Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, September 27, 1855, Image 3

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Geerge Washington, the - , theta hiatiouw
try, in, a letter, to La Fayette, written i n 1798,.
the,Year beforehls delith,`Spok s e: of ,thev.iesti!
t utiot. of Slavery as follows. : • -..
• ' .
'1 agree withyou. cordially in your views
laregard to NfgtOslavery. ' I have long-con
sidered it a most - serious „evil, both socially
and politically, and I 'shouldrejoicc._in. any
feasi-ble .sehetne to rid - our States of such a.
burden. The Congress of 1787 adopted an
ordinance Which forever . , prohibits the exis
- tenee of involuntary servitude in .our . north=
western territory. . I eons' le Meas.,.
1 i though:u ,
oral .an : it was int a gen- .
' tlernan from - New Eitalam: ith .the
approval and assent of fit ! mem
bers from the'States more ontnem. , .. inter.
esti(' in slave labor. The prevailing, . inion
s k
in Virginia is against the .spread of Sla 'cry
into our new country, and !trust that Iv s 11-
- ultimately have a c onfederacy of Free State ,
I l i o nid,, a t an y time, gladly - relinquish the\,
right of property
in my .own slaves, if a judi
dons m'stem of emancipatioemild be devi
sed.' . . .
`. James Madison, in the Convention, which
framed the 'Constitution of the United States,
objected to the word ' slaVe ' being used in
t beiclause which Was inserted fir-the - re:At
tica of fugitives. His objectiona vrere - agreed
to by . the Convention, and the milder terns
, o f!per&ons owing service of labor,' applic&
ble alike to i white apprentices and black slaves,
w o', then pilt in our ConStitntion. Mr. . Mad
ison said on that occasion: , ..
object *to the word slave' appearing in
3 Censtitution which, I trust is tci7he the char
ter. bt freedom to . unborn' millions; nor would
1 41itigli . perpetuate the tnemoq of the fact
that slavery ever existed in 'our country:
is a' i gipat evil ;' and under the Providence fif
• Go 4; I loNit f mward to sonic scheme of eman
'Ciliation which shall free tfs from-it. Do not, I
therefore. ltl4 - us appear ji.4 it we 'regarded - it
as Perpetual, by using in our Constitution an I
. .
oda:ins word opposed to every sentiment of
:liberty": • I
Think! Webster in his Marshfield speech,l
Sept.. 1x,1848, when alluding to the men!
wlui then held the same position on the clues
tionk;f slavery extension which is now, held
by Netraska Democrats said •_
• 'I am afraid, fellow-citizens, that the gen
. cration Of doughfuces ' will be as perpetual'
a s - the generation pi . men; - For my part - I
think that` doughface" ;s'an epithet pi,t, sufli
cientlY reproachful ; I think such persons are
-; - a
ou hfacesl and dough beadsand dough-souls
and that thby arc all dough; that the coars-1
est potter may mould them at pleasure to
vesSels of honor or dishonor, but most read
ily to vessels of (lista - 311'1r! • '
Ifettry Clay, in his, ast great speech in the I
United States Senate.
repeat it sir, I 'eller neverwill,
sta(3no earthly power can nn)tie Inc, vote di
rectly or indireetly,to spread slavery\ ,over
territory ';wtie're it ',dces not exist. Never
reason holds her seat in niv
. n ever while . my hearts sends the vital fluid
thrCuah my . veins—nerer
Thomas 11. }lemon said, in the `I invited.
States Senate, that; the enactment of the Atis- .
souri Compromise' was , —
•bighest, the most solemn, the 4 - nost , .
momentous, the mo 4 - ; emphatie assertion of
f,i'ml!gressional power over slavery in a terii
torN has ever been made or could he
concieved. It not only prohibited it where,
it legally be carried, .but forever pro
hibitca it where it had.longexist.4.'
The unanimous tientinatioi of. Pasniore for Canal Comsi&sioner, by the
RefiltilTeap ( . 611i - entice), will Ai:aurally
excite 40 - his.character aUd antece.
&l as.
. .
. .
. We are in.formed by - our well-knonn f,•.l=
lowq r citizen, Solomon W.' Roberts, Esq., -en
g:notr, that, hebas been well acquainted with
Mr l . l lVilbanison for year.:: He is a nephew 1
of William Wjllianison,of Westchester,at one
time Speakcr . of the Senate of .Pennsylyania; .
snali. the oldest um Thomas Willianison, one .
.of the n'toq, .em:neni con eyaneers in -Phila-.1
sieliihia, and a Man distinguished fur his high .
chqieter and extensive filowledge . of land .
• titles in- Petnsylvania. .' - . -
Irassmore Williamson is now about thirt3-,1
fivi4 . years of age ; he has a wife and.'seVeral i
- ch . : dreg.; and he has been brought up by his i
fa erolucl . haA been in partnership witklim 1
as ; iii-eper and conieyaneer.• Mr. - Roberts 1
t i c
inform us that Mr. Williamson is n . man oft
expe ,..
llent ellar . ater.and of great intelligence,
atii altr)gether a sudenor man lo those whom 1
I.l4:peeple of l i eriliFyiyania have been in the i
hahit of electing to thqoffieci of Canal Call- i
tni'esizmier.. .
„Such being the high ebarneter.of Mr. Wit
iiitil:Zon, and suchhis qualifiCatioris f6r. the
•ofhl..e muse({, there is no valid reason why . he
shopld not iec - eive.?-the vote of evzry, man in
-thel'tStatc who thinks hi mathe victim. of a ju,
dicial wrong committed in behalf of thearro
ganf demands of the Slave Power. - 41 ' * *.
7 1 loe objection has been made to Mr, Wil
liarnson,'lhat he is the - secretary of an Abol
itiori Society: He is the Secretary of ao
, de( , incorporated by the. Legislature of this
Sta in the days of the.rtevolution, for the
am ioration of the condition of colored men.
lEtf is Society, Benjamin Franklin and Dr:
i i
Rus l h - were active .member.s and officers ; and
Pamore - Williamson is but the stiet*sSor Of
,tho.-e worthy and venerable men in the office
1 . . ,
Nitlitiil they filled.
,ers of the - declaration of Indepandence—were
.woktay forerunners; and it is no disgrace to
i/ Jo
a place which they no.
Thiv , hich they were honored : in turn: Let
41;uSe rail -at him who will, on that accourit.-- 7
iNr4 hold it no discredit to him to follow .in
der footsteps.' - '' • . .
rassinore Williamson iis a:-
Pennsylvaiiitut=an American,,in the ..broad
,est ,`sense ;c)fthat ~ term: Ire is honest, and
fnitliful and well qualified.... Why, -.- then,
slaSithilie not receive the-united vote of those .
are united in - sympatliizit* with him in
sirorp?s ? We can conceive of no good
reason. lie is retnediless 'and this is the on
ly !nethoci 14t, us to give-ijm a helping band:-
7 1f, rat any simple pretepCe t . any. portion of
•the l pe , .)ple. - should be . held back front voting,
'forhiin, arid so contribute to his defeat, let
thelrespopsibility of that defeat rest upon
thcr who have the poWert i o prevent it,-Fills
burgh Gazette. -
wr- Since our remarks •on Canal COM'
mrssioner were in tVpc, we halie found .the
following in the Philadelphia IVOra . Amer/-
PEtiIs:SYLVANIA Pc. l l.mcs::—.lt is now appar
ent! that Passmore 'Williann..on will. be earn
estly supported and voted Tor as a candidate
kwiCanal CommissitTer, without regard to
the action of the N'Vhig and American parties.
the Pittsburg Gazette. Which is the leading
RcPublicio _paper in
.the State, furnishes the
;following list of newspapers actively engaged
the - .cuirass fo r illiamson;
NeiArgo, Beaver. Bearer county ; Record,
,/ Brighton, Beaver. cOunty, ; 'Freeman,
..Neweastle, f,awience county " ; Whig, Mer-
Act, M.ereer county ; •Mirror, 'Prospect, - Bet
- leF,goynty ; Col Airier, Conneautville, Crawford
ennuty .;• Banner, do. do. de. ; Journal, Mead
vale; do. do. • True American, Erie, Erie
'Cointiersport, Potter County ; •
Agitatori,Welisboro, Tioga county ; Argus,
Tqranda, .Bradford county ; Reporter, do.
• 6, , ?/ Reptiblicau, Ifontrose, Susg nehanna
.kpaTachian,lßlairsville, Indianalcounty
dependent; Indiana, Indiana cc tinty ; Express
Litileaster, 44:taster coantY; Oli v et Branch,
gokristoWniontgotnery cOnnt3l;
1.4W - isburgh,isnyder county; Pl:tette, Pitts 7
Allegbiny county. • ,•• I
• - i' Besides tlloe, the Register, l i ndtana co. ;
Sun, Advertiser; .I)elaware
conty . ; at drt';.in3 or two other papeisin the
Staie, are' - -Opt 4infriehdly Arr. W.; but
rather inclitie3 to support him ; cad it is .
safe *to say that he has the • active sympathy
oftf i tjeast tw4nty four papers.' Those that
support litrdßenderson will exceed six
or Seien in ntiniber.. •
It, will be l•dmarked that these - papers . are
in'be strcm•gl Pree - Soil sections,lSuch as the
cciunties. - of AlleghenY,- Beaver ' *Butler, lifer
- .e • ence ,
cot., Lawr i:Potter, Bradforarioga,
quehanna anal f Crawford. In th,tre:districts
the papers nit Med art -. lnOrtint tau-
Thern is. * therefore, • ~Tootn, to ex-
Cit that Mr; narnf aSI
will be idiopped; unleissome.convention
tou4il.e• the suffrages on the anti-ad
mit istration icoters upon a sidle;
which, just a>v lwesent, seems- improbable.
the Pittsburgh Dair y P'atette.
I “..ttocAicti o September 11 1855.
- ?EAR Gsirrra--
:I am cortstrtlined to drop
yon . a few. littO,s on the'- one alts(s'Fbing
tiOti; tiilnfortri you of , the progress of the
stettggle:in thi4 division Of theatiny'.
!TheTVote for Williamson be almost
unanimous here, v-ou can hardly imagine the
feeling, of all, _Without distinction`Rif party ; as
the trews of hijts imprisonment, ititlr . the . res.
son' r reachics-the people in their !.,(liet coon
trylhotness fullor peace and security; the ef
fete is astonishing, and :full or hope to the
Ilhave not, the least donin,, that if the- his-,
tory of-thi:lwilzed act of tyranny :can teach
every *titer ini the State; the majority on the
side} of troth aild freedom Will be atleast one
hnsiqred tell von the.trtith when
I ztay that' 11e.41 hardly find a Mill - ,who will
not support our eendidatd f it. Canal Commis
sinner, alihinugh*they may not all ti; with us
on- he county iticket.
pettifogging deeision put forth by. the
four Judges, Of the Supreml donrt of our
Sle is a wontlerful additio n o f f.t e i t o - t h e
flan. ; all we )nive to say is, " Stand- from
under;" the rlea.Se Of our brother.Trinn the
dungeon of the oppressor when the proper
o:tie - comes, isf . anleasy matter; Ana. which
thcjfriends of freedom, need have Ito anxiety.
.Willianißoult: ; wile responds nobly to du:
,the one sho love'r, that . he
shall never one hair, but retain hit in
temilty of the icstuse for which hel suffers.—
WOmot is on Oie trade of tile oppressor here
and,be sure ha will make his: mar. Truly
•s. /SAO:HONE.'
E:„ . ,- , / "The ~.k , titration of:Pa-s . smo' re Will:
iarason r)r Cana 'CommiSsioner, we are free
to 09nfes5 ; did t strike its favorably at
. the
mOtinent it was t lade, but: when w(i. reflected
tht4 he was new .undergoing an unrighteous
imP i risontuent ii,iriply . for telling a huthan . be
ing.hat the milt en t she lonehed the soil of
Pennsylvania s i b .- was frde; when' we saW .
Ilia( the reoalp , this . faet.infl the t l Uere men
-691 of 'his natut , stirred . I lie hearts of the ina
titii(l... and thin t was . t hti fixed and unaltera
blel'n. tent to Oa -e him the standard hearer
Of 1. ie .epubli6 i host :. when we 'had aseer
taitilid tat he :jw s one of ithe noldeSt ofGod's,
Woers—a. hone t.tnan--lhat he was in the
priMe and' - . \ - 01. / or . .manliood--and that he
'possessed prettnetit fitifess for the post,-
win n We thotl4lll. - that poiisibly he might be a
Sniirible insti-Un ntality ifiir rebuking the
Slalve Power and i ;., insoli.ntand seryile.tnin
ion!!., the eouebt;:ion orcefl itself irresistibly
up4l us, that it. rasa noUnnation 'tilt to be
maae." And if the.frie 0.44 if Freedom are
truo to toertv-.e . %es and th.' r- equ,e—if they
wiiiihruphold the. f'reedont ( - speech—if they
wetlld repudiate - this wort Ott most dangor
°qv& all`tyranny t hat . cli i r i I s ail Iltmest, out
spoken- freeman with a 11.1cn7s 'rains. they
wilkrally. around him ask . t e man and, wi
t-1)141st e- a blow that wili.4 4 ke itsel felt fur
I ,
a lolig , titne_to cotile.--Beipir Argos. -
->. .4. • .
• 11
.. rdu.cAxisles F. RST ...J, ..tia.T.--The Nor
erne 'arty men—that is 'thelmen of the Nort
wl4 think th"y Can makef;a ;president in the
Nooh only, without the piuth. have 'made
the 4 first essay, in the corrilfination in Maine.
The, tookthe benefit of tliellltaine taw there
—np small benefit in thiteiti; original ground
di) 1411, or disorganized the,.Wieriuns-alliefl
the4tSeltes with the free .31:YornocratS—riin a
Dernoceat for Governor—ieleltided all_whigs
whOl would not work—aql the result seems .
to l! . .ir the defeat" of. AtirrWtheir candidate,
andiLthe.ciection of
. .a .Legtstature whii4r will'
putOn Wells, a Derriocraf . -.1-operating;with
thei,i•liigs.' uriler the'lead fdpreo:Evans, and.
oth+ t ,r . s.-,--jVizit York E.rp?%eg-i.
Weil. Republicanism ihas made its 'first
stut,::with reference "to_ t 4 Presidential con
test Land it has that it elm 'poll at least
shown.. f •
fiVdithou§and more totes ;in on e hundred and
nin&y-citht towns ij ivtaipe than any other
1! . with ~ . i
party, even taelemppranee issue thrown
in. 11 Without that it will 'be trebled and We
c•altlthis - a.very fitir start. 4 'The Republicans
-do 6.) . 't expect to carry .niore votes than - all
othilr parties corriltined, f ljut rr.ore in each
Li f . •
state at.the North than am' , other party.—'
..11rer , ark ..4fereury.: • - ';._ 7•-. ' . -
. . L
The Teacher's :association of Sucquehanna County
will Meetli the Borough of S4queh l i n r in , ,on s,' , -. tur .
clay, pept. "_9th., at one o'clock P. M., The School
Dirk tlf said Borriugh, exOnd an Invitation to all
the Teachers of the- County to_ meet at their new
ti h
I House at that time for the purpoie of discus
sing e topic . of School Government
- .
. • •,Religioicts *pike. ,
114 v. N. Doolittle Will itreiich at the Univelsalist
Clunich r in Montrose, ,sunday Sept. 30th,
' [
04 dm gth pub., by the Rey'. T. Thomas Mr. D. W.
Gun pEN of Friendsrille, toMOS E. TCnRELL of For
rest Lake. . ' .
olesale and Retail deal* ,in Flour, Salt, Pork,
Steal Grain, Feed and Candles. Cash paid for Oats
and ilye. • - , l'. • ,
O Cbestntt Street,—East end of I4oni &Chan
['die Store, Ifiantroft Pa. f•
I ,
I • Family Pills. • •
TITE, Si best in town can be ha of J. LYONS SON.
Any family needing can are them on trial; if
they ; lci not answer the •purpo e, no aharge. -
3+l. ntrose, Sept. 18.
- •
,„,- . .
F . -, .
.. . .
YRSONS wishing an 0 d.. would do well to,
,call'at TURRELL'S NCT#BERI,ES, 2* miles
south-east. of Friendsville; Whf!ro Apple trues, of the
most', approved kinds, of goodi•Aze AA 'quality; such
as are sold by agents for 23 cehta, can ba bad for 12}
cent each.
Plian, Quince,and Noun
' ricer.
racy of names, and
off_ fruit for. the different
lea lied. . .
- j L.M. TURRELL. ,
'l'4 Sept- , 1853. [wl*
,opened . by
61 9 0 ifi at '-- '
1. 1 4 rill' 4 c9*
ffeb) b,bei'fifs'elliofis,
i3l> egaehdts > rlt
Teac erß' lastitate:'
. A.jeachers Institute will held in the village of
New Milford, the sessions of which will, 4 conimence an
the evening of Monday 'the 15th, and close on the
morning of Saturday the 20th day of October next.
Itk central location and &edit) , of acre render it
one of the most fiirvrable•oppOrttmities for the 2s
Te4heri:of Sthsquehamia county to asseMlale for in
strution and mutual improve Meat . thatrcould be of
fered : all _the northern, southall, and western per
tionft_af the county can , rcach lit either , by serge or
railrpad, ,.. fhere being two .trainit On the railroad car—
rying paretengeraintch way Morning and afternoon.
Ainong the eminent instruebars are, Dr. CalvitiCut:
ter Of Massachusetts, Prof. Stoddard of 'Wayne conic
ty, P rof . C. W. Sanders, the author, Prof..l.
ereliam of Lancaster, and Prof. C. IL Coburn of TO.;
wand*: lAn able corps from 'tire above list will be'
present to conduct the -exercises, in addition to which
will be Prof. W. Richardson of this :county, and Mr.
Creyir, County Superintendent bf Bmdfordsounty.— ,
Other eminent teachers are exPected as visitors.,
Geed board will - be furnished at private, houses at
the tate of $1,50 to ft 2,00 per; week, aml at public
bowies at liil off the regair price. It can safely be
estimated not to exceed 25 cents per day for the four
or Aye days the Institution will be in session.
Tbe instructors will charge only their travelling ti-x
petuies for attendance, which will prollablYrame-e, per
teacher, from 40 to 50 mints. I '''.
There Will ho a committee !at the raiiroad depot
andimiblie houses, who;,upon the arrival of teachers,
willinfostr, them as to boarding places.. I
Leis earnestly'dired that all who purp i tue attend
ing the Institute will write heanediately to, Dr. L., A.
Smith, Nifw Milford, Chairman of above neared Com-.
utittee. • • • •
. Teacher& of Susquehanna! prepare to[rally in all
your strength. Not les: than two hundred teachers
shoild be present at the Institute in October next.—
Conte uwand sustain the good 'Work so gloriously in
augurated one year ago. The thee:: demand it—
your futute labors, to be performed, demand it—the
interests of the Common Schools and who
shall Jae found wanting, under the pressure. of such
weighty responsibilities October Must r.iarelc
wer 3 / 4 and, fellow teachers, will you not labor to pre
seiti'a record, at that time, worthy old Susonelianna?
• . B. F. TF,WKSBUILY, Corn_
,r,VR I am in a oTeat. Whr, what's the
- nothing,• • ' •
matter now? 0, only Ballard over
there a t t h e postairi ee has just, received hy Railroail
Fartess, a new lot of Book. And Stationery, and
want some before they are allkone. (hes so.
Collie on, -fir he has got Mary Lyndon, The Hidden
Path, My Bondage and FreeiloM (F. Houglass,l Ber
tha 4ind Lillie, .Hood's Choice Works- in sett of four
vol; &e., Young Folks Glee Book, A moiety of
popiilar Song Books, and a lark addition to his stock
of Writing Paper, Envelopes and Ink—alt of the best .
quality, and cheap at the iPostollire,
firstAoor north of L. Seirle's Hotel.
Miuitrtise, Sept. 19, I 555. IA. N. 0171,1"4.00.
FALL TRADE, 1855. •,, . •
111F.13 leave to invite the.attetition of toYol.l friend , :
and customers to the I'ELIY LARGE STOC lk"
of 1)n) - o o o 143, G ROCK!: YES, II A 4 7 ) WA RE.
CR7)C/C/0.7.11 . , BONNET'S,' SIIA ir Ls, :ruks,
niers k c.. 4 FR. PAINTS & OILS, - C LOTHING,
'BOOTS I rk SHOES ay. Av., Lam now reCleiving, - and,
I'lll6- tendering thanks. for pat favors, I I would re
:T.:O6IIIY ask them once. more to fai-or me with a
sblity of the patronage they halve Iterbtofore so libel,
alit/ honored tne . with. - IJ. 1i: SUITPIIIIc.
. ,
Surnmersville, Sept. IS, isr4;,. I . .
C-4 1 :RA1N an KodiiC7e of all kiids ranted at the
I highest market prices at HT. 11. SITTAITIN:S.
atr)l3! WOOL SOCKS wantled at -j
, I .T. If. SUTPHIN -1 s
03. , iRS, =- C - 11titec t7n ihcyl can be • (Mtn ined. else
where at . i J. 11.'SUTPIIIK's.
In Full
Two' Illimireid ,Sfre)ltu-F7ve Slere. jar •
.tale by Dickerma ri 1,6 -Garra
11 E are in rectipt of the largest stoclr of. Stores
erer.,off.ired in Northtin Pennsyb - nnia. con
sistitig, of COoking; Parlor, n?'i Six-p Tate, both for
wood and coal also; 411111 assortment of large sizes,
for. F4to,e4 and Churches, I
Ill' i ould;call particular attention to the ,Tl,drersonian
Elevated Oven, the most perfl4ct' and heaHest plate
stove in market.. :Among our, a.s . ,s9rtment- pf large
ore:, wottld mention the Eropitv state intproveil, ns
beinit very.beavy plates. perfent finish, and a superi
or balier. Farmers of Sastptehanna connty, yon have
beets in the habit of purchasing li .lit \ stoves sail light
trimming ; and 'paving as lunch as you oukht to for
!maxs plates and licary trimming,. I
We manufacture our furniturV, and will .el.l at nutn•
tiftriarcr'A prices. Let those Who pave Maker profit
compete with us if. they cani Jobbing, ; connected
with:Ale tin trade, done a: usual on-short notice:
Milford, Sept. IR, 185,:.f.
Fresh Arrival of New Goode at
'piekertnan it GarrOtt's.
T ilE fiittocrib'en would rep.. , ctfully inform the
p'eripic of Smzquchanni cotmtri that they
arc zit* rimming their stock of Fall and Whiter Dry
Gixeb,.which it 4 tniMmally large_ and attraCtive, all of
which will be sold for C7:11. or Upprtived credit cheap
er than at any Other cAtabrechinent in tliei emintv.—
We mean just, what we'say.. Flea:e give it.v.a
Milford, Sept. IS,
Suppord to bt
. .. ,„ . •
Deed Book No. 22, page C5-1--ier 1 mtaining in all about
1G sire; :Am acmethe morn x. ile • with the apporte
• 't •--i
naneo, one framed 4 xrellinz loro:e, :old on ()Id house,
juntertable,) some fruit trees, and all improved,
Tiiiien an execution . at the.eit of. Edward C. Tur
ner, io the use of John If. A:Mold:vs. Ezeiiiel Mauve..
F. r.limLusTr i n, Sh,-111
„,,, AI.41;”
Sl4frifre office, ,Montro=e, Ig, •1f3.:55.-
• ; •
I - .
;, •
u I _
Smug,td. Relations—French Soldiers. m Camp—
Speeimensof Die Alchemists, (Chapter 2)-Fiend-Fan-
CY-0111, Deadly ofl London—
Undeir the Sea—A Dear OM CotTee-4`he School
of the Fairies—Latest Intelligence from Spirits—A
Vision of Hours—Cats and Dogs--Back at Trinity—
Rice-4' •o 1 ephewsTlie 'Yellow' Mask, (twelve
chaptersl—Whittinzon in Strria—The Afigel—More
Alchimy;—The Audit73oard--The Oid BOAr's Redd—
Rontine44lr. Philip Stubbs+Theßot English
tuan,Gitirgero to Bucharest--LA Dip in the Brine—
Chipi Penaioners--Alexandethe Fir:t--I.nfant Gar
des=4Enfortutiate .Tames D ey—Sanliniatt Forests
and Fisherica---A Legal Fiction—Count* Guy—My
Garditn Walks More "Grist tdill the MUI-.-leries from
the 3:!a5.t.4--.A Poet's llomelltiga..
/t3:a year. EDWARDS,
. 1 • 10-Park Place. Sea. York.
- - •
. 4 Adininfstration Notte4b..
N OTICE it-hereby given that letters of4dministra.
- pon • tiPos the estate -of SARAH Sri , late of
Dimwit towship, decd, bare .been grantsd. to the un
dersignO, and all persons - indebted to ta id. estate
will please make frnnuNliate payment, and ihose hay.
ing 'dams will present the sinne duly attested for
settletnent. - . ' JOILN; W. GRAY, Adair.
Dituock•Sept, 4, 35w6.
11, 7 rteep Naht Stuart Era,
• Don't be forgetful, frien d s. one and ,
Aged or youthful, greatior
) • (If not too stnaU,)
. !
That at Odd Fellows' Rill
Is the place to cal, .
I To get your faces
toile up fall.
i 1 W. B. V
11(introse, August 1A 1855 -
• ' Fire Insuitstuce.
TAE u ndersigned ,, tuts bee.! duly appoitited Agent
A. for pie Sunnilntrst. FOX F.VSLAA3'bZ CONPA
rasti at liarrieburg, Pa. Capital #500,00. Ts as
safe 4nd cheap a company u any in the $1,44e =din
ausW',ou the stock or mutual Sian. 1 1 :• ., • •
, 18 1 1851
lIZ pursuance, of an act of the General funned of
the COmmonwealth of 'Pennfiyiva entian
-4- act. relating to the Elections of the Con monwitalth i s
approved the second day. of duly A:.D. One th ,_ciasand
eight hundred and thirty-nine, I, F. 1 3 . HOLLISTER,.
High Sheritrollthe • Counfy of Susquehanna ; is said
Commonwealth, de hereby give notice to the eletois
of the county aforesaid that a General Election Will be
held in said county on the second Tuesday ofd' obey
next. (it being the 9th day of . .said month) 'at !which
time State and pet:tidy Officers nee to b e _ e l ec t e d es
follows, to wit: -
Oile person to fill the office of Canal Counnisiiioner
of the board or Pennsylvania. - I. •t . .
Tiro personslto fill the office. of 'Members 4 the
/roast, of Reprtmentatives of the .o:wnMonwealth of
Pennsylvania, for the DistriCt•comrxwedi of theicoun
tiesit)(Susquehimmai Wyoming and Sullivan.
one person to fi ll the office of CotintiCommission
er o f the county of Susquehanna. • -
. One person do fill the officer of Auditor of theicoun
ty of Susquehanna. - •
• •
One person 03 fill the of fi ce of Treasurer of thecoun--
ty of Sosqur. 1 '
I ialso heruake known and give notice that the
plaeis of holditig the General Election in, the r#:nreral
Woids, Boroughs and Townships. within the county
of Siisquehanna are to follows, to wit:
The Election for the Districtecirripos e d of thetown
shiti of A polacen, will be held at the hohse of Joseph-
Beebe, in said;township s . •
The Elation;for District composed oi; the township
of Ararat, Will heheld at the School House near the
l'reshyterian - Church, hn said township. •
The Eleeiioni for the District composed of tittown
ship of Auburn, will be held at the hotise of Hoorge
Hari..rly, in said township: - - • •
The Ekvtion. for the township ..of Bridgewater, will
be held at the Court House, in the Borough ofiliont
trose. .
The Election - for the Dist' ict cotnpcsted of thq town
tthiP of Brooklyn, will be held nt the house formely
occupied be O r . A. Eldri4ge in tail township.
The Election for the District composed of thO town
ship of Choconu . t, will . he held at the School House,
neat the house of Robert Main, in the said town
ship. I i
election for the Distrtt composed of tltd'town
ship; of Clifford will be held at the hou4 fonuckly•oc
cupied br. Arthur-Smith, in the Borough of Dttntlaft.
The Election for the District Composed of thy Bor
ough of Dundatr. will be held at the Duntlaff Hotel, in
aid Itorongh. • • •
• The Election for the - District composed of tint town
s:l:hi of Dimock, -will be held .at the llouSe of John
Ittkrer, in said township. 1: •
The election for the District composed of the town
i hilt Forest Lake, will be held at th'e holm; !tidy
nervided by Preserved hind to said thwt.shs..
• The election for the ,District composed of the town
shili Franklin, will be held at . the horse. of:, Rufus
Tuttle, in saidlow — irshifi.
The election for the Borough of Frierids[vill,m-i' be
held in the School House in said [ Borough.
-'-'Ehe Election for- the District composed of the town- .
lzithi of Great Bend, will be held at the house' of Al
fred, Allen in said township. [ [
. The Election 'tem the District composed of the town
sliilc ot Gibson, will by held at the house of *oseph'
W4lthurn, in said township.. [ •
The Election for the District composed ofthe town
ship Burford, Will he held at the house of It uthun
W. • , , [ [Wglilron, in said township.
• i
Tile Election for e District composed of thy} town
shirt of frarni l rluy, will be held at the hetise lately oc
cupied by F. A- Ward, in said township. ,
The election -for the District composed of the town
ship'. of Herrick, will be held at the houie Of the fate
Warren Dimock, in said township.
The Etecuon for the District composed tf the; town
neJackson, will be hell 'at the .ho' se of Nathan
! iel !till, in said township.
,-- •
I Tire Election for the District composed of the town
! sli' oe.Te.ssuP, will be , held at the house of !Daniel
iforf in said township.' !
The Election for the -Distriel cempostid of the town
ship of Lenox,' - will be held at the house-of Grow-d:
Brotherri,- in said township. I .
1 13re Election for the District composed of the town
! sltiltroiliberty, will be held at the Selroel House tiear•
112 yO,Ot•Tlef; of Isn- Comstock,. in said triwneldp.
Tie 'Election for tne Di 4riet . composed of the'town
, shireof Latbrop,`wili !rebel] nt the 'Muse of;Elisha
Lori!, liflreriti township. •
f The Election for the District compoFeil of the town
!, shipjor. Mi.tiletown,will be held at the bOuse of, aoseph
Ross, itilsaid township. • -
The Election for the District composed Of the Bor.
! °nett of Montrose, will be held nt the, Court
.11/use in
sal I , Pori-nigh.. -
•The clectioa for the District composed of the town-
Mew-Milford; will be ltati at the braise lately
ocrnpied by Joseph 0. Pine, in said township.;
t The !Election for the district _composed of the town
.l „ship': of 04kland, will be held'itt the house of II; Nicol
in the bornogh.oeSnsuuchnnna. •
The !Election for the District composed of the town
! shitt!oj Itush,_ will be held at the house! formerly otr
by N. J. Sherwood,- in ;Said township.
1 Tito Election !Or the District composed of the town
: sliiiy ; of,Springrille, will be held at' the Rouse of Spen
i Cedllickox, in said township. •
The reetton for the District compost - 41er tilt town
; shiprof Silver Lake, will belield at the house now
cupicl by Robert Me Greigle.
The E)ection for the-District composed of the Dor
i rein ii of Susonehanna, will be held at !the house of
Benson, in said Bonnigh; ! ;
Tin... Election for the District comixist.d of the town
ships"" Tiurtnitson, will be held at - the house of Jones
; Illainliatt. in said township. ' •
I:. • !!!ilsoinake. knOwn and give notice as in and by
ifte r ltltlt section .1 the aforesaid act Liam directed,
! .4• unlit every person except Justices of *the peace,
Leh; shall hold any office or appointme4 of profit or under the United Slates, or of this State, or of
aoy r :Citylor incorporated district, whether .a COTTlfial•
I sioOd officer or agent, who is, or shall he, employed! i v i t e! the legislative, judiciary. or execntive aepart
trteriq ofthis State or United States; or! any . City or
itic#por ted district; and also, that erery met:fiber of
Cmieress, awl of the State-Legislaturel and of the
• select or, common , council of a.iy city, comniission
err; 7tierre'y incorporated district, is by law ineapable
of belling or exercising at the same time, the, offiee
er• rippointirient of dud;;.-, inspector, or Clerk Of any
elrition of this Commonwealth, and that no Inspec
tor Or Judge or other officer -of any such election,
shalt be eligible to any office then to bci voted 'epr."
Ain]. by die same act of Assembly it is alsti• made
"the duty of every Mayor, Sheriff,- Deputy Sheriff,
Alt.trman. Justice of the Peace, C'enstable or !Depo
tv Constable, of every city, county, township Or dis
tiict- within this Commoliwealth, whenever called
unflgi by nn officer of an election, or by three - qualified
dolor,: thereof, to clear any window or avenue to the
window of the place of General Electioti which shall
be'birstructed in such a way as to prevent voters from
apiireachir/g the same; and it shall be the-duty of the
reQirective Constable of . such ward, district or town-
• Ciscap,
tCc; pat ",when two or more counties
,Sball compose
a th'lnrict for the choice of a member or member of
the of this Commonwealth or otthe Howe of
Representatives of the United Statei orl of this Corn
monWealth, the Judges of the election in each coun
ty,!having met as aforesaid. the Clerks shall make
our statement of all the votes which shall have
been given at such election -a 'thin the County,. for ev.
J eri 'person voted for as such a member` or nicmbers
wideb Mall be signed by said Judges !and attested
by! tie Clerks; and one of the .aid Judges shall take
chirge of Siieh certificate and shall predate the same
at ilimeeting °tone Judge from each eaunty'.,at such
Ipa:l^e in such district, as is or mar be appointed by.
kW for the purpose, which meeting shill be held on
thdseventh day after election. - I - :
The Return Judges of, the Representative If strict
cothisosed of the counties of Susquehanna,Wyomin. ,
and Sullivan, will meet at the Court House in the Bo
rough of Montrose; in,the county of Sinsitiebinna, on
Tuday the 16th day of October nest, to perform
thiseduties enjoined by lair upon the ,aid Judges.
Also, that - in the 61st section of WI act; it is en.
°clad that "every general and special election shall
Lei opened between Eight and Tcn in gie forenoon,
and shall txrntinite without interruption or idiourn
meint until ;Seven o'clock ira the evening when the
polls ahall. be closed : ,
. Oiven under my Hand, at my, offtcei sn. we. Ito
rmigh of Montrose, the 18th day , of September MUM
DOSlgni, 1 555, and in the year of.the Oinamoinrealth
t 1 24 ieventr7ninth l : r. P. IiOLLISTpt ? Roar.
IPtsuesylvants Nftioignitest Law Li•
• briiiry..
Bini t sineloNlints.Legall Gaide.
New and Sixth ;Edition, bringing the Law
1 down to 1855. • • .
A treatise on the office and duties of Aldernien and
Justices hf the Peace in the Comnionweiltliof Penn.
sylrania,iincluding all-the required Form of Process
and Docket Entries; and embodying not only - What
may be deemed valuable to Justices of thePe,vee,
but to Landlords, Tenants, and Gederal Agents; and
making xelume what it purports to be, A Reife
Legal Gitide for :49.osineu Men. • ByJohri Bind,hde
Aldermat of_Walnut Ward,.in the City '
of Philadel
phia, The Sixth Editicm. • Revised,•correcttd, and
greatly. eidarged .by Frederick C. Brightly, Esq Au
tLor of Treatise on the Law of Costs," " Equity
Jhrisprutlenee," Prius Reports,r Editor of
"Pnrdon's Digest,'", ike.. In one thick volume. Oc
tavo. Price only 0,00. - '• '
A4o, Convict:aeon to Binn'S Justice.
Forimi.of Conrerancing, and of Practice in the.
Courts of Common; 'lean, Quarter Segsiona, Oyer and
Terminer, the Supreme and Orphan's Courts, and the
offices of the various Civil officers and Justices of the
Peace. !Fourth edition, revised, corrected, enlarged,*
and adapted to th‘ present state of the litre; with .
copious lexplanatory. -Totes and References,- and a
new full and eopmrehensive _lndei. By Robert E.
Wright,;Esq. In tone thick Octavo - volume. Price
only $3,0. Also, • ••• ,
. . ,
.. .
3. Stroud mad Brightly's -Pardon , *
BigeSt--1.700 to-I&SS.
A Digest of thq Laws of Pennsylvania, from 'the
year 1700 to the Bth day of May, 1855. The First.
Four aitions by the late John Purdy, Esq. The,
Fifth, Sixth, and seventh by the Hoit,Goorge. M.
Stroud.! I Eighth Edition Revised. with,Marginal Ref
crences.; Foot Notes to thu Judicial Decisions ; 'An- .
tilyt icat Contents ; 4 'Digested* Syllabus of each Title;
and a_, ;New, Full, And Exhaustive index. By Fred
erick (111 rightly, Esq., author of "A
-Treatise nn-the
Law of lCosts ' "Equity Jurimprudenee," "Nisi , Pri
us 'fungus," 'F.,litOr of "Binu's Jnstice," 'itc. _ One
thick 'Royal SVO.:iPrice - only 0,00. • '
r . - ' •
nplite fres - miss tun permanent value of Pur
don's Digest are preserved by the publication annu
ally of w Digesi& ) the Laws enacted in each year.—.
These L ivtateri'Dik.sts are arranged in precise con
formit to .the plan of Pardon's Digest, They • are,
6.lrh . 0 them, republished annually; are. connected •
by a General Index, ( prepared anew each
pear,) yhich emlninces the contents of the Laws of
‘ i ,
each year since thh pnblication of Purdon ' s DigeSt: in
one aliillabet ;., and are bound up -with Pardon's. Di
gest, ail also solot separately.
Thu the purchaser of Pardon's Digest will always
be in
essession of the complete body of the Statute
Laws otf, Pentisylritnia down to the very hour when,
he puthases IL Those who have already purchase d
- Pardon's Digest May always complete it to date - for
the'sm Ilk sum of. Tifty Ceata, the price of - the Vol.: .
tune coataining; all the annual Digests issued since
the tint publication'of the present edition of Purdon's .
Ingest as heretofore stated. . .
. • •-, 1. ' ' KAY ir, BROTHER, , • ,
.. BoimsEtt.x.ns ANn Prettsnatts,
- '-
- . 17 kl 9 gS mith Fi t7hPeireet,
1 i First Stoi.-e above Cliestnut,Philidelphia.
LT7OrJeN. or - Petters of 'inquiry :fol. Law Books
from thC country pro mptly attended to. - - 2Sm3
1 - Irind Fariey ILlry Goods, Groceries, Dardn-are,
Ifat.l, Ceps, Boots and Shoes, Wall -Paper, - Drily,
Dye '4...tiffs, and OW, be sold as cheap
as the 'cheapest for cash or approVed credit by -
ITarford, June 18:4. DI. JONES..
I . 3 I. R A t iC Oretleinbiue Silks of — ctTeelle
j n o t quality
tObIIE and Cashmere shawls at all price,, also
I_l l a few•mantiltits 114, •
)EAbf Iclothinn• at low prices IF --- ,
1, • - - 11. M. JONES:
id 6itiv,;(;l
• •
CJ- I Burford, Jtilk Ist, 1805.
• , ---
ASI.I paid forToairy Batter by •
• . 31 :TONES. -
. - gobd assortment of Boots aud Shoes at •••.
C-11-f . ' M. JONES.
ii. EA..",SliiiiTi4;l6.oiret.soliirie . tinarities and at
I` IOW; juices 1131 *1 M. JONES..
111 - HES will find a great variety Or Bonnets and
Ribbons at . M. JONES:-
AWNS, Clialli, .Berrege Lairs and Gin
I ;
1., -7 :MBHOIDEHING and -Window Draperies - at
' Harrold, Jiind Ist. 1855. H. M.-JONES.
. .
ook Here: ' • .
'ES.. A good assortment of the best
et. Also Table Kpives•and Forks.
ilver Fluted, Geringn Silver, :Alba
are spoons. Also Silver,. Silver
n Silver .Butter Knives.
.kitids its filar
to, and
Plated, and flrrtni
Books, &e. • :•
Oil, Ate.i - •
good. .1 I
sortrpent. and "1,.
qualit.r.: -
terns. .
;S, Bows, and all the fixtures, Vi-
Flute, Tuning Forks. In.qtruction.
Fluid, Campliene, Candles, Lanni
.RIES. A full assortment, nen- and
'ENT Mltlolls - to,. A first rate as
-1 eine. I.
generalaisortment, and of
splendid variety ot tbe neatest pat-
receit'efl, nearly e
In shoti;ileaFty
at theAltriety gtp
llontroite, June
early every thing in this branch.
A choice variety, (New supplies
cry weelL.l . .
very tiling persons want, and cheap
' of A. TURRELL.
4.1855. • •
••. • • .
." •
0431 E into the enclosure of the subscriber, in For
k.' Att,Lake township, about the of June last,
a -pale rod ytmrlir heifer, with sonic white on the
belly, Mid about half the bush of the. tail gone, appa
rently cut off. The owner is requested to pay charges
and tak4 swis the same. . SETH * . ARNEft.
Forest Lake, July 18th, 4835.
rr TIE Subscriber offers fer sale; on the most,liberal
..I. terms, one of-the best farms for making money,
in Northern Fennsyliania. The said -faith is situa(ed
in Di olok,f4tisquehanna county,convenienito aura
saw-mill. It contains 160 acres, one
hundred! and twenty five under a good state of
cultivation, well watered and fenced,,one good frame
house, 2 by,31.1 feet, two. good barns, one hundred
feet of good shed, hog house, and a good young orch
ard. all grafted fruit thereon. Posseion will be given
to suit the purchaser. For prices apply to . the pro
pOetor On'-the--premises. ' Wu. BAKER.
: DimoCk; :July 18th, 1855. • . - 28 w 4.
r-InCT..II. THAYER, takes this method of: saying
.I_./ to his friends and cludomers, th a t he t!tizi again
r6utumtthe practice of medicine, .at: his old stand at
Montrose, where he-May be fotind at all time unleim
professionally employed.. Ile would' , say to those in-,
debted•tO him, that he will deduct twenty-five per
cent on all accounts paid before the first of April next,
(or if auc poor like myself I will deduct fifty.) ,
Montrtme, Feb, 20„,1855. • r.
- -Prof. Charles Moirl4; •
UCCESSOR of - Charles Tillman, BARBER, Lir-
I-p• ing removed - his shop from its former location in
the haSeinent - of Searle'. Hotel, to the room in the
Satne building, in the rear of the bar-room•.is Prepar
i ed to exercise his art in the.most scientific manner,
on all who may be pleased toentruSt their heads or
faces to his hands. ; 841
. • ..15ash and Blinds. •
W l T l U l° = sisc : n‘t b ttlY on hand
-also to ord er
•• •
New •GOOds Cheap for Crash at the
Head of Navigation.
"HE undersigned would respectfully announce
that he is still selling Goods at the old place,
and .t , he has an entire new stock of Goods which
he will ll cheap. ;C . W. Mon. •
1)Ali 'E DELADIS for one shilling; 'Limn', hat
1../ colors, a yard wide, for one shilling, and Cali
roes at 411 p crs,it G. W. MOTra,
- MontrOse, 3!. 30, 1855.
Ca'h fo Laud Warrants.
- L. F. FITCH.
Montrive, Juno 5, 18 , . - 23w4
S. S. Itott'fl Tempe nee Saloon and
Groce •
EMOVFD from the nmr o sons A: Chandler's
Lk , building to Maine street, op ..rite the Farmet's
Store, where he intends to keep on •d a good stock
of Groceries, for We cheap for cash.: Cash paid for
EgVs. • ' - •! S. : morn.
Montrose, July 2s,
Dr. Celebrated tole•
Comporand,r •
A sovereign remedy for Dysentery, Cholera.]ifortnne,
Cholera Jafantnut or Sumter coroplaintentirely
vegetable, and has never failed in *Wile. Inatimee of
producing the desired effect. For :sale Iti bottlk at
LO cents and SI. t . _ BENTLEY t; MEAD. "
Montrose 4ned42 1 "3105. r •
At the "Esehatige,” liroehlya.
Witt Subedriter takes this opportunity ‘ Of thanking
fn. his friends for, their Ter) , liberal riationage, the
pourt season; find of 'saying to then . in addition, that, ,
*ming fuss received fresh Invoices ; of '..!, - asolustlie
cloods'o vsirtousAsetiptionts fin is still - prepared to
supply almost any article *mustily called for at si‘conn. ,
try store. Ilisea..,iortinent now complete , andl)e
lag the largest In town; oilers , ' thegreatest induce
inent to purehasnrs, either for,CiSh, liarterior Co 4
(Ikon) C.'redit.:- Call and see. -
1 Brooklyn AngastlO 1855"
avid Drags.
YEW *Cherry Pectoral—acknowledged to be
XI. the best. Pulmonary Remedy extant -Pond's.
Extract of Witch llizel—an. exceedingly valuable
remedy for divers ills—Dr. Baker's Compound—a
grand specific for,Diarrirea, - Dysentery, Cholera Mor.
us, &c.—Ayres', Jaync!s, •Phinney's and Wrights
Pills, Merchant's Gargling Oil, together-with a great
; reriety of Drugs in cotntnon use, kept constantly on
hand by 0 (G. HEMPSTEAD.
That it Livery desirable that the amnnit;)%and note 4
Odle late Arm of Smith & Hempstead•should be set.
tied, and that speedily: - 0. Cr: lIEMpSTEAD.
Brooklyn, Aug. - 1).0, 1855.
gAreTTlii r- theliariel or load, at the market rate's,'
rir highest market. price paid, for Butter,Eggs,
Lars, Farm Produce of all kind; goodgbingles,
'prime Wool Socks, &c., in Good; by
. .
:LCILOW1111.1:1111c—the subscriber' . subscriber' hasn hand,
N...) and 'is now :manufacturing, a small stock of
#eady4nrde.Clothing, of good qual4 and workman
ship,. whiCh ii offers at very low prices.'
I.3OLPTS AND SHO ES—A good aftAortment
of eziaflient'qualitiea, kept constanile- on hand
:br• ' . 0. G.
Great Attraction
. . . .
k riIHE subsC,iber would.again announce to his eus-
JL tomer:4 itmi the public generally that he tas re
',eeived a large_ assortment 'of BOOTS AND &TOES,-
l liwilich he Intends selling for Ready Pay twentrper
'een t.' cheaper than can be bonght in this market,*(th e
'Genuine Boot and Shoe Store' down Town or the
Rare Chanci,for Bartriins, up town, not etcepted.)--
"`Onah Stoah" nuiv!be found the first door East of the
Odd Fellows' Bali, Turnpike street, first floor. Al
though not quite so" commodious as some "steal's,"
yet it answers our purpose very well for the present.
Neitber can we promise our customers that our "438-
tablishment" will not be "surpassed" by any in . the
country soon, but we will promise our customers that
we will sell Boots.and ShoeS "to suit in quality and
price. Our stock embraces a general variety of new
and elegant styles of Ladies' and Gentlemen's wear,
among which are. Ladies' Silk Fox Gaiters; Colored
Gaiters, Snaraehsd Gaiters, Black and Bronsed Kos--
, suth Boots, Enameled Boots. and Enameled Buskins,
Kid Busking, Polkas, Calf Lace Boots and Buskins,
*-Misses Kid Boots, Jenny Lind-Gaiters, Gents Con
gress, 'Patent Leather, Enameled. 4,nd Buckskin Gait
ers, Patent Leather Orford Ties, Toilet Slips, French.
Calf Boots, Thick Boots, Enameled Calf and Cowhide
Brogans, Boys' Patent Lather Montererys, Kip Boots,
3c. ' Youths' Montereys and Kip TiesoChlldren'sTA!y
-lor Ties, Paridoes Roan Boots, Ex. ' Silk Boot Laces,
all colors. • ' ,
Work made to order, and repairing done neatlT.--: ,
Please call and examine.
> ; Tottrs in 'the Boot and Shoe trade; -
Montrose, Mayo. 1,1 05. C. MAIMMONS.
i , 6 , .
VROM the *enclosure of the subscriber - in Silver
L. Lake about.thel 20th of ,Slay last, four yearlings; ,
One white-sided bull,.two beiferg, o.;t pale red the
otbctr.hrindle; . one red steer. Whoever will giVe any.
information of the above will be liberally rewarded.
Silver Lake . June 18th, 1855. - 2s—w3.
- --- • - - -
TRAY ED or stolen a livereolered' Pointer Deg.
1 , ..7 The above reward mill be.paid to anv - One return
inglint to. tiaa - store - of " • A: LATIIROP 8; Co.
Montrose, un.T2tb,1855. 2.5—w3
• Ilayang
A good assortment , Sectltel, Snaths i Rakes, Forks,
.1 - 1 —and 2 kinds; of Horse Rake.s—and superior .
'Receiving Rake's; at F. B. CHANDLER'S
June 20th, 1855 . •
Paint* and Oils.
INK Pala, -Blattegifire Proof Paint, Linseed and
Lanip Oil, 'Fluid and Phosgene sold low by
June 20th, 1855:: ,•'
. .
BY the Barrel,',S , aek or pound- . •
/ Montrose, Juno 20th, 18,551 '
l Ai A i ls ,a 'T riL lL io tAS, Laces,,
Las-ns, Fas i ß li t. o .ra na v e ,
lo ti n o n i ts, ed f:::; 11 11a . r5 (1 , , , .
1 choice assortment i in each department,) a splendid
tot of moire antique Trimming, Staple- Goods of large .
variety, Clothing, (a large stock,) Gents! and Boys'.
Rats, (silk and summer.) ,Cloths very
loyr, Calicoes
j from 4 cents to 1 shilling, Carpets, Matting, Oil-cloth,
' i r and Rugs. 1 • - ' ; _
-'. liinrdWare=-Germati.Silver &Plated Spoons,
iKnives and Forks. ! •-• , - . :
_ , i, Groceries—Fish, a fine assortment of Teas,
ICoffees, Broma Tapies, Rice, Chocolate; Raisins,.
Ground Coffee, Corn Starch.
- Perfumery—Bay Water, Toilet do., Genirr
Farena, do. &tracts, German Coloi,me, a large stock
of Fancy Soaps, itc: Sc._ •
Farming Tooli--ilay Forks, Scythe Snatbs,
: Rakes, Ac. itm : . - ' I. L. POST dr CO. •
[Fpnliiishing Establishment.
rl -1 11E , subscriber keeps constantly on hand, and will
I make to order, Doors, Blinds, Windows & Window
,sash ; Poor and whitlow -flames and all other articles
!made of wood and Used in building.
Blinds painted and hung on short notice; Glass of
fall sizes, quantities and qualitieifor sale.
flooring planed and, matched at ,SI6 a $2O per
~!•1000 feet: Turnip of all kinds done to order, also_
:a general assortment of CABINET WARE.
Bureaus, Tables, r Stands of AR Varieties, . Chairs,
.Bedsteads, Settees, &c., ke.
1 Good Pine, ,Cherry and Whitewood lumber, and
I IGrain of all kinds taken in exchange for the,above.
r:. • ti'Terms read pay, or three niamtbs time ap
=proved credit. • Afl orders addressed to me will re
;ceire prompt attention. . JACOB TAYLOR.
Lanesboro, June 118th,: 1855..-
1- • -
THF' subscriber would intbrui the citizens"ofMont
-I.rose and the that be has bought
'the Grocery formerly kept by F, 11. Fordham A: Co.,
iin Lyons and Chandler's building on Chestnut street,
iin the borough of Montrose, where he has a fresh as
emtment of Grocerib' and will keep 'constantly on
lhand, - Flour, Oyster 4., C l hiese, Sugars, Syrup, Molasses,
IMackerel, Nuts, Candies, Toys, Oranges and Lemons,
tFigs, Prunes, Sardines, Soaps, Vinegar, Coffee, dried
jPeaches and Plums, Herring, sack Salt, Pim, Cakes,
Beer, Yankee Notions, and other things too twiner
on:.4 to mention,,whieh will be sold cheapfor cash or
mast kinds or country produce. Call and see.' A
Share of public patrOnage Is solicited. S. S. MOTT.
Montrose, March l ; , 1855.
BUTTER WANTED. The highest market prices.
Twill be paid in cash for good Dairy Butter by-'
S. ff. &.D. SAYRE.
J”noir 2Gth, 1854,1
. .
;WANTED, in exchange for Goods, Eggs, Paper
.Rags, Beeswax, Grim of all kindicand Cash.
Montrose. Jut. 6.1855. ,A. TURREL.
, • Bonnets at Reduced IPriees.
11.1 BURRITY will sell bis remaining stock of Silk,
Lawu and. Straw ,Bonnets, a good assortment,
l ift reduced Pricis to close the business of the season t
many of them at milt. • - •
New Milford, dine 18th, 1855, 25
.':TE shall receive during the present week, a largo
T addition to preset it stock ofSUMMTM GOMM.
'which eslll render the assortment comple'te, and to
;which we invite the attention of all who wish to buy
Goode cheep. , BENTLEY & .READ..
• Montrose, June, 28th, 1855.
C. D. Virgil Dentist has taken rooms orer.F. D.
Ciuidlerestore, w ere it will be his pleasure to gee
his friends as quick as possible. C. D. VIRGI4
May 2, 1855. Resident Dentist.
A N active and ir
Jetr's a age.
;wirhing to acquire
himaett useful, win
plication shortly, to
New Milford. Jal
tK ,WANT/ElOl. •
delllgeut young man of *bout 17
wanted is clerk in **tom. One
!he busineaa and dpond , * make
. find good encouragement ,by ag•
' - H. BURRI'IT. -
Is 22. 105. -
lypOß sale at the
Horse Rakes. •
turner's Rzekkange by
i •
HOSE. t.41/00111S
fq i 4 DRUFF cb ,BLDR - E.O
TTArs rem. cd:tokAle blunt district; where they
.11. will be glad to See all their old customers and
MI many new ones as please to give them
They intend to keep-a.geueral assortamms of Stoves
of. the beat kind and tputliii; itiong - Which may be
aunt' PIRENIX and PARAGON .AIR-271012A '
ELEVATED -OVEN A fl-noire, 'cLuirrosr; and
WESTERN 'OVEN. Tile ,Elexated Oren - Stoves all
ve double fire-placek Which nihke? them Air ;tape. ,
rkw to the single firerplace Stoves.. We keep 'etc ,
Meetly on hand.* general ahsoittncht-or TINWARE
ofe first rate quality, for home trade; .also; Weil and
Llsterei\l'umps, rump Chains and Reels; Lead Pipe
of allsites, dappanned.Ware, &e. kc., an of_ which
they promise to sell cheap for ready pay or approve,
credit.. Joh \ work dahe with.despatch and in order..
• S. A. WOODRUFF:. GAL- ELDwar. •
Montroee. - _ *7-11
'THE L111611(71‘11110 EXEIRIESSI'
Time •
Saved !-- - -41tie,- Reduced..? 7 .--. Through
IIAWLEi# JENKS' • •-• '
.I:TATE formed n iSyt,nershit in Montrot4firr the
1.1 purpose of , doing everybody's TILACK..- . .
SISITIIIING; at theold stand, near Beeler's
tel. We . Have perehased an entire new stock 62
/R.O4V, comprising it full ?assortment kinds,
rect from the city. 'S'ire shall rkeeP„- consbnitifen'
hand, Ulster, round and 'square Na il Rods; Cast Steel
Toe-cork Rods Refined Tyre . Iton;, filt \ sleeii,
Iron, Spring'Ste' i• large assortm ent of elar/nobly('
Iron, Coil Chains' efirriare-Bolts ; Etc. &e.
W..460./S 4 C . ./VD RR IA dgg
, _
Ironed on short untine, and stoek found, or 'mask to
order thr6ughout, aft may best snit , our patrons..
• All business nen/Medi:ma must be settled Anse a
year. Short settlements and. long Biondi. is
motto.. • -- •
By strict attenthinfAci business we ho'pe tn - reeeka -
a Miami share of patronage. All work warranted.
N. B. - A gootl_!,Journenmin wanted, to wheal!'
steady employment and high wages Oven:
A. E. HAWLEY. / _trans Jmnat.
Montrose, Mar 211. I Si& , 2271
1. ! N ew 00044;,•,, cheap for -
_ Cash.
el W. 114)TT has ;list received another lotto!' NeW
Goods, Such Brake. Detainee; , De
Bages, Collars Bnihrolderies, Lawns, ke.,...wls.ich he
offers at very. loin prices. Summer Shitwls, a new lot:
some beautiful patterns,at very low prices, also Black .
Silk Shawls equally. loin for Cash.- - • -
Parasols latest style at - • C.' W. iroTrs.
Black Dress Silk tt-splendld article, at' C.
• Sumer Stu ff s hi 'great varieties, at C. 'W. IL •
Groceries of all kitls,,' very cheap. - Syrupy a flr.sf
-rate article at bOctb:per gallon. • You haie only to,
call and examine, tb become satisfied that the "Bead.
Of Nayigatioh " is the : place to buy Cheap. '
Wanted.. • -
Butter, Eggs, -Hatns, Lard, Socks, in fact ill ; lands .
of : i: s mut/7 Produce . in , exc.hange . for goods at Cash
Montrose, June 1,5, 1855.
Nei. Goods.
lIE T subscrlbei., is in - etiattint receipt of li . crf
.Goods, in, hiS; line of - business; nearly everc
week. The public-Will find his intsortntent•go.
his articles new and l of good quality. The stock eo: •
abaft as usual of Dings, -.Valli:tett, Paints, Oils,
Stuffs, Groceries, Fancy Goods, <felonry, Perylim , •
ry, ee. Store at the lower end of the burnt district.,
Montriose, June 8, 1855. A. TURICELL._
BookS,'. Books, Books!
fr HE subscribettiould inform his friends and th,
I. public generally that he has on handlthelargetf
and best selected assortment of Books and Stationery -
to lie found any where in Susquehanna county, which' ,
he will sell for ready pay- at prices that:cannot ran acs
suit. • ;
Among the miscellaneous Books mar- be - found the.,
Life of Washington', Jackson, Taylor, Isaac T.
per, Horace Greeley, P . T, Barnurti,,andlotlers ;Star
Papers, (Beecher.) Humanity in the City, (Chapitr,)-
Bell Smith Abroa d{ ' My Courtship and its Consequent-_
es, (Wykotr,) Ruth - Hall, (Fanny Fern,), also Fern'
Leaves, first -and Second series American Agitatom
and Reformers, •Thnughts and Things at Home snit
Abroad, 'Getting Meng, The Old Inn, Hood's Works . ,
Stanhope' Burleigh, ''rhe News Boy,- L ;Dow's Com
plete Works, The Slave of the Lamp, The Escaped.
Nun, Lewie or the . Beaded Twig, 'Memoirs -of the
- Countess Blessington, 2 vols. Goid..smith's Animated'
Nature, The Chenilstry of Common Life, "Clarke's
Commentary, Neve Testament, - Barnes' Notes, cm-
Buck's'Religious Anecdotes, TestaeutN .Ir
from pocket size to large family, Hymn, Prate:-,
Gift, Toy i Scrap, Site, , Receipt, , and Blank !Stooks
all sizes, &e. &c. • . -
School.Books 7 -411.kinds used in the county Or fu:-
•nished on short notice. ,
, Law Books—X good iatiety constantly on hand 07
furnished to order.'l
-StationiTy. A good lot first rate writing paper et
1 shilling per qnireit-Gold and Steel Pens—Writing'
ink, the best in use, besides lota of other articles ton;
numerous to mention. Please - call and examine, be:-
fine purchasing elsewhere, at the Montrose Post Of
fice. A. N. EULLARD.
Montrose, August ,15. 185fp. 1 - .
• Choice, Blooded Stock. •• -
rrliE subscriber nilt offer for sale, at public inc
l.- don, at his - ;Renee, Okla_ m il e lrese of Sum
mersville, on Thnis y thellBth day of Gaoher, is
°head of choice Devon-Cowl and Tpung Steck, and I
very extra 'Devon DuILSZe to ' trice at I,e
-clock. Six monthilcredit app ved .notes. ,
GE(. 11 - ARRISOIi•.. '
New 3111 ford, Sept. 18 1805. 1 • v 87v.-"..
ILateit styles of Dress Goods, Roots •
Shoes, Up
ke:. Leather & Findings, Giniberias k Provi sions;—.
"At the Red Fing Store.. RENRY.IIIOIIDTNEY.
Lodersville Sept. 1 .8, 1855 \ 85x8.
. -
CIDER 1111 ILLS: , •
II MILLS for sale. - Inquire at the office of Bent ,
ley &Fitch in Montrose, or .itt thS.residence of the
sub.scriber, in Ararat, Susqu i rkco., Pa. •
C. A ' -
1171101MgALE and retail dealer In Oil, Ciunphenei
V V Fluid and Hall Lamps,' Girandolo, Chios and
Flower Vases, Crockery,.' China,' and Glass Ware.
Plated and yule) , Goods, also Canipheiie andpuld at
the lowest cash prices; at 65 Bona; Nsw Yon - .
eiA-; -116 mi
THE Fall `term - of this Institution will continence
, on) Wednesday, September 12th; under; the
charge of the following teachers 7,
- Principal, Mr. Joint L. 3lttts of Tale College; Pip ,
eeptresa t Miss Fitauers Wowmourn ; .. Teacherol
Music, Miss EMILY' C. thacKlter.
Students can obtain board with families in town 'at
reasonable rates. -13y order 7 of the Trustees...
Executor's Notice.
.ALL: persons indebted to the estate cif Thomi-i
Wherteroft, late of Forest Late township, deceased;;
are hereby notified to make haniediate paynierit, and
those having claims against said estate•will - present
them dulyauthentieated for settlement,
Forest Lake, July - 81, 185 S: -. •
' • 'New York Prices •-• • -
ARE - now being paid by A. Lathrop & - Co. to el
those who consign their butter and imetuee to them :
They having made arrangetnenta are now enabled t.
genitall kinds otproduce to Newlrork and to set;
the the highest .market price's. All tbaze
who with good prieettand quirk returns we 'incite to
tall upon ' • A. LATHROP dr CO. •
Montrose. May l * 1856,
ing ril undersigned have this day ' aisimiated under.
1. the firm of Diekeratan and Garnett, for the pur
pose ortrinuateting the mernantile business at the (Ad
'stand ofJ. Diekernutn J:DICSERMAN Jr.
New Milford; July 28 Mb. . •
itAry Notre and accounts can be found at the obi
Ili stand' and I trust all ;will see the nseassity et'
eettliug - witbout further notice.
• --
AH persons indebted - tn. the - estate.or Ila-'ll% B.
Worden l late of thetownship 0(1 'glamor', leixsoKid,
are hereby notified to make immediate ingiltant, mid
acloshiving claims against said estate'orßPreSent
them'duly authenticated forseitlement.
Also, all persons having books in their peasession
belonging to the late Eld. Worden are Molested to
return thews's-to Ma late residence in Jackson.'
_ REu - Bmr mums, - ; 1161 ,,
Jackson, August 20, 185 S,
'on oil!
Vmmod'OU =aline 'aint. side' by
• " . KO. CiIAnoLEIL
Nontrpssi, Jujke 18*