I ii Iheiteptiblictan Tit'Yet» t* * ° , . The ii as Montrose De m ocrat haying stated that 't , eJessups' and other 'leading Whigs! Bare' , itt in'OppositiOn to . theßepttblican. Ticket," 'e Publish:the following,. as an. evi-. ,f, , ,nce.of how much -truth there - isin the - state, . There meat;.l, - May . lie .he. - re and there a.man, former! a Whig ( who from priTate- interest ei pet nal Pig 4, 'Will pppose,_ the.ReptibW. . din' tie 'et, and a few'May ImhonestlY misled i4e7supporting Smith; bet. the great: MaO of voters are immo v ably true to . their prineMes and the Republican ticket. The -. Nunes lappendea to the address were obtain-: tl od m a.I few minutes, and might have been in, creased. `to' almost any extent, had it been .__ I tthoug necessary. .. -•- . - ti • . 41, ... . . • ADDR.I 3, ss,-. - ._ . .. . 1 , 6 the riertors qf Susquehanna, IV,Vomiigt - and Sul . .flircosl Counties. 11- 7h6, oroaehing election' i s one' of much . ii,o l : es . . 'The progress ang. usurpations of riSt a ve ;.and the positive neooq_sity -of union in ir .. ,• e d resistance to such usurpations, td .i p .t.re, t ft to address you. , ' aille opublicac party unites all who intend to stand the Constitution and the- trtiion, 1 n od, umi % er them, to resist all Slavery aggres-- 1 510 n , With a view to action upon this Great I Issue, aid to defeat the Locofoco pro-slavery p ar ty 0 Alte District, Messrs. Tiempstead and Ingi sin have beer. nominated for the Le , b - . islature„ and the importance of . their . election i as the ndidates opposed ' to .Slavery, need - t ` • nut be I stated. They - stand iipilosed li:i4 4, 1' ' 'Messrs. • Lathrop andjohn- V. Smith, who r 'carry th , pro-slatery . banner broadly unfurl ed.' . . Ar.y . ivisionzat this time-in the ranks of the AntilSlaveryiarty, can only- he attended with -disastrous consequences, Under, such eirctimstances,we regret to hear li r that Eih man Smith, Esq..'of Wyoming, ex pects to; un as a candidate. claimin! , to be en couraged thereto by the Whigs of S'il sq u ehan ha Couuq. We cannot say who, of the old Whig pfrty, have- held out inducements to hitti - tut to defeat-the main object of all true . Whigs, :Old continue in fi - owera party-to whom they 1134? ever been opposed.' Our belief is that. the ltiass of all true Whigs in Su , :qiie-r hanna Cininty will support .the l ,llepubliCan Ticket, 'llti - regret that 'any Whig shall : at.: trthpt toldefeat it, • . • • .• - ' • .-.. The.4epubl:ean party, the ~Aerican pal' 7 tr, and'iheWhig party, are all.now,heartily united; ift support of Thomas Nicholson; of Beaver, for Canal Cotnini, , si , mer, aria ail deem it of great importance that.in this District: the Republiean ticket shall prevail. lt. is 'llfeared that Col. Sri ith hals listened to the - citinaels of those who are •enemie.t to our, Part t ', and- who can only hope to sneceed liv promoting, dissensions and divisions in our racks; We. still hope (r)I. Smith-..Ri1l not persist it running. but if he - chies, we deem it IL Kiltwe cme to our Principles. x% i-icli are i iv ived.,iti this issue, both as 'Whigs-and RepubliAms, to adhere - to our:Candidates . Oct. ! - 211555 Wm. i!tsup, L. F. F4eli, Albert Cti, IT. Albert E. Mulf,l Darici . harril)orliii, Gilbert :Warner, .. 1 11 3 0;_i,„ Oran.se mott jr. iptz:er, C.. 4. Biellardson, erriman, Abel Ca....iiedy' , . 1 rd, . . 4 aines Deans, .. 1 3y re, , J.W.P•trker. Cell .I A. Ford i George ott; e Alfred Paldwin am; jr. • Jonas Mack. • I lthr B 1)s - q Pellj. S. Beret ley. lz - 7455. EsQ., :Dear Sir:—The ited being requested . by, the eiliz.ne , town o hip. to crrespond with the I:lcatulidates for thu office of IZeprc=' in this DistriCi, iti order that -they l i mistakally understand their senti i•the 'albinapOrttlitt. question of the therefore respectfully solicit: . your Lithe folloi-in7 quet:tionv. Aire you unalterably opposed to the t.ensioti of Slaivery.ia any territory ction, either acquired, or that shall be ii hereafter? • • • QM undirirbig of Dirno 'diirercnt sent.st i we 1113 . ) , w meats 0 limy, NV e. answer t First. further e %,f the nal acquired' If elected will you. act on that independent Of all party Connections Becon l . question' l or bias Third.l Note. to Senator j l , 6 ' prnfe“4 Will . you use your influence and ,Seeure,the erection or a United States . I frhose intecedents - as well as present inc. are right on that question? _ L Are you in favor of a Personal hill similar im its provisions to the ".as.sachuset ts. answer the above, and oblige many hers of this. township. - Yours Ilespeetfully, JOHN YOUNG. SIIEREft. Four Liberty une in .l 11 e as d of the \ m MESSB.S. Om:Torso &S. SUMER, .• En reply to yours of the 29th ult., we cheer 7 fully . assnre you . that we are unalterably-op posed td the extension of Slavery into the territories of this union, and opposed .to the admissiok of any .more slave States. Wc de sire to see the National- Government res cued fro#l the control . of the Slave. Power, ant beli4ve_theT.epublican . organiiation best calculated to secure that end. We desire to . Fee. , and. if elected Representatives will do all in our Osser to secure the, election of a IT. S. SenatOr whose past actions shoW that he is at heatt opposed to the agzresions. of Sla very—oe who will stand undismayed by the pr , ;-slavry influence of Washington city, and fight) the battles of Freedom like Wilson, Suniner,iland Wilmot -We Will pursue these ends nnt'ramineled bytiny Party , connection or organ,. zationt, or any other influence what ever. • . . - We bi crtS• b'lli ule our !here it is high.timp a personal lib ,was passed in_Pentisslvania,and will thnost exertion . s to seeuie the pa=s 'bill similar to that of Missaehusetts, e be eleeeted... - Respectfully Yours., . 0. G. 11 Ell PS TE , J. licouAm. • age DI - a #thunlrl Oct I, 1845 Or 1 1 PAL . . at news from the Seat ef War 11, OF SEBASTOPOL—. 1, NEW. YOILIC, Sept. 27. . By the 11.1ri'llecl States mail steainship Wash ington, 11Calit: - Coun'ellY, from Bremen and Southampton, we receive English despatcl-Ws and ne*spapers to the 11th inst. - ... The - Washington brings the important in telligenee of the "Fall of Sebastopol." On the.Sth Put. the allied forces attacked the fences di Sebastopol, and the French succeed= eel in' gaining possession of the Malakoff— The English; who attempted the Redan, Were not - suOessful. touring the night, the Bus- . sins 1.) .1 au to sink their shipS, blow up their magazh es, and burn- their. tcity, .and on the follow' ,g morning Sebastopol was evacuated, and th e; c ommunication:-between the ;north u and the - town broken ofF. '• : ' '. : ' . ;• ' •: The ollowitig telegraphic depateh reedy-. ,Ad byirk Patimore from Gen.- Simpson, appea (1- in!the English OiorningjoUrnale of . the 14,1.4)411:It: " Sebakopol' is in' Posses'- . sion of! he A i llies. The, enemy .curing the .nightab.d whining, evacuated the south side, after (itploding their magazines and . :setting 'fire to title whole town. All the men-of-war Ave birnt during the big t, with the excop- Win. 11. .3 i>ssur k , - Jaques W. Cbapnian tier of three , riteinnerst which , weta-ply,ing a bout the hariter...l., , „ i . The bake Commtnlleating r . with - tbe . north side i 4 broken.", .::Gen.lin.t,p -:„ ion regrets that itbe mans] ties.. ituthe attempt on thk - „Redatf,- ',ere, somewhat' heay.y.,i bit.- there Was niigenk",ral'.officcr 140- ' !: ...-In; a snriplernent on the AtOniteni Out RA• lowinii telegraphic,despateh,.reettived hi the. Fre . itch goreintnent.from Getv- Feliasieri:rtp:. pears4.Karabeinaic the ,4tuttil.,pitt.t.f)l Sebn,. rtopol, jno,lenger ! eilt., .The chemy:pereek'.' ing oa r solid occupation of theMelakoff 'deci ded u pon consurhing .. the.-placeyaftei.! having destroyed and-hhiwn up by mines nearly-all the defenceS. Owling pasAd 'the night in the! .thidst bf thy - troops, I can q§ , itire:::YOu - that' everythitig in fite , Karabelnaie is 14ru up,, and frimi what - I could sec -th - e 'same crust be the ce; in front, of our - le ft dine Or aitacie:- . --, This 'i .. merisestleCesS . doei the - greatest honer to our troepi.. - Every thing quiet ion the Teliert eye. 1' i - : • i - The . a.ssaul t on Malakoff was at neon of the Bth itit. The ' redoubts' the . liedan,:ef. , . . 'Careening e ddy was carried by storm by _the' 'French isoldters,, with. admirable intrepedity to the ;Shouts of I Viye.rEpPereur. The lim dati of careening bay was not tenable, owing to the teary fire of artillery which was pour -ed. npon the fi rst Occupiers of that work.. 'On belthlding -the French eagle.slloating on the Malakbff, . Gen: de Suites made two ; attacks on.the Central, Bastien, but did nut - Succeed. The French troops returned to their trenches. The losses weite.serious. : . . • Thekllan ofthe battle appears to hare been as follows: Tlieplace was atsacked inlfour - di:-. ; rections.. Tließritit4t,troOps ittteMpted the sistormink,* of the Redan ; the French attacked the Islt . .ltkofr :. The extreme right 1 of -the 1 French made a di - i-ersion on - the littlelledan, and a United attack , of the English. .French. .i and:S4rdinians :was made ,on the '!Central Battery-. Ail the attacks were made sitnnl taneoufrly -with great spirit and energy ; 'bat Cie one-which was most eminently :success . - fi i i i wn , led' by G e n. 11.) . .9ttet: and Gen. .14 Malian on the Malakoff. 'kith the Iledan the and Ciintrat Bastion were • • at. times l ' i.n hands pf the Storining parties, but . .sb emu- i iatell. ; lid the gums of thellucbtians eovpr these that - 4' scion as the English had gained pos:- s s'essie of them - it was fintnd impossible - to hold,il t em. - . . . . • The,l- t*, )11Owing despatch is Trom. l :Prince GortsdhakotT, and is-dated the night ()fit he 9th, The i (Pt' rrison of 'S'ellast °rot, after stlttaining . 6 an nt rnal-iire,Lrepiii:ed hi 4 a-zsattitA,llnrt did no'tkirive the ciiemy from tit- NialaliOtT Tow, er.s: qur bravli troops, who resi-ted to - the la4 l eNtremity, are noW crossing over to- -like , nortuefr part of Sebastopol. The 1 ere niy fc.puttd.nothing in; the-southern part 141 blood stained ruins. On, the 9th - at - Saba. the .pa , - sa;. , :e to linKnorthern side: wa: -1 1,- ,0 n'p1 i 5t,,,, L .." with the hiss' of 100. men. kV,- jot. I regret to say., .604 men prc‘-iOusly A% 0 t:Mie4l4 on the . southeirn side; , - The- intelligence-of the fall of Setsatitopol was reie - ved in. Loudon ‘vltli deinonAt;rationtt .ht joy., At . the' v_arious - theatres'-,.and 1 'l , , Of- public amnsenient. the lief. - wa? . ..i lv,atinorineed; and, .the .bat?ds at each !itimiodiatdv played -the national an. t • iof En , dand and France, and`*fi roug'.;- a ,, l andt he deinonstrations weregener- I English leas. in .the ft.sti - p1( :on tti -, is estimated at 2900 - kiile.d and worm, nt'gi 1)1, -lee• ME tilt_ In, IMRE INE RAM de - •d. i'_ Oa the night !of the . ;,h imz2.l , `, whilst.the . i . .Etn()p or of the IFreucli was . 'at the door of the TI tal.,re 4aii , , n, at the monlnt the - cap riage. (lontainih-gple Ladies of Ironor, of ilk Etni)o,;•, , top'ped-at the: entraheeof the then= tre, at • i th l ; v t il l til - .wha wa4 ..tan Ii;; in the it .frottut kii,ehakg:d; without • 23 7 11 th e, ant, two poeke-pistols aC . the carriage. Nlvohe wa , struck' . The tn:lith who halt mark- 14,..4 r ., F 6.,q, t r ranee c t e a maniac' tl:tin aula..sa , sin, Nva4i into e. diauq:arreited: The name.of the individual. arre!tkd' is Be! . . ernarre. lie is about .e.1:2 years fA' age, he'hiFas-sentenee.j to two years • • I iMprk i nument forswindfing. • Nt - 1 IL&RRIED. • r • In Botterrille, Bradford' county, Septetnher ISth, by Bert. J. (1 Sabhi-, Mr. /UANs Miss ANN-. 1 Rusot.ng, both of Montrose. e On 1 . -burst - 6y tb lath instant, by thii Rev, J. B. .fcCretirr, M. G4N - VILLE S. 31F5.31c.N. Sc • 4gi.: J. liat.t.,!bOth-of Groat Bend. V Af the Parionag - in Ararat; Susquelianna county, Pa„ Sellterulier 18.55, by . Rey. 011W.:. 1 .70rt0n, Mr. F4:EMAN P. IV - urn:Er and Miss *taw HINZ, both OflGibSoll. I " " • , , . DIED. - In: Ttinkhalmock,i on liontjay the MARA' Ls, w . i6 of Jno. P: Dunn, aged 31 years ! .' / • The remains of the decertscd were brought to Dim ock firrlinterrnent.' i Alia 'the funeral services will he attendeia to at'the Medici - dist Episcopal Chureh in this place, I l lext Sunday at I.la 7 clock. • Brs.ll l ...turni, by her kind dispositio:Wd_aniird i le d e . pOrtme t, had won for herself large tircle of worthy and eit t mable friends,:who smight with Mir : emitting kindness _to alleviate . her sulforings - during her pro tractedlillness. But the unerring shaft of:death baf fled all theiiskill and kind effort,: and tier freed spirit his left its clay tenement for a higher and sph,re. 'Poo: ter, weep : not that thy -companion is gone! • deem.fier „The dust dint you gee; • , Her truth and her paticact.live on All painless and deathless and free. tieb) V In. the oinmu u Pleas., WAKE NOTICE, that the money arising:from the Oalu .of the Re: EstaW • of lillioi Benson will be distribUted . among t c proper creditors by;A. New ton, at his office in ontrose,On:Faturday the :Id flay of Nitrtnber nest, a one o'clock in the afternoon.— All personv ttbo Int . • an inmirest in said fund are ri.- queFtel to appear, tiftl present their claims or forever be det4rreti tberefrbm. N. NEWTON, Auditor, Montrose, October 8, 1855. Pubi is Salo of . Rea - I and Personal E‘tiate at Auction. RARE CHANCE FOR PURcHASERS. . .- Ti .Subserilk having made arrangeinents :to clange Ids location ' and business, will offe r for sale at. renduj:•rui the-premises; on Tais‘t)y 47,r ,10th day ( ! 1" .Ortotwr 14sti.„ - commencing at 15 o'clock fir ., -- re following deSeribed Real and Personal Estate, to - wit: 1I 1. • His Fatnr4if;lin aeres Or thereabontit. of 7.0 n -a land, situate in Franklin toWnship,,Stestteltanna en., Pa...oi the Snake Ceeek road lending from ;Montr9se to Binghamton, 'and three miles from the .fornier place, int whirl) nte 75'aeres under improvement, and having,[thcreon afrante Dwelling. 8055.,-Ilarns, sheds, atidn Ihrifty )votlngorcintrd of grafted f r uit, And ae, e ll vratereld ictithlivlng springs and streams. • ; . 2 One other piene-utljoining the above, containing the sate numbet:of-acres, and on. which -• there itre abonts acres newly Cleared, and whichls no*" sow -cd with Wheat Mid Rye, and which,will be sold with •: the la i ld. -•-•:; ;t - . • .. .: - 1 3. ne other }itch adjoining the above, and On taininei ;.acres, tfr 01ot-etas:tuts on which there it a good ater power and on ,which a Tannery recently stbod; .tut ha;4 bleu destroYe.4. by • are , l e avin g i +' - • t : 17 of the yats,ioundation kc. without injury, ,also some. 205 orkfa) cord's of-Bark which-will be sold. • 4. The following Articles of pereonal property With numerPus article- not mentioned, will also be sold to A*: offe spat'. . orking Horses, Lumber Wagon , nd Ila rne'te.. one to . horse Pleasure_ Wagon, one one horse Buggy, do.) stud Harnem, one one horse Lunt ber do., two set Bob Sleighs, one Cutter, one • Pleas ure. S'F-Igh-3 variety of Fanning Utensils,'. including -Plott3 IF, Ilarrows - Ste.,--a variety. of Household Fur . nifureitneluding-inedS" Bedding, Chairs, Tables hu reans,Stores An. • Also one pair Working then, one pair matelied 2 year old Steele' and two Cows. ..7f.r as of Fig/i. -One fourth of the-purchase money for the Lands tube - paid down. The balance in four equal annual instalments, with-annual interest on - the whole: sum rewashing unpaid, to be secured qy. Bond and 114Ortgage vruen the deeds are given. Indisputc able tA1,13 will be given. FollPersonrl Property all sums legs than e,5 cash. For al sums exceeding t 6 Six lifontbs Credit will be giVen Ito be secured by Notes with approved security. and on• interest. . - - B. Q. GROVER. Gabber I; 1855.;• . ' FAULT TREBIL PEr";SONS. Aishinrati_Ortha,6l, would do well to c44rat TURRELL'S NUIRSERIZS, 2} miles sonth eerrriestehtville ' where Apple treed, of the most . red. kinds, of g ood- 4-4 e, and'quillty, 'smelt as are - if bc:ageetifOrs 26 efla,..ean be had for 12 i centst ,Alito: n fewl'ea'cli, Pear, Flitint;,4ulnee, and 31oun. tail' At treeicat'reasonablei pric es: Part cular.rer,,Atd is lad to arivraeyof names, and to making a:good "election ot *tit fOt * different seasomi•of the. 'year; when deliied. , -..-• ~: . ~---- 11.. 11. TURRELL. ~ -• Frle4deville l Susq'a. co., Pa., 2,0, 18:1'4. tv.ll*„ . . - S ept . l ,•• . 'BAILDWAN & PERKINS, . • - Wh4esale and Retail Ilenteivi in. Flonr,Aalf, Pork,' Meal, Oettin; Feed and Candles.; Cash paid fin.' Oats : And` Rte. . . On : Chestnut Sireet—nost end of Lyons A: than . gtore, Montrose Pa. - ! - • • Sissfiaehanna Teachers" laistitute. • • • A Teacheia' Institute will bejheld in the village of New. Milford! the sessionAX which will colihnenoc on. the.eveling !of Monda — i'the,latln, and close on the• nibrning of Sat tirday 2 t he ilfith day of October next. . Its central location and facility of access render it . one 'Of'Lthe most faVOrable opprirtunities for the 250 Teachers of Susquehanna county to assemble for in . ; . • n. strueden and mutual improvement that could be of fered: Lail the northern, southe'rn, end - weste . rn prnr tioas of: the countytearn reach it cithor lny stage or railroad, there being two trailis 1 on 'he rying passengers each way morning and affeculann. Aumng the ma eminent iructes nn:-o, f`Cnn-ih Cut ter of lifitssachnsetta. f•-,..ln ty;-Pr 4r.r. w.s.dcr,r; .1. I'. W.iror:- .crslialti of Lancaster, and 'Lona:C.-It. n - r wanbi !A), able corps florin the hlninve list will be present to conduct the exereiseS. in addition to which will bei Prof. W. RiCharth , on oT !this cionaty, and Mr. (lever, rounity; , -Stmerintentlent of Bradford county.— Other eininent teachers are'expeeted ttli visitors. Good boned will be furidshedant private ionises! at the rate of $1,5.1 to per week, and at public houses ..int I oft' the ree - ttlar price. It can safely be estinunthnt ' , Mt to exceecl s ,2s.conti per day for the four or five:flays the institution will be in session.. • .! The instructors -will charge only their travelling et: . ' penswii . for attend:tme, which Will probably range, per iteacliee; front 10 tatso cents. - Theiie will . be a committee at the railroad depot and piddle houses, who, upon the arrival of teacher?, will inthrm them ins to boartlinV, It is 'earnestly desired that all; who purpose attend ing the hi,titute wilt write inun i ediately to Dr. L: A. Smith, New :Milford, Chairman Of above *named corn mittee.i • • Teachers of Siisquelnanita.! prepare to rally inn all your strength: Not less than tWo hundred teachers should lie present at the Institute in October next. Come UP and sustain the good work Im glorionislylri ainguratell one year ago. Tire i ! times demand h— ymr frdure lalmrs, to be lierfp4tes.4l.,.deitifyill it—the interests - of the Common Schooll demand it ; and who shall -bit found wantirig, under the pressure ,of: such weight"' respoinsibilititw;r October ininst - surely- ans wer:. and, Tenni-teachers will 'von not Libor to pre sent in iveord, at that dine, worthy old Susquehanna? • • !B. F. TEVI:RSIICBY, ram. CLEAR THE TRACK, Ill;; am in:a great hurry Why, what's the n!ittter .140 W ? 0; nothing; only Bullard over there at InePosttace has jost ryceiyed by RailrOad Espreso, a new. lot of. Books and Stationery, and J want so . tue before they are all t.ne. d u ct's so. route On, for he has got Mary Lyndon,. The Bidden Path, My Bondage and Freedom (F. Douglass,) ..Ber •tha and Liilie,ll(xid's Choice Works itt sett of four vot4. 5:4. - ke., Yount Folks' Glee Book, A -ytiriety of populaASong Books, and a laro addition to his stock' of Writing Paper, Envelopes and Ink—all of the best. - -tittalitc,l and cheap for the itrA•r; at the roizioffic ( ,, first lo6r north of L. Searle's HOtel. Monti-o=e, Sept. 11), 1555. A. N. BrizARD. . . . PALE TRADE S . 1855. I HE4 'lease to incite the at tetition of my old friends •lnrers to the 177.71; r RG.I:7 STOOK s, (LB 0 C117:1k5, 11.4 II .0 11 7 ..1RE, 1101.775, SHAWLS. FURS, PS, PAINTS - if OILS, CLOTH - ECG, INDUS tt•r. Ar., I .Mn now receiving, and tg thanks for pasCf.tvois, I would re- . a,.; ‘, 4k them once more! to favor "me with a e of the tintront4re they has'e heretofore sn Mier toOor,-d me with. - 11.-SUTPHIN. Sumilemeille, Sept. IS, I.S. • . 'I fl %I\ and Produce of afilkincis ri - nnted at the f T lilphel•it market prices at 11. 4:4 - TPIIIN'S. Ci(l $D tOOl. SOCKS ;Tra - ritt4at7 ------ - • J. n. tt•rrtnx . :i Sc - r.G.kns, cheaper t they an Ire oi i amea el se- Arlik.re at 11.1.71"111.Vs. NEW MILFORD STOVt EMPORIUM • In Full tla_9t. • • . Two Hundred and Serent,y-Fire Stoves...Pr , j...kale Diekennan Carnal. • - ‘ll7t are in receipt of the la l rgest stork of Stoves •"I 1 - i , ver offered-in Northein Pennsylvania, con sisting.,q Cgokine., Parlor, ani Six-plate, both for wood and call: also, a full assortment of large sizes, for Stories and Churehes. Woad call partienhir attention to the Jeffersonian Elevateil Oven, the most perfect and heaviest plate stoVe:in market. Among our assortment of large oven, n'ould mention the Empire State improved, as being vrc heavy Plates, perfect finish, and a superi or bake,r. Farmers of Susquehtinna county. you have beenjOhr. habit of purchasing hi !ht stove= and li^ht trimming, and paying as much; ns you ought .tn for heavy plates and heavy We manufacture our furniturr. and W'il s , ll at roan• ufacturtr's prices. Let those.ahe p;:vu T. 1,41 - compet., with us if they can. Jo%.!•;:ig with the tin tinde, aa itstul P MCKEti AN ‘%- (.; A iti:lterr. . 'NewiMilford; Sept. ! - Frej:h Arrival of *plc Goods at Dickerman tr,ilarratt'4. • . TA}` snhsciiheri Would resPectfully inform the g ,citl people of Susquehanna county that . they arc - tuot opening their stock of Fall and Winter'Pry Gonds,which is unusually farce and attractive, all of which sold for casts or approved credit cheap er thai,: at any other establish:tient in the county.— We mean just what we say. Please give us a trial. DICIZERNIAN 4: GARRATT: Newlldilfork Sept. l 5..1 55.; Colt. Suppoced to lb Cheap, ON thouxlnd dollars worthbf vadv-Masie Cloth- DICKERN4N GiRRATT'A. I , e,iciL , lfilford, Sept. 18, 1855 . • •:: ! Sherifror Finlc. - . 11'...)Y . 'irtue of a writ of 17. if'(i.. issued out of the. Ai COltrt of Common Pleas of Susquehanna eorflity• and to :me directed, I will expose to sale by public rebduq, at- the house of Harry Ttarney, in the town ship of, Apolachn, on S,'iltiirday the 13th day of Octo ber net, at 1 o'clock it m., all that certain piece or parcel i.f land situate and being in the township of Apalacliti, in Susquehanna co., bounded and described as folhiws, to. wit : • • 011 the 'north and north-eas't by lands of James liciusei William House, James ißasford, and George Prink ti on the south by lands of Avery Beebe; south west by tangle of Ansel Fox, and-north-west by lands of the *aid James Houser--heing the -same lands con ceye..4l.l4) Ezekiel House by threie certain deeds. ThC first, -fames Maur and wif44 tolEze.kiel House, dated June 1 . ,2t1i, 1851 ; the 241, Jauk.ra House and wife to Ezekh.-) Rouse, dated 'May 12th. 1853, and the :Id, convey,ed by Avery Beebe and ,'14444..: to the said. Ezeki el iloulie; dated January leltli, I Ssl—all of which are recorded in the office for recording, deeds In and for the connty of Susquehanna, aslfollOws : . Deed Book So, 24.. page 348 ; Deed Boolio. 22, page (153, and Deed Rook No ; 22, page 6,54---J •ontaining in all about 141 Itert4s, be the-same more' or 1....'5, with the appurte nancei one framed dwelling ho se and one old house, '(untentible,) some fruit treeQ, and. all improved. Talt3m in execntion •at the stilt of Edward C. Tur ner, td the use of John 11. Arnold, vs. Ezekiel House. ' F. P. HOLLISTER, Sh'ff. . . SheiilT's office, Montrose, SePt. IS, 1856% . . • Administration Notice. . • NTH-OtICE is hereby given that letters of admirdstra ..l..l • t a upon the estate of SikitAll SEAr...s, late- of Dimoeit towship, dm'd, have 4en granted to the dersi#ed, and all persons indebted to said estate will plkase make immediate payment, and those har ing claims will present the same duly attested , fur settle4ent. JOHN !W. CRAY, Sept, 4, 1855. i ' 13.5we1. .Yrteop Naht 1101r1 Evora. boiei be forgetful, friend!, one and all- 7 Aged or youthful, great br : 7.• (If not too entail,) . • That it Odd Fellow!' Hall- - • , 4 the place to call, I. ITo your faces done up tall. W. D. DEANS. Montrose, August 15, 1855.1 • . .Fire•lnosar6 nee. . • T " undersigned has been duly appointed Agent for the-STATE METCAL FIRE INSUEASCE COMPA PANY.nt Harrisburg,. Pa. Capital• $500,000. Is as Life mad cheap a oompany as any in the State end in- cures ion the stock Or mutual plan. • . BILLINGS STROUD. ito4trose, Sept. 18, 1851, i . s7w, ALFRED BALDWIN: ALAS PERX iNS. 7 P•F ° C 4A ; a f.4., 77q":; • • .'0. 7 • • GWElthja - E,LECTIt4 -- N , • TN Ourtinance of tut act athe Genet,' the commbhiteetk "actlrelating to the Fdectioas of the CetuteOwttilt.ft," appriked.tbe secon d day of JulY . A't•Di•oittritlezttisand eight; ttett,f,Mrtrilett. F.. ' 4 ll.igli,§heritrof the 'County Susquehanna, in said Conitinenn.icaltb.:dotbrrebY give flotke to 01' F4ftetora t h c o ral it f oros iad Abet ogeneral ElectiO* will be , 1 ;bold in mid county on the second Tuesday of Ocioltier • next,:(it being The loth day, 4: sild . month) at ithich timegitate and County: olfwers are to lie fe1e 4 444 as folloils to .vdt.; , • - •.- (hle . perton. to €ll office of Canal,,Ceneo l k•ialop er • of thi3 boardiof.rennaylvanie. Ti o.persons to All , the . office -of ,Members the,: ,170u4e of Htipresentaiires of the COnnuoulrealth. of; .Penilsylvania,.for - ,tfi e'Distriet comp4eil ties of s. q ueham..,;w s omin g Oue pereen, to, fill tiro office of County Corturnasiott• er of:the county of Susquehanna. - Otte person to fill the officer of "Auditor ofglte Coon. ty ofiFetsquehanna. ; • • • !.! • One persoutofill the office of Trer ithe tus to 4e coun ty oliSitsquettanna. - I i• - I its() hereby maim, known and giie notice thatthe plactis of holding the General Election in the several Warils, Boroughs and Townships within the county of Stisuehanna ' are as. folloWs, to wit: •I Tie Election for the District (*unposed of the town ship of Apetacon„will he hold at the houae.(4Joieplt 16•71!0!ip, . tier J i rrict crmipn.ed of theltriwit ship of t:i hekid a s. OKliiionl Il t.d fle.lt* the P:, 1111 4 :61 • 10: the or xi., rL: . 1.1 Nitz lit held at the holro: Of G6)l.ge • `.*. wild township.: ' • • Election : for the township of Bridgewater, will 'lc Want the Coiirt House, in the Boroughl of Moot ttoqel • Tliti Election for the Dist' iet comic:ow.] of the bawit ship Brooklyn, will be held nt, the home foilnely ocelipied hy O. A. Eldridge In said • township. The Election fi; the District composed of the town ship iefChoconet, will be held at the School-, near the house •r,t Robert Giffin, in the said town ship.; • . • Thu: election for the District composed allie town ship ill* . Clifford will be held at the house formerly oc-. cupid by Arthur. Stuith, in the Borough of Dundatt Tit ElectiOn for the District Composed of the' Bor ongh of Dundaff. will be held at the Ditudalf said Borough.: . . . Thi. ! Election for the District composed of the town ship Of Dimock, will be held at the ' house! of John Bitkei - , in Said township.. The election fin- the District Composed of the (Own , ship t)f Forest Lake, will be held at the house dittely occtsPied icy Pycsery ed Hinds, insitid•towt.ship: = ' The (des - lion - for the District composed of the win.: ship 111 - Franklin,. Will he held at the houie :of Rufus 'Tuttle, in said township. • , The election for the Borough of Friends villovj 11 he held in the School House in said Boiough. . • The Election for the District PriMposed of the towpe ship iif Orcat Ilmil, will be held at the hoitse Of Al- - fred "illi , sit in slid township. / • i- . - The Election for the District composed of town ship. lif,(iihson, will by held - at the house,* .ikeph 1% Washhipm, in Said township. •• . Th., Election fur the District composed ofthe town sldp 6111;1i - ford, a ill he held at the house of 'Nathan W. Viildron, in said township. The Election for . the District composed ofltbe -.town ship of ilarm3ny, will be he'd at the house I lately oc ePpilil by. F, A• Ward. in said township. I - ; Tile ilection for the District composed of the }Awn ship isf Herrick, will be held at the house of • the late Ware , ; Moods.. .in ?aid township. . 1 ; TlOltecoon for the District coinposedtflthe town ship Of ,lackson, will be held at the hoUse Of Nrithan i. iel Hill. in Said township. .- The .Election. for the District composed of the town ship o'efJessup,.srill he held at the house ;of -Daniel Donn irii.l township. •i I - , • Tlke Election for the District composed of the town ship :ofilenox, will be - held at the house-of Grim 'di -1 . 1 Brothers, in said township. The Eleetien for the District composed (Oho town ship i)fLibehy, will he held at the School Douse near the ksidence ofisauc Comstock, in said township. The EICT6II for the District composed of; the town ship ;of Lathrop, wili be held at the holisel of Elisha Lord; hi said township.: .1 • 1 The Election for the District composed oflthe town -RIO Or Sliddletotrwill be held at the house Of Joseph Doss;.in saiktowpship. .: The Ekction for the District compo:ed of the: Bor ough of 'Montrose, will be held at the Court; House in , • sai!l'.73oi-ott2l). • ,' The 4. f 1:0;) fir the District composed of the-town •ship isif Mew Milisp , i, Will be held at the - lio)ls.e l a t e ly occupied by Joseph O. fine, in said township: ' 1 . • The Election for the-diarict eorapose'd of;the town ship '' , or 0 .11.., a,_ ..:11 1.... 3.-.11-.. 0,.....i....,,,,....,c_u_ az. ,......., to 111 - 11 hprough of Snspuelmtma. -,•- . -1 I , Th. , Election fur the District composed of the town ship . 9.; Rush, will be held at the house formerly . oc cupied by' N. J. Sherwood, in's - aid township. - The Election for the District composed of, the town ship ;of Springville, will he held at the Huh+ of Spen cer Manx; in said township.' - . - 1 . The Election for the District composed of th!,,town ship of Silver take, will be held at the house new oc cupied by Robert Mc GieiglO. The Ejection-for the District composed of the Bor; °ugh' orSuseineh.anna, will he held at theLlionse of Elli it Benson, in said Borough. • The Election for the !nitrite composed or the town ships'' Thompson, will be held at the house of Jonas Mand el ! ". in said . towtedlip. 1 • . : I itAsti Make known•and give notice as in And by the 13th section of the-aforesaid act.l am directed; `'that every person . except Justices of the_ peace, whoisluill hold any offieo or appointment of profit or trust tinder the toited States, or of this Mate,' or of • cottuuis a:ly etf:.-er tlceir . por.e..!d fli-trict, whether .a , ; IT; c c.• or shall employA .fide the. .j e,` .! e or cx , cettre .!;f. this State Or r ,- ii:r.r. 4 1.11; 1 ., :thy city or rs•orated te:d. e. t'at. every Mendew of (7 , , !1 PJ tin State Legislature, and of the or L.-met:fel council of a:ly city,, or comiuti,:ion -,-;•.: ;I:corporaied di trier, fie br law [ inc.irmffie „r;,;„.1:i: g or exercising at the same.time, !the toffice te r pointment of Judge, inspector, or Clerk - of any • election of this.. Commonwealth, and that no Inspec tor or Judge or other officer of any such elertion, shall - be: eligible to any office then to be doted for." - • ' And by the . same.act Assembly it is itlSo !made "the duty of every Mayor, Sheriff, Deputy Sheriff, Aldernian, Justice of the Peace, Coustahle or Depu ty Constable, of every city, county, town.sliip or dis trict!! Within . this Commonwealth,- wheneVer palled upon by an officer of an'election,.or by three qPinified electori thereof, to clearlauy.window or avenue to the window of the place of General Election Which shall be obstructed in such a war as to prevent voters from appeonehingthe same; and it shall he the duty of the respective Constable of such ward, district or town- ship within this Commonwealth, to be present- in pensen Pr by deputy,. at the place of holding! such El e ctions, in such ward,distriet or township, for the purpose of preserving the peace as aforeinid.l. Also that in the 4th section of the act pf Assem: blv 4iititled . " An act relating to executions and for other Purposes,7 approved April fifth, IR4o,lit !is en acted that the aforesaid 13th section,'}tot tie conslrtied as to . prevent any militia officer or borough officer from serving as Judge, Inspector, or Clerk at any ;general or special, clettion in this•l Contmon wealthi" • - Pursinant , the - provisions contained the, sect k." - ".t afor-said, the Judges of I the :afore- said district shall respectively take charge pf the C(1 , tifiente or return of the election of their !respective districts, and produce them at n meeting of otte Judge from each district at the Court House in the Borough •of Montrose, on; the tint d day after the dayof erection being the present year cn Friday the 12th' day Of Oc totter next, there to do and perform the! (lades re quirOl'by law lot said judged. Also that .where a. .Itidge.by sick4ss or umartdablenecident is unable to attend said meeting or:ltttlie.fs, then the certificate or *turn nforeffaid shall be taken I chnig,e !of iy! one of the .jnspectots or Clerks of the election!of raid dis trict, who shallklo and perform the duties re/Inked of saidlJUdge unable to attend. - . • Also, that in ! the filst Section of paid act it-fA, enac ted :that." when two or more counties shall compose a ditttriet for the-choice of a.member or Members of the Senate of thiS Commonwealth or of the Holuie of Representatives of the tnited States or elf thi i Com monwealth, the Jude...es - of the - election ineach!eoun ty, hating met as aforesaid. the Clerks ishaJl make out, fair statement of all the votes which! shaft have beee giVen at Such !election within the county, for ev ery !person voted for as such a member or members width' Pliall be signed by said Judges and attested by the Clerks; rind one of the said Judges shall take chatge of such certificate and shall prodnee the!sasn'e at Inflecting of one Judge from each cannty it such in inch district, as is or mil , be 'apktinted by . law:!fity the purpose, which meeting shall lei held on the Seventh day after election. ! .The Return•Judgo.s of the Representattve District conlposed of the cwt:ICI:J. of Smiguellanna 7 Wyouting, f • and Sullivan, will meet at the Court. Houseßo rough of Montrose,. in the county of Suseeeluitina, otr TUesday the 18th day - of. October next t to perform those duties enjoined by law upon the said Judges. - Also, that in the filit section of said net, it is en oeted that "every general and special election, shall be ,!:opened• between Eight and Ten in the forenoon, and eball'eontinue without interruption , or adjourn- Meta' until Seven o'clock. in the evening when the pens shall be closed- 1 Given under,my Band, at my office,_ o- e . .rottgit of Montrose, the 18th day of September Anno Domini, 1855, ,and in the year of the Conimonwealth the Ise venty-nhath„ F. P. Hol,l4FTER,,Sheriff. • • .. ...... Peiiiist VRIIIIii .11ragiatraiW La* Li ; - ... -.... i a rt /-, tor.ary..,. 1..,:. i :-..- ' t : i t. • : 1- . • •', BINNVIIISTICE. -1 . - . .. L .1117 .. :Asti: - - - ~ I• , - - =''','BOAlirillrviii'l' . .ci.egial Gtiidi‘.. ''' NeW alai' ;SiXth Edition, briti , Tirv , the. Law ' downloilss4'; 1-, A treatise on the:office and duties of..Ald - En and. Justices.or the Peace in the Com m onwealth lof Fenno , syltania,itt4ho4ingalL the requited Forms. Process , andpegket ~ E ritelett t, atLumbodying. not anis!. what . rutty be deduced valuable -, to-Jstaliees of tie Peace, but to Landlords, Tenants., and General Agents; and making.this,:voluine what It. purports to be", , ..A Safe :Legal Guide for Saltiness Men. Ilv"John Hinn, late Alderman .or wahuivivard, in the city of Philadel phia,; 'The Sixth Edition: , -.Revised co ted, end 'greatly ettleired by Frederick C. Brightly, it., Au-, thor or "A ;Treatise on the Law of • Costs, 1 ”Equity Jurisprudence," "Nisi Prins Reports," Edito! , of "Putdon's Bigest,"- Ac:. ' lit' One thiek vol e. oc , taro. .Piiii* Only $4,011 .' '' -.' ' '-, !' illso,i . Compsinion to l'inn's .Tuikicei; 2. 1 GRAYDON'S toßms... h :Forms Of CiMvevatteing, and of Practlee , hi ' the, Courts of Common Pleas, Quartr Sessions,l-oyee and' Terminer i the Supreme - and Orphan's Conti?, and the offices of the 'various Civil officers and Justices Of. the- Peace.. - Fourth corrected,! enlarged; • and adapted to the present state of the laws;- with copious exrnnatory. Jotes and . Beferene .s, - and a new full, and comprehensive Indes. BY'obert.E. Wright, Esil '' To one thick Octavo volu e. -Price only $1,50. ; : - Auto, • : ..4 - a.. Strottd.and Brightly's P rdon's .111 •.. Dige4t=ll,7oo to 1555.1 • • . • -A Digeatiof- the Lairseof Pennsylvania from - the year 1700 to the Rth day of May, 1855. The kirk 'Four - EilitiOna by- the late John Purdyi - Esg. - The. Fifth, Sixth and Edition by. the lion. Ceorge . M. .Stroull. Eighth Edition Revised,. with Mar-kinal-Ref erences.. Foot Notes to the J o Judicial De co sionk ; An alytiesl nleitiS ;' a Digested Syllabus of each Title;: and a New, Full, and Exhaustive Index. • Illy Fred crick C. Brightly, Esq., author-of "A Treatise on the Law of Copt? ' " **F t quity .Turisprudence," }'Vial Pli tt? Report s" Editor of "Binds .Testipe,' ke. One thick Royal Rvo. -Priee A only 1 ,5,110. .1 .I',' •- - .• - t r o-The fres - mess tull'l permanent sein e of • Pur don's Digest are preserved by the publication annu ally - of &Digest of the Laws enacted - in each year. - -. These.eite ea/ Digolts arc arranged in precise .con fermity to the plan of Pardon's-Digest: <'l hey. are,' each of them, republished Mutually;' are Connected together b a General Index; (prepared anew each' year,) whic h embraces the - contents of thelLaws of each vear since the publication otPurdon's Digest, in one alphabet; and are bound up With Purdou a Diet , 1 • gest. and also sold . separately. • , . . 1 - e Thus the: purchaser of I'urdon's Digest 11 always be in pogsesslon of the complete body of tit - Statute w , LaWS of. Pcinnsylvania down to the very b ur when he Prtrilla4ci it. Those who have already ptmlutstel Portion's Digest may always complete . tt t 0 date for the small FOP of - /e7ft . y Cents, the price of the vol ume containing itlithe annual Dige.ts issued since the; first publication of therpresent edition of Purdon's Digest ; as heretofore stated. - e _ I. 1 li A Y- - .k 13 - WTI - IER, - 1 • . LAW .13005t1.1.F:11.9 AND PrI4LISITEIII, -: 17 A: 19 -South It'ifili Strr:t, 1 First Store above Chestnut, Philade i lphis.' :711 - Orders or lettem of • inquiry for Law !looks from the ccinntry promptly attended to. 1 - .ttBm3 . . • • _ - A GENERAL: ASSORTMENT OF STAPLE / - I.'and Fancy Dry Gnod., • Greceriea, hardware, Rau .Ccp , i, hoot== and Shoe?; Wall Paper,lDrup;," Dye St tiil l ,,.and DU?, &c., which will be sold al.l cheap as the cheapest fur call or approved credit b r y • Ilarfunl, June Ist, 1855. ' 11. M MATS. - 13LACK . , Grode Rhine Silks of excellentiinnlity • IJI at • , 'lu. 11. -10NES'.• 1 . ROCIIF: and Cashmere. slia,wls at all prier., also ..1.3 1 P a few muffling by _ . IT. 11. .T.OtsiES. 1,.).E . A1)Y wade clothing at low prices by il , , 11. 3f..T0.E.5. . . t .(71...Asffp!Iiil for AtiorTil;i - : ' 1 (.31..1 . t‘i f ES • fo .---: \ Ilarrtl,. June lit, 1'i455. C ASII phill for Dairy Butter by I - 11...31. JONES 'good assortment of Boots and Shoes at - 1 ' . . IL N. JO. rrEAS, Spgart. and Coireez: of fine qualitieq and .t• low pqtats Ily • IL at. JONES. I AllIESI . “ n'id n-;;;e:1! Ribboils:at T A AWNS. Citatli, Ittinege del ! aines andGilighatus at . - H. M. JONES: L - 1 3113 ROIDERI NG. i ! ird. Window Draperies —rllarford, June Ist, 18Z5. H. H. JONES. • _......----- - . - Look - Here! • -jaOCKE'I' KNIVES. A 'goad assortment 'or the best kinds in markot: Also Table tnives andiForks. SPOONS. Silver, Silver Mated, German. Silver, Alba to and Brilania-ware spoons. Also . . Sitter, Silver PLied, and Derniao Silver Butter Knives.: VIOLIN fiTRINGS Bo* and all the Alan es, Accotdeons,_Fintes, Tuiting FOrks. Inst liction BookA, kn.'. FLUID LAMPS,.FIuid, Campbene C'andlesi tamp Oil, &c. ' r FAMILY GROCERIES. A full assortment, new and good. . DRUGS & PATENT MEDICINES. A first hte iortment. and gethiine. FAINTS & OILS. _k generalassortment, and f good quality. • • JEWELIIY. ,A splendid.Tariety of the neat . tpat terns. - • FANCY GOODS. Nearly every thing In this PERFUMERY:, A" choice variety. ( New anpplieS received nearly every week.] In short, nearly every thing persons want, and cheap at the Variety store of A. TURRELL. Montrose, June 14. 1855. . I • ESTR (\3)[F into the enclosure of the subscriber, 'in For kJ est. Lake township, about the 18th of - June last, a p:ile red Yeio.ling‘ heifer, with some white bn the: bells, and about half the bush of the tail gont4 aPpa rentic, cut off. The owner is requested to pay charges 'and take away the same. SETH IVA R Forest'Lake, 'July 18th • FAR' OR SAL . ri.117, subscriber offers fer sale, on the Mosti liberal .J. terms, One of the heft farms .N Vr_making money, in orthern Pennsylvania. The s 'd farm is situated in Dinlock,Susquellanna county,coT-enient to Church and saw-mill. It contains .100 acres; one hundred and twenty five under a_ good ot. cultivation ; well watered and fenced, one, good frame. house, 28 by 38 feet, two good barns one hundred feet of good shed, hog house, and ;a good young orch- • ard, all grafted fruit thereon. Possi?ssionivill be given - to suit the purchaser. :For price-aepiy, to the pro prietor on the prendies: • 1 Wm. BA* .ER. Dimock,:July -18th, 1 55. - • w 4. • NOTICE. I DOCT. R. TMAYER, tikes-this method disaying to WA friends and eustomers, that be h spin resumed - the practice of medicine, at his old ,stand at Ifontrose, Where he may be feund at all times unless professionally eewloyeri. lie would Nay to Oose in debted to 'him, that he will dedriet twenty-five per cent en alEaciounts paid before the first of Aptil next ; (or if tiny Poor.likc myself I will deduct firty.) l Montrosp, Feb, 1855. . .. .IProf. Charles Morris; i .‘„IUCCESSOR of Charles.Tillinan, BARBER, has- t..j Mg removed his shop from its former locittion in the ,ba.s.ement of Searle's Hotel,, to the room Ihi the &line bnilding, in the.rear of the bar-room, is ;prepar- If ed' to ercise his art in the most scientific Manner, on all . ho, may be please&to entrust Their heails or faces t his hands, . I . 2'41 Sash and Blinds. L . IV _l2 ll o, o ll i3t as j ,.. ;:i v r a u r il ,o b u e si d s . iz to es o c r3e tt : t irr tly 03and ' . _ • •J. iXONA k. SON. 'New GOods Cheap for Cash at the _'Be:td of Navigation. I% TTHE uhdersigned would respectfully- tuthoun k ce that he 'is still selling floods- at the old place, and that he bag an entire new stock of Goods which he' will aril cheap. • C. W. MOTT. BAREDE DELAINS for one shilling; La fast colorii, a vard wide, for one shilling, -* d Cali . (writ at all prier*, at C. W. 3.Y . lra. 3fontra,4., May 30, -1855. • Cash for Land Warrant*. - ' H ldl q .Sl' MARKET PRICE paid by '' • - - L..F.,niqu.. . . 1 , 3w40 - Ifontro4e, June 5, 1855 S. S. Moil's Temperance Saloon and - • Grocery j I)EMOVFd) from-the , rear of Lyons & Glymdler's boikiing to Maine street, opposite thelF i. arttices More; where he intends to keep on hand ago o 4 stock of Groceries, for sale cheap for cash. . Cash paid for 4gs• • - - S. d S. MOTT. MontroSe, July 25, 1855. I. ' Dr. Baker's Celebrated Vegetable . Compound, A Sorerelin remedy for Dysentery, Choler* Ifembus, - Cholera Infanttun or Summer eomphilnts—ientbelv vegetable; and has never Ailed. in a single tudance of produiing the desired effect. For -sale in betties at 68 dente and $l. "BENTLEY & READ. 3lontiose ' Aiiest 22 1855. • ' - .Z . NEW GOVDS - 1.0:11 . .. - • . • •.- At'illie .: "lßielltramite, o , - Bro . oklymr: _ , MILE subscriber,takes thisopportq e inittlisphing' - his friends - for• fheir eery Illierid patrons:ollle pesi season, and 'of saying to them in addition. - that:' having just received fresh invoices Of senmitudde Gocids of various descriPtions ' he; is still prepal to supply iTmost"liny - irliele tistutlly called for aka conit-. trxtuere..,, ilis'assortincot is noir eomplete;*and be- - . ingi the largest in town, - offers the greateSt induce ment to purchasArs; either fort:nth, Darter, or (;rood airtut., ''.Call. a n d see. ' ''' - '' • - s• . , _I - 12, -' Q. ti. HEMPSTEAD.: • DrOokiyn; Angust 20; lia:. -- . • '-- .1;: • i • - Medicines anifbrings.4 • - AI YRES' Cherry Peetc.r4 l -.-acknolvle4geli to be . itt. the , best pulmonary 'Remedy .-ext an t.:_p o n,r s Extinct of Witch Ansel— an exceedingly. • ialuahle rehiedy for ::divers. ills--Dr.- fakers ; Compound-a , gratl specific' - forDby,rheaj Dysentery, - Cholera Nor:I bus; ke.— A i res'; ',Tayne's,lPhinney's l and Wright's Pillt l / 4: Merchant's Gargling 414 .tegether with, a great variety of Drugs. in comm it use, kept constantly oh hand by, : .. .0 Cr; BEMT,STEAD: L Y. -- -7.-ii.. lease Ita NotieiN . •-• =. , 1 Thi4 it is very desirable them the/Su:aunts' end notes of the late firm, of Smith k lienirriread•should be:set tled, and that speedily.' . .0: O..HEMPS.TEAD. ' Breioklyn, Aug; 20,.11355. . ‘-.,.-, - • . -; ' i i - ,;;;At..Tby the barrel or food, at the market rat* t.. 71 by- •_ " - 2 f -0. G. HEMPSTEAD.' qll.lE.highest marliolt price p. d for Mitter, Eggs, Lard, Firm Prodnce of all kinds, goo'd Shingles, prune WWI Socks; be:, in Goods, by • 0. G. lIEITPSTEAD. CILOTIII/Na 7 + he gulocribtr has Or band, and is •now nainnfacturing,. small stock of Rbady-inrde Clothing; of good quality and workman ship, which he offers At very low prices. ' _ " •-• • • . 0. G. HEVPSTEAD, IIICOArTS 4.1VDS11101:8--.4zgoociiisortinent IJ-of excellent tpiallties, kept echadanily en hand by i t 0. 0. IigNIP,STEAt). :-: • Great Attraction' AT • t.O OUACH Sri'OAH." • . . rrEE subscriber wiweldagain announce to his Os tomeise• and the public generally that ite Faa re=" ceired a large assortment of BOOTS AND SdOMI, irldch he intends selling for Rindy Pay twenty per cheaper than e.ries be bought in this market, (the Getinine Boot tuitUShoe Store down Town or the Rare Chance for Dargaims, up town, not excepted.)-- "Opal Stoah" may be.fo•Ond the first door East of-the Odd Fellows'Hall, Turnpike street,- first floor. Al though not quite •so 'Commodious as Rothe "stoahs," yet i it answers mu' purpose . very well, for the present. Neither can we promise our customers that our "cell talllishment" will not he "snrpaised" by any in the country soon, but we will promise over customers that we' will sell Boots and Shoes to suit -in quality and Ourstock embraces a-general variety of new and elegant styles of. Ladies' and Gentlemqn's wear; among which are Ladies' Silk . Fox Gaiters, Colored Gaffers, Enameled Gaiters, Black and Bronsed Kos- Suth Boots;, Enameled Boots and Enaineled Buskins, Rid BaskinS, Polkas, Calf Lace Boots and Buskins, Mi'Oses Kid Boot i e, Jenny -Lind Oaiters, Gents -Con gress, Patent Leather, Enameled and Buckskin Gait ers, Patent .Leather Oxford Ties, Toilet Slips, Freqch Calf Boots, Thick'Bitots, Enameled Cdlf and Cowhide Britt:urns, Boys' Patent Leather Montereyk Rip Boots,. . Youths' Ilontereys and Kip Ties, Children's Tay-. torTTiek Paridocs Roan BOots, &c. Silk Boot-Laces, all ;colors. • • Work made to order, and repairing done neatly.-- Please tall and examine, . - STRAYER ~ • -'• "ROM the enclosure of the subscriber in Silver 11 Lake about the :Nth of Slav last, : four yearlings, Ode White-sided hull; two heifers, one 'pale red the other brindle, one red steer.: Whoever - Will give any information of the above will he liberally rewarded_ . THOMAS HARTNETT. Silver Lake, June ISth, 1855: 25—w3: TRATE I 101,06 REWARD. or stolen a-liver-coTered. Pointer Dog.. Li? The abo've reward will be paid to an v one return ing him to the store of A. LATHROP. Sz. Co. Vontrose4 June ltitb, 1855. - . 25—w:3 e - I .) 110 - ing Tool*. good -nksmiment, Scythes, Snaths, Rakes, Pork's, - L* —and l kinds of Horse: Rakes—and superior Revolving, Rakes, P. 13. CHANDLERS ;Tune .20th, 1856:..1 • - • .7!ty pf . Bonnks and MJ • Jr. . OS'ES. - " Paints and Oils.: r2rINK Blaties fire Pi l -ilnf Paint, Linseed and rau l4 :auctr. l linitv:l4:3l4-Nibac i iiune 20th; 1855.1 • ' . — ri Flour. By the Barr-el, Suck or - pound • E. B CHANDLER. „Montrose, June 20th, 1,255.. • SILK AND DRESS GOODS. BfiNTILLAS, Berages, W orked Collars, 1 1 Parasols, Law ns,•fashionable Bonnets, Fans,(a chhiceassortment in each department,) a splendid lot of moire antique : Trimming, Staple Godds of large variety, Clothing, (it large stock,) Gents' and lioys' ILlits, (silk and summer.) Cloths very low, Calicoes frcim 4 cents to I shilling, Carpets, Matting, Oil-cloth, and Rugs. Hardware-4Gerraan - Silyer it Plated Spoons, ICllives and ; Forks. • .• • tirroceilee—huh,..a fine assortment of Teas, COffees, Broma Tapies, Rice, Chocolate, Raisins, Ground Coffee, Corn - Starch.l • - • Peritimerf--Bay Water, Toilet do., ,Genin Farena, do: Mxtracta„ - German Cologne, a large stock of Fancy Soaps, &c.7,:c. Warming Tools—I:lay Forks, Scythe Snatbs, Bikes, &c. &c. 1 I. L. POST & CO. L4l.llltSllOllO • , ? • •• 1 irrarnishauglEsiziblisbment. subieriber keeps•constantly on hand, and will I make to order, Doors, Blinds, Windoirs & Window sath ; Door and window-frames and all other articles made of wood and used in building. Blinds painted and hung on short notice. Glass of alt "Sizes, quantities and qtalities fdr sale, - - • Flooring planed and matched at $l6 ® $2O per 1000 feet. Turning; of all kinds Atone to order, also a general assortment of CABINET WARE. , Bureaus, Tables, Stands of 'all varieties, ChairS, 134dsteads, Settees, &c., &c. • • • , Good Pine, , Cherry and Whitewood lumber; and Grain of all kinds taken in exchange fir the above. ' "Terms ready' pay, Or three months time ap prpved credit: All I orders addressed to me Will re. calve prompt attention. • JACOB, TAYLOR. Sanesbon), June :18th, 1855. u'AuLoo, THIS WAY. TIM subscriberrtreuld informthe citizenst•XMont rose and the public generally that be has Wight the Grocery formerly kept by F, H. Fortnum &Co., in Lyons and Chandler's building on Chestnut street, boreughof Montrose, where he has' a fresh as sortment of Groceries;; and will 'keep constantly on hind, Flour, Oysters, Cheese, Sugars, Syrup, Molasses, Mhckerel, Nuts,'Candies, Toys, Oranges and Lemons, Figs, , Prunes,Sattlines, Soaps, Vinegar, Coffee, dried Peaches and Plums; Herring, sack Salt, Pies, cakes, Beer, .Yankee Notions, and other things too nutner ons to mention; which will be sold cheap for cash or m6t kinds of: country produce.. Call and see. A share of public patrcinagels solicited: S. S. MOTT. `Montrose, March 1855. ' - ` . TO DAIRYMEN. • ' I - BITTTERNVA.NTEIi. — Thb highest market pripis will be paidin cash for good Dairy Witter-b 3 - - ••• - I ' • .' S. H. &D. SAIDE. .. :Jue 26th 1854.' li • NTED, in exchange .forlGgeds,-Eggs, • Paper VRaga, Beeswax , Grain Oat] kinds, and Cash. Montrose. Jue 6.4855: A: TITRREL, • Bonacts at Reduced ' PrlCes. - , 11....1 BURiii.rr will sell his,remaining stock ofSils, .4.1. Luta and Straw Bonnets, a. gpod assortment, at; reduced Prices to close the business of the season; man). of thm at. cost . ' , - - q4.ew Milford, June 18th, 1855. 25—. :____________ ~... •._ .__... . i FRESH ARRIVAL, OP NEW GOODS.. 1 1 ,1 T I E ui s a i n re to cel p I rtse du n i t n ,s g to t C.17 M I I3 I IM w A k tOODV . , which mill ?ender the. saSortment, complete, and - t o which weiriVite-thelattention of all who wish to buy God, s Arai. ' BENTLEY READ.. , f Montrose. ? June,...4th,'l§ss. .. . ‘ ' • Removed. tC. D. Viti3ll,Dentiet has , taken rooms over P. B. Chandlers' 'ptore, where it frill bells pleasure to see hts friends quick l as possible. C.D. VIRGIL. Stay' 2;1855. Resident Dentist. 1 ' 'cit,mili,Kcpy,AAVE.D.- . A X ictlie end intelli nt, young man of 'about I'l ..... years pf age,, wanted as clerk in store. One w,ishiug to acquire , the business - and disposed to makb hknseir usAtni, will ;find good-encouragement by ap. phcation shortly to; • " 'll, BII.ORTIT: New itilfbrd, July 22. 18.55. _ .-_ . ; . . . Paiteni Horse Rakes. FOB sale; at the Farmer's Esehange by '. - 1 , j' .. i - .•• --k...141.1 1 1111.0P, & CO: - [ June itt, ‘ . , • Tours in the Boot and Shoe trade; Montrole, May 1,. 1855. C. M. IMMO:KS Wt9O.D.R.a.C.f4.44rai'ED • _AVE removektolifte diktelat,•Wheiethisi: II a be Ot°. see alLtheir old customerssit94, as many new ones as please to give them:a • Tney intend to Teti **ifs]. iusertratifeat of :Statue. of : the hest kind and qualitr, - ,amonit. which - JliajA o onlid PIKEN7X .P.A.kAGO'N'AMtIGHTiZ, THREE STATES AND- ORAWOE .06UNTy ( AM-T16417,-PREMIIIM, STA 1t OP tßtirilBl% ELEVATgff 1, torAnt4lolTriiepiMilr; - 414. ( WESTERN OVEN. The;Elerated Oten Staves. ail have double-&e-places,. p#o rior co . ,the 'fire-place Rtoi'64: "We kee_p _ , 2 00rk., atantly o - hand'a gelleratiosortneht 'or772t7W.ARF,__A of ' rate - quality; tot; konle i ttichiA 'aljo 'Well ui4 Cistern Painps,'Painri Chains - and Reefi; LeaciP4p_ • - of all isizeK Jayipatined 'llOFll4 l ' they self Chian fOr ready pay or appytrifiel - credit. work .done iritkdOpti(eVai)o. lll arder:„'••! Pr : . S; Al: OaittrFF. • (L. IL gLDPIX,:•-; . 3ro 4ft!!Ws,W) . ) • • ; • TUE LIGUIII/nItG EXPRESIBV; 7t inte Saved ! -- Firri ... . . , bY , DaYlabatf. lIAWLEY &JENKS I : jr AVEI formed a pirtnerd t ip mgntrtme., for purpose of doing rrerybody's - T if INGiat tbe old stand; near Beeler'S H& tel. We hare purchased ett •emire new' stfick• , MON, comprising *cuff entortment of Wk& rest from thelity. We shall keep • eonstsuq u ; hand, • Ulster, round and squareNait Rods, Olaf - Toe-cork Rods; Refined Tyrelron, all attest, Vail Ihnct, Spring Steel, a large- assortment of - malleable Iron, Coil %alas,- Carriage Bolts, WAGONS .A. 1 140 ter4Otg" - Ironed'an short tlbtite, and k ro und , ,to, • oi; quidi order through:Mt,' tia May hest stilt bur liatrone aU busineqs transactiOns'must be settled. 0a00.11, t year. Short 'lsettletrients and long friendit h ojr ,. motto. :sr.-- By strict-attention to business we. Lope to . ree'iiiis a liberal hare of patronage. Ail work wit:T*l44 N. B. A good Journeyman *anted, to lassie steady errAdoytnent and high wages *M tints; • A. E AWLEY'. Ptaur.Tuti, Montrose, Mar 20, 1855. "' 22,71 ' , . . jlenr 00°814: Cheap tot. , - „Itr.:31017 hal just received'anc . ither lot of Neu, • V Goods, Such as Chailes,' Brigs' ' Embroideries; Lawns, ke., *bleb he offers•at ve - ry , low prices. Smhmer Shawls, a new lot' some beautiful patterns at very low prices , ahiollate Silk Shawls equally low for Cash. • . Parasols latest style at •- • - .C. W. MTS. ---• Black-Dress Silk, a splendi)larticle, at .0.-W. lg. , ' Shmmer - Statts in great. varieties, -C. W. - ' . Groceries of all kinds, • verY cheap. Syrnp f •a ant' rate aniele.at 50cts per gallon. ,You bane' only_ to • call and examine, to become satisfied that the -14- H . eid! of Navigation." is the place to tiny Cheap. • •• - • -Wanted. . Butter,. Eggs, Hams, La - TA-Socks, lit fact all kinda • of Country Produce 1 ilt exchatige for 'goo& at Cash: - Prices. • • . C. W.';310171 ) . Moutrose,•June la, 18 - 55. • • ' . New Goods. MITE. snbscriber' is 'ln constant' reeeiitt 'of New 1 Goods, iu his line of business f nearly every - week. The puhlic.will find his assortment N0..1, and his articlei hew and of good quality.. Thelitock eon- Sists as usual of Drirgs, Medicines, Faints, Oil., Dye Stea, Groceries, Fancy Goode; Jewelry, Perfinne ry, Store at the lower end of the burnt district.. Montrose; June * ' A. TIMM.' "looks Books; 'Books- t, • AT :THE MONTROSE . BOOK - STORE. 'inE subscriber woubdinfotnt his friends and the' - 1-: publ:c generally that he has on land the largest. and best selected assortment of-Books and Stitioneiy, to be found any where in Susmiehanna-county, which he will sell for ready pay-at prices that cannot fall to - suit. • • Among the miscellaneous Books may be foul dthe; •• • Life of Washington, Jaekson, Taylor. Isaac T.. 114 1 - . per, Horace Greeley, P. T.ltarnuin, and others; Star' .1 Papers, (Beecher.) Humanity in the Ow,. (Chapin,)?• Bell Smith Abroad,lly Courtship, and its Consequerie es, (Wykoft;) Rutk Hall, (Fanny Fern ; ) also Fern - Leaies ' first-- and second seriel American Agitators and.Reformen4,, , Thoughts and Things at'Hout.r. and"- Abroad, Getting, Alone-The Old:Ion, Hood's Works, .• . Stanhope Burleigh ' , The News Boy,-4 Dmi's plete Works, The Slave of the Lamp, :The Escaped'. Nun,. Lewis or the Bended Twig. Memoirs of the'. - Countess Blessington, 2 vols. Gohhathith's Animitett Nature, The Chemistry of Common. :Life, Clarlce's , Commentary, New Testament,. Barnes'• NOtea, • on.. me Buck's 11, 4jli2AAtra2tei 1 / 4 "Testaments; Gift., Toy, Serap„ Note, Receipt; and Bl;nk Stookss all sizes, Sce. &e. . • . • • • firhoot Booki--all kinds used in the &linty cncifatz- Dished on short notice. • • Law Bookie—A good 'variety constantly' of - hand furnished to order.: • Stationery. AOM lot first rate writing paper at. 1 shilling per quireetolti and Steel Pena:—Writin& Ink,.the best in t:se, besides lots of oilier articles too numerous to mention. Please call and examine, .ber fore purcliasii . elsewhere, at the:liontrose P OV-S fice.. • ' A. N. B . ifontrcise, Au:rust - 1 . 5 . 1855. • - • Choice Blooded Sleek. . Subscriber, Subscriber, will • olrer - for sale, at pubic, snow{ T. don, tit" liis residence, one pile west .of. Sam inersvilte, on Thursday .the.lBth day Of October; 13 head of choice Devlin •Cows anl Young Stock, and 1 ,- very extia 'Devon Mill. Sale to commence at 1 clock. -Fts months 'Credit on approved notes. • GEO. _HARRISON. New Milfoni; Sept. IS, 1855: regr- NEW F ALL &• WINTER GOODS. Latest styles of Dress Goods - , Ilio.ts• lc Shoes, Up peiLeatlier & Findings, Groceries& At - the -Red Flag Store: - HENRY/lUTDINEY. Lodersville Sept. 6,- 1855 S6*B, CIDER•ISILLC. • T_TicKocs's ImpßoVnt-redivintE Wm / MILLS for.sale. eat the office of Bent ley S Fitch in Montrose, or 'at the reildence 01. the". sithicribet,lty Ararat, Susqu'a co., l'a. _ 36n4* A. BIT§HNELL. - C. A. BALDWIN. WHOLES 41.,E and retail dealer in Oil, Campben4 Fluid and 'fall Lamps, Girandolasi China and Flower Saes, Cm4el79"C/intS and Glass : WarP4-1 Plated and Panay Goods, _also Cainphene and Fluid-at the lowest, cash. prieek at 65 Boarrny,.Nzw, Ulm sus,quEuArrsA.Acumny; Mitt' Fail Term of , this Institution will *mince' JIL on Wednesday; Septeniber • 12tb, .under Um' charge of the following teachers : - • . Principal; Mr. JOHN.L.IItus of Tale College ;.Pie-' eeptreas, Miss FaancEs. J. Woomr,onpa of Music, Mi,ss,E N lL* C. l3,Lics..max. - • - • ' Students . csti! obtain tioard• with fiimaies ip - town at reasonable rates. -, ;• By , order ; of tke:Trustees.- NOtice• ALL perioxis. indebted to .the .o.4tate of, Thotoil Witepleroft, Woof Forest Lake township, deceased. arc 'nereby notified to make immediatipayment, those having claims against said estate will pre,* them.duly authenticated for settlement . • - • df-ARY WireATCROPZY _ wiLLIA4 ,sr Forest Like ' , July 31, 1833; . . • . " _. View. York Pr' eii' '.., ~ . ARE.now•being paid by A. 2tathre . -- Co. to all' I, those who consign their . butter . and~ Si ter And roduce tolheni. Thly having made arrangements Are ore enabled tn.. send all kind's oc,produce to New Yel& .and to sell the same at the highest market , prices. tPAIt, those who wish good prices and quiet returns wet, inrite'to call upon - - A. LATIIRO? & CO. - Montrose, May 1,1855.. --..' '.-3 - . , COP ARllT*isHtP: THE undersigned.have 104 day associated Under:" 1. the firm of Dielcrmau and Qui:lett; for (be pur e pose of transactiog - the mereuisik.business it the 01 stand of.i. Diekerminqr.• J DiCRERM AN 'Jr Nie w Milford, July - • -,-Nottcz. EX RA : , • (mut at tile-old AE - Zranariarstinat; Zbetice.the necissiii. settlir.g without further notice. - , , Exception' Notice. Alt-persons indebted tiitlge estate' or'Eld..t: B. Worden, late of the townithin,or, Jackson, deeesietd. are hereby- notified- to make iregnediate *inherit, and "those haying claims ilea! 'nankin will present them duly turthenticnredfo Settlement. . ,r4(ao, reisenta lasiiiing boas' In theft poste • belonging to- the late Bid. Worden are requested* return_ the same it ginlatiTreildehee in Jacketsga:, Ey.ANDER TUCKER * AIEUBEN-HABRIS, •- • - • Jackson August 20 ISMS- Olt diti 7 .- 'LA*I Oil, binteed Oil end Zincfalnkbsale bj I - - B. CUANI:II:AII4 ,, . . . lgorktraset,-Amtk 1E46, II