Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, November 15, 1855, Image 3

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11 TtlaCilClll Elaallillittitolllllk
I will hold examinations as 1b
Franklin 'Ncireinber 12th,. .. At) a; st:
tlreat Rend " • .... . y.
Lanoa l ' lmr o, " 13th, . 30 a. 0
♦. I M .
-Sen. Milford, " , .... •.. ..1 A
• t
thlgop. • I
.... • • •
" 15th,. . ' ..............
~piiu rills.'
" 16th,. ...... . A. M.
),:thiq'n, .61.16 r..u.
. .
11,510'0c. " 16th;.. . ... ' ...... . ....
11'),:....5, , nter, - " lith, . . (Montrose) 10 A.M.
j,;:wIl!v. " 17111, ..(Jones.') ~, , 6P. M.
Slvei I,:t.lze, ': , Itlth,..(Btackne'y,).... jp:A, ii.
I Clits11:10, " 19th , .. (E. Clark's,)...... 6'p. M.
I Apeb con, " 1.,0th, 10 AY.
,r n,.,{ " - ' 4 .1.0t1i; ......... . ..... ' . ii.,' P.. Y.
311411-4 own, . " - 210, . ,(M. Bald win's,). '.lO A: M.
r.vAtl.:o;e, " tilst, ..(Toinis S. house,) 6T. )1: -
1,••'% - i - • ". - 4.3a,...(Gteuw00d,) .... JO A. M.
" qsd, . .(Dunaaff,)... ~....- 6 T. Y.
.C,9r,i, 0 o n
• I;iiptoil, " 24th,' ........... . .... 6P. Y.
, .larks.lll. '.'.` . 'Nth, , ...: ........... 10 A. N.
Thorn, " 261 h, ..(M. J. Ilimuford's,) 6.P. W.
Ant 't, " tb, ................ .10 A. lic'
Bro6kiVll, " " 28111, ............ ... ' 2 PAY.
Jesur, 4 '29tb,.(near Dr. Cornetts) /0 P. m,
s!o h..(Granger's)• ~ • . .10 s.. ii.
Rusk, .
~.r. n01,, r 5 are r , olo ,• : :reti .to bring the readers used
1.:( .
in ibi; dktriet and State. •
. - tf c t”
Radial° Robes. .. s
viiorcE lot But Robes just received and will
Ito „ Id „ t n l o w tlzure by - , IT. Brum.
yor. 1555.
• ~.41trivris nittd
GI: and- splendid lot of Shawls and hats e;-
..; to-niorron: at our store..
ias.Q k SON:
Banking •House
, i , os - rt.coopr.n air co.
,i-..- D r -
m-.. ,,, , •iNKEtt. t , ifO_VTROSE,
wv. ; iii . NTTINCe CO9PER :
Noveit '
her • - 12 1855.
ISO rL. POS . T. ,
nli ".FTS ell, New i'ark Cite ami Pliiittrielphim—
co!!eelim,s promptly made ttitd remitted.
he.u.s from 10 A. U. 10 3. .
Il,•zsrQ. Allen At Parton, N.. York
IIErtIIF;NCF„ SAmtiel C. Morton; Esq., Phiru.
lion. 'William Jessup, Montrose:
subserilier will offer at public sale. at his reii
laone,:: in ilarib-d. on Friday the 21d daw of No
ientiVcr the follow ing property: Four 'Cows,
ro , vaing: Mare. 15 Sheep, 2 Calves, 1 two gearl
Mori laire Wagon, I tWo horse Wagon, 1 Cutter,
I sett Double Harness, 1 singlellar
ne,,i• a varicty of Fanning and Dairy utensils, in
710:1,:eliblif Furniture, 1 Dog Churn machine
111Y and St-aw, Corn in the ear, Witli
-I,ie 1(o nutne:ons to. mention. Sale to corn
;:: 1 0 . 41(1ek , t. :t. All sums under cash
•,1,14: for ;,11 oviw- v, , nine months credit;
4i;:.l:•pi.•ort`.l St.ellrity, will be. giver; if d e .,i re d.
2ti, I Stis.
o I'::knny Fern's 1,000,000 Readers!
the - 1 )1. , :vr.;.e of announcing, that we have
aluAut the first of necenlo
k of fiction, 'entitled
and first•continnous tale of this
tmg authoress, "Ruth achieved
a::,:,ampleti in the annal;i of letters..- In the
of a leWint: Periodical, it 'f created a more
ipret .nsatiiSn than any which has been issued
, 1 41 a . l aart,rof a 'century." But it iS nnnecess.a
-- to the of "Ruth Hall." Judging
yowl, f unil'oer of copies or - ,t we have sold, ire
; , :;:1:1;.At 1 . 1 cr body in \ the United States has read
es 1 . 11.3 wo:k we hare now in press, Wet?
ttaz. can may say that we te, , , as, in ev&y.
'Avs; ;+, t, a;4.cater, lh-tter work t aid are confident it
Pint even 'ineteal , le the repnta:.
;110r.',4 a iii,Ctugui,he , l4l:thc..ress, We have rim.. , ons
make's greAter
Ruth DAL" •
it will I'.ll/ 444 el,gant
. 121rio I-0111pr of over 4Oi I,C. on receipt of which copies will
t he twil.l:l=t--pid. It will be for sale 1w all
ir •:
by, 11.1 SON BROTHERS,
CG timolitati Art Issoriation:
irn:A:::,EMENTS , for the second annual collec
i 1:. •; nt thi, now and 'popular institution for the
f Li :;ature and Art, have been made on
the :cal.'. Among'thiworks already
the famed - Genoa Crucifix,." . Which
coA ten thf,u,alA dollars.
ining 111.• t.c..w collection, the 'diffusion 'of
At t :erir'anA:t the encouragement of
i;r; b ee n overlooked. COM-
L i., , ued to Inane of the most .dis
tincil.4:o•l Arti,t , , who will contribute
snrinT tk•ir Ini t productions. " Among them am
1% . 17 hie elocuted by the greatest firing
: DANIEL. WET.STE.R, the Statesman.. A
. , has ti,ited Europe and made careful
selections of ftheign works of art; both
(?t . "etT:' . ..;• and marble; Statuary and choice Paint-
. .
. ~ .
2.::...1,. ;
7 . 14. , .‘ hole forming: a large and valuable collection
cf P:lMtings- and Statuary. to he disnibuted - free
t! , :::* - 2- asnciation for the scconil Year:
it 0
. .re'on.s. of .iffr)nbership. .
. 3:lpnyment of three clothing constitutes any one a
ti-ln , t of thi, , -aFsociation, and,entitles him to either
(1!:••• r.;.lf:e f , rowing magazine' for one. year, - and al ;o
a i:':11:0 tliFtrihution of the Statuary and Paint-
. . -
, 111 , 0)A Ol'ilillT'i:' 1 ,. .11(`1i to Subgcribers ennsigs of the
ifrlinr l'•:g Monthlylimmaines: Ilartler's, Putnatn's,
};;;ickii:/:hocker. illackirood's, Graham's, Gotiey's La--
i(ii;:;.; 1,,;;;k. and ilonsrhold Vends. .
1";;;.(;;;.s taking fire ntemherships• are entitled to
It:1y the Magazines for'one year, and mi.r lick
!. , " 1 '
I.t, i n jp, d,,cr,out.on. ' '
, 11'' 1 Ilei proc-etds derived from the sale of
lm-'l, denoted to the purr/lace of woiks otart
i•for1.1; , ! , c.;;sting year. - •
' 1 : Tbe 'Ad ra 7) ?trqr Secured.
. 11 .
j••• i...,4,,, i•• - • u•-•n,• , ” of this association, are
~ .1 ~.., J, . .
i / ' 4 . bA 1 I r,ncons receive the fell valise I( tle,ir.lllll+-
i4 ,- r•y; o f 64 , el art. in the shape of sterling Mag,a
-1 zia,. 1.,1i; ~ ;a; ure. „. ••,, . •
nja rn , tnber is.contributing -towards pnrchn
-7- k- of art, which Are to be distributed
e.. and are at tfie SWUM time encout-
Nif. A:111-t: of the country, disbursing thousands
. - ,- • •. . , . . . .
..' k IF . purchase Magazines at Bookstores will I sorttneqt of Parlor, Office and .sitior Stoves, forlwood -. wt. We hare purchased ail..entire new stock- ot t ;ion, dated April 13, 18.11, and on which' stands two : ,
TJiie Nyal —lf v o n plea%e.. _
" zli tt by joining this association, they receive 1 . or ccll•; als - o, Stove I'ipe, Zistt, Sheet Iron, Stove • .1RO...1"; comp: i-ting a Gill assortment of all diindS, di. I trained dwelling Douses, one - Silw-mill; I one flamed -, e is inE s a bserl i we begs 1,,a,.., to call public attention
1t",z....4:::t• outl free ticket in the annual distribositi , ..tit, ,Tubes, [&e. i • :re et from the ells - . •We shall keep constantly on : bairn and about forty acres improted laud.
1 to one!of the-largest; most dirersificil best selec,
. .
lilt • -•t - te- Trice alone i Thisi stock is Selected from flbe hest Foundries of . band, Oster, round :11111 S'Oilare Nail Rads (7asi Steel l t ALSO, One other tract of.huid, sititatotlmpforesaid, , te a and& ' -
• ,st ',Aught Siwk . (Pf Fi111.4116- Wll'atotr
-.. . .
~ I I!. : !'ly ttiustrated Catalogues giving
. full de- •: Albany and rtie:i for cash, with .the hest quality of Toe-colk 11,1,1 , , Ilefined Tyii:l.,l' all sizes,, Band 1 late. P, , t.ntenfJar:ol)Skinner 2d. and Elishh Squires,. i
l a g .. „;_n s i nien t ~t m a ll ea ble i clescribed by said Stietirs Deed !to Willinio paro•ttlt," h e ; i s bd i ti l d'toi,s e ll for n, reasonable adrahee, either.
•• 1 : ,,- •• , -;:t free on implication. For meuttiersbip Triinnrlngs made to order for his custom tea k•, which • Pon, Sin ieg Steel ; tt Iriaeliti‘.tverilitntylneed 'Olio ibis market, and which
C. L. I)Eitilr. Actuary C. A. A. , will-- erililde hint in . all reqiectsi to defy competition, . Ilion, ,COil chains, Con I iage Belts,„&e. Ac. ; • l•dated Ap:il 1.3, IS•t I; containing 400 acre /F. lib per t f 0;
-I; I: itt:er of the principle offices—"krieVerboker and will he sold at the most reduced li:ices for cash -1- ••' • il'A GOXS A .1'1) CA It - T? IA GES • • i l
liet.; of land, with allowanc;• of f + fire emit. Cash, Payer', oit short appe,ii.",d (7tedt. '' All per.
l soils in want or,(:00,1A, whether in the department of
, _
-t;'ti.... t•tii.!,•,- 31-S Broadway, N y. or Western •or_appltoved credit. .t Dry' Goods, Gibeeries, Ilaidwrire, Ctoekery, Dritgq,
e• e• tt .4; er .-ore-t , 4. nil 'kr 0 ' : - . Mewl Milford, October, I€'ssi" . • Irrined ini short notice, and stock ibund, o r ma d e t o ! I ALSO, One °thin. tractofland; situate it! the Towns. ,
i Ship; County and State aforesaid, cbittinning 14nti
it • • t • 4 ir. ,O. ' ' order thrr,tighm.t, as may best suit Our pationi. • lbiOts d:: Shoes,telothing-&c., will most assuredly eon
lt • ' ' • , •
______________l_ .._. _
, .
o less thin mine,) by ;icing
I '
•••• settledo I . . . . . . stilt their owu interest ('. „
Vince a • acres, extibracing that -
NEU GOODS. 1 Brooklyn Fcllool•llioiiirie..• -• -', Year. : Shoat settlements and long Mends is ou 1 the Said Jamb Skinner 2d. as describes by the said
me a call interiOus tii. purchasing. • '
4 - 1 . • - r ',. _ . 11..%iwriff's Deed, to Urbane Burrnin!, and from him to 1 ; 1 Q. 9. ilr,mrsyr,At).
i,,,02:, I , Votirrar•alltosd 11'Wo notithi, There wi4l be a meeting of tilt Board of School Di- . m0tt0..., -
• liv strict attfq.C,On to business .wit trope to r ,
if t ..i re iilliam Payton, by deed dated Mn 23.'11844. being in- I , oo mi n No r. 1, 1 5 55.
Mfr, 1 - ppe- L....rattier - and Finding's,
.lioots and rectors of Brooklyn, at Ale t'eTkre School. House, on
. z;
~,, , ,,y, s 11, 0. • i ,, •. ,,i c aps. G. T .,..„ c ,,,i es aa d p ror i s , o „ , . ,Saturday, 1170y.-3, prey.. at , snit o'clock P. M. The a i t„ ..ii;eiilt shale Or patronage. All wort: iiarrantecl.
and Journeyman ilie same premises formerly purchased': by I.7rbaite , 1' , .
iTEAS4 , -Dotli Green wild mad.—a I - cry genetal as
1,...'"N 1111 n;.! 4.1; , ....f. in ony line. Count'z, Supetibitentlent will beipresetitfo• th e exam - . . ~ A.,
• ;cameo, to !whorl:I Ilurror,„and . Elisli? Williams off Williani Ward and
tots of hared conveyed • sortment,l and 'ips . ., supet ior 1',41. - 01, et pikes ranging
liNTED—Vtir , .. Pelts -In led Apples; Ileeswitx :nation of those exioecting to hi eitmloyed in teaching . 1 steady Copia - It:lent and high irageM „will be given. 1 kosse Lane, and being the same 1
. _,
• in the
~ istrict during Ale priztlipg, Winter. .it i s .d e . ' .. .1 . k. F:i IlAwf.ty., PEntirJEsss. Ihy Edwin Eldridge incl wife, lc! Eansotn Smith I),T from 31 cents, to . fsl. O. G. II Ell PSTEAI o.
4.11 Itt
....... . ,fig tne ... i
o e, _ . iy,
- :41 the lteil l'iag , Sic; --. .
DEN'itr - HeR'INNEy. ", air. d i ritulepected that Teachiirs will have' been. ite- .i. i .
inen , " p•-•pm. N.,.- s,`lt.,-,5.. • 44w , iv , Llected for the different Sclio.;isip;..iyious to that time . i -.: , i • - - •
.1 _
• • , - i • fir - - irder of the Board. k .
. ~i . • ' New Good.t. Cheap for Cosh.
! : -, -
h p0....:'
-ti-u "i'f-S '_><{ u...-
- I ,,
, _..__ . _ -._ I . trl , - I R ,' - 1%0 RENT, . •et W. MOTT has just received another lot Of New
kJ Gotiii; Such a 4 Chailes, Ili-age DelainiF, 1)e
A [Fj:N'S r;l.,:ek 100t....-' .: c,. heavy Kip. d0.,,d0.., 1 \ 13, WYKLYN towns.biri. Fiequelianna county, •, Hakes, Co ll ii rs, Enthroidedes, Lawns., Lc., !which h
-IL 'l ; n:::ry 1.r...L..e1l Calf do.—dm Fine French`Calf LA- A lif' A I?A containing, ilk a cres with about Go offers at very 1.••-• prices. Stinimo• Sli!tals,la iretv lot
d ° .-.--ir- co.-. 4...,—y.„,i.....r.....800,,1iis , i acrz , s improved. Said Farm will be rented for the I some btointsful patterns at very Ice Precis, also Black
tnicic Lace 1in•61.---Mi,;,..';F Enameled - do.—Ladies •i term of four rears for one litiniired and fifty dollars a , Silk Shawls equally low for Cash. ! . i i
.'f.'• ,1 01!---1.adieF thick do. --- tlildren's Shoes of, all I v i car, e stock included.. Thetatock consii4a of ,one i . l'araiol4 latest style at - • 'C. -W. NOTTS.
kplq , --. 1 1 - .l l..nlici' Film Gaiters and Enameled 11u.kins, i yok.:: 4 Oxen, 3 Cowl', 2 Yciarlings, :; Calves,. .15 , • Black Pres= bilk, a splendid article, at CJ W. SI. •
with a - complete assortment of !Adios', Gents mid ', Shecp.rand two Horses. . Two puindi l id and fifty dok; Sumther Stuffs lic great varieties, it - C*'lW -M. '
- 11 i , .--A:-- - -.'i itubb -r Overshoe's and P.i.iita. • . i. Jars Kill be required in advanck : the reFidtie can be I • ..Hroceries of ail kinds, very cheep. Syrup, a first
't ":Isa'ch 4'r the above rueuoolled giw — s, in_ con-) paid ? f eacly in produce and ilmproyemei to on the rata article at sf:etelPer trallon. Yon have only to
Ini:ttio.l u;th a cun t asso:-tinent of - ', plas..e. I Enquire of the subseriLter on the place, about ;sal) andieanruine. P.) become satisfied that the.'l' !lead
1 , . ,I ,Eiry . Good4, Groceries ike., . .... two miles south of BroOklvn. L-, • of Savigatinn "is the place to buy Cheap.
r.! . the'b.l7geSt 112:d best
.geh - cted ever b....fore ilffered in 1 . 1 • ' TPO'S. ROBINSON". I ':: . - Wituted. ! I
. .
ttitslisttier. of country ; and as we Fell for R .liski." Par i • ; — --- 1 " ----
exeltsively, Ire rai, and trill sell at lower prie . es than i ,i. - ' 1 Bailor, Eggs, Halos, Lard, Socl,s.r." in fact 5 1 1 1 kinds
t.-.04...h 0 ;-11 it:, vr , :slit', , ..
IcE Akdataini%trator's Notice. - !of Gotititry riothice in -eielianr,e -fiji cootis at ('ash
-', C. W. 111 OTT.
js hereby given •thit letters of Adminis- I . r ricex
For t "-ri , aw/ ..11;:riu t irics are particularly - requested 1
• I N ° ..ktration upon the estate ctir Abraham Chamber- ; ', -. 1 ! ,
. tou.:tli:eu no!:: of the shove. and nOt.make their Tall 11ont:rose, JUDE` / Zis IP:lii.
'‘,, I, . „ ; fin late of Bridgewater Townithip, .deceased, hare i. NEW PALL dc•WINTER GOODS.
IN ' bee
i fl ' icll 't'''' s kl ' itu tw-1* have nl a d " "5-'4 visit . ": ' 1' ' n
gian i ter! to the undersigned . All persons Indebt , I Latest - styles of Dress Goods', BoOts k Simeii. UP
I,Tunk.tMock Dep o N,,!: . i . u .1 ,7„,. 4:
ed to ward
, 1 555. i . i and -. l se baring claims will present the- Rime daily :
44w4 I , pe .Le;At ter . .
will P lease . l{ , id i
_f i:ln imediatePsYntent: ' - 1• k. Findings, Groceries I& Priorisions.—
. .-
11 .. _. . ____ ._ ,At the ;LW Flag Store. .11ENE.Y }IC'EUSI's EY.
- 8; i 48.
atteste, fun settlement . ,M. ft:WILSDN, Adnir: . 1 kisieiltville Re t. 6 1).5:i
Watcht,4, - Clochs, Guns, Vie. '1 ifonierve -Oct. g, I 8,5'r,. .i i • . . ' - P ' '
li t . , i
..1 . . tirt assortment jest received from England, t ---,--- ---------- '- - 7 i . ' ------ ---- '---- ! ..- ,:' 141/PrOged to be Cheap,'
' - itztrrlatii..Geri nanv /tr., whkb will be Fold below i • • ' . • Bllelodecias ' ,
fINE thousand
.dollara worth of Ready-Mide Cloth
t"- N4w 5 - 9rk ' • - ' - '
, i . ptites. at SINGLETON'S. i 0 03 1 8.TANTLY.ON HAND ort furnished to order :- kJ- m” - '
- f• r) li 9 s! . ,),•••. I , L 1 F4l. . ,
"`, ki, olt-sbort notice. ' t.l. J,ToNS &SON. i geyv i Afflfirtl, Sept. is, 1 F , r,r.. , • ,
'l-' ti
I, , - .Nosnag.-
~.. ii ~ -,,,,,--........ • i ,„_,—civroiewil 158t . _ ~-.-..... -
~i . • I ' -
....: 01fte1ftir1ik44,...„, „ 4111,6 1 . t ,
.1 wax Kellogg„.partly byland °flatten %men sotl,wfo :, . , 1 ,.;10_, yilig
__Fijian. . . . , - 43igrit AtiraCtloll. -,,,
-...., r . •.,..„it•.,e, -pct..* - .-- - ,z.g4-... • ii---
riliffE copartnerssip
.heretofore existing under tha . 1 -.7 - FT" vAili rc OuVert ) s Gui tm" iii ' *ai l . ' `NrYirts 6' • ; : 'l, Y'l i ' ll' 11 4 -11 • 041- 3 , 04. 1 out of, the Coirt 1 lY'hfliiit'd R'Sfitnllet* t r iT eait••e it ig liiftred- ri7HE:' triUteillic" r. sio4hlliitillilds ,thenka;for the - !i ,- ...'-' ,, i.ii -,, .4 ~ ..:'..f, -. - c.:A1t , ,.,:; ; ;; ~...1 . ..-- : _l'ii, . .
I, ;mane of Wiocham ,St Thasford is thia day die...l, r -4 - Tan....lloii* inn Wait:Xi:role to Public Sale, at . of.Conimon Please Of'Sitsi, 'Co:, ind id .tne. di-1 and re"erltF• 4ll 4 . 4 ,nd Pr en te . rith* P eitt ' esl6 " be `“ , ‘l'litieriliititrotitio;lit t stoired hpon hirn thus . far . • -0-. U-4 H - 8 : TO 4 IC " - 4*.
a re ad nortsent; The notes and accounta*.llia 'Dottie of W. ,Wbite„ In . the
are in be - hands of A. Wickham for itnistediate 0)1 . 7. i . S.aturdi.:.:. -di y:148 . 1110 o'fßuala, on ! rt ,d, I . will exfaite`ti; sili ty•publie *endue at the r ginning. .'COutaltungrunety eightittresend7terer.„ jinn,
7 - • e-V; tit Uf November next at,one 7o g clpek-i C 0... Liotise in Afontiose, on - Saturday; the '.l7llt,day . , dxs . and thirtytwc psrcltes ot . land, „ , ~,,,,,,,
~,, _ „ ,
i tithing Ai tresSult:' end 'at the ioinve titne antritunee • HE etthsC,Tiber r,rerild tigain*nounee to Ms ens%
1 trtatilislia4.itisi. re - exit:ell a nevi dock of Goods, teak- L
i . --- temerW an d . the inttilie,gnietafti'llfiff ft:7 tr , re
.. 1
leatibit, • -
.i , :'I Or lano stittate rei- ,
- A. V. irornam. .1.,11. itt pursinince of an order ci th . ,,e Orphan a tout* iof Not titer nest. at one o'clock r.-.a.,,. Mae 'follow- i .AE SO, qiie.oth,r,pwcu or parce
.... , ,
~, , .
~, in;
tosortriejw ver ,..., 04 , 1 ,,,, e ims au. 4 .4 x . arious i 00 3 4 . 10 k.or k yik e r:gsarionsagt.o.yfitrelsvmmims,
11 - : •• . - ,J. itosForm. 3 .ot. $ v 5 .4 ,4 411 10. • (..,unt i , e ., Edlown.g. describNl 1 f ri " F. Rest • , te , I c y, .y, r it. :—All. thud evrtnin piece of ' nfore'Aalit Beginning a t stake die nortit.en t ls
t .elth e t; ;.brunches„ tuni ; mould a:is:further that for rendy puy ~ which he intends selling - gr kiiidu Pau twi i ,tity. per
Ft ild F irille, oel.l 13; 1853 - 1 - 1-Pie ' llMls . e ' hntlfed in the lon's'eliril - 4 fEurb:.b 6 tuted 4 1and:44 13 , • , iiiidbeing - in -the Warm t h* a
_ Jackson ,. i . h e reof and f est ending lin'ne'n - 't• sal l i g e / ' es ,„ l ` ) : . 1 mid iii'sliiirt.tinie - to, r.:llable cnsterne - r g , by,, ,a / teitifi-c . l.ieriPOr - thin'ean'belintiet - StiltVir.twke,t,the
P.' Thetrubst4iber would say ttl the piddle, that , on'tte . t. orth by
lands late o r c,_ conou, on tite'.,east .1 blithe county . . gusnueluinne, . anti hounded its: fol-. ' btake in th . solidi litre of lot '? :.0.. 1914
_ . „ . „.„.., et ee „ . ... - - u h t .! 'will 1,0,soles;: I , )W is thr , Y - croil•e horight tit any oth- - .oentiine' Boot - and Shoti Store Pitimt , _Tor:w: or; :the.
he hjust received n genend .4.-"netlllent of Fall analltylicals or Joh n Dr a d s h a w, or i ;the South
. hr lands of j b it to to wit ; . the north•e4lit li,Y iambi Of Thooms I'orts'inirkdroalindr gnr--- P utiummanct '"'''''''''" s '; er, Mit' in title scanty. .1 1 1e:file call and 'examine, . t Rare Chance forßargainst ult , tOrb..n,.nt,.et;Prlttelb‘r'
Wing , Charals, whteb he offers for sale ;sera l ose flu. !W . T. Whit e awl" Rebet.ea White, slid on' tfte treat by• t, uria; on the sou -wait by lands of Moses 11,-Wbea.., of a psrch to an ironwood saplit , tgtlie.troutb Wc-ft ectr - t , .•
~, . ....
.., . , • ,, ,g..43. ih'i.i..4 LLS.- - '-`.'tjtialt Steab",mcylut.finoniAlut,iirl - tiottr I =4t, p f.. the
cash' of produce. !,P-' ~, - - ' . J. HO SFORD. i lands of Alice p.lier and C.. Carman, twin one hurt top , •on the south- tby •tandat. of WithinielAblrich;
.g.tier fterref•thenee 6st Seyenty , tiirtie . perches to a ! -
...Gibson October lo 184" •. • - • ..,.• L 1 Odd'Fellnws".' Hall,: TOirtpiVe iiireet, - tist fl &it-, Al-
Not. 3080: i • - 4 deed's . •
.' - , 4wO . bade in . length and,forty-eight :sods in . breadth. , arid north west by lan of Alvah Itoundstotintain. '', stake the oath east verner .liereof; thence .
- north l • •-' '' - .•,, - ". . - • • •- - .
;Ili addition to avery ' assortMent of-NitiDr—eis i thengli int. Unite •se"cointircitltoutt, - tta - somA et-. .e,
' ! conteitibig thirty acres a part f whirl '"' p red I•g 5 0 acres more or less. th the appurtenances, One , eighteen p rchtfi!,i the:west line of lot N0...34p. to 11'. , „,_,_
.... COo‘ .
.. •
, . 1 , , .
,o t•ts go ro .In .I yet it Mir Perpoid very -
sielllhr , tit'prettent..
E t • era west fourteen cruhes and five
' .Teri* made . known on the &sr ofiSale. . " :.• Beard ghsnty, one Barn F . .e and about two act-es pus , then . p . tanths i .., ~.tfl'''''' tberc '- re ,
111 mains a quantity of Detainer, . • - ' • •..
t N either can weltromisti oar custrunersc;thavour es,
.. ''. . r.
.: roplinQ-,the old. stock, tO be tiold at. bar
. PETER Yitil HOUGHTON. 'improved: • - -.- '
i . . . 1 along the extension ' boundary hue ot . Thottuts
, i ti n s,. without -efe:ence to lost; • also Winter Dort- 1 tabli3lu ncnl'r 11114 'nett : Jse. , ,,!toupasse. 4 . lby ;,..tlits
:Taken in execution at thesui . henry Durrett Ts. • Copes Tract of - land to a post ; thence north half a , t 4 .-
~i. .,,,..,, , 4 _
~ ,
_ .of control- soon hut we will promise e,tr eustotptls 03:It
. . , m and several ' diher kinds - '
I .• •-• ' '
---:---.- Riley Curtitt k Ira Curtis: •• :. -.. • . .•: ! deg. east, eiglitptdae perdu:etc a p ost; thence rooli '
.Ft , ! , .. 7 0 ° 1 v nt ...,
hI a , •wits 11 B t d climes to suit in nuality and
hs to. di e decent' lie- ' bultwle . ..t km' Preto. we
ALSO All that certain piece- or • . el of land sit- ; seventeen irerchriS and four tent 1 .
j. - i - i I - i' h i - i t T - - i - ---- 7 '''' - ^ .... 1 price': - : Otte:sttek etntfnei.s• a general variety of new
nate in the township of Lenox, in Th e minty of Sus- , giuniug; einem:Ting filly.. antlalralf acre! strict rocas- Ii,,ZCOARi. I , Conti:atter . t .
r am -et Tice, can be i•and..elegreit . Pt . vlitiN of'. Ladies' ind-GentTeriteit's w*ar.•
qiehanna, and bounded and tiescribed.aS fallows, to i tare or theec, abOuts.., , , . ..! ,),..;) found .eery low at the store.* . , S. .S. /. I , ,,, moli k,..„ii id t, am..,1,,,1ie5. silk F.o . l , Ga i tcr th . ,.: . e o u, e a
wit ::-- , ,OWthe North lands of • !leery
. Cnristant and i ALSO, One other piece Or parcel OfiandSituate UR ~; -c
‘OO/Ii.ING.- l'at For. ; and other.kintLs.of Stoves cud Oraiter-s, tatameled Gaiters, Black and. BOW 44 :liAn4
lk , irouWuOti the , outb east ' • •-, ,• ,
C. C. Ralph ;tut the East hr lands of 1.0 e Read; on aforesaid, ibeginning at an • . ,
,• ktort, I tpc, fur
. role cheap as the. p. . .
`Chea est by 1 .' - I,
, supplionts,: immele:llllnoter and Entanlc , lit,r , ki ~
the South by lands of Rial Tower and H. W. Smith ; r corner hereof and extending thence west. forty-three I, - S. E. filTo.4 LE.S. , t, - Kitt II skins •1 1 lk - Calf Lace 13 .-.' and mi.i:pio:. -.
. u o aS4 00.1.,
and on the West by lands of William Pratt and the. .perches tole post a:nl stones tile Pout ~.. , . TURKS &And Salt, Butfalo- 11°1)04 . ; .e. ke. fey Misses' kid•Doote., -Jenny Lind - Oaiters,- - oenti - Con- •
intid C. C. Ralph; containing Il * acres More or less; ;hereof; thiince north one hundred and thirty-eight 1. .sal,, LURKS _ . . ' s. - s, r j, -- b''' s : Patent Leather, F.:toweled- and-Bnekskin-Gait
• hes toil rose and Fumes in the south line. of lot . ..._:-. • .. ...! . _ .......:_______ - ___s.:______------•— • . era 'Put '.1... •
with t h e a pp ur tetartemtwo Retied Dwelling Houses, • pert- . . I i
„. A fos .,-, ;; ,,,, ~-F , „,,,, e , . , t , „ tr . i .„,, .., m . a .,,,.,.,..... .. • ent, Nailer Oxford Tice, ToilkA•glinsi Ftereh
one F rame d Barn, some Fruit Trees, and about 40 N'
_ct: .195 '; tbencil east peret es
,toli ~pmt i i , ,
also; . 1 1.- a IL 3/,, LA •
; Calf Boots Thick Boots ,- Enameled Ca lf - and,Cowhitiit
, and stonesl.the dertli-east corner hereof I
in Lie, south • ~. • -qocks
pr ice, any quantity of .goed W 001... , ~.. , ~.,,,,,_, P a tent . -
acres improved:. '• i I - 1 tih M t ...- E.' B .
• ~ in ()gar-, au sea er owere3s. ip . onto,
• the Suit' of Si ri ; Sertriour ,k, •
Taken in execution at 'the • _
line of the last mentioned lot ; thence South .
' on e b a n:. I -taken in exchange for goods be ' ' -1. kr...` Yotttbs' Montereysind Rip Ties,--Chilareit'siTay
- - ,- • -, • - gl —rd thirty.tight perches .to the pLace,r2f 'begin : ' 2 - _ „.. . 0. 5 . .. r59A . 1.11). .
„,1 for Tlei; Pitlidoci Reim Boots, Lc:' ..'slk Boot-Leces,
PlItlin1n" 11 :7 1 /021thl
• VE3i.B.E7t.
_ro. XXXV4
TbelUnitUd Statue Coast Surrey. .
-November. •
Benito Cereno, iteontinned.)
Thellilarinevs. • "
Heiiry Meine--*:letter to a Bienitin P
xTheLVirginia SnOngp, in 12 , eliepters.
Theleente of Si4lit in Birds. •
FsilL • '
Note e in Spin. - •
Lifejamong the. ilformons,.(continued:' ;
Living in the C4iintrv.
The Lcnion . • ;
Olitiptillon. , 1! . • . . t Nora ifif . degrees .by landaylf II Atanorn-...
r , I others
.111 perches tea stake and atones: thence by i SitraliA,• Dielterman, Executors Id the list 'WM so- i l ; dreg - alio .. ,ty•tight p, . „
cont i ainlog tiny-seven venlere , s
" moretir less, sVith I Gibson, October 12,,1e54. .. . 1 a m co l or& i . - : . , i
A Night -mercy tto be Am go ten. , . . ,
AbOof Teems. - ;I, . , '! . t 'kids late of C. Ca alt K. d e es V. 148 perch- i testament of Clark Dickerman deed es. my Rynestr. lu r ing;
\ --7 ' - - ' --;_:_-----''-'------- l, • Work nieslo.toordirsH.Otirepaithig iketen,.. -- r,..T.- -- .
Th.6kAttorney. ißetenge. • ,eato a I post and stones in a line of k lot of land put , ' son k., Lyme Rynearion,Administrators of the estate 4 !nespit . ttrtmaandes, two imuneu listening _ ust,nt.„-tit.%o.i. 7.- •-
t trauma oarp, one corn house, and mie. siMdl Omit-Ird ;• •• IIEW 11,ILFC111.1), ..,
. . • gli4wi A: Dresg 'Good% Emporistut, '
'Theo Use and Abuse of Stimulants. ' • • 1
' :egged tor Robert Haywood ; thence iby the Same S. of Aaron Rrneartion dee'd, with notice to heirs ofsaid •!. -.•-• tit .. •• / - •._ - -:•'. ' ' Please calrind examine . -
• Editorial Notes.. 'i I degree W. 81 perches to aat :Ike and atones; thence cftcedeht. •• • ' t
:Taken id Feel:anion at. the suit uf Coo., - roans in di . e ' I:IC(4 tind, , ShO ' eiri;ile; ,. '' ' '
, , - . ,
• • •
I, !. Amerieae,,l,Liternture and Repithts. .5 ''OT de rtes W.. 21 perches to a itakeandstones ;•I i ALSO. •All those three certain • piece or parcels I , .... . .
_. . r er Iltu i. : i . . . F ls' Tilt V 4!.. OF 1855; . '
•- moadv-improiedl : .
Ikrotitmi, NIAy ticss: .• --C.ll. SIMMONS.
•- or
- 3 i European': hiteratore.-Engiandi France Ger- • ' ' T wa Kel oe'
' l thenee'by land, surveyed for ,Shelden Stoddard E. :errand situate and being Imthe towneld of Lenox:in 1 en.n 4 •C°.sl lll- - - I ' ,eal •Y i ng'
I . , i ./31. 3 ,50--.At the Sallie time and place., allthat,,ters_ i I-1
- • . - j rir Burin weuld InferM his filends anti the Tub- '.; ...'..-....,.'_;•• '-• - . •••;.:::-._..;.]:.:-..-- -••' -- ' 2. -. • • •:.-:••• t
1'49 per cites to the piece .of beginning containing ! the Cintnev'ef Susipirhanna. andrbouridet as follows • ' lie , that he listunow in More; and lA re ceiving ' , -, . ....„,. - . •• ..•
t ia_ e ' t tain - piecc Pr patiel of land situate' in the tewnshio of ! - f• alt '''•
a. great rarietr of Rich Fall 'hint:Ain, new striae Phi' '
I • Inn+ •' i ; 103 acres' and 9 pet.-ehes of land, being ' the same land 'l, te wit :—BeHrioning at a stake and sum s liOu aat . . • 1 , ~ . tSt 4 4 ss ortment ofFall and Winter ilooda,• including i
fit ' Drama. V - .- ' ;nal Ftiticy' Di'danes. and Plain and Fancy .t.' and liney 'Dir Gecids,•ll-roceriet.; -- Hartlvere,
41• - Music. • • •
. • . _• ' that C.Warrnalt eitOveved by deed dated Noy. 101838 t corner of lands of D. H. Wide, thence by lands con i
• - ' Springville, in the County of , imittputnanna and State
. to t _
Mo h a i r A Ilitts,ScpS, Boots. Mid-Shot-lc- Wall , Paper,' Drip,
Titisit --$3 a tear or 0- • ;
i • a - . car, ,-a cents a number--Put
• ; • tesaill Tientan Stoddard excepting thereflom 23 acres I battled io 'William Foot, .oath 45 deg. w t, one 111111-
T 4 iiti to!lteoh Henderson by Said Tiernan Stoddard t dyed and-fort Y-four perches tea itone co ter; thence ; as lono ws
i of P , e .. nnsfilvenia.'and buttcal, 'miuted. and lest' ribed
Ito wit: i ileginning at a beech tree, the Cloths ; Plain and Plaidlferierlea, Parainettasa,n o ,,3, Dye StulTel' and lils.;' , &e..., , which. wilt lie-aold4v.citeap
nam'a ?Monthly and Honeehold Words • tul l ' --- Puttlanfi and wit , Ity 1 d I • "t 1 F b 1 1 h d
(ee witting ate e nary, 4, 845 % t nort 44 eg. west one,
hundred Wild fifty th h
Bapperc - I
, IlArthWes; borneihl,reof.also;:t corner of n let Orland bageAß and Poplins; - -IDai-k - Rich - Glegt • -
,Fall .-as the elleapeat for
_caiat cdapprored,credit -by . .
13IDA, int , ',rt.,'
Monthly, or Tions+old Words , ' '; suryt,yed 4,r 'lVilliien Ilarkiits ; thence east. partly Styles; Mack Brocade,. Plain and .fitedy - Silks.- Wool I,lllo{ota, Jun.: lsu, 1 .0 56 - -- '. n. 11• . .TC)..'"-
TI Ith thp:blehootfollmc recorded in deed boo' number 11 "4
&with ' • st akeand the}tankor "Tairtithan- -
, page 5 T.; testo a stones ont e ___ ..
to one iiddreas •
.. f. 3, oor all three of thb. Magazines the apPort••ntinees a small dll h ' and ' • k•e k •thencenorth 54 O g . east twenty-ono ,
iby the sotithern!Lnlundary line - of the sai.l.llstkins' Broche, re, -C-ape. and. Silk Sl'. 1 ;RichPl
I...tvi a 3l )-
1113,51t.t -I: ,' • t d three-...tnthit 'oi a ' ere!, ton bens,
1 ,ly impt , jivird. IT H.:FRAZIER; Adier. I stud fire tenths perches to a stakb ands tones; thence ' lot,• 1 . - . Parelle 4 tal ' - F Bonnets and Flowers ; Ladies Cloths and Vei
-1 - ' ''Det.'"l6, 1855. eh tree: the corner bereof ; thence smith lCroa-
I north 75 deg. east iduety-eight in:relies to a birch ;i, bee . , , Yets.for and •Mantilla. Broad cloths,. CaSsirneo
•Frlt A rrkfall of New Goodin 1 Oct.:
-at i -- if • . dr. by the weStoin Lotindars line of Jerienn Itosen. '„
' thence north 72 deg. asist thirty-four perches toe ; Par .. • , • . ma, &c. with a large tosortraert of Staple and FAncy-i
• 1 Die - • "i
.. ktr nast elk - filarrattin. • i ItrAD PAUSE, - AND REFI EU'r '. t stake and Stones thence north I farty-tn'O deg ea:q . t.; crwrds' 10 ; fifty,•fcitir perch•la and t•ix-teuths or a d m ]. ~i imval, is , iiiiiiiiz . liardwart ,,, , - cs . x , yem Trb. 1 ,
r — --
ril subseribeiS wont& rCspectfilliy; inform the i - ! 9 ' ' - ' - ' a ' ' !6vetiteen perches to a Stake' loud stonel.., corner of • '''pet eh tea dead betleli tree, the north col-wer of Jere- slid Ste‘ , l, Paint.. Oils, Roots and Shoe!, Hats, elocks, i 1
"Eeottotny as the' order of 'the . day, and 'one of the thence by the line there- ,
A•00d pet!ple elf Susquedtanita county that they '! lands of D. IT. Wade ; thence !thing same .renal thirty I n'iall E°se ' llelailf s •ikt. lot ; 13,utlitlu Robes, tirpetings. &e„ with a new , assort-. • - -,-,,,- --,
are new opening their stoek of -Fall and wititci• Dry
most crectunl w. 1514 to economize is to purchase : it tho I ;.. .1 .3 a
; sv'reti rod fourth dew. east ninety-one p';tebes to be, ;of south 41 tlegr i ees,' west 142 pet cites to a-litmilocli Meet of Stoves and Trimmings of the best finality be-'1 - ar I.itml aid fin'W oo/ I * .. . . 11 , 11.;-.10NE:g.
ctthd.. , which is toinsuallY•latge and attractive, all of '
t,._•• ' - -- - Store cif J. WITTENBERG &JIRO.”, where just'have , ~..,„„1 i. „,',„ 4 „ o „,„,• • `1
been Ot+riti`d the ttiO.r Choke and ,lotendia sioek r i t.,----- • -----i. - " -
mg I 11) acres and 14 pe hes part of i saplMg, a Fortier thereof; thence south I deg. we.,:t ing Mule to order expressly forlds custom Trade.and 1 ‘ , --b• . ' •: ' ' • 7. -- •'-'" -Raiford, Junt' bit. le , :ir" ,
Lb ti is of ayr tit to a ins de
° • IT! '- warrant. Also one; otherr net of huid ; 2.2 rk - v ll .el 4 ". 4 ,11 1 6 vte LI _1 4 ' '.l wilt all be sold at the lowest figure, or a little - lower : CIAT•3II paid I•trz - .15 - tiiry But-Ceirliy
. .1' _ _ '' n o ,:,••• tti tot; .r.e. - •Ll eredi- ,_ ~ . . , . • .
, - I P ,
Fail SE Winter Goods ever seen in Ili:. Coitity of Sus.
Ilie Tollowing comprise; but a
.sanill portion of the
irtuncale-itss.„ - tinent to be found at this Establishment.
•., ; G.tatlemeti and Buys Clothing in endless vitiiety
I, . t: ,in 111i,,S IC 2 :1111 1 14, IC 2 ' , , .
• anti Tr oti eano , a mad r i ssoliment oflOre:coats, Dress
I,RINCE'S lIIIIIOVED IifELOPEONS, more .i ust I ,Irocit.'lland llusi,nss Coats, Vests and Pantaloons or
1, , r , T eired.b, t ja LtoNs &sas i .
.., evert description aad quality, and iiilgure, cut. tttyle,
••" -- i , ; 'Ate., a ?a -wens..
. i .
1 - ' '- - ii: ST lIN TIFIIIE.. ; ;Onr . !roportm.t.t comprises cm-J.0(110o wear, New
' ~ ;S Eyles. Brocade Silk 4,' Clinnarable Snipe sold Plaid, do.
QENERAL a'e;ortny!itt of .V1:11 - • (700;)S ner.v
itl. Ili-Al : log at the store of :.L LYONS & SON. mweruir G1,..i . .5 . y 111v , , k,
r lo: all!li;..nelanes Arcot
- • i ttetOlier -5. - ._ • or,. anti qua li t i es, ire itage'at nu price. ,, , all Wool
;.1 ---- ---,--- ---- - ------- —I. Plaids'lm . ~ew and ch•prit iksigp,, Eill. flit.' latest
-- ( aytitn-....1., Molapses, Sugai-i4 Coffee nod — Teas— a f, t i c .. o of Dre'e G v .,.1:, n,, , ~113zine:, 11.1c1; and Colored
c. , friAl at - ' LYONS'S; SON.
t Al•eiecii Preach Nl!•rilme , , Pri!l,4 at,d Cii•ghniOs.; a
' ' ' Pto noid
fllogN 11a5k0.,,,,i , Bronin,,„ p. A ils, ...I Tops—a. new - idindurtae :19311IfIllPfli of Dress Ttninnings, . ;
IL-1 ls,t. IVinflorrileuetains nail Paper han g ing?, Sice ,
at erect ves. Co:: t s Vial"-, etc., .14tvotei- nod Swiss
lotspvtices, eellintrlby I LY,ONS SSON. Edging; tont I ~, , ,rti.,,1, , Gloves, Iloiery, &e.. Sbawl4,
.11 . 4 v,10 ' .Violi n i 411 , i,lf,::•ii;,ie.Fira =old 1,•; -- Veils, mid Furs: A I =Eta corm li ,•te assortment of bleach
ill ' - , , i _ i xoNs - k. soN. : e d and ; unbleached AI teli Is, Drillings, Diaper, Table
-- ---; - ---- - -,- -- -- ---4, --- ' -- Ciivers . i . Sh, , etieg, Flannels, kc. , all of which will tie
L , CIOOL .11001., W„riting piiper, Envelopes, Pens
stilt; atilie lowest p-iecc. ,
kJ 4:p., a great li•riety can beilll ,l ll . r o nl y n4
so:4„..„8 .
lOetOber 5,. •i , I ,For bargains the public is respectfully iniited b.;
I / - ; ' • • ". rill :It
,1 ., 11 . . ;cheap Store or • .
r t , .. _...._ ~ %. itos.ENB 11. 7 M WITTENBERG A: 11RO.
• 11..114, .Allit) DIFIES GOV:DS. • --; i': Co-Partuerylitip. . - '
AI , ~ NTII.LAS, I La c e's. - Beragcs, Worked Calla rs,, ..,
, L. RttrzENTiAl. 7 NI ha: , this day iissileinted with them
111 / Purivillr, Lakvos, fashiona'ale•Bonnets, Fans, in
bi - theiet Int-loess oOder the Firm of ROSENBAUM.
choice aSsoiltrieutl in., each de;;artmento a splendid WITTENBERG A' BRO. , All accoind- and Notes of
lot of bw re antiple Trimming.
Staple (;°°4 '' of is ' . g . ', tlit cull 1 ,7 ;:•:11. as thog.t.‘ of 1., ItOSENII.VUM.' Can be
" iriei f' cloillin g•lp t: J av g i, , w1c1 , .) Gem.' and Roc.,', fi;r.nd . iit ti„. old .Siat;.l-: and ‘;e 1:ope that all trill
lints, I(silk atal simtner.) Clot,i; very low . Calicoes • : , , ~
the iter.'s-dv of salting them o Notitt ri, tlier 'Entice,
from A cent.; to 1. shilling, Carpitts, Matting, Oil.cloth. ~, • ' -
.- . L. ilns t :N IL% r xi.
and Rags; • , i, , : : C, WITTF.NTIEIM.
IlArdware--German ii•iirer & Plated Spoims, ! - ; •
, -
Kitivek• and Forks] - - ' .
' I •Mcmtros• Oct. 1.1, 1555.
Gtboceris..• Fisli, a find ; Aggortment of Teas, 1
CatTeeltt, Brom& 'tildes, Rice,' Chocolate, Raisins, • ' • -
which Will he sold 'for eash or approved credit cheap
er thin at any older establishment - in the county.—
We mean just Whit Are say. Please. give att'a Hal.
• PICKER It AN" A: GArat,s7T.
•lStett- . er. 1855,
Grourid Coffee. Ccirn Starch. . i . . i • 1 - 100 t, 4, trio.. ...2.., ... , : i
Pi!rfs;itierT:--B:IY Wat.rfr..Toilet :do., Geniis ~ ~ AT THE - MONTROSE BOOK STORE. -
Faren do. F., xtrart.s. German (.;"ologne, ale re stock ' rr „,..,;. „
~,, , idi r , i •;, r ,, 1 i
of Fs e }boaps &e. itc.
i i ,
1 1•• ill. st,lt,r...ti t_. tto.l tt it. ro_tit san the
. , pulse t-tstterally that he has on bawl thelargest
e4H.Nrtaiiiiig Tioolc—Tiay.Yollir... Sevtiti• Smiths., ; I -. ,reeled ,
Ralteal itc. fir: . ~ L. 1,. I'OST.L. CO. • 17.7,4 .(',t .1...5,1). ..111..i.t I. 0. 3 ant .. ..
.. .
ter he f,w,r,:l nivx. Nybpi., - • 111 :!•'ISIP./Ch.0:11):1 county, winch .
-,. 1 I
.11/I.:XESH:iIitO . '.i he willis..ll for read; - -pay at pikes that cznotot NI to
, t
•i ) • suit.. ,
, tli'lli sti,litg 1341:1Ti.412ntent.
.....',Anitir , ill:. illi, - c,11,1 , .,c0us took= Lac hi , fouoa the I
, .
r r,kt
rit; Subscriber keeps ronstnytly on band, and -will . I.if.. 11C W - 1 . -.llll.gton, Jael.:tani, Tkllor, Isaac T.. i I mike to oHop-
r , ttio r s, It:inill . , Wiwi/ors - tk . Window, pi l. r , liinnt. e Greeley, P. T. panin:u ; and others': Star 1
sash ^ PoOr and w ttilow-flames and all other articles' rapeni (L'eecher.) Humanity io• the City, (rliapin.)l.
Made' , of mood and i used in lont Att nr„. , )3 - ,..11 S i i i i:l l t yl,:n id, Mc Courtship sold its Volisetinene-
Blin l ds and riling on tdiort notice: Glass of . rA ; (I%tykotta , Ruth Hall. (Fanny Fern ! ) also; Fern i
arfalas cu4a-tleiti....: rt,,l ri,...11 ' I Leaves, tirst And second selie , American Agitators;
rlqoring planed - and matched at -R 1r• '(..h . ' S• _ 'ft' per • and Reformers. Thoughts and Thilit.ts at llctinfr and 1,
- IWO feet. lutnit , ;•_ , , , -, c alt kind it done to order, also , Abroad, G...ttion . . A' , ....... The Old Inn. Hood's Works, i
axelitiral assortmeet AtCATIIN,, - ET NV A ra:. -, , se,mbrip• lino. i 7 b. The. :,:,,,, j:oyi 1... Dow'siCont- 1
Ilnans., Tates, St.aatts e f t 4,ll e ,, r i et ies, Chairs, pli.te Vito i... 5, The Slave of the Lamp. The Epscapcti i
Bedst .atis, Settees, &c., dc.. ~ . - - . . Nun, 1, 0 %%!e or the Resoled TArk. ' Memoirs Of the
G OO O Line, Chos.rt• and Wldtewood lumber, and co lle t A i * : Ith , , ,z,ington, 2 cols. tic:Atts.ntitit'A Animated
laf till kinds taken in e%ellange for the alulre. - 1 N nta ,,, .4 ii,„ ch ei „i miy of com „, o „ Life, Clarke,
Zgri Termxreadv par; or three months time MI. ; (..`inotnetttorv, New Testament, Ilarnes' Notes; on
proyei credit. - - All orders addressed to -me will Ce.:, m i ne .
.Hack's Religions Anecdotes'. Testament:s, Hi-,
.lA.OOI - 1 TAYLOR. 1,1i. ., f;;om poeicei,:z.e to large ramilv, ilyinn,.P.rn . ye:-.
ecire in 01)0 attention,.
LanOsbozo June IEOI. 1.:i.'";: , . i Gift, - Toy, Se- Note, It- • -and Blank BleAks-of
-'," at,,„
~, ov: - .11), .teeeipi,. . ,
•".- . all sii:es, ,ke. ,t,:e. • : -I 1 A / . ..SO, All that certain piece or Pare ;of land sit- rise ri ” north or'L T 4 ' !lo'• Tint 1 .
:1 1-1--•"r .11"-- - &not , -
• • • fur-" nate ,and being. in
; the township of A 1 {Men in the• Tnat It 1.3 very dieeral e that the accounts ..n_ _ _a
• 'Pierson. 'Mt - the e st by lands or Henry' thinker; tel. ; t ,
'as riill . ows,lto On the'north by latel.of William '. • ' •
3tonttose, St.-pt. P., 1855'. •A. la•••• BULLArtD./
i 1, 4 :-.h5.,,,i ./,•0,4-4--111 kind" used in the county Or " • -
•F. B. CHANDLER - . ' , „.,, ~, , • '. - ~ , donate of . tersquel-anna a nd. bona:Jed nd described
- 1 or the late firm . „, of Smith & Iremn:tead'shotild , ite sesf:
r; - , •norl a-aortal:Wit of tFA LL ..I ND Iris.. '"'!"t'"°" '•`):1"`'"ue•- . _.
•11,,sei Deoks-A good vat her eonstantly• on hand or ~ , • .. •
1 :is follows,to wit ..:-On the north by lan: sin tb • ' . sated••• '.- l'''' ' alt I . ' , lc-0A ;
p0.44(..,..4.... t 11 1 .. ) e 0 ,. 50titil ))v laiia '' 01* Aaron VatiVorst, real on the s •: 1 - • :
y upeland:, . COL-tall/11- n a.l( )- . .. . . , .
ITP,I: /311011 S, l‘liielt v4ll he solo as cheap as •. r. - • - ~, - I inn of Richard Robinson; on the east 1)y lands :if• FRUIT TREES. I• • lazoolti.yn, Atig. 29, 1958. ; • . - - •
• furm•heil :4) order. . 4'.ne fr:101 1 7C1 i 1 • ------'-------'-
any ihj this market. i :Plaids, 'Mains, l'aramettaa rind . c ; - . , ‘
enrol „ 0 ~ „ to ~. ;
at John A.. Kirkoff: south by land tof )lilt Lott: , and ' 113ERSONS wishing an Orchard, would do well . to I L ACT. by the harrel or load, at the tnarket "rate
fromse, one frame Barn, and about. taVenty acres ins_'
. more or less,. With the appnrtenances,
gifl cs i.a! •vi l i l ly. of , (polities arlil• atvles--(iitighanis, ; 1 ' '. Qt ?'''''' . . ll ' - g l ' o . • t '"• tI T ' *fl ' e ' sll ' l4* P. 9. . - jOn the west by. !soda of Santos! Didej: containing wegyed. il. call at TURRET, I,'S . ..VORSIE.FirES, -24. !relies • )7_4 b a • O. G. 1-11n.lPSTEAD. .
1 slallete ve• yule e-tiold-and Steel I'. r.. chin„ • • , 1 1. . 1. •• •
Printl4l and Shawl:.; ' Brown aftil . Bleached ..ifindins; ' ' • ••• 1.- . • . • ! " ! about .:9 ac, more or Iris wit the appurtenances, v '-,,Scrutineast of Friendsvile, where/ Apple trees, of the
Ink- the lv-st tic ‘l4:-. be. , 0104 lot. ;4' other arta.h...a nab: • .HE highest market mitre Paid for Butter. Eggs,
Comforters. Carpet Itag's tulif(Overshoes, Crockery ••. '- -.- ' . • • .. ; tine Log House and one Log Stable; and about thirty Taken ti t ex..,eu r ,io:=, at. tli tntit nfPiiinens, W. 11717•
• tuna approved hieds, or
~g l o os.zec aa i n .l ll , .q tb i aa l d i ti,m ..s i t c) h i . . ,
~,, .
1 T
and 4 ,nos Ware..l,ookitig Glas4.i.s. Window Gla4s and •a, e e - j amen) iniprosed- ! -11 -. . lard Farm Product . ? of all kinds . good Shingles;
t.. . .
a4lare sold by a',:;erits for -. cents, . ... .
• ,AI.ISO- 1 1 A.11tha certain piece or parcel or land sit- •
beasienad. to J. r. Dunmore, vs. Nathan lierchall.
' ' , -ri-tc Wool Socks sl,:. itt GoOda by . ' • -
Fails, Groceries of all•kinds anal at a low figure, Fln- . . .. •
•id an candies, ke.
7 , nisi:le:due to 111 1. o? lo:)... 'Please call and exatione, b !
fat - pareha-ing 1,11.1.`1111'70 . )1; the Muntrl).:), 1 - 0 1)1 O b . , :
fit Is. ') • - -
AP/lii• (ow. A neat.' 1:. laata. - .
4. • • 1 Taken•ln eXecution al the suit of D. R. Lathrop,Ya.
A. ;a. BLIA,A RD.
~. : . chalice , Thosn. tons , 1 •••
ante and laoing in klie township nf Liberty in - the cmtn- ' Ceuta Tech. - . 1
A 1.40, a few Peach, - Pear, Phan, Quince, and Moan• l - -- •0. G. lIF,MPSTEAD. •••
' .A' ;EA D3*-MziDE (ti.,07711,,VG.. \ '. ', • ' . :-. -_ 1 ..; , A.Leso. All that certain traet or. parcel . or land t3lef 8115114,12e."41111jan' and 11(1 .. T L I : tit t s4 ,,I : ‘ l . i e l s il ;t d , e r s. l c ,: u .P. P..d a n t : ;•• ta : in Ash trees, at•reaamtable prices.... "1/ 4111' el .11 7 -1 .** *b 1 -7- Mi - li a tid -
I C s
..._ . m ut e 10 141
. 1SC1:1 .* fiber
; me . ....
retinas, toiw it . •„ni the no. a
A good stock-aksci., Cloths- mid Casaimeres, !cabs, 1: . 11031 E 1..:4 no 1- , , I situate in the township of Franklin in the county of' • l'•urculas rep 14 11•1•1 to meernev or names, ant 1 and' is nofacturtng, . a mall stork of
Vestidr, Ac., will
. I.)e sold at. Ni 2 r r rnali plofits ; 1 ' I Susquehanna and state of Pen.naylvania, containing' of - Campbellj on the south by l an d s of Beitjamin i'.. • , 1 • • is.
.- ••• • • . ; ... - • •
flint for the ' different Ready-male Clothing,' of good quality and. workman
' ; 11 - 00DRI 7 F.F if ELDI2ED '
1 , • ship, which hp.offers at very low prices.- .
'1 • STO T - ES' A ..17) I'IPE. i 140 items and being. the en pars of a ttertain lot of 1 ;estateof Daniel Bailer, deceased, et - attaining anoat G - -duns of the Yew when desired.
T.TA'.V.E rtmerial to the letimt district, where theyW. Bails Phito t . . L uce and tiod, La l ong i ng to th e t to making. a good selection of
, .• -- 0.• G. HE'VSTEAD.,
t= 114nd.•• known- and -dimitiggished as " Nrimber Sixty- ! - . . • r,..K. TUIIRE'f.L. 1
Alate Conking *l Parlor Stnves. for wood oreoal, I 1 iyin be- g',,tl to se. , all their oltleustoinert and •
• 1 , four," on the map of renfirrvev. - and subdivision of a , acres, wtt t pir tenst . • .
1 t• • ' 'Friend •y'll • Qua 'a co Pa Sept:ii• 1851" [tv*" • 3411 •T'S AN„D tilfif,ol.:,s-41. good assortment
will be sold lowno close them rtit. ••
..,,,n uses a. !,lease to give them a call.- , Owen tract formerly Owned and . divideil between Tim- •
i !Tomei and one Lamed Bat n thereon, and most 1: mi. ; 1 . „ ~ I ‘....., • 1 . ~ „„ ... , , ~
- • , • 1 -
.. of 'excellent u• !hies, kept enlist-wily on !toad
• 1 i f -ixr. L 4l). . Tney ifitend to keep a gene'ral aseartntent of Stoves i 4 1,thy, Pickering, •••kamnel. Hayden and Tench Cox : rdved, (exe-ptin s therefi out the Saw-mill and ap- 1 I 7 ------
1 P tirtenan4).: altos ed•theretet s late l t... • f L••
, ) the 0). a.). 0 ..- , SALTY:IN tiV,Olc 'PER li IL 'V Ft, -iby 1 • • ' •O. G. HEMPf;TEAD:
Grain 'or all f kinds. White Beak Socks (if eclrodeme..s,) -or. thelbesa kind and quality, among which May be ! *high_ said lot contains one hundred andjeleven
. aerers
1 r P -nzo Van"" 1 .. , I Wholesale in! Retail dealers in Flom., Salt. Pork: I . .
• - •
nunil ,r,"//tY.V.1,1: and 1'..41 . 1'...4002i. A IR-TIGIIT, 1 ia tieveray hree perches, and Was conyeyed by the I `se , • • • '''. • l• . 1
• ran q - & Co.;c' it •il Feed •nd Candles • Cash paid for Oats' --- , • . - • - • - - . ..-.
old lin. ohl Copper or Pewtertir • /mien to execution at toe salt o, F. .. at re • ,o, v. . Grain, a • • .• • -
cat Gocri;m.. - .
Oet IZ, `55.. , . ft E. 17.1.1.,4 N.D./,ER. TH/?. P ...E S.T.iTES '...1 A" Dor A NGE COUNTY',
fraiil Timothy Pickering„try Puthatri Catlin4is attorney ' us ,, of J. c ~-; b t 1 _ -
t a T. I•r - 7 ) Vane
t.rii.n .. ,i , ...1) , t. . ' and Rye. . • • ' .
. „
' ' ' Aim_vo lir 1'11E.11117.31. STAR, OF THE WEiq
, in Liet-as- - to stoidatt Churchill ••by d d bearing ' ' i• • ' . ' •
. - • 1 ; 1. p HOLI,IST,EIZ. St:eriff. 11_ On Chestnet Street,-East end- of Lyons it (ht ; - .• t . - -ftort. SHE FALL =ALT. . . • •
. _
ir , .
I. . ELEVATED ' OWEN aIR-TIGIIT, ;CLIXTOX ova date .the eighth day of May, a. U. 1819 and recorded 1 ..i • j; •F. Y. Oct. ., ,1 , - j dlers Store, Montrose Pa.' = 1 BENILE_Y lit READ, have just reunited a Jars,
• 1 GIFT * ENTERPRISE. 1 urgsTy,lLN iIVF.N. The Elevated Oven .toes a
q , u ••• . - . spentr.iolTic,. Montan,* _•_, ea.~
. 1, in the office for recording deeds m and Or the county • j
. •I .. • ' ALFRED TIAI•DWP.t. t and well selected Stock of Dry Goods Groceries,
. .
' 1 4 -••••t - ' fir, -'• "
, a !, Int!te Iltell , lo ti which makes theta rope- of Susqurhanna, in Deed Book No, _3, Page 2311 Ate., 1 ---•-• i , . r• • • 1 1 . ' ' ,
' 1 SFLAS PERKINS. I Crorkery. llardware,-Druga, Medicines, Paints,- 0 1,,
400 ,PA tit ~.1. (1.17,....1. ; liar t othe ,i;)gl.?. fiv....pirci) Stoves." We keep con. I dn•the 12th day of May, 1819; togetherlwith all and 1 MH.LINERY AT NEW MILFORD PA. I:, --,--?- :
( IFlGoods in lots at. ala-9-1•?:1-)?2-$1,54) and 0 5 t . I"'IY .- .`' n l'"'"I'''F"'" 1 ""la•' - e'ttnrn't of 77 -v 8 7- 4 RE singular the Buildings and ImProvements, streets, ;
• 1 :Ors. ff. - D.- Ward .
t 1 ' TAli E 'NOTICE - - 1 Watches Jewelry,
.Silver Spoons, Ste.., st - hicif they of
k--, eems TO GIVE AW r fu - t :::•s• - • , inertly rm. home trade • 1140 Widl and l' l ' ' • fI.- on i • •t vo-ahle•tertna
y before the i ,-t of n- . • ""; • ' "' .- • •'-- •, , label., oilers, in••''sage•iraP , Water. wjater•cenrse 4 . , - 1170E1,D r Esi t eetrally giV 4! .tioti c e; to the intiplic ! r riiiT,application for•it. Lie:at:se to RA Spirituous I ••• the moil fa : - •,, . .
Jan..1:858. , Ct e :4t..o Pomp.), 1 , ,,,,,t, Chains and It^44R. I ,, iii -Pit)" i eelits, libertias privileges, •hereilitamen and appitr- -V 1 ' , .
. :, i - ' ' h • to4en- 1 Mieuroan Oet 1 '1955. •
that she luis again remened her bmatiese at-. I. Liquors in the villrg.) of L•rte....4.1a) er, rut t. . _ _• . ~ _
or- all drea .1- rtaimiel Ware . 1:e tar- all of 'which ! ' lm. ' .. I 1 ' • 1 . •
Atli clue purchasing Fire .14 t Ilarc worth of Goods- •.: - . ..1 i . • t . , ; , • ; • tenatmea thereto re onging or ut any w y appertain- si:
Millinery at 1 1 / 4 ,7eiv Milford, Pa. sire has RN anger - 00MS , ship Of Harmony, will-be ina•le to the Judges. of' the!. Lott tt pd Square Shalt La, De Laines, Figured am!
for' cap). at one d uo!, will be fiees ,,. wted with (me 'of th,..y• f)fra 2 f.... to ~..:41 etrap for relay pay OT APProved I big and the reversions and remaitiderl4thereof-==there , by . aidtielt ithe gill receive f oili, New york the lat , ,:st 1 Court of Common Picas of Sa`TLL'hatia a . connty.t•Y I.Plain, a great quantity of Pamtnettas,•and other - D•est
the abbre Now ready for delivery. For enf'.` llll ;•. • 3 "b wrr''',..(h","•, e; with dispatch .. and in oni ,, . twin* . one famed Rouser-one flamed Bru7, One - oreli.;
further particulars inquire of 1-. • . .f, A WOODRI Fl' • G t TI.•LI.DRED. 4rd and about 44) acres improved. , atvl - 6 • 14 of LadieN and Miises' Hats and' flonneta of ev• 1 hie at Not-ember Term. agneeable to ate of:As:semi:ly
, •
- ' ' cry descriPtion; and also to procure onshort notice 1 Sipproved April 15th, 19a5* " i roods, for sale Cheap by ' , -s• - ' •
1 •
- J. LYONS 4, SON,- i Mont!ose, Mat 30, aerie, .
• 1 1 •••• 17 4 1 1 1 Ttiken in execution at the suit' of 7 Henry L. Blow- ' • - . • N.tTlt AN A. LEDNARD. i
• any rutmiti of the kind thilt ant person. Might want. 1 1 .
. - ... .
Montrose October 24, 195:..r../ • - . • . 7; --.--- Len and Abbey Churchill, .4din'rs rtf the estate of •
. __. _ From ouch irrangemcats and etorn her past experi- 1 1 Laneshoro, Oct 15th, 19•557i:-.
- . _____t ------------_ •
~ ' ,-- A-iii; LI i . .;. EITNING EXPRESS' II hid' ri. 1 1 1rehiil 1/1'C:ill - ha w . os the Ass 'el of
4 ; • Milford r Aaron Var.% °rat and 11n ire • •• '. • 1
Sii*lig enee she Ironeii to please all Who may'favor lien with
; Time. * * Soren' !--Frtre llrdarced :arm/
' -T " ' /.I'l • --, ' - (- Williams • their ettitoin. lAll kinds or re-trimming and repair-
BL • I/ ' J :Infra ortbe Atate or Lucretia Van Karst deed. •' -
T BURRITT has 11011" . in - e and Is receiving . . - • i I . a •
. 1
. 1 4 - d • : •
.: ins done on shgrt initice.. The publie are respect 4
I-E •
.13 large stock of SEtir STO i'ES, including
• - - .5. / prry/frll:t ,
' .' li' ALSO, All that certain piece or parcel of land, sit- . Iy l 'unvited to till and examine for themselves!. - -
he Star of the West and Natioaal Elevated (hams, . • :;; - 11.-1"1VI.E1 & .IF,NK.S- ! • • I aate 'and being in the 'rownship of Great Bend, in the ;Thankful finVpast favor.... she nespectrellt. solicits
Black Rover, Wide If - oild, - ater.Paragon Large Overt, rT AVE form•A a partner-hip in Montrose. for the 1 Comity of Susquehanna, and State of Pennsvivania, . further patronage. • .11, D.' %W ART).
to which he would invite partifuler attention irs the ;1 -I Purpose of diring eyeryhmli'a 11111,A4'llie I tate (he Estate ofJuent) Skinner 211. and Efislia Squires, j New Miyard s Oct., IfiZrZl. '• - 42mr:
beat Caking Stares in market, witha supi•tio - its: WTI rir El , N G., at the old •iatahlicetr Killers Ho- !_deacriltell in Sheriff' Johnson's Deed to William. Day- -1.---L--4,------1------- ------- ---; •
1 1
~c)ct4cr 15, 1955
Adninistrater4 • • -
! (Awl.; is hereby givren, that ib pursuance bf an
.L Order of the •Orphisn'a- Court of Eataquebanna
t'Cciuntg, there will be exposed to public. sale, at the
1 Gotirt House in Montrose, on Saturday the lith day
of, NocCmher next, at 1 o'clock M., the following
I property late the estate of -lionan ;Stoddard, late of
Great Bend - Township, dreenseti, namely : a certain
pteee br parcel of land situated in township of
I Greer. Bend, and bounded AR follothi: Beginning at
a vi:ast, ind stones, S. E corner of said land; thence
Nocth - -s E. ' lands-of Hendrick and
Monii - 0.A., Mar 1835.
Books' •
k , .. f;
ok ,
v• •
7: •
ray Su
t br
'An of At.
.. 3 01, 'Lb the
• F ennd
ittti Henry
• ell
lioger Ifarris . . ~ .„
b o a n d o i , f0jt0.,,,, tol 1...200.g t.llO :•ontli-w,estcorncr WCsaiii n0,yp.,..;*,.. . .
s)tttate in Lenox aforesaid.; ! fOr (..n.lll Produce, or approved credit. •'" ' i
;ii,' . , 11, W . O Ol Sock _ s wanted, far which the - lighest 't
tit;_-.Brginnion• at , . a stake and s ton et i on t if e ca , t , ; thence writ fifnien:perelles to a beech 'sapling, - the •,
... . 1 .,- -, * ,k . good6Wattneat of Bootitand Shoes at,
side*af the °Jr! chiladelphia &B . rent . 13 nd turnpike . southwest 1, corner )tereof, in the 'west • rn price .11 • . •-. • I
'C& IVIn enll4:Vie t(.) Ot . gnu. -Flout' itau mit cop. '
i • • 1. ._ ' . - ."'-.. . ... .1.1.. /1... JONES.
mad, sciuth.west corner of lands i of said I;filton Tiffa, ; boundary line 4f :femme Ilall'n lot ; thence narth' 1 t
Fv:l3;tlV 011 band. - I : .
r iy • t h e nce north 10.dcg.. weSt ierenty pet clte:s to a ' partly by tbo line aforesaid one hundred 210 fi f.y-fiVO , ' •.... ifn 1
i ..,e's ...,“'n!t. . O ct . ..1 181 , . • ' ' 'r 1 A o t .Sum
i t i- E- ~ and Coffees of
stake and stones on the cast Eidi of road aforesaid I Per e f'°' axid , h '. of ' Pe' e l t t°th°lll.°4° o f i ''''' ' L--- * --__::: _I v )! __;.' ___..._ _____ - ' l. l - 1 -• It'a • ;P r 'ee" l- 'Y
thenCe south 79 deg. east 79 perches ton stake and; gi',.. stung: . euntit!tim . g n inety-seven acres' and toienty.. , . ` NEW MILFOQO - E -Ni°oSti i -M I -f-- -
~intl et i, an (Mgt Side of road aftirettaid ; thence south ;
five Pe tc° l s •,'' ""T I !wing part of n bode tif land I
.• I.„i ,
grunted IT toe I Clounonwetilth of Pennsylvania to . , ! lit Full .Illast:.- •'' 1
F . Y.t•l' . (lt , rre roe west fifty six pi•rches, 1t) 1t Jrorner !
4 rock in west hank of said turnpike.; thence :tooth ; ihelder, late of the city of Philadel• 1 '
1 Tiro If lindrctl ethyl S'e•vroty• '!'.• 7 . -
Henry Ini!tker 1
1,, .
~ , . , , . , . Fi e 5.0.1„;5. Joe
4,54 deg. *est twenty•five and three to the perthes ' Phi” , lleaea'ed-r° " then P ith 'l l'n 'ur tna '''''''' n ''''-• •. ; ' Sf tie . by Di . eß•ei•nuin & Garritit • _______ _
behliniing : _conytfnit.7, al nevi., and 1 1 ,5 perches of : small . frantd 1i0n , 4?, one framed I , aill, a small oreli• ; ' ~,,,, :. . - - ,t, Inft . ll.oll)EifiSr; and Wintlo:vr - Bm - periettrd ,
land, part of linger ILitris wartant-,abritit ten acres
arc, and 14) 0111 : l:- , k) Pr -is) avlvs i , 1 1 1 , ( 0 ••*ed. ' ,IV Fl are in rreeipt of the, larr,cst steel:. of Stoveg - 1..; - ilarfirti, June 14t, 1855. - ._ - • •z111:13.40N13a
Taken it, exeentlon nt the -nit -of Andrew Ilodge,l
. 1 ! cv . •er offered hr `o: tie n Pentisylvanittiri , l-.-- . 7 -1-•- , ...--;
at Cooking, Patior,nnti Six-plate, loth for.; . .. •• • C i ook Itlerel: - : • -
the.renf intprilved, wlth One Frittnt' DWelling Ifousa ,
end torn and Corn tititise thereott 11(44; the sante ! jr., assipole ~f Iltiny S. Brinker and Thomas: Stew- ' !'"ang
•,, wood and coal ;,,' ab'c. a full 10,tortntent o f large sizes,
land ibrmetle credmetedliv Defendant ofilainriff, 1:y i artisan, 6.4-Tutors of ih-my nii,,ks . :L-, (.41,: . 4., r , . John ! 1 . 3, OCK ET KNIVES.; A-gond astOrimen t. of the( est
; Bail.a.k, aiilt 1:01;40 to .Italatbaa 1.--tticktatici, T. T. tIP sI O es and tharelles• ,' - _ i 1 kind : Lt-market. Ato Table Knives and Forks.
contract tilted -Not etubcr first, A. D. 1451. I. attention , 0 the. t • rsoman
1 A t . c.O I %II 1 t ,,. t -• •,.. , ~..e d f1,.1-* j - , WOUld C• 111 ilirtiCU i lr t . leif• • •
,; .I LSO, Otte other piece nr pa ! teel oft. aattl situate as ,• * " - I'..- t ,'.° I c- ` ' ''''' I . "'-' ' ' r .T . o ""'-'. ''' t- I. ' p
1 otecatFu Oven, the most perfret . anti heaviest plate ! s.r" - ouss..; Silver, Sili-er Plated, German' Slifer Alin.-
township &a • Lathrop• in the
aftn•es-aid, hounded and desetibeil asinlians. Begin- i nate and h , u ";: , i m 'the; to, mid Britania-Wate spoOnS. * 'AISo PAIN-er . ,!r,,illeer
Bing at a corner-in the Toutharinock.creek being the county of i Sutancinnw.3, and .latundoil as follows, to . 5..1-ove la market.* :Among our a.....(,)rarrttatt Of large
would mentiom the. Etn;dre State improved, us i
; PLited, &id Gilder Butter Knives. *-
gouth rapt corner of a piece of 14nd sold bv Isaac 11v- i wit: Itegnuting at the vial of ti-vt all on the east Fide. 'ore rl , VIOLIN STRNGS. Bows, and all the fikturti; T 1
or -th , 1.-nii,l'4'•ll,ll4,k S. Westeln Ittilroati, and On the-' liei l ug troy heavy plates, perfect finish, and a snperi•
tiearson in his life-time. to Freeman ll'.I I'. Clinton ; ; I olins, Actiordeons, Flutes, Tuniu • Fo-ks •I st •, •
g, .„ , n_ ruetot.
t h ei , oe t i c „,..„ ; . .,, : i d creek t „ t h e bi n . er t. of the f i at i north hank of the; It , not: that crosses' pear the Ho p =i or [faker. Farmers of I.lusoneltamta county, you hide :,, B - r j r .:1 4 ,,.. ice. - • ~./
,* - . ,
bottom Ibipot 1 , tiler. _e texrtb at degrees oast 9 and t l!e . eti ilttlic Lahti- of patch :cant,. li lit stoves andlight !
i FLUB LAMPS, Finid; Camp . licne Candles Lane,
fOrmerly owed .by Corotdius fivnearson, extending i
, six-tetintht perchc i s to- the brook to a post on the• 1 t.ltpintne, and paying,....smneht as ion ought to' for; Aze •• , -
nit rods from the said creek ' on she hank, to a Bent--, Oil, ..
• den . tt . st te , '.
tooth Ade t theuckl sontlt flt - e end a half d e gree, east I ,beave Plate , ' and heavY trialmill'sr• ' i FAMILY - GROCERIES . : A full-assortment: - (new atk
ii, - a.'ic tree for a corner ; tipster sinith 72 ~. t I ' . ' ' .i ; 'l%** .
;:ti Beech ; thence south• 411) deg. west two:at .. e i ght : twelve . and thryesti:nths perch-es toe post eitst side of i f .. emr tfa . Cture oar furniture, and 'will sell a t man I Bond. .. . 1 . :•. -: • .., --, . • • ::. ' - -
• iperches to a corner ; thenee south :' . ..6 deg. stem ten .. Turn i nkc ';; d ' ene l truth fi r 's ` l ''g lt ' c '''' ise4"s° : and: i ;
aciii'.c"Price; Let those who pal , & mi l ker Pr ofi t .
1 DitUGS. tk. PATKNT •ki L ; DICINIZ. . A trAtatit a..-
perches to`a Birch sa pling ; j h er j ee no w, 51 , a„. east , one-tenth perches i to a post oppa-ito the "bridge; : ea . r.i .. l i l v . le wit h us if they oath Jahhing connected *; sortment, tiod'gentiinc. ' .
_+- •
eiglieperchas to n thorn ; thencernorth 4.3 de ' g. east thence north eighty-:I -tree .h-green „„t. tares 14? ,,1 i . N,tltltio.. tin trade, 11010 as anted on sheet notice-' , PAINTS &„' OlL'z •A: et era'r - 4 C:I tit ' ' l
'. 4. 4' , 4
i es to a t•takc cult fid, or. 11.1111a:1d & To'rnpike cross. : i
..,. Plc KETMAN .t.- OXIIR,t,TT, .1 -• • • • ", g' - ar ... ?" r-ea, an c Po ,
iwentv-fire perches to a corner :, thence tjawth TA deg. qualtty.
.: . . - -„, ;-• . i „,,
; ing, in range %nth 'otortu side cf . Turnpike front -Be. :
.-'.".•etv Miltiwil, ...ept. IR; 18,7,5. - i
(last Itiortivo and a half perehes to a-buttonwood ; : JEWELRY. A . pleiadid variety orthe - neatest pa:
stn ill 17 tit.g. L eaf to a c4rucr in the Pitilatiel
pot, across the flat; tltecee milt 0141 y-roar and a ; 1 - ---- "'" ------ " --- - 1.--
, half dogrtles we:st! five and three,tentits perches, to , „ —_:.
FALL TRADE 1E355. - i terns. .. -
Phittanti tirt•it Rend turnpike !road; hence along' . I FANf•Y GOOD.S. ~- i eariv.e.cery thing in
sabl "road to the.sonth-n - e-t•Corr4r of the lot sold to I- the :b e g i " wi "g •• ' o" t4i ". ili g 6 / p''' di" "'ore or ie''' . • : - 1,,8EG lc , tv"to invite the attention a mt . old frichtl4 1 i'ERFUNIEIIY. . -.1. choice' viiriety : . ( New siPplies:
the old (linton as above ib•seribi,Nl; thee ttiongsaiti , with the r.),p , trten?ttice::, two stare . uouirs at •. ail itn- • 34 and cuttoniet-• to OW CAR 3" LA Re; I.: SToriK I received nearly every week.'
lot to the place of - hvoinni - or••
• ;•eontaininn• about " 0 . P t°Ted- ' ' '; ' ; (Ir PRY f./OODS, GI; 0 OF.R.IES, lIARDIVARE, !, In short, nearly.evers thing persons want, and cheap'
"• ' ' • r"- "''' Taken -Li examtion at th •. suit of Fl'f'i" • e• ' , , ,•." -.--- - 7 - -
Be., he the 1 4 7iiire Inc : ... or -less, uit It !.lio appurte. 1 ' - .F.• - 4 , •r•• • ..- “Oc A LI. ), , Lr/...N.A-r. .r, .‘t HA Ir LS, rrns, iat the - Tariety store of - •:. ' ; IL TUB...BELL
. ', ecutor, .kr, of d'lltount Catlin,. dee .1.,- ; es Amos B. '; 1/. , IT:z& CA lIS, PALL - T.IJ: OILS, CLorn 7h-6 , , I Muntrose;June 14. 1. a 5.5 .: .. - •, . 1
- -I -, „
lion Lt cue Stsii of liIIIIV 4: illtltherg i M er f ill ' ' ' 1 /./ 0 OTS dr SIIOES ie. ci:c., lam new receiving', and -----
-,ii:to.__ I . • ' - '' , "l Of 1:' 1' hilf -tittering thanks for . past (acorn, 1 Would rt , , • . .
i Takeo in e.x.,:mie, ,
lI,SO--11l !tl4t certain pieCe or three. .attel i While twittering ...._ ph „ „,.,.., NEV . dOODS'AGAIN.,... -
m itt willieim liartley vs . MiltorilTiffanyd --
- - i
.t .
~ ..
~ , . . them . too. e
„favor toe with
_. a . ~
1 sitti4e‘aod c beitig in the towrAlli iof Llthe op in the ' •ipectfedlv ask one.— to ail
_ 15.... zar..y‘lEt.change, 9 ' Bievici gal.
Ai:SO, All that certain . 4ticee or pa eel -of land o l •ii . .itileel as ; it are of the pattonage they hare heretofore :to titer- i
.4ittutie in the Borough of Siontdchaiarta Depot, in the : '"""!•Y of t' " 141 " e l iA " llft • bf '"". 4 ` l .. al ' I
follhlc., t.l!Wit .., Oil the r.ortit by isartmel ‘ ...gtetvii..l ', all'y honervel me frith.. , J. ff. it:I7TPIIIN. • i ryitiE stibricriber,VAke.tltiA opportunity of thanking
&mot v of Susquehanna nnd belated noel (lest.' ;heti as
4)11(4 .. to
wit:.. .... Nort i t 11 , tam . of Jan o. H. Smith; . Eli Wiight; on thileat-t by Wallaroljootlain.and IN- 1- Sunimereviile, Sept. IS. 1i:74".. 1.., 1 111 A filends for their veryliberal patronag e the
• .. -
' foe D fi a t kon tne Qouth ley IWilliatn• MIN. 1 ,,,1 0 ., I , ~.. - ~, ..... . ~,. ‘ 1 past S ea. , cin, and ~f. -,ayin g to them in addition, that, '•f„
an tire East by a street It cuing Front .river Street to - D. ' l- . • , C o.,' ''..' ! ( '1 Hata And rt . :nu:ice o! altkil;l.4 - IWillaiM aiiile .
the west by had rf R . -Ye . Breed A . . t., having Just received feesn invoices of seasonable.
. o e ' n ' t " llll- ; 1 . X hi g lic.f.t. market pricea'at J. If. SUTPHIN'S.
elturith Street ; SoLith br elit.rehistrect ; Rod west lit . t 0 4n ,iterp4 With the annettlemanetta one Tavern i ( i 0 Itt wool . , ocKi . , ..
lynu , toil
at --- --------., 1 Goerl.a of various deseriPtirriie.; he is slid pre - pared le.
hociS of ethe said Jamee 11. Stnith. Being '4 mi.+ ' abeni- - • - ` ' • • - .• ' . , •
house. two Store libuse.. one Sao mail. stes f)wt.lling , ...,_ -., -, .; supply' almost any article wen:lily eallel-for at weion - - -
_. If .. .±l : _SUTP,l_l T-VA .1 try s ?c.v.: IDA . assortment ie mow compkte, :red be,
tide on church street, and 4- rode deep r••arii (toot to „ o
..„:, two RtritiQ one 0. CI it d at ti rhout fifty ' 12'
rear; with the appurtenances, One framed Direllio..• ; ' 11 "'".••• - ,* .'-'' .'•" i• ' -! , - 7 - - . . -
.., Qt L GARS, cheaper than they can be obtained else- ing the largest in tote", offers the greatest induce
; • " r ' • acme- mprovetd;
4lonee and all improve.d. - • - 1 ,
1 Taken itt execution at the,euit of R.yr. A:411.y vs. 1 ,L , where at - J. p. SUTPIIIN'e... i meta to putehaseri, either fur Cash; Darter, or Go;Ni
t I Taken:hi execution at the suit of A. J. Whiiner
• •'- Ot-olti (7.,, , . ,
: (short ; Credit. (alband s4e.
{a. .I. L. 34 arAt. " i . ' • - -
A 1,14 . )- . .-4 AU that certain piece or pareel Of hind, he- 1, ; • ; CLEAR THE T RACK, .-G. G. irtnirr....TE..,‘D..
1 I ~i„,111 that certain 1.L.e . 0 or parcel of had ''' . ' 1 to t . -,.;
i 4 it t u t t e an d I„.i n n. la t h e , to ,,,,,„ifir, o f
~.f vf, ,i ro, in thto. tug a hetinying lot, situate, lying:mol ht..leigt ; „4'n the Br- - . ;Oa I -WO' it a great Inirry ! *ler. what'.; the 1 _ . '" rt ' ° '"Y n ' Au V st 26, • /55 ' "-• -. • ' .
: Coon iy of Stisetu " elianna and hot:toted: a le, followa to
.. rough Of stlistpti.het.t , a Depot, known ftila d6tinguislt- il, .- matter nose? 0. nothing, roil; *-
Dollen d 'over .t - ----__,,. Me . diifines .trad Dturp. - • .
i i ir lot •Ne. I t) os the -1i0..\ i , ilia, aeon and
1 tvit :;--0.1„tlle north by lande Of John' Miller ;On C d ', l ' - ' -)e ,• n .„-•: . j - •'; -, •,-,, •' ', -,. • , ; there at the Poe.toilice has, ;test received by Railroad . 44 . ti k • TRES; chtriy Perte.-retl—ackitewledgeel to. be
elesignmeo, on a map to t h e ino-otiga 0 1 nosquennona, :„. Fi r ,,,.,.
F the easeity land of John and Thhmae .1Orlev; on the a new lot of Beteeks aral stationers; and I - 1 ii, the.heeit "Peihnotiarr Relnedy eittint—Pmore
being titi 4 , et_f . ton by 1 . - 211 . feet: deep, cOntaheing ; 2th . i
i want some before the.y tire n il "one.- 3" , e• ihat's so. ' Extract of ' 'Mitch Havel--an exceedingly A - afoot:4'e -
4oatli i hy faierfor We.ley,,itensceltter ; an :1 on the weAt
aituare feeim rt,,, ,, w:ip, thr apptli teilittiCeS, 1 trilllW : Nitie (r,l, fir lee Itiks got Mary Lyndon, Ti, Hidden 1 remedy fOr db.mrs 01, - Dr. Dalter'S Compound—a
h 3 hind of Je, 4 :;e. B.' ; 4 :ter Mt ; containing about 300
Store-house w ith it let fling to the , tippee story. . ' D'ath.• Mv,:Bondage and rlO loin (F. Douglass,) Ben:I-grand sp.mifte for Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cholera Mot--
sierce of land together With the, oppurtnances, one
Taken •In exec mon at the s ui t of ; L e wis S. Tier/. 1
trailed llonsc,- one filmed Barn; one „Saw-mill, • and • tha and Ville: figtorn; Choiee Work..? M eett of, four 1 ime,:ke.—Avres' 'Javne's • Phintrey's and Wrig ht':
heim VA. sattah L.:tot:elm. -
Si:;; Yole. fie: kc. „Young Folks' Glee Bunk, of 1-Pill,e, Merchant's Gargling oil, together with great
:;bout forty act-ea itopreived. - •
.-, 1 . &I SO-- 1 VI tin cerMitt -3,.ce Or ny.'e..l of 1 , 114 •t.
ante Anti heiteg,in the towositip of Franklin in the ' or-Wvitin g Pitper, F iveloPes grad
Taken in execntion at the. suit of Say lc ' Bentley & -'-," . ' • " • t - ' •' ' ' -• • ; itoolibir Sottg s titoks, and a hog e addition to his ntock i variety a Drop in common etas, kepi eone'ontly on
Perkin.; y.e. ,Jolin - Bailey - . ' - - - 0G: lIEMPt. , TEAD.
comity of irtneque Monti, mei bout:tied ;oud ele .: c..iier.ti i, imnii,„ and . e t,„ an • for the ILA: rill of timeliest i litind be '• . -- • - " -
nr-Amr at ti P .•
Fft 1
deed executed th e loth day cif March 18no.
ALSO, AU that other tract or parcel of land situ
ate in the same Townihip, formerly occupied hr said
Smith, the home,faint, and the same 414 conveyed
ko him, by the said'tlwin Eldridge and wife by deed
executed the 18th day of May, 1549, andby reference
to which same several deeds, the de , criPtion of the
tame several lots will more fully and :A, large appear,
Mid deeds being recorded in Suequehanna County,
Containing in ad, about 1960 acres ofiland, be the
Same more or less, with allowanie of 6 per cent, on
the home farm are two dwellingillortstwl i one framed
barn, one lug blue, one stable, and abouti44► acres
I j Taken in Execution at the snit nt Amo6eati vs. 11.
Curtis. _ •
ALSO, All those three certain lots, pieces or par
k pelsoflandisitunte.and being nartiv in township of-Au•
Barn, and partly in the townshiplof Springville in the
Vonnty of Susquehanna. The, first let known and de
-1 itcribed on.a Map of re-surrey ofllenry Drinker's
lifeshoppen Tract, as Lot No. 69,1 and bounded as fel
! lows, to wit : Beginning at the south east corner of
the lot 'hereby collected being in the north line of
i land of Samuel A. Lairds, and being tIM south west
Corner of it lot of lend lying east of and aijoining the
lot hereby conveyed ; thence by the said last men
' tinned land north eighty nine and eight tenths perch
es to the south ea s t corner of Santitel Brundage 's land ;
thence by the last mentioned land, and lsnd of Julius .
CogsweU, west one hundred and seven ty, and eight
tenths pereho• then"; le: 1-m4 of the stlrrresetd Tro,l"
• •
piousind Bushels of Onts--::.O0O 13iislieli of
DIA wiltiat--2000 - Bushels etch of Rye and
Ctirii-24)0 Rif:Awls of Dried' A pples...--live huvireil
Nil- good Wodi Sucks. Alio Benits,i Pork, Poe!try,
flitter, L oil, Beeswax, Flax Seed, Sr.; for oiikit I
will pay t ie highest market prices iii'Ciooils., or iiii no.
count. ! - 1 40. G. HEIINTEAD.,
, •
t jiltayed.
from t)te pritnises of the Stan:et-o)er In Ararat
toWnshipj on or. about the 24 th day; of September last,
one whit4taeetil brown Heifer, 3 yoNrs old, and ~ e vett
C4vel, °s ;of them blown and .2 'Whoever will
retttore diem Ili the owner. trr giro infoynuttion Where
they nut,y4be fultud, shall be suitably rewarded.
Ararat Oct. t l2, 1854. D A 1 77 D A .I".NRY.
Giraril Fire 110 , asrauce Company,
1-15 o,hvanut St. l'hiladelphia. -
CAPITAL $300,000.
T'o th e :eitize,is - 9f xq fret, anon COW,
PPLICATiONS will be received hy for aeon.
nu 4/ or is-trilled insurances in this Company,
upon the; most. &rumble terms. Any pt.reort wishing
tol Jutve his pioperty insured will be satisfied, we
think, 14:calling on us, that he cennot get. insured
In W bettlTT eereparr,v. nor upon more larorabledernia
thin in this. BIi;N:rI,F.Y k FITVIT, Agentir.
irte•frh4r. W . ::s MO
hi the ftonanton
earIAKE NOTN.T, that the mnnev alisin ! g•from the
a or the Real Estate or Elliot Reason will be.
distributed among tie proper creditors- by A. New
! ion, at his office in !ffontrose, on Saturday the al day
ef November lext, at one o'clock in the afternoon.—
AR persons who have an, interest in Fifa find are re
4ipiested to appear and present the11"1-lairus or-forever
! ! be!iieltarred theref ant. -N. NEW-TON, Auditor.
Montrose t October 8, 1855: ! •
, . .
Is hereby givem,tu all Perso n s interrested the-fund
~ ariging from the Sheriff's sale of the real estate of
AnntsoN BRYANT., PI present their claims before the
, tilJsel Pier, at Ida (Ake: in, Mont: ose, on Friday, the.
9th day of November next, at one o'clock P. 11.,, or
be forever debarred from coming hn upon s aid; fund,
Oct:lsth, 1855. - Wu:
..I'. TURRELI I ,. Auditor.
41 w 4.
• .
• .
, • .Fanaily ••
glut: be=t' in ton'n can be had of J. LYONS S:2SON.'
Anv fnuiTy needing can
,hare theni. on trial; if
hay do not ans-cer the - purpase, to charge. -
Montrwc„ Sept. IS.
• FIRE: F 111111:
'trim undersigneki. has been appointed an agent of
, L! the STATF. trrAt.:YIRE INSURANCE en:, of
llarrishurg, Pa. Said . Company . hall a, capital of
6400,000 t It is ag 'safe and cheap.a company as
any in the State andinsures on.the Stock or Mutual
TESTI aroA7A ,
•We, the tnnletwigned, hereby. state that we •Ilare
done bitaittes4 witit the above cotnpany,, and we are
vttif!fie4l that it 14 both iafe antl ch...-.ail. In our exper
rienco ire have never knownany, tukretAamenta ou a
Oreininnt tiotp„ , .• .
• Wm. Ic.Ps.i7r, . •
' .P. M. AVILLtAms, .
'D. D.' W . AUNER, - _ _ ,F. 11., c, ! *.v..ER.
• - i E. B. Culse, Thit..vvno *moons; -
' : . EITLIANGS'SIIIO2.Ifi,- Agent. !
&eke, tggs, flitter, Lartl,-Cheese, flannel ke. in
any quitntity in exchange fur Gocultt at Cash price&
Montrose, Oct. 4, . 1455. ; . C. At0.77'.:
W. Muir has just retieved a lot of New . Gooils,
Fall Styles, suet!. ae Delanee, De Sages, Para.
memo, Alepacas, Gitighains, Merinoes, Prints soil
`Shawls. ' In fact a getters' 11 re,irttnPnt of Pry graxtli
Nie". rAT.I
LACK - en - ode R )111e of, excelletst. c~rri4itt
1 . at - ' m.'3oNtsr.,
3ROCHE dild Ca.htriefe al laqs at all ily=Ther..
a few 11. 30NES
tET.itijf made'cl(Filibrg at low prices by
- - • • O. 31. JONES
ADIES v ill fia(l.3.pceatva.rietc of, Donneti
Ribbips - • . SONES.
A.Nt2iisz, t., - `l4alll, Bertspga de Lames and (lingliarua
lat • s • R. 10: JONF.S.
Pfeae tOke Notice,
- iliegister's-Notice. • _
L - 13LIC NOTIft is hereby airen to all persons
concernedjj in the following Estates, to wit:.
- E.tate of Col. F}aj•rirk ilacky, deeeased,. late of
Brooklyn township; •R. M. Bailey, M'Jetrett, and I.
L-Poit, Executors--4 - • • - •
114nte.of Nerritne .11:a3c4,V. deeezned.'late of Lil-et
ty- towitshir;. JoAepl.l P. .t. Genrle R. Thorley, id
• Enite of Clark R. Sfinohi, tleest.Red, late of Frank- .
linitownship ; . Renry Crane,. Administiator--' - •
That the accountant: have settled thelf.fteemnits,tt
the Ht-gister's.olliee in and for the 'county of Stnuino- .
11anna, and that the sant". wiih he-presented to the
Judge:: Orthe Orpailark? COurt - of Said county; tin Mon
day Ilk. 2ettli day of N'oyember nett;-for confirmation
_and ' ,W.:-CHAPM...4N. Refer. '
.11t‘gister's office, Ofo9trciaei r (*.
- Itegi%ter , ooVotitce,
13rnr.ic NoTicE is hereby:gl4 . en to all persnoi
• concerned in the folloWinxEstate,`to wit
Estate of oroli:opirtrorson, late of Lenox, deed-:. ,
4roy Ryncarton & Isaac :11.yictirion, Adm'rs.—
That thencCountants have settled their accounts in
the licgister's office in And for. the county ofSqime• - •
banns, -and that the same will be' pres.etited to the
Judges of the Orphans' Court of eiointy, on st•
:urday the first day of Deeerriber next; cruitli nut.. ion.
And Alloviance. .L CIIAPMAN t •Reier.
Rciiister's office; 'Monti-Mir, Oct. ‘ Zit), I
A f r esh supply of Whin , Lead & Zinc, Blake's Pi. r
Proof Painti. Eng. "Vne dan t Yellow °Ate, t;%n t,
Chime & PariA Green,,611.4, raw anti 13611 ed,
for . sale by 11ENTLEri•
rre.tach liVindow
French Window G VaTioirk 'stirs', and raify,
afwaya oa liand_at • ' ! . .1113.%11.:Ertc RE.Str-S.
ATERs•Ougutr.Pteuvut.-&tu..q. Dr, IToolhincri ,
German Miters. Townitand's Skzpo-t.illa; Vaugn's
all:of De. Joynim celebrated Medichlesi, Pe".
trphlum. or - RockPil, Timm:lent; Ban* Tii :
copherotis; anil Lyools liii,tllool9,oitiii; - Dr. Phi ;lei's.
firsitdettio, Orotren
berg,-ficriTreign Bid*rfteOri•ptil Plant & Roof- . f y;
#e.,. kepi conAtintly a 14014; . 4mProesile:br , "-.
• & RJD.
, Clocks, tc . 9llrelioN.-",. Steve
Ware, Pala - -totnitzen,- Crael;tir's„.einitelt,
Teditt Rubber, Felton! ,
ffir tale right, 1) . . - BENT/IV& READ.
• •
!Minded aliortment, last c a'rtired of
Mnitrovo. :Vow, I N , 'tusk) - ikintwie
a - 101
Jr. 31.
Pa to.