U sdeelicios. , rrot :he alKiondltic 7i-arivrOt od Compa.o. :.- A. ntiortty*titoZei:iiip,-:-:the present ter roinit4 Of Ws 'road, the other daY.;,l-'fo."nr .l.,li; Inipritisi;us Witt . the grewing business. ,oroort :thee. of this port ion oft lie • Lacka wan nre Valley, • Qiie year ago to-day the first stun-- ,-; full of eardi was thrown tip- at Beytnintr, • -: it was,-;then ealleti) fn. ilicsittkinget the ' , ',al '.hafts:: NoW, taro shitfts are in opera '...., . ~'-im. at least ready for the =. miner,--the en: eine. house'S built.the coal &ticket . .is - and screens - eon - sintering . , every thing Jn_- . - .a stale o f f o r. Warditesii for active, Operatitiiis •at . an cads lee.- The, railroad interseets.the bel. Lick. st,- Western at Oreenstille4 five milts- east of Berantein. kind will-be'reAdy for the cars be‘ . fore the B&..iintonivad 'i . opened to ,Eliza : bethport. 't A great porthin of the grading is ,d , me,. the ::: bridgpt and -truss . work pearly reielsr, and; the rail being laid o'n some sec 'on,. •Vitis, it, Will he seen that Within two . v.eart - the'bapital has been raiked, •the road iii;:• , ted,atid .will -hare, been builtelbe mines • '',‘ .o;11 ed,\cars constructed, and the actual trans ' l:, r tat itiriiOf coal -cotitmeneed : and all this e .titt• elitOprise 'for - the ,- development ol'our mineral deposiN is nirth).ly . owing t o the in ri;iinitablel;' energy.-and perSeVerence of the .r ,dent nf the colltril.YJl"". Nv in' Je '' sti P' :old eniviett,treastirer, Michael Meylert, Esq. We.are', indebted to Mr.:Jai - nes Clarkson. ,'.(O mining engineer of : the coinpany, 7 'and M ;'. Andrew . Ni(x)it, the active told intelligent -wierinterident; for_ the-,, followieg facts eon ii,et ed wi t h_the prospectiveioOrations of the roaipanyttich We itive, -no doubt will be I,:id'AcitWinterest. They own 800 acres of sup:riot 'e'pal. lands .in one. body :0. Jessup, njid - .haselsunk..two . " shaft ," from - which the . ' whole- eawbe worked. •These•Sttfts are but 71 !. 1 i4glt ,d.i . ileittloe apart.--located with a - view tri a gretWsaYing - of.labor in_ the:handling ,of ili, , .tand. itThefirst. or tipper ore was sunk • I , l*-2 feet .before reaching the.gi•eat 9 feet *vain which petfyades thisl.oal. basin., and the tnin- . . ...e.S:ire tilteady lat - work'arranging their bead tigs and Aliening their chambers;—the other, ii. is und4totid will be iti a like slate of far -iir'dness. lthe present. tnimth. The , e. shafts ,ere ‘F . 911:44d by engineS of 40hurse power,'..-- : :'n prieciPle. upon Which ;the pumps act and the ears are raised being 'new in this seetion. \ thong!) WC believe adOpto tcr..someextent in ,4e, -.Sehti'ylkill region. {the 'old. • " walkieg, • I:vain': bOig supersts3cd:hy the "quadrant,". . svitick-p4sesees more Power, occupies Tess • fount, and is less liable, tO. give Way. S.A. . , • :mild' 4 ' ngine houses• lire built' over the -hafts,- ; he coal sent ro!, these mines will oe all hrOken into temp iind screened.. The ; , pilling for the " eraekt,rs .. . and "sereeitere ... 100 feet in Lngth, 50 in' width. and' 43 in ' it height ! !i . The coil .will be delivered dire-A 1413(11 the ltits . er shaft on the gargways to-the -..treettes„ - . and - from tie upper by .a Short tru-as wit' k, on kttie . serVing Air bOth, and deliver - ed' trorn the -Screens intiiithe cars immediate iv on i ttciiittiti...traek. . The .rcreens are tt? , -1;,'.! opera ;ed. by'anenginC Of `2O horse power ; 1 • :ma the - 43timated amount of coal to be min ed aittrOrepthed . for transpcirtation daily is _5OO tons} whitit c.nt be.)nereased if nceessare . ,i_, ..:00. 'The inacliine !shop, ear ,shop and fienulry fire -already ih full blast ; ,t, lie insole tier - 11:0 fOrnier of 2 - .0 horse power. built be .._: , 'l 7 lin - ,:triWells, of Athens, Pa; all the o:fi --,1- imelline4, lathes, ail.. by Williams and • 1-: iel , n t id, Of Wurcestet,lMass.,o , -every thing . ...reitig trpirithe'ritost approved. plan. ',These e- la bliah'in VII' S . :;re under the charge of3fess rs. fierrtek SDenson, both thorough going ii.isiu-....:s litien,who are constructing 500 coal :;• , .irs, attei• the pattern of those used by the I)e'. Il i aillt. & Western .company;: the' ese's will hold; , ;:v, nibs caeh. Forty dwellings for . , •ii,11.,, , .11!tve beet , built,—a btel 4,Tby. SG, • si air wit.t . i f.lO - 1iY•88; Will be fini:lied by the . Ist of A - ,ril,—tbe depnt is completed. and lit f • f.a.t. if n Leessarv, theirote-herse 'could lire up ten 1111.-1 i st of January and our citizens .take ii:%L...1,fa4 at hente . and dine at Crook's or Taylor'silin New York. Thu-4mueh has been Joie at ;essup in. one year. The- town is neatly hkidoutin lot.Fi 200. by 50 feet. rang . . ''. • '' k from 81;:t -.ooa nd ?ILL! !!1 1 , i ill l : ' l. ;to t _, a great . , i me-iiou• ':of them alread y slur..: No, morel sielttly ',.1- healthful loeatinn can be foiind in ' the valley. and within a very Awn. period • of time 4essup will eOntain a. * litege and .thri-• ving poitlation. -nut the inwrovements of the Lackawanna • .raili oft'Company' will'not stop here. Nest . , rt;ng • , fa,ihest.:llte eoutracts Will be let • -,,,,: buil itig• - the extension of their road to - Mos-tilt,—seareely a 'mile- from this_ city, ,i ,‘.' tore 1, is are now being surveyed, and prep , -, , :•, - •,ioilsliiiade for opening coal. -,This-exten .'on svil) be pmdted, with all vigor'sts soon as trampot•tation shall commence on the Lark. & Western road •to the city. We are in-- - torn - 44101e *hole init.stinent of the compa r.v will teach 5 . 1.000,900 by' the- tin - ; _e their W. , rks are thoroughly finished kfnd furnished.' q . • . Whofean estimate the vast iinpitus the • e(4-,-.tru lion of this; Work •••will- give to all .i• t ~..telie .of besiness in - the upper Lackawan ••• - ha yall4 ? • Alreadviive see lands bringing . • altiiiost r , abitlous pries : improtements pro jected, land capital from abroad . finding its way he 1 e; Incidentally we 'hear 'of several tmnitigl perations on foot on private account, the I n, • the e ; being'iletnonstrated that we possess aavatit,ges in getting coal to market at a ; le , - , =:eott and with-greater faCility than any , other - i4gion. • -'What wit) the operations of _ the. - Dei r & Hudson company, : which 'we im . derstandwill . be.dmibled within, the nest two . .• e.irs , ,- T the building ; up of Jes.stip and Mere . ;_;rt It: and the construetiou of the contempla , ' • ti_ Daillroad' up the Lackawanna to reach the W este* market, the pn - ipheeies of same that. , Carbondale is on the Crane and its Coal' ex -I,aust4-41,-are not 'lik . ely, witilii be realized.-" 114? sail - to capitalists that there is the place : -:iillis - t7t. Alanufireturtits can here find tacit. .Ities,-, 77 . r rauspottation„ unequalled water priv lieges,' jgind _fuel without stint.' The' better . ; - -r;avoi tur,coming. ;.. • • . . LAT , •-_, s , A AT TUE 'STOftNi , SG OF SEBkiSTOPCIL. i —4lefitr hays-' , .beep received' by her friends i , thisiAty, (Mtn 'the lady of Gmurnataler I TYArrillecto, of the steamer Des Cartes. of the allied Opet.ip,therlifaelt Sea: - `"`Captain 'Captain D'...ir, i eleith 34 : ftle* stip : 4l4w ,c;rMr. Win. B. L. i Couteitta, I . ; f- alis_oty, and both ,Lutilseif and led , " ar At - nown to *many' of -our city. This ia&y, w o has hef residence at Constantino pie, he I trilitetiniasy about ht . ,•r hastand, de, 1 I emit , to sTee'' : hint, 'if - possible, and with this pii po , t went . :to - Sebastop , 6l, ana was permitted t4i go on board,the vessel he corn- ' rnandtt As fate would- have- it,, . .the day she hal., chose', for the int ervle‘twas the 1141. , I:ll,:ettite of the bombardiry..ntOf ScbaNtopul, .1, was se.arLel . y on board -.when orde,:r.4 ' ' t t . ti a titre - . c •elye tticornntettee the attack. '• ' L'.Che ' alien was anything but agreeable , I, a tadv, but there was no aseap*lng., and she . -, as obtl - ged:fcitv - ruitin and witiiess the terrif- cettoe'fr'onitrst to last. With shot and • and diner ..:mi . ‘..ery4. hand, the deaf .,.;,g 4,a r rofthevatinfin,-ttie sky dark with • ~:ds l of Srfloke, -the' air - fri3l - ghted with the 4 , „:orsaf . batde,,and the tai _lashed to 'itunatu - 2 farv: by,:the storm of iron and leaden;raitt, n. , " niii , be supposed to iniie finiiied a elm r, , 4 ap weetatton-of the lieettliar beauties of - - - A-: t .c. *Then the 6ttnilitt.vaa pietas-.the illy wetttlon , ilior.o. in company witit-oterii,- - sand, s anitt *rittyinv. ibe',environs of thepartially ~. . . eoligneeeti - .truaghold,. nar-roily escaped a 'EV §.IN F'..".S . , c A.,n D'§. . , ChnatO of ,Tisaae. . . • • , ,. ! cannon_ hall' " hat'ettne whiiiing paqt her. with I. - .A.N I .11LEST Alit , ------------ . - . . _ . . . . . . ~ - - i•niiithinlyinit a jnuie.,Al -- sontut .'. • Mr ; i4 TY'Ar -- 1 ; -1 -I' • rchertl, , ll. D.. ;, .. .\ :-.. .. . ; ItAliwitottp ,. ,_ 1 rican. wa;., 'Pb rhap . 4, the: Out v'huly t Y 11 " • Wit- ' ' ' -13111.61C14112' Orchard, R R. t?Tr i tic ' e l S a t c .thrireltl 344(l l u ce : : 1 1 l -I ). N P - 9 aVerger t.r. ,: i tN-.ll " n d : i 4;l l' g f 74;a -'4. - t z tt i ,. o l tul i Ss Sv l; er i tit i nti I nes4d . the-h f oitykardinent of sptia.stopid irottt• . '''!" - 11-44 : 9 V ti g . Pa. 1, i- • - - :, • i 10.204.-.'xt. 1' Dee at: tilrvi. Bend at 1.20 r. u.-- , ~. . , !thip___ard. " • nr.faidtinuithly, werrutme Indies :„, ,1' , --.i, 1 Th in & L am b, .. ..,..:,.. ~ • ... .• ; I n „„ 1 ., -• d i th u h . k r .. w - NIT - 61 •O. ,l , . , - ~_ . g • wt enuir - ~pre:.o4 ei.4 on the -•-- i wiiiild ti:irdlly , li4ve encountered- the, daugef,, ave recently openrd a ware- - IL' E R. R . Pa-At.engera taking : t 111.01 Itilwilt arrOe ' elkill:CET gAKERSiti even vii vis4.their huabatids,Ao • Ilt •vive,t: th•pl 1,...., - .,: 00 4,,i n ,F,6- wiro F d i Pa.„. and will keep con- iis Ditiikirk-it.1111,5 P. - It" and in • New oil at 'llils fi , :tertil.l.lioelt ur the hatire.—Bii ff ele Couriei., ,43ntly oil band fill kind 4 oreabinet-ware; ahio Ready- r;.-31.' - . 1' • • , No S.. 1. 1° •.. . . . . : Form& at - ,; cildeil with or ;without a I ...Retureitni. will fcave Great. Bend at 4 r. It., -10 I hearse; :IV-11'j:too:II nearly - oNioeite.J, Inglierwydg L il t Sthiietotlat, f ., : .“ f. 3,.. , • , . - I The ... 7 reight, AcconimodaPonTrain, w ih . pa:4keno , et . . _ . • I SZcre. -. 1 _ i- . . . : , . s• ; New'Miltor'd, May 15, 1535. • - . :20—iy ' c.krattichet!, will leave-Seianion at I m. ; -•irtio,i at. l --- --'-‘:.' t - .;-..- - •- . • - - -----.÷-7.----.-.-. .. Great fiend it 6.p. sr,- . entinertinilith. the- Mail -Fi /L . & E: EildWin; ' ';.- --. • Totin West, 'and 'the :lii n olit Express ‘TI-iin . Eact. lt rAN 1.7F.10' UR ERS OF SADDLES, DARNESS, 1 Pa4sengeiu ;taking ttiig tranand the Njht E x pi.,..t i T runks; 11 Whim kc., ir , the llasernent,ofSearlies . WeA, will anise in Dunkit h at 11. ei„ pr' icy tag , Hotel, Montroae, Pa. , "- . - • '!• :! !. • Mail Truin ',Nest, will Arlice!at Dunkirll et 0:4511in. _ • ' --: .; . _--.--- - _- - ' - i - : L- - - ---- . - . - Returning, "willii-ave ' i :relit Rend at 17 a. u. 'otnxi , "- viral of Citie:nnati D.tne4 , lEa , t. Duo nt - Seranto 12,10 -r. )4 . , . Passer gllrs for Willie4k).-re, IT ir'inr„, Cal. boißbale, Phibuierpb;ft.,lyia, The ,Cat::wiFsai W;Ill.on,:po:t 4 , 41 Effie and Rvl . nling Rallio.id,.cti Tamagap,jaud Eii4t on, and allrtetinediate pltiek-z_, will :lititl 11.•. , t v t,...q stage coaches in re a di nc • s l':it Fetimfor,!Ou the anlial of the r.gi-+Tixer and, Scco•nnicida:ion Trajw7 to eon ver, them to the aboie phiee9 ! . Tho , --e'clioo'-ing !DI i• vale conreattet , will find the .liciA of hwe. and ea , • I. , :geli °revel y de- cn ithion, ? . t sea' °noble eh:l.r- , leady to c0!i1e,... - - -- - - 1 - i• D. 11. DOTTERF.R. Superintendent. En9erintjefident's Mice.t . . • ' • - I Ta Stntop, - May 10. 18511 . , . 13 . 't PrOcieacy at West-Potat We tecetttly h eard from the lips of one 41 the . hoard Of,Visitors • at WeSt point,. a ,fact 1 which Vast ate:i the.pr.ificienq of the liti ill's' I. not. oily in their studies but in the' practical 1 part of mill ary duty.: The annual eitunina I tion thi.z . Veltr la,ted fur `seventeen day* and it is cuAtin+ry f at the close of .each day flit' the student] to give a:practical illustration of the scienec•i•,upon which they have been r x eurilned.. 'Tihti , . Whln' the examltiation Alf the day was awn gunnery, there Would be prae. Lice with ._ the :gnus at the clue; military. atovementsliti he illustrated by the tdets acting as . a Orps ; and thtt art of---horsetnau ship lioUld he practically exemplified by ex ercises-in it ti ridingAhool, &e. - c;la one day there bad I en an mintinatiaa is..,enttineering aid. road bi'?ilding, and the Board of Visitors were invited to proceed .to the river at. 'half past 5 in tie af:ert - Oon, to witnesS a practical illustration Of the otantination... At the'rord 1 of co in t tiand the Cadets ProCeeded tnconstruct a bridge frOtt.the tinibers fir. Tared for 't.lh , purpose, atid in iwentv-foiir minutes - albridge one hundrfrandififty feet lung,estendingin . t-o the Butooti and- ti-ilig on„poutoons where the water jlwas deep. had been put -together :And made i rl Id f A i 1 as!sl e • r artillery :Ind - i rt)ops.. The eadetsil were ;then required to take up the bridge. The.hrldge -tufts taken doWn and the -varioui ti)nbersi of Which it was conipo , cd, piled up again in'nn orierly tnanncr,.so al to be ready. 4, be Put' up : : again in an equally 4' tittle. -r rhiS,Wll , 4 ACC° inc , Upon "inquiry it iiie(l that the liriLig,e upon wa.; ono Hhich was in the teniii , sth'irt spar s in pactly I, th;s ticead cOebrated ni;tn h tip fie Jurrnal. or S city • of M -ENGList ce.trietsitsfos ArmEitick.s . -13oDizs. —The t'it. ed tone of tEmlish reviews 'when speaking ;It Asnerican c d ptthlientions, is quite remarliOt Witnesi the folliming .frtint the Lotnlo i Literary 34ttinal of Oetober 15'1h. It .txviir4 is an 4tiele in . wb;ehWillis's ,` Fa mous P.ltions acid RI rlii u 4. Places,'uad;ll.ty- -- ard Taylors ' Visit to .lndi:t, China And .Ja- . patl7 are no:ieita .: . 1„. `ln 11 . 4.• paralysis off 1, , pun pro-1 dueisi .by ' .1:w war,we I...;'•eeive.Ottr most abotie.: ' ant suplily', from America-. ,. .10ur ov, n pub lishers priidentiv. refrain frot h appealing, to•ti publ:etoom much iini'verished, - and having though:'-4,,, far (livert . i.cl, to 'listen to appt•als' of uuthoriltip . ',.11 England.. America, ittore , fort unatc,leontinues . itOts great career of eiv- ilization, tit which we have made sti 4uddon it stand-stilt, with a furore of r etrofiresslf, - , 8 1) ( 1 is rapidly passimus in tho.ratv„--- - I"he books that. curate, to'us from the 1.1.n;M States man, ifest coin ituous ' improvement. Every sue eessive it 1 11 , 0•1-it ion - introtle;es the En gl ish reader to } new works, in hiss` ry, fie'tion, .ptye;. ry, whichieeli•pse the moder 1_11'414111,36(ms of our. owni t aut trots,. ki . .c•eptin: lolly son‘e.feA%: of the e:t. orthetn. 3s, • .. . i .; • - i . • . . Moll A tilY . l: AG V . ANO r.. —7 IN, hat a pity,' :add a little 1)1 o ftther as the* walked through the gardeu., that th'e roce.atier blooming. does not prodime fruit. a!ncl thus return a thank.:pf... tering in 4timmer tlr the lovely season of its spring . lif4 Nnw its called the flower Of in nocence 'aft,l joy ; %Vett it would be-al , o an em blem of ~ ,, 4 ratittnle.l The • father answered. "Does it hot oTer all its loV'elines:s to beau: if ing the spting; and for the dew and light.whiCh it receive .from ahove, does it not fill the air • with its ai.-lieate.tr4gratice thus , like grafi-. tude he•ti,Wing a e)artn tiseen, whiA enhan, ces evervt. good. Preatcd for - the spring: it dies . withHie spr:4,; bpt, its withered leavr , l retain a portiokolOts sweet fragrance. So in the heajrt of innocence doegratitade abide after the 'tliind dec o which : Called it forth is forgot teni": ° ' .. . . III:AM:SiG1 PI:AVERS TIiROCG II A CR AVIL—The fillowing fr - .,in theell - langor Joitrnal well illm rates the. quality,4l sorine people . s pity :, " Rece - Ittv a girl Came front: th 4 rouu - , try !o this city to . vork hi a flintily that Wor 'ship in (tile. -of the. tall - steepled churches.— L At morning prae s the door of tae room in which . the tiuniht Ireadtng of the Bible and I prayer.s were 1441,• communicating to the ' kitchen, ri=l(‘ep * e.d abOut twol inches in order I hat Ae inTht hAve thit privilitge of -hearing. She. shuilthe door. It iwas again opened- in il l i :the sam4 manner, whcln it' was indignantly shut. ' ' e next morning the girl reiptested leave to etnin home, as shevas not accus tomed toroeitring prayers: thrcntith a crack. and she .did Rs t care to beedi - ne'so,7 -. • • . . , IsvENTi TUE AIiERIAN.—Ft!.W are awane ' i the marvelous Itriumphs - con. scantly piing forivard in thi.s country. - A co:emprta , y says, `We have _seen lately, as a s ~ ^eimen of nice Americati mechanical rtenits, is machine cost wcg not (Ayer five hundred dollars, invented by a, workin men, which takes hold eta sheet of • bra , s, clipper or iron . , Nnd turns Off complete hinges at lbs .- rale cif a . g.ross in ten minutes. hinges, th:in are made by any oth er peoc+; arsO. a machine that take , hold of iron tbd and whipi it into perfect bit•point ed eree«s with -, wemderfti Irapidity and by a sirgte . prreesq. 'This k also the invention of a working man - :.,and both 1 he,e Machines are suiperiorlto anything : of the kind in the world. No (Abel prOceas mattufleture can ceimpete with them. . :1 1 1! •rt tAILILOAD.—Nne whole numlier of • L. kkonnTres thiA row] is 3,168. coupled ftoi-ther in one train, wintld iStanee 4f twenty-one tniles,land be rry .150900 persons th4me - 414 . from k to Lake Erit,"... The Gniipaloy ha - R. 'lploy. not lesS tlrin 5,000 ptßrsOns.". v per. Month is t 125,000, $1,500 - . - ear. The nu Hiller of Iniies frOin Jer _ Ito Dunkirki 439; and S run over nQ express trains in sicteen hottr.l.-- pally has in I,s service Nix printing •liich-are consituntfy at - work rioting :tra never i. 1,4 but ..nee, b'anks, ERIE ,cars an d which, it, reach a able to ,1 New Yu' iu its- er l p; 000 1 -- Wr ,y by event The Cut presses, ticket; &e. I , . -. ' . Reziwiceil r s NoVice.. . 13 UHL , C NnTICE : it 'levelly Oven it' all D ..i_ 'eon mi - . 1 in filllawj , ,FE.1 3 1e.1, ty, li " Detate t col. Frrd-r ,k ,Thqfp, t , derea , ,e4 , Brooklyn . ; ownship; P.. 111. Ildley, T. Jnivet : L. Post, Aecutors— I . . Et..ate 1 Seictor, 11:4 , Jew. d eceased. late or ty - townapi; Joseph F. i 6.oig R. Hale tniaigirat pa--- ; • _ 'Ettite ''' Clark, R. Siinpnir, deceased; late odl' I I lititaires 'ri; . Henry Clone, Administator-,1 . That t e lecountatit4aye settled their accounts in the Re,;,delter's office in 4nd for the county of Husque hanna, and that the se will be presented:ito the Judges -oft the Orphatue pourt of said couoty, ' u Von day die 2bth`dity of Nofewher next. foe eoud,matiOn and altowitnee. ' -, •'•r. W. CHLPMAY; Re;or. HP.sisoir's tam ilfolitnt*,.oc. t. 25.18 5 5. ' . - .---- , -----4.------- 7 - 17 - 7" - - • , - .. -, . COPAR .YERSUIP., •. , , "1 1 11 E underaigned .. .11/1 ' dam associated ugder 1. h i e - -the 11 . ,. ut of - Dicke - - u andGarr ettjor ths :pm - pose of t*tisactin ,the. reauAle imittoNs owt theold, .stand of t Dickettwir. ~...,,,,,,... ~ ilea li i iiord, July 28. leu, - ~ . !I •_ 1 , C. M. Ons, 1_1)00T, ANL/ SHOE MAK • Shop loony* .1.1 of Odd Mellows` Bali, ';uropike - -1 . W. Singleton . 4 ; 1 - ('IAN mow be found at his new stand onthoOgn lJ tato donne west 'of la.herel he ef fectually repairs with -.dispatch,' Watehes, ;Cloaca, Jewelry, i•iuns, and otery - dnscription at -Machinery. Wheel cnttink; Gan and:Watch mateilaht -supplit.tl o the trade - • - • Smith, % %zURGEOgi. DENTIST. liputrooe, Pa.,it Senrl6. .hotel, Afindays atviTitesdnys of eti t . week. .- : - Henry B.lrmapp, - • 'AVEN'Titon, Pd.; with Row, Trexidre 4k.ear. .111 19iolesale Gkiiers and'. Coniniffaibit 'Mar .WaAingtoa street, bCtw,een 'Court a.,dt and Dc Y streets,..!Crir York. • . . 'Caleb Weeks. QADDLE,IIIA.IINr.SS, T4UNK. MAKTIR nod Cal • L rilge Witmer. shop at big dwelling bouge, . arty oppo-its Jraforoso; Pa. - . . Miller krowler,. ~ TTORN• AND cor.Ns.v.t,l.ogs AT LAW, 1. ami'Scilicitors in Chancery. - NM 44 Clarke i:itreet, Chiefigo, .1 - --. • .1:• Pacific Hate , 1 REENWICII, STREET, (nea ay,) Sem ci York. Salisbury P oprietors. In the . vinity-et the principal steamboat landines. • I st'-' • ThomaA Ingstnun.. . EALEII IN DRY GOODS,. droieri,4., Clothing, 1.1 Creeko:7, Boots- and Shoes, 4:e., NitiricAnona, Depot, Pa-1:. --- -r--- -- . . [ Bentley_ IS: Pitch, - - . i TTOPNEYS AT LAW, AND BOUNTY LAND ;."1. AGENTS, Montrove, Pa. I I T. S. SIMSS% . ' • it.... F. PITCH. John Groves. VASTTIOABLE' TAtLOR. shop rud e r Searles Hotek . Maine street, ilia's:rose, Pa. • I: D. D. Hinds; ir 'VERY 4ND . EX.Cti A NGE STARth Office :in in the 'teat of 'Filson's Stow, ifoidros , , Pa. 1, W• . 1• - 01:451411, ; III:1; IN sTuvr.s, Tin, -Coliper and Sliet ron N\t,are,..Loilersribtt,nc.u• Great.llend, Depot, Decentnd' 4. - ' ; • - L L. P. Hinds , . H TTORAttY AT LAW,'SuAgurhartani Pa. - Office :1 on Maine street, one door Est of Lenheinfs. , , • , , - • ; Fraz,er & Case, , k , 7 7.011N.Eys A 1.51) cou.N,, J i o ...x;r:AT LAW. 4'.. - °Wipe! on Ttlenpike* 6treet, one door East o rots atom; Jlontriw, Pa. • I 1 . . , . • Albert Chamberlin, ;. TTOR!iEY AT LAW and .instiee o 1 the Peaee; over I. L. Post & Co's Store,- .11,:ostrose: Wrin. H.jessup, • TTORNiIY AT T..IW ANTI (70)01L;::SION1:11 of rtr.),i,ti. for. the State of New York Will atteutl to all business,entrustetl txi him with promptitem anti. ti ielitt. Olte! oa Public Square, occupied by for... Win. Jc..s.Zuri. _ I - i Abel - Terrell, AEALEg, IN PIi7(IS,III.3)ICINE.Sj Chemical. I'aints k Oils, Grove: les, I Dry Goo& Hardware, Stoneware, • Glassware, Clocks, 'l'ittche-, Jewelry,. Shyer Spoons, Spectacles, Musical Instru inenGs, Truses, Surfrieal Ihstruments, 14quors, Per Mirt•ors, Stlgioneq, Brushes, Shoes, Yankee Notions, &e'.;.. . B. 11. Lyons & Co., WrIOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN N Dry :{cods, Crgeerie:!, Salt; }lour, and Hard ware, Lciiic4tx+ro, Yn. _ , .--- . • ' - • F. •B-Chandler, • -- - -. . , IfEA T.Erk IN DRY GOODS, Ready Made floating., Grocetke:,,Tioolts anal 'Stationery, etc.; Public Avenue; .. 1 / 4 ;ntro,-, Pa. • Patrick & Dimock, • • IpTiYsiclANe. AND SURGEONS. Office- No. 4 Ow•egq. street, 31m:from, Pa. 1.. L. Poet & Co., TAF.ALEgs IN PRY (lOODS,GrrsePri.i,s, Crockery, 1.7 Ilarthyare, Le3ther, Flour, etc., colter of Turn pike street and Puldic Avenue, J(otitro•"', 13a. J. Lyons & Son., n 'EALETiS IN DRY Gli 3 ODS, Gnacerie4, llnrdrarc, 1.1 Crockerv, Tinware, Groceries, Book', tqc.; al-ro; Carry on the hook Bin&,. Arenue, Montrose, Pet, • I • • • Bentley & Read, TAEILEIt.S IN DRY; GOODS , " Drag s; Medicines, .13. Paints; Oils, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Iron, Clocks, Watcbes, -Silver Spoons, Per amery, &c.--Foot of Public Avenue„,finttross. Sayre, Bentley-45k Perking, A.l - ANUF.ACTURERS OF AND DEALERS IS all ill_ kinds:, of Cagtings, Agricultural InTic ) toentg, etc. F Office at Savre's . Stere, Public Avenue; Manufactory at the Eagle' Foundry, Focit of cherry I street; Montrose, Pa. . . • i _ . - Wil l li.am & William H.l.e,ssup, . • .4 TTORSETS AT LAW,. -Ifimerhse,i Pa. Prac „Pi.* tice in Sciquehanna, Bradford, Wayne, Wye= ming and Luzerne.cOnntict4. • . ' ;-.- -• • William W. Smith & Co,• • CBIKET MAKERS. They keep constantly on hand 4: good I..c.4ntnient of all kinds of Cabinet Furniture. t . Shop and Ware Roo:ns au:the foot of Maine street, Mou'rrose, Pa. -. _.:.._. Rockwell, Winton '& tANUFACTOIER.B and DEAL'EItS in Strom Jl_4st: Hats; Cup; Furs, troibtielbta, Papa- Jab&ott.v, cfr. &e., No. 25) Courtlandt street, .Veu York, (up t+tairs.) S. n. rawcEvsrt.t. 11.teter, • IxtrERWED . with 1.1,. HUNT, Imfiorter of and Dealer in Hardware and Cutlery Carriage Sptirgs, No. 2.15 Purl street, _Wm 1741:, where his Mer cantil,,- friends, In this and other counties, arc kindly invited, and earnestly solicited to call and purchase. THE . , INDEPENDENT REPUBLICAN, TRCILIDAT NIORNIIT, 4 T NONTROSP, • PA.„f AT $1,50 rEtt. ANNUM. IN 41crANCE. , , . "Lutes of Advertisi; 1 1,7. One ,:rinard• (lel line= or le4 ) one w'ck,. . • One squard: - • " . . two, weeksj.. One square, " ' three weckl, - 1 (H) Otte.aquarei -• " , - one ntontN 1;25 One sgilfirti lit , . •. two, month, ' 2 25. oto square, " ' ' - three months, ' - V.,00' One *rpm et • " eei t monthsl.... .'. 5,00 Ones On seni.mn 44 . . . ( me V e,lll* . . ? 1 8,04 . FOr two '.; or more Rinavey, iu'erted by the year, a d'alnetiou frozuthe above price ii wek; Yearly ad v'n ti:et's will lutes the privilege of alte 'r6g orcharg; -inn their aelvet ti , -ments i without. - allditi*l charge. iiwine--..,•4 eardA,,not e*eeeilieg fire line.a, inserted a t ie3,,,ext.p4 , lL r a11.U41. ; SEM i VP of f aml I. Job Work.- 'I This 4:0154e is supplied - Rini a. good sissorWent of Jobbing miteriale.,`and all .kinds orJoti Work; such v , as Cards, Posters o. P:amphlvtz, Lc., uill. done neat ly aud proinptly. - - : : . - '- .. - : Libel.. -y, A4l MI • Regixter's Woitice • 17BLIC I'OTICE is hereby given to all persons P concerned in the following Estate,lto wit Estate or Aaron li'paeprsou, late of Lenom, dec'd.; Amy ityntia-son & Isaac Ilynea , :soo, Achu'rs.— That Ay accountants have eetiled th4iraccounts in the Reo4,, ster's (Mee in and for The comity of &law hannat'-and that the saute will be pve#ented . to the Judges ofo , phens' Court of said c/uutY, on Sat' urdas the 4i - it day. of Deeember next, fot con6ematioat and . allowsiime., J. W. CIIAPMAN, Itf.g`r. • Reni stes (dice, Montrose Oct. 30 * - , New Jewelry. /Ceplenied assortanept, jut arrised it guritresiN, Nor, 1, 18511.] 3. nowißD. WFhc. wirroN sEArta.vs coAcfi EN- . r. a F.Avv . lioiaoze for D. L. k W. 11. - It. at 6; 11.,10 :4 F.-07.M Train - '0 tiernotal IA: 11 foi• Trai to Cie.tt. liv ,, tl. F. At 3 P. M. f q Frcight •0 Cceat Herd, an dlaa . Le.tre rkpot for MoN.tyg, 0.1 a. , :val 9f ail the above traitiA at Stalion. ! ; FO , seajv pill:: at St:T.l(. o :t Potel,'3)ool , oz;., Auguzzi!"2l. • . _ - GOOD C;OODS - " . .eriber is reeciring his titivisg And T titer gpelipf 000(1.4, contin ;sing grs'at which will lie sold as how ;as any in this ntarhl.— Please real exarnin: F. B. CIfAN fL47'S; ..4 ND C. 4 PR—A good assoi tnient. the .late=r - 1 - ;E:1 CLOTIIISO—A good Briery of Spring and Clothinz of the t Dry-ortmcilt A 4-0; DR;-:.c.4 000DS. - con:istin,g of Wwu. , Bs .e.ge Finn, h Belaines, Persian Del.lite, Pt i.iled Limns, Fancy I's ints, Worked Iv ";ortions, Edging-, Black !dant ay., Thib L . a.. 41 C.t."hincre Shawls - , &e. 800715 :I ND SHOES. Clocks—a lsrge o. melt of thi'vription; and r;tyle.- Also, a Ig:eat variciy oCE.theyArtiele's, Yankee Notions, k.e. C-oekety, Hardware, and (110Nries of all kind -. Trunks, it good-lot for sale vheap. BOOIV3 and Ss:- Paper—idso,-Ilour of the hest' iinaliiy. Monti .May r, ISIS. F. B. CBANDr,rI. New Line of ;Ifni! Singes, FROM Kinn:WOOD TO 31'011TROS13. TA( ;lig irll lc..vc Kirkwood, pas.-ing thrmfgh - Cot • betttrige,,Liberty, &c.,-every morning, after the nt•tival of the lluilYrahts of cars, both East and rt'achidg Montro4e at.l r. x. i/aro/op, heave )tontmse l tlailt (Sunday? , excepted) at L r. u., i•each ;•l7. EirkWorri in time to.take the Mail train.% oil ea's, hoth F.al and We.4,_bcting the nearest and mo i st fea sible rouM to tract' the New York nod Erie. Railroad. Thl , v intert , ..cts a tai-weekly line for DiMoct... .Toulthannock, Wyoming, and Wilkes barre, winch leaves Mout , ose at '7 A.. 11. every] Mom. .day, Wetinesalav and Feiday. Alm, a line to Friend vine Lcritysvilie, kc. " tra,n4 qnd able earTiafrx are Iprov;- ded, and the proprietors will pro no pains to Ac commodate - the public. W. K. lIATCH. , 1552/.. MORt ;AN NOV STORC—Nrarcoop.. rl l l - I.E snlverilter takes this.. method of tidre.';':isil , g hi s f t ', m i.: an d the pntilic generally, that !it• ii:t. i;itedltip °Pc t arrow the. treat from MI old rittarters,lin 13rooklyn. where be is prepared to ze 7 eeirt! ; eustomeN ani ~ • 11 them goods at as lose rate nt; any 94.hfr.e:itt,Itii har-nt in ile. , tineltanna . eounly. Mr ItA,:nrpnient is rery ;,)+1 , 4•41, (10)i-riving near ly every irticht ]led-for in a countly i Ag: detern' r•d to do bu-inc.,-.!= tri , . -..;t.111;t1e1:10,?' which . rp.nen,;lslo 'credit poreha•Tr , 4-ct 1:1";.00 1c ivy, I C.i OT indatfent n'3d rtn,trmat.tr tNo patron-•. C.,;11 and s_e roe. ; . j . O. fl. 13 TIryA D. . . B, , *:;11, IS5.i. 11cw GOods.: TIIE !:sulp(lnibor 1,1 in•fonstant receipt. of New It;OttlF., in hi. line of eve ,'y The public will find 1119 n- Nu.,l; Wild his attielk•A rt eve and of grind finality. The stool: eon n.; kt,u,ll of .117-•trik, Paittlr. Oita, arrierrks, Paw, Goe.dx"re,'N-17 74 dc. ;Mornat the lower end ofl the b urnt , June ti, ISS:. A. TURIZilf.t. . , 1 - • Prof. Charles ilforrii, 1 • 4,zlr.Ctli:Si4Oß of (irides Tillman" RAI:Bps, hav t .: 7 lag i,rmovcd his .shop from it.= fo. moo loo l rion in the 1-' 1 „..; e n..,1 o r 50,,,30', nnio. to i the rooni ..t - i fhe same bitipi ,, 7,, in the rear of the har-room, is prepa, - ed to 4...,Crei:d 1,.. , a t i•• the nto,d trienßic Manne ~ 'on all who may be plea cd io entt'q - t. Vaii , beads i• • 1 aces to liis Ini-th 1 • '•1.11 • 1 7 - — 1 - - - —r—' ----, a 9OOO Milk, Fans of nil Fat'. and matte 'from ... i doable cross tin at lest. than ..let[clialds osuall,r piAly to sell a:_ - -,.;in, for sale by the,Subimiber. We hard come to the conclmiOn'to sell pans o Far mers as low n we will to the trade, - thereby ' saving tO the Eimer Our profit. Oar wares ate wat, anted to be petifect.ht every Pa: tietil.tr or no sale Term=i 7 -C.teh or 6hort credit. I, New Milford April ]. 1855: I Boots and - Stationery. I . iiAvrece;ved n large addition. to my .sloek. • of 80010 , Statiolvv, among which are: Loit . !-4 Look Al!,ea (11oe;Wolrert's 6t - moice.",o Sl..etehe. , '—WorioLL•rfid Adventorei od" Capt.. ierii -:—The Stare Holder'f. Panghtey—Life of Sam Bousion:—.Jane Mar—The 'far (11a1;riet B. , Bag, • (WilliJ,) Sc. Sc.—will be gold cheap. ; F. B. CHANDLETI. -31ay 1855 N I S;OCI;Ds WE are ree2ivingthi= week a lorof • Nrw jnzt pnreha..tid in the MIT, which rendrra our a..-ortment compleM;and which we Mier on the most favorable of the 11fV building, one door above the Po-t Wire. I BENTLEY & READ. Mum' o , e, February B, 1855. . - i • Ce. Cali WANTED: ,t, N attire and intelligent young man Orabout 17 lA. years of age, wanted a. clerk in a store, One wishing lo 'a cqu ire the husinem and divo-led to make hiqiself tseTtil. -.ill find good encourati"mmentOn• np plietttiou ehortly to . • n.BunratT. ..New I,ilfot-tl, July 22, 1855 i I . . - • .- 1— iirto,..,,i, at 'reduced Prfees. • 111. - 11 . 111TT will sell his rentaiaingmtocklofFilk, Lalku and Straw Bonnet.. a good ti.z..,ortio en t, at , redueed Price. to close the haziness of the itea: on ; many 01l them at cog. New gilfo-ti. June ISth. 18.55. FRESH- ARRIVAL_ OF NEW GOODS. , • - , A 7 E; shall receive during the present week, a large ? II addition to present stock of SEM mEn• oqps, wilich ~ill render the ti , T,aortmrnt complete, and to which we invite the attention ()fall who wish, to buy Goods cheap . - BENTLEI' k. READ. Montrose, June 28th, 7855. `,-11,50 ~0,7 i csoun. 1I MELL fur IPR9NpOg A ItECf?!l sale;lnquire tt ticef j 11 ley 4L - Fii.ch in Mont , o , e, or at the residence of the in Arap.t, Stisqu'a co.; . ... rloai and Salt By the !oad, barrel, s.lek, or po-ind, by I Saud 5t 1 , .1855:1 IF. B. CIIANDLER, - Sacll stud Minas.. WINDoIN orva ri ons alics constantly -„-allo Ink& fw di led :In trthir by ' J LYONS& iBO S. . C. ft RAT.DWAN. , IitIi t ESALE and ret.tildeal . er in Oil, C.lnopheno,. T. , rind and Hall Lamp!, Otraudole.s, China and FloweriVases, Crockery, China, and GlasS Ware, Plated wild Fancy Goods, also Camphene and i,Flnid at the lot i ce4cash prtees, st 65 Eowairr, Nair Yong Cu l% , Removed. ' Vivgil Dentist has taken limos or rF. B. Chandlereistom where it will be his plea-An to sae his friends Its quick as possible.. C. D. VIGIL. ,Ifsyl 2, 1,05. - . Resident Denl.isU Paper Raiugings. •, . Rolls just opened;indisome for R La . per rnli, by LTONS,A, SON,- 50 'AP 4:311101 ir I . ll.4VL'lbt .. 1170.1%Til 7070 - 1' '. , ~.,...., ._„,.. r( -,.- ..- • • . - ",, • l• 'IRA:CIII.ED. - - • ' - *' . ';'3 7 43......"tz. , - I.l '!'` (l ' '. .. . •Ir-,. 1 WITTEXI3IIIIG•IeS4O I ltonttos; rti.; . te4 i --- •:', - : - '. s 4'7s7.?.':.`.'ig- :. Acikll .4 it)'.altlita-Abeibixl. Of idtbng,,thelt;-•oTd Iliernkit ard - • - i;? , 4 6 4 4 ..;:-...;1' ,- . 5 . - . , , ,-- i-•:. „_.'"_ customers and Om - public ttOurta, tlitit it . lo4b.ire jai 4_ ' t,;. 14 ,:t :7.1 1 ,;;V:r i a1c,rt'.,,... - .46 :t 44, --'..- * l>. . renibiedinid*etted ther-brrgftt,:prettiest•andette4- . ). . • -:. ~ 1 1 , ;..: , 5 • .. ....,n , .!, , :, , -- . 7.i', 7 .tkeu ,,‘ ..!•! „„.. . estittoeli-orREADYNAtitt CLOTIIING.-- ever ;In o.; : --. ''! . 1 ]••-•,;e 4 ,7:t , :447- c - 7?,. ~ -„.t..„)-.._.,... 1 -,••• to this plieei whiehl theY:cdrerat a stßalliiii*ane6 Porn ! -,-!- --!. -...; . 7. , . ...•••;aidii: i • •• - - eckst,-thereby offeritq purchasers. the rare elifmi;flr . - 1 • • -- • -1--- . . .•,-....:.' ...... - tv of obtaiidtm goons -at alittut two thirds the itA .1 c . iltl"l,.' - ' 3, 1 '1) li,! .. ,1)1. i -,. IS price- :.. .1. _."4' • 1 - [ I . .• 1 11 . nlv 11. ... ~.,, :A.l_ Ai, .. Also a litsn a - -•zo'rtment. 'of Dry GOntl ~ eolupii-*; 1 1 A NEW and. sitigUlblv.sueccelyetaidy ;Ceiba for LatliesPetri, -new. stylen Droeude,- St , ipe, Pk " , 1 - ' ll k- cu-a °roll BiliioaA diserie.s-:-Cosiivemess, Indh Plain aid ihatigialde Sill:-.-,Delaincs, .31n-din, De Dago ' g.; lion, 3 suudi c , D I 01 ;gy ' Rhellrii4;iifitc Firers, $ i;• • 130-ageileltdraiti or new anti elegant, de.i.ig,ns: . All the -,f m nr a; (,; ( n 3 i , ••• Iv ervousiness,lrriiubiliLyiiallsuntn li I 7 0PN bust st . leit'or ',Mfrs Dre . .- , 4,t t;oods, Trenc h Lawns,' ik at i ac hi., Tun s i n the Brgasl; sti;ile:, Dick and,Lirobt, .Prtnts an 4 -flinghante.- Al. twinti. , ente a . A.. , 0t onci.at of Fondle Coiripini its, t e .. I,:c. i n d ee d, re. y f e w' c.o . Dresis Trinliinings, Entbreded Sleeve., Coihnsi ClA's, 1 the dt. 30 ,4,: es •in which .. a p„,. g ,,,i,... lie i lic - 4 , * 4, 5 ,-i,f ) , ... i • . •• • • rte. daeonet and hvfn.-• 1-olgtogs and Inseating-,f;loves ! mo t e o r le,s requlrpti, and nievh fit:: i , es . t and 6Uirco.- 11;:4, - 11o+iy:,yeita end r a .-.,, 0 1 3 . .., : . • - . tug toeght be prevented, it a. bat tnless but eree;CA Their ast:o-tinent ',ash/Inds. ig verY le-ge• emi' - ';'e.'"rt , ex.hariie! wei e mpip freely u.sed. No. person (um ;eel.. every thitig that illriett tad il.:bior: - .Ve both tireign well while a co,tive habit or body plovails;.l)erhiq4,l , w id.dome ! si;ei 1 1 • • ! :- • i• . 1 it, ctoti eneratea seliOUR and often fala t,discas.e%'. ' !-Their - flointei:- Dpartment is Erge anti compTrln, : w hi c h i n ght bare been arnid e ,l 4 .ih e ti me ly 7,041 cuibizeiu; 4 the've7 latest •-tyle!,! ‘7 ilh T 1 intudnr,-.. ,to 'ntl;e:ottsluse of n good pu•;, , ativ. `This is afiti'e ti-re 1 I -' weft:. ). i • 1 ! . ... of Cold-k Feverish .syn , p:OntS, and Ddliou. deron:,r... An e!.;;,.. , ;re .--1 - oi timid o:' . Irish linens, I'lav'''!:iO menbz. ! : They all tend in become or pi oduee the deep.. torrriin7,l ,. .ble covht-, tu•to;.v* Le. • .! ' j . 14...:A and to: mlti.ille d;-;.etnpri , nhich los - d b i, e - - .We hate at o a I , '"lklY 4)1 slii..i :, 1- 1 , ....,110000•A .coi 7 1,f. , ..,, :es all or c r the land. lic.two a tel 11:ralv lar,se•-pi”ith•is tior, ,!..tieb^: l l3. , and a good many 1 0, y .;e: t...0f the fi , -t imp:or:mire, to itl e public 1in1.1 . i.,, other nr:Jel , ' 4 toO mot:roils to inNitlon. For: ba - rid •thl+ pill - lhes trrn pei fer;i%l iv ;It ecosanhiytti g.tins'Jte ipublit:! 14 lc. ijeciil,lly h.ri; ed to, (-Agit the ~!:;11 to meet that demand. A ut .- !•:te , tve.ti ;al Or-i.s elv..ap .:oi eor : ' i; • i; - v:ltilr. , by PhysieTani, v. or, •..0 , A, noil Patient,-; 1., , a . i . J..TVITTF,NDV.IIG A; DDO. • -,.t , own se-blva :.,u , pa:_ - ing.,aur living bitlaci.;o heoan of eis•ver of; Che.zutst A Owego SVcrl-, four ( 1 6 014 1 cost air tiiedieine. Cu e- have been all-eted brytird be-• o: Post's i toce. ' . 1 , . - • hear, wet e they not ..ob.,t:inti.ited „Lir pe , :ons of :melt '-- cliel.ed po-AtiOns ti.td. Ow aeter ns to fo,bid the M 1 . pirlaii.of tillrtvh. Among the- eminent gen,lerern alio have te4;iird in ravo- of thcye pills, we ny.y - • A D- A E t‘oi ).•!:eiyhi7, th• - •it• at..l :apply of s pgr.vo st.rvitt:4(..crf4)..4, th,,•y offer 'tr,•l!e; • en tomer; , and thO puldid o the ipemt ree .:nnolde Irrwg, for! ea 11, Ban I , Be - ly.f;x, or to appro;nl e: edit. Montrdqe, MaY• • , I)iI(I.I!Di'LOTIES. Kcr cwtr* Nt•rt! itchy Jvans, j) Sutnrner Statfr , , and - n g-ner al ~toel: of Staida Dry Cook!, jutr&viveal,and for ',ale right by, i r BENTLEY & READ. .; C:f1:11:0•:ff. 1):TI;111e4 lfcrtinate arid Corlti•eo Print,!.• ' kc. ,te; fo r sale ' Uy I. • I i• BENTLEY 4: READ. of Strtirnity; 1-) Black r.-• 1 1.k-1, D... - T iattningQ 1. Tor • ..de . by • .1 - READ. Liffk,fl:;l, — L7gcorii Si•PaTtamii. St ra ,Y,Tty r i Palm Bat 1.71111! :ilia s, !•lateliel., Window Pap-r Sr.. `1 BENTI.I.:Y A: READ. (Ivor , ii ! , ry, ,p l: ;. t W S ;L i . ), : i i TARUGS, Medirine tints, Oils,'Dyestatfrs, and a• 1,/ genet al a tit tn ,, n4;'or Patent Medieineil, justrin and for Safe by 1• !' BENTLEY & READ. OT,Ei and til.tierLcatht r, Patent Kip , t, Calf Skins. aunt a good -iipnly Of non"— and Shoes eotr4t, 1 ly on - Br.NTLEY. fit Rrin. Nif ATE_III) Codfish. the, barrel or_o } l . 2 ., e ; h r } a l l! Lhanrre.f—mal dfi !' B " - W of 7 Bold e l; in ; . 0 a f l , t i t I d , Li•LO t. .. t t l i t t i e j( l . l 1 - .l.eva;r::, in !double and :•ittgie eases, Ladies' Pins,Eai• Drop:,-Sings, 011.1111 4,, Le. 4.e. Also, Silver Table, Tea, Destlit,S:tlt end Sugar Spoons, warranted pure, for sale bv! Bt s TLEY S. ' II 1.7 . J. DICKERMIN Jr G 3 on ha rid 111; %V GOODS. C. I TOVES arid 'TIN W.'2lllE, Clock:4, ..Nz:i l 4, C.tmlica, Lamp Oil, Ciiiitidit•rie