i ~ a Iffliii Reptlblie4q. READ ANS R. rt. FRAEIER, EDITORS SHARLEs • II MONTROSE, PA. Thitsdaiy,, Oetobei 18, 1955. WOOD! ivoion! WOOD! - i . . We hare had to pay-money for Wood re cently, and - are. already nearly out again, if , those with intend .to pay-for,their paper in Wood, kil N c T hOw hard it is . for us to get The ruoney,..t. ey would .certainly bring us the wood rioj/4'ojr, or'elk they are . not the men we take t ion to be. *le Result in - the COnty. • . • By the table. we pablish in another Colninn, I .it willbe! seen that all the Republican candki dates for; County' . offices in , ..this county ;are I elected b respectable majorities. Probehly, 1 we ought [to b,e satisfied 'with- the result, but we oanno'thelp thinking how much better the Repuhlicims might. have doneif 'they had tried.. ''he fact is undeniable , ta t our antag-. onists tattled out to election much more gen erally thin our. men did: F6r example, in Dimeck,l the . Hunkers.polledjust 52, votes Fall, las. Spring, and this Fall, While our majority [ theie is now but little over half as great as past . Fall. In Harmony '23 .Votes were all 'they could poll for Bigler, and this fall theypolled 1,9, 'our .111ajoity,411qe also • being cti. down nearlV - one - half by . the ilitn:, nesa of t i e‘ Republican Vote.. In several of, the Tow ships it was much the same. The. voters, however. are there, and will be on hand to . I help .elect "a Republican President , 'next '-ear. ' Wh - ere there was a flit! vote, the RepubliLns . hav'e gained,on,Pollock's vote. - I. Vie trek of running Elhanan Smith ste , ceeded 1' defeating Mr.- ITem- v stead, bet onr good D rriocrai ic friends rather over shot the ; mark. an defeated.LathroP too.. The follOw ill ing is t ' aggregate vote of.the district.. on Representatives. Sioi. 06 - orge parste: trittabyrgh paper is said to contain a kY'lllr. Darsie of . 4114 one having been led to putliis name to the Card pub:- Mr paper; it is ;proper to . explain laiiie to appear ' Ili:‘r.e.. On . Monday, LS..e. mei Ved . fronl r. Saniuel F. Car . ten -in Thitadelphia - a:letter enclosing d r earkhaving the !natnes of:Messrs. Thomas, and Camila attached, with at from Mr. Carmtilt that we should - ish it Ware his return on Monday lay evening. As we intended to pub iSsuelsof our pa p et that week, 'the las in type and partially printed'when i' i tinalt arrived; on 'l 4 uesU'a:;! eVening.— i narrated to us the prOceedings of the 1 V " lurg Convention, stating that Mr. Dar i Thtimas, and him Self acted together , Eltiazan Smith rccieved 87 - 7 votes in 'Wy- throug&tt, strongly- oppOsing the iyithdraw oming,l3 inSusquehanna, - and Sin Sulk- al - of nim ssore Williamson. After the - nom-• 1 , .) van—td al. 1 . 198. We understand that Rum illation la Mi. ,Nicholsvii, ;Messrs. Thomas 1 and Sh;ni Democrhey promised hiM .800 and C4malt—ha,ving become satisfied that .1: • • , volesc certain in this County alone, anll2oo, Mr. Islifholson wa's a good man for the of f ice, ; if po.ssitfe ~ Glorious result, for Elhanau I . ' and- hatinghis own hssuranes 'find Mr. Dar , - It will be observed ° that Thomas J. - Ingliani sic's' opn ion that he was not. a- Is. - no - W-Nothir.g , 1 , Republican, of Sullivan, and J. V. Smith, Ne. ..—vrentl! to Philadelphia, and learning there - braskaite; of Wyoming, are elected. the ha-. from ' Mr. Williamson andd - his frlelids-that . • .1. • ter rtiuning 11 votes ahead - of Oliver Lath- they fully approved the movement to unite i• i L rOp. E. B: Chase.ind Dr. Patrick it is said, the r,614-slavc•iy S. - . Vote of the ate, and the, il rode 4wn to Snvdi.t's in Rush ; on Saturday withdrlyal.of his' name, they consulted, as before 'election, to do -a little figuring for El! f MI- D s' had _ :it ie. 'reque„sted, - a :warm personal banan Smith; and the consequence was that, I and political friend of liis, whom he had au while ftompsteacrand Ingham each received therizq :to act for; him, (he not being aide to 93 vats in that Township, J. V: Smith got Igo to Bliiladelphia,) ,and whe drew up the 47,,E.Imith 3-2, Lathrop 23. 'lt is reason- card.aspublished i and advised .acquiescence able infer that but for that ride Lathrop „ in the tominationl. -Mr. L'ainialt afterwards, would . Cave got as , many'ir4,,t.es then As J. V, ' to nu,l4e.sure of the colvQ'ent of air. Darsje; Hemp. lug. Lat. J. V. S. 2037 2024' 1099 '1627 94•: 164 446 583 .295 - 405 • 310 • 256 S4sq'a. Wyomipg, 2426 2593 2455 2466 nd those 24 votes would hare elect- Smith, He ought to feel kratefut ed !lira .On he other' hand, •if a large part, of ,the vote o 1 Springville had not beendirovervvovety 1 on El ' .an Sinith,..whom there was no earth, ly promp . ect: of electing, both of. the Republi can candidates would haVe• been elected, as llempatcad is only 42 votes behind J. V. Smith: - It isl seldom that a district is so effectual -. ly.rep l l esented, in some respects, as this . will be ilex Winter. ;Ingham representsthe rna jority,land Smith the minority: , The litter is desidedly a minority Representative, for he veal beaten in every county, and that too, by the men who were not eleotej---}lemp stead beat him 410; votes in Susquehanna, E. Sn4ith 204 in Wyoming, and Lathrop 54 in Sullivan. - Perhaps be is so good a Dem ocrat 'Oat he will resign, so as not to thwart the wilt of themajority. •'. . ' .. - .1 . - Thte election furnishes another 'illustration of tha importanokof a vote. , • . • - Onel , - .. rote more for ;the 'Republictin ticket. ~ . in-each Township Weald have elected it en _ tire in this district:- DOrtli-forget. that 'next iyou that staid at flume " to thrash buck- year, u hea. The Result in the State Although we have the official returns froni but ifew•counties. we, have. sufficient news 1 from! l l l the State to makeit e pparent. that\ Ar nold Plumer is elected Canal Commissioner •bv a urge majority, and that the Sham 'De . znc.Kraey will have control b 1"t" oth branches , . -of the Legislature. ' Various causes contrib • uted fto produce this ,to us unexpected„ re suit. ' The Philadelphia. Pittsburgh, and Mir- •' • ~ risbug papers, and .most others that we'have .1 seen rrorn the middle andlower parts of the' State / i ... attribute it 'mainly to . the Liquor Log*, a secret oath-bound . :polAil organ • "" n,' • natio which has became very powerful. and li which used its . \vhole power . hi most sections to pqmiote the success of the Dcmoeracy.— The hiladelphis 'Ledger says the League • • . polle ! , a very heavy tote - there and sticeeed-. EA iril :defeating every man 'on the . county ticke who took . -the. pledge to sustain the - present liquor law.- • • • .-. . ,A4 the cause - Of the defeat of the anti-Ne -1 bratikn forces,- was their! divisions and 'guar ,rels alnaong thernacjies. - Instead of. taking the *me that the pressing importance of the . slave 4 issue as this crisis demanded, the op= patients of slavery extension wasted :the earn, - paign in fighting Over KIIOW. Nothingism,- to _ which 'in Many parts of the State they devo • ted themselves so exclusively as to leave the' .the.liebraskaites to manage everything their own: vay. Atiabitious party leaders are doubtless- re /spouiible for -these di'ssetisions - ;' for if the . ] KnoNi - Nothings were as good Free .Soil men . as they claim, they would certainly 'have \ pret , ' ferret to aid in eleCting the Republican can- Aida ;tes., rather than IT running tidets ofi, their own,-etisur kt the de:featt 'of both, aia - iiasi • +Jolie t . in many places; add we • believe. the inass . - of the . oi - der-AM. instance in Allegh • eny I'.:otitity- 7 would thus haVe sitewn -.their . - - _ - Attachment to Free Soil principles, but for. 1 tho free struggle that took place between the 1 • • . . . . . NM Republic. n and Kno !Wiling pitpers and,; lenders f rthe supretnacy. Tli,exilirtple of Ohio hotliillaiv 0 -in ..P.Ousyi FliniltAere'. ; -, fore w hit' the shaiiit , Denitieraeyl'are defeat. .t;" • - '!,- t. , . • • e 0 in Oh olii,;tre ttly are.triumpiliant-t*liiiti,, Ohio hai l ' Made, g#ouso::eparailonfortglit. ha g the g ( jreat battle 61 . 1856,*in t ) ;ennsylvania ' all is oti 'fi fusion; divisions anktmeertainty. , • .There is iv:questionably a larxe4hti-Isiebras -4 lin and aitti-Administration majlrity - in this State, bilt 4 ,split tip and divided tits that major , i t ! . it ean.aecOmplish nothingtorgood. 64. in the home of Wilolimson :and twill l:ie hailed as - a pr4slarery tri , I.to small magnitude; and Unless the • ' oft the - administration. eonsent. - t0 'thej bingle iSsne.i . ,of: . (pposition . to aggression,' we= may !ooli' to• see •a'tiitt turn the seale in fiver ofa pro,: iiesident;;in 1850. : ....1! ' . ;-:••• -. • • -• ; i , l;- , -4 , ,;1-11• I I!... • ::,.....--- . - ity now This- res Reeder, umph tvponert utiite FlaverV - -1 Pcithsyl Slaver) teat Ica.. ~ _ ... . i. i issißX'eniLsylv4llll4..*:;,; . The ' .. Y..TribUne of NY*lnesdayisays :-,-- " So' fai. ' s *e can judge from diereturn:Sand reporollieh have reached :ti's from nine tenths the State, the. : greatr pro.Slas.ery . Dernoeratiavietori is.no'vtetory at ati,so'far as the popular votais.etarernes. . PluMer bas,soma Ten Thousimd plurality,. but the !votes cast against him sill probably outninnber those cast in his favor." ': a, rumor. here that a telegraphic from Harrisburg says Nicholson is X-1000 m:ajority. Probably not sb. Thee: desputd elected As a deuiall author lished how it ci Oct. lat malt, di a printeli DarNie, I a retitle not pub or Tucs 16h tw paper.' Mr. Cai llc theii Harris silk. Mr. , . • went t 4 tne omee and telegraphed 1-to him Int MMErgb, but got, iii iepiy,iind after wait. ingov I.:Sunday; informed that the tele grapli m e was r.l w n. homy, r.nderstalidinefrom Mr..'Carmalt that he believo the eankto.. express au.sie's sentirnients, and th . at the distincmiShed Sena tor Whir drew it up- felt anthorixed.to use Mr. Darsie l 's name, and believing. that ',the failure of the ele , rraph• Was the only. reastin that. we had . ni.)t, his exptessassent,*we 'thought no wronilin publishing" the Card with his name attached. • .We 41-minty had no desire or mo tiveip , to. ire or ItnisrepraFent Mr.. Darsie in r . any way, and believe no one concerned I had ; and the, Whole matter seems to have origib. ; • ;t; ted in a mistake its to his ':position of i.ter 1 a l ssmore-Wllliamson*had declined . Pitism ore WOliamson's Near Friends. NO koonerwaS it known among the sham tfeniorady h e r e; that Passm,'ore WilliamsOn•l i, •had 3eclitted, than they for`the first time be- I •i • i gan t( feela gre at deal of sympathy for bin). Thotigh the editOr of the brmoerot had re- fused+) supportihirn, on . theground 'that he was,T a State Prison' bird," and had already I prin.:o . his." anti-Nebraska" County ticket I with tie pro-slavery candidate fur Canal Conn missicer at itS fiend, as soon as Williamscin's name was with/frawn,, an editorifl. appeared in thelDernocr4t4n h;.s favor; anti votes were printed for bin!' it the Denwe rat Office; and sent around the, (?unty to Repnblicans—per: - haps o 3 t ofregai•di for Williamson, perhaps w ith the i»e ofd isttaeting ihe Reptiblican vOte,and. .I , : 1 .4 ! 1 so'givrng P lumes a majority .inrthe County. To ishow how: These same men treated Pass more IWilliainSon before he declined, our read era . aFe referied; to an article copied .into: the lat issue Of the Democrat.lVbre electiOn, froui 1-Philtidellihia paper, of which article t . : , • • Chasei l sitys in an editorial i "It undoubtedly , - reflects about the true state, of the case—, the • seiktii . Ont of all, thinking, hondst men gener ally,7' We . -can 'prtly *eke roomfor the l, .: • fol lowing cxtract fium the i article the. Democrat editoo highly i'airrimends;hut it is` enough ic ' stmw. his fedii 2 4s with regard to this vie tim.oft judicial tYranni : • . , . . Pa.. snore William-4,cm has-no one to thank but,hiltriself for the difficulties in which he now. finds . him--ef,f. "fad' he. minded his own busin*, and leelothet-, people unmolested at tend to theirs, he might now be enjoyingthe plea.stire of his fitfully circle Allis own fire. - ' side', and find enough i within a stone's throw arotini him. desqving Of charity and acts of ofloi evoletice, *to engage all the tneans he has t,.5,.. spare for ja puipose of that.. kind; . and all .i i he time his ,'business engagements would allow bini 'to det,t;ote it), so tioble.a.cause. In Stead, orlookingiaround him at home to do good, Where in the exercise of charity and beni-v l, l fence . ho,panger ',would thteateu hun,• :hie .oh se the hoz4rdotif 'and less laudable nit-. der ' 4 4, ing, ofintehrerio with the rights of oth. eri,and.having;:doneio with a full knowledge ..of the r ireeponsihilities'llached .to his conduct .he tit r Zlatne.hiAeselflOnly. f o r . . th.e 'awkward predirontentis .41tichlhe is ,nOw_placed. - • - Ala . I for the coo/duct for Judge Kane we **hall. T t , nore on ariothei,oceasion to-Say. Oar ?aka are alitady !estetided. to too great lati eto . .eipr t esa l ; 0 1 0; 1 • fully in..relation. h r: f t e :r e s , ho - sufficient for P sem to _i4y, , ttiat we have no.dowht the. r :bent . whiii he preticks had juri.vdictionr, 1 - c, he 'remises fend he had therefore !wait: bay rem len to the . . . . Second .be.tt, J. H. Hollister,. ~.,..• . ary9o laird hesk;Michael Kean,: ;' . .:1,00 . •-•:7,---,, , • 4 ,, , ,,, -..- RUFV.I3 Sbl/7141-Tro . , .. I fGECMARRititIN I3 '. 1 :;?; . '' . -' 1 '• ''_ Srmiiiiiii TtfAxl4. • i &st Tess Yok e * of Oien. :,.,' .1.;',. , • .. .. . „ . The judzes , on Ihe. beet ten !yoke Of Claen . report .that the:ii•have•madeall the ex/al - tuna: • , lions, and in our opinion, do award the first 'premiunt td Brooklyn : and the second to Bridge Water,. -. Also, -on the best wOrking Chen, 'dii,livaia - the'flrit prernitim to Robert Kent, t 5; the . second premium to. Manning : _ . . .I),crigo,!s3 ; 'and the third to', W Mien-Iles,. ,„. / , ,-,t Pass3iOns Iv ILLIA*SON S t4V3r.—A -NEw sup, t 2 . 4,• There were a' iiiiinber of very fine PIiABE.-'Jane Johnson, the. re;teently libera cattle. but we could not give premiums to. fed 0113 , -, o f Joh n iH . whi ee l er, a , f ew all ; .pne pakof -1 year,Olds belonging -to Per. , • - 1 . 1. - rin Wells -Ilya, were large and nice, and thank days side - presented a petition -to Judge •.. • - . i others that we think would do. onor, to any Kane for:the liberation of Passmore William-f - - : Dimas JUSTTN, - , 515 n. - The case wits argued ail Tenoth 7 - when armer.. ! . :, - ' ''. .F.. 1 .1 liowsTEa.- i . , .. . - ~ , ili ..., • _- - .... - • J JudEs - KASSOI•t. the itiali..rerdered l his decision. in an Blab- . . • l• • • i; orate opinhin,.re'fnsind the. - pravez of the po_ '-- -..:‘ '.. '. • . Sheep 1- •1- - -.,, -~, • , - were 25 'sheep 'entered 'for; preini titioner.. ,t , In- the Course • °ibis ititiiqii, Ju.lge .., . . . -- . orli k , 1 he'oorntinttee recomniended't ie for- Kane reiterated ihe' - doctrinc. that,' Mr.-Witee;', ,• • 's ... hick •• - - ~.. i. ' illWrrl ,, . Were WinpteU:.' . I • r' . ler odid not lose" Ids 'ownership l. of the slareS 1 For.'thl! . tiot r. Long . ;wooled-Beck, Hen- •- • c . F r e e,.t. Hen by bringing them' into a tats. This dv- 1; 'r)r Drinker 1 • •': "' - • .$3,4Zi45 . • ;,d - ISoriund ;best, M.-.oakley'. . '-. _'_ ._ _-_ 1 2,00 r - • out only, to issue ihc.wrtt prneee lor by 051: , onel. Whieler. Believing this follireA" of eon rse, tlint we.regayd Ao hue been titniu ty.4\l7,llliiimoori-tn roatienfull andpOtoPlße! refint :dbiclesing bly, tinvarnisbed '.ittstp mentunder oinh,',4ll the fact -4 w)lii* he knoNiledgie f :atid . ,Pmt,l on ft : tiling:to *d0 , 40, beininniltted 1 greiout:inistalf,.. exhibiteda spirit- of 'defi.anre the judicial, tribunal 'before wl-Aeit he had been summon' eu to nnsWer, no law and Order-loving cit izen sho uld ever tify. , ' eishm, iff'sustained, and the doe nine earl* out in pi*ttieei will amount PI nothing less • • • , , than tne r i l iextenflipg Of the taws of Virginia over thiSStat.e, and the re-establishment of Slavery 'ln Penns'ylYania, • • MissO4iii itiready'ruakos . laWs for Kansas; - and Virg h .for Pennsylvania. Is it not time that ire asked ourselves lin all serious. . ness, were ail tin i s s to ilia .ti. • • „±..— • Onto:; 7 —Salmon P. .Chase, the Republican Candidate, is - elected governtir or probabli.'2o,oo6 Majority, .oVer 1 : eandidate l ef the- sham Democracy. notwill standingr.Some 20,000 votes Were pollelf_in the Stat 4 bar Trinible, - who received thesup, port of the Whigs and Know-Nothings of the Silver Orly - stripe. In Ohio the opponents of Shivery exten sion unilrii and are victorious-Lin Pennsylva nia they , 'q - liarrelled and are def eated. -Expe. rienee May teach us to dtT better next- year. ; ,, , 8R40911p COUNTV.—/II Mil l/ lona the W110:0 Bepubl4an ticket is elected bY•front.looo to 1800-niojority. • !Messrs. Larkirte and Ho'. comb uilio represented the doo,,ty so alpfy. and well! last year, are re.eleeted to the isiaturc4'.ind Piolett, Buchatein's frit'nd and Wilnioii's ;Lie, has the people'S leave to stay at hoin(ii I Well dune, uid Bradford.- .~g~•ic~~j~~i•al. SUSI;),VEIMNICA COUrNTY OAIR AND CATTLH SHOW - The Annual Fair and Ca;ttle Show was • 1 I held in Montrose on Thursday, October 11th, 1 ,1 , , and itti;the variety 9110 octetit imp its crispi , ay I flu. execiled any preViouslYheld.by the Siieb : e.ty, Ili' is, indeed, a . Skibject of cofigrittola.. i lion wi w th•th6se who were tie first to estate. i Hsi' thiteSoelety that 'at no +Tie has the Ex ,hibitiotii of any year fallen behind that :of its' predee4ssors, either in - the interest manifest l , ed by ;the citizens of the (.l l ounty .afid their i , ilunilieii, yr in the display of farm I rOiltlet:4. The hddress was deliVered igler, oft Philadelphia, the Et] l . gressiv Farmer, and was an, I .-• • i i tical anti- useftil production--; i of wh;.iill the following rest& j„. rata atippted :• 1 - . • • I?escilved, That the at:wk.:of the Society be preiierited to Mr. Sijang'e - r fir his excel lent adaress, and that a copy of it be solicit ed for Fublication, and lhat Ihe be elected an honoraky member of this Sckiety. I I - Thelinunber of entries cff . Cattle wac -- for which the different - IC -nit - In - litters- - fec•iim• mendacl pretmums•as 14 1 1lows: REI*RT 01' JUDGES O N 80-LS AND COWS Thelundersigned, having discharged the du ticsasiigned them, rep?rt to the Agricultu ral Sc:iletv of Susquehanna 6s foikiws: For the . •Cest Durham Bull, Stephen- W. Breed, ' I - 15.00 .• Secon4 beit, S. W. Breed, 3.00 .For the best Devon, lihrric. Smith,..-. 5,00 Second. best, •Georg,e. W. Tyler ' 3,00 For th:e beSt Grade Bill; i F. ki:Holliste r , 5.00 ~ Second bekt, Michael 14an,1. : - 3.00 For the beSt Cow, as regakdS form and 1 appearance, Harris Smith, 5,00 Second best, Thomas Sweeltiev, . '. 3;00. For file best lot of N 5 . 0 1 70wv.; B. A. But- terfiod, - ” ” I 5.00 t- 1 • :Yotir committee having received no repre shiatihns is to the results bbf any cow, make no award as to the beSt. C . tsv from' results ; and thi.v would call the Mt :ntion of the Soci ety to l : Iti Devon Bull exhibited - -by Mr. Geo: Atkinson of Wyoming' iConnty, and recinn.: mend .hat they award liiikt a, discretiOnary pretnitjni of 12.00. We were much pleased with iti yearling. Bull owno ,by William L. Post 4 - 4' .MoritrOse, .and feel confident from the exhibition of stock matte to-day, that the Soctietit is, doing a great tlitl for its-improve -1 mcnt. Ii • - Thos. P. PIIINNET.. li C. J.. 'HOLLISTER. li - DAVID WAKELEE. , 43tatched Steers and : ' Fat C9llle. . • 114: , CoMmittee appointed to examine Mateht..d Steers and VaoCattle, make the folloOpg repo.it . I Thefr:have examined alll ed. for their inspection, an ified . t 9 see such fine specii i tut cuUtity stuck. it it cl thdre•is a spirit of leudabl our st6ck.grolvers that wi: - • and salutary influence upo intereft of our county. and orAinary stock raise. , ago, y&iu see those , that %, any Conn- _Fair, and we it of Wortliy enterprise wi ery year, and that her gt l faniou's as her Corn and B as folli)ws: „ • "For the best rnateneo 3 y Merritt, .: .. .. SeeonCbest, J. P. Sinith, Third 'best„ A. Sweet, 4es4 watched 2 year ak cock:, Second best, C. J. Third 'bet, Edwin For the bust fat cattle, Jol I"9ung Si,ck. • Theimtnittee.to .jud , wan Young Stack do . respectfully submit tin, following awards: For the be'st 2 year old Ilcifer,.to D, • .Whitney ; .'.:. - • $5,00 Second best,:p. E. Whitney, • .... . 3.00 Third best, .Tiirtifthy • '2,00 - Be 4 5 yarlings,.l!arry ,5,90 . .Secand best. . 3,00 j fhird besi;C:. B. .qrifit4,. . ... 2.011 Fir the best 5 Calves, ilarry . Smith, 5,00 li - For/ th 6. hest. Long-*ioled.' Ewes, . • StOwnrt,-• For' be,it - Sonth Down Buck; Le SlitninciA, • • • Socond ;best, M. Carriet., For thti he . st South Do*ti • Rollins,. , ... .. .. •.. SeCondt nest,- H. P. Robins, Best Fint..•Wt/Oled.Bitek, E. doidrieh, SeContthest, Best. file-woOled EweS; E. Roper,:. Second': Second'. best," E. Goodrich,— ...... ' • Wsi. C. AI • • C. Cos- F.,PECK. • Szeine. 'nein were entered for Oren - daimon 33, for the l'eonimittee ons wit leave. to report, that they award pre as 1611(4s: Best Btveding Sow, Win. JeSsup,... &eon& best, Shelden Meacharn, • The a bov e are of the. Chester county! For the hest Boar, (white Sitlfollt bree Jessup, Sewn& best, John.HaiTington: Best, lint crf Pig's, Win.i Jessup, Setond: lies; Shelden Meacham, . One of- the Committee, visited th Fair at; Elniira, and is - deeidedly of that: no boar was exhibited there e J iidga Jessup's, acid Ain't, the swine Fair ar.B fully equal to those Elinirk • E. a BAni TiIIOTHY J Horses. - .0f - I-lorses there were entered, for tion .31, on which thi- 7 Ornmittee rttri lot lowhigirepiirt. We award— :For thte .best Stallion, Dinliel Stewart, Seennd hest, D. I'. Roe, Best Mare and Cult, Eiijah Second hest, Wm. 11. Jones, Best Matched Horses: J. W. Br'ackiiel, Sceond best, M. L. Catlin, As :there were no premiums otTei vrithout colts, im fillies or on' horsey: they have awarded- none, but say that the exhibition .was good. DANILL BSNJAMIS • DILLIS One of the committee states that• an error • 3 was made iu .copyiug their report, two that they \ iittended to award to R. B. Little a pre mitnnl for the best single horse, and io a T. t;oe forsthe.sceond best single horse, bud that the premium' for the second best stallion was in.tem4ed to 1 o awardetrto Stephen floag.; In stead D. T. Roe. The subject, will bel)rought bet'or4 the next meeting 'Of the Soeiety. I • Domestic, ..Ifanisfai-turel. The connUitteelou'Domestic Manufaebt re's • beg leave respe.ctiiilli to report, .that they haVe 'examined ,the - varbufs4rtiele,4 stlonttie'd to Ith4i: inspection with intieh plea:Ure, and sati-llietion, and have agreed on the following 'award: . .. - _ • . .1:or the best piece, of Flannel of ;2o yda., -Mr - ,lsnac-Butts—Jst Premium. • ; s•:.l.ond.best..ll yds, Mrs. John Harring tc,:l-4-2,1 •,p re miu tn. • I • I . ,•;.).0 yards, Mrs. Obaitiah Rai ; • . •. 3dvernium.- I Fine Yarn Carpeting ; 27 - yiirds, Mrs. . • A. S. 'l'ld:inv . -Ist premium. ' • I Seond Lest, 40 yards, 'Miss Susw Loontis-2d premium. 'Third best, 21 yds.„ Mrs. Isaac Butts-=-3.1 premium: 'Best. piece of Rag Carpeting, 20 yds. Mrs B. C. Sayre--lst prerniiim. . Second best, 20. yards, Mrs, F. M.; Pab cock-2d .premium. I I . • Rest hall-dozen Wool Socks, MiSs.Esther Gardner-Ist by A: Sran itor of the l'ro eminently prae, it the aolle:u7sion tinn was offered IRE Seep nd best, Mrs. kaac Butts-2d premium. Best Bed Quilt, Mr,. Benjamin Sayre-Ist prertiium. - • , . • 1 Second best, Miss Helen Bullardt-2d pre miutn. • 1 - ' .?A large number of 'articles being exhibit ed, your committee found not a little diffi eulty, in...some cads; in drawing the line of siiperior merit. la . making • their - swards, _therefore, they wish to add as worthy ofh'on orable mention, some very, niceQuiltS 2 ex. hibted by Miss Clara Bullard, Al. s. Aaron Tailor, . Miss Lenora Allen, Mra. - Sarah Morse, Mrs. S. 'W. Breed, Mrs. - Reynolds, and especially one exhibited by Mi . sts Emma Roe, a Mis_s-otily -fOur and a halt syears old. Alsip, several fine pieces of. Carpeting exhib ited by Miss Helen Bullard and _Mrs.-Lucy Shermafi. .: 0. G. HEMPSTEAD.. . . ' -. MRB. ABEL CA4SEDY. . , . . . ~ • . ..... Mits. JAMES li l AssoN. •:: .. . Cabinet' Ware. Your committee regret that there was not a 'fnore full exhibition. of this useful and beaUtiftil . ware. For a beautifid Mahogany . .Seeretary and Book Case exhibited by Smith dc'Fordhain, they being the only exhibitors, they would award to them the highest, pre. mitini. - Wit. H. BOYD. • ' - ' ' LORENZO REACH. 2 . . . Cidrr .Vinegar.. . , .. t 1 e, the judges-appointed to examine the Seyeral -articles, - namely, ;Grain a'd Cider Vinegar, have examined the Vinegar, and do . award the - Fi flit premium to - R. S, Birehard,....s2,oo Second to N.*l ) : Wheaton,' ' ( I ) 1,00 . DANIEL Mc Lurid. " - • RODNEY JEWETT. •: 1 Fancy Needle Work and Floaers. i The committee on Ornamental Nlework and t Flowers report a full . and ov rflowing d exhibition . .in this department, and! feel . that Hit; interest has greatly . increased and much hay been: done to- render the Fair rand attractive. 'The Needle Work 1. ited - gotxf taste and industry— , ' • ''.. The committee advise that • a cei,i merit be awarded to Misi Mary 'lll for a • fine specimen. of fine - Musli Work. .• - ' - • : Miss Dora Keeler is entitled tol l prilnium for elegant Scotch Work speciinen4Sf elaborate embrOidery. Eiegint Specimens were-exhibitei CiiiNtitte, Mrs. -Theodore I Lyons; LSh - phiii . : LyOni;•and Undersleeves - s needle.:4o - rk:' by Miss •Bessie'.Rill r ei'lnce, greatAN and - taste.. . ylil A Collar of rare pattern,biss C I aid, one by Mrs )Bullard.- and ' Alin the Stock' present were highly grat tenS of Susquehan arly 'manifest' that ambition amongst 1 1-I -hare a powerful • rt the stock-growing nsiead of The lean here a few ,years ould do honor to (trust that this Spin: 11 hitcrease with nekvwill become as tier: They award ar olds, J. W. 3,00 2,00 s, E. a Bab- 5;00 . • .. 3,00 .2,00 rf Harrington,. 3 1 00 I : RAD WAKE:LEE.. ARRY LAW. J. . • ham, of Seote 1, work, which • attrneted great -; attention.-and tidniiration. A Lollar b'y,llflasi Dungtore.and one kft• Atary•D Biddlt &fair ergs alipwe4iskill . atnlfiektne4iiin rtis - t- 1 •Aning, by .4*lo 41 c 1. Tns*r a;n Mrs. Aayre the etir4imittrj ; Mttrn,thkiks ;heir 411 r ihd ereiliefible.entitiAitioia to the 'air evincing taste deslo-and skill in [ execui tion. Mrs. Sayre's Oval Frames of t r .eather, Work, Me..ts and enskions, merit hormrable mention AMU he Society. To Mrs. Chandlerti us usual, the eetromlttee feel great lindeht4 edness. -I Miss South •orth exhibited a Le — ather C:►S ket BUN of ve y tasteful workrnanshiri: , Two. Otton fins s bk Miss.S:llolles— l sperfect specinienx - Of their style. , • • Another', l 4 Miss v :'.4e..1,Y,.4-.Very. P4.A.:8•1 ful- young beginner. I • •• . I ~ I One. by %Miss-- LoOnlis, of elegant ; design,'• but deficient in rich eulors.:: •f : -,. . , I , - .i 1 Two Paintings s iti Oil, from, original designlq. by Miss Ann 4 . .Frascr, who has:don:6 honor to hi.iSelf and 'dip .coliiiiiiplitY'liv lierSticeeS4, in'this'ilePartnient,lWhiell'is so little qultivat4 i ll ed in Northcf Penneylv.ehia.• . - Tho paintings M deserve or i tban ticertificate. ~ I. . o ~.,. A Chair. Wars WOr s l,."part.l4!: finish!. ed, by Mrs. 11...1 7 .. F tiiii--the Cabinet. W.orli, meritorious Ili `Messrs.' S;;lith - kFordliitin. .' s Mi. 44: NI; •i•. , ,fert--I.xhillited apilshipn, net icule.'Chair Q,•%,,4. of :Worsted:work, four Pieces of Shouled \lorsted, work, and other speciniens. ill adding, yarietyto thei t isplay. - -. .Misis ;stilei . exhibit ill a "Paper FloSVeK , llts- s kot of great', eattie • ,4,..s." ' • Prot: IN'il it. s •Deinis'adds new : lustre fo'his Hanle,lilt-call so' eminent among us; f: by the display. of .iliantiful Daguerreotypes: . - • .; . Miss now : . A. Hunting ha; "earned th'e comnietalailtWof all lovers of the beautifill in'art i by Ifni: exhibition of two bti.iiioful Bas kets eonstruc i ted.Of Moss: . - • The display , of flowers was better than • I. • I ever hefore.im the history-of •the Sucicty.---- Oar Fair inters too Lite to display .the glo- ry- of d our Tloral productions, and the late cold wet sea:son has rendered thil fuTt unu sually inauspicious.. It' *as ,accordingly a Source of re 4 l sstisfitction and c.njoyinen L, liqt only to yott s i cinntiiittee, but, to ;ill in attend ance upon the Fair, to find an exhibition li t. Once so large and so beautiful. You will readily conclude, from ,the taste i•Xhibited this year in this department, that it a suita ble building. Were erected fur a floral Hall, where'. huhu; con Id „safely and tit:1.0111y, AT-. ;range their hot-house plants, Sitsluchatant county could vie with any county in North ern Pennsylvania. in Flowers, a; the dials in the Haim substantial but less jbeautiftil, - products of i ithe garden and the farrn. - Mrs. B. I-7. 'Sayre exhibits four Pyramiii.; and four li'ases, and a well-erraftged col lection of iflowers - , including s secferal. tine Dahlias. !I • • I s • Mr , . William Jessup, a Tower, formed of Evergreeii;. Snow-Berries, and Aslillierriii , i: neautlfollylinierwoven an.1..-iii•inouilted by a ..,, .-, :•, ; • c , -. 1 ........... -11.a.iiiiee, or ......._,_:_ • , . j. , me.. G, s ioe ge W. S(1'8111(.11. two. ;!,il - ,,•!ves of 1 3,00 3.00 2.00 1 3.00 . 2.00 3,00 00 . 3.00 . 2.00 BEI Swine, e" beg ininnis . gcl.oo . 2.00 • • b retd. I d) .0.00 . 2,00 . 3,00 2,00 State proton qua! to at this oil tit ,ocK. ME lexhi bi de the ~ $5 00 , . 3.00 5,00 3.00 ggie F;owers—it. groat varJety: I' Mrs. Irienry Drinker, three Shelves of 1 Fl o wers, 4u:biding a tine assortment of -Ver.- i benas. wi!kt li.t•li“ii.e. Hams. , , A inng itli• e w -Reeimen .1 ramp:i-lila In ; full lihriorni from Ntrs. Cii V. Birml..ly. • i A. speeiliren-or k. ,i a . li i. (* a pt us. lii' l ,light -by ; Mrs: Jareil Wainer—name of.exhibitor not . ; i nivel). ! i - i &• . ; Mrs. Tilliam 1. Mulllird„. a Cornueoliia, 1 . . formed of!mosse:,•and pouring-forth in great 1 profusion ia,e.iricty of Flowers, creditable ex•en to Itt* . excellent taste. She. also exhib its several, vases and liogNets. i• • I A beautiful Wreath of Autumn I.,:tves. tinted by: . Jack Frost an d plaiteil 1,2,- miss Dora li,c4. er. . -. •• 1 . . A Vase] of Autumn Leaves, colored- by the ; •1 same. milser artist and arranged by Miss Ju lia Riley . .„ • 1 ,, 1 - The fir t- . eertificate for Flowers to Mrs. B. Chapman 'hVre.". - -% ' First c rtificatefOr Worsted NeOle-work I to Miss Maria Meylert. • 1 - !• , I ••. Mus. Wm. J. TLIRRELL. • -I _ “ v r Al . II M. J. MILFORD., 1 . ' " WNI. •L. . • L -PO-r. ' ~; s Poultry. . i .. i „ 1 The coil - mutton on. Poultry respectrully re-; port. thati they ha'e examined the s l peeiniens • presented fir exhibition, and award the pre— . miums'ottered by the Society as - fuj ows: First p'temium : to Isaae.J.Tost ' T .5.3, for I the best lot of Shanghai Chickiels. ; 1 Master Post ako exhibited fine specimens •of .DuckT,. Turloys, and . two Wild . Get '- e. .w (e a r:o. l l- .0 11;y wounding. and nios• ipii e guile.)a 1 xvlioli ere elbj. et ~,.. l of attraction'any admira tion tc ninny. and added much to - the inte rest of 'the Poultry departmetit. ; None. of these speimens *etc entitled to an: urn unthir the printed ; list ':of the which requires not less than - ix in ;. uttered. 1 • • 1 • ( . - , t - .,n1 premium to S.• A. NewtH for; six fine Imperial Corbin Cililla-c . Third Ipientiutn to Master H. C of $l, fly six Shanghai chickens. • ; i . 3.00 hell fig. u I) rok r would MN 112 - - • • N. C.. WARNER • 1 Batter d Cheese. , I an The , display of Butter (which h:,, now be-. come th . ..i.staple product of - the couzltV) was far superior to any heretof , ,re tuat4 by the Society, loth in eitiantitxund quality', and .al -I.int'very puch 6 superior (olthe exhibitin made at the St ‘ tte.Fair at Ha, isbuq,E. Tie Om mitice tornke the: follow', g report :• The . qantity nod the i nifitrin good quality . of Butte presented to.chern for inwectlon, gnve evi4enee of . deeided.improvetoVnt in the county; and ybui• committee found much die; ficulty in selectit* from thenotoberlt - if good specimenlq the hest.. They- award t . •-••,. The. first! premittnn to Mrs. Decker,.;...55.00 Second ii i remiont.to Robert Morse; .1.. .3.00 Third piltnium ko Lucas Stagger, ..i .. • 2;00 They f, , ko recOmmend diseretionar l y premi ums to the follOWing Mrs: D.iStewart,. . - 000 • " IL: C. Cotikliii, • r . -2 . . "r H. BoOine., ' .1 2 MOlhnich, .1' 2 J. .I.L. Dill; 2 L, IMeachlttn, . I Ely, ... 6-4rrz,. \Valke , . i 1 " • E.iwin Tasinr; , • " Wlllintn Smith, . j- 1 " ERZ. linwe - g,i ...„. , 1 1 . .. " J. P. Corti- , .. ... 1:- • Your 4titntliiitee are plunsed with' a4.4iol't :V: fol I 114 : y I. L. Potrr—Derir Sir: I would state (4t your re que=t) dial from thirty COM% ire have made 4O firk ins of Buter up t6th . e present Lime, October 11th— made.byMrs B. Bodine. • 13. A. BurrOtra.t.n. And t h ey wO m - Int utd reaend butt er-mak it ers ‘ to fudnibh reports of such character here after, containing information of ankh impor tance. 1 . - ' Your Orntrtittee also award the i first. pre. trtium onieheese to Edwin A. Bennett, and the s secOtO to C..J..Curtis. They woyll - 1 al so notici the specimen of Cheese lin ajar, offered ily, Al., L. Csitlin, as sonnet s ing new and nice.' , * _Jospmu D. 131”ratua. . . 1 ~ . -.K...WA1REE13. 1 1 . ' J' . 1... -'. hitAAC L. PosT ; . . ' . plea.sing all vxhi b• Itineate of feCounell Needle- the first Skirts---a by. Mrs. nd other Ety, -which . . . . ' - On lutiticin'of - Calisb.C f arnialt.; a_lisoretion-, ary tireniium.of .f4vodoilors.,:vo4.lilvardo, to Mrs. Bodtnn, for...ber eittrAordinary ; skill . and sneers". 1- '- . - - :-..• r- - ''':-,, " ' l , i,, . : . B.aireb. ,invrord• , - -••-: . . . ... - 1 ~ .Leatiii.,.ond 'farness. .-; - .."'t i• offeitiO,„, -- o .= • - ?--iibo awarded to II M. - Wells int. 1 • , The comfoitte - e-tcppointed• to examine th - e - Faiailing Mills of Jaines Peters' .patent, award,pretiphnison'teather,report tteit:.thei •manniae'ttird at :Athens, 13 radford county. hitVeiexanlOds,lhe same, and aivArd pl-e'titit: Fur• - -I,he bet Cheese Press,-they award the .. . . - uinslas folloWk?triz :' . - ' - ' 7 : 1 prerninin t•tir•kll F.Fargo,. no other being ex . Zit. t -the best lint of Call-skins, 4 1 !'••• :hibited '• '-•-* ' " . •; Bric., •;4 , ; • ••-_,•-• . 42,0 • ' ,N ,: cFairn : Waggon being shown, the Jud g . . For ilhe best lot of Harness Leather, •-•-.„::- •e : s rew , tittneial that a diploma be awarded to MbsS & 'Bro :, • ,-- • • - A. : ::;:. J. C, Benson for .a ;machine for miinufactur., ''Sdme Calf.;kiiis were willibited b Stages, and: that the premium fu• alarm Keel •r which do great. credit to the n Y larinfae- . 1. 1 %1• 1 t7gg0n e •awarded •to S. W. 13reed fur . tnre 1 , - and for . which the committee tecorp- :Ketchum's iklewirni Al:whine; - f,r mend a weigh premium' of -skl. 'There was i • For -the best 'lot of Firkins :aid Tubs, i o also jalot - of.. 0:1k-tanned anePatent Loather 1E; Tewksbury. -.• • . • - exhibited by A. &E. Baldwin which` • does - * For the best Portable Cider Press, to A. great credit to -the Matiafiatturers. -We re- "' ih si v ne l ; l for H i ckox's patent;. -.-- • gretltostate that. no Sole• Leather was O - ffer—t The . eoMmittec- believe; that, J r h ;; • A*. gt ed. joii ^10 t4 G. ' • and Islet° ouorn- gre-ent . glea to' i - re , s„ue. .'• • i :. •• 1. ..• • •._. .-......_......„. -.. 4 .4-0.112:-04414'r.,.:•-, Ary,, tireutioui . .for.artialci.:.u44-4)epiriettin.th e • -• ' ' •' • S. PorSsYnk premium list', -th ey•havi ug each offred a Bee ,l• Th e e comnittee m.traraem rep o r t ha thiy 'Hive,.or whieh i'preinium has. been - obt aitt- • awalid for .the best. Single Harness •to.C. - C,•l ed. C:t LED CARIkALT„ i Holkister,l42. - One`, by ;A'..,.5i:J...1 ' :--.. I. . ' liTti.u.kaijEssut.. - . good. , • Baidw,,in ',4as very . F or ._ the best r ---' ': ': j4olik-iltiitttiNGTo.:,i; - . 'DoOde C i rri I - larneS,S;: A. & E:'BUidwin 1 Fru - it.. VfgetcSks am.d Huey. ....::-. t 2: jFoi. the'best'ilimible Teani Harties4 A. '. - - , YOur Comm ittCit on fruit • yeieittbles'i lT ra . ; St , '- - A Bahlwin;.**2. -rt liere . :' , . , ins Also 'a IverY • S.F.AItiE . :,, I: gook setts of • Double Harness exhibited•• by hi at ey urn:lld TespectlittlY*•rePOrt,'Aaf iiefd ,'Cale; Wesks. R'. fruit is held in high estimatiOn,,by uS'all,stid .- ' • !5.,113An0.... ; , "'"Y in”' ly be regarded aSa - itixary tbr. - cliii. nary uses grid the'regalii of the social cirde •, .•:-••• • • , • e r . -.‘ W . BARD.. •. , , :' • Elv.Verthelet , ; i a1 .. ..fu1l Valuc is no t d u l y aPpr; •1 .• • Agricultural bniileinink. . ci z th •t i ; it: it wie--,il the.ze s al ••• for propagat -1 ;T le • judges . on -"'Agricultural Impleistients' rasp etfully report.: That they have been tog were e q ual to'the pleasure of en i ci ly inc l. it, ; our Old and Unsightly. orchards Wcruld' either excelciiingly- soileitous• that, Fanners filar . bcreitovafed .b) rafting or removed ashm• ' f -piqerly: appreciate the iniportance. of .tbls : in,71 . -mbrunee and 'thew 'ones :be plautedi ir: part' of our exhibition—every-innProeetnebt their stead: . , '. 1 being so fentnently calculated•fo 4 -rrilieve' their -I . - The* process of - grafting among us, acid the Inuits from drudgery - and theii.miiids :t . - rOM .1' utility of good .fruit were hot, tweeity-tine anxi . eti.and' at the same time eleVate. the years ago, as well • und.erstood• as they- iir4 standard -by which their respectabilityis' are. 'fence, ;if . the piUheert,..of our. counts:- I inea!sured in, the eoinirfunitY: ',The 'corn n:4- . con lire d -were et:lv:Oily remiss, in. this particular . we e' i enply impres*Ced velth the Viet • ion `ice that next to a judiciouS• and properly culti have biten and are • still , nierli, .more' sq. ' : Thl ? , choice specimens exhibited' dui; dal- ,slieud-• exrate us all to systematic s friiit-grOviing. • ; vat d mind, the possesSi.on of-well construet• ed Ind Cheap labor-.;lying :must ' and will; contribute dargery .to furnish their i c • The tine was when apples. were* i i I pr.in:;..p a ,._ ly lISCd . for . ..eider-making, and 'When itty ci - v .• bro her farmers With competence and their - fan,. lit,s frith ec , innw . t. when pionmnn.,,, and twiner Would, "if he could; tilled- his*.-e . eiltir . 1 . . .- • with - hard cider ;' said that purpose any . see ing,,...reaping and InOwing,ifisteing and variety,liovrever crabbed. Would do,ias a far draining' are all done, by inachinerv e •With• , nse ..; when greater gust. was ; evineed for the ititoteatitte; 7retilly . "dintinisherl )aborand'exPc hrcishiagi and t.i.i,dili-, stock, and pr ' eparina : juice, thau for .the fruit. `,There . rie&f, 41, 1 `,, 1 )e . §:,11, are done , - - it r i'i rtho'llinetY and bors,:.!, lie no we;nd , .. , r • that to-ter for eXeelittnt" fruit kwer, we may . retisonaldy expect that liandsTh' •g'"''':'' ll Y -i-lenrved,..an' profitable etilti - ' ,ri xposure, and sehsibilitieSbluntral by a cannu, by ,hardship, minds ind u rafi.d - i -vation restrained. 'But those years - are mi. I.pait ; may they ney.cr ;again ,ret.u . ru,i : e l .l fited toil, will .lie cumparativelv 'te.w: O h I may no roper henceforth disturb the pe:.tc,: tot, therefure, with asingie. . sre 1);‘ , ih u• ha.: I. and ilisgr.ine *our . country. . -• . , - .. , - I There is no departtnetit.of thelarms that . reinent of the meehanie. arts, but fo the • •" • , tipiii,i . benefit, it confe.r., ipt , ;,,, , , ;I ,.. iricul. 1 b ett e rt :IFS" tier cultivation—not even :IS well'. art i. ; —Lis ti - ; thriqy,.lite, - 1-ling r -orchard of well se!Lct-, its; a . i well as:upon tn,sthattitri inlet +, thal..your committee haVe performed. i ''rl vart'tiei... 1 ruit. is.too touch refused 1 - , ) i , ' .;duties ,enjoined upon:them - 2' In all,. past l - feedihg , L"'•'(-an-''-'• as eerie allege; it-will not lif fatten swine. Very true; butt it- wilrgive l'e the life- of a farmer has been u . e; of .; thrift before the time for Pattening arrives.- br: • tor the mire:Totted expenditure of and is benelieial•eyen then; : mixed , I;•ith'-t'..;t. es soli m us c les he has'r_ceeived :hilt a litn- 4 , yr' frted —worth - then more thati it is, fircider ' recOmpeuse, and at the same. time htts.l -11 uti erst Ally r - underling !, and toper, making. It c:Xeidlent.:fer store. iv, , e•arded, aS the di,• nc. , trument t" by .. which the profe , sio n_ i swine..during Winter by giving thrift and say. i old maintain ,their asemilency. While, he tnertantile, and mania:l(3l.llring elas-a4 i in,. gthill.. "It is 4 great mistake ; • - as• exPeri. 1 1 intent • has proVed,.. that 'the' sour varieties * • Ireton!, your committee do not beileve"i• ;have nOt ..equal'nutriment with - the sweet; t any, improvement in Mechanics will su- 1 the only difftrenee is the sweet, db - not atit and I the teeth. as the sour de. . • - ,-. .. sad,: the, necessity ot • active energy Iring in , d . i , try. 4in d a v i g a llnt .. soim .i ntol d 7 !, .Yt , :kir committee might, if tie) had:time. .„. 1 , ; .1 .,,,..,,,i,• ; • 0 ,:.,,, z ,, „f ev „„. „1„,, g ,,," i l „;say !nue!: on the utility of :fruit railii!'ig' r. :1 1 •(ikpiolti-h 1.1 tplio, th.tv lA.; ihdttl 7 ;!: the :-fruit fec( 1111 g ; . I " . c w''' l'iLv° onto, iti'reeon;- .1r• rey pro zan' the, t i lab bin itet, 1,e(1 ant. l pe tin w. that farmers may not always "he kept. t.st:i!t. of servitude, bending their bodies 'ioil-or 'lending their•museles - and enrolls to lopered' and superfluous wealth.. If they Ike suitable -Conmensation - to those whose . Mention has - been judiciously . directed •M di int 41 the requiKed amount of Labor, they will soon give him ample time to improve hi[ mind, end thus divide. the empire that be ; ter eduirixted, nien ha...., llithe'rti Vwla fIA, t..., ti' intellectual,' moral, fowl . political welfilre o Chis conntrv. - • Many who have, ne-verqm p4hised with his pursuits, who have• regard ed! them ‘ only lei a fit employment for- igno .l • . ranee, as. too. ignoble and inglorious for any but the stupid - and uncultivated, ' will find themselves forced into a :proper respect flu twri who bear themselves with dimity, who Iliey feel have . high "aimsand noble ptlipotes,-.and who combine the sterner vir'- tins • with all the courtesies and amenities of We. It is a truth proven.by long and .bitter 'ex!perienee, in every climate and upon every • soil, " that those who think - Will goverti-those Who toil." .: - • , i • - • !Under these views, two of y / otir etttrim i ttee, asl soon as their appointment ivai announced, agended 4 he Stat e Fair at Ita!rrisburg, win-re they- had a fitvorable oppOrtunitY of examin _ill r . mowinlf and reapinc , in whines, liors - e• pt wers, grain drills, eburns..wind Mills,: Jim : -nilng mills,' improved- hay finks., corn pi:inf ers, , corn shellers, borne rakes, plows, and, va ribus other articles Of farming apparatus,,re ytiirings only' the exercise of the ordinary lac does of- mind and common intelligence, that (7.‘iery respectable farmer posSeSseg, to bring them into use. They regrai to find (what.. lo w - ever , i s c oll o:Me t in•all klaS - C); !.149'i1-- 1.i61 on the part of machirtist at manufac-, tifterS., to' ask exorbitant profits for machine- . rut. Fur, mowing and reaping machines that ought to ' be made fur •sixtY'Or seventy dot-. Cars, they' ask from one hundred to one htin-. died and fifty dollars. Threshing machines, . straw cutters, and corn shellers are all un rtlasonably big' , , but we think this is an evil th:it will gradually correct-itself. -. Amid your cOmmittee• therefore earnestly recommend the-adoption of the Scriptural advice, `..‘ to .try all these_ things', and •tti hold fast to those which are good." ' , .:- , . • . i Your\ iluninittee . bkve'exarnined the vari ous articles of machinery placed on •the . i around•for premiums, and have eimeluded to 0 / award the- premitiln for -the Kest Plow to 'Paschall MOrris &,,Co.„,fim their Prouty,Plow No, 5 1-2. For the . second' best to :AL L. Catlin, for -an - imprOvement in attaching a ' fhb:eland side and.strengtheninm the a diploma to S. H. & D. 'Sayre fur the 'very • handsome display of Plows exhibited tiy them. • Mutt's Corn PloW is also remark .tttle,. for its simplicity. . . No'llarrows were exhibited. - . ' .. For the best Corn-stalk. Cutter, - to Pas- . chall Morris & Co., being .an improvement, adapted to hand ne hurspower, with a, fetid itig ,pparatus,.by which the length . -40C twl der or straw when cut is regulated. _ .S.. .H. t D. Sayre- hovea very SlMple and cheap cutter adapted to. hand 'cutting. ..- ' - Fur the bust Cultivator they award; the premium to S.. H.-& D: Sayre, fur ,a -great .variety .exhibited .by, them'-of. different .Ide sriptions ; and they also, reeommend't-hat a discretionary prernitini.Of-F, , ,r . 2 lie awarded to Halal L. Minedl for one exhibited .by him. .- • l No Corn-sheller being offered, the judges . propoSe that this ref-aim-It he,a‘varded to IL t' i . , Newton for a lot. of farming took: maim f4(rtured by him, exhibiting much ingenuity. I For the best Churn; they. award the' pre-. miutn to J.C. BUOmell. • Foranotber exbibited - by E.,Tewlo , bury, they reeomniend. a diplo 7 ma—aurning having now become:an itnpor tant item in the labor of our population... •- - No Horse-rake having been exhibited, the judges propose that this premium be awarded to E. T. Tiffany fir a Threslier,:Beparator, -- Cu t t ing-box, -and : Ho ilie-powet-exhiblted . by prom iSuciety, teach ha SEE J eisup, I. .No pc4.rt .beleg•exhibited,the .corotnit7 tie-recoolteend that-this prerOtete. he award ed. to S. Wl' D.' Sayre ' for 'a'. rentarlitibly , gaol • No ',Hay Rigiing helot exhibited, the-eae inittee ISISQ itournmend: that .-ithe pretOnel mead to our -brother. farinecs•the.importance of sy-aematie horticulture ? than- whtMt` nn li bOr devoted better ,pays the bu'sbanibuen. This season is not one of alitintlant fiuit; tiotwithstarid, the great variety exhiliited,ini equaled At any previous fitir, thirminis•lwe 6 0( our great neglect hitherto, and \ calls upcn: to,go r .attd ilo likewise..! T 6", first premium Of $2,00 we Award t.) 11.1r . ..A1iel • Cassidy,--the . :leiind .4_11.00 •• - - There were other speci mens, which- - deserve. not (tidy 'notice but cummetation, especially eby Hon. WM. Jesup,"on!atiothei• by-tilt .. bae ' Burrows. Esq., There- were only two sp4unens .1. 4 .. - one by B. It Ly'uns.prernitun t' s2,oo the other by. J'. Ethridge,: preminm Tour judges, ( Propose a'_ discretionary miutroo M. K. lingley '6f $1. i 4:10 cort.the'h,\,t lot of qui nees.; • aud „to J. TeWksini ry, of ;51,0,1 for the -best lot of pearS. • ' ; The . garclen vegetable Were' a nohle:atii rich display, andv a rive great (credit to the soil _ of our county, when properly. "tilled.. much and so greatA variety. has never hith . ertoat our- fair' been. exhibited'. • - • The first . preinium of strl. is awarded to 1111 1 , 11 Mitchc 1, and the : se.e . 6nd ttf4l to El win •Baldwin. offered the Only=: ehoice specitnen of honey—Hprolium $4. • \ '.TheaboVels most'respOtfutlf - .§ - nbtniffed, by, S. A. NEWTON. D. Tw'vtqa. . . . H. P. ituaiNs. - . • .111 r increasing* interest manifested in' thls branch of no'rietiithre is very :gratifying, and it. is honed will he continued. , The day wa; fine:- -The sward to; be broken stitand the grOunita.heayy hiam. In : some parts stony, but Affording a reasonably fair field for out. petition; .At our first — 'ployeing . : ,roatch - five Years since Only three teams were: enterjd. This year ‘vi„ had ten, and a most Spirited \ match 'in Which the wiwk .Wtt'S creditable as well-to the Plows as tri the TeanisAmtliPlow' men. Taken - together it is believed the • Plowing Was .much - snperiot: IQ -any. before performed in• thej County, and well challenge cOmpetition with that:it-any - or - 0.1;3 plOwing Matcher its the:country. • ' 1. Dimock, a. pair of. .Brown,'lllares, and • Iron Wheel' plow- tuanit faquredby,'Messrs Mott of Montrose. T:;? - time 1 hoar e. .and 25 .tnitint... 2, Ilenry J. Kent with a pair. of tirto Black mat;es ‘A . hietr took thefirst. \ premium : last Year; and . arNron _Wheel: 1 - . )low also of Mutts, Manufacture. Titrie,l hour -42 min, I 3.Marlin L. Catlin - of Blidgewater•a .pair of Black Ponies rather- -ennall hat tine • 1 and tract, a pli4 hi§•own invention arid `forrti'east at the FUlindry of Messrs Sayre is :Ntont.rost. . Time 1-hour 34 .. H. Harrington, BridgewrPr, a ra*r of elegant brown- mitres - , also, an Iron Plow mtide ';.M.essrs . Mott. • Time IT'liour :•21: min. . • • . . . 5: ~Norman. Austin, Bridgewater, pair et Dark - Bay .Mare;z, a B latch lay . proW:wi:4 cutter. -Titile.l hotir 25 min: ..6. . David Banker of Bridgewategi - a . pair of large and fist Chestnut sorrel hars . es , *anA . 111atelilay — PloW. Time 1:-hour 8 7: I r ;afte•MeKeeby, Bridgewater, aOw of Bay itorses,litatelilay:Plow., Time L hoer 7 min ; • . R.• Nelson Hawley ofridgx , Water, - a pair of Fltaeli horses_ which. ha;• - e. - plowed 'at every match'l3inec !th6 society estabi bed -them, . a Pronty .self-sharpening cuttel•Dratight-Tilow , manutitetured by Paschall Morris Philadelphia.• . , • This: .ph.)W" . is the same all 4speets.as to form and size with 'theplew . 'eithibitedhy Messrs Pronty at the worldslitir in London -in - 1851, and which toulci.the \ lira premium there. Time 1 hour.-SSimin.., • • 9. n Geo: illa'ey, apeir oc . farmboreso not Matched, an Iron' pro*. cif Melta In thin faet are, and'a 'hoer' 50 min.:- 10, tiVrit T.'„A•ast.iia, cream. and : brown 4) 3 jr , :9fherses t ,a_BlAtehlay Wheel and: e 9 ultar.;. Time 1, hour 39,min. • - "\' The COMMittee had nieat: dillicOlt:s'• in . b •