friends of the' Constitutiini and the Un ion throughout the Union: , • I - I The . Mectin then praceeded to selcct can didates for th various ilfOces connected with the organizati n of the House, when the fcl (1, lowing gentle w . erwyarninated by accla mation : - H .-70 -,-, .- . • .. For . SIT kir—W in, A. Richardson of 111. - . For ,Cli Clerk-;-A. .1 ) :: BaCZ, of Virginia., . Doorkeep eri—, Alr, MelineW.. , Sergean t-atlirlfz - s —.Nr.,Glosbrci;cr of Pa. Postraostcr-1--11r. John i;011. - N ~ • Printer--Cirrnitius \V Edell of N. Y..- • Thep were between fifty and sixty inem-;, bers- present tit the .eatietk, and -everytbing i }cent tiff hart , d about aiil hour. Form le found he couid nut be 'l7O KEEP respondent that he lia3 pi much . sueeess, pans.- It siml newly hamtnet nails, in each.. Milk on them r has something cult. I Ie11:11 he upon tl serve .the ml ant other, phti ,oyd, a cor :rieati,_states peen... ..tethod, with of preserving Milk mein in the ply consist in placing *piece of wed. iron,-or three tweltepenny . ,. in pan, hen pouring tlki warm . He believes - that electricity to do with producing the re l tried many experimer4s.before tis one,' which he founl - to pre k sweet fora longer trine than in tried;trY him. ..[ - -. - TEACIIINg. I ally associatt the conyerse i Men general{ to teach too prepare thate.lf-confl knowledge teacher's cha, with the lov; teacher. . '"he ~,e love - of teaching 9 gener id with the capacity fo it-L-but I - dnes not always- hot , true.— tot_ y,teach'badly-ixhen they l ttempt trnieh, , ot.-when they du duly lessons.; Presence of and dence,which Is based on ~;elfe . essj‘ntialleletnents in A good ictoi. An iatrnest,inan imbued of .hildreniiS 'rarely a Lad . _ If oscs.—Uon. Uorace Mann put" the great Jewish law-diver io a'new light., In his late lecture be .i represented him as a j PMetit2 l bolitionist+gaged in running oft slaves to a land of freedom ; d ip business .be was rather._ successful haring carried Q. ilte. at once,.on underground. road and itrea the masters who purrled, \ Jesse it i the - Red ' i , ___ _ _ 13 . 1TsIN.Ess _ drains. , t i , N i c yr won jajalg., . .. P w El: r4r,, Nit:A ß ::D rat A o7., mOLTIIi, Pa., TlOl 1k 0 43 : , ... 0 o, :i... A: ; l ll;r:E r te o tte l : ri v" ~: .-- 1 : A #t the Exchange ,,. Brooldra- " 4 . -...........: EAR/44D ' -. i, ' . , i mitt subicriber tak th' Poriimity of thaniiiiig j e 1, T. BAhehard,M•D'• • 'r • his f es 1841 - r- the ...0 this Method of satrishig their -old friends niL - DI lITSIMAN AND SIBIGEON, Jackson, Basque- r '., , _ mit f rien ds n nd :f r . L b tliiii i ,trintrigrila , eustomess imil the Public allatirt thattlier hare list= rir * FlE subscriber wiltild again announce lei Ills cos- A- hatiniiieonzlpla." Residence at thSPostizfffcm ; heeing lis t - iviefti - sh joitoloos of ` mu ; ecetr&l and, opened thehttgett e ,inettlhst and eh ap-ii comers an d the, public generally that:he tea re- CABillbwr MAKERS, have recentlyoponed a ware-., Coeds of various descriptions, he is stafprepared tei4 est stock oritEADVIL,WE:VIMIIING ever 't : i O a Large l a° '"'M t _of MITIr,ANDISoIOES„ ~room in New Miffird..P l 9 and Will kee.K ll- Supply almost any artielsusnalli called for at& coat- La this place, which theyilfer!iit a small aititince fro m. , which , he lawn selling for Readii Pp twenty per 'dandy onliatid all kinds of Ciibinbt- caste also e t f* try l etore. , ..ili e mortment is now ab o oi te,. , and he . I L ..t,:therebl offering purchnsenr the rare opportin44(.eent.4heoper Wail can he bought in this market, (the I ,tyof obtaining goods atabout twe thirds the tiat:GeMOne Boot imd Shigthere .down Towle or .she made Cofiblis. Funerals attended with or withon a j og ; th e largest to town, offers the greatmitinduce,i either for Cash, Barter; er Goad P tice- - . - ..: 4 2 ~ ' . -'''. ~ Rare Chance for Binvlllif, up town, not eicepted-.)— hearse. , war Also ale assortment of Dry Gorids, compe l j o t, "Ouch &Nth" may be found the first door East-of the raretcoonvnearlY oprisim J. Dickermen's , me m, to p„,,,h„ e „,, 0, Sore. '_,l 4 ° . . i (sharp Credit. Call and see. ' . . . Ladies Wear, new styles:Brocade, Stripe, P *(41 , 1 Odd Fellows' Ball, Turnpike; street, first, floor. Al- New Hiller& Maylls, 1855. * - 20--‘-ly l em lain au , d changeable Silks, Delaineselduslin Dc Eno , i though not quite so commedious as some "stoalis," • , - Brooklyn; rooklYn. Auglist l o , ' 1 EtiMo. G. 11 7 1154 ,, 8". ________ ,_ go • 0 tho 1 yet it 4nswers our - - -ie i,iry well for the present. & E. Baldwin,. • aIIFACT . DEEM OF SADDLES, MARNIPS., .11 . 1. 'Trunks, Whip &c.; in the Basement of Seirte's EloteL Montrose, Ft.!. " • C. M. Simmons, - BOOT AND SHOO MAKER., Shop , first door east 0f0414 FellgtralllsD, Turnpike at., Montrose. ' W. Singleton - now, be &mast his new stand on Owego AL V two doom Wesvof Searle's Hotel, where ise. cj Actually repairi, _with dispath, Watches, GloOrs,, Jewelry, Guns, and every description of Machinery. Wheel cutting; Oun and Watch materials supplied to the trade. ; `r. • Di. H. Smith, QURGEON It4NTS' T, Montrose, Pa., at Sealle's Ai Hotel, Mondhysiand Tuesdays of cacti week..: He4 l 9 S. Knapp, ' . ATOST ROSE, PA., with Row, Wooarg':(l7 l'ar- J..,JL ter, Wholes* Grocers and Comnussion Mer chants, No. 173 Wishington 'street, between Conrt andt and Dey street!, New T okr. .. _ • Caleb Weeks. . • Q ADDLE, HARNESS, TRUNK MAKER and c'ar. 1,,,7 riage. Trimmer. l' .., Shop et his dwelling hoilie, eaily Opposite Heart Drinkees. Montrose, Pa. - - . • . & Fowler, . A TTORNEYS A.'stD COUNSELLORS AT. LAW, and Solicitors iii Claancery.. Office No. 44 Clarke street, Chievo,. lIL r _ ~. . . • . • Pacific "Hotel, , 1 il REENWICII STREET; (near Ilt i vatlway,) -Veto VT l'ork. Salisbttry & Co., Proprietary. In the vicinity of the principal steamboat landings. Thom' as Ingstrum; DEALE R IN DRY GOODS, Groceries, Clothing, t7rcakery, Bo1:43 ,artd Shoes, &-c.,-Susquehanna Depot, Pa. • ' Bed* & Fitch, 1- TTORNEYS AT LAIV, AND BOUNTY LAND .4 AGENTS, ifinitiose D. S. BEXTLET. Aft Groves. r:Mtnonki3tE 4TAILOTI. Shop under wile's Hotel, Milne street, Montrose, Pa. D. D. Hinds, LINTIM AND EXCHANGE STABLE Ofilee is in the ,rear of Wilson's Store, Jtorst rase, Pa: :T. Colsten, DEALE R INT STOVES, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware, Lotlcrsrflle, near Great Bend Depot: December`4. • L. P. Hinds, LA.TTORNEY ATIAAW, Susquehanna, Pa.. Office LA. on Maltte street, one door Ca.qt of Lenhcini'. • Frazier & Case, A TTORNETS AND CnENSELLORS AT LAW Office on Turnpike street, one • door East o Pen's Store, ..I(onttpm, " Albert Chamberlin., TTORNEAT4LAW and athitice of the Petite;ll.l T over I.- Post 4: Co's Store. Montrose. Vir* H. Jessup, A TTORNEY ATILAW AND COMILISSJONED of .LIL. Dr.cns, for tha State .of New York, Will' i •attend busine:s entruSted to hint with promptness and fidelity. Office on Public . Square, occupied tly Wm: Jesup. t• • • - _1 • Abel Tanen,- (LFR - IN DRUGS, MEDICINES, Chemicals, Paiats, Oils, D,ye l t , tuffs, afeceries, Dry Goods, HardWare ' S:oneware, Glasswari., Clocks ' Watches, Jewelry, Silver Siwaris, Spectaeleiti Mnsieal :Instru ments Trusses, Surgical Instriunents, Liquors, Per fumery, Mirrors, Stationery, Ilnishes, Shoes, Yankee Nbtions, c. t B. R.. Lyons & Co., NITHOLESALE ?AND . RETIIII., DEALERS IN . T try (loads, ;Grccencs, :4.1t, 'Flour, and Hard ware, Lanesbore, Pa. -, B. Chat('ler, TIEALER•INiM GOODS, heady 31 \ atIc Clothing, -Groce - ries, Bopks and Stationery, etc., I'ublic Avenue, Mostitroc,l Pa. Pattick & timock, 13HYSICIA.NE.. :AND - SURGEONS. Office No. 4 A.. 01'4:ego street,ifostroso; Pa. LL. Post & Co., • DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, Groceries, Crockery, 1.7 Hardly:up, Leather, Flour,' etc., conic: of Turn:- pike street end Public Arenty. , ., Montroar,' Pa. 3 :Lyons & Spm., TIEALERS IN DRY GOODS, ,Groccriat, Hara:vare, 1../ Crockery, Tirtware, Groceriea;Dooks, etc. ; carry on the Eook - Vinding busi*ess—Public Avenue, Ifonkroo, Pa. 1, Bentley &Read, DALERS iDRY G4ODS,. Drubs, Me icing , Paints, - MIN:, Groceries Hardware, Crockery, Iron,. Clocks, Watcbes, Jesrelry calser Spoons, Per ornery, kc.- 7 -Foot of Putilid Atcnue, Montrose Sayre, 'Bentley lc Perkins, - , • ANUFACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IN all _lll kinds of Caitings,. Stoves, Agricultural linple. meat*, etc. Office:' , at Sayre's Store; Public -Avenue; Manufactory at the Eagle Foundry, Foot of Ci:erry street, ifontrose,4ra.. • William & William a ,Jessup, A TTORNEYS AT LAW, Montrose, Pa. Frac .LA___tye in • •SusqUebanna, .Bradford,%Wayne, Wyo ming and Luzerne,counties. . William W. Smith & co., -4 - ABINEt 31AliFILS. • They keep •constantly on hand a good assortment of all kinds of-CsLinet Furniture. Shop 'gaud Ware Rooms at the fidt of Maine street, ..ifonfrore, Pa. • SoCkivell, Winton & Co., TANUFACTURERS and DEALERS in traw Gcxxls, Haia, Caps, Furs, timbrelhu, Para; soh., Ribboruc-ctc.l4.e., No. 20 COurtlandt street, Yea York, (up stairs.) i ' rtneKrrr.p.. J. 110WAIi1).. • W. W. trisTott. MM2I It.I 4 7TEIIESTED With 1. L. lIVNT, Importer of and Dealer in hardware and Cutlery; Carriage SPrings, Nci..1.15 Pearl street, New York, where biS Mer cantUe'fnendr;, in Otis and other counties, are kindly invited, and earnestly solicited Ito call and purchase. THE INDEPENDENT REPUBLICAN. ETERT t TIIVESDAT lIOHNING, AT 1103417.05P1 - i , TA., AT $1,50:4ZR .01:R Y, Ii ADTA.NeE. • Bates o f Advertising. One square (16 litres or less) one week,... One square t " two ireeks,.. One square N. three weeks, 1,00 1 One square .c one month, ' 1,23 One square .-" two months ....:..2,25 . i . ill One square three m0nt1:5,...'..M0 One square 66 7 •• Atia months, ...-. 5,00 i: One square . " one year, ......,.;. 8,00 For two or more squares, inserted by the year, a deduction from the above prices is made. Yearly ad. vertiaers will havp the privilege of altering or chxurg ing their adverti4ements without additional charge. Business cardi, not exeeedingsfive lines, itiserted at $2,00 per annum.. ' . Job Work. This office is supplied with a good assortthent o Jobbing materials,' and all kinds of Job Work, such as Cards, PosterS, Pamphlets, !he., will be done neat ly and promptly ii • irard Fire lasutiutem Casalauty, 1 1 1 - 145' .C Ch ai2 e.g rr inu i nt St s3 ...P o / 0 /i , k oo de o /p . hia. , , . t 4 .; • To the Citisens of -Susquehanna county: A PPLICATIONS4III - be received by us fir anttu .LlL -must or *pets's/ insurances in this erkupany, upon the most favorable terms. Any person wishing. to, have his prikpeity insured wilt be .-satieded, we think, by raping on us.,ltb* he eamhot get Insured 1 . - - in a better conPanY, nor upon more Ifaserabre tenni; 1 , .. , - dhaari i s and Hats. tipm iri this. -; - .BETTurr & FITCIr, Agents. I . 43m8 October MIL - , i t LAME and splendid lot Of Shawls and hats —...________. 21 petted to-morrow at our store. .= WANTED. Socks, ~I; B utter, Lard, Cheese, Flannel kc. in any quantity in tsehanie for t :hods at Cub pric.er.l 1 IAA CORDS' WOOD wanted br Montrose, Ott. 4, 1056. C , Tr. XOTT. Ivy pt.t. 20,) • J. LTOKS at WWI .Itledicin6s and Drugs. • VT,RESS' Chop/ PertGrpi---ackniawlidged, to be .t the best PuimouarY Remedy extant—Pond's 'Extract of. Witch Hazel—an exceedingly valuable. remedy for %divers ills—Dr. Daker's Compound—a grind specific for Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cholera Min , bud, &c.—Ayres';. Jayne's, phinney'a and Wright's Merchant's Gargling Oil, together with 'a great satiety of Drugs in common use ; kept, constantly on hand by , " ill 'G. HEMPSTEAD. ~- _ , Please Take Notice; That It is very desirable that the accounts and notes ,orthc late firm of Smith &Hempstead should he sot •tletl, and that speedily. - 'O;G. HEMPSTEAD. Brooklyn, Aug. 20, 185:i. • kJALT by the ba-rel or .1 1 kJ= by 0.!B. HEMPSTEAD. • fj?HE highest market mice Odd for Butter, Eggs, Lard, Ftuin'Produce of all kinds;.goodShingles.,. prime. Wool Socks, Am., in Goods, by Q. G. HEMPSTEAD. ';‘LOTHING=fg subscriber has on hand, ki r / and is now manufacturing; a small stock of Readymrde Clothing, of good quality and-workman ship, which he offers at very low prices. 0. G. I.IEvP.STEAD. 1,) 0 CiTS AND SHONiS,--A good assortment of excellent qualities, kept constantly art hand byl 0. G. lIEMPSTE.A.D. Nevi,* Good!. - • . FOP,Twit TA TA: TRADE. - BENTLEY- READ, have just recieved a larga and:well selected Stock of Dry .Goods, Groceries, CrOckery, Ilardarave, Dirugs, Medicines, Paints, OiLs, Dj,a;triffr.t, Boots dt Shoes, Teaspoons, Bats S: Caps, IVatchesolervulry, Silver Spoons, Lc., whieq they of fer on the most, favorable terms. • . Montrose, Oct. I, 18.55. --- I;latgttnd Square Shawl.! , , De Laines, Figured anti 1)1.41n, a great quantity ofPuramettas, and other Dress (*oils, fur sale cheap by BENTLEY dt. READ. A fresh supply of White Lcail dr Zinc, Blake's Fire • PrOof Paints, Eng. V,lnetian,ScllOur Ohre, Patent, kliConte Paris Green, Linseed Oils, raw and BENTLEY & READ. " French Window G4ass. '--- Fretich.Window Gla of rations sizes, and Putty, alrays•On hand at BENTLEY & READS. 101 4 trf 1.. T. lIICII, 'ATERR . PIERRY .PECTORAL fi PILLS, Dr. lloofland's Gerrhan Iliiters,•Townsnils VatTn's Ontiptic, ell of Dr. Jollies celebrated Medicines, Pe tvo}eum-or Rock Oit,'Mnstang Linantent, Dang's Tri cO.Oherowcand I;yeni's }Catlin' ion ; also, Drn'hi fi riu'idettes, Tonglits, Moffatt?, Graffen berg, Sovereign Balm, Bennets Plant k. Root fills, &c;, kept constantly on hand, and for sale bY clocks, - Umbrellas, Carpet Bags, Trunks, . Stone Fare, Soda and Common Ctacker's, Codfish, Nails, India Rubber, School Books, &., just 'received, and -fn; r•ale right, by BENTLEY & READ. I.I)OCKET - KNIVES. A gaid assortment of the best JL; kinds in market. - Also Table Knives and - Forks. SPOONS; Silver, Silver Piated, , German Silver, Alba tO,Laxid Britania-ware spoonS. Also Silver; Silver Plated, and• German Silber flutter Knives. ; lOLIN STRINGS,Bows, and all the. fixtures, Wins, Accordeons, Futes, Tuning Forks, InitiNiction Scioks, -• • - FLUID LAMPS, fluid, Campbene, Candhs, Lamp Oil, ke. • Ir, AMITX GROCERIES. 1...fu1l at-eortment,,new and Pod- DRUGS A:. PATENT MEDICINES. A first rate as solinent, and genuine. • PAINTS & RII S. A gene: lasart tuent, and of good quality. _ JEWELRY. A Aplenilid2 - ailety of the neatest pat- FANCY GOODS. Neatly every thing in this branch. IDERFIIMERY.- A choice variety. ( Neu. snpplies . received nearly every week.] IP short, nearly every thing persona want, and cheap at the - variety store 'ot -1 A. TURRELL. . , ontrose, June 14. 1855. FRUIT TREES. •ItRSON:74 wishing an Omhatd, wonld do well to . ' , cil at TU . 1413 E LES . ...V ]:ERSE lES, 2.1 mile . Eotall-r=st of•Fripulsville, where Apple trees; of thel most approved kindsvof good size and quality, -4uelil as; are sold by agents for 25 cents, can be bud fur 12-1' cents each.- . • . Also, a foir;Pcacii, Tear; Plum, Quince, and Mono-1 vain Ash•tre . es, at _reasonable prices. IParticulai regard. is bad to accuracy' of names, and to, making ti good selection of fruit for the different seasons of the year, when desired. . • L. 31..TURliEI.L. irricaasripe, Ell3qll. co., 1'3., Sept. 20, 1855. [w3*l II C. A. BALDWIN. ' . • 1 ITIIOLESALE and retail dealer in Oil Cainpbena, N ( i t V Fluid and Hall Lamps, *Girandole., China and - Flower Vases, 'Crockery, 'China, and lass Ware„l Plated and 'Fancy Goods, alsoC`aniphene nd Fluid 14 the lowest cash prices, at 05 Bon - Enty NEW Yoe iL qtr. - • 36MI ' . CLERK WANTED. .A active arid intelligent young than of about 17 .:17.. years otage, limited as clerk in a store. , Onel, t - ishing 6 acquire the business and disposed to mat:i e: himself useful ; ill find good eneourvrerne.nt_bc V: plimtion shortly to . . . , . 11. BURRITT. , 'New Milford, July - 22, 1855. , = Bonnets at Reduced Prices. H BURRITT will sell his remaining stock - of Silk, Lawn and Straw Bonnets, a good. assortnient: at reduceitPrices to close the husines.s of the season navy of tbem at cost. • 1 . New Milford, June 18th, 18.5,5, FRESLARRIVAL OF FEW GOODS. Airt shalt receive during the present week, a large atldidon to present stock of SUMMER GOODS, which rtnaer the assortment complete, .and tb which we invite the attention (401 who wish to hul a oodi cheap BENTLEY d: Montrose, June Mut, - • - 200(I Milk Pans of all sizes and made fro 0/dOuble cross tin at less than Merchant i l t usually pay to sell again, for sale by the Subscriber., We have come to the conch/T.lon to*sell pans to Far mers as low as we will to the trade, thereby saving to the Farmer our profit: Our wares are warranted to be perfect in every Particular or no sale. . Terms—Cash or short credit. • New Milford April 1, 1855 - . Books and Stationery. IHAVE received a late addition te. thy stock Elcioks and Stationery, among which arc : A:Loni Look Abend, (Roe)—NV olfert's Roost - (Irving).—Do Spencer's Sketchim-4Vonderful Adventures of Cao Priest—The SlaVti Holder's Daughter—Life of. Sat Houston—Jane May—The May Flower (Harriet Ii - Stowe)—Rag Bag, (Willi.,) kc. ke.—,will be sot Cheap, • . • F. B. CHANDLER. 1 May- 22, 1855. I - I. $O,-50 . 0,75 WE are receiving this week a lot of New Goods, just purchased in the city, which renders our assortmen ,complete, and which we, offer on the most faroratil terms, at the new building, one door above the Ike Office. • DENTLEY & READ. Montrose, rebrearY 8, CIDER MILLS. . 112;7 si rt E VI1Ll . f l7;or Inquire ley k Fitch In Montrose, or at the residence of tae subscribes, in A.rartt, Susqu'a c0., - Pn. 36 w4* - • A. BUSELNELLF Flour and Salt - By the - load, barrel, sack, - or polnd, by [August 1, 1655.1' F. B. CIIINDLF3I.I . , IS ML and Blinds. L i, INDONt Sash of raviolis sizes constantly on —Als6 Blinds furnished to order by J. L ( TONS & SON. Robes.. CLIME lortlefaliallobet just received and ..LIL-be sold at a low agate by . H. BURITT .New =ford Nor. 1856: Paints. BENTLEY tclb Look Acre: J. DICKERMAN Jr *CW . GOODS d. LY.ONS k-SONI .3 debtineiof new and elegant designs. ' Allthe 1 4 1 4 . purpost. !ry •. _ pre„.. latest st 2 lei of Ladies Dress Goods, French La, . ns i,i - Neither can we promise our pustomers that our "es -1 tahlishment" will mit Ire "stirpassed" by any in the. Prints and ;Gingham& A handsome : assortment Of Dress Triminings; EingroidediSleeves, Collars enlist' country soon, but we will primise mircustomers that . we will sell Boots and Shod to suit in " quality and , etc. Jacoriet and Swiss Edgings and 4nserthigs;l3 ores iSlite, Hosiery, Veils and Parasols. . , - I price. Our stock embraces la general variety of new 1 and elegant styles of ladies and Gentlernen'elvear 1 Their assortment ofShawlais very large, enibincin4 among which are Ladies' Siik Fox ' every thing that is rich' and fashionable troth : foreign, IGaiters , Colored 1 I Gaiters, Enameled,GaiteitV Black and Bronsed Kos land domestic. '. . i . I I. I Their. Timing Department is large and enni pi ete i 1 suth Boots, Enameled Boots and Enameled Buskins, !embracing Ate 'fates!-Myles, with Trinnnin.s. tt. ?, , 4 Kid Buskins, Polkas, Calf . Lace Boots 'and . Buskins, match. ..-. r , Misses Kid Boots, Jenny -Lind f4 n it erg . G ents c on , Anlextensive. assortruentlellt-iThens, n Pkinii t kreSS , Patent Leather,Enameled and Buckskin Gait toweling, table covers, curtains .ke."-:1 ,:, I er a , - Patent Leather Oxford Ties, Toilet Slips, French 1 . Gel!, I Calf Boots, Thick , Boots, 'Enameled Calf Cowhide_ We have also a supply of Shirts, Gettlle.rnen ihirs, - Suspenders, Gloves t ijinbrallas and a gond ma nli I Brogans, Boys' Patent Leather Montereys. Kip Boots, ;other artieles te.o numerous to mention. Pp hat:: ; i .lc., Youths Hon_tereys and Rip TICS, Children's Tay. gains the public is espectfullv invited to .•;:all • flee ` lot Tics; Par-Woes Roan Boots, &e. Silk Boot Laces, fr I cheap store of I ~ r ' ,_1 . i . : , 4 1 all colors. , . . i • , s '' -• 1 4: WITTENBERG k B O. ~ 'I Work made to order, and repairing done neat/T.-- Please call and examinev • • !..-.. •Icorner of Chesmit s .p Owego Streets, four doors cafit i • ~,,. _ • 1 1: Yours in the Boot and Shoe t ra d e, ..' of Post's store. - , • . :-. , ~ _ ,____4: , Itlontrose, Ray I, 1t:458. - C. M. SIMIIONS. - . N • w GOODS. 73EiVrLEY READ ARE now 'reCdifln4 their nEn4alleupply of OP, AND ti f ILVER 0111 M, ;whirl:. they.orer .l customers; and the. public geperrally, on . then trorytliti tcrnur, for . Casli, llutler, Egg', Grain, was, or on appiored-credit. Blontrose, May 1, 1855.. . - - .1 - DIIoApcLOTES, Kerseyffieres, Kentucky LI Summer-Staffs, .and a ieneral stock of Dry Good 4, just recehred and for sale right by .BENTLEY & R QUMMER De Lanes Lawns, clhallieS, Gib' 10 Merrimac andi - Cocheco Prints, .t.O..tc:f by BENTLEY & P;ihre.ols, cummcs I_l Blaek Silks, Dress Trillimingi by : R `ILK, Fur, Lf.tgfmrn,`Palpma, Stra', ant _ hatch 1., Window Pap &c. _ • (13R.NTLEY &RT lIAtRy D e NNLA , XTCrorkery4 - ratr_mt Pai_hr..T . til iddENTLEI.4. 11 - IRl6g, Medicfnor, PaintA, (Yrd, 114gtirtTs I/ general assortmetrt of Patent Medicines. and for rtrile - by 1 1 - BENTLEY d:S.O •---- - L , SQOLE and Uppe:r Lk:athcr,f Patent Kipl4, Call and a goad - supply of 80, ots and Shoes CO 13- on hand. BENTLEY T . 1 4 if ACkEREL by the 4:aril or one-Ilalt bar 1 I , :1_ Fo,.o6dfish.l : I BErLEY kll ,'1 • : I ', NIT Arlini, mid JEWELRY : A . full as•Ft E 1 1' . 'or Gold atm Sib er lepines and De i Li!vers, in double and singly cases, Ladies' Pi Drop 4 Rittv , Gdard Ciiitink •Ice. &c.. Alp , Table, Tea, Desert, Salt and Sugar Stioons, watranto pure, fur 2330 by I. .13p - Tux A: LEAD.! I • QIOVES and TiNWAREI Clodo, 10 Lamp Oil, Cainpfiene kF: Montrose, May I, 55. tiBENTLEY , • : .The (7)* ate;t lit t iprorein:cne of the ..1g hall 1 Force and Lit Pumps— :. N improvement abOye hll - other pumps. 'IX chines for lifting, throiing, and'earrying cotaining both t Pump ttnil a Fire Engine{ -Pump, ptenteti in•Fehrnaryl„ 1854, i$ the .metallic. No bolts or screws about it to rust (ineptly it will. last a luau's life time. - It can I in everylralizty taf forman -draw water ft situation,: and cart:" it to an part of a. huilth is superior to all other l'intips for Distilleriel Mills, Tatuirricsl, Brick Yard., Iron Works at ufacturhor estalifi4liments oflail kinds. All ritcrers Must lie' addre-isect'to - AontsoNT Lodersville„Ps., who-has the. sole right for hanna count - T. I I I AT.,L, It *ADV . . f . S _ , NI.) • TIN /WARE FOT PEOPLE: . - Ayr o6DRITy k ELDitEp have consta • ntly V._ al large ;:tild well selyeted etstortment nare, Reis and . Chain fur wells, pumps, punipa,k.e.,4 Ilydratt!ieltinis, .japanrchl w._ pipes of till sizes &c., Sc. - Job work none w uess and; clespateft ; all ordeh promptly .attel STOVES &PIPE \, kept constantly oil hand, a lirge as4ortment of - the late:4 int irGrcd aad :ippeorM p a tio"' experience in the business etables us to xi s that we can safely warrant tO give..Cntire tia Amon, our t:itwcrons can be found t 1 Paragon: • -air tight Star of the West, New World, j" _ . Atlas, I- . • .I. I" - . Cultivator, - . 1 ~ Phoenix.. r . •Fhe•Fiy, Three States, ! " Nrusfern Queen, Globe, ' I " Pientium. - • I s. a. lSoontturs... . : .6. B. El, • ..SIEaRLE'S COACHES I 4 E.ty•E - Mcintrose. for D.IL. S: W. R. R. M. for Exiires4 Freittlii:Train to Scran 11 o'clock . .l.. M. I Ifor MailTritin to Grfat B; • 3 P. 31. ;for Expness Freight to - Great Bend, • • Train for Scrantdn. Leave Depot for Mon arrival .if all the above trains, at Station. • For s'eat.a appl7 nt•Searlose Hotel, MontrO August 29. • I • I • • . ! GDS ! GOODS! 4 6 ri , llE!stity , criuOr is receiving his. Spring til •1. nuir stock Of Goods; comprising a great which will be hold as 10w..5, any in this, ni Please Call andhiatnine. - : F. B. CIIAN.c * ILI 7,'S ~ A .Y.P • CA PS—!. griod . as.sortme latest style. 1 -. . R.E 4 D Y-if,d: DE CLOTHING—A good variety of Spring and Simmer Clothing of the fates Cr" 6:: DRY GOOLiS--A - genhval assortment 'Xlirotigh out.- Also, :DRESS 6-00DS,-consisting-o1 Laikns, Baregetllglaine.i, French .Dblaines, "Persnutinelline, Printed tawns', [Fancy Pritits, Ladies' Worked Col: lars, Insertions, (Edgings, Black Silk Man till a ~ nil A and CaSlintere ;Shawls, Parasols, Hosiery, Gloves,i:k .. ];Olt, 2411) TS A " S 110 ES. i -Clocks—a large -ass° ever d .- II went of ever end style. -Alsoa - giC varietn'of.FanCY Articles, Yankee Notions. &c. Crocicery,,BUrdwarc, antLGroceries of all kintia.— Trunkf, a gorid lot for stilelvhcap. Books IliandiSta tioneiY=Wall Paper—also,; Flour of the heluality. . Montrose, niy .9, 1 - 855.. F F. 8.-CHANI LEII. ' [ i PEE .\ ! New -TT ILFut -77 ! of Riail Stag . . i . .i h . i• - riteN * • --------1--- KIIRKIIVOOD TO MONTR Slg . `'TALES wilbleave Kirkwood, pailsing tlimgh!Cor -0 l.i beitaville ' Liberty, &c. every Inocning afteli the : arrival.of \ theslailTrains agars, hoth Rut. aw l NY eSt, . , reachiOg Monti•ose at 1 $ x. /Muimin, , leave .9. j Mortrose dailf lindays excepted) at 2P.it , reach- . ) c ing Kirkwoodrin time to take the Mail trains of cars, g : rmth East and West, being AO inearest and 14104 &a -r, Able route to reach there* York and Erie:ltailivad. This line intcmeta a triweekly line for Diniock, `l n , lzpringyfile, khattnock Wyoming, and NVillces `,!; barre, 'which le res Montrose • ti-7 A. M. every Mon " . day, Wednesday and Friday. Iso, a line toFrinds it i rille,leraysvi ll e, &t. I , 6'otsd tcatif4 ilrid rontforirthi. -carriages are o:rori ided, and the proprietcui will are no paini tn an commOdate the public. .1.W.1K. HATCH, 1 i. April 6. 185 ft. MORGAN & WEST! . ~ NEW fai,TOllE-41.11EW GOOD - THE subscriber takes tbis taiethod of adverbsing his friend's and the public_ generally, that he has fitted up a store just across the street fm his old quarters, in Brooklyn,. wh`cre he is prepare to re ceive Customers ant sellthem goods -at as low4itetr as any other.establishmetit in Susquhanna ieci.inity.. My assortment is very ,larke indeed, embracing tear lY every article usuall3.lcalled.for in a countrY, stnre. - As I am determinedi to do businessiso ii. 510 avoid "bad debts," Which-respaa46le - creditpurthasets are taxed to par; l ; can offer superiorindueementS thrash and otherwise PROUPT-PAYI3II patrons. . Call Mid see G me. ' i - . -1). . IIErPSTtt D. Brooklyn, April 30, 1856. - . - 1 1 . . . - .Ne.w Goods: - i. THE subscriber is' iniconstani receipt f• New . Goods, in his fine 4f business,' nearly :every week: The pudic wilt find his assortment No 1, isnd hie articles - oily and of 'Odd :quality. The 1 . 104 con ! = slide es usual of Drugs, Medidies, Pain's, 0 k Dye Stu," Oroceries, Fano poosifi loceiry, P e' liag -ry, ST. - Store at the lower end of the burnt i etriet. R Montrose June 1R55 1 , • A. TUSa P[,.. , - TPTESSIII P. rrHE nuderivigned haNzi.ois dar_associsitel "..iL the firm of Diekerinao and Garnett, fort!, stand ofdmtag the nutryantile business at Diricerznanjr. DICECTRNA • • —.II..GAIMETT. 2111 ioes: , _ . L~'~' • ther , al rra• Beta= Jvanti, Staple ham r Qaie 11). :Iviulr, )t. sale AD. AD. Put .D. anti n ju.t in AD. Skird, ns twit- EAD. • tin ept atclipd ns, Ear andl .AD.i 6 or Ina . water, Tbis ole-or it comic ibe used torn o t hy 4og. , Pa yr L . nd 3lan- texas, lc- 1 on lulnd I of 4 , in- tarn ..., i i `si I d .., th mita- I I dded Jo. f .4M-es s. Our ct -factibn. leraCed [Orpn. tiRED. • t , A. on. ' c At ud. IS.t nd I rose on STEAM GRIST AND SAW MILL nd Spin POST BROTHERS having purchased the above I variety, ; egabliglimtint, will keep constantly on haed -Bit .arkei. Wrfinr ald•Fine flour, Corn 3feal of sarrior (pal-, • LER. ' 'ity, aiwo Chop and Bran at the lowest cash prices.— Custom work will be done with despatch, and in all t of lihe cases warranted. • ... . - 'l2Blti Montrose. July. 1853. ' - ~ ' El B°We to the Public. AVING just returned from New York I-wish to call the attention of-my old customers,- and of the public in general, to my NEW STOCK OF GOODS, which I,seing bought with-cash at the hilliest prices, !'andn wlslaingio sell principally for the• tune, f will of t fer them at greatly reduced prices. • di • 4 • Coeheco Prints, warranted faSt colors, for only 8 cents a' yard. • Good Brown Sugar,.lB. potuids for one dollar. Boonton Nails, acknowledged by all to be. the best Nail in ;use, 5,.:5,50 Per keg. Hats and Caps, Boots and Shries;Buflldoliolies of ,oll..pric.es, all wool De Lollies, Cashmeres. Peamettas, Dress Silk, Silk Velvet, Atc. Mous& De. Laines, I shilling yard, Satin Bonnets and Moleskin Hats, Brodie Shawls, - Double Lon . g, showls, Thibet do s selling atinconceir-, ably low - prices. I can safely warrant perfect faction to-all who will,Mve me a call. LanCsboro. Apr. 5, 1854. • S. A. LYONS. eq.oC,ES—geod tinio , keepers, only one dollar. , • •S, A. LYONS." • • Lancslyoro, Apr. • 1 , - Hider; for Which the hiebcst! will be 'phi • S. A. LYONS. •Lanesboro, Apr. 5.• • - rfOUNTRY PRODUCE takeit in exchange for Goods,, at my store. S. A. LYONS. Lonesboro, April 5. 1U NION,INSURANCE CO.:11(!OANY; OFFICE, ATUENS, BiIIA3)FORD COUNTY, P.V. . CAPITAL, $200,000. • ScrurefiVq, Bond and Mortgage on the-Real , Ei•tate of the Stockholders. - . Insures a6tinsiloss by Fire, of HouSes, Stores', and bther buildings, Goods, Wares and Merchandise, on as favorable terms as any similar Institution. 4 4 Losses promptly adjusted and paid. RECTORS:—Hon. Horace Williston; Athens; Fran cis 'Tyler, do. ; George A. Pbrlchts do. ; J. T.V.llever, do.; . C.!, X. Shipman, do. ;:C. F. Jr.do.; J. E. Cal?field O.:. Hon. John Laporte, Tplianda ; Gen. B. Wakeman, Laceyriile ; Geo. M. Ildllcitback, barre ; Michael Meylert, Laporte,Pa: OFFICERS.—Hon. Horace Williston ; Prllident; C. F. •W ells, jr., V. Pres. and Treas.; J: E.:Canfield, Secretary. Agent. O. S. BEF.IIE. Montrose., Pn. - • 116:32.613 .FACTS POR-TSIE PEOPLE. rrlIE subs.ctibcr carrying on the CIIAM IL /INV USINESS in all its various branches at the Chair and Whre Shop in Ilarford, . where may be found a_ greater variety of Windsor and flocking Chairs than at any other establishment in the county; also Flag. and. Cane. Seats, Bureaus, Bedstead Loung es, Settees, Tables, SuWide, *c., all of, which will be sold at the lowest prices at retail, (or wholesale, with short 'notice.) . All work warranted well made and of ...00d material. Short credits and. small prep will be motto.' 'For tlemonstratiott pf the Above filets, please call at my shop in liarfoid fl rlb d, 0et042r.r..1.:185i, *FLOW SHOP. NEW ESTABLISIINIENN AND E, MOTT' would respeciftitly - inform the I • public that they are nianutitetunngßlatchley Celebrated Plows. • They miso -keep constantly on liamt.Side Wayne Cnautit, irnd Iden Cziltivaturs, 1)( 1 7- Churns, Sleigh and Cutter Shoes,' Plum 'Writs of. ra'rious patterns, too tturnerenis to 'mention. We hope, by strict attention - to - business,. to receive our• share of public patronage. Minufac- tor' „P. Poses old stand. Foundry, N. Mott, near get He's MilL Repairing done on short notice. • • EX! FIRE INSITRAN.CE. BE subscriber k a gen rfor the - foltow•ing Insurance Companies, doing business at the kiwest safe rates. • Stute ..Tfutaal at .I.laqishurg. Capital $350,000. Cash 411 - 1 . e.faal.at I.l"Cirri4urg. . • Capital *200,000. hlome.lusurance, Hew York City. Capital. *500,00n. F. B. CHANDLt No:Arose April 6r.'34 NEW 00D-7 4. .• ' I QPLENDID Prints and Ladies' Broadcloth; Delanet. 4 iJ d:c. kc.. just .opened ti - nd for sale by - • - LYONS St SON. Merriinac..& Coch ecn. Prin a- rrat cntiety at coati; per yartl. . BENTLEY .S. BEAT). s• ods Cheat, 'for ('a.4lt at the 11. 1 1 end. _NaTigatittla. • 'l l Ft undersigned would respectfully 'announce I that he is still selling Gtiods at the old plaee ; and that he: has an entire new stock of GOods which he rill cell elarap. C . . W. MOTT • - I)AREGEDELAINt; for one 2hilliir4:.Lawns, fast • 1," .colors, a yard alde, - for one shilii and cora at all prices, at c.'w. MOTT'.o Montrose, - May 30, 1855. • Vrteop Nahtl hurt Etom. • Don't be forgetful, friendg, one and all— Aged or youthful, great or small— . . • • (If not too • Thst at Odd Fellows' Hall Is the place to call, To get your Ewes done up tall. • DEANS. Montrose, August 16, Hat Patent Aorlie flake* F OR sale at the Fartnerli Exchange by . • A. LATHROP & Co. June 20 ‘F.ARI , IS FOR, SALE. THE subscnler will Ctaeagentfor buying and sell ing Real Estate=-:Farths.; -Houses, and Lots--lo= cated in Susqueltanna•County; Pa., All,who wish to offer their .property for sale can glve . it minute descriii tion.of tacit Farms or Lots as follows ;• Number - of acres, 'how Many improved, and catered, build ings,, orchards, gralled or commOrtfritit ; • other fruit trees; and the nearest POlnf, to the D. L. &W. IL R. and N. Y. & E. R. B.' ! •- • 62 farms on the list, 43 unsold.. By calling oil the subscriber a minute description, price and terms can be given. - . lk Office on Turnpike et. 4 doors west of Main st. • Montrose, Angust 15, 1854. .L. BALDWIN, Dr; itakOes Celebrated Vegetable Compouud,. A sovereign ternedy for Dysentery, doter*. iforbus, Cholera •Wtottum or Sommer complaints—entitaY. vegetable, and hetnever failed in i. .single Instance Pr produein the de4fed effect.- For-,isate In bottles at 50 cents and $l. BENTLEY &READ. .31outzuse, Augiiiit it, 1855., • RPa C. D: Virgil .Dentst ties , _token itionut :Oyer F.. D. Chandlers'. stnreos;here it will be his pleosure to see his friends as quick al.pessible. .C. D. VlitG May 23.4855. • -1% . . Resident Denfist. 14 tinder ie pnr• Olt old ' Jr. . tiOtitoC Untliglings." , ► Rolls jolt (paled, and some for. 6 cis- Piz. tIVI,,,Pc roll by . - iXONS & SON: FARMERS W GREENWOOD. • • 1546piG MERRIT MOTT ELIJMI MOTT f-, • EAGLE.. FOCIIDItit. , - ILYBE, BENTLEY & PERKIN& having purchas 1•47 odrif Wilson & Co. the. Eagle Fotnidry, are now 'prepared torfill orders from the trade, - amides - work In their 'line with - skill, and despatch. Therwilr keep onstantly on: hand Plows, (best kin - 6,1 Stores, (ail kinds,) Calfivisfols, Strata Gutters, :Cope Bhe ll err, - . . . " d.e. cte., itc• - - ' "• We invite partictilaralttention to the PlOws wlqeh . we m a nufacture.' We mantittieture and keep for *ale 1 ' - ',.--...,' ' • The Cekbinted Illiftehley 714 me. . ' - - 1 Wel)at,e purcbased- thir' exchisive right to manufe e : turn. and sell - in this, county:>. Wayne, Wyomirig and i .Bradford, re r Rides Patent Iron Beam Plow. Th. 1 Pliik i vr is made eatireig.Of iron; 'excepting the beedle-e• i It io colebratenor its , easy' draught, being one-ibird [easier than ang no,w in use, while its strength and du lability are greater: .- • MACHINERY f ry of allAinds 'manufactured and repaired by experieue ed-machinests. . . . . ~ _ ~. _ Steam ... Engines, Gearing for Mills, Shingle - .Ila . • .ehines, dx. dc, „ Among the Stores which we nutnufactee e , ire the Keystone fookin' g Stove, Rough and Re a d y d o, B i t. eat Queen . do.,,•Preminni4a,„ And .other kinds, altar ?ringed. for burning Wood or coal. Also, Self:Res. lator; Pailo Stove, Cottage Parlor do - Stanley',, two sires, do., and a'.variety of other . Parlor. Stoves,: With weed and coal-b urners . We also on bacd . Grindstone trimliiinj, - Dog Churn trimming!, *a l . brella and Shovel and Tongs Stands, &e. &e.' R' rk l i) done to order on short notice and at the lowest ra e..• 'Ur 9rderi for. Stoves„, Agricultural Impletnentp, . '&c., are solicited frorn those in the trade,-and will lie filled at reasonable wholesale priceri. - Montrose; March 4 . . . , ~ PATENT INEDICIN ES. • ' . A MONO the great:Variety of - Medicines at Turrell's Xi Store, tray -be found all- of Dr. June's justly celebrated FamilYitedichles : Ayre's Cherry - Peet° , sal and Cathartic Pills; Iralsey's forest Witte and Forest Pills;. Doefland's celebrated. Getman •Dltters .: Louden's .series of Family'. Medicines; Merchant'si... Gargling Oil, the greatest remedy for"sptath: s in man ot.lreast ever known •, . Mathewson's Infall i ble Reme4 dy, and Dorse Remedy; Orick's . -Vennifuge, and a variety of other kinds; ,Tr . ssk's. Magnetic Ointinent, • the 14.reat remedy for burns, rheumatism, and all in. flatuntaiory complaints; Pond'sExtract i .a fi t rate thing for similar purposes. as above Ointme nt; An &ew.-.4' Pain .Destroying Agent, - a good article ; 'Oo dd . eock's 'Balsam and Bone. Liniment; Atwood's jinn dice hitters, Canker Drops, Liniment, and. D.. ntery mops ; Baker% Compound for Dysentery; ough. ton's Pepsin, for Dyspepsia . - Ilelmbold's Extr et of Buehu : and Extract id'. Sa ' rsaparillit; a 7 eti of Salves, the hest in market, Pills, &e ,'and an !most endless Tatiety of Patent Medicines, altoge ther too: numerous to enumerate 7 —but juffice it to say; dukt 'the Public will find' nearly every thing.' in this line, at the Drug'auct Fancy-Store a - . ABEL TORIIELL. .Montrose, . July, 4855, GENERAL. FURNISHING STORE - 1 AND "I- , Tailoring Establishment • •• . . AT • I_,, •'. , - • SUSQUEHANNA DEPOT. ,• - • 5 . nn tha tiu t nc i l e to v 1 Jti 't te S it ir • friendsan o. il7l7 l4 .pubte sPL gen f t li rt Y illy a I keep constantly on hand a full assortment of Ready l• Made Clothing, _Roots. and Shoes, Rats and Caps, and revery thin else necessarYlor men and women's wear. mild, particularly - call 4We would - call ihe - attention of Country . f.i 3lerchants to our large stock oaleady.-Made Clothing, I of our own manuticture, which weoffer atwhotegaii,, at- prices that will afford .great inducements to. cash i and short-time customers. •,. - -.... A large staCk.ofMoths; Cassirneres, 'Vestings,kc., 'kept constantly on bniid,:for.persona desiring of bar: ing clothi6g made to order. Orders punctually attended to: • . _ Thankful for palt favors, we hope to Merit a wi thin:ince of The same.: . J. ASlTrit & Co..' Susquehanna Depot, IFa,, ?AY 12, 18,55. Australia, California, Or'itny place on the Globe cannot present • greater _inducements - than KEELSIt& STCIDDARD'S BOOT AND 'SHOE STORE. VV".?:!irtlnSenuotwoplleartt-lwesit. :theizierwlinarele-emxbteniin.irge a general variety of new and elegant styles of laditi and gentlemen's wear, "'among which are Ladies French, Silk Lasting and •Prenille Gaiter„ Kid and Enameled Polkas ; Kid, Patent Leather and Bronzed Jenny Linda, Breslin,: and Ties ; 'Gentlemen's - French and Philndelphfai oak tanned calf skin andiipi Boots, - Morocco, Calf and Cowhide Brogans &c. Boys kip, calf arid; cowhide Boots and Brogans; all kinds'of Misses and Children's wear. ' Also, a general assort- Merit of Findings which, consist in part of lasts; pegs, sparablei, Ilungarkm nails, tacks, thread,: was, Bris tles,'shoe binding, awls, lasps,sandstones, shoe knives, 4. Abu oak and hemlock, tanned ,calf, upper 434 - solekather, Morocco skins - and linings. -' Work made_to order and repairing neatly dons,. , • - REELER S STODDARP rse r April 6, 1554. . - Mon ti Stearns. and illarvin's Fire-ProO , • Safe's. r- "FilE subscribers have made arrangements to fur-. nish:' to persons wholna3f be in want of them, the above named invaluablg' Safes, at the same prices for which they can be obtained at the manufactureea.- Ilaving•experieneed the benefit of such an artiicle dc• ring the late cenflagraton ourselves, we. woulVeare estly recom mend_to of rem having valuable books and papers, the preserving f which would. be of Warner -at . , importance . to them, n tto .do without one. . 1 ) Prices, range from $5 ) to $5OO, and we carrexplait to any pile wishing to" purchase, the difference in style, size, price, &c., and furnish them' on short no-, - --• with the internal arrangement to suit the pur . i• BENTLEY & READ. •• arose, December:l9, 1854. - - , able.Lunds - For Sale. . SALE - JN ONE BODY, about 5500 acres of 'and on the waters, of Spring Brook, -a* breath Lackawanna.rivell; in Luzern° County, Penn's., about midivay between- the thriving . towns of Serasl'' ton and Pittston. hese-lands sire, coVeredleitb rat noble timber, and being situate in the meit - extensite mineral region in Pennsylvania-4nown to conutin iron ort.....and believed to aboUnd in coal, and being also in-' the immediate vicinity of several railmnls made and now in progress--offer to the capitalist tA opportunity for' the investment of money that seldom occurs. • For further information apply to N. P. Ha sack, Eaq. , No. 11, Wall street . New York, or to the subseriber, at Montrose, SuSquehanna county,Pa., the , attorneyin faet of The owners_ . April 6, 18,54. 1, AFIENRY,D.RINKER. AND PLASTER. • ;"..7. 'HE subscribers are now:burning - and .will keep t con4antly on; hand, Lime- of a very - -superior quality at Alontrose Depot, and will "sell.: it. in any at a fair price. Persons-.wiabing kluge quantity can be supPlied . .;:on a reasonable notice: -.: . Superior ground Plaf_kter will be kept constantly-ea liana hereafter. ' : I. L. POST., IL. DRINKER. , W. JESSUP', Fr '- L. SEARLE. - Montrose - De - pot,' April-3'. John Oroves" AdvertisOinent. AS natare, who.furnishes the birds and beasts with an extra coat for. winter,' has lib; Made a:similar pro vision for man,limire •dor4utlet.lio taiig it POn-mf: gel( to attend to that department; and therefore I think pro Per to announce that •all shivering male hi: Peds, that need-.new apparel, glorious or ing'kyridua; fashionable -or unfashionable, can have their wants supplied and iheir:tastes.suited, by-calling mune, tt my shop iu gontnisc. • • ' • NOTICE: • , nOC"F. THAYEWtakes this method of sayitt .I-1 W. his friends amicustomers, that he 'hos ligait: resumed the praetice of medicine,, at hja old stand at Montrose, where he may be faiind at all_titnes unksi professibnally employed. He Would say to those b : debted to him, that he will 'deduct twenty•five Pei cent an ill . adcounts-paid before theHret of Aprilnel4 (or if any poor - like myself deduct fifty.) Montrose, Feb, 20, 1850. *- • - WindinrSaisti.• ; - Q - H. & SA.YRP...having been ippoinieam art for an extensive sub blind end door monde' tory, ariprepared to Hanish suw- . articles; In thisline less ratesthan'thei have Usually been Sold - - Ju1'.24., • '5.11. - SvD. S. : 'eldwhieh every men should trg for • • S. A. ot,.P. AN b . • of Sup:!me!" Cloths ear,jusirockived'And for vide c •11. R. L: &O. - OftliEaut fr . Paints Bl ? akastiic Proaritinli Linseed 10 p pit, Fluid and rhesieue s'obl low by • . B. CHANDLER: June -1 20th, • _lFltour. • , BYtbe DarreLgack " P o nd CHANDLER: Moutre i se; - une 400 185 IL , - - 7- _ TO - 1113)AltaltnElf.. - . i i et price , BUTTER 'WANTED. The 'high eatln a w . n goo d Dairy Butter Y- ill be wild in eueb:br i i k ix SlYlts‘ A . .. Jane 2,6 th, 19544 S. IL SAYER, . B. St BENTLEY. .S. PERKINS..