Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, November 22, 1855, Image 3

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„ . The celebrated Madame Aiboni -is'
'gaining 'immensely - in site and r ontation.—
, A distingnisned literary-lidentlY , Said a
her s that she give her the idea of an elephant:
thatlid swallowed, nightingale. . •
LSixty Scotch girls re. ently arrived in
import 4 to-work in, the factories.- -
„iston Ftpcis.say they are all tidy: bon.
• - -•
:.;Tne Whole amount of taxable proper.
ty in . Philadelphia is estimated by the city
cot n 5162,734,352.
• . •
Everybody in lowa has been building
corn-cribs • this year. The supply •of corn is
v uornibus.
.1l lti Spotsylvania county, Va., land has
been lately sold at thirty cents an acre. A
large farm would cost thirty dollars,
r In the Christian world there are one
• • •
hundred and seventy millions Rothen Titth.
, pro testa u ts, and
. sixty
millions of the Greek church. •
Several teas have non , elapsed. since
Ilfr...Witicho.ter _ascended in a halloan
Norwalk, Ifuron.county, Ohio, and no tidings
o f his ti,ttektive been received.. Th e re e ann ia
be much doubt, of his , loss, Most - p • r „be y
,he tiesc,ended in the lake and perished.
Bost rni
The 13{).
:Me. A. F. Leonard, editor of the: Nor
il'ak (Val Argus, having befit noniitutted ns
a eat - Atte for thelines the
intended honor, and gives the shople-reason
that "he wants to get to Iteaven.".
:There is , a 'statute in Indiana which
rrere nt. , the testimony of - a negro .being re
aired in - the Courts. This disability, which
ha's ofteit been complained Or for just
p o w fr i es the proscribed elass the monopcly
of the carrying trade in liquor in that State
As theyl:eannot be - made witnesses the liquor
dealer:t are notafraid to sell to thern, - and t h e y
Are vrtry generally employed to effect the ex
change qetweeit the seller and consumer of the
prohibito article.- Toledo Rep. -
. -
From the Bradford .
Letter from Martin Van. Baren , \ •
The following letter, tie% er before pUbisb
tti. / addressed'bv "ex-President WI Bu
ren to E4,lward Crandall, Esq., tif thi's.COun
tv.hpon the reeeipt.of an address made- by
!41r. Crandall at a Free-Soil meeting hell in
Bradford,immediatelr after Mr. Van Buren'g
nomination for the.llreside:ney in 1345.
• LiNDiNAVALD Ott. 2.j, 1848•
hope vou will pardon my
long (104 y •
snd pa:1,10
that you!: w
itetgi•A Flv%
in i ditit,
With :111 ,
Tti.,!FaattY Ferran I,ooo,l3o.Readeitil i "
A '. 4 4i1-.7.7N BOON, CO:IIIING I
. 1. ;:.
Wr. have ill , . pkasure of anrountling that we have
iit p•eAli, and ..,l;all publish aboUt the tir,t of I/rectal/-
or, a tr;•vt• work of fiction, entitled i •
A noMANc;:—BI - : rANsli t'it!.c.
; Th:.. ;last work, and first continuous tale of thiihril
li•tot arid cts-i-litim , actliore-; , "RUth Hall "achieved
";tine Stuart, of the New Yi irk City ~ ,
a sure 's 1111C131111ile r il ill the atinals Of letters. In the
Cowl, of Gener: d Sessions. is tinder , trial
t t tang:nage of a leading petiodical, it t' created a more
there torreorrtiption. The testimitny against f r/1111-Illtld St.n.F.iiion thau,any which has been issued
him 'is tliat of the district At lortiey, the Clerk , duringlimpiarier 'of 3 Ce111,11M.". Brit it j.. 3 onneeessa .
' ry biallude to the meats of - Ruth; !bilk" . Judging
14 the C.(rt, n pnlii..4 film), tintl a woman 11-.19) limn the numberof copies of it we have sold, we
he received a bribe;of Egtsoo. The testimony , judge that cv , ry body in the United States has read
2,0111 , 4 Inta may he tie'ieily state , l tin!. :---A I ; it. As re sect= the work we hare niw in tress, ROSE
neteriou; hurlvkr tiatttedCit-i-rriiVe. li ii.i.. B u t: . , --- v-- --- --- ,- - - - ---- - 'H—,-- •,1" m,'.:! can only say that we regatil it us', in eliert
r.. , ao • ,r .;. -i:s ; 4; . , , e
, ; • '• re-nect. a grate:; b. tier work ; abd are confidetit it .
fnfo Bill,,was strre.:ted when th • aeest.ed wit. 1 'f eb) la i)bs:•i l iiSC'-ii '')11 •• • ; '•
pollee. itrStice, for bliral:trt; in the first degree, '; 1 r t: • ,„.• , ... .:. 4 .. wil. not ootv ,torn:,, but even increa.e the reptim
• •,J ____, •,t •• : . __ _......,l__.—•____•.___t_ , . tion of Its di•=tl:7 ,, alishd autitores,:. ,We have reasons
sal belayto hail in! f;,3001).` A nint-i named ,
... •,,„ . for thilkiog •• Roo Cttrk" willtnike a greater sen
t-rink U•tcattte bail Jlll. - 1 'the. .itritit•s, were CORD` , lt t./O.D warted i.v l .- •
1 00 1 . - . . • / • ;.‘ation than di.? " Rath Hall."
J. LIONS' S: SUS I. : • ' . ',.
• -
forfeited; , This OtS--rroye 'ttiarrie . 41 a It•iitnati ' • _ 4 E N°v..2 " .l .• . . 1- • : It will i-rm an id • ; 12mo voliitm , of over 40
'" _,.. _
... f [. pagcs, •:, P: ice • , E1,i'..5, via receipt of jvhich copies Will
ratnel- c outtidly, I r witit Oulu Swart, had , .1 1 . SavePijastar Elaelau. , 1 (~ ,zenet•ir mail po:- 1 -i,i•!.., It wilt be for sale by 01
l , Pen intimately nOtinainietl, :old in 1854, ; .-,..LT',
note are ilitielited to tlie S , l(l^eriW''", elttt'F !, ..i ,.. . ' -
! ,
ultra StiOtri a-a 5, o eatididate.fiirCits• Jtitigi.. , , by note or atieot t ot, are tergyli.t., rrt . ./u. rt.-di t 0; .' - Pu i l lished bv '. 31.150 N BRDT II EDS.
~ call aa d i p a y u p, a i l ttr, : . cutt4equt•lle . 1 will" h•: a ~.-+---• .
. /7 ,, 5 ,,, 1 , • - ~
... Ni. .. w.ymK.
tie to"d qt'l• t ft:it if he wa. eleetiql he wioild •oa the I-t of Jantifiri nest. • .114 &E. 110TT; ', ' •;d - . •. .
~.. .
use hi. ifilluenee. with Mr. 11:til. who expected , • Ll•onttt se 'Nor. ov; ley,' ' ; i•- 1* - r --- •
, - . ~ . . .
tet be ll'iqt•el A ttora....r .to ' olitain the dis- - -- 1 i ______._ -.;
- . ; -,- . . Cpstalgalitan Art issaciatian:
. ; i I LOST ' . i
,rlinge /,l, Co-grove. In February, 1855.t1ns ' SECOND YEAR,, •
iv..,inan !:1)1d - St It.; rt ....,he Lad fs3oo iii i/i if: k,
1 I TN' .M(*ltiasp, OD [ Mor..fillVitl l it, No,,enilwr littlt.'•. a ' • i
Gold li'encil. Iliiii,), and Locket---.l:,fach valued - as ' RH.-IN.GEMENTS for the secoinl annual •collec:
. i uhich sl'e.: *tail flirt. to obtain the Telea..;e .it meme ttt.o.• The h'. der wiil-confer a favor hy leav; IV rlion of this new end popular institution for the .
of her liti.lMr.d. ' St,tturt. told. her to get .the lag the 'me at ti"°inc;e- i ' dillaihilt of Lltetami•e and Alt, have been Made on
il .
I , , , 1
„_...._ ; : the mutt extensiv.• scale. Amotig the works already
money. which sue
,ontained . in five tisite4: of ; 1 •. • ' w•-' ,
1-• ;•' ' .1' - - • - C•AtiTllO7l. ! :, ete,rig,..4i' ,i s iii, f,,, , ,- Tuned ••(•;, : noa ;Crucifix,” which
100 earn. and gave thent'to-Stuart. Thar', ,
A . Li,! ; liers' ons arelhereby cautioned a g - airist barbor- . , origiaaily cost ten thOesand dollars.
mantle he, h e ld t i t ,,,, Court ; applied to il l e Di - s- . „IL ingl or treating a. boy named ,George NI :voter •• ;lii fit min ,, the rat it collection. Illie diffu.on of
trice Attorri‘ l
ey to ficter a smile proseqt . zi in : Dann •otifu ty account, 35 I will pay no debts or bills . work.,af A meric,in Art and the encourageoient of
tbo ea.-4.• 1 of tem Co MI , 11 V. 1,'% hid) he .ssitfe, - ,90; ' - eri , ing < T r errere: , ' . • JOHN LEA.Ni , Anirti,..4m, ge%ius, have not been ov'..olooke , l. Com:
_ , , , . t. ,
„ ,i Let: '''ioV 14 Iss.s. -, •-- - - - • i . .. Illi;slitliS hive 1),•,-El i.--Red t o tr m.v. o f the mo st &s
-un mu eitse of I) , ..rtionvelitenz.7. e And • ISt! tv . d.-. . L • ! ''-'1 '•• '1 - - - , ,- . . , •.• ,
- ti r ,q.l:iael ..inie!lean A ; t i: ; ., alp-, will contribute
I t • •-1
tte-sos 41 g , me. The Di,trA. Attorney n't;:de .-----rf
4.' ' '.- 1 . soil ,), their.tinest pteductions. '.Ar r iong them are
~ li Trot (Chariest Morriß. ' •
scan . c ( - ,1,?3,1;ii, , n5, but :tt the urgent
,requet,t. or .Brp bite- . three tOrhle liusts-. exe - mit ..4 hr rho' gettate.d living
ICC . C.T.F.: 4 7.0R of Charles- Tillman, BA/. - s. Stuu.n. irote a note'te the, Clerk to enter a.. S itl'iwain rrinoired his shop front its forrnerlik-a- '''c'llP.'''',''' — , H''l'fill P(ln s erg' . ( ;K°Tailt wAstils""-;
B r.,Yi astitsyrtaNKLlN
nolle i srtovui in the ease..of eqmnitily. Upoti "tion in 9ie bascule:it. of Searles Hotel, to the room ; L.,.. ll .''. ( l'"!''''' a k i ' t Cou 'l t 'Y ;
imam-ti;.hell- DANIEL WERSTEI the ts.tittc•itaan. A
this the .tticlue•intjuCed the Clerk :to sign a over (.1 / 4t. ndier'sEtore, is prepared to exercise Ilisart
e•'''' ';l• •• 'i dF.-' ' ' d - di . •fill
tter; on all who may be ' l T' r r d '• ,' . :', /, ;•'." - 7" fl ,
,::;'• t r .'s, ',' " rfi . e 8 !” Ma ' c . ' lre
certified i i•op e 'y of di , tharge in .. .the ea,"e•iti-Ct),-- in the 1 1 "cist 9.6 entlfie •I'''zin - mous ,i e t ? .i. of norks of „Irv, both
gra , s olv , e9tl! _ nt to this, - Alt , - Dist rid ;_ i. , l _ pleased ) entrust_t err heads or faces to his hat:dp.. .. .4
of broate. - and marole; bwriary and clmitse Paint:
I,os-.,im. 1 - 2.-); , ,i1 . ; . „
tt , rney seat the -ease again before . the Grand -- ' ' -.— ~.._________,....._ ~ tag 6 , 1 , . -
furs, and a new inditlitent wi t , Ilium) • with • - j i '---- to ithe Plibilifs • - , Th e Witille forming a large arid valuable collection
• • - - ; ;
precautiOns nut. to let the fact. be itulAished. r i ll l HE, übserilker - Alharing taken the store •aritipmr. , of PaTtn,gs and Stil l nary, to be ;distsibuted free
-eV sf•ct the trade, of J. T: Aslllt.v, are ~- among, !he ni.. ; •o:::nton:for the second rear. - .
iqtt it le:,iketi out an ,offieer I,f the Terrn.s; Of ...ifer,,i4ersi f ip. -
. prepa y , •to sell. for • R.P.21 I) YJ '
_4 F 0.yl."1", a fine -: -.- ii
C , ,tirt inl.he ' oinfidenco of Stuart, who toll -assortnti'tnt cif iDrriGoods, Perfnmers.• Yankee :So- : . The (~invent of three dollars.comititntes anyone a
Mrs: f.'inittioll f.'•' By the agency 14 .Frink., the tiortS, alloceriek, ervieke'•-y.,- Hard it'are. Iron and Niiils, . Member of this association, aull entitles him to either
• - . ;• Boots a*d Sly. ..9.)1, -.nd ripper Leather. Salt, tie. • one of the following iflaglitilaCS for Mic year, and also
To Li W
./. ,
„ . ,•, ,
i surety for tkvsgrove, she sca-1 taken tt) the of--; roots aka If 2, .-..,1e i- •I'llt _, - , a - , • . - • _ _
i ---
, ELEVIATF4VViIN.....iIIiIiC....iIi, - I..'LLVT . OA', anti
. 1 nll4
- 11 - ve.-
S.Kk 01 tts.k.orde S
r m i t fi , ali d , r ,,.., 10 ,.. ed t h- ii ex. _ .., ; Lc.., at + . ch pricey (it ey think) cannot fail to give • a ticket in tbe.distriblition of the St4tuary 'and Paint- • • i '"-- •
I i .„,.. , r , ir ,..,,.,.... ‘ ,.....,,...
, ent . tre 9 . 4.sfaction to , who may fayOr them with in•-•.. 11 . - . -, • 1 all i On Chestnut Street —East :end - of Lvons St. Chan- ,
... i ; bliT Lill tAlErtil j nb. j - J VEEPN 'ON v. , .;... The Elevated Oven Stoves a., di .. ‘. - _ ',-, • : ~. . - .1- -- ..
. .
.. .. , i
traqrdint& story- ers Store, .flontrose ca..
~.- . . ,
• their'patronagc, I i .T...1. A- 3. IL Ashley. ' Thell:.' is:LUed to sul:scril-n'lrs en,psistg of the 1 i . ;hare ouble'fire-places which makes them fiir slipe: i 1
-Broo lllp, No 115, 855. . - . 4r,tr followiit tt „Mo n thly MattazineQ: . Ilsrper's, putninn's, I •; %
0 P - ;CK ‘_( -- 1 - 8 rio 'oi the .-' I t •
A , / x 1._.4 e fire-ple e Stove.S. I• We keep • con- • '
L. gi . w e
sta T ntl,i, on hand .sgeneral assoi tinciit• of ThYll'A ii.t '; .
' '•
~- • . • • - 1 ---4.1.1__-_. • _ _ '
0. . ---"--, ;• K t.iclon•lieck(r, Rtick wood's, G ri:limn's, Gudev'M La- ll./.0
THE ES Poi.xtt Se.L--Sinee the re.turn 1 i ---'--- ----
• • - • ' ()P Goods in lots at tts-p-$3-$2-41,4C) and :1:.",
•- * -
. stiore%-r--, to e , Triiimn nit's._ . ' iii,.'s R4ok, and Household' Words. • • 1 • ; , of a firs.t ra t quality, for n ame trade; also, W. 1.11 and ! • • •
of IX Kittieobe strange phenomenon - , of en i THE good'. pet de-of Brookl 4 aitd, vicinity w - ho Pers•os -taking' SO nienibendlipi • are entitled to .. , cen.l...s TO GIVE* AWAY•beforg 4 . 11 C :. '
t ` t of C . -
,tern ' Pum ps,.'P u mp . ' • T 10. Ili E . NOTiaC 11.1 - •
1 -,ern Chains and Reel , s, Lead l'ipe r '..,-„...,; _ ..
9 r tin ,iz v s, r rapparoted Ware, S &c., all of which - ,
oPen .ieilit, - Deitrer . the- pole than any region 1 .a. - are t or sill° nlay be, it. vratit of sto: Stove 'any fivii, of the 31, 1 1g-Azines for one yetir, and six tick- ; '''. l -":!il":;t"..• - II gLi apppcation . for a License tort:el! SPlrituons 4 ,
. ~. . .4.1 i cil:e. purchasing tire Pollers svortlZ of Goods
prvvitiusil? reached entirely free from 'eithe;„; Trimming or Pi ~,are inforrnedithat they an' find eta in th;• distiibusioa. • . •-, ,
o t; f 1tIllorS in the village of Lam:shorn. iirthe town- - 1
1 .those ,•,.. t i c i es in, liberal var i ety At t h e ..E % .h an,.... „:. e. ” • Th, 7. r .. t nitwe 'ds .A..... r i,,,,,i f ro a., t h e ga i e of !nem. i . for ea-'ll, at one time will be. presenteu wit h one of ' ; i- c ii re r: lll:) ,. l : . : t r ' ro m j . : r . , :. : l i: i i n oa „ , : i. e .: . l .. :.: 7 le e : s‘ l ,.'. sii f . :: l : ti r , ; a p l i : T te lt n ): :" T rin o r l i a n P o P T I L V r. ed 1 g!ii i ,,- . tj artnon y... w ill b e . m . a d e t o the Judges 0 th e
facd,or •14ttift. ice, and nboonding ht enitna
.• - . • 4 '‘' t. . . N . tny ready for delir l ery. For , ft. A. w o nnuFF.: , .
; Among my ags,o ni,ent msy be finind 'the Ker , •tOne be;sliiiii are dery etIT to the purchace . of it miks ofart,..i the ,i ) }°'' 4 ! 0 3 ,,Cii'ac'e- 4 ' ; Court of Common Pleas of Susquehanna - coont), hi
Vt.. has t •ontiriued to . excite 'the specula,tive ot. t .. • • • runner particulars taquii•c• of • . • I ' ' if . ~.....,e i I , me at November Term , agnecable to aetof .tssentlily
• 0.4 e, icl:'est. Clil 11.: (or Eiciated Oven,) anti the Int- , for the llernin. , I -in, . i' - -: : I ! i ' J. LYONS' I& .SON: ! L
_I . , - ~ approved .A pull ilith, isss- . .
-, . ,
!Ltd,: of,Alle lovers of scientie. Ail kinds of est imptved Coil Cooking Stove 4._ - . 'l , 1 . . i 27:cArleartiage Secured. ' - 1 • , 1 - •
,Ifonf rote, October 21,1555, I
theories are fracneti - to account for it, a% m wilt . ! /13 . . i. Ft el: of fhir : arid Shop toTrs iiti'ludr . '''' 'tali iby bectinsing simeiriber of this its..o ' ' ' i
Clat.lon, are— I
1 THE !LIGHTNING EXPRESS! I Innesboro, Oct 'fith,-Nlirsl-.lA5'. A. LEONARD.'
hate been expected from the natural inaenni--- the TllO5 inlpfOrgd patterns, bo th for srmSl and coal. „, 0••• et' • t'lr MU.,
Itit. 411 pinyons receive the i'nit vit . " fth •' t ' - ' . „ L ., a , a ,,,. ,
'''' ° Terms li 1 S I
O. Gp% iIEMI"STE.x.ri. ; ser i - pii,i n at the- s•-art, in tire shape of aterling Map- Ii • 4__. E..-. l i i i.' -= -vE •. . ~.. 1 - Time- Sat4d !—Fuee Reduced !—Thrvito.l ----•- . --.
ti' of nut' peilple. . One writeiattrihutes it to. i , 1 - . ,
..i r_ 1 B . UptilT as now i h
. !to•-.e and
. /1! receiving „.. , I by Daylight! to the . Cairmnion - Pleas. . . -..
till. sub's
. :rrinumn passage of tropical waters 1 :- .- 'i . •
- Brookly e n, ral- Nov. 4i. „ 1 . '- ' sine Lit'eruture. _
l• a Lsrge stock of A 1; TT- S TO c.Ls,l including i• •,„ .. ' .
i • • )I.ANILEY SiJENKS ~ .'
* ' 1 ---,' L•'- ' 2 2 - ,1 ''' t-. 1 • tl F•teli member ts ctintritniting!towards pnrehn- I ; ji • • I riIIAKE NOTICE, that.the money arising from the
fruit, tile . , equatorial eats to the •pOlar region. i . . '. t ~.,- • . , Xotice:• ' J i i
,J he . Star o r the West and National Elevated Ovens, 1 •A- sale of the Real Estate' of Elliot Benson will he
t ~; ... . - „ i. ; 'sing chhice tio,kS of art, which are - to b,- distribute
Anodierlj finds the rause in , srtne ',5u,„, c ,,,, c „,i ; Mr5...c..... manrops- 7 -. 1 .4 n. is necessary World, and Paingon Li i irgeOven Ii_TAVE fohned n'partnersliii' in Mrniiross,-for the I
1 distribitted among the proper creditors be A. tie . iia . '
tn atm ! .7t a O-ag themselves, and are at the sante time eneonr- '; Pl 4 tel' R° Y r , Wirb'
ito which li would invite particular attention an the 1 -I 1 piirpot of doing - eicreoe . dy's BLACK- I ton, at his office in Montrose, on `Saturday•ilie Stl day
entnry foundation. up-
_, r; , . ~ _
great: aiitation of she winds about l b," I ,5. la Y in s. b r t .. d and' . ll FP O le.ek ' rr
PO C'' --- -,h , aa • -. re l y - rear the ft,gl;l,,'"t.Jr..-ixti-ts o: we country, disbhrsing thon;auda
~. . . . • ), Gooki6g Stoves in market, with . a snperior as- ; 8,411.1r2 - !•CliG's at amok,' stand, near Keeler's Ho. I ,f November next; at one o'clock in the alternoon.:—"
•I on whirl the aspiring Youth ittay secure.• - tii:rot . •li its agency. . • - •, --
d the earth, (tilwquetit Upon thi n motion 4.1, i n nerst4eture of thosti solid and rarieitacquirements
Me itmer• A third calls attention io the 1 which d*.titinguish the profound and 'elegant achtilar i Thos - 'c sho ;ouch:ice diagazitios at Bookstores will
. observe', that bs inioing this associatinn, they remise
well known tart that the earth is an oblate.'; from tbli'e superficial '' . `'ten` i '"h°:' . e cml Y elai r l T the Mra4azi,te and r.e, ticket in the annual disuibution,
1 „ i to the cl erecter' or echicated men are trs , ted on thmr .
at ,p,._ ; , tie 0, ice
tyh eroiti and that the tt nor
htlh° l tPf il\ -- ' Parchnu tit creden * lF :' %re beg least. In arin ""O n B . .uitirulir illustrated 'Catalneur girin full dr
-1,:11;'' the .Istter nearer to the atternat iirtt - ; , the putti c throne-It the columns of your paper Oat;
aeri ,,, t 'i ejle.
eoat free
o , tapidiwitii. : i . erate g attlemhip
' ."letl to exit tit 'the centre O'f the rlobe\,,i there wi Ihe held a. 4 intellectual or drill Instinitd a t ; l'
addressj ..-. - C. L. DERBY. Actuary- C. A. A.
Ikun anyotiler portion of tile cur e._ . A f ut the:. Burford University ecsumencing Bcc. 24th, IF+lib l Id
, At either Of the.priociple offices-"ltnickellioker
I 1 . „ h
retires 1 S). mines' • fairitins tfiCory that 'th - it cuutirme rout' daYs• ; . .•• • • -- • T ' .7.lft:raziti. " othe , ;., 348' Broadway, Y._ or Western
Beli ng that_ anllnstitute or tins kind is tor ?est.: office, l.66,Water street, Sandwlty, O.
earth iii hallow and fipen at . the pol•••., and', proot i ca. l; e o mits by which to accomplish the dcwred , - ..t, • -... -------
a 4 as tluit this opcnin,,, , i , inti , t hare been erius44 i object, Wcordiallilinvite. the teachers of common i •
~ the rupture of the earth 4 n crust:. h► the • ! ' ' NEW GOODS:. .
.1”. , schools t lnd friends f educazioa througlwat the Co. 4 ,
lertal fires, the heat : ot w_hich emitted from ; te_ene , 4 „ s ed,'FeruelPate in t h e- e Y: P rci ' m - ' ) Fastkions Warranted Two :violin:le:
the upetting, keeps the 'pp - 'ar nea free• f . .! '-: boara win oe procured at theioiteAt poegible piles , A L.CO, UpPer Leather and Findihg*, Boots sold
istanq . . • ; ' /.A..• Shoz.s, flats and esp*,.Groceries a.ud Provisions,
milder In tetriperatur4.- The fairie o wr i ft7r ''
for tiwa . that come f 4.. I V a i'es d. tt:r ' street, 1 1 ',, and evi4r r tiring o se i n m y ti ne . - , ,
uNirrtaltes to prove Syrtinies' theory liV ti ' . ' '''' . • W/4 " MIL "4 •''
Coig ; WA3TED— Furs: Pelts,' Dri..:ll SppleN Beeswax
9 0 tatkie from the book 4 Job !, lf - tife . 1 " - . . i , _ B. F w ... 1 4 11. g 5 nt i, 4 7 , 1- 1 ; ,i , anti Piduce at the. Rtid Fla. , ' Store. , .
~ . , "
ur Sill is not accounted fOr 'it will ..not be fix. , . :" lIENRY IieEINNEY.
lAA of heorizin; . -',. 0 ---/
o• ,---.....- -1 __—.....1.---i-...._- --•';-• -..- " 6re3t 1114:1 Depot , ^F or. S 18'5 .l-Iwlo
' ' NEW 111001410. ' "',
-. i * or. , .., .
- - ---- ---- . '. - kr CRLEtR3 T.6'1)1 AUTHORS. , i - - it - . - "- -- ' - -
;-- - ----,,-
Wont ! " Fou g __MIL LIoNs ___A ' 7 1 jrn irectived dirtlet - froni: New York, Ile the i - ,I;(1011 AND SHOES/
4:x IrreSpollt, tilt 1 ' • '
"rites as fallow" of G en. Q v ,. 1 . 4 . : , t 800 , Stationers:, and Fa 44 G°° (ls EmPwilim. i'l If EA,"*S Thick 3oots--do. heavy Sip. do:-4.1q.
l of the . Ilkderftigned• a carefully-, ; as"c"tme n t.; 1.1 h't.ire French Calf d0.,-do. -Fine French Calf
"I Spent_ a forenoon with Gen. Cass: The i, of new, i aterestins, and valuta* Books ; Prominent - i
do.-Bors coanut txtots•-•-Youthe coarse Boots-Miss. ; ,
0:d In* 'sta., /Iva- 1 in the autumnal • , •!orie f'' among alliell ' arees thickrlAce. Booty--••-Misics 'Enameled -do.-:-Ludiee
"Anly.Lee, 4, without and .01thiu,", ...
t , s" of'' the a titer of “Our Perish"-4"The new Parehmse,' d o ' d o 1
4 w6 i - s.lilotlito lifti is hale, hearty, ,and wort h ;tit Duly ladies thick - do -Children?s Shoes of all
Pans in the Far Westr i by Robert_
T.Cs.riton---i kii;el . `"`X...i • dice Fine Gaiters and Etioneled Buskins,
tour mii i tions, -. ilis earee r has, indeed, been 4, "Teeed 'r, by the4clebnited ; authoreas, ntiown by i with o.eoropiete "'Law:lll*ot of Ladies; Gents and
°ltem! I. lie sneaks ill foreboding lauqultte I, bet Peniutd genius as "Geor ,, i Sand"-The Lunde ' Misses' Rabb ,i ,, Overshoes and Boots. ' '
of our i t ' tonal prcepects, an , is atrono in the i of
$i t he- ra s e -ea. '" li ' l ' ettlres or :ralestine. ' Asia iii"r
I o ur i l ekof the above mentioned g oods, in con
tirliefl it diitutilti 'll t r
. ial , . ye.. e'arr,y its tanners i ll
' 1 --e l', itain." by that distitiguishedTtareler end ! neetiOn:whh a complete asswtment. of
l l eresOfig. 'W titer, 'llayatd Taylor- with man?, othirs .
l er lilt Republic." : ' * . ' ' '
i l 1 e g agil Y raariWritms , ileserving 4 / 1 1' a telleoraal rtarg il t, i is the.l,drges ) t and best selected,ever before offered in
' liir • Goads, GrOCeries, ike.,
• ' ' --.-. - .-----.-...' -' '' ', I . Als 6 t * ' good suPPly of *est ''ineetitintbitti-fluAing.' this liOn Of cotinfrii and as we Pell for Ready Pay
. ~ -.
_. - '..1, and lin lc Books callad the 4`,l3hawto " aVehr taiolt ',, '''' see - . l aid' Weilllower tban
„ Tli e ;:tcopie of NralparaisO, on '46 'lBth of . 1 is
.i f
.a ,- - - ~ , •
~, ~ . . • exclusiv,tiv, we ea* al at Pr"'
...>f. I l ' I"Mtwey of. ChurAt'llusic.„ , , -,_ th „., . 1 , 10 - m u „ credit, . • - I
p klo my- were edified (with 'he speetat4e of ; about odethansandWine , 4, .., contating of Vital. __.' dwmod_,_ . _ . ' -e'' - 17 7„,.;4„ -- „ - ,4 jp e kaisies are partieidarlY requested
tie R„ ,• . •- ,
nosh priesthood blessing ~n ne w tel ofi Hymn Coes, Anthem's.' Chants nd Sett pieces. - .4, . r..
. All the shone . 'at!d tnany.Other works, too nil. '14." make},. a nil of rote f the above, anti not make their Fall
40 eotirea (lir a Railroad that lets just heen'l
mesons mention twill be
. sold to applicant* on the • ..- . . ' LITTLE At HARDING.
- !etileted there ! The irtm ht., :r•:es were nrii• :' in ' . nurchtscs until they
mak , iii -, ibi
wd. . r i most re Liable stet terms. olf there are ; Tunictiannock Depot.
have made us a visit.
November, 1853. . -44w4
ter try the 4 unrdis to doubt this, kt them tail, Wad by p er- i
• ',
le: lyt:hop .of ~Ini.inpolis,T Whether ,the f somd es riente become convinced. I . ; ' , ~,
es:Clock% Guns> acc-,
Idevile had the manners 'to return -al N. it 1, Pert*" desirous or obtainhkg books not. in' I' ' Vlr ascii -: - - ' •
, •
NT 4r A.' vto from its chimney by way of r f eluded jiqt oimtatalogue, can be accomniodated- by , A nett, assortment crap received from ;Itegleedi
'Ono: th e : . ' -,. -.' e ''' 1 leaving lip order and Wiring abort notice. i - i ''' 1 Switarekind, Germany, ke., • which will be Kad , w
newspapers nave _ forgotten to . 1 11 •' ' '
1,.. 1 .,.. 'i • - • F.. B. en..twinxrc , i the' t/ York price*. at • .811 47 (ILMWR.
...,,,,., \
- • , Mont , r-0 , , Nor 20, IPfir,.. I : I Monoviee, Oct. IS, 11165.
0•• , , .
t oeutoiP. -I",aperit. is ell
ties II of ;England, - gra t ted
Tidies fiir the support. v his
Among others .; the prl v-,
"net tiring paper. The' water
est. sort • lias the ro%al arms
Ite conminiption of this artte:e
' .
vr r atz
grt , li.t -.this• Ilene, and, 'large for
,were. itin4e' by . those who piirithused the
,ii-e .right ;hi vend it..., ThiS
.attiong fith
-la6polies, was set, aside by the lttrli
' that latiaght Charles to the seatold,
way of showing contertipt "for I the
hey ordered-the royal aims to be taken
-fool with his rap and trells tfi be s' . 111)-
:d. it iS 111 filit. more.:tliatt One hundred
venty-fit:e. -year: Sinew the fitol's eap
taperwere taken.: from the Paper ; :bin.
of -.
the t l ize . ,'Which the:Rump litr
. ordered ifi!r their journals, hears_ (the
fif the water-inatkk then ordered as an
ity to Ch4rles. ' . , ;
tars OF
ti that el
rim* f Oil
or mruo
of 1h:1 1i
. ,
Z*7 Er:L.481,1364*5, who-e Col troFersy
witti liughes. last spring erented
much interest, u i been re-elected State Sen.
atar'ft l rt,►-the. citrof New York. .•
, "
, I
. • iDonation.
The will he a donation - given in the A. M. E. Z.
Colovi Chureh in Moutrose,:on the afternoon and
evenini, of the 23d inst., for the benefit of the Rev.
John Andemni, kastoy of the said Church. iAll
fliendl3 l to the cause will please donate according:to
A.lintiEw W.'s:mores Seer.
tm eh ers Y.annintat
hold examinations as follows:I
"• 23d, ..(Dantlaffl.:
`" g•lth (I.ldit Cht
; 9lth, 4 •
26th, '
I all!
CI (ford,
, •4
2ath,..(M. J. Stn
" •29th,. • "
2Nh,.(near Dr. Col
" 30tb..(Granger's),
crs are requested. to-bring tin
tried and State. . • -
in the (1:
) i . MARBLED. 1
Not. lath, tic' Rer. H. A. Riley: M. R,s,r,-
HEN F. RING, Jr z , , l and kiss Hrl..N 1 . 4. NICKERSfi r
both of IBrooklyn: ! . . ' i• -! - '-•
• I.
. ,1 , —',...'..........,.....______.,......_.„._ .. ,
• -
‘,/ 1 1 , .
- ' ~ .DIED- •
i '1
1 •
In Granada,. Nc4ragna, Oct. 22a1, WILLIAM i)U
13cos, hole of A. Dußois,. Esq., pf Great fiend, Ira.,
aged 30 1 years. t !,
. ,
The , !d .ceasedl, +yd
fo s retuning home from the Oregon
gold nti es; why; wa re he. had: been stayingr over two
years rni,s4. Het wagat Virgin Bay, Nlearaktirt, alien
"-roils attack was made Upon th4,,t.eturtlng
,asseffers lir the gorerliment forces frat
eseat, unhurt. On the pass.age of film
!mar fl oat Virgin Bay tolGranada, he 'ivaii
t - thy Cholera, and died the tiil.t (talk in
di at: Ithei hater p`acc. Tao kilid feibitv
strangers, attended him constantly flu-,
!kneSsJ•rendering all the aid in their pi a--
who;!siiiisetriently.hore the . sad intelli
ds atfliit,id friimds. The deeeaserl was e
re,:Peeed by a wide crele;of relatives tind
,ces. 'sermon will impeachedr on the
i tWreSbyterian Churc in Great B4d,
db, at II I. o'clock- - i
1 r 1 I
L Bendi,Nov.l2th, 1x55, !lAII.A. PHILI: . .11,
)IGeorge, and Hannah Bir li, aged eh: en
-- . ''endmonths hree o:cii
3, i :r I
i . flier soul hid now titken its fliglat .
, - I To mansiins of glory •atioviii, I
! .
• 0;1111110e VI, hit ak . Agels of ligh , - i
• ,i. And dwell hi the kingdom 'love- - ! '
• Zle.n let us trabar to ciiintillyn
1. -, •' i That she. t
has ow'grine froth our sight'
1 .
ill. shall - scaia behold her ag,4
With new! and redoubled delight.
. • ,
. !!5.__±.4-. ,•_-_,-..t2,..__ .74+- _:•_-!‘... s-
, I. •
It[t at
-0 Ob 6, •
GIioICE lot Dural° Robesiu, received and will t
be laold at a low figure by I. -H. BURMT.
Noir Milford Nov. 1855.
: ffliftwis and Finvi.. • • - i s
A LARGE and splendid of Slukals and hats et
},creed to-morron , at our sto
Military -
Puiwuance of orders of the ..44iutant Gcneml, to
me directed, notice/is hereby given to the Cap
tains pf the several Military Companies of Susquehan
na wanly, that they are requiied to report to me the
names bf all persons who have done d ty in their
companies, who are now under the age of forty-five
.years:f Said report to be made as soon as possible.
The several Captaini in the different townrbilis will
please conault together, with their rolls, and perfect
their report. - , ASA SPICER,
Brigade Inspector fit Dag. , 10th Div. P. M.
Inspector's office, Ilarford, Nov. 1, 1635. 43w3
a Look to your Deeds. ' •
. ,
Ail:those who have had their Good Deeds recor
ded bi-mg during the year past :without Paying the
tax and fees in adranee as law requires, or calling to .
get diem and settle for the same promptly . Since, - are
al e
requeated to improve Inc opportunity of the coining
CourOveA 1 - 1 ,
s doing that oed deed . The,
State intuit have her taxes on" those enteril,forth
'dill, rand I. want my fees to ni et my own, engage:-
mews', without further delay. ' ' --i .
Er`A number of Deeds ha bteti sent 'here for
Record without any'pity,'or *veil ft' word about pay
ing, which are not yet entered for flecord'and will not
be, till somel, , )dy comes to pay pr ;become responsi
ble for - : them ; anti I shall have tO adopt that rule geti7
enilly„l if they are not more promptly called fur in fu
ture.l! . J. W. CHAPMAN, Recorder.
" ,)114trose Nov. 1.1, 155.1. ' . *
War,: War lin the Crimea.
10 A. 2
10,41k0 :Volunteers. Wanted! to buy Oyster's in any
war tif, suit; that are continually arriving by exprrss
:IA kept and served in the best manner at the Teal
per at* Saloon & Grocery on Maine Street, opposite
the Farmer's Stol-e. Also, Pies and other'eata.bles—
and uiPst kind of Gloceries vProVisions, Teas &c.,
Flour kept crinstantly on Land, and ' , for sale at whole
sale.and retail at S. S. morrs.
rch). .10 A. m.
'V) A. X
ford's)Q p!. y
nOrSYI r r }t,
4 . .14) A I . x.
readers used
!.4,; 4.70. Suri.
• liwirr; Ilair.lt4.ptorer and Gill,len . Gl4:-.A, for beauti
fying the hair. A quantity of Loather Gioreß and
Mittep at S. S. MOTT'S.
New Y ork Fancy Candy and elutfce Segdrs and im
ported Fruit at S. S. moms.
• Montrose., Nov. It 1185.3. i •
- -
r rvillotTer at public sole, at his rea
l- hlenee in Ilatford, on Friday the 2110 day of No
vetniA• lust. , the following properti , Four Cows, 1
Ibeedihr, Mane, 1:,-Sheep, 2 Calves; 1 two years old,
.1 one lose ‘Calton, 1 No hors - e IVagon, 1 Cutter,
1 dots+ Sleigh; 1 sett Double harness, 1 single liar=
nes.a • atid avat iety of Fanning and Dairy utensils, in`
elndin4.llnn , ehold Furnitnt P., 1- Dog Churn machine
ry, a lot of (fay and St-aa-,.Corn in the ear, with'oth
er•antieleA too nutherous to -mention. Sale to cumin
met 10 o'clock A. v. .111 stuns under t,5, Lash
doa-n•t, for all !Anna over $5; rine months" credit,
with approved security, given. if desired.
llarfo:',l, Nor. 21 , , 1855
T HE copa!tne_t:stitp beretotore existing under the
name - of Wield - ism I Ifosibnl thi3 day dia.
salted by mutual consent. The - notes and accounts
fit* in the bands of A. Welchem for inn/whole col
lection. .t. WICKHAM.
z I - • - EIOpFORD.
Fliendsville. Get. 18, 18r tt • . -
ri F. The w u subscriber ld *ay to the ;public that
he lias just received n gene l'assortment a Fall anti
Whiter Goods, srbich he offers for sal , . crrri lore for
caslt . or produce. J. lIGSFORD.-
Fttendiville, Nov. 8, 1658. : 1 . 4-4w6
" NO I'EAIIIA72: •
The United States Coast Survey.
Benito Cereno, (continued.)
.The Mariners. •
filmry Meine—a letter to a fiiend in Par
The Virginia Springs, fn It chapters.
The *ease of Sight in Birds.
Notes In Syria.
Life among the Mormons, (+tinned.)
Living in the Country. ,
The London Posbcdice.
A.lNigbt never to be forgo ten.
About Trees. •
The Attorney's Revenge.
'The Use and Abuse of ddruniants.
Vitoria! Notes.
11. American Literature and Reprin
. :2. puropean Literature—Englund, F'
many. •
Drams. .
* Music. •
Tittistat—s3 a year, or 25 cents a nun.
nam'4 ;Monthly - and IrousAiold-WOrds $5.1
MonthlY, or Household words, with the &
to Ode address $1,50 ;or three of the
$5,54.; '
Fr'; 4 .sh
.Arrival of. New Goods at
• 1131(1(er:flan & Garratt's.
°rig tsubicribers would oevectfully inform the
1 g‘pod people of Susquehanna county ihat, they
are now opening their stuck of Fall and Winter Dry
Goods; which is unusually large and attracilve, all of
which will he sold for cash or approved ertidit cheap
er than at atly other establishment in the i countyc—
We • nnan just what we say.• Please give us a trial..
New Milford, Sept. IS. 1855. • • •
I: :received
. 11 • J. LY 0).; &.80.1%.'
• T -7- 7 iT -ADIES itni find a great variety of Bennet* an,
NEW MILFORD . STOVE EMPORIUM • I .i.. 1 Ribbontrat .- - - ' '• • 'II. it: JONES.
.- In Fall Blast. • , ; LAW I Bt ck , ""
Two Hundred. and Sever €y-hive Sinvel Pi. I ~____a t '
sale_ by Dicterman it.aarray. • 1
W E e a v re er i o n frere ce d i;l i t n of Vo ti gli l e a t i r Pe t n i p tc4 svta o n f i!, to c v o ul n- • •
1..00k Here:,
sisting of Cooking, Parlor, and . Sii-platc, !kith for 1 1 ocK.ET KNIVES. A goodaattortment of thebeitt
wood and coal; also, a full assortment of l a-g elsizes ' •
1 1 . kinds in market, Also Table Knives and Ferrite
. Ste - es and -Churches.. - ' ; SPOONS.- Silver, Silver Plated, Croatian Meer; Alba
- Would call particular attention- to the drill:rat:o,llml ±
; to, and Britania-ware spoons. Also Silver, Silver -
Elevated Oven, the most perfect and heavieSt - plate •, , - • a., a.-
- - ; Plated, and German Silver nutter Knives,. . _ . - .
store in Market. ' Among our assortment of large •
VIOLIN STRINGS, Bows, - and all the lettnieit, Vi"
oven, would mention the Empire State improved, aa
as 1 olir.s Accordeotts, Flutes, Testing Farkas fitailtedoll'
bbing very, heavy plates; perfect finish, and a superi- ~_
.. ._ •
; smoke, ix.c.
or baker. Farmers of Susmiehanne county ; you have 1 ,
FLUID L A NIPS, fluid, Cemphene, Candles, Lamp
been in the habit of purchaeing li •ht stoves and light nil, ~,,; . . .
I trimming, ' and pivi, 0 as much 5.4 you ought to . for ' a ..l - . ra , GROCERIES.' Afull ' -,..„,_—. ~,L,
ne ,,.. iind .
•- i heavy - plates and Ilea y trimming.. ' • ; , i - a.." 4-1"
~...'''.._'". '.".1
. -
GOOOX• ' . '. 1 - .CiiirsTPar!uietrahlp. -1 We manufacture o furniture, and will sell at man,. tP c '' d • --1; • •
? Worked Collars, j L. ROSENBAUM btut this day associated with thetrrl'ufacturer's pricer. ' L those who pay a maker - profit
j sortMent, and genuine. '. .... .- • ..- - ' -
ißonnetli, Fans, (a .j_ in !their linsincss under the Ffrm of ROSENBAUM, i compete with us if they. can ' Jobbing connected 1 DA ile r eQ s , An o.: . A ~..._..v . „.___,___.,,,_,_-,3 _ e __ :2
tment,) a splendid . WITTENBERG & BRO. All accounts and . Notes of i with the tin trade, done as , usual on short notice. i
_ u ' a i l l t ,'' . f''.'''' -'''"" "' I C 7 'inMaaM . ' 7? " , 4 414.4 . U( :... 77 1
k Goods of large - ! the old Firm, as those of . L ROSENBAUM, can be j -
wits' and •Boys' ' found at tl e-old Stand; and. we hope that all will see i• /
cry lea; Calicoes,; the fleets , tv of settling them wlthotit fro ther•notice. i - . -
.MattinrkOil-eloth, ; i
. -
'' . - L. ROSENBAUM. ! • Die - KERMAN
.*.GARRATT.. 1 ' -1
New Milford, Sept. IS, 1855. -
FLU' TRADE, ,1855. " JEWELRY. A splendid varietyOttlieliestitit4l4-,,- . . ;
' l'terne..; - -j. •
~ , •' • .?;•;•.jr.'''':!'j- - `, ,, f;';:' s -- . ..f•J
.• : _ . i F p AN,CT GOODS. Nearleeverythltibtieb.-j--
- , EBSUMERY. - ` A choice
.variet ,. , .g.4:ltelitlitOpltesa -
I - i- i ' -
& Manic! Spoons, ! i - C. W-ITTENBERG. i• - j BEG leave to,intite the attention of my old ficroti.; receivr nearly every week.'
~.4::', ,„,• '.--- - -
1 ' i Montrose. Oct. 15. 1855
rtment or Teas, ;
locolate,' Raisins, ! -- i
1 i - ' ' J. WITTENBERG. ; 1 and customers to the VERY LA fro E:STOCIC ,
1 .. . ~ ........ ,____,.._ __, _ ___ i. CROCKER Y, B0,1) , " - XETS, SHA.IPLS, FURS, I
Books, Books, IFlooks I. • HATS & CAPS, PAINTS 4. OILS, CLOTHING, In sh 'rt, nearly dvery thing petinttnnwent,:.tandclutip ,
tatt the variety store of
BOOTS & SHOE'S &e. &e., lam note reeeiving, and ! i • • :;:.4c,Tußagu...
Montrose . , Jitne 14. teas. - . -•:',.:;•:- -..:--:,::
• • .
toilet do., Genin.,.. -i AT THE W MONTROSE BOOK STORE. • while tendering thanks for omit fitvors, I would re-1 -1 1 . NEW GOODS AGAIN. . ._ .. -
) • -
Toe, salerge stock ;-rrniE suhsciiber would inf Orin • his friends and the I spectfully ask, them once more to favor ,me with a) At , the "Exchange," Brooklyn. ,
) A publ:o generally that he has on hand the largest', share of the patronage they have heretofore so Hirer
, J. IL SUTPHIN. ' _ Iris friends for. their - very liberall*' renege the
T"' subscriber takes this opporttniatortlumking
ksSeltheSnates, ' and best selected aseortaient of Books and Statio ne ry - ally hoimred me With.
~ . .
. -• li" , POST ,k CO- ' to ;be founil any-where, in Susquehanna county, which , .
SiinimersJville, Sept. le, 1855: • --•- • East season , and of saying to them In - addition, that,
' i -• ' j he; will sell icor ready pay at prices that cannot fail to ,el RAIN and Produce of all kinds wanted at the acing , just- received - fresh' Invoiceit of seasonable- .
i I Li) h ighest market price r - at J.ll. SUTPHIN'S. Goods'of• various descriptions , he is atal to .
1 ,- . LANESBIIIO, • ; suit. ; . - • .
'; FII rn i.hi ug 'Ectablipihment. - , 1 Among the miscellaneous Books maybe found the I jfk a lli WOOL ' , SOCKS wanted at ---- 7 - ' supplyjalmost any article usually called for at a Conn-, •
rilllE subscriber' keeps en'stnntls on hand, and will ' Life of 'Washington, Jackson,.Taylor., Inure T. 'Flop- ivy •.. .. J. 11. SUTPUIN's try store, • His . assortment is now complete, and - " - be- ---•
I Make to order.; Doore, Blindet Windows A: Window I per, Horace Greeley, P. T. Barnutin and others; Star i ing the laroest •in town,- offers- the greatest induce
-1 UGAB,S, c h e a pe r Oran tb v can b oldtrined el4i , • P
SSA i DOor and Wiralow-franies and all oilier . articles : Pipers,- (Beecher.) Iluumnity iti jibe City, (Chapiii,)l. se, . e
.... merit to purchaaers, either for_Caeh, Barter v er Gear •
. , „ ,. , - --v:here at • ;J. 11. SUTPIII.\ s
trade of wood and used in building. ; . ; Bell Smith Abroad, _Mv Courtship and its Consequent , , - • Ashur!) Credit. - Call and ice. •
Blinds painted anti hung op sho.rt. notice] Glass of : eat; (Wykol);) Ruth - liall, •(F.tnny Ferri,) also Fern i• '- '- ' -.; . , •0. G. HEMPSTEAD,
all rives, quantitieS and qualities for sale. I ;', Leaves tint and second se:ie , ; ..i.tnetiran Agititors i ' • CLEAR THE TRACK, ''' '' : f B rooklyn, August 20, 1655. - . , _
Flooring planed and matched at ' '.#l6 of -g2O per ;
.and Refornlers, Thoughts and Things at Holm: and I 1. 4 O an lain a great hurry' • Why, what's the - - - ne4icin e s - a ul d.D rugs . 7 ,
liss4 feet. Tinning of all kinds done to. Order, also ; -abroad, Cutti ng Al ong , Th e Old t an , Hood's Works, i I-' matter now? 0, nothing, only Bullard . over i • t TRES' Cherry Peca.raf--acknoirledged - to ,be
a geaer a ta s sortinent of CABINET WARE: . , : Solnhope. Barleigh, The News Boy, 1.. Dow'a Com- ! there at the l'_ , ostoffice low just received by Railrottd IV. the . b e at Pulmonary Remedy eztant a -Pondta
Harem's. Tables, Stands of all varietie l s, Chairs, ' platewoirm , i The Slave of the Lamp, The Escaped I Express, a new lot, of Books and Stationery, and I• Extract of Witch Hazel- t an eseeedingly valuable
'Beilticada. Settees, ,t.e... kc. ;* 1 t Ndn, I.'etvie or the Beaded Twig,' Merunirs of the • ! want :some before they are all gonta . .- )..Is. ikats so. retried.- for - diver, ills--. Dr. 'Baker's Compound-a .-
.. .
Gdo.l Pine, Cherry and Whitewood- lumber, and Conntess 7PC.SSingtOrl, 2 vols. Goldstnitiea Animated ; Come on, fur be Les got Mary Lyndon, The. Hidden grand specific for Diarrhea, , Dvsentery, Cholera Mor- .
G,aib of all kinds. taken in exchange for the above. . ; Nature, The Chemistry - of' eosin:ion I
Life, Clarke's Path, My Boridage and Freedom (F'. Douglaiss,) Ber- bits,.t.c.-- ; -tyres', Jaynes, , Phinney's and Wright l re s
::-/- Terms -ready par or three Month's time ap- Cob - meta-try, . New Testament, Dames Notes,, on tha and Tillie„ Hood's Choice- W or k s in se tt of four Pills, Merchant's Gargbalg.Oil, together with a great.
, proved cre dit. - O, li a rs addressed to Me will re- • ' , trope, Blick,'s Religious Anecdotes, • Testaments, Bi- j vols. &c. ke..!=,Yffung Folks Glee Book, A variety of variety of Drugs in common l istakept aonataatly on.
; verve prompt attention. JACOB TAYLOR. . r 1.1 e., from pocket. size to large thmiliv, Hymn, Prase:, I popular. SOng pc,01:..., and 'a large additioMto his stock -b au d b y ' -. 0 G..PEITSTEAIO!.
4 Lin et , born June 18th. 1855. ~ .1 , _' ; Gift, Toy, Si:rap, Note, Receipt, and Blank !Books of j, of Writing Paper,, Envelope' and. Ink r --.11 of the best ---.----'----- - . _ . •
. . - - _ j . • all:sizes, ,kc &c. . '
, , ._ ' Pleaxe Take Notice,- • •
• . , quality, and elicari for the R.EADT;• at. the Postofyiee, • . . -
• . That it'is very aletirable that the accounts. and notes • ;
• ', .',.h oo t Bi}oks-_-1.111 , k itds used in th e county' or fur- ' lust door north of L. Searl.:'s Hotel. . .
1- i - .F. B. CHANOL R 1 i I Dished on short notice. . I • Mont-n-- - Sept 10 '1855 A N.' BULLARD. •of the late firm of Smith& Hempstead should be s et- -
1111; AS a food assortment-of - FALL A .ii".l) HIV-,! . tam Bool;s 7 -A good variety constantly on hand or -,...____,....-____ - .
• . - tied, and that speedily. 0. G." LIEMPS.TEAD:
•11 TER qooD.s. which will he solo iiis cheap as' 'furnished tOorder. -.-; • Broo'klvn, Aug. 20, 1855. /- . : .' '• -
1 any in this market. Plaid:; Dehrins, Pitrainettas and 'Stationery. A good lot first rate a rating paper at • PRITIT TREES. • - CZ-A LT by. the barrel or load, at tilt market rates,
I Silks, o' %-m-4.ty• of qualities a n d stvles-inghams, 1 1 killing per quire -Gold and Steel 1 "i3ER.SONS Wishing an Orchard, would alb well to Ca. b y . ;.- • 'O. G.HEMPSTEAD..•
Prints Una - Si t icis. BMW)] and fleache .Musliias, • Ink, the best in rtse , beside.' lots of other articles too f -1- call at TURRELUS 1r URSE RIESi 21 tulles
rSHE hioheSt. market ?rite - paid for Butter' Eggs, .-
j, Comforters. Carpet Bags and Orershoes;i Crockery 1 nuipeJ - nas tri mention. Please cull and examine,
,be- , south -mo.t of Frieudsville, where „apple trees, of the
hard, Faro Produce of all Idnds,-giXoel - Shingles„
' and G lass Ware, Looking - Glasses, WindowiGlass a nd ' fore purchasing elsewhere; at the Montrose Feist OF , most approved kinds, of good size and quality, such '.-
a: Wool Sock & ' Goods, .by
•- - •
Sock?, c., m , o . .
~ . •
Nail 4, GroCerims of ill kinds and at a low figure, Flit . .. I five. I
, . ' A. N. BULLARD. f 1 0 1 P r " -
, asare sold by agents for 25 cents, can be,had or, - . . ~ , \. . -0.0. HEMPSTEAD.
id and candle'', &c.- I i
1 41entrw: August 15, 1855., 1 cents each. .- . -
' I REA 1) )'-3f ADE CLOTHLYO. - ! '--------- 7 ----r- " • . - i
.• Also, a 'few 'Peach, year; Plume Quince, and Mqua- 1.---•
/'i 11.411Piiill - Ntbl-ifue enbseriber has on
. band;
t • '• - • j tam Ash trees, at reasonable - prices. -.•-• - 1,1,) aunt is notv menufactpring, ' a otmall7attick of
A g dod stock- . -relso. Cloths and Cassimeres, .I.!ans, ! l i ' .-1 1103 IE LABOtt :
- 1 • Particular regard is had to accaracv of' names, and Ready-rude Clothing, of good quality and workniaa-
Vestinos &c., will be ::old atavery small poafits. i, 1 j , W9O.D.RUFF & ELDRED ship, which heoffers at very•low priees. '. • .. -
, r.,- • I ~I to making a g oo d selection of fruit for the different
.. 11 VE removed to the burnt district, where they • seasons of the year, when desired. , . - ' • 0; G. HE"PST.EAD. -
{; • J , • •. ,
AT..w cooking ~..,:d Nilo!. Stove., for vrood or vial; ill be glad to see all- their old customers_ and] - ... • L. M. TURRELL. B o:ers AND 5110 ES—A good assortment
will be sold low to close them out. I . I is ins
,y nen' , ones as please to give them -a Call.- j- ' Priendiville;,Susq'a. co., Pa., Sept. 20, 1855. Ewa* .of excellent qualities, kept consainilv•oa hand
~ - 11 7 ,1217TRD. •• ' ! Tney ntendito keep a general assortment of Stores j
-- . L:-____-____„... b ` -, •. • . : 0. G.,HERPSTRAD.
ofall kinds, White B
old f l ; On, old Copper or Pewter by -
~.. ..
! 'MR : f": StA TES AND 01:A OE, CO U.NTY i . - Salt, Pork
Wholesale and Retail dealers in Flour, , ,
Oct. 15,'55. - -r. B. C/L1 XpLER. 1 .
, A 11?-t70 lIT,' PREMIUM, STAR OF THE, WEST ; Me?l, Grain, lee d and Candles paid for Oats
.., Cash
--'' tIJ OVP
I , • 1
.;GENERAL acsortment.of NEW ' G OPDS nOW 4 .
iij an king at the store.d - J. LYONS* SON. I
Ocitober 5.
4,II!RUP, Molasaeo, Sugars , C offee and Teas—
K, cresh at • . LY ONS ;& SON
rIORN flt;sket...s, Brooms, Pails 'and Tobs—a new
dot • llendme Curtains and Paper Iltingings, at
low•liricesi; selling by • . LYO\S ik SON.
vi'r.SlC, Violins and Melodeons,
L t.YONS 4: SON.
‘,,d.1(10L BOOKS, Writing.Pape
kc., a great rp,riety can be fo,
Odtober .5-
11:ANTILLAS, Laces, Berages
Parasod:, Lawns, rdshionablei
. choiee assortment in each depart s
lot o( moire antique Trimming, Stn
(a large stock,)
Ilats, (silk and sintntmer.) Cloths
frum4 cents to 1 shilling, Carpets,
and 11 . 11 g.:.
IlcardwareL—German Silret
unites and Forks. -
Giotwries--FiA, a fine a
Coll'Oes, Broma Topics, Rice.
G:ooud Coffee. Corsi Starch.
Pprfamerp--Day Water, 7
Parana, do. Extracts. German Co,!O
of FUlcy Soaps, kc. '
Phrmiug Tools-41;1v Fa
. _
Raktis &c. &c.
:X 7777- -- 1 (tr..,
sortritent or Parlor, Offire and S' hop Stovesi'for wood ; tel•I We- have Pt4'ehased au emits new -stock at All pereons lvlio have an interest. in said fund are re- t Axzes Camas- Fecioniv& Fitts; Dr.ltooflaud's,
or coal ; also, Stove Pipe, rine, Sheet Ifon,,Stove : ,IRO.V. eet4Tisingi full as , ortment of all kinds, di; 1. ques ted to appear'and present their claims or forever • German Ili:dere, Townsaud'aSe.saparilla. Vangt?.itatli•-
Tubes, &c.l • - i - 1 reel from., the city. , Vi a shall keep rongantlY ore Ibe debarred therefrom '''' N. NEWTOIi, Auditor.- _onhiptie, all of De. \Jitvnest eel.,..ttrated'Mediciner...Pe
This stock is selected from the best Foundries of i hand , riAeri rem , di and square Nail Bode, Cast Steel t Montrose, Oetober 3, 1855: - 1 troleutn or Bock Oil, Mustang Liniment, Bang's Tel-
Albany and Utica- for cash, with the bestiquality off Tod-cork Rods, Refined Tvre bon. all sizes, Band I ' • - 1 -e.•opli crime, and Lyon's Netherton ; also, Dr. Phi Iteirie„ .
;. r„ . i Brandeth's, - Tou,e,hts, Moffetts, 2 ,lfilloirafe, Graffen.
Trinnuinge made to order forlls custom trade, It-litchi Iron, Spring;Steel, a large I..ortment _of malleable 1. , NOTICE
will enable him in all respects to defy competition . ' Irmi, Coil Chains, Carriage Bolts, tec. &c. -&-- t berg . , Sovereign &dui, Item/air-Plant: &BMAZAK
and trill be 'old at the most reduced price F for cash '
', IVA CriONS' A.:.VD C'A P Rill GES ll s le
I - 1 rebv given to 'all per sons interroited the fund i ,ke - k
arising from t he . Sheriff's sale the real estate oft .. ~, -.. BENTLEY a READ. °
or approved credit. • ' - I
, . ' " - bolted on short notice, and stockfoend, or made to r
• New ifilford, October ' 1E35; ,•
I order throughoet, as may hest suit our patrons. 'l, • •'• ," , k ept _conatantlY on ' baud, 'and - Sieietle:by .• °:. ".
...114DISOY BRYANT to presenctheir claims before the.' -
I I.3ocks, Umbrellas, Carftet.,-Bam,...Trueks, Stone
I subscriber,at his office in M o nt rose ,on the : -
—:------. I All busine'ss truneactione must -!he settled mice a ; . ' Friday , t Mare Sofa and Common' Crackers coath, Naga.
' 9tll day of November pest, at Due o ' clock P. M., or i - . '... -..
Brooklyn School Notici.. . • . t yeetr. Shott 'settlements and long . friends is ou . . I intim romper; School - Books, , k,, ; just, received; anal
There will tie a meeting of the Board of School Di- i n 'O t° ' - i , e orever e erre from canting In upon said runu.
I f db d• '
. I i - • •v i .: for sale tight,,,t4 -'' . _BENTLEY tit„ BEAD;
I: Oct 15th, 1855. Wit :. .. . TL BULL, Auditor . I . t - .- - - .
rector's of Brooklyn, at the (A•ntre School Mouse, ter 1 Ily strict attendee% tit bte.iness we hope to receive I , -,
Satuklay, Nov. :I, prox., at eitte o'clock Pi M. The . a liberal. share of patronage. All
. work warranted. - . - • ! "'. - 's: - I', --,-- Faintly :rill*. . . ---- .-_,-
COluity Superintendent will , he present for the exali- 1 l i• 43 % • A .good. , Jottrnevman waisted , to whom , _ • WANTIF:II/1 ,
. - . - T llRbeit lit .toixteati-be had of J." . 1 - .Y - Olifi kil t,W.
inatiOn of those expecting to he employed ill teaching . steady empleymestt and high wages will be given. .
.i 'Any Caitiff needing can' bare them on trial ; it
i S. F Ravi - lye '
in the District daring., the enattiug Winter. llt is de- A. ••• ,„ "„,„, ,a, (. r ivEthousand Bushels f Oats-3600 Bushels of ,• • • '' - --
I'Ettcr . Jcxest, , ~. o
~ I r hev do not answer the pitrpose, no ehatge. '
ee.,l I
sir d and - cipected that Teachers will bare been IC'. I .(nitr . PS-e * i'"'" '7' '"": ' •' '' ' ''''''
i ir Buckwheat-2000 Bushels each of Rye and ~ • - . 11 „6 IR . .
.. Corn-0000 Bushels of Dried Apples--Five hundred I ontro. Sept . .
lected for the di ff erent Schooh,previous to that time. - -t' - - i ''."-- ."-
- 1 -7 " ..-- --"---
- • ; Doz. good Wool Socks . Also Beaus,..Pork, Plaultry,• 1
/1; order of the Board. • ;. " - 1 1 ; Now Goode; :Cheap zor Cam)). I
Better. Lard, Beeswax, Flex-Seed, 'ke.; I'o' width I
• , 1 ---'
C .
H. Moo` has Just reeeired another let of New i vin pay
Goods, Bitch 24 Chailee, Drage Delaiees, De 1 clam the highest market prices In Goods; (won ac.
t. - ' " 0 G lIEMPSTF.AD
Bag:es, Collard, Embroideries, Lawns , 4c., -which he - .- G. . •
offers at very] itox prices. Summer Shawls, a new lot
route beautifoi patteree at yery•low prices, also Black
Silk Shawls ,egually jow' for Cash. .f. ._
Partesols latest style at C. 19 7
7 . MOTTt.
Illack.Dreis Silk,* splendid article, at C. W. M.
gumetterStaffa hi groat varieties, at C. W. IC
draceiya Of all kinds, very cheap... Syrup, a first
rater c . int 50cti per gallon. You have only to
call and :mains. , to becomesatistkui that the Iliad
of Navi don . "' is the place to buy,Chcap: - '
i i - ',Wanted. - , • ,
Butte Eggs, Rams, Lard, Socks, in fat s all ltinds
of Cowl y l', ; toduce, in . exchange for goads at Cash
Prites. I i• . C. W. 110TT..•
lion !June 45, 1833. ' • •., ,-
. . _
. ,
!latest ityfes of tires" Goods, Boos k Shoes, tip
pe.leashar & Fludlngs o Preceries - ti Provisions.--
At this Red Frig Store, . . MEilitY MCKlNNEY
tfcidenvn Sep t .'
6,1855 PeP , ' 6 , 1 85:5 • • ' -: . • Stow&
- . .
.; . - Ilr)* rtElilr, ' ;
T s BROOKLYN fownildp, cot nty ,
1. 4 FARM, containing 111 sem witht it f.t;
a,crzi i m proved. Said Farm will be rent for the
termof four years for nukhundresl and Y dollies a
year,; the stock Included. The stock conahusof oqe
yoke; of Oxen, X Core; 1 Yearlings. 3 Calves, 15
Sheep, and two Horses. Two hundred and Shy dol.
ears will be reqUired in advance; thr
paid ',
yearly in produce and imp'
plac. , Enquire of the Fubsci iber - tk?
two idles south of Broollyn. -
( : ~ • • TAU
I -, , AdialuistratOeslioticO..
Nil OTICE is hereby given that- ettere of, Adminis
.l.l 1 within upon the, estate of- Abrahatorharnber.
lin, late of Bridgewater Township, .cleceaked, bevel
been 'granted - to the undendkned. ',AU pennon Indebt• ,
ed toi, arose
estate will please make iulmediatopayment, i
and those having claims will present the -same duly-1
attes 'for.settlement. M. B. Mt ILSON,[ Adner.- i
11, i'''''4°Ft- 0, 4 85.5 .- - 1 - 1 -.. .
-----, ----------'• ---- - -- - - - 7 -- , -- 1- - i Stipp:Plied to be cheap,,
..r.1,-- - - • - ?Melodeons
_.- : [ - ! ANE thottmand'do, Ibirs worth - of Ready-Mule Clotb
eitcsTANTLY ON WAND or furnished to ordeil N_.F ink ai i- - BICKEBMAN I k GABBAIrrt.^ --
4. 7 an shat notice, .1. I.I'IINSIdt FOY. ' !?cN , MO HO; sc'pt‘ l', 1'31 11 5: '
! - I
.- TO THE '
I Banking House , • - 1 .-:;,:,..- Gieat Attraction :,
1 or ; . . - TEE subscriber would trawler his thanks far the ' s - bT
l !WM. COOPER dc CO} ; " far '- ' O tTAH s r roAki."
liberal pato:one lannowed upon bier thus
,t ;• • •
during the season, mid atishe came time atinounee'irrßE sithseriber Would again szatortnee to his oral.
H E N R/ - 13RiNk E /t, . . t .31:ONTROSE, ' that Ire bra just reteitetta - riew stock olGaadt; makes ,1 * towers tur&the pubile gsmerally,tltat he his re.
WM. nui,Trrma COOPER. g November , 12. Ism.. leg his assortment very complete in - all ha , taeloas i ceired a large &militant of BWTS AND MOBS,
ISAAC L. POST. - ' ' '., ). •• • ,
~ branches, and would u,y farther that for teally,p,ty : whicl •he intends selling- for . &ask Pay, twenty. por
TARAF ) FR on New York ! City and IThiletlerphis,.-. i and o n plwri. to reliable cu s tome r s, las gekds.l cent . cheaper than eon belought la thismarket, (the
_lb/ Collections promptly nestle and remitted. .: • I wi ll be sold as law is they eau be bought at any oth- ' Genuine Boot and Shoe Stet* dowti•Town or die
(Mee hours from Io a. M. to 3. ier store In the coonty. ..Please call and examine. i Rare Chance for Barpins, rip Own, not eteented4••••• •
Messrit. Allen A Patton,..N. York. 1 . S. S. LVGALLS. 1 "Oath Stoah" may be bitind-the first door East of the
REFEREHCE, Samuel C. Morton, Esq., Phil's. . 1 Gibson, October 12, 1855. • ' 1 Otid Fellows' Hall, 'turnpike litfeet, first floor: ' Al , "
• ! ; liOn. William Jessup, Montrose. TIC addition to a very good asortment of New bress 1 thong's not fluke so commodious as soma ‘Nttoahtl.'''
- ----4--- . -- - - . . - -- ' Goods, there gall remains a quantity of Helaines,
i. i yet it answers odr purpose very Well for the present.
MILLINERY AT NEW MILFORD -PA. I Poplins , kc. &c., of the old stock, to be sold it bar- 1 Seiriter can we promise otir customers that our : 1 14; -
without reference 40 coat' also.. Win •-•• Ilon. i tahlishnient" will mot be "airplane? to• *Ay ili the
i rt i III". I/.1). Wri " ll - . Fil"'.1 several ' '
' -. l i i but ' 11 Is -''' customers that
country soon.we will prom e °dr
rr2ts, Wool,' -'43rochs,, and other . In ds of t
Ilt - j011 1 ...., respectfully give notice to the public
Shoats low prices, for sale be -S. kir. 1., ;we will sell Boots and Shoes': to suit in quality sad
Y that she has .again resumed her business at I at .
- price. Our stoek embraces a general ve.risty-of Weir
Millinery Irt Nets Milford, Pa. -She has arrangements i QUGARS;cornpared whh the market price, can be among in styles of Ladies' arrd Gentlemen * . wear,
'lO B • . S. i lis ' - -
by which 'she will receive from New York the latest I found very law at the store of • • i which aro Ladles' Silk Fox Gaiters,. Colored
styles of Ladies and Misses' Bats and Bonnets of ev- i
. e.tOOKING, Parlor, and other kinds of Staved and. i Gaiters, tmunel e d Gaiters, Black and Bronitedittw- •
cry desctition, *minis° to procure on short notice , • IL) Store Pipe, for sale cheap as the cheaPest bY ) sloth Boota,tnarneled Hoots and Enameled Zusitlits,
any article of the kind that any. person might want I _ ~ . B.'S. INGALLS.. , 1 Kid Buskins, Polkas, calf LaCe Boots stid.-Doklasic.
From such arrangements and from her past esperi- t' rruKs Island Salt, Buffalo Rohm, Ate. to., for I M i sses Kid Boots, Jenny Lind-Gaiters, Gents, Cali
ente, she ;hopes to please all who may favor her with 1 - - '
„9„ 8. f, gress. Patent Leather ‘ Etairteled and Buckskin q*it
sale b y .
their custom. ,All kinds of re-trimming and repair- ' hers. Patent. Leather Oxford Ties, Toilet Slips, French.
inotdonc on short notice. The public are respectful- ' ' B 7 l - -
i OST kinds of Produce at their highest market ~
elf Boots • Thick Booth, Enameled Celt and Cowhide.
1 'also , anyquantity of good Wool Seeks 'I t• . , .
ly nvited;to call and examine tor themselves.
~ t - 1 - ?rice, . g° . 1 Brogans ; Boss Patent Leatherlion6.toss„ Kip itoota...
tuorkful for past fairer', she respectfully solicits : taken In ennbange fur goods b Y . ' &c., Youths i Montercys and Kip Ties, OhadrentaTay- 1
farther patronage. H. D. 'WARD. I - - s. s. INGALI.S. for Ties, Paridoes Roan Boots, &aSilkßoot Lusa,.
scwMilford 1855 42m8 : Gibson, October 12, 1865. , 42tf all colors .
, . ..
• Th
~„ ,
I Oct.,
. I --I--- NEW MILFORD, .---.---- ' 1 Workm order, eg to brie repairing done nettly.—.
is 'ilray It I'ou - Please.
. ( Shawl & Dress G Pleaie call and examine. . •
mp um
oods Em i -,. yours In t h e s o o t . eo d s hoe t re d e ':
' I IIE Stibscribcr begs leave to call public attention • - ,
1 .., . . .
r l
to ono of the largeitt tuba diversified, best !mice
,*- Fett vas Fati. or ISMS, - , , 3l __
• ontrose, May 1, 1i.:55.
tett and first bought Stock of Fall & Winter i Ti Burritt would inform his friends and the Pub -
Goods lever introduced into this market, and which AI• • lie, that he has now in Snare, and Is reee
Lela boind to sell for a reasonable • advance, either a full assortment of Fall and Winter Goods, including , A GENERAL ASSORTINEVT OF STAPLE
and Fancy Dry Goode,•Groceries, Ilarciware,
foi Cash, Barter, or short approved Credt. All per- ,a" great variety of,Rich Fall Pi ints knew Stylas, Plain i
sons in 'Want of Goods, whether in the department of :-and Fancy Delano, . and Plain . and Fancy • . ; Hats, Cepa, Boots and Shoes, Wall Pape:, Drugs,
~,,1 1 ° V „t : . Dye Stuffs; and Oili, Sc: , which will be Fold as cheap"
Div Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Drugs, i Cloths; Plain and Plaid liferiroe.s, F
Boots it Shoes, Clothing &c„ will most assuredly con- i bagess and Poplins; Dark . Rich Gin li gh rain al;" — a, in ' Fall I tlltlrche T a_pcs ... t . f_ilii , eas ... i . r .. br , approvaticr u editby
salt their biro interest (no less than mine, by giving ; stilt? n andfancy %l 00l ' Hanford,
Styes; Black Brocade , Phu Sinks . I ''"uu 16 % 'wu -. --II- '"" JO NES . .
me a call previous - to purchasing, . . - , Btoche, Cashmere, Cnspe, and Silk Shawls ; Rich Rib- •,• A .LACIE Grode Rhine Silas of excellent onnlity
G. G. HEMPSTEAD. bona, Bonnets and Flowers ;. - Ladies Cloths and Vel- t -4 - /-• at ' '. - 11. /7.40N121 1 .,
vets for Cloaks and 'Mantillas, Broad cloths, Ca-ssimeA ; . - IROCHE and Cashmere shawls st all prices, ASO
rea, &e. with a large assortment of Staple and Fancy : )J a few muntlllas, by .H. 'M., JONES.
Goods as usual, including Hardware, Croc i lgry, Iron 1 5 ,,,--:.-.-.
and Steel, Paints, -Oils, Boots. and Shoes, H Clocks, !
Buffalo Robes, Carpetings, &c„ with a new assort-1 I'
inent of Stoves and Trimmings of the best quality, be- ;CASII paid for . Wool by H. H. JONES.-
trig. made to order expressly for his custom Trade, and i - . - Harford, !aim l'st, 1865.
. -
will all be sold at the lowest figure, or a little' lower f 1 ASH paid fur Dairy Buttcrby
for Cash Produce, or approved credit . I V> ' ' H. M. JONES:
N. H. . Wbol Socks wanted, for which the highest 1
gotni assortment of Boots and Shoes of .
pikes will cdntinue to be paid. Flour :and Salt con.., , ' 1 ii. il: JONES. -
itantly on hand. •
'New MUcold„ Oct. 4,1853. . ' * - 1 T AS, Sugaris and Co ff ees of fine qualities and at
. 1 low prices by .- • ' 11.-11. JONII4.
)3rooklAn, N0r. , 1, 1855.
Economy is the order of the day, and one of the '
most efFectuel wars to economize is to purchase at the
StOre of Jt WITTENBERG d: BRO., where 11:.4 haVe
been opened the molt choice and splendid Stock of
Fall & Winter Goods ever seen in the County of Sus- .
The folthwing comprises but a small portion of the.
huhu:use assortment to be found at this Establiihment.
Gentlenien and Boys Clothing in endless variety
and prorus;ion, a good assortment of Overcoats, Dregs
Frock and Business Coats, Vests and Pantaloons of
every deseriirtion and quality, and in figure, cut, style,
Ate., /aas4oryn Wtode. .
Our. ent comprises for Ladies wear, New
Styles Brtkade Silks, Changeable Stripe and Plaid, do.
Superior Glossy Black, do. all widths, Balance all col- . 1
orlf and qttalities, De liege at all prices, all Wool
Plaids of i new , and elegant designs, all the latest
styles of Dress Goods, Iletnbazines, Black and Colored
AlPacca,,French lierinoes. Prints and Ginghams ; a
hallsome*sortment of Dress Trimmings, Embroid
ered Sleeves, Collars Cuilk, etc., Jaconet and Swiss
Edgings ii ,d Insertings, Gloves, Hosiery, &e., Shawls, •
Veils, nod Furs; Also a complete assortment of bleach-
Oland unbleached IlttAins, Drillings, Diaper, Table
Covers, Sheeting, Flannels, Ac., all of which will be
Euvelepes, Pens sold at thel lowest prices. -
and at - For ha '
sins the public is respectfully invited to
'ONS SOS's. 1 ealLat thee cheap Store of
TEAS—Both Green and Black—a.rery general as
sortment, anti of superior, tlaror,at priegs ranging
trim 31 cults; to $l. - 0. G. 11F4PliTEAD.
Flom the prenilaes of the Subscn'ber 'in .Ararat
township, on or about the 1 24th day. of September Wt.
one white-faced brown Heifer, 3, yea sold, and seven
Urea, sof them brown -and 2 red. Whoever will
restore them to the owner, or give Information where
they may be found, shell' be suitably rewarded. •
Ararat, Oct 12, 1855. .Dd rn) AVERY.
Otrard Flre'lnsuirance Compauy; •
1451.041111‘01 act.
. . .
• CAPITAL $300,00 0 .
To the 'Citizens tlf Saiguehc e s eta . Covnly
A PPLICATIONs will be , reeel. ed by niforanne.
1-1 mo d er perpetual Minim in this Compartly,l
uponthe Most thvoribie tome.
t o have wpropeetr - insured :all; be aattsiVek - we
think. braining on to, :that bei'muMOt get instsieti
In a &tear isiitirpritr, nor-upon more favorodte. term;
:tban in this.. ' BENTLEY & BITCH, Agent-
Octoh.:r, iRm3
EADY marls *killing at low prices by
. . EL*, JONES.
i f Barrer de Loll and r inflame
MBROIfiE ' and ' ixtdow_ Draperies at
llarford, JOle 19t;1855..H. M. DONEI:
• liVei.v Goods.-•
BENTLEY READ,rheve just recieved,a !argot
at w ell selected Stock of„,Dry Good.s4. Groceries,
i .Crcickery, hardware, Drags; • 'Medicines, Pailful, Olio,
1 , Dyestuffs, Boots & Shoei, TeaspoonA,, hats yk: Caps,
Ntiallies,. Jewelry, Silver Spoons whicq' thepott,
fer 'on the most favorable terms..
.Itot.Aiiose, Oet. 1. 18:15. • . • -
-1 Longand Square .S.bawie; De Laines, Figured . and
.11.144•11 - great quantity of Pura:nett/a; and ogler Dreaa
i t Goods;tur sale cheep hp •
, • • ,-•
1 : A fresh supply of White Lead kZinc; 1314 6 ' rife, '
Proof Points, En g: Vehetitor, Yellow Patent,
chine & Paris Green, Linseed Oils, ratrAnd
for sate by • ' BENTLEY kBEAD:
French Window ,
• French 'Window Glas4.of coriono, sold Paity,
Always on hand at - BENTLEY*. Bil-ADV.. , •
Irma undersigned has
been appointed an: agent,oll, 3 -
' A o rs ,am•xcat: FIRI INSURANCEEco.,,of,
Ilarlabtir ',Pa. .Said Company *_oo 6ll 'or 1
$5OO, . pt as safe and eheaf etiMisitty4tif ,
.any in the State ma inentna,on thn:bloek
'plan. ~ •
~rEsnatoxittrz.- • , •-•
lie, the Undersigned, hereby ; state, that lie lain •
done business with the above company, and • - sre are
eatisfied that it is both safe attd-theap: In'our apes
tient:a we havemcvem "Montt any itssentsse4o eis
premium notc„, . ; • .
F. , J or, -
D. IX Vramota, . "' F. B.; "
E. PLIAP,*;'' Ont.:cario' Siniulks . •
• ittLIAXGS STA Agent,
, _
- -
"Sock& Egm'lluitof. 1.40; Owes., Ai: is
iatv cinfuttil7,lrb excliattgc,ftstpeadti,ftt..,
- itontrose i Oct. 4.4655. ,
• ritws• GoOps - :
.vir;xofr burinstlictieted a inenfileii:Uoods;
Sqleil,smeh Delanei,,Do
Sheala., inlact a ;owl! sumsertmentorilrz
whteh be lola !out, I •