g~c~yS~~~aS: ' PRIENIUDVILIST, • OF TUX SURQUXIIANNA,OOITh:TT_ AGRICULTURAL sorinr. - Fair ' arid t tt s tle - Show to be held In Mon Oct 111 b, For beet riurhim Bull, two years' old and bp. wards. . . '.••••• • • ~.. • ...... •• • • ..... $15. 1 W 2d best, H• For the best Dorton Bull, 40. ... • 5,00, - 2d best,— t- • • t.• • •80 0 For the best Grade or 4 • ixed, ' 2d best,... '.3,00 FOr . tuan Cow,,as regards form andappearence. 6,00 2d best, t,l • • 8,00 For the best tuileh Cow as appears from results; 5,00. 2dbest, . • • .. . ...... • .•_•3,00 For the bestpiop•ears old Heifer. • s no 2d best, 1' . . 3 ,00 .3d beat, I: . 2,00 For. the best lot of stocsCalres, not less than fire, 5,00 2d best, ' 9 00 sa best, . ..... For the best Pali. of Working Oxeri;•• .....5,00 2d besk.. . .. • " .. . : . .......3,00 best, - 2,90 For the lest paid two' year . old ..... 5,00 .„ 2d best • •300 sa 2,00 For the. bestlot Of Yearlings, not less than fire,.5,00 2d'best,, .. . ....3 00 ad best,.... '1 • To the township: that will send to 'the Fair tkbest ten yoke of Working Oxen, • .10,00 2d best,— i.. l'.. ,:...: .. ..q • sIIEEP. Akt tip the best tne ! ' wooled Duck,..l ............3,04 2d best, , ..,' ' 2,00 For the best Smith Down and Middle Wooled, 3,00 2d best, ..... ,1 - - 200, For the best loni wooled. Buck,' ' 300 2d best, ..... .. . ~' .2,00 For the best lot' f fine wooled, Ewes, not less than three, " i. ' • - 3,00 . 11 best,' , i, 2,00 For the best hit efEouth Down or middle rooled 3,00 2d best,. • , • - , -- N' 2,00 For the best l ot ef long wooled, ' 3,00 2d best, - ,1 1 - 2,00 VOGB For the best Boar, • 0 ...... ....3,00 2d 'best, - ' . 2.04) B&Ct Sow,. :. . -.!l' : . ' . 3,00 24 beat. i! ' ,o , 0 0 - Best lot of figs,l' • • 3,00 24 best,. ~.. . `;'....... ........ 2,00 •noasts. For best Stallion' . for ail work, • . „ .5 . ,00 2d 'best,.... 1 . 3,00 Best brood Mare, with colt by her side,-• -.5 00 - t-t7 "24 best, ' '; 3,06 Best pair matcheid Horses, raised in the county,.s,oo 2d best,.... ' - -- _ _ . 3,00 1 ... . POULTRY: For the. hest lot, ,of any breed, not less than 5ix,.3;00 •'2d best, , : ".. 1 .. - - 2,00 3d hest, ' 1 . ' 'l,OO I • BETTE& For the begt firkin or Butter,.. 2d beat, 3d best, ' . . i 'ls' . cnr.r.sr.. . _ For tbs best Cite se, liGt lesi than $25%,. 2d best,! '' i oARDEN VEGETABLES. - . Bestiviriety, ' 2,00 2e best,... i.. ..... .. .. . I,oit For the best varlty of Fall apples, not less than half bushel, _I . 4 2;00 2d 8e5t'....1 4 1,00,.., Best specinten:ofprapes, '2,00' 2d best, 1 ' I 1 00 , DONI.Y f • • , • • For. the bda 2011 i, Heney, from the- hive without de t!troying the Bee 4, 2d best,..'.l. is- ........ • 1,00 tiovr.stic watt Cf.ternarp. For the best Flartnel, mot less.than ten yard5,...3,00 ~ 2d best, . ‘ „ 1 1 ' • 2,00 3d best, IL • . 1,00 For the best Woolen Cloth, do • 8,00 23 best,, ..j... '. - 2 ,cf o 3d best, .1 *: - ' I - 1;00 For the best Woolen Carpeting, not less than fifteen yards, ' 1 .). . • ..3,00 2dbest, ..„1... , ,........ . , -- • 2,00 Tor the best Ilag.Carpet, do 3,00 2d best,. .J,.. '4 . .., . . , . 2,00 For the best Otuilt of any description'.. .3,00 2d best, P • •" 2,0 For the best half dozer. Woolen Socks 0 60 .2d . best, • 1 !' . - 10 0 For the best Orbamental Needlework, certificate of merit. •li. ! - • -- For the bestirsted work, certificate of merit , For the best valets of Flowers, certificate of merit. •,. • LEAIIIIc i ED AND ITS watrcraertims. • „iFor the best lot Sole leather,.... Best lot of Harness leather, • Best lot of Calf Be.t, double Carriage harness,. , Beet double Best single Carnag. .dó For the best Saddle_ and Bridle, • ce.nismr IVORY. For the beat exhibition . ef Cabinet Work, 43,410 2d best, 8• • 2,00 , IPSUIt IMPLEMIT:NTS. For the beet Flair, for general use,:. - 2d best,.. do For the best llotow, best Cultivator for Corti,— " best COrti Stalk cutter _ " best Corti neller, .." best lannm,.... " best Ox.:!Cart, " best Boise rake, , . ' " best Its' rigging, zoo . " best Farm Wagon, . 2,4a0 ' " best lot 4 Butter'Firkins and Tub5,....:2,00 " best iChese r PrAs, 260 \ To the person who shall exhibit any, implement of Ids oWn inrentiOn, which,. in the opinion of the Con ' mittee, is worth* of merit, ' gm° • PsisnrsnriTs- Guam ate 144 be awarded at the meeting of tire*iietvin January.. For the best: et , ')af Whiter Wheat, not less than two aereso , "• • • •-.., ••-i : • • . • 5,00 2d best.„.:.. I - , ' do ' - 3,00 For the hest crop of :Spring Wheat, do ...... ... .5,00 2d best,. .'... ... do 3,00 For the best crop of torn,not lesi than three aeres,s,oo • 2d Hest,.:. .1 .. ... ...... ' ...... do 3,00 F , - - he best `ero . of Potatoes, not less than - half - ... _ for ti ... one , acre, 4,n0 2d best;. do . 8, , 00 For the hest Coking Stove, cast in the county, certifi cate of merit. • . BLACESIIITHIiG. For the bed 10 , of Horse Shoes for the 'road— .$l,OO For the best, for'the farm, , ' _ 100 To the Fanner who will sites. - the ° greatest results from his fram, for the past year, in „proportion to the number: of: acres * improved, a eerficate of merit and, , ) . ~. zi,oo 2d best'.... 0.. —. .. , . ......,....do. '.do. .8,00 -i , _ • The'Executi e Committee in presenting. the _ pre. zniums for 165",, are gratified in offering to.compet- itors the most liberal list that has been laid befare them ;'and it itc' hoped the exhibition will be more ex tensive thail atlarry-fermer period. There never was a time when tIM Apieoltaml interest was so, prom inent in the ennuty, and held out such inducements. It is trusted tlit^efffme,. that ith institution which has aided so essennallY to develop the resources of, the county will ;be liberally supported. Applicants for pre miums -on Grain and-Potatoes axe requcstedlo give the mode of calthation, and furnish the 'Societ_v -with complete pmeif of the quantity raised. Applicants fee premiunis'on Much Cows for Butter, will state the grentest.quautity made in any One week during the • ' setvon. • ' Persona 'preßenting Agrieultaral implement, are requested folitinish description of the article. To enable the Committee to- ive in additional in terest to -the eihibition, it is earnestlyrequested that those who takCan interest idthe success of the So , ciety,•and. who ',assess any, thins that is ornamental or curious, will send. it for inspection. . 1. Timms Nranotsos • . • • ALPS= DALDWIX, Tiros. Jonsgax, • • B. Ifix4 thing bas been overlooked in the an- . councement of premiums; it %chi be rectified, orkap , plication toany member of the committee. fonstinebannatountyrahr and cat tle Show. The fallowing persons hams .keen gppeigied )edges at the ensiung Fair and Cattle Stow, to take place on the I Potohev, 1855. • Judges on Bulls mu! Corea—Thomas Marley, David Wiludie, C. J. 'Hollister. J ages* Frwfrino Ostvi and the Ten best pa' front ttnyrote . mibtpAramea gimp; F. Holiiste7, • , _ /114411 _ AritighatZteers wed Fat Cattle, anVe awittiaols WA**, Garr; Law, Mi e s Stack*iisiir Heifers s Year. 'gad Calies--Rafas, , Study Tu re en, AL $. Birched, Miriam Miles, • ..„ 1, • • Judges aw Beine— Henry E. G. Babcock, Akkorok )10. lIMII .1•1 --- . .tr -Wili a m diiikp;dieli le, .., ges on Graa f ,. !_ , . ~, oar ~. Benjamin Ayre.4. 1- .. ' ... : • ,: 4 ... I t idoes on,Poulley 7 William IL Post, JO - ' Mack, . N. C. arner. ,- • I • I 2- .• • •=- i , //dm on Battier and Ouse—ism:Le L. P4olit,. • .Ic,- , seph D. Drinkei, Abel Capsedy. 1 I '- 1. .. I "Judges. on - .treget t att lea, Fruit, dud IToneyra. D. • Wanter i . William D. Cope;. A. Newtoo: ' , jurryes - on •Parniing,lntelemintaleb: ;intuit ' lilliarn•Jelaup, Tohn Barrlngton. .. ; , . : .z. Judges. 4.41.8 . 111.4dr andDoulle Carnago4conard Searle,o';'B. Diink, JaMea , MeMillan. , 1 ,I •• ' juge,. a LeaAer—Wits. L.-Vaughn, c, u. mi,e. mons, chutes stoda.l4:. -it ' - •• . ~.-, 1 _ Judges on liiiruess anerlSadellea-4. 11. Sutphini &rand Bard, I:fettr3'r (Iterating. " • • I • Judges on Cabinet troik-:-Lorenio Beach, B. Back us, Wm. M. Boyd. . - , ' - ' •" I • Judges of , Rest ,Aesujia:fiont any Farm, gad on Grain anti Cider Wini•garr4sase P. Baker,ltedney JeVrett, Daniel McCollum. 1 • - . - Judge" on Dopirstie ,Manisfaetuies!—S. B I Chase, I Mrs. James Kay=o:}, Itt;s."Abel Ca.ssedv. 1 - • judges on Ornlimental :Arcane -10'irrki Worsted Work and Flower - J—Mrs. Wm. L-Past;, - Mrs. Wm. J. Turret!, Mrs.-AiChatabeilin, = - ' - • Jtabrea on the ploughing .Ifatels-,,Abel Cassedy, 1 John I. Deans, Samuel W. Tewksbury. .. '•• '• I:wining!. conabitteez,-Willisat 7.1. Jessup, .L. - P. 'Fitch,-Charles Foster. = i - • .. ~ I• The foregoing Judges; wbo are-able to attcodosre 'earnestly requested te nepOrt themselves at nine e: clock on the morning ot i the Fair at the.Traet.Dffice by the Fair ground, as it is ; of th utmost importance to the well ollerineof the &hi don that the !sever. al Judges should ba able toproe ed tarty to*the buil nese in hand.• ' IBy oni ot' the Er. Cont. The Flookhing Agrice tlie aftV.2ooh of 1i th keno of David Drittber'A premise Fort be Best PlO - . l.`d best • sa best EEO , 4th best sth .best To every unsue Society. will, be coming forward to sure ; T ' .M" The follow ng premiums hare been- recent- , mendedrat a meeting of the Agricultural Society to be added to those. tread published: • For the best sittle Ge ding, • -.... 5,00' ' For the best lotlet Coifs, nut less than five, 5,00 Far the best fatlOx orICOw, 3,00 For,the best •Sin' , :le or Double Carriage,— 5,00 The hest lot of s;ring Piga; not less than 4i 3,00 -, Best portable Cider Pivsst, : 3,00 Best.s gallons Cider Vregar, 2,00 Second best d 0.,! .... .... i. : 'l,OO Best matched 3 year o ds, ; - ".. " 5,00 The premiums for Butler are-to be awarded for the best made in the several,mcnithi of June, yuly, and August. , ; "4 , :s , .._ . . CRP - At a Meerilg of the Sissquehanna , C4unty Ag ricultural Society i 1 MontrOs4 on Saturdayi Septem bea,ls; 1855, the following Preamble - and Rt'ssolutions were, unanimously i/Opted : f • , • Inereas, The irltrOnction,of valuable Nat Stock and other dcniesticlioiimals into this county,. through the agency of members of the Agricultura Society, has contributed greatly to pnanaate the interests of the farmer and ha -I-Manifested that our lands are , ad !nimbly adapted to; grazing anddairy purposes ;• and in order mote fully to elevelok our resources', a healthful com Petition must be still further encouraged by the enlargi:ment of the Premium List, and ether inducements, tr: order that 'the Farmer may better ap preciate the natwrid advantages of the soil. There foie—_. Li[ . Resoled, . That the Chairman of the Executive Committee be directed to correepond with non-resi dent land owners [in New Yorltand Philadelphia, or, ~.•. . . . • their representati es, soliciting.contOuttons in aid of .the oiljecti of' Society, with an assurance tha iti_will be approp 'ated Bolls to create among oar Farmers a desire r improvement, "arid thus. eventu ally tend to the promotion and advancement of the genetal a,, ,, ricultur, I interests of the county. Rl:solred . , That the grateful thanksof this Soeiety are hereby tendered to SALluel C. Morton, Esq., of Philadelphia, for his liberal donation of one hundred -doltirs, and nhich the Society appreciates more high ly,•as evincing a ,esire so truly, disinterested to fur ther its objects, 'I , Tnop.s,NlCnot.sos, . i i AtrnED Retnwtic;. Ex. Om. , ' ' N. ' THOMAS JOnsio • i . • ' .-......5,n0 .. .3,00 2.00 8,04) 2,00 • ' 1 . ChOitge of Time. ,• _ : . DELAWARE,. LACKAWANNA AND !WESTER .ft.AILItCEID: (AN and after Monday, May. 7th, 1855,•the Mail ilf Past- , enmer ram will depart from Scranton..at 10:20 A. M. e Due l at Great Bend at 1:20 P. u. Con necting with the i tzar:irk Express West on the N. Y. tz, E: IL R. Pa cugers taking this train will arrive in Dunkirk ..at 11: 5 rot., and in New York at 11:15 . . .....2,00 ..2,00 .. ...2,00 2,00 2,00 • Returning, wilt leave Great Bend t 4 P. 31., due at Scranton at 6:4 P. x. l • • `The Freight AcCoramoliatiem Train, ithpassenger car attached, will i'eave:Sinanton at 1 r. x.; due at Great Bend at 6Le. i.,1 connecting with the Mail Train West, andi the Night Expr 'Train East. Passengers taking this trhin and the — ight. Express West, will arrive in Dunkirk at li.ux ; or by taking, Mail Train West, twill arrive at Dubki k at 6:45 p.m. : Returning, will leave Great'Bend i7A.N. on ar rival of Cineinnaii Express East. D e 'it Scranton 12.10 r. M. - - Passengers fori"Wilkesbarre, Pittstqn, Carbondale, Philadelphili, (via ; theCatawisset,! Williamsport and mi Erie and Readin- ,0 RailrOad,, via Tit 'utt,) and East on, and all intertnediate places„4 ill nd first class stage coaches in readiness at Seioftnto ', on the arrival of the Passeilgek iand Accommodititht.Traius to con .vey them to thC above places. "flnisr choosing pri vate ConVeyar.eesi will find the best of horses and car riages of every 4 m•tiption, at leasonatile charger, reaoy to order. .....3,00 -2,00 _2,00 , .2,00 .2,00 .. 4 2,00 -2;00 ~2,00 P. T. DOTTEREIIi Superintendeht. Superinterientim.Office. • Scranton, Slop 30 3 Eiss, J ' SEAILEIS -COACHES • • T EAVE Montrose for D. L. IL W. R. R. at 6} A- L 11.,f0r Expruss Frei'ht Traih to Scranton. At 11 o'clockA. M. for Mail Train great Rend. At l P. M. for Expr.p.kg Freight to t Bend, and Man Train for Serantdu. Leave Depot for Montrose on arrival qf ail the fitiove trains at ltation. Tor seats apply atEearle'illoie i l, Montrose, Pa. August 29. • - „ . • _.L _ NEW S P RING: OODS' T_TiNky gvnityr* would announce to / 'l l his friends and the; public that he is now open ing an unusually large, stock of SPRING .AND •SUMMER GOODS, including a great yarie6 of Prints from 4 cents to is tid per yard; plain and printed Lawns, direge Delanes, Ginghams, Brocade,. I Black - and fancy Dress Silks, Silk -Dress Tissues and Bareges,•PoPlins, &c. &e., with a superior assortment of Silk, Brodie, Cashmere and Thibet Shawls • Man- I Parasols, *rend' LaCecand Strsw and Silk Bon. rusts, rich Ribbons and Flowers, 'with', a large variety of other Staple. snd Fang Dtig Goods. - • GROCERLOS; CROCKERY, AND D'ARD WARE—Iron and Nails, Boctsland noes, Bats and Cups, Carpeting, Wall Paper, Floor Oil Cloths, Paint ed Window Shades, ..Clocks, Stores, Oils and Paints, Ploughs, icc. &e l f .; in abort; the la*” kind of piles of rich and cheap Goods; .ton numerous to mention, but just the things to purchase; nil of which will be sold at the most reduced prices a4d on the most Et .Torable terms fck cash or appiror credit. , - N.1;3. Flour land Salt constant 4 on hazia..- New Zilfon.l; l May, 5, 11335.1. - t NOTICE. lE Poor -r9aeters of Aim Botough of Montrose TI to Nod out three chit n, one white girl,. aged /? 'years; o 6 black boy and one black girl about the same age. &ny person desiring to tale one or more of said chqdren can call on either of .the .ropr mast.ers. S. M.. WILSON; C. S. FOSTER,i Montrose, July 9,41356: . 20001fIr ' c n r s °f t,2,ettt • than e Dl M ad 4E:b f ali ni i.B . usu . ally .pay \to WI again;for sale by the Subscriber. We hare come to the conclusion to sell pans to Far mere as low *stare will to the trade, thereby wain g to the Ruiner (Sin. pro fi t. Our .wares are warranted to be perfect hi: every or nd sale. Terms—Cast or short credit. 1 • .J. DiCKERMAX Jr. New Milfoll April 1.-18.56; . • . • Jowl. +oyes' .iiirertistmestt. AS nature , '403. furniqbes the b irds an d ,beasts with ,an extra ooit , firr winter,-Inte not made ' a similar pro. • vi on for mai, I have ooncliuied to take it oponWiy -1 self to attend to that department; and - therefore I i think proper *0 mammal that all shivering mate bi t peda, that need new apparel, gkorions lor iagiorious y fashionable -or unfashionable, can him their wants supplied mad Ms* Milted; by allbig, on me, a my shop in 11 , troie .• 1 j - ir A..laxge tit& I , mer wear. .P 1 and see. Nay 22. • •. • , • •, • Pio I gating Match. ateh or the Susquehanna County y iv - M.-taw place at 2 o'clock in ed'nCaday the 10th of October, on Post, }lig., in the rear ofj Henry . giting, ( h o rses or Omen,) $5OO l':. ' . 4 -' e° :4 . -3,00 1 • ". '. 2,00 , IL LOW • essful competitor rt Badge of the yen iva •ft. - recognition of merit • in 'further the great cause of agrieul -1 O'S. NICHOLSON: - .- - HALD.WIh, . .B . *. Corn. LOS. JOHNSON,- .. . - .\. Stud root, Line- 'ldCOttoa stuffs Jen, AM strni nty of I and 6d Prints. ..Pkon F. B. CHANDLER., i BU DS.I • k T. B. przhardZAlL ViIYSICIAIC AND SURGEON,. Jacks On. miue -1- 'henna county, 4'a:' Reridenee at the Postofnee. ,- • lisill 4 4 Laxib, ABINET . NASiiißld, have recently opened a ware- A." row" In New Milford, Pa.; and Jill keel ,con. tatttiv o n hand all kinds of Oabinetmare ; also Ready inadeColliax. Foul:kids attended with or without.'" hearse: .Waregooki nearly opposite J. Did:Orman', New Milkird, I 3,4855. ; : • 9.:c E. Saldivin; .. • , it*A..NUFACTUR*II.." S OF SADDLES, HARNESS, 13 1 Itrtmks, Whip*, ke.4. in the Basement of Searle's frntel; Moutrese, Pa.;. , ;,', ~ • . - i : C. .112110,41111,- BOOT SIIO/1 - MAKFIR, ,filtop first 'lvor east of Odd "Fpllowsl Mal, Turnpike at., MoniOse: • - - ; • single* • 0.0; now, be foutid at: his new staid on 04,eg0 et two.donrs west of carle's Hotel, where, he ef fetiscally •repules with itirp . atfh, Watches, Clocks, hireiry; Guns, and sArety description of Machinery. Wheel cutting; Gur and Watch tuateuhits supplied to, the trade. ; • •• . . , Di. - 11, Smith, pUEGEON DENTIST; likontrose, Ps., at Scat:leis - uoto, Moudayaland Tuesdays of each week. , . . . . . ... •- - Hefiry p. XAapp; . 1 iiiirOSTROSE, PA., wit h Row, Troafro,: ik' Cai 111. err, Wholesale Grocers and Commission Mer chants, No. Via Waislibaj, , ton street, bctieen I 1 Court andt and Pey street,, ,hero York.. - - . . COO Weeici. 13 ADDLE, lIARNESS;: TRUNK. MAKP.R Idld Car rugs Trinnner.v Skop at his dwidlinit 1 houlm, early 'oppositeMenl Drinker's. Montrosc s : P. ' ' Miller &. Fowler, A TTORNEYS AIWA COUNSELLORS i LAW, and Solicitors iii Cliauccry. Office 441 C!arkc street, Chicago, 111.1: . Pftedo Hotel, ; 1 • (111EENWIC11 STR4ET, (near Broittlwaya ..Vew ‘..,..11 York. Salisbitry kt; roPridtors. In the 4 , Co.,. ~ vicinity of the principal Uteamboat Llndings. .3 •••Thoinasingstram. I - DEALE R IN DIIT GOODS, GroceOee, Clothing, Al Crockery, Roof's and Shoes, Lc..,!Susr'ritants4 _Depot, Pa. n• , - ' • • Belithisi di Pitch, A TTOENEYS AT LAW, Als`D BODNTYI LARD AGENTS, Moilirok Pa. a. S. BENTLEY. ; • L. Ti FITCLL t._ ' ri 'e VASiIIONABLE 5 .7.4:11.01t. Shop. under ...a e .1' Hotel, Maine stteet, Mot;trose, Pa. •• D.- Hinds, • . IVERY.A . Si) .E*Btl. OMB STABLE. O ffi ce in Lin the rear of wilAnt's Store, Montrose, Pa. 1. Colston, • fEALER IN STOVES, Tin, Copper, and Sheet Iron Ware, Loi lersrigo, near Great Dead Depot. December 4 „ • . P. Hinds,. • • .- • ee TTORNEY AT LAN,'Susquehanrus, P 4. Office LA- on Maine street, one'cloor,east of Lenheinis. . Frer & Case, I • - i t TTORNEYS A D COUNSELLORS AT LAW ill. Office on Turnpike street, one debt' East o Pests Store, JithtfrOe t Pa. Albrt Chamberlin, TTOIMEY 44.T;;LA,W unitJl . L.tico of the Peace; .4_ 4. 1 over I. L. Post, ,Co's Store, .Montrose.! W . Ol. IL Jessup, A TTORNEY AItAW AND COMMISSIONER of /11_• II}:kos, for Oni . State of 'Sew York, - n-M attend to all businesa entruitted - to hint with prompines.4 and Pffice on Tublic Square, occupied! by Hon. Wm. Jessup. •• • • Abel Terrell. EALEtt IN DIIIIIS, MEDICINES, Chemicals, .I_l Paints, Oils, I')yestuffs, Groceries, Dry Goods, Hardware, Stonewate,. Glassware, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry. Silver 'Spiions, Spectacles, 'Musical Instru ments, Trusses, StmOcitl Instruments,• Ligtiors, Per fumery, Mirrors, StitiOnern Druslnis, Shoes;Yankee Notions, /cc, - . • - • - • B. Lyons & IiATII6LMALE!..AND RETAIL, DEALERS • IN 1 , Dry Goods, 7 ::Grix.eries, Salt, I Flour, and Hard ware, La 'whom . , PO. • Chandler,' 111E-lUR DAY FOODS, Ready Made!Clothing. I_l Groceriea, i3o4A . and Stationery, etc., Public Averrae, Montrose; -pa. Path* &Inmock, I. AND SURGEONS. Office No. 4 • Owego atreet, i',ll?ntrose; Pa. . . - IjV Post &Co ~ DriEALF.RS IN Ti -T GOODS, Groceries, Crockery, . llartlware,,L4litller, Flour ' etc., corneli. of Turn pike street and Public:ATenue, .I.fon.frtute, Pa.. TAyons & Son., DEar.FUS TN rillT GOODS, Groceries, tlardware, Crockery, Thtivare, Groceries, Books, 'etc.; also, carry on the Book Billeting business—Public Avenue, Moutrogr, I. l a. -1".. - • • - 11(intley & Read, s l DBALERS. IN PRY - GOODS, Drbg:,i, :Medicines, Paints, Oils, (*Decries, Hardware, !Crockery, Iron, Clocks, Watckes,, Jewelry, Slicer Srioons, Per ern ery, lac.—Footrof,Public ayenue,..2lforitrose. Sayre, pentley & Perkins; lifs A ofettA ' ( S ) to F t A- er ApgrtultiLSlljuNPillel ments, etc. Office:: at Sayre's Store, Public Avenue; lianufactory at )120 •Eagle Foundry, Foot of Cherry street, Ifonfrose..ea.; _ • • Wiliam* — William H. Jessup, ' ATTORNEYS AT LAW, -Iftintrw, Prac tice in Susqntlianna, Bradford, Wayne, Wyo ming and Luzerne counties. , Willi W. Smiih'&. ABINET liiiptißS. They keep constantly on V hind a Food iissorttnent of all kinds' of Cabinet Furniture. Shop laid Ware Roorits at the fdot Or Maine street, Mon;rale, Pa. i — Bockivell, Winton & Co . • fANTTFACTit F.. RS and DEALER. Straw _ill Goods, 80, :caps; Furs, ;Umbre las,l Para sols' Ribbons, N0.,20 Cuurdandt !street, Nu, e Yorl - , (up stairs.) .u. r.orru - r.t4.. , fJ. lit:lir:MD. R.p Ferilrtin Fraser.. • TTORNEY A.D . COUNSELLOR r ‘vr LAW, ..ifontrolte, 7a., will attend faithfully to all busi ness entrusted to in the county of gnsquehanna. Conveyancing and writing of all kinds *rill be done neatly, and Charges moderate. He will also attend to the prosecution ofelaints of soldiers, theirl widows and heirs, against the United States Government, for Bounty Land, PritsionS, • May befoand at all hours at the aide. formerly occupied byl J. , T. Rich ards, Esq., north '4:of the Court House. ' 148 i. • . . • •LIH. C. Tyler, TNTERESTED frith I. L HUNT, linporter of and 1. Dealer in HaOiWare and Cutlery, Carriage Springs, •te., 215-Perel street, New York, where his Mer tantne friends, is •ttjia-and.other countieit, are kindly invited, and earn ;',..tly solicited to eat and purchase, ! EW 'GOODS, ,' 1 • _, WE are receicin this week slot of Near Goods, just purchased in th city, which renders . .otir assortment complete, and which we offer on the miwtfavorab,le terms, at,the nett' building, one door abbve the Post Office. 5.1 : BENTLEY & READ. u Montrose., Felny 8, 48 i 5. •. ' . Books. and • tioneri. TIATEWC'elved a large ddition to' my stock of I Books and Stationery. ongwhich are: A Lang Look Ahead, (flo4)--Wolfert's Roost Irving)—R. Spencer's Steelies t —Wonderful Adventures of Capt. ,Priest—The iffolder'S Daughter—LLife of Sam Houston--Jane ilit'lty—The May Flow 4r (Rarrieti R. likowe)--Rag Bs& kc. kc. be' sold cheap. • F. B. CfANDLER. May 22,.3642; ' - • i. IDISI3OI.IITION. THE copartrerahip heretofore existing under the Ma of Hawley4.Mott is this day dissolved. April 1, G. R. HAWLEY. C. W. )1027. Ther.notes and accounts are in the Ininds.of C. W. Mott Gm Collection. Those interestell IrMpleise call 111611000 as convislent. -*--7-7:77 • iniear-fluaa By the toed, orr l t rAvgast ;, ifisLl F . B. lANDLIR A PENitIVIOLIVED 'Averairn TWO • - - AITTE.NPRLO fi -SRO., Montrose, Pa.,take this method .$f advising their del frien ds and customers and the public at large, that they have just received and opent4.l the largest, prettiest and cheap est stock of READT MADE CLOTIIING ever bro't to this Place.; which they offer at a small advance from cost, thereby , offeritig purchasers the rare opportunb' ty of obtaining goods .at about two thirds the usual Also a, Lurie itssortittent of Dry Gonda, comprising 'for Ladies A ear ; hew styles Brocade, Stripe, Plaid, Plain and changeable - Silki;, Detainee.' MurJin, De Rage Berage deleines dime , and elegant designs. All the latest st: les- of Lulies Dress Goods, French Lawns, Prints and.-Ginghatur. A handsome assortment of Dress Ttiwanings,. Satin aided Sleeves, Collars Cuffs, etc. Jaeoitet and SWist Edgings and lusertings,Gloyes -Mks, ilwiery,.Veilit and .Plintsols. • - • Their iel:orttoelit'brShawls is verplarge, embracing e very : thhig , that is !ride and fa.....4.0tts hie both Ili:•cigrt and domesgic. - • •„.• , - . Their Bonnet Department iy - large mai efaapiew, embracing the very latest styles, with Trimmings .to match. • • . . FM omi . An extensive aSiortment orirish linens, napkins toweling, table covets, Curtains'ke. We have alit a aupply of Shirts, Gentlemen's col lars., Suspenders, Gloves;timbrallas and tignod many other articles too pinmcrous to mention. 'For bar. gains the public is!respectftilly Invited:to call at the cheap store of : 'j• • • • .J. WITTENBERG k BRO. cornet of Chlsnnt k Owego Streeti t four doors east of Postit store.. t • NEW GOODS. • BEN.nEr d, READ _ ARE no'iv riTeivink their usual iupply of SPRING AND S,UJI3(ERIGOODS, which' they offer to their custorat+s, and the public generally, on the most reil- \ sonable'terms, - for Casb, Butter,Aggs, Grain, wax,Bees orimitpproreil'cictlit. -. • ontrose, May f, 11;l55. - RO4 DCLOT IP3, t Kerseynterea, Kentucky Jeans, I 3 Stuntner Stu +, and a fractal stork of Staple Dry Good=, just receiTtid and fdr Kale right by • BENTLEY ik READ. („,111311117.1i: De. Litnes Lawn;,Challies, Ginghams, Merrirnac an 4 Cocheco Prints, &e. &c. for ,sale ; BENTLEY & READ. 40NNETS, Ribbons, ParasolS, Somme:. Shawls, .1.1 Black'. Silks, press Trinonings &c. &c. for,"sale by BENTLEY & READ. ‘'lLh F ur, Leghorn, 'Panama, Strum, and Palm ki) Hats, Umbrellas,. Satchelg, Windnn , Paper Am. &c. • BENTLEY k READ.. A t ß r ockery, T R ur i u Put - 11 D. TARW.S, Medicine?, Paints, OiLs, Dyestuffs, and a general assortment or Patent Medicines, just in and for sale by -11ENTLEY'k READ. Lk fincitiC - pr Leather, Patent. Kips, Calf Skins, and a_good supply of Boots Shoes constant-' ly hand; BrNTLEV &. REAR. ACKEREL _b the arrel or, one-hail barrel—al se,ll Codtish.! DENTLET k RIAD. ' A A T.b.TeliEs and JEWELRY.—rA full assortment of. Gold Inn Sih.er Lepines and • Dctatchecl Lovers; in doublefand single cases, Ladies' Pins, fir Drops, Rings,• Gtiard Chains, +ke. Sc. Also, Silver Table; Tea, Desert, Salt and Sugar Spoons, warranted pure, for-sale luf PaCtiTLEY & RZAD. ' • • - - STOVES and TINWARE, Clocks, -Nails, Candles, Lamp Oil, •Cintpheite lfontrose, '55, BENTLEY - READ. ityin - ps! PII7.IIIPS - : The .Greatest Bniirovem'ent Age! 7 ---C. 117illiame Double-Acifng Ball Valve Font and Lift Pipnps— ,t N improvenient above all Other pumps or ma- I 1 - 3. chines for lifting, throwing,! and carrying water, coMbitting both Pump and -at Eire. Engine. This i t Pump,. patented in February, 15:5.1, i. 9 the whole of it metallic. NO or screws about it to rust, conse spently it -will, ka - .4t a man's life t i ime.• It can be used' in every variety 'of form—can draw .water from any i situation, and (wiry it to any part of a building. It is superior to all! other Pumps for-Distilleries, Paper Tanneries. Brick Yards Iron• Works and Man ufacturir• establishments of all kinds. • II All order must be addressed . to A nntsos LbtieNTine, Pit., who hai the sole right for Susque hanna county. i Y lON INS OFFICE, ATU CAP' socured by Ilund Insure. attlin.tl other buildings, 47,l: as, favirahle terns promptly adjn. , :cd .Dtrtr.croms.—ilo eiri Ty ; (;i•O do.; C, N. Sl;7l+ Canfield do.: II Wakeinan, barre; F: Well 9, jr., Secree4ry. ..Aztint, 0. R pr rAtins . FOR SALE: .• : 1 , . T" . ,,,,,.„...Ther Nil! Stet . 11: 4 agent for buying and ii.g Real flAtate—}'arms, Houses, and Lotsz—lo4 cared in. Susquehanna' County, Pa. All who Wish to oiler their proptrty for sale can give a minute descripl tiou of their Farms or Lots as follows : - Number of acres,jhow man's- improved, and how Watered, bnildj Tugs, orchards, grafte - d or common- fruit ; other fruit trees.; and. the ricarest point to the D. L. d: W. E. R sul*N. Y.& E.IIII. R.. .1 . 62 farms on the list, 43 unsold. By calling on the subscriber a mittute description; price and terms cart be 'given. 1 1 . .1 .Ottire on Turnpike st. 4 doors west of Vain st. 1 Montrose, Au gust 15, 1834. , A.' BALDWLN. • • GOODS I.GOODSI l• rritV. subscriber is receiving his 'Spring and •Sum. t Ater 'which will be Sold as low as any in this market.—: Please call and; examine. . F. B. CHANDLER. 1142'S A N t O . C.:IPS—A good assortment of the latest' style. REZDY-MADE CLOTHING—A good variety of Spring and Summer Clothing of the latest ctn.: DR Y GOoyis_...* gendial assortment through:, out. Also, DvEss GOODS, consisting of Lawns, Bareg Delaimis, French Delaines, Persian Del:tine,. Printed Lawns;, Fancy Prints, Ladies' Worked Col: tars, Insertion:4, Edgings; Black Silk_Mantillas, Thihet and Cashmere ISlutalsprarasols, Hosiery, Gloves, tke. .BOOTS AND SHOES. Clocks—a large assort: went; of every description and style. Also, a great variety_ of FanCy Articles, Yankee Notions, tte.' I - • Crockery, Hardware,and Groceries of all kinds.-- 2'rauks, a goOd . lot for sale cheap. • Books and Stan ; I 'tione,ry—Wall!Paper--also, Flour of the lest quality. 518ntrose, Abb. .9, 1855. •F. B. CHANDLER. I= :I.lieu`‘Liue of Mail Stages, 1 FROM • IiCIRIEWOOD TO IMIONTOOSE. ST"ES will leave Kir -wood, passing through Cor bettsvillej Liberty, L ~ every morning after thee. arrival of the Mail Trains cars, both East and ; West, reaching Motitrose at 1 1." ReturOing, leave Montrose daily (Sundays excepted? it 2,!. N., reach ing Kiricwood,lin time totake the Mail trains of care, both East and West,• being the nearest and most fea sible route to keach the New York and Erie,Railroad. This line intersects a tri-weekly line tor Dimock, Springville, -Tunkhannock, • Wyoming, and Wilkes barre, which leaves Montrose at 7 A. 31. every Mon day, Wednesday and Friday. Also, a line toFrienda ville, Leraysville, Lc. hood teami and comfortable earriages are provi l • deed; and the Proprietors will spare no pains to ne ,coramodate the public. W. K. HATCH, April 6. 1454. MORGAN*WEST., . • ''NEW ;STORE—NEW GOODS. L HE subscriber takes this method of advertising T his:friends and the pitblic.genemlly, that be his fitted up a store just across the street from his old quarters, in ;Brooklyn, where he in prepared to re ceiVo customers ani sell them goods at as low rates as any other establishment in Susqnchanna countY; My assortment is very large indeed, embracing near ly every attidle usually called for In a country store. As I tun determined to do business .so as to avoid "hid ticlits,l which responsible credit purchasers ate taxed to pay; I can offer superior inducements to raih and othervalle. PUOIFT-PATIRG patrons. Call and see inc = • 0. G. HEMPSTEAD. April' 30, 1855 • DISSOLi7TION. , The copartnership heretofore editing between tho /LI subscribers under the firm of E. .S. Kent 'is Co. la thii day dlAshlied by mutual consent. - • I E. S. KtifT & CO.I • Brooklyn 'Apr. 2, 1855, . 14w4d Clo*er t and Timothy Sect is t o4 u sit T b3't , New Milford. March 8, 1855 !paper and some for 6 eta, Fier 00 - r011,.b 114"r itigty 6Penet- J. LYON k S SON•I • FARMERS • • 1 URANCE- COMPANTi, NS. BRADFORD COUNTY, PA: .; ITAL, 8200,000. - - lag Nart.gage on the Real Estate: the Stockhold.rx. . . . yes by Fire, of Houses Stores, and!ods, \Vares, and II ert'lnindise,. on! as any similar Institution. Lossefl told, . llorace Williston,- Athens Fran-i _ • A: Porkins do.; J. T. D. Sitbv..r,i 1 . ; ; C. I'. Welles, Jr. do.; iflhnsT...l;:,,rte. Towanda: fi4..n. ; liollenimelt, •. I re: I.aport... I'.l. - 11 ; 1.a(lizton, ( !.j in 2. 4. as i Tiva.s."; cazitit.lo,l MORITOSO, Pa • 130.01T0R - HA:AIt I s - f : ~ •: ' : , 1101 1 11EOPATUID‘Ti ..',.- • -.. r i itiDttATE:andieOnttei.. of Universit y Of New l..l„Yorit t.. tv,ill be in' *arose . 0111 1 11 e wth, 7 t i, an d glii dencli Meath, f and may be ' so hed at - Hateif t , ilotel, Me three days; upon all . diselyes' incidental t o the human etittim. - -ifiz k CONSIT I MPTION,.B r o n . ' i chitis Inttamatioit oithc Lungs, Throat, Liver, Pleutly, i• :' - . , IKid,„ 3l ii to Etp rii Dygperdai (biArycSlion;) Litter, 9 ~ : CoMplaintj itastrtiAtisx„ . 6crofttift, 'Eruptioite r lpinal iY-ERHS - PILLS, ;. .C0in t4 310.4, Dis Cases • of. the eve - ' d .'ear, i Netieoue NEW and singularly successful remedy for tie Weaknek 's: '*e. ; :4l ` 4l -Pi:rticli/4r -' "1:16416. • it ii'.en ' l° ' 2,01. ettre.of all-Billious.idiseases--..Costiieness; Indi- the diseases °flimsies and . Child en. - The : Yarloty f . . , , ''-. ictuttion; Jaundlce;Dropey; Rhen ßheumatism , atism, Fevers, }ln- -"frictions of the' Urerus radicall . y rd. , , Dr. Harris Is Well avinainted wi h both iloineopa; mars, grout, Nervousness, Irritability, Inflammations, thy and AlkipathY, having been in, niqtani studynid• Ileallaom,l'aine iii the Breast, Side, Hack and Limbs, Practice for the last twelve years, a d haviti4-firstin remal4 Complainte, ke-Ac• 1,141,4 '? 11 ..v°rY I.", alit trodeced • Homeopathy into Binghamton, 14. Y.., in - • -} it' di:4'a.'s'.'" which a ' P m i , ' - ' tivt t ALedkine ' ' l ' 7 ' INN: , ~ H is.pitui of tteatment is m ild, sap, and elflear mere Or le* , reguired,- zetti-mtich.sickne,:s and suffer- , eioux; and different from that ofauly other. physician,. lug nil:tilt., le- prevented, il 'a- harmless but effectual , and ^ureinearl:' all casesln all starges of the 'disease.' tattartle. vt er?.. reeve frccly used. No pemmican &id a nti . 0,.. flar f is has cos _ lli ti Onials of character ; 'ablP ixeil iv Itil.• a costive habit 61 - tied.: prevails; :beside* - ity acid skill, frtine a - mimber - . of the most •eminent i; settn'i gcneraies serious land - 1.31100 • fatarlliseases,. medical men : in; die city .of , Now Tork, among - than' , hieht might have. been avoided .by the timely. na il the celebrated r. Valentine Nott4' '., •- ' ••; ~ udiciohs use of.aigood purgative. This is alike true Persons wish ng s prenipt rellefee pernianent cur's' Of - Colds, Feverish symptome,•and •Billioui dcringo- will do Wen to cal - without delay. iChargea..model-aee:.' ments.j they all tend te-beCome or produce the deep- Consultation fre`c!' -Patiehtlt visited at their resideneeS rtett and formidable distempers . which load ihe if desired. .- Oftices ftetn 'I in . the morning until earsetc.iilloyer the Lail . • Hence a reliable family •1 , _, • . hours breve/nog., .- .• • •• , . . physic; is oldie - that importance to' he Public health, ,y 9. ia . , , . - and this pill has been, erfected with consimiriutie. ' .-:.•.. •. • ; ,AdiralittlaigCll.. ,- :: - kill to meet that deitianth An extet.sire trial of its The advantages of the Homeopathic. treatment ef, irtue:4 by Physicians,t Professors,- and Patients, -his 1 diseases, are : , ~. ilaolvrii - rcsults surpaising any thing hitherto known of Ist. That patients treated Ilonieopathleally, usual.- -any inc.diclne. Cures have been effected-beyond be- ly are cured - nnich sooner than•byttittretherprni;lice.. lief, were they not substantiated by persons of sueth 2d That. many. patients, can be cared by Borneo-. exalted positions_and character as to forbid the sits- pathic . retnediet; who cannot be-et:red by any :ateer,. IPicion:of 'untrittfr. A.Moug . the eminent gentlemen, l treatment. , , .-_. , .l ,!.who hare testified in- favor of these Pills,,we may V:rd. That patients treated Ilonteripathically, tla ration— t not have - to labor under ,the bad effects of the 4m.itli: ~ Doct. A. A. ILivrs,- Analytical Chemist of Boston, tine th,eyliate taken to cure the disease. • • ••• I _ Icri . and Stitte Assayer-of Mil,s3achusetts; li. I.G - Aniltirtt, _....____.___--4... .. : F . • , ~ .______...,___:_.. I Gover n or of MR.SSUChIL3OLtS; EMORY WASIIRITRR, PIY, ~ ~ : I NEW GOOD :. . . • .. 1 Gov..(if keißachnekts ; ; simr.ier Bnows, Lieut._ Boir. of Mask - E: M. Wtimiri, Secretary of State of Mass.; Ala illtrEN 'aC PARK ettirn their gintittid aeknowled,gements to the public, and invite at , JOIDi B. FITZPATRICK, (Math Eis1101) of Boston ; Prof. --",_ . - . .. , s . . , t .ntion to the yery large afoul: o ,pring an d S o rt= Jinni Titnaks, of the C0114 , ,e of Physidarts and Sur , i , rarer GOolk they are now receivin and offer.for sale L I geiitis.,r; New York city; ;Dr. C. T. JamisioN, Gemogise . t ' uir re rites In addition t their usual assort- I lof the;Public I...inds of the 'United States ; Dr. J. R. " trt. • -) P - .-j .• . - • ,-, t. nem of stapie,Bry Goods, Groceries, llaruware;CrOCK , Cili.vros, Practical elletßiSt of New York City, endovs-, Crock cry l'aints - and OiLs, Ice.-8 - ..c.; th 'Y are prepared to l ed liv r;ilon. W. .L. lARcY, Secretary . of State; Wit. exhibit a Ittrgelassortment of La fes t Dress floo.tLs oil. As - rom the rich st man in America; S. 1..}: Am) A: of ever y description—.Figurell, Plaid and• Plain SOP,' ee.; Proprietors the •Afetropolitan - Hotel, and, Bon ShaAs, Ribbons, Gloyiis;; Hosiery—Ladies others, 1.. Bonnets, . ( Didi space. permit, we could give - many hundredand Misses.Slnics of all kinds—also &large stock of READ Y...314DE CLOT]] INOJClotlni i Ca.ltsimeres, eertitii'ates from all .parts where the Pills hare been Hate Tweeds., Jeans Summer Cloths, yestings, , Caps,r. used,-htif evidence vseti more Convincing than the Boots'and Shpt.'s, .k.c.. ; experience of:et - Minna public men, is found in their - , TIMY respectfully solicit an early call from • anise etfect4 -upon trial. • . i 1, who Wish to pnrchase f lood goods i iiit Ter pries. , These Pills, the result of long.; investigation and; Snrinrcine, Sl ay 3, '3l. • Mc ILLEN . tt. PARK. study are offered' to the. public as the hest and inOst .. . - complete which the pre:Sent state of medical scienc.e i can afford. They are compounded not of the drtlgs 11. thermielvcs, but of the Medicitn. virtues only of Vit . - i etable remedies extracted be' liontical process in a state Of purity,-and combined together in such a man . - 'net . lig to insure' the best results. s.illis system-, of composition for medicines has been Mund in Cherry Pectciral and Pills liotli, to produee a more efficient remedy than had liitherte been obtained by any pro cess. The reason is Perfcclly obvious.. While by the old node of compotitirm, every intrdicine . is - bur- ; lletted with noire orlesS of acrimonious anal injurious I qualities, by this each individual virtue only that is ; deidred for the curative effect effect is present; All the in- ; ;srt and olitioxhims - qMilities of each substance em- 1 ployed are left behind, the coratiye virtues only bc- ing ;retained. Bence it is self. evident thy effeletg should prove as they Inive proved,-more purely rem,' 'ediali and•the pills a mbre powerful antidote ; to dip cae than any other ire Neese known to . tIM world... As it is frequently expedient that many ruedichies should be taken kinder the counsel of "au attending physician. and i • as he chub] not ptoperly judge of a remedy without-knowing its•conmosition, I have 'MP plied the accurate forintilm bra hich both my Pe'eto ral and Pills are mades,'to the whole hods of Pitted tiontirs in the United States and British -4merican . Prollinces... It', howeve(r, there should be any One whothas not received them, they 'hill be forwarded .by mail it his request.:' . Of all the Patent Medicines that are offered, how few Would be taken if theic...ermtposition was knoWn ! Their life consists in their mystery. , I have Lomys- . tet kis. The composithin . or my preparations is laid open to all men, and-all who are cbionetent to judge .on the subject freely acknowledge their convictions of their intrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral was pro nounced,by scientific nien to be a wonderful medicine bef4re its effects were known. .11any•erniiient Phy sicians have declared tile same thing or my Pills,fand even more confillently,;and arc willing_ to certify !that their anticipations were more than realized by their effects upon trial. They'operate by their powe.iful influence on the internal riseera to purify_ the blood . arol,stininlate it tnto IMalthy aetion—remove.tW •ob struetions of the stomaell, rhowels,liver, and othe;r or-• ganit of the body, reS.toling their regular action to health, and by correctly,' wherever they exist such do . ~ .. - _ .. • - .rcoigenhnits as aro tfia first orkio of dis...at t .... llrepared by Dr. .1. C...1YE11, Pr:laic:ll and •..t.na ly4al Clo.tnizt, L0w01),,M 3 -s, conk box. Fire 1... x.•., for ;9 .7 ,. 0!,1 bk. AI , FI, Tr RFFLL, it. EvroN, :di .1-41 tne(ll'Orles • oro'ry \ • • , - • - . - ALIC nuAwr. • STOVES. AND • M 1:011 rIIE P - In E. " • • . 1 1. 17 (. 4 01 . 1.1:171t1.1 7 44bRED have constantly on hand klarge and wt. 1.1 selected Bkm-intent of tin ware, Reels and Cliain for wells, pumps, cistern runny, ..kc.,slrydraidiei RILITI!', Japanned wares, lead of all sizes , Job work done with neat ness and despatch all Orden , : promptly, attended to. • STOVES& P P. E . • keta consipntly on hand, a large aSsortment of =tows of the latest -improved and approved patterns.: Our experience in,the business enables us to select those th4t we can safel warrant to give entire satisfaction. .Arnongst our numerous stock can be-found the Paragon . air tight / e - Starlof the West, Elevated Neiw World, " 1 ; Clinton, [Oven. Atlas, " Cultivator; . Phoenix, " I Fire . - If Three Suites, " Wekern Queen, 4 . Globe, , " Premium. • 115:321:13. $. A. wootinrir. I n ti . ore and riort. ew GOOd%-. 11. Ti ; BUR T T now receiving new and, full • supplies of GOods for . ihe z 4l - inier Trado, in chtiiling a new and elegaut. sts - s.ortilent of Frrnch Mc riivei, Merino and (l'aslancre / I'laids - ; Plaid , Fan= cy,and Plain De. Lani-s, Pgiantettas, Brodhe; Square drid Lony Shalcts, all [ of,n'inv and best styles,.and will be sold at 25 per cent. less than last year's prices.--; • Also a new assortment of Rich Rith,;nS andßonnea, Silk. Vidceti Cloaka- and Mantillas; Rich Silk and , Vetrit !Dr.isis 2'rinunings, Mohair Iliad ..Drettecs, Rigalets with a general assortment of otber i SvArcE and PANcy• Goons,. as usual, which hiving/bought under the present pressure -of the cash miirkCi,.will be sold lit corresponding and-reduced prrces. • , . • . [New Milford, NOvenaber 27, 1754. [ . . FACTS Fait THE PEOPLE. 'THE subscriber is carrying on the CHAR: if A K -1 L,VG 'BUS/NM in all its varioua branches at the Chair antkWare Shop in Buford, where may be fdutid a greater variety of Windsor and BoAing Chairs than at any other establishment in the county; also Flag and Cane Seats, Bureaus, Bedsteads i 'Loung , ei+, Settees, Tables, StAit(hi„ Sze, ef:c., all of which will_ be sold at' the lowest priees at retail; (or wholesale, with short notice.) work warranted. well made and of good material.; Short credits and small profits will be my motto. For demonstration of the nbove facts, please call at my shop in Ilmfordyillage. .e • 1 liarford, October 12, 1854, .., _ • : . . Jewelry, Jewelry. • IA GOOD it....tortmeiittsit Jewelry, consisting of Ear .t - 1. Rings,. Ear Dreps, Breast. Pins, Fing'er Ring,A, *.e. &..c., - jitstreeeiveti at : BENTLEY 4: REAM. 1, . , .. Sllyer Spooiss. • • • Tea, Table, Dessert, Sugar, salt, &e.,:warranted p, , re, for sale by : BENTLEY & READ. .Boot% and shiies: An unusually good assortment of the 'best make, all :fear and perfect foe sale by BENTLEY & BEAD. • Drug% mid yFedicines. , `A fresh stock genuine Drugs and Medicines, Patent _Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dye-stuli . l4, Sze., for sale by. Dec. 13.] ITAIIE Spring', Goods, now being re ceiveti at I. L. !POST if. CO's.' are desirable in ,quality, style and price. - Staple Dry GoOds, Collars; Sleeves, Dress Goods, - • Edgings, Cloths and ea4sinteres, Bonnets, • 'White Goods, and Parasols.- CLOTHING—a fine stock. Groceries of all vari! cties: Hardware ' Crockery, Looking Glasses, and in 'every department their assortment is good, and at "prices to suit. - s Montrose, March tiO, 1855. , - 1111 EING-oe the el'e of my departure for the Westi . ; " would say lo my of. and . Patrons that my "DAOUERRNOTYPI: .ROOMS will be elosedfor a Yei weeks. I will4aly apprise you of my returq, and then bops to find $u deeply impressed' with the ne . ocessitv of yot tr facel , taken , • I. Odd Fellows' Hall, Mouirose, W. B. . May 26, 1855. I , . =I 11. B. ELDRED A. IV GREENWOOD. • • 1516m6 REATi • To(the 'Publib. 7 . 7 . • ~---''., • i ' IV OtiCe to the Otttttie. TTAVINGj!mt returned from New yod, I iri-zh to 1 ..1....L call the latention of my.old customer-5,1-mA of I 'the public .in getieral,..to my. - I :.. . - - NEW STOCK- OF OOODS, which being bOught with cash at the lowest -prices, and. wi ~s hiu, to sell wire:4)l/11Y, fort the same, I will of- 1 : . fur them arc greatly reduced pi-ites. • • 1 Coalreco Priiits, warranted' fit-t ,crilors,• for only S cents.# yard. iGood Brown Snpr, 1g hound= for one dollar.. Boonton Nail•-•, acknowlilged by all to ,be the best Nail in use, 5,50 per k 7. Ilattr.und Caps 4 Boots'aud shotT'Butllll9 noires of:all prices, all swot i De Lidries, orij Caslr, a-ar s, l'riet 7, Dress Silk, Silk Veket, &c. ton4lin Pe Laine,, 1 ~Itillinv, per yard; I Satin,Bonnets and 111,,le , kirt fl is, 13 , 0elte .law=, Double Long sltanls, Thi',et do„., r slling at ineol,e,tiv- ably low priced. I tau ~1..1y worrant perff,et : , atii- : faction to all W,lio will pile ttlt. 11 p2ll. ' ..' , Latiesboro, Ap T. b, ISS-1 1L0Ck.:4—F,04)41 time ke,p, . • Lanesho:o, Apr. 5. ir 1 , 5 1, •fo 1 • I...l&esboto, Apr. 5. 'IO;UNTRY PRODUCE tak Itt nty-store. LaiieAoro, April s.. • 1:01.1111 - VaiEN, TAKE NOTICE! • T HE suhsetihers haying secured the sole right to frISI A D.f 51'..1.1t E (WUThV AND B 177 TE R.- TKO R 117 ER , for Susquehanna and silliernl adjoining comities, respectfully jtivite all:Butter mak ers to examini! and TEST the merits of this Deli and valuable: invention. We propo,e to furnish - each and, all' of you. with a CIII:11N that will produce as much butte'r. in as short a time as any other•chttru—one that will . compefelu c.rpel the elit term wash - and work . i,a the sail ditTaad.ng it perfectly thrwvh. the bat Ipr and•fit it for use, without removingit frojn the churn. This ',Churn is simPlein , its construction, Sci entifie in its operation, and easilY cleaned and kept in . order; and can be easily attar led to any propel;ing power. • , For "further particulars. appl, perSonalll/. or by let 'ter to JAR. 47,. BUSH ELL .tad J. N. iIItO.SON, Ararat, Saswiehanna county,,Pa: I PLOW sx • 15EW ESTABLIS.I r AND MOTT. would .1' I. • -public that they are ma. e-lebrated Plows. They hand, Wayne COU Caltieators, pog -Chants, Slei i Plow Pointalof various' patte • mention.. hope, by strict : to receive . our _share of public tory, P. Post's 'old stand. Fo Searle's Mill. W'RergOing done on sho Feb. 6. EIRE INSIT HE subscriber LI agent for . Comptu4es, doing burin. rates. State Mut4al at Harrisbi Cczh.. Mutual at Harrisb iv; • ('' . • - CaPital $200,000. lime lasarance,.Nea, Yk City, ~ vital i5:506. - 000. (.7. ' • F. B. CHANDLia 3lontrose Apri1 4 6, '54 LIME AND PLASTER. . . f isil HE sub#cribers are . - now ( burning and' will keep Id. constantly on hand, Lilac- of a very superior quality at 2l(Controse DePot, and Will sell it in any quantities at a fair price... Persons wishing a large quantity cat4.)e. supplied .:,on a reasonable notice. . Superior ground Plaster iNiL be kept Constantly - on : band hereaftbr. ,- LL. POST, - • II DRINKER. . . I . • W. JESSUP. Ifontrose Depth, 'April 3;L. SEARLE. • STEAM GRIST AND SAW. MILL. 130 ST BROTHERS havin Purchased the. abnc6 ' establishment, will keep constantly On haetl Su ! . perdue F/our, Corni.llcal of ,aperio r -qual ify; alto Cluip and Bran at the loWez.4t cash.prices.—, Culitont work will! be. done with Alespatch, and. in all cases tcarratetted. • • 1381tf .31ontrose.IJuly 1853. ' • • . . -1110TIOE. ' . • Those persons itkibtell.to the subscriber for -fees asltegister, i roeorder and Clerk of the prpluties court would confer a favor by settli n g the MM. soon. .I.tontrose We. ,1554.. • ...T. T. I:.ANGDON.. n , • . . :'- p • Window S ash. • /L 11. & r , SANItE haring been apptdntedm ett ,• for an extensive =ash b ind and" door manufac tory:tire preintred to famish: any articles in this line at leSs rates than they .hare ii7trally been sold -•- • 4" 1 , - - 24 . i ' ' . . - • • 43.11.& D.• s. - • i .- Shl-mo. ream. .. .. , , . r h , 1 N. artieli , which eve-ty :!nan - should in - for sale .A ., • J.- - 1 1 I -' • . 1 •• I SAL - . 4:. D. S, IAV. -"7-A new loi of Sliiqtrlf2r If aN awl Cloths -11. for 4111n111-0r- %I ef..1 4 j , l.t ils't(!t•iveli aud for sate-cliettp. by . ' - • 1 • , .D.ll. L. &., CTO. i XL A . f an " -s co 74 - dic S-O.N - . • Al AY bC found in S. S. ilulford's old store, East .11. fide i)f Public Avenue'', • • • . ! itiontio3Kl. Noretuber - 15 1854. Biretta to itobes. • A CU lot just receiv6.l, and offered low by , .C 1 s SCOTT, JOHNSTON it CO. - 'lSb:twits! Shawls! . CTIOTET lot of Wool•Leng Shawls very cheat by • SCOTT, JOID.iSTON CO.- 1 Springcllle, December 8..' • - Plt t a te to‘ r, •s, " ll l etri t :;; E afc g .r , salo :. e l. 11 4 1 . °5 • - Nevireatter and. two horse Pleasure Car .r"u►ge;for•sule cheap bi A. TURRELL A fresh min:4y of Silver Spoons, Watches, Jewelry, &c. &c.,ji4t received. - r BENTLEY & READ: f a MUSIC t MUSIC 1 -- ' • - 13,11110 "S IMPROVED MELODEON ' S, more 'just ..1., recei ed by .t.' -1 .. J. qONBIr.SON. tnelodetins_ CONSTANTLY ON NAND or Iltrnished to order on short notice. . 1 . ,J. LYONS & OAST* PAID FO iil4 glitalltiCelkhave made' arriingeinioti to tur4' ' rash persona who may be in wont of them, the • above named ;inraltiable Hafer, at the iame prices-fixr• which they eau he obtained at the mannfactOrer'S. Raying experienced the benefit, of suc h an article du , ring the late Fonflagration ,oursebres; yre would sari:' "catfy receunmend to others hiving valeable beatified' paper; the pieimering . which-wonld be of immense= imp.ortance td them, not to do' `without one. rtteea ramie from $5O to fiSBQ and wo can explain. to onY.oue relahing , to purchase, ,theAlffirenes in styl9, size, . pffice &e. and funaist than — on short'n6 (tee,frith°ll arrangemCat to . snit the put: chaser' • • BENTLEY k REAM • Montroie,4?ecetuber'l9,lB67. New. : hew toods . • T 11Itrot.4 At Brox. are now receiving their tarp.' itly.o_fißprial; and sammet ; Good*, and, bebig, conv i ll e e d Of the advantage Of hayingrureteatl Y as a to Yi et lf o.;. : tletertnined to sell goods at so ,low 'Once their gUstooters 'and' :the public generally thi s ir it will tat their advantage as well as our& .tot ir, m o o ; eonsii , ti, in part-of Broadcloths, Vessbrieres f . 'Kentucky .Teans i . Suutther. stuffs, Delaines, Lawtot y , Calicoes,,Pingltanta Prints, ponriets, Ribbons; rait- , ;w! Shunt ii and'Rlack Silks, together 'With' aside of -other Staple and Fancy Dry Goodi,.firoeij egi . Cronliery, - hardware, " Boats :and Blictei 4 „ Hata., &c. Also, a goal assortment of Shciemakers' Findings,.:. , Call and. examine our stock, and judge for yourselves as to *the, frith of our staterneut. Our motto iknitiek ~ales and mill . prate. Most Binds of country pro -duce taken in esehange for 3. MOSS & BROS. .gin/3 • I . A MON G: Storei celebrated ral and Cal Foreit Pillsl Louden's thWgltng Oil, the greatest remedy for.eprains in man or beast ever known ; Mathewson's Infalliblelletae , dy, and Horse, Remedy ; Orick's Vermifuge, and a variety of 'other kinds; Trask's Magnetic Oiptment, 1 1 the great remedy for barns, rhenmatism,..and al in llan kplatory! complaints; Pond's Extract, a „first - thing - for similar parpoes, its above Ointment; An drews' Pain Destroying Agent, a good article.; W -, cock's Balsam and Bone Liniment; ,Atwood'& J - dice Bitters, Canker Drops, Liniment, and Dysentery Drops; Baker's CoMpound for. Dysentery ; :Roogh= ton's Pepsin, for Dyspepsia; lichubold's Extract of Buelku 'and Extract , of Sarsaparilla; . a variety of. Salves, the best in market, Pills, Ate., -- an&mx almost endless variety of Patent, Medici ms, - alttigether too numerous to enumerate—,but suffice it . to say, that the public will find nearly every thing in this line-at the Dru, and Fancy Store of ABEL TURRELL. ' Montrose,. July; 1855. tx, ' ' • • .. - - , • i . . . . .. . EAGLE - FOUNDRY:' i , , SAY E, BENTLEY ~k 'PERKINS having puschas.. ed of Wilson-k-Co. the Eagle Foundry, are riow prep: qv to fill orders front the trade, and do work in their ;chile with Ail' and despatch. .Tlteylwill' keep constautly on hand P/ows,Ahest.kinds,) Stores, (all kinds,). Cultivators, Straw bitters, corn Shellert t eEe.' &e. (f.;e. • . . - - We. ir x i!.e particular attention to the Pltws. which we manufacture. We manufacture and keop forage' -. .The Celebrated Blatehley .Plase.l, * - - e We have purchased the exelusivright to manufac ture, and sell . in thiS county, Wayne, 'Wyoming and .11 ra d ford, Ririe* Patent Iron Ream . Pima." The Plow is niade'pntiref,y o . rtirot; excepting the handles. p. is celebrated for its easy draught, being one-third easier' than atrY now in use, whilejts strength On4:4n rabilitylare greater., : = - t ~ i ' I %1A1:1-IINERY ' • of au kinds manufactured and repaired by ex_perienc ed maehinests;... - -' •---t..,' i Steam. _Engines, Gearing for Mills, Shingle Ma - - el, ines, - dc. Aie. - . .Among the Stoves which we manufiteture, are the. 1 reystolie (..'oolsitkg Store, Rough and Read y ', For- . 1 est Queen do., Preniiain do.; and other-kinds, al ar , ranged for burning wood or coal. Also; .pelf-Regis, l I lator, Parlor Stove; Cottage Parlor' do., Stanley's, to esizes do., and a variety of other Parlor Stoves, both wood and coalburners. We. keep, also:on hand Grinditone trimmings, Dag Churn- trimmings ; tut-. hrella and Shoiel and Tonga Stands, Sc. &c. 'Work dOne to order on short notice and- at the lowest rates; S. A. LYONS ri."ll tr. 3. A. LYONS which • the 'S. A: LYONS.. n in exchange,ur _S. A. LYONS. Orders ; thr .qtores, i Agricultural Implements", fie., are solieited.front those in the trade, end. will be filled at- reasorfahle - trholesnle prices,i •. -GE' ZRAL FURNISHING; AND Tailoring Roablishin - • -AT SUSQUED ' ANNA DEPOT. OP. I3IENT spectfull, inform the ufaeturing Blittchley's keep constantly, on ty, and Iden /t and Cutter Shoes, us, too numerous to :ttention_ to. business, patronage. _Manufac ndry, M.'Mott, near notice: • MEARIT MUTT. • ELIJAH MOTT. ANCE. e followit*lnsarance at the toweSt safe ;rg. lapital $350,000. wooL by L. POST Jig CO; ed, May. 1 . 5 i 185 t. ZEE 11.TPilr 7110DICII - ItES; the great variety of Medicines at Turrelftr. may be thund all of Dr. Jayne f s kAstly r 'amity MedicineSl - Ayre's Cherry Pecto artic Pills; , Halsey's -Foreit, Wine and ; Hoofland's celebrated German Bitters; . . t rieft of Family Medicines ; -'Merchant's 3fos4rose, 3faiclk 4. AS T . & Co.. would respectfully- announce to V tit tr file ds., and the pablic.getierally, - ., that they keeps nstan ly on !And a ftill assortniefir of Ready . Made othin ,Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, and` every t tini.r,el. ..neesai-yr for men and . Woinen a wear.. We would particularly - call the atteution.,,ctreountry Merchants to our lar:g.e stock . of Ready-Made Clothing; of our own manufactare,, which we offer:at Wholesale, at, price. 4 that will afford great induCeineuts to cash •. and short-time citStomers; o• E. --"-' - , • A large sioek.oftloths, - Cassimeres;- Vestings,tie., kept constantly on hand, for parsons desirous, of hav ing clothing made to order. - - . Orders, punctually attended to. Thankfurfor past favors,wre hope to merit a con tinuance of the same. J. AS,BER.St -Co. Susquehanna Depot; Pa., :Slay • 1 • California; Or any place Qn the Globe_ ctinnar present greater, inducenten than • KEELEWit. STODDARD'S • - * BOOT AND' StkOE STORE.- TI ICFLis now filled with ,117 new and extensive VV assortment of articles in their line, embracing a general-variety of new and elegant styles . of ladies and gentlemen's waar, aMong which are. Ladies French, Silk. Lasting and • Prenille Gaiters, Kid .and. Enameled Polkas, Kid, Patent. Leather and Bronied Jenny Linds, Buskins and %US; Gentlemen's /tench. and Philadelphia,. oak tanned calf skin and kip Boots, Morocco, Calf and Cowhide Brogans Ate- Boys kip. calf and cowhide Boots and Brogans; all-kinds-of Mi4ses and Children's wear. i . - Also, a general assok tt4t of Finding§ which consist in part of lasts, pegs, spwrn.bles, tacks, thread, wax,. Bns tle,l,shoe. binding, awls, rasps, sandStoi shoe knives, itc4 Also oak and hemlock, tanned calf upper and Solileather, Morocco skins and linings. - -Work made to. order and repairing neatly done, •• REELER & STODD.A.ED Montrose, April 6, 1154. `• Valaable Lataidtkrar Sale: • ' , - FOR SALE IN ONE BODY, about 5500 acres "of Land on the waters-of Spring Breoh, a branch of the. LackaWanna jiver, in Luzern° County, Penn's., about midway between the 'thriving towns of.Scrati ton and Pittston.. These lauds are covered with vable tinter,..and being situate in the most , extensive mineral egion in Pennsylvania—known to contain, iron ore-Land, believed to abound in coal,-and being' also in the immediate vicinity of several railroads * made anlrnow iu Progress--offer to the capitalist nn opportunity-for the investment of money that seldom occurs. j For further information apply to N. P. Re sack, E.g., No, 11, Wall street New , York, or to the subscriber; at Montrose, Susquehanna county,Pq.„ the • attorney in fa' of the owners. April ‘ISM. • " HENRY DEINEER. - EsTßAvin, Estrayed flom.the preinises of the ,subsciiber; pg. or ricer the, first.pf -June . --five Two red 'Steers, otie darker thin the other.. ! Three Heifers; mostly red, with Some white on each; the smaller one. baring morn whitollart the other: ,Any person see• log said yt4trlings will oblige the subscriber by taldng.,. them' u p and sending him word, by letter or otherwise, and he will pay them for their trouble. Jackson, July Ist v 1855 = . WY. LARRABEL. THE DENDAFF. ACADEMY. +TIM NY.XT TERM of thiit Institution commence§ A. the tirsi Monday of September (ild) and contin ues 22 weeks: And as•classes will then be wag ed, and the studies assigned; students are particular ly requested to be present;. and they will thereby avoid -much labor on the: part of the teachers and em barrassment to themselves. Board, under the present hard; times, is $2." per week ;"end will b proportionally less if _they cerise, which we have a cry reason to believe from the ap proaching barites 31r . Administrator's NotWo: NOTICE is hereby given that letters of itdreinistra• 11 tion upon the estate of OUBSIIOM BUN ELL, We of the tAwnship of Anburn,deceased, have been granted to. the subscriber, and all persons Indebt• ed to said estate will please, make immedlaterksy ment, and present having claims against • the estate will please present them duly - attested for settlement; .103,1.4211. AN BUNNELL; Miter. AtisCitN, June V4th,,1855, NEW GOODS. QPISNDID Prints and Lodes' Broadoloth i lruire. 1J & • o pened and for sale' by • J: LYONS It f3C11.. U S. H. SAYRE, - 13. S. BENTLEY. S. PERKINS. 4'0.1t S E ent • ; • .11.• n00urr..4.15.