Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, November 01, 1855, Image 4

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i r.h.
• . BAB. ' -- \ ... - . : , •
-,Correspon' enee of the N. Y. Tribune. ,
. LEAVEN' ORTII Carr,-Oct; 15, 1855: • • .
or..Shittin u, like my uncle Toby, i:s rar
'Tying on the siege of Slavery at Wyaudott,
and if has same Widow7Wadinan to-help
out the plan he may amusehrmself and `.° the
rest of mankitil" for some time' to, come.--
It is said. that she. is Writing a
. thanksgiving
proelamation; callingn pon the sovereign squat.
ters to convene on &specified day in their re.
spettive . place4of worship, and render thanks
to the ruler of tire universe for all the bles
sings of squatter sovereignty and -the _Missou
ri laws eitended,overthem, It will be h . lit
erary curiosity and serve to quiet all ailar
thy and. prevett any bloddshed in future be
tween Aboliti nista and border ruffians:—
Why is it tha ' so much bad liquor is sold
here to the United States troops and others
'from Missouri ;'ender a license from the may
or anti eOmmon council when- "tiler eists a _
law Or
.Congre4 prohibiting the sale of all lig,
nors on Itidiandands, and making it a felony, 1
pinaishahle; : imprisonment ! Why does ,
not Commisaio 'er Manypenny see to this?—
And why does; not the secretary of War, is
sue his orders o the military comandant at
Fort. Leavenw rth to put a sop - to the troops
coming down itre on go,verninent horses at
full gallop-mer ty to get drunk and rare hack
through our stieets to the great danger of life
and limb:?,Shbuld he not require the chap
lain to preach. 'against intemperance' and salt
batk bmakingbn bad liquor \ and Practice it I
too, beyond military limits 1 This Squatter I
,Severeignty„-s4 much prated about-by Doug- i
hii and his disciples, is all a farce and a fuqioli.
We are goveriied by more distant and high
er powers thanlwe can reach. The General
government appoints a governor over us, and
marshals - to`e34end the laws of Missoini over
us, all by Squatter Sovereignty. The . Legi
slature of Missouri (according to Gov., Shan
non)- has appointed every officer in the Terri. ,
tory,-so that the sovereign sotratters have not
the poor priril l go of voting for a single olli=
cer, not even al constable ; and by the act of
the_legislature,c I am told, they dare -nut utter
' their sentiment , s, under- pain -of punishment ,
in the State prison. Are we r.ot serfs - , goy--
erned by mOrephan Russian barbarity;?—
and instead
.Of i l sovereignty, are we not. the
most servile - and subservient people hi 'the
-world ? , "Sqatter Sovereignty !". Alts ! it
is all a cant With hypocritical demagomiles
like bouglas. IlArk upright citizen is taken
his frantie wife by a gang ,of- these high
er-law-ruffians,. karred Ind feathered, and rid- i
'den -on a rail through Weston,- n-here-.he is
sold - at public ai n ction to a negro,..his life is
threatened unless he Should sign a paper
promising to leave foriver the home of his
elibiee ; and in this gat.g there were at least .
tT • le —.Lean the clerk -r "'" U. S. _ Dis
two lawyers•ann . the clerk of the
trict court for Ole first judieial districtot Kan
:nal and for t4s" outrage the United, States
con t, commcted with by its silence since,
and - by' the patticipation in this outrage by
two members of the bar and its own clerk,
- sanctions ,:th,is loutrage and breach of the
Peace. ,stran# as: it may seem, .T.lntge Le.
compte 4 retainstiloyle, the clerk, in (Zoe. Jt
is said he is'a'near relation" of the learned
judge. Alas! iihr our judic:iary 1 How would
-poor. "Ma's -tell, llobert Esquire,"
Weep over his i-onipeer ari-• brother judge,
could he arise. the Eitstetati• Shore of Ma-1
ryland,'fram t*, grave to which he . has been'l
so-long consigl;e3, or look 'down from the
blessed abode m h Eel as .keenexalted
for his judicial
. learning. Alai! for Master
Shallow and &platter Sovereignty. •
• • il;
[Fran theiZermattowa Telegraph.] • TT • i:
. • 11' . -
~ ri ATIIT.-4SOM e . persons
Suggesttons for the Farmers: . .
are . .in the habit of dwelling,
,uPon and. greatly
, .
FRIESD FAlrlibß :—With your peymissiori,
magnifylng ive.ry little injurr.tb4 reeleve at,
I. will oiler a telVi•• more'suggestions.
~_' the hands O'iothers. r They thus rerlerthem!.
Pu.;witzo.-'-ln plowing, see that' the w,! - srt:• sek .,.. es verj„ disagreeable
to those t int° ;whose
•is well done. - 11 4 0 the farrow . slice be fairly j
ears they Mi . continealtv pouring.,their! corn
• turned that the' clecompoSable matter eoetain
plaint4; and 'at the same time : greatly. . injure
'.• ed in the;roots,'' may be perfectly inhumed ~
theniselves i 1 the estimation Of Such, .whilst
and scamred frOm the wasung effects of the they are.e6h rib ll till" very much . to.their Own
air' This Is very i ' n i' rlai ' L if y ou n rPLI personal ini cry. - .How =eh better would
dressing before. breaking up too much care
it be wereesuch persons to • binail their little
cannot be
in. accomplishing this
troubles .or kt• leastito keep them entirely out
work,as its efficiency will depend, in a
of sight ! it, /seta be presumed that they dli.
great int - ..a.sure; the success of ihe,subsequent
not sufficiently refie6t Upon die true nature of
- crop. No banlks should be passed over;
their condtiet: orelSe they would certainly ion
. what the plow !S"bare leaves unturned, should
more carefu ,] to avoid it than ithey 'are. Ja;
he turn
perforrn this work mperfeed wit:h the hoe, or hand,
ctly. -Man
il l pl
mieson forei fly ex 'poses the great folly. of such ows - iy
conduct be the foloing, illustratien. . '. .11
the first place they do not detach 'the furrow
" A Man qtrikes ine. with a sword and in
slice at the properangle, and then instead of -L.
filets a wimild. Suppose, instead of binding
fairly inventing it, they either stand it on the the - . I
up wounld, am allowing it to everybody:4
edge, or brc,.ak r ' L it Into pieces. implements of and after it,has been: bound lip lam talci3'
this character are worse than worthlest.— e ,
off the bandage continually and examining
When land is poorly [awed, the after culti
tlie, depth of tbe wound, and Intake- it fester
ration is always: perplexing, and as a natural
'till 'iroi lim*becomes greittly inflamed and
-, .consequence is poorly performed. It is there-
gen6ral : , I . e.4iith is
Tristflisiiv affected ; ii . ,
• fore much ' better to expend money for a ;
there a person in the World who :would not,
gOod plOw--pne that will perform its work call me a foil ? Now such a ; , fool is he who;
in a satisfactory manner than to-use the iin
by dsielling'',upon little injai;iee, or insults, or,
perfect one; as it will entail obstacles which by
n ', valises ' therp to agitate or it:;.
it fountin6 , 'way easy to overcome.
1 flame his' mind., How uiuch better' were „ii , 1
• ' Hariaowraa.—lii harrowing, it is best to
to put, a bandage oer the volind and never
. Lpasa over the iiiece lengthwise of the 'furrows
look at it a4in.—Germancßeforn ice' Ifessen4!
the first time, :then diagonally, and lastly,:a
ger.. -.• L , , .., •- I•• ' • . '.(
across the pieee. Always roll the furrows . ,
. , .
in the' : this will press down the TA' KERS. 'Undoubtedly' the highestperscm, '
furrow slice, ;And give greater efficiency i° lal necompltliment in the I world is to be a
• the fiction of the, harrow by reventing the i go6d talker. With ' this lharm alone John
seeds from being displaced p
by the teeth. Wilkes; tl+gh a prodigy/ of personal ugii
. Harrows of different- sizes, and different de, . ness. was the most ; attractie man of his time
grecs of finen'ess should alway be used when, " It. takes me" he said .to 'Lord Sandwich;
fine tilth is • 4 desirable ohjeet teen 011 " Just
,fifictointinntes to take my faCe. pff."-4
harrow armel'is used, Much of the th of i t „as. this:P•wer, and not his poems, nor hi~
the / team, as well. as labor actually expended,- dictionary, ii or. his heavy- letters from the ; TIS
-is unavoidably lost. - - " - • ' brides; that Made Dr. Johnson : the autocrat
- • Maacnixei—Never scant your crops;—•t of his day mining men cf culture, and will
• Plant no more land than you can -manure keep his ineniory green - while the English
well. It4S better to have. half an acre oflanguag„e rumaina to - prove that, in spite of
- soil well managed, than ten - acres imperfectly • his boorish!ess and insolence, and absurd.
• , worked and manured. It requires en more prejudica.s., e was the most charming talker
labor-to manage one acre of land that will' the word tali seen. It was this power, more
&mince fifty (bushels o f cora ; -than one that than all othirs, than Made_ the friends of - Col.
produces but twenty. .It is acknowledged to eridie Ign-44 that he was defieieut in -Inataly
be poor policy to half feed our domestic au- honor (the:Most fatal of defectS,) thathe Was
; 2 buds, and why' should it *not be equally. as a slave to i+ of the worst vices, and won for
absurd and itijudicioes to half starve our.eorn him not. ; :oPtely the.adminition, but the love
. and : other. crOps, which we rely upon. to. feed and , es Cern Ipf all wbo listened to 'his Wen,
tut.• - • • ' ' -.. derful . uttenees. .in our own country there fuel, wood--should be cut and have nut"ben as'yet many notable conver
loused the year•previous' to, its being used. satii.)nisoa IWe are a nation of speech:maker:4,
• Not only can atie work be:much more eco- but good Okers'are exceedingly rare. We
comically performed by forestalling, - or an; talk enough ;(God knows,)
,but good, talkers
ticipating the period of its actual want, but reqUire inc 4 culture, more leisure, more- re
- the fuel ;will-acquire increased . value by sea- pose, than We shall know fur. many. years' P
sorting tinder:cover, It will be mare solid, Come. -I ' ..- -. • '; •
, .
. and prOduce.. more teat. ''— .
- WOOD Astir, s.—Every bushel of wood ashes
applied tothe corn (Top, is worth one - dollar,
- : This'hailteentepeatedly tested by the results
. of experiments accurately conducted: On
:- light soils, the action" - of ashes is highly ener
getic and salutary; 'they, exert a warming
. and invigorating influence, and promote the
rapid development of almoit every species of
• , vegetable. 1
::. • . .
- • CHAFTIG !Her, &e.—Long feed shOuld
: • never be feoo domestic animals. By c6fr- I
ing, - a very.Oonsiderible
may be .ef- '
fected, even - Of the ,b-t and most sapid ma
terials. : 41,j, usin g an improved 'chaffer in the
, , preparation Of :long fodder; -and 'a rasping
machine'for root.s from
: one fourth to one.
- - third - of - the. food ordinarily ' required .ao
winter ' a
,stock of ,anirnels, may easily Ve
'!`:' . econozniied..; With the- first pf these imple - -
. - nients, Much _refuse matter may- be advan
tageously Worked - up, L and by Means of :the
latter, provided you have a supply of beets;
. :; turnips.-carrots = . or -other • roots, it :May be
ighl al l **l " 1 ,
rendered h' y p atao eto a. most all an
imals. Thee ,luachines.eaunot be oo highly
recommended; and will he found supply a
desidurtitum I rm every farm.; CfIift.TENHAM.
; • F
Even -Handed Justice. E . •
Gilbert Giarnßy *As invited by his. friend,
the poitly iheritri-to visit Old' Boiler Court
and see the Orocess of the trial and kumietiOn
of offenders that:ancient and British ixihu
nal, and , aftcjward to dine with the . judges
and some ofhho senior members of the bar,
at the. sheritlis . table. " ,
Er secured titsguest a r g ood s c4 t,
at opened wi ?formality'
nd gow9s.
prisoner placed at the bar was a
irg'ed with stealing.- ,'Where was
tgainst her, her goocticuaracter
lily manifest, and so ij.he judge
notwithstanding *inch they
fairy.• The next was the case of
taken in the very act, and .the
peen by twO or thieli
jiidge charged the jitnpr in sub
heicase.v:as too clear 4, need any
,him, and the . jury' hereupon
• The sherill
and the cou►
of big -wigs
The first
poor girl Clol
no evidence
was ulwnda►j
charged they
foiiiid her - gti
'a pickpocket
crime was p
.nesses. Th
stance that t
remarks fro,
acquitted tli
. Gilbert w
be, and tiotii i
which ho sa
while in so ,
prisoner. .
u3!a.stoniShed, as wellihe might
the leSs at some cqher (Imes
.tried and decided that .day ;
he coald not Aenv that the ver-
anifestly just and right. But
eases rather.- bothered him, and
t adjourned, and while they' were
0.0 inner he ventured - to ask of
an extvilanatl'on of what be coll
ide inj4stice.- The portly lune
,ed looked with nunu
gut At.. lie could not stand an
:ffitin4t his
diets were il l ,
these .Ttranz;
after theCitt
nn the M•ay
Ilk fat
•s:dereJ horr
tionary pan.
tempt on hi
insinuation .
d 114 drawing. hinizelf. up' IJ4I
cif sir.e larger', &Old Bailer Ju
-1 a great deal of ererivnee ih
4 their wisiioni has hit upi*
alwaysie fhid the first prison
-I -_ .
" Sir s ?' sa
rips have ha
these matte
this plan . : •
, . .
seilood not guilty, the third
oiOb . a.ternatin:g with each trial
ay, and, Mr. Gurney', (here the
I ti t I
quarter siz.:!-liirgP.r still,) '1 fan
-I,_, is abQut.a-s evenly Bailey•C i . ,ourt-as in any court in
h.,' - • t.
er guilty, 111
guilty, and
through..t he.
,sho iti grew
ev that justi
e - d . in the. 01
thi , 4 kirigdot
• . .. . . , .
A rat Innen Sea Is Said 10. - have
IpZell di- , cov red hi equatorial, Africa. Dr.
nebminiti- ope of the travellers -with whose
perseveringllabors in that. remote region the
newspaper &Wk. intimately ac;
.?.. ti s. sent to - Europe a small
map,- - ou whal sea he occupies the 'vast space
between .thelequat n. and 10 degrees of south
latitutle,-andl'betw en degrees-and nearki•
.30 - degrees kingitu le itst•• from Oreenwlel3,
~a t: its sou heastern extremity "Lake 1
Nvassa attadlied ;t •it like a tail-r4ece... .I%ft. 1
Agustut Pt:tLrinattni; in•a letter tO. the Lon
don Athenaltuu respecting the discovery 4.
. r i
says: • l . ,
' ” This initilense body' of Water, With an
area abort twice as large as the Black Sea_
(with thy S e of AzUtl,-)is inscribed with the
- name-of ljke l owe or Inner 'Sea of ltiniamezi,
its narrow elongated southeastern 'lend bear..
ing that j) - f Lake •Nyassa - ; and; .the! . discovery
is said, iti the accompanying letteik, to have
been arrilved the concurrent' testimony
of variouS tuitives dwelling cur or close to the
"Lake, 14th IT_ its eastern as well as on its
western.iihoresith whom the missionat
ries camtl , in icontact. Some k,f . ' these natives
that catn'e,..brit to trade on the coast at Tan;
ga,ln . particiilar, gave a cleat'', account! cf ii , '
while at othtir points of the COast, from Tarit.
gasouthwar4s for six degrees of latitude, cot; roborati‘e . IriformatiOn was obtained."; 'ti
, • 1
- ,- `4". " . Th , e hots happening one summer's
day to be e ught, -out in a ;violent thunder
storm, soullt, refuge .undtir a tree, • where
they had been but a short time when' a tree
but a short distance from tho one they were
under, was struclt by lightinik - and shivered
to atoms:: ' lOne of the boy s,i vrith seriousness
a•id anxiety plainly' denictel in his counte
nance, says I t I o the others.:, "Bill, can you
'pray r , r.iv.`.” ~ Pet.e, can ),. u pray r" No..'
" Nor ;I eiiler, but by • h4tei, something
must be do ' ie.'? .. ..
- . . 4 -. •
Mr" A never: id gentle rt in Mew York,
a few Sabbliths!ince seein: :ti poor woman
up, one-Of tie aisl-.- of his church,
waiting in vont foi;sorne one t!o offer her a seat,
pused in his sertnon, deeen led froin the pul
pit, sliowedllier into his own Pew, and quietly
returned to shun desk again
Merrimac ¢ Coch
at6-} centic viol'.
it •
Priate:--alao a gicat variety
. .
, Orchard, D. . -
'Dux hICIAN AND S.URGEON,_ Jaekhon, Su.sque
-1 hanna county, Pa. Residence at the Postoffice.
/6111, & Lamb
CABINET MAKERS, hare recently aliened a wart ,
room in New Milford, Pa., and will keep con
stantly on hand ail kinds of Cabinet-warn also Ready
made Coffins. 6 . Funerals attended with or without a
hearse. War4-,room•nearly opposite J. - Dickerman's
New Milfor4, May 45, 1855. ; 20-1 . y
A. Is E. Baldwin, .!• •
'trunks, Whips; Sc., in the Basement of Searle's.
Rotel, MontroSe, Pa.
C. Nr.
BOOT AND, SIIOE.-MAKER. shop first door east
• of Odd Fillows' Mill, Turnpike st.,;iforairose.
'W:l3ingleton • •
. -
rimi now b found at MS new statid'On Owego st.
V two doors west of Searle's Hotel, *here he ef
feetually repairs • with aispatek, Watches, Clocks,
Jewelry, Gunsi anti every aeseription of Machinery.
Wheel euttingl Gun-and Watch mateiiars supplied
to-the trade.
Dr. It. Smith, :j •
SURGEON pENTIST, Montrose, Pi:, at Searle's
Hotel, Mottdays and Tuesdays of esi . th week.
Henry s.,Knapp,
TONTROI, PA., witi! Roar., Woo? Car
.11..1 ter, WlTlesale Grocers and Cotnnumon lier
cbants, No. 17,g Washingtoii street, hopreen court
.andt and Dey:trcets, ,Yeti York.
Caleb' Weeks'.
I Q ADDLE, lAARNESS, 11A1 . .ER and Car-
L riage Trimmnr. Shop at hla dlvelltne
early oppo,titellenrsDrinker's. Maritriixe,
Miller & Fowler, HI
and Solicitors in Clia*ery. Ofti e:No. 41 Clarke
sired, "Chirerg:o, •
_ • Pacific Hotel, - -I
G it i E,E rr: E s; ET t:lo (ne i n , r m li m r . Oa .o d rs way,)_
'cleittity of the principal steamboat landmg,R.
•i Thomas Ingstruta.
TAEALEII- IN DRY . GOOD'S, GrocereA, Clothing,
(tmckerf Roots dud 'Shoes, &c., iSuAguelariitia
. .Depot, Pro.a. ;
Bentley & Fitch, I
lAGtNTS, 2foritrosi; l'a.
-4- ! i F.. F. FITCH.
, _ -
, t john Groves. i • i •
r i IASIIIONIOLE TAILOR... Sh?p. xiiitler Searle's
.1- Hotel, Maine street, 3fontrose4
D. D., Hinds,
in the ITT- of.Wil::on's Store, jfeti l froAe.
3. Cdsten, • ` 4. '
IFIEALER STOVES,;. Tin, copOr, anti Sheet
.1.1 Iron Loderseillf, near fired Bend Depot.r ) ,
December 4;
L P. Hinds
TTOWNEI AT LAW, it,usrilt , hanr,a, Pa. (ghee
LI. on Ilaino street, one door east o f k.enheun s. •
Frazier ATase, .
Office oh Turnpike street, one door East .o
Post's Store, Montrom.,=Pa. . • I
Albert Chaiilberlin; L _ •
A TTORNEI AT LAW'and Justice of the Felice;
lA_ over I. Post tt Co'store, XoUtrcese.
Wm. H. Jessup, !
DknoS, fgt. the State of New Yo k, will attend
to all bwirlCSAientrusted to him with ?ii•oniptness and
Offict•i on Public Square, occupied by Hon.
Wm; Jessup. f; • .
• ,
1 • •' Abel Darrell, 1 - -
TAEALER ChemiCals t .
17 Paints, 011 s, Dye-stuffs; Gfocerids, Dt.v . Goods,
Hardware, Snittewam, Glassware, Cloks, t'ateltes;
Jewelry, Silvdt• Spoons, Spectacles, Musical Instru
ments, Trussed; Surgical Instriunents, i Liquors, Per
fumery, 3lftrotS, Stationery; Brushes, Shoes, Yankee
Notions, Sc.. 1 •
.1; B. R. Lyons & Co.; I•
Dry Giiods Groceries, Salt, FlOnr, and Hard
ware, I.,aneakko, Pa: •
F. B. Chartdir '
..1 - IEALER IN DRY GOODS, RL., ady Idade ClothinF,
1J Grocerieti, Books and Stationery, etc., Public
Avenue, .21fonti'ose, Pa. • • I
.1 •
TatiCk & Dimbek, •
1 Owego street, Montrose,
I. L.T &
ost Co.,- .
'PEALF.RSIN DRY GOODS, Grocerics, Crockery,
-I_l Hardware. Liutber, Flour, etc., Corner of Turn
pike street::nr4 Public Avenite, ifontrtige, Pa.
J.. Lyons & Son., Li
DRALERS..aN DRY GOODS,.Groeciitg. Hardware,
Crockery, Tinware, Groceries, Bobks, etc.; also,
carry on the -kook Binding business—'Public Avenue,
ifontrone, Pali -
. .1 Bentley & Read, 2'
- -
Paints, Oils, Groceries, Hardware, Crockery,
Iron, Clocks, Watcbes, Jewelry, Silyei Spoons, Per
emery, tec..Poot of Public Avenue, Ofontrose.
Sayre, Bentley & Perkins,
.4.11_ kinds of Casting s, Stoves, Agrtcultural Imple
znonts, etc. Office at e ‘Sayre's Store. Public Avenue;
31anufactory at : the Eagle Foundry, Font of Cherry
street, ifolitr*, ?a.
Wiliam & William EL Jessup, „.
A -TTORNETS.• AT LAW, Monfro;te, Pa. Prac
tice in Susquehanna, Bradford, iWayne, Wyo
ming and Lurthle counties. •
William W. Smith & Co., -
('UBIXET 3IAKERS: They keep; constantly on
kJ hand a good a..q.ortment of all kinds of Cabinet
Furniture. Shop and Ware Rooms fat the foot of
Maine street, Montrose, Pa.
- Rockwell, Wititon.& Co.,
r i L Gods, :Aaix, caps, Fvr,,; rnArellas, Permsots
.Ribljorlz„:4-e; &e., No. 20 Courtlatldt street, Yew
Yor ' k, (up §t -,t0.) ✓ ! •
.D. ttoersvEll. . , J. HOWARD. !Tr. vr.lrts-roN.
M. C. Tyler,
NTERESTED with 1. L. HUNT,:ltnporter of and
Dealer in Dardware and Cutley, Carriage Springs,
4n. 215 Pearl street, .11 - rtr York, where his Mer
cantile friendsi in this and other counties, are kindly
incited, and ..arnestly4olicited to call and purchase.
. ..k.
- , ,
PA., Ai, : ;s l. t so PEE ANNVII.' IN AI/VANCE. : .
I •••- •
Bates of Advertising. • •
One aquae op lines or less) one' week, $0,50
One square 1 14 tiro weeks, - 0,76
One,square 1.. " ' three weeks, - 1,00
One square ~,,, " ; one month - 1,25
- I
One square '. 14 two months, 2,25
.- ,
One square z., " ; _ three months,_ 3,00
One square " t - six months, 5,00
One square ! ' t, one Year, ?, 00
For two t
on ; more squares, inserted by the year, a
tieduction frotn the above prices is made. Yearly 411-
Tertisers will have. the privilege of shining or chang
ing their advqrtisements without additional charge.
Business' grds, not exceeding five lines, inserted
at $2,00 per annum.. ' .
. - - • 1 1". Job Work.
This office lis supplied with a got
Jobbing - materials, and all kinds of .
as. Cards, Posters, Pamphlets, &e., w
ly and proMpfly.
rrIIE undeisigned hat ..nis day iasociated under
1 the firm 'Ackerman and Garnett, for the pur
pose of transakting the mercantile butduess at the old
stand of J. Dithermal jr. - .T..DICEERM.C.I Jr!
New MilfoO, July 280855, \
Melodeons •
CONSTANTLY ON BAND or furnished to Order
en f.hortlnotice: j
- - Paper Hanging".
100 Rolls just opened, and soma faa; cts. per
rok by ' .1. non & soK.I
1 . • . .
. , ..
... . .
.. .
. . . .
IChanige of ,Time.
r I N and alar Monday,_ ay 7th, 1855, the M 1
NJ Passenger Train, will depart . front Scranton t
10.20 A. M. rlge at Great Bend at 1:20 r. u.. Con
fleeting with the Dunkirk Expreas'West on the N. Y.
E. Wit. 'Passengers taking this train will arrive
in Dunkirk - ati 11:15 r. M. ; and in New York at 11:15
P. M. •
Ratuming,firill leave Great Bend at 4 r. M., dne
at Scranton at 645- P. M.
The Freight Aceommodaticiu Train, with passengr
car attached,
leave Scranton at 1 P. M.; -due at
Great Bend at r. connecting with the Mail
Train West,!and the Tights Express 'Train EaSt.
Passengers taking this train snd the Night - ExpreSs
West, will arrive in Dnnkirk at 12 m. or by taking
Mail Train West, will arrive at Dnnkirk at . 8:45 p. tn.
Retnrningo will leave Great Bend at 'T e . M. oft ar
rival of Cincinnati EcpressEist. Due at ScranOn
12,10 P. M.; • •
- Pa.4sengeri for WilkeSbarre,Pittston, flarbondale,.
Philadelphia,l(vil Jho ratawissa,- Williamsport a'd
Erie and Reading Railroad, via Tamaqua,) and at
on,ii and all intertnctliate places, will find first cl a s
stage coache in readiness at Scranton, on the arri • al
of the Passenger and Accommodition Trains to_ c tt
vey them to the above places. Those choosing i.
vate conVeytOiceA will find the best of horses and car.
ringes,of every description, at reasonable chargfs
. ~ ,
ready to order. - , ' , •
• :D. 11. POTTERER,. Superintendent.l l
Superintendent's Orrice..l. . • .
2 1 •
Sera:l464, May 10 . 1855. c .
LEAVE Molar° for D.. L. A: W. R. R.. at 6i. lA.
31.,f0r Expres;Freiglit Train to Scranton. :At
11 o'clock Ai M. for Mail Train to Great Bend. ',St
3 P. : M. for Freight to Great-Dentl, and M'ail
Train for Scratitoit.:axe Depot for Montrose On
arrival of all:theabcive trains at Station.
Far scats hppiy at Searle's Hotel, nontrose,
riIHE sttltsplilior is reCeiving ilig:Spring and Su
.134 mer stuck of Goods,.comprising a grimt varie,
which Will Ve sold as' low as any in this starker.;
Please call niid F:11. CHANDLER
HATS AND CUPS--A good aSSOT tnieut of
latest style. . '
RE-41)rUL1DE 0...7.0.7711N0—A good varii•ty
of Spring.anil Summer Clothing of the latest ccr.
DRY GOOD— through-,
A general assortnient thugh-,
out. Also, DRESS GPODS, consisting of 'Lawns,
Barege Delailjes ' : Frentih.Delaincs, Persian Helaine,
Printed Lawns, Fancy Prints, Ladies' Worked Col
lars. juse r ti l i ns ; Ed g i ngs , Black Silk Mantillas, Thihet
and Cashmete Shawls, Parasols, Hosiery, Gloves, k.c.
ROOTS 41ND SHOES. Clocks—a largo assort
ment of evtiry description and style., Also, a gee
variety of Finey 'Yankee Notions; .
Crockery, Hardware, and Groceries of all kind.s.--
Trunk*, a good lot for sale cheap. Books and Sta
tioncry—Woll Papers—also, Flour of the best quality.
_ Mouti , ose, May 9,
.1835. F. B. CHANDLER;.
Piety LiIIC of Mail Stages - , .
FI:OM • ,
QTAPF.F3 iyilT leave Kirkwood, paising thronght t or.
kJ' bettsaille, Liberty, Sc., every morning afeer Jilt!
arrival of the Mail Trains of cars both East and West,
reaching - Montrose at 1 P., X. Returning, leave
Montrose daily (Sundays excepted) at Tr. st., reach
ing Kirkwood in time to take the Mail trains of cars,
both East and West, being. the nearest and most,*r.-
sible'route ft) reach the New York and Erie Railroad.
This line intersects a line for Dimock,
Springville ; j Tunkhannock, Wymni,ng, and Wilhes--
barre, which leaves Monti or. , e . at 7 a. M. every Slim-
WedneMay and Friday. I Al4o, a line to Friel-Os
:10e', term-As-Me., &c.
Goqicaipii arid.rwyeartahfr ratr;aprs are pirt
ded,.and the proprietors will 'spare no pains to ac
coMmodate :the . WI. K. HATCH,
April 1854. MORGAN-& WEST.'
sub Scriber takes ibisi method of advertising
his' frhinds and the publitr generally, that he has
fitted up a store just across the street from his kild
quarters, iii.Brooklen, wherothe is-prepared tolre
ceiye customers an sell theni goods at aslow r ites
-as any other establishment in Susquehanna comity,
Myaassortment is very large iudewl, embracing, near
ly ever,-y article usually called for in a country stotle. •
'As I aM,determined to do business so as to amid
"had debts," which rexponsibre, credit purchasers kin ,
taxed to paF, 1 can O'er superior inducements tocirPh
find otherwise puoster-PAYitio patrons. Call wailisce
- --.•
me. ._ 0. G. 11EMPS:TEAD.
lirooklyn; April 30, 1855. •
. ,
TT ENRY • BUR RITT would announce to
I_l his ftiends and the public that he is now open
ing. an unusually hop stock of SPRIXG A .41 - D
SIT.,II.IrEi4 GOODS, including a great variety I. of
Prints frotit 4 cents to ls , 6d per yard; • Plain and
printed Lairns, Barege Delanes, Ginghams, Broctoe,
Black and fancy. Dress Silks, Silk Dress Tissues and
Bareges,.Poplins, &c. &c., with a superior assortment
of Silk, Brdche, Cashmere, and Thihet Shawls; -Man
-1111.45, Parasols, French Lace and Strait. and Sik Bon
nets, rich Ribbons and Flowers, with a large . variety
of other Sipple and.Fanry Dry .Goods.
IVA RE—Don :mil Nails, Boots and Shoes, Hats and
Caps, Carpi-iitig, Wall Paper, Floor Oil Cloths, Paint
cd tWindoW Shades, Clocks, Stoves, Oils and Paints;
Ploughs, &e. ke.; in short; the largest kind of piles
of rich and cheap Goods, too numerous to mention,
but just the` things to ptirchase; all of which will be. sold at the most reduced prices anil on the coos fa
vorable taring or approved credit.
N. B. Flour and Salt constantly on. band.
New Milford, May 5, 1855.
John Groves',Advertigement.
AS nature, who furnishes the birds and beasts 4ith
an extra coat for winteri has not made a similar pro
vision for Man, I have concluded to takeit upon inv
self:to'attepd to that department; and therefor6'l
think proper to announce that all shivering male) bi
peds, that need new appar4, glorious or inglorious,
ftshionable or nnfishioual4; can have their wants
supplied and their tastes suited, by calling on m; at
my shop in4lontrose. - '1
IThoGT. It. TIIAYF.R7taIq% this method of saying
I_, to his:friends and customers, that he • has agcnin
revmed the practice of medicine, at his old- Stand at
.113ntrosa, where he may be . found at nil times unless
professionally employed. lie would say 'to tboselin
debied to him, that he will deduct twenty-fire per
cent on all accounts paid before the first of April flex%
(or if any poor like myself I will deduct fifty.). 1
Montrose, Peb„ tit), 1555.'
' • it OT
Poor-mwzteri of the Borough of Montrlp-,se
r t
'degire Ito bind out three children, B,
one white girl,
aged 8 years; . one .black,boY and one black girl alilout
the.same age. Any perFon,desiring to take ones or
more of saiti children can call on either of the Poor
limiters. ? S. 3I: WILSON, t - - Poor - maste rs {
r- • ;• . c. S. FOSIIJI, {
SontroSe, July 9, 1855. . , • -,
. ,
9 /AAA Ik Fans of all sizes and made. fr0m ..1131../ 1J double emss tin'at lose than Merchant;
usually pay. to sail as for sale by the Subscriber.
We' W have come to the conclusion to sell pans to Par
tners as IoW as we will to the trade, thereby saving
to the Far Mer our profit. Our. wares are warranted
to be perfect in every Particular or no sale. • •
Terms—"iCash or short
NCR' Mli April 1; 1855. • -
- -
Roo 111
ks and. Statione
HAYE:receir4d a large addition to ply stew!: of
411..'llooks:'and Stationery, among which are: A Long
Look Ahciad, (Roe),—Wolf,ert's Roost.:(lrving)—Dr.
Spencer's Sketch Wonderful A drentdres of Capt.
Prifst—The Slave Holder's Daughter—Lifit of Sam
Houston—;Jane May—The; May Flowerkllarriei D.
Su:lWO—Rag Bag, (Willis) do be.—Will• be Sold
cheap. I F. B. CHANDLER.
May 22 1855. .
WE are receiving this week a Jot of New! Goods, jus
purehasedi in the city, which renders our as smtn.ent
and which we offer on the most favorable
terms, at the new building, one door above the Lost
Office. . ! BENTLEY & BEAD.
4ontro4e, Febreary 8; 1655.
assortment of
ob Work, such
II be done.neat-
~ b arrF e l . , our and Salt •
!•. _sack,ot , wind, by
3 1
F. B. CIiAN))I,E ,
1 • Sash aisd, Blinds. •
TIETINVOI% Sa.i t of various sizes constantly on ham
IV —also Blinds furnislieti to order !y
J • J. LYONS &
Cash . for Loud Warrants.
'l 4 .q. FITCI
Montroie, June .5, Istr.6. 1 , .1
Clover_imd - Thufithy Seed for WC 1y
New Milford, March 8 , 1855
• T. L. POST C(
J. hICKER ; 3I.kN J
• 9
_ • EARNED!' -"
T Ny ENBERQ & ARQ, Montrose, Pa., take
0 • this method ,ofitivishig their old friends and
customers and the public at large, that they have just
received and opened the largest, prettiest and chet
m -
e ig .oc k of READY MADE ; CLOTHING ever br 't
to this plice, which they offer at a small advance froth
cost, thereby - offering purchaSers the rare opportuni
ty 'of obtaining goods at about two thirds the usual
Also a large assoruirent.of Dry Goods, comprising
for Ladies Wear, - neiv styled Brocade, Stripe, Plaid,
Plain and changeable Silks, Delaines, Muslin, De Bage
Berage delaines of neir and elegant designs. All the
latest st: les of Ladies ;Dress Goods, French Lawns,
Prints and Gingham! A handsome :assorunent of
Dress Trimmings, Embroider, Sleeves, Collars Cuffs,
etc. Jaconct and Swisi Edgings and Insertings,Gloves
Mits, Ilosiery, Veils And Parasols.
-TheirLasgnAtrient tifluva - lsis very large, embracing
every thing that is rich and fashionable both foreign,
and tinrnef.-tic,
Their Bonnet Depait - ment!,is large and 'complete,
embracing the very ldtest stiles,•with Trimmings tio ,
match. . 1- - •
An - extensive ttssortnient bf Irish linens, gapkins
toweling, table coverri. curtains kc.
have also a siiriply Gentl6ien's Col-
T ars , s us p en deis, Glotles,--timbrallas itial a good many .
other article S ton nunterott4 to mention.' For bar
gains the public is relpectfUlly incited to call at the
cheap store of ' I •
corner of Chesnut & pwego.itreets, four doors east
•of poett's store. •-, ,
ARE now receiving licit. usual supply or, SPRING
ASh SUMMER Gpo DS, which thry offer to their .
cu ;tamers, and the public ' v, an - the most rea
xonable•teraw for ,Qal , ll,lutter Grain, 1.3e , :5;
wax, or on -appKived
Montrose, May I, ! . -
1-1110AIrLpTIIS, kerseyttlerer Kentucky Jeans,
Summer Stnirs,ylr-il ti gent'tt:il st i ck of Staple
Dry- (1 00 (1,, just retseited right by
0 Merrimac 'atnl C r sochecci.Pritit..3, ke r . tke.:. for sale
by • )DENTLEY it READ.,
Black for sale .
by .I ! & READ;
QII.K. For, L , 3'4110111 StraW, :md Palm
Hats, ljnilwellas,l `....atchc-Isr, Window Paper &
&c.• • BENTLEY A: lIEAD.
1 i
H A t R y Di t ' a; l , ll. l. E r ,.. 'rrli_eri., j l 3 ;a : t \T nt L P E : l ttlsT rt u i l : )s i ,
- I) R g L i T,C ;e B rll e :s " ( e )r i t n ni r t ). :; "! l% . t t,), t il l'; ' ` D l(: ‘ ( . l ( iti l n l t n :: ' ; a i
and for sale by _ •
QOLE and Liper Leatlvit, Patent:Rips, Calf Skinsi,
KJ and a good suppfr .of 800 and Shoes eonstanq
ly on hand .r - I BENTLEY & READ.
IVIACKERF.L by the ba4rel or one-half - barrel—al
1! sr', CO(111,141. . BENTLEY &
ATellE+z and .lEWI. 4 r T,EY.- 7 -A. full as::ortn.ent.
1. of gold la.pittys at:al Detatelti
Lacers, single eases, Ladies - Phi,. Eat!
Drops, Ring , , Guartl Chaitts, \e. &c. 1l e, ~ilrrr
Table, Tea, Desert, Stiit and Sugar,Spoons, warranted
pure, for sale hy 1 ! BENTLEY & REAP. I
- • •
STOVES and TDZ)VAIO:, Clucks, Nang, Candlesi,
►_• Lamp Oil, capipipmcike.
Monimie, May 1, BENTLEY S: RKAD.
paTm.irs:irr..74 PS
The Gi(; Improveront of tbe Agei—u;
11'iIliiim' Pall Valve
Ff: ITC cr! .L ift 3 /i .1! . 1)
N improvement ,Liars'e all other pumps or ma- .
chin. s for Eft thrOwing..4ni.l cafTYing wato ; r:t
combining both n Ptimp :ind a. File Engine. This
Pump, patented in .I , Vbrual - v,.154-1, is the whole of it
metalliei No bolts-of sc:..rWs about it to rust, con=e
quentlyktt will last a inao'i life. time. It Can be used
in every variety of ,fi)rin---can draw water from an+
situation ; and carry it• td any part of i futildin. It
is superior to alt otittjr Pinups for Distilleries, Paper
Milts, Tanneries, Yaills,-Iron Works and Marf : -
ufiteturing establishments fall l rods:
All orders must be . inlarrssed to AnniseisDnotteKl,
Lodersx ilk, Pa., whc;las Cie sok right f u r
hanna connty.
1- •
I'jE • •
r 00D . RUFF ETI.DEZ Ell v eonst:Mtly on hart
1 • a large aml :4•l,!ett l astoi uncut of titi,
ware, Reels and Ch:tiri tor wells, pump, cistern
pumps, &c., Ilidranlisl,lanis, Japanned wares, hail
pipes of all sizes &c.; Sc - .Job work done with ire it=
nesza and dvspateh ; or ers promptly attcnded tni
kept COnFiantly map], ii large assortment, of_store.i
of tiie largo improvedj an approved pata:rns. Oar
experience-in the hu4es„ , ;:enables us to aelgct tim=e
that we can safely warrant ito give entire satisfaction;
Amongst our numeroas stuck can he found the
Paragon air tight t"tar of the West, Elevated
New World, • Clinton, Riven.;
Atlas, " 1 Cultivator.,
Phoenix, c Fly, •
Three States, " extern Qneen,
Globe, ." 7 -,Pretnitun. , •
- -
More and jioi-e. New GOOds.
J •
eluding a new and elcant; - assortment* of rrfnch JP
rinorx, Merino and Cashmere 'Plaid,•
cy and Plain be Lamk:Raramfttax,-Broehe, Square
and Lony Shawls, all of nt4t- and best styles, and will
he sold at 25 per cent! lesS•fhan last yar'sprice.s.'L--'
Also a new assortmenti of Rich Ribbons and Bonnets,
Wide Silk -Velvets far Cloaks and Mantillas, Rich
Silk and Vr/t , Ct Theirs Trimmings; Mohair Read
Dresses, Rigolcts Vic. 7c.,l,with a gene - x:11 assortment
of other Starts and FA:4l7Goot , s, as 'usual, which
haring botight under tile vre_sent pressure of the cash
market, will be sold tit corresponding and reduced
New Milford, Norobbei 27,175-1..
1 •
11 •
CAPITAL, - 8200.000.
Shared by Bond iandlifortpage un - the .1:edl Estfite
Insures against loss )y 'Fire, of Honses, Store's, and
other buildings, Good. Wanes, and 3lerchandiie, on
as fitvorable terms as.any similar Institution: LosseS
promptly adjusted andipaid.
IforaCe Williston, ,Atile.ll.s; Fran•
cis Tyler, do.; George A. l'erkins do. ;.J. T.O. Meyer,.
do.; C. N; Shipman, db. p. F. Welles, Jr. 110. ;
Canfield do.; Hon. JOlin f.aporte, Towalida • Gen..p.
Wakeman, Liteeyviile Geo. M. Ilollenback, WilkcS
barre ;- Michael Meyleet, Laporte, l'a. I,
OrricErts.—Hon. I-Vir:We Williston, Prestdent ; iO.
F. Wells, jr., V. Frog. and Treas.; J. E. Canfield',
Secretary. '1 . .
Agent. 0. S. BEEnr.rMontrose. Pa. I 15filliii4
ricIIE subscriber it:rip-tying on the (.7.41./R Jr 4 1 K-
I ECG 13- 1 / 7 81-NIESS in variousbranches' at
the Chair and Ware Sriln.llarford, where may be
found a greater sari ty :of Windsor and Rocking
Chairs4han at any othr establishment in the county;
alSo Flag and Cane Sets, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Loung
es, Settees, Table's, StinidS, Sc. &c., all of 'which will
be sold at the lowest prites at retail, (or wholesale,
with short notice.) All; work warranted . well made
and of good Material. Short credits and small profits
will be my motto. For demonstration of the above
facts, please call at.nti shhp in'llarford
Efarford, October 14, 18 54: . 1646m6
• .. •
. ; •
" FARM[ 1 1 ,01 i., SALE.
THE 'subscriber offers fcr sale," on the most liberal
terms,- one of the belt farms for making money,
in Northern Pennsylvania. The said farm is situated
t 1 in Dimock,Susquehanna county,eonvenient to ChurCh
Grist-mill, and saw -m)11. It contains 10 acres, one
hundred and twenty fIN',C 'under - a goal :state
cultivation, well watered 4nd fenced, one - good frame
house, 28 itrB6 feet; two good barns, "o.le hundred
feet of goo shed, hog house, and a good young orch
ard, all grafted fruit there On. - Pc*session, will he given
to . suit the purchaser. FOr price apply to the pro
-,rietor on the pietoistis.Wm- BAKER.:
Diutoek; July 18th 1853; , • 28 W 4.
• , ,
r PIE subscriber will act as agent for buying and sell
- Real Estate ; Farms , Rouses,andLots- 7 -do
cated in SusquehanrCoOnty, Pa. who. wish` to
offer their property for aide can givea minute.descri
tion of their Farms or Lots as follows : Number of
acres, how many improved, and how watered, build
ings, orchards, grafted oil common fruit ; other fruit
trees ; and the nearest, point to the D. L. & W. IL
and N. Y. k E. B. : - •
• • 62 farms on the list, 411 unsold. By calling on the
_subscriber a minute descliption, price - and terms can
*, be given. .7 v ". • .
O ffice on Turnpike;st. doors west of Main st..
Montrose, Avist• 5, 1854. A. BA LDW IN.: •
' • tp;i7-P,16:4*-1, .t4"..-ett
-coe" . . 4.4". 11 - ••• 7, • .
1, 4
,^ - 47 •• ..75. • • . !m•
\ • , Q .
• A I ER'S . - rtus,
A"Wand singularly successful remedy for the
cure of all Bilious diseases,--Costiveness, Indi
gestion; Jtiandice,• Dropsy Rheumatism, Fevers, Hu
mors, Gout, Nervousness, Irritability, Influanmatiotis,
Headache; Pains in the Breast, Side, Back and Limbs,
Female Cquiplaints, ke. Ac. Indeed, very few are
the diseases in. which ePurgittive Medieine - is not
more. or hiss squired, and much Sickness and suffer
ing mighti be prevented, if a harruleselni,t effectual
cathartic were more freely used. No person can-feel
well while a costive habit of-body preyails; besides,
itsoon generates serious and . often fatal diseases,
which might have been . avoided by the timely and
udicions use of a good purgative. This is alike true
of Colds,lFeyerish symptoms, and Billions, derange
melds. . •Thev all, tend to become, otspruduee the deep,
seated Mid formidable distempers which load the
hearses -all over' -the land. hence a . rethile family
physic is of the first importance to the public health,
and this hill has been perfected with 'consummate
skill 'to meet that demand. An exteisire trial ,or. its
virtues-by; Physicians, Professors, and Patients, has
shown reSults kispassiitg any thing hitherto known of
any medieine. cures have been effected beyond be
lief, were ;they not substantiated by •persons of such
exalted positions and character as to forbid the sus,
picion of !untruth. , Among_ the
. eminent gentlemen
who - hule testified in fitvor of these Pills,-we may
mentienj-, -
Doct. - -A. A. Irsyss, Analytidal Ch tsati4 of Boston,-
and StateiAssayer of Massachusetts;: H. J. GAAPNER,
Gthernorl,of Maisachusetts; Euonv Wasunents, Ex.,
Gov. of Massachusetts; Sims.os Bnows,, Lieut. Gov.
of Mass. E. M. Wituarr, Secretary of State of Mass. •
Joins B. Frrzea'fraca.„Cath Bishop of Boston ; Prof.'.
.Jons,Ton of the ;College of Physicians and snr
genres, Ntiw York eit„);:e Dr. C .I T, Jacksost s Geologist
of the Public Lain k of the united Status; Dr. .T. IL
Cnit-ro, PlacticaLehemist of New York City,_wlors
ed by Hoh. Wit'Msnev, Secretary of State.; Wit.
B. Anon; the' riehest main in America; S. La AND S.
Co.; Proprietors of
. the • Metropolitan Hotel, said
others.; ..i , .
• Did sVese permit, we could give many hundred
certificates from all Parts where the Pills have been
used, IMO. Otitleikee even more convincing than the
experience of eminentpublic men, is ftfund in their
effects upon trial. ' • : '. . .
• These tills, the result of long investigation and
study, are offered to the publicas the besrand most
complete; which the-present state of Medital science
• Can afilird: They are conifiounded not of'' the dregs ,
themselei.s, but•iff, the medicinal virtues only of Veg
etable retch - sties :extracted by chemical 'process in a
state of purity,aitd combined together in such a man
ner as to insure' the best results. This system of
compbsitlon for medicines has been found, in Cherry
Pectoral; and Pill;f both, to prothice a more efficient
Iremedy than hafthitherto been obtained by any pro
-Icc s. '111(r- reason is •perfettly obvious. While by
I the old Mode of composition, every medicine is bur- •
I &nod -wiih more or less of eerie and injurious
1 qualitiesj by this I.Zitil indirldtlat virtue' offir that is
' desired Or the curative effect is wesent. All the ins
ert and Minn:clefts qualities of each substance moi
, ployed ate left behind, the curative virtues only b&'
1 ing 'retained. Bence it -is self evident the effects
should prove as they hare proved, more purely rent s
.edial, and the pills a more powerful antidote tn flis
case thafi any other medicine known' to the world.
As it i fsetmeetly expedient that many medicines
should 114 taken , under the counsel of. an attending
physiciati, and, as he could not properly judged a
remedy. If ithont knovyine its composition, I have sup-:.
plied the. 4 accurate forintle by which both my,Peetti
ral and pills are made, to -die•whale body of Prima-.
loners • its the United States and -British American
PrOVioCeiz.: . if, however, there should be any -one
who has tint received them, they will be forwarded
by majl•fit his • - eiplest.
.. • .
'Of, all; the Patent MisileineS thrtt,stro• offered, how
few would be to ten if their composition was known.!
Their HO consists in their mystery. ' I have no mys
teries. ''hecomposition of my preparations is I:lid
open to till'men and all who are Ontpetem to judge.
on the sdbject freely acknowledge their et ,,,,,k t i on , o f
. their intrinsic merits. The Cherry 'Pectoral was pro
nounced iby scientific men to be ftWonderfuLmedieine
before its of were known. Mrj u - eminent Phy
tickers Mtve declared the sante thing of my Pills, and
even mote cogliderfltly, and are willing to certify :that
their-anticipations Arek.e more than realized by their
effects. upon trial. ' They operate :,,by their powerful
itifiliellC:i On the internal viscera le purify the blood
arid stinMlam it into healthy of:6On—remove the ob
struction?: of t hq stomach, boWds,.IIVQP,. and other or
gans of the hocry, restoring their regular. action to
health, slid by correcting wherevq.' they exist,. such
'fierangeihents as are the-first origin •of disease.
Prepared by'Dr..T. C. AYER:Practical and Ana
lytical Cheinist, Lowell. Mass.. Price 35 cents . per
lox. F • ire Loxes,oo. Sal by AMA, TuR141.1,,,
Mt - mtrosi ; , B, F.'S. IL 11. EATON, Ifarford; .Chu ncit
4! PllMNEr,'Dmitlafr, and 1) . 7.: all ileaierd in medicines
e very iv her°- • 1
Notice to the-Puipli
prAIING just returned fame New Y
_L call the attention of my old Chsts
the public in general, to my if
which biting bought with cash at the fewest latices
and 'wishtng to.sell principally for thissaMe, I •will or:.
ler titem' i at greatly reduced price?.- ! . ,-.- • -
Cocheeo Prifits,•warranted fast 'colors:',• ri.r only.S
cents a-Ward. Good Brown Sugar, 18 pounds for one
dollar. Boonton Nails, acknowledged • by. all to be
the best Nail in Use, $5,50 per kegl Hats and Caps,'
Boots and shoes, Butihlo Robes of all prices, all wool
De•Laintis, Cashmeres, Paramettasj 'Dress Silk, Silk
Velvet, dc. 'Nowlin De Laines,' I. shillifiss .per yaril;
Satin Bihinets and Mdleskin Hats { ' Di-oche Shawls,
Double tong shawls, Millet t 16:,, selling at inconceiv
ably IoW prices. I can safely warthig perfect satis
faction t 4 all who will give me a call.
Laneshorm Apr. 5, 1854. tSs A. LYONS,
-Lan'eFtro, Apr. 5. - ' •
Al 7 A 7 TED —looo Hides, for ~ mdaielt the, bialiest
Y rn, dee will be paid. ', js. A: LYONS '
Lahesborn, Apr. '5. ,
( - 101.1NTRY: PRODUCE taken in exchange for
VI Goody at my store. • ;S. A. LYONS.
ranesboro, April 5.
Subscriben.4 - having - seenri....4 the sole right to
BUTTER-li'ORKER, for-Stisquelianda and several
adjoining counties, respectfully idvite -Butter mak
ers to eshmine and TEST the merits of this new and
'valuable btrention. We propose to furnish each arid
all of coil with deliriums that will Troduep as tunch..
butter in as short a time as any other cliurn--‘-one
that will compictely exj>el the buttermilk.; trash and
work. i i i the . salt, 'diffusing it perfectly thrtnigh the
"butter arid fit it for use, without renioving it from the 7
churn: this Churn Li simple in its , construction, - sei
entitle id its operation, and easily cleaned and kept in
order, arid ;can -be easily attached any propelling
For fdrtlier particulars. apply personalili-:or by let
Ararat, .tiscpteltanna county, Pa.,
AT . I'DE. MOTT wouhLrespeetfully inform the
.111.• übliC that they arc manufacturing Blatehley'S
Celebrated Plows. They atso
,keep constantly on
hand, S;rle Hill, Wayne Cannty, and Idea. Plow;
Caltientrrs, Dog Churnii.Sleigh and .Culler ,'?:ilrffric,
Plow Pqinti of various patterusi , too numerous to
locution.; We hope, .by strict attention to ' bitsiness,
*to receisle" our share of public patronage. Manufac
tory, 1). .Post's old stand. Founds'',, M. Mott near
Searle's Mill. - ' • • .
arliepairing done oh short notice. "
Fib d
subscriberr - PHEI is'agent for the following Insurance
1 CoMpanies, - doing business. at the lowest safe
rates. -, ! _ , . •
. . . .
- State lifultial al llarrisburg. • - . • .
-r - H 1 : - eitpital_*3so,bo9.
Caith' Altar:al at ilarrisburg. -
.. . ~
1 . - "
lionzeiniztrance,2Vele York city. .
Capital - :5500,000.
limit:lose Apia . 6,'54. .. F. B. CHANBLER.•
DOST• BROTIIERS having purchased 'the:above
1. establishment, will keep constantly on. lilted Su.
.i.ny:lioirt hid Fine Float, Corn ,V ca l n f su lt ate l : mita l.,
ity,ar<i;CAop (Md./lion. at the lowest cash prices.—
Custom I work will be done with despatch; and in all
cases whir:voted, : . ' - . i3gr t i
.. . .
MontiOse, Ju1y..1853.• .• . . -.- - . .- • •
Dr Faker's Celebrated'‘Yegetuble
A soverieigniemedy for Dyivintet7, Cholera llorbnA,
Cholera' Infant= or Summer coulplainto—enfil eIY
vegetable, and has never fulled in a single instance of
producing the desired effect. For sate in-bottics at
50 ceitta and $l.. BENTLEY ,& REAP!
Mont l rose,' .Aupist .2 0 1855. '
finaei - Wpers,4ly one dollar.
s. A. LYONS.
ELlJ.ddi MOTT.
AyRll,- 13EN'TLErtir PERKlNS.hating purelme.
•ed of Wilson & Co;, the Eagl; - Poutifiry, are pow
,prep%red to fill orders from the trade, and do work in
their line with skill and despatch. They will keep
constantly on hand .1 3 14-s, (hest kinds;) .Stove;( t li
kinds,) Vultivattrr; Straw Cutters, Cow Sheller;
Sc..eke.- '- •
'We invite particular attention .to the Pk;wit Which
we manufacture. — We.manufacture indikeep for sale'
• 7%r,
We have pareluised the *exclusive right'. to =morn=
ture: and ;sell in this county, Wayne, Vytituing nna
Patent Iron BearikPlow. Th e
Plow is Tootle eniirelg of iron, excepting the handles.
It is celelirated for its easy draught, being one-third:
easier th'in env' now in me, while its strength and du..
rability ate greater. . - •
.I •• ItiA.ChINERY ••
of all kinds manufactured ;Ind repaired bfesperien6
ed machittesba.
. •
/Steam 6ea . ring
.41fillg, Shingle
Among tae StOvea, which we manufacture . , ire the
liegatonet, Cooking Stone, I:angk and Ready do., :For.
eat Ques l t do., Prevaliort do.; and other kinds; all-ar,
ranged tilt. bunting wood or Coat- Also, Sajtji.,,: ri .
lator, p i trlor ,Store, Collaae Parlor do., Stoll/, 1 ,
two sizm do. arid variety of other. Parlor Stores,
Loth woad and coal burners. • We keep also on hand
Oriudiitotleftriluining., D 6.; Churn trimmings, 1:j.
hrella and Shovel and .Tongs Stands-, .fic. b:c.. Work
done . to order on -hert,notice and. at the lowest rates,
vir (Inters for Stoves; Agricultural Implement,
&c., are e;olieited'from those in the trade; and will be
filled at rowvonable wholesale prices,
\ • ' S. 11. SAYPE,
3,fontri)se, March 4
. • I , w
• .
, I -NeGoods..
T Mosc dir..B . ros- are now receiving their sup:
40 - 4. ply - Spring anti SuMmer Goods, and being
convinced of the adranta,7,e•of having read} pa v, - are'
detertiligetl to sell goods at so low a rate as to' . cos:
since thlie. customers and. the vablic generally 04
it will bg to tlivir advantage as wdi as ours. o w
stock . cOnsists in p:i !..i. of Broadcloths,: Cassimeres,
KettiAteliy Jeans, Summer stuffs, Delaines, -I.,a'wns,
CalicoeS, Gingham?
' Prints, Bonnets,- Ribbon, Para
sols„Sbawis and Illaek Silks, together with - a stock'
of othti-, "Staple and Fancy Dn.' Goods, Groceriei,
Crockei l v, llardivare, Boots and Roes, -Rats; AC;
Also, k i p . wld assortment of Shoemakers' Findings.......:
C a ll any; examine, Our stocjc and jilt- for'yoarselves
i ,
as to tli) truth of our statement. .ur motto is ; quick
sales a , d smoll pro;ts. • Aimst.kir.ds, of country pro:
'duce to en in exchange for good's.
Iky 15, 1855,
k . 3I(i.ND thngreatVarlety Gfltediciueit -at 'fair K ih t : •
1: Store, may lie found all of De: Jayne's jasilt
celebrated Family Medicines : Ayee's 'Cherry Pecto
eal and Cathartic ; HalseY's Forest. WMe and •
Forest Pills ; IToollancl's c4ebrated - German Bitters.;
Louden's Series of FiniCily .Medicines; Me - rehanfs
Gargling Oil, the greatest remedy for sprains in man
or beast ever known ;• Mathewson's InfMlible Reme
dy, :Ind horse - Remedy; Orink's Veendfuge„hrid a
variety ef, , i4lier kinds ; Trask's Magnetic Ointmem, •
the great remedy for burns, rheumatism, and .all in- -
liammatory complaints; Pondls'Extract, a first-ratt
thing for similar purposes as above Ointment; 'An- -
drew:3' Pain Destroying Agent; a good article ; Wood
cock's Balsam. -and Boric Liniment; Atwood's Jaun
dice Bittersz Canker Dro`ps,'Liniment, and Dysentery
- Diops; Baker's Compound forßysentery ; Bougie - -
tbn's Pepsin,' for Dyspepsia; fiehriboltts .Extract of
Buchu and Extract of Sarsaparilla; a variety or
Salves, the best in market, Pills; ke., and !At almott_
endless Variety of Patent 3letlicines,'altogether too • .
numerous - to enumerate—but -suffice it to say, that •
the public will find nearly every thing in this line, at
'the Drug and Fancy Store of ABEL TURRELL..
111uptru,Fr., July, 1855
susqI:EILANNA Dr.roT.
T I$llEll Co. -would respectfully announce to
40 -their friends - and the public/ generally, that they
keep censtantly on band a full/assortment of Ready
Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes,. Hats and Cans, and
every - thing...else necessary:for men and women's wear.
We woula_particularly call th•i attentioa.of country.
Merchants - to our large stock of heady-Madc Clothing, -
- of our own manufacture, which we o'ffer at wholesale,
at-paces that will aflbrd great inducements to cash
and short-time customers.
A large stock of Cloths, Cassintc,:ye; Vestings Ac.,
kept constantly on band ; for, persons desirOus of hat.
ing clothing made to older.
Orders"plinctually •attentlud to. .
Thankful for past favors, we NO to merit a- con
tinuance of the same.. •, , • .P. ASIIER ' Co.
Wctueltanpa •
Depot, Pa., . May
,I'2, :11i55. "
• ;
Australia, califooria,
Or fraty place on the Globe cqoput present
. great& znuncements't ton-
tij RICH is now filled - with ane and etensire
Y assortment of articles in their! line, - embrabia'g
a genet:al variety of fiew - and elegant styles of ladies
'and gentlemen's. wear, among which• are ;Ladies
FrCnch, Silk Lasting and Prenille . Caiters, Kid and
Enameled Polkas, Kid, Patent Leather and Bronzed
Jenny Linds, Bdskins and Ties; Gentlemen's.Freneh
and Philadelphia, oak - tanned calf skin and kip - Bents,
316rocco, Calf and Cowhide Brogans &c. Boys• kip,
calf - and . cowhide - Boots and Ifrogans; all kinds,of
'Misses and Children's wear. Also, a genoral assort
meitt,of Findings which consist in part of lasts, pegs,
spar:aides - , Hungarian nails, tacts,•thread, wax, Brie
tles,shoe. him - ling, awls, raps; sandstones, shoe knives.
&c. Also oak and hendoek, -tanned calf upper and
soleleather, - MorOcr9 - skins and linings.
Work made alder and repairing rrativ
Montrose, April t 7, 1854. • .
Rich to
inters, and of.
Warns and • Itlarvials .Fire-Proo- ••
,- safe's. i•
MILE subscribers-havemade arrangements td
JL nish to persons who May be in wane of them; the '• •
above named invaluable Safis,• at the same prices-for
whieli•they can be.obtaihed at the manufacturer's.—
Having eiperienced the benefit of such an artiicle It.
ring the late conflagration ourselves, we Would coin•
estly recommend to others having variable books and
papers, the preserving of which would beef immense
importance to then; not to do without one.
:Prices range from t':+ to .itsoo, arid ice can explain
to any (Mb wishing - to purchase, the _difference in
style, size; price, !Cc., and tarnish them on short no.
tice, with the internal arrangement So suit the per.
Montrose, December 1.9, 1854:
Valuable Lands For Sale.
rOR S_ALE 'IN ONE BODY, about 5500 acres of
Land on-the waters of Spring Brook, a hmneh
of the Lackawanna river, in Lucerne county, Penn'a.,
about midway between the thriving- towns of,Scrail. 7
ton and Pittston. These laiurs are covered with rat.
uable timber i - and being situatein the ntoSt extensive
mineral region iti Pennsylvaniaktiown to contain
iron Ore--=and believed to abound in coal, and'heing
also his the immediate vicinity of several railroads • •
made and now in p - rogress--offer to the capitalist an
opportunity for the•investnient of money that seldom
occurs. 1: For further inforrmllion apple •to -,`. Ho.
sack, Esq . :, No. 11, Wall street New York, or to the
subactqler, at Montrose, Susquehanna county,Pa., the .
attorney in fact of the - owners:
April p, 1854. HENRY DRINKER.
, 4
rPI'HE subscribers. are now burniug. and will keep
ail constantly on hand, Lime .of tt'very superior
quality at - Montrose Depot, and will sell it 'in any
quantities .at a fair prite. - Persons: wishing • a large .
quantity can be suppliedv-ion a.reaionable puttee,
. Superior ground Plaster will' be kept constantly en , -
hand hereafter. • I. • L.. POST,
Montrose Depot, April 4. SEARLE.
. - Window Sash. 1 -
Q Sc i D. SATRE having been uppointedm agent
L. • for an exfbusive sas.h blind and door manatee.
tory are prepared to furnish any artales. in .this line at
less rates'ihan they have usually been sold
July 24.. ". - S. 11. H D. S.
• .Shavingtream• •
N article which every man shoul4 try for sale
bv - • . H. & D. S.
f TATS.:—S. noir lot.of &tinnier liats 'and Clog
-1, for summer _ wear just ree . eir'ed and for sale.elleap
D. R. L. &
?few' Goods Cheap.' tor Cash at (lie.
. Head of If avipition. ' . •
rrirE undersigne4 would restreetfully. announce
AL that ho is still selling Goods arthq - old place,
and that he has fin entire new stock of Goodi which
he will sell cheap. • C. W. bIOTT.
jtIIII.I.REGE DEIAIN'S.:for one shilling; Lawns, fist
colors, .a yard witje t for one shilling, and eali
cai.3. at all I.rices; ' - C. W:MOTT'S.
..3tontrose, slay 30,1855. "
• • • Ny,w 'GOODS.
(,111. - ENtip Punts and Ladies Broadcloth, Delanels
I, 7 -410;c,-juat. opened and for
_ , - - • LYONS 4 SON.