511;tsecii4lieotis. DEFENDING THE HOXESTEAD. . . • • - on, TBE I CAGE ' S DALTORTiRAN INCIDENT OF - SUE REVOLVTION: 1 • In the iSunimer of 1771), during one of Alia darkest periods Of the revolutionary struggle .in the'sniall village o! S----4n Pennsylvania lived l'ir,--;--, . one of the firmest and• truest patriots *Rhin the 'limits of the ' old - thirteen' and deepin the confidenee..of Washington.— Like mot men of his time and substance,, he had fitrniShed him Self with arms and ainuni ..tion,(Sufflpient to arm the males of his house hold. -These consisted of himself, three son e ,_ and about twfrityfive negroes. The .female part of hill house consisted of hi; wife, one tiaughter,lCatharine, about eighteen years of age, the li heroine of our tale, rand several slaves.. 1 ; In the Second story of his dwelling_ honie iMtriediately over the front door,.was a small room, 031 ed the 'Armory,' in which the arms p! ' were de 'sited, and always kept 'ready - for iramediao3 use. About the time -at which :'we, introduce our Story, the neighborhood of our village was much annoyed by theniktur hal prowling and depredations of numerous Tories. It was On-a calm, bright Sabbath afternoon . in the aforesaid summer, when Judge V. and his family with the , exception of his (laugh teriCatharine; and an old, indisposed . female sisal) were attending service in .the' village ohurch: Not a breath disturbed the sereni ty of the atmosphere, not a sound profaned the stillnesS of the day ;the tithes were dams (woes and Catharine herself and the old f:- nula - skip remained in ,the house until the tistkily returned froth church. A rap ' was heard at the frOnt door. '.Surely,' said Cath arine to theshive, qhe family have not some home, chi rch can't be dismissed.' The . rap Was . repented. '1 will see who it is,' said -Catharine as she ran up stairs into the armo ry.- On opening the window and looking down shesaw six men standing at the. front door and 'Mt -the opposite side of the area, three of WhOm she knew were terries, who formerly resided lathe Their names wee Vat( Zant, Finley, and Sheldeal e the oth er three Van,'; but' she bad reason to . believe them to be of the satnepolitical-stanip .from the company in which she tistind them. Yan Zant was a notorious character, and the number and enormity of -his crimes; had rendered his name infamous in that vicin'ty. "Not a murder or a robbery was committed Within many miles of S that he did not gat the credit of planning or executiiiii. The charaCters of Finley and sheldfi nlso stained with crime, but- Van Zatit a master Spirit in iniquity. -The. appearan, , e of such characters under such circuin.tances. Eta:2st have been truly alarming to a young lady of Catharine's age, if not' to - any lady, rid or voUng.. Bui Catharine V pus• sassed Lett father's spirit: -` the spirit of the Van Zant was standing on , the stoop knocking : While his companions were 'talking a WhisPer•on the opposite side of the way. IS-Jnelge V • 'at home?' asked - Van Zant, when he saw Catharine at .the window 1.:00Ve. • ' ,i He is not,' she said. ~. ! We hai.c ht,inets of, pressing importance ;rt.:_th him, 4iid i" y• - )u . will op ,‘,l the door,' said Van Zant,'' w, - ! wil; walk in till - he returns.' ' No,' said Catharine. ' when he went to church heit left particular- directions not to have the door opened until be-and his . family returned. ';',You bad better calf when church s dismissed.' . • : . `No 7 1 7 11 Mo t? ' rurned he, ' we will, enter . , r.C.W or neor." • - l' - Impossible,' cried she, ';ou cannot enter milli he returns.' 'Open . the door,' cried . he,' or We'll break it -clown, and burn you and the house up to • gather.' I • . Sa saying be threw himself with All the force he possessed against the doer, at the same time calling upon his companions to as sist him. The door however resisted their viTerts. .`, l . • `Do not'atlernpt that again,' said Catha rne, 'or you area dead man,' a, the =me time presenting from the window a - heavy . : - .orseman's pistol ready cocked. _ At the sight of this formidable weapon.the companions of Van Zant who hidcrossed the street at hiS call retreated. . ' Whateried.the• leader, ' you coward's !: Lre you - frightened at the threats of a-girl ?' and again be threw himself violently . against • the door. •Ii The weapon was imniediately dis ::±su•ged, and Van Zant fell: - 1 The report• was heard at the church, and males and 'females at once rushed out td,,„es- . certain thd " cause. , \ On towardi the reside*, ofJudge , looking I( . .ithey perceived five men running at full speedlo whom the Judge's negroes and several others gave chase ; and. froth an . up per windo' of his \ residence a handkerchief tr I was wavin• as if beckoning for raid. '' .All rushed towards the . place, and upon their -arrival, Van Zant was in the agonies of death.' •Hi still retained strength enough to acknowledge that they / had long contempla ted robbing that house, and had frequently . been concealed - in the neighborhood fur 4 that purpose, bht no opportunity had offered 'until, that day, When lying concealed in the wo , )ils they saw tie.Judke i and.his family going :to' • Church.:. 1 : •. ' ' , . Ttle body of the dead Tory was taken and bliricd by the sexton of the church, as he had no relatio , in that vicinity.. _ .. . After a absence; of two hours or therea bouts, the egrOef returned, haviagsucec-ed, edin cap I ring Finley and one .of the straw/. ers, who ere .that night cOnfined;, and . the next tho ing at the earnest_ solicitation of Judge V ', , liberated on the promise or amending 'their lives. , - ' - '' .. , : • - i It was i 4 - the 'month of October of the same -year. that Catharine V was sitting by an upper , aek window in her father's Coilse knitting; ho' Autumn the weather was intld and the .window was hoisted about three inch- • es. ' ..atbo''t sixty or seventy feet. *from 'the house was! a \ :barn, a buge old.fashioned e4i• lice, with , pper and !ewer folding doers ; And accident'. ~ l y casting her ey.e towardsthe barn • \ she saw a ismall.door ( oi 'a range' with the la ! 0 . 'Ana doo and window at which" - she "wa+ sit ting) openj and a number of 'Men enter: The :.ccurrencof the •preceding, diately pi seated itself to her mind, and the - summer ;mine ...,, fact that b'.r —tiler and the males plthe flan- . ily were a work in - the field at some distance father from the louse. led her.to suspect - that that opportunit' - •had been_iinproved, probably,by_ .• some of V' 11'2:tales friends, to plunder -and • revenge hi., death. • Concealing herself behind • the curtain?, she narrowly watched their • . movements. She saw a manes head slowly rising abo,-e the door, and apparently recon noitering e premises; . it was Fittley's.-- 7 ' Their objeft was , now evident. Going tothe.. , armory, she selected. a •well lOaded - musket :and ' reautaed har—place at the window: Keelipg . pen the floor she laid the . muzzle of-the wupon the window sill; between 'the windo' and the- - curtain , and' taking de liberate al ,"she fired, Whit Aral. she pro lon winortiii be matte df. , `Just inissed it,'.'cibeth Old Ilni.risiune,,' by a mile. Try Sg,aitt. 1. NVltolSpeaksfit r - .` Ide -iecondly,' tiliswer6d hi LetoOns. `llk -when,shekgrat+ a int.''' . _1 •/ , .• 1 .. ' Not ',l, , trrect,! I*l lied Ilticane. 'The. . i question 'I. st ! it i l opet4 - - • , , "•Whetilshe'S 4 ship of great size , (ug ly , ') modestly propoundcd Mr/Smoothly. - i ' When she's tei . e4r . ty(a man of iettir,' said the doloricl,‘• regartli4/ the reflection . q( his face in hisiboot. ,', tit' 'Everyhing. bu ricane. I . ' When 1 she's sitiCk aback :by a heavy Swell, l r sugges et] Starlight.' ' ._. ' NOt • •et; Si4d Hurricane. 1- ' f I' , ...,urry!.a ot • -., , ' NV lietil she tnakeit cried S)4.hpipes. - i i Here there there was a g pipe was thrown out peace , was restored,: I ed again. .1 `You might haves, • wind, or vhen she it 1 somethin . of that sort I been right.. The re 1 s he's cittaAed to a big That'siit, that's ii,' had mysteiriously mil' 1 just stii .ped out ke 1:1 some of ',y ni tell nielv W `.hen the carpetiti Meister Karl. • 'Sir the cigars;' And S R,egalias, cloud eve nashpipess . and bth,ilr Social .6 BY VIE ii ORTII STAR..—A year en, an ,eht,ii individual., anSwerint e. of " MI4OI faCt no one knew hid any!, ther name,) Was em ...k;th),,r!6 al , sist him in !allinga ~et• ,n 'th: waters of Chesapeake 1. :;,i'l!,11$'1,111e made to _learn the Itiioi.er IIt.VCT dart'd to trust _ t; ' STEER!: or two sin , to the tu . nr whet her. I A ,y,•,1 b:k . '. StW.; f•t*:l'. , 11 - iv. itoi ; Wm. t o 1 .• 0; ; ;ge thel eraft, exeipt 7 4uring a vt-r} : 9 . 71.1t » L f,ht, when he could point out to hint sot re heft:Eat - 4 to steer for. Olt Otte occasiott..l the! e.tptain, who . had been up two.niihts previtim y ly, omeltnled he would trust the tdchooner t Bob, and take a little nap on thti; d . eck ;-soh' pointed out the Ntirth ..tar to hi 4 jet coca ion, and told him .to continue steering finii until he waked, up. .ilfter whtchingirm a short time and find- . ing thai be could )ttep the vessel :,.beaded right, the, kipper .stOetched himself . nptin the :deck and - ns soon!. asleep. Shortly Mkt ward, a sy,tall:arose!froto the north and blew the craft : complete!yiaWay from . lier cottesie. After it bt d. cleared away . soniewhat. - Bob looked around and Amnd the 'North Star at his.baek.! -11le sailed {alon g ,an hOnri :or so, doing : the .best he 0.00. aitd-eogitaeng how he should aet - out of iiis iliffieulty.! •But at la!st he ga - 1,- it up, Midshoring his' sluniber ing Master' into. wakefulness. with ,his foot, shoutei •' iCap'n! aip.n!, g ive me another star o teU i r by ; rip .got clean by.i4at one." . • 1 1 .• ..\ ' „ , , • nopert S.' Kelly, partner of B. F. Stringfell(4v- in the' 'pu' i biication of .the'reck less paper at Atehi:attn, Kansas, 'called the Squatter,'rereigit; Is also United StateS Postmaste there. lie has returned all flit,' copies of the Lawrente litiold- , f Freedoin ti received ' Atchison for subscribyrs; rt4;l2qu } g. to 'Ovulate them. 14*r the 'law pasred >by the spurioUs Legi \ .h I••rbhiding, tft" . e cir culation :,ot ineendiar ' publications, The publisher tif the Helraid has writtell-0. state inent.of the case,- 4d l Seut - it to POstmaster Geleral catiti bell. t rt ' • ' , • - - 1 .' 1 .. . Mr - The steamship Adriatic nOvi . being built for.:te' Collins' line of steamers, will be it is said, :when contpleted, the laitest and most ma lificent [yessel afloat. She Will measure - ti , e thOusand !Nix Intudted tons ; her length wil be three ,hundred and forty-tire feet -on the broad.lileh depth ofOokl thirty three feet .bresidth itfibeatn fifty.feet. - • . i - 1 • ; • Tle Russians," saysan English - paper, " had three heay Owes of ordnance in a bat tery at thiileasti side of the dockyard creek, - which threW,thir shot at least six jmiles!-- They rarely (10 . a4y -harm. The] -noise. of their 'course was so great that everY 'Ube got out of the ; i ; THE: INDEPEt4DENT REPUBLio,AN, runttsnrnNEAT: TfIGItSDAT 7/01CING, AT 'II2O7.CITOSE, . P.A., /IT $1;60 Fl4l. ANNUM. IN ADVAiitY. - ' i• l'• l''''' - - . RatC i ll ofi Advertifting. - . One square - (116.1iiies or!leis) one week, ' $0,50 One.square 1" 2-J 1 two weeks, - 0,75 One square ~" . , three week5,......1,00 -One square t , '." one month,. 1,25 One square .1 I" 'j ' - two months, ' • . 2,25 One - square- i i" three months, 3,00 One square - i" six months, 500 (lne.quare - one year, . i ft 00 M. two or mcire sqintrea; inserted: by the year, a deductioafrim ti,le abofe prices is-made .. Yearly ad vertisers wil Iraq the Privilege of altering or chang ing their advertisementa. without additional charge.l Business. cards { not 'exceeding five lines, inserted at $2,00 prir annnin. . 1 . Aiol, Work. - , • This ofhce, is supplied with, a.good assortment of 1 \Johliinu matrials' ' Audi all .kinds of Job Work i such, ass Cards, Palsters,!Pamplldets; kn., will be done neat y, and pronptly. ; ; \ . • 1 ------ ' --4 . - • . ( .. - litasarfe of Time. DELAWAPE, LACKAWANNA AND WES TER i IKAIII I - 11 !'0.41D. 1855, the .Mail O x p tin as4u 4 grr T X ra m in dY ill li d a llialt al f, ow Scranton, at 10.20 A. N. I Due, at Great Bend at 1.20 r..w. Con enting with the Dunkirk Express West on the N. Y. 1; E R. R:1 Pasr.engcni 'taking thistralewill arrive in Dunkirk at 11:13 r. ic.i and in New York at 11:15 P. M. ', 4 1 i , 1 i . Recurtiin Will leave great Bend at 4r. m., due at Scranton bt 0:45 P., 111 , ' I The Frei i ri Accommodation Train, with passenger 13) car attache , Willieavri Scranton-at.l r. is,„_.,:clue at Great Ben at 6 r. X., — connecting with 'the. Mail l iTrainWell, 'and the ' Night Express'Train East. 1 , Passengers it.4ing thi s train laid the Night Express { West, will arrive in Dunkirk - at 12 m., or by taking i m a il Train lirilit, will arrive at Dunkirk at 6:45 p. m. ` 'Returning, *ill leave Great Bend at 7 a. at. on ar rival of Cincinnati Express . East, Due it Scranton 12,10 r. N. .',. - - . PassengeisYni • Wilkesbarre, Pitteon, Carbondale, Philadelphia, (via the. Patawissa, ' Williamarport and Erie and - Reading Railivid,, via Taniagna,) and East on,, and all liatiermediao places will find first class 1-stage coacheslia readiness at Amnon, on the arrival 'of the Passenger and-Act rmunxiation Trains to con vey- thens to the above, plikees. • Those choosing pri vate conreynxices will And the best of horses and car ' riages oral- deserliition, at reasonable charges, I ready to '.- ' - , IL DinTERM, Sope4ntendent. Superinien i 4froo's OE*" ' 'Scranton; May I 0 less. $ S . , • fltaff•. A line etuiklWool; Linen; and Cot;oe stars for sum. suersreae. Plenty of ;'4 and Cd Nuts. Please call Ind acre. ' • - F. B. CHABDIAR. Yr , 28 I ' • , • :t rest,' responded Hur- `Come, much of a fast sailer,' eat groan, and :Smash- lot the window. When lld Hurricane propel!. id, when, she hugs the ns down a.smack, nr but it wouldn't have I solntikin is—When said Smashpipes, who peered.. 'That's what tell the ladies, Now lien a ship is beloved!' r re-guard., herf quoth hpipes, you must find rought out hi 4 box of there cattle a great. BIJIN - S- C - DS. - Orchard, - It D.. - - iSICIAN AND SURG.FA*4 Jackson, Rumor -. Pbanns, ctt nty, Pa. Residen eat the Pomace: i • • li Hall & Lamb, , .. ci ABIMErrAKERS, haie-recttly opened a ware l., 'win ln cw Milford, Pa., and will keep ton stantlion hand all kinds of Cabinet t rware ; also Ready made( Coffins.; ' Funerals attended with or" without a . -Igse. ' WatS-rootn nearly oppO4ite J. Dickerniin's re. r.. / New HMO* May 15, 1855. 1 20--17 A. 403. Baldwin, . .. AtrANUFA6PRERS OF SADDLES, HARNESS, ii Trunks:"Whips ke., in the Daseauent of Seariee, Hotel, Ifontre, Tn - . .1_ , 1 . )001 , Aso SHOE MAKER. Shop first door east 1.1 "of Odd Fellows' Hall, TornpHce et., Montrose, W. Singleton NI now be found at his new'iwtand on Owego-st. - -'" o demi"; west of Searle's Hotel, where he ef feetugily repairs , - with dispatch,i Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Gunt.and every descri 'don of Machino7, Wheel cutting; Gun and Watch =touts supplied to the trade. 1 , Dr. It Smith,. ; SURGEON' !iDENTIST, Montrose, Pa., at Searle's ki Hotel, Mtindais and Tuesdayi of each week: • !E. Henry 8.-Knaip, - i li - ONTROft, PA., with Row; .11 7 64mIntir & ,car -1,1 ter, Wtiolesnle Grocers and Commission- *r.‘ chants, No., 113 WaShington strt 4 .et, between *Court andt and Dcyi , streets,. Sew I'ork.l !! ! Caleb Weeki. • SADDLE, HARNESS, TRCNKI' MA KER and Car riage Trilumer. Shop at his dwelling house, early oppositd Henry Drinker's. -Montrose, Pa. Miller & Fowler, , A TTORNFtYS AND COUNSELLORS AT LAW, ill and Solieitors in Chancery.Dffice No. 11, Chute street, street, Chkaio, 111. 1 . . r • Pacific Hote , • GREENWICII STREET , (near - Bmadway,) Nets . York. tgaliettury d; Co., Prprietortt. In 'the vicinity of th principal steamboat landings. f RALER iN Thomas Ingstrim: DRY GOODS, Groceries, Clothing, Crockery, Boots and Shoes,l&c., Susquehanna Depot, Pa. - , • - Bentley &Fi A TTORNEtTS AT LAW, AND Li. AGENTS ; . NOlarOlte, l'a. n. S. zizwiLityii • Jolin Groves', : VASIIIONABLE TAILOR: - Shop under Searte's IL'. Hotel, Mine stavet,..lfontrose., Pu. . D. D. Hinds; LIVERY AND EXBIIANGESTATILE„ Wee in in the rear of Wilson's Store, Mt:mirror, Pa. • J. Colsten, r - IEALER IN STOVES, Tin, Copper, and • 'Site , .t 1....1.1r0n Watt., Lodersrille, near Great Bend Depot. December 4. . • . L. P. Hinds,l • • A TTORNET AT LAW, Storni/gonna, Pa. Office .on Maino street, one door eait of Lenheinfs. Frazier & Case, \ . A TTORNETS AND COUNSELLORS AT 'LAW Office do Turnpike street, one door East o Post's Store, ..Iforalrote, - Chamberßn, A TTORNEY AT LAW and Jmitice of the Peace; rl.. over I. IL Post A: Co.'s Store,l.lfootroto... - • W:n: F. Sf..r , u7l. A TTORNEY AT - L.k \V ;*?o.l`!'-•' lin...tit comple and which re olrchr i - 1. r 3., Ino_l_ Ateuraid , tervo, thei r taew buil , iii,,(l, c•iic: .3( ~• fjtfr0 , ..... ! C,-, e Yon Office. .i, ' BENTLEY k READ. Mon , FebrrAry 8, 1855. Books and Stall nery. • IHi E Teiteived a laitge additi l tn to rrtY stock of - 800 aan Stationery , among hich are: A Lolig Look' Aheadi, (Hoe).+Wolfert's Roost. (Irving)—Dr. t ....T Spencer's Sketchea—Wonderful,Adventureaof Capt. Pries e Slave Holder'sDaughter.--Llfe of Sam Howl - ihe May—The May 1 lower (Harriet B. Stowe)-.Rag . Bag, ,(Willis,) kc. ,kc.—will be sold cheap. r . F _ . CHANDLER. May 2, 1855 DIBSOLUTIOI. rpm ,copaitn e ralp heretofore ;existing ander the 11 firT of Hawley Nett is this du. devolved. - April 1, 1H55. • -.. • 0. R.HAWLEY. The rfotes OA accounts are in the Wide of C. W. Mott fen Collection. - Those inters ted will please tall as sate • conierient. • Ti - Flour and Malt By the oad, barrel, auli, or Yetnnd, by • 1,,,111811.1' affAirKi.ri• 1,. A r BAYED WOUTH T . :114111.NE111.. *rriTTENTETtG JlllllO., Montrose, Pal take 1 a' this meihod of advisipg their! Old friends end customers and the public at large, diet they have just rept irg.4l and opened the largest, prettiest and clump, est Fto . ek ofREADT MADE CLOTHING ever I bio't to this place, which they offer at a !atrial advancri from I east, thereby offering purchasers the rare oppo ty.of obtaining goods at about twothirds the usual price. l",• H Alsti a large assortment of Dry Geonds, comp 'sing for Ladies Wear, new styles Diocalti.. Stripe,. Plain end changeable Silks, Delainexi Muslin, De Rage .Berage delaines of new and elegant &signs. All the latest et: lea of Ladies Dress Goods, French- Litstms, Prints and Ginglitamr. A handsorne assortmont. of Dress Trimmings, Embroided Sleevk CollarsPuff.s; etc. •Jacouct and Swisti Edgings and ‘nsertings,Gloves Mils, Hosiery, Veils and . Parasols. • - 'Neil; assortment of Shawls is very t large, ernt4acing every thing that ii rich and fashionable both sign and domestic. Their Bonnet Department is !alio and complete, vibrating the very latest styles, with Trirranht; to Match: - An extensive assortment of lAshlinens, napitins I t owelik7, table covers, curtains ize. It. 'I ' We 'have aLsoa supply' of Shirts, 'Gentlemen's Col lars, Sinspenders, Gloves, Vntbrallsmi i iind a good Many ,other 'articles too' numerous to mention. For bar gains the public Is respectfully invited to. call at !the cheap Stare of - • . .I..WITTENBERG & corner of Ch e & Owego Streetti, 'four doo east, of Post's store. BENTLEY ({7 .BE I ,AD ARE now receiving their usual supply of SPRING ANDiSUJIMER 0011 M, which they ofrertei their cash:niters, and the pultlicgenerallv,:osi the ni t wit rea soner.* term; foe Cash, Butter, Eggs, Grain, Dees wax,.tir tin apnmvetl ctedit. . . . Moqtrckte, May 1, I,SLI. . 8.. . . B"An.cvyrii,,, K.::;,-it-.!rr. s . ,Ketituckvdtins, sutame • St::tr-, ftzyl. a g.' . . , : r A -itorlc o f - Itriple Dry Giiotl , t, jtr.t vt..•cir.,l at:ti for sale right by • . . BENTLEY A READ. 'irii . ME i„,.. . R t 1. . -1.- .- ,' L:iwe4, Citairies, Girghants,. . Wert itnac :L el ont.tieco P:i.tts;-I•.c. Sc. For sale by! • . BENTLEY & READ. -- . . BONNETS. Ribbon.., Parasols, Sommer shawls, Black silks ; Dro , E•s T.itnenings ke. &c: for:,=ire by_! • , . BENTLEY 45: READ. QIII.:K. Fn r..••41.i,•;1, Pa , latna, Straw, anti ;Palm Hots, 1.71&1;-,:i;.14, ;-:3tchelA, Wilitlqw ,Papri &c. &c. - - - BENTLEY i REAP. Hia im R Pa tehi ky„ - Gld4l &e. BENTLEY & BEAD. D'os,Medicines, ilre•tthfl's; and general assortooiht of Patentlftdieines, ih4t in and for rale by, BENTLEY k READ. Q,OLEI;tII7 - 14;:1'.Ttltss, . add a guals , _ipid . :. of tootS - fent ew ly on Baird. . I - MAp o k e E o ß di E i t :h by the barrel , or_o:: T -1 1.1. 1al i f sz ba ß -l i t v. ll 7 - , al , /5 11 7A c T f o r li ni E.7 1 a it n r d a .!Al i V e E r LZ . Y pin — e, n and rsseotralire44.!todt Levers - , in doni•l.. nig! angle cases, Ladies Ear tv,• , ,,,, ! ,„ &e. Also, TaYe, Dv5....c., ant Avari:avited inure, .• - . " I - ft ;1 - 1.::: - • •I \ Cat-d!,,r, I. h.;;. S;(•„ , Niwtt:os.• May 1,-'55. BENTLEY & READ. I BOUNTY LAND OMMila The Greatest Improvement of 'the Age.fe. 11.1117/limns' Double-Acting Ball refire ‘,.. Force - and Left: Puraps— A N limprovement above all other pumps °r ma ..tl. chines for lifting, throwing, and *carrying wnter, combining both a Pinup and a Fire' Engine. 4 This - Pamp, :patented in February,'.lB:4, is.-the whole Of it metallic. No bolts or screws abo;Ufit to rust, Copse it it iVi:l last a man's It can be used : fc.rn:.6lll draw water from itnv • ri;(smy part of a It • P fur Distilleries., 1 , 09 Works aLd, limum. of all kinds.. , I Ail Oir,!•!rs must bc addressed to Anntsox DiUmtot, Loder;SCille, who has the sole right for SCsque haima County*. • • FARMERS 1 . UNION INSURANCE CONIPAiIr 'IBYFICE, )(TIMES, BRADFORD COCNTW,. i CAPITAP, $200,000. Secured by Bond and mortgage oft the Real Estate of the Stockholders. t Insures' against ken by Fire, of Houses, Stores, and other buildings, Goods, Wares,-and Merchandise, ow as favorable terms as any similar Institution. Losses promptly adjnsted and paid. Dinserotts.—llon. Horace Williston, Ather4; Ffan cis Tyler, do. ; .GeOrge A. Perkins do . . ; J. T, D. Never, do. ' C, N. Shipman, do. ; C. F. Welles, Jr. do. E. Canfield do.; for. John Laporte, Towanda; Wakeman, Laeevviile; Geo. M. ktollenback, Wilkes barre ; Michael Meylert, Laporte, Pa. Grrtegrus.—flon. Horace Willisten, President:l C. F. Wells, jr., V. Pres. and 'rms.; J. E. Canfield, Secretary. Arent, 0. S. BEERS, Montrose, Pa. • ' FARMS FOR SALE. THE finhseriber will act as agent for buying and sell ing Real Estate—Farms, Iloeses, and- Lots—•;•lo cated in Susquehanna County, Pa. ' All wh o wish, to offer their property for sale can give a minute descrip tion of taeir Farms' or , Lots as thlluivs : Numben . of acres, hnw many improved; and' bon' watered, !build ings, orehards, grafted or common fruit ; other fruit trees; and the nearest point to the D. L. & W. A., R. and N. y. E. R. R. , 62 farms on the list, 43 unsold. By calling on the subscriber a minute description, price and terms can be given: • Office on Turnpike st. 4 doors west of Main itt. l Notttiost. Al:gttst. 15, 1554. A. BA.LDWIN.. —•— his.Spriag truLiStint 1-•-nvir stot1:: of comprising a great variety, which trill t).. sol , l any in thin market.-- Please rill n , :tl F. H. CHANDLER. : HA T' .1 ND . C.-1 PS—A good assortment ri:rf the ! • : latest style: , • . , 1 RE..4D / - -.1f.,4 DE CLOrHING—A good variety of Spring a,il F-:rmlne” Clothing of the latest ctit. DRY G'f)i)-.7)S—A general assortment through- out. Also, D'lr'Er - ',S ( 1 )I' )DS. consisting of 14swits, Barege'Delail!!•s, 1. - r e 11(41 Dplai-r,:s.; Per-Mari Delaine, Pt-int.:3: Lawn.; Fancy Pri , ,t2., Ladies' Worked. Col lars, Insertion , , F,lgi•p,i , , Ii1:•cl; Sirs Mantillas, Thihet -and Ca4lune.•e Shawl.. i'n:.vol•2,llfsit.•ry, Glo•3,:iki. BOO,TS AY? Sib: ) ES. Cicyck , —;) Ilrge assort ment of every de.4cription an 50,... All, a' great variety of Fancy Articles, Yankee Notion!, rke., - , 0-o c4el - r, llardwitre; and Groceries of ail ki+ls; Trunks' a gel(' f:')! 1;1," e 1: .1,. cheap. 1 R oo k, ail ! :4: ft _ . tionerr:— War P.c.., ---.eso, flow- Of rireli• - .. , t nitli• v. Moatese, May it, 1855, F.:11 CH AN 1/I.IIR, it', ' , .!:, ,' 1 4:, 1 \r - : !' -2 ::. (.. ,'..!" 31 : r 4 :' . : . .. ; lII', 4i: , •: i',• ).- ,'I-'-• '. '' - 0 ?he ''i i_ Jt .1 IA -it ..4 A - ' 1 i I.V Li. b i r 7. : : ."; P.s,',:?S to ail its -..nious treaticheS at • 1 the Chair and Ware Shop in Harfo I, where may be ! found a greater catiety of Winds and Rocking Chain:than at any othbr establishment 'n the county ; also Flag and Cane Seats, Bureaus, Beds •ads, Loring es, Settees,. Ales, Stands, &c. dc., all o which will •be - sold at t e lowest prices at retail, (or olasale, with situ-t notice .) All work warranted weil pia4e. \ and of goodaterial. ; Short credits and small Profits n will be my Motto; Feir demonstration of the shore fact, plea e !call at my shop in Ilarford tillage. ' i • , - A. W GREENWOOD. Harford, Qctober 12,1854. - 1 1546m6 KIRKWOOD TO I , IO*TROSE.I QTAgES will Leave Kirkwood, p4sing through Cor bettsrille, Liberty, be., erery Oorningafter the arriral Of the Mail Trains of cars, both East and West, reaching Montrose at 1 r. st. Returning, leave Montrotte clailyAguntlays •exceptetqat reach i!ig. Kirkwood in time to take the Nail trains of cars, both E.i , t a'al West, being the neare4t and most fea r.ible route to reach the New YO-k 'awl Erie Railroad. This inteNects a tri-weekly 'Hue for Dinnick, Tunkliannock, Wrozning; and WUkes barre. Which leaves; Montrose at '7 A. N. everyf Mon day. Wrdne4dav and_Fridity. AbKi, a Ilne to Friends stile kc. • , dood tenma and comfortable eaariagea 3re pribri atwl the propriet6A will spare no pairtg, ko 'se commoilate the public. W.M. MATCH, April 6. 1854. & WEST. NEW ST ORE- GOOD§p., -pm; takts this method of advertising r - N n '4l the public generally, that be has •rl‘ - y u r avow; the turret from his:old . uokivv, wbere'he is preparedjtn re c•a+t,pi....ni a'n self them goods at as in , rates as i; su.bli-hinent in Susquehanna. tic • ''• ••• t is ve r y brge Indeed, embraebi I near ly ev.•:'"r cslleil for ie a country store. • "As I det...mined to do business so as tolavold "Uri -bins," which respimsible credit purchasers are' taxed to Pay, I can offer superior inducements tb eash and otherwise taourr-riviso patrons. Call and. see me. 0: G.' HEMPSTEAD. Brdoldyn, Ap ri l sn, 1855. • • • t DISSOILIIIIOIII. - rrheimpartrierehlp heretofore existing between.the 1 subscribers under the firm of E..S Kent.k Co. is this da). dissolved by mut4al consent. • " • . E. S. szwrk O. Brooklyn - Ape. 1855.. • , Iw 4 Clover and Timothy Seed for Pale by 3IIRRITI'. Nevi' UMW. Momb 1'855 - , P arer Hanging% OUU rsßripuit Ewa, and Kane for 6 etik. 'per 7 I. 14014 *SW NEW GOODS. PUMPS! PUMPS ! CiIODS-! Goo9s hew Lille of Mail stages, FROM .__ 'kite iliz t ues it:PARK return du+ . grateful" :IYI acknontedgentetits to the public, inot invitent tention Or the very large •stock 'of Syrrimf am? A:pit men. Goods they are now receiving and O'er ? tie sa l t ., at very Oa , prices: la addition to their asual amoct- i ment °fatal& DryGooda,•Groeeries, Hardware, Crock . ery;.Paintsi and Oils, &e &e., they:are prepared to • , A'S _Pill 5..: '.. t I exhibit . a large assortment of Ladies' Dress Goods ; of i 3 ev nt e :t rli description —Figured,- . ..1 1 ti° Rilitur Fi rt's,' Gin P ves ,laid l l l t t n il ! ' rv iaill L S l, s. 4, ), tt• l4 e rse or w ; :i1 tt ' t i t i ., 'l , l ri:l "` ": `'ssfe, 4 l :, - ;,; ' ,i',', : , - ...;: ' ; I:„ I l ' i: - : ,'. ;;; I : - . 1 4 I . i i ;i:j .' l l . l ii ' 7/..' "'f t:/, 41, . 1 )7Y/, 'f ir i,' ":', 1 67,;:1 - Z( . ..."'.:it::',',:::i gestion; 4/malice, Iheipsy Rheumatism, Fevers, Hu: • T_weeds,,lttans, Bummer • Cloths,. Vestings, Rats Caps, more, Gaut, Nertimuness:lrritability,.lnflaturnaticms, Bo oth acid Shoes, ke• ,N. : • - - Headache, Pahis in the Breast, Side, Bach and Limbs, -. , They respectfully solicit an .esily call front those i Female Complaints, &c. /cc. Indeed, very few are I who wish to purchase good goods at ion prices' • "" • the diseases h which a Purgative Medicine is not I SpringvillOay 8, '54. . McMILLEN & PARK. more or fess remuireil,.,:trd inuch_sielaneasi r and suffer- / lug ,might be. prev , -I.tt-.1, it it. harmless -but yffectual , -"Notice. ler *lre Pistlie. , catlmrilelwere nto,e t-i..... 1. tisol. -No petott can feel 1 T_TAVING just returned from New York I wish to w e ll lvhilr a cotiv,, : it4nit - of I,odv, prev;A :t ire .sides, 1 11 call the attentiou of toy.ola customers, stint- of it soul, gs.norittes ITi ious and often fitt4,l..li.., , aseS, : thepfiltlicin general, to my : • '• which might have been- avoided hy-the .1411,,,1y • alid , • "-- 1- • I.:EW STOCK OF GOODS • . udichtus•uso of a'good purgative. Vida i's talk-true i which being bought with cash at the lowest prices, of Coldly Peril-11M symptoms, anti Billions derange- and wishing to sell principally for the wine; I will (if ments. They all tend to become or prueluite the deep (Cr them at greatly reduced prices. , seated and fonultlahle dime:niters which- load the I, Cocheco Prints, warranted - End colors, for only 8 .hearses all ov4r the land. "ence a reliable family i cents a ysird. Good Brown Stimir, 18 pounds for one"' physic is cif the first iMportance to the public health; : dollar. !Boonton Nails, acknowledged by all to- be • and this pill hai been perfected with cOnsuinmate 1 the best l i Naitin .are, $5,50. per keg. - HatsOnd CapS,, skill to Meet. that:demand. -An met:sive trial of its 1 Boonsaud shoes,Buffalo Robes of all prices, all wool virtues bV,Phealcians4- Professors, at.d Patients r 'lwa • s De Laines, Casmeres, Patamettas,' Dress" Silk, Silk, shown restultseur"passion' any thing hithertoknOwn of I Velvet, &c. Mouslin De Woes, 1 shilling per yard, anyonedleine. I Cures: have been effected ibeyond be- - t Satin Bonnets and Moleskin. Hats,. Broche. Shawla, lief,--were theyinot substantiated by pertains of such ; Double Lens shawls, 'Thibee do." selling at incimettil f ... exalted PositiOniand character us to forbid the sus- i ably lowl prices. Ivan safely. warrant perfect . sans picion of untriith. Among tlfe eininentgentlemen , faction to all who will give me a call. - -I . who have testified in favor of these Pi ps, we may 1 Lant4mo,'Apr. 5, 1851. S. A. LYONS. I ' mention- • t ! ... i ' 1 . 7% LOCK "S.":-. --- geod time keepers, only one dollar. " . Dote. 'A: A lffivzs; Analytical Chemist of Boston, i k 1. . /. ' " . S. A. LYONS. • and State Assayer of Massachusetts; H. J. G•ittEß, 1 L an e A b oro . Ap e ..s. .. - • . Governor of M..assachtisetts; EMORY WAP4PORS" Ex. ;! AIkiANTED—.I66) Hides for .Which the hiAliesi Gov. of, Massachusetta; Sows Meows, Lieut. Gov. ! , . . . . • ~ - price will be_pmd. ~ \ -• • - S. A. LYONS. of Mass. i E. M. Witioirr, Secretary of State of Mass. • j- . ' : Lanesbona ' &Pr 5 - • - JOHN B. 'Fir-ar i a-ran:xi Cath Bishop of Bo s ton; Prof. 1 -_ --.- ',---._ • " ' JOUR Tointrv,lol-the ;College of Physicians-and Sur- I -, t - A - CIUNTIty . PRODUCE taken- in exchange to; goons, New Yeait'vity; Dr. C. T. JACKSOi, Geologist NJ Gcs t ,att, at my store.... ' S. A. LYONS. 1 ' of the Public Lands of the Uriited States i Dr. J. R. , Laneshoro,'APril 5 . .. Cm eros,lPractical Chiemist of New York City, enders- ; --1-----1-- ----------- ed by Hon. WI L. MARCY, Secretary of Slate; Wse ! DAIRYMEN, - TAKE NOTICE! B. Awroac, the :richest; man in America; S. Ls AND St I rilliElubscribers having secured- the kite- right $o Co. ' Proprietnrs - of the Metropolitan Hotel, and .1 A 1) el VIS 7 DJUS'I'ABLE CIIURN AIViD others.. 1 1 1 .1 • 1 111177111 - WORK".h . A - for Susquehanna and several . Did space permit, We could sire many hundred -• adjoining counties, reNpectfullyinvite all Butter mak certificat.,s front ill - parts where the Pills hart. heel: 'cr.:: to ex,norin'e and rear the merits of this new and . us , .1, but evidence even More conTincing, tbau the valnableincre t ition. We urr,pose to furnish each and experb.:•Ce.of lettlinetit public men, is found In their :all of- vtAt .with a I .,'lluns that will produce. as - much eel , ape- t-f ..i. i . • • ~ :. . - litatar in ias ,ilf )i.i. it time as any other churn-;-one it -- i ' r. 7 Thos.: I•' . i - .I' 'l-. ‘. ' ~.' `r) c . .. -ton _' vlrst ire : i..ri, :1' , ..(1. rl ill w t Willi ritpirlrl I ~..epet the buttermilk. _teach and stildv, :y:•• ~ 1 ' i . ' ! z•• Ca ~ p'iblic as lli- 1.. - .."-.l , ind n-io-t - rmrk in Ithe 4o.ft, difuring it perfectly through:the cour)!•st , l '-' , iii'-il the 10'esel-t silt -of cl'!'11411 , iCik: nee hatter aod fit it for use, without removing it from the ea- 37,',.nd. They are; compoutitled not of the :drugs churn.. ;This ;Churn is simple in its construction, sci themselves, bdt.of the medicinal vii tubs only of Veg- entific hi its operhtion, and easily cleaned and kept in e.abt ..: cm .diti.. ext.-acted by to.rt-nrie.ll mocetitt in a order, and. can be easily attached to any propelling ~ .....,.,. , : ! .... 1 .,,,1 .. 0 ',,0,; ~- , 11 , ..,.:•,11 . -,-1.: .-.Telr'n man- rower. _I , . . - -,• -,, ...r . 0 ;', ...• .• it , •i, •-• • • 1 ' e .... 1.1,;.: ....y.,r, 10 . of . Fr ) , f." , :rher particulars ..ripply cwt . -sureilly or bv.let caur.., , l:e., f. , i• to ".i ,-:' .!, . ~• ---.r..i , d it. Cherry ter t., 1 , 1.5. .C. BUSHNELL and. J. S. BRON"S,01";', P- - u . .: l ' -...- ,! Tr•i:'..1.4.•.: - :, , r, ~ f I hi;!l' 4 V 407 - utteierrt: Al-a... , 'asquebanna county, Pa. - - remedy than 1/41l I bithia to been obtained by rity pro, ' t : cess. The r,... r iset t .:isl poi r...etly _obvious. While by !. the old mod-. of eompodtion, every modidne its bur -1 (limed with nure or less of acrimonious and injurious qualiti... , . by rbi. , each individual virtue only that is L desi. yl f.: tb-teu•ati,,le" effect is present.- All the in *. . err a:,,F,,, ',rimy.. rilalities of each substance em p4:1..,1 ~:-.• 1. N11,.1,i,:11. the curative virtues only be :o ing r.-tai:. •l ! flei.re it . .is self evident the_ effects ' should p:ve cis they have proem!, more purely rein - edial, and die pills• a more powerful antidote ,to dis- I ease than any ',other medicine known to the world. . .ks it k frequently eximilictit that Many medicines should be taken under the counsel of an attending physician, and as he could not properly judge. of a remedy without knowing its composititm, I hail- sup plied-the accurate formula; by which both ntyl'eCto ral and •Pilts are Made, to • the whole body of Plicti- ' iinsara . In the United - States and Britisli American .Piovinci:ts. If, however, there shonld be any one who has not received !them, they will be, forwarded' by mall'at hkresinest! - , Of all the Patent Medicines that are offered, how I f±w would be !taken if; their composition was known ! • Their lifc consists in their mystery. I have tio mys te; ies. !The composition of My preparations k laid open to all men, and all who are competent to judge. 41i , the Suttle.et freely acknowledge their convictions of Wok. int:losiOnerits. ' The Cherry Pecto-al.was Pro . municed by scientific men to be a wonderful Medicine : before its effects were known. Many'eminent Phy iicians havo declared the same thing of my Pills, and even more confidently, and are willing to certify chat their anticipations were more than realized by their effects upon trial. They operate by theirpowerfid inflnene.r on the ; internal rkee-a to iv:ilfy the Horr4 375 1 .1.;:11•:'•••1 rt ; .., lu•rltk. .ii : :;,),— .:1•0 , 1•• !'.• •1- ' tmetif. ••• of TI • ••.:. - !..itl. !,tre:•. - 1 - , h ,-, • , 11 'li , '• '•: -- ga:li of .he btuly, estoning their '.---..1;;••!.sr Tale.: to t ItOth, 'and tils• corrt4diiie• whe:-evu' they exist, such derangement; as are the first origin of diseaSe. i Prepared hy.DP , . J.: C. ATER, Practical and, Ana -1 lytical Chemist, Lowell, Mass. • Price 45 cents per I box. rive bdte , for At.ne.. sold by Atm'. Trultzu., 1 14 , 0•bd!.. ; P. P ',. 1:. t • 'P,Aris:;, Ita• ford ;; Citrnett & pws,• : ;;••,', !;..,. ,';: '' -. : , rs ;1! .1.•-! r•-•• i: ni-dieines 1 . • erors. i ALI% ZIF-IF:71. • , STOVES ANI) TIN WARE FOR TILE KV . O iat O ee r ai ß: a l F nad F n li ci E t ;I: 1 ::D .ni :R: f l o :p r i ..e h t E u a t.d. r e . e l i F t n tp : r :l ti nr ct , i p t i i ! t. o oci n rs h t a tei n rin d i \ punt :.- , klydrantic flaunt, dapit:pea wares, lead pipes r , si4ei.&e:, &a. Job work lnne with neat ness ins .egratteh : all orders intrnpar attended to. ISTOVES&PIPt . kr- tjy • hand, a hulycb [1532m3 kept constangy on hand, a large tu3sfyrtment of stoves of the latest improved and approved patterns. Our experience inithe business enableti us to select those i• that we can safely warrant to give entire satisfaction; I Amongst ourinumeroni; stock can be found the . Paragon air tight Star of the West,4 Elevated New World, 1 Clintdn, [Oven. Atlas, " • Cultivator, 1 Phoenix, " Fire Fly, Three States,] Western Qneen, Globe, , " Premium. e. A. WOODp.IITF, ore and More New G 00415. and f i u n l i • supplies of G l now r'or the rec eivi iV n i g ntr ew T; e l ulingot nett• and elegant asaortinent of French Mr - •-- . rstpos.,l iferipo and Cashmere Plaids; Plaid, Fan : ea and Plaini De Lanes , Parotnettoe,Broehe, Square ! and Bony Shatebt, all of new and beast styles, and will be sold, at, 2.slpei cent! less than last . year's pi :tho - a TletV itts9rimert( or I:irdr ,I2i7.7nn&P and ../?na xrc'tx.• • /c r Afits,fitrn.t., R 7, Ft •. 7 Tr i in.ag,. 7:r ?•..J a g;o..(•:-al of 0?1,1*,:zt....0”.K 1 - 4101. Q, bi,ilt' hailz,g 2 41/1:th:: PrV`e:it I , r'',id2re "ntarl-.,-i, will - e sold a correpontiing and reduced prices. • , • • N.:- - n la e.n. o, In. 11\ • Jjevrehry, Jewelry.* AGOOD !assortment of Jewelry, consisting of Ear Rings,' Ear Dmps, Breast Piss; .Finget• Rings, kc. kc., justreceired at BENTLEY k READ's. - "StlT'pr Spoons'. Tea, Table, D essert , Sugar, Salt, ke., warranted purr, for , sate by ; I • BENTLEY k READ. . 1 Rooter acid Shoes., A n untquallis - good assortment of the best make, all rosh and ptrfe# for sale by BENTLEY. & READ. Drugs a n find edicine . s.• A fresh stock genuinfi Drugs and Medicines, Patent Medicines, Paints, Oily , Dye-stuffs, ke., for sale by. • Dec.: 13.] . BENTLEY' & READ. r 1 1 11 E to ring Goo__ ceived at L L. ROST ok quality, style and price. • • SlaA , Dry Goals, ' Collars, Sleeves, z Dress goods, - - Edgings, Cloqrs and Casstoteres, Bintn,to, • WI, it • CLOT 111;c: . ; nr , i( r;,(34.• ra(i ellen; hardware, Crnekery; LoCk ir ;Ire-. 4, fff din every department their gissortn7 is good, and at Moos to suit. Nontrose i l Muth 20, 1855. • I ' j Firs lingeeraitee. THE undraigued has hewn duly appointed Agent the Slays Mfirrest. FIRM INSORMICI, Conn roam. at Hairdsbnig, r., Capital $600,000. js sate and cheap a company as any In the State and In • sums on thi stock or inutual plan- • • I I I 'BILLiNas sraour,. Montrose 'Sept. 18,11866. • IftwO e. B. XLDRED. ', EiEFED -,- ,L'.::', &sow beteg rc• CO's. are desirable in VIM GOODS. • PLOW suoii: . i NEW ESTAELISIIMENT. ' NO,, , E. MOTT : would respectfully inform the 11 I • . publit!" that they are mannfactinini Blatehley's Celebrated Plows. They also keep constantly on hand, Side Hill, Irizyne 'Cattottl, and Men Mom,. rattirattirs, Doti clorns, A';'l,igii and Cutter Shors, Pi!nr P;);ate'of various- patterns, too - numerals to mentionl We hope, by strict attention. to business . , to receiite .our share of public patronage. • Mantilhe tory, P. iPoserr old stand. Foundry; M. Mott, near af'llepairing done on short notice. \ • MERRIT MOTT. Feb. 0. ELIJAH MOTT, FIRE INSURANCIEL iber is agent for the following Insuran Cuinpanies, doing business at the lowest safe • rates. j• ' State Malaal at Harrisburg. I Capi tal $350,000. Cash Virtual at Harrisburg. • canital Moire Insrirance, Xere Cif g. .24% pril 11, '54 EEZ LIME AND PLASTER. ri HE subscribers are now burning .and will' keep ccahitantly - on hand, Lime of a verse superior quality at Montiose Depot, and ,will sell it in- any tin:retitle! at a fair p; ice :'•i:- 1 •!1.g Z• • Si111(.11 , ', 4 , ( P. 11 1 41 11:1Stt.1" Nek• htutd h4matti.rz, • L. !'H I:$ 11. DRINKER.: • IV. JESSUP. • . Mont:Lose' Depot, April 3. • L. SEARLE. . i FARM FOR SALE. . . .• • . "TilEisubscriber offers fer sale, on the . most li b eral terms,•oue of the h st f :rms. for-making mosey, in Northern Pe: , asylvania. The said f;ti this si unt: II in Dinitick,Sus . qcchanna couttfy,cOnvenient to Church. - Grist-mill, and saw-mill. l contains 160 . acres, oot• . hundred and- twenty tire miller a good State 01 cultivation, well - watered:rad froreed, one good frame house, t2B by.:IG feet - , two good barns, o -:e. hundred feet of good shed, hog house, antl.a good young orch ard, all igrafted fruit .thereon. Possession willire given to suit the purchaser. For price apply to the • pro-. primer ian the premises. - Wm.- BAKER \. .. Dilmick, July 18th,-1855. . . 28 w 4. ... STLIAIT fiat INT AND FiAW 1)OST- BROTHERS having pni•chased.lthe above . esiablishthent, -Will keep constantly owhaed-su prr.fine ;Eyed .rive Floor, Corn Meal of superior yual et.si, (lira Chop end Brass at the lowes.t . eash prices.— Custom'' work will he aode with despatch, and in all cases warranted . • . .13Sltf Montrose, July, NOTICE.. Those persons indebted to the subscriber- for fees as RegiSter, Recorder and Clerk of the Orphan's coart would confer a faior by settling the same soon. Montrose, Dec. 6 1854.. J. T. LANGDON. . Window-Sash. - S D.: SAYRE having been appnintedin agent +.7. 1 • for an extensive saab blind and door .manufac tory- are prepared to furnish any articles in this line at less rates than they have usilally been sold . July r 2.4- . . S. R. si P. S. Shaving Cream. t N iartielc which every - .man should try for 'sale . • S. IL b D. S. TT 3.7.--A new lotof Summer Hata - and Cl6ths a for Summer wear just received and for pale cheap' D. R. L. & CO. 1•' S. INIZ SON & SOll - IVrAY found in S. S. Mulford's old 'store, East ' side of Public Avenue. • Montrose, November 15 1854. - _ • F:aqi mad 1137i1sit7s. - of rrt• sizes con Gandy on hand 1 -Lalso - Blinds furnished to otikr by J. LYONS ' & SOS. NevrtGroods Cheap for Cash at the I Head of Navigation. • • , rj` 4 llE undersigned. would - respectfully announce 1 that he is still gelling Good at the old place, and that he has an entire new 'stock of Goods - which he will i seltchrop. C. W. MOTT.' I3AREGE DEL-4.MS for one shilling; Lawns, fast colors, a yard wide, for one shiUing , and Cali coes atiall prices, at • C. Ye. moTre.... Montrose, May 39, 1855. • • • • I r , ker'lta s _Celebrated Vegetable \ l4 • f Componsid, A r ip remedy for Dysentery, Cholent'lforbtas, Cho Infantum or Summer eotnplaints—entirely vegetakle, and bas never failed in a single instance of produeihm the desired effect. For sale in.hottles at 50 e9oFs P itkl 81. • • BENTLEY & READ. Montt OA August 2°. . 1855. Coeds for Land i'Varrauts. ' I-1 HES7BIEET . PRICE paid by L. F.' FITCH. Montrose, Juno 1855.. 23w4 • :Batt lo ItObeit. r. - • A CHOICE lot just eired;l:r i nfr . ered lis ON I o & wb O y . - I__ • Shaw!! tiotsla!• : 4 CIIOICE . Iot of Won) wry •cho l • rtztk., • SCOTT, 01INSTO4 $.OO, Decem6er 3. . • W)I.IiTED, Butter, ClTieT.re,Mg V V 'Apples, Potatoes, Beans, ke. - .S.. M. and a two ho'rse • ea,qule rlage thr tale cheap t.iy• Tl_ A fiesh supply of Silver Spoons, Watches, ewolry, 444, just received. BENTLEY &It > D.; Irsu_fire flitTairc \ DRIINCEII IMPROVED MELODEONS„ more t .1 • received by - J. LYONS&SON. _ Melodeons • • (101illTAIITLY ON HAND or ftirniAhed " to order ob short notice. J. LYONS k SON. CJASII 'PAID FOB WOOL'by , • - • - 1„.r08T kco, Stearns. - and Marvin's IrireAPrees ' Safe's. . rir subtorribers have made arrangements trifi k , nish to persona who may be in wept of them, th, above named invaluable gales, at the same prices for which they can be 'obtained at the mann& truer's.-- Basing 'experienced the benefit of such an.ar dn: ring the, late conflagration ourselves, we wont 111 ., oestly re Commend to others having valuable-books ar i d papery, the preservingef which, would beef irpthera e id , porte.nee. to them, not to de without one. • :Inge Porn $54 to friCA), and we cadexpi a i n 'to wi%ing to, purchase, the tlifnrete e in style, sire, price, &c., said furnish them 'on- short no dee.; with the internal arrangement to suit the pu r . chosen'. - Montrose; December 19, 1804. New. Goods. .. • T mow; &prOts are -now receiving their s a p. • Ply of Spring andSurniner Goods, and W A , cotivined of the advantage of having ready pay, uu detet mined to sell goods at so low a rite as to vince;their customers and the public , generally t h at it will lie to their adiantage as well!. as ours. o u , stock don:dots in part of Broadcloths, C ass i mert . , Kentucky Jeans,' Summer stuffs, - Delaines, L an , " Ginghants Prints, Bonnets, Ribbons, p us . sails, Shawl.; and Black Silks, together with a stuck' -of othir - Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, Grocerie s , . Crockery, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, Rats, ic e , Also, - al l good assortment of Shoemakers Findin g ,_ Call and examine -.our stOck,•and judge for yoursth ei as to 4e truth of our statement. Oul. mottois, (pi c k sales and small profits, Most kinds of country p m , dace taken in exchange for goods.. J.-MOSS & BROS. Neap 31ilford, May 16,.1855. " ' 21st: '• I • PATENT MEDICINES. AA MONG the great variety of Medicines at Turrell's IL Store, may be found all of Dr., Jayne'a justly celebrated Family Merficizes Ayrels Cherry Neu): ral and Cathartic Pills ;. Halsey's Toren Wine - aid Forest Pills; lioofiand's celebrated German Bitters ; Loudetis series of Fetidly Medicines; Merelranri Gargling oil, the greatest remedy for sprains in m a o r li i i2st ever known ; Mathewson's Infallible Heim. dy, andHorg o Remedy ;. Orick's Verthifuge, and - variety of other kinds; Trask's Magnetic Ointment. the great remedy for burns, rheumatism, and all i n . flammatory complaints; Pond's Extract, a first rate thing for simitar.purposes as above Ointment; A n . drews' Pain Destroying Agent, a good article ; Wood. cock's Balsam and Bone Liniment; Atwixars Jana. dice Bitters, Canker Drops, .Liniment„and Dysentery Drops; Baker's Compound for Dysentery; ton's Pepsin, .for Dyspepsia • lielntbold's Extract or • Bimini and Extritct of Sarsaparilla; a variety- e tc Salves, the best market, Pills, &c., and an • alm m endless variety of Patent-Medicines; altogether too numerous to enumerate—but - suffice it to say, that the public will 'find 'nearly every thing in this fine, at the Drug and Fancy Store of ABEL THERM:L. - Montrose, July, 1855. ' P - -;.AGItI 7 : FOUNDRY.. • AY-RE, BENTLEt_d: PfRELINS having purckas tk=7 ed of Wilson & Co.-the Eagle Foundry, are NA prepared to fill orders from the trade, and do wort in their-. line with skill and despatch. 'They will ken, constantly on. hand- Plows, (best, kinds,)- Blom, (ua kinds,). Cultivators, Stra.to Cutters, Corn &alien, cte: dc. de. • • • • -We invite Particular attention' to the Plows 'whit': we manufacture. •We manufactufe and keep for sat 17te Cilsbraterl .Platehley Plow. • ' 'We dare purchased the exclusive right, to ,mantift.e im p and sell in this . county, Wayne, ymning and ..Bradford, Rich's Patent /rottßroin _Mow% The Plow is made ()direly of iron, excepting the Hardie.. It is celebratcd.ror its 'easy draught,: being one-third easier than any now in use, while its strength - and dn. ntbility are greater, .314C1IINERY of all kinds manufactured • and repaired by experier.C• ed mactinests. ' • • - ' -' • Steam Engiriet, Gearing for . Mills, Shingle .►( a ; - 'eliiitPF, df. &c. Among .the Stoves which we manufacture, are the Key Sterne Cookiiig' Store, Rough and Read,odo., est Queen do.; Premium do., and: other kinds, all an ranged for burning wood or coal. .rilsO, Selfißrge. lator, Parlor Store; Collage Par/or do., Stan/eip, two sizes, do., and a variety of otter Parlor More;, both wood and coal burners. We keep also on hrn.i Grindstone trimmings, -Wit Churn . trimmings,,nr- I‘rella and Sho . vel and' Tongs Stands, :1011 , 2 tp der on short notice and at the lowest rates. ;.;=.:lrlo.l)en. . " , y" Orders for, Stoves, k, , rieultural Impleamio, ite., are -soliedikA frtiru . those in the trade, and will bt filled at reasonable wholesale.prices. .1 A L -- 1 7 •N" r' l / 4 ., 11UNG. STORE • • .111 r D • • • Tailoring - Establishment • - - AT . . . STSOTTEITANNA DEPOT, T ASHER S Co. would regpeetfully announce to their friends and the pabbe generally, that they keep" cOnstantly or hand a full assortment of Real! Made Clothing, Btiots'and Shoes, llati and Caps. and ,•v , ;ry thing 'necessary for men and women's rear. would particularly call the attention of country Merchatits to our large stock of Rearlade Of our own manufacture, which we offer at whot•6lle, It prices that will afford great inducein:entsto ciu and short-time customers. • A large. stock of Cloths ' • Cas.simeres, Vestingoc., kept constantly' on hand, for persons desirous oily. ing clothing made to order. .ordeis punctually attended to: Thankful for past favors, we hope to merit a core tinuance• of the same.. J. AMER.& Co. Susquehanna Depot, Pa., Ilayi 12,1655. • _ greater indueenzvas thccrt . KEELER & STODDARD'S , ROOT AND SIIOE STORE. lATIIICH is now filled with a nese . and extepi:l Y .assortment of articles in their Ime, embn :y a 'general variety of new and elegant styles of ides and gentlemen's . wear, among %lAA are Wes French, Silk Lasting and Prenille 'Gaiters, Kid and Enameled Polka , ' Kid, Patent Leather and Ennui Jenny Linds, Bu skins and Ties ; Gentlemen's Freed and Philadelphia, oak tanned calf skin and kip Boav, Morocco, Calf and Cowhide Brogans &c. calf and. cosYhide Boots add Brogans Lail kinds A' Misses and Children's wear. Also, a -general Am* ment of Findings Which consist in part of lasts, peg! 14parables, Hungarian nails, tacks, thread, wax, Ras. Iles,shoe binding, awls, rasps, sandstones, shoe him. &c. Alio oak and hemlock, tanned calf upper smd soleleather, Morocco skins, and linings. Work made: to order and repairing neatly &lit. " KEELER -&. STODDARD - • Montrose, April 0, 1854, ICOR SALE IN:ONE BODY; ,about 5500 acioof Land on the,.waters of :Spring Btook, • a lord Of the Lackawanna river, bilitierne County, Penr.l; about nildwaybetween the thriving 'towns ofd ton and Pittston:. Thege binds are. covered with sable timber, and, being t-iittate in the most exterf•ite mineral region In Pennsylvania—known to cotta iron ore--;—and believed to abound in coal, andand bell also in. the immediate• vicinity of several 'railroit made and now in,progress---offer to. - the -capitalism opportunity for the investment of money that widna occurs. -For further information'aPply to N. sack, F.sq., No. 11, Wall street New . tOrk, or to di subscriber, at 3Tontrose, Susquehanna eounty,Pa., the attornei. in:fact Of the owners. • • April 6, 1854... ' IMRY ITZTER. • Est rayed from the premises of the subscriber, ort or near the first of June—five yearlings. Two re,l Steers, 'one darker than the other.: Three fleiferi, mostly' red, withiorne white on each, the smiler one having more white than the other. Any person F ee,. lug said yearlingli will oblige the subscriber by taking them up and sending him word,.by letter or othervise. , I and he will pay thorn for their trouble_ - " Jackson, July Fat, 1865- WM. LARP.LBIL .V.. 1 tr. i istro tor's Notice. N" - oTicE ig.li+hy givo , l that letter?. of selmini:tia- L tion epee, , tije estate oft ;URSIION BUNNELL, late of the township of Anburu,deceased, have ' '" l)*4ll granted to, .the i subscriber, and all persons. irMebt: ed to said estatri will please, make immediate pay ment, and thosii hiving claims against the estate will please present them , duly: attested for settlement. gONAtlikic BUNNELL, Adm'r. • lk Aconite, Jun/ lath, Ist&' =En • • ' .Australia, .California; •• Or any place op. the :Globe- can not 'resat Valuable Lauds For Sale. ESTRAYED. TAE DEINDAFF 'ACADEMY riIHE NEXT TERM of this Institution commences . 1 the first Mohday of September (ad) . and.contin- Tit *reeks: - And as classes will then be smug ed, and the studies assigned, students are part:War ly requested to ffie present; and*they will thereby avoid much !shot- on the ha lio!stileilt to themselves. - - part of the teachers and em. 110. arid, undt‘r the pre:ient hard times, is f 2 per wi" , 1:; nd will 6 proportionally less if they cease; whileli we have ifvery reasou to believe frots..the ap proachiugharvest. . • . . IIOOI.IIIAN. Nr.zw,tioous. c,;;; • INplit Flints and Ladies' firoadclotb, Delanee & • fie.; jusqopetied and for gala by SON ; ' LYONS & - • • ' • S. IT. SAYRE, I). S. 8F.,:T12Y. S. PERKINS.,