Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, October 25, 1855, Image 3

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. .
FP_ttie arnval. at •Ne,uit 'York of thirdeam , •
'Atla,nie,=fiern Liverpool, we have r.e.Wit.ftitT
Fmro.e one week later.. - kis said that Prince; .
Git ' bakoli •is to become the Ru s sian - :foist='
ister" Of sVar, and In be suceeeded by filetteral
Mu viotl as commander ,in the. Crinica.--,-- i
The j ' Hied fieet
. has sailed 'lrian Sevaatopiil ia k I,
u la
asetiret eapeditiini which is supposed 'to e.._ . 1
intehdedligainst either Nieolaief or Odeska.
Iliejlituisian tnipinor has visited the 'former •
plac'e, inspectest' thefort &Cations and depatt-.l'
ed, i s t is said, gm the'Crimeti. - Ail:ea:ding to)
the n... Jan a n d Prussian accounts the war is
t a rried•oa .with 't he greateit vigor.. litit4eow
advises say that 193,000 inen have. been ad
&AIM the military fiirces of Bassin. • The -
Frehch.cavaliv, under ',General D'Allonvilte,
detlatedthe gussians near Rupatoril tin the
`21:1t,,. Russians loss 50 killed and 105 pis.
one ,: . French loss 0 killed and 27 wound
ed:: -Prince Goitsiehakod;
I s
in a despatch dit- .
tz 4 i 4 .h e 3d, „ i ys that the :allied for c e s to. the
I ,i ih er r o f 30,01:)0, made sii ineffectual move
1, - . \ E q
hi. lift (hulk; ' The London
int t vials
..7ti wage says iif these movements : :.
.'i g. :i s plain from these operations on the
. - to, exte „ mes 41f the Russien position, that'
i' l i
hied generals findiii the-.entrenchments
id a le euem y too strong to be attacked in
f r „E, lire seeking 'fiir some mode of. turning'
h i s ;el ks, and so fOrcing hint to abandon la
- ma which he has,selected wit ciatsun
r,,,„L . judgment and - fortified with skillful. ' o
. 411 1,, l evertheless, the London -Newslells us
ikiitthebeliet gains ground that the Russians
' wer e evacuate the siOrth
.side . (if.,
„ Ayiarbor of Sevastopol, and - that the firmi-
rj u bfe earth works were Merely to cover their ' 1
retrrat. '/.le - NewS adds : 1 .
"lit is "stiff understood 'that a combined
"iritreir.ent is ter' take place against the e w e,
n 10: position Mt the Mackenzie, heights. .A
direct attack from Bakshi-Serai is spoken' of,
the approaeh from the south being made by
A nsite which is kept secret, and ghkh will
- } r ave the (*fleet of avoiding the etierhy's' ford- .
fiedentrenehinente! -
.- . - -
The allies. have m ined• all the splendid docks
stailiaorks at S. , vastopril, preparing to blow'
their up. - but \ the following extract. • from the
London Times shows that orders have been
issued Air put a ' , :tor to this; 1 •
. "tAlthough preparations has'e been made
by, i the sappers and millers of the, allies to
<s .n olete the destruction of the docks mid
fi9ro';l,f.SeVilS-ti pd. ' llo 01;11 has yet been
given to these intentions, for, upoirdrefernece.,
to the allied governments, the ofterat.ons ' in -
Aurytio ,iwatre bust:waded.”
.• -- . ' - ,
A, dreadful thrinderst.,rnt
.has occurred at
Lic;r&ti, in the is mrse • of which the light
tong s huck a building occupied by a .maker
of s oat jig kts
.anal sky-rockets, in. which a
r piffy of +those combustibles were • st4ired.-
A t , .k 111 nOtkotts explosion ensued, which isles
. e
of the - rt ! ..!, c able., and in fact .reduced tire
.latdin,g to a 'complete wreck. I..i' le Bank - tit'
,Fogialid - has raistsd its rate of discount to five
sisf , a half per cent. In the Baltic, the allied
fleet has bombarded Millen for, two days, and
Dul d aumarda for Clore.- hour-, hut in both in-
Stiaireg without. effect, according to \ 'One ae
collit, while another says that Bul!en suffer
ed "'serious injury. \A: skirmish .has taken
plat it Bertsch between the Russian OeS
saeks and the allied foragers, in
. whiCh twin]:
Motive English mid Freneh hussars were cap
Aar: . At Sevastopol, : the allieS. and the
Ru. jails have had Soloe heavy vantuhuiding
1!1.1,1 their respective ti.irts On opposite sides
of tic hai'lair.. ' - ' '
Ilt/i i
s e tet C u o t un fo t r y ts of a S crl usq , u i t m •h i a , n ro na, veit a . nd bound e d as billows,
Ito . Wit :—Beginningat s stake and stone? south-east
'I corribr of lands - of D. U..Wafie, thence by lands con
'tracted tO William Foot, south 46 deg.w e st, true - hun
i deed and torty-fiaur porches-to a stone corner; thence
i north 44 deg.- west one hundfrd and ay -three perch
ll!amt.! a cre sti ek k 3 ! stones th iut e d nce
nni o th n the bank t it .
c th t e
tweets-one •Tunanr
i i a nth ' h o 4v 7 e 6 t t s 4 „s pe t : n h il e: et to .y.c a i k t k w e a rc la , to t n o cs a ;
t t t h i ence t
g. east 'thirty-four perches to a
" stake and 'stones; thence north forty-two deg eine
t seventahm:_pertbra t atake red stones, corner of
I inn& of 1). 11.. ii le ; le. co along same south thirty
• sevinarld a fourth. deg. east ininetyone perches to lir
-1 ginOing: ton :theirs 110 acres and 14:perches part-of
Rogiv Harris - warmut: * Also!, one other- tract.Of hind
situate in Lenox- aforesaid,. bounded as follows to
Wit i—Beginning at a stake .and Minims on the 'east
sitle; Of the old Phitadelpitial& Great Bond turnpike
road, south-west cornier of lands of said Milton Tiffa- •
ny - ;'ithence north 10 deg. West seventy - perches to a
stakb and stones on the cast side a road afhresaid -
thence south 70 deg. cast 76 perches to a stake and
stones, on east. aide Of road nforesaiti ; thence soutti
sixty degrees -west tiff'? silk perches, to a corner
of rock in west bank of said turnpike ; thence truth '
654 - -deg. west twenty-five, - d three tenths perchea"
to heginning - ; containing 31 acres and , lb porches of
laud,; part of Roger Barris , arrant—ohout ten acres.
thet*of improved, with oti6 Frame" Dwelling Hens&
and :Barn and Corn House iliereotr, bring the same
land: formerly contracted by; Defendant of Plaintiff,4,ly
ecnitiatt dated November first, A. D. 1851.
• ALS°, One other piece Or parcel of land situate Ai
aforesaid, bounded - and deseribed as follows. Begin
ning' at scorner in she Tunlihannock creek beinothe
south east corner of a piece; of land sold by Isaac"Ry
neaison in- his life-time, to Freeman P. 'Clinton;
the&edown said creek to the lower point of the Bat
fornierte-coved. by Content's ...ittnreareon, extending
six, rods (Joni the said crek; on the hank, to• a Hoe
lock,'• tree - for a corner; thence south 72 deg west to
a /leech; thence south 60- deg. west twenty-eight
perthes to a caner; thence south 36 deg. west ten;
perches to a Birch sapling ;; thence north 54 deg. west
eightperehes to a thorn ; thence north 33' deg. east
I,ll'ollv-five perches ton 'coiner; thence north es deg.
easifaurteen and a' half ifirrahes to .a buttonwOod;
thence sire:lt-17 tleg. east to a corner in the l'hilade/-
phirt lett Great Ber• 11 turnidke road; thence along
said road to the sou h-west homer a the lot sold to
• the said Clinton as above dt4 cribed ; thence along said
lot to the place of beginning; containing about 32
acres be,the sable more or; - leas, with the appurte
.. . ' ' •
1 Tiken in execntinn at the 'suit of Grow & Brothers
wdi " William Hartley vs. Hilton 'Farriery.
. .
)1 LSO, - All that certain! Piece or parcel of land
skit - ate in the Borough of Susquehaieut Depot, in the
virility of Susquehanna and bounded anti desc: ibed as
follows. to, wit :—North by; larels'of James 11. Smith;
on '.ie Eta; by a street leading from river street to
chrli-ch street ; south by claire% . street ; and west by
binds of the said -James 111. Smith. Being 4 rods
wide on ellut•ch street, anal iG rod. deep troth font to
rear; with the appurtenances, one framed Dwelling
Heinle and all iliproreti. • . 1
• Taken in execution at the suit of A. J. Whitney
vs.:f,E. L. Marsh. ; ~
'ALSO, All that esrutiO, piece or parcel of
i•itriate and being in the toiership of Auburn, in the
contra of Susquehanna. and hounded as follows, to
wit.:—On the north by lands- Of John Miller; On
- the east by land of John - and Thomas Morley ;•on the: -
sodth by land of Wesley Pewit:vices; and on the west
billanii of Jesse B. Stevens; containing , about 300
acres of land together
,with the appurtenances, one
framed Rouse, one fritnesilßani, one .Saw-mill, and
i • \ I
- I • Register's Nptire..
persona •1 Taken , in execution at the suit of Sayre Bentley k:
TICHLISNOTI,CE is herelk , ,given to all
i c
vs. John Bailey . ' • '
JL 'concerned in
,the followin Estates, to wit: ; Perkin s, . ;•'-i / S- - All that We' t Olec — e or parcel of land sit-,
Br o -t4 kl t y e n ° t r i:i C w u n i s ' h i. ii . ) r'vl •
• -
I" , , Libor as followsto wit :-011. the north by lands in posse
.L. oat, Executors d. . 1
1 L ri ; r m k . B ati ai r te ,: .:
m dec i e l ased, wett, -
nn lat d e !if ;\ 1 . ' - • ee - ' l ' • • '
4 • nate arid being in the tewnship of A iibufn• in • the;
• conniy of Su-quehantia and bounded and described
Estate ° I • v ewt -° " H• r ik''• de V*l-ge-'4* late '''' tort of Richard Robinson ; ; on the east by lands of
ty township ; Joseph I. ,k, Geprge It. Ilawley, Ad- John A. Erkoff; south by land of Milton Lott; and'
nth istrators-•-• ; ;
t on west by lands of i Saiimel Hide- containing.
La t e of Clark
./,?...Sirnoas, deceased, bite pf Frank- .
4 1,
ahem 50 acres more or led with the appurtenance s;
tin g h a t
; Beery Crane, Administrator— nor Log House and one LOg Stable, and about 'thirty;
That the accoun ta n ts have settled their accounts in acres improved-
... , , . . thel • Register's of fi c.ein and for Ihecoutity of Susque- Taken in execution at the - suit of D. R. Lathrop vs2 l
1 tariox QF DIETPODISTS.- fhe religious banns, and that the same willii be presented •to the cl ;
I'.' • ' • - i
at•sion to the - Friendly Islands, in the. l'aeif Ju4o;m.of the Orphias' Court of said county, on Mom .1 1.;s je :' .. 1 , 1 " Eld " . I
1111 that
i c t_ erta nt i lr ia . tra c t or . parcel (;) , f land :
...-J. W. flApit„riN Li:o;r..r :an, m m t he cou n t y o
I • . - - . .- - . and allowance. ic! train, has been SO SUCA:essful that the en- . !
ig da a the 26th day of November Welt, for Confirmation situ ate i t i:ti: l e
fir: people rtave : breoine a nation of Mein!). ; 4,,,ip‘tetes b ffi ce. 3r tro . oet. Q 5 185 ' 5 ;
, 5 ' Susq: wohanna ..and • state of: Pennsylvania, containing
fly... s ' and . the whole population, . from the. . - - °4 ge - f• '_. " 4 6ii,acres and being the ealio p art of a certain l ot o f
- i
Kit'g •(whir is a ' lout! pretti'ller; down to ltis . rx 5 -- ; , .
i, g , ..1 i rl. l FDRII k , 3 - /A 1 P - • '' •,
. hoid. known and di,tingilishell as '• Numher - Sixtv-
fear on the map of re-sutvev and Subdivision of 12: 1
ram nest Subject, attend the Wesleyan twins. . . . 'CI
firge tract formerly owned; and divided between Tim- 1 ;1
fo move T to t he West,
et . llA. -These . islands sometimes go - by the otbr Pickering, Samuel flaydeu ' and Tefich Co - x;'
na eof Toncet. They consist of , one: bun- which said lot contains met hundred and cleCen acresll
• Tong
' •
dr and fiffy, and lie between 13 de".and ,rs fo r sale at edic endee, on yr.soaT ram
3 rt ussr., the following property. to wit:
tv three perches: turd was conveyed by the i
HE. PA Rif oil which /atom residea; situated "2 1 ,`` - ' ven - • ' - -
`'Timothy r a l Pickeringhy Putnain Ititlin his attorney' I
2.5 deg. ,ouch latitude, and 172 deo west, on theWrAtrsricci Casts.' itisn, four ..triiles •Icim
b' I in. ext—to Josiah C'htirchill, 'by deed . be tang
and 177.dvg. east hingitude. The y were des Mrintroso'. It.hss. on it a goOdfmne•holike and barn, th . h ., ,„; .... • ,•,. , ,
e t z eighth eay in amy, A. n. :1519 and receraeu
envl , a erood Sp-ber• of Water , and f airs about sixty-five ; date c
rid by the navigatOr Tusnian E in the yearin•theoffice for recooditie deeds in and fire the. County_
acres. l• Also, Breedi' Mare, one 2 'i•ears
yew ; old of Susses Lanus, in Deed'Bool: No, ,I, Page 230 &c:,,.
1643, but received thetr collective name of •
• 1 old Colt, two ,sucking Colts, onr pair three
ori; the 12th day of May , 1819 ; :together with all and ;
irCtully Islands from Capt. dairies Cook.
_, ,
'Steers - -four Cows, one 2 years .01t1 Heifer. four Year- .• , . Buildings 'r , - •
1 . ; llri gs, one Cal t f i . o nt ri: i t n - L it unibe r . r n a d ggon, one
t 1
- horse set o otuar, the an d Improvements, streets;
lanes., alle ys, p a s sa geways, water, water-course?,'.
Tar The city of liatamoras Ittd surren.. Iv
tuirCo-n n lal:r also ra:ro: y 1 rights, liberties, privilege.s,l bereditamenti and iippur• ;
tiered to the Revolutionists _without a battle, 1,, ".:hen posseSsion i
tenances thereto belonging or in any way appertain 4
ittil at last accofints all was tranquil. _ lis sett—the r • e y yiipayme 1 s l, , , , e
'• ' r baLl.ic in earl it. in i 3 me and the reversions and remainders thereof—there;
•hero, , one - famed Thirst. or=e frambd Barn, o le orch- •
- Sati 7 Luis Potissi kid been attalcktd but not ;IA rtrils years. On personal tiropts-ty, for all sums . • ;, : ; . ' . . ; i
ermA.......liefg,'. ca,th
the ; Aran , w hen
T o o t r; c v
ar and about 40 acres improvini: : .
a l e f t t h e l on ex- f r t... 1--C.-rsh,
,over that airearint, n credit of nine 1 "
takeii. A fight of three days Only Taken in execution at the suit Of Henry- L. Blow , •
taker. ;
~ .1 Eno the will•be given, on approyed notes. - .
1 , -
sti ; end A bbey thurchill,, .Acn i -rs of the estate of
.in possession of , the field" ( Li- iI, '121C1.144D B. DO WYER.
battle. Reinforcements had been-sent 11%4(1 1 cgs'l -A ino4 Churchill dec'd who:was the' Aseetre of Silvanus
i np,Oct. 2,4855:: . - , . . , : d • N . , , . .
‘,1 1 ••
, _ _ •._
_.,__„________ , S.3lr ford vs. Aaron arr. nest and Alonzo IN dilates
wi. I putxrq. , , • I !-
!--L , 1 . GartrAinteii!Ktile. ..- i ittliii`is of the estate of Lucretia Van Nom dcc'd.
111 ETEIi-Ir AN HOUGIITO_ Sri Guardian of Mary R. I ;ALSO All that ;certain piece or pareel.of lank sit:
1 ' Van Houghton will expose Sale. ,at I nate an d being in the Township of Great Bend, in tho
I Cie Hawse of W. White, in the, township Of Rush, on - County of Susquehanna, 'slid State of Pennsylvania;
Sa/Milal - the 17th of NoVembqr next ,at one o'clock ; tare the Estate ofJacob Skihner 2d. and Elisha Squires
P.: N. in pursuance of an orderl:of the 0: phates.Court . dttscribed in Sheriff Johrn • ini's Deed to William Day; I
of' • usquehniii County, the; folloning described ton, datt:dl April 13. 1844,1 and on which stands two ',
preinises situated in 'the town Ship of Rush, bounded filined dwelling Houses, one SaW-Mill, one framed 1 :.
on the north b lands late of CI Carmait, do the east . torn and about forty acre" improved land..
by lands of Jo in Bradshaw, on:the south by lands of - A'L.SO; I One other tract Of land, situate as aforesaid,
Vir'T. White and Rel weer! White, !Ind on the west by late the estate of Jaen!) Skinner 2d. and Elisha Squires,
at cis of Alice tinker and f_7 catnallt, being one•hure described by said Sherio Deed to William Dayton, l
lred rods in length and finty-iiiiiit rods in breadth; ..- darted Ain't) 13, 1844. oantaining 400 acres & 140 per
ontaining thirty acres a pert of which is - improved- chins of land,--with allowance of 6 per cent.- • t
rermi made known on the day of Side. • . ' _ • . - 4LLSO;-One other tract idlatid, ;sit:tate in the Town...
. PETER TAN uoroirtoN. ship, County and State aforesaid, -containing 1400 i
October 15, 1855. l'. - )1. - I acres, : embracing that whleh was late the Estate of .1
I the - a dd Jacob Skinner 2d. as described by the said l
Sheriff* Deed, to Urbane jiurrOwir, and from him to
William Dayton, by .deed tinted Hay Zi, 1844, • being fi
the same premise% forme fty purchased by Urbane.,
BOrierwit, and Elisha Williams of Williani Ward and i
1'.1461 te Lane: and being thtl same lots of land conveyed 1
• bit, Edwin Eldridge - and wife, to • Ransom Smith by I
died executed east 20th daylof March 1850.
. .
Tll6 NEW GOVERNOR OF liAN.ts. 2 :- - A Kan , as
eo+spinalem of Ow Ni•W YIII:k Times, in
.\,r;• itig 4.lthe_ late eativass -- for file k.ltion
if Delegate to Cialgreis from thail:!Tritit•
Pi :11-s
, .
: T either-party -is idle.. ,Guy. Reeder doeS
notllloin in the can% ass. though \ his 4U
\V Arid, k lalioring with Out interthission,
hating placed himself - square. on- the Pr..
Slavery Flatforni,•and haying received a 'gift
1 •
of longues'
in the was of tinter "dOnineiation
of all who do' nut now the knee t. his i , 1u1. - -
Ti l l; main auxiliary in this—l shame
l - -
to I , A rite' it—is Goy. Shannon! late a m
_ ,
Lr its
I.)oneress, ;Wit toot ion;' sinC.e Govern
44,fthe YreeSuil State 'of Ohio! This of
fle.'a' 1 has actually accompanied Whitfield 'in
a 4trt of his canvass, itild, made speeches ad- .
vne.atitig his elrelion ! . \V hat will -Ft auk_iti
Pierce=the distingukhcd char pion of liferal
~. .
cousistenry and puncliVo in his appoititees
- %As . to this ? , ..
alpolonary Convention Ordi.
• nation.
, .
A Mi,rsionaryConvention will be held at Montroiz,
Pal, to'cornmence on Wednesday, October .31st, at
.lu,lo'c4/ek a. it., and to continue through Thursday:
The ordination of Henry /1. Jessup will take place
ot4hunslay, r.. 4. Mr: Jessup is under appointment
ellA. i B. C. F. M. to Syriac Mission . The ordination
setuton will be picailtetl by S. H. Cox,.D. D., and
th charge riven 'qty Rev. Joel Parker D. D. Gee.
14.!iv,wci, - ik ..4
A. 11, C. F. M., and Rey.: CronSe from
t./ South 5,..a Plands, sad Bev. Mr., Bonney from Chi
ns, will be present. A meeting of much interest is
nulcipated. The fiends of Missions are baited• to
attend. Those from *broad sill be provided . with
ICitemmodation. - -' H. A. RILEY. •
. . .
• 1 II
-• On the 4th instant, at the Methodist Parsonage in
Brooklyn, by the Rev. Joh.' L. Staples, •Mr. Gavots
TIEFAIIT of Dimock, and Miss Salsa JANE GAILD/5.•
, Of Gibson. ' . -
;1 An Dimock, by Mason !Jingler, Esq., on the 13th
inst., Mr. WILLIAM F. Moway, - of Auburn, Stisque
hauta. county, and;Miss Hallam 0. Cots, of Me- -
alpin, Wyoming CO..- .
II Dundaff, Sept. nth, by the ii..r. Mr. Wood, of
Carbondale, Mr. Astattw Massie to lies HELM U . ..
Liss, both of Franklin. , •
11 - -- -.....•
DIED. — :
In Warren, Bradford county, June 21st, 1855, Si..
4.11 Jawi ANTIEDEL, daughter of Caleb and Sarah '
itt er j , ess aig u e rr, d 2 s o tis
1 sears.
co., Sept. t. nth, 18'55, Halt
a 14 IL, ion of Caleb and &rah Miller, in the 14th i
yar of his age. • .
ln Jessup, Sept. 30th, Rrarar W., son of Rimini
Mf o
add Ole Miller and grand.son of .Caleb and Sarah .
l i l ner n .1' ess aged up, 2 o y rt.'3d, au l tza iugi. fa .bsi tis .iiiii " limn, gria - nl- .
ughter of Caleb . and Sanih Maier, aged 5 woe.
.:. lin Bridgewater, Oct. 9th ; Jana &Autumn, ;Wife a
deorge Miller and daughter-indaw of Caleb..aud.Sa !
.T 0 Miller. aged 21 years and II months.. -; . .'
~, 111 n Jessup, .Oct. 14th, Caleb Mlller,. - tbe father Andl " '
... • ,
dfather of those named above, in the ear
59im y. • 80raye
0 Ilia,age. , • 1 ', , nom die prorates of -die Adentriber in. -Ammo
Thus; in less than four months, six members of i to nship, on\orebota the 24th day of September 1444
, e family bare passed away into the eternal world; ' o 'ewbite-taced brown Reifer3l years old, and seven
taid evidence of our toorbdityz admonishing us of the . G Ives, ll'of them brown and red. Whoever lira
te l irpro
that although in health to dry , with our families; ' ' tone theta to the owner,orti:e InforseatiOorhas
e may be very soon separated, to meet Homers tall i 'lb
.taay befollitd. shall he. laitsb,„ , l,„tillnirdelt- A i v r
.the r?` V O, '.• ' - - Joitti F - Prar.:. :-- , . eel. :124550. 4 , 41 is , ww r .w•ww -
I • • -r. --. 1 -,• - ---
. . • 1 . . .. . . .
prooklyit School ,Nottee.
. -0 -
- ....,...,,. We 14gleis. 717:ay It Iloitaieltlitieir - ' _ tranirtwitruar stui tiN ris o mms ,,Aspa Attirl Ilooks4
JUN dry IT* j o ad oet - e f t h e ,b,,,a rt .: ty by land of ThiamoitAi_ l 6 oo o*---esst.-- one hundred , , ria... -at Alleges. .I._ ' • • ,
„, irb q r, will be e meeting edict-Beard offichoel"Di- B 4 virtue 0 Arl F lrteNTlWatitt
rectoesett/Ireeddynott the &titre Setool Ilmule, on r coralitoli a tisa ocsum: cii, ind. - to me di- 1 and . fesenty-ollubsod seven tenths the be-, :,: ii A Rici-f i r . cik-toff•PrißeftketEriiiti, ,
_, :
n piece iof , ektesaid, b eg ; m eg a t a stake t e north east. I corneen d ay o t:_o e g o o. • iroe,•,, fib .
, 0 U A itils,Tl2*l - 1. - .
ben - ','TIIE sobieribei having -made arras rt Pligoubeirib4r . wc.loditgain or . wi,-.40, , I ,i )l c4 ll T, 1 rriliE subeetibee.neeht iiifo:o, id •-',- -. . •
BanaidaY.litrc'S,tries., atone.ttekteli - PAIL. „ The ! reett l '! . ...wi1l ea AO ,sitle'hi pnblic vendue' at the I,Vnn,,lng• C.tintaming nin e t y : niti.itap•eaniidenie 1. pubtc generelly lime InvUe M. . ~ . • ."
Omni,' if=ftit:‘,o4 Will be Presestiterstsatn. •• enu" oyes in * C i gna*, , s - 0 41 •n rd aY , the 17th di ' , meet' and thirt)--two porches O. mi. ~il L u t i d . I „chug° his local and_boaltiesa,„-‘2 offer for I .1 - .. : tomets inuktbe.petnic getierekt,nwt tie has re- ge t h o s pelemed aemortinent of Boot ~'.7 - •
1 4 4
In:Won of - • " - ' , tote emir bsbestelihig ' °f. (er ' , 90;. -0 ',One ' o'clock P. 31. the folk*. i , actuate o s t't eele at vetidse,iin jibe Premises, liti,N SF *
- 9 1-1 ,1 ;., 9. 1 " A 1 1 'Itrg r i 4 11 S te ( I. ln , . el "te e ,.. '- 0 0 . 12 14° 21.4, ' ,to be found.anYwhere in Suiquehant, _...., wl.ileh 2-*
hi thOistriat a itirg thetWitabinetlisteir;:-; - 108 de- ' - ing ~ s ol ,e;•-to t isiltl;-,41.1i :that cer t ain I ALSO, •Otter er.piece 0; plre of
commencing at,lo,e'cloc.4.n., , -11thieh ne,uitcnos'neunrg - tor lr kirPe#4twomy per. , r e a n; sets tar reitaypay at inlets tattleir e 'i t of tit to
dr, d 4uid expeetKthat-Teactiirs will-hiee been se. !
stake in .the south line o f lot No. 195; t mat- south' „i t : 1 i r
~,, -,- :. .••1 -,-,• I
land ishatakcano.h e l a g t o th a rb ew ,„l,l l , of l ae l ism 1 lieneof and ex titling thence areet, sixty ma m a LOA
the fiiikneing tie Scribed Real „and.renitinal:Esiate,_te) tent: eheeper. than les* ite.littitgkt ist thlatnatiter„( : vi n. 4 •:-.f7,-.- t p i - ,;- 6.. :7 ; ,•..r •-,;• :•_
I. "..., 7 -: :., 7.1 .- 1.7 . :x „ ~.4 . ,,, ~ ~
lectM for th e different Schools previouti to that,time. iln 144 conn 4 f,af.Sisquehatine, and bounded as foi e - t, = cent ' s
••Wm. *nib 131105.8t0re. tleWitaTmen or-the ,;. Among - the misCaletieritia Books " insifte foillitifi t.
• ' lie k strder alike letrlP . •'i' ' ' 't '-'• • I 1011 ,Sy. 1 , 1 •9 wit : -419 the eiudi-etutt by lands-of Thonias I On/ hundred god tbirSProor Fetchee and nine ten th s- ~
ood ea r ' Belie Boy tor, I ;- , -.P hi ,•F s i atil k i :or, 14,6 ac res res.- or thereabouts , Qrs. ol4 :l (tar e ciabice for ter lip Ifogh. lko 4 eseePted-I ,=, •
~ 4 ife- a if Waihingion, Jackeon;' l TaYlor- hoitse g t' llo o 4l 7 ,
-,,...c. t - L,
~,i . Narks; on the iottencitst bY'llittdi of Moseell' Wh...,ele' i 411 Perch t° Init°llw 't 'li .wort i; • htne r stiiilte In roluillin tow.nship. Susquehanna co., , lOusb Moir pour be foundthe tat fobs Eist4the ecrillotabe Greeley, 1 1 ; T.Martium, and othero•4o., ~ ~
ton .4;ttu theeouiftweet hy lands of Nathaniel Aldrteni thence eas t n ' en a !'„ -t r e°
~J relies to tit Pa. on, the ,ttakepeek road leadittg from Montresei Odd Fellows' Ilalf, tiri - Oke dit.o4:flisittoo , - ' A I - ii- spore i ( B eec h er. ) H eme ,„; ty ip . th e c i ty; (47,400 . ,
;tier hereof;
and ocuth west by lands of Alvah Rounds; contsiti- t i Stake the south east c o rner ~ '-'""' t . we"ett 'north s to Biagianiteh,. end three ' Mile:flied, th4d . forme... though not quite AO COMIIIOO3WIt
perches'by the west nits of lot No. 30, toa- tersoine•tititaha.l•l" - BelliSmith Abroad, MyCourtshioaluliteCousequeuo• -
log '52 Sixes more or len, With the appurtenances, one 1 -eighteen
„,... islae,e;en which are 75 ieree'lliider improvenient, miff Yet it answers, our, purnme - very_well for She-present., es, (Wyk:4Al) Ruth Hall,Aranny Ferm) also Vere'': 3
Boanitianuity; tine Bun Frinte and about two acres 1
along it'Llt; the: w`l fourteen n i erni ' ll es and , fi ,„,_l eet ' ten "'" haring tin a fritine Dwelling House, tarns, Sheds, i Wei th ertan we Mond* citurctetintiertf th at bur "ei.
.ioni o Oired; •' : -.. :', ' , •'' 1 1 we' exten si on . 'i nn es 7 " nes . el' 'limn" P• and a .thriftyl, young orchard of grafted fruii, and well i iablishinene , will not beo‘surposedl;:by,any iu,the andltefbrmens, • Thenghts and Things - et.. Hot wand , -'.!
Taken in execution at . the sulta flehry Burred ~is. 1.•
Riley Curtis & Ira 'Curtis. " qope'i Tract tilled to Art ; thence north] half a watered'eddi tiring springs and streams. ~1 '' -.. ' ' country soon, but we will plemissgsreestomera that
•. . - • 14' Last, eighty - nine perC 0 5 ti, a Pint; thettOe h Leave., first .and second_seriei • Ainerican'A,, , itaiont`•• , '
_,, Abroad, - Getting . Along,:The • Old Inn,.BeetTor-Wor*st - ...t5•
LIMAILY gn_° , l,Stanhope BUtleigh, The,Newa Boy, L. DOW's Cern
ALSO,, All that certain ' 2. One other piece atijoining the abeye, containing i we will Seil Boots and Shoes
,to nuit ; In
p l e o c ,, e , pare d ( li m a ' s i t . ,- trenteeu.perchee and four tenths to thel ;Are of 'the aome.onmberoracon; and on ehfch , there _ an,: ; price:, Our . stock lernbriler 5 a . gpnerat varety oinew
late °in the lowilihip of Lenot,' ht the ' county of-Sus - i gt4el6gt contacting fifty and it half acres stri c t mcas- ”lianit I,Vaci•ies nearly cleared; and Which-i now icor; inind elegant s tyles of Ladles' and Getitlettien's wear; I !•un, , Leyte or- the Banded Twig; Meriteirs id' the
7 '
i view Works, The Slavet of the •Lamp.,_The'EsCatrecf - I
sinehltlinaland bounded and
wit; 4--On. the North by lands? of !Terri Constant and t '
i ALSO, One other piece or parcel one a d .
desalbed as followa',' to lOre or thereabouts, _ , ,
-! , . , Id with Wheat mid Rye, and whichw il l be sold -with t alliong which - are - Ladies' SR Fox Gaitera,'•, Colored
slbaSte- 1 4 91 the land- .I', ! Countess Illectingtiort; ..) vol.. Goldtenith's Anintatsd •::
i ' I 4aiiers. Enameled osstetSt . 'illiedi a n d Bmated Kos' Natutte, „Tilt Chemistry of ' Coalman' Lik!,- Chuire t e.
C. Ci . , 11.4ilph; on tbe East ht. lands of Luke Read; on `aforesaid, beginning at azi Ironwood : chef south .......
n"•''' . 3. One other piece adjoining thet - above, and eon- , such Boots, E nameled - Borns and Enameled Buskins,. Commentary, New. Testament,* Barnes' Notes !. _ma,
'the South by lands of Rial TOwer and 11. W: Smith ; • ,!Mirrter hereof and ettemfing thence west , forty-three
~ Milting 5 acres or:,,therea„bOufs' Mt ' which; there _ is. a 1 Rid Btetkinn, Polkas', Calf Leas Boots and Iluskinsi ~..„,,,
„i thei :,,,, Re li gious Anecdotes .: Testailente.:Bi„:,
and po the West biluids of; William ' Pratt and: the ! perches to a post and stone!, the sonth4west confer :
,good water PoWer'ind on' which a Tannery recent}! r : Misses Kid:Boots, Jenny Lind Gaiters, Gents Con-, -1 '
ides, rree, pocket size , to large tinily:Hymn,' Prayei• - , ' ~
said „C: C. Ralpi; coittainingtll2 acme more or hies; j'bereer; thence north one hen rya
- a i l ttlirtY'elkut ttood; . buthis been destroyed by fire, leaving most Itgresa, Patent Leather, Enameled and ßuckskin Gait- (g r--.. 1
t, y., Scrap, Note, Receipt, and Blank ilOoki o; : , :t
Perches to a post and s tones
~,the south flee of tot
withahe appurtes.auces i two Framed Dwelling Houses, ibf the vats,fciundation Lc, :without ittjury,! also some ; ere. Plitent Leather-Oefortilles;'Toilet Slips, French all sixel, &c. &e. -- '. - _, . : -,, i - - - .•;• ..:. r '..,
one Framed Barn , some Fruit Trees,and about . 40 , NO-195 ; thence east forty -three perch s. to a Post . yoo or 4Pittis-'of Bark' which sill be sold. I : alf„ll3ets, Thick Boom, Enameled Calf and - Cowhide ;;S c h ool Booka-s-all {dada used hi the Connty 1ir..,40
- i and stones the north - cast corner hereof ln:south' . ..
-• '
1 - '.-• ' - ' . use 4. r ovrini uncles of property with : Brogami, Boys Patent Leather Monterevs, Kip Boo b . , melted on.sbort notice. • ',-, •
acme improved. . ,
' bac ofthe last mentioned lot • thence so 'th One bun.: _The - • '-' • • personal -•• 1 ' '• g ft
Tidteu in execution at the titit of Saxe Seytno4 & • -, ' 1{ • numeroua articles uot mentioned, will also be cold, to ',, c., Youths! Monterey. and Rip Ties, Children's Tay- Low 4,p04•,.--?-1 good variety Constantly on heed Or .
Sarah A, Diekt•rmait, Executors of the last , will anti ! dual and thirty-eight pelt 1 4 4 %/ 4 to the place of ,begin- wit : one span WOrking.fiknees, Lumber We on . end I }} or Tien; „Parldom Roan Boots, Lc. • Silk Boot Laces, furnished fo.Order. - , 1 .. - •,.... •... •
te-tiament of Clark_Dickermaii dcc'd vs,. Ably Ryretr- 1 r i t e gt .containing ad . rt Yln,,,,,„ ven , ed e r n ' e ,„ t ' reer ,
_L eas e w i t h HaruessVolictwo: horse. Pleasure Wagon; one one' 11l coltirs. . ', . , . . ,. ,• • •
' *Stationery. A-good lot first rite tithing paper ott•i'•
son & Isaac Rynearson Administrators of the estate t- e a PP!'" "' wee% ""t. —' dwelling , „s w ""ca.
_,,__,°ne horse Bogy, d'o. and liarneas, one one horse Lune I WO& made to order, -40 repairing done neatly. — s 1 shillingper qulre-"--Gold and Steel Pens—Writier '-
barn, one c or n 'louse and one snow o
of Airon Rynetinion dec'd, withnotice to heirs ofsaid 1 framed., - '.
~. j ":4"14-4
her do.. two set Bob Sl eig hs one Cutter, one Pleas please' call and examine. •- -
1. - • ' Ink, the beat in - ese: besides lots efether ardeles too •
decedent, ' ' .' • ' I .. ologi A , ln t o p i:: ( 2c e. c
' tell c o l Coo' LI i re, Sl t igh-4,-a variety of Farming UteniilS, including • • Tonrs in the Boot anslShoe trade: • • numerous to mention. Please call and examine, be
ALSO, All th ose three emit& . pieces or parcels ' Ts , i ,q!' t
Co,u c ur d T a a- Z.elo . - re t • -ender" 1 Ploughs, liarroweA.-3, variety of lioust..hold Fur , Montrose, ' May 1, 1,;55., C.. 31 SIMMONS- • • 'fore purchasing nlsewhere, at the lliontime Post Olt
of land situate and being in the township of Lenox in. Se el '•.•I 14 . . rea Y- - g ---f_ I niture including 'Beds; Bedding, ( bai ts ; ! T 414 6 ,181." .1 - • • -A. N. 'BOLLARD." -= t"
. ......
_ _
, - . mos: H. lk Ws rd . ; ;
l etr
~...•tilly gie'netlei , tothe puhlic
:T T -iluititie ;.agui n resumed- her biLsiness at
Millinery tit New ; Ilkyd;'Pa. .gb.fl hat - ariangentenht
by whielfshe williieetiie from New York the latest
stytei of Ladiesikil Minute' Fiats and' Bonnets ofev- ,
ery (Fincription, quid also to procure on ithort notice I
any* tide .i.r , dip kind that any persorr etight *ant.,'
Frond such arrangements and seem her - past experi.-;
ence,tnhe hopeplo plaint all virilo may favor her with
theitletistotn. All kimis of re-trimming: and repair..
ingAme - on Shoiit notice. • The publicarrerespectful. i
ly itiOted to calrand examine for themselves_: - i •
Thinkful forimit favors, she lespeetfullnsolicita '
furthCr patronage: 1 , - t - FL D. WARD. E -
Nen itilford ' 'Oct., 185li. - - , . c 42016
1 •
HAs a good!aisorimettt * Of FALL .AND WBC•
TER uckoDs, which will be solu a.s cheap as
any in. this'market. , Plaids, Delains; Paramettas and
Silks /0 varieti.or. qualities and styleslinghatils,'
Ptinl and •Shairli, Brown and Bleached Muslin;
Con otters;, Carpet Bags and Overshoeit, Crockery
and lass Warei Ltx)kingOlasses,VindcrwOhtal and
Nat GrbeeriCkof ill kinds and at a low - fignie,. Flo
id and candles,";4c. • ••• ',
L' it.,:rl i.) I *-11.4 DE CLOTHING. '
A good stock ••-iilso, Cloths and, Jeans,
Vesting:l, &c., yi U
. be sold at r i•ry small profits. '
SZO YES A.,li PIPE.. 'Il
A few Cooking and Parlor stoves ~ fir wood or mat
will be eold lowito close theni out. .•, • i ~ • ,
1 - • i lir.4 N TO' D. . - •
Grain of all Wilds, White Beaits, Socks, (if good 'ones')
old Ilion, old Cdpper or Pewter by , il'
0 i t. - 17, '14. I • .1". B. CII.iri,,D.LER,
. • OF II W . STU VIES. ' i i
BUM ITT .has now in store and is receiving
---1.1• a large
.:stock of NE IV .STO as, including.
the Star of the West and National Deviated Ovens,
Black .Rover, Wide World, and Paragon Large Oven,
to which he -wohld invite particular attention as the
best 'Footing Stoves. in onuket, with -0 superior as- 1
sortrpent of Parlor, Office and Shop Stofres, for' vvood ,
or cOat; - also, -Stove Pipe, Zinc, Sheet lion, Stove
Tubs, Se. • - -. • i
•T is stock. is selected I from-the bestlFoundries of t
Albany and Utica forcar, with the test quality of
Trimmings made to oide fur his custom trade, which
will liable hint .in all • pects to defy competition,
andill be. sold at the u ost reduced in i iicit -for cash - -
or a proved credit. . . . • . i .. . .
•-r-li iv Milford; October 1855.. r - -• -• -
. , . • .... •_______ .
' 'TO TIl -L PUBLIC -7 '
~ . . .
rr IE subscriber would tender his tanks for the
liberal pattottag,e bestowed upon - 1m thus. fir
tng the season, and at the Name time announce._
he has just received a new stock of Goods, Risk-.
his'assmiment Very complete in all - its various ,
ichei, and would say further that for ready pay '
' n short dine) 30 rydiable custenners; his goods
e sold us low as they can be bought at any oth
, re in the countv. - Please call and examine:
1 ., : •
;Ipa • 8. 8. ItitiALLS.
son, Octeber 14, 18511. . . . .
addition 'to.a very good assortment or Newbreas
. .;opdx, th'ere still remains a quantity 4 Delaincs,
iu &c. &c_, of the old stock, to bitsohl at. bar
.;vithout refesence to cost;! . also; Winter Boit
ilL'ool, Brocha, air& seveMl• othar kinds of
at low prieet, for sale by i 1 S. S.I.
_.. ._....
\ RS, compared with du-
du, ii
and I
er: sl
AS, compared w4_ _ae Market pnce, GUI be
Ind very lost at the store bf T.
°KING. Pulor , and other kinds ofiStoves and
Store•ripe, #ir sale cheap as•the cheapest-by
S. S. I. VG
RSA Ekalt, Buffalo R u b e',
_Ex. &c., for
-al It by S... L
OST. kiutls o f , Produce at their highest market
pfice cattle, ids°, any quantity of good Wool
s taken in exchange for goods by .
Gibson, iletober 2, 18,55.
Good;- L
tats' attt , ..1444,4—524.1,5u and 23
cents TO GIVE * AWAY b.:ftwo the'lst of
fl y oueipurchaf)ng nit Donaric worth of Goods
tit one tilne, will be iireAtinted with one of
above. packager. j Now ready far - delivery. For
bier particulars;inekuire of
j . LYONS & SON.
ontraar, October 23, TSSS. -
[ -
'Aiministrator‘ Sale. I
OTICE is hereby givven, that in pirsuanee din
1. 0.-der of the Orphan's court of Susquehanna
Co nity, there will be exposed io pnhlie sale, at the
Co irt Houie tin Montrose, on fl4turday the 17th day
*of 4lor.einber next, at 1 o'clockT. M., the following
property late the estate of .Iletflan Stoddard,. late' of
Great Bend Township, deceased, namely': a certain
pit , ce :or parcel of bunt sitnated in said township' of
Ot Bend , and bounded as follotrs.: Beginning_ at
a ost and stones, S. E. corner of slid land.; thence
North 201 degrees-E. by land! of H. Hendrick' and
j i
ot ers 111 perches to a stake and atones : thence by
I ' • late of C. Cannalt, - N.89 :degrees W. 148 perch-.
ei "a post and stones in a litie of ala of land
veyed for Robert Sapwood; thence by the tame, 8: - . ,
1: 4 egree W. 81 perches to a sae and stones ;thence
$2Ol degrees W. 21 perchesrlo a stake and atones ;
thence by. lands surveytll for sbelden Stoddard E:
140 perches, to she place of beginning, containing
Itt nerei,and 9 perches of land, being.the same land
th t C. Cannalt conveyed by deed dated Nov, 101838
to said Homan Stoddard, excepting tbsela to acre ,
Bold to Aeob Hendersoo by slid liemalk : S(eddard
sir.d wife' by deed bearing dad trebuity, .14,
seconded In deed book nunthers,l7., Kge, with
the apporte.nanoss a smalldwelling : boot% and Pe*"
IY imitroved. ,_ .. _... :, H 4' FFLAZIER,)kotdr.
1 .Oct. 16, 1855.
;ALSO,. All that other tket or parcel of land situ
ate in the carne Townthipl i fprtnerly occupied by said
Smith, as the lump farm, Id the same as conveyed
to'him, by the said Edwin' , ridge athl wife by deed
e*eeu'ted the 18th day of )1 t y, 1849, and by referencej
to which same severs) deed the description of the
seine several lots will more filly and at large appear, I
tmid deeds being recorded ;k Susquehanna County, I
centainhtg hf ad about 11960 acres of land, be the
Mune more or less, with illowance of 6 percent, on , 1
the home twat are two dwelling Houses, one framed
born, one log -barn , born, quo Stiible, and absut4o acres ltn- I
preyed. - '
Taken in Execution at the snit of Amos Delta vs. B.
Cirdis. " I I
'ALSO, All those threelcertaln lots ; pieces or par.
celtictfland situate,and being partly In township of An-'
burn. anditertly In *he towmhip of SmingrWe in the
'County of Stoquahanua. -IThe first lot known ami der )
'Milted on a lisp of neeurvey of Henry Drinker's
Keshoppen"Tract,"is Lot Dro. 69, and bounded as fol
lows, to wit: Beginning atthe south eau corner of
the lot berebY couveied being in the north line of
kid of Samuel A. Loomis, and being the south west
extrner of a kJ of hind lyiqg mist of and adjoining the
lei hereby conveyed.; . thence by the mad last men
tinned land north eighteMine and eight tenth , ' perch
' en tO the south east oontezi of Samuel Brivulamp's land ;
'dime by *elan mentioned land, and land of Julius
Cogswell, wed one !mitred and seventy and eight
cleithittiretter; Ikea% • lad et ohs alb: ould Tgod
1 • liitertirs off4i: Muni etckt.,22,-1,815d.- .
. ~ .
.• 7 -- 1 . '' --- "' — . 7 -1- 7 --
.] - - - -
Economy is the 'order of the day, Intl one of the
Most 011.ctual 'Ways to to'ptirchase ai du;
Store of J. WritENBERG de13110., where )ust have
been opened die ;most choice and splendid Stock of
Fall & 'Winter Gootl4 ever seen in the. Count y -of Sus.
I lurlikumn. . : • . •
i The ftollowing comprises but a small portion of the
immense assort tuedt to tisAnniti at this Eitablishment..,
',. Gentlemen and Boys Clothing, in endless • Yatiety
'and profusion, a good assortment aClver e riats, Dresii,
Frock and BuSiness. Coats, ',Veitts . and r ant o oon c of
every description and quality, and iu figure, .cut,styTe,.
dc., a la wale , 1 • . • .. i , ..
:1. Our assortm)ent cothruises for Ladie Wear, New
Si:vies limeade Siiks, Changeable Stripe and Plaid, do.
SriPerior Glo-oY, Black, do. all widths,"Belanes rill c&
on , and qualities ; De Rage al- all prices all
Plaids of fie* and elegant Aceigns, oi 11 the latest
4tkles of Dress Goods, Brthrtiines, Mac and Colored
'Alpacea, French. Merinoes, Prints and Ingham,; a
bird_sotoc assortment ef • Drekt Trirutnirigs; Embroid
ered Sleeves. Collars cut% . etc., Jaconet Intl . Swiss
Edging lkitcl.llAetilit, Gloves, lloSiery;dlc., Shawls,
"Veils, and Furs`, A ISO a complete assortment of bleach
ed and unbleached Muslias, Drillin ,, s, , Biritier, Table
Covers, Sheeting, Flannels; &c., all of 'which . ill be
Sold at the lowest prices.- :
, For bargain the public is resin-
Call at the cheap Store of ' - -
• -:, Co-Parttiorithi.
L. ROSENBAUM has this day associated with them
In their business under the Firm of . ROSENBAUM,
WITTENBERG d: BRO. All accounts; and Notes of
the old Finn, as those of L. ROSENBAU3I, can be
found at the old Stand; and we hope that,ill will sec
the necessity of settling them without fir- tiler' notice.
)tont.ros, Oct. 13, 1855
Shang dir. Drew Goods ins,
ion' Tin FALL or I
T y . Burt itt would inform his Lip.._ Pub.
11. - 1. lie, that he has now in Store, anii i 4 receiving
A full assortment of Fttll and Winter GOild?, including
fa great variety of Rich Fall P int+ in new,Stylas, Plain
And Fancy 'Manes, and Plain and Fancy Mohair
Cloths ; Plaiti and Plaid - Met inoes, PaViuni•ttass, De
tbeig; and Poplins; Bark Rich Gingliariis, in Fall
8 1 0,.. 5; Bl a ck Brocade, Plain and fancy Silks. Wool,
B r odie, Cashmere, Cape, and Silk 5h4v1.3 . ; Richltib
bons, Bonnets anti. Flowers ; Ladies Cloths and•Vels
vets for Cloaks and Mantillas, Broad c nth's, Cassime 7 ,
Ires, &C. with a large assortmert. of S ple!and Fancy
,Good,r-as usual, including Hardware, rocker; Iron
'And Steel, Paints, Oils, Boots and Shoe., flits, Clocks;
Buffalo Robes, Carpetings, &c„ with new a.ssort
i;ment bf Stoves and Trimmings of the i. 4, duality, be
• ing made to order expressly for his cast.oiniTrade, and
will all he sold at the lowest figure..or . a little lower
i for Cash Produce, or approved credit:! ":
N. B. Wool Socks 'wanted, for•vrluch the.highest
'prices will continue to be paid. Flouv and Salt con
stantly on hand; 1 i . - • •
'•. New Mil:ord,,Orst. 4, 1855. ,- - .1 . !. . •
Paints. H
Afresh supply of White. Lead & Eine, Blake's Fine
ProorPaints, Eng. Venetian, Yellow flzhye,- Patent,
Chrome & Paris Green, Linseed Oil., tale and boiled,
for sale by
• • Trench Window G,lnfis.
French Window Glass of ra-ions cites, and Pntiy,
always on hand-at BENTLEY & READ'S.
ArEas CLIERRT PECTORAL k Plus, Dr. ; Hoofland's
GtrinanTiiters, Ton-tutand's Sasaparilla, Vitign's Lith
ouhiptic, all of Dr. Jaynes celebrated Medicines, Pe- .
tt4leutit or Rock Oil, Mustang Lituunent, Bang's Tri
cdplittrous, anti Ihrott's Ketharion ; filAd r Dr; Phi ney's,'
Branded:l'i, Toughs', Hallowav!s, .G:affen
berg, Sovereign Balm, Brunets Plant di Root Pilla,
&c., kept constantly on hand, and fin; sale. by
Clocks, rtubrellio Carpet Itat . Truilks, Stone
Ware, So to and Common Cnteker Codfish, Nails,
India Rubber, School Books, k.. jast•reCeived, and
for sale right, by DEiNTLgY & READ.
110FAVE removed to the burnt district, where they
11 will he glad to 'see all their old!customers and
as many new ones as.please to give them a call.—
Trii.y intend to keep a general asiorttnent of Stoves
of the best kind and quality, among which may he
wind PIBEYIX and PARAGON A rp-no H7',.
WESTERN OVEN. The Elevated Oren Stoves all
have double fire-places, which makeslthein far s l oe.
rior to.the single fire-place Stoves. We keep ecin
stantlkon hand a general assortment of TINWARE
of a ark rate quality, for beam trade; also,
Cistern Pumps,.,Pitmp Chains and Reels,!LendPijis
of all sites,- Jappanned all of which
they promfse lo sell cheat for ready Pay Or approved
credit. -rob work done With despatch and in order.
Montrose, Mat 30, 18,15: • .
:Time Saved ! —Fore Reduced !--77trough.
6 y PaYli.7•V I
11 A,W LEY & ;I ENFS
I.TAVE (Mined a partnership in Montrose, for the
1 1 purpoie of doing everybody'S IRLACK.I
SNIT HING, at the old stand, near Keeler's Ho.
tel. We have purchased an entire' new' uncle -ot
/R6K. comprising a full assortmentlof ill kind.; li•
sect from the city. We shall keeP constantly on
hand, Ulster, round and. square sail Rodi, Clod Steel
Toe-cork Rods, Refined Tyre Iron, I air Sizes, 'Band
Iron, Spring. Steel, a large assortment of malleable
Iron; Coil Chains, Carriage Bolts, &c.l
Ironed on short-notice, and stock found, made to
order throughoct, as Islay biet'suit nin. patrons.
All business transactions must he settled once a
year. Short settlements and long friMuls is ou
By strict attention to business we hope - toreceive
a liberal share of patronage.. All work werranted.
.N. B. A gOod Journennan wented,lo 'whom
'steady employment and high wages wilt be given. •
A. E: EIARLY.T.. - tr'sr.ay /twos:
Montrose, May SA, 1855. ' • 2141
Fresh Arrival of New Goods - at ,
Dirkerasan & Garr:stye.
frIlD subscribers. would respectfidll ;inform .the
good people of Susquehanna county that they
iusnow opening their Attack of Fall end Winter . Dry
Goods, which is unusually large andjattractire, all of
which will be sold for cash or appros'ed credit cheep
er than at any other-establishment in the county.—
Vi r tl moan just whit we NM. Pleaselgire us a trial.
!few Milford Sept. 18. 1855. . - . - • •
Admaintstilittor l ellf
OTICE ti herebralleulthit4letters of Adminis
•• tuition upon the !estate of • Abiabsiat Chtuthern
lin; late of Bridgewater • Toirnahlp,ll deeesseit iutsi
beat granted to the undersigned, 49 persons indebt;
ed to said estate will please mike Imittediatertiment;
and Ituwe Vexing claims Rill Oregon* the lame duly
elated !be settlement - 111. WILSON, I .4doir
Vontrette Oct. 9 1855. • , A
Watches, Clocks, Gans, q&c., ,
A weir assortment j*d receive Atka - teem],
Sititzerlawl, Germany,
,kc., which will be fold below
the New York prices."-et.
Mgrreste, o 7o,.. le, lose,
reaus, Storei int c fie. Alm one pair Working , Oxen,
one pairinairhed 2 year old Steers and tiro . Cows: - - -
- .7`ernta, Sale.? One fourth of the 'rifted/toe - money
for the Lands . to'be paid down. The lb:din/ea . Irfibdr
equal airnal instalments, with annual interest,. on . the'
whole limn ten:raining unpaid, to beseeured q' Bond
and Itortgago alien the'derds are giTen.l Inilispute•
s able till ;a7 Will be.,: - giren.
_ For T' ersOorl,roaritle than $5 cash.
For all s eseeeding:ss Sia Months dealt will' be
i given tsbe'reenied by , Notes with approved security .
1 and on nite+esL! • • B. G., : GROVER.
October I, 1855._ • ;
• . •
. • .
Lt Full BlaNt. I •
Tiro 11 iti;clre4 and Serentg-AveStoves fir
Dickerman . Garrall.
WE,arli in receipt or the largest stork of Stoves
V . ever offired in Northe-n Pentllvinia; emit
sistim• of Fookan g , Parlor, -arid Six-plate, both;'for
wool and coal ; !also, -a full assortment of large sizes,
for tito es find -Churches.. • , „
3Voulfl l particular attention . to the jeffersoolin
Elevated Kken, the . mn=t perfect and ttetiviest plate
stove iti market. our asiortment of large
oven, woulli . mention , the Empire State iittproved, as
being verylheaVy platesi; Perfect finish, and asup
or baker. Partners Of Su:iptehanna county, you
been in ;the habit of put chasing Ii lit staves 'and light
trimming, and pacing as much as you ought . to for
heavy plats ani
_heavy trimming,.
We man tract hre our furniture, and, will , act] at man-.
ofictutrisipricds Let those who pay. 'maker profit
compete .39th..tts if they can. . Jobbing connected
with the tip trade, done as *anal sho.t notice.
Newlltilford ISept. 1R ta,55. . ' .
•••I • •
.FALL TRADE, 1855 Lr
- - - - "
I BIKt; Wave to inritti the attention of mroldAionds,
- and eu`stconen; tie the VERY Lit Row ST')'ZA
of DRY' (I 001)S, (; R. r) CERIRS. I f. 4 RI) Tr_i R.R,"
t p
800 s , SHPES cfrr. 4fr.,1 ant now•!recelrtno,lmt•l!
while enderin thanks for past farorS, I would re-1
spec idly:ask them once more to facer me with a!
share pf: the rrttronage they have heretofore so liber
ally hot:oiled me with. •.
:SuMinOstrille. Sept. 18;1855. ! 1 - ' •
i t ,IIIIIF and Produce of nil kinds wanted. at the
. - rldghest raw kat prices at J.ll. SUTPHIN'S.
CI . 0 1D;WOOL, SOCKS wanted at i ..
ki _1 ! • - J. 11. SUTPIIIN's
, __—
4,ZUGARS, cheaper than they can be obtained ele
s.3 w'her'e at ] - J. 11. SUTPIIIN).4.
von lam In a great - harry ! .Why, what'd the ,
U matter now? 0, nothing; - only Bullard over
there at the Pcistoffice has just received -by Railroad
Expre4s, it net lot of, Books'and Smtinnery, And I
want some. before they'are all gone. - 3' , R, that's .10.!
Conic.on,i for he bas got Vary Lyndon, The Hidden:
Path, .30 Bondage and Freedom (F. - Donk:la:3RO Ber.
tha,and Lillie -.Hood's Choice - Works ;in sett of four,
young Folks Glee Book, A variety of
popular on 4471010, and a large addition to Ilk
of Writing Paper, Eivelopes and of the best
quality, and cheap for the READY, at::, the Postoffict4
first door, north of L. Searle's Hotel: -
Monti:pc, Sept. 19, 1855. A. N. BULLARD.
- . i
PERSONS irishing an Orchard, would do well to
call at T(. 7 A'REL L'S %NURSER lES, t! miles
sotithtit of Triendsvilte, where Apple trees of the
most approved kinds, of good. size and quality, siacit.
as are sold by agents for 25 cents, can be had for 12/
cents each. i 1 '
Also., it few I s ftch,, Plum, Qaince, and Mount
Lain' Ash trees; at reasonatle prices. i _ 7 -
Particnlar regard is had to iccurne7 of dimes, and
to makhig it grad selection of fruit for the different
seasons of the
,'F.est, when desired. 'i
I -
- - ••
L. It. Tt'RRELL. :
. . i .
Fritindsville,i Sustfs. co., Pa., Sept:2o, 1853. [w3!
Wholesale and Retail dealers in Flonr, Salt, Pork,
Heal, 'Grain, Feed and Candles. - " Cash paid fir Oats
and Ri•ci. -
On filieqmit Street,—East end of Lyons d: Chan
dlers StOre, Montreose Pa.
; •
rprA'r application . for a LicenSe to sell Spirituoto
• Liquorsth the village of Laribaro, in the town
ship of Ilarmoity, will be made to the ..Tudges• of the
Court of Common, Pleas of Susquehanna colanty i by
me at Noveinber Term, agneeable to actor AssetnblY
approved April 15th, 1855*
Lanesboro, Oct 15th, 1855.
I Ist the Common Pleas. -
riIIAKE NOTICE, that theMoneY, wising from the
0 , pile of the Real Estate orEllitot Benson will he
- distributed among the proper creditors by A. YeSi
ton, at his offi c e _ in Montrose, on Saturday,the 3d dtt.
of NortUnber next, at one o'clock lel the afternoon.
All per Sons wbo hare an interest in said fend are
quested . tit appear and present their 'claims" or ihreiir
be debtirred.therefrom. N. NEWTON, -Auditor.
. Montivse; October 3, 1855. -• I
. NOTICE ' • ' . 1
'1 ...- ''• - i H
T.therrby giren to all persona loteri6sted- the timid'
'1 ariqiiig from the Mierifrs sale-4416-e resit estiittitif"
AiMisok Barixr, to preAent • their claiint-heCnii the
subAcribee, ntittis (Ace in Montrdad. on Pridar, : tbd
itch tlayi of tioaember next, at ouc O'clock-P. M., dr
be foreair:lfeb.vred froth coming in upon said tuna.
Oct 15th, 184' Wit. J.
,TURRELL, - Auditor.
- , 1 , I • .
_4l a! 4. 1
. . ,
• Family Ping.
irntibent in town can't* bad of J.IYONS
AnV family needing can have 'them - on trial; if
hey do !not answer the purpose, no charge.
MontroAe; Sept. 18.
• nilliES FIRE! FIRE!,
rr na'untl.ershkned, has been appointed au. agent:
Harrisburg, Pa. Said Company has a 'capital Of
$300,004:11 . It safe and "cheap a company as
any itt the Suite and insures on the Stock or „Mutual
plan..; 1 . •
:We,ithe undersigned, - hereby state that we ha l e
done basittesa with. the above company, and we 'are
antisfiet that ip Li both sale and cheap. In our emit
rience re have neve* known any assessments on a
_prenfitint pot 4. • ,
• Witataws, - Wm. Jasarr,. - .
D.D. Walesa; F. B. caaatn.aa.
' - ; BILLINGS STAMM; Aliept:
gga I -
E,.Butter, Lird, Cheeee, Flannel &c. to
tny gnintity•ln exchange for iloodaat-Veab.pelees.l
Oct. 4, 1855. - C. W. NOT?,I
C- W. Mo'rr haring mieredilot of.Nuarrooda.
. Pale&hes t such as Delanee,'Do Bages, Park.
.tnetuut; Albpritass, Ginghainii; Merlifocis. Priats at d
- Shawl* In fact a general arsortruent
which *ill Ae!sold low. • '•
,• t -
- • •
nntinistiation Protioa:
'Moines is 'hereby given that fettersofiulndnistru:
tin upon the estate 'of Rattan ;- leratut,' lac,
Dlmocit tewship, dec'd, hArebeen granted to the un
dersigned,. sod all °Pii -t'''lttilebted to said taut*
101 1 1 1 11 4 34 1 ta4k lmatediate' payment, and those ha:-
lt4"dainuf will present the aantOdttly attested' br
estdentint. - Vint VI - GRAY, Admit. ,
Dfzltt* Snr, 4;1.10
and Patter Dry Good*, GroiterleeJ Hardware,
Oats, -I;epi, •Boote•and: Sham, Wall Paper, Drugs,
Dye SturN and 01k5,,,te., which will be soldas cheap
las the cheapest for cavil.or approved ertidit by" , •
Hat-ford, June Ist, 1555. ,' It. M.JONES.
♦ LACR Grode Rhine Silks 'of, excellent finality
ill 'at ' - • ' 11.174.4i3NE5'.
I 1.1/tOCUE and Cashmere shaWl.47Will .prree N alio
afeir mintqlai by 0. M. JONES.
READY made elothineat low pfrieew by
: it. M. JONES.
fAS.ll . lmid for NVol ti 11.,31: - JDNn. • '
tirford ..; lane , lit,' 1 frosS.
C ASH paid for Dairy Dtktter.W . -- •
A Good assortment of Boots and Shoes
. . I IL M. JONES..
Sugars andcoffees of fine qualitieS and at
A. low prices by =II M. JOIES. •
T ADIES will find a grent• variety of Bonnets end
KAI Ribbon* at JONES.
'NS:Challi, Borrege-do GinOlatna
at. etc
UMBROTPERING and Window Draperim at
Jline In, 1855. ' IL M. JONES.
• Look .Hem 1,„- , •
'DOCKET. KNIVES.- A-kOod aSsdrimetit - Ot the lit4t
1 kifitb itit marl:eq.! Also Ttdile - Rt,dies and Forks.
SPOONS. Silver, Silv'er Plated; German. Silver, Alb . v
to. and Rritinia-Ware'spoonS. . Also - Silver, Silver
Plated, and German Silver.Butter.KniveS. • .
VIOLIN STRINGS,.Bows, and all the fixtures, VI;
Mitts, .Vcroidei)ns, Futes, Tuning. Forks. , InStrudtion
BoOks. •
FLUID LAW'S:Fluid; Camphen; Candles, Latqp
011, &c. - •
EA ILILY GROCERIES. 4.l'l4l2fisoyitrient, new aiisl.•
good. ' .
DRUGS & PATENT lIEDICINES: kirk rate as ,
sortinent, and genuine. ;' '*,
iP A INTS & OILS. Ageneralassortroeitt, and of good
onalitr. , • , . • .
JEWELRY. A splendid variet y of theneatest pat
terns. •'
FANCY GOODS. Nearly. every - thing this branch.
.PERFUMERY: A choice .variety: ( New suppliant
received nearly every week;] .
In short. nearly every thing persons want, and cheap
at the tarictii, store of TI;ItRELL.
..llotnroie,, - ,lune 14. IB3S.
NEW GOODS AGAIN'. ••. :• •
At the 1" Exchange," Broo klyn.
THE subseriber takes this Opportunity of thanking
1.. his friends for iheir.very liberal patronage the
past season, and of saying to them 16 addition, that,
having just received fresh invoices of seasonable
Goods of ,various descriptions he
.is still: prepared to
supply almost any article usually called for - at a Conn•
try store. His assortment is nose complrte, and be
ing the largest in town, Offers the greatest induce
inert to .purchasPrS, either for Cash, Barter, or. flood
(short) Credit. Call and see. - - •
August2o, 1555. . , . I
Medicines and DrugS. _
t TRES' Cli.rry Peekral—acknowledgetl to be
71 the best PulmonarY ;Remedy extant—Pond's
Extract-of - Witch Hazelan'-.excecilingly :valuable
remedy for divers ilLs—Dr. Baker's Compound—a
grand specific tot: Diarrhea; Dysentery, Cholera Mor
i) Cry, Le.—AYres', Jayne!s,'Phinney's and Wright's
31erchanes Gargling : Oil; it - tea:tee with a great
variety of ,Drags in common use, kept constantly on
hand by , ; .0 G. DEMPSTEAD.,
. Please. Tdke
That it is very desirable that the accounts :and notes
of the late fnutof Sniith &"IleinpStead should he ses
den, and that speidilv. -0, G. HEMPSTEAD:
Brooklyn, Aug. 20; 1855. - • •
ibe barrel or,lottd, at the,: market rates,
r`BE highest market price, paid for Butter, Eggs,
1• Laud, Farm Produce. of all kindkilood Shingles,
prime Wool Socks, Ae., in Goods,- by
• . . , • , • 6..G.I3EMPtviEAD.T
/1 lAITIRINGThe subScrler has and,
on h
C I and, *is now:manufacturing, a small stock of
Ready-nude Clothing, of good quality and workman
shiß, which he offers at very low'prices.
•O. O. HE' PSTg AD. '
1)0 .TS AND I . I 4IIIOES—A good assortment
L. of excellent qualities, kept coustanily on hand ,
LANESB 4111.0
Farni%hfigf 'Establishnient. •
rfIITE subscriber. kee s constantly on hand, and will
. 1 make to order, Doo Blinds, Windows & Window
sash ; Door and wind°, ,
-frames and ill other articles
made of wood.and used in building. - •
--. Blinds painted and 'hung on'short notice.- Blasts of
all Itizes, quantities and qualitiei for Sale. . -i:
Flooring planed and matched at #l6 @ IP2O per
1000 felt.: - Turning of all kWh'. stone; to order, also
a general asaortment- of CAIIIXET WARE. -
Blueing, Tables,--Standa of all • varieties, Chairs,
BedneadA.Setteee,; -
Good Tine, Merryoand Vilthetrood lumber,
Grain of all.kirids taken in exchange-for the above.i:
tirTerinstvady or, three months time sp. ,
iproved credit, All. order. addressed to . tne Kill re.
Ceivi prompt attention. -:JAGOB.TAYLOR.
LanelbOr . n.lune 18th,.1855.,
is - iLiC AND Dams GOOD
{ ArLltli'llLl e r ,
-- iklrl..a, =,,F, (:
choice assortment in tateh departtnent,) a' Splendid
'lot of moire an(irts Trimming,Staple Goode of large
variety, 'Clothing; {a large stoelc,)'Gente . ind -Boys'
Acts, (silk and simmer.) Cloths very 'mei - Calicoes
from 4esnts to "1 shilling,-Parptte,llattlng,'Oleloth,
Bardvnure-4hrmaitilver & Pitted Spoiiis,
Knlves_and Forks.; ' ' ' ' ' - ' -- N.,.
'Cliottertei-IFish.' , it lint, assortment ofNTeas;
Coffees;f ,aroma - Tapies i • 'Met' 4Chocolate, Raiihil . ,
(hound Coffee, Corn Starch .:: - - '-'- .r , :- - -,. -
- Perteinserv-Bay'-‘teriter; Toiler do., Genin.
Tama, do; Eitracbt, German Colognivalatge ttotk
of Faiiey s.4cmps. /I.e. &e. ' " , .• , • . ..
:Fariiiittig Toots--P)tylorki, Rerthe Smiths,
Rakes,'&& - kt.. - " ' ‘ .1. L. Pal' & CO.'
JUST IN Tray. -
A OENLItAL acsortieent of NEW 17001).9 now, A
arriving at the store Of, • LYONS & SON:
October & • • • • •
QYRISPS, ifolassea, Sners,'Coirei - and Teas—
Li fresh at • . .L ONO it SON..
TIORN Baskets, •Broorns c ilisils and Tuto—.4, new .
. lot. Iristchns OrsrOnts,And“ raper -Hangings, Hangin, at
ILL 1 , • •• Sr,
Sci r ooL.Bol.4 wilant ;Nike, Envelopes. Penn
&o sTairni4l4.lty ... cip., In found at
-October-.b.. •
ArOll.llllE/AUilit&nr. -
• CREAD;zliiiiejitst recicved a large
and well selected Snails' iit:llrT GroecrieN
syes rif 4, ,i;;; , iiiiiii r ii` ----7: , E ate it Ca a'
Witettea,;eoelri, Cilia Stociptal. IgeOrtikegi tliel, 9g*
fie on theinuotliivonsolo , toms: ‘:-. :-.-. .- 7 .... ~,_,.,....
- ifontiftae,'Oet.l.l.Bs3; , ; - "'• , 1 ' ;•'••• -:- i'-'..i -. i.- - :7: -
-- " --- Latig. and . Sci - liarlapiairia; - pg :lodpets= kali reif . .aa' d' - '
6 i:i grentteinrittilatranfir:e . ii*antrotheirliceai,
5.1i60,1 1 4 0 ,4 10 .1$ bY - ' -" ' '-'• -'
.... ._.. ~
• ; i; - . , -. 134:M1T.k . :111;4.1). t,'
.--. mok, Coohoool i tisila'greot-nriety
atilt ..,,,1* tor& r ! ', lanitinir 4 ituro:-,,.,
~::» r: ' ZTs .:.
Montrose, August 15. 1863.
New , Goods, Cheap far Cash:
Gt. 11/.. MOTT has just reeelyed another lot of' limy..
,Goods, Such .as Chailes, 13rage belainos,_
•Bagels,'Collars, Embroideries, Lawns;'&64. erbich he
offers at very loa-spricei:. Summer Sit:inks ts4leivitit
Some beautiful patterns at very low pricekalso Black
'Silk Shawls equally low for Cash. ,
Parasols latest style at . ITr. NOTTS
,BIack Pplendlthu•ticle, at C:W; 3f. -
Summer Stuffs in great' varieties, at • C.-Ir.'
Grooerfes of all kinds, ,very cheap,. Syrup,' a first
'rate article at 60cts,per gallon. - You have only, to ,
ieail sud.exaniine, to become eattrfied that the-! Head .
of savigatiort" is theplace to buy Chap.
' 'Wanted.' ' •
tfutter, - Egv, Ram, Lard, Socks, lir fact all kindg
of Country Frothice In exchange for `goods at-Cash
Montrose, June 15;,1855
HALLOO, HALLOO," leffili
riIHE subscriber would inform the citizehs of Mont
1. roAe:and the public generally that he has bought
the Grocery formerly.' kept by P, 11. Fordhatn:ik Cb
in Lyons and Chandler's building on Chest.nutstreet, -
in the borough of:Moutrose, - Where he bus A. fresivis- - ;
sortment'of Grocerio.; and will keep constantly On.;,',
hand, Fleur, Oysters. Cheese; Sugars, Syrnp, Molasses;`' : 4
Mackerel,. Nuts, Candies, Toys, Oranges and Lemons..:
Figs, Prunes, Sim dines, Soaps, Vinegar, Coffee; hie.
Peaches and Plums,• Herring; sack Salt, Pies , Cake, ..
Beer, Yankee Notions, and other things. too nue:
pus to mention,'which will be, sold tn
cheap for Cash" c...
- titost kinds .of country produce. Call and' See. A •
`share of public patronage issolicited. S. S-.MOTT:-_ •'..
Mirth 7. 1855. • 1 ,, • -
New Goods.
PriE subscriber •is in constant receipt of. Nev
Goods, in- his line of business, nearly ever: -
week. The public Wilt find his a_asorttrient No, 1; an , -
his articles new Slitter 'good quality.' The stock Co: - -
siAts as tisual'of Drugs, .Aredieines„ Paints, Oils, - Dr:
Stn jje, Groreri'ee, flincy Goods, " Jewelry, Perfume -
ry, d:c. Store at the kiwer end of the burnt distric:
• Montrose, June 6,1855: ' A. TIJR.RET.L. - •
• Clioii7e itloodielk . Stork.
rI I I3E subscriber will offer for sale, at - public 'aut.
tton, at his, residence, one mile west of Sum
mermille, on Thursday the 18th day of. October, 1?.
head of choice. Devon Cows and Young Stock, amll
very extra Devon Bull. Sale to commence at 1 o'-
clock. -Six months credit , on approved notes,
New Milford - SOL 18, 1855
, . .
- l'Atest styles of Dreig g o ods , & Shoefi, Ur- .
pe Leuthe; eFindingi,.9rcreeries & Pioilsiong.--
-At 'tile Red Flag Store.. : tIENRY MCKINNVY.
Loiersville Sept. 8, 1545 -
.. . 85w8. ..
. . , . •
Clllll, l Ele itIILLS. '
. •
!MILLS for "
sale.' Inquire at the office of Bent;
ley.* Fitch la Montrose, or at the residence of the
subscribe', in Ararat, Susqu'a c0.,-.Pa. • - • .
361 , 47 . , •! ' ! - A., BUSHNELL,
Iv iI 4 I7. I .S w A I LE and retail dealerin Oil, Grapheme..
d , Lamps, Gtrandol, China aftd.
Flower Vases, - Crockery,t China, and Masi' Ware,
Plated and Fancy roods, 'also Camphene and fluid at
.the lowest 'casli prices, at 65 Bowser,-Naw roar
Cat. - • • 1161n4
N hi et(
_rt p a art Erom.
Don't be forgetful, friends, one and .1111--
-Aged or youthful, great or.small--
(Irnot too small,}
• Thst itt Odd 'Fellows' Hill
' LI the place to call;
To get your face s done up gag.
Montmsa, August 15, 14355:
A N.actife and intelligent youniman of - about .17 .
years of age, Wanted as Clerk in a store.. One
wishing to acquire the business and'isposed to make
himself useful, :ill find dood encouragement by ap—
plication shortly to* B. BURRITT.
New Milford, July 22. 18.53_ • - '
• -Prof. Charles Morris,- --
SCCESSOR . of Charles BARBER, bar
hig removed his shop from its former location i•
the basement' of Searle'sillotel, to, the room in: the
Same building, in the rearlof the . lair;roora, is impal
ed to exercise his art in the most scientific manner,
on all who May be entrust:their' bitasisti:
aces to his hands. !2 4 V 1
- .
. .
Bonnets at iteduced,Ptiteet:
BLT.RITT, will sell'his remaining stock of Silk.
11 II Lawn and Straw Bonnets, a gaud imsortment
at reduced Prices to close the business of the season
many of them at cost.
New Milford, June 18th, 1855.
E receive during the present week, a ktrgt
I , ddition to present stock of SUMMER GOODS
which it render the assortment complete, and V.
Which we *nvite the attention of all who' wish,
Goods cheap
Montrose, June 28th , 1855.
C. D. Virgil Dentist has, taken rooms over R.' D. .
'Chandlers' store, where it ',rill be his pleasinv to ite,:
his friends as quick as possible. C.D. VIRGIL f
May, 21 1805. - Resident Dentist...
' 'Patent' Hoise Rake
F OR sale at li., Farmer'S Exch ange _ tie
. A. PATB,R9r !.CO,
June 20.
.-" • • STRAYED'''. •' •• -
FROM the 'enclosnr,e ! of the inlisiriber in Silver
•Lalceaboht theileth of Maylait, ilmiryearling9.
One white-Sided hull, tea heifer++; one. pale red th.,
-other brindle,-ona red steer: Whoever will givillT
'intonation of the above Will be-liberally rewardOd
Saver Lahe, I,utte.ll3tl, 185 :
Q'FRAYED or stollen a liyer-tolerod Politer - D.Sg:
11 The above reward will be paid to any onenoon.
lug him to tba store Of A. LATHIROP,,I Co;
Montrose, .lane 120, 1,8055. _ -
Good asaciltineitt, Seythtnl, Sitittni;Billtes; Paika,
rt. nd 2 kitid.4 or Bone Rakes--atni- aufterior
Revolving Rakes, at- F. B. CBANDLERVe
Anne 20th. 185.5. ,
• • Patilitt -
Paint, Blake* the Proof Paint. Linseed and
L. 4 Lw_vpil. Fluid and Pt*enes aidd law by s
June 2Atbi-51855. . •:'
"' - `• - - , ..4 7 7''' .--..,„.," , ~...:.;i : ...„
13- thiaiti,k , or potmd, ,-, • -.- ; -• - 3.; y j: :•->
. • -'
-:::. , 1. ,,,' . .. ..
' 'I, - ~., F. $.04.100.4.
.Tr: 1 4940 16 , ;Ole .o#4-1810.5..
_PUTTER WANTED; The hlgbe4 niarket grliCV6
weal pidd - In cash kir toed Diet Better by
Jun* 26e, UM.
supposed;,So ti ttow -
(AW &
E maga day itart "
liat v4talaClatb-
A,/ - • DICICraitAXIMAI4/47PL,
• s hard, g eme sr : AN • , • .
tii. •ea .M~, ~il.•r `•
O. 11r..110TT
':: - ,'-:..: , ..',.=',:. , ,1-it . . , ,, -. :-:- 7.