2•WfoA I 'o~iff~c ' - - REPUBLICAN ... .. - ! !! -•- • •? - MASSE- . NIASSI CONVENTION. ,4 1 • - ' I ' Pursuant to n4published mil, signed by a . large nufnbctj o 'persons, the. Freemen of Bradford. Count, Withont regard to:former --; - - . party a. , 11 - F,crelationsi assembled in the Court IlauSe,in Towanda, on Monday evening, Sep tember- 10th,1715, for .tile purpose. of Organ izingJ a Republican party, and placing in nom t,. • ination a Republican. CountYllcket. . ! ~ . The Convention Was called to - order by! !.- Allen McKean, - ufron whose ;motion . the fol . ! • 11 • loWingtramed- persons were elected ,officers: _i! President--4ARON CIIMUCK, Esq.,. of Orwell. . 11 H. nee Pres deri ts-LM. H. Codding, Peter Sterigere, N4-C.lHarris, L. S. Keeler, S. W. Park, Hanson Spalding, George Terry, Geo.. F. Horton, jolt F. Long, N.T. - Dickerson, Earl Nichola!, -1 - ' sephifsCaminbell. Jehial Mc , Kean , Perry! 13.!!Pratt, Wm. H. Vandyke; S. H. - NewniaM Stlephen Bullock, Ulysses-Moo dy, Rober;; Bull, WM. Blake, J.: K. Martin, Berij..Saxteli, llstri,S , on Ross, Geo. W. Elli- i 'o#, - Ezekiel Car!'r., A. D. Foss, C. T. Bliss, i Cyrus BlitiodgoOd, - .D. B. Cooper, Jeremiah 1 Hollon,DarrieoDecker, Zebulon Frisbie, H. i _ Gibbs, E. B. CA:rolbaugh,j.4l....l4. Hinman, i James!Haverly, William Waltman, James ! r! `..' Hedge, Danieliailey, William Seely, Ilee, 1 .tor Owensi, J. O. Towner, John A. Moody, William Tait,l4, C. H. Ames; David Farns worth, Darus.Ottilock z •David 8. - 'Sniith, 0. WI A. - Vincent, V. Y. Glines, D..F.' Hildreth; i i .. George A. Stephens, George Vaiinds.s, Peter • Monroe, Bela 11Cogswell, Harry Ackley, -N. - N. Betts, M. C: Mercur, Janes Elliott, W. W. Eastaboks, IL L. Scott, E. W. Hale, Alvin W. ! !hoinas, Ezra' Loomis, B. S. Da • ritt, E. Newhdrry, S. C. Hovey, J. L. Gorse-. line, Colebliel,.ll.iles Prince, Lorenzo Grin . nell, Hump rey Moshier, t j. B. G: Babcock, S. • William Sibley, jirstus Lewis, Cha's. Hornet, ,T. M. Reed 4 'Samuel Coolbaugh, J.,L. Jones, I. L. Turrell.. l ' . _ - : Secretaries 4E. - A. Parsons, E. 0. Geod . rich, 0. IL . 1); Kinney,- E. C. Wells,'• J. B. Ingham, Saii i nr3l Reynolds, .S. R. Crane, B. . e F.*Powell. 11. ' -' • .• • , ' 1 The objedt othe meeting having been stat 7 , . ed , on motion f Henry W. , Traev the chair man.l . appointed ! ! ! a committee to draft resolir., tions expressive of .the sense of 'the Convent . ~ 11 tiOni consis - ting of the:following mined per-' , 'sons: . ! .I[ ' - . . Commitie l eoit.Resolutions--Elepry W. Tra-• cy, Ulysses Mercur, Henry Booth, John B; Hines, E. R. ! INV& Edward Crandal, Allen McKean, Gorden F. Masan; Guy 11., Wat kins, Sturges.Squircs, J. M. Martin, Trumann M. Beach`, GriFrwold Mathews; Paul D. Mor row, Isaac N ! liEvans. , . . . 1 4- On mot - Orilla James H.'W ebb, the chair-. man appoiteii the folloWing named persons i fl a committee to r e epoit to the Convention the names of Candidirtds'for a Republican County • .zTicket I 11 Committee'on Candidates-3as', 11. Webb, -John. B. Stereffre, C. Moshier, D: B. Cotton, . Isaac 'N.. Eslins, John F. Dodge, .Charles ~- K napp, flltrans Ale Kean,. Frederick .IV.liite-.. ' head, Uel C.- Porten,- dial P. Slade, Stephen • Bullock, ',LI lyisSes " Moody, - Edward, Hornet; _ Ahira Gaif, Ezra Spalding, Ezekiel .r arr, J. S. - Crawford, :iJacob Campbell, Stephen' Er mis, A. D. Foss, Ezra HOlcontlz, Freeman -Sweet, Dimi l el Decker, Hiram Sweet.. Den-. .- fnis Darlifig,.'f Julius Gorham, -James . Haver ley, Jacob Streby; J. H. Marsh, George . W: . Brink, fD: Chaffee, ,E._.W. Towner; William Steyens, C. 'l'. -Cove], D. B.' Culver, William Tripp, C.-f A. l . Lyman. S. R. Crane, O. A. Vie -cent, H. W. Root, H. L. Scott, W. 11. Dea ~ - er,.Stephen t),.,,,i1; W. W. Easthbrooks, W. C. Bogart, Jere Culp, IV. ,Barrowclig .Ed-. ward KeIaINI!E. 11. Forrest.-'Hanson Elsbree, - Hiram Taylor, - Henry . Gaylord, C. K..lng ' ham; Jehn . 10. Ilines,l. P. Spalding, 'C. S. White; .Hiram Stone; Henry Noble, Joel • Tuttle. I: •4• - . During the absence of the committees, Hon. .. f DAvin WILikIOT, being called for, addressed „ • the convention with his usual ; ability and do , ,quence—depicting the growing arrogande and . multiplied 'Usurpations of the Slave-Power, - - andillustraling the necessity-for united as - - II it.„ -, • ;tion on tbe-part of the :North. At the eon 1, elusion. Of his remarks, the committee:an res. if ' . ,:olutions ; through their chairman, _H. W. Tra ,l . cy, made the following report: • • . WHERE.t., The . true object of_ party or- . . ganizationfi r to settle the principles and policy. .. f f • , . upon which the • goVernment should .he admin- • CFI — Hen i Beinamin F. 'antler, (General • istered,and parties are of no value in our per I . Jackson's United States .Atiorney General) . . litical system exceptas they represent the real lone of the leaders of .the Democrats .of New issues by Which the people are divided-, and I, York, iSfoot in ,favor Of the Republican Con: when they 'cease so to do, and tend to distract I fvention, he...says ' • -' I:have rejoiced and *ill . .the efforts Of those who are united in sentiment, l- rejoice in every demonstration of the popular . f the publieffwelfare imperatively demands that `sentiment In the Free States against the re .... they he re-constructed upon the real ,vital is-', peal of the MiSsouri ComprOMise, and in fa sues which affect the interests and enlist the J vor of the; 'restoration of. that .ordinance of . . feelings ofthe people: And_ whereas, the. ques- }..freedom.': f The injustice and iniquity- of that . tions of plblic policy which in times past hav'e •repeal shOuld never 'lbe forgiven, nor 'should divided the two great parties of the country, the - peep*of the Free States - rest -satisfied have becotne tifminorimportance,and another - Witb any {thing short of its rene.*al. --: If it questiOn ilia arisen, so absorbing in itsebarac- I cannot be ff restored fin forin to the statute ter and se. momentous in its consequences to' hook, it must be reeistablished in fact. by the the pres4it aud future welfare of thination, ! perpetual lexclusion of the. Territory Original .. thatour pOliticaldfferencesupon other matters ly embraced in it from - admission - into the seem trivial in ..:omparison,and to longerjusti- .-12.iiion,. extept with the Character and attri .. ' . -4° the separate political action of those who bute of . flee State....' , - . Off' are united upon this_ great question. • There- I . fore, f - Resolv4d, That the question which now - overwheins all others by its magnitude i l-is , one of kreedem .or Slavery—whether this - governitent shall hereafter fulfill the design of its, foiiiiders as 'set forth in the constitu ., . - f• . tion, .‘ 4 toestabli.sh justice; to ensure domestic ~- . trang illity. to provide for the common- de febee4- prOnote _the general welfare f and secur . the blessings offlibertyto ,ourselves and our f . • '', posteritY,,Tor whether the chief end of its ex- { : istence.h'ereafter Shall be. to extend and - per- .. petaate flin. free territory _the area and the j :curse of lhaman bondage. . I - -- - Besoliled;That while we claim' no pOwer to interfere') with .slavery in States where it now - exists, *fe believe that the National Govern ' ment shbuld be relieved from all connection ... with, oraccountability for. it. . :.. . .. &aoked, That the repeal of the.Missonri g • • Compromise was a violation of the National li f f . ' . faith. end a wanton outrage upon `the` rights of the `ree States ; and that it- was the first - step of th . e conspiracy against freedom, which , - • haa:fimi4 its appropriate and intended sequel , f •, . • in the lowless attempts of a Missouri mob; .. .instigated by a conspicuous friend Of the Na.., .. . timml 4dministration, and connived atf and . - sanctioned by the same, to force the'eurse of ::-- . .. • alaystryruponthe the_ of Kansas ; and we' . • • x&ot, ly . oppose- the - extension of slavery over o ji r national territories, but- also the au-• inis' aiort_offinynew . slavu.stateS iwthe Union, . believing that, as our national, domain, is free -.'iftforia -slitiery, in the absence of any positive • f , claw eitOlishing it, we are justified in making reedt4.si.ccindition - of -their -adniiisiott into • -: • • the sieferhtsud . of State_ s:::. ~ - , .. ~_ ' ..tiescilved, - That: eve &roll favor of the re , off! the - presieOtf, „Fu g itive. - Slave •law,Aie- Isis, it:l f frirtitally suspends (hi siON4 writ of habeal txiipus, • and takes away the right of I •triat'lay jury.- 1 - -i -: : :l I - . 'Resolved, That the recent attemptott.the; I part of the Federal JUdiciary to authorize, by I judicial construction , the holding of slaves iti this COnimonwe4th, And thti imprisOninenti . l. [without trial, of nitiietts ot the free Stites, 4 , : 1 Federal Judiciary, is a bold invasion'of pert 1 sonal• liberty, a ylolation of the guaranteed [riglitS of StateS, and an assiunption of Feder! '., 1 - al power that should lie resisted determined- 1 I [3- by everyfriend of personal and civil freed; 1 , dem,and we call. upon bur National Repre sentatives,soon to assemble, to prefer articles of Impeachment against the Federal Judge who. has thus - oflVmled. .- . 'Resoked, TIM the gross negle'et of the Na tionahAdministration• to extend its protecting 1 care over thelaW-abiding citizens of Kansas, I land its having reineved Gov. Reeder Oahe I e. ' per pw s o ona e l r' evinces si.lfetyand i ?i t Y P i3S nl o y f . a re d p i l s e r s t t gar 9f d 't o h,; :t s l l l ae lthe inhabitants thereot L but , t settled; purpose ``to connive at till lawless in asion . -of her ter ''t.. - • i ritory by.'hand l of Missouri ruffians; and calls loudly upon NOrthern Freemen Ito unite together for thel 'purpose 'of placing . in the Presidentiarcrair a man who recogoizes the rights of the ISl(#th, and. who will so natninis- . ter the government as to. protect our citizens I in - the enjoyment of their rights -andrestore -1 Our government to the poliey of itst founders. I . ..liaolred, That Whiletve;diselann all con ilection with other ouljaal organizations, yet we Cordially • incite 'all who- approve of . the I 1 principles set loi•th in theseresolutions, - with- t 1 out. regard 'to their former -political: associa , I tions,.to . unite and co-operao, with its for the I t purpose of, restoring the• ItttninisThttion of this government to its orwitial Purity,.auil 1 directing its e hies to 6,13 accmr„plislinient , of - its true objet, as set fOrth in the Consti tution. " ' Resolved, That we bail the nomination of Passamae Witii.oisox lis Canal Coininission- I '-er, by the Repliblican State Convention; re-1 cently as•sembl4l, :IS indicative of public sy in- 1 patty fo r his unjust imProlintent, and' f de testation towards the - . representative of the Slave power which placedlint there; and in= asrduch . as • every. vote:. last for FaSsmore Williamson is a. withering i rebuke to that Of *ficial, and emanly assertiOo of state rights, he shall receive our united and Cordial sup-. port. • . • -1' '. . 1 . - •1• - 1 • On motion, the resointions were tinani; mously and 'entiliusiastieally adopti.id. . James 1.1.. Webb, Chairman of the:Com mittee to nominate Candidates - then reported that the following ticket had nnanithously . _ i' been memos-ended to ilie Convention : ~ , 1_ For Reives'cittative4-.—rurratpotornew La porte, of Durell, J adstni Holcomb, of Rome. For 'County Conin:?is4iontr.—Perley .11. Buck, of Pike.!' ' . ', -.-:.' For Treq starr,'—hzra Q, KellOgg, of Men-1 roe. . 1 ' 1- • • F0r.,4 iiditoi4i--ChristoPher Child, of Smith- ; field,. 4i: The report of the COlninittee was confirm ed by - the Conyention ':J.without a 'dissenting I • voice. . t •. ; . •1 . ' The Conventionwa4tben addre.ssed by MI • • - W. Tracy, Ulysses 4ercur, Henry Booth, 1 • -i- .-. .. and B; Laporte, in able and spiritc.d remarks, 1 • H eliciting the fi'etpient and hearty applause o f their huge au iwrY. .1 On motion "f Allen McKean; the following ' resolution tea-unaiiiinouSly adopted : - •'. Resolvcd, 'lle.t the! l)i-Liderit be hereby authorized tO ' appoilit , a - Standing County I i Cuminittee-c4sisting !,of' thirteen, to serve for -the ensuing yl2ar, whose ditty it shall be here after to appoint, ,Commi tees bf Vigilance -in the sevi.riil Li colon' distyieti; ,of the Coun ty, and - woreleti etoally . to perfect a perma-. rent orgauir r i.lion- of the 11cpublicanparty. 1 - Whereupopi the ,Chair appointed,` the fol lowing name personSas a Repuhlican.Stand ing County c ommittee.( •• ; • Allen Iki'lilean,-E 0.1 ,Goodr 'ell, Win. C. Begrat, p. F. Mason ; Ji. 'B. G. Dabcock; Eu-. gene Reeler, ,John AIA Goading, - Win. 1-I, Vandyke, N., S. Vincent, Samuel DavidsonE. C. Kellodg,C. - F. Nichols, Ira C.,Bullock: On 'Motion of 131 . yises.lieretir,.the follow ing resolutions: were -tinanimOusly adopted : 1. .i. • ;Resolted, That the - ticket this night ,nomi nated meets our cordial apnrobationi and we i - • pledge ourselves to :use our niost active and energetic efforts tO secure its election. - - • .ifeadeed,[ That the proceedings of this Con vention be Published in all -the papers of this County, and in other. papers ;thrdlighout the State 'favorable .to the 'Republican party. '•-On motion, the=COnVention then _adjourn ed. [Sig nod by the Officers.) • '_. .. . .LA IT Eiak DHLPARTSIENT.--411e •Yar, mouth- (iassachnietp.) Register itates• that j the sateti Of AatuiCouth from fires' has, of late, depended efith;ely upon the effOrts of the I :volunteer fire companies evoked for the occa - 'Dick eotnpanies ara cimipl)sed• chief- 1 .ly of ladies,..and have proVed their efficiency 1 on two !several occasions during the past fort- night. • r The Register says that `Lithe vigor ous edr6se att6ndant upon' these exertions So much improvje the complexion land:height . - len the leharins Of the ladieS, that . Seventl des-. I.perate ibiali.lors 'have expresSed their triteri tion. td 4etTii . re to, ) . ion)ti other buildings for the plasure of seeing the Nepal-tment'larn out hi le - IThe 'taco eolotted keen, Custis and Ballard who were: convicted of Assault -and Battery; on;901. Jphn Wheeler, were brouOt up, on Satu.oay last, mid sentenced by, Ju4gt. Kei~y - c to pay l a fin di IQ and costs,and to tine week's nitpristanneni. • !7..." Isn't it strange,"'llsked a friend the other d i tty, that Sir Isaae Newton -Should'eV er - -ha‘,.'.e indulged . in I eloWnish - freaker'— " When did he ?I . Why, when he *as divid ing the rays of light, to . :e: isure-- , -for : wasn't that - railing, lip ' • fuot-ra4 I .e is Ic:orne off in Seneca County 011ie, at the t h e 't annual fair in Oct., sunoni the ladig:i ! lire° splendoi prizes, the least of all" wll is - ItAyinty -five do.Tlars in gold, Kili be offdred. N Judge Iluv kiol,.of the New York Superior Court, *lat. delivered a legal opiniOn,"affirfniug theiconstitutionality of the NewNooE grohibitol liquor law, BusitsT4ss CARDS. T. B. Okcbt u d, 31. D.. 13ITYSICIAN AND:SURGEON, Jackatin, Snop:. Hanna county, I'a: ifi RCAICUCC at the rostvi , e. • Hill '$ Lamb, ABINET 3tAKEII P, havg recently opened a wdre- C room in Nem...Milford, I a., and will keep elm stautly on hand all kinds of Cabinet-ware ; also Relo:i -made Coffins.• - Funertils attended with or withont a hearse. Ware-room die trlc "apposite J. Diekerman's Store. a- New Milford, May 15, 1855. A. kg. Bsldvrin, • -I ff Ai.cußscTrßEUs ni SADDLES, lIAR'StSS, ll Trunks., Whips Ac., In the Basemetq of Stmile's • Hotel arose, Pa. . !CZ 0118, I3OOT AND SIIOeIIINICER. Shop firAt door Fast of Odd Fellow's' Turnpike et:, Monp:olte. . • , Ncr., ;Singleton • AN now be, .fonnj tit his new stand on Owe ;l) at. two dgers swest ei3f 'Searle's Hotel, where• he ep feetually with dispatch, Watches; Chicks, Jewelry, Guns, and every - description of Machinery. Wbel cutting; Guti and Watch matenials• sup i lied. to tho trnde. ' • _ • Dri.:ll cIURGEON DENTO7', Montrose, Pa., at Searle's CI. Hotel, Mondaysfana Tuesdays of each weal . :. - He nry S. Knapp, • . ~ A lONTROSE,; PA.,: with Row, ltroodr . l7: it 'Car .l.ll. tEr, Wholesalo Grocers and Conninsston 'Mer chants, No. 173 WaSliington street, betweenCourt ' . audt and Dey strectf, l ..Veto )'ork. —L.-- 1, • CS.lob Weeks— QADPLE, 11.1_11N P;.'9, TRUNK MAKER and Car -10 tinge - Trimmer.) shop at his dwelling house, early opposite Henry plinherls. Montrose., Pa. I Wl).er ei.:Fowler, - • A ,TTORNEYS .COTNSELLORS AT , 4.%,W, ./."1: and SolicitorslnlChaneery, 011iep No, 41 Clarke street, Chicago, . • Pacific Hotel, eIIif.ENWICH 13TREET, (near BroadAray,}; Xric Yo.r/.7. SaliFintry S; Co., Proprietors., y , lit the cieinitj•_ of the printiipal tf atilt) oa t landingls , . .- ! •- • - Tho mas Ingstrum. i• • . IIEALER IN DitY GOODS ` Groe rie e , s, Clothing, Crockery, Ito