lii ri CiIARL SF. & H. H. FRAZIE4I, 31"pIT,Q11,S;. MONTROSE: - THURSD A YS Di .A 1 • , _ '-' 4- IL r 1 . 1, • le 1 A t il v s eopoit. , --. Fa l m Puinams Menthly. 1 ~ • " !HESPERUS. . ' i A ' ko,-0 beautiful Hesperus! . • Awake! for t e day is done, the royal purple eurtains are drawn bound the couch of the sleeping sun ; The 're is a. hush] on the blooming Earth, 3.4n1 a bush on the beating sea, • And silence tool in the courts of Heaven, Fier the stars ail wait for thee, :I - j Hesperus ! . ,a l l' ll things beatiful wait for thee I . . el'isithe hour foilEmey's fairy reign, , • When the ghii ing, brain is fraught • . t l ix, Ica vit=ions of eauty, and bliss, and love, 1.6 . . 3 1 leave no m for thonght. With the light o warm and.glorioua dreams :- This narrow c amber Is bnght, , Aiicif l I need but hee to sing with me 'Ol' i sweetest poet of night ! : ..-. f, - i Hesperia% - Open• thy volume of golden light I • The l le may. I rem of the youth of old Vcho clambered the mountain heett, i . Andjtalked with the stars in the midnight hojulagi, Till lie faded from human sight— •Tilliiis brow grew- bright with wonderful light, Aid away from the world's rude jar% ~ He , as lost in tile beams of his radiant dreams And himself was' the fairest of sop. li Hesperus 1 Tho best belotied of stars!- ' ' • I Theme may I read this-legand rare, .kt , - id its beautiful meaning learn, While my soul new-kindled to hopes divine, • With a holy fir shall burn. 0 - ndrer should hilman heart despair' . Of the presencei of GOd on high—` 0 n4rer should hittuart faith grow dim, -While the starslare in the sky! ' • 1 } VlWperus! , Tir•voice is thd voice of eternity ! 1 7 • Tula art - smiling - Lwn on me, Hesperus ; • ITith that smilel upon my heart -.; ' I !any; th 4 kindred to me and . mine, la those roeasurleless heights thou art. - Who thy spirit blossomed into a star, - I the mrstical days of old, • . • Th ,lare and the hope it bore on high, • he legend bath never told. Hesperus! . 1 y evootest story bath never been told. '- 0 uke like thee, Hesperus! , - • 1 To climb the heights of truth, - _ ,n 3 there to - drinlteelestial airs, At.d to glow with immortal youth ; - - Thew wrapt in the light whichis born its skies Whore the blessed angels are, • To ke..J.t . Earth's harmonies only, rise FipAing sweetly MO friam afar 7! - I, Heispertis ! • If tv can niy spirit become a 'afar! , . 7 4 - .oes, AO si(eli-iiet§-, IBM From Changoer's Journal R, • dR,tll,OlOl',E, LASX A.SCEHT. „ Os fine summer morning. a few , years I stet. once, there was a wonderful •eveiten,rent in • nnw - the 11.;.,11- village of Balleydooley. All the 3 it .is . i 1 .-1;e tii.r., vtotnen ,and children in. the neigh- - ye bjrho!,d:..„eomnrehending about nine tenths j hallo i . -if-tbel;lnhabitimis---were assembled on th e, ra n h !arze,l:level commOn, which -erved as a race , B (•our.s.i. qnd bowling green ; and-all thronged . _-,;-• t,-,w4s some . oh . - 1 7ect in the centre, -which with en:nol ; framed the, nucleus of the crowd. • : rifle r i t ' Yes, then, what's the name of it all, at all ? -; and, t demithiled'one ragged gos -abon. d : -• Islit tied to the s tail of it he's going to go ai . , F i n , Trea • N ;_ er itpr . i,k , ...a. another. - • •-I • - • es are at stake. ••• Alit, don't be ;foolish I' exclaimed an . old ~a s t s4 - ,„„ f ,, , ,h. :314a *,- . , , wise ca:mer 'of - the district : Aon't 5.,. fie , . i , 1 NOU 4co it . * long ropes hg's going to _boll on .. • 4. I ' rlow cl;' . you do ithat F. I - , v r l', -- l - ' I have ()illy, 't, ii dtaw this string,' which is 'Wel!. well, groaned an old woman, ta conntered :With "the valve.' . i • king i;i - i: thcken, or short black pipe fromber ` And . .it iou Iliad I noi that resoUree what moul,h, and sticking it, lightedasit vc;as, with- would - he the c•tlnsccinence ?' 'n the toils of her Crossed-barred neckerchief, - • • ••We.shOcild i Con an ue to - ascend until eve 'thin] English at 4 mighty ; rtuare people.- I:ything . wolld ,!pigs of excessive dilution.” fin tire that when we heard that.tbis Mr. Th man ciordinud for a few momeuts in Brew's,. uih his sacks of goold, was coming 'deep Innight \ ; !then suddenly draiVing out a b.; Ritelitn. after ;buying -out .the -real Old . knift:, he .cut did- cord as high .a.'; ;be could .. , tte.::k othe Deasii's,. we tlickt. he'd have ; :re tub . , . , . • . r4esll'and berses galore, and - may be a .firte ~„- . . 'Ftster...-fas4.4:!' be reiter,ated; ilie,b , lin.the harbor _ ; but it never entered the , •. • , an • stranoet ;was a giant CompAred with es ; 1;•,:l iiifan'y of us that nothing less would s= re not than,goi4 corsing through the air I:te a •ivild goose lit -the tail - Of , a balone, or . istiiin t ; . II . 7 , 4 r: rown, olbo. perceiving that! he could obtai 'noihingiy force, began to t' , -y conch-- ihrit,emeyer they call! it' • `.sltr,' said h in a soothing tone; ' you are te4 i -some time past tote process of inflating - a C.h4stairt, i rheke no doubt.. - • Well, our re the balloon . had be.o going on ;and now the ligion i fl i rbids b4mccide; ' • , 1 . re gret gaily. painted orb 't word tremulously • Fitster l'. shouted, the giant ; a dlseizing .ibc-re the' heads CA the gaping spectators, and . .the rtintaining ,:itek:, of sand, he beat tqled their pressirtg against the cords by, - I•which. it *as . ,„ . fell contents to ,the elOild7;. Mr. Drogm on ii , j down; it, seeined only to await the arri- his ki,ite..,. il • [ - tig..: , fithe - beld terdnatzt to dart upward on its ' i ' d ' A i,' he exclaimed, ' if you havcno reftar . _ ; .-=, vv ; . . • .. fir veur own - lit, at least have some pit on : .11i:re he is l' exelainiedtheennward strag mine. lam y , .brig, rich,. and happy ; (!lace • ' clers ''(f the crowd ; and presently a carriage ! ; a ino4ler antiu, a-I.`ister;• in t.heil . Mutt ti I .con dr6rel up, and outL stepped -"dr. - Brown, the • jure Win _to stretch sour handup in the vil'Ve Englili ,millionare ? who had lately beeorne., and;live us friiir a'dreatiful death by allow in Irish landed prOprietor. Mr. Brown was ing s ., , i rne . g a - s.t i; es .. nap.e. , i , _. .. 1 ,- . 3 iittit dapper man, whom a very small a•• Sh:sking his Wild locks, the strangerdrew. zoo:A of pligilistielforce would- suffice to lay off hi •A &int andlexclaiming, ' We *re not as -level I:lith. the soil of. Ins adoption. _- Ile was . eendit''g I' and ibrew it out. ;; 1 sae' those unluckly individuals fwito meet an • y ur" turn .n . 4.tvli !' he continued ;I and with „leeidnt 'at, every - ;turn—who, in entering a out. the 'smallest ceremtn,y, he ;despoiled the `loot - I. invariably SRN tumble, knock down •iI .tinfortlunate Brown of his paleen l,i t aid dircw ;se.meTieceoffurnitnre,or sit down -be.ide their . it ove , 10 , 0. • ! ~thair'iinstead of upcin it. $e seldom escaped The balloon Pursued its wild caieer with-- . lat..-ttling, his inkst4d; sending his meat and. - 1 - • out sqtp. or stay,. .•irli . 'the wrong Way,' and - then oaughing ' nal-ha r said the stringer ;1' while we're and eboking•for half an hOur ;-euttin.g his flu- 0 - -b. ; i : thus an tag . .sii pleasantly ..toWard; .the sky,' .filrs,iteari ng his coat, or l t anickingbia . fore. 11l I it you .sio-=shall-ghall I?' 1114 . unhappy • . - - fAl&eminst the doer; that he rarely appeared I coin qty without sears, plasters o;bandagvt. • 1 'exirei Icrarify lef the, air, the blOol was gush;•. • lion did Tint. stir. , Already, -from the , . - - . 14 ,practicing gic;tunastics he had knocked 1 ing friar his, eyes ri4 ears.. . Listen y . valt ree_teeth; in” yachting cit'Cowes he had 1 . Threel years , - agli I lived; in Madrid . I was a beet 'f,,ur• times nearly drowned ; in shooting ; wicloyFcr, with One _little daughter, a gentle= os the moors of. Scotland be had , left the' brigheeyed : . angel; her long curling bait' is • ruse unbarined, hut 'had blown'off two of 1 waY:ng this raintite .. before •my eyes.: One- 1: . 30Wn fingers. A. tame for pyrotechny bad i day IL riverit . out early, and did not return un- , :,,n z ed handsomely his c,ychrows, hair and 1 ; til lath ;My 'child, my, utiful Emma, - was iiiskers;, and as to railway traveling , his. i gone ;I a - banditti had- me and stolen her 'air-hresdth 'scapes and rustling. aceidentg, :from inc. But,; . my cannon amid bolliSintatt, upset and- explosions, 'would, : l o ir e ?1 Mr. Briftrn rnaderneoltaniiially a sign ia':e t.e•ried to' hare filled tiro or three. 1:01....'1 tri thernegtitive. : ' Whai a Pity !1--I .vrould! azieS of the - 4%4A Railway Guide; or the ') havee-hom ardo 80 1 in ! ..Ever sinee; I have Freaell BibliOtheque Des Chetnin De Per., .1 seare 4 e d or my child ' every coutitry of At length,. haring tried the three elements I . _EuroPe, b t in tain. ,Ndir - .1 think she may (.1 - earth, fire abd,srAte.r, it•oceitrttea to Mr. 1 be is ithc liforthiof Ireland, - -Anti you a In , Brecrn 'that the-retias - lining One of Air; as a me- 1 eifer matchhere,' . Mr. Briistit'Madia nose : diem'' of locothotiok iiiight-S'-more agreea-' 4 ply. ' • but shook his' head. Irdti hire notl--:- t ble, and could not be more perilous _ than the • Ah . f I could , geteitie, I would . set the. .bid ~. ;:rier,s,.. Be accerdiugli; ih6 year before— loon - n fire; and , then,•,wben roduixd.ta .ash when, residing on his estate in . .Deiionshire , es, it lwouid be i.inuch lighter! - Wheii .yoit t • 1 .- 4-4 purchased an ezeellim baji6 43 o . ,ilid strange first Wme thiS morning, f wait 'examining' s IY, bad made sere ase.enti,' ;aid ~,itad , the • Upid face, of yon crowd to .- sec if :the ( *PA' d?_swn again in perfee . safety . , On. ibis . • dark orr!gn -cin4.6f my Etnina's.rOlier tifight 1 4 \ "'iiint he'inediiated a flight over : the Grien be a Ong, them: . - . \ ‘` . *, l 'an' d intended to_ come down at Belfsitti . ..itWas eridint to, poor Mr .. Brown that iris . 4 t tiat best. nformed - members . of the eisaid I . itAveting i edfnPinian was a confirmed 1611116 e. b lititeci that he was going 'erety :step of the It sadder! idea itruok-lum. • - - 1 ..- ' - ....' '/ i' , o Arneriky.' -.-: ' . .- ' Wbst, is-your name?. be asked o ' 4 .ll,onarn friend. Who . had iota's' iOireland , _ l oiiirsildlitudesloje :i - ' n- - -' - - - , 1 . I , •, • . : . , ;',-.' = • . * _. . , •- • . .I.•-i - • ru .- .; . - • II - - -•-••••'.- ,'..,,,,," .-**,,,..,:•.•,•••••....:--* .. .. ', , it ,' .• , • 1 1g • .. k • • - , . •:* *::- •.".-- 'olet-. .- -•- l• • •• " - 1 ••••••••'• * 1 '''••• '• - • -•-• •••• ;: .1 -,' '• "' '•:. 7 --•,, -:'"..",-- _,- '••• - r• . .••:•-;_ •• . ''. - . :-: . • --. • '--.,.. - 411,,i., .. 4Y-•:- ... ' .•...' . .• :-.•?-.;.:-:::.-,::- 7.-,-,•.: . - - -5 '-'• ' • - I - .L I I I- :• -* • 7: - .• - "I I - * --- - -v•;'.. '•I ;•`_, 44-4".. 4 ,. 4, 24 , i , , ~ , ~, . ~ ~ . , . . _ . . • . . . .. , ... • •• :, , • • . / f.,.,: ,4 , 0 . 4. ~ , . . , , ~,.. „.... • .!, . 1 : ... '.:.„ ,_\- .. .. .....11 . . . - .. . ...: . .. ~ , ..... . ~...-.:-. _ ... - ..: " • ' . 4 - ~t,' A .., ..•i, ~,..',, '..: x: , ,:-. . ~., .. s. 1 : ::. --.,..- ,•;._-.., . ~..,. . . • ~, f.....„ ~.,.;‘. ~ . 4 ,, . , : . ~ ~1 '., ..':. 0 :: • _. --. . . , . —'l. • ''. '.a. 4 . ~ '' Ci • 4 ,-... _,..,-,, _.• • • ...„..., , _ .. . ~... . ... . . . . A ..„ ~ • !,, .4-,. . ..,„,, -; ;•-: •-,,,,,, ' - ,- • 1.... ' • .' r ,-' t. ; . :. • ....4--; ; 4 ; .. ~- ; - 4.1• . . :".":-., • - - • . -- -'..-• •I - - Il '' '' - . .. • ,••;,-. ..' - . I. ; -,,, ;,.. 1 , ~ 4.- , -.•;..r. I'. .: „I • •.- =....,..-1:,, ,_-, • . .• ". i'....1 ••I , . ... • - . . . . , . . . • .. . . . _ ; • -.: ... ..--, ; • - - 4 . - I . • •,. 1:...i: • . • I • ~, - . ~,,, . • . . . . . - • i. . .. . . . . • • . .I . - • ... - - ;„ • : . . . . , • . I. 4 '-<. • ~y•t.,:: 4 , . - - I • . . , . , . . ... ... . • . 0 - - &OA EfEelr- ig31112 vi..---aiklE):wPur,Ng 4. V 9 -. • 1.. ._ - • V • "4-rAI 0 A . • ] • : • 11 I . ' •, ~ . .c , .. ~' '.. 1. .- . - 1 • .\ i • „ . . • • .. -. • -. . .. .. - . . __.. ' • _ t -4 ..,- . lIM on 'a fishing 'ex:eursm,-had promised to join Mr. i • rown in • his fight; but •as it would seem, his courage fiiiled,'and he came not.--: Nowlisel discouraged, howeier,- Mr. Brown we.: just about to step in his aerial ear s when a taki, strongly:built man *uddenly • stepped forwhrd, and politely salutingithe teronaut— , &lid t , . ! . ‘lilaji l'a. l / 4 k IyOu,aluestio;, l sir l' 1 , 'ertainly.' , 'I a l true that - you are goifieto An l leri 1 4 ail' , - , 1 No;No • inereli to B e lfa st,.-ivinirand Weather ~. .. permitting. - i ',-- ', . i . 4 Belfst,' repealed the . stranger;in a - musing niatiner4-4 the north i of Ireland.' !i Weil, that, is juit the direction towards which I, want to go, and I hate land. traveling._ !Will you sir, a..i.ePt me as a" companion r ! ' ,- • - m),-'. Brown he4tated fora floment:, hut as he really wished ior seine one toitecoMpany ' him, ilia saw, no serious objecticai •te the plan, and !accordingly signified, his acquieseence, nierel,y retrilriting : to: the stranger that his costquie seethed too light for the rtgions of the :tit...which 'they %timid have tb•Jraverse. . ' Bali I' wit's . ! tile reply; ! ' I have passed thrmigh .1116ri.changes of Olt:late than that ; and i qm hantilly very robust.' 4 Well," raid Mr.. Brown, looking at the mass ve• frame' of the unkno vu,:' my car is large enougli,; Come, in the name of Provi -1 dence.' So til9- took -their - plae i es, and' the word' was giv'ep, ' Let go! I i • The fifteen Men whose hancs, Were severe ly prssedbyl,,llie ; straining cords, desired nothing. better,iand in a nion - ent the freed bitllOon began e......ceri4 'Majestically.' The Crowd shouted and clapped I t hei r 'lain's.' ' ' Ali l'• cried Ir. Brown,lithis iS deligl iful. Don't yea thin a?' Not reeerviiig any' an swer, he turtle, i and looked at hi 4 traveling companion. Tiere he ' Was lyingialmost flat pn lii?;!face and hands, with his head over the sidest 1 the car , : eveshis were fix,id, his hair ~ ? bristling. , I • i • . 4 -Are youafrdd r asked Mr. - Brown. '‘ No answer. The Balloon aSeended rapid ly, and ere long arrived - at the region of the clouds: . _ Mr. •l 'shook him slightly by tn, and said : are you ill I' . no replyl, but a fixed and stolid kat•e I were now! great elevation ; clouds eneath thiir feet, 'above their heads a g sun, end at infinite space around i - , I • the a Sti They lay barn" them ldenlylhci stranger stood 4righi, ill'S allid As that of a eorpe.. I , aster, - fiistt,r!" he e:xelaimed, in a voile ;hority .-and seizing in sueeelisiOn . three , hts of's:and which served :-,: it-bahast, II , " them out of the ear, 'Mid 4 the same b - laughing mi •a strange, wild:'rnunner.— , 7 he-eriedj!' this isthe way tai' travel.-- - -- • isthe hall distat n . r the s waiii. mi •itvilruty ,ve.the ie :le. Wheit'l Was 'tn the Ah with ttlly rifle in my hand, - wiatehing Ihr travelers 4 never felt so .excited as 1110 I Then ih i iir:livc;s• -Were in-danger, now tie owni' • 1 • ry Pcaiant I. thouglit the :owner' of the , n. I liave picked up stime.rliscallyital igand. L 1 . I - . 4ter i t fight with the eletnents than ustorh :Infuse officers!' continued hi pion.l 'lilt. balloon ascended 'at s ter iite. ''ln ins-turn, Mr. Brown stood up, ying his hand on the. stranger's arm, ii- • . 's sake, don't stir•!l Our liv 7 t ntul allow soirie ‘,I the order to repair yOur ittipru.. , `The verY . stune. l • • Mat mean yOu . t.- ` X know *here the wretch lives wh O .gole your child ;we are now just above spot. Draw the valve, Mr. Annesley, and in 12 shert . firol' l :te will enihrabe tour Emma.' • 'No,no! you arc deceiving rne...llCy tai.: ma is nut on earth ; she is In Heaven. • Ltist a ' night she appeared to .l "me 'ln it dream 'IMO` told; nie ihe'reason want to as cetic) higher 'and-higher. Coine My friend— ! helif me ; let us both blow aS hard as we;cap oti the balloon. As we aro beneath, ,our . brkth.must'helpit to ( rise. - Blow ! Blew r . Dir.jßrown, miived by terror, tried•to obey. diies not stir ! mount on my shutpriers.andpoSii the balloon-!', And with- Out 'Pconsulting him ' any farther the' giant caught him up as , if . he had !idea feather— and !held him ahove his head, saying., Now push the balloon t' Thd unhiehy yietini tried tb 4eV, but blood blinded his eyes. There : was n horrible bur:zing in his, ears; and lights flashpdbefi ire hi in', Fur a toeinent he thought of throwing himself over hi Order to end his torments. - • • it does not go !' lhouted the mad. maul - 'At that moment the trembling land Of Mr. Brown touched accidentally the cord of the safety valie. 'lle made it"play,- the efillapsing orb.began to descend - rapidly.— Thr u u g b 'ditrted .down w ard; and the et:irth - lvappeared.. , • 4VI r said AnnesleY, instead tor pushing the balloon as I told you,:you draw it down. 'ward. Push upward! push, I say.' YOU •see pushing ns hard as Cllll l',;To; for hero is the earth it is only that the clouds are rising tow ard cte: upper regions.' • • " T ell, let as d the sant& ,- .Let us thiow ill our . - We have no more,' • Gelald Anne,ley Ur. Brown gently in the bottom of the MO laid no more halliht, you sayT lie tvzkeil looking at him. 11. or inneh do you weigh r This .ques tion fell-upon . poor Mr. Brown like ;L 'stopping blow". • Iciw ranch du you weigh ?' repented his comp:1111(.91 in,a !ruder tone. 4hl very little—nothing Halt eould make the . f;42.lltest difference—a mere trifle:' 4 A - mere trifle. Well, even that will make worqdifferenee.i The imminence of the peril gavei ou - pre-ence of mind. friend`, said he, '.your child is not dead! I saw her . last week near - Belfast.— She , .ts with a tinnily wh4,love her and treatper as . her:own. In a.very shorc time, if HI will 'a/10 , 4. ns - lotie. , centl, you Will meet her.'i The ntadtnan 'looked at him with dotihtftd gaze. Prown, a gerly • itnxi, , us . .rrt tit% itnpressitin he had m rde, •.yl , ll y,)ur ;darling little Eitstna running to with out stretched arms,' and htr len curls haviii in the wind'— lie! Emina's hair •Wa-: at. blauk as .lei never szA. her ! 116 w tintell do .17,51 cpctis4fi will r Meer 1. ' fair go! lot 1"t! • 13211 - a mere rotliMg—a>tth• a very few 4h pound'. G4ralti Amesler soizi4l :I\tri Brown with 6,thfitands and heid ,• ,uslit:.ndecl over the side ' ; .(1 - the ear. In bnothei• monn•nt he wotifil have clriipp . ed him into the abvssof • spaeq. Agmesley.: exclaimed the your man, 'you wane: to tnount higher 7' • Vra: .'l!'idr only wi,h is t(, lightvn the 1);t1- lot m te Yes.' `Then how intitth do voa vi,eigh yourself?' `llw6 hithdred pounds.' ' - . I - ' Vcell, if you. were to throw yoltrself over thefialloonjighlened t*such . a great N'reight, wouliJ dart upward with incoheetvable rapid- Tile madman retiPeted for a moment. : t you are right!' 4le laid Mr. t3rown in . .he bottom of the ear, and !,taf ed'lvJlldly around. • . Sly . -Malc . erl!' he ;.aid, I gt: to meet Thee! I go to embratte my child, my Emma V I thrlAving himself over he .disappear ed,. . The balloon and its owner reached the rarili in safety ; the latter. however, lay fin. i many weeks raving in brain fever. When ,vered, he gave orders to have his per. ilousiilavtliing sold at any sacrifice, and soon afterwards provide I himself With an excel lent 4aretaket• its . the shape of it pretty young wife, lender whoe tutelajv " tte ,nyty.ther,"— as his Irish valet rtriarks, 4 is growinga dale • more, liandy..iv this was Mr. Bri/ViVri .148 t asoent, to the clouds. ThO Auxerican.N4tioirig coincil in'lBs6 LO,, Nov; 28.—The following proc •)amation to the American Order of the United Stat , has. just !leen issued : • • NATIONAL A 15ERICAN COUNCIL EXECUTIVE ' OFFICE „ Covington, Nov. 28=—At .theannual Meeting of the National Council, held in June, 18551,,the• folloWing resolution' Was adopted : ROOlyed, That the Coniention t i he par pose bf nominating eandidares 'for the:Pres' , dency and Vice-Presidency.. shall be held in the city 'of Philadelphia, on . the 22d day of Febritary, 1856. to be compoSed of delegateS elcct4d by the subordinate councils, One from each [Congressional district, 'and two 'from each tate, Conned. • • • . ' - .In,,honequ'ence, of 'this resoldtion, it is here: by p:!aclaisoed that le councils of each Con gressional liistritit, in each State shall elect delegates and - altei. two alternates for etich Congressional audState Delegate. • • • - Signed : E. B. BARTLETT, Sident of the National Connell. • Another proclamation to the same elder givenotice to, the State CoUndlis and &tie gal es;ito the National . Councii l that: there will be a special meeting of saicl_Cnutteils, at Phil : id e 'l i ttia, on -Monday, the 18th of February fdr the tranwthni of such business as may be befOre it. It--malickins - Benedict ,perpc.trates the foilc►x in Tb best bar we know of is a pret:twi&..: No' intelligent thonttito would 'atte . ,pt hots into the nuttileg grater face (li of a nnt, wheti stilt cheeks and rosy lips were , - rtr , A gealus bat invented a spy=glass wonderful yoWgr. He Flays he looked thro' 014;1'o:4'4'1 i &Adak, biiiught him relax tively nearer than any Of her brothels: I. .. , • . trot' fistellplencer' . t , ._,,, .--T6ror lq , ile:Sr4 - par?3# ll dedenot Ictip oto fir. 1 ' , - 3: • ... I st whole circle of readerswm-have 'iadaya gone by read in the 'these columns thehttensely interestiiig papers entitled "The - Ctiatis! -Rec ollections lit-.Washingtori,',' emanatlng period ;Wally from the • pon4hia'-distinguished.:rekt tive; G. W:. P. Coatis, but will bail Withide light the following essarfrom thettanie. veil:. enable hand, minutely fgibing (the traits and personal attributes Of the f`'Farier of his Conntry:" - i. ; 'll'ortriiitiateof . IRl.4lillgton.. .., Being ion Alipend4e - to ;the C i stitii . &Tolle& lioni and PritYate,ileznories, l Ste. It is assuredly bath desirable and • proper that there should berg 'to thelAmeriese people anti.„deseend to their pcsteritya faith-1 ful Portraiture of their - Wawa:soros, •They have in their own count 4- all the; naterials requisite :Cud necessarylor suelta work ;.nor need they to git abroad,' to ensure. its, most h a ppy ex ec uti on ; th e y . haying artiat ie. genius and skill of the highest Order at hOme., . The earliest original.of the Patei' Patrice is the portrait of col. Washingtoapaititcd by. Charles' Nyibion Peale in. 1772, and pow - in fine preservation at Arlington House. This Splendid mid'inost interesting pictOre fernted the principal ornament of. the_ 'parlor at Mount'Vernon for twenty-seven years, and for the truth of its resemblaneito the Wash- . ington of colonial times, Dr ,Jatnee Craik was frequently • applied to, . who -pronounced' it to ben filitlifel likeness .of [the- riayincial (Mond .in the prime oflife. !The I venerable Jirtnes Cralk, it - is well Itnowri i , wa g the asso ciate and hosoin trierai of Ole. Chief from 1754 , to the last days at; MOtiet VCriton. • Nixt in the order of sticee4ion We have a ( fi ll! length of the Corcuriamteriin-Chief, paint ed by Peale in :1779,.aiirinztbe Atevolntion. ( This Peale may be very properly stylad 'the soldier artist; for in spring time (be weuld, .lay aside hispalette, and commanding aeota: pany, fight , a . campaign, and an. - - g,tfirig into winter quarters take. up his palettettgain, and, paitit the portraits of the great ti-en of The • army of Independence. „The soldier. artist gave a inost'graphicantrainusing account of his painting the portrait Of General, Green, at, Valley - Forge,- Ile' Said 1.• " The( 'wretched .hut that . finlried my studio had' but two arti-, des. of. furnittire, ah old bedstead and a three legged chair. ' The General . being ft heavy' 'man, I placed him upon ' t-he-bedstOtd, while I steadied myself as well as 1 could: upon-the. rickety chair ; it weS- awfully cold, and I had every feW Clements to thrust 'My., hands , into the - fire to enable me to hold my pencil:" I in Stich a , studio and with such applianee.s, I was , painted the only reliable likeness' that I kwe have of the illustrious soldierl, who:was the here of the SOntb',.and secondly oulji to I him, who was fi rst of all. . , I Peale delighted. to relate ineid4s that oc -1 curred_during his intent ` ‘irse a.tvatious times I with Waldlingtii, particularly the (display of 1 the vast Physical powers of the Chief in 1772. lie said.: "One afternoon several Yout , gen ts tletnen, -visitors at Mount Vernon,) and My self were engaged in pitching the liar, one of the athletic sports common in: kh ose - - d a y s , v: hen suddenly the, Colopel appear l ed -atCeng . I He requested' to be shown 04 pegs that 1 us.• I marked the bontids-of our efforts ; (Ahem, smi lin", and without puttingoff his coat, held out 1 " 1 ins Itand.foi the missile. No, sooner " Oh l-Nen ed the narrator, 7A-ith-emphasis, '• did the heavy iron bar feel the grasp of his Mighty I h an d,: than it lost thaepower of gravitation, I and whizzed through the air,. striking the Igniund tor, very- fabeyond our uttuostlim- W its. e were nide , d- amazed as l we stood rt , !Around all ; stripped eff to the heft; (with. shirt i sleves•rolled.up, and .litving thiMglit our [selves very clever fellows, while the Colonel, on retiring, pleasantly obseiVed, ' i i .Viten you beat my OKI), young gentlemen,. 1 !'11 - try a gain:"' - - ~ - J In 1790 appeared the equestrian - portrait of the chief by Col. Trumbull. In the execution of this fine work of art the painter had stand ings as well as sittings—the . white chlrger, fully caparisoned, having been led out and held:by a groom, while the .Chief Was plimed by-the artist by the side of the horse, the right arm resting on the saddle. hi this.nov el mode the -relativepoSitions of the man and. horse were sketched Out and afterwards trans ferred to the canvass. There is a Copy, .size of life, of the equestrain portrait by Trum boll in the City Hall of New Yor):. . The figure of Washington, as delineated by Col., Trumbull, is- the most perfect extant. • In 1789 the first,President lost his teel.ll, -and, the, artificial ones with which bewasfur nished answering very imperfectly the pur ( pose for which they wereinkended,( a marked change oceured in the appearanee Of his lace I more eSpetially in the projection of the under lip which forms so distinguishing al feature in i the works of Stuart-and others who painted (portrait's .of the great man sulequent to 1789. _ . ' We nowcome to a brilliant era in the his tory of thefine arts in. the United,States in the. return Pf.. Gilbert 'Stuart to his native land from ti long lbjourn in- Europe, where his great fame asi portrait painter Obtained for him tie titre of the rfinderri Vandy,ke.-:-- The.distinguishoi excellence of Stuart consist ed in. his giving an expression (if character to his portraits, a lin:yelty in the Uniled-States more than .a halAtt century ago. Stuart's object and ainhitiod on returning t 4 America - were to paint thegricatMati of his conntry: lie gave to this work 111-I his genius, all his skill, and feelings of his heart. jThe first portrait of, Washington - by Stin;rt Icreated - a 1 great sensation on its appearance in; Philadel phia. It was won followed; by the. -celehra led full length foeihe Marqisof.Lan4downe. In. this splendid pie tuts j failed in. - the figure of the CEtief,'unaPproaehitble as he *a..; in painting the head. The liieat artist had. never Made the fitirr,an fignie hie peculiar study or practice.: pence, far the correct fig ure of Washington lee must-refer, lin • all ea- 'seg; to*the works of tiunibulL • It ; was our good:fortune to:see much of .Gilbert Stuart In his studios of Philadelphia . and iNVis'hing- . ton" city, and to 6it il him say; ," I dO net, pre-:„' tend!ba have piiiiited,'Washingtiin aStheeren: eral of the armies of independence,; kpew him . not -- as inch;" I have painted' the: first President: of the Vatted Stater." - ' And again upon being asiced;: - " Whotn *did Wa hington must, i'esentAiler,' e replied. ." No one but himself," Stua 'complained bitterly of his painting for the Marquis of Lansd4ne ing'tmen pirated. by Heath, the engraver of . his Britannic Majesty. He alto`* . ed us a cop- Per prate pre to England for j the 'ecla t brined Biuti_first 'ensnarer Itii, Europe, 1855. CEMBERI3-;• _ 4 4 . . iehoodtlittuglt , 4etired- from the Bilirin,- had Consented to execute a farewell engraving of .tgarl 7s l-WaskOtitcip z ;,Tag copper-plate was ]ergs, tbickand heavy,. antrzolished like 4i :Mirror,. while Stuart, laying rts: hand .upon the plate,:obserted with Muctifielifig,,`Thii .r. prbetsi my, yOulig fri g eiid;Pf :Halal Copper,plate itigrad-•by*Sharpe swere,,ltll - iiiii.foetniie - I nspected to leav - e - te 'my,fainily.'": 'Ffetith made a hohleifiktune-from his Aagraving - ofi the Woritof•Stuart, - -wbieh engraving - is asap- Ob . gpc,o*.rri.e*bil the art: . 4 , ~..-. .._. ...-., - i :Washington Was a. hat& sitter.;.- It annoyed , bins isxceedinglY_ to sit at all; :aid, after , e,v ry sitting, he was wont to declare this .must I;:ethe last; Steuart,: once finding the Chtefl .. very. dull, betliqught a k -- na il; self to- mtrOdtiest the: subject Ofhorses. This ronstsrup the ,sitter, „and the artist; Obtained ' the 'lle.sited.-expres sion. ;,„ • i . . . ' , 'Thi3 rii, 4-t, Originallpnifite iii. t erayolis) wi..4 . 1 by, 1796; and IS now .at Arlington 1 Iloase.,! Sp much was this performance ,ad -.1 'Mired tiirlhe exquisite likeness - lend uncom- frionlrithfulne,isof expression that the - Chiet prderediportraita by - the - same artist of every rnetribet of his', domestic finally,. including George W. -Lafayette. - Of the first -Presi dent there was also a portrait bk Rembrandt Peale, spn of the soldier-artist, painted froM 4itti N gs Idinine die • Prsidency. It 'elicited' *Much - Commendation frc.m. IleVelatiOnerY Worthiei, and'adOrns, the halls of the'Uni .tf' States Senate., i-, . . 1 .. We hnve is enumerated all th reliable . originaW of the. ater Patrite fj,siiilt72-and i '1796, with remarks iipon each-. '" Theseiovitli 1 the -statati: of lifoitdon.--e;B6,,oastittite', itt,. nur'hetrtble ortaion„all the resetubianee.S. in oath tin g , and sealtureof the - o beloved..Wasii-1 iegtOwthat will 'descend venerated and ad- mired -t.0.--Postkrity..' . Gracci's bust :of the .:Vhiefia. litiluot; .his bust-of Hamiltong. Ma_ iiille'ent. ! ... •; . -.- . 'I. Of the painting„saidta be =original, by Wertinnikr,-and executed about 179 P; we literally;know nothing ; yet, - in,1795,we were Clot absent fesnii•the Presidential s i,Wiansion in Philadelphia a ;single,- day.' - Again, ti'...ough' 4 - how'uiflueuo. was the sitting obtain 4d 'for a picture said la be for a S.Wedish nob! pan.? ft is ninPrions-that it was only by hard beg ging that Mr.-Binghinn obtained the sitting.' • for the Marquis OP, Lansdowne'4 pictiire.— And, again; we, know little Pr noilinir ofSwi..i den in the olden days, while We had and still preser,re a rno.4 honored recollection of Pen- mark in 1 the -memory of a gallant iDane, Col. lfebiger,ill distinguished officer 'of our Reve- . 1 lilt ionary, army. .A nd, lastly, it the W e rt- Mid ler-wa-s painted about 1795, where is the . , • distinguiShing feature in the - physiegnoiny of the Chief at, that period, the, projeetion of the under lip? i - . .. . .- ; • : • In giving ii graphic description of the stet- Oe and form•Of Washington, we give not Ott ly the result of our personal obseryation and' eitperienee of Mauy years, but information derived from the higfiest authority l ---a favor-. i ite nephew.. i - ' .- 1, '.-• uncle' t' MajorlLawrence 'Lewis asked- , 11 IS What was his height in the prima 'of life 7 I-le replied, "In my 'best days, Lawrence; I •stood ,six feet.l. and two - inches in ordinary ;hues" ! l We know that he measanid by. a standard preciselysix fiat when laid Out in death.— Of his, weight iwe lire an evidence, having . ,heard hint say to Crawford, Governor of . Ca- I ada, in 1709, 4 ` My weight in my &sq .- days, i sir i never'oxeceded from two hundred and ten to twenif." . his form was unique, -unlike I Most 'athletic! frames .that expand- at the shoulders' andlthen gather in at the hip. S.- - --• The fern of Washington deviatedlfrom the general rule, since it. descended from the shoulders to the hips in perpendicular lines, the breath of.the trunk. being nearly as great'', at the one as the other. Ilis liinba were I long,large and,.sinewy ; in his loWei limbs I hewas' what islusutilly i called straight-linibed. ' Ilis joints, feet. and : hands Were large, end , c(;Old a cast have been made from !his right • hand, so !far did its diniensions 'exceed na ture's mOdel that it would have been preserv -ed in museums for. ages as. the anatomical wonder Of tliecentury. ~„1,811 ,Lafayette re .) Membered this i remarliab'e - hand, when, du .riiin his triumph ,in America, he *Said *to us in- the practice :at Mount Vernon; " It ‘yas 1 here in 1781, tWas :first introdueed_to • you by the gciodGtmeral ; it . is A kat while ago ; you- were den is very little gentleman, rig .ged out in a' clip and leather, and held l?sr one:finger pf l tne General's Mighty haild. It Was all - ,y0.1 . could dp :at dit tittle, ,my : dear sir." • . 1. :The. eyes of the Chief were of a light gray-': -- - i ish blue, deep 'sunken in their sockets, giving •I the eipression_ of gravity and thought. Stu art painted thosse eyes Of a deeper blue; say ing that in a hundred years they'. *ill have failed .td.the yight.color. - UN - hair was of al haiel broitn,. and very thin in his latter days. lii his tacivenicnts he preserved, in ;a remark able defrr'ee and to advantage, the elastic step th4t he lied acquired 'in his services cal.he frPiitier, 1 . • . , . • Being Ordered one morning very early in to,the library :it. Mount Vernon, a spot that ittineetite;i'ed withcint orders, the weather be ing ,Wartn, we": found the Cl'ef,very much undressed, and while lOokine• on his manly frame; we discovered' that - the r ' centre of his breast was ,indented. - This is an exception to the generaf_ rule laid -down *by anatomists, thht yrheik tbe ;human frame possesses great: muscular ppwer the 'chest should rather be rounded out Mid protuberant than indented. We were equally,surprised to find how thin ha was in persOtr,- being; With the abseneeof flesh, literally a man of 4 . thews and sinews.' I-I e wore around Insneeklithe miniature por- 1 trait of al's Willi,: . This he had worn . through , all the vicissitudes of his eventful , 'career,— I from tlie• - period of his .marriage to' the..' last days at Mount ;Vernon.'. ~ '.lin . the I iippOtance of Washington .illeie i was nothing ofihulkine4, htit there was unit- 1 0 e ll - tha'Fwas4ignified and graceful ' his, air and Manner were at once noble and crimmat4ng.: ,Nei tine appronclicil hini,that did sot. feel :furl - hien; ' as' Lord ,Erskine,, Ph sarred a , - dei.ieb ; Of awful reverenee." -He wtiroa sword-with ilectillar grace.' The l'i.- . cflmte - ile!Neuilles said it 'was because the_ r oan was mad:e. for the :. sword, 'and not the etti'ordoti . the Arian.'. . : - • : • . ' Lafit 'et.te,: mit tong after the %;otr of the 1 Itevolittieni..Wriateti - rettur to Col. Trturtholl, . . h t- " . itit -- n - 4 4: — •' -- utging -On to-,pa appeared iiii„The field - of Monmouth. '-frhe'. illustriouss:. teen:Oman, apuerineu great bentateptU.;.'aititto eust: '' f was a,Veryy-yoling ' Majni.' - General-. on_ that; memorable day, and had a great &AI 'ts+ do, {FRAZIER & SMITH, Pl.ll3liltl 7 iEtts---yoL. 1. . - 4 - j§ _ but took'time, amid the beat and fury of he fight, to gaze upon'and admire Washingtnn, as, I.lo.unt,ed on a splendid' charger covered With foam, he' rallied our hue :with .words never to be forgotten. 'Stand fast, my boys, and receite - your enemy ; thelouttem troops arcleivariamg , to sepport you theught tben, aaj_dp,.f"4„ . .t!ontiaucd the goat} .stay. thaC never have_ I Sean so, auperit a Our rentfilis' may ask, Shall-the 'tentfeni portvaititre , *be - equestrian?Ve rep!)", to the portrait.ofono so accomplished a cavalier . its Wa s hington was, the.white. charges, with the leopard site housingsa t re., wonikbaan. orebellishthent, the Chief to be distriounted rniadd! wit_ It__ rest ing 'o t he inurUta Of Trumbull - • But Wilother oattestrian or not. the Amer immashve the materials.for the atanclard;be fore theta i n , the head from Stuart, with some :slight modifications from the original of 17W., and - the figure from Trumbull entire. '• They Intie only. to chooin'theirartiat, and let -the be done. _ CICOSSM THE FtlBD• _ (F)lftp Apite&res Geins &British Art.) , I began life by rpfining away from tiome.. Boileau vit are-told -w,as , ,driven into 'his ea , I reer'by the hand of..Efe., ,and the e_ peek of a furkey..,' i Attila was started inlira with no!1 other cause_ or capital than an ol d sword, which he w as adroit enough to, palm o ff foci the ()N ineweapon orMars ; and Robespierre •owed his political career to Wetting his stoek-. .ings. He took refuge in a club - during. the 'Rita; for . #e-piirposepf .4y - it% - tbe„ ' stockings aforesaid,' and there -:bear:d ::"the 'Words that burn- i .''. whi(i) fired. his *Tl,.`iin4.J'etir" mined. his' eon riein life:, .My.l up n ing . away.; from hone arose from a minoripot;tit . t4tion; caus ed by carrying a, pretty girt over, - .4:brook. • ! ' -'.l' Donald 'Lean and myself were gnc,e,:frierulS, at fourteen'Yearsof•age,and,weboth regarded with a little more than friendship pretty Hel en _Graltarii,.' uur eldest girl' at. Wjool,.,_We 'romped aud . tlaneed together, and this lastqd for .sucha length - of time, that it is' With .. a .reeling otbewildertnent that - I 'look -back on the mystery of taco lovers continuing frienda. I But a time came, as conic. it Must; when:kal i ousy lit her sparks inmy conic. bosoin, and blew it to a consuming- flame.' • Wall do I remember how and ,when tht ' greeneyed' perpetrated thisineendierfdeLA.- It was.ona cook October evenin.g,when.'Helen; Donald, and myself were. returning : with our parents, from a visit . .te.a neighboring hamlet. As We approaehea a ford .whef.e . the water ran ankle-deep; we prepared to - carry Helen across, as we were acegstum etl . .to' do. - With , bands iuterive.7en 'eliaißtlt.sltion,' we_toolt nue-. _pretty ,passenger thiough the brook: • Just as we were in : the middle of the water{ which was cold - crough. at the time -to have -- anything like feeling out of a:boy lesshardy than myself,- a faint pang ofjcalousy,:oipped my heart. Why it was I knew .not, for we ..lte'd carried 11-elel 6tty times across the brook . 'ere now, without an emotion ; hut this even,- ing - 1- thought, or rether fincied-, that Helen gave Donald an undue preference by. casting her pretty arm Around - -Hs neck, --while .she steadied ilerself on m!) `side by Simply hold ing the 'scuff' of my jacket. No - game can built se quieklA'on so little fuel, ss jealoilsy. Beibre we had reached -the apposite bank, I was. wishing -D,anald at the bottom 'o' the sea." Being !laterally impet. I.itous; I burst out with--. ' - ":- , ' . 'Ye need 'la haud-.sio gingerly, lieler,.sa it y e feared. a -fit.' I can :aye carry ye. lighter . than Donald wad the half of r ,ye , _ .. : Surprised at the vehemence of my' tolie,enr queen interposed-with-an adinission that we were both strong, and that she had noidea of .sparing my powers. Tut Donald's . ire was , 'kindled, .and he Utterly : denied that .1 Was at ail qualified tocompete with him in and feats of carriage. On • such. a - topic all boys : are naturally-emulous, and by the time we reach ed the-opposite'-bank,, it t l / 2 - - as settled that •i t should be determined by onr'singly,hearing : ,: Helen again across the fort, in our arms. _.'. .Pelen Was to detertitioe .who had carried her the easiest, and I'settled with myself pri- . 1 vately in adVance,,that the one whO Obtained -the preference would . really be' the . -person i who stood 10est in.ber . afeetion4l. The re= . flection; ;resoli:6 .to exert every ellbrt, and I Verify believe to this day, that I could- have carried -Donald and" Helen on either arm like feathers. But [anticipate. I. We suffered the rest 'of the party- to . - - pass qUietly Meng ; and then returned to ford. I lifted Helen with the utmost ease; and ear rigid' like-- - an infant - to the - rniddle -of the stream. Sealousy had also. inspired tawOm er love, and it Was with, feelings-unknown embraced before,'that I ac her .beautiful form, and felt the pressure.. of her cheek, against Mine. Alf went Swininiingly,:rather wading , ly for a . minute. Butthen,-a.las! -in the_ deepest part of the ford , -1 trod on a treach erous bit of wood,-Which rested,l suppose-on 'a smooth stone. - Over .1 rolled, bearing Het en with me, nor did *a_ rise. until fairly - - soak • .ed from head 'to font. I , ' --. • i...-• 7 .l.need pot describe the. taunts of Donald, or more accusing silence of Helen: . Both . belieVed I had fallen from mere weakness, and tray rival illustrated Ms superior ability, by„bearing her in his arnis fbr a long 4istithee on ..tutrltomeward path. - 'As. we approached • the. house,:Helen,feeling' :drier --and - : better htitpored; attempted to.-Iconciliatellie... _Bat I preserved a moody - silence-1: vial' triorti: fled beyond redress.' - , •-, , : . That night I packed op . a feti • thing 4- and • ran away. -...._ My boyish mind, -sensitive and 1 irritated, exaggerated the'vexation it had re.. ceived, attif-protripted niete . a eoursciSliich fortuhtery, -led. to better results thitn,u.snally - ' attend such irre aularities, . -I went ' tol....Edin bergh,-3yherc l a fottnd a' inaternal.-titiele---a' kind heirted; abildlesS tutu—who gladly gave Mo a place in-his linme,.iinj.timploYed Me in' his business. Wealth flowed its upon hirii.- , . 1 hemme,his partner-- - - . .weniabread-;-residad. for . years'en the Continent, and finally retUrn eil to Seetlanii; rieli,:. edueutedr 7 .in stiort-v, , - ery thing but married:' One evening:Whilent a ball. in .6i l lasgolar,,t WM struck lig tt : ,younit ladkof 'quite onpre7 - 1 •terling appoPmee ;., : but':whizete , remarkable; Beauty and Aigh4tred.eicpr,ession,-;„ind4 a mind Of Mire thatiordinary pisver,, ,: r,iias IniiiidticeA, but the:Scottish' names ',had long. been unfaniiiiarlci my 'ear, And 1 - eoulcl.ltot:- eatehliers. -- It was- .11e1Cn pomething e -!.- and:_ there was semethinip:iti:-.69 : fiteeil:,!.9o winch seemed itmiliar-rsoMethleg suggestive. niixed..pleasure and. pain 1; • :,,... -,-, ..-_,-..;;;',.'.,. --- But'we berme Well ' .. tt !raid' thaCeiiett.. ing. : I leartNed Wlthont•di ' lty. heihT*Wiy. . . . . ES , Eli She wits frem the country, bad bee Wei:loZ. %tented, her parents bad, lostAlutirproPetft and she wasnow governess in a, fatarti the city. • • - • . I was facinated-with her. conveisatiodi.and.. continually remipded. , by _the: .graCe.aid.frit- . fincment of her trumpery that , Ole was moving; with. distinguished sttecitgaltt afar 'higher sphere than that which for tune see mee to-have - allpttel her. I "attt: naturally Pei*. 'talkative nor prone to. 'confidence r hiit'therk was that ip this young.lady whichAispirei both, *Mk 1 - Aohvetiecl with her 'had e v• - 4‘ • er coiivirscd with any. 14r-questions of Oie various' countries pith Whick f - Was iar,- indicated a remarkable knowledge of lit: eraturc, mid an incredible store Of blEprmit. pragrasted in intimacy, and as OW ecTvcVatiou‘turued:on the catlSCs,which due - ed ,o many to leave' theiri native 4;41 laughigly remarked _ that I . OweCiny travelsto falling with a pretty girl'hi stet I had - seareely, uttet•ect - the. worde ihe • blond nunnited to her face, ind. *ma sit - , ed by quits as remarkable a palteneiC'z.l -st- -, tributed this , to the heat-of the room-.-tlaugh- i'• ed—and at her request proceeded;to give the details of my , ford . ad venture,,44ll, Graham—which I did, . painting. - ht glovin-- -- - colors the beauty and amiability of my ibuttg • love,. •.,. - ' - ' c Her. mirth during the recital bacturbs , al. - otost irrepressible. A At its , conchtsiin ab 0...„ remarked : - - ~ • - - s Mr. Roberts—is it possible that-:yin, have tbrgotten me?' - ' : -,----• , ; . ,_(gaged an inst,ant—rinernberednd wee dumbfounded. 'The lady 'with. villein 1, inul h i l l eso intimate, was lief en likeiliipil - ' :elf! - - -; ' :,- -"?' - 1 t o-'acrd so do ',you, reader-1 - 4w need, leiely `prolong, a - , story. -We `were=: soon parri . • Helen awl I made our bridal,tour to-' t '. auld place: .As Me - - ' Our airriage, I greeteitu>"stont, fidlOw worA. I 'lag in -afield, wito seemed'to- be a bitter sort -• of latwer, or perhaps , a email farther y I in ; quiring some trifling particular-relattng, to the nel,gl2lorliocd. Ile answered PremPtr.Y. enough, and I; liras; about to give Ilm a six pence, when Helen, stayed,my hand, /lig , cried lin -, the old style': -. ,-- -•.-• ~ • - 2 ; 'Hey, Donald iro n, keu ye'r ola freu'a?' ' .- - • - --•- :. ~, . - Thc mm lected• --6 1 3 inn AstATlOntvrit% At - was Donald Lean. -His amazement i at - pur appearanw, was heightened by our I ityle ; and it was with the greatest difficulivtbist - wo could induce ;hii fto enter our. Carriage, and Answer our uuriterous queries relative to old fiiends.,: , , , Different men "start; life ' in: differentoways. I believe. how - c,ye4 thit,minttisi dig ,gply,„ilt.,- st: uree on record of a gentlelnin who owes, wolth and happiness to rolling over with a praty girl in a streata•of:vrater.- . - it• ge,.-1;.,.• . . theckerai was born in India (CalcUtts) in the year IBll,and cOnsequently,will now be just forty-four,. 'years, of age. His fitther held a high Roqition a. the East .11itifaXothpan . ,y. which 'gained tothii son .the eatreit - of tits haat society, and" enabled him to afford 'Onr;author t most liberal allocation, _for Which .tßrpese he was sent to I ,Eugland4. and biS,Actiooling days, with - the system of fagging:and Nair' ing so common in our large public tichools . , gave him it plot fOr one of his first essais---"- viz : 4 Dr. Birch and his Young Frlends' In " this4be big boys and the master all envie in . for a share 'of his. revenge ;. and the general fling he has at schooli, in the; opening of his -t Vanity Fair,' serves _ to-prose ,that his early d4ys 3 - vere sOject, to .a miserable if_ "zukt t..y• rannical . restraint.. - 4 7 -, :r '.',,, . ' . , Ue conipleted a , full course, at CanibriV,gc, his cia . mpanious being R. MOnektOn Atilnet. ' the_biogragher of Keats, and neleatilifik. ; KingLake,the author of Eothen . 1 andV;tr bnrK,n, the renowned tfuthor"oe-lTbti Ores; _cent arid the Cross,' whose loss in the etettift . ship 'Amazon thiew such a gloom _ L i?* lit4r ary rcles, that, in ands-ion to it,,Thaekeray is said to have remarked,', It would- hirl , a been better had he never jived, for once poistmed, the ;pen could hardly spare him.' . az , ._ , On the death of his father, Thacitc`ray,,,fOtind himself in the possession of a large_ annual income ; and began lif e according Whiiti*4l. whirris, enjoying the !rivilege of a residence in the temple, and in ering hintself,aa astn, i dent of jurispru de* "He ,hid. previoutiy, been on a continental' tour, of *bleb he' ices. a full, account in his ' Kieklehgralt .4',ilic Rhine, where as Mr. Tittnarsh,' we lisit . caricature of thezulhor himself. - ~. ~ . ''..,- - , Ills mother,' a woman of great,. taluit, ant. iabilit,y Raul tenderness, (and whosieliirgeter - is so beautifully portrayed as the icioihet Of Arthfir Pendennis.) married again; 'a.itt lite • son, at the age oftwenty-threo, found himseft * positively poor, having i' fooled away 4 -6vcry sixpence of his father's inheritance. -, . , Thackeray knew, as'We all know, that,ttli, talent for- sketching _mks of 'fare deacir tiCh, ant he therefore veto* .himself- to „aria - hut a short time Xgfficed.-to prOc:thae: u ch , a i f file produced but' iiiicispichiniii;* ,Afts step father having est;blished thet;ConAijutiotud in London, the artist, became- it.s cornsponent,, and thus, like Dickens; he. 'May, 'tie sag. to -have , commenced hit .literary career a jouenalist. - . It was .in Pails- tlutt Thackeray: uietchLi present wife; an.lrish lady: '-Here he, wrote his ' Yellow.Plitsli ' Pa_pers,".„afterwards_ pub; lishea as `Jeninciit:Diary,' in las char acteristie tendency is clearly hiajotitt. -:*=.;.,; '. The Constitutional being to*ueeeeffer;'-he retitilied to England, - and struggled luird,,t6 - gillik iji kiiilia l i ' ile s'..ri),,.t.s. foiYriit,eesSlaz., aiink, and w 4 tin the_ lufles:#4,4!it a tr a 'eonsidelable perica, inistortupc Awl! hien, iz:severely: -.. is wire beanie iniand i 'andsfae, ! erty once rnOre Crept in, upon 'bitty= be; Masi - troubles,wereonly to lastior -z. sisart, ti me : lie wrote the i GrPat , HattlPirtY;4o.ilanbittli' 4 The Snob , Papera„.•'- , QUI! street ; , ,, t l24t, Jeurneytrorn Cornhill to °tire, itflitiChilie ridiculed' the spirit foilidveitisint ibtit''haa, gone so fin. as; th piatiarl= PointieyV Pillar with an anuouivrent-of the 111- iferfultroP'. erties of Warren s, blaeltini t j_hp tariOu f,teh llfiolt ;" ".Raieeca . and Rowerut; 'aria, the 't li t iCkleburyi ' alluded to before, Bali ot. *lath were .published Under the talisinno& natio of Mame% Angelo-Titintirqh. ThaLilanliokre, were •Written after' his _"- Vanity .Irair,lthiaill S. of which he -offered tfl a Imihillber...:.3l i 'niagiizine, who'cleclinealt.: Thacker pull lithed it; and Rein the day, Of its firat'ept, 'Pearence he * - occupied ..ri , . bigh'-t•ositui. amongst livine ; authiari.."-4.'iurf-Mos4ithiit '. -- Ma Eli • MIN! II
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers