II is I II 111 „,- - I ill - . • • 'CIIARLE,F.: - .11E1D•45: H.. H. FRAIZIER,' eoNeh. TIE, OLD ; OLD HOB E& I I When I tong for sainted memories, Like 101 troops they come, If I fold ny arms to ponder . On tliOl old, old home f• The heart. has many passage 4, . \ Through which 'pure feelings roam, Ifut its nt'iddle aisle is sacred,, To thoughts, of old, old home. .` 11 . .. Where infancy was sheltered; ijike r4se-huds from the blast, Where hOvhood's brief clysium, 1 - - In joy usness was past; To that s' eet.spot forever, As to . me hallowed dome, ;Life's it rim bends Ids vision; . 'Tis Ili old, 'old +home.: ' . i I •• . A father isat how proudly • ' Dv thak dear hearth-stone's rays, And told', his children. stories•'' l' Of his Imarly Manhood's days, And , oneilsolr t, eye way besiniag, ' Fromhild to child 'twould roam; Thus a other counts her treasures 1 In thell old, old home, .• , • . The bird Eday gifts and festivals, The btended vesperllymn, . .. (Some dar ones who'are,swelling it, Are„ wth the Seraphim,) : The fon 1" good nights" at bed time, ' \ How utet sleep would come, And holdus altogether, , In the li old, old home. • i - , Like a wreath of scented flowrets, ' Close intertWlned each heart, But tiros and change in concert • • Have blown the wreath apart; - - But sainted, sainted memories, _ Like angels ever come,- - It I fold My - arms and ponder • , On the old, old home. • • EVENING. .-• .Dr.' 0. 79ndell Holmes his thus 'clearly conjectur ed what a tailor, poetically given, night say of the beauties th4'cluiter about the dosing day. • 'Day 114 put on hia jacket, and around His burning btha)m. button'ttit with stars.. - • Here will lay me on the velvet grass, • That is li e padding to earth's meagre ribs, And holdlcomMunion with the things about me. Ah me! how lOvely is the golden braid'. That binds the skirts,Oniglat's detcendinwrobe! The thin leaves ulvering, on-their silken threads Do . make musi • like to rustling satin; • As the light breezes smooth their downy nap. "Ha! what is this that rises to my. touch, So like aljeushion? Can it be a.cabbage? It Ls! it is that deeply injured flower • Which 4vs do flout us with; but yet I lore thee. Thou gitt rose, wrapped in green surrout. - ' . • Bookies,. in Eden Thou didst blush at bright As these; thy Only brothers; and the breath Sweetea!d. the fragrance of her spicy air; • But nowit thou s.eemest like a bankrupt beau Strippediof his gaudy huei.and essences, ' And gnat , ring portly in his sober garments. "Is this , , a swan which rides - upon the water no!It is that other gentle bird, - Which 4. the patron -of our noble calling.. 14tnember, in my early -ye . arsy..: That‘% t el's - c.'a ^ t 7 trFri-It'ii - renible,fing Which chronicles the hour of yonn , ambition. fathitr - was a tailor,. and his father ' And m3i.l.sire's i grandsire—all of them were tailors; They had an ancient goose—it was an heirloom rem some remoter tailor of our race. • It happy I did see it on a time. • • When tone was. near, and I did deal with it, And it burn me Oh most fearfully! i I ",lt.is joy to straighten out one's limbs, ' And leap ela:stic from the leril counter, Leaving the'petty grievances of earth, The br4king thread] the din of clashing shears, And all the needles that do wound,,the spirit, For sdthan hour of soothing silence. Kind nature, shuflliag in her loose undress, Lays bare her shady bosom; I can feel • tCifh All around, me ; I can hail the flowers • ' .That s; rig earth's mantle; and - yon Wet'blrtl, Thst rides the stream, is unto me a brother. The lalgar know not all the hidden pockets, Where nature stows away her lorelinags. is unnatural pqsture tithe legs - iny extended calves, and I must go I can coil them in their wonted fa.binn." But II Cramp Inert eoitespoOci)c.i/e. from a Private Leiter from Syria. En . ..4. Any Ztritt.TA, Mount Lebarion,-/ . ~ • ' . . • . 1 . August 5,1855. ...4fs pear. Brother : Your late kind letter was truly welcome; you will not knocr how welcor4e, until you`; yourself-shall receive let- tors inrAyria from your far of!' home.' • - I am ; now quietly settled .in my summer zecideM3a . in the mountains. This moving back And forth every year is a great ineon veUierice to the missionaries, but there is no , , alternative those stationed on the sea coast. thebeat on the plain being, during the summer months, almost insufferable. The expen'ke of moving is, however, small. In ' tranl l g)iting to this place suet] . of my effkts . -as we're necessary for the summer, I einploy ed four men, four mules, and .two donkeys, the whole expense amounting to ten dollars. The distance, moreover, from Beirut, is twen ty-fivp miles, all the way ascending, and over a rod, rougher and *rockier than • you . can forrnany . clear conception of. • • it would be difficult for me, in ~ the space 'et three or four pages, to csnivey'to you any I:ery 14istinet • Idea of the novel scenes and circumstances amid which we are placed.- IYe have taken 'up pur. Abode in the centre . of a!rude mountain. village, where; with no society but the Arabs,.we hope not only to • ir.nali 'advancement •in the study of the lan guair, but to accomplish some good. - We • are Situated further in the mountains than any 6 ,f the other missionaries , being ten miles gfrO‘rißhamdtin, the nearest missionary sta. .tion i l The people around us are a mixture of ruses and Greek CathoihN.• They are_ :t ex 4 edingly hospitable,.social i and polite, but.. are very ignorant,, and kr matters Of religion, i - bigoted and superstitious.. r \ rhPre is one it ' tivbrother residing here, 'a member cf the hil l Church in .Beirut. He .. teaches a slu r li school,- and we also.employ. hi ni . a ro rt. ; or i aeh day in Arabic : —He is a • man of g; mind and of exemplary Christian 4i , pof l tmeat. , His leavieg the Greek Catholic ' Ch . urch subjected hint to much persecution; his mulberry trees were cut;dOwn and his • plants destroyed, &c. ' Qui coming here, hOwever, - seems to have inspired him with niw strength. and courage. -- ' Every evening • r - -att i tne of the people come into our house s ani I . . , . . . . . ' .L.. I , •- . ?••• i.. I . - . . " i - , ' . ' I , , • . . • , • . i ' ' . . ' ._ . ......_ . .. . .. . . ... : I ... •. .7 . . . 1••• " : . ~ . . i . . H . . . . I :' . • . 1 . _ , • , . ~ . . , r: . . ....I lit. , ~. •.,,,,,... ~ t . ._: . ,• .. ~.. . , , . . ..•. ..... , ..,'_.. i .........,. .' .• ... .. ~ '... „; ..: ~. t - # . .. ....,, ~.. . . . ...• ... . . I ) ... . . : 1 i ..1 • . .... . . . . .- . . . P" • , ' . . : . . . . .. . , . . • ~ . . -. .. .. .. ' - • i r . . . - ,) !MI ~ he reads t. them a chapter! in the NeWTes tament, makes. seine - comments and ' Offers- .1 prayer. .'here are sometimes twenty per. sons present at , these exercises, and scarcely ever less than *ten. We-have religious ex:tr. ciaes Atery Sabbath. ..Theie are *conducted . by our native brother , except then we are I - Ctvored - by.a visit from some one of the mis sionaries.F Dr. Smith spent last Sabbath 1 • -i • with us. 1.0 ; how. I - long to proclaim to this peoPle•th4 unsearchable rivhe'S ooiChrist ! ' It, is very trying .to be placed atniii thOle who are perishing for lack of ligi l it antl knowledge,. and yet'be unable to communicate to them • the truthi or to communicate•it -itt language- ' sp broken and ineoherent . 4 hardly to be un-- ! derstoOd.l _This-is the -missionary's first great trial. ' .1' .. There )'s more encourrigentent for mission ary labo / in Mt. Lebanon n t ov gran there bas been before since - the estailishineat of the i , • mission: yery many of the villages in the ss are asking for4itissionaries and : schools. - This was tint so a few years si4ce... - Last Tuesday f;visited. Deir El Romer, a large town fitteen-4niles,distant, from wl4ch, ten years agb,! seine: of our mis- Sionarie were violently driven amid volleys ,1 • of stois. 'This same , pl m o.e 4re now earn estly .plading for a• mit:skin:try; but ala::, 'We have none to give thetn. iThe Luis 'tn . have two SetiOola - there, which;im ' ant of- my ,I- , • proximity to the town; nal-e - reu placed 'un der iny•supervision. 'This / makes it-necessa ry for •Me to visit the plaep.once a month, at least.' . 3eir El Korner/h4s a population of 'five thitsand'inhabiniitts,and:AS,the emintry in the , tuntnediate/vieinitY is :thiekly si•ttled, , • it is a centre of great trade amf . infloence. It -••1 1 . 1 • is one' of the m / ost important pOints in Syria, 1 and thel mission is exceedingly - anxious to oe cupY its .It! has been prOposed to send me I there !ti the fall :with a native brother, the i lotter to conduct rel.igiou ,erva..e, under toy direetion, until I shall iiiive acquired some degri•el'of fluency in the language. ' But this .•• i • would I 1 weaken the Beirnt station where I have l*en stationed.for the' year'fo'r the pur pose' I i ' :I -aiding in susilning,, t. the English preaeli ng.. The .EnglishLpreaChing is kept I lop fi l -omQetober till 'June. . kis considered 'F,a veryF import:tilt service but 1.14: other rills ! sionaries at Beirut, Dr. Smith and Mi.Whit ing,-iOie unable to give 111uch 'tiine to it:— ITin. fii i rnier beingengageo in translating and :kl4, :Ltrcr +Auer in ra:N.,:r e , •(.14, b,. :‘,lb„ i -.‘. 0 --- .- -.1. I .‘ !”. ... 1 / 4 .,-14,,t. ...v. llj.:. 1',15ij , t...i.111 ..... It tl 1 tl.•. li 1 i....t . ICifiS i'qt , i WS.II\..Y ;( 1. , Z t;i:4 ^ &C., .0 , ...- mucitt as they can'well attend,to, and more. Forn4riv they had the assistance of Dr. De Forest ; last .year Mr. tidy was with tiletn, and.nw they hare ..no one to aid them but mountai IMEMMII myself... My assistance, :small as it is, they can ill afford to spare; , yet, , Considering the presiing need of I)eir EY burner; they may conchide to struggle - ott through the winter alonei If Dr. De Forest should'retum soon, •.1 the difficulty Would •be ,remo%ied, or if you; mi . dbar brother, couyd' chine, here this fall, insteatd4if delaying your-depart - tire until win-. ter, I. could gO .. to Deir El •lomer and you could render the neededassiStance at Beirut. , • This iwould he but temporariy,. for at the an nual Inteetingin April the Whole matter will • I' i coma up for re , arrangement: ' Why cannot you c ! eave in October, instead of waiting till Dec I Miler ? How rejoiced 14hall Ibe to wel come you here, not obly b p i use use yeti will bring new strength to our j , n 'iveakened forces, but . because YOu will bring !e a whole year's fresh intelligenee from theerne and friends it I . .loire. Come, filled with' the spirit, 'with stron r e• faith in the. God of- Missions, and:with, 1 - earnest love for perishing Souls. ' Our field is al discouraging one in : some respeets.— While it presents much to encourage : our hearts, it also has manyjdifficultici. But our Iwork is God's work ; in Him is our eon . ~ . fideipee and hope.- • , . • Aro. 9th. 1 will add two or three para. • 1 - send graphs, and send this by inesSenger to.lkarn , die4,tbat it nt' l ay . in iu the next mail. ,- • i . 11h. e four ;.months that ILspent in Beirut was[ a very ibusy period f4l: me. The inis siMj • ries i.:etlnie to . :work the first day I land 'ed;' in' preaching in English._ I -preached fre-yl quentlY afterwards, at one time . fotir' SA- 1 ' baths in Sueeessioni I used iiiostly ;written sel 13ons`, through I found , that , vvel I , prepared extemporaneous diseourses were quite as te -1 1 , 4.. eeptable4 - I t:or a Month or more the whole weight of the Mission Postoffiee department restyd upori!me. In May the inis.siori, schools were placed under my supervision. All thre vat-ion dutie s seriously interrupted my s priigress; inArabic' , yet they were very use. l ai fulli in enabling me . to' get acquainted ,with the , people. I A.. the greeting of.the Mission in' t . ,Xiiiii, fieve al of :the, Arabs, havieg . heard Mrs. L; and myself sing, and having seen• ~i. our melodeon, sent in a petition that we be re l ta i hied at !Beirut for the purpose of giving them_ ihstructioti in , meek.. After it bad been decided) (without, of - eourse, any partic. ufar, reverence• . to ihis petition) that we should ' . r4mainf.at, rßeirut, I attempted to teach u class or Arii r h Young . .men 'in singing. , I 'made 1 . 1 I•undeiing,•work of - it, but fOrtunately . they . kunderstooci ,me better than I.did theta. and ~, k beCeme much interetled.i 'Before I left itirtitl 1 1(11 the; siL;.!iiig in Nrabi_t: 44, tile '1 4 ' ,113 .1 11 . 1113' lio::!i•.: was Li, 4.1 ,. : 11iit better Own Oly in.iorsgisciaticat ; wit:h:tbe Arabs it. sl i as :Firm nersa. Their, singing soitiewhat tie rablea that at the Allis House on Black 7 weir/Ostend, of which 'you and I have a rivid recollection. The 'Arabs are, how ever,xceedingly ,fond !of music.. Bring a melodeon with. you, by all' wens,' and allow te to 'suggest. that. yoil practice 04.111 y 7 . 1 - ' . c 4 RE{EOppr] HA U. 20it - mir - Aaao.gll , OLawonT.' Lroci :w 2P-10,399 in singing treble. The Arabsiknow nothing of harr4ony, and when- a penson sings bass they think he slow; not know; the tune. Had time I woii:ld like to give an account of our celebration of the Fourth of July at Bhanduti, in which' four missionary families participated, t.Wenti persons in all. I would like to ,:speak of an unexpected . and pleasant . visit wbich w-e,had at Beirut from Dr. Duff and soli, and a Son of Sir Richard Agnen. I would like alio to communicate to you many interesting particubirs concerning our mis sion, out ,operation,S and prot i spects, Ste. size. In regard to these points, however, you will heoome;infonbed in due time - :The climate is most delightful here in the mountains, four thousand feet above the sea. My theimometer 1 has rangEd, from 69, to 84 degree.din the house. In Beirut the tempe rature Of cour s e is higher, but it could be b;rne *ere it.not for the fact that there the heat \ continues thrOugh day Land night the same. :; . All the missionaries are now in the moun tains, and as far as I know, their families are well.: . Dr. Eli Sinith, who [is engaged in translating the Scriptures, is L inucti improved in health, and is prosecuting the'work -With` hisacenStomed vigor. Having iinished the Pentateuch, the minor Prophets and the New • - TestaMent, he is now engaged upon Isaiah, He hasi• given me, fromtimel to Lime, many interesting details .re.specting the history and Pr4',,gres of his translation. Dr. Smith is not only the greatest - living Arabic scholar, but is a devoted, active tnisiimary. ..How great a matter of rejoicing . to find so much learn ing devoted to the highest, nObiest muse that can enlist the sympathies of man.: Indeed, all the missimraries with whom I .have r-be come rquainted in this field, are, men of fine talenti'llnd fervent piety, a noble band of la- borers; Thee' ; w:ir in the Crimea produces no effect upon this part Of the Turkish Empire, except to raise the priee'of provisions, Some troops have. .gone from Syria, but !the people , -a mass `iSeemr r a ther indifferent to the.. whole matter. iiiriil regards to all friends at h o pl e . Yours in Christian iOve. 2 \J. L6IIE:a° LIUNS A. 7S. V: bl Zit IFIC -1317 STEM. 15.1531.111 AM Jur" za a. iv- AR /LOU J. iFitima the Corresponderee:of the N.Y. Post.] SAN JOAN DEL:NORTE, Sept. 16. - • Among the 'various- c o n ` • ntmemorations of Col. : Finney% arrival in this country was a sermim preached last Sunday, by• Rev: Benj. Smith. a - colored Methodist clergyman, for •merl:i; of .New Orleans, who combines, with his ectlesiesticalfunctionS, the office of a pub lican his Boarding-house, which is adver tiseokin the Central American as the ' elegant, • • spaci ; ous and well-ventilated Central Amer ican Potel; where `every kielicacy is furnish-. ed its its season. is used, in the absence Of other accommodatb:ui, as: the church of his miniiitrations, 'On the oCcaskon referred to, the Poom, which isprOvided with •a few-chairA and:,an unpainted pine bench - and table, and separatect . from the kitchen by a cotton elOth, or, technically speaking, a. ',Gthfornia ' par -titian, was crowded with seventy-five - Or more people. It had•been given out. that Mr. S. ha:discovered a parallel between tint expe dition of •Oil. Kinney t(i i the rich lands of Nititragua and the expedition of Moses and theliildren of Israel to ICaniutn,, and there wai - quite a rush of the folloWers of the for mefr to hear him. Among the auditors, mac , by - .Pie way, were of all colors, might have been seen Gov. Kinney.; .Mr.. Nerson, Co!.. YoUng, Mr. Fabens and 'Capt. '3 J. Swift, thei . two last mentioned having arrived from Aspinwall on the 2ti last • • . To give an idea of the :spirit of * -the occa sion, I-subjoin a few stanzas front the intro du hynin which •waS sung. You will ob4erve the allusions in it to Col. Kinney's• miming and grazing districts on the shore of 1:1We Niearapa. If not, !they will •be made clearer by• siibstittiting! in the first. verse,: though at a slight metrial sacrifice, the..word C./ton teks for `.Caimen.l-1 O; the transporting; rapturous scene That rises to my sight! Sweet fieldi arrayed in living green And rivers of delight. i • 'No chillin - g winds, no poisonous breath,: Can reach that peacaful 'shore • • Sickness and sorrow; pain And d eath, Then followed fhe . discourse, which, as have before: Intimated, !I was -deprived of the ple.asure! of hearing. For the outlines of it, Oonsequently, 1 am indebted to -the reports those more fbrtunate. r!.. The preacher announced his text to be -Numbers xiii., 80-' And. Caleb .tilled the people before. Moses, and said : • Let us. !p -,-op and possess it ; fur we are well able. to t)vcreorme it.' First came the_ itif.l74ll , !tory limercises. -Moses andlthe Israelites. ;)I,served -,020 preacher, were neer the borders of Ca hasty, the hind which the Lord had promised • ; . - I 15y. :he tatter • a direction, the great chieftain selected twelve 'nen. one from; i' tribe,.commanding them to go fors:a:di tiand spy out- the 120 of Canaan,' to see! ;whether it 'be good of bad, and whether therel be wood In it. The "spiels accordingly went! !and.found - '.in exoeedmgly rich country, and; it being grape seastm,, cut down, near the brOr Eichol, a dusjer of grapes that requir4, 'ea two men to carry it-on. a Mick. They al so brought fig,s and pomegnmites. !'• • brethree: remarked the freacheri MONT.,4OSE, THWtSDAY,'.OO,r9BEI.t, 141e3 aid sketelio. Ou Jordan's stormy Vanks I stand, And cata wishfulit:ye To Canaan 's , fair.and , appy land, Where my possess:sons lie. There generous fruit.that never , fails • , On trees immortali grow— ; There rocks and hint and brooks and vales ' With milk and honey flow. Are felt and feared no more • There, on those high and flowery plains, Our spirits ne'er shall tire . ; But in perpetual, joyful. strains, Redeeming lose admire. 'there h been otuetr - dhmussion among the learned",as to the - precise weight of these same grapes. The sacred writings, however, leave us in the dark on'tbis point, and it does -not suit my purpose to make a-digresslen to determine it. Two considerations enter into the question, regard to both of 'Which Mo ses has le ft us no ,information - ; first, t the strength-of the two men-who were employed to carry the bunekOf grapes, and, second,the • distance which-the grapes were carried; for it. May be presunied that no one would attempt to ehmilder a weight - . for *a hundred' Miles which Might he easily be borne one hundred yards. ;Assuming ; therefore, that the Spies of larael travelled one hundred mile and were Men . of ordinarratrength,.we Mai safe ly' attribute to: the two grape.carriers the carry between them a burden : of two hundred pounds, the pos.,ible weight of the cluster of grapes. Ibis, however, I Would 'by no;meatus :ay _down as a fact, :prefi:rring to confine myself to . the positive declaration of Scripture, which states that two men were • necessary .'to trausrort the grapeA, leaving unsolved the problems of size and weight. 'in such a; ease.my beloved hearers,' I should not dare t 4 settle thequestion t'or you.' ,• , But, when, on their return, they were mak ingthe reports of theirexplorationsto Moses, it. appeared. that some were either great cow•' ands o r , very badly disposed -towards !doses' ache_ of occupying the country of Canaan: for although they, admitted it...was "a'r . ' land flowing with milk and ,huney.' they said the gigantic and, cannibal ..sons of Analc.7 dwelt there,behlre whom other folks were as grass-' hoppers;' and it was a; 'land that eateth :up the inhabitants thereof. But there was,one courageous spirit :among the spies,-who was not inclined to back dOwu.- This _waiS - Caleb, the sun of Jephunnelt, who uttered.the' words of'the, text.. Let us go up at once and pin ' secsit; for we are able to overcome it.' And now for parson Smith's application, which is Said ti) have been as notable irspeci men of 'pulpit eloquenee- as has Neetli t ly been heard* Greytown. There is said he; in the interior ofthis magnificent-part of .God's heritage, another Canaan—another promised !and flowing with milk and honey.' There is *ova; there - and plenty of gold .an silver mid 'Plains vast enough for the cattle of a t tuSand hills. We . have,to, oar piens Moies, (Col Kinney). who with his follower:• have come to possess it. Some wicked persuns,as m it:tit - days of old; have falsely •said it is a had country, where uo man can hie. Our Moses hastately sent a 'small Party of explorers. '(tine of them boards With the preaCher) into it, and they report that it is an exceedingly rich and. healthy country,—. :tioldly advising 'with Caleb,- the son of. JcN. pi Let us go up at once and possess it; for we aro well able to ovoreotne it.' '-Our Moses has. come here for a. good ob ject. entiles to perk and eultiyate the the ..;ittt Jun and Indian river<and 'inke:Nief Let hitn and his expedition hare faith in God's powerful arm, and in the Di- vinci Providence. and they may go from.: conqueror_ to congest ; ' until the, hole country is•thcirs, and' the son:4 of Anak, giants and Man-eaters though they be, shall yield to the ehoien people of the Lord. Acnen. l know that the ' Evening Post' does-uot usually report sermons, but I hopej that the subject, and the ingenious method] of treat- Mein adopted by Mr. Smith, who,•aS the ad vertisement of his hotel states, is la member and . -minister of the . Methodist Episcopal chdrch,' may excuse me in the present case fort paying so much attention to the pulpit oratory of San Juan. • Village Aristocracy. - • . Many are the follieS and weaknes.ses,ofhu !mn nature. But mine are more contempti hlU than ' those acted out by • the scrub aristo crats. Of oar towns and villages. • These are to fourid.in:all 'the relations of life. A-young main, whose father . was a hard working me chanic, either has a mtsliirtite.fortane left him. oche marries a few thousand do'llars-:-and forthwith he puts on airs, and assuines 'an im .pOrtance perfectly disgusting to ail who, are acquainted with the circumstances Of his 'rise ati.t, progress,' in the world. Such young men regard as beneath their dignity, the vo cation- of their parents and not unfreqitently avoid letting it be known that they sprang from such . sources: We have Met with some Who ,have looked upon the vocations of-an hUmble mech , nic, as-beneath the-dignity ofa 'gentleman, forgetting meanwhile that the taint of the father attaches to the 'on! Pride. of this kind -never finds si re,ting tllace, -save in a-weak brain, and manifests itself in a per verse temper.. . • H . There are many young men in i our towns aid villages, (and some votnig• litdieS ton!) Who seem to-be proud of the wejlth of their . parenti—while their own reputation would. be soiled by asailciating with the I som of me= *mica: In their strange infatuation it never riccurs to them, that their lathers ;made" all their property by stealing, cheating and lying -;-while their grandfathers were Sold at pub lic auction in' our sea-ports.to_ pay -their pies- - Sage across the ocean See the. -number of - young men in our country who endowee with itcainely - comtnon sense, and, no sort of love for genuine republicanism, resort, to the study of the learned professions, such as Law and Medicines, while every mark about them de clares in terms which cannot be mistitider- Stood, that the God of nature intended them for bricklayers, house-carpenters and bittek i ,Amiths! Many .oft .ese ought now to *ban don . their- professions for the more profitable 'and equally honorable fields ofllaber where fathers made money enough to educate Alietn, and thus elevate them to stations in ( Which they notier 4:% . Ln move with:ease or grace. God deliver us from bastard ristocracy of our little - villages, end Codfish aristocracy. of our larger towns ! Among thee hateful fug gusts on society, respectabillity is based up ontlie nature ofa man 'a vocations instead of the manner in which his Autiea are; perform- , .ed. The only acmtirrient which wtill regula ted society recognizes, is in' that sound tnax ini;. Act well thf .part—there , all the hon or lies.",--Parson Browatow. • A Bedouin Arab titaition hau just ar- rived in Philadelphka, of the celebrated Ky lan breed, in Eastern Arabia. I He iiiof gray color, and (our years old ;- teri thousand dol lars has 1040 n refused for him, land his owner requires twelve thousand fill= hundred dol lars, .I:he horse was one bun • red and Biel six days on shipboard, durin_ which time he never Isy down. He is /aid o top e!tcel , lent health. • • It . 1855. TICE ' ROXISSORY NOTE. .341 T . A 'Gentian , _.:riat, .YOll D , at Pres- - ent residing it Parii Was Rome few years since liiing hi barOnial elm at his .easde of F—, situi4d . in a tomewhitt,seCludedi hut romantic distthet of his native , land. ' On the the score ofattorldly possessions,, ortune had 'smiled Most favorably on the .hero of our -narrative: 1 h t, by was of amends. Nature had been proportionably inauspicious as re gards hia . perional appearance , add the adorn ments of hi t- outward man. In truth; the Baron Von . D that Gernial4 had produced or the last, cen tury and a h:slf, at least; so n ngainly,indeed,- his appearance, that, : -with a full conscious , ness of his inferiority in this respect, he lived in a tnininer technied from society, ti.) mix in whichhis rrink and ifation otherwise fully entitled him; - Like 'his storied prototype, Prince -Ricqiiet witlrthe Tuft,: however, our Baron's rudel exterierfiras but the' husk that covered a tender heart, sensitively alive to the bewitching influence of the fairer sax:;— in plain English, the Baron Von l? fell head and ears !in love—a predicament from which ~v en the potentates of thiS, Our nether wort , to say nothing ef Teutonic bar ons, are occasionally not exeMpt: A Young and beautibil girl, the daughter of a goodly pedigree, brit of slender fortune, living; in his immediate, neighborhood, was the object of his adorati on-the Cynosure 'of ..his reVeries. The . neeforthl his naiad, his every • that ht, be ,, came fixed, Absorbed—as It were equally di vided betwe en bet sylph-like. image ~indhis beloved ' recersehainn ;' tior is this, by the way, a disparaging compliment to the lady, when speaking. of a German. lover. Oaring 1 by a iniihty effiirt et, resoltition; 'snehias on. ly the tendtir page:ion can - inspire, 'surinolint ed the•ba.shful diffidence to which we have be.t. fore alleded . , the baron niade his prOposals in forin . which, on the part of the parents of the yoilug !lady, were most favorably and gladly redeived.• With the'lady herself, how ever, matters fell out far less prospefou,!y ; a cold reception of his proposals and a aid ling demeanor atliirded but_ too Certain an in dication thit' his . suit was disagrecidlle and hi.:'attentinn irksoine. Still haunted hi.' the painful consciousness of his personal idt;fect.,, the baron was very naturally led to intribute his failure to that cause. 'A- far different. mg live, however lurked at the - bottom Of the young lady's conduct.. • A cousin (oil ! these cousins l)' (lad long been, in 'secret, 'the suit or ; but the narrowness of 'his proipects in life had hitherto precluded all' hopet, : af:his wishes me i ctieg with the parental aiin..i roil. The Beitton Von E..— s --- - ---. was oneevening, seated, aidwas his wont, in his antiqiii chair, in the spacious hall of his ancestral dWelling, in the wilt] recesses of the huge gothic chins: ney, befbt. i e the dull embers of a fire; :sritoul dering, irks . hisill starred love, vital:} shape - ..,., ~. 4.:a.4.'...--;;ipazoon.•n a , witiCatis or' ii)%i&l • titta iti:epniabin ` . :tiv. , ;rsi..lzatrill,e iliesec- i ofiti passion —mn i Aing in sad and meiOncholy revery Q the unstable composition and thoughtless vanity of tho female heart;- when half mentally he eje,..l.ii•a re,', -..-ans,[ 6 :.-.2.; - :.••.. sacrifice the. better portion of -his fortune in exchange if that were possible, for the horn of persoo attraction and exterior' eiiilo.w meat. ' uddenly in the dim twilight, and . through. he dense volumes of smoke. curling iu rapidj uccessiOn frofn the volcano of his pipe-bow ,he perceived a tall and singularly acoutreit fi gur e . standing erect beside him, as. though i i i had issued from the huge gothic mouldings. . SOmewhat 'startled at the ap .pearancel of his :unexpected visito, he was about to call for his attendants, .when the strangerl with A polite bow, and in ..a _voice which, Aithough of si, peculiar lintel ? ' yet be tokened no hostile; purpose, Alms ddiessed . •him : • , , ' Myilvisit, Herr Baron, is . perhaps some-. what unexpected : but 1 come with friendly intent. J I am well aware of the. object of your thOughts ; . y?u are willing to 'bide by them?' 1 1- , . ' MY . lpresent thoughts? who in . •e devil's' name-11 . . i • i 'Hupih!' mildly interrupted the visitor,, ' the le.s!st.said do that head perhaps the bet ter. _re Bi i tt, I have no time for explanation. if youa sincere in- your purpose, I I haNje th 1 j , • power, f gratifying your wishes..' 'Only . it; is nece-isary that you should sign thi4 . little, document ; producing a slip of pa er. 'A, document I what sort . of a d ument I' cried the bewildered baron... • ' A mere trifle,'responded his interlocutor; merely a mernorandant of our little trans action:i lam b mareof few words. :- So, it'. , you are in earnest, let us-proceed to basinese. To' every -person but yourself, you twill hence-; forth . appear aiperfcctly altered Man.': Your: suit, Will be actiepted, you know in what g uar - ; ter. ; re you ctintent 1 A.nawerion tile in'-1 stunt,: r the opportunity wil t . be lost' to youJ foreve; - : • - I -;. • I Tit' Baron, a M s we May well innagine, felt f. some ;little Misgiving.. But the tone, the mariner, and the whole demeanor ' of the stranger were *imposing. That he possessed the pnwer of divining into the Most hidden; thoUghts of the human mind wits.elear tropi the short - colli'muy that had just taken place 4 Wby !should he not possess . the pun i er that he Mentioned I' Beside, the eipportindiy might] not ester occur again - . In a word, what )setweert surprise and bewilderment at the strange andsudden occurrence, the bright seas Of the prospect thus unexpectedly open ed before hint. and last, though not least, if no infsmsiderable bias towards Superstitions credry, he affixed . his name to the prefer.; red . ocumetit.. Whereupon the . stranger , . with a pelite how, disappeared i one of the dark Iree.essea of the hall. some. e Th'e Baron, recovering in -degr,,e &oral his dream', for- such he at first imag- , fined l it to bp,'albeit 'he, on - thel,other hand, felt' ecq 'satis fi ed of his . being bro awe i 0 iii ,ert. e; often musing a few moments on his lite&cadre, resolved to put the fact of his roe , t niorphoisis to an . immediate test. .!Ic rani for llisi i attendants. The shmtnons was was obeyed, l and the servants niade l their ap pearance. In the evident siirPrise,.depicted. on ,Heir coartenances, he read 'an . assurance of Some reitiarkable change haring really tak en sure in ins outward forte. ilk Onsulted. his kbo . .kiiia-glass, but 'to 'his own e} - e ,no al teration whatever seemed to have 'strict This, he recollected , was in *rict xt co ' ance with the stonger's uUderyking. - 1 The lulloWinglay the . Baru 100, no•titne 4 ill furthei assuring hi:ma - elf of the reality, he auspicious 'change iu his appearance. some - trifling pretext he Sumsrsoned' 44. ler his', whole household and presented in s of On get I FRAZIER & PUBLISHERS----VOL, I, 'l4O. 40. himself among them. This 'Vine there was no obm left for doubt on the matter. From whiiperings and - other indications of surprise, one or taco of the . more con fi dentially em ployed among them, ventured on a respect ful congratulation- to their muter on the Manifest and surprising imprnvement which had-so suddenly taken place in his person:— • Full'of the' most pleasing anticipations, arid elate with hope, he ordered his equipage, and paid, a morning visit to his hitherto obdurate love. Here, too,'as thoughhy magic, he found that a most propitious eitangeetuad tuk- en place. His inception by the fiir , one was as favorable as it had previously been dis courning. In short, the happy day of union was arratig,ed; and nothing now seemed. want ing to his felicity: The evening pileceding; his wedding . day foetid the Baron .Vonßoated as be forelin his'antiqne chair i in - the self:sztrae cor-. ner of the huge .gothic , chimney piece, and, whiffing the perfume of his - faithful meer schaum.' But he.* different the tone of - his thoughts and the subject pt his meditations. All now .alluring hope and blind anticipation.. Imagine, however ; his surprise, when feeling hasty tap on his shoulder, tle turned around and beheld his quondam • mysterious visitor at his elbow. 'There was one little - circumstance I.for ,ot.to mention at our last interiie*,' said t stranger ; yotir wish as to .11 fitvorable , chit e appearance has, you know, been . gratifit. , and your suit - been Successful,— Should you, however, persist . in espousing object Of your attention, you will fall . , a lifeless corpse on the very step of thaaltar Be'caiefiiii, therefore.. The : young tidy is se cretly espoused . to her cousin 'Take. my advice; renounce' in public-all claim to the _hand of the lady, and 'recommend tisttr . parents to sanction het' unionw,,ith; z 4,er coin in.'. Mark the t it, is the only course ytiu hA , e lefty , The poor ~Baron would fain have reniou stratcd.with his lisitor, but appored asi before: At first he wasttriptiid to' haz ard the issite; but. reflecting:that. if one Oit a the drama had come to pass, the denou. robot might follovr with - equal certainty; he . wisely resolved on -following. the! stranger'S advice, hovever unpalafable; and this resolve he carried into'effect the next day. Disgusted with, the scene of his disappoint mein, the Baron 01l havin',T arranu- ed . his affairs in Germany; shortl v. afterwards returuccl . ta Parisi and hi the gaiolies of- the . c4,ital hid ilearl:lnq . slght when lately 4.1 .11:s gal summons-; to 1,14 .100,000 Cr . ani.:.> . I r years' intereA on . a firohlissory in , to. In vain - the c .B . prOtested that, in . :the whole'. course of . his :life, he_ hid never affixed his name to any Sedufity oldie. kind: - The note was produced with his genuine. signature at . ticheci.. It was then only tiit'hisfbeMer ad. 1 . 1 lila us. 'LA:, a vOistranaq ~,,,,, the whole mystery began 'to unfold itself A trick, as the 'Fender by this time will im agine, had been dexterously.- : played off on, the BaroWs credulity. by .i•rt l 4.-4: I..sis r itta.• • p.tivoncerteot arrangements with. the • young lady. The main incidents of the plot were easily contrived: credulity and a pre disposition for the marvellous did the rest. •j The forego4 narrative, however roman tie it may appear; is'Aevertheless` but the Succinct outline of -electing •oceurrefice, the Particulars of which are about to engage the . attention of the legal tribunals of France.— The circumstances recall to mind some of the most picturesque legends or .boeromaney 4nd dishlery of the Middle ages. • '... Froth the. London Tidies Correspondent. - _ • -.— . DUBLIN,. Monday . Morning. 1 Tkz IRISH IN ktimucs.—:-The Roman Catll l pile church M . Ireland, through the, voice of , her clergy and in. the: columns of • the press !devoted . to - her i nteres t s, ' i s . just now strain ing, .• every nerve to stay the tide of emtgra- Mon to the United States. - The Tautn , Her- aid ; which notoriously reflects • the opinions !of Dr. Arliale, is 'instructed to announce a progressive increase in • the couuter•current of home emigration, and alleges that ,not a week passes without witnessing the return of some few of the Celtic popt7lation. The 'numbers, no doubt s are small, hut great stress is laid on the influence they exert over the minds of their friends by the dismal ac counts they are said to furnish of the state of social and religious life in the States. The M'Halt-inspired writer then proceedi in this strain : " Before many yesrs elapleonless.the tone, of American society becomes essentially al tered, Irishmen who set any value on doilies tie peace o r upon thei r salvation will fly from contact with its once boasted free soil with as much' horror as they would '-shun the fiery paveinent of theregions of the dunned: This is strung language, but not stronger than we have heard not. many days ago; from the lipS of one of those returned emigrants. • Liberty in the United States has degenerated into the .; most profligate licentiousness. _. Thotisands "f : our exiled countrymen have .tallen, and are! daily falling,.,i4tims,to"the seductive allure-I ' ine.nts of this licentious frredem from MOrall. re.straints. ' There was . a stranjw - fasemation attracting poor Irishmen to Anicri , ,a ; -, it Wasi the bnisted 'land of frardorn and plenty.--1 Under no banner on earth would the exileJi Irish soonerenroLithemselves, to liVe,to fighti _and to die,lhan under the flag of the !Stara andlhe Stripes.' But all will soon be ehatigl ed. . • f 4 The spirit of Knew-Nothingism, that is at present startling Europe from its propriety by the fearful outrages perpetrated. - upon un offending- Irish Catholics in the mune and un der the pretence of , nativists,' IS notiung, brit the real hatred . towards Cat holieity iliat . ex isils and is. deeply rooted in the heart.S . .Ol the great messier American society. . Gloss the. Matter over by gilded and . -,refined pliregeo; ogy, us some of the Anierican journalists fe. vorable to Ireland and to her, religion maY, the stubborn fact remains unaltered,' and, we fear, unaltertible. There does exist-an innate hatred of Ireland on account of her. indomita ble attachment to the old Catholic faith throughout the length and ,breadth of tl e, great Republic... Within the lasufew tnont, s. we have made more aecurate •inquiry about -the physical advantages to be derived - froth resident,* in the. States.: ...All the returned have - spoken i coneur emigrante to whom we in testifying that even those are:exaggerated, The strongest frames and most robust ccin- . . 1 stitutions sink:- rapidly : , under the ineessittit .1 - toil, and the unhealthr climate of Anteries.. IEI A bale old man is rarely met with. Walk. t, over tne tombs , in any of the. cemeteries, and, the ages recorded upon the, heall'..stolies the mournful tale of premature death - in 90 per cent of the sad records of the . dead.--i r &werel of the emigrants whO have come home have told us that with I.od - or leikday in-Ire land a man can support his family better and with more cornfort. than with the almighty 'dollar' a dny in America. This tie explain= ed"-by entefing into a detailed life the style and expense of . social life in the States.. Even lb (he respect of mere Physical comforts it is generally being considered that 2 at pres-, ent an Irish laborer, farmer or Comer, can live as well at home, • taking all things into aCcount; as in America. Matters are fast coming to a level On both eidss of the Atlan tic.,, - • q• 1 • : - Prom .the Yorth -Ainerfeaa. '. . • .- : 1 ... . . . PASSMORE WILLIAIIKSOL . ... • i The catmnunication 'we - print beloW is itair* - - oificant indiCation of the spirit whichisbegite., -- -'• ' Mpg to prevail ih Pehnsylvante on= the sub - --'' • • ject of Passtnore Williamsores imprisonment. *. --- :. It is not necessary .for us to say that, so far :-. . as itseems,to imply that popular violence . • - i , . , . may be resorted to ; - we•dissent entirely ' ; but the very, fact- that' such a suggestion comes , from such a quarter, shOwa how •deep must .be• the feeling that prompted it. The.writer,.. : . \ .who signs himself Pennsylecinicus, iii among - the foremost men of - this Commonwealth.— ' ;' - He has - been distingushed in politi c s, Science • find literature, and now in the. :ripeness of , . matured :age enjoys the respect and it.eent' of a eoinmunity everywhere remarkable for . . . . its intelligence and integrity. He is; more: - over, and always has been,atninently eonser- ' -• . • . votive in his opinions.. He was a Democrat' . - when Democracy. was something more than . '• a name. He has been a Whifrom the time of Clay onward: ' ' W l hen su • ", • man—quiet,- . , • --. ' 'steadfast, law abiding and ' I ordered, as - - e ? --‘' all Who know him, know - him to be--‘'is mov ed to an indignation which lo ks even to re' '- v„oltition as a meane of redressing a „great . ,- • , public Wrong, it is not to be doubted that graVe . consequences - are -to be apprehended, if', . . the, wrong .Should be perlistedi in., " ' • . Now that we are so far removed from the occurrences which took - place. at Walnut -' . street wharf on 114,1 Ithof J uly,in referenoe - : - . to Mr. Wheeler iliahis - negroes, that men - -can see the.actiqii of Sltda,e Kane unubscured by its supposed slaverv\eomplications,- the' _ -eiitiment is every clay rieeciming More gen. , orat that that aet:Ol was .wi,.4y vritliout col,- • ~ i. i‘f law; find that the cominitin \ ent - of Pass-: :wire Williamson . " - as fur a' conteuipt!' way al- • . gross judicial esti rpation. ;- .We . know . otlsito - . . respectable lawyer who hits ventured - t o de. - . fend it, od,legal precedent and authdrity, ere - *- 1 ,cept hi_ eases- where such defence has . been prompted by politiCal sympathy ; and - Mai.. side of the profession Ms-regarded ILViI/1 iii - ' tiently subiratted to. :.IVo join in the hope- - : - ofour correspondent that 'Pennsylvania- will. send true men to the. next 'Legislature, and ' ‘• . - in his belief chat its ' inch an. event' all Win , yet ba wen 7 - ..,, ..,- 4 . . . • • ror : the'/Vorth American antl_a S. (a:dlim': :'- •- . - Mr. Ed i tor 7 - 7 lt - tip - Cears .by a rernarkin .the - . New York. Tinier, that the hurly-burly move' meats in that modern Babylon have partially oblitetated the impression 'made there by the - - - . outrage perpetrated in your city onAherights----• ora . freeman of Pennsylvania. lt -ally be- _- that the keen - sense of American liberty may - be blunted, in a portion Of the traders; not only in .Giothunz, but even in the - - City. of - • - .13Vothe0y . Love,. by- the frequent consign ments of Cotton, and Other influential pro diicts °film "peculiar institution ;" but I tell • • you, it is not so ite_thtt - interior of our good old commonwealth. Thenameof Passmora Williamson has become as a howiehold word; among the people of-this great State.. He is -- universally regarded throlighout`the rural dis. - i!riets,' as the suffering; and faithful repretentar - - tive of the principle which led Patrick Henry , to exclaim, ` Give me Liberty, or giiithe death;' and I can assure you, the - longer wo - ' • ponder on that -vieW of the subject, the more - excitable and restive we become. I was re- - ... Cently in a targe gathering, where the positlon- Of our incarcerated fell - ow citizen became drib' .: topic. ot discussion, as a - matter.. of course,;- • . . . find it was truly animating to perceive hoW -. .. the heartstrings of the company thrilled' is • . , unison,' When referring to the spectacle pre; .sented at _Wyatt:musing. The scorn and in- - lidignation manifested for the base- and_slavish ----- ' . idea,. that the Supreme Courts.of Penneylva._ - nia was impotent tierelieye a citizen uniusil • , imprisoned in one - oftheir own . dungeons,_ by ' • a servile tool of the,odioasiliveower; that . scorn and, indignation;,. I say to you, would ~ have been a caution to the of and 2 . • Scroggses ofany age. Talk of no power tO -., interfere, 'when the rights of their -owe free citizens arc outraged! . Tell. that to the mar . hies. Why what's a Suprente Court goiiid . for, if it is helpless arid impotent- to• resene . - the victim of the most insidious and hatefixf- - ' , 'form of tyranny I If the representatives Of ' - the people ca n not contrive a way to remedy this evil, when they 'assemble;-take nu word - :< for it, the people ,C(.14., . - . ' -.. ii . . The opinionis beginning to be veiy 1nte 1 .... ligibly' expressed, in plain. Anglo -Saxon, that , if our State Courts ate. :so imbielle for the . protection of the rights of the Citizen, and , the Legislature also shall ,_ prove. unequal to tilts :,• ~ duty, there is' yet a.refervett power, kodgeif in - -;, thelmarts and sinews of. I'. free - peciple, - that. • - can supply_.the defect, and for which plenty _ of precedents are furnished in the books. -Ali- . older And stronger Bastile than that in MOP- - amensing ha.s been known_ to . surrender tits victims without the use of a • key, ; a. if. - sOrnething of the spirit which once anim ated the .4. Vitxtlin Boys," on the banks- of the S,us-- . quehanna,should be-put in aetion,fis adernier• ~ resort, neither the keys carried, by: gaslial . '•• Wynkoop,nor that wliich Judge . Black. aays Pas - 4116re Williainson carries. in , hill- owls ''''- ' pocket,- will b e ______________ needed to effect . Ins 'ltitnapei. whin. So; 1 / 4 you 'perceive, the tese, - ta4 as .it is, is 11 . 1 , 19 means hopeles.. • Let the free men of Pennsylvania take oaro 'to send .tolthe next Legislature, men,' high mitided•menr :. .., , . - - ' lien sihOtheir duties know:- - I But kn ow their . rights rights; andlnowittol dare anilniaW 7 , ... . , and all will yet 'he' Well. 'Tyrants Will be - abashed ;.rninions of 'the SlaFe - power *:„itifl sink, into deserved ignominy,' and Pat'Otw,', . Willitiresan will not. have suffered 'in vain: ' . .Qctober rith„: 184.5 PssesyLvamCea.` . _ +1 Nearly,.eleven t,hougnod p etsons ; ited the Potent Of& ,Gralloiry at Wa,A4e. ington, during the • •
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers