1 , i . • il . - . -'-- , 1 • -..--- -'- , ~,,,,,,., tft . -„,,,,....-,„..- -.I- --.-- —-- -.?"••.,- 7,- ' '..-, st,t. -5 , .. - ",". 1, -- -;.,.A ~..... ~,k gt&--"joge2A.4o. o— -- . -'. 4, ..r*.t."V3 - ... - - i.....- - - 4 • . 44L ' 1v " 1r4 P 4444 P" 44 "" 44 * --- t— r----__________,__—__ . ; 1 .:-. ..-.14 t..,i'-' 7 , : -._ 'I. - ~., -- 'r. I'W '''' :.• , r? ., : - .. ,; .: - .'.1:4,.: - . ----7-7------- ^..: -•• 022 n :' - -65 , - t ,.' -. r. t ie r r , ; .3t ~. v ~. 1, ^ :,, ~ :C .. !. .2 : "I: , ' '..''"4 Li -:!. I' , t j:: - ... ' ',1,,,r, - .!,, T.' - '077:1.,h7 .' _,-; , :1 - 1 , ~ . -..,- _ , __-•-' ',. • . ~_ , ;., ~ ,•, .... . ' . .. , ~, ..,,, -, - • , :,„ -- i • 4 - ' - ' t ' . -.,z•=, , -: :,, v.: !, , ..7 •., I -`'''' ••'- ' - --'', ~ • , ;,- '- .. -„, - ." I t, . • ., , '' "“ i ' ''' t ' ''''' N .- ' ,‘,.','; - ~; - ' • 1.. t... , • .. • •.- „_. - : , ..,: . , ~ . i - . • 1. , , ~ : ' ”' 4 1 ' 1 1• -. 111[ - , . , , ' - • „ . 1-. .' ; . . . . :- ! , '-'-, ' „•• .4 , : -. 1 1 1 t ... xi 1,1 , ..,. ~.-! 1 _ - - • - , _., .. , , f 1 - . t ' ' ' ~ . _ [ 'II . . - 1 ' • • - ,: .i,' I II 'l. -' _ , , I• " ' -''''''''' - i ^ E CI ARLES F. READ'B4 t i 'D 9 ^I. iv ,s In The Blaeleamt: h. i;i aunts o...LitiaND. . ' : . . •- . i'iii 611;ia fstacki: bTA.^3.lYing fire, . .. - Nretir 6e black'sinith,g,runv and:gain,' : . i • A l i watclied the ldaie the.itigliertaid bleier, _ - A itlif up eietl beainy . limb: . '-: . / • 'Bang., hang, his hammerraug, ..... -. . - And drove out many a siktpk ; They.stlemod.tha . dev. l l's_oyafirt;,files,, : • As they (furled ilitiitigh the dart:, The l' itlnth si.luctitigh : —.-the f:rnitb stuck low, Ag over hp *ork he bent; . -- . ~ -. !Awl iif evet.v blow bad beet oh . a 'fin _ . A iintitle ited'satt Wei Aniti.: .'" -• ' ,' Ong..elinz.the oeel doth ~;, I g,, : II in' datntag manse.. 41resed ;.. -. •, • Altai: the ettlii, gt that.l k"-on, . . 1 I lore thr!.hl .ek , tnitlel" be.* c.Slegfried of old was a ,lilackimith , bold:. . .'ll well o- , the iron, could you td •, his very flrktblow, he drove; I'm told, le anvb into the.t.oviid ; - ' - • lound,._tound;lato the ground, - .. " .- King A With Th And beat bialkunale:t - fint; o ma•i.al;ie,Out blacidunitu s,iyu Could strike rou bloi . , iegfried becanic. a 1 0 0 4416 Pr ill;glit t fit so Son nip - elea If a tajte!l would rise in power'aiul A hhteksu ith .I,e well may be. Skhacii, smack. with muy a e'•wele. . As he hammers the sp•ade arid ; I*tio didTub.Jl Cain of old, • I; Aad •..c must do ::o.noft-. 1 _ r S DOG 3 ME Om iN• T•TeroiN' or H E N o TR e \ pocil' •~ _t'4wat,;r ird ottaeiomtaltie infle( net tw ti•e .NeLI,o over Itis• ma-::er, has h a suttp ei of wooder...and .atnt , te- . °The brae am; ehar.te44. 9t.ttite•pero•od over'oe.;r"n2-. dom. •It 21: • , - ;•x(-••trt ws - pos.tie. are atil:buiru' to some oug c:•er;ed over 11'm ltv eompauiod who ever Ity his side, etAle to the grave. ilow-t . he low, n. cowardly slave eftt icnttart. •o his r-, jte ribuics of eba ,- ;,:c'er. ~ kc.it) the m0:',31 philp Anther, It% ; ino.:llic.ibie is the . eT.-(.4 - offrhe at the eltarat:er habitsy t;:e. ever ment. 1 (lithe S 1 ni% • PC74 be tAb`i l iron ' eroect in' maN't r t am.ado Ell t 1•11 v, No. the •ii c , a og 'Oar. Frain his bi thto his \ -aesih, cons;p . nt - con - p.m4m, ~•- • .s or plfa=e-'e carts 12;a1, the-e atee(3%. , .. That the character or the 111 - :ae atTected oanion~bip, is a iesult tlatOralfy who-11.1-. e ob - erved efrcet IRO themes; man .sho, P le en re I), Ur i eN . . 1 ::; , 0 171 0 n Coe Clll - ..lezi‘r .:;1;5 The N. f -, :ro.:ia, Li - Tonle So- tiuvtirsall*do i; in every domicil i3t, tlie goutV:t;tat me to be treated, '1)1% , tr.6tel rod rui. l' lit! , - as a domes; is iustit.utioa.-- ta ale reason the Di1 .. .7 should "be ectn. V) the "btines/;( . ../,‘• ritutio u:' uf the 11 % l'ul sts_tteh should retv.ive" , a place . in 4 votillo!itieal economy Ultd 'moral ,'.: _ rfe everts as decided and pow- . iC oence ov. f .r the mindi . arid'_hea' rls of kthe Southern lostaAuti_Of-,SI-..-. cne ( " J he ilii eti For 1110 sided cil _North. all worko phi ful ;oil mca L'a (3) EMI • P The eirevonding term for the ;Northern' li".tle doh , - ' ./ (1 1 ttslitut'n would ''be "Doggm-y" but that .Ther a is a ttlass of loo:;-legg d low-headt el, term is 111r,eady api;ropriat,ed to the place where hound < aped . inen who should; not be eon. dogs' are ~ e are d. , and .trained. lt spplie - t, ' fuluxie with the wretched, cla•es, of long-legs: therefure, with great propriety to the North. They. I ,k qulekly around the rorrers. pepr ern States generally', vi /id" (ire really nothing dOWn tl e allieQ. and turn ti. -sharp eye upon, mere than ; one tmntrilee 17675 r.-. g, one -vast every , lueet within "the range of vi-inn.— Dv 2rer.srry jn Which 410 plaCe can : be thund ' These. ri en carry tow . in theie: poet e:s and en %here a • I can 'bide hinuself from Abe itark. joy.thee -wive -. They archttnter4. net-a ieentil h, of dog'. and :he whining of. puppleit. . ~e .. Jy, and at acquired a habit of seri.-tg every' alai Tii No ',there itiStitutiortOidy be consider; tking frtoa hound thai, follows ctosa.behind ea OndCr ilWeibeaAS, the' yield! aid theorda- exa Mini , g every ,t luck •upen the sidewal I. . . t i menial dot,: - I;ii_is i inir - t . pur pose to , treat ofthei,i That-little crsernen44 o 2,or:-the 4 0 g , st - tioia- o rof u se be' Class 'ad with thornatnental (logs ;he ii a'l it to add igEgnity , . and -txmsequence to. the 'very useful litt l e a nimal; he is a standing darat,er and ex! : ernal.appearAnce,of his own- and ran' isim ldv'r• cement J' --,,, s:.:11 7 s ' , -.-- e 7. That ta'llfe" 6ue and iniiil4;ibie elfeet of .? . - ' - ' - " " Oho shoe to 1 t be,e, . . tie ornasnental dol,r. ' •Be imparts to ids mas- 1 . ~4 4 a potted 4 It .ptar." , 1 ter a° air oiself - ittiPorta - mai that 6 'PerfaciV ' The effect ofi Canine tts , oe'ati ens is rt - inally incompre'ensible..l - Theie'is a ; show of what henelliel 1 upo; thetaman, fernale. A little tatty be st iffe ed j00e14 ( 1.9, an aPPeirance of tlogits, . ved)nany,,ifn-neged apinsterlrorn a 11 self-sa,U rion .about 'the ‘oWuer ofait, Orna., cross an ;leeyish - disposition, usually acquir ,l/ • • • - • • mental u that iti , t•eW ° about no other perer ed by that unnatural and • pitable cl.:ss of fe kea. As as a man beeanies the owner Male bent-unity; 6,itinieuly ca 1 .1..d :i o l d2laids.' Gra don ' he appeaia perfectly delighted w ith if a inarlriageable. lady is abo'dt to turn that . ' - It thatself, and to all outward"aPpmirance, he, i.'.. dreadeil 'period pf_li e, usually ,dentirnlnated the 11Ppi;. • t and and ' , "bigcre.t feeling 'man . " the 01 . 4 Maids oar er,'' with Out being to . 1 , I, , . alive, , ..i .1. ,-. .., .p. , . ~ • fortenatl' as to .b.lre'. l l'‘be 11);e11 to berapron Au elag Terated 'eVaitipleol:tte effeet of the strings:"ltt is a faro" ble slot ;il, she begin s: to canine upo , the hntnan species, 'may be seen take, aoTctiona;elY,..ti, do? A lit;le Yrb;te: in that.slakt, squafe-' buil: darkie.wlio, comes faced. ititil-eyed_poodle shOuldi be procured i into town-tivery day: ' giving to all , 'who - Et:a' . fOr her i t ntnecliately,ilbecaOse vita to reijuire-4 1 - - 1 hie ,, auunmistakable eiidetice of good frelinr that the I hamanlikintile should p?..pend about 1 Ile gik's with his' head 'throw:a' three:')neiti': sOch ap 41i3ount' i of fimdl:ng. nutting: and ear 1411nd :he itsue of c , tit - ' , endienlarity,and .iwritis , e... - ;- , ",ng,..ti u .soine li ' f ttle spc,Oneu of „ anima' of With an air. of 'pet-feet ludepentlence, and : exig.ea -and ifiZrct,titience - denies hc.t the • se lfautiele :eY.- ' He " etitoS - up the white of nintifill-' - 'aictiti of 'these affeclona:i iitten; Ls I , eye," a d and 4, shows his ivory'" to eve -• lions, she ltin4t; i:nlnsicted with 'some; kind ty'itile an 'that ',deign, to notice hini lle ofa'snbtittiie • ' else4h atisati;ified erasing i• vertzit4a. `, mighty good f ee li ng ' - da..kie,, of her ill ure a r tract's' the' putettlaa'e! : latlY aid yot • ir,s4inptwio n - 14 that he ie .. * self- tioeiery n . ,testl sndiimeyy'ci-05.4-andpeiv colleeited:iinPOcataiggt., .r. _, iou are ,rnista. Fo l .! N bit :tifi.;iiitit the'Parpo4 so *AI ,. as ken ;i tlie: , -.1. -1 4 ..e 4 a , nut P T P,I'd.C S f hi'lli'-'•ir at the'Poode - ; she , altl fondle 'and c;arels . .it;:tind, . all.`- ClOse:,tetts"'iicels lie wolfish lout itig ,;' '' ' b ppr.ir sq - npoy sa wit ,*4oaw-, * ear; behlu .cur, is an e.egaut spee.eren by. • ' , •' - ' ' ''''-'-' '' ' $ feteinitte ( dinitiiiy - of-the Boll= sp;. '' • ' if ''t,i -- " . -' t he 1 -- vies.— , an,o m ind sy alks lstreois with,- eye - The two 4ivis,' . ol - inintifinelaili) lbe dizni-. brows ecintracted. and the faee till' in a 4 ,l;nart •• V 1 / 0 . 4„ co t '0e.,4u,,e;16_ '' or I:tiii,:' in . "s,it.i.• 4,Tb.:1 andityery , naation(is:.tnad r e tiritit a., , hilcit ' ivi. a P"'ad 41 4 jOit fir 4 1 4 dartii,e• )1 16 .A drain ig , ,jec l / 4 , • yor'..rosy rest iassured•sht4tis'ejt ` tni' lt t at the, whit of: hifij i .ey.*;-: and„‘:tbo, -,5., big of 1 d 0 i....:.,. an d, if g i• onfor i v ! na:e . ,... ; ne _ tx ,. .., ; • ; . : . 1. ,„ : 44 ~ ' ri- • i ,•'' ' • - • • .1- - • I • ... , , ~ 4 4. i r :-., 111 ! ~ . ~, ra: amoLto, which4trox.. I y about th - housajziej t as as initilliti '- Th alia? "(4Vr.4id,:i.a,tilore i e l Y/ P h a ' tiii,,thß i t l ,P l 'tt l ' =- ; - ; 'once Wit the ilifikiitt'er 40-atiia's:,(± '- ' - X.40 ' iiL reads - v 67 ' plifilly,.. ..."..- titoa: - .Viii's 'iiiii' carnet:, o t;, . w iti`liiii'‘th,-. ' - -' ' itt tig}' ce., . Ike.ti.". — rd'`' - , . - , •'i • - .., e,'", •,, ~ ,„ , • b er 4i,-„, i ii i : - .I.,_ii i i i: -9. .. t _. • CQU A., 41 ' . ' 11) ' ',' '. . lo n , .. ~ ~„• I._. „.; ~ ... , ;;•••• .111M411 . q. now . t. 4 gam m a ~.•a fid z., , D t,,v iey 4 .4 •ge 4? .. rdt .try,*,..,ltt:-.....pt-,the ornamental &I , radi nt Il l ' "r •ji - i,Toti may iloole arOund - 'fbf eh i ~.ithP, : , raitte r r` ~1 9 4,,appeatioce ef his Init* l, l the' ih land d9g . .1 e hi' her be'Sf - ttLienif i l l 'all,Y•hlaWl j 4 illi.c l P( - 1140 f: Shoetrialaei.l4 . ;' aio:lo'4l w . i 'il : tandii be ll ' t • 4tt el ; -kas liens,: , itereisiat — aon 41,- - Preat:h • . i • •-•'-'" ' • '''' Y ' l ' '. 1!- -- e ' 3411 ' 4 .-P- 7 "Ff. "" et ' ? " - 1 ,,P141 NtniAlqo - 14.ite the.poodie. -Go.iiiter* I I S'e r ine )1" then _may be seen,- abarty - titne,l.t.h e ill. her countenance tr ill ever giveesi:.; . 1 - ' , I i; • 1 • , . 1. 1-1,- / •. . 'AIL "".• I ' - it ' : tvaPong t h e thou _the bi iveVl with ititaif o dig. nt;j , 4nd inipot; ants not aiell in",lieepitr, , z vith the t - teetipatiein - ,rt he feihr.:: " The" are,11...-' gtien,:ly itist:iti'n`(', ion4i:ed y!otin:..; men i -411t iliei: ire 11 )1. s9:11) - tii . least -,--t hey are I plai-6,,'ittnttdcst ii ,d.rf:i,;o3-.: Thall4y.- bear: ing iirtlv.s.se[n t it youth 4; shuuld not bent ti:itotied :o:plid ~ Otpai-en6ge nor to pt - -de - of , ele..b.it shout atwAys !)e• e-cditvd to the lice . and o ' neri•-hiP of, o ntonht , . - ous big :ti.itich see* . as-al k:tii) of wnamental ae ifttittient td, tho4pr , tm§na,le- 0 - his young . 1 1.- . . The ''rwit:lie mill I. 4 l"(feu:eit limn. i re.teLi he Ihe voitng r it ten. as' t hey s;,r4t through . '... - - •• i 40 Nty.K.ei.s 14 rt b a iiigdog. atitheir hi* , ,ls,.Should not bl'isiet down'tO their d.Sdranlag e . • . It.is , rot a tnan;fesi at iin lir a lifqt , ...;-felt emotion; i;', is . i,sini ”ty a Lfnattage, 4.1);e11" Ij. :Id plainly i _ , ' ''' ;thatDug;" i.t.onih, '." Tana) Ite Pt ovrio. or'uf I Til 111 - vet of , Ile ornamtintal dog Etr u n' th e elmr . v. ';;er of young men is'tno; injit?ous, but ! • t, on ;h 'cotit!ia! v is: illglilv hinefieizi l l • it give: , 1 , / I • - • t i be Iginelitand advatha.4e of , an it.ihitu- i I tieling. and good humor wh;ch quali- I ~ un ror.trie:eiejoy,neel : of life and 'ren ,turen of enjOy inent to ot hers. A l youth is- alw:ivs,!ti constant an: l 1 1 P . 1 1 , 11 call(' to gi'lleivq j and it is a 1 1 le boor oriel alike. 1,0 him. ell i dog, roi CM ne t got fir" ^ th , Pill z-bt 4 ul! co I); :_ilkier, • 110V'po de,y and II ly tit the p:, hi s fi t' ;ly Olt he si?oalii o . r soeit.iy, by: Grcomiug of : a U;g dug; ! • . a cotlt , '.l-t, oteerve 'the deMM aelin L m e, wo.- iv ie looking na who istnot Wised with ~ do - .-:.e. -Whitt-you :Ice a leirg-le , gged gaunt, roam: Ishoelered individvali'witlk throv e• ah the - : ' streetswielattne head sis ineheq .n advance of L . • he be, 1 . ) Imp- u eth e...es..enct. no- t. ell: teted. to to gr 'and, (and the:-e eve !'slonte 'Oeh.) you av look ini rah); fur do , t,. Such Men never . ep c 46, ; ,; hely etre stteah;tig- along the side Ilts,l4soltiitg neither, to ette Flight nor the a-i if thebi l were ashaatee ..0 look mud in haste. •K)h.! how : a Wee- dog would !vie op 1 :savit -fellows! l Just let one-of 1 . 1 1 4 ' Tittle ..., '• and li.L j , t.., v. ~ up w.geon be i r i off 4Own street behind 'at pair of Well . . Newl l ,Meld.ladd dogs; tend when Ite.Steps twill; 4retefa up his herd and . his neck es lk a 4 fi-.. add stand an a , sir:ill-he a ml . . ±. la elmel,lek Oe /et bit have an 43M-2 --ort . ' , bat can nd on : s:a13 1 s•• head, me . _ 11;s !I) , ed k' s. and 4. e-r' a ibaslet . or iPsi'. Oilmo. ~ and he will noii7pa-es•yOu ooli;n:g e . g.: 50p , ,, , N;i1:41.te I.l ' 0 . : feibg yUn. 111 meef,you e'e't .ry t7a?ty .w ;de a nod, a .i.nd a eit: k. a:. toneh z e:o at', =• That's - .i BO ; ele.4 t tbevilinve never - felt va ''-', 'and hannire-in4 ittfluUnce a a ~ qui t heir Mlle. sout:. • I They- net mean w feel .mean.. Theyllook ,with ,envy 1( ., ' Nleck lookingmeichalet,•wh.eeomes tlllca with iit!ad up •and ey-1 , .. bean - Otig, isfactiele - an d ,d (i it boot; Irving i he . 1 -built ,litele derthat is treettinz along ide, lonkiv, as . leek andi a' happy as ‘ - er,) they attriliute.his good feeliUg ' in basinesi: • I,3eet let -me': tell you. i , av . break, eusttedne rs re:Y . fifil, red iy - turn, biaisti t that man will a'waYs :ppl: Ile isl eh . proprietor Of that fat t4g. : I ry , n a - 1 fi e s% `I MUG 11 , y d i' i bk. e‘e (3 up and th. !Ton t do% n sa fat Ln: by bis hii; ma to alai Banks finis ni loi.A. ha _ D to] A.E!TD- ROOMIr "maaudwr . , ng dene4 (4* the genial i,iflaenee of her canine as sociai.es. I- -- - • t Th . ic.aiihther class of unfortunate ladies - upon whotn the arg!exerts ;livery nappy in • ;; fluenee. I allude to those married ladies who aren4ariagmidthe Scylla ehartgbas of female lite, Without tieing ble;,sed With the fruits of matritaoay.' 'l ; Eactiperiod of life has: its pe-• culler" • numit - e;;•titt ions. .The young lady. de. light in.reeieVing the kiss a nd caress of hive and affection. A few-years later she begins to beistoW kind and afrce . tionate attentions up. : on thb yontig.told tinder; . Stpl later, in life, she is inclined ito Iniin up and - educate the prat tking; urehle. TheFe ace but the ohtward , tnanhest tions; of tu?, internal 'emetions peen. liar to the M4s,,the Maid , acid the 3fattun, - ; and ate lu conformity. with the invariable laws 4f ; fetnale nalnt•e. ‘Voinan e moot violate. m. t!diva's of bier nature with impunity; the teem. no more than the maid. We have • , alread - how the malt] k;otnes, glees, - and•: ineVitably, to be a FeeVish and • • quecaous Otd Mad if •heri inclinations; :o - „ fat le t uurse,.fand earg•sa7 . el no t complied with.l The miu'rOn *is subject to ;he smite. law.' IShe c.t,onet stifle the natural emotions of berpte.:q; Wit host upon 11(9S-elf a t rait - ; - 41 sad. coh.:•eq !levees. i•he approach:. (witlaltit a fittUily.) that p e iod ';'hcr ; women may in veto . fot offspring— no •la•ncruable w;11 be her'fate if she is pot rpvided With a proper subjoet to. :tr:iin up god- (.411;e:tie, There will ; be in her nature an unstatisfa :.* , ;re, a coec;cr;ousnes , t of. A . want , 4psati-ficP, which Will .I;;Uke her future life `tri)scrable.i and. unhappy.' As a c'onse , quenetf she will be morose 'and hard to please, and wi.” son!) . become n burelea:to herself and to her , :;husband. To prevent a; result so de plorable, the; e :is. nolhing t 6. intellectnal • dog.. She will teach him to net no, tit lie d. wu and .. .bedead.." She will tt-aelt -him to bring•herhatulkereltiefand her glovs, to ~l int the.doiar and the gate. tied ti, drive the cows out of the yard; jest as she wtiuld delight to leach-lier little,Son to do. It' Yon call upon hey, ofl•an ntierfioon, she tell yoti how she 11,4- docrto: neityllbor *lei had Jos; -his. 1 ,. •. (I, r' OA ;1110' tilt. IN s l4 a n d • the I . .et-d , 1 found the c r aw- and trove her u boie. s.he . rogresses Withille tale, u4atetiante will-brig hteni up, and. her eve- will spar kle,. and she will manifest "Mich prikle ihough Fbe lai;t:t an an 4•calo:e !in evide,nee of . .the ea:lli:able. genius of a *darlinc boy. is always lii' hits. alwalL; fill' of Ella and g o od hnroor: n; Such a i•onstant flow of fine sy, •in h L's co of :loos is a matter- ofa4M;isinnent to ;- - evert- ();ie whnr,do e s not rt" to the happy iefla thae of_an.intelli•-•cat and Well educated FZA " The q• are hot' a fi.w iits tances, of the benefi Chit efrtirt.s of atOrsl clog rpon litninth charac ter Artli human / W+ might with prit-iote .t ! . übj-et i still 'farther., jt is rei , lete philo3o . phie. I.hilanthropie an t i Iy4rophoniu ititormtion. ißut we; must Leave i 4 'for the', presoit:ta p!:4;out sotna of the delte• - :oirs-t•freet: ~r ilt , • istitiet 1 n o• I e g...e: :Id. .Ther'e ;is 1144iitin,;* mute disaltrou4 the hapin n uils of a 'lva rto)ily, anq to the. priei , «etori, qu er of%:orroonnitY, than a doithat!rons Out and lix - I;s.ateve.y roan who' pa , - upproneli es the libtise. such ilLbr,xl dog= always be get itt family an ingif skive lispo . :itiOn.— I An int:v.o4ore dispii , it lob r.pi It degento - • into a Nibit of tat aud tale-la•aritig. . The dog is liisardto ! b,:tli. Then, as stn-'Ova ;Ale coii-yeqnce, flellow the. tides:44;s: o's thlre, where and wlmt . for? If these 4uestiinis csnnut be answered at ho'tne, ,he ne , glihors most ae inquirec. of. , To - do that„ . .htiy must first tattle, then inquire.— " " Mr. A. Jrove: by . thi, morninn..l.• Where do you .ttptirist he isgoing ?" Ths lquestion an swe.,cd. 11 1 . y 11 :p :roach the net neighbor " Mr. A. 'diove by this thorning, and went. to ;II D's., i wonder - what he went there for?" Theta of-taztling. ) 9 'acquired.' habit, hare bad tendencies. 4 .The tent::en , 1- , cy bt tlat habit of Aattling. Is to Etaoeration pad Th; , . fact by a ci!tamstahee wii:dt actual y ocean-echo a youtrgiphysiclan only a few ;elks since.---, Ead storles wereia cbCulation ;about Wart and be t ;iced them out and .fOtind all ottinitod covequer,e of being ‘ Virk , d at by little whilret; " Pe *as enllid from a social ga,ther ., ng„ jot at night to 'go intv. the vadat ry set a broken leg. On his way, he pagnrd Itihouge - where wa§ gathred an Old Er•hiniied tea party: Ont corns the. don. Bow.woir..wow i ao4_pf (worse, up pop nix or to* window:3. . ••" There gocs the ',Bung Doezo-! . Woe e on'aitth !s - he g,oiug to this time ti - dity, du iti•ii, so like washy ?" This question red three , nwer- , .f . The lii'st from a bee)ryolettt .old lady. IWell, now, .. I reckon 6e i- goin' to . swiold. 14r.,. A. I brat. n , yisterdayhe.wa , i bet t er. l t If theDoetor i'..goin' there'its cause hest wtia ; andlif he is kti.tr; . you - may Ldettend bp. ori 4 elOC t die 17' Pie weinid ansiirr,Was fruit) , sa,euviott* •oit:.maid...:" .I noticed the :Dm.- lor..walres•ed op, 1 guesi, be is going to - teti lkss. B. , Betas doctored hero' gisid while and 1 faitiw ' k Eii. is ;Pat yeti sick'. rylk . .csay" he is' w derfgi a/404 9T, and hhould'at Avon, der,if tl'tviw3 vrots.aontetbing.in it; IBe woold nut go t !ere in the evening, all Arrisid - tapi: if it was aLi to/k." The third itn4w9r was from th‘' Italy t:who kett. ) the barking dog -, ' 4 1',11 lief te ' - i- P : Oitt!ickire pi "see that. o4l Sii.•C:— frpi is 1 j u g ~ typtel i t e Obit gam tbr no . g0i14,.. - The n -tot morning alew of the older neigh 1 E . . 1 bors having hat4d - aniettggne t utedlieport of the old. lady's iihswer,--left their: lark W. go and pay:their laSt respects to-Air. A. who . WS* • I • reported to be l hope ," ast all and found, him husking corn...inAhe evening the youngpeo. Ple, in 'consequence of exaggeration, of. the Old maid's reply,.ealled to congratialate /rlists it. ou the " great strilte.!:: she had made:— They bad heard she wits to be married - to the i oun l g Doctor . the , next Sunday e l v eni ng.— They found . her preparing sausaoelca-ses, se. Cretly 're i t,rret ting that it was "all t.r11t.," .i; The yloctors frieuds began to cut him because they bear'd he had-been (evil - surmising) ping , io visit old Sal in the night. .1 . -.. . . Here %yrs. a whole neighborhood thrown in to excitement, and a young dottorlitijtiredin reputation. and. in business just bixnuse - he .1 waslbarltfri at by a miserable little .. dog.— the had no ditlieulty in tracing the j tory to its _Source. . He erniimeneed 'by in- - quiring. whir, in -that neighboirks, kept a harking dug. Ile knew - that t akers and .harking dogs lived together. It may be set - 1 down as a fact fucly established, th: t a talk. . t mg woman keeps -or has- kept a bf.4:ing dog 1 —rir was. raised in the family with one. 'She i • has been hil the habit, sometim e it her life, : of running t o. he windOw ev e ry-tine, the dog Marked, and of reporting the re-ult Of her ob- - I.:f!rvations . .o the family attd to the neigh -1,19r5, I Some fantilies do - not, wait fur on4:p t•:.report but all run to the window as soon-as the dog " I glees notice. It is unitising to. house containing such a f.ttnily; just before' break fist. The moment: the dog barks ; urehins, uncombed and unWa4n4. Push, pall-ntell, to the window . . - Behind hem . stlituls au Oder-sister on tiptoe, with the grid. dle•gruaser - in one hand and in the other hand the batter-Tali. The . old lady.gfes to the titor, with her kniftkand .potatoe, tol l see who is stirring.sd fn morn. ins. .. .., • !The nccessit of having dogs ,we i ll educa. ttd is, obvious. Nure atitmtimi should . be pmd to r.car:ng Ind ,tTaining dogs. The ag riqulturalSociety has neglected this impor t:,nt brach of Inane' incluary. P r retniunis shOuld be awarded to the biggest, the fattest and the best educaied dog—and - ztlo to the . 6014 faun dog, the best gentlernan's - dog—the i befit ladies' doiand the best dog air all pur. . - 1.- • - poseand a discretionary premium should be ' dularded to the town that Produces;he most, logi. ' It. Would he.;or the credit - of inntrose if iotne of its. citizens wOuld start the c'nter., prisc% The town is justly celebra'c l d for . its • itir6e, 'highly ac complished and welliedticated doss as well ritlie iin,rnense liumbo;and va,- . riei - • of its dugs: \ 1 -, :very species litiown in Chri , tendin nis here . repreSented. We would call the: Special attention of the ladis to the - : imeorted China dog: Thev-• can e.tr i ess him ethout getting coo red with hairs, l and he is ticer infested with fleas.! ' i ln conclusion we may •ty that w hope to secia Lirge colleCtiuti of dogs placed (l eibi !,bitil,on at our next agricultural flirt and We shall . , ourselves, eall,lllr,.'llarnuni's intention' to t!lie importance of grtt;og up a e .°Teat Na. 004:11 PpiTy sh o w.. • ' GET Our. .. Edr the Adept-ad -al Ifrpta;cats.l ;Travelling Notes alai Oetogene iian. i - - • Flavin , lecently made a tour for nleasiire and; to test the reality ,of . the facil dies cud conTeniences of travel with . which 04r court '+y •N o eininelitly:provided, ai- well as to grality in y . inherent predilections- fOr novel ty.; land having been so. superlaavely ~g. ,1 0 tied lw:tiPsuch complete.satlsfaetion. through-. out, 11-des;re myi, feenda to know- that they magi in imagination participate it2it4t enjoy neens-of.wb:ch I hayebeen,the recipient, that they may be induced to improve sou ;sea see ( leisure in a like healthful .aed Soul elceiing - pastime.. .• ' 1- ~ I gat 'out, fii) . lll' New, lefilfbrd -on Sai s uiday Septi.,9*l .by . .he .1),.. L. & W. Railroad to S'erziliton,luill thence ... by stage to Wilkeliar.. re the sartio-erebiug. I staid over the Sato batiii*itti my brother, Zenas Barnern i and iin . ltlunuay, 1.1. th. m cut ou to, Ilarrisburg.- Oa the r,th attended ibe State Fair;' ill wa . 3- a i noble. exhibition, and highly ereditlable ,to ,he, enterprising citizens of our State. In the evening, went 0n.4 0 all: irnore _where - I - pu t 0 up at . the .lltitel, -.kept by ,SleLaughlin. This Hotel *44 built, Had first opened by...mi brolher, Davin [tannin), iu0et..182.1. Du. ring iiiy sojourn here, I visited Washington City, in ,c , lnn puny with ; my brnt her 7 srwidnyr, lis. 'Ann 'K. ,Batnuni, aid my sod, A ' . S. Ba , niitu, - liii 'Wife. and :daughter. The . Cii . pi. - tid 14 '.1 3. t.frriitobjeet.of our attention. -The - -1 .- I 1 ; --'-' ' .- , :-• atatuary l and paintings tire adrnirable,as works of art a'i their appropriatehesg of .character and arrangement htspire a . fervid enthysiasm in thel liVer, and awaken .a hvait felt ven eration' or-the meininied Of nor revot utiona. , bl ly• heriteis t rtei - W'hom we owe all we ' aye, of true .. li ertj. • ' We . traversed . the oenate chanii/e ; the Hall of the Hoile r iiit lie resent: atives l pith "the Congressional 'Likirtill'y'l'all ~.: • • •welt - Worthy the names and positions ihev'e)e, g i `tiii " ' cupy,.l9_ ,i - _ point of concentration' or the wisdts4itnid - power . which rules - and directs our giat .and ttirivitig nation in ; its auspic; . kin a pliOitiii.sior ._,,,, __ Pft;ao _ We; liel€ ' risite~ ihre whii4 nou' l th e Wrjitltsan ion 'Mit itate, and *: t i atenl. - alAiiitie Wit:Wigton ati4 objecto otinPereat and 'cuti64ity; and:fro-Win ed t(i'--**tinifOre - theC - esni - O - 2evetiing. j*..`ts`t`irn ialitO Maclean ea - conical td thollendid dt n ' ?an ' iii* - or 1 4 - iiePile%?, ZeOr nosi, aimated ono atota-half , rnilawfrOm the city. lit la'the most elegantly ''Snistrails and, I • tint )61'4 private re , ildence • 1 ever . heheld..;--- -The:ezeitsiire garden tra tke; - •withitss Shrub= bery and towering tries;the v•ariety and 'ex cellence lot flowers and finite, sarrita44- . niy‘ most faneithl - Here' I Wiaen;' eirtainedliy•Parties.And .siiireee;'iatrnirithly ctiriducti•d•and joyfully partleiPateilln. •1 1 / 4 fr: Bts Very wealthy ; and• is onn'oe those - - nci- Mel and kenciene who' al iwayido as they lhaVe opportunity: "ilis•pinerol4ity 'and liberalily are pr;iW:rb;al;• and - be' Well in:erits the ample posses: . siori of ineatie-liy the benefieqint hand With - which -he dfsp - en.-ies ai-. Meng the necessitous, as - well as fotheptitei•- t •. tainmentof strangers mid friends. • - 11 left Onititnore on Friday :Oil. 5,. an the' Baltimoie and Ohio R. R. - IZestedat 0. 1 , hind, find at AVlteeliiii where rtOok. the 011ie It . R,l for 4.ltieiVille, and . arrived on the 701'11, t. -!ffere . I was intensely inte , ested. in!Viovin,7 b the facilities and • skilfui -arrange . l • Mpfltrz otionchinery foe In4iness Operations, ; The flouring mitts arenUrnes•otts, well got up and do 4 very: eitt nsiVe businei. , •'. -Among thUse I ivislt‘'d, .were 'Caafs, P.;inmoer, -. :,lJOittngsworTh'S and Pratts- . :- . —, •t , .Their flour is of the be , t 'quality, i i and- tn . - vatted it the raqern' ina - rko:e. • l'hore are all. ; . 1,0 several FOunileries,dolo7 exten.iiv.• ..The mercantile • csiablisliment,i gii , e good evidence of the abil ity and adven -4e of that elates, -The water power enes here are inost valuable • allbrdinn. stria,' wit, reddy . and mot. efficient' aPpl'ea , thin to Use. Thia alone twill build up " the and !enrich the surrOunditig count) 1 rentained here; kith 'my son-in-law, W. CliaidleiEsil.,.till-Thtir:-.clay Oct. -11 th,-when 1 1§.)olt the Cent,:al: Ohio P. R. tiir 2aiut LOU- is . et S 364: aknyld'arr7vecl jnSt-at the "noon Tai tied in at Bantam's Ci,y Au -141 Tti?s is ai'velloy la,...ge„and;eommoditts house ke,o n)37 sop, 'llieron . B. Ikre 1 look time. Jell , ;' banished all disposit Rut o hat , :te or fito.r . ,vi mid conten:ed 'myself at bottle.' i s visited the Levee;- and was aJoit i,lied at the immense, bus;tte-'s thore going - m. A 4 1 • viewed the interminable quantities of tinloadion 'and transshipping, I could not avoid a reflf-et;on on the vast capital l:ere • - inVested.l The mob i ode of .shipping and . boats, wduld FLeurely r ieatle any, A meri- Soiaft:p . ..)l. In company with lion.. P. ex-nntyn”, went :.o the new . Court How in progresstowa , •ds completion. -it Is a •siLit,•ly edifice of bCn•ft stone, magnifl - rent-and ieft-41y, • If; (ottstruction.;lac'.occu— idd ear. p eascfro:t top by As we a ,- eended to the sum ; mit up the many flights of I felt as if it would ban=e been an accomin'OdatiOn io • go . L .l opont . tuel same. manner as the stone. - • rest and freedom of respb .1; ion. I Was sufficiently compensated fOr the labor. It overtop ar ped, and'afforded a full view of the wilt& and - an. eye-firing e s .tiTent of-11r • •r otmsling vountiv.. In rapriire,-1 • eNela;med ." Letup is..indecd a ;peat city. Sunder 14111,1 at:ended Chureh at the Cl theilral-Lle.vices iweres,ing,and music ost exc l elient.i In the afte , noun rode throng the. • • - suburbs; s visited the. Resell-6;i of Water sap., • plyg..in the city With a well tittered pure meta ibund.itice fur the wan:4 of the:Ciii .zenk Tiikeit all in Si.•LoniS iv - a • Oval foT!any of - one Easteln : 114 private residence"-, storei.,;.and plates of pcblie resort and{ busin6ss; are got-up with a view of -arelt itect nal 4anty, combined •riciat emiven;enee . anal duratiility; the s.reets'at.e wide atth yell . paved. llrciad way.- exh; - as *.rn ach . he •farnafut is its namesake in the Enipire city, in itr magnificent display of inerehan- - . 1 -1 disd and fa . the!faAicanchlein i s gaily tired .prornenaders of all agee'and'e: rcii Ins:an MI O i n ilicll7lll,. - 1 was: hono-ed liy a grand soirN, at ;the Hotel, given for .my special en tertainmetil. About tifiy couple wore, in 4- tenotance the mus;c and dancing exhilarating ' and',encharitina, in,ontuch that-my.. .octogilia - , -: I- ° . Ilan Hints.. carved an active participation, when I - con:emplattcd in !be mazes, the har ano4ious iinternaincl;ngor ., silver lo... 1:, and ci glossy 44. , - 1 . ~ ~.,,.. -s. , . , The r Inainder.of the week was:fully own , pied: in. ivisics- and excursions, Went to 1 Kirilwoolltallevi' locai ;on 'nn the Pacific H. R. 14 mili , s Irotri- the city; tlii, .is: destined ' to b'ecomfl.tt place of notoriety, being at' ihe 4ighilt, clvation Ai , stlnnuit. This 11.11.. com i pan)! built their. own ,Engines aitdca" ra,whieh lor.elcganfe and .- conafort-.euual. the.best I hay,t. '.' seen,pn my teave .. l3. , , i . ~: S4nday 121st J a:tended the dedication' of a new.chureh, built ,by the ',first Presbyterian Cowega,tion., .It, is in' gothic style, and 'tilt 1 SIIQ,OOO imcluAive of the,site. ft is an ora ameht Mid honor ,to, thu e:ty. Rev. Dock Bullard* formerly of. New Yorlf. is the p.a.:- ... 1 ..,..... ;,..,:--. ~ . ...ii.„:.... ~_ _ tor. 1_ .errnou by _poet_ eman. qt. 4 rpy i .N. y. frxiiii. Il4;ah 500 13th. .A,. Enure appim priateund interesting diseont - selre_ver heard; it. wis at;entivcly lis:ened to ky, au iminea s e cln!gregatl4 , n,:- After i tlais .seryipeAhe very implis.i4iy ceremony ,:of itepositing. the. re am f r' T , ... mev. SamuelGiild ings,• , , a - former ' i i i )- AtiqVrill.-4,be Nl l 9li. be n e al.4l4e:Pßlpi4 -Mr , G Was the first, presbyteriart clergyman in Illinois or iMissouri. - r - .lSlimday t/ '224, f_dcimmetwed my tome . lard trip kr Si 4Y. `orAilori; Oitiengii l 'Clivelatid itadiClunit*k; Mt the 'N. Yfleblit it .R.'6) 0 :r*44'Brid, 'where !_ airived 'od'llii*iiii tiiiireOgjilf tki l Oook*irtig iiiade - iii 'fah riri,e . :ii othifr3s9o inilet4tit theiktit linieOrifirrtY chij ti.l - :ll . 4hingmf , ip; t clat hi:Le:rest td*ite of in'y'PisollP - 4': . '.Thei eelitilictii*l ii&i . )ili: . inodait * otoo -, 4ififitii;. ten4imitiiii-iiiaistiOs and condnet of 'al agent :i and °Gusts with j - 1 1211 I=2 CMS. ,whatn. I have had to do; merit my sineete re spect: To conclude,- I - futV,e_ the' variiii to im , belie that, f o ra rnan eighiy ,yeara of ag,e, m3,t performatice .is Unparalleled. • • ' Yours,:: -•: - • gr.tenta M. bullard was atnant the list of k7letl , la the rceent . i3 astroptie da the 7PtiClfie Railroad. the Valley rise- I helefty tneitintaiiiii*likitSwk ... 14..... ~ eriogabove peak, tevealinghere4Ml bee ii:tre, 4 /iII:Ige nestling 'itmOng - griiveraf --AiitT ;-liei ry'and, fig'imetcloid in:OtheeTtaraiio?'prie t.eitting Orli: barren deelivitiea'ami bagle.-ikieN. 'eeOf - rtitligh'grii - roek4: 'We . - Oftetiiilt iiiiiii .41' - ' , ---1 , . , . 4- , c i rs terrace in' the early m maw oritt - the 1 -boi,t;of siniset;litidtaze w 4 eieif,,:t.:4ll-de_ light upon' thi , 'groilea . Of- tids'rettifiendotis ; n?cinntain scenery.. '..lt *Ovid -"het ple4:ariC.i, I iinger here a - while,' big' time: willnot all4vt 'tier:' PP-71'174i int O -th.. lioneit - li t anrftliiiiiiiih to -the e _feo,)l door, *4_ thil'i t ge n fi j i l 6 o : l l a l.44 . • ' Mr. LinANON, SVpt:_ 10, 18 - L5. - !Myr 's . .bort the - dista - 0 - e'Sirit - tetin ilitittaittii• • Dear Father and MoOer—On •the 28thr i of ISt/Maw' tk . the'ridicht6sYinlci a dirik shiefi June last I received letters from you jest as i gad. This yard, Which , he.-p&p - ledigniqr, I had written you a Jong-epistle.of eighteen , by the name of ""the 'mitt," -Citaltaink'.itnria pages, and now again am I gladdenedwith ten square P 641; iit'sritlei:"nll4lsilitiltiti.-stilit• tidings from home.; t A. few days ago re-' - Irf by howes. No- le.• thud thirteitti trouseS ceived letters from S. and also frau - , Mr R. front this yard, And here Ire th l s Sting Space' and Mr. ll.' AO have herettifore - comp in- may be` seen any evening a- ruenageri of clO: ed some that ;on did"not write often enough, mestic animals it/chili I' have never'Sren ex yon may conclude that ic is . your turn to eeiled any Where; Ind excepting - 16 - 44tuln's complain:now, and that it becomes "r 4 to celebrared "Rapp:l"! Ftimily." The-re7--eFe make Some apology for my 'long silence'. 1 eleven sheep, lhree -- ceivis t two dookeys:''fif douot write as much . as I expected te.this teen hens and several eatA, and `a -11 0:1 - -1 hive summer. The truth is, that, after devotin g been here I ba‘;e"adOe44-' inc bbrge: l- 71iii,e the-first six or eiht hOurs of the day to hard all live together in pet r&e - tildriiiiin - s-utt4 E.,, -- 1i , - p study in Arabie,! I feel quite exhaestcd find oilier -and wiztt - the men, omen 'and 'CA.' unfit to write or think , or 'do any thing m • drer. - Pickine.oerwsv trough . i hiiin'e - eg' • 1 1 than indulge in some easy reading or to sin , leg group, we will pa.ercero •s one Ornirot 1 with K. and play! upon th e melodeon. O he court to our otber havge;:s 'Do iiofl'i - S-- / stroll out into softie q of the - vineyard pre' us of -xtravagance bdeauS . i. lie -lii't _'h• . I it.; - 4 ' ;be4'''''ii r ": mountam glens mound u . A "few week - wo houses. The On e I • % e .. e!*( 1 ! , , .. ‘ 8 t'' _,: , ~,: '1 , ago however I wrete a somewhat loeg . Fi.e- bed-refill' :Ind - study: - I_ tilli now - gp' fu g "- ter to H. J. which you wilt - probably read, show you.our parlor.'r - Tbis hotri'll'vz;l- and thus tt will answer the same purpose as sitrilar-to the citlier t -bel kbhilt - of itt(irie - * l "f i ii though it had been directed to you., thick walli; mod floor . aek-ce illtig:liiirie.". ' In my • last I g ave you' :a description- of the &e.. this being ',he P i'aPing : - 4 1 e-. 131 'araV imposing edifice Which we oretfpiettin - Beiritt; ;cc; ur4.-among be Ara 4 s : ;? - r iheine"hiitait''''-- but methinks if you could look upon u.: now Rut we will not stop - to- study the, is . ‘ Militiet - you ,would .wonder.what great reverse °riot , tire: iVe first passliztovugh . ;:i4t,a,T4i)k-W , , , ~. went, one end of which th/.!4l*4o.*:ifi' tune could have producen so . Marked a change :n our external elf evil:stance's. He, ewe sit sleelling "robin, - and, in' ti s ie 641:4 - : - .4farbrit . 4? writing together! at our little ta_b'e :in 0111 . .built_ a ~ It..c :t iVT:2"' 10,0, ,1:41 . k.. :43 . ii 3 0 ,„ ; i humble mountain Cottage. The house has uP -'.-n o or tnree a l' 6 e'retve''•-• ‘lelit . 41 'ail 41 . 1 'i'ei' but one room, and is about, fifteen feet sqeare here he contrives :o do alivOr itiokihg.' 11l and ten high. ' The walls, which incline :1 - , Oven is an iron` L'eztle. ''' 130663 the'llii ti: .i-i Part in one direc'ftion and i part in another, cote:lining the 'loaf 'irttothekiktle,'in:2le;-it beine, no whereliNact! v , pervendieular, are tile benc:lth, putc- a `few enala . ;:iin 'i.hi:- - e..kAlt-', - - . ~ plaster e d with a. th7ek mai of mud.and rho- above. and ilure bakes tr-beautifutbrea t t lin - J roughly .whitewashed.. Tnese .Wall- are. of Cat i= as e..n be found in all. Lieiii - 4:`,, ....rhe . la'... SiOne, and" are three f et in t hick twee ; / thi., joieing - v.oorn; :IS I have atiratfyilitfidattta t ';',4 great thickness .bring neee- , -ry hit or.(1(1. AD . our parlor.- h- , .qtsvvr - s al I) for'ill timing Lou... support the immense weight of I he,roof. Tle' "'ad vnrinti" ° l her I ) arfioBe. ; - I The-fiegir 18 . 66 - roof is made in 'this nwrift.r : Several 'a, g.. t a rl'e; ed•' but - it: 18 )ve r r Pt° v . drd with off;`: . inthewn timbers 'are laid horiiontall v across meal': . 041 - ; ne . Sitle oche rOO'il. - is a Yeez, - •e, - ' from one wall -tO another ; above the e *Mt sP r e'ab l e . ' 471 t ii. n : lrr'd shY our k'941311.14''"(13 laid A deposit of sticks and brush,- above tile 'l2 S,:teit. .0t: ;he li)!Ilio7 7 :e side of the•roo - ti: sticks a deposit lot` s;thies,".'nil above the is 'a rough bench, which• itv'eoutieernu'With .s;Oties a heavy . layer of earth. The surface, aead-y - boxes "eont:,:iniog flour, - .salt, antr'ciih: after havine 'been 'rolled with a ponderous 'r 1 )10 v 14008 1 furnishes amPle sitt l a 6 'ettoni' stone roller, becomes neLrly impervious- to fur The - accoinmodation of visitors. :- :- . 0'0 . 1- rain. In the winter, however, the se 1 , 0 e.., 'cupboard stands in - the comer-neare s t` die . often leak. - The l l celling_ of our room; being I ,l ;ehene ind in- thelappesile co! iier, k its . the • melodeon, the geat 'object of. vionderj WiiiP . the under side oldie roof, Inez received a , jet '_black coating frOm the soot which fir many ; . ,,i et., a f 3 • is - coetp..e..4 the tow , 'A-- I 1 a d tb're il ia ' - .'` 1 ' - ' .. f ..- - 'the sem ;owl of :he furniture. in theyroolit. year's has been sufrered to colleet , upon it..--- For in the- wintti sea:en the people - at wa i s • we receive our visitors, and here too .we it-it , cook in the house, and having no eltinineV P"aYe , S in Aribic'eeerY miming, ciitidttell -. the smoke is allowed to e-cape through the -bY -Our .eacher„andShefe likew,se_ We bate door and crevice'r near the roof. .. We have public "Worshiii'e - very Sabbath. 'iti the 4N:2- nailed.• up, immediately under the - eejling; - of the house -we have a pleasanf4ar s tij . aii;io . . several yards'of white cotton cloth , which not Old in tilberry, tree shades:, the 'doer, lid near otily hides from v,ieii the sombre•hue of the .1 1 - are same fleitriShing' rose buShesi'g'eitjt l e stOnes and tirrhetl but also prevents the leose - vine`,- and' a kyr tobacco .pterits. • ror. the particles of dust from :falling .oil our heads— rent of our houies we pay 25 pias'Ori (41) a - - Our floor-is _worthy of notice. It is Made of month eacb:: : .betWtieti oar ~ two_rootpa• art play, and' is eceOred with a peculiar kind of 1'. 4-0 other aa : lall hii . ils . s,' which iviii - . 44 : i ont 141...: '''.' *red intel;. whit* is rendered very haid by be- hire' for the itecettithedailiai'ef'Sneb .. ce o ur . /mg rubbed and!polished With a stnouth roundtmssiecary, friends , al oceasumaPy mit ee -_ stone. The coating of mud is renewed and The,e houses are ciceupled'bi Krob'familieQ._ the polishing ptiocess repeated once or twice buti.we haye . enly to 'offer/them - a pialter4.l. - a tut:nth, by Whit h 'operation the ' fleas; and - cents) tt day'fOr'each hcinse, and they . at oneef . other insects ate d riven out and health 'and packluP'tbeir Nutt Stbeleofb i ankeis,laakets, cljaalibess (?) p r omoted.- . The unevenness pots and ketttes, - e'eo;d 4 il - I n ; : eitli ot a i i ri e .of t h e r r , 'of, thu tiot;r,.. i.s ) si;;mewhat remarkable. . It tfeighbotic and 1 tits ; Ust the AtiCitie*iti'iiiks j • - • - - ': ' • - . ...1. ~.. presents'a diversified surfitee of bill and dale, king'as ive please: ~4 g o me o i tie. tr uston ; ary . and seems to have been modeled - fi•OM. - . - the fatnilie's'have ;Went a 'Week - WA , dio' t a iiiiie, general asiieCt . Of the ..- erroutiding:COnntry. the:) , bring with thenii.Wi.Y.LOr;tbk4-infitlt4i74-- In most plde4sa.chair:wili stand Wi th out, be of bedding, .furniftire, Mats tf;;;;..." - and - live li: ing.held up.; it. other_ places-the readier3t "way 'AI.,. Sanie, style ni_ we din. - .We letcoelify al' for a persowsitting lo secirre.a firin iio-sition itti?'.own' fUrnit die ta'Belkit,. `bringing, Oul;.- -IS tO balance hiiilehair upon 'enn - leg. '''7,We sorb - article's is wefeabstifiiteli•-noceSsarifiir‘ have, bowever;"eovere.l the flo o r: with mats`' `ou r 'Ouener . " 'res . ' laenCel l iiii The litOn-niaini:f -' lih ' • ' W le give, on the whole, en L uirof Consideru - - We enjoy wit ,,- ,i.greit - kest . ..Oni prllnitlte plod,i • ble comfort, and inhabitiveoess .. to the room. *of lit. .cia Lelineon. , - floinantie, lin t:14„,,, pur house is prov i lded with two'door's,':lint ' _WC Wer e never in'ltC..t4tr4.liiilik-anti*,,igi; it never ino a'witulow. until we pat one in, happier thatiWe,hatOL ~,_` , .iiiiiiee."„'ie.'- ' ,4 .a une haVing . first dug a; hole through p - ,a,,,n4'1'0r here. Tile Wi)4l"-M'41)7.,.,.,;.,..=t4At1te,,:PUirc.- r this- ; ,' purpose : , . r 'l have also hung a 'v _P on water. Eon: the fonetaitc*Mting,ttieee;.h binges in ones& *tie doorfrainesrthe-doer can't - tell' : hew Mtiiiir • iT''. .-; tiiiiilic.--' • - - .• .' ',-:::..- • , :- . 414.,••• '-ek: - .=•-• -- ~, opening Outwards and the window-inwards. , I% e like the.:_peopla - to% '. ;, , - 4norant 1 These , Ure thei Only glass windows 'in - `thee and noCreitiarkahl l - ' NIV ii: - `'- -- 1 - - •; •; -,.., ‘i•-. - .eYII4Y,*- village. - -Our . furhitare - is' in keeping with :1614 eStremely socint a .., fritUdiy l .---T,119,,v. 1 the(appe,araneeof the room.. - Nife have three 'brought iislite - oiat ilpe-'4oiid grapes' i?; - chai r s, a table, a bedstead, (which 1 manufao, - ihn . "seitson .kin(ilre have been fully supp tee tured- with a sett ' 'end :ha m mer from Tough ever: since. We attract a good' deal of three boardS,) a trunk - a; . al - chesf,.a .Wash-Stand t 'and' when : we : , i ‘c.art:n4.t . t. ,th.o W 4 .. ) .1ne:P,n i 2 0, 1 4.!, four shelves for heOks. - The 'wash-Spina atid - i• -. .h - no:f ii;of )urn4Etviier l{ ,io79;o;!- •r'(`' l( 00. 3. • ...., . - _• . .-. . 1 -• ',4,. .-..- , q. .- :- - -f , t ; v-i•-e-,;:•.`? - - - - book ehelvea:,werp 'fronk. the ,sante matutfatto- loOk: there is, tht gtutke' Tim; trft,inuiy i .i . ,7 h biNi-i. 'ad 1 . 1 had- like: if - havefor- "' iii""itii' wica fqr Ilidr)P*l•4l ry, as. -the se .. E , or- ... ey. use ,a .. 4.1..11, 1 1 1 , ,4974 . , k, . gotten the match - bOz , audsevowb,y;nitte Ina- :4,tbe Arabic, as tiloy„,.o l alE-,*.fpiMlTlk - ing glitss:l . -1'", ! . - .''''..' ' - - :- ' Morahonorable !ilia., la Nartilo-latat t li q .. . Ilavidg now toad 'an eXaminatiOn ref our wa•fiad here aff at , l49oPl4,:zii i p : p.7,,a „sum-, interior arrangeolents, j us t,steg o u t ofl'our eient y o riety . ., Our ill!it.r,r 3 „ F o,, s t 9 r oaT ,,. . -batelg door, throu g h ! th e open window, On to bjo u ght 61:38 Iteintet'Amt.,-lierts, WO: Obtain ~ _ ---, • , --- , ..--, - .i.•,.....,,,,• , ..„-- ..., >; 4 0:, 4 ...„,,... , thalittlaserracit that projects from the west egg_ehickerits,ipillt . .-,n,0 - 11g1t i .4*F . ,,i0.140r1- sidelof'thirboule:' Herey f ou 'find YOUrielf' ter 'potatoes, sintsbia - , core beaus c:ltiunt -4Uliiibeinitiful' little .platforlt:i„inie 4 1 a feet !X 4 - ,0.... 1 . ) ±4"a!0,,t0fttRe . t..,,,tt1.,..,tikeriqs ,i, k 4.'; 6 a- , c4 ier4i ng • - : k e: 4o, p Icagib,it :t.bv i .9,9 1,141e"0:-.11lirillP4filFteT.11.,44,,I*30Mtf— btolteL-r Aroilil4 on the edge ° !' . . 16 , 18 1. ,...,"" ee .,-; - -.... 4 i1t k :t r i'1.k!V.11: 1. 44.1f,1Pti_.4' , .-r:,.... ''' - 'o l r t ki" 'IS a low wall of stone and - earth, tee-levet tp? . ! . 105 , 5iff,.. hay,,,faffaf, Am. ,, , k ,.. .. *op - which is covered withsweit floivers e t mpri e ojew4; night t - pavy-p0t,41 'dOtkrai . in qc t it'e T;10 (01 !,W,; (0 n e :1;::, -- .1..:- . -I. l° _l4 y,tltTiiii,r,-fr,l49xAtlkk. ',-- .• ;,,,,Im* -., :01 , *on`i't f .,401fig04 - 05 , ,-*tiskci9; l 444 . )10 ! ... juir.li4o(ic:f!...4#l.sl,,f:lt #9, '....' - t - ff. 14',/, .dskiiiksiPi '4lo `traill thirty 4 *-A O/l Ar *1: ,! 4 ‘4P-Yr"-t€_llltkY"-.-1. , '14 ttflutt4y", , . ..,,:' f er kO raia ; frui4Abe. Ikai tt iimi '" w - ".ib ,: el i ' Tttices;.lqtrit-f.'ll4ist;PM,!!l2sjl,ti4cOs.2 _.__., graiingf rgiiiilli*LitiWftir *iititzligceue - :Cesdii3o . frisol ' lei'. 1.4 - Aft_jtl44irt—lr t :,, deep valley hundreds of feet biloti: l `fif;kiiiia . large._ qualities , ' :wheat and &mitt:: : - -•-• - - • , „ Letter Syria. . topowhit, lector It' iri frOrn A- O:" to his ;amnia in 'this pine by Mt the . :third or font th of se les-slrearly.pnbl;Ph ed.—Edi. Mi== ===l BM - ,/ , ..-, - 3 , ;=.7„ '; , .-.,_..; - -,t-,:: :•-o - 15...:11-!,:x, :-.:' .'i' -, :ii. ' -.._ t::::i.',-..-.-- f =NE MEESE - FNMA MI 111 >• , ; 82111 1 ffgi CUBE ,_:~~~ *- OEN fill
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