Wanted. LL kinds ofcountryproduce; old Cast Ea Triolight 1:1 - 1. Iron, Coal, Lumber, and a sprinkling of cash, 'in exchange for Sleigh Shoes, Plows, Iron, and Brass_ ,castings, Mill Whrky and Machinery fitting, at. the lanesboro'' Foundry and Machine' .Shop, where the, l'subccrihers continue the Foundry and MachittrY htt-. vand with their preseut facilities ler can liftnd - good stork, they feel confidant they can and will 'inake it an ohjeet 'for those wanting. anything in their Imt to give them a call, Afi.s IL BARNES. LarA2sboro, Dec. 12, ISLS. Plows! Plows! Plows! Xn lApv6 - cd kind at the Lanesboro Foundry, call laudc cue and be rvady for Spring. . 48w8. - - ------ --- • - - -,:-- . . - . Anil itoe.ii Notice. ' i,, Tne undersigned liaving been appointed liy . She lOrplitins' Court - of Frisulithanna f..'ounty an auditor to. distribute the funds in tgeliands of the adniinistra ter of the estate of John J. Whitman„ acceatio, will I filte...a to the duties of his said apPointnient at his Joffice in 31ontrose, on Friday the 4th day of January Meat, atone o'clock in the afternoon, at which time land place all pet sent , interested wilt present tleir claitns, or b, thereafter twister bat red . from Coming 'frill upon/sailfulid. . R. R. FRAZIER; 1 Montro..-e, Me. 10, 1935. Auditor. THE PENNSYLVANIA . TELEGRAPH. fjfit la rgal Requced Prices CASII SICETEId ADOPTED Ott and afl,er the first of January, 1.58, the I'etin as...n:la Telegraph, published 'at Harrisburg, Pa., ;ill, 1, 2 excited and conducted by theundersigned, their best energies to awake it worthy and of its friends., i t will colanittnee the new scar printed on entirely and the WeeliVdreatly enlarged in form, chile t he price will be lower than that 'of 'any other q,cr of its class ever published at the Capital of the I'tate, and pa:t Tents will be` required Ftrictly in ad ice. No paper will be sent until it is paid for -111 v,-. 1 .11 b.:, discontinued .-is the subscriptions ez onle,.s they are renewed. le . Telegraph will be issued SEMI-WEEKLY, on • C ' I / I , • i i; i t h j of twentS-fosr eolunins, during the se s sion of ;lie Lcgielature; and 'WEEKLY, on a double ...;lieet of. I 4:ly-eight columns the remainder of the year. It -Itill present a comprehensive summary of the Legis .l;tive proceedings; all important genera] laws. as t cy are.passed, and aim to give the current politi c ' intelliganee of •the times in the fullest and most rpiable nilinnEr.' In short, the pritiprietors.liope to I/If:loft a complete Fainilraftd P . olitical Journal, and qev confidently: appeal to the people of rennsylva r- t to sustain their enterprise. . I The Telegraph will advocate a liberal political pO, c - 1 1 ', and aim to Unite alithose who, though animated the same cothinau puri.ose, and .looking to the s inebeneficent' result.!, seem distracted by the con ihk.of ilistinctire organizations. It will sustain the 1 . 4 : hest standard, of American Nationality ; mid, while c'ulding a Sacred obedience to the #nipromises of col,,titation. will deterininedlr risist the exten- 41,91 litmem Slavery. It syill give a cordial; earn ein- hut itidepemint support to the administration of an-, PoNock. Ttxinst--s. trirtly- eu.Advance. r% I f • ti ' .c.yqrap az he limos ELK LI of the Legislature, and WEEK LT,- oa: 1.101Til.k• the remainder of the year, at the !ow rat!s-:--the nioney invariably to accom 'The order : i„Sit:;*.fe .s.ahst‘r:ption4 Fa - copies i 1 17.4 i per copy) Ten copies i .1 7 ,1 prr copy) Twetity copic...iii 1 5u percopy) RO 00 1 / !AiA at the s:inle price ($1 50 per copy on any i ....,ni:wl . .over triscinty. . . I 1ci, : ,,. 51.,, , 01 lie made up at once, and the sub- i s. l .riptiort f,..rwatilvd before _the first of January, so . tir flcy can cennuencti 1 with the session of the Leg-. ir',(Nre. , . I:rslll),criptlions will be forwarded from this Of li c. A:1 e:'dcrs;mnst be addressed, to - - M'C I LLIZE & SELLEItS. . : i Ifarristng, Pa. N.._,... 4,.. 1 7 Businesa i men will find the TELEGRAPII 'the ; 4•,, tos! Advertising Medium itt Pennsylvania, out .1• 1 et die cities: ! ' - • • • ~. .. pIREI FIRE! Ti) yoomING VOUNTY MUTUAL ISSURANCE 1...1 •01M.I'ANY1, Capital iE2.,201 - 1,00,0, and increasing. It is. one of the les.O.Coinpailies in the State. All Its 19sse.i. hy tire priouiptly adjusted. It has paid over ::alt's million of dollars lotrs he fire since it went ieto i.piiration. Apillications received . at the stare of 8.. /;.;.I,rtonsd! Co.l, Lar.leshoro, ,and at the store of Ly on. . CO., leSbilp, LIIZC:1/0 county', and...• at Mont "ll,l7'. • 1' i l . . 13. It. LYONS...agent. ...I,.atrose. Deg., I•S•;3.' • . . .• . 4u%t 'Received, tv of t llopts and Leather, and for gale chcap eVv;.% , A. &J. IL ASDLEY. h.o , o,iyn, I'3'l, Dee. S , I 5.55. . . arc Already tol(malit. well act,. - ----- , flout 17,2 e nuoil•crot .c.a.ies of- it Lit e have ;, , 01,.., n'e i . . Jra..OT.N, -LawiN, fa-hionable _ !linen., Van., (a ter &a paper itllat Las groam strfing during Ilse stof-tris ' judge!th•it every tio!ly in the United Star: Chas read i',elmiee asset tioca,t in e.tclt di:mumps:Mt.). a splendid and l lstioshina t-f THIRTY-FOUR YEARS. 'r heir 91 , - i t . ..aa'a-t a p... c t - ;ho. C. re', tie have now iii prI : SS, HONE i lot o f t,+.,;-;'t atilipue'Trillittling,t StaPle. (` g oods of large ject.always ILL` het n, as it remains. to be, topn_...sa MI I e l . ; ra t, ‘,-,• e a u o: :,iy al ‘ that 22 e. reaLaid it as, in oven : yari-•.4, i'lathie.:, is hea t e stock.) Gents' and Boys' 1 a n a lekly paroir foci the finally- eirrli% which slyall 'cot : r esia ai ,t, a L.-Teeter, ir tier %tie"-, ; acid are e,..! lilerit it * B a t. - -:`,.,,,ifk - and :-rummer.) Cloths vervllow. Calico - ea Ltl;7 o'clock. • 2 ,• • L. - • re:arta , - De in. -I lii,;••;:. '1 - " " i . ! 'only; arnase„ ,a,t niso otsto•tic. a tm Im p ro v e , th o .„ e , yap, will 1.61 ~ , , ,,I, ~I „ .„i ilL III „, ~...:, „ i i,,,,,,.,..,..,-, ti ki l. I:..pnta- ' filno. 4 cents t‘i 1 shillittg„ Carpet. , ; 3tattinc, Oil-cloth, may sad it. 'To siccona."l ish Aid,: . 01..H.'t, the hest ar- ; i ; .; ; ; i 1 tom 0.;.t.-, ...,..t.;,,fmrac•• ant.m-2,•-;,-. We 113 Vit.:V.l,OllS at ;d sin;:,. ~ . . . , • il , • 1 7,:4 , Vt - Goods tirleci a•-c• *s.diected or. condensed front fir, iga and alo-- • for thiadsitig •• llos.• Clink - oil' :Jake a greater ben- Untrdware-German Silver & II• , t hi i „..,‘ & ii.. 41,,, .41 , 1. 1,. (.11.4.. ., .. ,,t„ 1 . , ,s. s t n i‘ a c attc ha r : ic - z t i l o ,.! d r itia lrf l. s) , 6 l, l a. a l l id c - i, co- l i[i lic m n at p e c i , t s i s cil;: i s .. of at; instrue- ... a ,„.. i h t : :41 1 7, , 1 i :itn,,, , n 1,; : _t a: :' , 1t ie, ,, , i t :,., :i1 1 i :,,;1 2 .'i,......:" 1.., : ii:1,... or t, vvr 4i,,, •,, K tfi ,i,.,,, 3 . 0 , 1 .1.•,,,k, : - 1 ...rociories-ii-h, a tine r..sortii ‘lll AWLS, Boats & Shoes, Books: Stalionary; &c., Lcitters from" Fo:eiga Lands; the Most. init'reAiing P::' ,•,l- Pace ; • ?-1;.•.5 - , on ro•eillt of :a hich copie-• a ill ' i Coffe,-.a., Itrrana Tapies, Bice,' Choeo a. 7 and add lint be !lath-a-sold is thir"market. • I p or t i p m , of the"Weelity News of the Vi cirld ; .:^ :stria- , T),.•• ,:eat hr mils':, po,t-paid, It \`:111•O fin' ;ale by :111 'CI.1.01111(I•Cofi:• ! •, Cf\:l/ Stal-vh. • 'plenty :tiara of Nil Peony Print ..s. Plettse call 'es mlLife, .I•l•2•l•tatire ' and - Clu.racter ; Salected and i.,,,•„ - i,n,.,,,,, I • . l'ectlfnittery-iiay Water, Toile' tad -:.•.._ : , F. IL • CH-L 1 • 1) LE• 1 :- ; OriglaalArtich'.s, 11;14 el Agricultare; Account cl the / - p a ; •„:„..a,,, 1 I, y '.f I-4.i \ B IV. iT II E RS, - Farcoa, do. Extracts, Germatt Cologne, - 111.c."1.1/&S -• _0'.T -- k ,------ pt e --- oit;tatill'. 74 Witl --- taticl ------ "I-Pro'ihice and - ti.i . c.l•, - Market's: and a Ittiolo'N. ote List 4.•....a.a.? . -. • NEW-Yona . . -of Fonicy Sala; ea &e. &e. '• I• - .F. 11 : ,CILLVTILEM • are ineluded tinning the SOlid information t oh,: con- : , _ ; _ s.andv found in the Post. - .. - : -- - i - - tr - ';rtatitty:ToOli 7 -liny Forks, P} Thli.. the mind requires-arm; ider range;---it II .i , faeltl= .' cosmopolitan Art Association: ~ • • • 1 - Rakes] Are: -te. . . . . I.• 1:.. PI .__! • , t ties s hish delight la the liamorous and Lively,the i e m- . .. ,SECOND - YEAR. ~- - .1, • , . 1 LASH SII ono 1. aginarive and poetical. - These faculties also roust , ...• i L .KIVANGLMEN - .T: for the secend animal collec haveltheir appropriate food, else they In•come enfech-• , i. . a ~ i .. - ',. FfiriaiSlaiimil Establishitletll..; - led, n4 l , as a consequence, the intellect become;tmon im tais 1:0`4" and Popular in.-titutioit for the . diffnsitm of Literature and Art, Lave been 'Made on r, PEE sobscriber keeps enn.stantiv on hand, and will nary w tired one-sided, and is not able' to take tin; en • the roc-st eat ce/Fil•C'Neale. Aniring, the workii ,ilreailx ! _l_ .. .Jo ak eto order, Doors, Winds, Windorrs A: WindOw liargthi and unirou,: view of human initll'e aui its' .- eie"agl:d,' is the 'far fared "GrecoaVraidfial." Which NASIP: Ibxtr and wirtdow-frarn••s and all 'other articles destiny. To satisfy thes•C heaven -implanted craitng.s a ,.„• .- 1 m it...aitaiiy cos-lien tliousznri dollar:: ' [ . : inadj of good and used in building. 1 of oeir meat ial beingtve .devote a fair proffirtioti of In forrnitr , ' the new eoll,, , etion,- 1 . - t4e. - . diffusion of' , Mins/s riain!, - (1 and hung on short nouee. ' Glass;ed tile; oat to Fietitor, Poetry and Humor. . •; _ ~,.° :. k ., ,,, , ,f- . a, --- nar i ean „af t an d th e oienttra" g6ll(.•nt of :all siztts. quantities and qualities for aalel . . A ong our contributors in the ,first two of the above , g planed and snatched at \tl d i (a : t2O per sar-erican. ettitos; havc not been firerloc;keii. Cant- ' I•looril• • ' I -- - - - - ----- ' - --- - i,De rtrnents,. are several of the most gifted enters tt ,_- i ;L icins 11:: ,.,„ 1 , - ,,, j „ . ..,,,,,, f t.,, inapt' of the . 1 .-, a ,,, a , „Bs_ lOW feet. Tot ning of all kinds done to order, also • --I.,idilor.'s Notice. i 7 I Pity th land. • IV.e. al,o draw fresh for Fictiop and . ..,, Int' Antl".l'S ''' lad an auditor appointed by Me 1 i„t , Piet?' upon the best Permilleals in eountry and • it or' Ariter - teitn Artists •'A ho will c ont r ibote ' a general UNNortment of CABINET WARE. - i I I I ; ~f Colaindp Pleis of Su:tit:cinema County to ' ' . . ' • \ . -. 4 '.' SOIne i . if their fin•-st pri,dnetions. lAntomg, them are - -Borealis, Tabli.-..5, Stands of all varieties, Chaira, tr..-i , 21' • , --'1 I: • f foul arisinr- from the fiber- ' ~Li . .lat to 1 o the . r, Grea Thitana, We design commencing-a .:S. ',4 S tory three rumble busts. ea•L'amtel by the greatet livitig :Bedsteads.. l'•'•-tteci.- 4 , Sm., Ice. .-•.1 - 1 ; • ttli;••aie. of real estate of Ezekiel Ilnuse, Will it- ", 1-'I',..MLI, ~ So . l7llaroirrn,.author of •• The Deserted . 1 • ii • . scu.pter- Wain },'o 4 C.. , . /1,01.ra A. nixt. 0 . •-• • (- • W ••-:' • - 1 . .4 rood Pine,. Cherry and Wlatewood ;lumber, and , tend to the duties of his appointment at his office in 1 NN iltei. ."Mulara,"; ke, in our first paper of January, the Either of lila I.'outitty'; Ittas;iona F ita sk tt s, t h e ..• Gilllll of all kinds taken in exchange for idle above.' • /- • • , ~ . ; . Iheitrtisa, on Mdaidav the 3lst day of December inst„ i next' t 1 ilo-lailier •Ii \ Nt!'t AN - snare the - •:Atesulan • a : -MTerms ready pav, or three months time sap i!ip.-oRAVIN. 6.'•-. - ',lillitstrative of Importiolt Plar-I'S . and , _ P , 4. L .6 - . 1 1 a ' z . ~n ; f . „.,.. .`,. 1 . ;i t ,,,i . 1. - :,,,;; 1 : he "fili:i wa der-car e f u l . p r ov e d credit. ‘All orders ,addresseij t 4 me will re. ,t. , l ; l ?'cloclt in the afterocion at which time'and place " . ,t 1: persons; inter i steds will present their claims or be 1 - .', ‘, Ct 1 ,": . 0f A,F r i'. llllllll n' ..„. "-i t c ho 'll , "'r ii l t' c ' - ' 4 2 ,. n d v e ' l l i i it h' 3 7 • ; t ild .r l4lli...iOtlN Feleatiinl....' ~r f4,-;elgn'ollis of ilrt, bath . ee : t . ve Pitsrupt, attention. , ..lAcoii. TAYLOR:. fia.Ver barred- fora cooling in upon said fund. • 1 - itu titers IA a ittamorou., a, x rafter, of bronze . and marth.• t. Stataary and clioice.Paint- i • Laneaboro June IStb. lE3a. • . '; • ; , I FRANKLIN FRASER, Auditpr. i, are . ' 0 freely girein. • ' • Mg.- . ' .. , , , . 1 , . .... _. . . _ __.._ • ; 4, 1 4 65. '. - - - 1 , :•.\ - 02 . 10'..S oF TilE P-REz`S- ' The whole forrni;'nz_a lar-, and valttatile.c . ollection -; .1 , ~ . t GIFT ENTERPRISE. ... • This is one of 'the few large papers •4111 ed with life ' 43f . Tainting,: ae.d.S:tatintry ; •to 11,4 distributc,l frre . ...., . ' tech. .. • i •. • • • , . • . , -and thought, instead of. lund•e! r.g lt: non- :1111 0 11, the w.,,,t,, , ,„if „fli 1„, the ~,,01 , , , 1 ~,, . , , • .4. a 11 ..d.._. : , . '' ')i)0 P A. OK - / 1( -1" F c ; ' 'I - ---- - t - - : - F - . --- -. B i t.. LYONS -8.: Cilii / iii,„,„,iti - 5 marked by liberalitY courtesy, ability surd'' l I . '7 , , • • TeriaB of --ifenit . .ersh I I .P- . 1 l', . • • , ' LANT.SBORO. -' ' ! tact. t, -It employ the, best literary talent, and '.p-it .• • ThePaymenl of tliree t:ollars coniqittst , ...s :I..tv cite a, ' (AF Goods in lots at ir''%•44-4•3-42--0/,30 and ;2:; ';. IrsiE LiGiILT. I II.I.:VG' EIiPII:IESS I • i r ,no pains or exptaist. .As a Lustily 'p l lper, one -of lit e . ; 0.t04e of th . .11,:„oehition, serf e;iiith.„..h.i.m o either' _ a , cents TO . GIVE AWAY b,roi e the Ist ;of; ; Tin t . t. Sava .'-.Eitil! Reduca:'-.ThrOitgii • , ..• Dee. 1855. .- - . - f • „ ~„„ '' 1 t . • i i,' i ,_ 1 - AIE on lam] a general nesortinent of Dry " it. ___.( s „,„ .74 , chiot;• . 1 Gooe.s, Groceriea, Ilard-ware, Tin-ware, Stovc•- • rare and general intelligence, we cordia' Ily re:tort:mend - litisra, ...V. J - .: • I Oui• 'reader,: roar: rely upon it, thlit Beacon & Pc- •,, i one of-the follovriut; mag.odues for one year, land Aso .. ": an ' -""'' - - '. , - a ticket in the dist:Perth - in of the Stattary arid Paint- '. • - P . . 1 • • Any one urchasiae /are "'altars worth of Gomos ~ - ... , ; for cash, at one tune, vs-ill be presented with; one of - . ; i •. by Day/iyirt !I a . It ..kW LEY & JEN KS' .. ' ,i... 4..., tr,,,..ka la - are; hooking Glasses, -Crocker;, i 41, 1,, p .4 ,l . ca, tenor' will be as a.*o, oil' as their wo-.il. So far as we " :1 • • " '-I • • - • • ' s - the above packages. Now rt adyfor delivery. Foe., TTAN'T formed a partner ;:hip . in: l •lhntrose for the • The - -,Lite.rattlre, is:orett to sulps,rioer , consnits of toe; ; • I - ' • JUL purpose' of doing evely,lrodylii , , IILICK • ".. •-• -1(rt• tit,. Shoes, lilts and Caps T 6L...', 1 can idd ge hv vears bf 'observation, these publishrs do iutniiina „ , ; further particalans inquire of . Nai ; l‘:l'ailat., Lamp mid LiosLeed Oil, D . followirta Monthly Manazilies-: Harper's, • J. LYONS & SON.; l i SititifTll.llllliG, at the old .€.llll4'n'er Keeler's 110 - °et ' '- a •l'''''" ' rathea more titan they to omise ;;and their paper is ed. . at .4 Fami l y Medicines. Books- and Siationer,y, i l 1, - ..Ifol.!resc, October 24, 1555. • - l"' . I tel V. ilavi- purcha,;ed an entirchmew stock of ited vlith very marked ability.. It is sinf,rularly free d K ; ;, l , r . h i ;• l" ,„' l k etke'r j 1 i1 1 1 ,1•::, ( ;, C 7 h f " . ;1 . 1 " .1 v ." (3 ..31 1 1 111' '' (";°(le ': es li- Carl•euters' andrjoine . fs' Tools; 5000 cards Sheeting, i frortt ' illy scutimetzttivbin. nail bluster, h at i .s , (. 4' a "" ' 1.- - "' ' nail ;•".°', tu : • ; - ; ' I •- • ' ____,--- ---------- ------- - -- •-t- - --•-;.- I mox, comprlsing a full assortment of all kinds, di; • ("o•:tali tool Woollat Yarns, Cooking, Ilailor and Shop "Li health} \ Peraons taking five memiierslopit are- entitled to . -, _ • rect. from the ;city. •We shall kcelll cortid ' tly on Stores, 4 • ' Pile,Zinc-,S: .1••‘, , tone on all subject., always moderate in lan the right: we , fli - in fir d e ic, of ji t ict lie rii l it i .: a t ga iol zi i. nes for one year, and V ^Ate - , •-; NEW STOVES. l i , hand, Ulster, round and siinare Nail Iliac !Steel Luc aln-ays,uallsil3 - arlrocatint 1 - cellos-L , 1 ...1;. , ~ i• .... a ,sod to sell for cash, a little cheaper • &'''' i I find iti - one'uf the innst . generally attraetive paper The', nett,proceeds derived from the sale 4:f i i mem- ~ r.T BtRRITY has now in store moll is receiving I, II • a large stock of .10EII - STO I'./.;1•8, includiiig ; Toe-cork ' Rail:, Refitictl Tyre Iron, lall si• •.•.a. Band oti.al the cia•ane• - 4 Call and see. ; - I . ~- 1 ! . 1 B. R. LYONS & CO. .Our c• -thatigc•.-Scilarda,a I 7rifcr, .Pittisliargli, Pa. I It i the best litetary tutd family paper Io the ur„.. bershii art , : dt•vOted to the' purelfaiT a works ()fart ftir the'. ev,Sultig vteL..r. he Star of the West and - National Elevtatell Oven., lron, Sp . rmt , r, Steel a ling . :: as t so .. rtnte l at of nualicable , • i • • Black 'lover, Wide World, and Paragon ;Large Oven,. Iron, Coll ( !tains, ( arrtage Bo t.s, ,C.911:e. , i,„, 1f l IS. - FL( 11..:11 ; a nd a f;.(5.11K, be tite pound. saCk, I, ion.- 1 1 - liiel; Isla : mit, 1,:orl: Ista.id ‘ 111, ' • - i 1.W..1 G. 0.:.\ - ,S' A .I.l'D C.: .1 le ia .4 GES t . 271,e Adroatario &rifted.; .1 - ', to which he w?tatil invite particular attention as the ' • i ; • .k-: I , i'arrel, or hl the toad.' R. R. LYONS - it CO. • We have heretolbre =notes ilt high _territs of the • ; - -. . . - . ! best Cooking Stoves in market, with a.supetior as-- ; Ironed on . short notice, and stock. ro4pti i or made to _ i . , .by lsecbming a member atilt.' iNfotption, are•-. a lini,Lshn• c i.- lit 0., lf;T , 5. - • 1-mgrit4 of the l'ost,its one•of the best papers on our -.. .., 1, _ , full _, ~the i r , : sortment of Parlor, Office - arid . Shop Stoves, for wood : -order thro . ogiMot, as may best auit oin• potion.. . . I I." /1/1 TV' • Its rec.vve the Trll i ,•/ ) /M 1,111 - I:'natt;th-1 '1 until - Dyson' Tea for one dollar, I. excliang.elist,•and we regard it *as cam of the bestlite- , . r i : , , x , iiin at 'tit,- 'start,' in the:Shape:of ;te'rlia 3iti ,„. a. ;or Coal; also, Stave- Pipe, Zinc, Sheet Iwo, Stove i MI businesa transactions must hti iauttled- once a • - . 1 at B. I:, Lynas & Co's. : cry pdpers to be foUnd mists-here. Its editorials are :. .. : . year, Shot t tsietlementa and lot-- 'friends. is oft :nl'l nisi' •faturtt. - l : . ,, g °. ;Tubei, Sc.&c. • • • - a • as a TElve pound:. good Sugar for one dollar, at R.lt s ! writtai: atth ability, mid ;take a liberal. indipendent ; 7 ' s!_ e ni . .;:r t. .iteh re . .etntwe''r ig erintrilluting , , "LrOss ACu s. t6walll-4 1.P" trella " 1 ..A.it s r !' a to „ -c d k- t!ilc s .a. 6l for t€ ll f .:7 fl u l it til h 6 ; t i l w- I: t beo. :.° t ll i n pi d a ri li es tr ' 7o f i I . mo i t l t , ° :::tziet atfention to business we Illope to receive .'' • . , hie: choice. weeks cif ata, which are to be dirributed 2 . Thiee gallonsl Molasses for one dollar, at B. R. I anti' .Id, , e-i-listr, IVrighlrrne Pa, 'nil Are-at the .-ante time' eocour- t i Trimmings made to order for his eastern tirade, width • a liberal sliare;Sof - patronage. All work warraoted. 2, -.TO, :, & Co S. 1 - , i 1. It i:1 deservedly sloe oldie most popular journals in •a -' °De,'''''Alleal'':lves , will enable him in all respects 1.4 defy competition, " X, 8.. x ! goa d j otaa t ecataa 11 ,-,j , , i n e a. to .. ar b oaa . '. aging the ..krttsts of the country, disbursing thousands , aila pounds C a ;rllea for one dollar, at B. R.' Lxoas i the ,I,T ilited States, combining as it does, in a literary I tt', . I sold will be sidil at the most'redueed pries for *lt I steady employment and high wages will-lit given. . - • - ar .11:aas. i.'4•a„, I - , . i ; point - Li view, ell the interest of the best ug .,,,, , ,i, d , c, ~ through its agener.! . , . - , . ,or approved credit. . I ' - •- { . - , A. E. IlswtEr. HThtste Tiwo parcliac Magazines at,ll‘mklires will FOurteen yEtrd, good Sheeting forloe dollar, as 11. ", with ri vast amount; of..general intelligence.-Repub- ',. ~, ~1 , • -, . R. liytess &,t•.0'4.• ; , nosery. c tnat )y Jointer. this association, tle receive , 1 -- --,--.-. - . ......- .-....... •..-.-,-...- .. • i i r -.- , • li,an, Litelifidd, et. . - - 1 the M•trazine and free ticket in the annual distribution, - 1 . . L .1 , Ta - elityy4rd,,riints for out, dollar, at B. R. LTosi; : TElljllS (dasli id:WA - soca) Single copy, t 2 a year. ; . • , • 1 lien' Goode., Clipalai for Cash. &. CO's. '- .- . \ , .. .. p , k, 06 „„i r. . all at t te same prier; alone. , c . ''' 4 c°l ' its ' . '''''''''''''''' ••'•'' • • • 'i ' •., . Beautifidly illuqtntted Catilo test. giving' full de- 1 - .-, NEW 'MILFORD STOVE ;EMPORIUM ;'- , 9 .. : . it-. MOTT Int.. just received anotber lot of New TWenty pounds Nails for one dollar, et, . R.Lvoas: :8 . " I ( ?Ind one to:getter-up of C_ltila).l),oo •- . .:. ~, -._ -, .. . r•.,.,5 , I , .. o,- '• In Full 81-ast. ' A. C o o:a . . - .• 'I ,- "13 " (And One tot getter-up of C1ub.).14,04 " . • . sermtionsment free, on appncation .r or menmersittp ; . . Cr k Goals, Stich :as Chalks IL-age-I:Dalin:l4 ' lie 7 Mrteen bars,Soap for one dollar at 8.. R, LvoNs : •..'.O " (And one - Icl getter-upof'Club,).2o,oo.'. , addresi. - '•,C, L. DERBY, Actuary CIA. A. t t 'Tiro Ilundrect and Serriity-Five Blares ear i Rages; Collars Erubriiideries, Lau nsl 'lx., erliiCli he .. , i 1 o ffems at yery lisw ptiatea.. 'Slllll3ller 8!)AWIS, 011eTI lot Co's; . .I . ' I AthlreSs.. oitraytimat-paid,: •:. • " 1 'At either of the:, principle. offices;--"Knie . kerboker . 1 '.. ~ sale by 1)- I 1 im , hcolt , 4 , pzTßltso. ,, t ,: , I , ..11agaz ine” office.: 348 Broadway, li . T. or Festern't - Ik v. z • ickernusu d: Garralt. . .1 - 1 some beautiful patterns at verylnw pflec t s, also Black 'Fght poundal Coffee for one dollar, at r.. ELx ' • 1 ' ' Are in receipt of thelargest -stock of filovet, 'ilst , A: Co's.. - I '-.,.... I offiee, 166 Water street, Sandusk: l ;,o.. . i . • 2'. I , I 11..ilk•Shawls etputlly loft for Csada, • - 1 ;;; . .R. ' - '•.. I . • *No. GO, South Third Street, Philadelphia..__L • . _ever offered. in Northern Pennsylvania, ion- Parasols tat ......„ _, , , 1.-,.....i, lupe all . .C 4 OF: MOTT& s'”enteenT - 441m. ds Bice for one tlollar, at ..R, RO •CV'' Sariple Nati:tiers sent Ostia to any one, when 1. ---- i-- - ----- - -7----- , - --- --- 1 - .1 7- '' ---- - i - . .-- '.-- 'Fisting of Cooking; Pad r, and ' St-plate, both for i Black DreasSilk, a splendid article } at C.- W. M. I A - 0 . -as & NV.' -" '-' - rettneXted. '' l• - ' 1 ! SOOTS Alia SHOES, -.,- t i wood 'and coal; also, a fu' amlortment ' lar g e : ' siz . , f SUlninerStOffs in great varieties, aL CU'. M.. • Fifteen gi.'... I .nts. r pound for Candles by the bus, at - I • I Rip 00. , 10. I ,for Stoles and Churches. .. Al'. It. Liiii;r4, le's. . '-. '. • ' ii- ; '- ---------------:-------' i . -r1 /EN'S Thick loots-- do. heat'y- ' Groceries .a. all kinds, very elteap.ll Syrup, a first .. • . 1 " • TO RE NT, . - • .:,- 1 11. ivv Fre;lels Calf do.--do. 'Floe Ftintelt Calf ,Would call particular attennon to the efferso'oian : i rate.artitle at cts per gallon. - Yole! have only to '1 p•elve cuts per pound for. tip-top Mess P or k at TN BMOOKLYN : township,' Susquehannyt count:. d -l • ___ Bo ' ea t „ - tc ,„,.,,-,1, 00 . t , s __- y out i ts co a rse 8 0a i,..,__• • m is . . Ilevated.Oven, the - most Perfect and - heaviest plate L. Ik. , LyONS & (to 5. -'' - 1 - - AT,F- ,4 RA containing 111 - acres with about 60'1 -°. 1 5 5 4 I stovelta market. Among our aiqn . rtme.nt of large i I 'call and examine, to become satisfied thnt the "fload Farm of Navigation . " is the place -to buy 1,1 kap. I.ftip.•,•ll,oro, Dec. 1855- . •- i ot• thief: Luce Boots-111s' ses Enameled do.-- I. Ladies t ' scree itnproved. Said Fzrtri wiii- be rented for the . ~ .. d ... _ a id ,-,' . sh l of i n , oven, -would mention the Empire State improved, As 1 , ~ , .i_ ._ • ,1 • - Avntatelt. ' -;1 — noilits. ' • - ----- term Gr four years for one hundred and fay dollars a I 65 . do:- Ladies 4 :, y , tu . lei ' o' .1/ ten s ow 1 . i kinds-:Ladies me Gaiters and Enameled _ , Fear, the stock locluded. The stock consists -of one 1 w:.l,i,earrlidete assortment. of .Ladino. i i - Ba , k . tas being Ter!, heavy plater, perfect finish, and a superi, - i ' S tier, Egv, nazis, Lard grit ,. . 11., fact aii wads ve Lia• die 'beat Rip and Thick Boot*, at„ ;goods at i of Country Produce in 'exchane toll • Cltsh Gnnta and or baker. I Partners of Susquehanna county, you ha, I ' •B. E. LYONS & CO. yoke li - .)f Osen, 3 emirs,- 2 Yearlings, 3 Calves, 16 i „:.*” -. I 4 .13. - b1 ' 0 •ersho and Boots. .1 1 -been in the liabit:of purchasing lliht stoves and light I p gc c a. ,.. ~ , . - -'.. g _..: 1 . t.,lt t %V. MOTT. -. iTheet, and two Horses. Two hundred and fifty dol- 1 2 " 3- ,.: 48 =,_,,,_,_ 1 ' 4 1. 1„ „ k ,' ,7„, „,,.... nt i„„i 4 3 ,-,lleavv plates en d heal/ t•tinilatng- - n . --, s. NEw FALL. ik WINTE : 451001D5. . (lc. lb:4 ,I!! - ' " ' , uhramitagj . , :and - paying as much as you aght to for 1 ' - ' monttose j i nic 15, 18.55; . .. ~ ii,„ g in,con- ; 1--- ,7 -•- ••--- -- - - • ----- • fans - ,t ill be required in advante -Vie reaidtie can be I - -uur ;"1"' of -,' • ---------- -- °l3(ll ‘t • •I )- i ey pair for cadi;cii Cadersieeves, at paid i veiny in , , r O. and.. ,• &v , . pro 0. unpr etr.ents on the.} necti°6 iitli Ic ' °nlPlete Ass°rtnir3ll4ll. ' .:) .- . I . • B. .8., LYONS & CO: place; Euquire of She subscriber on the place, about i-, .`I %I e nut lufaetute our furtuturc. and II ill t se it mA.n- f Latect style/ of Dress Goods, 800 '..l4 , •Shoes; Up _.._. .._. .. - Sit AK' 13. ' - . * • :' tiro Miles south of 036 , ....attirt. - • - _ Shawls, lii el - )at ilia nOwelliing le,. - I . .- F . i .: o:ry Goode , ei Groc ed cillies,, , ef acti f t . . d in iis the hugest and best is cct . ever% A °MX! offerer' ' TEO'S.' ROMI.Nsov. 4 this section of e4:ttutt,l•7,,; and as. see sell for. Ready Pay , .. , - ._ . I 'i compete With Us. if they can. jobbirtg connected i pe . .• Leather & . I F/idings, - Groceries lij Peovisions.- with the tin trade, done as usual on shortnotice. '.. iAt the Red Flsg_Store. ' 'HENRI iMC'E.INNEY. 1 , • usiVelt : we can utid.tri// z,ell a; .lower prices than I .... B. IL i•XONS & CO's. -- _ [ --. --,--- •-- - -..-- -, --. .----_-..,________ tAti . .., . , , .; , ' ' ' DLCKEIIII AN & G.IiitRATT.i• 1 I.Mlersvillo Sept. 6; 11855 - . 3,1w1t, - ..,. _____ _ , , , - CARIPETS. , ... _ . .:tlcatches, Clocks; Gnus, dce., : those Who sell on.crOdit, 't . 1 ' '.l - New. Milford, Sept. IR, 1855. ' I ' - i- ---t-7--- • 1 .Farritcrs ciad.Atechaniez are parOcularly requested i , ~ in-yarti,' at --- ---. . - 4 :' 1 :.... -- ''' ' ; Supposed *to be Cl vew iassortment - just. received frotn England, - 1... r tii above ddi make heir Fall .. - ' -.--- •-: --'- - - - • " _. to ma....: a note o ' e, 4LX 41 - . , LIONS CON., 1 • 111elatie01110.1 •1 . - ' ()NE thousand dollars worth of ltel bwitzrland, Genet ttrv, &c., which will W i told below\ nun i, a i e i. wit li t hi, y h ave made us i v isit... 1 i . • .. in;; tit' DICKEIIIIAN & • to order • - 1 1 - 1•4AN1;- , SA.NOALS..at - ---- 'the NT Y , k. - . t ' E1.VG'L1179.31".5... 4 - ' • : - -T - ' LITTLE LIAEDiNci, ..? CIONSTANTLYCY BAND or furniblied ,t -w .• A,_ pros& a J. LYONS &.fiON.!. • "New 3liliorth Sept- 18, 18155. 31. 14,..LY0N5.& et re, "I - Moutreso f OCt,:tB 1855. t• - I'- '' , - bort notice. • Tuulthcnuock Berta, November, 1855. ! 44 , w4 I .on s .... ..• 1 • 1 • I Notice le new Block will be-lighted with CAmplicne LT -IN,* i',ll day evc:ling / Decernlit.rlsth, 15.55, • 4_11 . ,7,1.:- . -. ..1. .r -1 :-1:11_. I , 1 Hall & Lamb, 1, , • - ti , I'IIN:TTFRE manufacturers anti dealer—in all tir.l.- ~.! fur4iture,' haring moved our ware room, fl , i::: N,..11 Mllfolid village, to the Factory four miles et j: rf tn... Village, where will be found at. all ::a'•, a , :.:oon as4ortment of cabinet ware, also ready i:4. coti;ils. Funeralttelided with or without a Thiltrso : also IllOisteads, at wholsale,or retail prices rr.n4ll:g from 21;2,1 . .0) up s wards according to stile ite. .libat:ii - se Dec Pair fit? I4neAlrom .D 4 ' • LANIF * ut WA. t cENT,s- p tit .. . ' —. , .. ... 'Cit i tteltgt l t ofTithe.• „; - • 11. • '•- . 111°11". -`I ' 1 ' -' ELAWARE, LA - • I CKAWANNA AND ESTEILY TEE Band it Church it Auburn, near At!bum fent' • W i . - . RAILR.O.AI).. . ~_ A ', 4 , artier?, a ill be Dedicated D4-•e. gdtt - Eerriel . '„ - i to commence at 11 o'clock. '. i: • •-I -=,", • WINTER A RAN4tMENT; - .:s_• i . The Puhlie are itiiiteil.to r.ttiiiii. . :. -..' '.''''' I r l N ;meatier Thured 3 , , Dec. itth, .1 . 835, 60'341 - i, r•: I . ',- ...,.•'•, , ::_• ... l'-s..IDIII7NDAGE. .. 6 . .r.„,e,ig,,r man i ll depart front Scranton -at i •,.., ' • -...• ' 4-- - ,4 -Y"- •-(=' - '---z- L I .01) A..u.. Due at G t !tend at '.410.r. W. Con-1 .'; I • ...Auditor's iticiticv+.- 1 • -:., -, ~ 11 ,eting with the Dunkfr EirsslWeat and the -NeW 1 ' • The under i Signed an tuidito appointed by - the 1 ik Express East, on t e 1.4: -. Y. X , E. - -R. R. Pais- Gantt of Corninon Plea. of . S.,tilluebannal County to t °tigers taking this trial will -arrire in Dunkirk. at make distributitin - of the fund ar sing from the 'Sher i., :15 r. u., and in Nen. York at )1:15.r. 51. , iffilEale of read estate . of Milton i Tiffany, 'Wilt attend , Returning, will leave reatßeild at 3 ,r. tit.; due I to the duties of hie appointmentlat his orrice in Mont i The Freight AccommodationTMin, with pn,..es . a Scranton at 5.30 r. x ' - e • nter ,.. o 7s ,citick e, on in th e a tdit ,sr y noo thet t d i ay ili o g f il l ti a rti n e tia a r n y d ne oi x e t e at ai t l car attached, will leave Ecratiton 'at 1 r;lr.,; due at 1 persons interested ii ill presenttheir claim s or be for- Givat Bend at 5.55 r. T ., eoime l eting with the Mail I- ever barred from coining in upon said-fund. Train West, and the 'ight Expreas Trains both i I. • . FRANKLIN FRASER, Auditor. East and-West. Paisengers taking, this train • and I Montrose; Dec. -1, 18.55... .• ' . tb i e Night, Express Fast, Will Itrrire in New York at 1.0:05 A. 11..; by taking thoNightlExpress West, will ' arrive in Dunkirk at -I . s - it., or ',by taking the MAIL Train West, will arrive t•Dunlarli at 6:45 p. in.. Returning, will Leave rest Be th! at 7A. m. and sr atl 'Scranton 4''2,20 P. 11. ~ . • . \ • acre, Pi term Carbondale Pii i ii 'a a s de e l n p i l l i c h N i, ( r v ° i r a l% tli i e lke t: : : t.lWia.l'iirilliainsport and Erie and Reading Railrofd, via Tamaqua, ) and East mi, and all intermediate laces., Will find first class stage coaches in reailines al trierapton, on the arrival ,0 ()tithe Passenger and Ac intuodalion Trains to, con velvllicm to the above p :lees.. Those choosing pri vie eottre,vances will findthe bet of horses and car rilgeerof every description, at- reasonable charger; ready to order. • 1 . . L • D. IT. DOIITERER,:' Superint.andenti - 'ilyierintentlent's Offiefr. &ranton; Dec, 6 18 i 55. ;.- 4 ------------ ' ' . SEAIR.LE'f COACHES. :111 4 EAST. EAV Montrose fo 1 1). L. kW. R. R. at 61, A. M.,for Express Freight Train.to SerantOn. At. i2lo'.elock. A. M. for lifaill Train tol Gnat Bend. At 2''. )f. for Expiass Freiglit. to Gilent Bend, and Mail Traia for Scranton. Leave' Repot for Montrose on arkival of all the 'above trains nt Ftation, eierFt up frojif.-,ht trains. '. ' • I- • Voi-N?orat, apply at Searles. litikil,- Montrose, Pa.' I . -beeember 1•2., isss. , • - i ' - Io,n ll o 1 0111 . 11tINN II anted! to huytti - yster's in any way to suit, that are continually al thinr, by eaprais and kept and served in theheitt mannei• at-the Tent perattee Saloon & Grocery on Itaine.`4reet,.opposite the Farmer's Store. .11so, Pies and 4:ther eatables- , - •. --.• ! and Most kind, of .Groceries ..k . Provisions, Teas &c., 'l- fi4oy6i-iiii.ove Irritsinlintpi. ~ Flour kept constantly on hind, and for, sale at whofe. rill)E good people of' Brooklyn and . Yitinitv who i ix . retail 7 . sa • and at ... _,. . S.I I S. MttTT'S.! - ; 1..7,:tre, Or W . :li) 111:11: 14,, ill want of Stoves, - Stove i Trintruing. or . Pi r, aro informed they can hind : -Hut ills Bair Restorer and Golden Gross, for heattti• tlio?'( ., artikies in . liberal varfety. at the "Ekchange." , fyia,.., the )14 -I r.. A guano". of T.,eatittir . Glom. and Anioitg my assortment may be tbnntl the li..cytone i t ate „, at . SIS. MOTT'S.; ,Slate'i Foret Qttceti, Or Elevated;OvenAand the lat. lI . • . cstiAlitoved COal (looking, Stovett. • , - • •i 1 Nen York Fancy Candy and choice &Tars and ant . .3fi-,stock of Parlor and Shop Stoves itkluties all ' ported Fruit at - - -• . S. S. IIOTT'S.- the Mast improYed patterns; hoth'for wood and coal. -I f Mo.itrose, Nov. 14, 18.7,5. . - Tennis liberal. . •. 0. ti; lIEMME.kb. i • - ..- ------ • •r * I **' - --- '- 11rOoklvn, Nov - . '20., . • 1 - . NOTICt. - 1 • • -. t' . •: . -- -, . - - --- -- -.--- ------ - - • r /INIE eoparther-ship heretofore existing under the iii - Ew itotins - ' 1 1 name of Wickham & Hosford hl this day diva 1 133 .- CL'IrE'BRATED - : 11 7 7'11 - ORS. i soloed by nitnnal consent. The notes and accounts I ' are in th . ch-rt, l 4 of k• Wickham for fonocd;air -cal ef t ifo T ok re l e :t,a l (jil l ;Wr d : lLC a t la il l' ll l l lC -e j . 0131 - 4 °r ;i:i?oti t it h n i : !coign. -.- . - ' * • • A. WICKHAM. : 1 ca lile urilersi--i-ell, a carefully stnecied assortment : . • . . J. 110SFORD: • of bear, interesting, and valuable ,Books; prominent 1 ...- FriNidsville, Oct. lft, 1555 •. i i . I t . among n inch, are "Amy -Lye, or without and within," P. S. The subscriber would say to the public that - ul a genet-al assortntent of Fall and 1 I ' Aritlitior's 'Notice.. ! or F.:o' Years, in the 1t1VWC,0, 75 ht Robert Earltori- .. Whiter Goods, which he offers for sale err?, tote for, , s I. t z T lv l i C ri f; , , i i ,e ti c h n et al l; p y oil ifs e - d en an ttti he . undersigned i "Liti•rino - by the celebrated authoress, "known by ; cash dr produce. -• ..• 'INT _ lit i Or 11 . v the court 'of ; bet ;t en and genius a.: -Georg.e Sand"-Th. Land's !! Frielidsville, Noy. rt, 18:35. I : : 3..jIIOSFORD.; .. • ot tat. ;sat act•n, 01 i'let n; es . ot Palestine, .'via Minor ..., .....-........_________„—_______-_-_, !1 , - 44w6 cotatton pleas 'of Susi - path:lMM co.; to distribute the flail to-i)ting fiallm the - Shellara F• 3 10. Of the real estate ! SieiN, and Spain," 1:s- i!Lii ili.tingnisited Traveler and .t. Fresh Arrival of Nev Goods ref of . 4%0 flynear'son: deceased, will attend to the du- 4 .-interesbng Wt iter, ilayat d Taytor-:- with ninny others , . !Dickensian it Garralt's.! tiesli, l f his appointl(lent at tltei alike of Bentley and ' t equally, nreritol ion?„ deserving of ti t universal perusnl, i r - i - NHE ,sib-4,....iber5. would respectfully infbrin • the Eitob, in! Montrose;' on Friday;the ftli.day of •lanuary t. Alio , a cowl supply of those lir:stint:ado Singing 1 i • , gooil- t ,eopl e of Sttn(Illellallt111 counts th at they •'/-lich l'`* 4l k :. are now opening their stock of Full at d Winter DU* nest' at t*arte olcloek - iii the aftrt i orni, at. II ilich tune 1 ?nd.'.ll.sic f10(4!..5 , called tha• "*.-Thawni„ . " and p';:ti; e all nerscors hitcrcSted Will present their -,•., r , f, itself a lilwary of Cub:, eh ~Mitsre,- tiolbratiof 1 ('toots{ which is 111111Aually large and a tractive, all of eta: ' ‘ , c fore'ver barred front coming in upon ' abont!!tme thousand pieces, consistang of Psalm and Which "will be sold for cash or approvet credit cheap ! I F FiTcII. Lliprirj tunes, Anthems, Cliant, anti settpiere;, • ;er thla at ally other establishment ;MI the county.- ( ' ' i - - 1 --‘ I V"C• tl"' a lum-' alt - I l"alty - ^11i . :..T• works too iltl - ;We mean just what ive say: . Please Ore us a trial, . . . --i- • t.- - i merofts to inentlont. v ;11 I.e F oili 0 applicant's on - the ; DicianliAs & GARRATT.'„ . - i . 7.10T1CC.; 1 '. ! ! most lreasonable ate•l staistitctory totans. Alf ther,• are . l N - ew Milford, Sept, is. 1553. • . c ,„,, [ 1.. , ,,,, rilopot4AtS will bei received at. the .! any di.;posed to thutltt this; let them call,'and by per- , --. , i'....5.. Oeinntissioners'•.tiflice in MonfroSe,.until Wed- i satialteelpetlenee become- convinced. i • • i - l ~ 7 ,111111/411C ' MUSIC t: • ; . Al, ''.. nesilai - the od ( 14 „f Jautrrry, A'. I). IS5f,, for the i N.P. Persons dcsitotis of dbliiininl; books not 11l - I,IIIINCE:± IMPROVEP MELOPEONs, more just i t i rebuilding of a brit4 t e aver the Wyalusing,Creek in I, Outbid in our catalegt!e, can I,e,aecornmOdated try !1 . rece i ve d by . 'J. LYl r /NS & SON.', . Books, Rooks, illtilpkg : . Itirsh 4ownship, near the house of N. P. Snyder, said i leavi4;; an order and gyring. short notice. I .. —_. __ _ . ___l 1 , --•!-• i AT THE MONTRO.SE BOOt STORE. . itrilg,} to be built in a ,zood and workiiianlike man- 1 t; F.:11. CHANT/I:En. .t . , ; .i - - JUST IN TitilE.l : 1 riPITE subscriber worthl inform liislfriends and the -. !ler ir' all respects similar to the new bridge • just I Ilplitrose,'Nev r cral , ...r 20, 1 : „..,,„.1. ! ._' 41 • 1 7.. - : % ii GENERAL aesortntent - of ..'S . /1113 - IC:ool)S . nn,w 1 i. publ:c tplnerallv that he has maitiand the largest eonfpb•teil over the ' , ante stroarn near II: J. (Mani.- 1 i ..t. - . arriving at the store of J. LYONS & SON*.',! ; and hest selected assortment of Bog! , and Stationery picais in said towns Lip, and to bc tinistied on or•be- ; - T i}Fanny Fern's 1,000,000 Reallersl 1 • o ( .t o t : r 5. i - •-,_-_-_ c , fr, --,! 1 --,- to be found any where in Strs•iprehrri . ra county, which forel the first Mon,Tar of Novell:bet' Court, IS if.- ', - - - • • . t : : A NEW 110041. COMING! , QYIfITS, Mol.a=ses, :! , 11;,111•: 4 , 0 .0 :1114 TeaSl hIC Will sell for•ready .I,ay at price,f that cannot 1... i/ to Thel plan ancispeCitieations still I,e inade so' as t, be 1 , , • ...- ! (-", Penh at " - LYON'S k SON.! - I so il. !. seers at the C'ommtsstor.ers' (Alice it due hare. . t . ~ . . NV , i' have the. pleasiire of announcing that we !nave . -- - • i . 1... i t, rooms Path am iris-a trey, • . .. urtu., me ntsce treetb, op soa) it t /.... . 1 he first of Dt•cetb- ! gr . itllt• •• - ,••,, -. . ! ' A. CARPEN TER, ) . ni... i ,: i . . 1 p:e.,,ss, a:.,1 shalh•puldi : sh ,Bent t' -- ' • * —v P * - I * B - IIT I. - ••* •A. - the I'' Ila - E I:. •'- 1 . f ound I - t•• . ii ;; .1". Nr. SMIT L :- Conn s.• , er, :q4.11 - Work citetio:L.entitle4 • - 1- - .. , A..; 1 , ,t. ii'qta , :. eirriaLlA an Pape llangings ; ',at Life of Washington, .Tackson, Taylo , l, I•;•.,rae T. H ot ,. I - ~ .1 • sirli. , z 4 t•. 1.1 - -- - - ; low pr;ees, selling by Llit. NS k'SON • ! per, Tlorace-Gf•eel,,v. PT. Barnurn trl others • : 4 ,!tr , Auditors No tsce, / The undersigned an anditor !appointed try the 1 ' . I' l Court of Ciimmon BleaS of Susquehanna County to 1 nr4ce distribution of the procceils of the ::Th e ritr s 1 Sale of real estate of Lucretia Van Vorst late of said Colinty deceased will attend to the dutie.: of his up pontiment. at his office in Vontrose, on Saturday the 4JrI day of December inst. at 1 O'clock in the -after imOn, at which tinm and place all ilersoni intr.rested, will present tbeir claims or befirrever I.m - red: him coMing'in upon said &Oil. FRANKLIN FR A SER, Auditor. 1 • ...iftiiitzom Der. 4 15•15.-• ' • I.• . 1 1011AENTS ! AGENTS e AGENTS ! ; 1)}-)1 accustomed to procure subscribers for Books, 31agwincs..t.c., or go,t up chibs for neWs . - 1 •• papm s., are requested to send us their names and ad- I dr+, and we will forward- them ; free of charge, a I spe;Mlt e number:of a publication :for which they - will fin( teach sale ; ahrl we will allow-them a commission lof "`"taper rent. fot. their sere ices. : • • • f i - 3. DR tBDORD k. BRQT11B11.• r 1 '•No :3 roilrtlami , zt New York. ' $2 00 . 9 00 17 00 Dee.llo ; ':..5. 1 .'. . 1 •wm TC 3,..1-}::', i • • - ROSE C I_, A.tt ii: ,:: _..- 1 ., _:, Ig . Atieg--L A. Citos:zmos, Glen:. • ~ , , to 13%, Zlll. - C Odeon,, 1 4, (1 bv ' ytt'SlC -V'li - 1 ii - T --7-- td CT napis:zicraErs' 6tTic,-., 3i0ntr0; ,,, , 1), 2 , z , 4 , is ; ;:7,, 1-. . , A rto:'lANcr;— , r,i' . l7AN:s; VFT I:.:C:; . , LYONS k 140 N..; 1 - • --- - ' - '4-- - ----- -,-- ;" Tile,;.. last work, tritmt first contincalltg r La", eo( ihi-1 0 .;!.. • ..- „ Ruth frin, ,, llehlin . , .., a r •{,..;('11(101, 1100K.5., IVrting Paper, F. , velope?t, l'tio:i TICE S.A..IIIEnDAY EV rAtlit.; x , osT 1 liaat :1:1t1 I4stihatillgautirore4s. . 1, - .a. 5ite(1(...5..5. riac , xatil . ,lol.l ill Ow annals of - letter:4. Itt the ,' • ` S: '''' a g rt! " "l'ari'AY c ' asi b ` !l. `" / "" 1 '' t • E , ,lailislred At.;gu. , t. -Itli, 1 , 4. -21. ' ' . 0.:t.& , t , r :9: LYI.).N I jS .C: :30\'s. .1...,.,,..cl .. laogui.re., of a leadio,..7l,e:iodr.:al, it 2 " ereatetl a, more . - Weekly Edition betteen '89,000 & 90,000- .; ialAndral t ri,atioti th.oi any vkliivil . haz: !wen Isyjed 1 ,: -- i I .-In issuing theitj . “, , iwetw for IS5'3, the' . ProP , ie" : that4e, a quark.; of :1. cv,,t.lrA." 13 it if i-z -Itiowr:.--r.- 1 . •sg LE AN!) Valk:SS GOODS. tortaluf the ro.-ft take it, fur granted; that the public i ry to :4 9u dc., to the 1 „,-,.p..... of "Ruth 11..11." ; judging; i: A 1 - .1 NTI LLAS, Liec', , ,, Berrigtss i AV Iprketi!,Collars, 41re,itdv 4ral4y. well uainted• v.ith the charac- ' , • - ' , - ) f +•. I ' ' Id, - 'll r , T., -L.i* • fa- I, ' Me Bev 'Fan?. I LOST p 310.;rnosi.:, on - ionday, 9 Icoveinber 100, a I poi() Ycncil. Chain, and"Locliet—trnicb valued..as a nirinento. The finder will colifer a favor by in ,:the srunc• at this office. CAUTION. . , A'LL persons are hereby emilitme,l against harbor . ing or trusting a boy named George Manner Morin on my adenunt,.as I will pay no debts or bills arising therefrom. • - ', JOIN LEAN. I:enox,, , Noc. 14, 1555. i 1 t, . • ~ .. . • . . Prot:Charles Morris, -- (, - ,•II7CCESSOR of t'harles•Tillmam B)1 .1???1:71,l, bay - Ling again removed.ltis shop from, its fOrmer loca. titin.in the - bmement of Searle 's ;Ifotel, to the room nr'eri: Chin , eilt r's Stbre, is prepared to exercise his art ill, the most EC ientifi c manner, on all , who' tatty be plea`!44l to entrust, their heads or' aces to his binds. NON - . O. - : - • a2.2v1 ,-. Tis the Pubtie. , rrtlE slihscrik.r.4 Intring• caked?' the store and pur . chased the in trade. of R..T. Ashley, are prepared to sell. for 1:1-.7.A.nY / 1 ,3 OXL Y, a fine assortment of Dry GoculQ, Perftimery, Yankee No tion 4, Groceries, Crockery, Ilardware, Iron' And Nails, R0C. , 10 1171 d AqtoeS, Scde and Upper Leather, Salt, .tc.. 4 - .c . .., , rtt such prices as (the;t• think) 'cannot fail to:give . ea** satisfaction to all alto may favor them . with their patronttge:• '. J. J. R. kk.,(4-1 , 7•7' . Nov. 1.7), l 535. , 4.o;tf. ' • Save roar •Atacitin. • . tLt, who.ire Indebted to the anhscrihers, }:iffier 'hy note or itcecornt, are itr,ryrrly reviewed -to rill and 'pay up, or the consequence s will be a d-=- oil the l e of Januirr next. .11.1 .1; E.. NOTTJ me, Nev. 20, 1845. ---- • - - . , Military - Notice . N Pursuance of order's of the 4,lju r tant - G ert or a i, t o I me directed, notice is hereby given to the Cat). I tains of the sereM Companies Of Emsquebate nu county, that they are required tot - kport to me the names of all personS yth-o taro doni duty in their companieS, Who are now under the age of forty-fife years., Said report to WI made as son as.pos4ble. I the several Captains in (he different townships 'will please consult_ together, with their rolls, and perfect I their...report. SPICER,. Brigade Inipector lilt Brig. lOth Div. P. .11. • I losiie‘jor's office, Ilatfotti, Nov. 1,1 4 1355,- .043 . ~ • • ._ Notice. . • , , • Mr.....stis. F.orroits—As it is neeeksa'y "to aim at layin,l'broall and deep the clententin foundation up- . on ‘rhich the aspiring youth map securely rear tike superstructure of those solid and varied acquirements which distinguish the profotutd and Opgant seholir front those superficial pretenders - irhoe only claims to the character of educated 111C11 Z1b; 1 based on their parchment credentials," we beg !ear to announce to the public through the colnimis of your paper that there will he held an .lntellectual or Aril) Institute at. Harford University ciin.unencing Dec. 24th, 1855 to continue fouralays. • , II I , Believing that an Institute of this licit(' Js the best practicable means by which to accomPlish the desired, object, cu cordially invite the teachers of common schools and friends of education Biro %limit the Co. ...to la3totzt:riiiidl::iilild be a p r roc ticipa ire ti.i la i l‘ n :.E.mt t hs h e.t e lt; e lo.l x li e j,x4 T ri: l: l: : cis s t: . :ii)ie pii . cc: • a for thosethat come - from a distance. , • - 'OM • B. F. TiarKstirav, 1.- ( ' "' , • • . • It. W. Haisne, - i • , . IMI • War War:: in the Crimea. • i ...I.!: -.-- H u me .. . . 1 .. .. . r - - TWAIIR.i..PUBLIG _ . R.::, 4, , Barking ..- - 1. E S '• • . Ay . ~ .; l i,_ ... . I ... : E subscriberwoultl tender hiii.thanke for the . • OF ~ -- -... 1 , - ,•"- . 11 1 0 ST. COOPER,I& CO. .. -.- 1 , : ~. ':. -, ...I! i i:',.. - ..!. . ~., _ eei -• • ••.1 - . liberal_ Faro. lut, 4.e b . tiitowee uponi . him. !Lite \ far . HENRY DRINKER, ) .l, . .... • tinting the eett..eon, -- anu at the tame :time announce - iILONT/Zoee . • . 1 , - e •:- ," . . : / ..itie **t . ' :'•-.. • . • .. - tliat - ho hie jttitreceiied a new stock o f Goods, Make `. . t. . .WM:IIIIIM,TING COOl'Ell. t • • L '• • . . ) Nolember 'lei 185,7,1 -:• ~ : ,:' : '''.. .- • 11'. * ''•• lit" histtesortment very - complete in all :its various/ _ ISA ..ite L. : POST. ‘, • • .-•,,. . o - e 4,C " braechee,`"And would say further that foe ready pay, RAM - 1 ;." 11 -New .k oak ( IV •Ali Philatk . ';ilhia- - ' Are '. ' ' ' '''''' -' ' ' ''. ' '''-' s .' - ' ' ! end On shr;rt time ' to reliable customers, his goode rinirt . be,- Sick to an extent netet , -, i • Dt,...coneetions promptly. Made ittid_ retained, ~ • l ' . _*.....4.# 11 b 'roily .Ih xi thee . can be botight atiatty oth' -.' •:, -- lal e nit 0 ' , „ . ! Mee' limits:from 10-. t. St. to 3: • ill' • .: \' _be f or e•known of any Med icine. i- • . , , _,,, , . cr.sterein the comity., . Please . call a nd examine 1. -.-.• 1: - ~;- ... ..-. 0, -.6..INGALLS". :. . • 4 ) Messre: Allen .10.Pitzt9n, N. York. -Aye .• ge........: ~. I Y P.14.11'5, Kt; MIiNii.JUDGF, FORIOUItSEENES . ...., I I ItEFERF.NeK L•Santels e. Mortoillitiq., Phil's: ' i i : -Glhson,:October 12; 1555.•,''... _-. •' ' i , ' . :.) lion. ',William Jes.eup,.MontrOse. -. /ULM Bm•TEli Ilea,. the well known Iwo:Corner, of ' 7:.. •—• s ------ * - ' - r" ----- 17zir;•. --- , _ - . - .." , ...-.-----;'---7--. --- i.- .Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, avloaw, choice products - T :4._ addltion to . a very good ass . ortment o art urea: - are found at alrecat every toilet,aays: - • . ' IJL ,Gootht,,there stilltetnains a quantity of es., MILLINERY Ai' NEW MILFORD - PA., • - -• ur am happy to gay of your CIATHI:IiTIC 141.1.0, trait 1 ',- Poplins, , B:c4 -- LT ,'- of the Old stock, - to be sold at.bai: , . ~..,,_,_.l. :.-- '. - lt•avg found them a better family medicine for common • " inter H. D, la iaca " • .•-• A- ope', than. any other marked y knowledge... ManyrOf my •. i gAti r' Wi llz tn •r ttthere °C . °to Coat' ' 444° ' ''' 111tCrDon:* AA; OULB'erespeCtfully give Petite to the -peptic I frieuds have realized benefit. from them, and cos ' i 1 . 10 .t . ', oht. }inept, and several . other - kin d s. of 1 . -1 - that tyre has again ,resurac her at 1 Millinery - at .) * etv Milford, Pa. She las avenge t men.sl, tW it ts ti l l i e o7 :UV ell's- tilt ' a I, but safs and plefts " Tait who tat:ll 3" i 4. q .... t ,F 41- .31,:: : , "compared ilili - ithe airiet prie?, can be by which slid will receive from .Ne 1 York the latOt. ' 1 ,I . i , :!:•iit h f ltiv , n i e ,i t n alti o l l i t ev a i is ivg a tltr an ttr e tolt i t e )s i lit c v:nlinaq. - i f*:haaa Is at low 1)1i - 4e/4 - for sale . by: ~-.. S. S. 1., JII rt i . 1110.4 1r il kil 0 014 no:kelt:cm vallied try the puhlir, - 14,-3 Anus,- very iow tit, the . since of - - - +. hp i eaten they arts known." • ‘) 11.1/L‘W wwites *yin hat styles of Ladles' :mil Misses' lints a d Ittinhefs of ife ery deseriptin and also to procur on short notice 1 • T lL l : t e , r ne le t ,t k 7 t h i t7.1 1 •;1 1. : 11:.% ' • . any at tide et y the kind that . allV per Son bright want. ' 1. . Itr.. ' ./. C. Aar ' s; ••:-. Sir: 1 have' taken foes Pills With' Fromm such arientgentents -and front Ater put cl pth.i. :,.: great benefit, for the liatlessuess, languor, loss of appetite, - enee, she holies to please all who may favor her with i milieus rteilskm i ~1,-t e esn:. iyllrsTtyLNircUrAre.. ' their custom.' -AM kinds, of re-trimining and repair:l - have used pow Cherry eectetat.many . yeats in my (amity ink done on ehort notice. The public are respectful- I . for musks and rata with entailing success. You make - ly anyited to tall and examine for tli6risebres. '- ' 1 . tuediciaea which ears : and leeei it a pleawnetocorumend ' ) 1 cal for the good you have done and ate doing." .• Thankful -tbr past favors, Ale respectfully solicits 1.• lout s F. IIE. , I,TTV, F. - sla., Sec .. .of the \ Penn. Mahout co.; - further patronage. U. 110,.. WARD. I ' saytt •'. : ' ' i -.' • ' ' • New Milford, 0tt.,.1855.. - - li - •.- 42nre/ I.'''•.6 Pe. R. R. Oter, Philadelphia, DM 13,1853. —___L__ . - , " Sir: 1 take pleasure In. adding say testimony to the , ------/------ .' . ..,,.• . . ----- s - ellicacy of your medicines, having delved' very'aterial . Tilts VI ay--I You Please. . - .1 benefit Woes also use of hoth"Shht Pectoral awl Cathartic - ~ i Pills. , 1 are never with Out them in my fatnilv.nor shaft 1 /-1111 E sub...s4 , riber begs leave to eali i. public attention I • - vier consent to be, WILLIE me MCMIS Will pier:um them." , Ito one of the largest, moet•diverietied, best sclee- 1 , The widely renownees,s. STEVENS,. S. IX, 'of Went ted taut/ teat ,bought &oc/ of fag &. Winter i worn,, K- H.• writes: - Goods ever introdnced into this i4rl:et, end -which . e. : l , i Tt f . m i n i tt e ige , pr e i r n ef e c LT r t l A t :IS; C a r P e c cat: invaluable c o rn - 1 :4,2 . be is' bound to sell for Crash, Barter, or short el,prorrce•ti7redt. I All per- levalavlie;• indigestion, epstiVehese, and ' the great variety sons ie want id' (keels, whether in ihi.:t th.Tartment•of .1 . o . itte d- r. lits:„Tacti,fllo,,;!i'.!:,Lie: e a f e tre a ail% i-re a r re re m i r l Y d ers t rre han ui:X.: Dry - ,Goods, Groceries, hardware, Cirockety, Ilritg,s, 1 I confidently recommend these - Pills to the publie,•es: Boots A: Shoc ' e,- Clothing,Ac:, Will neitit as con- so pee t or to any other.} have ever found. 'Th ey are-ante et titter operation, and, pe rfectly safe—udelities which suit their owii interest (no less than plitie,) Tty giving i ~,,Lo tesui an invaluable article 5w piddle use. I have. . me e call previous to purrhasirg. I t ...f.a. many ;years known your Cherry Pectoral as the best • . ' i U. G. liiIIIT'STEAD. I rotu.sh medicine in the world ;'and these Pills are in 00 , - 1 Atlas inferior to that admintble . prepaudioti , for the treat- 1 Brooklyn, leco - ...1, 1855. ' • • •'1 ' i men( of disear.es."..• - ‘,„. _ sill . READ, rAUSE,. AND REFLECT. • —_ .Economy is the order of the dayi and one oi ' the - ttnea, , most:effectual ways to economize is tb'put chase at the --, Store of 3. MITTEN BEIIG & I.lRO.,iwbere just have 'fees ea . been .opened the most choice and splentlid Stock of Fall &W inter Goods ever seen in tint , 0,1,,,,t,0f -Sus (leb:tuna. ;" •• ' 11 • . - ' The following comprises hut a stnell portent of the immense assorlment to be' ound at this', Establishment. Gentlemen and Dons antbing in ;endless variety and 'profusion,l, a" good assortment-of .ivercoalg„.- Pr i v!: Frock .and Business Coats, Vests anti Pantaloons • of every description and quality, and in figure, cid,. style, &c., - alO Pl(kre. . ' - fi • i Our assortinent compri•tes fin. Tallies wear, New 1 Styles Brocade Siilis, Changeable Stripe and Plaid, do. SupcfMr (llo.iiy Black, do. All widths Delaney all col on and, qualities, De Rage at all 4ices, all Wool -Plaids of new and elegant. Ilesigill ,l 'all the .latest styhti - ol I)resAGotids, - Boudiazincs,.ligicit and COlored - ..‘lpacca, French Iferinoei, l'rints ail Gingliams ; - a band:mule assortment of Dress Trimmings, Embrbid cred Sleeves, Collars Cuffs, - etc. , JaC . iinet and SwiS Edgings and littse_rtings. Gloves,••frikiry, Le., Shawl s , Veils, and Furl; Also a complete-assinl ment of lileaelt• ed and unbleached Aluslins, Drillitt.:;:, Diaper, Table i Covers.% Sheeting, Flannels, Ate., all% which will be sold at the lot Test prices. , • :' 1 , • Fur bargaino the public is respectfully invited to, cailiat - the•elniap Store of. i ,-.- ICONRALII, NIHITT : F.N . Ii ,RG , &•_ll_ll.9____. 1 \ T —.— "VO:i . 'tl'illler‘ 11 i . . .• ' • I i L. ROSENBAUM has Oa, day as,-,0" imvil with them i in Weir husimisri under the - Firm ofilittS'ENll.A.UM, I 1 WITTENBER(4 & uno. An accon4ts 'and Notes o 1 1 the Old Firm, • its those'. of L. ,IttY:_z}.l. RAF 7 31, can lte, found at the ti,t.tl Stand; and we hoptk that all will seB4., the necessity of settling them ivitlietit furtlter . notitre.' - i...RDSENI,I.AI'M..--' • C. WITTENIIF,IttI. t - J. WITTENISER(I. 1 31on ' t.o4e.'( '' Ict. 15. 155.1 Itnmanity Ow, 13 , 11 Smith 1)) (1.1,11 (W31:"11;) II::th U.ll, (Fanny F, Leave4g. tirA 4::d second :t•:;,-; int and Refoinmo, Titotu4ht! , and Thin; Abroad Ohl Inn Ft: tsliape But Teigb, The News plete Itio:.kg, The Stare\ ef . the Lan Non, Lewi , or the Beadt!il Twig, Coitntesrs Itle,Angton, 2 vols. Geld! Nature, The Chemistry of Commoi Commentarv, 'NewTy tanrc: t,' ISai i.atne ' Buck's Religion's- AnecdoteF, les, from poet size to lar;.fe Suuil j, Wit, Toy, s' c rap, Note, Iteevipt„-mal l 1111 size:, &e. Sehou/ kintl,imzctl in a sho,it Lotke... ont of . non/..4-F-A good varicty C 911., ate, to order. ;!-ood lot first rate pei• quire—Gold and Ste,. tlt) , 2=t of ntunm-ous to Mention. I'leas..)c,all fine port:111,14 elsewl:L.:,7, tu . t ! . M(1 flee. • ilint,tro;,\.. l otcost IS, I sns. G.o - iin a large stock ythe Srmths, C 11 . T..A.VE renioyed to the burnt", where they' will be siad to see all th4er'oldicustoniers and ,as many new ones as please to gil4 a: call: Tney intei,nl td keep a goler.ii assortment of stores of the lieSt kiltd and quality, antonte:which may be • ound Piifl:.llX end PA 4A 00.51 . ..4/R-7'/(s//7: THREE:STATES A .N-r) OR-A 1 470/-... COUNTY --1/R-770/IT,IPREJIIOI, STAR pF THE - WEST ELEVATEIt .fit EX MR-TIGHT, tf,..ELVTON, and WESTERN OEN. The EleratediOven Stoves all hare double tire-pladeS, which makesithem far supe-. rior to thesittgle fire-place Stoves. I !We keep con stantly on banil a geni r. 1 T/SH - A of a first rate. quality, for home tradei; also, Well and Cistern Pittnici, l'imtp Chains and Hrlids, Lead Pipe of all.sizes, J4ppanned Ware, - &c. ,V„ . all of which they prrenfso to sell cheap for really ilay or approved credit. Job work done with despateh and in order. A. WOCHHWIT. G.IU. V,LI)IIED. ' 'Montrose, Mat 3'o, 185:1. l'Ff • .2-'ll 110111£ LA.1102 i! • IV 0 Q.LiR II:FF ED "Across, Afe.i,-Ver. 25, 1853; "TM. J. C. MEI— Dear Sir: I have been afflicted from my birth - with ren,fula lON worst fonn, and now, aftet twenty years' trial, and an untold of Amount of etteering, have been risinpletely cured in a few weeks by your Pills. Wills what feelings of rejoicing, - I write, can only .he • imagined Niels pat realize what I have *steered and tune Never until now hart , l - liesett free Comm this loathsome disease hi .0112 e shape. At times it attacked may eyesi, and '• made me almost lemtd, besides the unendurable pain ; -at others it settled in the stale el my Imail, andllestruy ed my ' hair, and /Ma kept me partly bald alltuy days; sometimes . it came opt in my face, and: kept it fir months a raweenres. • "About nine weekS:ago I commenced taking your . Ca , thartic Pills, and now am entirety free front the complaint. My eyes are well, my 'skin is fair. and my heir has cent menced a healthy growth ; all of which makes tile fie, already a new person.. " hoping this statement Mai be the means of convey Mg, informatihn that t-halt do r gritut to others, Inns, with e. very - • • sentimeneof gratitude, Yours, MARIA 1111Cli.V.11." • "p-base known the above named Maria Ricker Rota - her shildhoi4l, and bar statement is•sttictli , tr::e. • ANo:Lr.‘v J. .iII.:SERVE, • • Overseer of the Portenstinth Manufacturing i'e." Carr. VQE".• PRATT, of the ship Marten, writes from Roston, iltels April, '1854: . "Your Pills havecuted me trent a bilious attack Which.. arose from deraneement of the Liver, which had beeome r Very serious. I had failed of any relief hyltny Phi siriqu, . and from every remedy I cold try ; a teW doses of yiusr Pitta have completely rftsteresl met health. I have • given them• to my children for wenter, t Os the best of--' fects. :They here promptly cured. I restetitniended.thein to a friend fa ecestivemss, which hail freubled. him far idenths ; he told ilia in a few days they had coital him. , 'rim make the best medicine iu world ; and lam free tcssay, so." - .• ' : Road this from the distiimitislird Sol - Wien of the Supreme _• • !Court, •whose brilliant. abilities nave made ni t ...w e lt I ,knistvu, nut _only in this bat the ueigliboting !States.. "Acts Orkani. sth Anil, Igjel. sir: I have great satisfaction in ass•tirisig you that ut,selt -end family have been very much ben. Mel by your nffilicines. My wife was cured, two years since, of a Ise - vete and dangerous cough, 1•y yogi( Goias Pce - rousi., and since then has enjoyial perfect ise:,lol. My children have several times been cured from attacks of the loda esiza and, Camp 'by it: It Is an invaluable remedy ter ittese cnniplaints. Vous Csvaualte Pates base entirely., cured me from. a dyspepsia -and costiveness' which has en.wis upon me for motile rear., — leaved , 'this rive is much more impel-tint, from the fact that I had failed to eel relief from the best Physicians which this section ( 1 the country affiirds, and from any of the numerous re-o:0 - dies I had taken.. • . "You "seem to us% Doctor, like a providential, blessing to our family, anal von may well -ssuppi*e we arc riot cm suindful of it. `Yours reepeetfullv • .I.IIAVI+T • stSsnraeCkem)trr, Okio, It! t)a. J. C. Arra Honored have tuady a the trial of the CATIH.RTIC PILLS, kit we Vot,r and hare been ruretl-I,y them of the dreattftit llhcuutali