II BM El E ilePqblie4Q-:- ~ a '! - inimuzut f. atteto ANDS. a.linuansa, leptTort I MS N T,L ovembe MoNTROSE, PA. COSMOPOLtTARI ART ASSOCIATiOR.- . ..An au , vertisemeat for he second ) - ear of this Ana elation will be lifound in our (Alumni this week. The Aslioei ll ation was first organized June, 1854. and the first'distributiou toitk = , tolaeein Janutir., 1835, at Which time it will be remembered• that the' world;renowned :6reek Slave Several hundred ';:bronte stutuea,laintings-ate., -,- were dtstribti teOtlaCTglhe ' ' Ur Havingilieen informed ,by a. residetn - prTop'eka, Kona* Mit the editor of the Ken. sal Freeman it,!*ree State paper recer.tly cs - tablished there„ l l would like to.exchangewith' its, we have accordiegL 4: our pipit. for some time past :to the , but ha tiler-- -et. received a iti,frtr.*r of that paper. There ' has, boweVer, liven sent us'from Leavenworth -City, by some; unknown l band,,the Kansas Herald, which Seems to beedited by a ":pro; slavery ' fana4" 'of the Wildest sort. We glean the tolloWing specimens from the num - .-ber before us. it "That black's: were designed to be slaves, the history of the world and of their own country demonstrates "—". Reeder , ~ • Lane, & Co., have no influence with the ad : Ministration, and their connection with this abolition mo 4 to' get up 3 State Constitution; :. to have Kansas admitted .into the Union as a . • l ' Free State will only politically damn the whole move.7t--" The - abolitionists never tell ' /the 'truth when silk will answer their base , purpose, as well. They resort to the basest, : lowest, most iinfamous means to carry their ends. It is siach men as.'this who 'will rule Kansas, 'i f if thould by any contingency (which 'God forbid,)e, l Ver beceme a Free Sate."—"Ev-i -erything with these rascals is a question of ' dollars and' nts. . An abolitionist would i _ , sell his soul, d his counter any time for dollars and cents, and if it were p i e' - for ' him to ha ve , icy interest iit heaven, he would dispose of that too.for the same consideration. ' Free lainar with them means free stealing, freeiheating,i'nnd the largest liberty for lying." 1 —" PennsylVania has elected the Democrat-' iotieket .by 1: 20,000 majority. Wonder . if , Reeder and his friendsmai consider his chit- asi in that State as good for U.S. Senator.— ' Be will hive to adhere to his contest i;)r a ' ' seat in Congress from . Kansas. Alas! poor Reeder I lii l race is run -i and be must retire -in disgrace f i , :, m the polit ical field." ' Enough. - 'We will onlY add of this Ipaper that it is pub lished by Ertin & Adonis, Leavenworth Ci ::ty, K. T., and publishes tbe laws of the e. Uni ted States, 1 by 'authority, "—that is, it is one • - _ -e.ik'Vtlit4"ißerettrir,Ysrlalfikle, ~ •, - Und. des t roy our "incend iary publication "at Leivenwort l ll, and send 'us their Herald to enlighten us, on the condition , of affairs in the Territory, instead of condescending to let us Thi*Connetiut yid -concludes an able article ;prospects of the anti.:Ne ,:sylvatiia, with the follow seems well,;worthy.the a orial fraternity ' For o4i eTf w e 'belie' vention of i the editors o pitpurs. woUld acicomplish a perfect union on an 'acceptable basis, and we suggest to our brethren of the press, the propriety of hold ing such Ctnvention at an early day. They under,tand• more fully the position of paoies in their respective localities and by mtttual interchange of views, arid comparing causes and results would undoubtedlybe- able to fix upon a correct plan of operation. There re not less than one hundred journals in l'he States opposed to t he National Administration. .Oft . e ihout thirty arc Republican in their hi procli itiei.atd the mul l order mostly Amer ican. ' A- {majority of who control the t E e Anti iavOry press ire e-tly in favor of union , .stil are too Jibe in their views to cling ith ettiflintiling t city to any distinct five o.gat4zation whi tends to dividelhe friet ' . s of freedom. They constitute the van guard in s political contest and ought to be allowed or.afight in their own way, free from m the tram tram - iris whirl entire, pt office seekers are apt to throw around them. While they in ' general eontend for piinciple in a campaign, their efforts are freque s ty paralyzed by the Plans of deigning d ar a gues whore en tirely cod i trolleti by. i terest. -In conclusion Ira MOVE:7IIAZ A STA . CANVENTION OF THE ANTINEDRASILA EDI , RS IN PRNNSYLVANIA DE HELD AT lIPTDCGIt ON WEDNIDMUY THE 19TH OF pECENDER, l i 5, FOR ran PPRPOSE OF VNMNO ON ACOMMIDN PLATFORM IN OPPOSI TT N TO' THE NATIONA ADMINISTRATION. 1 . - . IIASS.,itHUSETTS Etscriow.---;By our latest BostonOpers we find that the-telegraph has truly given the result of the Massachusetts motion.;! Returnalutve been received with wonder 'l rapidity from an the towns in the State exCept Natuutt,..ind the total 'vote - for Governo i e stands thus . Rockwi . /1. Reptiblican; 36,717; iFWaney, NN !big, 14,4i18; Gardner, Ainericah, .51,730; tiknielt, Dem., 34,991 , Gardneri Amerhin, has thus, 485 Majority over they <