E II I 1 l: 1111 [ 1 1 • • I l' CHARLES F. READ & H. H. F 11:2 . . Atadri ". of t h e Democratic State Commit-. li ,• iks the editors ofthe - Montrose Democrat ar e astatmed of the principles of their party, ad endeavor -to conceal theth front „their' m ideeslas much as possible, we think it ad tisable at times . to• publish some authentic anj .,, .setftaritative Democratic documents so , that it may not be forgotten where the'Dem .ocr'atiol;arty stands on the:questiona of the •d a jr„ The Democratic .State Central Cont." , • I m ittee o f Pennsylvania , have -issued another [ address, dated September 18th, 1855, and di dto tll -people . of Pennsylvania,' zhie l li *1 I he read with interest by the' peo. pie dthi . sectiorr. -It might be expected that t he I partY organ here would publish . the ad. , diets fo r t he strengthening of its readers in the Democratic faith, but as it took no notibe • _ of the previons * one,.. , -we fear it Will treat this . ', • in the• same way ,and therefore ' we p ublish i I .-.--" 4 - _ As much of ir - as we 'can make root - fa, fer.---, 4 . We 'ask our readers to examine it carefully, 11 and I observe the feeling and ‘,7ieWs 'of the DeMociatie party- of Pennsylvania on. 'the case ' of' rn assore Williamson, the . Kansas outrages; and slavery aggression . in general. ' IloW much has th e'ause of Freedom to hope . t for fiio'm the party which, in the - riative State ; of Reeder and Williamson, now' uses' Ilan; 1' . . gusge like this : - 1 have . • -.. . "We hv seen . .Know-Notliingism . '-oVer-,, *rain byl. the Democracy in the South, ;and disorganized and broken—or blended with Abolitionism in the North. Such . has been theeeess'il,ou from its rinks ,by the deceived anterrino,l men Who joined it, that notwitb!.. i • 4 'standing its abated pretensions and ; the at tempts inide to libera4ze .its principles, its possessioti. of olocal . offies and . the forlorn hope of pq iticAl. places and rewards in . 1850, . alone, kec it from titt4T annihilation as. a 1 N,ational ft rty. .. . . , . . . - At the t i re:sent, t herefore, there is-more-oc casion-to q4il your attention te another .'and purely se tic7i]al party, which threatens, to . subvert. the Federal Constitution." and to de stroy,' the talion of these I.smtes.4The Know- Notliiita; party—miscalled...d.merie-an—:tends to oecaSioi i i civil diStord among neighbdrs, 01 betwen citizens of the same state, • but this self-sty i led Republican party tends - to add -to this the Jhorrors of a negro hisurrectivii in the States i.f the South, and a civil , war - be tween the Several States of this Union. - .- . It is - in l yain for its Alartizans to say that, they intend no ill; the question is not ottani -intention, it is one of practical conduct; and the ptinciOes of American government. and of COnstittitiorial law are the sole testa by which - it i4ust be tried. - We have alre:idy seen illy Ltigi islature'of one State opeillY- and designedly 'pass an act in defiance, of the Con stitution oft. the United States and tire- laws Made, in p4suance thereof,and ivhen the Gov ernor, of that State:---and a partitm of this very party(—vetoed. and attemptett rn arrest the course Of that Leg islature. we sa - the defy' him also, l add repass this aet.,. We haleseen t' he same State openly remove an upright and learned Judge becisii se ,he . dared to Beep iiit i oath.and to . support the,C4.:inisitu 7 tion of the!.l.lnited States. In our own State, Ire htivia:si c,e heard a deliberative body of the same arty \ veheinently applaud. a nio-. ill tion to mot and beat a Judge: and . still lat-, • er in: this Sitate, and in the ConventiOn Of this, ' whole part , a Reverend member of it 'pub licly' adri ted the .destruction of a: public . Prison, and the rescue of a prisoner; - beelnise they hadai,isidered and adjudged him to be wrongfullylreprisoned. If these =things are now to be done and advocated, and by , sneh men, and in such places, both under color ' of. law and iti. , vowed defiance of it, who will or can assur the public that they would stop' there 'l or t , t other.--and the- most fatal— . violations ot the law mould not be committed .. by other me and - mobs, and in other places ? .then' men ' bus disregard - the Constitution 'and laws of ,heir country, and seek to organ-. ize together' ne t section 'of the - Union, that they may th ' more succesfully Overawe or sol;due the .other they reduce the . whole ,question tollone between ,force and law ; U.n ior or disuni , on: domestic tranquillity or civil war. 1 . It is absurd for men to prate about liberty while at thesiame time they are encourag ing, resistande•to law: There can be no lib erty Withoutj'law,and there is not and cannot :be any law ' f:this land higher than the CA:M -i. • stitutiOn of he United. States. Whatever, there . f(ire.rqiiv,be the pretence put forward Its the abolftiohistsc or .whatever more:de ceptive tiamt they - may choose .to . assume, lirv3 arras t emselves under, the real and sate issue wig! be the same; it will. be that party Ha ti iodated Constitution and disunion or, the' Onede, and the Democratic party kid consiita ion . and the Union as they are •-ori the'other'pide choose ye between them ! Even . if you,'iieould, yet you cannot but eitoose between Met' taro; While the Whig party eiisted, wha . eVer may bare .been its follies .or its faults ; vet neither Clay. nor Webster, Licr its other' l great leaders; nor. the pure men • of its rank a d file, .would =hare tolerated a - sentiment hqstile to the -.Constitution or the Union. .Butl these great men and - tree patri ots6ve paslied away, and the old W hig par- -typ o longer, exists. The weak, - -the venal and. the selfiih in its ranks have gone into a• secret and 'sectarian organiiation, or have pule over and arrayed theinselVewwith Alio htionista.- in idels and fanatics, against their brethren of, e South: ' Qne party alone re-_ t.i . mains firidand defiant.. • Over every foot of the s9il of this Union, and wherever - its con-. Ititution extOnds there too extends the all pro-. letting' arm 'll the Democracy,, bearing - al6tt ge Al of Civil . and Religious Liberty, the Constitationland the Union. .1, . Fellow Citizens, our duty hi the premises, i ilildip. li§wever much party leaders may imitate ortheng back, fearful of losing:their awn position 6r . of vielditv , to an. old '.,politi e 1 : ' • o pponent; there is but one course left, and lfat is a , Illy of all patriotic'eitizens 'ion the of the' Demoera tic party.— I:er e is lug the tone of the Dellloo - liinhesitatingly accepts to it by the adversariets of itution, and proclahns its 1 or swim, survive or per ierican tniOn. .Refusing- to 't . 1 ' • ~ . BE is,ue Ft& pol •h., wit] ..-----'. . _ . 3 - 3 - • - ...... , . . : - . . - . -'• . - '.' - ', '-I ' '• . Lr , • . ' ..- '•l' ;' , I '': :' • . . . .. ... ... , - ... . ~. .. , . ~ . . . • , :. . „ . . . . ' I =I ' • . .. , . iit it - i 1 . .. . - ' - ' -; • .. . . . . . 3.. . . . . . . I ... . . .' . . -3' I . . . ... . - .. • I. 3 1 . : 1 . .... :. 1 3 3 .. . ' .: ''' - • . . , . .. „ .4 ... , ...... ~., tipetinio, ~. -.(t . . , 1.1 ~. ... _ ,_. . ~... . r . .. . . . „ _ .. .. , . . . .. . :. . . . . • I , 1 -, • ' - . . . .. • . . ... . . r I . . . . . . ,- . . . - . .. . . •• . _ . _ .. . . . f i 1 . .. . . . . ~. make to ins "with t taitarspfaiwshade,'itimi not only without. ree t Nut nith end' Tribled m joy, see many ire t* its ranks for those of ' an , unprincipled co lition. Purified a nd <m re lieved 1 il their le fi d in tile le andens-- h ees' duty,.it in bled to aa.inifetterd in itii - bie n vites to its standard every patriotin P,....i.4.1. vanian. It has no ‘ eoncealment . 'of its princi ples, or: ierecy in its organizstiou; but shield . ed, heltried and wenpOned with truth, it ad vances-akainst the combined fanaticisms. It aceepts.the whole t+ponsibility 'of opposing those Who oppose the ConStitutiOn. It fully enters lido the contest against the Abolition: fists and their allies. In .such a cause, even defeat Weuld be honorable, but victory is cer tain to crown our efforts it only;those liho are consetous Mat we are right,wilf•iict nip . to their hoh st convictions. :• - . ': • - • I Vit: • ai . no alarntistS.... It iSnofonr,purpose to esagOratc• the dangerous tentlenCies of the politicali4ctionlof our . opponents. You can see for), :urselzes not alone thC obliteration of a g,rea - pa 4 i, but the bold and flagrantde claration . of those who have taken its place. There is indeed„tto :alternative left us but op position,"Tis there is manifestly no party left to make that opposition but, the' Democratic -party. - 1 - l - . i . • Has th , I.7nion lost its sacred and inesti mable Cal uel in your eyes.? ; .Are you ready to regardl y Our countrytnen of. th e South as so Many alien enemies? We disdain ap pealing to your, interests, we invoke your pa triotism ; we appeal.. to the glorious memories of the past and to the unparalleled blessings , . ever pre' ept ; and *e point in proof of _the peril thati)e.sets did near future; not merely to the ovq l 4lirown Vhig organization, nor to the fanatieisms spri i r ling from its - ruins and coaleseingnonr .inrist; .bat to!lie alarm and dismay that 1141 , e ,:proad over Me South like •a fi tnerql ER:l4lin' ricio of the oppressiv epur poses of lltard.,ern, -;4olitionists. :..And inrk 'the n . miserable delusio with which A b . litidnistn tries" to tibti. the - patri oti sentin ent lof it he NOrth. It affects indig t nation bee iu.et the :Missouri 'restriction, nev er appro vel, skid fbr thirty-five years disre garded bylthe !Abolitionists, and • spit open and revile by them, With every epithet of scorn and tidignation, has - been repelled I. It denouneS'the doctrine of self "government in the 1 ter, itorie„. the .were principle upon. (. which the Atnert i eal colonies were pecipled, governed. and. protected l - It denounces the Nebraska 'pet which -deehireS, "1 being the true•inted,. and meaning of this_ act NOT: . to legislate 'slavery into any State or Territory, nor to ; exclude it therefrom, but to leave - the people perfectly- . free to form 'and regulate their,donlstie institutions in tht,ir own war, snbjeet only to the Constitutionjoithe United Stites." hese fitnatte.s refuse i :therefore, to allow the people to regulate their dotnestre institutions. - I And pnlitteal arzitatiort_. they even protend to accomplish ? What man, in the free States . of this Union. would be benefitt4l;by the sueeess - of the Abolition ists'? -Noti ono ; nor could the give freedom to a single islave obey Mild but more firm ly rivet theve fetters A verigrave and flagrant wrong was re cently• perpetrated on the soil .Of your Siete, .which in its'effects.and consequences strikes .at the rights and -liberties of all. . One only of your tiumborWas, and still k, the inimedi ate victim ;1 but any one of yOu having an uu seared conscience and a humar.e.spirit might have. stood his place, and-may be called at any time t.O•suffer as, he is suffering.- Though •the facts are already knewnito most of you whn will7d this appeal, we restate them in .the hope .t at they may make 'plain to yOU the path . 0e - duty, and impel you to pursue John ameler of 'North Carolina, - ap pointed .111 i tster to Central America, recent ly, arrived at r hia on hi S way to the Isthmus, bringing with, him three slaves—a mother and her two young boys, Whom he designed tit take with him - The intellident mother had some - general . no tion. that heir retnoPal to a Free State'by her master vrotild entitle her legally to her free dom; and, On applying,though closely : watch= ed.by her 41d master; to some black servants at the hotel whete they stoppek Was con firmed in that,pr i esemption. She thereupon resolved ttl get away from her masker, on or before her 4rriv.sl in ;e%i• York, and reMain. to enjoy het new.foin4 freedom. Wheeler,l who kept : ,is eye onhis slaves al most perpetually, too them, considerably be= fore five o'cSetert; down to the ferrYboat of the C ‘ aindenand Ambily Railroad,. where he seated tient on the upper deck and sat down beside thein to itwait'the time of starting. Meantimea negr o servant ran horn their, 'late to the_ oifii_c of the Societylfor.the relief of persons illegallv.held in . Sltivry,'-- established, soon afterthe Revolution by Ben jarnin Franklin and others, and told the Sec retary, PaSsmore :Williamson; that. a man .had gone t dOwn to the. Atnboy 'boat with three .oersonS whOm he was bolding slaves and desired their freed o WO I iainson being very busy-, told the black to go down to the boat and inform the persons so held by Wheeler that they Could be so' held no longer, haying been 'velun6rily brought by him into e . .kree State, and. adviSe them. to Walk, on slOe and!qnit,-, Wheeler's undesira ble coMpany. The! . negro. started ,for ;the boat amordingly bet soon William San than: ged his mind and folio red. \ He went direct,- up Wheeler and his late' chattels,- asked the woman if she Wished to be free, and ,be ingassured that[ she did,. advised tier of her rights and oPportunities. ' She started to go';. Wheeler demurred and held . On to her .chil dren, who,* . Were frightened by • the excited. throng wliich*atheredaroand them, and clung to their master in terror, a scare. ensued be , tweet' him and the half-dozen blacks who had crowded to the scene; by., whom they were carried off in the train of their mother, Who. was eager for liberty: They all quickly dis appeared, and gr. Williarbson went back to Ake, *Sere be was abserbed in his bits'. nets till aftet 10 o'clock, when he left for the - Pittsbur g h nation and'toi)k the night train for HarrisbOrg; whereThei, had ..to "attend' a meeting of a Telegraph COMPanY next day. • When he rettitned . to Philadelphia, thirty, six hours later, he was -met by officers who arrested blot on a babeig corpus issued by C; S. District eludge • Kane, at, the suit or tela , lion of Wheeler;, , Otrimanding him to produce the bodies 'of the woman and children aforei said 'before' the said-Judger--Wheeler having charged hiM with obstruetingatid secreting EDITORS. From the N. Y. Tribune. Appeal to Pennsylvaniins. ME "F2E'EpOKI nißp ROaNT -aanumu @LaVIEW r 7 nmp wRo ~. Ahern. '1. 1 ,o this suit Williamson - responded personal appearance beforetlicJiidgian4 byaffidivi; r it setting forth . that the said Jane Johnson and her, two childre.n,.. claimed by Whe.eler;as his slaves, had neyer.been in his l (WilliamSon's) ' Custody or keeping. and • he ;knew tick 'Where they . wire, l - This verified-answer . f udge itithei - :prondunixsti evasive and! acontempt of .........., ......a ..a...4...."---.., .........,....... 7 ;ut .Williamsoll . to prison withont hail or:limit 'of duration. ',Mr. W.'s counsel fortivitli t11p• l'plied tor Perlitission to amen the - return; I - but.the jtitige, .1 refused . it; sa i ing it wag too ; late.. - Fiptn that hour, twos, months !since Williamson has lain in jail, though every , ef.i fort has been Made by eminent. counsel tof Procure hiS liberation. An application in his behalf to' the Pennsylvania Supremo Cone( for habeaS Corpus was refused first by Judgkj Lewis, and afterward by the full - beneh—l! Judge Khox , . strongly dissenting-4on the, ground of;independentjurisdiiition in.the-Fe&: eral Courts, involving the right - to punish for, contempt.'' the Court holding hat there is no remedy fOr an abuse Of this ight, howeveri 'flagrant, lint' through an impeachment. So WilliainsOn lies in prison, without hope of re!. lease, anCis'insultingly told that he can Jibe fate hitnsOlf by making a proper. submission to Kane.. . . Hoy; eh he? he? What can i he say i His' first answer Was the naked i literal truth. He never did have: possession, 'Or custody, or ,oversight, be Wheeler's liberatedyslaves. He, i never kfieW whither they.went when, in corn ! Pany with other blacks, they felt - hii presence', i last July. He had never seen them before J that hour ,11.;he never saw them afterward,.: i though the', mother was brought into - .Cohrt when the negroes who aided her to carry off. , ! her children were tried -before Judge Kelley', for assault, and battery on"Vheeler.' But 1 i Williamson wits not.present and had no parQ in this trial. The writ : served on him did', not require ; hint to discover .and repo.rt the' hiding plaCO of, these freed ch4rels ;' no writ, 'ot habeas rtarptis could Make Such . a requisi; tion.. What it: did require, he: asvVered truly : in the sight 'of God man ; and itni submission tiOw required of hint is at .once ' iniquitous and luipoSSible. - Even if his - atiswer bad. been ' evasive, that is no contempt ofiCourt, as has• been abandantly.adjudged. In such ease, the party ag,giteVed must frattle . his interrogate- t vies, and itijive the Court . to cOmpell hint' to, .ansWer. If he responds -truly, the desired in fiirmation is obtained if falsely, he is liable for the perjury ; if he refuses 0 answer, that is contumat'v and may be punished. as con tempt. In : IVilliamson a case, howeVer, there was nothing nearer wyiterript than a simple stateineut O(the truth, lie had nothing to conceal, having done no act which the lawS do not approveHnOne whiehl even Judge It would' not be proud to.call his own at j the bar of Eternal Jus-tieci. . I • - i ~......../.........4........i...........—..............,.....:,........„.4 . ,J . L ,i 6 „...... been and. still is subjected, a his'pectable body of sympathizing Pennsylvanians have present ed his nan for the office of Commis sinner of their State, and we appeal to •all , Pennsylvanians who love righteousness and . hate oppreSsiort; not merely to7ote for him, but to circulate appeals and ballots in favor .of his election. We 'urge'appe'als -to Editors fur space - it i .11eir columns toset- forth the :facts above, recited, and entreat all' voters to consider them ; 'we ask good men to pro cure handbills, circulars and ballots, days be: fore . Electicin, and scatterthethifar and wide. Nobody , se'ems to care much abotit'the par tv aspects of, this contest; and we neither know nor care'whiCh party, if any, haslhitherto been honored by Mr. Williamson's vote. There is a Whig ,iind a Democratic .uttildate al-- ready, ind'ivre presume a KnowlNothhig like wise; but e good man, well known as no elec tion brawler,.haVing first circulated the doc uments, can . stand ut any. poll and induce scores to give their suffrages for. Passinore Williamson: His success, in defiance of par-. - ty machinery and party interests, would be a stinging rehuke to judicial :usurpation and I outrage--alglorious observance ittf The. Scri p injunction, "Remember those in-bondS as bound With then." PeimsYlvanians !in 'your pmyert.J, your efforts, your Votes,remem 1 her your' oppressed brother„ - PASSMORS ' WILLIA.M,SONI • t - • . • Compare•the Platforms . Republican.state Ptatfurin, adoted at Pitts. burg, Sept, 5, 1855. Whereas i. : . 1 The fOunders of this Republic, in the / formation of this government, pro claimed thfslgreat truth—that all men are endowed by! their Creator' with !the inaliena ble rights of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and that our governinent was con stituted to secure these ;rights to us; and whereas: th j e National E.xixutie, in his in. augural addrew, - virtually denicls these doc trines, in the e..zpression of his opinion that domestic slavery is based upon the • same principles a 4 ;other recognized rights, and• that our federal Arovernment is bound to sustain the institution of slavery -,-' and :whereas : the- President of the United .States, and the po litical party iWhich sustains him, have endeav ored to overthrow the principleslof civil lib erty proclainiedby our revolutionary fathers, by extendinglthe bounds of slavery into ter ritories expr4ssly consecrated tolfreedom by a solemn cvmpromise, and by obtaining ter ritory of Nl , ,'‘ii.xi for the purpose Of spreading the witheringleurse of utnan bondage, and by endeavoring to inv lee us in a war with Spain for the acquisiti n of Cuba, with the intention of `perpetuate g and strengthening the itistitutidn of slaver,y 'and by sustaining the slave trade on our southern coast;_ there , 1 fore. . , - 1 Resolved,:' That the grea l t queition offree: dom, and slavery now agitating both ,North and South, ie One which overshadows all oth ers, in a national point of iiew ; , aiiit - its im portance de hands that- the people of the North should lunite in harinonions action .to defend their rights. The cOn tin nal aggressions of slavery upon the interests of freisiorti, in creasing in insolence and magnitude with each concession the _North, must Lie met and resisted witlila united voice. Holding that the Union i* farmed (in the anguage lof the Constitution) o to establish justice, pro mote the goJeral welEire, and sec, re the,bles aingi of libqty,", we.adopt as the foundation of our politi4l faith, and for the guidance of Our political l :Uction, the principle that, under our governniirt, freedom is national and sla very is seetiOnal. Resolved, :That while we claiai no power to interfere With slavery in States where it now exists, vie believe the NatioOal govern ment should ibe'relieved from sill connection with or sceotintability for it, 1 MONTROSE, TKURSDAY, OOTOBER 4, 1855. / PUMAS - HERS--"VOt. L NO; 89 Iteiolved, That the repeal of the Missonri Compromise was a violation of the national faith and an outrage upon the rights of the free States t • and that it was the first step 6f the conagractr against freelom, which has found its appropriate and intended sequel in the lawlese attempt of a Missouri mob; 4 Instiga i ted by, a conveorains *lima or the national ad cc:4ll .Q at and sinctiond by het same, to force ihe on, eirso of slaver do no only u the free sot of Kansas; ,acci t' p oppose the extension or slavery tional ;territories, but , also the admission n,`G. any navy slave StateslnenthS Union, ing thSt, as our national domain is free from slavery, in the absenee of any positive law establishing it, wearsjustifie4l' king free. dom condition of their • ission into the sisterhood of States. Resblved,• That we are in favor of the re peal of the present Fugitive Slave Law, he. causelt virtually suspends the sacred Writ pf habeaicorpul ; and takes away the right of trial by jury. ResSlived.' That imprisonment, without t l el, of citizens of free States, by. the Federal Judical•y, is a bold invasion of personal lib erty, it -- !.violation of the - guaranteed rights of the Spites, and an assumption of federal pow er that':., should be resisted determinedly hy, every fiend of personal freedom. 114.....501ved, That we Cordially invite all who. approVe of the 'principles set forth in [these resolutions, Without , regard to their fOrme,r political associations, to unite and eo-oPeraie 'with us for the purpose of restoring the ad ministration of 'thin government to its 'origi nal -purity, and directing its energies to the accomtlishinebt of its true object; as set forth in the o.4istittition, viz: "To form a more perfect ',Union ; to establish Justice; to insure Tranquillity ; to provide fOr the Cununon r Defence; promote the General Welfare, and secure. the blessings of Liberty 'to ourselves and our posterity. Demoolptic State Platform, adopted unitni num* at Harrisburg, July 4, 1855...' • t Resolved, - That the Democratic partV need not'on old and settled issues to declare its principles in detail. It is sufficient for us to say that we belong to the Democracy of the Union, : ; and recognize' no geographical rlines between - the North and South, The interests of all purts,of the coun-try are the same to mil so f,ar as in our power, we will maintain the conititutional -rights of every State,} and re._•o ,, ni4e in its widest extent the principle Of populari sovereignty in the territories. • Rksoved, That we are opposed to; any change t ,in our State Constitution conferring upon negroes the right of suffrage. We are not willing that' this class of Americans' hall rule thi,4 part of America, conceding to the other States flux tastes tit ail* particular; however much we euCer from them in oPits uins- fte'i?Nd, makes our country his home, and lovest.he Constitution; the and the liberty of the Union, is, in its largeSt sense, a true American. Ilisbirth'• place was not of his own selection, and should do him 'neither good nor harm—his religion is between himself and his`God / and • should be left to his own judgment, conscience and responsi)aility, _ • Resolved, That we regard the secret order / commonly called " Know' Nothings," as an organization dangerous to the prosperlti and peace of?' the country': We consider its seams unconstitutional and void of patriotiim -being at once opposed to the spirit of true Christianity and a just and manly American, sentiment; .1 ResolVed, That the Democratic party re. *iterate and reassert-their confidence iu, and adherence.to, the political creed as prof - nut; gated by Thomas Jefferson, in his -first it augf ural address, and practiced- by Madison; "1:1fonroe,l, Jackson, . Van Buren, Polk. land Pierte, in their Administrations:--that these, principle require no concealment, and that; experieno has fully determined their appli `pability to all the interests of the American ; people. 1 Resolit,ed, That use have undiminished con- : ficknce,i4 the ability and integrity. of Frank ' lin Pierce, and his administration of the,Yov- . ernment Of our country. - ResoNed, That, the views and principles of the pkesent State Administration, as ;em-', bodied in the acts passed by the recent Leg islature and approved by the Governor, l by which the interests of the State have been, or propOsed to be, seriously affected, con ,trust. strongly with the wise and judicious managementl of the government by Governor. ;Bigler, and tend to show the danger of! en trUsting thetontrol of the Commonwealth to thy liand4 of men who are (swayed by &natl. eism and }governed by prejudice. I Resolved, That use pledge our party und - united ejOrts to the election of Arnold plu iner, the Candidate for Canal Commissioner, !shorn :eel have this day_ nominated withaft a dissenting voice. gaaeaS - From the .Eational Era. Yes, mv friend,for hope , and courage, and . .ionsolatiOrr, it is vigil to deny that the wOrld is looking to North America; and North Of to Kansas apd Nebraska. In, spite Of sneerink tourists and sneering natives; it has been true for-a century; and was never inore true than now, that we inhabit the land of promise. Any emigrant bbip, any great railroad station, will tell you that. In Ithe film of her slavery, her polygamy, her social rulgarity.land all her faults, America is Still the magnet to which the weary, the poor, - the desolate, of every nation, are irresistibly iirawu; an still the asylum upon_ whose mighty b4sorn, like chaplet Wreaths upon a votive afar, all the hopes and aspirations of the ninete&ith century - are flung. - "Our harts and hopes are all with thee ; I Our heirts and hopes, our smiles and team, Our faith triumphantlrer our fears, Are all wph thee, with thee. ' It takeskinly a•few Columns of figuresl to make cle# beyond dispute that America is fast becoming the ruler of the world: It is therefore idle to deny that thequestion-what spirit shall rule our country-- 7 is of incalcula ble importance 'to all mankind. And this vast problem, with its thousand -mazy intri macs and; involutions ; with :its rise and pill of Stites;? with its wars and-rumors of wars; with its sealed book of prophecy; withi its earthquake convulsions, or ages of calm ; with multitudinous races, espt.' ye or free,; and With Its unnumbered millions on millionof joyOus or broken;hearts, for endless ages--all these lie open in the hand of the Kansan and Ne braska emigrant. 1 I regard tne present conflict as the' turning point in the history of this Western; world. What sovereign is to away ui for centuries, and through us the world, ii now to torr de terminedi upon the plains of. Kansas and; Ne braska. There the two eternal opposites of modern society, its two mighty- warring an gels, are brought face to face and foot tofoot together: • ' For one or both 'of them, the hour has come.' Stringfellow and his horde of-vagabonds 'represent one principle and the Kansas emigrant the other. - we , ave g o gimare dull enough,but altogether,as they who livid - beafl Ate:. 116 t Dunces ; as we are; six thousand years have not passed,*ithout beating two or - three truths through our thick skulls. And if there be siny one fact absolutely demonstrated to the human mind; written on the original con stitution of the race, attested by the leviathan 'carcasses of I a hundred wrecked empires that strew the shores of time, inscribed in bloody letters on the annals of every, century, and confirmed by the earliest and most uni versal instincts of all that bear our hirmin form and are baptized into our common hu man nature, it. is, that nations, which depend entirely on slaves for labor, are irretrieve.ably lost. I have only to state the feet ; not ar gue it. It-is:a proverb, an azioth. ; SlaVery has a few sineere and intelligent defenders; and very fewltbere are, even where it ismost deeply rooted. These men even admit the fact I have stated ; but they refer its cause to the abuses ofa system in itself, natural and necessary. But mankind at large hold a dif ferent opinion. In their . eyes, 81aVery has always ruined nations, beenuse its foundations ate not in nature, That unnatural and irre sponsible usurpation, - which could chain the 4hairiless, which epmpresses the incsimPress able- soul into, the limits of an aniinal, arid which yokes the awful energies,of a plarMing, plotting, passionate; powerful beast, to it will as capricious and 'fallible as its own, nisist al ways end in failure,and will avenge.iteelfterri bly and inevitably on its champions.. The gigantic lie,. tbe tremendous wrong, may flour ish for ages, and seein eternal; but Nature, quietly or vielently,lrestares the old equilib rium lit last, and involves victors and victims in a common catastrophe, These are child's lessens:. Every . schoolboy knows that it was Slavery that preyed on the beautiful form of Greece, as slugs , eat out the hearts , of roses. We do not need Mr.. Bancroft's brilliant es say on Roman Slavery, to tell us that it was its deadly virus, more fatal than the factiens and civil wars it caused, mere dreadful- than the horse-hoof tof Goth or Hun or Visigoth it invited, whichllaid the empire of Rome In ru ins. Other lss known examples are not less ham eas idea ifr found in the first sentence of the State Paper which split us off from the British Em pire: That s entence made America. The absolute equality before the law of all that bear the hurnin form, Equality, not of 'gifts, - strength or stature, or beauty ; but an equal ity designed by the Supreme-Being to aim pensate. for all other inequalities—of rights. The equal and indestructable rights, for every son of woman, of free life, - free- thoughts, free speech, free labor, frfe affections, free wor ship. In so far as the nation drinks this idea, she tastes the 'fountain of Youth. In se far as she denies it, she begins to perish. I need not say that this fundamental thought. which gate us instant national as if 'iv a fiat ofereative will; struck African Slavery with a Otralyjis. It did net die, 1 know why, b i r t ., hate not time to c tell you now. But - all its er greseth has been a disease ; the growth cif an excrescence, not a healthy plant ; of a tumor, and not a natural organ. Our fathers thought that the Federal Constitution had given it adeath-blow. Jefferson thought that the Ordinance of 1787 ,had dug its grave. The men of 1 . 808 believed that the 'destruc tion of the slaVe trade had dried its founda tions, and insured its speedy end. The result has mocked them all. A half a century has rolled by ; and now, in 1855, incarnate in Stringfellow, it is roaring and roaming, like a loose wild beast, through the Young -Do minion of the West, seeking whom ' it may devour. I tell you that Slavery in Kansas asks no compromises, and gives and takes no quarter. It wields no blunted lance. It holds the same lanpage to all corners-4 devour you, or be my self devoured !' Kansas, Nebraska the free States, the Federal. Government, North . Amerithe Tropical Islands; the Con tinent—s-it must have them all, or die. And that; before God, I hold to be the present Con dition of its life.-. The calm eye of' the civil ized world is upon it. •1t feels,. and grows mad. Only impudence half - sublime,' a colos sal ruffianism, -; a superhuman swagger, ean keep its courage up. In its present attitude, Slavery. inlKansas is Ancient Pistol all over; but its has been nforasuceessful. Instead of,,teee dem making Stringfellow eat the leek,,Strifsg fellow has made Freedom cat the-leek. pie here affect to despise Stringfellow. I don't: I like his audacity. I half tremble at his !sewer. Why, Stringfellow' is the real ruler of America. At this hour, he is President, Congress, the Judiciary, the Army. 11 - 0 s moulding to himself the - civilization,,of this whole generation. Is this to - go on ? Stringfellow is slavery tabernacled in flesh —brute force in human form.. In its origin, Slavery is brute force—no, more, no ,less.— A ru ffi an meets a weak woman, seizes her by the throat, and 'chokes her into working for him Her 'children become also his slaves.— That is Slavery, and the whole of it. 'Ages after, Divines trace it to the Bible, and learn ed lawyers say amen. - This, I say, is Stringfellow, and the whole of him ; and now let me ask you candidly, as a Southerner, (year father you say was one,) if, with such teachers as Stringfellow, the free States can stint their eyes to what Slivery is . 'and seeks? Now , Flint , you know this man 'and gang; that is, if the newspapers tell 'the truth. If they calumniate , them. we will suspend judgment. When their merits -are telegraphed, I will revise- my thought.' At present, I take theft) as the press describes them. And, as'described, what is this Strin g, fellow, who haSKansas unier his foot Puri !unadulterated ruffianism. , Tom ilyer;fourid. a State, and giving its strictly iorofire sional nurture. A Short-boy pilgrim r ot* The anigfal whir rules Kansas is, to speak' po litely, a cross taitween the hog and' the hye .7 isa; and I tell you that this cannot last. 'Un less somebody goes there at once, and controls things, and unless the millions of ; Young America arouse-, and take this..Stringfellow 12MI O." . and hi's . pack. by_ the , nape . of the neck; 'and end' this reign • of terror ' ' and* announce, in tones that may be" heard through the earth, that among those wOods, all the races of the world !shall start at least fair and equal . in the great game of life, then there is no longer Government here,bl. in its placethe Old Allt arch,:Toacs, gorged iVith blood and bones; - I look to the Kansas emigrant for all this'. He • is purrounded by a cloud el witnessee. His means : may be scanty, his but poor, his companions coarse, his - enemies-, fierce, his food bid, hid body weak with disease, his feet "sore with traVel,,or his limbs with labor.-- • will may sometimes sink Within hint. In g p i r oo airi rn i, o t t h h e is m c f ekt'ft uon . l3, ....i n; res y t, ,, :z ta t 4 i t t ; l e i r fe ,. , o o r r t th he e down. ' But the inspiration of a greatittAiM in lim, and eVerlating 'arms are beneath • him. I Pillars of clond end fire go before him, and voices out of heayen whisper to hi'm - at eventide of the great Work and the . great - Rewaldi • ' Let him renierii the uncounted armies who are watching hiii from afar. ..Firt.t of all, his: .relatives 'and friends at . home i —they whose Mood leaps in his veins, and wll° are bOund to him by:the sweet ties of Pers:onal regard. They look- on him al ready its On enliated•eoldier 'of the 'new env. sacie,l and their cheek's blister with shame:if he faltersin the ranks.{ Than the eyes of all his country men are on him— sharp, clear, deep, eyes--=the eyes of men who know he grandeur of the strife, who watch his every motion; who expect everyman to do hisiduty ; are satisfied with no less,-demand more; arid when satis fied of that, will-pour out upon him, without stint ;or measure, their choicest tremures; and Will gather hint with pride to gen erous ,swelling hearts. Man of Kansas ! the people of America are behind you. They comprehend your , sti•uggle ; and every blow you strike will be bbrne on the wings of the wind rrom sea to sea. 1 ' Speech of Govemorlteeder.. in the Kansas -Free State , . Convention. - .. i After the adoption of the platform and res olutions at the Big Springs Free State Con? vention in Kansas, the proceedings of which have be n previouslY given, the Convention proceede o nominate a Territorial deleff ° ate" to Congress. Mr. Conway 'moved ;that An drew /I. Reed`o l thdlate Gpvernor of Kansas, be out. nominee._ The motion was seconded' and eitrried by acclamation. - Cheer followed upon Cheer at - the ailnonucement. __Ali,ershti was lost in Ithe confusien. aff-' - .... 5r , of Reeder! pr - esati : — 'tie - late Governor appearect upon the stand in,answer to repeated calk i and at the moment a appeared deeply moved with- this unexpected outburst tif enthusiasm. • , Gov. Reeder proceeded to thank .them for their encouraging and strengthening friend ship) that such applause slid approval would repay all the injustice that might, be .heaped upon any man; that every wan - there would do him the justice tojsay that his nomination had been given without solicitation by him or his friends; that to accept it *mild seriously •interfere with, private engagements, and that he bad contimially refused it when urged, un til he had been told . by. men .from all parts of the Territory that his name was essential to success. He'would now accept it upon the the condition that he be hot expected to can vass the'.Territory l in person: To do so would not be consonant with his feelings, as well as that he desired to go into the hlls-of Congress and say, "I come here with clean hands,': the spontaneous choice of. the sover eign squatters of Kansas.' Id giving him-the nomination, in this manner, th y. had strength ened his tours to do-their wor ~and in return he would now pledge to; them .a steady, un flinching pertinacity of purpose, never tiring industry, dogged perseverance: and all the abilities with which God had endowed him to wrongs righting of their rongs and the final di , map!) of their cause. Ho belieVed from the circumstances which had for the last eight` mouths surrounded him, and which had at the time placed in his possession many facts, amid bonnd hint heartand soul to',the Oppress ed.voters of Kansas; that he could do much 'toward obtaining a redress of their grievan ces. He said that day by' day a crisis was' coming upon 'us ; that in after times this, would', be to poster4ty l a turning point, a . i marked period, as are to us the 'opening of the Revolution, the adoption of the Declara tion of; hidependenee,l and the era of the alien and sedition laws; that 'we should take - each step carefully, so that each be a step of pro gress, and-so that no'Srioferice be done 'to the tie whiclibinds r the Atherican people together. He allUded to the Unprecedented . tyranny under which we are and have been, and said that if any one supposed that institutions were to. be _imposed I.by force .upon a free and 'enlightened people, they never knew, or hiid.forgotten, the history of our fathers.— Anieriettn, citizens beer': in their .breasts too much of the spirit, of Other and trying days, and havelived too long amid t e blessings of liberty, to submit ti;' oppression from any quarter; and the mad, who having once been free;could tamely submit to tyranny, was fit to be a slave. He-urged the -free State men of Kansas to, forget all miner issues, and pur sue determinedly the one great object, never swerving, but steadily pressing on, as did the wise men who followed the star to the man ger, looking back only 'for fresh encourage ment. 1' ; . " • 1 . He counseled that peaceful reaistanee be, made to the tyrannical. and unjust laWs of a spuriouti legislature ; that: ppeals be made to the CoUrts, to the ballot -box, and to Congress for relief from thisoppressive load; that Violence should be deprecated ,so long imias a single hope of ecable redress remain ed; but if at last thesq should fail—if in • the proper tribunal there s no-hope for our dear est rights, outraged and profaned-4f we are still to suffer that corrupt men may reap the hisrvest•watered by oisr tears, when there is no more chance , for justice, God 'has pro; , vided hi the eternal frame of things, , redress for every wrong, and there remains to us still Montt Valtnier.—A Governor in flyion'; the steady eye, and the strong arm; arid .we thoroughly itntiegriated with-the spirit - 401c must conquer, or mingle the bodies Of the British constitution, empsusneled ~s-• of oppresiors with thosSof the oppressed upon . Mussulmans on 'a man fou.nd dro . s aid t , the soil which the Declaration of indepen. they returned %solemn nig, • t,vere denee no longer protects. But he was not diet, :--" His time .w.0....:,.....'z. , ; .., at all apprehensive that such a crisis would' ' -----..i.1 i ()rah ..... ever' areive. 'He believed that)Mitiee might ' e- 4 ' - orlitio . .-- 1 ' states' 11111011 g Othei t ' ilal be found far short of sodreadful extan-gis men li4 longer than thoseOf awl 14t i at _ and even should an appen&fr o i - C - i7w,reu, are.. Of enurse they do, - and tie .'1 • r ma. wee hisopirv 6 - --'-' r , viv t.-d e . 1 r - 0 "fier As , - , - OEM dens will never strike tr: MOW in so - nitrint Thrice armed is he who /01 fiia qiusiel Just. . He then entered into the plan of conduct; lag the campaign, and' adiised that .the_prec, 'lunation from the pecpli i ialliiig the eleetina -- bsrsigned by 604 voter.- - 14ct the legal re quikinents-be-strietly observed. Oa tion is one of asking • only that, the hiw be carried Ont. ''When 'Col. Etlian Allen was asked at Ticonderoga, by whose adihoritar_be demanded the fort,lhe - replied, - .‘ In the name °r ale great Jebovith and the t otninenuti Con-, gress. I eipect of you that - yoti se prepare me, the to a siinilar question answer, The great Jehovah and the Soiree- - eign Squatters &Kansan,' . He spoke long and eloquently ,upcukthe ittrotlice that no rashness should endanger He did not 'obtlhxie all love aneeleci4 tO. ment of the South as eatutiLat....Pahliesitati wrongs which had been perpetata - iiiet.7 sourians our territory.; and _that heitig - ' he wanted to hear the rebuke. Should it 'dome, and all hope of moral infinencte to cor• - rect these evils be cut off; and. the:tribunals of our country fitil us; While oitr - Vvrongnadfl‘ - continue; what then -l: Will they have grown easier to bearly-long tustona V God forbid - that any lapse of tome snould aceustoni free men to, the duties of slaves Li and when such fatal dangeris menaced, then the time to.' Strikelbr our altars and our fires Strike *or the green: gravel . of ogr eires—.. '• God knd ont.-native land. . , As he paused there was, for an instatit, if deep silence, as when a question - of, life or death is beingconsidered—every , ma drew along, breath, but the _nett instant the air' was rent with cries, " Yes, we' will strike r- Whife men cannevei'be slave l a er ! Reeder !" Nine cheers - Air Reeder - an..." During,his speeclihe had been.reon-- - stantly interrup ted by shouts and Oalang of" 'hinds- but now the enthusiasm waettingov-, ernable • , the crowd' gathered around - him with the warmest greetings, We Woul.f• rather have the place l , he holds in the hearts. of a generous, daring Teople, than wear-Or' kingly ~crown: . Important to Road Viewers. Pardon's Digest, Edition of 1854,. of Jiirors, Sec. 55, page, 367, contahut tit* 64 7 ' lowing: - "And the Jurors attending a - view ayali hf addition to,their par, be alliii,lo§Q;) the saiaviiiiing - fhr n iil ow ter cents for each mile he shalt .travel going to and returning from the same; - , GRAPHIC.----The Poughkeepsie:4/41e thii: reports the doings of the Democratic Comity Committee in Dutthesr: , Th. . . " The County Committee of theitikilieolii- so'. of the Democratic party, met at R'utzer's MP tel, in this city, on Tuesday lint, for diet pis: pose of planning a mode for hermottifino But it would' not iti , orii.i- , The Softs turned i The 'Hay& iiinitil , towar6Gen. Pierce. '1 towardstheSOutP- And off they march —each faF.tion bent oui going to, destruction its own why! HARDENISCI TM CONSTITUTION:Men about qiardening their constitutiOW, l and with' that view expose themselves to summer's heat and winter's wind, to straini and effort. , and 'many unnecessary hardships- To - the same end ill-informed mothers lianas, their` little infants in cold waterday by !lay their skin and flesh, and bodies. steadily , growl:0 thinner, and weaker, until Glow fever, or wa- - ter on the brain, or constipation of , the els, carries_thent to the grave and then tliej: administer to' themselves the serni-cornfiirt - ' and 'rather questionable consolation;-of its being a mysterious 'dispensation of Provi dence, *hen in feet. Providence had -,nothing to do with it. He works no wracks . to con: teract our , follies. N . • The bte3t way I know of hardenin,g - the con stitution, is to take OA aim of it, Sae' it M no more improved by bush treatment, , that? a fine garment or a new bat is -made better by being banged about:—Journai of Haatii KA N sAs.- . —The Watibingtontlpion,in speak ing of the Free State - Coniention 'held lately in Kinisas, makes. Use of the follOWini . guage, which looks as though the government ineditated forcible intervention in , behalf the Missouri tnob and its mock', legislatuie "We confess that the acceptatioe of the .nomination for delegate by Gov. Rieder turf surprised us. We had supposed that he wo'l decline to give his sanction to a mode of re: dressing alleged, grievaices which would yr. mssarilY identify him' with :the free soil ma , ment connected with tie gamma quastioa,intft which is characterized by all the inalitiOlig' of a revolutionary resistance of the organized. government of the Territory." ar The , readers of Macaulay!. Itistori, of England, havanoticed the following', brief paragraph : If an English Sovereign waii" now to , immure a subject in defianca of the writ of Habeas Corpui, the whole nadoir would be instantly electrifictl, by the Why so *I Because such - iv:sovereign would act tyrannie.illy against the Constitution ; aorli laws of the nation. But Judge Katie _fix,: done this very thing. Erracts op iiiiititiacnt:—By the menial's' at Macclesfield, ,England, on July 15th, of Mr. Orobinollenshavr; aged 88, to 1.6118 Sa rah 011ensium, aged 18, the bride team. the wife of bet own puck, sisfer-in-lair tube aunt, aunt to her brothers and slate* am) stepmother to her cousins; and by another' marriage she became the mother:l:4a* to her own sister. or In stmiking hams, the smoke - ettssus: ting from corn cobs is the best, mid variably" give: you sweet 'ham: - ..Many use pine. This gives to the meet an solid taste s and should never be used.: C .44-... tr. 7, MU
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers