Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, November 22, 1855, Image 4

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rrot :he alKiondltic 7i-arivrOt
od Compa.o.
:.- A. ntiortty*titoZei:iiip,-:-:the present ter
roinit4 Of Ws 'road, the other daY.;,l-'fo."nr
.l.,li; Inipritisi;us Witt . the grewing business.
,oroort :thee. of this port ion oft lie • Lacka wan nre
Valley, • Qiie year ago to-day the first stun--
,-; full of eardi was thrown tip- at Beytnintr,
• -: it was,-;then ealleti) fn. ilicsittkinget the
' , ',al '.hafts:: NoW, taro shitfts are in opera
'...., .
~'-im. at least ready for the =. miner,--the en:
eine. house'S built.the coal &ticket . .is - and screens
eon - sintering . , every thing Jn_- . - .a stale o f f o r.
Warditesii for active, Operatitiiis •at . an cads
lee.- The, railroad interseets.the bel. Lick.
st,- Western at Oreenstille4 five milts- east of
Berantein. kind will-be'reAdy for the cars be‘ .
fore the B&..iintonivad 'i . opened to ,Eliza
: bethport. 't A great porthin of the grading is
,d , me,. the ::: bridgpt and -truss . work pearly
reielsr, and; the rail being laid o'n some sec
'on,. •Vitis, it, Will he seen that Within two .
v.eart - the'bapital has been raiked, •the road
iii;:• , ted,atid .will -hare, been builtelbe mines
• '',‘ .o;11 ed,\cars constructed, and the actual trans
' l:, r tat itiriiOf coal -cotitmeneed : and all this
e .titt• elitOprise 'for - the ,- development ol'our
mineral deposiN is nirth).ly . owing t o the in
ri;iinitablel;' energy.-and perSeVerence of the
.r ,dent nf the colltril.YJl"". Nv in' Je '' sti P'
:old eniviett,treastirer, Michael Meylert, Esq.
We.are', indebted to Mr.:Jai - nes Clarkson.
,'.(O mining engineer of : the coinpany, 7 'and
M ;'. Andrew . Ni(x)it, the active told intelligent
-wierinterident; for_ the-,, followieg facts eon
ii,et ed wi t h_the prospectiveioOrations of the
roaipanyttich We itive, -no doubt will be
I,:id'AcitWinterest. They own 800 acres of
sup:riot 'e'pal. lands .in one. body :0. Jessup,
njid - .haselsunk..two . " shaft ," from - which the
. ' whole- eawbe worked. •These•Sttfts are but
71 !. 1 i4glt ,d.i . ileittloe apart.--located with a - view
tri a gretWsaYing - of.labor in_ the:handling ,of
ili, , .tand. itThefirst. or tipper ore was sunk
• I , l*-2 feet .before reaching•eat 9 feet *vain
which petfyades thisl.oal. basin., and the tnin- .
. ...e.S:ire tilteady lat - work'arranging their bead
tigs and Aliening their chambers;—the other,
ii. is und4totid will be iti a like slate of far
-iir'dness. lthe present. tnimth. The , e. shafts
,ere ‘F . 911:44d by engineS of 40hurse power,'..--
: :'n prieciPle. upon Which ;the pumps act and
the ears are raised being 'new in this seetion. \
thong!) WC believe adOpto tcr..someextent in
,4e, -.Sehti'ylkill region. {the 'old. • " walkieg,
• I:vain': bOig supersts3cd:hy the "quadrant,".
. svitick-p4sesees more Power, occupies Tess
• fount, and is less liable, tO. give Way. S.A.
. , • :mild' 4 ' ngine houses• lire built' over the
; he coal sent ro!, these mines will
oe all hrOken into temp iind screened.. The
; , pilling for the " eraekt,rs .. . and "sereeitere
... 100 feet in Lngth, 50 in' width. and' 43 in
it height ! !i . The coil .will be delivered dire-A
1413(11 the ltits . er shaft on the gargways to-the
-..treettes„ - . and - from tie upper by .a Short tru-as
wit' k, on kttie . serVing Air bOth, and deliver -
ed' trorn the -Screens intiiithe cars immediate
iv on i ttciiittiti...traek. . The .rcreens are tt?
, -1;,'.! opera ;ed. by'anenginC Of `2O horse power ;
• :ma the - 43timated amount of coal to be min
ed aittrOrepthed . for transpcirtation daily is
_5OO tons} whitit c.nt be.)nereased if nceessare
. ,i_, ..:00. 'The inacliine !shop, ear
,shop and
fienulry fire -already ih full blast ; ,t, lie insole
tier - 11:0 fOrnier of 2 - .0 horse power. built be
.._: , 'l 7 lin - ,:triWells, of Athens, Pa; all the o:fi
--,1- imelline4, lathes, ail.. by Williams and
• 1-: iel , n t id, Of Wurcestet,lMass.,o , -every thing
. ...reitig trpirithe'ritost approved. plan. ',These
e- la bliah'in VII' S . :;re under the charge of3fess
rs. fierrtek SDenson, both thorough going ii.isiu-....:s litien,who are constructing 500 coal
:;• , .irs, attei• the pattern of those used by the
I)e'. Il i aillt. & Western
.company;: the' ese's
will hold; , ;:v, nibs caeh. Forty dwellings for
. , •ii,11.,, , .11!tve beet , built,—a btel 4,Tby. SG,
• si air wit.t . i f.lO - 1iY•88; Will be fini:lied by the
. Ist of A - ,ril,—tbe depnt is completed. and lit
• f.a.t. if n Leessarv, theirote-herse 'could lire up
ten 1111.-1 i st of January and our citizens .take
ii:%L...1,fa4 at hente . and dine at Crook's or
Taylor'silin New York. Thu-4mueh has been
Joie at ;essup in. one year. The- town is
neatly hkidoutin lot.Fi 200. by 50 feet. rang
. .
''. • '' k from 81;:t -.ooa nd
?ILL! !!1 1 , i ill l : ' l. ;to t _, a great . ,
i me-iiou• ':of them alread y slur..: No, morel
sielttly ',.1- healthful loeatinn can be foiind in '
the valley. and within a very Awn. period
• of time 4essup will eOntain a. * litege and .thri-•
ving poitlation.
-nut the inwrovements of the Lackawanna
• .raili oft'Company' will'not stop here. Nest
. , rt;ng • , fa,ihest.:llte eoutracts Will be let
• -,,,,: buil itig• - the extension of their road to
- Mos-tilt,—seareely a 'mile- from this_ city,
,‘.' tore 1, is are now being surveyed, and prep
, -, , :•, - •,ioilsliiiade for opening coal. -,This-exten
.'on svil) be pmdted, with all vigor'sts soon as
trampot•tation shall commence on the Lark.
& Western road •to the city. We are in--
- torn - 44101e *hole init.stinent of the compa
r.v will teach 5 . 1.000,900 by' the- tin - ; _e their
W. , rks are thoroughly finished kfnd furnished.'
q . •
. Whofean estimate the vast iinpitus the
• e(4-,-.tru lion of this; Work •••will- give to all
.i• t ~..telie
.of besiness in - the upper Lackawan
••• - ha yall4 ? • Alreadviive see lands bringing
. • altiiiost r , abitlous pries : improtements pro
jected, land capital from abroad . finding its
way he 1 e; Incidentally we 'hear 'of several
tmnitigl perations on foot on private account,
I n,
• the e ; being'iletnonstrated that we possess
aavatit,ges in getting coal to market at a
; le , - , =:eott and with-greater faCility than any
, other - i4gion. • -'What wit) the operations of
_ the. - Dei r & Hudson company, : which 'we im
. derstandwill . be.dmibled within, the nest two
. .• e.irs , ,- T the building ; up of Jes.stip and Mere
. ;_;rt It: and the construetiou of the contempla ,
' • ti_ Daillroad' up the Lackawanna to reach the
W este* market, the pn - ipheeies of same that.
, Carbondale is on the Crane and its Coal' ex
-I,aust4-41,-are not 'lik . ely, witilii be realized.-"
114? sail - to capitalists that there is the place
: -:iillis - t7t. Alanufireturtits can here find tacit.
.Ities,-, 77 .
r rauspottation„ unequalled water priv
lieges,' jgind
_fuel without stint.' The' better
. ; -
-r;avoi tur,coming. ;.. • • .
, •-_, s ,
—4lefitr hays-' , .beep received' by her friends i
, thisiAty, (Mtn 'the lady of Gmurnataler I
TYArrillecto, of the steamer Des Cartes. of the
allied Opet.ip,therlifaelt Sea: - `"`Captain 'Captain D', i
eleith 34 : ftle* stip : 4l4w
,c;rMr. Win. B. L. i
Couteitta, I . ; f- alis_oty, and both ,Lutilseif and
led , " ar At - nown to *many' of -our city. This
ia&y, w o has hef residence at Constantino
pie, he I trilitetiniasy about ht . ,•r hastand, de, 1
I emit , to sTee'' : hint, 'if - possible, and with
this pii po , t went . :to - Sebastop , 6l, ana was
permitted t4i go on board,the vessel he corn- '
rnandtt As fate would- have- it,, .
.the day
she hal., chose', for the int ervle‘twas the 1141. ,
I:ll,:ettite of the bombardiry..ntOf ScbaNtopul,
.1, was se.arLel . y on board -.when orde,:r.4 '
' t t . ti a
titre - . c •elye tticornntettee the attack. '• '
L'.Che ' alien was anything but agreeable
, I, a tadv, but there was no aseap*lng., and she
. -, as obtl - ged:fcitv - ruitin and witiiess the terrif-
cettoe'fr'onitrst to last. With shot and •
and diner ..:mi . ‘..ery4. hand, the deaf
.,.;,g 4,a r rofthevatinfin,-ttie sky dark with
• ~:ds l of Srfloke, -the' air - fri3l - ghted with the
4 , „:orsaf . batde,,and the tai _lashed to 'itunatu
- 2 farv: by,:the storm of iron and leaden;raitt,
n. , " niii , be supposed to iniie finiiied a elm
r, , 4 ap weetatton-of the lieettliar beauties of
- - - A-: t .c. *Then the 6ttnilitt.vaa pietas-.the illy
wetttlon , ilior.o. in company witit-oterii,- - sand,
s anitt *rittyinv. ibe',environs of thepartially
~. . .
eoligneeeti - .truaghold,. nar-roily escaped a 'EV §.IN F'..".S . , c A.,n D'§. . , ChnatO of ,Tisaae. . . •
, ,. !
cannon_ hall' " hat'ettne whiiiing paqt her. with I. - .A.N I .11LEST Alit ,
------------ . - .
. _ . . . . . . ~
- -
i•niiithinlyinit a jnuie.,Al -- sontut .'. • Mr ; i4 TY'Ar --
1 ; -1 -I' • rchertl, , ll. D.. ;, .. .\ :-.. .. . ; ItAliwitottp ,. ,_
1 rican. wa;., 'Pb rhap . 4, the: Out v'huly
t Y 11 " • Wit- ' ' ' -13111.61C14112' Orchard,
R R. t?Tr i tic ' e l S a t c .thrireltl 344(l l u ce : : 1 1 l -I ). N P - 9 aVerger t.r. ,: i tN-.ll " n d : i 4;l l' g f 74;a -'4. - t z tt i ,. o l tul i Ss Sv l; er i tit i nti
I nes4d . the-h f oitykardinent of sptia.stopid irottt• . '''!" - 11-44 : 9 V ti g . Pa.
1, i- • - - :, • i 10.204.-.'xt. 1' Dee at: tilrvi. Bend at 1.20 r. u.-- ,
~. . ,
!thip___ard. " • nr.faidtinuithly, werrutme Indies :„,
,1' , --.i, 1 Th in & L am b,
..,..:,.. ~ • ... .• ; I n „„ 1 ., -• d i th u h . k r .. w - NIT -
61 •O.
,l , . , - ~_ . g • wt enuir - ~pre:.o4 ei.4 on the -•-- i
wiiiild ti:irdlly , li4ve encountered- the, daugef,, ave recently openrd a ware- - IL' E R. R . Pa-At.engera taking : t 111.01 Itilwilt arrOe '
elkill:CET gAKERSiti
even vii vis4.their huabatids,Ao • Ilt •vive,t: th•pl 1,...., - .,: 00 4,,i n ,F,6- wiro F d i Pa.„. and will keep con- iis Ditiikirk-it.1111,5 P. - It" and in • New oil at 'llils
fi , :tertil.l.lioelt ur the hatire.—Bii ff ele Couriei., ,43ntly oil band fill kind 4 oreabinet-ware; ahio Ready- r;.-31.' - . 1' • • ,
No S.. 1. 1° •.. . . . .
: Form& at - ,; cildeil with or ;without a I ...Retureitni. will fcave Great. Bend at 4 r. It., -10
I hearse; :IV-11'j:too:II nearly - oNioeite.J, Inglierwydg L il t Sthiietotlat, f ., : .“ f. 3,.. , • , .
- I The ... 7 reight, AcconimodaPonTrain, w ih . pa:4keno , et
. .
_ . • I SZcre. -. 1 _ i- . . .
: , . s•
; New'Miltor'd, May 15, 1535. • - . :20—iy ' c.krattichet!, will leave-Seianion at I m. ; -•irtio,i at. l
--- --'-‘:.' t - .;-..- - •- . • - - -----.÷-7.----.-.-. .. Great fiend it 6.p. sr,- . entinertinilith. the- Mail
-Fi /L . & E: EildWin; ' ';.- --. • Totin West, 'and 'the :lii n olit Express ‘TI-iin . Eact.
lt rAN 1.7F.10' UR ERS OF SADDLES, DARNESS, 1 Pa4sengeiu ;taking ttiig tranand the Njht E x pi.,..t
i T runks; 11 Whim kc., ir , the llasernent,ofSearlies . WeA, will anise in Dunkit h at 11. ei„ pr' icy tag
Hotel, Montroae, Pa. ,
"- . - • '!• :! !. • Mail Truin ',Nest, will Arlice!at Dunkirll et 0:4511in.
• ' --: .; . _--.--- - _- - ' - i - : L- - - ---- . - . - Returning, "willii-ave ' i :relit Rend at 17 a. u. 'otnxi , "-
viral of Citie:nnati D.tne4 , lEa , t. Duo nt - Seranto
12,10 -r. )4 .
, .
Passer gllrs for Willie4k).-re, IT ir'inr„, Cal. boißbale,
Phibuierpb;ft.,lyia, The
,Cat::wiFsai W;Ill.on,:po:t 4 , 41
Effie and Rvl . nling,.cti Tamagap,jaud Eii4t
on, and allrtetinediate pltiek-z_, will :lititl 11.•. , t v t,...q
stage coaches in re a di nc • s l':it Fetimfor,!Ou the anlial
of the and, Scco•nnicida:ion Trajw7 to eon
ver, them to the aboie phiee9 ! . Tho , --e'clioo'-ing !DI i•
vale conreattet , will find the
.liciA of hwe. and ea , •
I. , :geli °revel y de- cn ithion, ? . t sea' °noble eh:l.r- ,
leady to c0!i1e,... - - -- - - 1
- i• D. 11. DOTTERF.R. Superintendent.
En9erintjefident's Mice.t . . • ' • - I
Stntop, - May 10. 18511 . ,
. 13
't PrOcieacy at West-Potat
We tecetttly h eard from the lips of one 41
the . hoard Of,Visitors • at WeSt point,. a ,fact 1
which Vast ate:i of the liti ill's'
not. oily in their studies but in the' practical 1
part of mill ary duty.: The annual eitunina I
tion thi.z . Veltr la,ted fur `seventeen day* and
it is cuAtin+ry f at the close of .each day flit'
the student] to give a:practical illustration of
the scienec•i•,upon which they have been r x
eurilned.. 'Tihti , . Whln' the examltiation Alf the
day was awn gunnery, there Would be prae.
Lice with ._ the :gnus at the clue; military.
atovementsliti he illustrated by the tdets
acting as . a Orps ; and thtt art of---horsetnau
ship lioUld he practically exemplified by ex
ercises-in it ti ridingAhool, &e. - c;la one day
there bad I en an mintinatiaa is..,enttineering
aid. road bi'?ilding, and the Board of Visitors
were invited to proceed .to the river at. 'half
past 5 in tie af:ert - Oon, to witnesS a practical
illustration Of the otantination... At the'rord
of co in t tiand the Cadets ProCeeded tnconstruct
a bridge frOtt.the tinibers fir. Tared for 't.lh ,
purpose, atid in iwentv-foiir minutes - albridge
one hundrfrandififty feet lung,estendingin
t-o the Butooti and- ti-ilig on„poutoons where
the water jlwas deep. had been put -together
:And made i rl Id f A i
1 as!sl e • r artillery :Ind - i rt)ops..
The eadetsil were ;then required to take up the
bridge. The.hrldge -tufts taken doWn and the
-varioui ti)nbersi of Which it was conipo , cd,
piled up again in'nn orierly tnanncr,.so al to
be ready. 4, be Put' up : : again in an equally
4' tittle. -r rhiS,Wll , 4 ACC°
inc , Upon "inquiry it
iiie(l that the liriLig,e upon
wa.; ono Hhich was in the teniii
, sth'irt spar s
in pactly I,
th;s ticead
cOebrated ni;tn h tip fie
or S
city • of M
-ENGList ce.trietsitsfos ArmEitick.s . -13oDizs.
—The t'it. ed tone of tEmlish reviews 'when
speaking ;It Asnerican c d ptthlientions, is quite
remarliOt Witnesi the folliming .frtint
the Lotnlo i Literary 34ttinal of Oetober 15'1h.
It .txviir4 is an 4tiele in . wb;ehWillis's ,` Fa
mous P.ltions acid RI rlii u 4. Places,'uad;ll.ty- --
ard Taylors ' Visit to .lndi:t, China And .Ja- .
patl7 are no:ieita .: . 1„.
`ln 11 . 4.• paralysis off
1, ,
pun pro-1
dueisi .by '
.1:w war,we I...;'•eeive.Ottr most abotie.: '
ant suplily', from America-. ,. .10ur ov, n pub
lishers priidentiv. refrain frot h appealing, to•ti
publ:etoom much iini'verished, - and having
though:'-4,,, far (livert ., to 'listen to appt•als'
of uuthoriltip
. ',.11 England.. America, ittore ,
fort unatc,leontinues . itOts great career of eiv-
ilization, tit which we have made sti 4uddon it
stand-stilt, with a furore of r etrofiresslf, - , 8 1) ( 1
is rapidly passimus in tho.ratv„--- - I"he books
that. curate, to'us from the 1.1.n;M States man,
ifest coin ituous ' improvement. Every sue
eessive it 1 11 , 0•1-it ion - introtle;es the En gl ish
reader to } new works, in hiss` ry, fie'tion,
ry, whichieeli•pse the moder 1_11'414111,36(ms of
our. owni t aut trots,. ki . .c•eptin: lolly son‘e.feA%:
of the e:t. orthetn.
3s, •
.. . i .; • - i
. •
. .
Moll A tilY . l: AG V . ANO r.. —7 IN, hat a pity,' :add
a little 1)1 o ftther as the* walked through
the gardeu., that th'e roce.atier blooming. does
not prodime fruit. a!ncl thus return a thank.:pf...
tering in 4timmer tlr the lovely season of its
spring . lif4 Nnw its called the flower Of in
nocence 'aft,l joy ; %Vett it would be-al , o an em
blem of ~ ,, 4 ratittnle.l The • father answered.
"Does it hot oTer all its loV'elines:s to beau: if
ing the spting; and for the dew and light.whiCh
it receive .from ahove, does it not fill the air
with its ai.-lieate.tr4gratice thus , like grafi-.
tude he•ti,Wing a e)artn tiseen, whiA enhan,
ces evervt. good. Preatcd for - the spring: it
dies . withHie spr:4,; bpt, its withered leavr , l
retain a portiokolOts sweet fragrance. So
in the heajrt of innocence doegratitade abide
after the 'tliind dec o which : Called it forth is
forgot teni": ° '
.. . .
fillowing fr - .,in theell - langor Joitrnal well illm
rates the. quality,4l sorine people . s pity :,
" Rece - Ittv a girl Came front: th 4 rouu
- ,
try !o this city to .
vork hi a flintily that Wor
'ship in (tile. -of the. tall - steepled churches.—
At morning prae s the door of tae room in
which . the tiuniht Ireadtng of the Bible and
I prayer.s were 1441,• communicating to the
' kitchen, ri=l(‘ep * e.d abOut twol inches in order
I hat Ae inTht hAve thit privilitge of -hearing.
She. shuilthe door. It iwas again opened- in
il l i
:the sam4 manner, whcln it' was indignantly
shut. ' ' e next morning the girl reiptested
leave to etnin home, as shevas not accus
tomed toroeitring prayers: thrcntith a crack. and
.did Rs t care to beedi - ne'so,7 -. • •
. . ,
are awane ' i the marvelous Itriumphs - con.
scantly piing forivard in thi.s country. - A
co:emprta , y says,
`We have _seen lately, as a s ~ ^eimen of nice
Americati mechanical rtenits, is machine cost
not (Ayer five hundred dollars, invented by
a, workin men, which takes hold eta sheet of
• bra , s, clipper or iron . , Nnd turns Off complete
hinges at lbs .- rale cif a . g.ross in ten minutes.
hinges, th:in are made by any oth
er peoc+; arsO. a machine that take , hold of
iron tbd and whipi it into perfect bit•point
ed eree«s with -, wemderfti Irapidity and by a
sirgte . prreesq. 'This k also the invention of
a working man - :.,and both 1 he,e Machines are
suiperiorlto anything : of the kind in the world.
No (Abel prOceas mattufleture can ceimpete
with them. . :1
1 1! •rt
tAILILOAD.—Nne whole numlier of
• L.
kkonnTres thiA row] is 3,168.
coupled ftoi-ther in one train, wintld
iStanee 4f twenty-one tniles,land be
rry .150900 persons th4me - 414 . from
to Lake Erit,"... The Gniipaloy ha - R.
'lploy. not lesS tlrin 5,000 ptßrsOns.".
v per. Month is t 125,000, $1,500 -
- ear. The nu Hiller of Iniies frOin Jer _
Ito Dunkirki
439; and S run over
nQ express trains in sicteen hottr.l.--
pally has in I,s service Nix printing
•liich-are consituntfy at - work rioting
:tra never i. 1,4 but ..nee, b'anks,
,cars an d
which, it,
reach a
able to ,1
New Yu'
iu its- er l
000 1 -- Wr
by event
The Cut
&e. I
, .
-. ' . Reziwiceil r s NoVice.. .
13 UHL , C NnTICE : it 'levelly Oven it' all D
..i_ 'eon mi - . 1 in filllawj , ,FE.1 3 1e.1, ty, li
" Detate t col. Frrd-r ,k ,Thqfp, t , derea , ,e4 ,
Brooklyn . ; ownship; P.. 111. Ildley, T. Jnivet :
L. Post, Aecutors— I . .
Et..ate 1 Seictor, 11:4 , Jew. d eceased. late or
ty - townapi; Joseph F. i 6.oig R. Hale
tniaigirat pa--- ; • _
'Ettite ''' Clark, R. Siinpnir, deceased; late odl'
lititaires 'ri; . Henry Clone, Administator-,1 .
That t e lecountatit4aye settled their accounts in
the Re,;,delter's office in 4nd for the county of Husque
hanna, and that the se will be presented:ito the
Judges -oft the Orphatue pourt of said couoty, ' u Von
day die 2bth`dity of Nofewher next. foe eoud,matiOn
and altowitnee. ' -, •'•r. W. CHLPMAY; Re;or.
HP.sisoir's tam ilfolitnt*,.oc. t. 25.18 5 5. ' .
- .---- , -----4.------- 7 - 17 - 7" - - • , -
-, . COPAR .YERSUIP., •. , ,
"1 1 11 E underaigned .. .11/1 ' dam associated ugder
h i e
- -the 11 . ,. ut of - Dicke - - u andGarr ettjor ths :pm -
pose of t*tisactin
,the. reauAle imittoNs owt theold,
.stand of t Dickettwir. ~...,,,,,,...
~ ilea li i iiord, July 28. leu, - ~ .
!I •_ 1 ,
C. M. Ons,
1_1)00T, ANL/ SHOE MAK • Shop loony*
.1.1 of Odd Mellows` Bali, ';uropike
- -1
W. Singleton . 4 ; 1 -
('IAN mow be found at his new stand onthoOgn
lJ tato donne west 'of la.herel he ef
fectually repairs with -.dispatch,' Watehes, ;Cloaca,
Jewelry, i•iuns, and otery - dnscription at -Machinery.
Wheel cnttink; Gan and:Watch mateilaht
o the trade - •
- •
%zURGEOgi. DENTIST. liputrooe, Pa.,it Senrl6.
.hotel, Afindays atviTitesdnys of eti t . week. .-
: - Henry B.lrmapp, - •
'AVEN'Titon, Pd.; with Row, Trexidre 4k.ear.
.111 19iolesale Gkiiers and'. Coniniffaibit 'Mar
.WaAingtoa street, bCtw,een 'Court
a.,dt and Dc Y streets,..!Crir York.
. .
'Caleb Weeks.
L rilge Witmer. shop at big dwelling bouge,
. arty oppo-its Jraforoso; Pa. -
. .
Miller krowler,. ~
TTORN• AND cor.Ns.v.t,l.ogs AT LAW,
1. ami'Scilicitors in Chancery. - NM 44 Clarke
i:itreet, Chiefigo, .1
- --. • .1:• Pacific Hate ,
1 REENWICII, STREET, (nea ay,) Sem
ci York. Salisbury P oprietors. In the
vinity-et the principal steamboat landines.
I st'-' •
ThomaA Ingstnun.. .
EALEII IN DRY GOODS,. droieri,4., Clothing,
1.1 Creeko:7, Boots- and Shoes, 4:e., NitiricAnona,
Depot, Pa-1:.
--- -r--- -- .
. [ Bentley_ IS: Pitch, - -
;."1. AGENTS, Montrove, Pa. I
T. S. SIMSS% . ' • it.... F. PITCH.
John Groves.
VASTTIOABLE' TAtLOR. shop rud e r Searles
Hotek . Maine street, ilia's:rose, Pa.
I: D. D. Hinds;
ir 'VERY 4ND . EX.Cti A NGE STARth Office :in
in the 'teat of 'Filson's Stow, ifoidros , , Pa. 1,
W• . 1• - 01:451411, ;
IN sTuvr.s, Tin, -Coliper and Sliet
ron N\t,are,..Loilersribtt,nc.u• Great.llend, Depot,
Decentnd' 4. - ' ;
• - L L. P. Hinds , . H
TTORAttY AT LAW,'SuAgurhartani Pa. - Office
:1 on Maine street, one door Est of Lenheinfs.
, , • , ,
- • ; Fraz,er & Case,
, k , 7 7.011N.Eys A 1.51) cou.N,, J i o ...x;r:AT LAW.
4'.. - °Wipe! on Ttlenpike* 6treet, one door East o
rots atom; Jlontriw, Pa. • I 1 .
. , .
• Albert Chamberlin, ;.
TTOR!iEY AT LAW and .instiee o 1 the Peaee;
over I. L. Post & Co's Store,- .11,:ostrose:
Wrin. H.jessup, •
TTORNiIY AT T..IW ANTI (70)01L;::SION1:11 of
rtr.),i,ti. for. the State of New York Will atteutl
to all business,entrustetl txi him with promptitem anti.
ti ielitt. Olte! oa Public Square, occupied by for...
Win. Jc..s.Zuri.
_ I
- i Abel - Terrell,
AEALEg, IN PIi7(IS,III.3)ICINE.Sj Chemical.
I'aints k Oils, Grove: les, I Dry Goo&
Hardware, Stoneware, • Glassware, Clocks, 'l'ittche-,
Jewelry,. Shyer Spoons, Spectacles, Musical Instru
inenGs, Truses, Surfrieal Ihstruments, 14quors, Per
Mirt•ors, Stlgioneq, Brushes, Shoes, Yankee
Notions, &e'.;..
. B. 11. Lyons & Co.,
N Dry :{cods, Crgeerie:!, Salt; }lour, and Hard
ware, Lciiic4tx+ro, Yn. _
, .---
. •
' - • F. •B-Chandler, • -- - -.
. ,
IfEA T.Erk IN DRY GOODS, Ready Made floating.,
Grocetke:,,Tioolts anal 'Stationery, etc.; Public
Avenue; .. 1 / 4 ;ntro,-, Pa.
Patrick & Dimock, • •
IpTiYsiclANe. AND SURGEONS. Office- No. 4
Ow•egq. street, 31m:from, Pa.
1.. L. Poet & Co.,
TAF.ALEgs IN PRY (lOODS,GrrsePri.i,s, Crockery,
1.7 Ilarthyare, Le3ther, Flour, etc., colter of Turn
pike street and Puldic Avenue, J(otitro•"', 13a.
J. Lyons & Son.,
3 ODS, Gnacerie4, llnrdrarc,
1.1 Crockerv, Tinware, Groceries, Book', tqc.; al-ro;
Carry on the hook Bin&,. Arenue,
Montrose, Pet, • I •
• Bentley & Read,
TAEILEIt.S IN DRY; GOODS , " Drag s; Medicines,
.13. Paints; Oils, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery,
Iron, Clocks, Watcbes, -Silver Spoons, Per
amery, &c.--Foot of Public Avenue„,finttross.
Sayre, Bentley-45k Perking,
ill_ kinds:, of Cagtings, Agricultural InTic
) toentg, etc. F Office at Savre's
. Stere, Public Avenue;
Manufactory at the Eagle' Foundry, Focit of cherry
I street; Montrose, Pa.
. .
• i _
. - Wil l & William H.l.e,ssup, . •
.4 TTORSETS AT LAW,. -Ifimerhse,i Pa. Prac
„Pi.* tice in Sciquehanna, Bradford, Wayne, Wye=
ming and Luzerne.cOnntict4. • . ' ;-.- -•
William W. Smith & Co,• •
CBIKET MAKERS. They keep constantly on
hand 4: good I..c.4ntnient of all kinds of Cabinet
Furniture. t . Shop and Ware Roo:ns au:the foot of
Maine street, Mou'rrose, Pa.
-. _.:.._.
Rockwell, Winton '&
Jl_4st: Hats; Cup; Furs, troibtielbta, Papa-
Jab&ott.v, cfr. &e., No. 25) Courtlandt street, .Veu
York, (up t+tairs.)
S. n. rawcEvsrt.t.
11.teter, •
IxtrERWED . with 1.1,. HUNT, Imfiorter of and
Dealer in Hardware and Cutlery Carriage Sptirgs,
No. 2.15 Purl street, _Wm 1741:, where his Mer
cantil,,- friends, In this and other counties, arc kindly
invited, and earnestly solicited to call and purchase.
• PA.„f AT $1,50 rEtt. ANNUM. IN 41crANCE. ,
, .
"Lutes of Advertisi; 1 1,7.
One ,:rinard• (lel line= or le4 ) one w'ck,. . •
One squard: - • " . . two, weeksj..
One square, " ' three weckl, - 1 (H)
Otte.aquarei -• " , - one ntontN 1;25
One sgilfirti lit , . •. two, month, ' 2 25.
oto square, " ' ' - three months, ' - V.,00'
One *rpm et • " eei t monthsl.... .'. 5,00
Ones On 44 . . . ( me V e,lll*
. . ? 1
. FOr two '.;
or more Rinavey, iu'erted by the year, a
d'alnetiou frozuthe above price ii wek; Yearly ad
v'n ti:et's will lutes the privilege of alte 'r6g orcharg;
-inn their aelvet ti , -ments i without. - allditi*l charge.
iiwine--..,•4 eardA,,not e*eeeilieg fire line.a, inserted
a t ie3,,,ext.p4 , lL
r a11.U41. ;
i VP of
f aml I.
Job Work.- 'I
This 4:0154e is supplied - Rini a. good sissorWent of
Jobbing miteriale.,`and all
.kinds orJoti Work; such
v ,
as Cards, Posters o. P:amphlvtz, Lc., uill. done neat
ly aud proinptly. - - : : . - '- .. - :
-y, A4l
Regixter's Woitice •
17BLIC I'OTICE is hereby given to all persons
concerned in the following Estate,lto wit
Estate or Aaron li'paeprsou, late of Lenom, dec'd.;
Amy ityntia-son & Isaac Ilynea , :soo, Achu'rs.—
That Ay accountants have eetiled th4iraccounts in
the Reo4,, ster's (Mee in and for The comity of &law
hannat'-and that the saute will be pve#ented . to the
Judges ofo , phens' Court of said c/uutY, on Sat'
urdas the 4i - it day. of Deeember next, fot con6ematioat
and . allowsiime., J. W. CIIAPMAN, Itf.g`r.
• Reni stes (dice, Montrose Oct. 30
* - ,
New Jewelry.
/Ceplenied assortanept, jut arrised it
guritresiN, Nor, 1, 18511.]
3. nowißD. WFhc. wirroN
sEArta.vs coAcfi EN- .
r. a F.Avv . lioiaoze for D. L. k W. 11. - It. at 6;
11.,10 :4 F.-07.M Train - '0 tiernotal IA:
11 foi• Trai to liv ,, tl. F. At
3 P. M. f q Frcight •0 Cceat Herd, an dlaa
. Le.tre rkpot for MoN.tyg, 0.1
a. , :val 9f ail the above traitiA at Stalion. ! ;
FO , seajv pill:: at St:T.l(. o :t Potel,'3)ool , oz;.,
Auguzzi!"2l. •
. _
" .
.eriber is reeciring his titivisg And
titer gpelipf 000(1.4, contin ;sing grs'at
which will lie sold as how ;as any in this ntarhl.—
Please real exarnin: F. B. CIfAN
fL47'S; ..4 ND C. 4 PR—A good assoi tnient. the
.late=r -
1 - ;E:1 CLOTIIISO—A good Briery
of Spring and Clothinz of the t
A 4-0; DR;-:.c.4 000DS. - con:istin,g of Wwu. ,
Bs Finn, h Belaines, Persian Del.lite,
Pt i.iled Limns, Fancy I's ints, Worked
Iv ";ortions, Edging-, Black !dant ay., Thib L .
a.. 41 C.t."hincre Shawls - , &e.
800715 :I ND SHOES. Clocks—a lsrge o.
melt of thi'vription; and r;tyle.- Also, a Ig:eat
variciy oCE.theyArtiele's, Yankee Notions, k.e.
C-oekety, Hardware, and (110Nries of all kind -.
Trunks, it good-lot for sale vheap. BOOIV3 and Ss:-
Paper—idso,-Ilour of the hest' iinaliiy.
Monti .May r, ISIS. F. B. CBANDr,rI.
New Line of ;Ifni! Singes,
Kinn:WOOD TO 31'011TROS13.
TA( ;lig irll Kirkwood, pas.-ing thrmfgh - Cot •
betttrige,,Liberty, &c.,-every morning, after the
nt•tival of the lluilYrahts of cars, both East and
rt'achidg Montro4e at.l r. x. i/aro/op, heave
)tontmse l tlailt (Sunday? , excepted) at L r. u., i•each
;•l7. EirkWorri in time to.take the Mail train.% oil ea's,
hoth and We.4,_bcting the nearest and mo i st fea
sible rouM to tract' the New York nod Erie. Railroad.
Thl , v intert , ..cts a tai-weekly line for DiMoct...
.Toulthannock, Wyoming, and Wilkes
barre, winch leaves Mout , ose at '7 A.. 11. every] Mom.
.day, Wetinesalav and Feiday. Alm, a line to Friend
vine Lcritysvilie, kc. "
tra,n4 qnd able earTiafrx are Iprov;-
ded, and the proprietors will pro no pains to Ac
commodate - the public. W. K. lIATCH.
, 1552/.. MORt ;AN
NOV STORC—Nrarcoop..
rl l l - I.E snlverilter takes this.. method of tidre.';':isil , g
hi s f t ', m i.: an d the pntilic generally, that !it• ii:t.
i;itedltip °Pc t arrow the. treat from MI old
rittarters,lin 13rooklyn. where be is prepared to ze 7
eeirt! ; eustomeN ani ~ • 11 them goods at as lose rate
nt; any 94.hfr.e:itt,Itii har-nt in ile. , tineltanna . eounly.
Mr ItA,:nrpnient is rery ;,)+1 , 4•41, (10)i-riving near
ly every irticht ]led-for in a countly i
Ag: detern' r•d to do bu-inc.,-.!= tri
, .
-..;t.111;t1e1:10,?' which . rp.nen,;lslo 'credit poreha•Tr , 4-ct
1:1";.00 1c ivy, I C.i OT indatfent
n'3d rtn, tNo patron-•. C.,;11 and s_e
roe. ; . j . O. fl. 13 TIryA D.
. .
B, , *:;11, IS5.i.
11cw GOods.:
TIIE !:sulp(lnibor 1,1 in•fonstant receipt. of New
It;OttlF., in hi. line of eve ,'y
The public will find 1119 n- Nu.,l; Wild
his attielk•A rt eve and of grind finality. The stool: eon
n.; kt,u,ll of .117-•trik, Paittlr. Oita,
arrierrks, Paw, Goe.dx"re,'N-17 74
dc. ;Mornat the lower end ofl the b urnt
, June ti, ISS:. A. TURIZilf.t.
. , 1 -
• Prof. Charles ilforrii, 1 •
4,zlr.Ctli:Si4Oß of (irides Tillman" RAI:Bps, hav
t .: 7 lag i,rmovcd his .shop from it.= fo. moo loo l rion in
the 1-' 1 „..; e n..,1 o r 50,,,30', nnio. to i the rooni ..t - i fhe
same bitipi ,, 7,, in the rear of the har-room, is prepa, -
ed to 4...,Crei:d 1,.. , a t i•• the nto,d trienßic Manne ~
'on all who may be plea cd io entt'q - t. Vaii , beads i•
• 1
aces to liis Ini-th 1 • '•1.11 • 1
7 - — 1 - - - —r—' ----,
a 9OOO Milk, Fans of nil Fat'. and matte 'from
... i doable cross tin at lest. than ..let[clialds
osuall,r piAly to sell a:_ - -,.;in, for sale by the,Subimiber.
We hard come to the conclmiOn'to sell pans o Far
mers as low n we will to the trade, - thereby ' saving
tO the Eimer Our profit. Oar wares ate wat, anted
to be every Pa: or no sale
Term=i 7 -C.teh or 6hort credit.
New Milford April ]. 1855:
I Boots and - Stationery. I
iiAvrece;ved n large addition. to my .sloek. • of
80010 , Statiolvv, among which are: Loit . !-4
Look Al!,ea (11oe;Wolrert's
6t - moice.",o Sl..etehe. , '—WorioLL•rfid Adventorei od" Capt..
ierii -:—The Stare Holder'f. Panghtey—Life of Sam
Bousion:—.Jane Mar—The 'far (11a1;riet B.
Bag, • (WilliJ,) Sc. Sc.—will be gold
cheap. ; F. B. CHANDLETI.
-31ay 1855
WE are ree2ivingthi= week a lorof • Nrw jnzt
pnreha..tid in the MIT, which rendrra our a..-ortment
compleM;and which we Mier on the most favorable
of the 11fV building, one door above the Po-t
Mum' o , e, February B, 1855.
. - i • Ce. Cali WANTED:
,t, N
attire and intelligent young man Orabout 17
lA. years of age, wanted a. clerk in a store, One
wishing lo 'a cqu ire the husinem and divo-led to make
hiqiself tseTtil. -.ill find good encourati"mmentOn• np
plietttiou ehortly to . • n.BunratT.
..New I,ilfot-tl, July 22, 1855 i
I . .
- • .- 1—
iirto,..,,i, at 'reduced Prfees. •
111. - 11 . 111TT will sell his rentaiaingmtocklofFilk,
Lalku and Straw Bonnet.. a good ti.z..,ortio en t,
at , redueed Price. to close the haziness of the itea: on ;
many 01l them at cog.
New gilfo-ti. June ISth. 18.55.
, • - ,
A 7 E; shall receive during the present week, a large
II addition to present stock of SEM mEn• oqps,
wilich ~ill render the ti , T,aortmrnt complete, and to
which we invite the attention ()fall who wish, to buy
Goods cheap . - BENTLEI' k. READ.
Montrose, June 28th, 7855.
~0,7 i
1I MELL fur IPR9NpOg A ItECf?!l
tt ticef j 11
4L - in Mont , o , e, or at the residence of the
in Arap.t, Stisqu'a co.;
. ...
rloai and Salt
By the !oad, barrel, s.lek, or po-ind, by I
Saud 5t 1 , .1855:1 IF. B. CIIANDLER,
- Sacll stud Minas..
WINDoIN orva ri ons alics constantly
-„-allo Ink& fw di led :In trthir by
C. ft RAT.DWAN. ,
IitIi t ESALE and ret.tildeal . er in Oil, C.lnopheno,.
T. , rind and Hall Lamp!, Otraudole.s, China and
FloweriVases, Crockery, China, and GlasS Ware,
Plated wild Fancy Goods, also Camphene and i,Flnid at
the lot i ce4cash prtees, st 65 Eowairr, Nair Yong
Cu l% ,
Removed. '
Vivgil Dentist has taken limos or rF. B.
Chandlereistom where it will be his plea-An to sae
his friends Its quick as possible.. C. D. VIGIL.
,Ifsyl 2, 1,05. - . Resident Denl.isU
Paper Raiugings. •, .
Rolls just opened;indisome for R La . per
rnli, by LTONS,A, SON,-
'AP 4:311101 ir I . ll.4VL'lbt .. 1170.1%Til 7070 - 1' '. , ~.,...., ._„,.. r( -,.- ..- •
. - ",, • l• 'IRA:CIII.ED. - - •
' - *' . ';'3 7 43......"tz. , - I.l '!'` (l ' '.
.. .
•Ir-,. 1 WITTEXI3IIIIG•IeS4O I ltonttos; rti.; . te4 i --- •:', - : - '. s 4'7s7.?.':.`.'ig- :. Acikll .4
it)'.altlita-Abeibixl. Of idtbng,,thelt;-•oTd Iliernkit ard - • - i;? , 4 6 4 4 ..;:-...;1' ,- . 5 . - . , , ,-- i-•:. „_.'"_
customers and Om - public ttOurta, tlitit it . lo4b.ire jai 4_ ' t,;. 14 ,:t :7.1 1 ,;;V:r i a1c,rt'.,,... - .46 :t 44, --'..-
l>. .
renibiedinid*etted ther-brrgftt,:prettiest•andette4- . ). . • -:. ~ 1 1 , ;..: ,
5 • .. ....,n , .!, , :, , -- . 7.i', 7 .tkeu ,,‘ ..!•! „„.. .
estittoeli-orREADYNAtitt CLOTIIING.-- ever ;In o.; : --. ''! . 1 ]••-•,;e 4 ,7:t , :447- c - 7?,. ~ -„.t..„)-.._.,... 1 -,•••
to this plieei whiehl theY:cdrerat a stßalliiii*ane6 Porn ! -,-!- --!. -...; . 7. , . ...•••;aidii:
i • •• - -
eckst,-thereby offeritq purchasers. the rare elifmi;flr . - 1 • • -- • -1--- . . .•,-....:.' ...... -
tv of obtaiidtm goons -at alittut two thirds the itA .1 c . iltl"l,.' - ' 3, 1 '1) li,!
.. ,1)1. i -,. IS
price- :.. .1. _."4' • 1 - [ I . .• 1 11 . nlv 11.
... ~.,, :A.l_ Ai, ..
Also a litsn a - -•zo'rtment. 'of Dry GOntl ~ eolupii-*; 1 1 A NEW and. sitigUlblv.sueccelyetaidy ;Ceiba
for LatliesPetri, -new. stylen Droeude,- St , ipe, Pk " , 1 - ' ll k- cu-a °roll BiliioaA diserie.s-:-Cosiivemess, Indh
Plain aid ihatigialde Sill:-.-,Delaincs, .31n-din, De Dago ' g.; lion, 3 suudi c , D I 01 ;gy ' Rhellrii4;iifitc Firers, $ i;•
• 130-ageileltdraiti or new anti elegant, de.i.ig,ns: . All the -,f m nr a; (,; ( n 3 i
, ••• Iv
ervousiness,lrriiubiliLyiiallsuntn li I 7 0PN
bust st . leit'or ',Mfrs Dre . .- , 4,t t;oods, Trenc h Lawns,' ik at i ac hi., Tun s i n the Brgasl; sti;ile:, Dick and,Lirobt,
.Prtnts an 4 -flinghante.- Al. twinti. , ente a . A.. , 0t of Fondle Coiripini its, t e .. I,:c. i n d ee d, re. y f e w' c.o .
Dresis Trinliinings, Entbreded Sleeve., Coihnsi ClA's, 1 the dt. 30 ,4,: es •in which .. a p„,. g ,,,i,... lie i lic - 4 , * 4, 5 ,-i,f ) , ...
i • . •• • •
rte. daeonet and hvfn.-• 1-olgtogs and Inseating-,f;loves ! mo t e o r le,s requlrpti, and nievh fit:: i , es . t and 6Uirco.-
11;:4, - 11o+iy:,yeita end r a .-.,, 0 1 3 . .., : . • - . tug toeght be prevented, it a. bat tnless but eree;CA
Their ast:o-tinent ',ash/Inds. ig verY le-ge• emi' - ';'e.'"rt , ex.hariie! wei e mpip freely u.sed. No. person (um ;eel..
every thitig that illriett tad il.:bior: - .Ve both tireign well while a co,tive habit or body plovails;.l)erhiq4,l ,
w id.dome ! si;ei 1 1 • • ! :- • i• . 1 it, ctoti eneratea seliOUR and often fala t,discas.e%'. '
!-Their - flointei:- Dpartment is Erge anti compTrln, : w hi c h i n ght bare been arnid e ,l 4
.ih e ti me ly 7,041
cuibizeiu; 4 the've7 latest •-tyle!,! ‘7 ilh T 1 intudnr,-..
,to 'ntl;e:ottsluse of n good pu•;, , ativ. `This is afiti'e ti-re 1
I -'
weft:. ). i • 1 ! . ...
of Cold-k Feverish .syn , p:OntS, and Ddliou. deron:,r...
An e!.;;,.. , ;re .--1 - oi timid o:' . Irish linens, I'lav'''!:iO menbz. ! : They all tend in become or pi oduee the deep..
torrriin7,l ,. .ble covht-, tu•to;.v* Le. • .! ' j
. 14...:A and to: mlti.ille d;-;.etnpri , nhich los - d b i, e
- - .We hate at o a I , '"lklY 4)1 slii..i :, 1- 1 , ....,110000•A
.coi 7 1,f. , ..,, :es all or c r the land. lic.two a tel 11:ralv
lar,se•-pi”ith•is tior,
,!..tieb^: l l3. , and a good many 1 0, y .;e: t...0f the fi , -t imp:or:mire, to itl e public 1in1.1 . i.,,
other nr:Jel , ' 4 toO mot:roils to inNitlon. For: ba - rid •thl+ pill - lhes trrn pei fer;i%l iv ;It ecosanhiytti
g.tins'Jte ipublit:! 14 lc. ijeciil,lly h.ri; ed to, (-Agit the ~!:;11 to meet that demand. A ut .- !•:te , tve.ti ;al Or-i.s
elv..ap .:oi eor : ' i; • i; - v:ltilr. , by PhysieTani, v. or, •..0 , A, noil Patient,-; 1., , a .
i . J..TVITTF,NDV.IIG A; DDO. • -,.t , own se-blva :.,u , pa:_ - ing.,aur living bitlaci.;o heoan of
eis•ver of; Che.zutst A Owego SVcrl-, four ( 1 6 014 1 cost air tiiedieine. Cu e- have been all-eted brytird be-•
o: Post's i toce. ' . 1 , . - • hear, wet e they not ..ob.,t:inti.ited „Lir pe , :ons of :melt
'-- cliel.ed po-AtiOns Ow aeter ns to fo,bid the M 1 .
pirlaii.of tillrtvh. Among the- eminent gen,lerern
alio have te4;iird in ravo- of thcye pills, we ny.y
- • A D-
A E t‘oi ).•!:eiyhi7, th• - •it• at..l :apply of s pgr.vo
st.rvitt:4(..crf4)..4, th,,•y offer 'tr,•l!e; •
en tomer; , and thO puldid o the ipemt ree
.:nnolde Irrwg, for! ea 11, Ban I , Be -
ly.f;x, or to appro;nl e: edit.
Montrdqe, MaY• •
I)iI(I.I!Di'LOTIES. Kcr cwtr* Nt•rt! itchy Jvans,
j) Sutnrner Statfr , , and - n g-ner al ~toel: of Staida
Dry Cook!, jutr&viveal,and for ',ale right by, i
C:f1:11:0•:ff. 1):TI;111e4
lfcrtinate arid Corlti•eo Print,!.• ' kc. ,te; fo r sale '
Uy I. • I i• BENTLEY 4: READ.
of Strtirnity;
1-) Black r.-• 1 1.k-1, D... - T iattningQ 1. Tor • .
by • .1
Liffk,fl:;l, — L7gcorii Si•PaTtamii. St ra ,Y,Tty r i Palm
Bat 1.71111! :ilia s, !•lateliel., Window Pap-r Sr..
(Ivor , ii ! , ry, ,p l: ;. t W S ;L i . ), : i i
TARUGS, Medirine tints, Oils,'Dyestatfrs, and a•
1,/ genet al a tit tn ,, n4;'or Patent Medieineil, justrin
and for Safe by 1• !' BENTLEY & READ.
OT,Ei and til.tierLcatht r, Patent Kip , t, Calf Skins.
aunt a good -iipnly Of non"— and Shoes eotr4t,
1 ly on - Br.NTLEY. fit Rrin.
the, barrel or_o } l . 2 ., e ; h r
} a l l!
dfi !' B
" -
W of 7
e l; in ; . 0
a f l , t i t I d
, Li•LO t. .. t t l i t t i e j( l . l
1 - .l.eva;r::, in !double and :•ittgie eases, Ladies' Pins,Eai•
Drop:,-Sings, 011.1111 4,, Le. 4.e. Also, Silver
Table, Tea, Destlit,S:tlt end Sugar Spoons, warranted
pure, for sale bv! Bt s TLEY S. ' II 1.7 .
G 3
on ha rid
111; %V GOODS.
C. I TOVES arid 'TIN W.'2lllE, Clock:4, ..Nz:i l 4, C.tmlica,
Lamp Oil, Ciiiitidit•rie <c - e. S-e. - . ' - !
• Mohtto:gy, 31:.1%;. 1, '55:1 11ENTT.EY le RE.A.D, :
rzt:nr.4 pumps: ,
The Cirecrfort Inip;o!'.cipeirl of the
If. trillioniv' 17olve
1 , *1•77',e and:Lift Psti»y;
improveiikent abOve all other pumps or m.i
rt. chines for lifting, throwing, and carrying Water,
tombillihr., both !zi Pump and a Fire Engine. Thia
Pomp, iblittniio I n February, 1834, it the whole of }t
metallic. No bolts or Screw's' about it to rust, Con..-•
grentlylit will laSt a man's life time. It can be turd
in ever - rarietyi of forth—can draw watcr from an*
sit ration, ar.d entry•it. tti tiny part of a
is knperior to all other Pumps for Distilleries, Pap I
Mills, Tiumeries,illriel,Yartls, Iron Worlo and 'it
nfactliring of all kind.. •• • /
mllkhe addred to .Inni‘ - oN D
Lotkrsitille Pa. who hire the sole right for Susonk
hanna e;onnt7.. 1
W OppraTFF . 5..:
l E , LlrE i n , li . ar i e c7 . , tr i tl r y t o o n i !)ll
itecl;' md : Chain - for welt, pump., : tell,
pump;, 7 4e., Rams, Japau , .od w.. t, les4
otall sizef4i&e., &c. Job Nvork doni• Frith
ne,:4 an 4 despaßilt ; ::111 'Milers promptly attend-Id to
sTov Es rfrt
!:ept coiwituttly On hand, a large a.4.4ortment of stori
of the latest imp'roved and unproved patterns. Ou
eN.perienee in thv emlibles us _to select dul l
that w'can vafrly warrant to give entire satisfaetio
Amongi4t our utinteronstock can he found the
ran ;dr Star . of the Wc4t, F.l.!catt t .
New Wnrll , .! " !Clinton, [Oren
AtidF, I I " ;, Cultivator,
Phoeni, I " • Fire Fir.
Three Sitars, 1 " ! Western Qneen,
(note; 1 - !:" l', • Pretninin
S. A., c.•oottrvi-r.
, --
.CAPITAL, $200,000.
Secured Ly Bond andifortgage on the Red Estate
of the Ftoeih.older.e.
InsnrCs ngninl t loss by Fire; of Houses, Stores, and,
other bfiildinga,lGoods, i Witres and Merchandise, on
asfitroifible.tertfis as similar Institutioti: LosseS
promptly adjusted and Paid.
DlREOrofts.--41on. Horace Williston, Athens; Flan
cis Tyler, do. ; george Al. Perkins do. ; J. T, D. Meyer,
do.; C,lN."Shiprnan, do: ; C. F. Welles, Jr. do. ; J. E.
CanfieldHoa. John Laporte, Towanda ; ,Gen. B.
Wakentan, M. Hollenback, Wilke -
bat-re ; SliChael!Meylert, Laporte, Pa.
fisriCEns.—llott. Horace Williston, President; C.
F. Welk jr., x. Pres.' afid Treas.: J. E. Canfield,-
Agerit. Q. S. ;BEEBE. Nimtro:ic. Pa
rriff.,!subspriber carrying on .the CHA/R.3/.1
LTG B F:S.I in all its variolis branches at
the Chair and Ware Shop - in Ilarford, where m a y b e
found a greaier variety of Windsor Mot- Rocking
Chairs than at any other establishment in the county;
tilt•o Flak and (lane Seals, 'Bureaus, Bedsteads, Loung
er, Settees, TOhles, Sta)ls, de., all of which will
be sold . ; at the ; owest pr ices at retail, (or wholesale,
with' short notice.) All work warranted Well made
and-of good material. Short credits and small profit!.
-will be xny motto. For,' demonstration of the Above
fret call at my Oop in liarll3rd village.
Raiford, October 12; 184 - • IM6m6
• ,
rArims[..roll sALr:. •
THEsubscriber will tiet as agent for buying andtell
-1 ing Real R.state-Fartns, Ronses, and Lots—lo
cated in Susquehanna County, Pa. All who wish to
offer their prokrty fer•sale can give a minute de A erfp.
lion of ineir Farms oriLot= ar flfowi : Number of
acres, - bow mntiy improved, and how - rmterell, build
orichards,i grafted Or coMmon fruit . ; other fruit
trees; and the,neare4 point•to the)). L. & W. 11. R.
and R. R. R. . •
etrms on the list,L4:t . nri.eltl. - By calling on the
subscriber a nfinntetbetiption, price mut term. enti
he given. • - • . • -•
Otl cc on"firjapike st. 4 doors west •of Main st. - .
Montrose, August 14, 1854. - A. RALDIVEN;•
Dr, Calier'm Celebi - aled W.getable .
1.1 'Compound, .; . .
A sovereTontemetly for Dyientery, 'Cholea a No'lis,
Cholera. fnfatituut oiiSumnier`complaintf,--:enibely
•vez.etable, a l e has never failed in &single instance of
produckg tei desired l'effecc. 'For isale bohles at
50 cenis:ands.l. BEPSTLEY & RBA-0.
- Montrose A.ugtril 21, ] 135,7. •
• ;
New. GOOns Cheap for " Ca%h at the
- I,- Head of Tia,vtgtttiott.
tindtirsigeed . rwoutd . rally annottece
• . 'dist gelling Cooly aE the 0141 pace,
and that he IthS an entire new . ) .- :ock of Geod= whlotP
he wilt sell cheap. ' ' -- C VI MATT.
lot AiIEGEDELAINR for o , 2Eit shilling t Lawns, kts•
P. cidms 4. yard wide, for one iltWeg .and
•r" re. , e, tic 1 W:morre
Mon tro se, • .
Yfleop Nib' II tort Erom.
[ 1 .
.; ) Wet tieforge4l,lfrientlo, one and all.,- 7 .
- .Aged 4* youthfill, great_or sawn- -. .
_ - (If not;too mall,) . -
Thsi 'ailtidtl,Fellqis' Liall
} .
Is the Tree to call, - , I. • . •
II- To get your f:tct. a9up-n.r..,, t , : _.... A vs.
. • ' - ; '". /* -1 '
Nola! Oge, 4,l.iqu?t 15, 183 . 5.
i - -I • , .
• - . Patelit! oink, Ittiki.ii . : --
u‘on. sate 14t the •VOtin es EttchtuTe b 7, -
1 -' i .i - I' ."-* AIL..ATHROr ik CO.:
dturt :0,, I r
tpro•:o. , —
NC'. A.. A. 11a‘ . E!:, An..lyileal Chenti;t of no 't6
v. - id :Rat VE-i` of Sfd ~ ,114.1111..G_i15; If. J. ti.t.lnsve
ore' nor of 31.. ;win' efts; li:voitrW.tsn err '1..:
4:ov. of 31 - : chit et;s; So:v. ON 11 N, 1)1•10.
of M ; E. M. Wattill'r STk- ,- etary of State of M..• .;
:loos 11. Fivzrayeirk, ea.h Li-hop of Ro-toit; . Dior.
Jolts; Tornt v . , of the College of Phy anti Stai
: eon. , ::rte Yotk eiiy; Dr.. CeT. Jact;:ms, Ceolor.. l t
Penile Lind. of the Ifyitell States; Dr.
Ca (/.. , 'O.N, Cheti , 7 of New York City,
rd by lion. W. L. lk.litna•v, Sec-to:my of
the riche t matt in Ainet ii -a-; S. LE
Co., Ptoll• of, ihc 31eti o,
011 , 1.!VA. • ' '
- Lid :par pci alit, we could • malty hundird
cer;i:iciates nom all parts where the rill. have berl
id,-but evidence even wore coilvineing •than' the
- c :;perimice of . eininent public men, is dirt
rect-s upon trial. - . . .
The.:e Pills, the re of long itivm'iig-.2:tion • and
:'Wile, arc offered to the peidie as the be-;t and too t
toypiete I'4 hich the pi tent ~title or - metltetd. 604 - tit'e 1
C.lll arrti.d. They are compounded not of the dru;:, - ; ..
themselves, but of the medicinal vi only of Vc.,l-i
„etable renuidie, eTtpactcl • by chemical p;OCrs7:4 in a.
trate of pin ity, and conihined together in such a..llim.
net as to insure the best sv.-tern of
eompoSit ion for medicines has. been found
Pecioral and Pills boil', to pioduce a more ciliciela
• remedy than had hitherto been obiaiircd byyny r o c.
- Cess. The reason is, perrcctly While by
the old tootle of coinposit ion;
.every nmtlicine- bpi- .
' denetf whit more or less of acrimonious and injutlons
qualities, by this each individual vii me . only that is
desitkal for the\ etnati - Ve cflitet is pi esent...All the in.
eiit 4nd-ohne:Lions qUalities of each
are left behind - , ;he cumiive ititec mile be
ing rataiuril,. Home it is self evident the, eirects
should pione as they have p orcd, more iem
edial, and I lie Oft a untie pots- siititfoie to di
case timrCaily miter medicine boo. it to the woild.
As.,if is lequcnllr m.pelicnt that many Medici u-+
should be taken under the coi) .el of art attending
and as he could not pi onrtly judge of a
, remedy without knowing; its conntia-ii ;cm, I have...op
j plied the accurate fortutila;lie ti hich ho h nit.;Pecto
j IA and .Pills are - made. to. the whole botiyitif
ioneti in the tiniied Stoics anti 11 :cm
;.PIIII7IIICCS. If, however, thee Amnia be any - I ore
who has not received them, t'iey will. be v fortir. , :.tled
by mail at his request:
Of all the Patent that aft; offered . , lion-.
' few would betaken if their i °wpm-hien was known!
l'heiv life Comists ; in their titysterY. I have' no mV
The composition of in'- proparmions . 6
ones to all men, and. all who are competent to judge
ol the sal jeer lively acknowledge their conviciloir- of
imrim.ic met it.S. The Cherry Pectoml teas pi'c—
notineed by scientific men to be a woittlet ful meoicine
hciirc iLs effects were known: Many eminent.
Ocians have declined the :arm thing of my Pill;; a td
even mote co;tfitlently, and a d etta ;;fy that
thele trliktipa.Tont. - wet e mote than tvalivrd th e t r
e:rec;•tt upon vial. They ot - te, e
, Iyytht•itt nor:et ail
itOttettee - ott the internal v;:zer.a.-. to puory the blood
ttl stimulate it Lito hvalthy ;..Mott- - move
ts of the stomach, RV tyld otht,T ky
nar,q or the Ito(0, lyg',ll l .4r Pet lo•_/ to'
And r o, reef in g a,.llc , evor iticy t - nel
de , .”l.2,ement , a. are Ow
Pt epored by Dr..l. C. AYER, and A
ChemL;,..Tow...ll, ;(1.• -25 cello pc,.
Fi% e box , ‘= for izoll r.Ef., !.,
e; F.. F...f:•lt. H. LtroN: C.l l , *1
Do' , trat!', (.1 P , . 1)c 01 i•, d 'r •••-
IVlNG,just . retiirneil from Now Ye-, I will 1.1
call: the attention of my old cii,toniers,.aaa
the public in general, .
to _
which being bought with cubit at - tlie lowes - t prices,
and wishing to sell
...principally for the saute,l sill .of-t
for them at greatly reduced.pricez.
Cochcco Prints, fist colors ; for old;, 8
cents a-yard. Good Brown. Sugar, 18 pounds forinie I
dollar. Boonton Nails, a i all to be
the best Nail in use, $5,50 per keg. Hats and C.ip4 - I
Boots and shoes, Bidlido Robes-of all prices. all wooti
De Laines, Cashmeres, Panitnettas, fl'resS ! Silk, Silt ~
Velvet; &c. . Nowlin De .Laines, 1 ,;billing
Satin Bonncts and Moleskin Bats ; Brodie ShawLi, I
Double Ltufg shawls, Thibet do., sellingfat inconceiv
ably low prices. .1 can safely warrant perfect Kitt
faction to all who will give me a Call. .
Lanesboro, Apr. 5, 1854. S.. A. LYONS.
CLOCKS—good time keepers, only onitiCTitar. •
Latiesboro, Apr. 5. :• . ,
AVANTED--1000 Hides, for whielt the hitdvest
price will be paid. • S. £ LYONS.
tanesboro, Apr. 5. • •
(lOUNTRY PRODUCE tal:enin- -exelMTMe
Goods, at my store:: S. -LYONS:
.L.Mesboro, April 5.
THE mbsel Biers Intvingsiectici:.d the sole right to
BUTYER: WORKER, for Su:ouch:lrma and 66-Cml
adjoining counties ' respectfully invite all.Thitter mak-.
ers to examine and Tarr the merits'of this new and
valuable inv = ention. lre propoSe to furnish each and
all of you with a Cnrux that, will produce as much
butter in as short u timt. as any other churn—one
that will cotup!etely expel the buttermilk, tradi anti
mork in the - salt, diffusing it perfectly'. through .the'
Gutter and * fit it for use, without removing it from the
churn. This Churn is. simple in its construction, eci its operation, and easily, cleaned and kept in
order, and stn attached to. and pt opelling
For further particulars, apply persoOally or by le:,
to to JAS. C. IWSIDjELL and J.
Ararat, SnApiebanna county, Pa.' • •
: .
:11 - AND K MOTT would respectfully infornt-ttre
ill • public that they are manufacturing Blatehley's
Celebrated Plows. They .also keep constantly oq
hand, Si& Hill, Wayne County, :and Men Plow:.
• Cultirators, D9fi - Clirirnit, Sleigh_ and entter:Sh&R,
nom:Points of vnrioUs patterns; too 'numerous to
mention. We hope, by stiict attention to business,
o receive our share cif-public patronage.- •linnufac
•ory,-.D. Post's old 'stand.- Foundry, .11: -Mott; pc:' •
.3earle's Mill. •
tarllepairing . done on short notice. ' •
HE sub.criber is agent for the folio - wing' linnirar&
Companies, doing burineJs et the lonT2:,
Stale ..,Valtial itt Ilarrixbarg.
• Capital (i 350,000...
Cash .3falual al Harrisburg.. -
(Vital *200,000: : •-
Home Inst.trance , _Yea , .rork• •
. capH htil , 00,4jelii;
310 : if a April 0;754. r F. 13, CIIANDLtrI.
. .
130$ .BROTHS' having' pardiased.' th e above,
- ,..tahli.shment, will keop.ceinstantly'whaed .5.,:-
ptivima.noWillilia Main; Corn tcal. of iuperiar4i , (o.
uffoillagOkop. and litarrat-tlie lowot - exzh pricei.—
Cmalnnt wadi will le'llone witlk;:avitelt,•and in all
cages warronact ' - : • -13810 . .
Nontrole. July. 1833. • ' • .
PLVA-Dip iPtsaisd toadlea'Broadeloch.
IT. do.. juskepeced• and for gale by • • :
• • , • • LYONS L fitMC.
Merrimac keciehedo Priam—alto xreat tautly,
attil por card... ' &,R.[:.\ D:
Notice to 'the
PLOW suoP.
,• .. , - -11ACtila,11011ii‘EIRt. • • , '
7QAYRE, BENTLIrriItIMINS having pu.t.ha ..:
4,,,D ed or Wilsott & CO. the'Lai*: Youirdry, ar c now
~ , ,p e i raredP.ftll onlotti.frOin tile .tradei 1114 :do Wo(ii ht
I..;ltir- liire*rith skill .and ttespitch; . , They. will, kee)
1 ,li.,4i.,dritly , on ' hand Plotiv, (best laiids;Y•:EgoiTp,kri
I.l,ul.;,)"Cidlieiztoivi,'Stran, eltii:#i4 -coth.:Shellcs',
4c. dc, cfr. . . .-- -, . : -,.' ;-_, ---
We invite orticalar atttintiou to.tho Flo p s r: h: *:
s-c 14 ,- .nufziCittre. -We Inannfacture and jo r - i.:1...
2'he Crletratot Biatehtry - .71'oir.- • - , ~,_ ,
We have purchased the :exelitsive - tightto ininurer.
tura and sell in this county, Wayne, Wyerningso,
.Etradhrid, MI - Rich's l'oientfirs, ,11f?tpt. Plow. The
uli se
Plow is made entirely of iron,. PUrfrAFl', 2 m 7l e -
It is celebrated fur its,
dught, tieing culee - tbk , l
casier than any now in laze, iiielts'stiengtiiand dr.
rt . ,hillityriu*.grouter.: , -
~,• . - .,-,: . - -,' ,
- • -
MActiiNEßy, .• -
of all kinds manufactured and tepid' cd
ed machine - sta.:
,Strron Eogistot,"Crortni , sZ ir iat i r"-if a .
-1 • ' tte.' - . •
Among the' Sto eslifikh uo w4 llic
ki... qa t one - Cook; 09 *loci:, RovvA andrat4f4 o „ 7 0r .
ext Queen Pre- aunt do., ancrOtheinds, all a ,.
ranged for burnin g wood tir . cOal;
later, Pi.rior - Star , Colfdge Parlor do . Scorn,,, ,„,
two size::,,do. ' and a variety of, etherz.Pirlor - gfot'e x
bah wood-acid cat burners. . 'We keeli ajso on hal l o
,GI intttone trimmi 'Dog' 'Chan - fritsitnitito, - 1 „.
. hyena and Stove! and Tongs - gtantis,'4,:te: : Wu L.
done to ordel' on short notice and at thin lotekitrate:.
.ratrOrdera for
ita, are solicited from those_ in the trnde r 41131 %lilt Sr
fillediat wiaddi , ale,Orree s c- ;
: Montrose ; 'Shirai 4.
Sofia Groves Adverlisenrieti'.-
AS natuyt% who ftirtd .Ites the - bitil+ and .
tit extra coat fiii:wintcr,-htr. not made a until:::
vnion for man, I' have conelud,:d, to tatreitimmt
,elf to attend to that ikpao nient.;... and - thri C7O.
think proper to announce that alt . 4hiretinr, male.
prd+, that need new appal - el,„gloticitt:+ . or Inglo.j,
fedilonabjp or unfh...ltionable,2cart hare
aunplird 4tul their-ta:Acm.tinitcd,.by Nailing on me
- my shop in 31ontrosu. - :
0CT..11. TEEAYI , II, 'thh.rncaiod- or
(1 , 1
D' to fricnd4 and er,- - ternerz!, thht he. Ilan 4 , , .
I c _taut d the practice of medicine; at hire-old
Mohtea.e, where he:aav be found . at all thnelur
p, ores:ion:ay emphisrd: w ol i hu t , „ay to: the ,
nclited to Ida), that he will deduct , twecd,ll.Ne
rent ott - all aceountApaid &lore the rs•-t ofliPrP r
t ..k 'and "CatbartiC Pith.. ;.:.! nalsciftt -Foksst 'Wipe ail •
FM , est Pill -9 -; Hoodand's celebtatol..,(Zet man, Di:kr.;
I.onden's eerie of Familyilledititic"; Mocha:. ,. .
C.. 1 gl:ng Oil, the greatest' fMtio r dY foe imrainsi in tk, 1
orAieast ever known ; 3latheyeion i ki Infallible'llray.
d' and Horse Remedy; Oriek?9,Velmifuw" ; 1011 Pt
Ya;leiY of other ti0 . : 19; - Tia-k 11".. sfa,gnetit Ointmeo.,
Ili great remedy for bum CIR; iheonuati , - - m,'apd ail il.'
1 4 .0nta;o:y •compl-Jitlt;.; Ponds I r.i.act, a filst ...:e .
d!iog for ' , pofet. n9' aboce - Oinftheutl .‘r
(P eiii: , ' -Pain De:A-eying Agent, a goodal Ode i..ll:ett -
cp''.l.'9 Balsam and-Uone I.ininWnt ;. Atiood's Ja.,,.
04 e liii lei , t, Canker Drops., Liniment, and lIITFCn:CIY
D. pg: 11.4 - .c , ' , compound lor.Dyy.entely,::-.g0t71.
tom 'sPe.p:•iii, for Dyspepsia; fltlwbold'e F.-.417et ;of
lb elm and P. , .:': it'L
. or 5.3 . sllpalilla ; it. vu•reiy t:
S.. yes:, "the best in Market, ral, - .. Ice.,,anif!an alree ,s
en 1.....9 Nr;11 icii of Patent Alealeines: it ter '„,
nnmeeoits :a enamel:lir—but ktiflite . it to ac; .1,.,
. 1 1, ..plit,l: l 6.%iitll . iids.l nearly ev'c , jibing; in tll%. ii.. ~ ,-„
.11 D•ieg and Fatter dove of ACM 'VC f;''' I
, ..
• 3f01itr ., ,. dvir 1,7:: - ... - - ' .
‘4l:lFt A K. NII:40
• - . : AND . • . - ,
~ Mgt orliag . E.striblichsars.f
, .
• , tit - E: i0Ef)A,%•:4t1), , ..p0T.. - ..- ~
4e- , wri Ell & 'Co.. would; icspectfully aimot t are b,
heir filen& and the public gencLally, ihat IL.
l: . p constantly 01111110 d a full asz:oritnent of P.:,,.*--
31..itie.Clothin7, Etioisratid Shoes, Irate-and Can:, 3 ,1
efery thing cCe nerc.:avy foi.ntennnd worucuT F ,s-c u i.,
We would particularly call the. att'citOott of coturtiv
-310(.110'1i.° our large 'stock ornettilv-M.Ole b0tit1. , ....
of onr own Thautilitonrc, ithich' l / 2 ve otil.r at idatb ~1.-,
et p. To.? that ,wlll. ravird g! , :at it; ! vrtoott, to v.- - i
aad 'sbort-titno customers.. - ----' -.. t
A.laz ~ . ..k f 'l'"lotbs s' •F, , F, ,
..rge stock ofelcrtps. C a -„Finte,e,.., ,
kept coostuutly oti - bantl, f 0.7 er
i,i:z eloaiiug made-to o , der: ' -
Cl qels pont:lordly - 4.1 to. , :
• ...Ttlpol.ftil for past, 'hope Ai) tork't
sinuauCe - of the . AsnErt co.
DvpW, Dlay 1-2,1641.1
. .
a, Cal
Or (lily . ptcire • tie Globe :caiinot prfg-al
v l iL
• KT, LE .k.
• , E 0011! ?XII) SHOE STOll4lt. -
Ik t V
RICH iS *ll A filled with
. 'n new and extra it A
at..t.‘ortinet t of arttcles-m their lute, etabnitir;
a, g,:neral vatict of new.* clegont .t‘lo of 1,1,1 i,:
and gentlemen' year, anon;; -'1; latch: 'are. Lti:e,
French,- Silk Laiiting and Prenille ttaitei:., Kid an
Kt: meted Polka-, Kid, Rliencteatitcr and I3tt' , 7't
Jenny LindF, - Bu.--kin9 and Ties , ; Gentteth, n's. Frytyl
and Philadelphia, oak tanned calf Ain and I:ipEtiot,
Morocco, Calf, and Cowhide 'Britgan &c. • Bort L'lt,
.calf and .cowhide Boots and Brogans ; . ..all I;itle,ot -
Mise§ and
.Childretwcar. • A 1,0,- a...general as er.•
meat of Finding: Which. eotod. t in part of lasts, p:p.'
sparables, Rungari aili.-,- nick:, thread,
tic::,shoe binding, a t
.1 , , nttjtt , ,s - andstones., eliocktdia
&e.• AL:o -OA and . ernleck, tanned calf._npptr ,arii
:.olelenther,•Moroccit skins and lining'. •
Work made to . o.ler 'and repairing . neatly . don-.
'' -.. I,' .:-.KEELERI: STOrtbSPII .
-, ,
• Monyose; APritto, 465r1. --. = ..:---, -,;".. ... 1 - -
t ; 1, Vet tnrg ger d Lt 4;
r } RE bidijciibetli. hare made ntran3 . epieuts. 'to
nhtikitO'pesi , ons who may b 6 in want of thtAr. for
above nand, invaluable Safeß, at, the same;;prieci Ica
'which they,can Ike Canonici' r e'reantifaetin
experieticed the tiotiefit'Oftich an.artiit:'e d
17n7 the We 'conflogtatloa ourseirCli: tie woulirmi•
afy recomniend to others
_having v;;Ttlable.boot‘l grd
I).:pers„ the preScrtieg of wltich,would be of "minim
i , nportanee tb thg. le, not to do VlE.liont'ai,-, ::
Pi ices ratite fibin*s9'tik $5OO, and we can (1. 4 1 1 2 1
to. any 0)10 nkshipg - to .fivreli44-e; the , difrenc4ee
size, Lc:, and. furnOt them, ort.:‘;l rt to.
:ice, with the internal mar gement to,y4t;
chaser. - IW.NTLEY
DecCimber 19;
YaLuable LaudwFor:Fale.
r l Oll. SALE IN ONE BODY, :abOut, ,5300 Ilere.
Lanq on the Watera,OtSpring Bidok,', a brart'l
o';:tbe Lackawitiniti,'riref,` hi Luzerne' Co um Per,
about midway between the"ttirivht townF' - eif Fay
ton and Pittston. -',Theso lands
,are. coiet(tl with re
liable, timber, and being the mist exter;q,
mineral region in , P:nnsylrunia- r -hoown to cont.: ,
i!oa-ore—and believed" to abound: in cad, and bey;
te , o in .the' immediate *Tielnity of iii . C.VCi*o 111111
to.tde and now in progres•s--otfer-tO the e'npitali4
o:lportimity for the ior,eitintmt.of money that ta Wool
oe'cull... For further information apply 6 - N. P. Po
i.:ek, E q., Wall t•trcet New Yerh, or to 6+
.subscriber. at Montrci.r; Ste quelfanna
',.;orney in faet of the ormeiv.
• • April 6, 1854:
(# l l.lEsubscrihots are, now buro.iug,,aud will tee;•
constaidly Lime, of ti
quality at - Montrose Depet;lfitt it hi arT
quautitic4 at' ft fair price.. ..Ferrous - Wishing .
quantitfp coo bo 6upplied,4.s3.a . a reasonable r,otio . . -
SttpcFlor ground Pln.ol...r ! kept cow:la:Wye
Loki hercaftc r., ' _FOST, *.
.11:PSIT; - -
L. SEA BLS'. ,'
Mimt,rose_D"opot,pril . l3
Wintl •`'
Q & D:SAYRE haring beg - nct.plloiutetha ace's
. tor an 6 , :itenrive Wail bail dool• lariti •
tory' are prepared io furattl),iimarticiejAck t hi s line tt
less rate's than tl::4 haie usually been sold
JUIY ' II:4 D. 8. •
• arikletiC
~fOr 43 4 :
• bY-' t..: • • I
T.TATS.i4-A::stow lot of Surnmett4fito and Cleo
.141, for iNunoor riser jircrecliiedAtid - lbi4e chq,
• • t
Paint% dud4144 ) ;7 4 `-`-
rZINK Pai4A,lllukos Fee . LiaspNl gad.
L e e Lump Oil Fluid anti ilmigepec,,ola low 61'
• •
•June d 9oib;.ls3b:
our: "
BY the Ilitrreli*elt tot pot - •
• Avq• .111004 1 PL E
..„ .
*entrstFe,,.Jtqlf 200,
,1113TER WANTE.os.siThelititbdeiviaAet - P rie3/
task IRIt 0 91 1 DititvAgttO: b .t
• . , •
•_•. •
. ,
"- SAY.RI7,