Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, November 08, 1855, Image 3

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    1(03)g of iffeek.
, • •
Bulletin 'o/ i Saf.u . s-
From the Pilitad,iphia .Errning
0 . PassmOre Williainson Ltp
: This' s inotnitt
;- peared in the United States District COurts,
accompanied by Messrs.)Keredin, Gilpin and
1 Hopper, his counsel, and offered the followl.
0,, ing petition;___ , .. . 1
• PETITION.' , - 'I -
`United States of America vs. Williamson
DistrictiCo;rt of the United States, Eatitert
district Of.Pennylvania. , ' ; • .
I!.judges id the:District -To the hunoraple the
Court .4f; the United States for the' Eastern
';,:diStrict of P c iisylvania.. i
' - The Petition. of Passmore*Wiltiamsom. re•
• . s pectfelty showeth:. .
l ' That he desires to purge, himself of the con
tempt because of which ht'-is now attached
ii and to that end i ii s' willing to make , answers
.such 'interrogatories as may be-: addreat
, e ,,) to him by the court touching the' matter
Fi beretna,re,inquired. of him by the Writ of I*
',beas corpus tobim directed at the relation • dll
John H. , Wheeler. • 1
Il . Wherefore be prays that he may be peti : j
1 Mit tea topur,ge himself of .saideontempt byA r
making trine answer to such interrogotoriciil
as may he addressed en him by the hoporaL
. II Me court touching the' Freud:es. •
. - •
i r : . V. WILLIAMSON. , 1
.f • Affirmed . and'subscribed hefbre me. ' Foe.
' - '.2 1855. 'r . ' ~,' ' - I
I, CuAttus R HaAzurr, U. S. Corn. ..!
ii . 'judge. ;Kane, - oiler consideration, replied'
to the petitioner :t; fliflou" 1 . 1:
. 11' 6 l'Asssufmn Witt.t.mtsoN: The court has
, ved your petition, and, upon
, IC'm L .t!T, have thought right to grant the'.
.iprayer s. thereof. You wilt therefore .make
*ire in open cotirt,`your solemn affirmation,
that in the: return heretof,,re made .I,Y. you
,'lto the writ if 'haLeas corpus- which issued
• from this court at the relation of..Tohtf H.
Wlleeler,'zincl, in the; proceedings consequent
'lpereurimi,youn - o,:e,not intended a contempt
tof this court or yx "its process: moreover,
Oat you are now..willing to, make true tuts
. tiers to sac 1r interrogatories as may be ad-'1
4,tressed to you by . the. eourt_ touching the.
romises inquired of in the said writ of hn.
Hrr.s. corp n a;."
- 1
• - r' .
1 - The required affirmation was then made in '1
- 41,1 e, form dictated liv the judge.
'1 Mr. Van Dike,- the district-attorney then 1
ill - Attilted :tn intt : rrogaittr in writing, which I
•al.: not, rei'd aloud at the time. ~ • .
• ..Mr.l....Gilpin said Mr. Williamson wain per, !
fictly milling to answer the iuterrogatory I
sfibmitted be . the distriet-attorney, lint as he I
did not kniow what other interr e• o-tatories ,
iiight f, - iiloW ;hi-, he thonght. it, best that irl
ail its answer shinild be filed.. . .
il Mr. Van.p3lie'said he was willing either
titif.e. the inti:rrogatory or to subinit it for 1
a-r itottiediafe reply. . l
• Mr. , G.iipin and Juil L fe Kane-both 'Tenntrk. l
c• • that' theyl had nudei•stood the - district at.
trilrnev to intimate that if the question pro.
l 1
rpllnCi et. watt answeted in the affirmatiye . he
AnilAbe satisfied: ;The court further, said,"
that ;it was ti.'ir the petitioner to make his'de
ciSion whether or not the interr.lati.,wries and •S
It •
th;:: replies should be filed.
t_After consultation with his crtutrsel t •the pe
titioner pruf.treili that•the' questions and an- 1
titers should be filed. -This was done, tend I
tl.O parties retire'' far a time. .. . .
- 11:• , Mr: Oilllnt then read the int(-rrogator . 1
that had boil propouniled, and the reply .of I
Mir. ‘Viiiiiim-on. - t
Ibe cb•fent I :mi. and his coansel then retired, :t
irild atter sonie 11111 e returned. . '
iTil,.., interr , ,,i:ory was as folloWs :
Irti:t•ai States Vs. Passmore Williamson, I
I:‘'.-3, 1855. :11l d now John C. V rndy ke, I
t• , ;.!i,:y fi•r the United States, by leave
~ inte, l ..files- t he. .f ollowiti*, interrogatory ,:.
~ m.
errozatorv•-- - -Did cop, at- the time .of i,
sc,rvice. of the writ of . hp'JearForpuiat,tit'e'l
ti o n of John IL Wheeler, or at, any=time 1
1 1
T i n , ~-. 1 cried ; ,- ,tcri'iiiting between .the
nice (if said wnt and the making of your
urn seek to ...hey the mandate 'of
ld writ, by brivging bef,ire this honorable'
hrt the person; of the slaves therein Wien- t
i f . t. this interrogatory you answer in the
rmativo, Mite fully and porticOlarly :the
sought. sO to obey nab
it ! :aid. all that -you : did teliding to, sq-d
,rmi, therefOre, it 14 ordered that deffnd-
Passmore Williamson, do make true an
-s- to Said interrogatories.
lhe - reply trade „xis as follOW, . •
ler will,. however, anderstand th this re
-I%s:aq , a.inpided at the suggest. io of tote
if, to e/mform better to the FiewS, of the
iet , a:torney. The fullowintirthe reply
lid not seek tAt obey the writ by pro
lig the persons_;therein *maimed beff;rc
kuirt.bexttuse I had ni,t, at the time .of
ervice of the writ. the power river, the
lfdy or control of them, and, therefore,' it
impossible fi,r me to do so. I first heard .
writ of habeas 'corpus On Friday, duly
etween 1 and 2 o'clrek. n. in., on my re
from IlarriAnrg. After breakfilq,
9' 04-tiock, I Went from my house to
liipper's offiee,,when and where the re-
Was prepared. . •
10 o'clock I"eiime -into court as cam . :
led by the writ. I sought to obey the
!)y answering it truly; the partJes.not
in !Hy r4.3seAsion or control, it-was irn
-for me to obey the writ by -produc
ittee the service of the. writ S
Itiot had the custody, possession or poW
ier ; nor have 1-known where they I
vNeept from' co'nuniin rumor' -or. the l
qiper reports in regard to their public
in the city Or elsewhere.
discusAion arose between the district..
iev and the ro.:n.el of Mr. Williamson. ,
the r.
(-List( '
of th'
;20. 1
er Ul
The j '
be ef t
,andyke contended , that the reply ofthe
istst evlu•ive- asid eontradictory..—
dge.aiti the diffieuity, he thought, could
I ily overctune by amending the -answer
the suggestion of the court-it WILY a-
L A in the fidlowing manner:
d not ticek to obey the . ..-Lwrit -by pro:,
Ow persons in the writ mentioned be
is court.
ine.Thj I
fore 1
that i
. .
'd'; tint seek 'beeaus e 1 - verily belieVed
ivas entirely-itr i possi Me' for me' to . pro;.
he Said persons agreeably eo the cortt.; , ,
Id the court.
answer' waa then accepted by the court
Fdered tiled. . .
1 Vandyke titat submitted another in
,story, . the - substance of %limit was
tr or not lir. Williatnson had been
lof mental reservstions in reply tb the
terrogatory :?
eolirt overruled this, intertvgatory as
liuous and indirroper. - • ..F,
Vandyke withdrew this- interrogatory
lßred another, which waialsooterraled
.court on the ground dug; IL . lotto such
as had already been.
,objected 1 0.11
Vandyke alai, withdrew thil -(00'
first ii
and o'
by 116
r phe4l
the di
3 uti
e Kane then remarked that the dis
• orney had, been invited to aid the
i this ease, but that he would bear in
'oat his relation to Mr.; ii r heeier was
court i
now suSpended. ,
. . .
, This was only so inquiry i
as, tn what injury had been done to the pro;
03034 of court. i
Mr: !Vandyke said Le was aware of the posi
Ilion hid occupied. , i
Judge:Kane then said : "The (=tempt'
is-now raided as purged and the party is
released from custody. He is now - reinstate
ed-in the position he occupied beam) the con:,
tempt was - committed. Mr.- WillilunSon is:
now before toe on the return to the writ."' i
, r , ,trwElg: LATER FROM EUROPE..
, •
,fortress Of Kinburn'resisted the allies,
by a very - heavy fire up to the 17th on Which
day at noon the allies entered the place: I ''',J
Ady iceS from . Marseillee state' that great,'
exertionst were making to complete the,ein ,
; ,
liarkation of a division of 10_,000 men under • I -
"Gsneralltztubet. , .: 1
. •
The English htWe foind in the Karabelna- - - -- At t ac k su i L a Steamshi p'
The •.steaniship St r if the West, of the
ya immense Russian - stores of ammunition .
mid clothing valued at -£70,000.
Nicaragua line, Thomas Miner; esci., cont-
Dailynews says - that-Gen. Eyre has been mender, arrived at liiarantine on Satuiday
recommended by Gen. Simpson as his sue- afternotm,.with 320 pasiwngers and *lOO,OO
in treasure on frOght, -brought down by ;the,
cessor, but that "Government will not
Simpson'S resignation. ,- ! • • . accept .
• steamship Uncle Sam Opin San Franeiseti on'
The cavalry affair at Eupatoria,.brictiv al
theslli.tilt., ;6:i. illstman,illa to San Juan id
hided to by telegraph in the ' last d'espat.v. Sur: hes, i
ge t‘o
Punta 'Arenas ,
is thus described by Marshal Pelisier,s in a : On her outward passa
dispatch published 'in the Moniteur. - : i ,
~ the Star of the Wiest called in at Kingstoniftir
5 - .-
1 . A brilliant eaVarry engaitement iiinkle,oals' bringing th 4 usual mails therefrom,nud
place on . the 29th September atlarglial'(five II tett
.the ft wrmer .port' for New-York direet. on
i . •
leagfres mirth-east of Eupatoria,) in whichwhich the 1,.; the nu,rning of . t/4 2.5t1t ult. l .
Russian valry i undet; Gt'n. Korft were etnn- l'
Jobitely defeated:'
The ncti . in leauguraies !IY Tim steamboat San Carlos with, the Nthr
ork passengers 1Y thi4 ship, on arrivii mibe
%,•ct-ylauQpicioliAl the series of Operations'.
ot -iti:re the fort at th itinet,;(in of the tter c lian
i e. duan awl laito Niearogna,was order ti; as !us
whicitEupatoria will now be the pivot. As.
Ithe result of the action we have taken six rt"'d, to cony to. and while h ing s-.) was tied
12 r,hoo.witli s thirty-Iwo pound shot loan ;lo
1- tuns:(three cannon and three mortars) :
e" • ‘
l'etiissons, and one afield forge witlf their. bor. ,'„itrt—killing instantly a 'ltidy and child, 1)r.
. t-, ,
10 9 pri,„ t „., r , s, o f wh ,,,,, caw 'i5id,.., , ,, seriously initriw, the miithinery of the
Fes and haiiit . si:
.. Tho , t-paingyrs:- ? liovvvvvr, met •w:ith,
iiPli an officer, and t 250
,liorsk he enemy ; ) '''' t '
? t o further-n - mlesta ion. and rvaehed in satily .
I;lett on the field about 50 killekamong them
,Poloncl Andreawski; Olio inis the reputation 'the stealtedlip I mile Sato at San Juan del
ur., Also IM 111 . 11114:lit' of she 19th ult.l a.
11lor being a cavalrY. officer of great merit - ,ntog usitrti f iroos atit t aek 'Was math.- upon Ole
;;V!Te have - Nix hillisd and 29 Wounded."
iet4rnina Othlortri ii.l , si:n ,, , , rs •L' Sir in rav
11: The Ryssuin accotutt,statds that the nus- •' '' i l t' ' --' .1• '' '''
la lan .. forces concerned in this action' was a„. by ,pie governmen forces front Rivas, killmg
114110 . '4 them and )•.everely .wounding elllit.
i l 'tirps of observation consisting Of a regiment
eni T tinerr 1,0),r5....._13,,51i aets irpeatirig to be di tat d.
if lancers, and -a battery of lion:
' nder Oeueral de•Korfr, aint at another p.tiCit ,
1 regiment' of .1: jiver.; ' comtitand e d by .Gen. thro ug li a.c.pir:t. of even4o r•r the sueee s s rof
walket, win, ha.: ID )iy cuilipleto posses-ion of
'Tervelensky. Thcy had ins'tructiot H t o r i ll. t e l''" 1111 . 1. ) . . - , I
back it attacked-by a superior f wee . Gem '
tral Korff; having lost sight: of the enemy,
ria„, were . 'pursuing TervelenSk y's lancers
,lted and caused his men rto dismount.-2
,Not hit:•ing placed vidett/ hi' propvr order,
TC.orft wa4 surprised by . a!teett ` 1 .0(10 anti'
13,009 of the Fretmli Cavaory appearing. surf
klenly on his rearlini• right, aiiik, and he had
. i t ieither tune to get his korce in order nor
prep:oil for a combat: The lancer.: were
o , ercti)re conipelled to scatter. and -fill hack'
a ! glitin• , • ' Loss, 15 0 lances, a sfitialtern o fl i-
q-er, six Tams, and sl ime of the - , g ii n »
11' By an imperiarukase the erninoiniens of
15ie militia in the provinces ofPretiberg, and . ,
itritirti is to fpililllWllCt.. on 11/4 15th Novem•--
if'r,. and end on the 15111 December, the
Proportion of men being 9,3 `iii every thous
SiMIS, • :
I: : A eozniiiissrion has been instituted by the
timivror, at Kira' to examine: all prisoners
feona the fl)reign legions in - the4terviee of, the
11.1liefi. 'Hey are not to be treated as pr's
fit liWr, b u t ha n d
ed tiver4P their respec
. ,
Accounts from the Crinteto to
. the 13th /
s ate ' that on tilt! I;ltti The ad vritieed posts: of
tic :111104 were within five letighes-of Bakshis-
e 41; the t. the Rus , ians were rl,;tiringslowly,
a.t.d• that/ everything led 1 t(? tie belief that j
den. Liiirandi '2 en/ie.-1 t..).:tictfelid the line of I
b e
(.. 'a
d to rest- itruip•the corps command--i
ed•liV l'ilne k i Gorehakolt 1 i • "-
ITfi battlewhich I
l.• wic wouldideeide the pO es
-am of this ground was expect •d shortly' to :
- • /
titike .!,:ice„ • , • •
Other neinints state thatitite ittN‘itut' , havot
stirroimded• the 'north Hide l i . &Iraq op 11 w 111 i
f . ... : 2
acid T , 1 :
a tenatn\ of nelifielitions, r4:;ll.ou it in al,
state to support 'a siege. 1 All , the plateaus 1. 1
I ,
oii. tne north 'side are, it. is !said," covered with
i.eloubts and earthworks, .and on the line i?fi
th l! r. - Belbee new !works, constructed in the]
film of the. Alatitelon. have been raised.
The Allies are'extensivel v engaged in road-1
m king and buNbuilding, nit Only along the . 1
PI teau de tikcitertfonese,- lint along the Cher-1
nava, line,,up ,to A ist.. , The line of the 'rail-1
• way has been, adopted for . thettriaiti road from
Balaklava to thaeamps in the Peighboihood /
onSevastoPol, 1 ' 1 • • / i
Ilhe Allie 4 Expedition,* th 6 /Mei' Sea— 1 i
1 . BOUBAROMEIcT OF *isitTßN. • 1
tThe Corresprmdenie received from the eri i
~ 1
'lila this week describes the sailing lola grand
expedition, consi.ting of 15,000 French and
nearly 4,000 British troops from Balaklai7n,
Mr* destinatimt lipPeriettly known in the •1
eatiip, -
.Telegraphs, however, of a later date i
haip.itt.timated that tie expedition made its i
liplearatice,_ but ail appearance- only, before i
Odsisa, and later tefegri,pl3 l arivolai - we that,'
onithe 15th it detaehrneht of the allied fleet
effected a descent Ppon.lhe Spit / of I,..iithurn,
neur the salt water laiteS. .' • -',
he pertin , zula of ' , Kipbutt) iti One
tr. .f .the I, , ii n.
i ,. on. . ,
- Ij, .ii, - - •it 0 6,11, .1'....1. 10 A- IC
5t.h . ,. 1 .131.,113.1nnifartnt,)6 P. it.
iintortant military an'd-naval poiltions on the t --- . °l !'" a ' ..
, • 1 Atarat, .
" ' 27th,., , • ! . •IoA. M.
ion h entig of RUNS' ' f:l; at 1114.4 mourn `..f rh t - B ii }n - 1‘
e i ma • rn, 28th ~ -,....! - •2P. M.
, .
rivr Bag and Dttiepeh, and oppoiiite the Nik- f Jes4p; , 4 2901, (1 - ea t. CornH 1
- r _r. t! S i 10 P. It ,
obti i rtE. . The telegraphie diTtitch, det:cribint , ' Rush, •-. •,', :ftith..itlraniftit's).-... .10 A.*SI.
thePanding of the dhlachtnent. ;Hurl wilier/ I .-
Ttinehors ttte requtv•tel lo iiritig the'retelt4s used
pet . v.i.,..hurn: in tit+ di3triett and State. -
ix.stres • from Nikoloicff :via St.
te 1
sb.ttf.'S "that the' . nutlibe.r (.f trftr.tps dit:ent- 1
batii..ed was ineontAderable. Ttiwitrd-thee.losit ,
of the day six . isteatners began. tdi cannonade
the 144 n of Klillturn. 'Thefortis„..howel,:-
er', ,epried in such a mariner as tti keep tht;ln
:it' adiAtince, and datitakod ,one 'of the steatti-,
1 ,
Pie their piisitiOst at Kit burn; the: Allies
pine in close blockade the naval. 4reernil and
port of Nikolaieft, the towns of Koerson nitd
Bari lad; and the whole regions itatered - by,
the nieper.,•Bug, and ingoul.. 'i- ... . ..
.... , peratioaa in the Straits of: Rerteh.
A ',dispatch. rclut Admiral. Bt at ; and a
tette 1 from Lein Col. Read, ann4tince that,
,on •thi• 2th September, a sueees4fit I attack
1 was-shade uptitt Taman and Phansgorie, in
the Straits of Ke.rtch. ' The expeditioriconsis- I
led tif ten gtin-boata. • Bruat sa'ys. all the . }
Friindsville Oct lj 185''
houses at Phartagoria were destro i'A. . Sixty . 'P. C. The liultsc . ril.ter trot
i 1 six esnrion,andjoitr 'mortars weri• found at I he half just received a gene 1
t'llatutgoria, brit. were unserviceable. At Tit. 1, Winte:r G00d, , , which he oil
kria \ ri rlevett twOtity.four pounders Were fonitti easar i tce kor.
pt 33.
1 burivid in the arand. ' •
. . ! .l.
1 ' * erase Of the Rassiats at 'Kara . , i I - ! -BOOTS . LIU islogs,
.• Fr'fun Russian sourees—Gen; li,iuraviewa''''s I, A Arts.g T hick loott,__dej heavy Rip do. _ .do.
1 report and.* letter from Trebizond we.haVe 1 ill. heavy French Calf del.-440.i Fine French Calf
do.-- w itys cparse . boots—Youths cuarse 13oots—Sfiss
aCCO'4IIt4 of th'e ire pit Ise or the RuAsi a us with 1
• greAl loss intui'-attaek which • they':' made on 7 , : „ . 141 _4 4, 71i e1 3,. ° 1`:7 1 0 6‘ e.
the fiirt re4s.of Kai son the 29th September, kinds:-Ladies' s T il zi i iniel ,s ed s i l l i o.-4. o a i dls
1 Ladies' Fine Gaiters id Eisanteled Buskins,
chm. liitiraviefV, nap :° • "l'' ! - . ._, ' I with ii complete assortment. of Ladies ', Gents, and
1 . " t the beginning the attack; Wits sucte4
4 .
1 ][lases! Rubb,r Overshoes and'Eoets. :. - ' •
Cut, but - she position and nunthep4 Of the ens~- OFistoc t l i c of the ;hove tacn . iionsed i gouds, in con
my fitreed tni 'to withdraw. NotWithstittnl. ; neenc liV ry L e rn, P d e a t :Gro ce ' r n i: e , „ie..,
tug this sad a' heavy - j oss ; oni troops tixj.) ( is the largest and beet selected every before elferc - il hi
fOurteen banneri and a stand oreolOrs. The this.seition of country ;- and as we rid! for Ready Pay
bl:lctiade of Kai sis -reeStaidishea,"' i . ,- exclusively, we cam and. will /pill at korepprices than
Th'raccount ila - Trebizond git•es knore pai
tieuirs,.und, statm thwie irhortell nit credit, L. • 1 i -t. .!. •: '
that the RO ;it ssltt s a , ' ,. et . e . '. 4„o „,,,,4 a note 0 th e above, dud not ,. mak ..
~e their Fall
Farigers and Jrchanies sr+ it •
.1f -requested
4.4erinitied to raise the siege. . that !purchifites.tuunthey have made us si natt.
at on time thii,Aussiant'sueisee'ded in taki4 i, j.• . ' LI LE 1& S4.RDIN.G. 2
hat sties, huChefore they had -time to'turh 1 Tillatimuncies Depot, NoYe 1 ?" , 4 , 85 t i -44/4
fowl the guns even to spike . -them,' the i --! - '' ' - . 1 - 1 -..
Turk rushed tiiitin them with such: 'v. .
. lgor as ' - . ,
• • Ntr n *Ube', Cite ' :Giaßas, ]lift:, ~ • .
to-re 'n posaalteinn 4f.the butte and' di. - A new assortment - jest receive 4 front -Enghold,
t at
ate e fortiniaiof the day. The Russiank . TV t i z ,;7 4 er f ar liji nrie ._ n ti n t 1 a ,7361= 1 ;t r
,ftrionsly repulao, fell . hark upon - their corn- • No t in vae , q e ' t . - :4 - e --- ia --- s 5 i , 1 i ' -
1 • . ,
. . 1
....'• ' • i - '
• , .
rades; who wer , ,throWn into confuion, ' t The
T4lts then rushed out Of the 'foams and
massacred an enormous number..
. ac eount i,tates 00, though . 2l - Ittrgo'
number of killed and Wounled Russians '?vere
removed, 4,000 were_ left dead under the
wails.' Two huOred wer t e. .taken prisonerbt,'•
and Some pieces }}of ordUaiiee raptured.
Sqvcral . Russian olNers of high rank Were
killorror - 'wounrUd earl V in the Action, .t hick
lasted eight hour:
On the 24th eptemher, fire days b4fore
this event, 4,000 men of °mot. Pasha's army,.
sent to raise the eige ar Kari by threats ing
the ltughtn prov;inces of •AbaNiti, Mingrelia,
eritia, Georgia' f and r 1 iib (the capitol) land
,ed• at Sat:6nm -Kale, in • Anosia. Thei4 . ac
tive operations, howirre..r, it is iindersto4will.
be much retarded- the lat2ne::s of the!sea
• }fate a larg )
srturns ti
dthiltion to t;t9'it• gi
Tht h I ZC. Ji , • '1 1! •
1 `7
iiig triunti4i in Li
slich towns ns-(;ern
; eotte: over bodily—
; (Ilvtiao, Jeflel'S.)ll,
isitv e done I;oriy.
Ithe. iininetr , e Ii
lie riti , :s cannot. be'
t$1:1 prob . :l6ly' renio
Tribune of
! %)• • .•.
• ' IdAlt, - .BI E D. . . - . .
T. ik)st the 27th ult.. by bier. T.( Thomas, Ur. Jrnsoti
1-Simit: to Mrs'. CATILtraN i /iSro:4 , R, all of 31ilblletou'is.i
1 _lLlso, by the' sitnc, 'ol the Ist, Mr. Peters Matt
i slit. to Mis.... JCL/A (iilL ;iWiT, 411 of Forest Lake.. ',
1 41 PikC, - B.atiforti ern ;tic, rh., .November Ist, till.
) Riv. Geo. P. Ilopl.ins, -1•1;: i r. MAGA); B4r.vvvizi of Col
; eln -, .-ter. Canalt West, - inl Miss SALLA JULI ' A STr:-,
1•6 is of the former place.
. .
i , . •
• t
Ii .
i ,. , , . •
1 In warreit,llrailford•ountyl Oct. 21st, VAa.v.ll C,
I nice., in the 74th year , f
his ake. .
Mr.. True emigrated frto Ne . 4•llampshire about;,(
ye4rs ago to the place of his bite.rcsidence, that An
unlirol.eii wiltlernes.z, Me mid i ; his "cianpateron no - M
li‘lng., embirmd t. e-
har.ihips hicblent to a new set-1
thine:it. By industrya r 1 p; : rseeefane e , he ma n aged
r t
to r ecat : c a c:onipmence,. besi:ll.s b.aving . a callable;
t property to his cliiitirep. ,Mr. - Ti vie's bo , pitahl e mani
Isicli was ever open . to tlic4mar :i.n1.1 need•.. Strictly.
_llO ek:t in all hiS dealing , z i'..f th 4 most unflinching, in- , ,'
to rity,,lie died univers ily jespected. Isis funer4.
1 tea atteinlel by a lar- ,, , , , i t s of his neighbor
{ an i • friends,,to Abe flu lr hurling ground„on. bisi
i own fci-tn. '', i
? . •
dirt W - i•-ralial,Cba:ch eu
at A 6.1
I `• Teachers E
- I will hold examinatioi •
FrAnklin November 12tli
Gr4at Bend " 12th
Lariesboro, " 13th
N,-iv Milford, " 1 lth
Lathrop, " 15th
" 15t1t,
'2l.4urn, ,
Bridgewater, " rith,
Liti6rtv,... I'ith,
Sillier rake, " 191.11;1
Chtiroitut; :" .19th,
Aptlacon," 20111,
Fri- id~rille , '" 210,
" 21st„
For4sttrke, " 21st,.
- "
" 23.1„
" 24th,
Gitmon,, ."
i - •-_ ;; . .—.. -__ „;•.-- -...: : .7. - -....-. ::::. :17 :: : : _.- --. ::.: :_ _ . -_—__- - -.:: -.. :*. . . 1:1 =- _ -.. : : r ._-_-,:.,=-..„-.,, 7 .;
1 Fa9tion% Watirll eiVh.vo 33onth.
. ,
ALS°, Upper Leather nd hiding Boob; and
1 ISMiet, Bata and Caps roceities ;mil Provision)+,
; and e*ery thing else in my)"
i WANTED--Furs."Pelte, 1
and Produce at the fled Flat
1 • '
i - 1.
' Great;Bend Dzp?!.; ti.. 8, '
-- T
L - t • • II OTI
1 rrgE copartnership heret4
, .1 name of Wickham A: I
.gcducti by,mutual cotint... I
1 a re in the-landa of A. Wicl
1 lectiom
inuot),r and cartety
'wit the iitland ennui lei tn"
vt..11 r•oz' first
H.e, .say tittiv
The Know-N(4l.
an FraNlapin•ar to ha e•
viii htir o ns e ever) one.--
_.., one...
NV: . ‘iae,, Brilittne, Chi.-
ti, Cat!ar;111... ,, a , :, appear tl.,
Ve ailp6. , ,kleit4.l, hktwt:vet.,
low-,Nuilil;ag p:urality - i'p
)%6.e4itlt.r. , ,tlwr clalr'
e all d.iiibt.-.-2 . 4e .Yeic
11?.. 7th. '1 .
t kiltilreach hi the Ifethoj,
,ued.ty morning, -Nov. lltb,';
"112.7 ,
6 P. at
141 A. X
• 9 A. 31.
• 3 P. NI:
• • . G P. M.
..(Slopo - OPe) ' 10 A. X.
-(.101WW) G. r. Y.
. . .10 A. 31.
(E. Clark's,)... . P._3l.
.. ..... /0 AY.
' • 6P. M..
.(31. lialdwiris,)..l6 A. M.
1 :i Towii's S. hou-ze,) G . r. x.
(i;kitcoC4,) lii A.. 11.
I( IhVida;) * 6 P. 31
1I(.1:1. Chgtrll)..lo A. IL
r. Y.
rigid lApplet, liceswra
I; Stop.
855. : 44 sr 10
,ifore under the
Hosfortl-. is this day dis
the notes and accounts
.Gam Jro imntdi4te col
Sid say to the puiblid that
asslortaisent of Fall and
re fvi; salo v-ry low for
J. 110SFORD.
. ; .
. . Sheritrs
Y virtue of sundry writs leaned out of 'the Court of Common Please of Susq. Co,, and tome di
rected, 1 will expose to sale by public vendue at the
Court Rouse in ifontrose, on Sainrday, the 17th day
of November next, at one o'slcik P. N., the follow
ing Real Estate, to wit that certain piece of
land situate and being in the township o f J a ck son ,
in the county of Susquehanna, and bounded as fol
lows, to wit :—On the ttondpeasti by lands of Thomas
Not ris ; on the sotith-east byJands of Moses B. Whea
ton ; on the south-west by lands of Nathaniel Aldrich;
and north west by lands ot - Alvah Rounds ;- !contain
ing 52 acres more or less, with the appurtenances, one
Board Shanty, one Barn Frame and about two acres
improved. - I
Taken in execution at the suit Henry Durrett vs
Riley Curtis & Ira Curtis.
ALSO, All that certain piece
O r parcel of land sit..
Irate in the township of Lenox, in the county of Sus
quehanna, and bounded and deseribed ea follows, to
wit :—On the S'orth by lands of Henry Constant and
C C. Ralph; on the Rant by lands of Lnke Read; on
the south by lands erßial Tower; and H. W. Smith ;
and on the Wot by lands of William . and the
said .C. C. Ralph; containing I . l2laeres more or less;
with the afipurtet.anecs,twoYrtuned Dwelling Houses,
one Framed Balm, some. Fruit Ttees, and about-49
Taken in execution: at the suit Of Saxa Seymour 4:
Sarah- A, Diekerman,.Exedittors of the last will and
testament of Clark Dickerman deed vs. Amy Rynear•-
•Son d: Isatte - Rynearsop Adminiatsitoss o f t h e estate
of Aar o n Bynearson deed, with notice to heirs of said.
ALSO,• AU those three certain[ pieces or parcels
of hutd situate and being in thd township of Lemix in
the County of Susquehanna, and hounded as tolloWs;
t i c. wit :— Beginning at a stake and stones - south-east
/orner of lands of 1).,;11. Wade, thence by lands con- -
'traded to William FAcit,•south 4O `leg. west, one Imre:.
deed and forty-four perches to a stone corner; thence
north 44 deg. west one hundred sled fifty-three perch-
Ok to a stake and stones on-the bank of the Tunkhan
nOrk creek.; thence north 5u deg. Atst twenty-one
trod five tenths perches to a stake and atones; thence
tiosti l ;5 d e g. eaat nidtety-eight perches to a birch;
thenc.!. ncnth 72 des. east thirty r four perches to a
stake and stones ; thence north farty-two deg east
perches to a_ stake and stones, corner of
l an d s o f D. ii. Wade ; then aldmg same south - thi, ty.
4vel and a fourth deg. east Meet vi-one perches: to he.
zinniug. containing 130 acres and
. 14 perches part of
R o g er Id a rils warrant. Also one o hem tract of land
situate in Lettex aforesaid, bounded as fellows, to
wit:—B, - .muting at a stake and Stones on the cast
side of the -old.Fhiladelphisi dr Gr,'ma . Bend turnpike
road, south-west corner of lands ofisaid Milton Tiffa
ny ; thence north l) dog. west seVenty perches to a
stake abd stones on the east side +f, road aforesaid ;
thence, small deg. east 79 perches to a stake and
stories, on east side of road aforesaid ; therice.sonth
sixty degriTs west fifty six perches, to a corner
of rock in west hank of said turnpike ; thence south deg. west twenty-five and three tenths, perches
tobegmiting; containing 31 acres Mid - 15 perches of
land, part of Roger Barris warrant—about 'ten acres
thereof improved, with
- one Frame Dwelling Ilonsa
and Bermndal Coin House thereon,[ being rle same
lend fornierly contraeted,by Defendant of Ph:dial:l; by
contract dated November first, A. D. 1E351. '
A LSO. One other piece or parcel of land situate as
aforesaid, bounded and described M 4 follows. Begin
ning at a corner in the Tonkhannock creek being the
south cast corner of a piece of lamilsold by Isaac By
nearson in his, ilk-tithe, to Freeman -P. Clinton;
thence down said creek tei . the lower point of the flat
formerly owed by Cornelius Itynearson, extending
six rods from the said creek on the) bank, to a Hem
lock tree for a coiner ; thence south 72 .deg. west to
a Beech ; thence south Go deg. west twenty-eight
perches to a corner; thence south ;iin deg. wets ten .
perches to a Birch sapling ; thence north 51 dog. west
eight porches to a thorn ; thence mirth $3 deg. east
twenty-fiVe perches to a corner; tha i ncc north GS' dog.
eastfourtoen and q half perebes to a buttonwood ;
thence sot th 17 . deg. east to a corner in the Philadel:
phia and Great Bend turnpike road; •thenee along
said road to the south-west corner of the lot sold to
the said . Clin ton as above described ; ithence along said
lot tol.he placeof beginning; containing about 32
acres be the same More or less, with the appurte
nances. •
'Taken in execution at the suit of iron & Brothers
.and William Hartley vs. Milton Titrany:
ALSO, All that certain piece mi . parcel of land
situatein th e _bo r o ug h of Susqueltailna Depot. in the
county of Susquehanna and bounded; and desc:ibed as
follows; to wit :—North' by lands of James ft Smith;
on the East by a street leading from) river street to
church street ; south by church .stre'et; and west by
laniti of she said James H. Smith) Being 4 rods
wide on church street, and i rods deep tram front to
rear; wich.the appurtenances,, one framed Dwelling
youse and all improved. r
Taken in execution at tire suit op A. J. Whitnev
vs. E. L. Marsh.
-ALSO, °An [het Certain piece or parcel of had
situate and being in the township of Auburn, in the
cotinty of Susquehanna and hounded a. 4 follows, to
wit:—Oa the north by hunts of : t ani Miller; on
the east In land of John and Thomas, 'Morley; on the
south by land of WeterßenScotter and on the west
by laud of Jesse .S.tece.ns; contatning about 300
.acres of land together with the: aPpU, rtenances, one
framed House, or trained Barn, one Saw-mill, and
about - forty acres improved.
Taken in execatiOn at the suit of Sayre, Bentley dz.
Pellins vs. John Bailey.
ALSO, 1U that certain piece or pti r rcel of kind sit
uath and being in the township of I.Aubunt in the
counts of Susquehanna anti bounded and described
as folipws,to wit :—On the north by.thids hi possess- .
ion of Richard Robinson; on the 64st by lands of
John A. Kitkoff; south by l'and of Miltrui Lott ; and
on the west by lands of S'amuel Ride; containing
about SO acres more or less With the lappurtenances,-
one Log Ronseand one Log Staple, and about thirty
acres improved- I •
Taken in - execution at the suit of 13;
Charles 'Thornton
ALSO, Ail that certain tract or parcel of land
situate in the township of Franklin in the county of
Susquehanna and state of Pennsylv nitt containing
60 acres and being the east part of a, certain lot of
land.-,known a 4 •diAtii.ilica as • "'Number Sixty
fout,' on the man of r , L , -rvey and subdivision of a
large tract formerly owned and divided. between Tim
othy Pickering, Samuel Hayden and Tench Sax;
which said lot, contains-one hundred and eleven acres
and seventy, three perches, and was ednveyed by the
said Timothy Pieliering,hy Putnam Catlin his attorney
in fact—to Josialt• Churchill; by deed bearing
date the eighth day of May; a.. D. 1819 and recorded
fin the office for recording deeds in andfor the county
'4of Susoneltanna, in Deed Book No, 4,lPag6 ‘23D, Sze.,
;.on the 13th day of May, 1819; together with all and.
;singular, the lluildings . and ImproveMents, - s.treets,
ilanes, alleys, passage-ways, 'water,
.4% - atet•-courses,
/rights, liberties, privileges, htTrprlitaments and appur
3enatices thereto belonging or in any vray - .appertain-,
ing'and the reversions and remainders thereof—there
'being one framed //IM4e,one framed Airn, One °reit
iard and about 40 acres improved. • l i - -
Taken in execution at the suit of 11 - 0 v). L. .blow
:tare and -Abbey China:hill, Addrs of the estate of
. Amos Churchill deed who -Ras the Aas c . e of SDI vlm us
;R. Mulford vs. Aaron Vat ron4 and Alonzo Williams
.Idm'rs of the estate of Lucretia:Vim:Torsi, tlec'd.;
• •
ALSO, All that certain piece or parcel of land, Sit- . i
bate and being in the Township:of Great lit-nd, in the
County of Susquehanna, and State of Penitsvl•rtmia, '
Mate the Estate'ofJneob Skinner 2d. and Dlisha:Squires,
described in Sheri, Johnson's Deed to Williatn Dar- ;
i ton. dated Aftril Is, 1814,. and on which 'stand,: tiro
1 fanned dwelling. liouso, one Saw-mill, I one flamed
barn and about flirty acres improved lan I d.
ALSO, One other tract of land, situate a; a foruaid,
1 fate the estate ofJecob Skinner ad. end F./i , :he Squires,
described by said Sheriff's Deed to William Dayton,
dated April 18, 1844, containing 400 ectts & 140 per
, ches of land, with allowance of 6 per cent.
ALSO, One other tract ofland, situate to the Town
ship, County and State aforesaid, containing 1400
acres, embracing, that which was late tle E-tate of
the said Jacob Skinner- ad. - as described by the said
'Sheriff's Deed, to Urbane Burrows, aril (from him to.
William Dayton, by deed dated May 23.11844, being
the same premises formerly. purettes4by Urbane'
. Murrows, and Elisha Williams of Williarn Ward and
Jesse Lane, sind being - the same lots of Lejnti conveyed
bj. Edwin Eldridge anti wife, to Ran sOm Smith by
deed executed the 20th day of March 180.
;ALSO, Ail that other tract or parcel 4::,f land situ
ate iti the same Township, formerly oxupied by said
Salida, as the home farm, and the same ,its conveyed
to him, by the said Edwin Eldridge and wife bY deed
executed the 18th day of May, 1849, end by reference
to which Same sbrerta deeds, thdescriPtion of the
seine several iota will more fully and at large appear,
said deeds being recorded in Susquehanna County,
containing in ml about 1960 acres Of hand, be the
same more or less, with allowance of 6 per Cent,:ott
the home farm aze two dwelling Rouses one framed
barn, one log barn, one stable,,and about 40 acres im
Taken in Eteriution at the suit Vs. I.
I. •
ALSO, AU th l
Ose three certain lots, pieces or par
celsofland situate,ttnd ban partly in tow4ahip of . Aug,
buts, and partly lin the township of Springville in the.
Cohnty of Susquehanna. The first lot knewn and de:
- seabed on aMa of re-survey of Henry Drinker`e
lfewhoppen Tract, as Lot No. 69, and bottnded as fel t
es rth
lofts; to wit : Beginning at the south corner of
the lot hereby noureved being in the: line of
land of Samuel' A. Loomis ; and being tb south west
t o
corner of a lot otlind lying east of and a 'stifling the
lot. ereby innvOecl ; thence by the Rai last taemt
dotted land nortireighty nine and eight ntbs perch:
es nt the south meet tomer of Samuel Brun island 7;
thence by the last mentioned land, and land of Julius
Cogswell, west One hundred and seven tY and eight
' tenths perches ; thence by land of the aro • Isla ?red
' -
wail Kellogg, partly by land of Isaac Rusaellandliart.
ly Itt land of Samuel A. Loomis, east one hundred
and'seventy-nitie and seven tenths perches to the' -
ginning:, Containing ninety eight acres and one hun
dred and thirty-two perches Wand.
One otherpiece or parcel of land situate as
aforesaid, beginning at a stake the north east _corner
hereof and extending thence west, sixty perchesio a
stake, in ;the south line .of lin No. 185; thence etith
onelunilicd and thirty-four perches and nine tenths
°fa:perch to an ironwood sapling the southwest cor
ner herebf; thence east seventy-three perches tb a
stake th'e south east corner hereof; thence north
eighteen'perches by the. west line of lot No. 340, , i t0 a
post; thence west fourteen polishes and five tenths
along 'the. extension Annindary line of 'Thontaii P.
Cop's Tract of landsto a post; thence north half a
degi l easti eighty-nine iierchesto a poet; thence neirill
seventeen perches and four tenths to the plade ofbe
ginning t.:containing fifty and a half acres strict meas
ure in thereabouts. •
AtSo,t One other piece or parcel ofiand situatnas
aftirtisaidi,, beginning at an ironwood the south exit
corner hereof and extending thence 'west, forty-three
perches to a post and stones the sonth- - aest corner
herehf; hence north one hundred and thirty-eight 1
perches th a post and stones - in the south liue of;lot
No: 195 ;I thence east forty-three perches to a post
and Sonata the north-east center hereof in the. south ,
tine Odle last mentioned lot ; thence south one }tun-
dredi and thirtyeight perches to the place of begin
ning; containing thirty-seven scree more'or less, With
the tiPput l aenances, two, quitted dwelling bosses, one -
framed 64m, one corn house, and one smaliorektard,.
mostly humored. - . . I,
'Taken hi Execution at the suit•ot Cooper, Bender
son h co.; vs. Treadway-Kellogg.
AISO-i-At the same time and place, all that Cer
taine piece;or parcel of land situate in the townahiP of
- Springville, in die. county of Susquehanna and StPte
of-Pennsylvania, and butted, bounded, and described
as foltowiq to wit: Beginning pt a beechtree. the
nortlfrosticorner hereof, nista a corner of a lot oflMtd
survVed for William Harkins ;"- thence east, partly
by the southern boundary line of the :add 11-trkitis
lot, r. 56 krches and three-tenths of d perch to; a
beeeli tree, the northeast corner hereof; thence,soeth
partly by the western boundary line of Jerome Rosin
-eratit'a' lot, fifty-four perches . and six-tenths of a
perch to anlead beech tree, the north corner Oftlere
tidal] inttAmeranCa, jr., lot ; thence-by the lino 110-e
-a smith al degrees west 163 perches to a hemlock
said*, a corner thereof; thence south 1 deg, treat
a . 2 punches and eight-tenths of a perch to asinaPle
saplirig the smith-westeorner of said Rosetieratite let; .
'thence west fifteen - perches to a beech sapling, thel
southwest r corner hereof, standing in the treat.. - in •
bo n nil ar y lin e of- Jerome Bill's' lot; thence north
partly by the line afore aid one hundred and tilly-fra
pereßea and six-tenths of ~'perch to the place of be-,
ginnitrg ; . eontaining ninety-seven acres and : twenty'-
five perches of land; . being - . part of a hady,,pf land
granted by-the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania to
Henri Drinker the elder, late of the cify of Philadel
phia, tlecei..-ted—togther with tinf apprirtenancealohe
etnallrframed house, one'frameti barn, a small ora:h
-ard, find Phan 50 of -to acres imp r oved. 5:
Taken iti execution at the suit] of Andre* Hodge,
jr„"tiAsignee of Belfry S. Drinker
,and Thomas SteW
artlsoir; executors of Henry Drinker, dec'tl„ vs. John
BulloCk, with notice to Jonathan Strickland, T: T. ;
ALSO—AiI that certain piectior parcel of lantisit:
rate and truing in the township of Lathrop .in the
ecl l 4 . a S s u , "iudiantla, and hnturtleil as follows, to
wit: !beginning at the end of a'arall 011 the east side
of the Lackawanna & Western Railroad, and on the
northlbank, of the brook that crosses near the EfoP
bottom Deitot; thence north 6.1 degreea east 9 arid
six-tehirtlisqicreltes to the brook to a post - on the
iouth sir.lit ; 't hence south five and a half degree's eakt
twelq and three-tenths perches toe post east side of
Tirrnpike ; thence north, fifty degrees west .five mid
one-te i nth perches to a post opposite the bridge;
thence north eighty-three degrees west dr: ee- perch
'es to p stake cart side of Railroad & Turnpike 004:-
fag, in range with north side of Turnpike -from Dc r
pot, across •:tlic flat; thence north thirty-four and ;A
half degrees west five and three-tenth] perches t 6
the faigiuning.; containing 61 perches more or lesS,
with the appurtenances, two store hourirea and all ini,
Taken in execution at the suit of F. catlin,eil.
ecutor, &c, of Putnam Catlin l dee'll., vs'. Amos li.'
Merril(. ! .
ALSO—ill that certain piece or 'parcel of Lind
sititabi and being in'the township of. Lathrop" in the:
county? of Susquehanna, bounded-and .deserihed-as
follimai, to. nit: On-tine north by Samuel Wright and
Eli We'ight, on the:east bv WaliaceGoodwin and Ru-'
.fin: D.I Clark, on the south liv William Miles, and on.
the west by= land :of S. W. :Breed & Co., containing;
about atires, with the appurtenances-, one Tavern:
Itemstwo store H0u,:6 . 3, one Saw-mill, -six:Dtreliing.
House, ayes Barnes, cue Orchard, and -about att.;
.. ? :
acres iMpro.q.l.. ' .
Taken in execution at the snit of IL T. Asia y Ts,, '
, Orson Cris:\ . . i
AL,qo—All that certain piece or parcel of land, lic;
in a hailding, lot, Situate, lying anti' being in the he='
rough-of Susqucharina Depot, known and
ed as bcinglot No. 10 as the sante is laid down and
desigaulted on a map of the Borough of Susqueliantrai
being lit) feet front by - 120 feet deep, containing 7200
square 'feet of land, with the appurtenances, I framed
Store-house With dwelling in'the upper stors-.
Takt.(n in 'execution at the suit of Lewis S. I.en
lieitn,rii. Satban-Lenheitn:
ALSO—AtI that certain piece or parcel of land sit....
uate and- behlg in the, toweriip of Franklin in the
County ':)f Sumpiebanna, and brit:titled and tlesmibed,
as fullows, to wit: On the north by land of William.
Pierson, On the east by lands of Henry 'Dt biker, on,
the south by lands of Aaron Vim Forst, and on the:
west by: urriliated lands, containing ahem (12.aeves,
more of -less; with the appurtenances, one framed
.House, j on . e framed Barn, and about twenty acres irn-:
proved.; • ,
. .
Takeii in wention at the suit of Phineas-W. Bee-!'
be assignad t J. F. Dunmore, cg. Nathan Berchell,
ALSO—AII that certain pieee or parcel of land sit-1
uate and_ being in the township of Liberty in the couM•i
ty of Snsluelianna, and bounded and 'described asl
follows,{ to wit: On the north and west by lands late
of ---ICantOhell, on the south by lands of Benjamin
Bailey; Philo C. Luce and lands belonging to the
estate or Daniel BaileyNeceaseil, containing about"
acres, a7th the appurtenances, One framed Dwelling
Tionsa and One framed Barn thereon and mostly ine ,
proied, Keiceepting therefrom the Si;w-mill and ap
purtenances situated thereon,) late The Came, of Lo
renzo Wanc,%. • -
K. Uthrop
Itel 4 in exoention at the suit:of 8. 11. Snyre & Co.,
use af,J; C. Sherman, rs. Lnrenko Vance-. • •
. F.Y.Sheriff.
Sherifrs office, 3fontroN eel 22,: 1853: •
Mfrs. 11, D.' Wail,
WOCLD .rtvectfully , give notice to the. public
Olat sh, has again resumed her business at
Milline,k ' iat New . Milford, Pa.' She has arrangement
by which she will receive from New York the latest
styles of Ladieit' and lii4ses' Hats and Bonnets of ev
ery deseCiptlon; and also to procure on short notice
any at tide, of the Lind that any persOn might want.
From such arra_ngenfeuts and from her past experi,
ence, shel, hopes to please all_ who, mayllivor her with
their cus(otn.. All kinds of re-trimming and repair
ing done lan short. notice. The public:are respectful
ly invited to cell and examine toe theniselves. , '
Thankthl • 6.n. past "fAvm-s, - she 'restKictfully solicits
further patronage. • WART). -
.New Milford* !Oct. 1855. S • •N. • : • 42ni6
This lira y,--.11 Yon Please.
•I'‘IIE S sltscrfkr bep) Ca' public attention
to ono of th 4 largest, most diversified, best selec
ted antl•tiat boitslit Stuck V Fall 11c..INinter
Goadri I•ericitrodtced into this market, and which
he is Sell for a reasonable advance, either
for Cob: }tarter; or ihort arproi•ed Credt. All per
sons in . wtint of (Ands, whether in the department of
Dry 6004:',, Groceries, Hardware, Clockery, Drugs,
Boots. & shoes, - ,Clntlting Sc:, will mo 4 arssuredly con
sult their Owu interest (no less than mine,) by giving
me a call preyinits to purchasing.
Ngir. 1; 1655
i.-;tvdn anti illnek—a very general
eortment, of superior" nt titters rnnging
from 31 co k e , to U. If ENIPSTEAD.
' WANTEIBt: . .
WE thoil , wl Bushels of Oat.;—:3000 Bushels of
• BucliWheat-2.100 Bushels each of Rye and
Corn-2;•toit Bushels of Pried-Apples-41re hundred
Poz. good drool goeka.. Also.ileans, Pork, Poultry,
Butter, Laid, Beefitwai,* Flat-.deed, Sc., for which I
will pay thy highest market prices in Goods, oron ac.
count: .; 0. G..IIE.VPSTEAD. •
.Prom the prem4se4 of the Sulaceriber in Ararat
township, oh or about the 24th day of September last,
one white.t.iced brown Ileifer, 3 years old, and serail
Calvea, 5 oflthenc brown and 'Whoever .will
restore thenfto the owner, oe give informationtrhere
they may be found, shall be suitably rewarded.
Abartt, Oet. 12; 1855
Girard Vire" Insurance Company,
CheSinizt St., Philadelphia;
To the Cigna* of Susquehanna Count,y :
PPLIC4TIOXS will be received by us for gown.
ll_ mud or perpectiai insurances in this Company,
upon the uur.favurable'terms.. Any person wishing
to have his 9 property Insured will be satisfied, we
think, by calling - 911 us, tbat be cannot_ get insured
in a 6etter eceupaup, nor upon more favorable tenNIS
than in ibis. BENTLEY 4: FITCH, Agents.
( - Moho'. MA. , ' 43tn.?,
vpp. I ant is a great lturry what'a the
; I treater non.? 0, nothing,. Only Bnilard 017 Cr
j therC at the Postollice has just receiver] by HailrOad
Express; a new lot of Books =0 - Stationery- and I
want some before they are all gone: Fee, [.hat's Al.,
Come on, for 1/6 Las got 3farr.Lyndon, The Hidden
Path; Hy Bondage and Freedom (F. Douglass,) Ber
the and Lillie, Hood's Choice Works in sett of four
rola. & - .c..kc., Young Folks' Glee Book, A variety of
Lpopttlar Song Books, and a large addition to his stock
( , of Writing Paper, Envelopes and Ink—Lall a the beist
:quality ; and :Omni for the .READY, at" the Postoffice,.
first door north of L. Searle's Hotel. . •
Alontrose; Sept: 19, 1355. .A. N. BULLARD.
i -
T HAT application for:a-License - to sell Spirituous
Liquors in the village of Ltmesboro, in the town-.
!' ship of Harmony, will be made to the Judges of the
Court of Common Incas of Susquehanna county, by
1 :' me at November Term, agneenble to act of Asiembly
approved April 15th, 1855' • - '• -
. , NATHAN• A.. LEONARD., -.
.1 • Lanetboro, Oct 15th, 1855. • .
Socks, Eggs, Butter, Lon], Cheele.. }loner
atty_quantity - in exchange for Goods at (Tub priceii• .
Montrose, Oct .1 ! _/855.
.:Fr. moTr
W. Mop bait Jura reeieveda Jet of Nalytamida,
Fall Styles, ends as Delanes, De Begat, : rara.
watt**, Alapftetus, Gingham*, Merino**, Prints - "tuid
Shawl*. In tact a general twortnent of Pry gootb,
I‘lll De,bold logic,
1 '
1 TO THE 'PUBLIC ,' * •• ' Giea " ' ----"311':
ri - lisz subseribet; would tender his' thanks' for the - '
A. liberal patronage bestowed upon him . thus far ! " 0 ITA:11 ST011." -
during the semen, ana t at the tame , time announce .1 THE subscriber would again annorsitte to his ctls
that be has just re ceived a new stock of Good% mak- I f _IL tomerS and the public generally thithe las re-- ,
ing his assortment veri complete In an iti various ceired a large assortment of BOOTS ANA Ettiop, '
branches, and would lei) , further' that for ready pay 1 which he intends selling for Ready rapri , ftgrO per
and on short time to reliable. customers,- his gootla ' cent. cheaper than can be bought kiblitnititet,,ithe
will be sold as low as they can be bought at any oth- Genuine Boot and
,Shoe Store &um Two/ or the .
or store in the county. Please call - and exandue. Rare Chance for Bargains, up town , not e.i.erpr44.)- 7 .
. • .1. S. INGALLS. I "Ouah Stoah" may be found the &A door . Dust (tithe
Gilson. October lit, 1655.
TN additimt to a very go od wor o rt et i t of hear D„ 1,, though not qulte ,so commodious as some "Stoalur:T",
I. Goods, there still a a quantity of D e h i p,, e ,, t v ve , t ,.., !!itnswers our pupcsse very well for the present ;,
Poplins, &c. &c., of the old stoat, to tie sold at bar
gains,., without reference to cost; , also, Winter Bon
nets, I,t root, • Brocha, and several other. Ainds of
Shawls at low prices, for sale by
(Z.I.7GARS, compared with the market price, can be
found very low at•the'storc of S. 5.1..
( — OKING, Parlor, and other kinds of Stoves. and
Stove Pipe, for sale cheap as the cheapest by \
a S. /11 3. 0.4 L.LS.
riltißKS t3laod Salt; Beiralo
,RotieS, "&e. tc., for.
_L sale by • • - $. I.
A OST kinds of ProdUce at that bigbest.lntria
price, also, any quantity of good Wool 'Socks
taken in exchange for goods by c?" -
Gibson, Octobcir 12 1805
. NEW - 1111ILIFORD.
Shawl & Drew Goods Esiaporipm,
• FOE THE FALL OF "1835, I .
t tt ,a t t tr h o e uld in
has n f o onn w
inhsStofrien‘re, an 's• d al L a
r t ec he ci p r t i a n b g -.
a full ttssortment of Fall and Winter Goods, including
a.great variety of
. Rich Fall Pt inta in new Styles, Plain
and Fancy Delanes. . and • nab). and Fancy . Mohair
Cloths ; Plain and Plaid Ifetinbea, Paramettass„ De
bagesa and Poplins; Dark Rich • GingliantS, in -Fall
Styles; Black Brocade, Plain and fancy Silk's. Word
Broche, Cashmere; Crtipe, and Silk Shawls ; Rich Rib
bons, Bonnets and Flowers ;' Ladies, Cloths and Vel
vets for Cloaks and Mantillas, Broad cloths, Cassime-.
rem &-c, - with a large assortment of Staple and Fancy
as usual; including-Hardware, -Crockery, Iron,
and Steel, Paints, Oils, Boots and Shoes, liats,•Clocks,
Ilnflitlo Robes, Carpetings, &c„ with a new ,assort
ment•of Stoves and Trinunings of the best quality, be
ing nettle 'to order expressly for his custom Trade, arid
will al! be sold at the lowest figure, or A' little lower
foi Cash Peoduce, or approved credit. -
v. N. B. Wool Socks wanted, for which the highest t
'miens will continue to be paid. Flciur - and Salt . con-, 1
atantli on hand. 1. • '
New Milrord, Oci. - 4,18,55; '
••• , lu Full 331axt. ,
Two Illundred and Seventy-Tit;e Stave.y . for
• sale by Dickerntan & Garrott, -
I,l7.ttre ifi receipt of the largest stock of Stores .
V j cve_r offered in Northetn•Pennsylvania, eon
*Listing -of Cooking, Parlor, and. Six:plate, both for
wood and coal: . alsci, a full assortment of large sizes,
for Sto,:es and Churches...
Would call . particular attention to the Jeffersonian
Elevated Oven, 'the most perfect and heaviest plate'
stove in market. Among our ass° rtment of large
oven, would mention tiip Empire State improved, as
being very heavy plates.l perfect Suish, and astiperi
or"baker. Farmers of Susquehanna countY,-yott have
been in the hahit Of purchasing li-ht stoves and light
trinunin,cr and paying as much as yea ought tb for
heavy.phttes and heavy trimming. • •
WeAtinufueture our furniture, and will Sell at maw...
uflelurer's prices. Let those who paya Maker prnSt
eon - mete with U 9 if they can. Jobbing, connected
with the tin trade, done as usual on short notice. • .
- - .
.*esi- Milford, si,o. 18:1855.
IBEG leave to invite the attentionof my obi Mends
and 'customers' to the VERY LARGE STOCK
.Boors & SHOES rte.: - (1:e.,I am now receiving, and
while tendering thanks • for past favors, I -would .re
spectfully ask Ahem . price more to favor :rue - with a
share of. the patronarre they hare heretofore: so liber
ally, honored me with. • J. SUTPHIN.
:'Stintrnersyille, Sept. 18, 1855:
Ur: highest Liarket prices at J. If. SUTPHIN'S. ,
(10.'/D WOOL SOCKS wanted at • . ,
ki - i • J. A. •SUTPIIIN's
O.ITGXRS,. cheaper. than they can be obtained else.
;where at • .7. H. SUTPIIIrs.
DERSONS wishing an Orchard, would. do well to
1. at TURRELIB .NUR,SER 1R5,,21 miles
South-east of Friendsville, where Apple trees, of the
most approved kinds, of good size and qualitv, such
as are sold by agents for .25' tents,rean be bad for Ll+ .
gents each.
Abio, a few Peach, Pear, Plum, Quince, and Moun
tain Ash trees, at reasonable prices. /
Particular regard is had-to accuracy of names, and
to making a good selection of fruit to r the different
seasons of the, when desired:
Priem(!grille, Suiq'a. co., Pa., Sept,. 20, 1555. [C3*
Wholesale and Retail dealers` inFlour, Salt, Pork,
Meal, Grain, Fced and Candles. Cash, paid for Oats
aud Ore.
, •
On Chestnut Street , —bast t end ,or T...yons qtan
dlers Store, Montrose Pa:
hi the Common Pleas.
rgIAKE NOTICE, that the weedy arising from the
111 sale of the Real Estate of Elliot Ben on will be
;distributed among the proper creditors by A. New 7
,ton,- at his of,lice in Montrose, on Elturday the 3d day
Of November next, at one o'clock in Sheafternoint.::—
.1%11 persons who have an interest in said fund are re-'
guested to appear and present their claims or, forever
be debarred therefrom. X. NEWTON, Auditor,
Montrose, October 3, I 85& •
.. .
s hereby given to nil persons interrested the fund
arising w from the Sheriff', sale of the real estate of
,AransoN BRYANT, to present, their claims bef4re tho
Pubz.riberr, at his office in Montrose, on Friday, the
Oth day of November next; nt one, o'clock P. 11., or
be ihrever debarred from coming in upon said fund,
Oct 15th; 1855. Wit..l. TIIRREI.I.., Auditor.
41 w . 4,
Family Plll4.
rviiE best In town can be had of J. LYONS & SON
Any family needing -can have them on tri4.l; If
her do not •answer the purpose,-no dizarge. •
Montrose, Sept. 18. • .
frpg undersigned has been appointed an agent -ot
the STATE, INSURANCE co., of
Harrisburg, ; Pa. Said toinpan lute :a capital 'of
$50040001 - .lt Is as'safe and cheap a company as
any in the 4hate end insures on the Stock or Mutual
. - -
- -
We, the undersigned,. hereby • state tliat we have
done besinesswith the above. company, and we are
aititsßed that it is both vale and cheap— In oar expe
rience we hive never known any st.aveqatnenta as a
pretnium .note, •
D. D. Wattnia, F. 13. Cuannyta.
g B. en.utz, batat:ine gt.utuo Oa;
SEW; aeons.
. _
licither can we prtimiie our mammas that our "eal:
tablishmete-will not be "awl:maser by any in the
country soon; but we will promise our customersthat
we will sell-Boots and Shoes =to"-gilt ip qtality ajtd
' Our stock-etnbraces a general variety of new
and-elegant styles of Ladies' and' Gentlemen's *Mar?
among tvhih are. Ladies' Silk For Gaiters, Colored
Gaiters, Enameled Gaiters, Black . -and Bronsed Kos. •
Rtth . Bente, Enameled Books and Enameled Buskins,
Kid Buskins ; °Polkas, Calf Lace Boots and Bosiiins,
Misses Kid Boots, Jenny Lind Gaiters, Gents, t.lon
gress, l'atent Leather, Enameled and Buckskin Gait:
CM. Patent Leather Oxford Ties, Toilet Nips, French'
ear nootg, Thick Boots, Enarnelidtalf and Cowhide
Brogans, Boys' Patent Leather Montereys; KlirStaits,
Youthe,ifontereys and Kip Ties, Children a Tay
lor Ties, Paridoes Iloan Boots, &c.
-Silk Boot Laces,
all-colors. - • • -
Work made to order, and repairing /oho
Fichte call and examine. - '
Tours in the Boot and Shoe 'trade.
Montrose, May 1. 1t55. O. M. SIMXONS. :
and Fancy Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware,
/fats, CcpP, , Boots- and Shoes, Wall Paper, Drug,
Dye StuS, and Oils &c.:, which will be salsa cheap
as the cbeapeet for cash or approved credit by
ilarford - June Ist, 1865. . ff. M. JONES.
4 LACK Grale'Eltine Silks of excellent quality
At at - • r H. X. JONES'.
ROME. and Cashmere shinils st idl prices; also
few mantillas by.__ JONES.
pAsii paid for Wool by H. H. JONNS.
Ilarford, June Ist, 1855.
paid for Dairy Batter by
rt. M. ions
good assortment of Boots and Shoes at - • 777
EAS, Sugars and Coffees of fine qUalities. and at
law prides lyy_
.• . H. M. _
T. ADIES will find a great minty of Bonnets and
Ribtiqua at 11. N. JONES.
LAaPit NS, Chalk,Berrege L"in;i3 Tell:44 11118
fTri i t and 7 r : Perat
ar unstlBs, IIM. t .
Look Here
. . . .
'DOCKET KNIVES. A good assortment of the best'
1 :kinds in market. Also Table Knives and Forks.
SPOONS. Sliver; Silver Plated, German Silver, Alba
to, and Di - Wilda:Tire spoons. Also Silver, Silver
Plated, and German Silver Butter Knives..
VIOLIN STRINGS,. Bows, and all - the fi*tarea,
Accordions,`Flutes, uning Forks, hpittnetion
Books, &c. •
FLITID LAMPS, Fluid, Camphene, Candles, Lamp
Oil ; .
FAMILY GROCERIES. A fuR essertment, new and
- DRUGS S:. PATENT MEDICINM. -4:firtl'itersz
sortment, and geniline. .
PAINTS Si OILS. • A generals4sortinent; and of good ; j:
quality:. ' •- : • ;' • •..
JEWELRY.- A splendisl vArkty bribe, p5.4 7 ._
xems. • -
'RANGY GOODS. Nearly.everfildng in this branch.
PERFUMERY. A choke' variety. ( New supplies
received nearly every - week.) - '
In short, nearly every thing persons want, and cheap
at the variety store of, A. TURRELL.
3fontrose, June 14. 1855, ,
"At the 4 Ezeha.use, l4 . Brooklyn.
THE subscriber takes" this opportunity of thanking
his friends for their veryliberal patronage the
past season, and of saiing to them in addition, that,
having, just. received fresh :invoices_ of seasonable
Goods of various dc§criptions, be is still.prepared to
sup/AY almost any article usually allied for at a COMEI•
!ry store,' - His assortment is now complete; and:be
tr:g the largest in torn, offers the greatest induce:
Meet to purchasers. either for Cash,. Barter, peGood
(short) Credit: Call and see. , .• •
• ' b. Cl:.-}Mlirl37`n.D
BkhoLlyn, dust 20, 2855.
ed a cries and Drags. —
TRW Clam Pectcrul-•aekngwledged to' be
11l the best Pulmonary- Remedy extant--Pond's
Extrief of witch- that e'Xeeedhi g ly• ''
-remedy for -divers Bake'r's Compound—a
-grand specific for Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cholera Mot.-
hus, .ke.--Ayresydityne's, Phinney's and • Wright's
Pills, Merchant's Gargling Oil; together.with la great
variety of Drugs iutommon use, kept constantly on
hand-by . - 00. HEMPSTEAD.
• Please Take Mallet,. - •
That it rety desirable that the accounts and notes
of tile late.firin of Smith & Hempstead should_ be set
tled, and that speedily. • 0, 9. HEMPSTEAD. _ "
, Brooklyn, Aug; 20, lsub., • -
Q , ALT by the barrel or load,, at the market rates,
prrE highest market price paid for Butter, Eggs,.
IL. Lard, Farm Produce of all kinds, good Shingles„
prim Wool Sioeks, ST., in 'Goode., by - .
sUbsctiber bas on hand;
NJ and is now mantifacturing, s Man stock at
Ready-rnrtie Clothing, of good quality:lod workman--
ship, which he offers at Tory low prices._
yip to WE'S AND SEIOES-4taectassortffient
.1-; of excellent qfutlitles, kepi consbutily 'on Intnd
New Goods:
BENTLEY-'a READ, have just reciend a logs
and well selected Stock of Dry Goode, Groceries,
r Crockery, Hardware, Drugs, - Medicines,Paint3,
Dyestuft:; Dootsitt Shoes, Teaspoons,. Hats . & Cape,
Watches, Jewelry; Siirer Spoons,tc., whicq . they of fer.on the most favorable team. ' . • .-
Montrose, Oct. I, 1855.
Lot ld.Sqr
anu.Nuare Shawls,'De Laines, Figured and
Plain, a great quantity ofPviinattaa, and other Dreaa
'Goods, for sale ebeap by . ' - - • .
• . itegiiter's Notice.
NOTICE is hereby given to all Ninon*
in the follosiing Estiifes, to wit:
Estate of Cot Ftederiek Bailey;deciaseit- late - of
Brooklyn township; R. M. Bailey, R. desTettt., and 1.
L. Pest, Executors—
. -
Estate of A - nrton Hadey, decoesued, late of Litter
ty township:- Joseph P. George R. Maley, Ad
ministrators,. -S. • ' '
Etate of Claik R:Sinwai,deceisoklato of Frank
lin townships Henry - Cline, Administrator—,
' That the accountants have settled thcli accounts
the Register's office in and for the county Of Susque
hanna, and -'that the Same will be presented to the
Judges of tine Orphans',.Court °fluid ,conntY, on Mon.
r day tho 26th day - of Novembernert, for confirmation
' and allowance. -J. W. CHAPMAN, 'Leer.
Register's office, Amtrose, Oct: 25, 1855.
• • . Rt ist _ eta Nottei.
'DUBUC NOTICE ii hereby Oren to ail perse!ta
1. concerned in the fol/owing Estate ; to Wit '
Estate of Aaron Rynearsondateof Lenox, dee'd. ;
Amy Ilynearson k Isaac Rynearson. Adm're.--
- That the accountants have settled their aeeetuate
the Register's Oleo in and fel: the county of &ague.
halms, and that the same 11E311 be preaented to the.
Judge& of the Orphans' Court of said wanly, au Set,
urday the first day of December next, fertoefinnat l on
sad allos - enee. 11'; CHAPMAN, Reg' r. -
Reg,istor's often, Montroie v Oet.l6, 1885;
A fresh slimily of MAU> Lend- ar rincollakenlire
, Proof Paints, En g. Venetian,-Tellor, .0.13 re, Patent,
• Chrome & Paris OreeN Linseed Oils,riirrmtd hand,.
I for sale by PENTLEY Sr,. READ.
Freuell — Wilmicour Glam.
French Wind?* aWs'ot various , sliesi and Patty,
always on hind at - BPINITEY 4 RUM.' •
ATras PgcronAL k Pu.t.a, Dr. foolland'a
gernuo) Miters, TormstOd'aftisaparßis,-Varign's Vat,
onhiptic, all, of Dr. Jaynes celebrated Medlar:oN "Pe-.
troleuns or Rock Oil:llostan4 Litwete°4V
copbtirous, and Ityanießatbartont also,. Dr. fiefs,
Brandetlka, Toughts e Rebus, RaUoiraesi.;fin.
beri, Sovereign
kept tonstanq on latpd, 'Ala for sale _
_ _ nzAD
Clocks, Ilinbjellaa, t.`arpat Bast,. attun)tn:: \ lona
Ware, Soda , and Comma Cu*** CiaIWIFtIZ
bait RulakeiN School, Bonk*, _ia4-jviat **Wad,
for sale b 7 ;..BENTLETA,a4th
• • " NOW
A splended asoortiiieht, just *Wild aE -
Montrose, Nov. 3, ' TURRET:a.
PEN7LET, & im&D