11 Our parson is one of the kind who give the people the worth of their money, so he gets up pretty lextensive Sermons . fur such hot days. LaSt Sunday I sat till he got to llthlv, and. by that, time I was as dry as a contrib; 'tion-box 7 4!O I stepped out to get a drink at the pump.', ' The meeting-liouse is on the cor ner, and the horses were hitched along on both . sides. I As I went out, I saw something wagon foot among theln:lgs; most of them had their care back, and . were showing their teeth and Stamp,' ing in anything but a religious mood: .. When I got my fluid down I stopped to investigate the • disturhance among the horses,, and as I . knew lier#-Latin, sat..down on the steps to take notes. 11 : All outside the rails and birthing posts in aitiv4 gutter, each beating a tattoo with a qua mtette of iron hoofs, which lat first thought would be more profitable for * the blacksmithliand farrier, than for the owner; but as the Owners were - mostly rich, it was none of my business. The . little Black reached his head over to : the little Chestnut and whispered something; When the Chestnut' oved the meeting to be organized Ilyr calling the big Bay to the .. chair. This motion was -carried, and the chairman 1' - roceeded do state the object-Oftha meeting, as follows :,1 . • Fellow-hordes:—We have now - organized ourselves into a.. Convention for the purpose of4leaceabli discussing our grievances, in se cordan with the rep ublican character of our inalienable.! rights.. ,We are- bropght from our 'stables nd pastures, every Sunday, to be tied up here, upon a pavemeut of villainous boulders, eitposed to the. heat of a .mid-stnn tiler sun and the bites of merciless flies.— Many of usi have not a stitch of fly-net to our ', ..backs, andlill of us, have been more or less' . incapacitated from ,pretecting- ourselves bv ' 'having ourtoils clipped, to gratify an ttoseeni 7 ly fashion, Thich neither our masters nortnis tresses seem disposed to honor at this time, in their. otAvard continuations; Besides,', tir check-reins lire left hitched so tight that ire cannot bite a fly fromotir shoulders, or ease . e our aching 'ittscles a single minute. In view of these abu es,. + feel that our condition calls loudly for r , dress, and hope thim Convention will devise, °me - means of relief. The Blac k then nominated the 'Chestnut 4:s Secretary, i 'hich was agreed to: The ores 1 Color moved a Committee of three to pre. nt a platform for the consider; . ation of theineeting. Carried, and the Chair appointed the Cream, the Black' and the Roan said .committee.. While this committee was consulting to gether, the Chair called for an, expression of opinion froni: the , different' members of the ,1 , „ convention, sn a -requested ' . t nat each one bring in a resolution embodying 'his sentimems ; Ilercupon the following were °tiered : By the Pifaeon's Yellow Mare : Resolved, That the rnfi , -eiful man is nrreiful to his beast. ' Adopted. ' 1 7- By Old .;White : Resolved, _'That every horse shown be provi ded with a fly-net.— This was amended .by the Sorrel, so, as .to rtail, ' and OA said fly-net should . be *c6n ,:tructeci so as to protect the flanks and legs,' as, well as the back and oars,' and in this form the.resoliittOn was adopted. , . Ely the, Bpht:til Black : Resolved, That it is an abridgement: of Our own natural rights to 'curtail ni at one end and tie up the other, while the'flibs are suffered to suck our-blood. Carried With much unanimity. By the Back Pony: .Reso . lved, thaViliege flies bite. like 11-11 1 Objected to by the Pezieon's.Yillow Mare. (The Pony. had beep brought Up h: a livery' stable;Where his mor als had brill. sadly neglected.) The little Sorrel said!, the "Puny was right. The 4,14 - 1 Dun . thought the language was too strong for the•; ph ice, hu.tH would vote fur it any other thnel,l ,l. but Sunday. The big Gray moved to strike ou,t all after Resolved, and .insert-' that Ithesillies have a. faculty of caus ing the menlibers of this Convention, and our race - gener4ly, much pain and annoyance.' At this tle POny. fliirly kicked one leg over the shaft t and bit a splinter fr onithe He said : _ .1 Charman i the horse last np is an nld fogy ; I go i'or willing things by their right names. '.This - standing tied up here _in such 'weather bt uan. outrage, which - no Christian horse should 'endurel. Master is in there on .his soft cull, hions. hearing, aboUt Shadrall, the frieryfurnace that 'did not burn , while - we stand here in a fiery "does nearly take the hair off,and '- by flies to -boot! I protest them a wh i fuimace tha, are tormen, sutistitute, and previous question on mt resolu- against Du call for the Thl4 . wa I seconded by the Bwbtail Black, Little Sorte' and Dapple Gray; and the res olution w.ss - carried a large majority. • The Cream announced that the Cory,,mittee• on a PlatfOrm was ready to report, and pre sented thelfollowing .1.4. Since horses are deprived of their natural defences, they should. - be effectually secuted,against Se. z, while confined in file harness. l l 2d. No good Chnstian.will leave his horse tied in the sun, Upon paving-.tunes, when there is . shade and soft grotind within fifty rods. I .1 3d. No i ity lout' should harness his hor'se o ride .half a mile to church, because his wife's pettilcoats are so long that she cannot keep themllout of the dirt. 4th. The man who keeps a check-rein hitch li ed up, ,171' le the horse is milting by the house, oug it to go to the place weread of. sth. Th provisions of the Golden Rule should be onstrued so as to apply to horses a`s well as en. I . . This Oa form was- adopted by 'a unani mous neig , and the, Secretary was ordered to furnish ,eopFtid every horse congregation ,c., 'n the city ,for ratition, with a request that he subje I be upon next' Sunday. Just th n the peple began to come out of the church. The little black tossed his head' ik •uid gave he Chmtut, a wicked leer. The 'ellow M re*hint icd f r her colt, the Pony 4iamped• is bit sulkily, but all were SO glad o get m i re& that they moved of at the word, :nd I goes this convention. like many others, • ill end o,;ly in tal . However, if no reform s effected 'n a shor time, I shall look for fur , .., ...• • ..I' , ii SCIOTA. t..., PATERT ' PETTIC6AT LIFTS:R.—IIe latest novelty in ladies' d i ressis now b e ing exhibit ed at . the. :rystal Palace in New York; in the **shape of apatent' Pettiwat Lifter. It is. thus . dese bed : There are thur pullies . at ,. melted to the. waist, underneath the dress, o'er whit i; are rove liiiall curds, the end.; of Which are rattaehed, with diaper' pins, several lyc to the ait„rear, and ,sidt of the skirt, at. abort the height of the knee. The. other ends term nate in loops which are ,led into. , the pockets on either side. If a lady wishes to to u pstairs, she pulls loop N0..1, in the right pochet,and instantly the dress rises in i scest front, like the dropeurtain in a theatre, so that the' is'inade with perfect grace. N0.,2 in ,the le ft hand : pocket, elevatca tbc rear in a I , ke manner,- and all pulled at once, lifts the shirt knee ; high •, ' , . nessyr t 1 ogrA4vietbsirnm tare Western Plains say I passing t that the us Inditius -are againgathering in great as force end ,k.agsr foci battle. - Yor. t‘r - -.--. 1 ... - - - -. ~- --- . .- - . -- I: .. i. diuWoirthe dit ....:, ~ • Scortheyi in ihiti l- ". DOCior,r gives a c ations_ chapter upon 1 cats , of his - acquaintance--a chapter in ! w14.-ir hunter and natural history . are agreeably!. niingled -,together.. nu - . wig evidently: chose obserVer of the habits poor puss, MO took - much delight in" i the t whims,: frolic-410nd peculiarities ot his favors ites. • ProOfs of the domestication and strong attachmenti of ithe cat might -he adduced ad nauseam.lll l -story - of iM. &mini - and his favorite cat m, y be .be recoilected as a 01 • 51 1 en point : . 1 "This animal," he writes, "vas tny . princi-; pal amusement for several yeare: how viv-,, idly was the eXpreAsion of her attachment de-, picted . upon tier countenance! i how - man y times haveh6e tender caresses trad e me for. get ,my troithles, - and consoled me in my rnis fortuneS!.. IMy beautifulandinteresting corn: - panionaf leng,tla perished i- - after several days of sufferitdr, during:Which - I never furrok her, her, e- es, coustaritly.fixed on me, were at lengths . t ! tinguishad, and her loss.has rent. I my heart Witt grief.",.. . • Among the admirers of the sleek-and gen tle cat maybe tileptiOtied Mohanimed, Itous:: sestu i f etraeh, Johni , ,rat, Cowper, and we know 'not hoWiniiity otter. iilustrioustiaines. Mad ame Helvetius lad a 'favorite art, which, at. the death of her mistress, wandered about her chareber, nt wing most piteously ; and after the bt,dy w s consigned to the grave, it was found strete led:upon the tomb. lifeless, having lexrired runt excess of grief. The Earl of I Soitthatt pion--compailion of Essex in the flital linsur eetiolt-.--having been confin t-d so - mei time in he l'otver, was:one day . kur pris'ed". by 4 viAd frOtn'. his pet Oat, which is said to have ren:het its masted hy descend ing theimney 'of his'apartment. - - 'rite lulukving xietidi)te of comtitied attach nent and sagacity, rivals any thing that has been told Ot .hu dog, and plaet# pour pussy _ in a mOch nore - favorable light !thait current opinion! iwoild allow i In thtjistitittner• of • - -- II"71--- , . 1800. aTiltYsitcian of Lyons was l t repested to . . , inquirei Mu) a' muider'that had been commit ted on it *Jinlati of that city. lie according ly went • to , the residence of ,tlat deceased, where he foutal her extended fireless on. the floor,.Welftting in her blood. 4 large white eat wa4 inutited. on the cornice of the cup board, at the further . 'end of the apartment, where i•he t eemed to have taken 'refuge. Ile sA, motionless, wish - his - eyes fixed on - the corpsc,andi his attitude andlooks expressed 'horror land atiriobt: The follAWing morning .1 - 0 • i I the animal was totind inptecisely the-same . state; ditdwhen•the - room • Was filled with the j officers of Ostice, he still remained, apparent ly, tranSfixeil to' the spot.' 4s soon, howev er;as the suspected parties were brought in, ' 'his eyes glitred with increased fury:.his hair bristled, and he darted precipitately from,the room. The . . e otiiitenances of the assassins were disc( n,'-erted, and they' now, for the.first time dui•ing the Whole course of the horrid transaction,yelt theiratrocious andaCity for , sake them.' 1 t WC tmigllt instance cases in which the-rea soning. pro p • . ss, was'evidently exhibited: but i let the 10114 wing, related by Dr._Sniellie, in' whieh,ing4ity orperforinance was teombin with-sagaCiq-, suffice: . . • , , "A cat frequented a closet,: the: . door of which was rastuedi by a eommoh iron latch; a witidoW as :situated near theldoort when the; duu'r was dim the cat gave herself no un easiness, foil so ste4 as she wasltired . , of her ~ • i , MI ti 1)e P) 0/ ',, - slip mounted- on the MI, of the 'window. all 1.i . " it h. her paws deiterotisly lift; l i ed the latch and Came - mit. - This practice she. continued l for! years." • Many "instances of the kind tare. on recordi and We personally know of 04, in whieh- a eat, having been neg lected. at the rermlar dinUer hoar, which was L • • r , usually acepmpanicd by time ringing of a bell, I 'would agitdte the bell wire. 'The sagacity of the feline - rim is-sirs clearly evinced in the:fel- ioviing anecdote, i:liat we cannot help repeat ing it!., l: t' ' ' • 4 - Mr.' TiWeicafin, thef , amous Saxon dent lst, had a ro t ►luabld tortoiSe-shelluat, that. for days di Dialling but mban. Guessing the cause, he !Joked, into its Itnoutb, and seeing a devayed tojoh, stain relieved it of itN pain.— The tollowmg day there were at least ten cats at Ins iloor—the dayi after, twenty ; and they went' lon increasinglet such a rate that he was:Obliged to - keep . trt ' bull-dog to drive them away!.; But noth4r Would help them. A eat, that Thad " the toiithaehe would cs - cae any ni4b t• of miles it t o him. . It- would 'come dew!! .the Chiinney;leren, and not leave the room till he 'had tak)lti its torahout.. .It grew ouchla pis/men at ']List, that he was nev er free ' ft-(itn one• Of these feline patients.— IloWeyer, itieing one mOrning very nervous, :he aceidenlally;broke the% jaw of 'an ()Id tab by. The uewsi of this ,spread like wild-fire. Not a .single. cat ever came : to him -after wards.- ". • L . - MI.RAGEI aN VIE LASES.—Thii curious.at- 4 [ inosphericl phenomenon i was witnessed by I t many of onr.eitzens tint; mot fling soon after 1 sunrise: be lake was seemingly lifted up so a.,tu be :Ploinly visible; ;MI the intervening ; spat.oi, in4luding the House of Refuge, Lake I Vices, aedwere entirelY . 'OA. ,si A i,t, o f. Th u strects•rurrting north appeared to ascend to wiiras the ;shore and t,4rininate . d in the wat: r. i • • nut overinall a mile diStant.':. This curious spectacle:l4,ms witnessediby Many citizeits, es ttecilly in the western part of ;he city, where the vieWl lwas uninterrupted bY intervening. building:l. I .- . " [ • ~ [ In sonic parts of the ivorld.mirage is very [ commOn,[!tuthnot in our locality. It is account ed fur' pllos.cphieslly this : pay : the rays of I ight . prite.ding from- t he sd dace are refracted down war: ; by meeting.slraia of attnosphere of a differen density, and t.us• present to the • eye of the speCtator 'object:l, that in a normal state, won't be hidden 'by] intervening high-. lands or Iv the earth's spite icily. Manysu peptitiorif, sued :IS". The F ying Dutchman'," ae., are tije result of this phenomenon. . . ' , .I?ockister Union. I'---- . • AN s- -.7 1 } :1 ie editor of the American estimates that one physician !1.4.f0r. every i 700 in4bitatits. This i e over ?o,ocKp in the nation. It is , ?that the average life of . a physician et thirty- yearA after he enters his . ...Hence it Gdow; liy computation, li'ab te by death alone, is - one thousand ,a year. . But stoic are lost by buisness than by death ; and this i . be estitnated without exaggeration $' I.We have, then, an actual, loss of ii,C:ans annually, which must be made i . n, the increase of pOpitlat ion in the, :ites is about 700,000 it-year, which an increase of 1000 pbysiciatis to tTlierq are,-.111,;r,-1, ire; - at re -11 ent v-(ltreelt,lndre,l new physichnis iteattates yearly.:; To meet this, :lilly 1.400 graduates from the schools, It 3004 . oreigners, In4ing iii all 1700, g an actual deficieney . 46oo a year, plied 4 . ,iiregular practitioners. . Porsze Medici! t is: require would probsyle . is not oV.. professioi' that the physicist! change ti loss 'nigh; at 3.000, 4000 phy up. • 'lig United it requir,, supply_ • quired t it, the I;i' welave 1 and allow i i and leari to be su ,1 NDON' PO STOFFICE.7- corpesporni tnam'i Noiyhly says that it; a pod.- shnien, i,he office its London is the le world. The Postmaster donerat tail are at. the head' of- an army Of 400 THE ent of p t l al establii fie 4 in Li and -his: over 20,1 eentratio i • 1 rrsons ; and sueh is t.te -con k or ItilNinesA, that in tills office is ihout one fourth o r the postal buil se kingdos 4 Tice namher of letters ,brough it io a par, i 4 Oche times as I the number passing through New 1 ,1 nearly as: great as; thee entire num, perfor . koer in the .thaiteti States.. 'the tainhei of letters reeekved for delivery in London, in . the year' 11454, was 103,377,729., sad the number sent' out, 95,635,106. This gives tuts! .of !ove r r 200,000,000 letter* in,h single , year. Ili average , weight of the evening .mail is fiurrOen tuns. BUSINESS CARDS. T. It Orchard, X. D.. 77 YRYSICIAN AND SURGEON, Joeicsoni &ague henna county, Pa. Residence at the Poistoffice. Hall it Lamb, fIABINET MAKERS, hare recently opened a ware- Ili room in New Milford, Pa., and wfli keep con stantly on hand,all kinds of Cabinet-ware ; ale° Ready made Collins. i,Funerals attended with or' without a hearse. Wareiroorn neatly .oppoltite .1. Biekerman's Store. - • • New Milford ; Stay 13, 1935. • A. tt E. Bald** 1 ,r A ATF AOr RERS OF SAOPLES, ITARNFM, £.I Trunks, Whips, /te.; in the -pasement Of Searle's. Rotel, Montrose, Pa. _ ;. C. IL thnunoris, - DOOT ANIY ; SMOE MAKER. shop first door east or Odd Vlloßa'.liall , Turnpi4 at., Nordrose. . . RW. ,Singleto# . • .1 ( - lAN now hi found at his new Stand on Owego st. V two door west of Searle's Motel, where he cf feetually repairs with. dispatelt, , ;Watchem Clock; Jewelry, Guns.) and every description of Machinery. Wheel cutting ; Gun and Watch irnatcilials ! supplied . to., the trade. I- - : ' I. •i Dr. IL Smithi, , SURGEON DENTIST, MOntrmie, Pa., 'at' Searle's 0 Hotel, Mottdays and Tue: , days of cneh week. lenry S. Knapp, ONTROSt, PA.. with ;Roo, Wood rtilr 4' Car. L ter, 'Wholesale Gmeers; and etimmitt,sion Mer clants, No. np Washington street,. between Conrt tut& and Day !streets, Ncio pork. Caleb Weeks. ADDLE, HARSESS:tRCNX MAICF.II; and Car: 1.71 tinge Trinimer. Alen at his dwelling house', early opposite Henry Drinker's. Montrose, Pa. . • „ • Miller & Fowler, -4 TTORNEtS AND CO U NSELLORS AT LAW, lA, and Solicitors in Clutn*y. . Office No. 44 Clat•kg s*ct, Chiraga. 111. , PacifiC Rotel, IMENWIfiI STREET; (near Broadwiy,) New '.jr York. Salisbury S Co., Proprietors: • Jo the vicinity of the principal dtearphortt landings.: ; . Vhomas • Ingstrum. TAEALER T DRY GOOBS, Groceries, I ,Clothingr, JLI Crcckeryi Boots and Shoes, &c., Sasirsrekamsa Depot, Pa. ; Bentley , • Fitch, 1 , - AL TTORNEYS AT LAW, ..t . ND 130DN'TY LAND AGENTS,Minitrarse, 'S.DENTLEY. John GrOves.• VASHIONAIILE TAILOR. Shop utalei Searle 's L' Hotel, Rattle street, Afelitrose, Pe. • • A D. D. Hindi; i . IVERY , AND EXCHANGE srAntk. !Office in 11 in the rent' of Wilson's store, Montratoi Pa. . 'J. Colsten, - ! • DEALER Ib STOVES, Tin, Copper, and Sheet 11 Iron WarC,. Lodrrarillel 1 near Great Bend Depot. December 4 • • . .. r • t r . - L. P. Hinds, ATTORNEY AT LAW, :Fuariudianna, ila.DiEce! on Maine street, one door least of Lenlieim's.. : az , ....______,,,_ . Frier- ek Case, I 1 A TTORNEYS AND CDITN.4.ELLORB AT LAW .t_IL Office on Turnpike stre .t., one: tiooi• East o Pot's Store, ifontrosr, Prt.l I : i Albert Chsimberlin, A TTORNET AT LAW and ustice of the Peace ;1 4: 7 1. over I. L. Post A; Co'sjAo e„lfontrose. -- i . , . Win. H. Setsup,. , • i . TTORNEY AT LAW : NE COMMISSIONER of IT DREp.S..fBr the State nf Is, ew York', will attend; to all business 'entrusted to Mini with promptness and fidtlity. . Oflicl on Public &mar, occupied by Hon ~1 . . Wm. Jessup. Abel Turrell, DEALER IN DRUGS, MEDICINT.ti, 'Chemicals; Paints, Oils, Dye-spas, Groceries, Pry Goodsi; Hardware, Suineware, Glassware, Clocks,,Watclies, Jewelry, Silver Spoo:Is, Spectacles, Mnsicid Instru ments, Trusse4; Surwleal Instruments, Lignors, Per fumery, Mirrors, Stationery, Brushes, Shwa, 'Yankee Notions, &c. . •.! B. R. Lyons it Co., AXTDOLE.SALE At.D ItFTAII; DEA VRS Y Dry Gwis, Groceries, Salt, Flour, find Hard rare, Laneatoro, Pa. . , . , . F. B. Chandler, 1 _ DE. ar tlift . f,Z i IIRY GOODS, Ready Mad Clothing, k. Stationery, eta., Public Avenue,Atiinfrose Pa. , . 1 . , ?, 'll'atriCk & Diniock., - i - PLIYSICIAINF., AND SURGEONS. -. O ice No. 4 Owego erect, ..1/ontroar, Pa. - . L L. Post & Co., DE.AtERSIN DRY GOODS, Groceries,"Cmckery i .11 - ardwai-e, Leather, Flour, etc., eo-ner of Turn.- iiike street anti . Public Avenue, Montrose, Pa_.- . . . .-.. 1. J. Lyons & Son:, DALERS] IN DRY GOODS, Groceries, Erardviart..., . Crockett, Tinware, Groceries, Books, etc.; also, carry on the Book Biliditig business—Public Arentee, ifontroxf, 4 , I'a: i i Beatley & Read, IVA LERS: IN DRY GOODS, Drug'; 'f.tilieines, I Paint, Dili, Groceries, Illitrflware, Crockery, iron, Clocks, :Watches, Jevvelri, Silver Spoons, Per: crv, &c.-HFoot of Public Silver, ') • • Sayre, Bentley & Perkins, . • FANITAcTURERS OF AND DEAL:FRS IN ,all _AI kinds Of Castings, Stores, Agricultaral ments, sib. Office at Sarre's ,tore, Publie Avenue; Manufactory lit the Eagle Foundry, Foot of Cherry street, MontrOse, Pa. William & William H. Jesinii, A TTORN}YS AT LAW, 'Montrose, Pa. tice in i•Su..iluchanna, Bradford, Wiyne, Wye µling and Luierne counties. William W. Smith & Co., fiAßlltr,T; MAKERS. They keep constantly on lJ hand a 4rood u.ssofttnent of all kinds Of Cabinet Furniture, Shop and Ware Moms at the foot of Maine street, ~.ifc! n trose, Pa. : , ItOckwell, Winton & Co., i • TANUFADTUREES lind DEALERS in Straw Goods,' flats, caps, Furs, - Umbrellas', Pizra sots, Ribbons t ee. , cfe.;. N o: Courtlarnit street, York, (up stags.) 8.-B. ItOCKWKILL. J. IIoWARD. W. - M. C. Tyler, NTERESTED with I. L. RUNT, Importer I Dealer in' iardware and Cutlety, Carringe Springs, Lc., No. 215'j'earl strew, New York, where his Mer v.antile Mende, in this and other counties, are kindly invited, and earnestly solicited to call and Purchase. HE INDEPENDENT REPUBLICAN, TIICNIDAS IfOrtNNO, itT" 31ONTROillt, PA., A? $1,50 rta Jczictx. AnrAitcz. Hates of Advertising. One square (16 lines or less) one week, : - _50,50 Ow! squnre .'!, , " : ' two weeks, ' ' 075 One square [ ' ~ " 1 three weeks,; 1 00 One square 64,. one month, . 1,25 One square ;",, ' V' - two m0nth5,......2,25 One square ~ • three months, 3,00 One square 1 " - As months - , 1 - 500 , One square •! " , ' one year, ..,, 8,00 For two or . more Squares, inverted by the year, a deduction frOm the above prices is made. Yearly ad vertisers will have the privilege of altering or chang ing their adiertisements without additional charge. Business cards, not exceeding five lines, Inserted at $2,00 per annum.• • • .:Job Work. , This office is supplied with a good awm3rtutent of Jobbing maieriali, and all kinds of Job Work, such as Cards, Posters, Pamphlets, ke.; will be done neat. ly and promptly. • •-• COPARTIor.IERSHIP. TAE undersigned bay.. ada. day associated under the firm of Dickerman and Garnett, ror the 'Mr pose or tranSacting the mercantile business at the old stand ord. Dickerman jr. J. DICKERMAN Jr. A. GARNETT. New /DlA:rd. Jolly .10, 1855. • 'Cliiingeof ELAIV.itIiE, LACK:MANNA AND - RAILROAD. ON • , aid after Monday, May Ith, 1855, the Paiuiesger Train will depart than Seraritan - at 10.20 A.tw. ' Due at'Great Bend at 1:20 v. ..Pont nettingaritiribe Dunkirk Express West on the N. Y. & N. ' R.! R. • Passengers taking this train will arrive in Dunkirk at 11:15 r. x., and in New York at 11:15 er. Returadn_ Great Bend at .4 r. passe i ge due at Scranton at 645 P. U." - The }sleight Accommodation Train, with r car attached, will leave Scranton at 1 11. • due at Great Bend at 6 r. a., connecting with "the Mail Train Went, and the : Night Express- 'Train . East. yassengera taking this train and the Night &Press West, will arrive is Dunkirk at 12 m., or •by taking Mail Train West, will arrive at Dunkirk at 6:45 tr. m. Returning, will.leave Great Bend at 7 A. a. ori ar rival of Oineinnati Express East, : Due at Scrailon 12,10 r.j N. . • Passengers for Wilkesbarre, Pittron, Cat bondale, Philadelphia, (via the Catawissa, Williamsport4rd Erie anr ( Reading Railroad, via Tamaqua ,) and at on, and all intermediate places, will find first class stage coaches in readiness at Scranton, on the arrival of the -Passenger and Accommodation Trains to vey theta to the above places. Those choosing vale conveyances will find the hest of horses andi riages of every description, at reasonable dm ready toi order, - - D. 11. POTTERER, Supetintinden Superintendent's Office. • Scranton, May 10, 1855.1 .1 4(}--1, 1 SEARLE'S 'COACHES .. LEAVE Montrose for D. L. k W. R. R. at 611, M. Express Freight Train to Scranton. 11 o'clo4.k A. M. for Mail Train to Great Bend. 3 P. M. for Express Freight to Great Bend, and To{ Scranton. Leave Depot for Montrose! arrival all the &Are trains at Station: For seats apply at Searle'A Hotel, Montrose; F August 29. I GOODS! GOODS ! Subscriber is receiving his Spring and Sem i mer stock of Gouda, 'comprising a great variety,. which. will b 6 sold as low as any in this market.— Plea.4e cidl and examine. . F. B. CHANDLER: . DAT* AND CAPS—A good assortment of the latest style. RE4 pY-JIADE CLOrllua—A good variety of Spring and Sommer Clotliing.of the latest c ttvi DRYIGOODS:—A general assortment through out. Also, D.R . ESS ogobs, consisting of Laivns, Biu-ego Delaince, French Delaines;. Persian Del, ine, -rrinted Lawns, Fancy Prints, Ladies' Worked ICol lays, Insertions, Edgings, Blitek Silk Mantillas, Thihet and Cashmere Shawls, Para Sols, Hosiery, Gloves, BOOrSAND Cloeks—a.large asSort went of !every description and style. AlSo, a great variety cif Fancy Articles; tankee Notions, tic: Croek#y, Hardware; and ;Groceries of all kinds.— Trunks, a good lot for sale:cheap. Books andlSta tionery—i-Wall Paper—also,illour of the best.qtr lity. Montrose, May 9, 1855. : F. B. CHANDLER. New Licit, of Mali Stugvi, FRO:3I. KIRKWOOD TO MONTROSE. f • Q GtS will leave Kirkwood, passing througliror bettS-vilK;, Liberty; &c., every morning afteri, the arrival of 'the MailTrains . of cars, both East and West; reaching{ Montrose at -1 P. -11. Returning, West; Montrosa daily (Sundays excepted) at 2 r. u., reacli ing Kirkivood in time to take the Mail trains. of 61!, both Eat and West, being tbe nearest and most fea sible route to reach the New York and Erie RailrOad. This line intersects a tri-weekly line fiir Dimack; Springville, Tunkhannock, Wyoming, and Willies barre, which leases MontroSe.at 7' a.. 31. every lon day, Wednesday and Friday: Also, a line to Fridads xille, Leinysville &c. Good 'teams and comfortable carriages: are 'provi ded, and the proptietors will spare no pains to ac commodate the public. - W. K. HATCH, I April 8, 1854. MORGAN & WEST. - NEW STORE—NEW GOODS. rI Subscriber takes this method of adiertising riE his l 'friends and the public generally, that 114 has fitte d up a store jest across the street from hiS old quartersi to Brooklyn, where.he• is prepared tb re ceive customers an i sell them goods at as low rates as any other_establishinent. in Susquehanna county. My assortment is very large indeed, embracing near ly everylarticle usually called for in a country st4re. - As I sm determined to do business so as to avoid "bad debts," which responsible credit purchaserS are taxed to; pay, I can oiler supe'rior'inclucements to!cash and otherwiseenOurr-rxma patrons: Call and see 0. G. HEIIPSTEAH. ; L t.. 4i Brooklyn, April 30, 1855 TILE subscriber. is in constant receipt of. Minds, in his line of business, nearly exerr week. The public will find his assortment No. land his articles new and of good qOality. The stock Icon sists alsmsual of Priio, Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye Stuffs; 'Groceries, Fancy Goods, Jetrelry, Pry-pone. ry, J. , _-. ! Store nt the lower end of'the burnt dr , driet. Monttose, June 6, 1855. A. TURREI;L. Prof. Charles Morriv i ng l removed Q his ottli s shop from Tillman,it. former BA Morris , the basement of Searle's Hotel, to the room in, same bltikling, in the rear/of the bar-room, is p ed to exercise his art: in the most scientific ma, on all who may be pleased to entrust their heir aces to :his hands. . Milk Pans of all sizes and made From double cross tin at less than Merchants 9 000' usualVasay to sell again, for sale by the Subscriber. We he come to the conclusion to sell pans tor FarL mers asir as we will to the trade, thereby saving to the . Farmer our profit. Our - wares are warranted to be perfect in every Particular or no sale. • Terms—Cash or short credit. 1 ,•J. DICKERMAN New Milford April 1. 1855. -. • Books, and Stationery. . T HAVE ,received a large addition to my stork of I Books and Stationerv, among which are: A Long Look Ahead, (Roe)- 7 li - olfert's Roost (Irving)•_-Dr. Spencers Sketches—Wonderful Adventures of Capt. Priest• The Slave Holder's Daughter—Life of] Sam Houstoii—Jane May—The May Flower (Harriet B. Stowe) Rag Bag, -(Willis,) &c. helsold chap. ; • •- F. B. CHANDLER. May 1.2, 1855 - ' • • NEW GOODS. WE receiving this week a lot of NOT Goo±d., just pureba4ed in the city, which renders our assortment complete,. and which we offer on- the Most favorable term*, it the new building, one door above th Post Office. ' • BENTLEY & READ. Montrose, February 8, 18:55. I 1. . , I ' CLERK WANTED. I A'ietive and intelligent young ma of about 17 yars of 'age, wanted as clerk in store. 1 - One wishing to acquire the business and disposed to make himself, useful, -.ill and good entouragement by ap plication shortly to 11. BURRITT. "New Milford, July 22, 1855 . , ; • . - Bonnets at Reduced Prlces4 . 1.1 BURRITT will sell his remaining stock of Silk, LI: fawn and Straw Bonnets, a good assortment, at redueed Prices to close the business.of the season; *any. of them at cost. • • New Milford, June 18th, 1855. J,5-. • I . FRESH ARRIVAL OP NEW ROODS. . Iv Ls d ta i l o i n rze p i T r e e duringpresent s the k o ri f re4Al i t u w i r 4 0; : ;g s e , which lull) render the assortment- complete, and to which we invite the attention oral! who wish to buy Goods 'eheap . - BENTLEY & READ. Montrose, June 28th, 1855. CIDER MILLS. lIICKQCK'S IMPROVED PORTABLE OLDER MILLS for Me: Inquire it the office of Bent ley & Fitch in Montrose,-or at the residence Of the subscriber, in Ararat, Susqu'a co, Pa. 36 4• , A. BUSHNELL. Flour and Stilt I By the load, barrel, / sack, or pound, by [August 1, 18551 F.N. CIIAWDIIER i . Sash and Blinds. cil • NIT ili a -Irb il . .. 4 1 3:1 3 i of carious f he; to order e be 1 hand - ! - - 1. LYONS & FpN. C. A: BALDWIN. WTIOLESALF. and retail dealer In Oil, Cariphint, : Fluidand gall lAmps, Giran4oLes, China and Flower Vases, Crockery, China, wail Glass I , Ware, Plated and Fancy Goods, also Camphpneand Fluid at the lowest cash prices, at 65 Dow fur, Never YORK CHM ! 36w4 Removed. C. D. Virgil Dentist has taken rooms oie Mu:idlers' store, where it will be his pleasure his friends as quick as possible. C. D. VIR May 2, 1855. - , Resident Denti, . , Paper liaugiuga. 5010 Rolls just aliened, anti some for 6 roll by ' Lyn?. . ==M New Goods A PENOSAIPED WORTII TWO ' 1 EARNED: • • . OWITigNBEMO0 WITigNBEMO tt SRO ., 'M ontrose , pa., take thist plebes:l of advising their old fiiends and customers arid the public"at large, - that they bare just received arid Opetied the largest, prettiest and cheap-- estitiock otMEADVMADE GLOVING ever, bro't to this plitc, which they offer at a small advance from cost, thereby offering purchasers the rare opportuni ty of obtaining goods at about two thirds the usual price. ! • Also a lar,ge as4rtnrent of Dry Goods, comprising for Ladies Wear, • new 'styles Brocade, Stripe, Plaid, Plain and changeable Silks, Delaines. Muslin, De Rage Berme delsdnes of new and elegant designs.. All the latest st7,les:cif Ladies Diem Goods, French- Lawms, Prints and IGinghimr. ;A handsome assortment of Dress Trimmings, Ensbrisided Sleeves, Collars Cuffs, etc. Jac6n o and Swiss Edgings and Insertings,Glovcs Nits, liedery, Veils and Parasols. • - , Their ase4rtment of Shawls is-very lyge, embracing every thing that i 4 rich and fashiOnabie both foreign and domestic. -.1 • . • -.17 ii,l 1.3 44 f.., - ni i 1 --,-. • i.', rs 4. - 1 1 -- i . i s RA oh' :-, ANEW and singularly successful-rentedy tor the] cure of ell Bilhons diseases—Costiveness, indi--1 gestion,...llundkat, Dropsy; Rhelmmtiam, Fevers, Ifte- ! -mons, Gout; Nervousness, Irritability, Inflammations,-, Headache Paini in the Breast, Side, Back and Limbs,' . _Female Complaints, &c. &c. Indeed, very few are-, the diseases in which &Purgative - Medicine is not., more-or less required, and much sicknesis and suffer...! ing might he; prevented, if sa harmless Init effectual cathartic were more freely used. No person can feel well while a costive haliit. of body prevails;:beiiid, : . it soon .generates serious and often .fatal diseases,., which,might.httve been avoided -by-the tiinelY,,:and udicions use of a good purgative. This is alike true.; of- Colds;.Feverish symptoms,.and Bilious derange ments.. They, all tend to become or produce the deep: seated and formidable . , distempers which load the hearses all over the land.. Bence a' reliable family physic is of the first importance to the public health;• and this Pill • has - been perfected with'conauinniate skill to meet that demand.- An extensive trial of 'its VirtueslaY Physicians, Profetasots, anti Patients, has shown results sat passing any thing hitherto known of any medicine.. Cures have been effected beymtd'be lief, Were they not substantiated by persons of such exalted positions and chi racter as to forbid the sus picion el'untruth. Among thl eminent gentlemen who have testified in favor of these Pills, we may 1 • mention!--.- 1 1 . t• / • Doct. A. A. liaves, Analytical Chemist.of Boston, and State Askayerof Massuchusetts; 11. J. GARDNF.II, Governor-of Massachusetts; :EMORY WASIIRORN;Bx. ! Gov. of Maseiachusettii; •Simiox Beau's, Lieut. Gov. of Mass. ; ! E.M. Wilton; Secretary of State of Mass. ; JOHN B. FIT*PATRICK, Cath Bishop of Bosten ; • Prof. JOON TORREY, of the College of Physicians and Sur geons, New York city; Dr. Q. T..Jacesos, Geologist of the Public- ands of' the United States; Dr. J. R. Cti I LTON, Practical Chemist of New York Cify;enclors= ed by lien. W. L. 3lsitev, Secretary of. State; Wm, B.- Aaron; the richest.man in Airrim; S. LE. ANi),&. co.; Proprietor S -of the Metrepolitan Hotel, and others. ; , • ! • Did spacti permit, we conk! give • many hundred certificates from all parts where the Pills have been used, bet, evidence even more convincing than the experio'nde of eminent public men, is found in' their ! • . effects upon' ti ial. 1 . These Pills, the result of !long . ievestigation . and study, are offered to the public as the hest and inost complete, which the Present,State of inedill science can afford. They are 'complaunded- not of the drugs tliernselves,.but:of the medi cinal virtues Only of Veg etable remedies extracted by chemical process in a State of purity, ma-combined together in such a man. raj,- as. to iesure the best resides. 'This/ system • cif 'tcfiniposition for medicines has been . found in Cherry Pectoral ! and Pills both, to produce a More efficient remedy than had hitherto been obtained by any pro cess. The reason is perfectly obviens.l • While by the old Mode of composition, every medicine `is bur -.felled with more orless Of acrimonious and injtiyious qualities, by this each individual virtue only -that is desired for: the curative effect is preient, All the in ert and olinoxions qualities of each- substance em ployed are left behind, the curative virtues only be ing retained. .hence it is 1 self evident the effects should proye as they have proved, more purely rein edial, and the pills a more Powerful antidote to dis ease than any other medicine known to the world. As it hi frequently expedient . that many medicines • . should be taken : under the 'counsel of - an • attending/ Pirirti" : PUMPS : physieitui,and as he could not properly judge of a LThe. Greiliodlipfirorenient of Me ...fge!—C. remedy without knowine• its t composition, I have sup- IL WRlianisl Doitble- Actin Ball Voice plied the, accurate forinu lm r by which both my Pecto - I Force mai Lift Pitnip.:— . ral and . I'o'6 are made, to the whole body of Preetie ioners in the United States. and British Aiserican, • t N. imProveniceit'above all other pumps or ma- Provinces: If, however,Aire' should be any one .A_ chinds for lifling,iliroWing, and carrying water; .whohias not received thern. Viey will be forwarded. combiithigi both a 'Punt!) and a Fire Engine.' •This • \ 1 by mail at his request.' Pomp, painted iii Febrine v, 185.1/i . 3 the whole of it Of all; the Patent Medicines that are • ofiered; how metallic. •:'.No bolter or :crews aticet it to rust, conse few would be taken if theircomposition was known ! quentlf it ! call last a man's life time. It eau be used Their life consists in. their MyStery. I hare no mys in every Variety tif fornican draw water from any Sind carr, ; y it tO any part of a building.- It teries. The composition of my preparations is laid situation, - open to all men, and all who: are competent to judge' is superior/ to all Other Primps for Distilleries, Paper on the subject freely acknow lge the r convictions of Mills, Tanneries, Brick Yards, Iron Works and Man:- theirintrinsie merits. The 'C herryP ctoral was pro ufacturin.•lestttblitilinients of ail kiwis. a won lerful medicine pounced hy.scientific men to 1.1 , , All ordeys musti be addressed to Annisc*: Blum ice, befo - re its effects were known. • Man) ' eminent Lodersvilk Pa.,rho hits the sole right -for Phy hannaSusque- :coigne. 1 1 sicians have declared the same thing fmy Pills, and ~ _ even more confidently, - and fare willin to certify that' their anticipations were more than r alized by their effects upon trial. They eperabi b their powerful influence on -the internal viscera to r urifv the blood arid stinellate it into healthy action -emove the oti, struct iotis of the stomach, Vowels, live •,' and other - or. gaps 01 Ole pqay, ri.75-on!log racer tc-...1,..' ...Aron iv health, anal by correcting Wherever t tey exist, such derangements as are the first origin' o disease. ) Prepaf-ed by Dr. J. C. AYER, Prateical and Ana-, lytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. Price 25 cents pey box. !Five boxes for sl,no.' , wild by AIIEi.TCRRELL, Montrose ; B. F. At R. 11. Eaves, Hat-ford; • Cuenca k. POINEY,, bender, and by all.dealers in 'ine.dieinei every where - Their Bonnet Departthent is large and complete, embracing }ho very hack styles, with_ Trimmings to match. An extensive assoltnicnt of bush linens, napkins toweling, table coi.ers, curtains &e. . We have also a,upply of Shirts, Gentlemen's Col lars, Suspenders, Gloves, Umbrellas and a good many other articles ton inumdrous to mention. For bar gains theiublic is respectfully invited to call at the cheap store 'of i 'WITTENBERG & BRO., earner of Ghestiuti& Owego Streets, four doors east of Post's- stipre. .n.. Ipri• {car• 1-"0 NEW GOODS. I BENI'LEY & READ' ARE now receiving their usual supply of SPRINT,' ANP S If: RIC 0 0 DS, which they oiler to their customers, rand thO public generally, 'on the most rec. xonable Ml's*. for ;Cash; Butter, Eggs, Grain, -Bees wax, or Oniapproved credit: • Montrost, May 1555. . 13 11 , 0 u , m tr irr ( s )T tu lt: r eK iiirse4 ' vn:iLeri of 4- 4 E r i k"apie Dry Goode justreCeived and for :414. - right by ; BENTLEY & READ. _ QUMMER Dc Lanes Lawns,! Challies, Ginghams, Merrimac and Cocheco Prints, - &c. &e. for sale by -• 1 ' BENTLEY & READ. I.3 O p N A N : , ‘ S .iIk R 4 Summa's Shawls, &c. &c. for Fale • .. I BENTLEYS - READ: OLK, Fur, 'Leghorn, Panama. Straw, anti Palm Bats, tJmtiicllhs, - ;.aichel+; Window Paper. &c. &c. i BENTLEY & READ. ' --i TT AR DivAnE, !Crockery, Patent Pails, Tubs, Put ty, Glass &c.: BENTLEY & READ. rißuGg, Medicines, Paints, Oils, RyCSillffS, and a 1/ genetal assortment of Patent Medicines, just in and for salt: by ,)! BENTLEY & READ.. • Q OLE and ,171.pe1• Leathcr, .Patent Kipit, Calf Skins,. A. 73 and a goctd supply. Of Boots and Shoes constant ly, on band: BENTLEY & READ. I I --- X t ACKEREL theibarrel or otie T half barrel—al -I`A. 'so, Codfish. & Reap.. • WATCHES and JEWELRY.—A frill assortn.ent of ;Gobi , and Sitter Lepiues and L'etatched '-Lovers, in double and single cases, Ladies' Pins, Ear Drops, Itiligs, Guard Cbailis, &c. &c. - Also, Silver Table, Teal Desert; SalCand Sugar Spoons, warranted pure, for sale by : . 13Exxl.:EY & REAM . STOVES - and TIN WARE,i, Clocks, Nails, Candles, Lamp' Oil, Caniptnite &(!. &e. Montrose May 1,'55; 'BENTLEY READ. 1 I AIM !READY.- - - STOVES AND TIN WARE FOR THE • PEOPLE. Ava oOPRUFFt. ELDRFD hive constantly on hand large. ac d well selected astortruent of tin ware; RM. , ' and Chain" for wells, pumps, - tern pumps, .Hydrauliti Rams, Japatmed v, n, lead pipes of al) sizes ke., kb. Job work - done with neat ness and despatel i i z all 10-ders proMptly attended to. S ,OVE.S.C;PIPR kept collst;antly on hand, a large assortment of stoves of the latift iroprpvo lAnd approved patterns. Our experience in thelbusiness enables us to select those that we can safely warrant to give entire satisfaction; Aniongst bur nuMeroni stock can be found the Paragon i . air qght i Star of the West, Elevated New World, i" Clinton, Atlas, • I I" * . Cultivator; Phoenix, 1 ii, Fire Fly, Three States, l" • Western Queen, , 4 t Globe, 1•- . 1" Premium. ' • P. .1.-irtionnurr. .1 . • 6. H. EI.I)REp hay .n in the par ncr, rl4 or • F utmrns UNION INSURANCE COMPANY, ATIWENS. DRADFOrin CAPITAL, $200,000. - Secured by Boni' 'and „Mortgage on the Rektl Estate of the;Stockholdeirt. Itisurasi against. loss liy Fire, of Houses, Stores, and other buildings, Good4Wares, and Merchandise, - on, as favontitle terms as any similar Institution: Losses promptly 'adjusted and ipaid. - Dtits.cydus.—llon. 11nrace Athens; Ft an cis Tyler, do. ; GiorAe A. - Perkins do. ; J. T. D. Meyer, do: ; C, N: Shipman, db. ;.C. F. Weller, Jr. do.; J. E. Canfield do, Ugn..Tolin Laporte, Towanda t.• Gen. I:. Wakeman, Laceyiiile Geo. 31. Ilollenback. Wiikes barre ; Michael Meyletit, Laporte, l's. OiTlCEiM—liim. Horace Williston, President; C. F. Wells„ jr.. V Pres'. and Treati. .T. E. Canfield, Secretary', I • • At 0.. S. PEEnt:l Montiose_ Pa. 44 1 .1 FACTS ;FOR THE PLOPLE. 'FAR subscriber is caming on •the (1.1/-4 Lb: HA K ING BUSINESS is all its vial - ions branches at the Chair and %%lure Shop in flarfard, where may be found a -greater variety of Windsor and Rocking Chairs than at saw other establifttnent in tht; cotinty; alio Flag and Cabe Se4ts, Burcaus,liedsteads, Loung es, Settees, 'rabies, Stands, rt.'t ~ all of. which will be sold at the lilwest Prices at retail, (or Wholesale, with shoi•t notice.) All work .warranted well made and of rood matbrial. ;Short credits - and small profits will be mi. mottt. For demonstration'. of the shove filets, please call, at my shop in Harford • A. W GREENWOOD. ; flarfbrii, October 12:, 1854. • • 1548m6 ,I: I • • FARMS. FOR SALE. • T" s ubscriber will act as agent for buying and sell ing Real Eiaate--Ll'arinS, Douses, and Lots--do eated iallusquebanna County, Pa. All who wish to offer their prolirty. for sale can give aminute Lion of tour Farms ori Lots as follows : Number of acres, bop man' impral'ed, and how r atered, ings, orchards, grafted or common .fruit ; other fruit; trees; anti the nearest; point to the : D. L. & R. R.' and N. Y. & E. IR. A. 62 fitriiis on the list; 43 unsold. 13y calling on- the subscriber. a minute description, price and terms-can be given ; Office on Turiipike St. 4 doors !sit of Main st, : - Montnise, August IN 1854. `l. BAPWIN. Dr, Baker's Celebrated ' Vegetable • 1 Coinpound, A sovereign remedy for Dysentery, Cholora Morbus, Cholera llnfantjnn or Summer complaints—entirely vegetable ; and has never failed in a single instance of producing the desired, effect. For -sale in bottles at 50 cents,and sl. BENTLEY & READ. Moptrbse, Aitgitat 22, 1855. New Goods . Cheap for Cash: at the Ifead of .Navigatiow, - T ! RE lunderSignedl- would respectfu ll y announca i that he s stiq Selling Goods at the. old_place l c and that; he ba4 an entire new stock of Goods'whieh he trill itell cheap. . , C. W..MOTT. ! B A . la GE DELAINS for one shilling; Lawns a$ caws, a tard wide, for one shining, and ea* mei at all ty pric es, at ;1855. , C. W. moTrs Montiose l M 30,1 IKrtenp Nnht Mart Erwin. Don't bel forgetful, friends, one and all— Aged or !youthful, great or email— (lf not too small,) Thst la Qdd Fdlows' Hell Is' that place to -call, :To get your aces done up tan; . I W. B. PEANS Itoutose, A i ttguA 15, 1835. - -- • ;tent Horse - Hakes ; -I Ithe Fanner's Exchange by • . LATUR . OP /4 -O. F. R. Ito see NIL. Pa OA halo at! F Jlt/1P t. per ON. • , i• - - . z r .• - v. 17)r4 , 7 •. ....: -, 0 i ; Nf-Xtl s k ._ ~ .. , ' ... / 4 , 4 -,-- ~ . . .... - Notice to the Public. vllNGjuitt,returned from New York I , wish.-to A _L call the attention of my old customers, and of the public in general, to my • • NEW STOCK OP GOODS, • • which hing bought with cash at the lo:weitt prices,. and wishing to sell priuciprdly for the, same, I will of fer theta at greatly reduced prices. Cochco Prints, warrants d! colors, for only S 'cents a yard. Good Browt Sugar, IS pomids forme 'dollar. Boonton Nai&, acknowledged by all to be the besuNail in use, $5,50 per keg. Hats and Caps, Boots and shoes, Buff:do Robes of 4all prices, all wool De Laines, Cashmeres, PaVamettas, Dress Silk, .Silk Velvet, So. Monslin De Baines; I - shilling per yard, Satin Bonnets and . Moleskin . Hats Bt•oche Shawls, Double Long shawls, Thibo. do., selling at inconceir . MI ably low: prices. 1 can safely - . warrant perfect sati4~ faction to all who, will giveirne a call. LOnethnro, Apr.'s, 1854. - S. A.•LYONS. LOOKS,'—good time keeper., only one dollar. • - S. A. LYONS. Lanc_iboro, 'Apr. 5. 1 - WiNTED-1000 tilds,. for which the tiebest • Mice will be itl.l S. A.. LYONS Lanesboro, Apr. ,5. H • • , • • (").013NT11y,„,-PRODUCF? taken -in •exchange for f G0nd... 4 -at my store. ..1 S. A.-LYONS. , • April 5. . 1 • . ►lYii CIE IT, TAI E• NOTICE . : • rrr subset ibers lutvin* secured the sole.rightto - .14.1175' A DJUSTABLI; CH URA .. . D liti47ls7?-11 - 0 - /ilicEß, fa i r Susquehanna and several adjoining comities, respectfully invite all Butter mak ers to examine and rues the ,merits of this new and valuable intention. We Propose to furnish eacliand . all of you with a CLIURN that will . produce as nincti cr ! ittle.r in as short b time! as any other churn—one that will ronTirte/y.r,:rp:/ Yhe lrnitrrmilk. wash 4nd .trork in' the salt, dijrnstnia it perfectly 1/ .. trough the butter.mul fit it for use, without removing it from. the churn. This Omni is sitnple in its construction, sci entific in its operatinu; and easily cleaned and kept in order, anal can /be 'easily :itttaciled . to any propelling. power. , , 1 1" 11532 ml For • flireol‘r particola , - Ft.iapply personally or by let ttir to .lAS. (.7.'I3I.SIINFiLL atttl..L N.IIII,ONSON Ararat; fint , guehanna comity,. Pa. . . • _ . PLOllif 'SHOP.' - ' •- ' NEW ESTABLISHMENT. • - ' • ii I AND -E. MOTT, vrOuld respectfullyinform the Ills iboldie that they are-nmnfacturing Blatchley's Celebrated Plows. They also keep constantly: on band, Side Bill, Wayne County, and Idea Ames, Cultiert6,l4, Dog* Churns Sleigh, and - Cutter Shoes, Ploio .I . "fnnts of various Patterns, too numerous to mention., ' We hope, by Strict attention to husihess, to receive our share of. publie- patronage. Mantifue, tory,: D. Post's old statul Foundry, M. Mott, near Searle's Mill. • larßepairing dOne on; short notice.- j • • MERRIT MOTT: ELIJAH MOTT. Feb. 6; FIRE INSURANCE. MITE subscriber is agent for the folio re in g" Insurance Companies, doing business at the lowe,t safe rates. State Mutual at ilarrisbarg.' Capital $350,000... Cash Mutual at Harrisburg:. • Capital $200,000. • Haute Insurance, New _York City. Capital 000,000: . P.B. CHANDLER. Ilontroe April 6,'64 STEAM GRIST AND SAW MILL; POST BROTHERS havin g purchased the. above establishment, wilkkeep constantly on hited Su perfine Ira line - Rout.; Vora Meal of superiorNual ity, also Chop and Bran at the lowest cash prices.— Custom work will be done. with•:despatch, and in all cases warranied. i• 1381 tt Montrose. - July. 1853. i . • NEW ;GOODS. QP'LMNDID Pi ints and Ladies' Broadelot1;, Delnnes, ke. kc., just opened and for sale by • , - • LYONS - k EON; .• . Merriimic t, Cochoeb Prints--also a..grent • 1-4iiety ail%f CeCth per yard EME3=I , , - V " 'ICAtitit'FOUNDRY. ' SAIIREI BENTLEY -&- PEREWS having purehis. , ed . Of Wilson & Co. - the Eagle Foundry, are now prepared to fill orders from the trade, and do work in theit jine . with skill and despatch: They will keep cionstahtly 'on - hand Plows } (best kinds,) Storer ( A li kinds, Gitatiraters,- , gerato Cutters, corn Shrik t , iv'. dr4 eke. • - . . . 'We Invite particular attention to the Plows ti Ilia, le manufacture. • We manufastnre and keep for !tale Tau ___ eCielebrote4 Rlatehley Plow. . . We . have purchased exclusive.right to inara6C. lure and sell in this county; Wayne, Wyomin g i n i litra4rd, tarßich's Patent Iron Beam Plow. - Th, ' Plow made entirety of iron, excepting the banat,..,,. It is celebrated for it s . easy draught,. being enc-aiai eisler,hanany now in use, While its strength and dr, ' Sabilitl• are, greater.. , MACIIINFAI • Y - . - 1 I cif A il kinds manufactured and repaired by. emieriet* . e st d e na w t , t i erin ,n e;ts 7n . ega - . aea . rina J.,, - r Still, Shingle i lf, : . ehinee ItC. ate: - --'. , . , 1 , Among the Stoves which-we manufacture, are tilt Key/slime: (.'ook.ing Stove, Rough and R•ody da.,..F,,. r . est Quern d 0.,. Premium .410., - and other kiwis, 411 as-_ ranged for burning wood or coal. - Also, -.SW . /.1 4 .„,,. later, Parlor Stove, Cottage -Parlor do., Sto46,`„, ' two sizes, do., and a variety of other Parlor S7.te ee ' both wood an coal burners. We keep ale on . 1,,,,. 1 Grindstene trimming 4,. Dog Churn ' trimmings , r 5... • hiella 'end Sho - vet and Tongs Stands, &c.. &c. 11". ; done to order on short noticeiand at tbelowe,t na,.. • nrOrders for Stoves, Agricultural Iniplen, - ,&c., are solicited front those in the trade, and wil] t,. filled at reasonable wholesale prices. •. -. , . 5: 11. SAME', B. - S. BENTLEi'. • . S. PERKINS. Montron, March • Joitia Giove*" Adveitilkliseast: AS nature . , who furnishes the birds and bensts.vkiib au estia coat for sr-ititer, has not made a similar 14 . 5. vision for man, I have. con - eluded to take it titan mc. self to attend to that department; and therefthc . ) think proper to a.nnotrni:e that ail shiviaing male peds, that need new apparel - , glin ions or ingiotir.r: fashionable or unfashionable, can have their *alit! supplied:and - their testes suited, by calling on ' lll , ', my shop hi 3lontrose.. ./ ir \OCT: R. THAYER, takes this method of s:nir -I'.to his fiiends and customers, that he has apaiti resumed the practice ofmedieine, at his old stat , :l MiitrOse, where he malt' be found at ail - tithes a- Z..), professionally employed. He would say to tim•e?.. ffrbte'd to him, that he will deduct- twenty-tire r. 41 cent on all aecounti paid before the,firSt of (or ifany pOor like myselfi will. deduct fifty.) • Rontrosei Feb; 20, 18%15 . . , . Itt),NG the great variety of Medicines at Turn,l4 ft.' Store, tryty he found all of Dr. Jayne', i n : t l y celebrated Family Mo 'Ayit•e's Cherry P, ; ` u ,'. ral and Cathartic Pills ;. Forest Wine a L d Forest Pills; celebrated Gelman ; Louden's :gedes of FaWilly Medicines;_ Meretint . , Gargling Oil, the, gr.atesf remedy for sprains inn;;: or beast ever knoym ; Mathewson's Infitllible dy, and Horse Remedy ; trick's Vertnifege, and variety .of other kinds; Track's Magnetic. Ointin,n:.• the great remedy . for burps, rhenr i atism, and alllr.. flainmatory complaints; Fond's Exttact, tir-,t thing for similar purposes as allure Ointment; Ar drews' Pain Destroying Agent, a good article ;. cock's Balsani and Bone Liniment; - Atwood's dice Bitters, Canker Drops, Liniment, and - DigeLter; Drops; Baker'S Compound for Dysentery ; -11ocgb ton's Pepsin, for Dyspepsia; lichnhold's Extr::ct of Dual] and. Extract of Sarsaparillu; a Ntkijoy of Salves, the best in market, Pills, Sze., and .an endless variety of Patent-Medicines, altogether t(-0 numerous to enumerate—but suflim it to ins, the public will find,pearly.every thing in* . tlrlNl)fie, the Drug and Palley Stme - of ABEL -TV1.11:1•1.1.. Moptrose, July, 1865. GENEK.AL.FURNISM : Iigt SWORE .A STD - ' Tailoring:Establisliinient • • ..; ; AT - • , . susQuEITANNA DEPOT. JASHER & Co. 'would respect icily, announce to' th'eir friends and the public ge terally, that ti.,,' keep constantly on - hand a full, ass rttnent ef . Rrol . v 1 Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, at add Cap , , anal every thing-else necessary for men. rid women':.‘ wezt. We would particularly call the dtti ntion of courtrr 'Merchants to ouilarge stock of Rea y-Made ClothU;;., of - Our own toanufacture, which we iofier at whole «• at prices that will afford . great indimements to . co_ and short-time customers.• -. .- A large stock of Cloths, Ca, , ,siriuS,...Vesting-,b.:, kept constantly on hand, -for persons desirous oily* •ing clothing made to coder. - • ' -- - • Ora.", 1 .:-...,,.....it . - ....i......a.”1 f.--, Thankful for past favors, we lope to merit-a c tinuanee of the same. • J. ..,1,9:11ER 3 Co. Or any place on the Globe Cannot greater inducements than . -KEELED St STOPDAIID'S • • ItOOT AND SHOE -STORE. AV' mem is Low tilled' with a nevi- and e.:01 - assortment titanic:kis in their line and_ •a Oneralvaiietv of new and elegant styles - of 'and' gentlemen's ; wear, among which ! are French, Silk Lasting and. rrenille Gaitets, Ki,I.L!- Enatneled Polkas, Rid, Patent Leather _and 13;e:. ,, : Jenny Linds:, Baskirntand Ties ; Gentlem, n's F::: c, and`Philatielphia, oak tanned calf skin leni iip p, ; , ti , Morocco, Calf and •Cowliide: Brogans &c. calf and cowhide Boots and Brogans ; all I,kais Misses and Children's wear.. AlSo, --- a general ass,s,:- merit of Findings: -which consist in part, of hels,t , .., sparables. Bavarian nails, tacks, thread, was, rtles,shoe binding; awls, rasps, sandstones, shoe &c:. Also Oak_andhemlock, tanned calf tine: . s. soleleather, Morocco skins and linings. Work made.to order and repairing neatly drag. . • REELER &•.STOPIAED Montrose, April 6, 1854. Stearns and Marvin's Fire-Proo . 4 Safes. TI . IIIE subscribers have made airangtimeto nish ter:tiers:on:a who mar be in want oftheri..t abovei named -invaluable Sofß, at the same ptices.7 which) they e:in-be obtained at. the ittatmtfuetintr's.— Havittg experienced the benefit of such an artii&L• ring Ole late coria - 7ation ourselvits, we would estly recommend to others having valuable bock, 31. papei+, the. preserving of - which Would be-of inarxtz . iinpmiance to them, not to do without one. Priees range from to f 540, o n d we can any one wishing to prrehase, the differt;rc, .1 style, size, price, &e., and i;furnish them, on Alan tree, with the internal arrangement :to spit iheTr - -- chi.scr, - BENTLEY St, RE .11 , 7 Alontxose, December 19 .1854 Vainahfe Laturiti . For fcale [ 4 7O.R . SALE.LN ONE BODY, about .55tal Irrt' Laud on the. waters of Spring 'Brook ; bricl of ti.y:Lactlawmintt river, in Luzerne County; about midway between the - thriving towns ton and Pittston: These are cove; r , 2- uable timber, and living Situateiit the most extetsct mineral -region in Pennsylvania—known to , iroti•ort.±-and belieed to abound in coal, and] via 410 in the immediate vicinit y of seieml Tailmv made and now iti progicas—•--ofier to the Capital;,;::: opportunity for the investment of money that occurs. For further infortnation apply . . to N. P. U 0 sack, Esry., No. 11,' Wail street New York, or ;o subscriber, at Montrose, Susquehanna eounty,Pa.. attorpey'in . fact of the owner:-. " -., • • Apfil 6, 1854.. . " HENRI- I)4ISKEL • Window Sash. • • • S H. & SAYRE havior, been appointedm th for an extensive sash blind and, door.mamfg „tory are prepared to furnish any articles in thisli.:en ke - Ps rates than they have - usually been sold ' July Vt. . • - S. 11... t. C =I EZE NOTICE. PATENT iIIETOCINES. Susquehanna Depot, Pa., May 12, 157,5 Australia,..Califeruta, LETUR AND PLASTER. XrlilE.subscrilnws are bow burning b,? - constantly. on hand, Lime of a very qu'ality at - Xontrosie Depot, and will sell it in e! quantities at a fair. price. PerSmis wishing a islg' quptity. can be supplied , ;:on a reasonable Otiti(v —'Superior ground Plaster will be kept eawraial hand herctifter. . I. L. 111 ST. . 11. DRINKER. w: nssur. L. ST.ABLE. .Montrose Depot, Aprp 3 . , Shaving Cream. A - N article Ni-hich every maw should try for 5:.;e! by s - S. nt 4., of Summer Hats and ti0:1. 4 JUL fOr gni:inner earjust' received:and for sale P. R. L. ;t. CO . • Paints and Oils. ZINK Paint, Makes fire Proof Paint, Linseed Lamp Oil, Fluid and Pltosi.r,etie sold F. B. CHANIIIIR. 9 10th, 1855, . CM Flour. 11"1\1 the Barrel. Sack or polled F. n CHANDLER. Montrose, June 2.0th,-1855 TO DAIRYMEN. BUTTER WANTED. The' higlioat niarket price+ will be paid - in poll for good Dairy'Buiter by. S. 11.. & D. SONE , . Juno 18.•" r!, lIEZO