Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, December 06, 1855, Image 4

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t - 5:: ' i (f` l' ;;_,:•.; A
Otts-::8:141.104 iolWiT4-3
4. 4, f. ~.
~,,,- ; - -7 . - :77:77 -77 .. =,•.: 1 = f '";
.of. intierititendeni'; o4 , l ;
n 41501 0 4 31 1.
.1.•-•;`A';-1344,4."ts.fii.Sithq.. 0: z t;ct.!! ,4 :, i ,...
iiideet'abt eietript-,. • M frune-a i tax...on it tXX3I!: je,:
pation. '- .:. " : I.
~....„: -:. i - :• : •-. .•:.!...-
- , 2 . . -7 !, Wizen ia:Mfintition" i,Tidesiri,:ct.,±Pi'eel.
tots :44„;„Uthers,;-desiring,, inforination,'ulie4j
thasehin)koyetenl, 'should first: nxol,,aiet.the.i.
. the Law I,and--neehliotis;il
thelkhe:Offileiiii eParintett ...of the 'Behool , l_
3 oninall, and 'if i e infotinatiOn
,',nt4ight., for t.
, i.
cann4,l*.fon ;founds L- CitetoO,•4.:.:D. ..i.P' iiilielle„ti t,at..S..
Ilarriaburg, who duty. and pleasure it is 40 - , .I I
furnish itiforMatie and advieettialt*bi.3 inayl
have occasion '14..a i .., it. i ~„. - -li s .-, , - ; : „.4
S:, -- '-ecli.'id:if: .'610 0 1.4 4 ;:te00.45Q40.ti
boob i—,The-..40ea d' - ef 114:Ve*5 , :( 4 04' ,2 41,i" I
le.rpireetor, nor 'the Directors individually,) i
may determine "what books shalt be used in '
the School..:, It.' ii:,tite' anti, 0 - r tji . -13 , 04rd; . 1ii - ,1
ntialdy;'lo,ldetiign4t.e..,a series of' bOoka .10.:be.:
used;itt.the Sehoels under their, jurisdiction, i
and to exclude a!ll thers. This coorfe is in die
p enstible . tii the mil -- management 'and pros=
perity of the Selad ols.' _Without i - oniformity
of text' b oo ks, id tire' Sysfeitiatie alis.Sifiea-.
C 1
Cori of the.Sehul rs.;whictr.),eaumot
_otherwise 1
tie made,"iv is impossible fcir:;:eviih.the . .illost.
competent Teachrs, to do justice : to - either_
themi;elVes, or ' . .t h
eir • pupilsj
~ The 25th;. See=
tion of the law, 1854, is imper , Atiie , oft this - 1
point, and. Dir , ors are not at liberty to tbs. -
-regard its injun 'tidos.' : • ! •
~ : . .-...-. :•.
4, immoral a' ad Sectariall,Bookii:xpladed:
The law devolv es the :seleeition 'of bi;iais '.toy
-be used in the , BatOols, uooti - -.the.l3(sird . of,
Directors; but books of immoral tendency,
or seetarian ail:oder - SLIMS be' t4ilu&d.—
The SshoolS ar ~_tiot,uf sectarian origm or de= , .
sign, Init'are Pa lie and,. coMmon to all with=.
in the ages Ax .by the :-hires:._ I.leAnal set- .
tlement of disp tes on this suhjeet between i
parents Or ginirOiena and 'Dirolors, devolv,cs I
upon 'the Court s. an not upon the State Be- 1
perintendent, woo.hasOnly, advisory, :Ind not .1
judicial poWerOver the inatter. • •
.• 5. Pupils tOiderifre,-cind over heti:ti f f-one 1
• yeara or aye, •n acintiseibre' ; :- 7 -The law makes I
no, provision fu t the tuitioo r iti pupils under 5
and O'er tWo4y-ene'yeari of age; -and thol,.
it does ifot;iii terms, prohibit the admission
: of those.% ho,„titlje over age:,
,the DePartment
does:not approve the_ preztice : ,Of...receiving 1-
than.' .f been made by nu-
.merent.districta o6injustiee done- .to 'regular
":tegril pnpils,..end of confusion, discomflirt and
, insubordinate-',,ecessionect by the ~ crowding
in.of pupils Of . i description. . There may
!beinstances n , ere merit riouq, young 'Men
and Women - c ve aBn . iisil mto the prisile,ges
.of theAchiSool , as 'their Only means .of ob :
Lt the rit inientsi of an wheat - ion. ,But.
written perm ' - sion bluitliJ first be "obtai ned
- front the -Dire' tors, and aids - should never be
: granted:whent e comfort and good order. of
.the Sele vr iols.. 11 'be luterfered .with, - in the
,degrO. : 1 ' . , •
6: .Pupils Under five years : The law ad=
*:nits eltirdren to'the Com Mon Schools when
,fully five vears of age • blot it would be bet- i ,
'ter- if-the rainteaurn,were fixed at seven years,
:and more in'
e nhance with the Organic lima
-of nature, 'antl.the healthful , development Of
• mind atid budr... But ; mit_ satisfied with the
'liberal margin allowed 13Y the law in this par-
, , ticular, mothers are sotnetime4 iuehined -to
transfer their iehildieri.- from . the ::. nursery ,to
'the POblie", he'll, long before. 'they haVe
i st
reached the I gal 'age, 'Ale-care of inflates is,
a' very inter ing employ - Mem', ,in .pkoper.;
-.hatids and on 'ur. properf circumstances, and
should be a I tor of love with these ,hose • ,But Com Mon - Schbol Teach:
ler& are note ployed as Ideput-y nurse:, fe....
the relief of different* encumbered moth
ers,- Who, %Coil only - mixiims to get., their dill
. lrett " Ott of' th e way ;"'Directors slit itil.l not
' permit:7l - ert.and Sehooli tu - t he ,etn bar=
-:rasseti in *tai.
i I manner. - 1 . • •
. .7. : - -..yon i ly liiiiteaort :of Schools :--'rtii::l
.duty injoine by division .IV. of the
.23d sec
lion of thel, W of 1854, ;is all important, and
A-tv“...... Depart
,tent ,-earn4stly urges !automat
-..complisuce - Aherewith, On the
~part of Direct
ors: . 'lft no Other Way vim they :reitaitily be.
form . theniselves - as tei . the condition egad ivrti
gress of the Sehoola.--renneylvania.:Schoo/
-Journal:- . ' 1
Monthll" , ' Tkeisio
Risma.-4While-tther cities in
- JineTtiikigt -
.. .mplie are l *lling to ruin and de
. cay;beirig4 popula:ted and .barbafeed, - lern-
' . satent is ra :dly "spiinging up into-new life.
European, inners andi European wants 'are
bringingintitivilization and enterprit , ing indus.
try. . .Gadihotels are fund to accommodate.
- most - travelers better than - the Ctiso.Nuova, i i
so long t helonly,-sheltk ri, for the Frank pi lgrini
. -Of whatev'.nation : ctri religion. There ere
shops whe all kinds - of European gOods. find
a ready.
8a !
. ,e; eerpentdrs, watchmakers, gla
zier, tintne .t ,olyers,.laundresses, shoemakers,'
&b., exercifie _their various callings. There
: are...three fl' urishing EPropean tailors.; - The
• daily, unit ets - are supplied abundantly with
gcond.inn n; and, -poultry, and eggs are
j o
heap: -.:- any • hundred goats are . kept. _for
the nole ptris)ose of stipplying . the .city with
• milk ; an of late cow's milk-was to be kail.
Fruit and veetable.s.areahundant,,and gotict
'bread is - de by several bakers. . •
i - -
rerk ithin the last' three months' there
' have been:eight railroad disasters; by whit.l
sixty it"
; hindred. s . a . a forty-four have'' . wounded, I: -.-* '. -' 1 ,
:Atul; , ,. ,h, - Clitatle.n and Amboy. Railroad,
.. - 22 ;killed end 70 isouitded ; Sept.
.3d, .Ston
ington Railroad,../2 killed: and 8 'wounded ;
. Sept. 81141Cainden-and 'Ainboy - Railroad, 1
. Illll6d andif.,wOunded ' - Sept, .I.lth, Mad Itiv
- •.4e.: Ratilreiad, 1 killed' and 1 woundtil , . dept.
* 20th, Ne* , ,York Central Raitritad,„l kilted
and ..3 *guided ; Oct, Bth; Scrsthn.and Maine
Raitripitdll.killed and t wounded ; Oetilsth, -
/Efer n l i egailroad, 2 flu !ed.; Nov. Ist,. I'acif
ie. -- , ''d, Z? , killed and 50 wounded. -To
tai, 00.. r ed and -111 Wounded. ' • . --
, • Pir:4 4 .- ,:,--- )verttment is in the
habit -of keeping tour or ~five_ ships': of war
stationeo in Ilieneytborixiod of. tike. -Berted
' das and `*etit kdinit. , Our Ooirernrnant is in
the liabHqZ;lial.tig #e same. thing. =The Eng..
__EA shipi,tat , prenni' there, having .remained
l t e
- 'the usuatitime, hay been_ ordered bottle, and
others a , t-imt to - lieve - thent nmi take I heir
places. 1 '',- t -
This a pears to
ii !
. . nation o the "° fori
-lea," ou , of which ,
have been ,menu
Times 4nd ntheri
.. ,
,c i - ,el , lonel , -- , -----,94..ute1, ,, La own
; - for his r7utronia, size and buil,yileiwirlinant;:'
being-0 . - 161pOrtuned- by a diminlitire . taj . :,
for fOrliaiileut if a bill, petulantly exelaln-i
-ed:. .....' -`
' -"If
would irk you-
. . ..Eittte-reptal .
-if I ,am,i it . seoll. brititetirT,
,el-tady, gazing-wrth,.adnuration at i
-one :of - the i - troaons thrtiwii :acmes -the
,Stromg:444*4 , ' 11W , purpooe of working thej
tnaintiry of smite mills on the other aide of
1, -exclaimed, teeth ' perfeet einsplicity—' Oh,
411 44 1 , 3 # Aara - h.e*iful ' •
'the very simple-641a
; idablelleet . tret to Arner
ueb' terrible -speettlatiotK.
• tired, 'Ant the Ixelaoli
not such.a little" reptile; 1
1 " - :iietdtheVisn " and wlis.t,
h : Colcinel, we ait) . .t :41.1)e
it K,is' E v..55.T. o.if
~..-...,. - - 1, t, i„,,, , 0 ...-.. ~...... . , ..,-
?ilk* o f ribus Aitt. lot di,v,
as knetru,i.'t ,:tit
laltattlate hatare, but ortthitig ~
tewn--,,r,:g ,
.! - • --1
7 - -Alike iti mills and eatkap.- • -‘', A 5. " ''', 7 1 • -.....-.. t. _:.....• ..';,,i,%:.......4-....------- . .
.-, That pride; liketpint, Of aisirraht tuteed.. ( ‘,- '''... , f R a ul 4 tk l yainb r
,-. - 4,4
Arill llarlageto pro, Vitt tlfrivo ott "feed." - stt '..-•.e. - ~ _ „-, -. gimi have recently opened a ware/.
4 :•'- 1 - As - poor aslpauper's pottage! . , ..- ~•.: Lori room . L. '' • ed ; p ' ad. 11.•-•keetecot t4
A , ' - - t-: . •t- ._, ~ t- t 5.../ room m New Stil er m i . a Ai 1
' .. ‘jtial tul' o3 - 411s e thino en earth, `. , ' ''''' 1 s ia t alyarchartd all-kintliof Cabinet-ware; alto Ready.
The iiiieeresr ere is pride of birth k ... - • i made Collins: Fuse 'attended vith i ntattithisidi ft
-luw n g "r fierce "dete 4 erile,Fr i
' .i. 'hililge . ecrosi i Ilitadrisfle!it 4 t, ~,- "-. %store 1 •
- I Vith"t!i P 74 tk*r* h k"ill wee"; ' - .!.. New Milforf!;,nklgt 183 .. -, ,',. I.' --- 1 2 97, ..
Net e t ch a'vottple' of Own Peers-- '- ' - ------ -:.--'-' ,=• 1- :-- -- - - v .' --- - i
--A. thing•furtaiiitee; fleert yid P.ers, _, ' - -s ' Arat * litailidni-t I
''.. -- Is A m elie r t"..i s t iier , ' s
''' - - ''' • VfANUFAVITRERIit OF FiAbOT.EB, 2 RA RNE.*II. ,
' ' ,, f et" ' el' l " n t t: ii ' ra' a 1:1 " ;1314" : 4‘ -friell'*li i ' • ''- --' ' ' - ' I Il i ot t ek trit /don nk trette lCiri P a a P*C k i- e j in A l4t: - 13 - ,461 A len ' l ' ,br ' B6atie°:'-' '
• nor ....trat tarea m - ou caw, , ,-'mem,. - -,
_ ............„..„ „, 4 _2_:-_,..„, - -,..; - .
' Witbeet-Recol-rell'" i'll'PP r e hd T i i :- .• - ..--,....5. , • .80.3411inamonts, ,I. -,-,3' - 1' :1
1 -
Yon rev And i traxed at further' end, -.1
•• rILIOOT Ala) ROOS 111AKSW-Sfutp funk doOrttit
• 6 -6'r smile iil"beiws?"talim ' •
• ' ‘• - ' - I lit ofxtdd ;Fellows' Ilan; Taratiike et:, .4.fostiose:
- Or; ererse'thanttlett, your boastisl line
. ° Maycad in 4‘1 , 40p -of stronger tattle. i• - .
~.. -_, 'Than plagued porno worthy relatiot !
ReCatrieston Il urishinaroildlr atlldro, • '
- . no„,t.lie ha ty-and put oa site,'' . .
dish ins ens Pride of ststionl • „
. min% be proud, and turn up , your ne
e i
• At poorer peoPle in plainer clothes: ''. ,-
Rut le= for the sake of Your mint's repose,
That wealth's *babbitt thlktesmes and pcs,
v , That all proutillitsttotherevyr It. rows, - , , s:
Is sultjeetoinitation I •-
All 8008 TRW 2.IIIIIOESq. ,
.t . , s i
i. 'Courts h a l e
. tittar ire:tent-tons felt ntls its
-well tis. eatt-es, and one IX tilt :se ,:trellt.herimams
1 friends has het re J pd t't - se -ref ttf h . ;lel- 3- in
the journey of it crowned head (thtf king -of
i Sardinia!) - whose intentioit was to It'lvt,.. paid
- ,••- - -i
' ii- an autumnal tin Ftrd er to enjoy tae
pleasure* of the c :Ise l in the imperial r, sts
with the imperial Ititstc. This delay, fal , ely
attributed, to ill 14ealt•It by the innocent, is a--
cribed by report t ! t doot...stie perplex. 0:1'1-
- shined by time riUleiril . / Of a trie.4er or his
family ,o whom :i..t is miti.:ll attachi.d, and for
‘vhose- conduct he ceinsiders hinrcelf ie smue
degree re-p , msibli-.. The I yonrig,'l:iily m goes.
;Luc, perhaps thLe only one in Europe • bold
enough to claim Ker independence,• has given -
her relations mit4.ll disquietude by her Jed.-
ion to •remain tt4tarried. to I ravelw here she
lists and with inji she lists, taking the care
of her own remit:l,6(m open herself algid ask•
sing tl.r nti p nottict ion iir 'patronage from any
-member of' them taller sex belonging to her
tinnily. Her afrectlon fur the-ht 4 sovereign
of the country re i tts sulootinded; and the fir.t
symptom of fri‘ifile.`"4 which manifested itself
in the young lady's Iyhivior was on tile oe."
msion of his - Alitjesty's death in a fohlign land.
She iminediately l repaired tti the spot Where
he had died, lint -chased the hotel where the
sad event had taken pl i ace,-Irtil the tittire cdi- 1
ftt'e - pulled (low n i 'l built a nuvi,naificierit chapel
on the spot,,in thz• midst of Width the flath
!led of the If f ing..lle.aetly in the mime suite in .
which it was left at the nannent of his disso--
lution, rises in bay and gaudy colors with its
truitip. , ry hangilig-: and I:tw?lry fringes strik
ing the strangir whobeholds it for the first'
time with s•ton sliment to
. h hold such an oh
jest in such a pi r apk.-.' Last tear the young la
dy repair,:d in grand ccrentny to the (It qv!,
and th,•t e the . be d d posited tir.t the
royal robe she is entitled *to by her birth to
wear-on .i.. 11 St•. tri oecasions; 0104 the broad
ribbon with the jeweled star she wore upon..]
her breast ~nnif tinaly, -kneeling down by the
bedside while pie tears k t can in LA in a torrent
elletk's, she lifted the crown from
her brow anti ,laced it on the pillow, ptildic
iy declarinisher vow tol i live and die a maid,
and, never to itiiit - , on t•ver• anniversary of
royal relat vi., paybfg a visit to the chap- I
el in order to tfill'cr up a/ferveut mass fur the
repose f;! his :tilt - i
The bystander.; werq moved to tear- 'by
the scene, w heft presently the young lady a-'
rose from her i. - nces. ail standing erect before
the 4nultitude , itssemb- I lid in the chapel, she
deliberately drew foto her Pocket :1 pair of
scissors, and 141).vsettin7, her ruagnifieient' tres
ses from the hands of velvet iviiielt confined
them, %he cot ,khern °fr i t') the very roe.t, and
laid.then; Iteslitte the er.ot•n i she h:ol just be
fore dept-rte d[t t ipon the pillbw which It td re- 1
coved the las breath e.f the king. To de
scribe the act° iishrsent produced I,j• the event
would he imp ,sable--ea mixture 4f the sub
lirite and rid' -ult, :.
is in the - cene -prevented
any further emoustration of .elitiment on
tli part of th . bystanders. . The firirter•ss is a
small person. -am . ] she tripped .dowin the chap
el to step in n her carriage, divicsled of the
long cloak w th Which she heti entered—her
hair eroppeti• and ltri , tly, her i•yes fl tshirit:
right :mil - ICt With a cingitlar exareccion of
satisfaction n ,
.the trick sheirnlbeen playing;
it was impatittbre not to enjoy the tn . t•stifim-
Lion to its rety utmost. ,'
Ever .since that day' she has adopted male
:attire, and tr r i tvel- a`s . the Prince de--, paY
nig her peon ice -visit to the bed around
which Ininciketis of tapers are burning. night
and da y . Itt will readily he lielieveil that a
person tic tit its passions- character has paqsio of love
and ha'e ettually strong.' She has taken
Queen Chrr-titia fli grippe, and yowsthat her
relative shah not visit France witluwt her so
long as dint pleated' lady rt !tialtna.-
I,on. " There is one daughter unmarried
yet." says prini , ,ess: "Christina has tin? .
di.ilite du coi-pr- if :1 ant not there to protect
my •relativt - 4 he willifall a prey to that all-tie
vourirg intignontell therefore I deserthint
ncit t Ire is the stitNil lerinev of my lteloved
sovereign ail/ master, and I will citsfeted!bitti
at 'any risk lantl peril." It -is said that the
king is so aiarnital :If the threat of aid and pro.
t .etton that he dares not move forward until
his fair relative can be brought to reason.—
Paris Lettir A Oet. IS
.. . . - . • • . •
. .
~ r... . .
A . Itte - .1. Art-Der .- troin Cincinnati says
that the et:Minion fieople.of city are those
who kill pigs •,noW. • The. aristocracy- are
those 'whose fathers 4tilled pigs fitrtnerly, 'tot
who of wogs regard the present pigicid as
persons . • a(ithOut litaiorable antetviciitsi--
-Toutl the ;(plestion-uf pigs to them and t ey
bristle itomediatelv. I - . •- - : : i .•
• . , 1, . , .
:...07 " DI , '.} - olz keep .tnotclic*r. ask it a
young wait ,r a retail • " Oh, yes, all kin s,"-
was the •rolify. - " .WO l. then, I'll taltea :rot :
-tinginatclip' The reti,iller immediately :, id-.
e;.l..h'tn a• tax : oc:llrandrt.t.Ws pills. • -' ... 'i,,
' . I Great' Alt.raction -
' 44
QU A 11. ,iS To,-.A ii."
'IIE subeetiber wOulOgain tutnottnce to his cos
i_ tters and the public-generally that hel l' , re _
Oeir.ed • large assortment of BOOTS AND SdOES,
- which ; le hitemis sellittglibr Peaty" Pay tytanty per
r , eent. cheaper than eax b bcnrght in islataaticet, (the
Genuine It and ,Sho Store down:2am -or the i
Ride Chan fur Bargain ,'up town, n t excepted.)-- 1
"Ottnit Stealt"tnav bete the first d mrEast of Lilo
Odd•Fellowte Vali; Turn_, ire street, r,•:t 'Beer. Al-{
i tui
though no .: quite . so 'et modirtu% as airy " s t ua l as ."
Vet it anattersour Tititpu k s,e Very well hpr the pre.te•tr. 1
:Neitier can We Earn.: ftw OW' e as t mther i, t h at 0" '
, I
tablislunent" will cot IR. .'rktlly.t..4Seti"; by'any in thr
country semp, but We AM-ill firillitise emictisitatiers that I
Wi 'Will.1;11.-ticrotg to+d -Shoes 'to ittitf is finality and I
*fee.: 0 f wink r oes-n:gehi.rat variety of, new
and elegant-styles of Ladies' and Gentlemen's wear,
amitntwilich-are Ladies' Silk Fox Al:sites, Colored
Gaitenv.*mittieled,Gaiters, Black wnikißiintied Hos
tnith- Boolki,'Entoneled toots andl4neled Btialrins,
Rid: Busli t,c,l'itintaik,Salt -Latie- 13 904 sad BeskiPf i i
Miaiii rfr Beonfe,' 3 . iltikj:-.tliill'Vra!LtiO; *Gents Co n
gr e en, Patentleither,`Ensrineled and .Buekskin Gait
er!, Pilte'lL.l,eathee4gnitiTit4,ll4ll4Pc French
c -41( Boe '.Thiak Rows, E nameled (.." lf.i!pd Co wh ide
Brogans, Berrs' Nient" I.,,e4ihei , ..llnnt4et#, Kii , nig . ail.
a.c " 17 9 Its' . Irotariig AntiVrrie'l r_hfl4ren'iley
lor TiesiiPatidaeo'nparitaista, & c. - piriLllo4,taist s
1 all Colure . P
- ,
Irstr,lclniade Ott' order . , and repaint done neeii-' :-.
Pleieitell and to,
, /., t. • . •
Yonra in the Bait .aad t ie trade;
.., Mite I, Itn. - -.- -C. 4. 4111MONs.-.
*n t,
- 3USIN`E S=;=+ DS. f
a 4 3ilysicit .9tIAGECLA, •Akmeotti oniqtarl
lumnn cbtuak• ' ItaidenettatthekostonW
--T-- Singl e ton •
ei AN no be fe6tfot hie/heir staitif on.Oirego it,
iwo•doore trestOf &tides notkl, *hero he if , .
fettautly repaite4 with - divietek, WateheN- ClOeitt;
Jewelry, t;uns,'and - ei•Oey description of Ittlichinety:'
Wheel cutting;- Oita and Watch matesialt supplied
1 to the trade. ;-
.Dri , Smith,
, .
QURGEON DENTIST, X onttosc, at Brake'
lloxitl4ys gnii Tties4l:ol,o:sf 'WOOL
, .
Al°l" E ' wit4loouj.
r .tar-
Wiisli;Gr4cers and C : nn on3 i ei
, ! ) :I)etweeu Curt.
t-A,rtrce ;cm /Art— • -
. . .
—' • edleb Weeks. • • •
;.Q ADDLE, 11.1'RNtS,ii, "SLUNK MAKEii and ear
riage Trimmer .I. F.hop at his dn - eiting !town.,
early nppo:tite .
..Ifriott row, Da.
------- -
• Miller
• 1 Snit Solicitors iit'Ch:tncery. Office ?.Co. 44 Cistrke
strck," Chircgo.-1/1.1 • • 1
, .
Pdaci lo Hotel,
I REENWICH STREET, (near Broailway,) New
T York, SalisbUry & Co.,.Ptoprietors. In the
the, prineinal steamioat
Crce.zerA.l3c4ts anal .S!luas, kaoupeAaaria
Depot ; Pa. • 1
*nee) , 6: Fitch,
AGENT ..014ittrov; Pa. !. I -
a. s. nss - rur.- 1 •• • frcn.
Groves. .
IAiiSIIIOKII3I -.TAILOR. Atop' under •Brlo's
- Rotel, Mnine - istreet, Aro:erase, Pa. .1 1 --
. • - _D. Hinds, .
~/ in the rear of WiLion's Store, Mon rte, Pir,
J..Colsten; .
I ) 'ritoLnENßValNre Co p per,
t l
D ember
- •
L. - P. Hinds, . • ;
TTORNEY $T LAW, Susqueharma, Pa.j Office
on Maine stied; one 'door : cast of Lenbeiin's.
- _
. , Frazier & Case,
Office - . on 'Turnpike, street, uric door East o
From, Pa.
Albert aiamberliaa, , -
tTTOTiNEt AT I.A J!.istice of theTeace;
i W
over L. rust k cc's Sfore; Montro,... i
• Wm. H. lestup,
IIL DEEPS ? fort the State of New York, Will attend
to aU b.miinexs-ciltrugteil 'to him -with pfomptilesi and
fidelity. Office in Public Syare, occupied 'Tor..
Wm. dc&mp.
Abel Terrell,
,s, *Dye-Aliffs, Gramm*, 1)17 Goo&,
J p4i,, '
Stolieware,- Glassware, Clocks, Watches.,
Jewelry, Silveri Spoortir,"S'pectack.s, Nosh:al instra
mcnts., Trntem,lSurgical Installments, Liquors, Per
fumery, Slirron4, 'Stationery, Brushes, ShOP,S;.Yankeq
Notions; dc.; . .
B. R. Lyons & Go.,
I,l"Tx;,'ESAiLE,:e2),:irv.l .l 4l':}Z - ,"2 1 :71.2.
, •
- P. IL Chandler,
IF.ALER DIZY-GOODS, Ilaaily Maile i Cle4hing,
Grocericii, Book* sit!tl,Sttionery, etc.,. PnitliC
Avenue, ..4fraditur, Pa..
, .
- • •iPattiek & Dimock,
AND SURGEONS. Gfrice No. 4
I__ Owego street, :Itordrosr, - . ••
DEALERSIN DRY GOADS, G.rocerielk,;Crocker,
Dun] wai'e„ Leather, Flour; ete. ; Lanier of Turri
pike street anti Publie AveUne, ifernirove,
J. Lyons &, Son.,
TIEALEIW IN DRY COODk, Groediea, Hardware,
I_l - CrockcA., Tinware, Groce . Booloc;ete.; also,
cairy on the /3;,1,/;;Ig busiless—Pulylic Avenue,
ifoptrbt , -, Pip • '
B6ntley , •
'T AE.ll.Ertf , IN Dili" GOO Drugs, !Medic:l;lE4,
11. (IrlA, Groc?rt4, amiss-er:l Crockery.
Iron, Clock Wateln4, Jewetry, Slyer Stroons,•Per
urnery,!ke.4-Foot of,rulrlic Avenue, Jrnistroxf.
&tyre. Bentley &Perkins, .
tisr4C7I,7RERS OF AND DE-11.4FAS IN all
All kinds of 'Castings, Stor e"s, Agieultural
tuente, ute. Office at Say e's Store, Public Avenue;
31a.nurletorg, let the F,agle Ft:tattler, Fut 4 of Chetry.
street, ifon'fror, Pa. • ! •
Flilliasn & William H. lespip,
TTORSEYS AT LAW ....1/Eoetrose., Pa.rine-
AL. lice la SuNtuallamta,:Draktfortl, :Wayne, I%)'n•
ming,ttral Iluzerne counties. _ I
William W. Smith & Co., •
CIABINIO MAKF.IIS. They keep .eonstantlr o\i
\- 1 ' hand h gorxl assortment of ntl kinds of Cabinet
Ftwhiture. Shop awl Ware goo.nts at the foot of
Maine street, liontros , , •Pct.
;Rockwell, Winton & Co.,
Go47x, Hats, Capt , Pam, trinhiort7a2, reira
gaiß Ribb4m, dc.N:o. 20 Coin-dun& street; Yeti.
. ,
M. C. Tyler , - -
1 - I.47TEUhSTE.Ii with I. L; RUN T; InipOrter of anti
Deale r fiirl hardware and Cutlery, Carriage Sitrings,
&c.: NO. 215 Pearl street, New York, Where his Mer-
Itantile frirttls, in this and other ettutfes• are kindly
invited, alyl earnestly solidted to call squinurelutse.
. . . .. .
. Eyr.r.r rtirnstr#r itonsucti, AT, XVICTILOSt; . .
p.kl,'.AT t r l j.K.t. PEA AS:itnt., -t •I?V.INCK. •
- - : litotes of AdVerti•i l lig.
One squate.(i 0 lines or ler.e) nue week', P,5 0 '
One squate two ieehe,.„......,0,15
o , -
One square . t h r ee weeks; - ,) 00
One equatv . . " ". ' one month ' ~1,25
One silutt're " ' ` two tn0nth5,......2,25
One grin:ire - ~ - three months, - 3,00
nat,..-prortre " si ,. . months, ... -.. ~ 5,00
.One sqmire . our yeari .. • 8,00
Fnr tte,o or 'lnore'squareS, imzerted; by the 'year, a_
dednetioh front the ahoy e Tnires is mile. Yearly nd
vertjgeift will hire the nririiege of altering or chang
ing theit;r.ti.vertis'eni' etits withont Midttionsi
ar charge.-
itiAliys eds;"tiot exiertii:hg . fire 'lines, in s ertedat s2,oorper, anttem.. - : , - ' .I,‘ ---
..• ' .' • ,
- ' .Job..iVork: 'i
.. • .
!Ili, Office is supplied with "a goesi assortniont of
jobbini Materials, 'and 'ill Linda of lob Work, such
as Cardi, Posters, Panirblets ke. Will he dclue.nestf
ly Anti, promptfy. , _ : : .
• I, • 111t044104". Protl4,e, -
13UBLIC NOTIVE - 18 hereby; gWen to ill p
concerned in -the following 'Est4te, to wit .
tstniwOril (iron Rynearson, late of Lenox, deed.;
Atnytknearson & lease Ilyneamonj lidera.— •
Thati . the aceonntants have settled( their necounto in
the Re ester's office in ind for the county et Susqlle
bannaillaid.thatibe same will be presented to ebe
J u d ge or,th e orphans' Court of said county, on Sat, of December next 4 fdr confimuuion
end abwancp.. -.J..ll".•Clidril4tii Reg'r.
RetAster's office, lientro3e,.oc.t. 30, 1855.
Socha, Eggs Butter, Lard, Chew. Flannel Lc. in
any toughy in exchange for Goods' at Cash vices.
Afenkrose, Oct. 4, 1855... • .0 7, •w. NOTT
W. W. wissint
- -
l est a irit u icrat • AotigNICSAIP TWO
Dit . .4:*,lAE - , : ;II3(*VUNNA. - ::*N. 1) *ES' !•• , aitil•Ns lo -- • -;
• - ' 1r). INXTTENBEIIfiIf CE4W-i-tlittrititeer:Ta..talte
-• ,A i "-owettnatia't- 01 Aativ•'- -e;"•-•'& - st '-""* 1 lilt's utelliod of adyhting,tbeirtl4lltuttlall
,r,ti and Idler-Mon y„ May T the t o itO toers and het p 0,b1j41 l arg e t AbirOuiy, : h o m t j u pt.
Passenger Train will depart liontActaiiten jeeoyelpaud.oietiettAlici largest, mittieat - and cheap..
0. 4 .10" a- Ente at tireatjtend litto4; .t.karr est atocirOfRMADT-11ADE- CLOTIIING evur-bro , t,
meeting inch the lirtaithitlfitprest" Ortitlit r oo the N'• toil* place, - *ltleAt ;they offerstiatilindlidvance froW
5 1E ; Ik . R. Paseengers taking, this taelo:*111 arrive Timat,thereby: offering I - torah:oer* thif rare opportuai.
in Dunkirk *Ol - 14:1:r.-31.,•and in New York at
~l / ,ty obtainittglgoods .at about 't•wo Mande . the , usual
Aetonli - ag,AL lt : ute Great Bend at, 4t. ;Jae . Also* large' asKetnent of -DrY- comprising
at Scranton at 444.. for XattrealVear, - - le*totyloa Drocallecitripe,
The Freight Acontionnadetion Train i -willi.passunger. -11aKaud changeable:Silks, Delaitte,4 De Maga
Car attached.,wiltlnave Scraitoti at I.r, wt." due Ott.. - Beringe deleltte4 otnewttuni.elegaut Oesigns. Allthe
Great Dend:trA , B- r t .*, cannecting with the Mali latestat±lesoffLedicallrossOokuls,t. F.roneh• -Lawns.
•T rj ou-.Wert,.,:tatk,the Night Expresa `Train, , , East. priets and Gingham?. I A handsome Assortment of
Fl'assengers.takitig.this tiain and•the Night Express. Dress TrimmingtVEtubroided Sleeves; Collars Cutrs,
.1/ill-arrive - in -Dunkirk a t-l 2 so., nr,_lay: taking a tef Jaconet and Swiss Edg,ings mut laseriitigs,Cdolits
Weat; Witlarrive Dankirlttt t 5 6,..4.5 t p.llll IloAcry, VOA
'Rentrtiag..• Great Bend at 7 A. x: on sr. twor ta ion t 13 1•1 1 , 0 iN ti 3 4 • l •••yt arge ,ithi, fl ong
-K ra l o f Cincinnati Exprpea t Haw_ Due at Scranton e4re: thing.
- 12.10 ,!•- - A ao diafoesce•" -
Wilkftbarte, F llO4-°l ‘. 4;llll4ClUti l le i -I 'Mar notitid Per4rtiontlit rs In'te
3'biktdelptwAvia4e-Nataitikm. • William Port -slid -embracing the Very atest styles, with :Trintqng4to'
Erie and,Reetlitig.lhailmathivia•Timagna.} and East , - ftatcb. i r-
On, and ali interorthate Pines: YAM - hod fi rst ,choni exteusivg_
~ aisortment ftitl lineup, napkins,
-stage coaches to readiness at &lautwo. 00 Inewmv - ii . tor-clltv , ;talle cover: , ; curtsies
of Ole-Passenger and Accotumealation Trains. to. eon I. re 17 8 , v 0A I sa pOy of 41M-ts; Gendenien!s eot
.vey them to the above 41sees. Thollitchoo , ing taro; t;uspenders„Glóves, I'nd - wallas and a good Many
. cats conveya.neee win rod - the twit( homes andcar- other at tick •As too nunierous to, ractitlim. For bar : .
riagett ofeverY de-4,0440mi, - at r easonable chagel , , ... a l as the public rekpectfully'ltriitcti to'eall at, the
ready - to order... ' ' . •- • - cheap store r•- - +..::.:
D . : 11. POTTERED, Superintendent- • I. ' I 'J: NfiftTEXIIERG TIRO.
' '
SNerintendenes Mee, coiner of Chesnut St Owego Strects,lour doors east
tknutton, Ma, It) 1855. f of Ptst'.. Ato're "
, ,
' f F A AVE Monittat.4lbr,D,.t. k AL•at'64-4 . 4%1.
M.,for Es.preo Frright,Train to Stitant‘36.
II o'clock. A. M. for Mail Train to Great Bend. 'At
M. for ExprektFreight to Crcap:Bend, and Sfail .
Train for. Scranton. Leay . Repot for I . lontrose on
arrival of all the above train:: at Station..
, For se,i.4 apillyafßelrle't; llot,l, Atontrpso.,Ta
A tzwait
rVIIE reCelVing his, and Sinn ,
tner stock of Goods, ctmlirising n great variety,
which will he sold at low as any in this ntarket.--_.-
Pleassa call anti examine.. F. B. CHANDLER.
HATS AND ;C-1/'S.—A good aszAirtznefit of the
latmt-stvle. :
r: -11) - 1 . -JtA.PE CL 0 THLVO—A good vitrie ty
of Spring and Summer Clothing of the latest . cur.
DRY GOODS—A. general assortment through
fan. Also, -DRESS GOODS, consisting, of Lawns,
Barege Delaines, French Persian Delnine,
Printed Lawita, Fancy Pants, Ladies' Worked Col
lars; Insertions,,Edgitip, Pack
. Silk Thibet
and Cashmere- Shawls, ,Parasols,Tiosiery,Sc. -
BOOTS.cIA7) SHOES. Clocks—a large assort
ment of every description and style. AlsoJ a great
variety of Fancy ,Atticles, Tafikee Notions, .te. •
Crockery, Hardware / and G. oceries of all kinds.—
Trunks, a gorid lot for sale cheap. Books i'and•Sta
titinery—Wall Paper—also, Flour of the best quality.
• 3fontrckst!i .Ifai 1555. F.,il". CHANDLER.
lie* Lille Of nalt Stages,
will leave Kirkwood; routing through C0r
i...7 bettsville, Liberty-; &c., every morning after th(
.arrival of the MailTraiusA)f cars, both East and We - st,
reaching Montrose at 1 r. . Returding, leave
Montrose daily (Sundays excepted) at 3.r. it., reach
ing Kirkwood in time to.take the Mail trains: of eats,
both East and West, being the neartot and most fea
sible route to arch the New .York and Erie Railroad.
'This line intersects a -tii4eekly line for Dituock,
Fprntgcilh ' Tuukbannock, Wyoming, and •Wilkes-,
harm, which Imvcs Montrose at.; A. N. every Moll.:
day, Wednay and Friday. -silso,.a line to nientle-:
ville, Leraysville,
GOO.l fronts and cottiArioUve earria t ra are provi-i
de d, and the proPfietors will Sparc no pains • to. ae-;
eommodate the , W. K. HATCH, I
Split *3, 1851... MORGAN k WEST. i f
. . "
. .
.11 .1 11 E subscriber takes this' method of adrertising
1 his fiends and the public genCrallY; . that he has
fitted up. a stoke just across the street from his old
quarters, in lirooklyn, where he is prepared to m=
ceive customers ani sell Ahem goods loa- rat
as any other estahli4mient in Susquehanna county,
My a:.4.sofillaent is veL-y large ind'eed, embracing near
li every article usually called for in a country store. 4
- . .
As I :Mt determined to do business so as to ardl:l
"bad de`l,o,"which re.tponf-Gie credit purchasers are
taxed to pay, I can O'er superior inducements
and otlieraitu,PßOMl'T-PATINa pat; ons. Call and see
inc. - 0. G. lIEMPSTRAD.
Moakln-, April :30,1)355
~ •
, I i New Goods. H.
, •
TILE subscriber LS in constant receipt of. Net-
Goods; in his line . of business, neatly creiy
week. The.pUblic will find his assortment No, 1, and
his articles wim and of prowl quality. The -stock cob
sists as usual of Div", Afetlichte:. PaLtt!, OUR, I4e
Stitfi, Giocriirs, Fancy liondtt...rwelry, Perfuotr
ry, dc. 'Stoic - at. the lower end of the lotrnt district.
Montrose .lune\ (1 1855. -' A. TURIIELL.I
9000 ""k
thins of all sizes' and made from
double cross tin at less. than Merchant-=
ustmlly pay to sell again, for Ale by the Sttlx.cril;r.
We have came to the conclu4ion to sell pans to Far
mers as low as He will to the trade, thereby saving
to the - Farner our profit. Our wares are warranted
to be perfect in every rat ticular or no sale. .
Terins--Citsli or Aort credit. .
• • - J. DICK:ERMAN ,Tr.
New Milford Aprg 1 - , 1,565.
Books and Stationery. ,
IHAVE ri•ceived a large - addition to my stock{ ol
Books and Stationery, among which are: .A.Lcing
Look Ahead, (Roe)—Welfert's Robst (Irving}—Dr.
Spencer's Sketches-,-Woilderful Adventures of Cat.
Priest—The Slave Holder's Daughter—,Life -of Sam
Houston—Jane. May—The ..May Flower (Harriet B.
Storre)--Rag - Bag, °THU-0 rte. be suld
cheap. . ; • F.;)3.CHANDLER;
May '1 . 22, 18:,5
- j :SEW GOODS. r
WE are rereiviiigtll/4 week' a lot, ofNew•GoOds,
purehi.imil in tlie city, "%chick rendera,our assorttuent
complele, and which wki t trer ou the most favorable
k raus, at the new buil( i ”., one door above the Punt
Office. ! i . . L ' BESITLEY A REA D.
- 31oniroF.4, Fein-y.ll - y Si 1555.
N active and inteingwit young' matt' of aboutl7
lA. years" of age, wanttAas a elerk •in a store. . pne
wishing to aequire- the tuisiness and disposed to rnake
himself useful, r.ill .find good encouragement 1)V ap
plicalion shortly to S .. II: Br RRITT.
Nen-Milford, Jutv tsar.,
Boatretc at Reduced
11 - BUREITT .will sell bis remaining stock. of Bilk,
Xi- Lawn and Straw Bonnets, a good - . assortnient,
at reduced PciceS to close the of the scalson;
nanny of them arco,t.
Nev Milford, June 18th. 1855
A - 17 E shall receire dining the present week, a large
addition to present stock of SUMMER (MODS,
which will, render the a.geortreent.totnplete, and. to
which we invite the attention of all who wish to buy
Goads cheap, . IJESTI.EY A: READ.
Montrose, June 28th, 1855.
JA. MINIS for mtle. Inquire at the office of Bent
ley k Fitelr in Ilontro:ie ; or at the residence of foe
Itchscribet, in Ararat, SteWl'a c0., - Pa
' Flour and bait -
-By the load, barrel, sack, or po - and, by 1
[August I, 1855.1. F. B. CHANDLER.
Sash "tad
AV - IN DON% &ill' ofiadotts aizei constantly oO 434v . .1
V ••= , alsili, Blinds furnished to ordet• by -j '
it% A. BALDWIN. -
r iV u Lati ni T l E and retail de
flail Lamps ; ge rst rin 04 1 ,..trite s .n n o ci
Flutter Vasia;;Crockery, China, and Glass t Ware,
Flitted and Valley G9ede, alsti•Caunpliene and fluid at
the /owest, priueo, at 64 Bow Ear, -Nov tbaa
Car. - • - 36m4
Reuloved. . , 1 •
C. D. ru•ka Dentit4 has taken rooms over F. 13.
Chuutdiers' store, where it will be his pleasur&to see
his frioOds as quick as posaible. n C. D. '91#6114
Iltay:, 2 s 16P. itisitlent •
. . . .
• Paper Hangins.. ,
Rollsjust ppened, epti some for. 6 lets. per
el i V --roll, 4r . - -J. LYONS & SON.,
PRE undersigned .air 'day aAsociated under
1. titt fi rm of Dicite.nuan and Garnett. forithe pur.
pose of transacting the mercantile business at the old,
stand ord. Dickerman jr. J. DICKERMAN Jr.
- Nor bfifpr Juts eft, 1855, I.
' GOODS. ' ' - •
BENTLEY" c • fl J U'AI).
ARE now..-Occi'Kitir , {heir usual stipply of SIDI - kin?
4311,71('61 . )0D5; whirl. they offer to their
crtonaers, and the iiiittlic% "generatty,' on the mos(
cearatdr'te..r!iilt, for OA, Batter, Egr, , s, Grain, Rees-
Wa't, o r on p i - Tr ov e . pre.nt. • . •
• ; . • \
31 on tr94:l. May 1, .11R5 . 5.
I-1 _+ < DO - , .Kefittieky Jt..nns,
StinniMP Stain's! aml s
. 1; stock of ktmple
Rry foe;sale right ity
• ; - B.ENTLEY & ItEAD.
a,=, Merrimac and Poctieco Prints. ke. tic.. for sale
.13ENTE.,1:1' S RE.II - ).
- suinn,es
r:411 T . ; tr fo:. gale_
Tum rIF. "I7 T A T, ' EI : k•ItEAD. • •
;;,., rl'all7l,,
AViptlow Paper
l i s j Hatsi4unibreu4s; ,
Did ?Pace Permit, vre could glee mans' ii‘1 1 1 , 3 14 : 1
certill&ttes from allparts where the Pills have been
used, but evidence'eyen more convincing than the .
experieo:ce of eminent public men, is foetal in their.
effectsnpon'trial. . . .
These PillS, the result of long investigation arid
study, are MI - crony the pulilic as the best and Most
complete which the present state of:medical e6ience
can afford. • They are compounded not of the drugs'.
themselves, but of the medicinal vit tiles only:of Tep-,
etable renittdies extracted by chemical process - - Ma
state of purity, and combined together M such a man
ner as to insure the best results.. Thisft system of
composition for medicines has been found in Cherry
Pectoral and Pills both, to produce• - a more eflicient
remedy than had hitherto been obtained 'by any pro
cess. The - reason :is - perfectly obvious: While by
the Old ntOdit of companion. every medicine is bur
dened with more-or less; of aerilllolrif/Us and ininvions
qualities, by this each individual virtue only thatris
dosired Mr the curative effect is-present. • All the la
ort and obnoxious qualities ef each substance em
ployed are - ieft behind, the curative yit :ties only be-•
ing r.taincd: Ilencelt is. self evident •the effects
should prove as they have mofed,-more purely r•em
ediitl: and the pills a inure powerful antid6te to dis
eaSe than any- other medicine known to the world.
As•itis frequently expedient-'drat manyttipiitines
, . , ellt , t;hl lie . taken under the counsel of an . attntliog
i . PEA'S: pi: MPS : . - - I.physiciart, and as he could not properly. judge of a
.. ,
27te Gteatest. Impr,,vemoit of the Age!---C. remedy 160 - Mut knowing its composition, I have sup-
H. itillianr4' D6vlde-:leting Bell - Vull'e - it li t' d the accurate fur „ln ui r ? - ! i ' . 3 -
whichll i r th l n e l i; P P t ec ue t t ° i - -
' I;4 *( 4 ' and /lit IP"HP- 4 - . - - inners I I :1 '1 . 1 ;hr L ' • l l, l ll 4 t l y u d ,' S t t ( a ) t l e...s le -a ‘ l c ir l e tti l t ° is ( l Y t'llinert . can
.AN. iinprov.sneot dove all other pumps or, ma- s I%i:winces. lf however, there .Atoultl. be inly- one
._ chines for Min .% throwing, and-'tarrying water, 1 who has'not received tiem, t'icy will be :forwarded
c o mbining both ia Pump and! a Fire Engine. This by mail at his requeSt •. • .
Pump, patented to February, i'l•Slit, is the whOle of it .
.Of all the Patent Medicines. that are offered, how
metallic 4 No bolts or screwsjabout it to rust, eetie - fey Would be taken iNheir composition was kpown!
quently it will hit a film's line time., It `'" n 'heued -Their life - consists in their inysterv: I. have oo lays
in- every variety of' •forra-f-citM drat' water fiorn any 1 teo,,, the CompoAtion of my preparations is laid
situation', and cattry it to any part of a- building% It open to-all men, and all who are, commtent to judgA l i
is supe.tior to all' other Pumps for Distilleries, Paper i oi the:subject freely acknowledge their convictions of
Mills, Tanncries,ll3rick Yards. lion Works, nud Man- 1 tl :drintrinsic meriM. The Cherry Pectoral• was pro
ufacturTng, estahlishnients Or tilt-kinds.-_ •
.. - i , nduneed by §cientific men to be a wooderfatmedicine•
All orders mull lie addressed to AtonsoNDiumrcK,i More its effects were known. MAny eminent- PhY-
Lodersvilie, Pa., iwho has • the sole right for. Pusque- I s i : A l p s h a t c declared t h e ~,,yr i e , t hi ng . o f my Pills, and
hanna cnintty. - ! 1 e' en more confidently, at;:l.are avillitm• to certify - that
- (their anticipations were mot e Ike realized by their
ell'ects-oPon trial. They'operhte by their powerful
influence on the internal visceth to purify the •
and stimulate it into healthy-aciqop —remove tl
structions.a the stomach, bowels, liver, and otb
gars of the body, restoriug , their regular iicti
_ ..
ILT . A4D.W.A.RE, riot kery, Patent Paihs; Tuba, Put-
IL' Sc.;- ' • BENTLEY & READ.
.. .... _ . .• -r,-.--
1" --- AIRVG.q, lfetlie4tes, Paints, Oils, Dyestuffs,'nuti . a
-I—P•general assortment of Patent v llednnT,„„t .1,,
and for sale by 1 - BENTLEY & . TAD.
. _ ..
Q . 01.1; aild ri per Leatlit.r,.PayniiKipS, Calf Skins.,
L. and Ogoud snpply of Loots and Shoes constant
:lc on hand. -- .
_'j.! BENTLEYS Man.
fAC t ifit i TEl. M.- the harrel Or one-half barrel—al:.
- 1,1 sO ' Codfish. 1
, • i B:,....VTL'Etr A.. REat , .
AA TAT! 41 Es and 4EW ELRV.—A full assortft.ent
of 'Gold Om Filer Le L pines .and Petatebed
Levers, it double Ln . nd single eases, Ladies fins, Ear
• Drops, Rings, GLtard t'llains,-4e. &e. Alfo, Silver
Table, Tea,,-Sttlf awl Soar Spoom.ovattanted
pure, for:sale by 1 I - ; BENTLEY it: BEAM
; ; • •
QTOVES and 111N1VARE, pucks, Nails, Ca:l,3les,
Ll.;lutip Oil, ratnj.liene &e. &e... -
31Lontro,se, May il, '53. DENTLEI I & READ.'
i • . 41,f, ItlkAk DIT.
S*l7o VES A. N 1) TFN NV AI tE FO I; 1111 E
' - i'pFA!I) i. E.
• . ,
A y o aPi l :k al r ,l :: ,Fk :int E vk l.. , D li ßE .i li ic h lt 7
c ezt o is....t t ii ii n ie tl i y it o o n f li a t
i ts: . I
Ware, Reels ni4 Chain for 4, wells, pumps, tern 1
pinups. 'Ac.; - Hydraulic Itaimt, Japan eed r;..'',' lead 1
pipes of all sizesikc., &c. Job work done with neat
ness and despatch t all orlieks promptly attended to.
STOVES 4: PIPE • • .=
kept constantly On hand, a Urge assortment of stores
of the lateit intoaSand 41 - Trial - ed. patteriuk.- ,Our.i
experience in th sr ess enables us. to selert those.
that it e; Can .Ifely warrant to ttive entire satisfactiot_
Amongst our urea ono st Pelt 'can he found the
Paragon . air ;tight . Star of tlsi - West, Elevated -
New World, ". Clinton, . [Oren.
Atlas, . - 1 " Cilltieator, . it
Phoenitc, . I‘! }ite Fly.. - . ,i " -
Three states, " - ,Western. Queen, : 4.
Clobe, . -.. i• " Premium.'
-- ~ --
• - rmotrus
' OITICE. - AVIENS• np..9)FoRD coesTv,•PA.
CAPITAL, $200,000.
f Secureil Lry Bo id and ilur f .gdge thr lit9l Extatt
1•4)1 the Ste,kholdry.3. • 6 • .-
• L:lire; mttairtst . loss by Fire,
.of [rouses, Stores, 'and
other buildings 4, Goods, Wzitos, and Merchanilise, on
as ElrOrttble terms - as any similar,lnstitutioih Losses
promptly adjusied and Todd.
Di nnc-ro - tts..--Mon. Iloraqe Williston, _Athens;
ci Tt h•r, do. ; George A. Fell:ills do. ; - J10.). Moyer,
d0...;:c, Shiptuan do. ; jr. do. • 3,.E.
Canfield do.; • Laporte, Towanda; den.
Walteinan, ; Gtio. 31. Ilollenback,
harre ; Michael Ileylert.- Laporte. l'a.
lloraer President; C.
F. jr., Pros. - atid Treas..; J. E. Canfield,
Secretary. I. .
A zOnt.• 0. S.I . BEEnr. 11dntrose. Fa.
r r nE subseriber is eakrying on the C/1.11./. ...ifAK
-1 /X 0 L 11,5 LY S its various branches at
the Cbair.and 34me 1.4h0pf. - in Jim foril, where may be
found; n great,er yariety ;of Windr:or rind Rocking
Chabl than at 'any other establishnacnt in the county;
also Flag awl qaue Seats, ;11nrearts, Bedsteads, Taliing
ea, S-ttees, Tables, Stands, Sm.. lite., all which will
be sold at thellowest priCes at retail,-(or wholesale,
with short notice.) All 'work warranted well made
and of good Material. short credits. and small profits
will barty motto. For demonstration of the above
facta,-please call at my sliori in Ifatfi)rd village.
11aitord,.0c1.0)er 12, ifQ.74.. 1510mG
k--.- --------
; -r.iums iFOR SAI.E.' .
r Illlt subscribe.r.willact aslgeut tbr buying and sell.
.I._ Ing Real '',Estate—Faruts;,llouses; and Lots—lo:.
cated in Suscplehanna COunty; Pa. - AU who with to
offertheir property for Sale can give a minute.deset ip
don of. tueir Farms .of Lots as follows: Number of
;acres!, bow ma;ny iropmrd, and bow watered; build
ings, kwchards, grafted or common fruit ;. other fruit
trees!: and th 4 nearesuppintto than. L. & W.. R. R.
and N. Y. & 11".. 11. IL. I _ • .
42.; farms (Ai the list, 43 unsold. ll,y calling . Ott"the
.Subscriber a thinnte desiniption, price and terms t.. 13
be gieem - i , . .
°Mee on .Tnrupike it; 4 doors west of .fain it.
ifentroSe, Aiagust IN 1654. A. BALDWIN. ~
—' -- - ----- -;------ - - I --- .' --------- • :- 7 .;----
DC Ilakerlia Celebrated Vegetable
'-• - -* '''l Coifipbattd,
A stir ereign temedy for krwintery, C,holetu Itlatbusi,
1 Cholera Infant= or .urtuner - complainteentizely
i repitable, and has nerrr.tailed in a single instance of
1 producing the desired . effelet. For sale.,in bottles at
50 dents and ICI: - . r i BENTLEY &. READ..
ifonttose, August .4, : 1 55. ,. . i . •
I Nett GoOdo Ch'ea fel! Cash at the.
1 ,' • Illeatl of at/gallon, .
rrilE undersig,neil i. woitld respectfully announce
A that be, is still
.ttllirig Goods akthe .old place,
I andthat he ila.alt entire new shoed.. of .0064 Itliefr
ihe kill sell ehear ' C. W.-MOTT-
-.......— -- _._. *.____t_ -
.2. ...,-.1
iIQ AREGD,DELA INS for one aiiilling;- Lawns, felt
.1.-A- colors, it' yard wale, for one shilling,: and Cali
coca at fill pricts, at i, - -; .. C.W. 310Tre. -.
.I' gontrose,rifay 30' i 1855--. ' . • -
Trfeoplirollit 11,tinr.t.,,Erons. .
met e
forg4 4 ),,fri e uds„ o u t a nd 4 11 7 ,
r.xoutblb., t, great or.autall=r;• •
(If Lot , too small,} • •r:
T l ll4-40f141,1 . ellf)tra,qh11,
t/se,.place ti). •
:To: get - 3'9lw fie464oni.up. 41/.
r W-. 13• PgAlia- •
aiontrom august g 55. ..„ ,
'loatinit ' , nettle flakes,. ~
11 1 0 - : tl.l-Yii ;
imeris . Exchange I) CO
1 • 1 . - --,. 1. LATIIllt)r &, C
' a .
~. , . .
, '*ii ',. -I,l , :lierla , C t 'k ---' --.f. - -' -,;• I --- :,....164 1 131141M , -IFOUNDAT.-.. :
- , ,044; : i. - -"vt'7"-,114A vi-X..g-..z.)4,,'--'i .: ,
• I:Q.AnvItEIiTLEY 4k. PERlFlNS ; hsvinglurci .. .as
is 4 ) - ,;*w:i...,iitv.,„l'.'zrj, ..0. 1 410 . I;da, Odor NtAson k.vo. the P.,aglo Fotradry,, are now
~.. ciAr - f t 5. , ,......,,.. t .. „ 4 - 4 :4 - ,, 1_,,./iil: ~ c .i,, . v., , , ,1 A - - ,4 pre - Pared tei fill'ordirs'from Um trade, and do workirt -
Z.'.....14,,,i.:..itftti., ; .,.. i .i.N....4; 7; - _-• 't th.cir Bake is skill 'arid de:Patch': ..-The wall -. 'keep 1 .
..• )-,-,,,,!„.,viar.4 ; ;;;; ; ;;,, Air,a..-SA- ,, t0:*•4 ..- . .I\onstatitlY on hstultPlenst,.(best itinds,) Stotest,(4l:: -
'' . ' A:4 . ' 7 ; 1 4.: •-k - i' l / 4 " 4 4 Y '''.. -I ' .l. ---- -' S ".` ' • -T
I kindit,) 'Cultittator!*, ...;$ trme Cutters,
,Costs- •Saftslirrai
--- :..': :fit " . - 7-7 -' ;.- - -7..-": l' tte-.4te. tke, i. .- , ,:, ,- ~., '7 , - ',''
. .. -.,•- t": -', '-'t ,j f . 1: ' = _ _ "e, invite parill11:1/; attention • to the'Ploirs
,Witielh :
4 1 ' r - a ' ' -
44 .-; .f f s 9 _ 1 t r , I. ar i ~., we mama& ture. We mane acture an keep for sale'
-- la- 4 IV 0 il'' ii b-i t ry • . ' no , C'etelirated Blefelii . ifr PM sc: -," ' ~
. A NEW and Wingularl - 34suet 4.•sful iiimelly for the 'We hare purchased the exclusive light to; IThander-..
;,tl cnre'of sit Salient diselses+Aostivenev, Twit- tore._
_anti isell:fto this county, Waype,;Wyoming amt s
g tion dauntlice„Dropsy; Itoeumatiarti Ecvers, flu-, .-firatifurd.tirMer's paten( frov,Bealft.Pior: ine r ,
mom (IVO, N'er,voushess, kik:dainty, infliunniati&ii,_:Ploa: is.made entirely of
,iron, eicepthig the.,lttindles:
-Headache, Painaklu the Breast, Side, pack ; andLinabs, it is .Celeiirated Tor its easy * aug ht, b e l l * - ii„,mi, i ,,, i
Female Complaints,. - lie. ke. Indeed; very,feW,„.. are, easier tharinny non ha use, while its strength and dit---
the discs:n*lr which s,Purgative )dedicioe lictiPt• ItabilitY wro-Kreat*% . ~,,_•
__, - ' - - . . ~ ~..r l i
more or less required, sad much sickness sickne and sillier- '• : I.A-,,...,, .
. _ .
r... , ,
tug migio be pre,vented„,il a laarnsla!ss but, el4.*lnal of all hinds tamartfactioett and restai lv i b . ), " pa i n&
cathartic:4race more,fsecly . 11.10 a. No person eau feel , ed rattchinests. , ? .. ~, ,
„, • , , - -
well whila.o costive habit of body prevails; hesitiet . ‘_ "Syant Etiopty,• 6 1 Parit4,,for,, 3 fithi:thelaiti -ra.
it soon generates serious an& often fatal diseases, ' •;.1)-7. - t• -' (Tana, tte. cii... l - •k' . , f-1 - ‘...,,,, e, - .
'which might have been,lasicidedhy the timely and Among the stoves which we manufaitume re ,4; ‘ ,..„
l' , ~ :„„.. . ~,
tiuicloits use of,agotn,l purgat i v e. .. A 4111_11$ aiiiil pip K e ygp ne . c,,,, , ,i n5 ,.. k g fiwi ,R 0ug h: ; ,,,,,,d R e0ire0... .. r0rp,,,,
of _Colds - , Tevetisb symptoms, aullilliout derange.' cat Queen do., Prooieult d?., optd . other Janda, all a r .:
ntents. They all tend, to 'become or prtultieeThe deep ranged for hurtling wtMd. or coat 'Also, Sett -keys.
seated and formidable disfemper,s which': load the, , lea's, Parhir Store, Coftrigi-Pdrldi do., Stanlega,
hearses all over the l a nd:, _ Hence a reliah'e 411%4, ;two gabs, do., and a Variety of Other Parlor Stoves,
rlityele is of the first importifttee to the public health, both and anti coal burertt. W4-tep-akb on hand
, and this pill. has been Perfected' with emisummate, Grindstone trimmings, Bog ,Churo triumairtgs n u .,
' skill to meet that demand. An extetsive nisi nf its bridla and :Shovel and Toop,Sfands 'l6:.c. 41 . . c. Work
1 virtues hy Physiciam•,`ProfessotS, and Patients, has done to ortler'on shoat notice nod it t the loiest rates.
shown resn lts sot passing,dny thi n g ltithexto - koolvo - of ' r3r Otlers 'for Stoves, Agricultural , Impl ements; i any medicine. Cures have been effected beyOndYe-. i- . .tte., are soliciVed frimi those in the trade;-and will 6
lief, ~,, e liter not pubstaPtiated
b y persons of imeh,` filled at reasonable wholesale prices. , • '
exalted positioni and aha r tyt tier as to : - :,•' 4,1 1 1 the sue - i . ' --8„ lI...SAYRE,
ilieion of untruth. ,Ainovg dot emineni gontienten 1.1. -
. 11, S. BENTLEY.
- , -
Iv. Ito b lye testitledin:etvor of theee rills, si, nvi.; Montrose; Starch 4. ~ , ,„ S. PERKIN'S.
111+ , 110'0:s:4
Doct. Ai A . . Ittsys, Analytical Claentistof Boston, 1
1 and State - Assayer of Ma , ssr.chusetts; IL J. Gattota , :tt, • l
t , Governor or II umichwetts; Elton IYatcnalior, As. -I
1 Gov. of ilassachumetts; Slum% linowx, Lieut. Gov.
of 1f41.4.,; F.. M. Wittnor, Secretary of State of Mass. •
Jowl II: Frraparstiax,” Carl' -SIAN) Alf Roston; Prof: 1
•Joni TORREY, of the . College of Physieiaos and Sur:
gmrpl, New York efts; Dr. C. 7. dsessos,.`, ll colugist
of the Public Lands of the 'Crafted ~rate s; Dr. .1 . : It.
CII I .rot, Practical Chemist of New York City, enders
ed by -lost.-W. L Mancv, Si-ertary of State; Wm.
B. Aaron; the richest man in Anieries; S. LI , : .1Z;Il k
Co., IN oprictors of the 11etropoliton Hotel, 'and
Ite.dth, and by correcting uhererer. they A'‘xi::.t,
derangements Its-nretim first °Hain "of 4lisdia e.
Prepared .by Dr. .1. C.- ANE.II, - Practicl4l and Ana- .
ly tier ] Chend.44, Priem cents'• per
hex. Jive boxes - for $1,041. .:- . 4- 4..41d by Anu.Tcrtitnu.,
.31onno . se; B. F. & 11. H. .ATON, CpURCy
Dundalr, and by all 412:tiers la knedieines
evens wbiTe : ,
I,VINC returned oni-New Toek
- • •
can tin; attention of my Old customers, tui4 - . - Of
dye public in general, to my
which being bought \ with cash at the lowest prieeS,
and wishing to sell ptincipally for same„ I will of
them at greatly reduced prices. ' - •
Cocheco-rriuts, .warranted fast colors, for oily S
cents a yard. Good Brown; Sugar, 18 ponnils for one,
, fronton aeknoaledged by all to -be•
•Ihe.hest N: it in use, :1;4;5o per keg. .llats. and.tlacts,-
Boots anti shoes, Buffalo Robes of sll price?, -all wool
De Lahms,'Cashmeres, •11ress. Silk, Silk
Velvet, &e. Itotinkin I)e Lainee, I shilling : , petyard,
Satin -Bonnets, and Mole Skin lliits, lhoehe Shawls,
'Double Long shawls, Thihet do., selling at inconteiv
ably low prices. I can safely warrant perfect satin=
fhetion to all who will give me a call.. • .
-I.aneshoro, Apr. 5,
( - AD R . ..K.5.--1, , r00d tittle keepers, lAA , 'one .dollar.:: • .
Latier•boro, Apr. - •
AN7rl_lt,oo t lil, for w4lolAhhl3t
ineimi.epi k .k.Lcot.,,
. •
Laresborn, Ape. 5. ' ' '. •
_ _
- , ,
rIOUSTRY PRODUCE takell -in ccelialmn lot
k..) Goods, at S.: -1: LIONS.'
Lane horn, April 5.- . . „
. .
115321 ii?,
'TINE subscribers. secured
.the sole right to
BUTTER= {PORKER, for Susquehanna and.sec.eml
adjoining counties, respectfully .
d' incite all Butter mak
ers-to examine anrEw m
r the erits.of this new and,
valuable invention.. it e•propose Li furnish each and
all of You with a'Cittnt*Lfhat: will produce as , utuch
butter in its short a time as arty other churn=-one
.that will completely expq the *lfulicrualle, treat and
leUrk - in. the gait, diffusing it. perfectly throits/h the
butter and fit-it for use, without removing it faun the
chitin. This Churn is simple hi its ctinstruction;
entific in its operation. cup! atul kept. in
order, and can be- easily attaeliedito'anfprOpelling
•power. -
For tbrtlior particulars.. .apply pv.r.ton'ally or by lot
tcr to JAS. U. BUST NELL and J. N.::PRONSONi
Arartp; Sit:Kiwi - uncut county. Pa.. .
*. - . P LOW _ivicio.-
A f AND E. MOTT; would re,pectfully inform the
.01 • public that they arc manufitctmingßlatehley l S
Ccdebrated , Plows. They also keep
.conitaritly . on.
Inuul,'Nde Ilia, Wayne _ C oun t . i.,,, an d M en pl fm , g ,
othipok ric Ilk (.'la;ir s but, Sleigh . dik I
.- Catter:Shoes,
Plow Points, of carious patterps,-.-too numerous to
mention. We hope, by spirt attention tbusiness,to receive. our, share of 'pubife, patronage. , Manufac
tory,\ I). host's old stand. Foundry, 31. - .,M0
tt, near
ieare's Mill. . . - - - -' • '
'' 0 - Repairing done . on short notice.. , • . •
Feb. - 6. ..,-. • . EL 1.1. A II . goTT..
• virtiu EirstatANct- . ---,
rrii E subscriber is ogent for th 9 following lUsurance
• _I; Companies, - doing - business, at tho-o#est -. safe
Slate ifottial;at Ifarriiburg: - • -.:••••, - .t •
• -
Capital $350,0.00,
CasA, 3fatvaliat..lfarri4uiv.
C4itill ir , 20Q,009.
h-lpme Invirdnit,• Kew' Y4)ik,:.eity. -,..:•,•••., • .
. ',. •f. •„. •- . : • Capital *5OOOO. -:
[ _ montrqse;Aprit b,'54. '- - -:i*,, tt..eIIASIT)LIKTt:
Post BROTHERS. having put:chased - 41e ai)hr
Ykeep conininl
ay &
On has -
w it, piaej'idur,,Ciiin 21fral.of Iluig c rior
alto Choi altd.Bran at the- IOWCZEtC I O I
,Inieß B -' — '
Customwork will ._be done with. 4eapatekand in all
CUE'S wgrrontrd..- _ . • 1381tf
ifontiiise July 1853, -
( 1 ,1 4 PLFSD II) Whits and Lladiee Binadeinth,-Delanes,
e•sluttpliened Andlit sate tkr
k RON'.
- • Merrinute 1.• eocheco•Paintit-+-7446 *WOO' r44ietTi
1 1 4 1 1.14 1104 , ft - 7 1 0 1 1. DENTIXT C111:1111.;
Notice to. the Tublie.
I . I '. 4oha - GkoVi.4 1 AdrC.rtitienkent. :
AS'nuture,i tvhn. fut•nislie4 the,blrds am; teats- witlt
-1M extra' coat. for wintei, lhas not made a sithilar pros= ;
viioit for man; :I lutye concluded. to take it upon
aelf:to attend to that, department and. thlrefore 1
think }groper to announce that all shiveting male hi- ..-
ped72,. that need -ties apparel, glorious ;' or inglorious,
flohionable or: unfashionable; pm - have their wants
suppliefhand.their tat•tes suitetli:by ealllug op me, at .
nir shoi)itt Ifontzose. • • •
takes this method of saying
.I=l. .to his friend.i'atelscustothers, that lie has again
resumed the practice of ramlicine,
,stand at . 4
Moutroic, where he may be found at all times unless '
profes,ionally - ernjiloy - ed. file would say, to those in
debtedlo him, that he will. deduct tarenly.fiere:pee,
cent on all ne.countsimil before the firit of.Apelitt4o,,
p (or if any' poor like myself/ Tt.44e41„ t fifty.)"
'Montrose, Feb. 20, 185;5---• 4 '' -
PATENT- -311EDICIN, -7114111111 P
MONG the great - vatietv t;flifetlioineintrqu i A
Store, way be fonntl . nll
.of Jaync's justl
celebrated. Family gterry, Pecto
ral - and Cathartic'. Pills; talsero' - roreatrWine . and
Forest'Pills ; - Iloofland's celobratetlf:Geimittßitters,.; •
Lowlen;s - .series., of Family. Med*es ;. Merchant's'
Gargitt* Oil, the greatest renaedy fbr SPraini•in man
or beast ever - known ;' 3f.itliewsonc .
dy, and,liorse . Remedy ; Oriek's Verrnifoge, and a
variety of' other. kinds; Trask's Magnetic Ointment,
the great remedy for barns,. rheumatism, and all in :
ffiimmatory ...Complaints ; Pond's. Extract, a first rata
thing for similar pin poses as. above Ointinent; An;
dke.w..l' Pain Destrpyiug Ammt, a good article ;,Wood - -
cock's' Bab:8ln and Bone Liniment ;,. Atwood's,' Jaun
dice Canker }roils; 'Liniment, and: PiiientarT
I): pils.; 13aPet•'S Cemponntl. tor •Dyseiiterr ' L'ougf; :
ton' 'Pepsin, for. Dyspepsi:i.;.. Extrait
Btichn . and Extract' of .-Sartparilla; ,
:trariety of
tiatri s. tbe best in market, Pills, .&c., atid,:ast -almost
endidtis.4ariety: of Patent 31edieinea; altogether too
ntunermt to enutrierate—but Suffice to fay, that
the puld c will find nearly- every thing in thisline, at
tho Drug and Far,eyStorq of * ABEL TUIIRELL.
'Monti 4 ose;' -July, .19155. -
ailoriilr JE4lo.)llsl,:me.nt
ASHER S: Co. woUld respectfully'announde to
„ef theVr friends and the public generally; that they
keep constantly on - land -a full - assorttnentif Ready
Made Clothing; Jlotits tral Suers, Hats and apa, and
every thing else negessnry for nieti wonaen's:irex.
• We would partieularly call the attention of country
Merchants to our large stalk foflleatly-3fade Clothing,
or-oarown baanufactike, which we o . fref:rat"wbolesale;
nt prices that will ..illiord great- cash
and short-time cusfonters. . • - • •
.1 .
Eck ofCio'hs . .C.vsirneres, ..-VestiOQ.Ac.,
21y Oil :112 d, 'for persons desirouj of hit.
made to rdcr. • ii• -
lanai!" !a tended to. .- : .
~-._ . • -
for post fa oar,- co hope to tnerit.aeoq
. .if the sOttle., ' J. ASHER* to,
Sa, , rptellanna Dept Pa., ,)lai 12, 1856: .. -
I~iisir ilia, Californtii,
. .
Or Globe cannot . present
grehiiir. .itideficenzoitslecut
T k -A7 HICK i 3 non-filled with a' new and eiterisire
, T asscirtment of articles in thew line, embracing
a general variety .of new find elegant styles of ladies
and .gentlem.en among • whieft are, Ladies,
French', Silk Lasting and Prenille Paiters, Kid and
Enameled l'idkas,lKid, Patent .Leather and Bronzed
Jenny Linde, Buskins and Ties; Gentlemen's }lencit
and thiladelphia,eak fanned calf skin and kip Booty,
Morocco, calf and Cowhide Brogans kc. Boys. kip 1 •
-calf and ;cowhide .Boots and Brogans ; sD kinds eq
Hisses and CbildrMi's" wear. Aiso; a general tiiorti
ment of Findings:Which consist in part- of lasts, pegsi
- sparables, liungarian tacks, thread, wax, .Brill
116;,clioe bindingi - awls, rasps, sandstones. shoe knives
Alsc; oak arid hendock, tanned - calf upper arc,
soleleather,- Mor o eco skins and linings.
Work.tuade to order and r.epait ing 'neatly demi:
. -
Montrose, April-6, 1854. . "
Stearns , and Maryin's rire.Proo'
• - - •
rr .•=itiatriibeys,littve made arrangements tofu
:L. nish' to pe.nirta who may be in want of them, the
above named - invaluable:Safes, ntitbe same prices, for
Which they•can be obtained. drlbi maplfactureei.—
.Having experienced,the benefit of itiCh an ardicieds•
ring the late conflagration ourselvesi, we would earn
estly recommend to others having valuable hoot:sod
papers, the preserving ofwhielt• would be of humeact
importance .to.thent, not: , :to-Act Without 'one.-
Prices range From tcso'tA) ssoo t andvre carvisplit
•to arty .one wishing to prrehase,' the difference it
atria, SiZ, pi iCe!, SW.; and furnish them on short te•
lice, with thelnternal arrangement .to snit ,the per.
cba - ser. ' • - BENTLEY< it READ.
lonirose,ReCember 19, 1854. • .•
Valuable.LaUds foe Sale.
-VOR SALE IN ONE'BOBY,, about" 5500 - itcres.d
Land on - the waters of Spring; Brook, B branch
of the Laekawatuut river, in Luzerzle Count rates..
about midway-between • the tltriOng ; ttram; of Sersts!-
ton and, Pittston. • -, Tlieseissols are covered with 47
uable timber, and being eituate,itt the meat estensite
mineral region ., hi•P,enanylvania—known to contain
holt ore—and.))elieved to,abound izi.coal, 'and being
also ht,lhe immediate vicinity of several tailronal
made and now-in pregreSs—Mfer to the tapitaliatan
opportnnity for the investmenrof money that seldom
occurs: For farther information apply te 15';'1 ) .
sack; Esq., No: 11, Wall street New T,tik; or to tkc
subscriber, ai,ifontiosr, Susquehannaconnty,Pa,,
attorney in fact, Of-the owners: ' • •' .
• April 6, 1a54.- - lIPTY-DRINIZEg.
114111 E subseiibers ard now burning:and,wiU keg
constantly on :hind, Lithe of a very 'superior
qtiality at .11.ontroae Depot, and, will ; sell It in 4n►
quantities' at a - fair Nice: Pifirgoni wishing a WS'
quantity can be, sUpplied reasonable notice.-
Superior ground Plaster will be - kept -constantly
hand hereafter. - ':- l. L. POST, 's
L. SEAR.M . •
WllidON-Sttah. .
Q IT. & harp* been appointeden
0, • fur Eft extension plind=and door nionar .
!ory a 0 prepared io furnish any articles in thistnen
ritt,es 4hari'they laire — nsnally been sold
.1"u ' .4. ff. &
. „
ShaTips Cream.,
A L N. Artitioiihich,ewry should try. for eak
L ~ by 'Mt . •S.H,•& D. S.
TTATS.--A new lot Of Snmnier and Clo 4
13. foisunimer - fwearjwi rpeeited and forsale.that
by ' L, tt CO: •
- -
"f INK Not, Voices fire' riciiif Liugee4
o[:4 Lamp anCrioagene sold low by"'
P. B. CIIANpLyS. ,
.Tune 20tb, 1i355
I - 1Y the Barrel, Saok- or pounli
r •
Motitmse:Jiiciii 20th, 1855
• ..: •.TO DAI RY M EN. •
BUTT, ERIVANTED. - - The highest marlet
mill be Peidin egoh fer,oo,llainy Butter by
• _ tr, D• Witt'
.'Juac lath ; ~ 1R!rl