, • , .- . 1 . • \ . . . , . I-- - • . -, .' • . I 11111111.11106111.1011113.011081.161111111111. ' 0. ~,,,.......,,,, •01.4105* NDERE DENT REPUBLICAN. 1,- : Adhere _ _ -• ..,, G ,' • . _..... ..,_,, , ...oyiso with CHARLES F. READ AND R . IT. VI:ATTER, EklritßS ~1 ~..,411e tuk. : 01:0 ----------..------ 7: ' ' 40 ,, '- • 7-------' L MONTROSE, -PA,* - ' ,i ! .•4 1 . ..4 . ' Thi .., 3 , 5: it", . ltei,, . I • ____ L'-- • ' ~-,. s4‘, 04 --"' - • Thu ' day October ` dl, ik3P ,—3 ~ -4, - ------ -------- --,-_-___—_-_=_. 77 -1: - - 1r- -8111117LICAN NOMINATIONS. i - " A clean victory or a clean defeat." ' • • 1 . . ji ; • • . Tuel.ge Black: n . "The allies!'of die 'Administration must be struck: i. down in every State, County, and District." ~1 vt - , • _.- ; , ..._ J•adge;llll3:nul. - 4.8 1 o r • Canal Canunissione,r, . • • • and 4-l! " .. 2 " ' 'THOMAT - NICHOLSDN I .." •-- -' J ~, -..;-„,...„,-,-.,- Foi - Rips cu., atii;e. • • •-- - ,and h • - OR ANDO ' - 0 - ; . . HEMPSTEAD' • - rtion'u • 1 • Of Susquehanna Comity. , ~,, • •' '''''' • 1 HOMAS ..I. _INGHAM ,• . ', J ..- - i . , - .63 - in. - Of Sullivan Countr.: l , , . ;;.. Iti,o; ceo ; m i i ,; , i iioii.er; , • .: . , . . - • ~ noNiewitt . •.- ' • • - WILLIAM . • I . CASE - •• -', ..: !I • - -••-- t- ' :'-'. ly:Gibiai , Iniue'-beft. .. i: . : ...., T t lrr Pot - „ • - ' - - • .. lama iin • ' Sft . .DEN .. -A; • WOODRUFF' • : - 1 ,- -' ,- - tince of th _ • ,'• - if/f Moictiose. • - , -For' .AsuisPoil -: •- • '.- •• - - ',' ! • - • - stead io 1 • • - .11 1 1 DAVID "D. BROWN, -' *- - . 1 Gis, :. bv - !I -.- •- '. : ',- , - -. :- -. • •--' - Of Friendst pr I 117 e. i , •otest . • . --Election. -- ootober 9th, 1855. . . l' • ~ , 1 • TO TII_E - - --: r . , .- .. - ' . . . • . . _ n il. PEO . - - , -: OF ::•PEFiligyi .7 AV4. - ----,- ~ _:• •• 1 . :.. - , ....,...,publican pnyty,. and; the ! ;•The : l ,intitr.ritaving each nominated kandidate ' Aigtav'office liof Caal.Commissioneroit,hecame - tip- j pirentAliat•incla a division of elements of opposition i to -the ',National Administration arid the 'Nebraska\ • - • Fraud wouldlnevitably lead to the election of Arnold ,Plumer. the 'Fro -Slavery, 'Nebraska candidate. . _ In 1 • -view of! .these facts, a meeting of the Central om- i inittees of sidd parties was held at liarri-durgr,ia, , Thnriday thel ‘2lth of Septernber, Fkili; raid the 'n om= i ' 'tees haiingfieclined and been withdrawn, THOMAS ' NICHOLSON,. of BEAVES Conerr,•was tuutnimously i. .• xmoitated asi the candidate of the said partieii.for ; the :-purpose of cOncentrating the votes of the anti -Nebras l t-at, IM party on one roan ; and - be is"herebY earnestly I. :• i • . ii , • recomniende to - 1111 the loiers of Fieedoin-ifi Penn- i m sylvania as ' capable,' honest, andtrue-hearted : mart, ' Diiiiii. "to is worthy -of• the confidence and support of the s ithii. b people. ,11 ..-. JOHN A: FISHER, , • • II Chairman of Whig State Committee, of Slap'. •• ' • .1! - • . LEMUT:L TOT 1p; .• ..,. t. ' Chairman American State Coinmittee' of IS: ._ mild idiste. i - •.. . - 1 DAVID WILMOT, . 1 people to rt e . Cpairman Republican .State Committee. • i B ut h e ! fin d, I _ - - , • i h is -DetnOcratic. - • : - • • • t ~The Undesigned, Members of the State Republi- 4 grav e . eAtirge '411;.,, can Committ 1 .e, deem it proper to say, that they uent (. afrainst' Mtn a Trimit • into the Co mmittee on the 27th, at Harrisburg; to 1 - \ support the nomination of PASS:4IOTM - WILaAMSON, i is ,HeellSO, by the lit for Canal (nainissioner. They continued uppbrinly- T. ti ck uee a ....:,- g r itisl the. par to:support hilt i i ,lunlT all the diseusSion that *Mk place • ' in that Coun.ittee, and in the Committees of Confer- I an unparcionatle sin; tha. each, and.;itwastlicir purpose to stand by him so long , i seven dunk years. This' ) as . hf th . eir lief he should continue to be candidate. i ' ••, lief ~...: i . . They thsref did not acquicke in tbe nomination al his •ehargl : - • ' ' .."- • THOMAS NIC, *SON ; but. having since learned, . that I •• - if , ASSMORE ATztalt.titsoN had punctually accepted the nomination, land has since , decline it, and being sat isfied that THOMAS NICTiOLSON is it , favor of the He ptiblican plaiform adopted at the Ccinvention at Pitts- ', ~ burgh, and . that he does not ,belong to any secret poll- i , tics' organiration, they now copper in fie nomination i of the latterligentlernan, and commend him to the cor-. I ' .dial support'of our friends throughtiht the State. •• . . GEORGE DARSIR, ( - 4',..1/Iriihei - 11, . -----"-....._....- -kr.ll, D. TITOIf - AS, of:kitilad-lphia. ,• __-_•.,_„ - ---,------=.....3Lii.t1", of Susquehanna. I . -. . - - . Union and Vintarsc' - - -- ; s,eai.l„-i.ngpl' s . f • "; - • I T ', -;', ' 0 ! l l . ' • , • By the inporo address it, will be FeeO that 4 worth - , - - I'' ‘ ' c i. r ''' y r, ......„.. 'the union il:ttFree-Soil !leis neeesrary t.' a„, i.n wn'tcl .r. ii feat the' Fiierce-Nebratko .- Candidate' fo'r . Ca- . fvon. Mr Chase. 11 •- Comniissioner, has -been elicetet ' ~, - . tlic\ chardelto - you, t II • - . -i hale preferred .to east , • l er your] veytlf,et on , ifollWillitunson •1' - ' , ; ,-. , -,: 4 ./el &met'. is or,ant. II - ate, but '- .1, , , 'th Iptlqiticat eleatn. bt l•. • Ile to pies ot the W 1, • t Itstne...s?" - • What hal Cornqssioner, has -been effected. ' IV . t: should hale preferred to cast/ our •Vote . for ' r4assHnorel Will iam son •be fore. any otlter 'in :11, . 1 In, the Stain, but he has declined, and thre- . in, t he Aii-Ey ire O. in, heart and - soul, forte.._ Inli !I who takeS i his place on the taiptii,lean .Tick eti,' Tho Mas Nicholson, of Beaver. .County, .-,. , - 1- , . a tried an&true Free-Soiler, one of the Re .,... , publican l i tate Committee, and -we. .are as. - sired is e l linentiy qualified for the oflice.:—; . Beaver CAunty is in a strong . RepubliCan d is- i ? triet,andlifr. Nicholson is' a very :popular Man where p Verknown,so that .he will ' unite • . the Repo ,lican vote to a. man in that. section, And we pr t\ze thrthighout theStatc:3 and the 11 - '- 1 . • • Whigs and 4., inericans,feeling the importance of earrying the State for . freedom this Fall 1 . have unit ' on the same candidate, thus en- snring . hi ' eleption by a large..majority.. .. 1 1 • Theres i c T erred great danger ofa pernaarienit breach beiween the opponents of Slavery . ex-1 • tension inliPenns Irani but thistinion:i 1 y a, , . pre. pares the li way for a general consolidation - of ! .. . . . 1 fOrces . Wl4relfy the State will be carried .-fur i. ens Republican. candidate for President in 'I .1856. - .: ?et nsylvania= hits heretofore been i • 4061idere4 as debateable ground, on whichl y.. the great I presidential conflict must befongi, it, I but- We nOw have .strong hopes , that here,, as well. asini the Fast and the West, tlje falsel modern, emoency will fall before the army of Free il men united madir the Republi, ;,:, • ocrat to the Legislature, and of whose course '1" `- : - '. : • • '- But dcieS'the fellow believe his own allegations did the!Whigs' of SUsqnelitinna . .approve, that i - • kor surmi ses? Not a bit of it: He knows of Latin-op, or. that of Sturjevant 1. To that. I - • - ' ' • • - - -1 it is fals'e. •He knows Mr.- Hempste.ad isnot question there can be but one answer. Un- 1 . • 1 - the knave to cheat men of their votes, by pre nrineipl ed . dernagegiies and interested politi I. • . i . ; • j tending ito.be-on.allaides o f ail questions.—. cian.s. will dig -Old - . issues, to acco . roplish ! t He "onl4 states such a suspicion for e ff ect, or their selfish ends4but in' truth -there is but I • -i - ~ 1 perhapsjo provoke Mr. H. to a controiersr onadssue nosy before the . people, and that is • ,!• . h with h uh, in which e ca n . fish up Something* . _FreedoM or Slavery. 1 The Slave holders . 1 llcmey the "Ar gument. .-: - - . - , : - Ito make: the basis of objection with • one side 1 nave fi l )rced this issue Upon us, and it has to i 1 • 1 i :It is a fact that the opponents to the iZepub-, ,_ 1 : : . .. . ,i, ior the Aither. , • 'Tis all hypocritical—false as •be met. -.. lictni'Ti set are using the "•moaey arYirment7 , ;,, . . '4.- ' • . . I , 1 . -4 - .1 his own - sourii depraved and wicked. - The The; only que s t i on ithat'can.arise in the' .-• . , __,. • . t o rusk voters believe 'that Chase is a,polit- , ' - • ! truth is as we ' have elsewhere stated.:,tinase next •Legislatureof a : pdrty c.liaracter- will be , . . Mill teal god, , Whence it came is a matter: ' lis in te rrible- alan ri lest' r.itempstead sho'd •• 1 the election of :a .Unitt.td States Senator,: 1 • i• . -.Di , speedatiria, but the conviction is quite gen- . ..-, i rour- fi fttrj of the people of this ' counts; -..r un. .i go to Immsburg next Avi+r;'• He ''could -era! that it- has been furnished by the. Presi- •. ••I- .. • 1 •-•- .1 not - operate as a ' Piefessional Borer ' then • liloubtedlY ardently desire the' election of a : ant of ItPAdletown Bank. -At all :events. i • •I • i . - , t here, gird not be marked and He • • 11 lirth.aild Outspoken. friend of freedom ; and ;. • • l i nt figure -.- itis in illit. cu,untv, and is being "pjuired out i .... •- 1• ' .., ',•i - - - . - -.. , ' could lint in Camero) l t's eauiuses, , , nor. Ito accomplish. that object whom among tne.l , • ~ 1 " - e water - by Chase and his adherents. -.A !• - .' • ••- - • - -.; • • ' 1 p..ay Ins part of 'agent for that mountebank; 4-4 „. .- - • - tcandidates presented in: . this Alistriet, ought - 1 • . . f 6ritlaidan from Lathrop informs us that; • : i . A• 1 - " . witlioo •being detected and punished. - *-0- iwe to I send to Harrishum ? Hempstead mid ' 1 • lie: was o ff ered. , fire dollars, byAii . certain-i - e' shell o'S' occupation' would be gone. Hence - 'I •• I Inghaht are *ell- knowh. to be fi rm and true ,:• Taverniiieeper in this Borough,' a - for ' d ays i - . -- I *- . his• dreadful bowis- r -his otrervibelining :lox . - ; i a - r• • ~ on th e, great question ; an no one pro esses ago, if he would go _and - electioneer ag ainst; to ene - rtain doubt that, ~,. - ,•••-• -I• • r a elected, .o. .•• if 1) . h iety. • - Yoters !,lieWare of hr - ' ,Air.„He i mpstead. And Chase has. likewise , would faithfully. carry. 'out the known Will of t heal atiing•lts disbursing agent of a - pretty t . • Constituents.- -.-. , , . I • their ,l3ut•with the candidates 'treaty, fluid 'in the easter? section of the cOun on the Hunker ticket it is different • Though ' • • -4., . , _1 •.• 11 • ..• . !, 1 ' . -: •,'- I Mr. tkathrOp .professes to be a Free-Soiler,' Voters! look you to it.: Never w a s .corrup- i . ! ard ISt Fall voted . for War/tollor G' overnor, 1 tion more busily .. engaged . than new.• •A. I : 1 • , (as ve have learned. since his • nomination ,).1 mightylissue is at stakel-' ..the igue.between.l • , yet e Will,lif elected; beyond it doubt vote •I freedotii and . ..slavery—between patriotism , 1 for nekalew, or some otherprolislavery noni- 1 and gold—between God and Belial. _ ,Whiel . j . ..-. • . ,_, shan , ti 1,, ,tm.1 .- : .p . hi Choose ye speoily;4hd. go 1 inee . ,i. of fate Hunkers, uniess-Canieron's friends I ..,' .t.-/la . the ‘ r ig ht.. S uff er , no t o ol' of . • aiic - ' - 1 4. can Induce him to vote fOr their man. Chase wilh.o l feenrse, be at Harrisburg as " lobby :,4K4t, , n to.smuggle him . self into the Rep= , -r 1 I . • • Mernber " - and i4iould.liis - friend Simon get resents / ve seat .. Let no friend of the Chase • 1 i .' ' - ~. _ .. . -. 1 'Mora tight p lac e ` he will ,indnee the .Repro '., Bpintt : :Attain posts of . honor or- p r ofit in V .. 1 - ,.. .. h .. -• give hint . _ .., ten ativ.e rom . usque arms to give • tin a • t tlii . s' Imonty, again,. i Be ' active !Be vigilant! ~. )„.• , . if . : , • .. - - _ . _ .. . . • ~ I sm Mitt, he pi*, , (I,let,ever' y:voter.to , the - pnili and see that he - !..1 . .-.! ii- . --` ~ 1 •:. ~ -..•-...•. , • .. -,,. - -, r nh af f.sw i s , an d all .will.tie•'well, an d th e ' " e( ; 1 ... , ), .-,,,0_1i he otherLietuulidate, , •. John V; Sinith; 'T -' ii) piiiiif 0.1 -4 - ini . of Sievert; and .of-Canieronsi thei*lis no - seriOns -pretence that: hews a •Free in Suiquebarnia. l "-44,y _will' be rebuked. : 1 Soil ;tam ••He has . edited the!.Aorth Branch : . . - It - r ,_,. ~ . !••••••• - •"!"'"7" -- ".-.7 - ' . , 1 .- Dem ' .at the'l.it Yeer . !andle-e del an one R.iliemberthat ...tl 7-- • I ---- ii - • • -'' i '• • '-' • aLltb . ..,. ....• ,4 , Smith, who L . tia I , a More: tinherish.Sl et either North -At/Lao lagaliu.s;„ ..... T .-- ' ' '! ' ' • - - • 1 1 . -...ci .. "ta bet. the Kn 9 w g- ..„,- B. .Ch - , , ....r,,,, , .. - 4., th.., lie never nutderany -pretensions. •-- - E 11V.74'14 is herel "* e-96t b l s.c ' :D..‘""' ' . . -t 1 I '7- - :- - • * -- * - - --4 ,f...440Jes till sift:er his nomut . a q . ~ . . -can bant#r. ' Every vote cast for Arnold Plotter will .otrengtbiln the 'Slave Power, while every easl4:ate- far Thomas Nicholson will aid the 'wise freedota. ".Choose ye between • ' • -O. V. - liem — iistfutd : : . _ " We adhere to thAirincip* of theil. Mot Proviso with undying fasttiess,and*all otttirttae toi,ol,:ecate#4s l 0411. r . 9ls4llble " eea * .. ,, ii-511' ~4 ; - 1.1 • 1 f: 1-2... .il P -4, ..j.wsi 4rote .llAPstet t. l 'e ll ' ugilst itiit, ..- ...„, ls-'‘ li . • Ot'?, '' ; thltandidall.pillheDera: ~„!,,-; oerart ert,'N ; the re lialAW tien' the famous;Nicholsen let er-- . -a letter - written to a Southern politician to define the position . he would Maintain • in 'reference to. the)Vilt mot Proyi4e. The ptiineiple which was ad- . vocated byl Gen. Cass jn the Nicht:llsta letter' was ad_yeit4 . to , theptanciple of the Proviso, and was well - calculated to allay the jealous / ice bf `the s6iitii.l-,Tiutqriticifile:waS itnirter , - 4:tat, 4.13r.-5.440414:44:„Pe11i0c,r441.,-P": ,- ,and has sin're beds put into practical ape . a: ['flop : . und Cr Vhe' s niiine t Of ," - pepular soverel .- 1 ry, + - ',' : It, is by.,-virtue: of the principle;Contain [-id in the Niehelsoir letter,. that Slaverf lis `'neVilititrod aced 'into I(ttnias.' ''' ' i - ''• , - .- -'ll:teie'wril,.!ii: - .!E4i3; great. it 4 sile , befur. tlie people. other than, those con-, •• , ~,. „Ulna in-tie Wiltuot .. Provise.... The iinpor-, I time of thkse principles indueed,Mr. Hemp : , 1-stead to field .n?reluctant support, to Gin: 1 Cass:. but in doiilg so, he felt it his 'duty .to • ! protest. in the . st"rongest terms; against the ,1 IN icholAm letter, arid', to declare hiLnacyy to i alterably: OrPt'§ed,..J. l °ltt7y -- pretext, however be' .e.. s i.tse,'te'yond. the: limits' of the Slave . States. !ryas then he wrote; ," We adhere to the principles of the : Proviso with 'undy . 'ing ' fastocss. -2 i _ . . • : •I. , 1 - Seven :One ,yeara lowa' elapsed, and the principles f the Provi,e arc :rain at iSaue t;r(,re , 614 pe,liple" - .' . ' , : The.- 'Dein ocrit tic party presents,, itself : uPoi the . : principles of the INieholson letter, and asks -to be, sustained • -. I- . 'upon that 'issue alone., . It advocates no other i.principle,4lr measure, or policy.: Mr. Hemp 1-stead, tulliertn , * to ins principles with “niuiy i' ' • ' 1 - r ' ' (ht. fashess, - ' takes , his stand afidtast - the 1 t De:inocra4 party,': and demands that a law shalt based prohibiting the introduction of Slaytay'inte Free -Territory, and, tins the I candidate iof the Republican party, asks - the rpeople to ri e ahrhith in that postiton. But he !finds himself warmlyopposed by . his -DemOcratic , brethren. They bring n grace . charge ':against . him... They prefer against • lum a rivw:t wel l :111v - accusation.: He is necuscd, by-'the last Democrat, of •an old offence againSt the party-4 heinous . .effence, an unpanlonatle sin;that has lain at: his dour . seven ion years. This' is the crime laid to hie ehargl :.- • • ''-/- - ' ... • I . . . - - - 1 . .' - i In th campaign of 184 1 8 he isfrote. as fol. lows: t If - e adh e re - to'the principles of the j . Wilmot Proviso' frith. midyiMj fastness, and i 11.. shall contiaue to advocate them on every rea sonable ocas.ioi4.'" • • • And - ttrnol . ilth theso,erntuty of a, Judge ,delivering :the .4ettle . net: of. death, the Demo crat gravely adds:: "Tlms'wrott Mr. Hemp .teai:l„ktigOst: 31st, - S r /of h - •'" *orfES.-191ers,. is ulan guilty t at,ttime, fin wrnei is _ the crime' von. - Mk ! , Chase, the has deliver — ea 1 • tho„ . enargeito •you, the jur, , artl yo.o refl. der your] verdf,vi tits Tne- , day, - the. .ninth day of October. is Orlatidt, G. f.letapstead wor thy- o 1141 i I ical becauje:he :'adheres the y;r:n(iiides . (it the Wiltnot Proviso with und V irg fist n e'ss ?•!• W hat -say.vou t • . • . -• 11Whrg-Candidate.• Just now. there fre a set 4.4.,m 4 01, who . -extrenailV anxious tOhavt - • a Whig candidate la the field in this dittri 'Fhey cannot bear the ideal if Karin :2; th 4 Whig party disband. ed:.and ll )-(4. there is not -one atAong:ithe whole tiber; as far as ourdinrlecige . 'ex-. tends, t 'fit intends to to fora Whig,o•htitild ,one be brought 'into.the field, but their whole. object is; to elect the - Hunker Representative l Aday,i or two : since -gentlemen came iuto Montrose from an adjoining-eounty, who had formerly teen a Whig, and as soon as his arrival was known,4le.waS surrounded by the (lit ue of ClUtse Az- Co:, and every ducement held out ko btu: to run as an hide pendenticandiclate, On the ground that Hemp stead- was Democrat, and at.the same titne, not winan among the whole Clique but voted for Pieilce three years ago', and at the pres ent titn , is leagnea with Ch se in his attempt to ,sustain the Old Hunker -tarty-. • I Last year. we serif one Whig and one Dent- tion, and now: only, in this County. Reis the same king bf a DemoeraOts Pit‘,and i ,a. he goes ir4or Cameron, griii itileeied, mill 0..,.be).':im4 a %t*tion, 'Ek e. iiii!, -dis -1,.< - 4, 4 , , a 4 cite4sied p , grsitolli! On s. .. n #tittis'the iiiiiONikin 11 - b:Ciii4 squittiof. Htiiiice "atra c now b: -61011114-4.4, -§ I;4ll2,ilitendearl :::f*,.t.ht4 .. . field with th hOpe That Catnefi'd may .. ,1)v , that means s*e one if not both,' f the mem.: s-of this her is ti • ft 1 / 4 e , ------ 1 .. ... -.,.. **ing 24t0 lierseL' t time' 'laVing . ' deSpaired Of _ defeating any , part of' the iZeptiblican Couaty Ticket in an, even race, has hit upon the honorable expedi ent of running a part 0f,4 untiei--,- , the *Pi; .o*(t.tttatir.44.by-, gattiug a, 444 : party ,int.Q.- . ... the field, ninuely, the Know-Nnthing., *,Ac-. esiraingly, . ni ,connection . witli, # l '. bee y of, .Doctors; . Oatrick,. and • Lathrop I o". , Spring= -Ville; and 'Webb; Hatch.; and °t he, oiiginal i 'KnoW.l.Niothhigi in Montrose,) ha.llits„.irzi tne l ;.; Rays,!.in . ' crts(W" Elhanan Smith. - 4. 1 -v,,) , , i fiaii i .. - gy, to take, thei field as, a linow . -IsTot44.candi = 1 date per se,,, In this. two,hOrse-lactijadging friam hitilasii.paper,.. be feels int sire or %floe. , . W ry as .he did: over I.,iollister laS t fill. . e I ,l , iikpe our r ea der s.;..N.l:ll.leiniti.r•co"n';i:zitig to•-a I sl r.. e iViet l iital I y.abj u res. . . It itil all straight: ahead -srorki . and in perfect harroOny with his character. VH,iis the mortal fo of Kno*- Nothingisin; and can denounce: iti as flit:Pent ly- and, as bitterly as the mOsLabsolute. Papist; hut;, still he has such a veneration fur it, endlolciii such relations to it, as to be able to marshal it into the field at moinent's_viain in* and - otherwise do with it a s he wishes.. 0 , ar ' .te.rnarkaliro. maw! , Leaning tvo parties— serving tWO'itiasters . ; at the seine time! . . After tits, can I h& blarae any One for ered- ,; • - ] icing. the i t-eport . some . time -since current, namely.: ibat, :having _failed in i i iisefforts to join the efrFici at home, he sought and -ob tained adinissiOn- - st Harrisburg' last winter; 1 and that lit-wits . 4ictually sdinit ed . .in Cam '. i' .I eron's private parlor ? Verily, the develop ments of late—hislzeal tor, au 1 his power I over . the (i 3 rder, together• with the. facility with - -Which; he 'obtains secrets,•point inevita bly to Fincl a concliisfiiin. -. I - 1 . . 1 - Messrs. Lithrop & SL I The ritte.,tbm be'iiften risked, N 1 nominees for Representatives iul for U. S. :,..enato . r. We cannot 1 of course - 'sill -Support the party matter whi) he may be. To ex different•AfUtild be to expeet the their . o-un 1p0A:t1(41.; They are' .the;part2,-,liand in turn must sup : ti themsclos. , One i thing is quit 4 are.not a going to support anyi fur a Free:lSailer, in lime Detn4 of Penru , ylvaniii, 'would he aW curio -its can hje conceive State Con •ention at the State 4 settled th point—kmly six De found to*tvote for anything l doctrines )11' their Oatform! • Y. kree-Si+il Ivoters, who are asks Free Soil Cintn is lifti•li..i.o bb tir:ll fair 1.f.. S. Senat.or in the " Caucus ! , And dat'e , Messrs Smith deV t laik , . that .rill r Lion of the Cauctt•.7. no 'like 1 true Free:Sol!er 7 - !•Try thern a till-411 . 6W! \Ve - Venture tli pletlgt-s . : tt, support: the Catu under an 'circumstances. It Chase caries such a pledge. inl MO thelnotpliqlged thenistill i L the Hut4l's,Llll - e! - Wards, 13 . 1: vote for-tllem. .14.,terA I Loo not devieted by this ill UM gani • ' 4 Cariu the-tneabful,." . • 1 1 . il "'CIEBoth Elides. Chase iiiirtensely exercised b Atesia - ,glinii)d be 4 012 both sides l 1 question,,after the ':example of self on ai• former occasion: N' 1 .•,, traveled be raveled from fa._ ~ , I beeina votes ;—th Mr. ...k . ne gave COnvinc e, • I - inf).proor that he lbelonged to the Sons of 1 , 1 Te i mperance, and Pledged hiniself to vote for Prohibition :—to Mr. B. he eXhibited his fa -1 mous , ' - Withdrawal Card,' snrreptitiously ob- I tallied, and swore' positively Ihe would vote ag inst ;Prohibition. He , therefore infers t t all inen, and 'especially all exeditors of th ' Deinocrat,' are as dishonest as himself, 'iit . • - Titer Freedol The 'Republican. Banner, neatitville,'Crawford co. - Pi has th 4 following : • , But* few dais ago . we heard the Hon Joslitu.R, Giddings say that the Americansl and :Republicans Of Pen i nsylvania should unite. The Republican s l i trength is in the Know .Islothing party, which, in the Keystone, isAnti'SlaVery - ,and.everyeqrt should and novel be ina:de by . .A4ti-Slm'ery !men to. combine . •the - Atnericans and Republicans so.as to ear: ry - :the State Mr Freedom.'. And We can_ point to such men as Ilon.l John W. Howe and osbers in our county who ,have grown gray in the (..t 4,e, of Freedom, who endorse the Oregoing, , and • • are working with their mighq. secure triumph of the..RepubliL can_ ticket. • • . . '''ljar\Ve shall publiih paper on Aatur• day of this week, and wis our friends from the different townships Wh l eF may be, in 3loot rose an that clay, to call at the office and gat the p4pers for cfistribution. l • for ourd...sr- . ; I, CONSISTENCY. • Pierce's Visit to Pennsylvania., ed• but 1 tat t these aahould fail—if in the . . Chaae, die pink of consistency, is . , : eatt with 1., Last week President Pierce at t en d' the: the proper tfibeitalahere ia 4 ), hope a lonalartile endeavoring -to s how'tbet it is , State Fair at Hairisburg. We should think est eighialilutraged and . trieafaned—if -- -1 ~ ,arevore , , ,„ . so iticaaaisistiatlo - r. n e eenpstod eareceiae ihe woad prefeito keep at'abe south: _a' it so to sinfezeulat corrupt men reutacaaaite f , the votes of SAts q ehatints . ' to , untißali:k man. i Said thst ; :he ha ji, ollebt•alarna in- Matadand; hai'vest L ilieeeml by ' o u r tearti,;#llen ;there' is ti a t. f e Mr. Chase! forge ' i that it'is miry one year ; tip which he will retire on leaving the P e es , - no non•iilehance for justice, -God,leas,,pre. ii il iKiltd - f thinos redt.' • since ar • the elantion 4 - .4 Balk I 'Orley, insteatlor going_ borne to ‘,l;aa'itative (vtded intlit eternal fraine o e . , ~, Le-s„e -s„ Sleet:Abider, 13ank Director, B:mk e.gent, _State an'•every other ' President • has done. - - 1 for every wrong ; there remains tofie : still ; • • el. * . Bank Attorney, and Bank Assignee, Pelt-- We do not wonde ' et his choosing an as'. • i the steady - eye, and the etrong arm,• end we i , f the feeder consistent for Mr. Chase to_votc,C w , i _turn among the Slaveholders he has . served I must coi i4 uer , or mingle the bodies 0 ~ 1; Bea matt, very inconsistent 'for, e. lato eadi, insfead cif aoindliaeli to the people I oparessore with these of the oppressed iipe i has betrayed' and who ha l ve repudiated I the soil which the Declaration of le-' O .- en- Hempstead torcreirealitt:votes of Bank melt! 1 he Bat that is not all of Mr. Chase's camels- I him ; but we de4, wonder at 'his coming 6)1 cleate no : longer protects" Or Ira; the P e ''' . . t • I i rah • tencv. 1 - ci not only - advocated the ejection w himself to the people of Pentisylvania ; pie of Kansa.; answer, , , - Ilyneerpsz. fever be slaves ! .- . of Mr. Tuirelle•Who bad more toido with the .ti.t, - this time. - Pennsylvania quite .as much , eoneluded--a, : yarhite men c • • i li • - . , .. ; gleam went intoehe CoAventi eetat ig v , r i r Bank than: any other' inan, but . he Op l io.es las any State in the Union has reason to de's = ' Natte th y for Reede 'id -Right . burg, and vete.a for CallWkePA ~tin 014,4nd units! shall these-out the eleatiell of Hempstendeerho opposed the I pine and repudiate Franklin - - Pierce and the - - FreemerroPPenns • ' Out Nebraska Democrat s who anstained tii a wirp--4rov. Reeder e e m i n kseration in all its 04414'40n - I._ ,1 Bank 'to . the ;utmost of. hie . ability. eMr. whole craw of stareryepropagandists to_which;aages on pen Kate :Chase prnks'thathis opposition to the Bank j'he uelengs. . ;:beeleeelnarican Freemen CAM 'I t. besaericitted by a false democracy i 'nue to ci sas and . Nebraska. He carne home, siv i ' . , : i . 4 10 ,f. idler`. `,1,,,f his interest . leads alai: I I .We have not learned who accom anied the. I utirebuked. 7 ' Foi• wronee not half as griev. 1 e a, Hier teen ~. es L. 1 . p ,, l. . , ,c , , ~ ,, , ... 1 coul d not plaee the, 4,,T!, of Plunaer..akt4 e . we, can imeeine I one the peo ile of Kangas eutter, our ',tonere i s: -. Il i o it oppoeed to the present State admin- Piveident on hill visit, but 'l, , , e , as 4 : l e , . , . , head of his p a per because he was a Nebras. ' ''... .' . ' - ' .' '' ' ' " - 1 astratiaon, be:ranee . it created one pr twienew i quite a tram of tongeuial spirits. There wee ~....,.. .... : , 0 . . , *a- De ' -banks', but is in favor of thaelection.of Oli. 1 !Arnold flrouglaS, the traitor, who liopliel calf I ad teethe. le ilea thoee sacred rights that; I , Chase was a member -of the Ctimtniftea; itajtathriip,;Who'coatra--e-'e-e Conventinn.lineans of the Ntibraska bill to mak•P himself I are now denied to the people of Kansas. Be. 1 that framed the _ plat t er m ef the state contes two or tqee'}-ears let and ''offered a series , 'regiment--Aeentson, prime - mover of the i the Constitution- Cengress is empowered tb 1 . tam, and allowed it to be adepted a without • ' •''vor of Fiee Banking. ;It Kanseis ,Election outrages, who desorted next I 'make bets for the Territories, and as a per, resolution= ''' e''' - il i dieeetiting voice." He came home and said . 4.1. that Chase will get another in- eoahe highest place in the government of the don of the sovereign people of this a:nien it.' is —', . , he could net endorse that platform, • Ile. stallment Of Fiftitii on the Middletown Bank I country , to organize an armed conspiracy a- 1 becomes, our duty to dOi' all we e4n, , t o have : ptp , nant to his prineiples - if he succeeds in defeating the anti•Cametion I gairist the rights of an in fi ent State, an act no { the wrongs of the 'people of Kan l / 4 as righted - r ': • -- • '. I • t Chase says the repeal of the Nebraska bill eandidate4, and 'Will then be able to start a better than treason---Jells D:tvis, Seek:- Iby the next- Congress This .much can be i . ,_; i s an outrnge-e-.that the subjugation ' , of Kan batik On hie own _hook, and wanta - a free '• done :Pc:i i-1 et • . t. ' trey of War e and Fillibuster General, who is ' be ; the . people of 1 iey s. nia .t e 1 sae by Missourians is an outrage--that th lamliing Ili to etiable . hint to do so. Judg- " elect J' 'a r • i-'. • • ,deteriniued, by fair means or foul, to , rinexe_can tee esentat eee Nth() will send 414' IfG - ' feeder• ' 3 remora o co ernor is an outrage. Mg from the number of fifty- dollar bills;on : Cuba to be carved up into Slave Settee, and other tried friend of freedom to j ;°in the ; Ile says also, "If the Democrat Conventiot the Midcll'etown Bank which he has paid tr out ,who is said to ride the. President and the band of parleys and tr u e- h ear t e d men in the I had . -• ignored the Shivery questiote - he coati we ehOuld think lie would not lack Per funds ;; whole .. hole cabinet by holding the"caleye Power Unite(' States S enate, ed We eau , 11' &feat- I ,-, ,-.. "• a - • 1 h a ve gone into the contest with heart are ,• . . to start abank, if he succeeds in his schemes. He terrorem oyer , t iem—Stringfellow, the in; its attic 1 - li.' another remt t., to a ; zeal.. ,, . Ile is consistent on the Temperance (vies- I,Miesouri SI av ed rive s' bully, ready armeo cori•upt:and venal lelmbiletration. • . I Chess says he cannot support Arnold Flu tion. lb° runs Dr. Smith ,of' Wyoming ; on , to shoot any Gitverner that the Slave. L'o 7 er "-- .- ' lf ilia State I- t • ' wars (A 1611 0. 1) 1 ' .p .x toren ll CI , . 9,:i nier, becanee he is in favor of the - Nebraska .tare wet side of • the Maine Law, and Mr. let- 1, may direct, and attended by the Rev. Peofiet- ; convince every one tiler the Democracy 01 i bi.V. He cannot support 'Peter Martin ; be throp of Sprinoville, on the dry side. i 1 sot Shannon, ire ready to invoke the bleesing P"lltisa . hronio arc the'humhie rnini° ll % of th" i Cause he is a Know Nothing. He could rot 1 e' , On the- Slaverr question he ie c o ns ist e nt . :"lSlave Power, the •iddrees of the Stetct Corn- 3 of Heaven on ; the ;ad in the name, of his i . .: „ . , support I assmore Williamion, because-. t lie runs iDr. Smith on the Nebraska . e el, god. Slavery—Torney. author of the _Carious itt e t rn • __ee nes- compel SIICII eollyletion. The wen t - why couldn't he support Passmore and Mr. Lathrop on the anti-Nebraska side. "Forrest Letter," a man wheee vile private 1 Reptailic:An party makes the question of wile ei „,„,l H e i s opposed to the'Nebras. He is tioneistent on secr e t org:inization..— and public. character admintlily qualifies 'him ' slavery exten•tion the' issue, and 'the ad- ka bill, and is not a Know Nothing, Ili He runs•Smitif, free fi ght, on the open side. to edit th ventral organ of Pierce's udmin- dress says distinctly that the Democratic. liar Cliaee could not support him because he - is ; istrationitaile, 60 4 , American Jeffriee, the ty accepts the issue presented by the Reptile 1.: , and Mr. Lathrop officer in the Carson League, a State Prison-bird ;" awl thereby hues a . on the sec r e t aid, - ' instrument, selected by his Ebony Majesty to limns. Then let no ! , man pretend that lie I ta l e. He iidonsistent on United Slates Senator.' establieli Slave-marts in the " City of Moth- knows hot the po-ation l o . ait ee , bet let • • f'the p•i - • After 0: G. ITempetead_was announced as He is in favoriof nobody openly and of Si-. era love," and who has the look of one who every one who loves, Freedom _and hates la C:indidate for Representative, but beforehe mon Cam t eron sett ed.). feels that Ins hands are stained with a - broth- Slavery, who desiree the cmancipati on of the 1,. . I • , , , , d CI • aae nominate , lase tr ied,. to .induce him He is I. consistent on the Representative er's blood—in short, the whole body of men Feaeral Government , from the - tliral dom alto decline the nomination and support "'he .1 question.l He is in favor of the election of I) • - in high placee, who are leagued together : ire a the Slave drivers--.l?i oi fur the success et i - re ..,,,..rnocratic ticket." He scud the Democeae the Demberatic candidates openly, and _eon- Powerful and dangerous conspiracy t o trans- the Pepubii , 2llS; and' let all who.love Sieve- is platform Was just good Five Semi as tie nives at the election of Elhanan Smith, Whig - form."the land of the free" left us • b y, our ry—who believe the, Declaration of bidepen- f ilepublican and that he was just as much op and linoti . -Nothine secretly. It. matters Very fathers, into a great Slarehelding and slave- dente ' a self-evident, lie"—who approve of 1 noeed to Slavery eitension - as Iletnpiteati nl_' 1. little, to bun who is elected, only eo that the ry-ruled Confederacy. the removal of Reeill• aud the imprisonment i but he could not support tile Republican tick . Republichn ticket is defeated. He is ,then But Reeder, be i ng engaged in 'preparing of Williamson—iii elriee, who >desire Crat tit 'I c et because the eandidates were Know Nol sure of i two Cameron votes from flag! dis- to tight the great battle between Freedom Federal Government thotild continue to make. I e we. T elempetead alluded to the fact that , _ Consistent, very. • 1 and Sla ve ry on the soil of leatieae, could not another interests subservient to that of slave= ' Chase ' pi 1 professed not to support umer. [ie. - a come; nor cmild Plosmore .Williamson, who 1-y—support tbe Democratic party. In the -cauee he NY:I4 in 'favor of the -Nebraek.a bill, 1 I seeks to vindicate, in a Pennsylvania prison, word sof the address," Even if you would: and then made. hero the following proPoi'•* the rights of freedom of epeecli and personal yet lyou cannot but choose between these two'' don. •If Chase would vote, for and in his ea: liberty on Pennsylvanian soil. • parties. Choose ye between them.' ' I . per olge the election of Paesmore William The Presiateit's vieit ended iiminotiely._ ~ ; e ...• ; son, who was not a Know Nothing, he wof.l On the very night followng his deperture Elhanan Smith. i ; not aceept the nomination from the„Repuk)l, This gentlemrn c ame to Afantrose on the from Harrieleirg, theft, met at that plae.e t h e; , • - ' "' ". t can , Lut would support the-Den et •- , - I; day of die Reptiblican Convention with een- ; . .I representatives of the di ff erent anti-ela,very r - ni , d rofess is county; t icket. Chase, after some eon to ' ferees from W yonder , couniv parties in the State, and etieeteil a ficsion ; ,- ' '•- ' •P — • cation, refueed to do eo, and said "he rr , i'l • that ensures the defeat of the Pierce -Nebras- , ing to be the noinie : ee of the Republican party ; '.rya, _ to/ . , to vote fear a Ciate b* d" 1 , Prison , lr OT : ill his county, ,dernended that tbe conferees'o f • , lei DemecIIIVV. He (toes back to Washinff 1, e ' he two counties aka el i •.1 • proceed l where is the Li • lk about being opposed to the ten - with •• Fueion - rirt in his ears from : t d mmediate • a .. , gut.exe.ireicm ofSlavery and to Nothing,' Know Nothine-' to p u t him in nominetion fir the ii‘lie. of th.• greet. State: of New York and Penfieyl- : - le• res.] a LOD ( • 1 iRe •reeentative Lie was told th a t , 314 eh pro- I 4 , ,,1, ' .. ; ,.. . ..: _ eat, in maandit! Shay lowa to hio, and Sioverv_ , ,„,,,.,L,, •v , ~ ' • ~.L ~ it there was not, Know Nothimeie erel.•,:iwnee - leopee f, ir ISail. and promieiee le . -,---e- 1 "-Tu" 1 -•••.- 4,--- , :-..-v. - a... P . 1 ., ..1-!:....-,..; 1 . _ rejoicale millions a united and triumphant . exist e nce. - If he is in Fiver of restr• i ; in Su l ks in . county leidly—that comity lased ; - 1 ,'- ' • let on wle Nerd:. - , ; lavor of the restriction of Slavery why am it_iiot in the reeulutionS,passed by 'the Cez 'ty Convention ? If he is in favor of , the re striction of Slavery, why would not ho sue I ptsrt Pasernore I,Villiaineon 7 :.He is in favor of Popular Sovereignty, awl so is the. Deli. i teeratic party, and they would not Tote fie- I the restriction of Slavery if there was not -a j"Know Nothing in existence. And in proof 1 (S t ops, and as if to show the hypocalay.of ha I left Soil pretensions in: the moat glaring • light, Chase has set this press to work and printed his pretended Free-Soil County ticket With the name of Arnold Plumerat its head! i ll° the Chase I ,e in favor of tell. They nominee. klo ect any thing m to ignore, -upported-by DE! ELM . . . . . _ The $!. eipnbliean Party in New York: -The gelinhlican party has at 114'A:been . I or ganized in the State of New York,'under the_ rnost favOrahle aullices. A 111 , - 1011 NV:.i:•4 ef -1: - , feeted at Svraen , e, Soptemher.27th, bet lA I -een t; the 'Mogi:, Free S,,ii IN: - a ,, erats, and' .thee'. .; Free Soil men,-and the. n:r]w prty take 4 the certain, thty Free • Soiler, SEM:E Int as great a id.: The last c apitol clearly ,legates,' being ke: Free Soil .et tlic honest name of;•the Republican P:trty. Th , ! , plat form . ail. pted..proelaimq 111.1 t Gove'rntitent ha: no power to en:la:-.... - nati - • 1,.., eini6i. 'Thatout no,..Lt: ~, State: cati Ilt. le,c , :ili t N : .. lonfleci 1)11t. :or.° r ‘'it.l - I(ii- -- te.-i - ; 1a,... eh, l . .ot. nil n 0: l ' ilit ir g l i 'li . its conduct In re.:.:; - -. 1 !-- --•,-. ~- i Kang:i: ittiails, ag, 1 1 ,,,.. ro:te idoiiiie with thd etrort t plant - S!avery irt that. l',l-,. to support I _ the What_ e nonuna- DemoCratie " i Lathrop st tbeAelee- ntory ; Irlitit the -Free State SiAtl,r4 vf miess he is a end .sce! sag hay, done no wrong in settling ther, should be sustained in. their rights by th. y under us Candidate pie of the Free States; that the ()afro . . Passmore admonivhes' is said that his pocket.— es thus, would . . Slavery is everywhere at war with ju i -tiee'; and that . ia. forming a new political organiz4- :11i as our own. tion-we'adopt and , re-attirm ..._ -,, .1 principle s set . forth as those of the. Ilepub, - 1 ceps of ISOO, in the inaugural of Oontas Jefferson, as followS : . "Equal and exa H ts jus tice. to all. men -; the . support of 'the.; Static Governnentm in all their-rights, as the Ino3t competent administrations for our j tiblic concerns, and the surest bulNVarlc against Ail-. i. I ti-Republican tendencies:". - , , , ! ; The Whig State Conventien agreed'. uptirt the foll Owing ticket with entire unanimity, vii: Sicretary OrState Preston King ;, Con troller,; James M. Cook ; Treasurer, Alexan der B. iWilliarns;. Attorney General, A.liijith Mannjr ;. Canal Commissioner, Daniel M. Bisselli;.State Engineer, George "Gedderi ; State IPrison Inspector, Wesley • Bailey ; ,JudgeS of the Court of Appeals, Bradford B. Woods Joseph Mullen. The same l . ticket. I vies unanimously nominated by the . Republi endings, &e.— , Ac at thW. Be l e, . There' is a est Mr. Hemp of the ti quor his illustrious hen lie was a use to. house can COnvention. • lisaface Greeley was a inceriber of he Be- . publican Convention and reported the 11e.i,- lutioni i and lie says in the Tribune ] : "the platform' is right, the ticket•is strong, and the State ?will ratify them both by an overwholin inglmajority." ~• • . I • .7 7 4 Tribune' states -the former politiCal connections of,,the'candidates as follows:--- PresOn King has been a Dernoeratl but:. at the tittle of the annexation of Texas he, took a stand in opposition-to the spread of Slave ry; and has occupied - .it, ever since ;! Lines M. COnk has been a Whig, but - has j irtad'e a . , - .goodieflicer,and is nominated for a I re-elec tion ~i Abijah Mann jr.. has been for tWenty . yeari an honored leader of the radical De-- mocraci i bnt.was an unequivocal Opponent of this NebraslEa iniquity 'from its inclpieney•; . D.,M. Bissell has been an active Democrat; Wesley Rally was formerly'an Abolitionist, but has acted with the-Van Buren Derneera cy" sibce IR-I.S; A.- B. Williams has been an actiV i e and popular Whig; Bradfor& 4. Wo4d,s: like Preston. Kind, was. onf3 of the thres Democratic Representatives - kora New YOrk who opposed the annexation Of - Texas and ( required guaratiteis:: filar it should nit in ure! / - • to the advantage of S:avory .. at:l JO4ph Mill)en, Whig, ivas a ftiti . ssiii atiti G ii,a'rle-s. supporter .olthe Wiinuit Pre..yi.:l) I pttri . , . kin dred measures in the Thirtieth .Cosikrs-:;:i. 4", e give these particulars .to s. tou ..t i ' •'i • saw coniplete is the fusion among mrigito,or.s ifthe old ;parties, and- that the people of New York ~. posiess enoukh of patriotism.'ind lOve of Free- Ito - i- dOrndiscard , c all old party ties ' suo . p.irt y rt. i n. most Unite. published at. Con in its last issue „ • ,/ anialpsitioN"onitipg together ott:theutigreto.. issii . 4 of Freedom . against Slavery I : 'The " Kansas" Legislature,l recently, un aession at Shawnee Mission, after adjourn ing,-aa we learn from the correspondenm of thelSt. -Louis Democrat, went . : hom l e' to: Mis eou'ri where the mcmhern all live.l ME /Oil tt..-Vr'''-Ovi.r every riot of the soil of th;:: I:nion, ,, and :]whereytr the Contztituti.on ex tend:•, there do extends the all•proteetink 'prni , pt.° 1 o col that of the DetnoOney, - hearing aloft the flag of civil and religious liberty, the -ConStitution yid the:Uni9h-.7 • The above is an extract frOm the last ptib 7 addre,:t.' , i of the'Dgmoeratie State Cen- o ral Commitico n Pens . ylvania, publi- :Ilion is ‘‘';:intort insult to :the goOd sense a is gpnerotpi feelingq of the people. lOU] we got our sittil•ring and oppressed Brethren. in Nanzas I Can forget that the 'leaders. of the \ V rei.eiles h 6 invaded Kansas ',and bV force imposed upon the lawful voterslan alien and . spuricoi Legislature which has lenaeled I laws making it felony, in many cases i - iiinisli- . I able with death, for the 'people of that, Terri tory to exercise the rights guaranteed to them, by the Constitution of.the United State - --ean we forget that these men are favorites Of Pres ident Piere.C, and his administration, Support ed by,government patronage,and encouraged by at lea S- the tacit assent ,rind approval 1 of the President to go on - in :, their course, of crime ;.,- and that. the administration under. 1 whiWi auspices all the wrongs to the people-1 and Governor of Kanits. have been commit ted,-is a, Democratic .administration; whose acts have been ratified and aoproved by the . Democratic party in every State in the -Lrn ioO'? The voters :of Pennsylvania Can . not, will not, forget these things. The .Voice of. our State.was last yeah given in condemna tion of the Mil:an-ions Nebraska bill, 'and the events wine(' have since transpired, bOth upon the soil of Kansas and Petmqlvania,have- not made us any more in love with SlaVery, or with pic4lavery ..Dethoerney.- , The gross 1 falsehood So deliberately diSplayedj to the World in the - above eifiact cannot impose . upon . the peOple, but will recoil uPon . the heads of its impudent,authors. , I ' The address is publishe,d in most of the so called' Democratic papers in the State, and . will probably - reach Gov. Reeder in his new' home amid the wilds Of Kansas.: What mtiVi be his feelings On. reading this bltter itidek ery of his wrongs by the Democratic party okhis native state? - And what wattle out. raged and oppresied Free State settlers o -Kansas think of this view of their condition ? Driven from the polls by an armed banditti invading their soil—citizens and' re,..ii) v ina of li f ;soitri elected by force and fraud ti) make ro-slavery laws for - them "to -oheyHtliekr ! c.;ovortiordeposed'ona fidsccharge, - because 1 .he wasTrietally to them and to right—sub- I jetted to lynelilaw for exercising freedom 01l speech—will they ask:that syel..prot”tion bel continued.? , Let Governor Reeder answer,' In his speech 'accepting the nomination of the Free-State. settlers for Delegate to &ingress, he counseled, t' that peaceful 4-eslsta : flee he 1 made - to the tyrannical and unjust laWs of a' Spurious legislature ; that appeals be made to. Ithe. CoUris,, to the ballot-box, and to.COngrest • for relict . from Lthis oppressive - load; 'that violence ; should be, deprecated sio' . long #$ tieing e ape of peaceable recirest •emain- the. c6t}fe ! ree meeting, but bad pot. yet held p eonvontym to tiorniriate'conferee-;. Mr. Smith WAS ;il,:f) told that Sullivan county had a just. claim to the 'eaudiddte,. by' virtue of an ar- rangeinent. outered' into last Ship man,, the nominee of Sullivan, was already in the gpld when Mr, Stlircdevant was presented by the Whip of Wyoming. - .Arr. .Shiprria'n was then induced tU,.7ithdraw from the can-. vass,!and take his twirl cwtof the Papers, up on- the express unqrstanding that Wyoming should 'this year -eoncede the, candidateito.Sul livan'. This propO4tion was rnade''by - Wyr accepted by! Sullivan, and confirmed. by Siisqtlehanna. TElniler these ,eire - ninstances the tionfOrees • fromi SiisqUehatina positively reftied to .hold conference •without .the knoWledge and,ccinSent of Sullivan ; 'hut-they. invited Mr. Smith ;and his -friends - to 'Meet conferees from Susquehanna and Sullivan at Lae‘lyville. This ho positively refustld todcf _--declaring, that he would •run at all hazards, whether lie was- nominated or ii;u, and boast ed that he could , de4eat the Republican ticket, if he Could not be Vfi..cted himself Ile was assured that! the 'obSection . was riot : to him per4onally, bin that he would be supported next ,year- cordially. - TO this CA Siriith re plied that:li(rhad no anxiety to.' be a condi datci.any year. except this year. - : - Mr. Smith did. liowcref. go , with -his con ferees to . Laceyviile, ' and the nOniinations 'wer!e canvassed.. in 'a* friendly' spirit during moat of the...afternoon. After which Col. Smith's conferees refused to go into the con ference, and tha cOnferees'froin _Susquehanna . and Sullivan thenproceedcd to Make notiii • - - I _ nati l ons. After this Cal Smith came . to Montrose and held a cOnferenee with Chase andseveral , oili. i i er gentlemen n Montrose—received o putT in Chase's. paper, and now calls upon Whigs tosupport him.' rTrue he dues not i now pro fess to be a Wh)g, nor is he the nothirice of the Whig, convention • of -W yo Ming County, yet:e expects W l idds to . desert. - tbe; Reptibli it can _Io nization anti' crime to his support;. for - i - -t 1 the, sole purpOSe of electing the old ; Hunker candidate.. His:iocrisers in this county are althost too man.political or personal friends 1 of it.. 8., Chase. ! '.. ' • -- . . . is 1 . , The Republican party is not Whig not, I,Anterican, • but, a party Mader tip of all the 1 opponents. of the.Adniiilistration of Franklin ! 1" ltree, and designed to overi he I in the At ch isOn• and. Stringfellow ; vv . :Slavery putty in 'lslia. The union of all •anti-Pieree - parties in Pennsy 1 \ludo Upon one plat form ,enSures sue:. ~i ~ ces s in the election of Canal Com Missioner the prisint year, and 4 effects•ap organization fir the great. contest . of .1556: - It becomes all who hive' freedoin, therefore; to rally to the -' 1 , support of .the _Republican party) and any Mart who peiroitS hiniself, from -spite or per , 1 • • ~ .-•- , sepal inVt•est tikstand' in the Nifty- of this-tick eq should•miet tho stern rebuke of tlie_pee ph.l of this , Dist riiet-now as well as' hereafter: COI. Smith has :Std . oil Well . ' before ' :the Poo- I. 11e, but iiit hitil'.;'no , i , de . feat- th;'go Publican candidates for Amternbly: and ;.where 'Will he 3 6 11 4 1 • Cal*lll!Alk,-i4e: - .poople' to support 1 ' ' ' - face to them . him 'Again ? a n d if he ha - will thou do it at a.' .e when as a Republi • • . in,klOring to elect, a ciiikparty they e ideiit! - 1 - 1 • j - • - i n terests s r oth's. personalare - But -,artante to • the great principles. 48:1111 we hope -- _thepeople de ' a nd - • • timer " d. and act before-it , is- too -lets, , . la this,,Sunty• we • will. roll up , a msjority for f i.lyipq.ead and Ingham that will make Chase • . l and ids c'ankerou men stare 7 • and did trust Wyoming will not be backward in their sup- -.• port. . • . . A Republican Mass Meeting was held -inPhiladelphia,September-2 7th,andw , ss addressed by GeOrge,A. Coffey,.§amuel:AT rpn i _and Senat4 Wilson. Resolutions were passed, acknowledging thn.rright of holders •to maintain: Sle.very 'where 'e...x.isting 4 , - • but denyinz,the. right. of further extensiopi: condemning - the Supreme. Court forirefut.ini .7. a writ of habeas corPus'in" Pawinore ' iiitnsim, declaring that it:. is a dangerous . &. anti-Republican proceeding ; that - a cas e irs! nrise where.an a.rrieired person can hope - fg no redress except from . his oppresers,:ad thlifhesitstionon the part of . the State - tribe , nal to enforce - the undoubted right (neither- , (of fear of a conflict with the Federalpffiees• exhibits a servile, : undemocratic attituo.-: Thelioininatio - n of Passmoro Williamson sat • • 1. ratified: - - • - . Z` T IO\SI\G ALL RlGtit.7---The Whig Coot! Convention of •W.yonfing_ County....--tnit Tnnkhanneek on : Monday, .September tlitk 1555. After the'ainvention - eras org,anize4; A. J. Ross offered: the. following . resOuta. which - iVas adopted, and, from which:ire coo- elude that Messrs. Hempstead, - :and 16gtea the'Republicati, :candidates are, sure of !I.' support Of tho. opponents of ilunker Paz' racy, in- that County. -•-• Resolved, :That in view 'of the and the state .of political pia*, in this Representative bistriec_e4niniosea Susquehanna, Wyoming - and Sulliyn. I deem .it inexpedient to-noniiiiate for Representative ; but that .We : rOummee t 6 the . Whigs of thisounty, to unite in 0 - support of men 4 whO.they have reason t lieve .are .sound on the princii OW a. .sue Wore the. people. / • • fig' The Philadelpltia.Su ir, we are ed to see, is very" favorably - inclin'ed tl support. of Pasr,nore . recapitulating- the faeis in the case;• and . • • . method by'. which his eAcare- front .irupr , , ment has been blOeged up, it . :SaY9,l - • Where is the re.nie.3y ? ..The:Courts -41 decided that he can o- n) further her g judicial tribunal. .14 . pq44 . 1: ihet,i' go to original golace of till power' -r47ig Peop . k, 1 thoy should - di!,pose•of it iti a Manner !xi will teach JUdge Kane. and allother.r‘iiv Judges that the, right* ,of the' citizens dr. syk ; ttnia tir4. nal() be trued with,.or ric ted.Arith . iMpuni4. • . . REPUBLiCANS !, , Go TO Tat PaLts and 1 and: work for your Ticket.. Disre'garilitig falsehoods and calumnies of our envois , turn out, and a Free Soil victory is itn*,