Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, December 06, 1855, Image 3

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    7 1.01•111111 MI I ..
•.. . .
' I , „..... . .
, .
1 . Aar ByAnt - ttriltid - At Naffs* oftho ste a m- - I. : - f-' : --- .. ..H.- :i ..,-: s ou % 454 4 .
,:.., -L
.., • '.- ,
ei . -iads; we have LiierpoOF advice S to-the., '--.. 10 8 .401 4 18,accastai ne d tainveta*'subeetitleat for ilM itatit ath'
1 'DM: . 'Pie' ildicilltitie - war exaiteattivnt_.: .- in... -• " Books. Ifegednes it.c., orgotap.elubs.for news ! I ' - :- . p a t ue 4 l itea st- = ----- Dee. ' -7 8 th . — i v i . i - "''--
tioaiic i hitii;etiti4id..... trod the t io, t , i i ar k,i k : gal:Tilt: . -reiplened to send *their names and.4 ,. ..i titientitotetateaW oetioek-.-', - .1 --' : ----. .:FT - '.727.777-7 - .
. which vetted it are endeavoring id shuffle - 0 , : = me i n;a:l7s a nnin" ,,bn ei th i att..:i r c i t t . et , wil l.i • 17 1 .'.q.u.,e;..: , . -1 , . that. fek,Seiend:-..,...... ,
...' , .lt- -- - :- . '- - :1 .
tha' rititOonsibility for what they have' !lone.' :find readYealart and we wilt allow them aeolaua mt ii;; I.' ' ''' • -•-• . ' -::' ' - ' . - -., '-'': - '',: .. '''''-' , '-'sl,'. 1 . 1 "! 1111 .NttamI' l
, Th e British Bearetaryship . fin- tha, Volumes . ii: .af '_oo, per eatia for their seivieet.':- '. - . .
latillvicant. t :Unfriendly' relationa haii•O'nei;i:' it- '. • - . , .
en between Great _ Britain and Spain: oil ac= 't. : - - .T ''' - "- 3 a'artl'ina et, New 'VOA:
i enunt of-the expuliiion of a British .subject
rma - Cubs: - in April . tai.t; and- tin, appoint
raerit 141.SE:tail °Pa notorious old' star e .tr ak „
Ider, as Governor Of
__Fernando Po:. .` There
, .
*as another rumor:ot an attempt to ali:7tassi
nate the Emperor , Napoleon, hut'it arose
Ifrom_ the accidental, dropping and- exploaion
I ot"ta - pistol from a 4 mm holster,
, i -General . Canrobert k pre-siitg Sweden 'kr .
. It ,"General.
answer,' whether site will jOin .. atet, ,
'reir.c.thev Western' alliance. • A b om b er +
. Meat Of Nichtilalefris said to hnvr wiatnette
led-int the - 2,9th of4Oetober, and combined
through the .I . ,4lowing day. .The . E r ni,,, r „ r
riAle'lander lett b4:Ct. it- beginfi. Tht, R.
E ro n i iii itte ro r rAiro r : ert i: n tip itini f i n a il e tr
ii rer it. wit uor the tasotutttons Air, peace. •A - .
l a wiumokance of the Allies . front Ettpatoria...
the ‘ 42,3, resultesli in their encolintering and
treeing battle to ti, large , Ruesiin force ;
l' is' u i t an th aii e . l d a . t F te n r l r ic ,:ti • •
t e
3 Allies 'hunted t 'tree villagiN and . :ime
film), lisiti - e4 twiny fartni, and returned to
tipatoria. The Itui.siatt . arm v,, ht . . :he "eel.
! t ea has ju4 . 'reetliv e d provi,ion4 fn. *4
n43nthi. Outer Pacha . has vonmieneeil leis
Ovance on Kutars. -: A - k'reitelt vamp of 50 ;
". men is' being toritt.d at Sillktria, • 1:- k
iitid that the Sultan *ill e . :s.i.. Paris and Lon-
iv.., -in - the ap'ring. i The mi,umierstanding
bltween, ,Sartlittin and7ll4...anv.remal t is tot.l. 1,
(10, ivniiing a reference to Pratie v too- E n .O
LH. . t-• •
I- ---- -
Governor Reeder' addrwkscd a large m cetir 4 , at
nton, N. .1., Nov. 29th, on the advantr.gat of Kan
as an agricultaral countit, on, the wroops of die
' men of Kansas, and on the prospects of the tutors
i ansas under fair an:. popper legislation.
_-, ..4,... MARRIED. . .
T, Bridgewater, on thel24th alt., by the Rev. J: F.
Dena, Mr. COANI.ES H. of Jessup, and Miss
5 . .!4t
11 J. Bataan, of the former place. •
A j a
T WednestlatyiSpi. 'l4th, by Prof W. Richard
rsonLat Badger's Hotel in ;New Milford, Mr. JOSEPII
lltlit., to 3fiss FLOIA Lire; both of Libcity.
-1 / 4 . ' 0 11 a the 25th nit; by thet Roe. John Staples, Mr. ,
DA.4IaL V. STERLISG: IRA Miss MARY 3katts both of
BrcrAlyn Susquehanna Co.E .
1 Th w
idgeater, Susquehanna Co., on the 18th ult.,
by Id. A. L. Post, Mr. Gsottos SMITR of Towanda,
Bra ford Co., and MissSan:soma Fraoinsus of the
fo. 'er place. ,
Id BrilgeWatsr, on the .1 6 1thnh. by the Rev. J.. F.
peps, Mr St : swarm McaNauld giss. Rattan 3f. Fow- I
tut.; all of Bridgewater. 1, -
i I
Lynn, Stisquelianna 'Co. Pa., on Sunday the
25th16, f Noveinber, 1855, 164 N llama, wife of I.Titax
K5.4.11e, aged 30 pears, leaving a husband and four
childi-en to meet the sorroa-s of life and share hi the
mercies of heaven. • • •
det Reciered,
to and I.;.atiter, and for sale cheap.•
J.A.• b . .7. R. ASHLEY.
Dec. 5, 1855. . • _
ea- int of
n ever, b
er i
. .
Notite. .
Block will be lighted with Campbc'ne
• y ercniiig.DecemberlSth, I
new Brick
Light, on Satu
at 7 fl clock.
crone, De
4 1865
• - i
I New Goods. .
.4 4tifirin7 D... 4 ILT AT 1 , ... B. ell AND .1, EitS.
QII WLS., Micas L filu;eic Books, Stationary, ket,
a.. 7 ' nd will rbot be *ndersOld, in this.ina rket. ".
. A 'testy mute Of six penns Prints. Please call
and -
- F. B. eII 4 :VP I. E, :.
i kep co
- ____
SALT kept nirtantly on hand.__ .
j ). • i - . P. B. CH4 N lai _____
n.' -
_De 4th ' 1855 .
sali & Lamb,
T I N i i IINITTE'RE manufacturers and- dealer's in all
1. kihds of furniture, having Moved our ware room,
from gew Milford village, to the Factory four miles
cast ef the Village, -where will be found at " all
times M 1 goock :assortment of cabinet imre, also ready
made i!offins. Funerals attended with or without a
liears4; also Bedsteads, it wholeiale or retail prices
ringing from $2,00 upwards acco ng to stile .&c.
. .
i Auelitor'% Notice.
The i l undersigned an auditor appointed by the
Court ,of Common Pleas of Sw.gnehanna County. to
make ,distribution of the proceeds of the Sheriff's
Sale of real estate of Lucretia Van Vorst late of said
Count 7 deceased will attend to the duties of his ap
. peanut ent at his office in liontnase, on Saturday the
29d0 day of December inst. at' 1 o'clock in the after
noon, liai wbielt time and place all persons interested,
will pil , sent their claims or be forerer barred from
cumin -inupera said fund.
Mona e Dec. 411855.
-- ' t •
AilliitorN Notice.
The 'undersign an auditcir appointed bY the
Court o Common fleis of Su.quehartna County to
mate di •ibution Of the ,fund erasing Com the. Sher
ifs Sat of real Ostate of Ezekiel Beale, ati'l at-•
tend to • duties of his appointment at his office in
ltontro ,ou Monday th e e 31st dam of Derembet inst.,
at 1 eel. ekin the afternoon at which tithe and place
a 1 pers. us interested will present their claims or be
forryer .- d from coming in upon said fund.
Mont ..e Dec.+4i 18.'5. ' ' '
. ,
"i .RE - yen %vett ; •
• . 1 :. L : NES,CORt....'
'Dee. 1855-
UANE on haml a general • assortment :
of Dry
11 Goods, Groce des, flard 7 Ware, Tin-ware, Store
rare, frooden wake, Looking Glasses, Crockery,
I, Carpets,l Boats and Shoes, Bats Caps, Glass.
lial,, Paints , Lam and Linseed O r a
l, Doct.-Ja ne's,
i l l
cekbrat4l Family edieinea,'• Boas and Sationery,
Carpetars' and Jo era Tools, WOO yards Sheeting,
Conon and Woolen 'arils, Cooking, Parlor and Strop
Si"es, and
Pipe, ,Zine,
sell for
ke. As we buy for
tub we .!itre disposed to sell forr cask a little cheaper
.1.111 thel cheapest. ICall and bee, i
1 1 - q, - , B. R. LYONS k CO.
ZALz FI , OG R d nail, by the patted, Rack,
4+l, or by tb4 load. ' B. A.-LYONS .CO.
Latteoore, Dec., 11 t?..'sZ.
Fir pounds Young Byson Tea fur one dollar,
at .R. LYONS IL Go •
Twel pounds god Sugar for take dollar, at B. R
trox, & C o ' s.
Three, gallons liolasses for One clollar, at B. S.
Lroxs E t Co.i. ,
Six ' ads Candles for one dollar, at B. IC Lroxis
k Co's.
You ' n yards good Sheeting for one dollar , at a '
R• Lros & co t , 1 :
Tvent yards Prints for one dollar, at B. R. Los
k Co's. l'
• I
i Too t i Pounds Nil for , one dollar, at 11.111.4T0ms 1
s. j
Thirts4n bars Soa R
Soap' for one dollar, at . B. . LTONIS
Eight isounds Co tree for one dolla.rost B. R. Lt- 1
& Ceri 1 . •
Seeentimn pound Rice for one dollar, at B. R. ;
Crow & po i . I
rdteenleenta pellV for Csuldles by the:box, at
B. R. LTp3ll it CO'L
Tselre cents peripound for• mem rork at
Il• R. LrO k ins Col'a, -
Laneshoro Rem, 18E4 - . . I
• ..---.
pe i )
• . :. - . , 74 - E - 7 - 7 -------------,
3 pair for le beet rip wejiThiele Boots,
co, Dee,
• . , t. RZ L. YONS CO.- '
iftee , 11165.: • :" -
9 CE pet
Li At
Jot t;?:415,'
Salt, at
*2 l ') bare!
B. R. LYONS & CO'.
B. B. LYONS & CO's.
nCgg -mozs
wuort notke
.111 AND or fividahed to ardor
• . J. ;SONS. !JON,
for Wipe radendeerep, at
'll. R. LYONS k 00.
cost and something less,
B. IL LYON'S* (Xt's.
,B: B. LYONS I CO's.
,3611 rElf . RAD AT OUR STORE., -
;O. roaibb % !Mini or 8 pounds Co ffe e, or 10 Yds:
ki.Capeti, br r 0 Ibs Young Hystm Tea; or 16 yda
erdng, or to yds. b ',able, or 18 lbs. g
16 Dm Salelull/A. or LI bars Ilard Soap, or 9 lbs.
u Tobacco, Or 9 lbs. Cut CuTobucco fpr smoking, or
one Fiddle, (think of that,' boys,) or NO centi (at
Iltlen) worth or, manjr Other goods, too numerous to
inent)on. J. LYONS k $aN.
114ontrose, bee. IL
_i - Narrate.
I'EALED P ROPOSALS will. he received, at tile.,
cantrulksitiners' office In Montrose, an ti] IV • ! .
• ' CATITBOiIi.'
nestle) the 2d dav of Jemmy, A. D. 1888;: for O i ,t''. LL perkttui arc hereby cautioned against harbor !
rebuilding of bridge or' r the Wyalcsing ()reek n ' ilk. tag or trusting A boy,orited George Mannar
.Rish to*OsitiP,!Oftv die . o tuto of N. D. glit't'er , gold • Thaitn on my account, as I will (Mint or bills.
Ilv,idge - . to be built in a . and workmanlike tulle arising therefrom- t. i JOILN LEAN.,,,
g i od
nee. M e tall reakets similar to the new bridge . ' juStf Lenox, Nov. 14, 11155. .1
. 2-
completed over; the same stream near H. J. Chem- I ;I
pit)n sin said tewmdrip; anil to be finished on or be- ,• 5 , Prof. Charles Norris,
forte theArst Ilnulav of November Couri", - 1858.-- ' 0 VCCFMOR of. Charles Tillinin, BARBER, bar..
sc/nThe piaci and s eeificlatioint will be made so as to be
,' I :7!liiig 'again removed his shop from its; firmer loco-'
at the CouttnissiOners' office In due time. i don'. in the basement or Searle's
_HOtel, to tho,rocutt!
• , I A. - CARPENTER, • ' Lend. Mtadirr's More, is PreParOThei ; exercise
.. ...bitarl
i• • ,
J. W SMITH. . romou l l-.., in the • most scienti fi c -nutnner, An % :1111 !no usszite .
, W3I. T. CARE, ,
hest—Ww. A. Caossuox, Clerk. - ! pleased to entrust their heads or latiat to his i - ,2.• .1,-',
l' Nor. 20. I ,' -".. res.... i NgS/
• , onnuissionere.offier, Montrose, Dec. 4, 1855. ‘. .
.: ''
" ,'.. ' • -1 •*--•
i k
- ------,--- •1---- - ------- • " --_-:--------- -- 1 ''.. . To the Public.
having taken thO stare and par l ir
1 . 1 chased die Stock hi trade; of R. T. Ashley, are
Estaldished August 4th, 18;l1.
, prepared to Sell, for REA D Y PA I ONLY,. a fine,
ekly Edition between 80.000 & 90,00 a itssortment of Dry Cmods, Perfitmery,- Tatilige No.
lan batting theli Prospectus for 1856, the proprio• ~ .,ftotik Groceries, Crockery frardatre, Iron and Nailit,
ttM4 - of the Past take it far grants& that the public !Boole and Shor f , Sole' and Upper Leather, Salt, Ac.
"aretaiready tolerairh--well icrittalntea'al t b the chatac- 5:e.. ,"at such prites as (they think) cannot cm to girl?
ter bta paper that tias.g.- oir• st;:ong du. ing the storms entire satisfaction to all %chef may Carer them with
jectlandi ututhincof THIRTY -FOUR Y h ARS. Their ob- . their patmiage, . J. A.,:k J. R. Ashley. '
ways has been, as it tem c lins to he, to publish 0 niroot-t sm ,_ Nov, 15_1855, ! • 48tf
a wt. .kly pap.n. for the family Ma, which shall not : . ' ,
._ •
.- .
ma r s amuse, but also instruct and improVe, those who: . 4 joysl._..,44sve iTeinguießN;.,
i i
may, TO accomptish - this object, the best an. r I , IIE good people of BrOoklyti andl-r:erh;„-,
tic a-e selecteo or condensed from "foreign and do- ~ I - ,nre, or ihn may- he. in want orig. '
, -- tilt, Axil*
m—c periodicalS, and original articles of .:-. iosti=oe- Trim Ming or- • Pip.. are infornied thaf' '1111.041
tivrucumert:lpprocomiurevd,,,Lu, .seeds [nos t
yebtye nfiimitnhai.,:be,„:K,iiiitcinee
portions of the WeeklyTNews of the W orld; Sketch- gi ate i F orest Qu e p o , ( or Elevated :tctvcnOttitllo.lst.
w , :i t
es or Life,' Adventure aiid Charatite ct and ~,, t tri,Novm coatrooki ng Stork • • -•:.;-',.. : :. , .4. 1 ,71., , ...,.,.',.
riginal Articles upon Agrieui tur i l - Acc ount or tho ! l itittti)ch of Parlor and Shop Stores i4.luditik'.o
Prod uce and Stock Mau kets ; an d a Bank Note • List , the rtio4 imp • ovied patterns, both
.f.:7; wood 'and: zt'uasl;
are i : eluded among the solid informatioa to. be con- TerniS liberal. •.O. Gi HEMPSTEAD:), -
s.antly fouLid iu the Post..
1 Ilrimklyn, Nev. O. , - ---',.,
13tit the ind requires a wider range—it has facul- ,..
ties t hick elight in the humoious and lively, the ins 1. 1 • NEW POOKS. .
agitt. tire 'id pci...ticaL These faculties alsv Must ! l' Ch'LEBRATED A trrtions.--.
4 i
ledhavetheie ippropriate food, else they become enfeeb- f, TUOT received, dhect from New York, at the
~ 'rid, it , i a - consequence; -the intellect becomes ef 'D
un ook, Stationery, and Fancy God Rumorium
oar wan one-sided,l andis not able to take an en- 'of the_ deraigd, a carefully selected '•' - asiiiiin t ent
Lug and generous View of human natu-e and its ;of be*, interesting, and valuable Rooks ; Prominent
desti ry. To satisfy these heaven-implanted cravings ' amolik'which, are""Aniv Lee, or without and w , ithin,"
of our mental being, we devote a Cub. proportion of by the anther of "Our PariA",---"The new Purchase,
the 'to3t to Fiction,, Poetry and Humor, -i or Elkly Years in the Far West," b* Robert Carlton—
' Adler% our contributors in the first two of the above , "Teverino" by the celebrated -authoress, known-by
Deprienta are.several of themes: gifted - writers ; her Pen and genius as "George Sand" Ass Lands
in th land.! We also draw freely for Fiction and ', of thi,Ranieen re 'Pictures of Pali...tine, Asia Minor
Poetry upon', the best Periodicals in this - country and ; Sicily,hrtid 4ipain," by that diatingulsbed Traveler and
Grtfttlß.itaiii. We design commencing a New Story l intogolli.ineWriter Bayard Taylor--; with tiany others
by Mtts. Socrutroaro, author of •" The Deserted :, eqtati,j
,meriteious, deserving of a )tniversal perusal.
Wife, ' "Miriam,"; dm., in our fi rst paper of January ! Alstt, a good' supply or thnse inestimable Ringing
I • • I and 16. sic Rooks, called the " Shatrin," sideb book
next. ; 1 . .
ENIRATINGS, illustrative of import-m.lg places raid i is of i itself a library of -Church Music, embracing
action's, of A. ricultural and other new Intentious-- • :about one thousand pirces. consisting of Psalm and
with Others of a Iltimorous, thou ,h relined charicter, ; - Hymn : tunes, A :alien's.- Chants and; sett pieces.
are ails: freeiv given. 1 ' I - All Of the above and many other works, too nu
-1 nrerot4 tOtnention, will be sold to applicants nn the
. Thi4., is one of the few huge papers tilled withiire 1 mist Treserlable awl satisfactory tops. If there are
ark let them call, and b
and thought, instead of lumbering trash. Its man. , any dipos , d__
agemont is* Iced '
.6,...,,. markt.. by liberality, courtesy, ability and.- larna ilxlterieflee become colrineed
tact. 'lit employs the best literary talent, and aparea
_; -N. rts Persons desirous of obtaiOng books not in
no pains or expense; Asa family paper, one lite- 01 0 M hi our cataloger, Ca 11 be arcommotheed by
raryanil general intdlligenee, we cordially recou4nead I - learin; an order and Bi'dQg Ain't nntite
it.-,--Ctsystger, Chief, Auburn, 1". - ,,, ,~ ,
4 I - 4
Our readers may rely upon it; that Deacon ta . ,re- t ]for rose, November 2n, In&
terson ?will be as good as their word. So far as we
can judge by years of obseriation, these publishers do
rather tuore than they prOmise; arid their paper is ed-
I ited wilfivery marked ability. It is singularly five
from silly sentlmentalism and bluster ,, but is. of a
! I healthy! tone on all aubjects, always moderate in !an
' gitior, but always mildly advocating the right. We
i find it cone of the most generally attractive papers in
I' our ulthauge.—sueurday Visitor, Pittsburgh, Po,
It is .he best literary - and family: paper in the 1.7 m:
i ion.---Purk Island-i, loek Island, _ 111.
1 We have heretofore rpokenin high terms of the
l'inerita Of the Post as one of the best papers on our
lexchange list, and We regard it as one of the be;t lite
"l cry PaPPriq to be tbund anywhere. Its editorial: are
written With ability, land taken tberal, independent
• and comprehensive %-io-a- of men and thingw —Star
.If"r`ightrille, Pez. 1
It is 4esterredli one stfthernost popular journals in
• the Unied States, con,tining as it does, in a literary
point of view, all tint interest of the best magazines ;
with a last amount,of general intelligenem—Repub- ,
limn, Aitchtield, CI: • ' ' -
TERYS (eLah in advance) Single copy, *1 a year.
4 copiO, ..... ' $5.00 a year.
8." (}end one to getter -up of Cluh,)•. - to,tro IS`
13 " • (And one to getter-up of Club,).ls,lst " I
2d/ " (And on, to getter-up of Club;). fz.o,t - ro 1. I
, Addres., - always post-paid,. • .
- 1 NM 0 , 4 South Third Street., l'hil3delpida.l
rof --- - - `` - : , cabers sent gratis to anyone, wh.n:n•
re - I -
The last woik - , and, first continttoyik talent' this bril
liant and fascinating anthore •s, - •• Ruth Bell," achieved
O' snecems unexampled in the ennuis or I;•ttees. -In the
latigua4- of a lending periodical, it 'i created a more
prohund'sensation than any which. has been isiued
during ii quarter of a century." • But* is tintiecessa
ry to :dittde to the 'meths of - Ruth - Hall." .Judging
f:om the number of copies of it We hare sold. we
• judge lat every body In the United {States has rend
it- As r aspects the wo: k we hare now in press, Rost
CLARK*, j!ke can only say that we regaiil it as, in every
respeet,Fa- greater, better woik ; and areconfielent it
will not [ - only sustain, lint even increase • the .reputa
tion of its dist I-egad-hod authoress. ive. have reasons
fur thinking "Rost, Clark" will - make a greater .sen
solo-I; divi dill "Ruth Hall,"
It will f slit; an elegant 12mo rolutne of over .100
lliges- IP. irei 1.23, we receipt of - which copies will
be sent by mail, po-t-pali. • It will be for Kale by all
book.eiii•! A.
DeiliAlet hr - MASON 8R0,1111F.R.4„
Lw3.-, :1 ' • ' Ntti-]; oat.
. .
1 ( .
,IlLi Marc - 111%M • co.imapolitati Art •.lisoriatioti ! .
TED CATHOLICON, . .. 1 --s. StCDN3' YEAR. ! :
. • RRINGEMENTS for the seemed annual entire
en Cr O.O F sirrytßlNG FERIALF..I3. ..,- I doll of OIL., new and pop \ ol.xr insiitution for th e
• . Pr stands pre-eminent for it. ' ' llf rs' 4 °"l 6 c
i t
Lite:atter and Art, have! heeti Made on
; ,
, .cu tire powers in all the dis- the most;: extensive wale. Among t 4 woks already
- eases for which his reco omen- engage 4 IS the f: , sr f tmed "G.•• • •tra.,Cialcifix," which
ded, ustually called • coif stallY cost ten thousand dollars. I
In fo inie , .• th , • new collet-time the diffusion of
- works or American " Art and the collection,
uragenaent of
Of these are !'solo .sexy Uteri, • American *claw., hare rot been overlooked. Com
,or falling of the 'womb ; iltior toise.iori:llive been issitisi to moeYot the most dis
;fAlitta, or Whites; chronic In- tieg.. ;AIM 1 Ame!ican Arthd.., who. Will contribute
tha/nation lad Ulceration f.),f sonic otitheir finest production.. Among them are
e IlromA•,_ /ncidenta/ /tem- three 1113 lile host.. executed by the greatest lng'
' : orrhstl'e on Fi),
e dir - g ; Pais. ' sculptor ~ Hirani Powers: Gconot LWAsnutoros,
Suppe, &Red ar,d irreputor Nen- th • F:tthr :of his Comitey ; BENJAMIN FRANKLIN, the
stresatton, etc ; with ;nil their accoinpan ins - evils, Philosopher.; DANLEL Weeirta, the Statesman. A
(Cancer xeeptiel,) no matter how,erere or of how special age :t. has ri , ired Fonope lentos:lde careful
long Stan'ding. - •'i .. '- . • , - and Pull* S sett-cam's of fo.eign_aorks of
.art, both
• This m Heine has newer been ant: educed_ by mop- • of bronze land marble; Statuary and - choice Paint
tv puff's, nd tnisrcp rest-motions, nor is it intended legs. - i . I '
that- ita ',peseta popldirbv shall be sustsioeil byTany • : The whole fo-ming a large and ralt4thle collection
medium bbt its merits a the approbation of the puts- of Paintings and Statuary, .to be diettibutcd free
lie. 1- - 'l . •uniting the aireiatiOn for the second year.
. 1 a r
~:. I r •REFI REN • CES. '.... •,- :, ,l 1 7i, of. rk,rhip,
, .
I feel h. a duty becumbent upon myself to d-clare • The pay :tent of three dollars constittitcs anyone a
publicly the great hl/Ssiog Dr, Iforehisre *U;terine theiriber /pis association, and entitles him to either
Catholicon has prove .
d!. to me. • For two years my - .one of the following magazines for one year, and also
.health was miserable;[ I was most unable to walk.- , a ticket- iti the distribution of-the Statuary and Paint-
Physicians pronouneed my case falling of the womb, ! her. il - . . • ! -
. .
extensive deer:l,6o4, I commencing with finer 'albus. : The Literature issued, to subscribers consists of the
The pains: irritationLinostration, dc.,, rendered life following Afotithir Magazines: Harper's, Putnam's,
a burden.l In this noserable condition, Dr, F. P. New- i Knickerinicker 4 Illackweits.s, Grahoul,'C
land recommended pri Warchisrs Uterine Catholicon. 1 die's Hooll,„ and IlotolehOldWoeds. . t odeffi La-
After taking four battle's I find myselfin p,erfeet health. 1 Persons; tatting five niemberships itife entitled to
Gratituderir my reStol•-tion makes me ardently de- 1 any fireor the liagazinekfir one year; land six tick
. t-
I ,
sire that my sex,lallke unfortunate , may find sure - eta in the llistribution. , . ' f
relief from this it:esti - made medicine. ' .'S. ,' The net prnceeds .derived from the Stale of mem
- I .E.ll B ETII A. NE WZ AX D. I bership, ate devoted to the purchoee elf Works of art
• .- ; - I No. 19 West st. Utica, N. Y. 1 for the erpuing year. , - I
The above statenten I know - to be true. f Tile Advan firge Seetired. -- .
.F P. - NE Wi l li:VA A'D.- Utica, N. T. by becomipgi!metober of this associatittn, are-,-. -
• • • 1 wont() be glad to.have a further. imp- e. Ist. All persons receive the fall -value opiteir ran
ply, as th u medicine Is becontin,g very popular, and I i seri/Wattle - tee • stare, in the-shape,of sterling Waga
think will eontitme, ill! it has given relief in every in- '. zinc LiterOturei -.
I .._ .
stance where properly taken. ~1 2nd. Eadh member . is contributing toiards partite
! •• -• THOMAS SEW MA N, At D. - .' ingchoicg woj ks °fart,' which are to be distrthuted
I - Mt: , Vernon; Ind. 1 . a . ong thetnselyea, and are at the sometime eticour-
The, Catibolleou is doing good service here. All • aging the Artists of the country, disbursing thousands
the patients that have tried the medicine have been i through its agency. ',-. _ •I.
,• .
benefited hut ono-and that one nothing will help.: i Thos:! who purchase Wogaiines at ROokatores will
Truly Yours,: W.M. LAIRD HAZLETT, M- D., observe that by joining this association,l they receive
- - New-Philadelphia, Ohio. ! the Magatlite and free tleketin the annual distribution,
I niustsay; from My '.n experieritie and persona' all at the same p lee alone, .
1 -.
obserratiotts in my p . ice, it, has. proved to-be the; . i lleautifdlly illustrated Catalogues ' giving full • dr.
. best and safest remedy - or the difficulties for which it ' scriptioos, pent free err application. Foi membership
recomiliencled. viz • tholse of female weakness, -such '-addrese, ; C. L. DERBY, • Actuar'er. C. A. A.
as Prolapses Uteri; Fluor Album, and all irregular andi -At eithei, of., the pi-Licit& oftlees.-4.tnieke r b o k er
0 '
pailful menstruation, and diseases ofirritation'of the Magazin' e aloe, 349 Brosidway. •N 1 /..!tie Western
female organs. • ''. D. Y. F0071‘,...W. . D., oftlee, 166 Water stretitiWandualii, 0. 1.. ..
1... - • 1 - . - . .Syracuse; N. Y. . .',•-•--:•-•. ' i i -- - - . i -----. ,-
. - The claltinCof thismedieine to the confidence of . ,
li oils Akin . itilogs i - --,
the public' ire strengthened by thefact iof 'lto hiving I ' - ,
teetered thC approbstiol f and liberal Pationitge of ma- ; A I'EN'S Thick loots-do. he4v 14 ip' do.-do.
•ny prominept.membera the ifediailficultrin the I 1 n" heav y French Caltde-1- d kiliePrench C alf
United &ORR, .1101RI' - of nom have voluntarfly. given do.-.Boya ftarsehoots--YouthaettamGootas-Itiss
letters or ei l wOmendatketi, (see pouiphiet;) snataMlng ias thick Labe BOots.-Misaes E • ' ido.-Z. Ladles
all that h i claimed for kiwi It curative agent; - . t • do.-do.-Ladies tbkk do.----Child 's Whoeit of ill
Pamphlets contain' Mock taleilid hdlommitkml kinchl---Lad;ies' ruse. Gaiters and unnaled Bushlns,
touching the eatureeuti symptient'of the abOie ilia:, with a templets ammtnient of dies% Gents incl .
ease+, together:ll4th teathion t iois...frotia ladiel of tlle'l Ilan"' ?A l t"' Overshoes and
! highest rev . -estability, is certified by the most satiSs',l • Our molt of the above mentioned goods, in will. .
1 Isciol:nny4orit' Y. to all icil the attention of ladies ! nection with a complete assortment Or, 1 •
- and pmetiobers is respeedullv invited, can be badpi. I - Drir Goods. Girlimerir_i. dgc"
tla at thi Mire ofABZL ritRELL„ . Agent, Dieggba, ; Is the largest and best selected ereis pewee ofered in
WOntrasiejta. .. • . i .
i this, section:of , ositnumiroutti ait we sell t,r Said; Pay
JSold byenost or the leadhig Druggist br 'die ad. ! exclusieele lira oils and mill sell .it lairetyrieee than•
oining Don ties •' • _LL - -•- • - • 7 . I , those who laell on credit. -. a 's'
"I' ''
tir 4. 1. NLARCIIIHT - 4 'OO., Proprietors, Ceatral,
.. Pollert nod .1110 Ply
DoPoi, i lj w ipirond• - $.• r . •-. • . . . ' - ii . tiota - a nate • of
. thiebaie; and
.not mho thali, Fall
•.- i l __L__ - —;"-----------'-•--------, -" paiahaiss ;OE they bora leads an a vhdt.
ifilliuwwo WO . waived bY • - • '•' - • 1 -' - urns a. Erwin.
Nfk./i'fiScifriA.l -.. ''i • '. ti . rsoirs a FOR. -.. Tankimeniferk Deot, Noleielbor, 1656, I . 441.4
- !
. I , ~ - • -
• 1
V. i• - 1 ; : - ! . • - , . • •
; i- 1 . ••..--', •• .-• • ,
To Fanny Fern', 1,000.000 Readers!
r. sv HOOK - C01111ING:
W Fare the pleasure of announcing that we hare
in p . ess„ and shall publish about theifirst of Decemb.
.er, a ndW n . work of tietioa, Plaided I
~~-.~. .
. -
itaiiklag lime , ---, , • .
. Polir;icoorElt...46-.vo.' . ' .
t ' .mosiiii,:r '
HUNTTINGCC*P34" Novertheen 12. 111.55
,- 4111ldlItozIe Illibstlites . - •• --,' - ..1 - =. • I -- - , Military.-Notlee. - , f ' --- ' RAFTS ,' o 1 New tick Clty' and Philadelphia.—
, .. ,
:he underaignA - en .iii , itair op - ;by the TN purim •
usee of orders of the Adjutant Oen' eril, ttt : ColleettW i leFfetnPtlS trade ; remitted. ". : t
etinrt of Cominon Fleis nf Susqu mut nty to :I ese directed, notice is hereby 'en to the Cap: i - • Mee horam'fican 1 0.4 h le- to It- '
mike distribution of the fund elising from the Sher , :, tilos 4 the leveret Milker; cetePsni ,e ( SteßeehelP ~,,______.' " -,....''' f WW I % *deo *PeettoN: N. Yolk
Kilt Sale of red estate of Niltish Tirkey , will attend Ina mural, that th ey are requiled eo te - me the ''''
Ara 19 ra 1 N4ll Ff , Sa l MI C. Morten, Eae., PIO& • ' •
to; . the,dudes of hheappoterm en i at N o eigea le ■Noe* '. neon ti an. pgraang who hive - done • day in- their 'I „ ~.,. :: '. Ron. , William 'Jessup, Montrose.- •
toile, on Wednesday the 2 day Of - 4annary neat at 1. I companies, OW:are now mider thee*. of
,tinty-flee !. - - - ' • , -
. ei kepoit
te4.,40e1t in the *Ronne; at whith time and place all I yews. Said report "to lit. made as soon as • srdble. ' i... MILUNERi AT NEW MILFORD PA.,
petering Interested will prerenitheir elalineor be fw+ . ; The aereral Captains - le, die 0% 11 4 thirmablPs will , 1 '. .
• ..' itirsalL IX Wiled. .
ever barred from &inking. ih °lva said food. . , please ccmault together, with their WA* end perfect, -A-
L' ' FRANKLIN FRASER, Auditor. , their report. - ASS SPIOZR, !• , i A,ILTOULD vest:wafer stye notice- to th e pobllr
1 ,
Brigade i imector .i n me . l oth Di y ,..p . L. tc:IO O that the has again reamed ber business. at -
---4-- --7-‘---- - Inspeetres offite;.llarforti, Nov: 1,1 ikti& • 0 - reg•llEllfriery at New Milftud, Ps, She bawarrangements
• ' - . ••• •1 hy Which she will receive train New To the latest
fifyies or tAdka' and RissatifatiAndlionneti of er
10' Atemaishb. - and also . 14p/tetra .on short nodes
Fsay erode of the hind thatrany person might want.)
nerom such errangerneuts and from her past experi- !
w, she holies to•pleasa all *to slay favor her with !
their enstoot.l All kinds of re-trinuaieg and repair-
I I ; dotal on abort notice. . The public are respectful-
1 invited to call and man* toe themselves. .- ,
_ Thankild -for past favor* she respectfully solicit*
ferheepetronage. -
~. IL D. WARD.
New =ford, Oct., 1833. ' • 451;n6
Tk%iiihiTitOSik on Ifottda_r,. lidreinber 191 b.
1; Gold Pena ' Chain, and Locket.L4liieli talnetir
a memento. l'he finder will confer a favor by leite4
the stole at tide
I 1
ly per-
. • •
SILK AND DRESS 46 . 03Df1. - 't
1 t ANTILLAS. Laces, Berages, :Worked C011ar!., .11 Parasol; Lawns, fashionable Bonnets, Fans, (a
choke assortment, in-each department,) a splendid
lot crmoire anfigife Trimming, Staple Goods of large
rarity, Clothing, (a large stock,) Gents' and Boys'
flats, (.ilk and snootier.) Cloths very low, Calicoes
from 4 cents ,to 1 shilling, Crrpets,.Mattin& Oil.elotlt,
and ,Rugs. • .• 1
1111 rdllrare-German Silver & Plated SpoonS,
•Knires and Forks.
1 ti roc'eriesl-4Fish,--a fine assortment of TeaS . ,
CotT . a.ts Monts Tattles, Rice , Chocolate, Raisini,
G , otitid Coffee. Corn Starch. i
1 I
I s erfsintierv—Ray iVik , .r, Toilet do.. Genin
Far ena, dn. Extracts. Germ I _Cologne,a large stock
of Fancy Soaps, &c. &e.
I ;
1 ' lining Tooh—ll y F o rks, SciaheSnathsi
&c. &c. i . I. L. POST & CO:
1: LANESIII ;1110 1 .
', Farnkhing Eatalalishmeaat.
'1 'RE subscriber keeps coat antic bn hand, and will
i make to order, Doors, Blinds, Windows& Windt,*
i sash ; Door and window-framus and all other articles
1 made,
of wood and used in bending. ', . 1
-Rhode painted and hung on short notice. Glass of
all sites, quantities and qualiticw for sale. . • -
Flooring planed and matcheJ at *l6 fa f2A per
loon feet. Turning of all kinds done to order, also
a general ax=ortment - of CABINET WARE.;
BBureaus,Tables, Stands - o all varieties; Chairs.,
edsteads.d Settees, &C., dc. -
. , ..,
GoOd Pine, Cherry and W itewomi-lumber, and-
G.ain , of all kinds taken in exchange for th4bove. 1
' t . "4/ITertns ready pay, or three months time ap• J
proved credit, All orders addressed to me will re. i
ceive prompt attention. JACOB TAYLOR. '
Lanesboro June 18th. IeSS. 1
.... -
( IrGuods in lots at $ 5- 4 4 —Vi-1241,50 and 2S
• ‘--Yyenta TO GIVE AWAY before the? Ist of
Jan. 1556.
Anv one purchasing Fire Dollars worth of Goods
for mash, at one time, .wal be presented with one of t
the above packages: Now ready for deliietLy. For r
. t:
further particukra inquire of • -
„Iforit rose, October 24, in.,. ' • I I
VE removed to the burnt district, where cher
rp be glad td see all their old customers and,
as marry new ones as please to give them a
They i 'tend to keep,, a general assortment of Stirres
of the best kind and quality, among which may he
.WESTERN . OVEN.!. The Elevated Oren 4toves all
have doubl e fire-plaees, which makes them far ruPe
rior to . the single - fire -place Stoves. We keep con
stantlyion hand rgeneralasso:tment of 27N11 7 -4 RE
of a first rate quality; for home trade; also, - Well and
Cistern} Pumps,. Pump. Chains and Reels Lead Pipe
of all sizes, Japparitted Ware, &c. &c.; all of which
they prinnfse to sell cheap for ready pay or approved
credit. 'Job work done with despatch and in order.
Mont se.liai 30. 1835.
Mite iSarsdl-r—.Fare Reduced I—Through
• byiDaglight! • •
lIA IVI,.EY h dElsik'S •
rir4yE formed a tiirtnership: in Montrose, for the
x j~poirjtoae of • •doing everybody's }BLACK:
rirniNG, 'at ithe old stand, near Keeler's' nis
i tel. We have purchased en entire new stock of
NEW STOVES. i IRO.Y, Comprising a full assortnient of all kinds, di.
I BURRITT has now in ate -, and is receiving rect irons the city. We Shall 'keep constantly on
ti - 1
• a large stock of YEW STOVES, including
, b 411 , r0e..0 1 0.
1.:118-teRrod. roun d
fiatilieddlyillierelNroailivßatrl to'izeesa.4,tßSatenedl
he Star of the West and National ,Elevated Ovens,
Iron, Spring Steel, a large ryertreent of malleable
Black Rover, Wide World, and Paragon Large Oven,
fo which he would invite particular attentionl as the Coll Chains, Carriage Bolts, &c, &a.
best Cooking Storm in market, with * superior as- ; - 1114 (lONS= A NI)VA PRIAGES
sortuient of Parlor, Office and Shop Stoves, for wood Ironed' on short notice,,and stock found, or made' to.
or coal; also, Stove Pipe, Zinc, Sheet Irmi, Stove o r der throughout, as may best suit our patrons.
Tribes, Ace.- . • L
All tiesiness transaCtions moat be settled once a
This 'stock is selected fr2m the best Foundries of year. Short
.settlements and lon g frienda is on
Albany and Utica lor cash, with the beat quality of !blotto. j
Trimmings made to order for his custom trade, which ' ! By striet attention to 'business we hope to receive
will enable him in all respects to defy. competition,Share &pare : nage. All work warranted.
and will be sold at the most reduced prices for cub; N. B. 1 A good Jennieman wanted, to whoni
or approved credit . I I steads. 'emp l o ym e nt and high . ages will be givens
. .
- Nevi Milford, October, 1855. ; I A. E. Flawits-r. PzattyJcsim..,
Montrose, liar 80, 1855. - • 22:1 • . .
Nerv.Geiikda,; Cheap for Cali*.
ri W.' BOTT has just received another lot of New
lJ GIN* Such asUltailes, Howe Detains's, •De
Conan', Embroideries, Lawns, &c . „ which he
oars et eery low prices. Summer Shawls, a new lot
wine beautiful patterns at very low pieta, a l s o lllarck
Silk Shawls equally low tbr cub..•
Parssoloi latest stile at - ; C. W. NOTTS. • _
Black Drafts 'Mk ; a splendid, ate, ,at C. W. Y.
Summer Stuffs great varlet at .C. -W. W.
Groceries of all kinds, 'very r,
clea. Syrup, a first
rate article at Wets per. gallon. You have only to
c am
all and examine, to beecnne satidiedthat the "Bead
ofNarligation "la _ the place to buy cheep. - •,.
• W,atated.
:Butter, Epp; liatus,:Ltrd, Soc ks. la fant.aS -Mode
of Countryirrodwie in,, ezehanips 6or pod* at O
teen lith
Pikes. • Jan! 1 - - e.' aorr.
5,, ;835:
SEW TALL ilkiwittren GOODS.
iLateit styles of Drees Goods,' Rood.* Shoe", Lip
pa Lather * proomedi :a pmmotui.—
At the SO flag.Stortg - HENRY EMMY.
.liderreSle Sept. 6. -
NEW 600111 , .. - I -
Fa4bions Warr:limited I wo notiths.
'Lk>. rpper Leather and Findings, Boats and
1.11. itheits. Hats and Cops, Cm)ceriet and Pro Visions,
and every thing else in lay, line.
_[ - I'
WANTED—Furs. Pelts, Dried ittppleis APeniltz
and Produee at the Red Flag Skirt.-
Great mend Depot, Nov. it, IB4S. - ;atm
T.% RENT, 1 .
TN - BROOKLYN township , Susquehanna wanly;
1 - 'containing .111 arms with about blr
nem Iniproved. - Said Ann will be rented the the ,
termer four yetis for oqe hundred and Mr &dime a
year, the stock. Included. The smelt consists pf one
yoke. of ; Okra, 3 Cows, 2 Yearlings, 3 Cahres,,. 13
Sheep. and two Horse*: TWO hundred and 114
lars tie required in advance •, dte residue on be
pfd pretty inproduce ind Improvements tin the
place. - Inquire of the subserßier on the plsee,!ithout
tito miles son* of Brooklyn. -
• ' , • TOO'S: ROBINSON.
Macke', Chocks, GSM, age,.
-A new bwortmeet /mid received ham &Wand,
I B whortindp GermanT. ke., which wfil be tiohi /Wow
the New Tort prieea. at ShiraUrray'S. ,
' ibntitwel 4a..18,
> . !gave ".
A LL.arho are ifidebtell:ta.thflOno r i erg . eitber
1 7 1C!3; note at aceoliant re 4Viiiiv s ,
. ted to
ean a :pentep • or the 110,111 be sysi--
onthEilat or liuitigry , next: • -. A 11. MO T:
~-.l lontrort. Noe. 20, 11 1 456. r* . -
, - -• -.,'• Nellice., : i • - • - .
un se x gertees—As it is nee
.‘ 'lie faint 'it --'.
laying- brotd and dcelithe t 4 lbUndaden
on which' the Opting Teeth may seem.* ieki. the
inperstructureof those solid andvaried eterthei tt em
which distinguish' the profound and Ovine tocholar, !
from' those - superliciel pretenders *time only chants'.
to the chevalier:of educated Men arts ; hoed On' their ,
r . tiarchuntmi•ls," -we beg leave Ito immune* tti .
the public throe Mpte @Alums of year paper that
there will be held as intelytititsTer
-Institute at
ilarford University commencing 24th,- 1855 to 1
rontinue.four days. • : •I'' • •
d kiefievinit that an Institute of this Irul is the bolt
1 priCihtebl e mega' bv .which to accent iplish the d*dred 1
..-: . , we cottlialli my the tearhers of common
_.,.. end ( tiod thrmighout tbe Co. 1
• d and
~ icipate• tleas!.tendies. , 1
t e . _ ::r . (sift procured °west possible Prices -••
e4...5e thet corns from ' e.• • ! :
,' '''7.l4„, WA6.lllfita.i •
---- R. T. Tawasarwr, C,;„,
_ 1
D. W. Ilsurrio
. T V.
• ,- I - . .:, ". -•
War ! II ar in ILT 'Criniikii;
yi. 10,noo Volunteers wanted ! to h ! an
'— ii4y. 'ilti 7 4s it
wai: to suit, that are expressl,
I and kept and served in theisbest tuitte4.4l.lses:Tem
limo:ice Saloon & Grocil!r;on MaitilltreeteopFitisito
t the- Farmer's Store. Also, Pies and Oler.eatables—
!. 1 -
iitnio4 kind of Groceries & Prorisio a, Teas .4ki,..,,
FlOur kept constantly ou hand, and for ;kale at whole=
;Kali and retail at • -', S. S. iIiOTT'S
--------- 7 - --------4= —
1111,•d's Bair Restorer and Golden - Gloss, fur beitoti
•friag the hair. -.4 quantity .of Leather! Gkwee i and
`kittens at .. • ' S.
I .
; • New V . orlc' Fancy Candy and choice &gars and lin
ported Fruit. at . , I S. S. - MUTT'S.
Mo:itroAe, Nor. 14, 1833. - 1 "' - •
. - -
• OTICE. ,
r rnE copartitership N heretufiore existing underi. the
1 name of Wickham A Ilosford Is this 'day dis.
:iebleti by mutual consent. The notes l and accoUnti
ire in the hands.Of A. Wickham for i , emn3ifilecol
lection. •
. F. bmdsaille, Oet.. 13, 11453 • .1. 110SPORD.
P. S: The subscriber would Pay to the public that
he just received a general'amortmeat of Fall and
Winter Goods, which be offers for sal. Isar, Imo- the
cash Cr produce: 'J.-1108FORD.
Ffiendsville, Nor. 4-Iw6
resh Arrival of New Goods at
Dickensian & Garratt's. ~ •
*".Ir I ITE _subscriban would respectfullyi Inform they l i good people of Susquehanna county that they
are ow opening their stock of Fall end Winter Dry
G a l which is unusually large and attractive, all of
whi h will he sold for cash or approved credit cheap
er han at any other establishment in the county.—
We' mean just what we .ay. Please give us a trial
New Milford, Sept. IS, 1855. ' . f •
.111 r Utile :9 UNiIC
rectired by • J . LYONSIESON.
.GENERAL assortment of AVEW GOODS fibs
-1-1" arriving at the store of J. LYONS
October 5. -
QTRUPS, Molasses,
_Sugars, Co ff ee and Tras—
k:7 fresh at LYONS & SON
elOtiNflasketssj-n new
lot. Windom Cisrlaina and Paper Fitangi ngs, at
low prices, selling by LYONS & SON.
• _
4 USIC, Violins ancritelodeons
U tke...a great rarkty can be found at .
" October A. - LXS SOS's.
YO• r a-
~~ ~;. _ . f._ __~
• Supposed . iar . bit 1611444:
MC thousand doluA Troth of Restly.llsule
DIOKEL3tAN # amutiern.
New 1111,trd, Sept. 'lO, 1635.
I Tbis Way—lf Yen Plea,,.
HE Subscriber begs leave total public attention
to one of the largest,- nest diversified , best selec
t mid bearlosight Stock if Fall* Winter
i **dß ever introduced into this market, and which
he is bound to sell for a rc.asquabk, adierce,- either
far Cob, Darter, or short approrri tit, an per-
Res in *ant of Goods,. whether In the department of
AiGoodi Groceries, Ifardwure,'Clockery, Drugs,
itixota & Shoes', Clothing .Ic., will most assuredly con.
suit their owu interest (nd leas than mine.) by giving
mb a tall prevlous to purchwing. - -
Ettlxrklyn, :t_ - OG. HEMPSTEAD.
or. I, IBS&
*cos 1111- Amyis :.the order! theday,. and , one of the
Meet effectnal wars to onto:nisei:4 to purchase at the
&Ore of'J. WITTESDERG & iRO. , where just hare
been opened the most choice and splet:!lid Stock of
Fad! .t Winter Goods 'ever sew' In the County of Sus
qtiehatuut. ! -
The following comprises but a snMil portion of the
immense assortment tube found at this Establishment.
ankGentlemen and Hoye Clothin g 'in endless fariety
i pmfusinn,a good alsortmetti"of Overeoats,Mress
Ftiock and Dullness Coats, Vests and Pantaloons of
every descriptiim and quality, and in figure, cut, style,
kd., a la toode.:. •
Our assortment comprises for Ladies wear, New.
Styles Brocade Silks, Changeable Stripe and 'Plaid, do,
Superior Glossy Black, do. all width; Delanes alt eoi
or 4 and qualities, De Rage at all prices,. all Wool
P ids of ne.w and elegant designs • all the latest
styles of Dress ()casts, Bombasittes,l34ek and Colored
Aipacca, French Merinoes„ Prints and Gingham: a
handsome assortment of Dress - Trimmings, Embroid
ered Sleeves, Collars Cuffs, etc., Jaconet and Swiss I
Edgings arid Irtserdngs; Gloves, Hosiery, to., Shawls, I
Veils, and Furs e Also a comptie usiortmcmt, of bleach. I
ed and unbleached Muslin; Drillings, Diaper, Table
Citiers, Sheeting, Flannels, kc., all of which will , be
sohl at the lowest priees.
For bargains ;be public Is respectfully
,Invited to
at the cheap Store of
- Vo-Partnershii. I
ROSENB&UM has this day associated with them I
their business; under the Fi;in of ROSENBAUM!, i
(TTENDERG:& BRO. All accounts and Notes of
!old Firm, as :those of L. ROSENBAUM, can be I
at the old Stand; and we - hope that all will see
necessity of:settling them withont,fu-ther notice :
°arose. Octi 15. 1355
noci4s, Rooks, eilokm:
TlTE;subscrikr would inform his friends and the
r pulite genemlly that he has on' hand the largest
and 'hest selected 'assortment of Book's and Stationery
1 to be frond any where in Susquehanna county, which
Ihe ill sell fur redly pay at
.prices that cannot fail to
' suit. - - • -
A ong the misecllancous noel:a they be found the
Lifelof Washington, Jackson, Taylor. Isaac T. Hop
per, Horace Greeley, P; T. Barnum, and others; Star
Papers; ( Beecher . } ' Humanity in the City, (Chapin,)
Bell 'Smith Abroad, Ifs Courtship - and its Consfequenc
es, (Fykolt) Ruth Hall, (Fanny Fern,) also Fern
Leases, first and ;Second scies American Agitators
wed r tformers, Thoughts and Things at nom-, and
Ab aft Getting Along, The .011 Inn, Hood's Works,
Stanhope Burleigh.: The News Boy, L. \Do vi'm Com
plet; Works, The Since of the Lamp, The Delved
Nun,l, Lesrie or thn Bended Twig. Memoirs of the
Couatess, Illessingtnn, 2 cols. Goldsnaith's animated
Natn4-s, The Chemistry of Common Life, Clarke'r
ComMentlry; New ; Testament, -Barbest Notes, on
same; Buck's.RAigious Anecdotes,. Testaments, Bi
bles, from pocket size to large inuily, Hymn, Praye; .
Gill, Toy, Scrap, Note, - Receipt, and Bhuik Blooka of
all sixes, Ac.• Ac...
) .
• SrAor.l flooki—all kinds used in the county or fu-.
lashed 6n short notice.
lair Bookl--A good variety constantly on hand or
furnished to order. I \ -.. -
StOionery. A good lot first' rate Priting paper at
l shilang per quire=-Gold and Steel Pens—Writing
Ink, the best in :se, b&sides lots of other articles too
numerou s , to mention. Please call and examine, be
fore purchasing else Where, at the Montrose Post Of
fice. , -4. N. HCLLARB.
troNe. August 15. 1853.,
- = - TO -POLK. .
Fru ahbeeriber• enaletiender — rib *mil br 1
.a. . liberal patrtmate
i rstolred epop bhp tbps S t e
. daring tbe sesson._ am ft tbs was algoat:iii , iiiume
that be hafust receirAitetiNetdelt iti-GoWthak,
Ins . Ids assonment Ivry eceoPlett- kt aii , ker . -various I
tenni:her, and would serfurther thitt fir ready:pay:l
and On Aim thaw 'to reliable ensteptem; bit "nada
DI be fold Sik. low as they can be bongbt-at any of
or *are lu the county. Please call and tramline 1
(Macy October 1* I
i€ ; 0 nor MiiPress
- 'Geode; Aborlit, #lll renudrie a quiindty fit Detainer,
Poplins, te- lien- of *JO APVL, io be said at tar;
gaius, without guitiwentw tatioti;r4 l / 2 , Winter Bon
,nets, Brochs., and .seyenik
.ctioor ot
Shawls at low prices, fbr Silo • a . B, L
compkulsi witbr tiie tusr !t
tifi r V
found very !ow utlinistroi st. 44 4' ,‘
77e)0SW—Bujer, and other k10 . 413'0r 61, ,V4 11 .. 4 0 4
V Store Pipe, foe WO chow*, the d une"' °Y
- • 8. 8.-00.1 Lia
I,un bdand —5l lO - 11Oisn - T,TioThic., fOr
Pale bY A/.
OST kinds of Praia" - sf,:their Wirt
111 price, also, any q thy of good 1% out Socks
taken in exchange for goods by - '
- - ' X. 8. MALLS.
Gibson,l)ctoWs:22, - • 42if
Shawl *.Dress Goods Eltopeoritint r
' . Poe est FALL or - 11955, - ,
Burritt would inform hiaelends and , the Pub:
I Ale, that he his now In Store.. and is keeiring
a full assortmmit of FaH and Whiter. oods, including
a great rarietv of Rich Fall Pasts la new Styles, Plain'
and Fancy. Defines. and Mahe and Fancy' Moltiie!
Cloths; Plain and Plaid Meatuses, Parareettiss, De. •
begets and Poplins; Daik Rich Gingham*, in _Fall:,
Styles; Black BtOctuk, PLiist and fancy &lks.,Wool,
Bioche,'Cashtnere,_Crape, atnift Shawls ; Rich Rib., ,
bona, Bonnets and Flower :11. Ladies Cloths and 1
yet: for Cloaks and Ranee", Broad cloths; Cisslme..
sea, kc. with a large assortment of Staple avid:Fancy
Goods as tUtial, Including
,Ifardware, -Crockery. Imo
and Steel, Paints, Oils, Boots and Shoes, Hats, Clock-,
Buffalo Robes, Carpetings, ke„ with a', new MSOrt- I
went of Stores end Trimmings of the best quality, be
ing made to order expressly for his eustotn Tnider, and
will all be sold it the lowest figure; ore little kiwi,.
for Cash Produce. or approved credit. _
lie B. Wool Socks wanted,,for which the highest.
prices will , continue to be paid. Flour and Salt ion
*tautly on hand. • .
Xer Ifirard, Oct, d,
ilts,loall Blast.
Two llundrefl and ,SeeentY-Five , glorts'Ar
tale by Dickernian Geirratt.
INf'ea:Tre ever in rec
oifereteilPint lur bra
Pe t snnsyllcvania,B"lcon
sisting of Cooking,' Parlor, and Six-plate, both for
wood and coal; also, a full assortment of large sites,
for Sto es and Churchcs. • . •
• Would call particular attention to the,:feffersouian
Elevated Oven, the - mut , perfect and heaviest plate
stove intnarket. Among our. aisortm2nt of large
oven, would mention the Empire State impreved,-as
being very heavy platen ; perfect finish - , and a auperi•
or baker. Farmers of Strzqueltaima county, you have
been In the habit of purchasing II ht stdres.and light
trimming, and paying as much u you Ought to for
heavy pfrAcs and heavy trimming.
We manufacture ourfuntiture, and will sell at mac.
ufacturer's prices. Let those who pava Maker profit
compete with tis if Ithey can. Jobbing connected
with the tin trade, done as usual on short notice,
New Milford, Sept. IR, 11453.
PALL ;TRADE, 1855: •
IBEG fear* to invite the attention °flay old friends
add customers to the VERY LARGE STOCK
BOOTS A. SHOES dr. d:c.,'; am new receiving, and
while tendering thanks for past favors, I would re
spectfidly ask them once more to favor me with'
share of the patronage , they have heretofore so Myer.
ally honored me 'with:: SUTPIIIN.
Summersville, Sept. 18, 1855. ~
`I RAIN and Produce of all kinds wanted at the I
„1" highest market prices at J.ll. SUTPHIN'S.
0 )D WOOL SOCKS ivarru 7 4l - at
.firicimu ich
►7 where 'at J. IL. SUTPHIN*
• .
CLEAR - Tii . TRA^K,
.1. -1 0 R 1 ant in a great h yI . Why, what's • the
I.' tnatter now! O . no • ig, only Ballard over
there at the FostotßeehaS just received by Railroad
Express, a new lot of Woks and Stationery, and I
want some before they . nre all gone. F.a. - thee 'lto.
Come on, etr he has got Mary Lyndon; The Bidden
Path, 3fy Bondage and Freedom (F. Douglais,) Der.-
tha and Lillie, Rood's Choice Works bison of four
vols. Sc. &c.; Young Follie . Dlee Book; A variety at
popular Song Books,and a large addition to his stock
of Writing Paper, nVelcrea and ink-4dlnf the best
triality,..and cheap for the RSADY, at the'Povoßice,
first door north of L. Searle's Rotel. --, -
Mantrose, 8.14. 19, - 185r. A .: l. BULLARD.
. • .
. .
- -
, ram REEL ,T •
P ERSONS wishing anOrchard, would- do well to
call at TURRELL'S NURSERIES, gi miles
south-east of. Friendsrille ' where' Apple trees, of the
moat approved tinds, of geod size and 'quality, such
as are sold by agents fur 25 . cents, can be!had for 12*
cents each.
Also, a few Peach, l'ear, Phim, Quince, and Henn-
Min, Ash trees, at reasonable prices.
Particular regard is had to accuracy of names, anti
to making good. selection of fruit for the different
seasons of the year, 'When desired.' • -
. Friendsvill?. co., Pa., Sept. 20, 1865. fwi"
• •
Wholessle and Retail dealers in Flour, Salt, Perk,
ifinti, Grain, Feed .and Candles. Cash paid for. Oats
and Ryn.
On Chestnut Street,—East end or Lyons 4t-Chan
dlers Store, Montrose Pa. ..
r_l l ll - AT application for a License to lien Spiritnous
- Liquors in the villaga.of Lanes/m:1o, in the town
ship.of harmony, will be niade to the. Judges:4 ihe
Coart of Common Pleas of Susslehanna connty,
me at Yorember Term, agreeable to actor AssentlAy
approved April 15th, 1855! • .
Lanesboro, Oct 15th, 1855.
In the' Common Pleai. •1.
I iARE NOTICE, that the money arisingfront the
®le of the - Real Estate of Elliot Benson *lll be
distributed aniong tb .eAroper creel birs by A. new.
on at his office in Montrose, on Satniday the4d l day
of Noretnher 'next, at one o'clock in The afternoon.—
All persons who hake an, interest in mid find are re
(melded to appear and present their clalins or fu4ver
be debarred therefrom. 'N. NEWTON, Audilir.
Montrose, October 3, 1853: - -
NOTICE . . 1
Is hereby given to ill Persons interrested the tend
arising rim the AMIN sale of the real esta e of
-dolmn Baran, to present their claims beforel the •
Pubscriber, at his office in Montrose, on Fthisy,l the
9th day oeliovedsber next, at one o'clock P. 311'
be firiver debarred ilont COMittg in - upon said> fund.-
. 185& Wx. 3. TURRELL, tuditor.
41 w 4.
VINT thousrunl Iltr.•heis ofGats— s. 3000 Bushel o f L' Dockwheat-2000 Bushels • each of 'Rye and
Corn- . - - -2000 Butibela of Dried Applei•;-Ftveitodred
Dot. good Wool Socks. Also Den* Pork,' Poultry,
nutter. Lard, Beeswax' Flax• Seed, ke.,:kre . which I
will pay the highest tnrirkettrices In Goods;iir on ac•
-count: - 0.,G. REMPSTESD.
TEAS--Both Green an-4.lllack•—amery generals"
soNunent, and pf superior Ilaior, at prices ranging]
front SI cennyto $l. . 0.. G. HEMPSTEAD; : I
Funn thP Prteskats ..44, this .Subs c riber Ararat
township, °nor about the tith de,. or September
one white•taeed brown Heifer, 3 yesire old, and sem
Calves, bof them brown and 2 ,red. Whoever will
rotten) theta to the Owner, or ere information where
they easy be &nod , shall be suitably . rewarded:
Oct /St - 4463. • • .04 YID d !RR Y.
Girard 'Fire.lnsotraikee Company" -
145 tthiaUt 4.54,
:CAPITAL $800,000.:
7b Ma Minus Sautputkaalsi ecuanty:
A bo remitted hpailbraualo,
- .01. moat or prrpttud huntrarsami In Mk .00=4
upon the most two aide Emma Any pen
to hare his_poperty Insured will be fthead,
Wink, by along on' us, that be seam gat Inaurad
in 14 better couponav_nor uporimara feaerysble terms
than is tills. • lONTLEY k MCA, Alm*.
Oetober, 11676, • 41m4
riles underalin itaa been appointed anent:. :1 1
1. the &alit naval ral 1 2 4 81 7 1411%40. 1 .
~ I
Hirshberg, Ps.' said pan, Iwo, * ospitle,g - 1
$500,0001 It as safe-and thaw a company _i`, .1
any in the State and halms oaths Stook or- II , ~." • 1
' plan. -• T \- - , '• ' ,
' ,
- . - . 141'827110 .1174414.- - , 'i . - -
Wel k in* untletsigned, hereby state,that ....:hili.:.„
tione bushtutt with the above comPtathr
.. anii:44l:.
*tided that it is both tale anti eheelt.' , l
. 4e iiiik
*tones welutve never known af . ty, . , is tA i -
premlunt new ~ - . -- .-,r: ,-,- - _ ...,- ' , ‘
_ F. 11. , wituossi • •-„W,....t4tilifqii442-,--
. D. Dlillittrix; - -- • !....!. ,5e r , L.- - :,•,.
- 1 .. , • -•": Bs&aufouisirtlODD' AV .• t. -'
' r '' ' '7777-777""tt,.;;:
- - .", •-- - - .....::: :74 , 2,... , -,.i:3-.4,. ,
i* otThste;i. • - %;-::-0"
z/ V rk A -iVAw-Pi4e-e4ei'gel,4-2Wol4il*t4i,lV 1914.
L._.,--: - 'l44llto:sai i; t
N aid4g4trot -It*t:..
f i-i
10:20 a; X. ' DI4OGI I IS
iieedngirth thelkt * eft
k r :Rl:,'taeefi I4'i*fdiiiillikirocsDaildrkLi 11:26,.aktTi0v.41
, .R it tnik itig. 4 101 kirii' atilt:o** AX*:, - . 110i '' .- , " '''
at Eton att.iiii _-- ' -- i,,,, ,1 ,,
-,ThelivglitAiteittinsai(Wantnik, effii-pi,,,-!.
car ettetheiliilifilleave Stinahttio. 01471k.' ' ' : - I'"et ,, .
Grote Benow isit.s I.. , ll4ctiofFthit . •.., : lioby , ...if
Train .ireett•tdi - A t l i tt aght i - i rprfirC• , :- ~,_
. 1 1. the';4*- --.1:-
West. rmiet Ihieldr* at 12, 04 . 0..** 11 --: .-
SfaitTeglilVeik'ittlf arrive at D6di410524.10i).„'-
11eintr.litz-irill leare -- firreit*esakeet**yeriel-, .....
Qat:hi:aid EipiteiZik4ll,lel4B.l#it''
1 11410- P. ~
.:, , h . ;i.,4,:,.. : „,r,,, Fi , f;lll - I.
--;Pallerr *illieshatie •-,
1 akt lll ll4 ' 4. the ‘Valtielaimi;;"- , •p• • ''' "":"::::; -.._-. - ~,
Ezier:ihod- - eg itidlitiak Tie " . s ._ -.. ' ', _'' ' - ..."-,',.
on; vid- allintertiediate: per. trill ' :m;11100K;',. 7, --,,,,::.?..".]
. . gage ambetleireedineacat PenOten;lai thel
of the PO se eg ar4o 4 - 49c9a*cidatioit Trim Ik.:
1 rate cone
thcin- to th•iatioreiliaee. - Thoie - thatelt p'.• .:
i irrepiikee'loin.find - the best otlitititea etatearo , ','
gages ef, - ,,erierf . deeeilli,ri: at .r 1 2,01:., ibt: rgi t.i .- '
read: orde;.l .•, -, - ::„ • . ,-,,, ~, _. - . . .
.„ • H.. DCOMII2B, guimi4o4l4,
ftAinton Nov 19 lain.
. ,
Look Eleie
1 3OCKET KNIVES. A good ititsortinalkprosebe , :s .
kinds in snorkel. Also Table Irian!. Indica
SPOONS. Silver, Slier Plated, Vietnam Slier, AIL
to, and IL - liaiiiivwsire spoons. - Also Sliver,,
Plated, and German Sliver - Butter Eniies- -
VIOLIN STRINGS, Rows; and ail the Situ*
oßns„ AcCOrdisons, Flutes', Tinting Fork., initnketiTl .,.
LAMPS,: Fluid Complies's Candle,
FAMILY GROCERIES. /full stosnineatc !isnrst
- '
DAGGS di PATENT nprcarnia
Fort Spitaten --
ImmtokutlsenWee. .
PAINTS k OI LS . Pneral,ssoilmeni=
quality: . • •
JEWELRY. A splendid varlet, Of** cilittest Prk
FANCY GOODS. &allies-ell! thing in
PEREVURY. A choice ` TirWY• (.Nov supple
received nearly iVetr per :
• In shcat,.nearly every thitig persons trant.-nu4 eheoo_
id-the variety store of • A..TURRELL..
Muntrate, dune 14. 1855. ; - . •
- - _ , Ituffoilo Robes. -
CIIOICE lu ' 6 D'uffeld 114i/skit ret:afpd and lea
be Paid at kiosr egure by IL BURZI:T.
New" MlLfbrd_Nor, 1,8615. •
"Slia.srls and flats: _
,t LARGE and splendid kit at Shawls sad hats
peeted. tam:Grow atlur atom.,
.c.s. and Fancy Dry Goode, Grtibenek ffin4i . ra)
liatit,'Veini, Boots and Shoes, Wall Pcier;:. •:
Dye Stnita i 434:014, wilt be mold as cbeiqr
as the nheapttat for etalvor appiovicl 43'edit L
flarford, lune Ist-1855;. JQ3IIIIE-:'
AL a A t CIC \ Grocle Rhine Siliro of gerz-AZlts.;
13 ROCHE and Cashmere thaw!" at al
a few mantillas by • JOHES.'
r ADY made clothing-at low Promb.l:ii;
ASH paid for Wool by 'H. AThilli;
I • . : Raeford: Jane /85L.
lASI/ paid for Dairy Butterby - • _
- - 41 ONES
- •
assortment of Boots Indian:ma sa,,
\ H. M. Jane.
91 1 E.1.8, Nan gl4l Cotes of fine and'et
.1 law pr i ces by II IL JONV.
JOS ad
'&mp&fohiLai glows
L at X X JONI&
ford, Jane Ipt, 55 Ff
_ •
mit (Woos Acenr. 1 -
At ExelliailifeL"Oyu:
T"pertakes tzis o p portunit y of thank
his k tor their 4 rery liberal .pale-t 1;
past season, and of sayitto them in addition, thic r
having just received f , invoices of wmponabt...
Goods - of various deseriptions, he Is atill_prepued
supply almost any article dionally-ealled kor'sts corn • '
try store. Ills assortme4 is now amiplate, and b•-•
ing the largest in town,Offers thifgreetemlndua,-
went to purchasers, eith er for Cash, ..ter, or (iss4
(short) (edit. Call and see. - •
Brooklyn, Angie 20, IGOS. , • t`,_ -
TRES' Cherry Peetcra/—acknow edged-so te,
% v the best Puhnonart, Remedy extant—Pad'a
.Extract of Witch Hazel—am exceedingly vainal..! -
remedy for- divers Biker's Comound—. :-
grand specific for DhuThea; Dysentery, Cholera
bus, &c.--Ayres', Jayne's, Phinney's Wright'.
Pills, Merchant's Gargling Oil, tiogether with a gres.4,
variety of Drop iu common use, kept constantly o
hand by - 043 11.E1iPSTICAD.
. - "Minute Take Notice, That •-
it is very desirable that „the accounts and . notes
of the late firm - of Smith k Hempstead shimkt lie -se
tied, and that speedily. - O. G. HEMPSTICAD.
BATTlyn, b . y .i ta ug ; . 20, 1865.
'UBE highest market price, padd for flutter,
-IL Lard, Farm Produce of all kinds, yedd
prime Wool Socks, Ate, in Goods, by
0:0. HEMPST.
f‘tibscriber, has on ban&
ILI and is-nOw manuttetwing, a - anal! *oak
Ready4nrde Clothing, of good quality suntifteinior.;• , '
'ship, which twofers at eery
-low prices.
O. G. EIB'111:1TEAD:'
D0 ° .113 AND ISHOLII,-Ageed 0411,tmer 6 ;
/lof exeillezit,qttaljties, kept, eintstanir of tjld::
by . -• • . 0.. G: II
. .
Row Goods. -•
_ • Ton nit mt. titsbt. • .• •
BENTLEY I READ, havejust.recleved a lark'
.sud well selected stock .oT Dry - 'Goods;' Osoeenier,
Crockery, LlSkilware,"Drogs, Metriehom,
'Dyestuffs, BOoti & Shoes, Teaspootui, Hats
Matchei, Jewerry, Silrer • Spoons, & I"MA .. .they
fer °olio! matt favorable - terms.
itontrose, Oct. . •
Long and Sq‘fare' Shawls, De nes, rignred a
Plan, a great quantity of Paeamettu, and otbi* Dre
Gondktne aide chimp b'y
A (resit supply of White Lead ilt en, " MAWS Ft
Proof Pidnts, Eng.- Venechin, Tenni' °Are; : - Paseri
Chrome Paris Green, Linseed Oils, rawarid bgfe
lorsale byßEiTTLEYdritilak:
French Window atm cesarioni - stiee, mad - Pots )
! always-on band at' BENTLEY READS
Areas CURIUM PECTOMIL Przce, Dr. Roonane
'German Bikers, roornranira SasepartlikirsuglesPti
oxibipti, all of Dr. Jareereilebrated
troleam oritock Oil, %mug linament, Baatea
coPherous. aud LrenVCathatioe *W. Dr. rio marl'
Drandith'e, 7 - 40 t 8 McCaw% lialksires'e, atiffet
berg; Boyereign Balm, Bennett Plait &Boot .1111!
ate.; kept ecmstantllr on band, arid Ibr sate JO"
Ctock*,'_Umbieikek Copet2k l r anl p StOn
Ware...' Solis and COMMOCI
India Rubber, &loot Books; AL. inst.recithrokAin:
6 * sale Bwrwrkpap,-.?.
Family 19111 W
. beet in town can be had of j.trimittit,
* Anv tatnifreeeding dll aslctlisai 'lea;ttial
boy do . not answer
Montrose, Sept. lit. - - •
- Ore* Jewell? "
%pleaded iiiiiortment ; sal ve d
or bled, at the nut** rite
.0. o. BRICEMAD: .
, i
y Yje ~,.