Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, September 20, 1855, Image 3

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    . • .
1 .PROOLiii,driiv . .
. ,
I N i i,tirsupte of In ' act of the General Assembly of
dm Cotinnonnealth, of Pennsylvania, entitled an
'tam erlatinglo the Elections tithe Commonwealth,"
approVed: the second day of July A. D. ene. thousand
eight hundied and thirty-nine, , ,l, P.. lIOLLISTER,
High Sheritrof. the County ofEusqueltanna t in said hereby girei notice to the electors
of thelcciunty aforesaid that a general Election will he•
held in said county on the second Tuesday of October
next, (it being the 9th, day of aid month) at which
time State and County
_officer*: are to- be elected as
followS, to witesses k . e . • , •
• .onelperson to fill' . the o ffi ce of Canal Commissioner
of theiboarti of ' Pennsylvania. •• l: .
Twe persons to .fill - the office of Members of the I
House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of i
Pennsylvania; for the District Composed - of the Coati
ties of Suessiielituma, Wyoming and Sullivan: - •
• • Onef, person to fi ll the office cif County Commission
er of the county of Susquehanna. fill the officer Of Auditor of the coun
ty of SteSquelianna. , . 1. .
1 .
OneepPrson to fill the office of Treasures ' of the coun
.ty of Susqurib.inna. ; ' - • ' •
- I also hereby make known and give' notice that the
plaeeselor holding the -General Election in the several
'Wards Boroughs and Townships within the county
of Susquelnuturi, are' as : follows, :t.o wit: •
ThelEleetion for the District ConiposPd of thetown
ship or ApOlaeon, -will hie held at the house of Joseph
Reeliej 1 n Said townshiP. -.
The e i for Distriet coati toeed of the township
of Arafa t , will !s e hell at the Sehool Rouse near the
Presbyterian IChercli, ire said township. - -
The ..le. s etien for the Di , ti ict Compos e d of-the town
ship et-Auburn, willhe held at. the house of Geo rg e
I3av, , ilr, in said township. f,. .
The I:leetion for-the townshi p of Bridgewater, will
be held efthe Corgi horse in the Boeoureh of Mont.
• .-
trose. 1 • ' li
The 'Electien for the Dist' set composed of the town
ship of lbookivn, Will be held at the house•formely
occupied by Q. A. Eldridge in ,said township.
The Electioo for the District composed of the town.
ship or Clioconut, will be.1e. , 11 at the School House, .
near the Mortise. ot Robert Giffin, hi the ;mid town
ship. - e ', . 1 ; -
• The election for the District composed of the town
ship' ofClifford ' will be held at the house formerly oc
cupied hr :bit' hur Smith, in the Borough of Dundafr.
The tieetiO'n for thp I)istrici,Cemposed. of the Bor.'
ough of Duedarf. will !.b, - .... held arthe DundalT lietel,in
said Bierough.. i' I • - .I •
The Elxtion for the Distlict composed ofthe town.
ship of l)iittock, will he held at. the Renee of John
Baker, in said township.: . ... ,
The election for the Dist r ict composed of the towns
*ship 'of Forest Lake, Will be held at the house lately
occepjell by Preserved Hinds, in said township.
The election for the Distriet Compesedof the tetvd,
ship of Franklin, *ill he held. at, the, house of Rufus
Tuttle, in said township. '
The tileetion for the Boroug h vi' Friends villovill be
held in the School 'tense in said Borough.
The Election for the District compoeed of the tewn
ship of Creeat Bend, 'tri ll be held at .the-house of Al
fred Allen in said township; . •
• The Election for the District ca tuposed of the town
ship of Gibson, , will by held at the house of JoSeph
Washburn, in geld township. •
The Election for the District composed of the.triwn
ship of Marfetel, *ill be held at 'the 'house of , Nathan
W. Waldron, bileaid township, .
The Election for IL c Dietriee composed of the town
ship of flurniony, will he held at the'house lately oc-•
cupied bY - F. A. Wald, in said township. • -
-The election for the District 'Composed' of the to wn
ehip ofllerrick, will be held at-the house ,of the late
Warren Diniocke . in said township.
-The Election for the District composed tf the town
ship of Jeckson, will be held at.the house of Nathan
I Vet Hill, in said township.
! •' The Election for the District composed of the town-'
I ship of Jessup, will be held at ::the house of Daniel
e - .llofr in said township. - • . ,i! ;
' • The Eliectionfor the District Compoetelef the town
.ship of Lenox, will he held at
,the house of Grow- &
Brothers, in' said - township, e.- .
- . The El ttlori forthe:Distriet ebmpoeed of the towns'
ship ofLi earty, will be held at the School Rouse near •
the reeish nce.of lettac ComstoCk; in said township.
The Election for the 111-trietComposed of the town.
ship of Lathrop, wili be held aOthe hbuse of Elisha
'Lord, in'eaid township. - • . • ,
.The EM'eeion for the District c:iropoeerlof the total.
ship of Miditetown,will l'e held al the house of Joseph
'Roes, in laid township. 1 .
. The Election for the District c'emposeel of the Bor
ough of Mientrsese, will be hell eft the Court 'louse in ~
said Borriugh. e
The chiction fer the Di-met cu n nposed of ithe toWnH,
ship of Ml.•ir 31ilterd, will be hell, at the htmee lately,'
I occupied by .Teeeph 0. Pine, in staid township.. • I
1-1 - The EltVolon for the district critnpoeed of the town
!. ship of Oakland,. Will be held at the house of R. Nicol
in the boi 4 otedi of Smermehanna..i. -
The Elskoorefer the District composed of the town
ship re Ritsb, will be held at the house formerly oce
copied bytN, .1. Sherwood, iril•Ald township. - . -
The Eleetioe fu: - the Dietriet_cqinposed of the town
ship. of Spiihgrille, will be held at the Ifoitee of Spen
rerllickon, in said township.. ~, . " ; . '
The Electton for the District ceilmosed el'
ship of Silrer Lake, will be held. etlthe .I. lo e e e tt ow 0e...
enpled by Robert Mc Greigle. 'e; - •' - ' '
The Eleetion for the District composed Of the Bor.
oneh Of Slieequelinna. Will be leld at the house of
Elliot Benson, in. said Borough. -!' . ,
The Eleption for the bistriet reimposed of the town
. ,
shipl.Thinnpsori, Will be held atthe house of Jonas
Blandiido in said township. ' • ;',
1 . 'l.. ,
I also niake knownand give notice as in and by
the 13th sectioa of the afore? :id fact I am directed,
"that evert' person except Justices of the peace,
Who shall hold anv office or appefinment or profit ,or
.. . -
t I trust underi the United States. orpf this State, or of
I ant city erlincorperated district, Whether a cominie
i sioned otfieet or seem, who is, or shall be, employed
I.- under the legielatire; judiciary or: executive depart
' ment .d this State ot. Ueited Settee, :or any city or
ineorpor :di,:e let ~, eel also. thetevery member of
Coneeees, and of the. State Legi4lattire, and of the
select or trimmint cannel; of :hie City. or commission
! ererof any incorporated district, iv, by law incapable
leifideepineser exerei4ngat the. same time ' the office
, or appoirent of Judge. inspeettn or : Clirk of .any -
election o f this Cominonweelth, mei hat no Inspec
l tar or Judges or other-offitser of tiny such election,
I . shall he eligible to arty office. tlieri, to be soted for."
1 And by tlae same act of; Aseemilly it is also made
, "the duty ;of every Mayor, Sher*, Deputy Sheriff,
I Alderman, jueiiee of the peace, t2onstable or Depu.
1 tv Constable, of every city, county ; township. or die
!, t:iet within this Commonwealth; 'wheneier called
! upon b an officer of an election, Orhy.three qualified
'. electors thereof, to-clear any minable oravenue tothe
1 window ofrie place of General Eiection which shall'
be obstruct d in such a war as to tirerent voters from ,
r !, approaelthng. the rtrne; end it elialltbethe duty of the
I reseectiveonstable of such Ward, district or town=
:- ship withi nthis' Commonwealth,l:to be present in.
I' person or by deptity,'"at the plaCe of holding such
I. Elections, in such ward,dienict or!; township, for the
! purpose of tpreeervieg the•peace 'es aforeiaid.," .
{ , Also thatl'in the 4th section of . ' the ad. Of Aeeetne ,
I blv entitled ' An act relating to executions and for
I ather.purpoSee,” approved April filth, 18.40, it is en- i
[acted that tide aforesaid 13th. seetten, " shall not be
construed a to prevent any rnilititiollicer orilMroLgh
1. cons trued
officer from erring as Judge, Inepecto.r, ore'Clerk at
i i eve general or special', election in this - Common
-1 sejaltli." •• • . .
Puriment o the provisions contused in the Tath
section_ of the act aforesaid. the Jtcrigee of the afore
' said district 'hall reepeceiveiy tnkeirliarge of the
tificate or re urnof the election Of their - respective t .
,' districts, an produce them at a meetingoroneJudge
I from 'each district at the Court House in the Borough
lof Montrose, lon the-third day after; th e day of election'
, I r being the Present year en F . ridav the lettii day :of 06-
I tober next, there to do and -peiforrn the duties re-
I qttired by ir.tlw_ of said judges. Also that - where a
.Judge by sit•knese or unavoidable occident is Unable
to attend' said ineetingeofJudges, then the certificate
tor return afore.said-shall be taken Charge of by one
of the Inpetitots or` Clerks of the election ofsaid die
trite; who, shall do and perform the duties required of
! said Judge unable to attend. . ... . i
i Also, that in the 81st section of Maid act it is enac
-I.ted tha t ..;‘, whn. tan. or more counties shall compose
. _aaliatrict for the choice -of a mereb4 or members of
theiSenaik of this Commonwealth. or of the House of
Representati4s of the United Stets* or of this Com
repnw.ealth, the Judges of the eleetion in each eosin-.
ty, hierine met as aforesaid, the Clerks shall make
out a fairletatiement-of all the rotesilerhich shall have
been e given at : such election a ithin the county, for ev
-1 err personvoted t as each a rnetaber or members
, . v or 6
which thill he' signed by said,. judges and att e sted
,' by the Clerks; . and one of the said 4udges shall, take
I charge of, sue): certificate and shall tirodrsce the amp
I,,at ameetiog Of one Jiidge from each 'county a4ttch
• ------------- e-- - -- , Ipace in sitch klistridt, as is or mar, fie ePpointred : by'
Dr. ipli ri- t i erls , Celebrated Vegetable 1 hiw for. the phrpose, which meetitig!etiall be held on 1 ' Compound, , , • i theeerentli li a r afirt eI ec eon. -•PI '• ; •
A . sorereignii emedy for .Dys..enteey, Cholera -Iforbueel, The Rt4urrl'Judgee of the RepreSentative District
~rerlera !Tiif#nturn or Summer complaintntitely •i. composed of ithe (*unties ofSizsquebana.Wyorning,'
r ,p z.e i t u a e s in t s i and has never felled in a single instance of i and Stifferan, ;will Meet at the Courf,ll use in the 80,
, 1 the desired effect. For sale in bottles at . I rough of Ifetitrose,;in the county of i Suequehanna, on
4 ' CeiltS nt”, , BENTLEY & READ. . I, Tuesday thee If4h : der of October next, to perform
liontrOse Aueust•°2 1865 I those duties:enjoihed by law upon the said Judges:
eo .
itttrt Eram. ---D----- 1 ' Also, ' that 'lin the cast section of Raid act, it is en
- Trtp Naht Il
I 1 octed that "every general and •special election Shall
1) - ori't he forgetful, fiends., one and all— '" ibe opened bntween Eight and. Ten ;hi the forenoon,
- . Aged Or youthful, great or sma ll— '• , ' I 'and thall•conthme - without itsterruption. or adjourn.
i_ \ (If not 100 sl aw- -' - - I meat until Seven, o'clock in. the erening when the
•• ThSt at Odd Fellow? Ball; • • • polls shall be closed' ; -
Is the place te call, ' . . 1 Given under my Hand, it my' - offlem, in "the 'Bo
.To get your faces done up talt. - - . 1 rough of Montrose, the 18th .day of September Ann°
, 'II. ,:, • - 1 •
W. EC - pgAXst„ i Domini, - 1856 4 and In' the year of the: Commonweal th
• . e i o ntrostAuguet 15, 1f165, • - . ,-1 tie seventl.44nth,. Fcr../101.1, !ST, ER, Sheriff,
r ". — '
I , - ' . , , . 4
Susquehanna Teachers' Insiltute.,
4 Teachers' Institute will be held incthe village of
Bert Milford, the sessions of which . will commence on
theevening of Monday the 1 bth, and dose on the
morning of Saturday the 20th day. of October nest.
Its central location and facility of access render it
one of the most favorable opportunities for the .250
Teaehers of Susquehanna county to asseml , le for in
strnetion and mutual improvement that could be of I
fired: all the northern, southern, and - western por- 1
tient!! of the county can teach. it either by stage or
railrpid, - there being two trains on the railroad car-
ving passengers each - way morning and afternoon.
Among the eminent instructors are, Dr, Calvin Cot:
iter of 'Massachusetts, Prof. Stoddard of Warne coun
ty, Prof C. W. Sand ers, the author, Prof. J. P. Wick
.ershatn of Lancaster, and Prof.-C. R, Coburn of .To ,
Wanda. An able corps from the above list will be
Present to conduct the exercises; in addition to which
will he Prof. W. Richardson of this county, and Mr.
Gey'er, - County Superintendent of Bradford county,—
Other eminent teatters are expected as visitors.
1 flood board will be furnished at p tivate houses at
theiste of $1,50 to $2,00 perwcek, and:at public.
Hurries at $1 off regular price. it can snfsty bd
cents per day Tor the four.
estimated not to exceed '25
or $Re days the Inst i tu tion will be in session; •
The.instructors charge only their travelling ex.:
enms for attendance, tchick Mill pleb:JAp range, per.
icor-her, from 40 El) 50 cents,. • - ••
1 There will be a committee' at the railroad depot
and I public houses, who, upon the araivalof teachers,
will inform them as to boarding places.
It is earnestly desired that all who purpose attend
big the Institute will write immediately to, Dr. A.
Staid?, Yew 31i1fOrd, Chairman of above named coin;
mittee. , • •
Teiteliers of Susquehanna! prepare.xrallf in all
your strength. Net less than two hondred 'teachers
should be present at the Institute in October next.--
Come up and sustain the good work so
-gloriously in
iagurated one year ago. The. tithes demand it—
yOursfuture labors, to be performed, demand ii—the
inituests of the Common Schools demand it;
and who
shall be found wanting, under the pressure. of such
weighty responsibilitlea? October must surely ans
w ; and, fellow teachers, will vou.not labor to pm
setaerecord, at that time,. worthy old Susquehanna
- B. F. TE,WKSBURY,,Cion..•
•... .
ratl tanin a grelt 'burry ! . Why, what's the
matter now? 0, , aching, only Bullard over
there at the Postoffice has just recoil-6d by Rtiilroad
E l prens, a new - tat of Books and Stationery, and •I
wain some before they are all gone. • r:S, thaeg so.
Come on, for he has got Mary Lyndon, The Hidden
Path, My Bondage and Freedom (F. Douglass,) Ber
thaandlillie,, Hood's Choice Works in sett.of - four
volt. &c. &c.,. Young Folks' Glee Book, A variety of
popular Song Books, and a large addition to his stock
of Writing Paper, Envelopes and Ink—all of the best
quality; and •cheap for the neatly, at the Postoffice,
~door north of L. Searle's !Intel. • .
MontioSe, Sept. 19, 185.5. *A: N. BULLARD.
- PALL TRADE, 1855.
BEG leave to invite th,e'attention of my . old friend:i
and customers to the 'I I .ERY LA RO E _STOCK
BOOTS SIIO ES Ac., &c.,l'Am now receiving, and
while tendering .than for: pald favors. I WOUld
specifull3- milt them . tince more . -ta- favor me with a
..tbr‘rt of the patronage they, have heretofore so liber
ally liotiored me - 7 J. H. SUTPHIN.
C tnnler ville, Sept. 18, '1855.
R . . 4 INaitd PrOduce of all kinds wanted at the
bicbest market prices at J. H. SUTPEHN'S.
ri011) WOOL SOCKS wanted at •
1 • J. 11. SUTPITIN's
SI7GcRS, cheaper than they can be, obtained clAt
caber at. - J. H. SUTPIIIN's.
In Full Ulan. . -
Two :11itndred, : and Seventyl , F7Ve - Stoves for
• ! :sale"by Dickerman Garratt.
TITE,I,:ire in receipt pf the largest Stock of .Stoves
V , ever - . offered in, Xorthe,n P-ennsykania, pon
sisting .of. Cooking, Parlor, and Six-plate. both - for
treoef aniteml asSot•tntent of largo
for Sa:i ',xis: and Chareliest
11"tiuld call particular attention to the , Jeffersoedan
Elevated l gven, the Most perfect and heaviest plate
store in Mia-let. Among our (vv.! rtm , mt of large
even, would mention the Empire State improved, as
beingdrery heavy pleites, perfect ni:=l), and a superi
or, Farmers OS.Sll 4 lleeh.lella county, you have
been in the habit oflmrchasing Ii , ht stores and light
tximatin , ;, and .pavini• {1,4 much as alltn _ought -to •for
plates and hea' trimming. '.
V I C, manufacture ourYfurniture, - and will sell at man
cf,ecirt.rts. pr i ces . those who reava maker profit
compete' I with us
,irthey can. -Inbhing connected
with the , tin trade, donr,its tt.nal-on short notice.
New Milford, Sept - 18, 18.55. .
Fresh Arrival , of New Goods at
Dickerrnan & Garra-tre.
Tr 4 7.-,,:.,7,- - would — respeetfully inform the
good people of Susquehanna county that they
are now:opening their stock of Fall and "Winter Dry
:'Goodii o Which is unusually large and attractive ; all of
:which' will be sold for cash or approved credit cheap- .
er thin t aay other establishment in the county.
Wr what we sat. Please give us a trial.
Sept 15, 1E55. •
.pposed to be Cheap,
wand dollars worth of Ready-Made Cloth-•
NeW Milford, Sept. 18, 1855.
Sheriff's. Sale. -
11011111' virtue of a writ of 'Fa., issued out of the
I/ Court of Coinmon Plitas of Susquehanna county
and to me directed, 1 win, expose to sale by public
vendue, at the Court House in Montrose, on Satur
day the Gbh day of October next,' at 1 O'clock r: t.,
aP that certain piece or parcel of laud situate and be
ing,in 'thetownship 'of Apalacon,in Susquehanna . co.,
bounded and desttiked as follows, to wit :
C)u th4north mid north-east by landis of James
Sus; Hails; James Brisford, and George
Brink; oM;the south 'by hinds of Avery Beebe; south
west by lauds of Ankil Fox, and north-west 'lry lands
of the said. James Hause—hein,g, the same-lulls con
veyed tO Haase :by three certain deeds. The
first JuMcii Haase and.wife to Ezekiel Haase, dated
Jane 12"th,"11551 ;' the 2i, Jatnes Haae aryl wife to
Ezekiel liaise, .dated May 12th, 1853, and the 3d,-
caave3ed Hy Avery Beebe and the said Ezeki,
eillad.rtlated,January I•Gth, 1854—a1l of which are
recorded ht . ; the...Offtce for 'recording deeds in and for
the counts ',of • Susquehanna, as follows : Peed Book
No. 241 - , 'page $4B; Deed Book No. 22, page 653, and
Deed IltaiklNO.- 22, page 654—containinr , in all about
16 acres, hi! the Same-more or less; wit'stheinotiste
talatts:olW, framed dwelling house and oneold house,
(untettaMe,)sorne fruit trees, and all improved. -
Taken iii execution at the suit of Edward C. Tur
ner, totheHnse. of-John O.Arnold, vs. Ezekiel Ha use.
Sberin•idEee, Montrose, Sept. 18, 1855. •
• - _
r •
• I norszuourr WORDS%
Sinug F it,o Relationss—French Stddiers in CampL-
Epetrimeas of the Alehmidsts, (chapter 2)-,-Fiend-Fan
e"--chips, Shafts--Curiosities' of-London—
t nder the Sea—A . Dear Cup (...blTire—The School
of t - lit 7 Fairies"—Latest Intelligence from Spirits--A
asion ofillnuras-,Clits and Dotts- 7 Back at Trinity
- /lire—Tito ephews.:—The. Yellow Mask, (twelve .
.e- 4, ..Terr,"!---lil'hittington in Seri-hi—The Angel—More
edenly4-h e Audit Board—The Old roar's Head—
Routine-B r . Philip Stubbs—The Roving English !
GiUrgaio to Bucharest—A Lip in the Brine—
Pi.lasiOners—Alesantier the First—lnfant Gar,
Enfortainate James. Dale , y—Sardinitin Forests
and Fislierfes—A - Legal Fiction—Nuntv
Garden Walkft—More Grist to the fro
rte Past'--A Poet's Home—Wigs.
Ca a ietu; l . DIX fi EDWARDS
• '; . 10 Park Place, New fork.
Adininistration 'Not Ire;
X, OTIF:,!is hereby given that letters of administra
thati qpon the estate of Stn 4.n • StARS, lute of
Dimoelt lowatip, deed, have Le en ;„•;•anted to th . 1 •
e me
derAgn.eel, and all pereznig .
will ~ , l ea.4e Blake immelfatte payalent,and those liar
present the same dale nuf f sthd f or
JO4N. W. GRAY, i
,ept, 4, 1855 . - 35wG.
Fair and Cattle Show t
No/arose, Oct
?or thibest Durham Dull, two y'
2d bst, • ...
For this; best Devon Bell, do.
2d bO • st,
For din; best Grade or Mixed,..
• 2d liest„ . 4
For beet C r ow; as regards form and
2d bget , '
For th 4 bat niileh Cow as appears
For th§best two years old Heifer...l
2d 45t,
For thebest lot of store Calves, not
2d I
3d bitst,
For theibest pair ofWorking Oxen
2d beist,
3d best,: ,
For theibest pair two year old Ste ,
2d bat -
Bd twist,
For thelAst tot of Yearflop, not
2d IWist,
3d tOst,
To tin. ;:iwnship that will send to
ten reko of Working Oien,
2d..... :• • • •
ti /, sutra.,
For thet?beAA finemooted
For theibest south Down and Mid
For the h est tong wooled
For the best lot of fine wooled Ewe
2d befit, ; .. •.. . .... • ....
For the beet lot of South Down or In
.2d bat,
For the best lot of Jong wooled,. • •
2d b4t,
4 .
For . the peft Boar,
2d beit,.
Best Soil.,
2d he'at,
Beet lot of ....
2d beat,
For best :stailion* for all work,
Best broOd i Mare, with colt by her ti
2d beSl,.
Best pair,'lnatel!ed Horses, raised in
2d. beSt,
For the lest lot; of any .- breed , not le.
'2ll be 5;,.....
3d beit,
, ;!
For the fi:estfirkin'Uf Butter, ' ... \
2dr hest,— .„ .. .............. •. {
3 - d be 4, 1
For the best Cheese, not less than 25
.2d best,
~ GARDEN vrorrAtt.tsj
Best vAriety, .• . % I
2e best, `. ' 1
1 1 ; IIeRVIT. ..
For the ltt variety of Fill apples, not less than half
bushel,..,. • 2,04
2d Bev' 1 .' • 1
Bt specinten of Grapes,.... I 0 AO
. 2d best; _ • 1 1,00
1 ' ' ItONF.T. .
For the b/st 26113 Honey, from the hive without de
stroiing the Bees,, • 0 ilil
2A:hest; • • 1 • "
• • 1,00
For the bilst Flannel, not less than ten yards,— .3,64
2d best! . • - I .
2,Q0 l
3d bes'tj ' ,
1 (ll
'For the best Wooleu.Cloth, d . o . . i ;l,f a it
ad best : - ' ~• 2,60
3d best,! • .I
~ -
I ill)
For the bit Woohfn Carpeting, not 1,54 than fifteen•
2.d be.-ti I, I `2,141
... .
For the bet Ti.lo Carpet, do.-...., ... ... . . ... a.oh.
.2d best, II - ) . 2(4 . 1
For the tniA 'Rat of any deeription`l,
•2d hest;' • ..)
For the bqk palfdozet,' Woolen Socks!,
2‘l best.: ' I.
Fpille lAsOrnamental Needlework.
merit._ -
For the hest Worsted crock, certificate
For the best 'variety of Flowers, certifi
- For the bet lot - Sole lather,
Pest lot of Barnes:t leather, • ...
nest lot of Calf
st doubh! Carnage harnem
best Biddle and
For t.
xhibition of Cabinet Wet
For tirzb
2d best,,:
general use,..
nit. the best El
9.d best,
For the beAt Harrow,.
" best Cultirator
" best Coen Stalk
" best Corn Sheller,.
" best Churn,
• " best Ox Cart,........
" best Horse rake,
" best Hay rigging,
"`. best Farm Wagon,
" best lot'of Butter Firkins and
" best! Cbeeae Preas, .. i .
To the 'Oerscip who shall exhibit any
hia own invention, which, in the opinion of tL
mittee, is worthy of merit,
Pitxxttrua rho Gnaw are to be awlarded at
meeting of the'societr in January. ..
, For the best c*lp of Winter Wheat, not leas than two
2d best;
'' : ' do 1 8,00
For the bestcrop of Spring Wheat, do i • 5,00
2d best, • : _, do 8,00
For the best crop of Corn,not less than three arres,s,oo
2d be5t,.:...' . .. d 0.1.. :....3,00
For the best crop of Potatoes, not less than one half
acre L. • ' 51 , 0
2d best,.;, doi 3,00
For the best - ICooking Store, cast in the enty, certifL•
Cate of merit. • .
For the beet clot of Ilorse Shoes for the 'd. -. .$l,OO
For the besrfor the farm, ........ .1.. ..1,00
To the Farmer who will sheer the greatest results
from his fmnt, for the past year, in, prop4tion to the
number of acres improved, a, cerfic*e of merit
and, .......,' _ .1 5 , 00
2d best!.: „do. -
, „ .. , . ~ . •do . . do . . 3,01)
The EXectitive Committee in presentil l
nt g the pre
;Blus for 1055; are gratified in offering to compet
itors the most liberal list-that has been, laid before
them ; and it is 'hoped the exhibition will be more ex•
tensive than itt itny former period. ',There never wes
a time when the Agricultural interest waS so prom
inent in' the County, and held out - srph i . ducements.
It is trusted therefore; that an instxtudo which has
t es
aided so esseptiillv'to develop the 'resou ' of the
county will be liberally supported." Applicants for pre
miums on Grain ',and Potatoes are requested to give
the mode of cultivation, and furnishithe .4ociety with
complete prtiof of the quantity raised. lApplicants
fer premlumi!on,Milch Cops for Butter, teillstate the
greatest quantity made hi any one week during the
Personsjpresetithag Agricultural implei
requested tofbritiskt a description of. tin
To enable the 'Committee to give an ad
terest to the exhibition, it is earnestly req
those who take an interest in the Rumex,*
ciety, and whi) *mess any thing that is
or curious, will send it for inspection.
' : TIIO6. Jour:sox,
N. B. Irani thinghas been overlooked
houncement of premiums, it will be r raft
plication toaq.member of the committee.
Silsquehaupva Cana rra ir
• • .1 • tie Sliaxv. ••
•The followhpg be,.n,
state ensuing Fitir and Cattle show, to tali
the 11th Octotter,.lss. •
"toles 01f bigll.l and Cm:B---ThomA:
David Wakeleis!, J. Ater.
Judges on
.Ifrorkilig Ozen, , ond the Ten
from any rowiiship--JmueslC.asion, F. It
Dillis Justin. -
Jg44es on `gift Matched Siteis atter BO Caine,
three and two years otd—Ara,d Wakeleei Garry Law,
C. J. Curtis. • -
Judges on. row .gtock,ineNding Heiffre Year
lings astd Ca/O—Rufus Smith„Stanly
mon Sterwna. ' •
Judges .on ShOjr—Joel Turrell, Jao. S.lBlrcbard,
William Vet),
• Judges on goirt&—Beary. Bailey, 8., - o.lltabeock,
Alaasori Main ' , - I
jia g e s oie Itiorites-iVirilliam C. Ward, 800 Searle,
Berljak in. Ayres. .', , 1 •
• i
ledges ea Posittry—Williaret IL Post, JoriagNack,
N. O. Warw. : , '
o be held in
art old and up-
• • • ' 5,00
appearenee. 5,00
8 00
rem results, 5,00
• 3,00
H .2,00
ass man five, 5,0 f
1 - • 21°°
, . 5,00
than five,.3,00
e Fair (116 bst
• 15N
.. 2,00
Ic Wooled, 8,00
not less than
riddle wooled :1;00
.. .2050
• 3,00
3 , 00
: 1 , 0 0
Ide, 5,00
...... .3,00
`be .county,. 15,04)
3 00
s titan six, .3,40
, certificate of
i ofmerit
'ate of merit
inmf. '
• i . 13 , 00
1.- - 0 0 0
- 1
2,05, - - ;'C. A. BALDWIN.
• 2,00 ti ATIIOIISALE and retail dealer in Oil, Camphene,
i . 2,00:: I. V Iluid and Hall Lamps, farandoles, China and
2,00. Flower YaseS, . Crockery, China, and Glass Ware,
2,06 I Plated and Fancy Goods, also Camphene and Fluid at
2,00' l ' the lowest cash prices, at 65 Bowtar, Niti YORE
......2,00 i CITY: i - 136m4
2,00. "-- -- -4- --------_______ _
.2,00':1 rrIlE Fall iTerrn of this Institution will commence
•orl i on Wcidnesday, September 12th; . under the
1..' I charge of thd following teachers: 1 •
'Principal, 31r. Jons L. Mitts of Yale College; Pre
ceptress, Siiis FRANCTF J. Wootwowrit ; Teaeher of
"-pie, Miss Esitx C. Iltacrotss. •
Students c an obtain board with families in town at
'9n/tide rates. Ity,onler of the Trustees.
enlq, are
, itional
ieated that
! of the So-
in the an
lied, on ap-
Id Cat-
plzee cr,3
hest mir
• sructats on nutter qn.l Cheese—lsaac L. Post, Jo ,
seph Tranker, Abel Cassedr.
..,..facigra on- -Tre f/ drib/a, Phil!, aid Roney—D. D.
Warner,' Wiliam 1). Cdpc, S. A. Newt on ,
Judge', Farming finplements....eakii c arm l,j;
John Harrington, 2 •
Judge n Single and Double airriageL•HLennard
Searle, G. Z. blinock, jiarites
Judaea. on Leather—Wm. Sisri
wens Chilies Stoddard.
Juilgei on Harness and Sages—J: H. Sutphin,
Samuel Bard, Henry Clemons.
Jitd,oes on Cabinet 11'4:irk—Lorenzo- Bach, E. Back.
us, Wm :M . Boyd. ; • ;
Ju.dgei off. Best Beguile from any .
,Faint, and s *
Grain 4nd Cider rinegar—lSaac P. Baker, Rodney
Jewett, Daniel McCollum. • - •
Judgeit on Domestic Hanuraetteret--& Be Clutsis,
Mrs. Jailaes }Casson, Mrs. Abel Cassedy.
Judgtp on Ornamental Needle Work, 1 Worsted
w 6 ,,,k7, 2 1,d Fl owe rs—Mrs. Vim. L. Post, *S. WM: -
J. Turrell,lirs. A. Chamberlin.
Judgeit on. the Plotighinp .batch—Abel.Cassedi,
John F.!Deisiast, Samuel W. Tewksbury.
Arcrie!ing . :, Jes Sup, L. P. -
Fitch, Charles FoSter: j
The foregoing Judges who are able attend, are
- earnestly requested to report themselves at nine o'.
clock mate morning of the Fair, at the Ticket Office
by the Fait' ground, as it is of the utmost importance
to the Well'ordering of the Exhibition thatkhe sever.,
al Judges should be able to proceed early lo the busi
ness in hind. • By otter of the' Ex.• Com.
Ploughing Natelt.-1
The Kong/ling Matchlof the Susquehanna County
Agricultnral Society will take place at 2' o'clock in
the aftemioon of W . ednciday the 10th of October, on
the tient of David Post, Esq., in the rt4ri of Henry
Drinker'S premises. 1
For the Best Ploughing, (Iforses 4
orAxen;) $.5,00
41 hest. i ,00
3d best " - 4 - 1 • 3,00 ,
4th hest • " " 1 - , 2,00
. • ,sth best .t ". 1 1,00 '
TO unsuccessful competitor a Badge of tile
'Societye will be given as a recognition of merit In
coming forward to further the great cause of agricttl
ture.i •:, ' • • TflO'S. NICHOLSON, 1 .
1 - ! .• A. BALDWIN, - ' Ex. Com;
THOS. JOHNSON, .l, * 'i
jr The following premiums have been recom
mended at a meeting of the Agricultural Society io
be added to those alrtlady published :.
Fo thb best sirgle 5,00
For the best lot of Cows, not less than five, 5,00
For the best flit Ox or Cow, " 3,0 k)
For the best Single or Double Cartiage,:", 5,00.'
Th i e b6t lot of spring Pip, not less than 4, 3,00
DAL pOrtable•Cider Press, 3,00
Be:.4t s`,gillons Cider Vinegar, ' 2,00
Seton4f, best do., . ' . . —l,OO
'lest matched 3 year olds, ' • 5,00
The premiums forßutter are to be awarded for the
best ntade in the several months of June, July, and
• ,
August. ,
. .
'Ata Meeting of the Susquehanna tounty 4g
ricultnral--,Soci;24.y in Montrose, on Saturday, Septem
ber 15, 11455, the following Preamble and Resolutions
were unanimously adopted : , . • „
- ligirrript,, The introduction of valuable Neat Stock
and otheritionit-stic animals into this county, through
the agendy of members of the Agricultural Society;
has contributed greatly to promote the interests of
the farinet ; •and has manifested that our lands are-adt
mirably tadapted to grazing and dairy purpOses; and:
in order (more fully to develope our 'relc - mess, 4
healthful eormictition innst he still.further encouraged
by the enlareement of the Premium List, and •othet'
inducemUnts, in ordel- that the Farmer may trotteritp.i, I
predate Ate natural advantages of -the soil; There 4
fore— i ',. . , ';
Reaolrell, That the ,Chairman of ;•the Executive
Committee be directed to correspond with frion-resi4
dent land, niftters in New York and philad'e,lptiia, ot',.
their reprk?tentatiyes, soliciting contributions in aid
of the objetii of this Society, with an assurance that
it will be'ttip ropriated so as to create among our
Fanners a'Att.4ne for improvement, and, thus eventu
ally te:xl lii-the promotion and advancement of the'
general agfieultural interests of the county.
Roo/e.4, 'That . the grateful thanks of thisSociety'
are • herebk. tendered to'Szungel C. 3foAon,.Esq.„ of
Philadelphia; for•h is liberal dOnation of ottehundrett
.au4 ; Witieb the Society appreeates mare high-;
lv, as evincing a .lesire so truly.disimeresteil to fur-1'
ther its objects.. Thous* Ntratotsos, .1
ALFA Fab Ilatnw:* ; Ex. Corn.
Tut vas Jon*sta*, '' . , 1
._ I •
Choice Blooded Stock.;
ripllE'sulseriber will ofTer for sale, nt puhlic sue-,
Lion, t his residence, one mile west of Sum:
1 mersville, cin'Thiirsday the 18th day of Ociober,. 13
head_of choice. Devon Cows and Young StoCk, and 1
very - extra !Devon 13u11. Sale to commence! at 10%
clock: Sixiinontbs credit on approved notes. .
New Mill rd qept. 18, 1835: 37w:1
`SEW tit ILL it WINTEii
Latest stile:A of Drem. Goods,- Boots .Shoes, Up
pc. Leather & Findings, Groceries & Precisions.—
; At the ReTplag Store. RENRY NIC'KINNEY.
Loderssille ;Sept. 6, 185.5 35w8.
CIDER nuiLLs. • H
3IILLS for sale. Inquire at the office of Bea
ley & Fitch iii Montrose, or at the residencet,of the
subscriber, iri.Ararat, Su:squ'a co., Pa.
! . A. BUSHNELL. ,
BOoks, Books, Books
er would inform bls friends and the
•11y that he has on hand the largest
, sortment of Books and Stationery
in Susquehanna eounty,which
at prices that cannoti fail to
1. -- AT
rrsTIE sui
pithlic e
and best selet.
1 to be found tt.ttY,
1 he will sell for re:
_suit. . t
Among theimiscellan
Life' of , 'Washington, Jac.
~ per, Horace Greeley, P, T..
Papers, (Beecher.) Humanity ,
! Bell Smith Mil-ond, My Courtship
es, (Wykoft;) i Ruth Hall, (Fanny .
:`Leares first lind second series Ank
t and Reformers, !Thoughts and Things
3 'Abroad, Getting' Alon„, , P; The Old Ina, I
i Stanhope Burleigh, The News Boy, L. _
1 plete Works, The Slave of the Lamp. The
is Nun, Lewie or the Bended Twig, Memoirs ,
Countess BlesSlngton, 2 vols. Goldsmith's Aniina
Nature, The Chemistry- of Common Life,_ Clarke .
Commentary, ;New Testament, BarneS' ' N ot e !!, on
1 same, Buck's Religions Anecdotes, Testaments, 131-
i Ides, from pocket size to large comity, Hymn, Prayo,
'•Gift, Toy, • Se-a ,)) Note, Receipt, and Blank Blocks of
all sizes, &e. &,c,;
School Booka-- ! -all kinds used in the county or fur
; nished on sbor't notice. • 1
ILau, B`ooki-4-4 good variety constantly on hind or
[famished to orilek . I
. .
- &alio/try. i A good lot first rate w riling pajer at
1 shilling per (juke—Gold and Steel Pens—Writing
llnk, the 1)64 in Use, besides lots of other artieWs too
numerous to mention. Please call and examine, be
fore purchasing elsewhere, at' the Montrose Pct Of
-1 tire. ... ; . A. N. BULLARD.
1. Montrose, Ang,ust le, ]853:
Executors' Notice
'All persons Indebted- to the estate of Eld. J. B.
Worden, late of the township or Jackson, deceased,
are hereby notAed to make immediate payMent i . and
those having el•Zins against said estate:will present
them duly authimiicated fors•ettlement. '
A tin all pettons having hooks in their pdssettsion
belonging to the late Eld,,Worden are requested to
return the samd, to hiR Ist , r-sicl..uce Jaekson 4
Jgclison„4.wina :94
• . leitecutor')% Nonce. „
ALL persona Indebted to the,estate of Thomas
Whesteroft, late ot Forest Lake township, deceased,
are bereby notified to make immediate payment! and
those hiring clabis against Said est Ate will present
them duly authenticated for settlement.
• wr,tr,riim 800m,n17 ,
Forest Lajte,!July 81, 1855.
, , •
York Price*
ARE now being paid by A. Lathrop k Co. tq air
those who ccinsagn'tbeir butter and prodUceio them.
They having rude strriusgements are now enabled to
iscnd all kinds of produce to New York and to.;sell
the same at theibighist market prices. All • those
who wish good Once* and quick returns we invite to ,
call upon ! • A. LATHROP & to).
osttro*. May 1,.1855.
. .
- . ..
Peunsyltania Mtikistrates 9 Law Lt
-,, . - brary.
t - I Winn Myrick..
litiOsircifis Mont!! teltall Guide7e
New Ittul- I Sixth Editioh: bringing the tin
- . I dolor to 1855. . . i
A treatise do the office and duties of Aldermen au 1
Juaticee dike Vette in the 'Commonwealth of Penn 1
sylvania, including alt tiot . requireti forms Of P i
and Docket, Entries ; and ewbedying not only wha
may be deemed valuable to Justices of die Peace
but to Landlords, Tenants, and General AgelitS i attcti
making thin volume what it purpotts to be; A Safi
Legal °nide for Business Men. By John Binn, late
Alderman of . Walnut Ward,-in the City of Philadel
phia. . The E‘ixth Edition. Revised, corrected,. andi
greatly enlarged by Predeifek. C. Brightly, Esq., Au-i
thor of "A. Treatise on the Law of Costa," "Equity
durispiudertee," "Nisi Prius Reports," Elko: of
"Pin t.dii'is . itigest," &c. In one thick volume. Oc=
tavo. Price only $4,00. . , 1 i
.•__. .Also,iCompanioi to Binn's Jus t ice:
Forum di Conveyancing, and of 1 Practice in the
I C 41 ° 18.131 etnunon Pleas, Quarter Session..., Oyer and.. Terminer, t e Suprede and Orphan's Courts, and the)
offices of thil various Civil officers and Justices of the:
(Peace. Foarth edition, revised, corrected, enlarged,
'f and adaptel to, the present state of the lawd; with
'copious explanatory .totes and Retereneft,. and a
. new full, and comprehensive Index. By Robert E.
Wright, Esq. In one thick Octavo volume. Pace,
only $3,60.4 Atso,
3. Strohd "add Brightly's Pardon's
*Digest-1700 to 1855. 1
AsDigest of the LaWs of Pennsylvania, from the
year 1700 td the Bth day of May, 1865. The First
Four Editidns - by the late - John Purdy, Esq. The
Fifth, Sixth,!and Seventh by the Hon. George M.
Stroud; Eighth Edition . Reiised, with Margina Ref i
crences. Foot Notes to the Judicial Decisions ; An-1
elclical contents ; a Digested Syllabus of each Titled
and a New,/, Full, and Exhaustive Index, By Fred-1
,erick C. Brightly, Esq., author of "A Treatise on diet
Law of Costs,". "Equity Jurisprudence," "SiStPri- 2
us Reports: 4 , Editor of "'Rion's JuStice," ac. one
thick Royal litre, Price 0n1r46,00.
VrThe 111:4 . 111CS.5 aIM .pe rmanent rabic of Purl
don's Ihgest:',are preserved by the publication annul,
ally of a Most of the Lftws enacted in each year.—(!
These anitatif I.);g r est's are arranged in, precise .c0u..11
fortuity to the . plan of Pardon ' s Digest. They. are,e,
each of thevit, republished annually; are connectedli
togetlier by a 'General Index, (prepared anew eachil
veer,) whichlembraces the contents of. the -Laws orii
each year since the publication of Pardon's Digest, in)
ape alphabet; and are bound up with Pardon's Di.t
rat, and ;die -sold separately. - .! .' •
. ..
Thus the I . ltreltaser of Purdon's Digest will alwaysj
he in'pos4esion of •the complete body of the Statute;:
Laws of Pennsylvania down to the very hour when!'
he purehaSel it. Those.who have already pisrchasedii
PurclOn's Digest may always complete it to date for. ]
the small sun) of Fifty cents, the price of the vol- 1
"utile - containing all the annual Digests issued since
the first Jitiblicationlof the present ditiou of -Purdon'sti
Digest, afthe'retofore stated. • • '. I
• • 1 KAY &•131101'11E11, I i
.••• ' , Lasir,BoosEtt.t:r.s A:6 Pcamsztras, . 1
• • • -f - : 17 ..1.: 19 South Fifth Street,
.. . i
Fire . t. Store above ChestnutiPhiladelphia. -I,
brOrileri or jotters of inquiry, .for Law Booksll
front the country promptly attended to. • .:6m311
. 1 '
Hooka may be found the
Taylor, Isaac T, Hop.
N and otheri; Star
ie , City, (Chapin,)
-1,) _also l Fern
min and
and: Piney Dry Goods, Groceries, ilardware,
Hats, Ccps, Poots and Shoes, Mall Paper, Drugs
Dye Stuffs, and &c., which will be sold as cheap
as the cheaplst for cash or approver) credit by
Ilarford, June Ist, 1E55. R. 31. JONES:.
SLACK Gtode Rhine Silks of excellent quality
• I_2 at i'
_ll. 31. JONES'.
- DROCEIE 4nd Casbnierefi4;4;:i;
11 a few rnaatilla by - • H. M. JONES.
m i ade clothing at low prices, by --
11. 11. JONES.
— kg:lpaid for Wool by , • 11. 31. JOXE . §7
- Harford,-June.rat, 1855.
CASU 1)44 for Dairy Butter by
A good - .rtment of Bootsand oes-nt
91EAS, Sugars finleTrjualities and at
_l_ low price- by M..JONES.
I 4 4. DIES 1011 find a great yariety of Bonnets and
Ribboits at •11. M. JONES.
T AWNS, Mani, Berrege d 1 Laines and Gingham;
11 at.` • ll'. 11: JONES'.
ri 1' T7Tir in ow raperieA
a 1.5 r • JCS' . S
= -Look Here I
- DOCKET NNIVES. A good assortment of the best
1 kinds in tnarket. Also Table Knives and Forks!SPOONS. Sihker, Silver Plated, German Silver, Alba;
to, and Irritania-ware spoons. Also Silver, Silver
Plated. aid %ilium Silver Butter Knives.
VIOLIN . STP.INVS, Bows, and all the fixtures, Vis
olins, Accord Ons, Flutes, Tuuing, Forks, Instruction
Books; szc.
FLUID LIM'S, Fluid, Campltene, Candle, Lamp
Oil, &c. -
FAMILY GitOCERW. A full assortment, new and
' DRUGS I,r, 'PATENT 3.I.EDICIXES. firstrate as
sortment, rind ;genuine.
PAINTS generalassortmeni, and-of good
'qnality. J •
,JENVEIjtYI A splendid variety of gle neatest pat
' terns.
FANCY GOODS.; Nearly eicry thing in this branch.
PERFUMEItY. A choice variety. New supplies
Veceivrd nevi:). every week.] . •
In short, nearly every thing-persons want, and cheap
at the variety store of • -A. YVIIRELL.
3f ontrose, Jane .l4. 1851
\ -
ESTRAT. .; - •
into the enclositre of the subseriber, in For
IV eat Lake township, about the 18ili . of June last,
a pale'red yearling heifer, with some white on the
belly, and abOui half the bush of the tail, gone, appa
rently cut off. The owner is requested to pay charges
Ind take away the same: SETH WARNER.
:Forest Lake,:Jnly 1 8th, 1855.
leititid FOR SALE.
/HE subscri er offers fcr sale, on the most liberal
terms, one bf the best farms for making money,
ip gorthern Pennsylvania. The said farm is situated
in Dimock,Susqplanna county,convenient to Church
Grist-mill, and It contains 166 acres, one
'Hundred and twenty five under a &id state of
cultivation, well; watered and fenced, one good frame
.house, by 361feet v , two good barns, one hundred
feet or good shed, hog house, and a good young .orch
ard, all grafted ttit thereon. Possession will begiven
to suit the purch.vcr. - For price apply to the pro;
p - ietor on the premises. Wsr. BAKER.
Dimock, Julyl,lBth, 1855. 2.8 tv4.
r I OCT. R..THAYER, takeslbis method of ,saying
lJ to his friends and customers, that be has again
resumed the prattice of medicine, at his old stand at
gontrose, where be may be found at all times unless
pr , :ofesisionally er?ployed. lie wouhl say to those in
debted to him, .that he will deduct twenty•five per
cent on all accokintspaid before the first of April nest,
(or if any poor like myself I will deduct fifty.)
liontrose, Feb, 2n, 18.
Prat Charles Morris, •
QUCCESSOR•tif Charles Tillman, BARBER, hat , .
1.0 ing removed his shop from its former . locatioh in
the basement ofLSearle's lintel, to the room in the
same building, iii the rear of the bar-room, is prepar
ed to exercise his art in. the most scientific manner,
on all who may he pleased to entreat their heads or
fates to his hands. - • 1 22y1
. . : .
. , .
gash and lilluois.-
tA ',. . •
T INDOI% . Sash of rarioug alaes constantly on hand
V V —also Dial& furnished to order by: .' •
New Goods i _Cheap for Cash' at the
Head of Navigation.:
TIRE undersigned would respectfully ( announce
1, that he is selling Goals at the 'old phce,
and that he has an entire yew stock of Goods which
he'*eill sell ehea,cl. -r. W 3IOTT.
DAREGE DE6A MS for one shilling; Lawns, Cot
colors, a yaid wide, for one shilling, and Cali
coes at all prite4 at C. W. MOTT'S.
Mon trosc,•May 3t), 1855.
Cash far Land , Warrants.
Fuoursr 31R11E'T TRICE paid by ‘,
\ L. F. FITCH'.
Montrose, Jun 4 5, 1F55. ‘. • 23w4
S. $. Matt's einilleratice Saloon and
. • •
EMOVED i f the R rear Grocery' of Lyons "AL Chantilees
building to Maine street, opposite ,the,Yannet's
Store, where ho intends to keep on hand, a good stock
of Grocerics, for sale cheap for rash.', Cash paitl for
Eggs.' • `,S. S. MOTE. Montsime, July 0.5, 1855. 7: •
on On:
9 il a'fr;!,`
LAMP Oil, Li
*ontrose, June 1855;
Ayr, ORE 1 1 1*W GOODS &t
M&7 224 1. 4.1'01r &eft.
- At the 64 r.xchauge,?' Brooklyn.
rya sobscriber tikes thliappa r t un ity o r t h an king
L i his friends for their very liberat patronage the .
past season, and of saying to them in addition. that,
haling just ree.4.it4d fivz , ll Invoices 'of . gesso - noble
Bohds of rarities descriptions, he frf still prepared to
supply almost any article usuaUy called for at court
trtotore.. His elrtment is now COlllpiC to, and be
ing the largest in •town, offers the great44t induce.
Mont to purehasom, either'for Ca.4b, Barter; or Good
(akort) Credit. 'Call and see.
• • 0:0. HEMPSTEAD.
Ditkoldyni August 2O 1856, •
Medicines and rings.
YR} Choi* Peclord--acknowledged to tos
.L'l. the best PulnionS.l Remedy extant—Pones
Extinct of Witch lintel—an eYccedluply valuable
remedy for 'Sven; ills—Dr.' Baker's CoMpound-4
grand specific for Diarrhea, Dysentery, Cholera Moil,
bus,. tic.—Ayres", Jayne's, Phinney's and Wright's
Nth Nerchani's Gargling pi!, together with a great
vailety 'of Drug,s.iu comunan use. kept entistantly on
hand by 0 G. HEMPSTEAD.
Please Take tiottee,
That It is very'desirable this. the accounts and i notes
of the late firm of Smith & Hempstead should be set-
tled, and that speedily. 0. G. 11ElIPSWAI)..
• Brooklyn, Aug. 20, 1856.
SACT by ,t 4, barrel el l7-. 2r . ,.
load, at the market rat
ri 'HE highest marker price paid Tor Butter, Eggs,
Lard, Farm Produce of all kindr,aood Shingles,
pritne . Wool Socks, Sc., 'hi Goods, by
LOTIIING—The /subscriber -haa on-, b a
NJ ; 'and is nor manuttcturing; a small stock of
Ready-runie Clothing, of gOod quality and workmau..
ship; which he Offers at very low prices.
0.. G. LIE' I% ftUD.
140 44 , TS AND ft , HO ili!i3—A. good asortitieht
11 of excellent qunlicie4:kupt constanily on hand
by.} o cs. lIENtrSTEAD.-.
Y, Great Attraction
~ . '
- • --,'
. 1 -" 0 UAI-I STO A-H." 1
rIIdIE subscriber. would again announce to his cos- 1
.I_7, touters and the public generally that he Faa re- 1
ceivtl a large assortment of BOOTS .i t li'D S./IDES,.
wl4h he intendS selling fur toed' Pei', twenty per i
.cent. cheaper than ran be bought irrthis market, (the
Genuine Boot 'and Shoe Store dcnrn Town or the I
Ravi Chance for Bargains, up town, not excepted.)--. i
"Gnat Stoat" may be found the first door East of the 1
Odd Fellows' Half, Turnpike street, first floor: . Al- I
though not quite ;so commodious as . some "swabs."' '
yet it answers our purpose very well fir the present.
'Neither can We promise our.customers that our-"es
tablishment" will inot be
."surpassed". by, any in - the
country soon, but We will promise . 1:14r 'customers that
We 'will sell-BootS and Shoes to snit in. quality and
price. Our stock embraces a general variety of new
stuEelegant styleS of Ladies' and Gentlemen's *ear,
"among which are Ladies'. Silk Fox Gaiters, :Colored'
Gaiters, Enamele.d Gaiters, Black' and Bronsed Kos
suth Boots, Enameled. Boots and Enameled Buskins,
Kidi, Buskins, Polkas, Ralf Lace Boots' and Buskins,
Misses Kid l3oots,j Jenny . Lind Gaiters, Gents eon
gress, Patent Leather; Enameled and Buckskin Gait
ers; ;Patent Leathers Oxford Ties; Toilet Slips, French
' Calr i ßoots, Thick Boots, Enameled Calf and Cowhide
Brogans, Bins' Patent Leather Mcnitereys. Kip Boots,
:ke.,lYouthe - Montereys and Kip Ties, Children's Tay
lor Ties, Paridoes iltoati Boots, kc.. Silk Boot Laces,
ull colors. . . . .
Work made to. Order, and repairing thmeneatly.—
Pleise call and exit - nine.
Tours in the Pont and Shoe trade; •
3lbntrose, Mar 1, 1t;65. ' C.M. SIMMONS.
the enelesure ofd the subscriber hi' Silver
II I ;Lake about the :20th of May last, four yearlings,
One ;white-sided - bull, two 4eiftrA i one pale red the
other brindle, one red steer. Whoever willgive any
inforination of the above will he liberally rewarded..
Silver Lake, June 18th, 1 ,1855. 25—w3.,
81,00 REWARD. •
QTRAYED or stolen a liiver-colered Pointer Dog.
/...3 The above reward willlbe paid to-any one return
ing hint ,to the store of I A. LATIIIIOP•ik Co.
MOnttose, June 12th, 18'55. • 2s—w3
• .
A ,g+acld assortment, Snaths, Rakes, Forks,
—and 2 kinds of horse Rakes—and superior
Revolving- Rakes, at , ' B. CHANDLER'S
June 20111, 18.56.
- Paint% and Oils.
ZINK Faint, Blakestire Pioof Paint, Linseed and
Lamp Oil, Fluid and Phosgene sold low by
i : 'Flour.
BT: the Barrel. Sack or pound
Montrose, June 20th, 1855.
TANTILLAS, LaCes, 13erages, Worked Collars,
.111- 3 Parasols, Lawns , fashionable Bonnets, Fans, (a
teltoic assortment in each department,) a splendid
clot of.moire onti2Se Trimming, Staple Goods of large
!variety, Clothing, (a large stock,) Gents' and Boys'
) Ilats,!,(silk and summer,) Cloths very low, Calicoes
!from 4 cents to 1 shilling, Carpets, Matting, Oil-cloth,
land Rugs, -
Htirdware—German Silver & Plated Spoons,
' ,.E.nird and Forks: :
G oce a fine assortment of Teas,
Coffees, Broma Tapirs, Rice, 'Chocolate,' Raisins,
Ground Coffee, Corn. Starch.
POrfrnery—liay Water, Toilet • do., Gonin
Irrawenti, do. Extracts, German Cologne, a-large stock
poi Fancy Soaps, &a. &c:
FOrnsing Todlsr—Hay Forks, Scythe Snaths,
dtak&s' &c. &c. X. L. POST & CO.
, _'ntnishinfi Establishment,
'IIB subscriber keeps constantly on hand, and will
make to order, Doors, Blinds, Windows & Window
'sash; Door and window-frames,and all other articles
Made if wood and•usM in building.
1 Blinds painted and hung on short notice." Glass of
ill sizes, qaantities and qualities for sale.
Flooring platted and nuttched at $l6 c $2O per
000 feet, Turning °fait kinds done to order, elk°
it general assortment of CABINET WARE. •
Bureaus, Tables,. Stands of all varieties, Chairs,
Bedsteads Settees, &c l , &c.
1 Good Pine, Cherry : and SVhitewood lumber, and
Gmin ,of all kinds taken in exchange for ifle above.
I Egr,Terms ready pay, or three months time ap
oroved, credit. All orders addressed In .me Will re
4eive prompt attention.* JACOB TAYLOR.
.1 Lanesboro, June 18th, 1865.. .
. .
I I HE subscriber would inform the citizens of Mont- ,
rose and the piiblic generally that bolas bought
t ie,Grocery formerly kept by F, H. Fordhamic Co,
i • Lyons and Chandler's building on Chestnut street;
il , the borough of Montrose, where he has a fresh as
s rtmetit of Groceries; and will keep constantly on
hand, Flour, Oysters, Cheese, Sugars, Syrup, Molasses,
Mackerel, Nuts, Candies, Toys, Oranges and Lemons,.
Figs, Prunes, Sardines,' Soaps, Vinegar, Coffee, dried
PeacheS and Plums, Herring, sack Salt, Pies, Cakes,
=Jeer, Yankee Notlorts, and other things too numer- -
olts to mention, which will be Sold cheap for cash or
:fast kilids of country: produce. Call and see. A
share• of public patronage is S. S. MOTT.
. Montrose, March . 7. 1855.*
BUTTER WANTED. The Highest market prices
tell be paid in cash for good Dairy Butter by •
k D. SAM.
June i:lBth, 1854. ,
- TANTEII, is eschsngo ' for Goods , Fin, Pa~~r
Bags, Beeswax, Grain of all kinds, And Casb.
Montrose, Juc 6, 1855. A. TURREL.
Rouitels nit Reduced Prices.
tiBERRITT will sell his remaining stock, of Silk,
L4wu and Straw' Bonnets, a good assortment,
pr' reduced Prices to close the business of the season;
nv orthem at cost.
New Milford, June Isth, 1855,
i 3v _
E shall receive during the present week, a large
adilition to present stock of SUMMER GOODS;
w ch AEI render the assortment complete, and to
wtiteh we invite the attention offal who wish to Alit
illontAtee t June 2811 t, 1855.
! '
Tirgil Dentist has taken rooms over F. ff.
Chandlers' store, where It will be his pleasure to see
Vnenlig as-quick as ipslible. C. D. VIRGIL.-
" Y2 l I 865. t -Resident Dentist .
N sttive and intelligent man of about 27
yeaja of age, watited as'clark in a store. -Ono
' fling th acquire the hosineitaitait disposed to nuke
hi if ximf,il, will find goraterailuragement pp
pheation shortly to 11. BUM ,
Clew mpford, July 22.:18/Sh.
+- •
!Patent aortae Rakee, ; •
FoR Bak at the Farmer's Eichiume by
June 20111, 1851
• • Change el -
•Ox and after Monday. May Ith, 1855,1tne Mail N .
'Passenger Train will depart from Scranton at
lq:20 A. s. .Due at Great Bend at 119.0.P.1‘. Con.
nectin with the Dunkirk Express West on ihe N Y:' 1 .
kE. IL IL Passengers Liking tbia,traln 'Will arrive
ill Dunkirk at .11s16 . tr, If and No* Yorl`f at 11:16:
Returning, will leave Cheat &int at '4 T. ii., , Star )•
at Scranton at 6:45 P. 41. , • -
-_The Freight - AccommodittlenTralic,With Oassenger- •
ear attached '
will leave Scranton at 1 r. 49 due. at. i.
Great Bend at 6 r. a., connecting with4ho Mail
Train Nest, and the Night . Express Intm Rast.l
Passengers taking this train and the Night: PaPress i
liVest,, will arrive in Dunkirk at 12 tn.,-Or By- taliing' ;
Nall Train West,- willarrive at Dunkirk at os p.iw. I
Retinning, will leave Great Bend at 7 Li It. 011 IV 1
rival of Cincinnati Eapress• East. Due ratifier:Luton
12,10 Ir. a: ; ' ;
,_. : ~ i
Pessengerifor Wilkeeharre i Pittsqln - CarhOildile;'
Philadelphia, ( via - the Cata.nissa, Will iamsport - and . i .
Erie - and Reading Railroad, fin Tatnaqua,) and Said-
on,' and all intenne,diata places, will find fi rst, clasi. l
stage coaches in readiness at Scranton, on the arrival'. ;
of thc. Passenger and AcCoramodstion Trains to con -1
t'eyf them to the abOve places. Those chonsing pri- . ',-
vote - conveyances will - find the best of horieit and cur.. ;
• riages of every &mei iption; at reasonable i• charges, '
ready to order. •
1• D. H. DOT7ERER, Supefintandent : 1
• . Superintendent's Office. '
Scranton, May. 10, 1855, j' . , _ 4
EL Montrose tor D. ,L. li W. 11: g. 4ec,f.- - 4,..
M.,for Express FroightTrain to .Scrfuiten. At '.
I I o'clock A. M. for Mad Trilinto Grmt. Bend. - At
i 3 P. M. for Express Freight to Great Bend,land Mail
tido flu. Scranton. Leave Depth, for. 3toutrose on /
i arrival qtan the above trains at &akin. 1 1 ..,
I ~ For seats apply at Searle's.llotcl, Montrose, Pa.
i - August 39.. ' . \ 1 . .
~ , .
XX.t would lallrliint
his Mends and the' public that be is raw open: - -
iklg an unusually. large stock Of SPRL/VOr 4YJY
4.1731.VER GOOD., including. a great vS.riety-
Prints from 4 cents to Is oil per yailf; plain and
printed LaWns,.Barege Gingharns, Brocade,
Black and fancy Dress Silks, Dress.Tisines and
Bareges, Poplins, &c. &'c., with a stipericOr assort) ent
of Silk, Broche, Cashmere, and-Thibet Shawls;Man
tillas, Parasols, French Lace and Straw and Sil k Bon
nets, rich Ribbons and Flo Wei-s, with-4 large variety. •
of other Stapite and Fano Dry G00d,..' •
r Itr.ello?—lron 'and Nails, Boots - rind Shoes, Bats and
Capi, Carpeting, Nall Paper, Floor Oil Cloths, Paint.'
ediWindow 'Shades, Clocks; Stores, Oils and Paints,
Ploughs,. &c. &c.; in short, the largeit kind'of, piles
of rich and cheap Goods, toodiunierous to mention, •
but just the things to purchase;: all of which will be
sold at the most reduced prices Oil,. 'the nest fa
terms for cash or approVed credit. , -
N. B. Flour and Safi constantly on liand.
New. Milton], May 5;1 855.• -
HOME LAB R - • •
ASE removed to the burnt district; where they
ill will be glad to see ail their old customers ad
as many new ones As please ,to give them
They intend to keep a general assortment of: Stoves"
of: the best kind and quality, among which - may be:
ound PH(ENIX and - PARAGON AIR-170E71 , -
WF.STEILV OVES. The Elevated Oven Stoves all
have double fire-places,-whith inakes them fie ape
rior,to the single fire-place ,Stoves Xe )reeii con
stantly on hand a general assortment of TINWARE
of a first rate quality, for home trade:ollSo, Welrind
Cistern PuMps, Pump Challis and Reels, Lead . Pipt
of all. sizes,' Jappanned Wtire, ke. 4 - .0.; all \of which
they promf4e to sell cheap for. ready pay of appreved
credit.- Job work done with despatch and in order.
Montroget'3lo 30, 1855. ' • tail
impats - s:.
, ed I—Fare 12 . ed . uced 1-21rovh•
by Daylighq.
11 - AVE Ottned a partnership in Montrose, fur the•
1111 purpos.c of doing everybody's BLACK.
SYlltir G, at the old stand, near Keeler's new
tel. We .hitre purchased an entlie new stock of
IRON, comprising a full assortment-of.all kinds, di.
rent from the city. We: shall keep • constantlt on
hand, Ulster, round and square Nail Rods; Cast Steel
Toe-cork Rods, ll:efined Tyre Iron, all 'sizes, Band
Iron, Spring? Steel, a large assortment of imalleable
Iron, Coil Chains,Carriage Bolts, ke. AC— .
Time So
F. 11: C11.4".5D1;ER.
Ironed on sliort notice; and stock found' s or. made to"
order througbout, as May best snit oitr.patrons,
All business transactions must be oettled "once a
year. Sbort settlements and long frie.nd.4 -it ou -
motto. 1
By strict attention to business we hope to receive
a liberal share of patronage. Alf work warranted.
.AI I good Journeyman wanted, to *horn
steady employment and high. wages Will be given.
A. E. 'llaitts.v. Psalm jasEs.
Nontrcee, lay 30, 1855. • 2271
. „
Neu- Goods, Cheap for - Cash.
Ci MOTT has just received anotherlot 6f N w
V Goods, such hs Chailes; Brage Belainea,
Rages, Embroideries;Lawns, which. ,he
oars at very, low; prices. &miner Shawls, a new lot
some beautifut patterrth at very also Black
Silk Shawls equally low for Cash. -
Parasols latest style at • C. W. MOTT F. 1.1
Black Dress. Silk, a splendid artie.le,"At C. W. IL
Summer Stuffs in great varieties, at C.,W:
Groceries Of all kinds, very cheap. Syrup, a ftisr
rate article a 50ets per galliat. You have
,only I lb
call and exardine, to become satiAed thht the "Ilead
of Navigatio6 "is the place to buy Cheap:
Butter, Eggs, Hams, Lard, Socks,,ikt fact all kinds
ofCountry Produce in exchange for goods at Cash
Prices. I- ' C. 1V.1i077..-
Montrose, .June 15, 1855.
• •New . Goods. • -
TIIE subscrib*ler is in constant restipt: of Nor
.ooods,, in his line of business, nearly every
week. The piddle will find his Asortment No. 1, and
his atticl new and of good quality: 4*lie stock con
sists as usual of Drugs, Medicines, Paints, Oita, if jr,f
Stuffs, Grocerkg, .Fawey Goods, Jeuarz,t, Perfume.
ry, frke. Store at the lowtk end - of the burnt district.-
lktontrose, l 4une 6,-1855. - A. TURRELL. '
,To the Public. • • .
on "the eve of my departure for the West,
would say to . my friends and patroni that my...
DAGUERREOTYPE 1e00.113 will be eased for a -
few weeks.. j wit, duly Apprise you of my return, and
then hope-to . Ind you'deeply impressed 'with 'the ne
cessity-of getting,your faces taken.
-odri Fellows' hail, Montrose, W. B;DEANS.
• May 23, 1835. , -
Aurrice. ' . .
TIIE ,Poor-maAtens of the Bororigh of Montrose
desire to bind* out three children, ono White
aged 8 years; one bleck boy and one about
the same age. Any person desiring ,to take one or
more of said children can call on either of the Pair.
masters, •s: N. WILSON, }
4 -
. FosTER) nor-masters.
Nontiose, July 0 ) 1855:
AAA 'Milk Fang of all sizes and made. from
r.rIJJkl. cross tin at lees than MerehoutA
Usually-pay to sell again . , for sale by the flubseriber.
We Wave oome.tO the goneldsion to sell pans to Fir.
Tilers as low as we will to 'the trade, thereby saving
to the'Farmer our profit. Our Wares are warranted
to be perfeetin every Pirticulai or no sale. i•
Terms--Cash or short credit.
• New Milford April `I, 1865. '
THE undersigned have this- day ourciiiii,d: t i n d er
the firm of Dickernum and Garnett; for the liar=
pen of transacting the ,tuercalvtlib burttnaturat _the old
stand of J, Dicket,uan jr. J.,,DICKERMAN Jr;
• . EL•GANETT: •
New Milford, July 28, 1855,
_,, •
.IVl Y stan N T 3s an i d d l accegi triat a lrill i sni t rua l l . th ' l l 3 c, o ld
settling withoutnfurtbAt notice,.
, _
.WOol i Wool!
10100 O rChtr\ chen * ge "4lPB , 4 21 w n l i l e itt atth oti;he7:Inar r's/ ke z t:
price will be paid te , CASH; by
dune ntb, 280 . 5 A, LATH ; Or -412-Coo
tarp stook Wool,
;Rex mroar;.- /gouty of 4 apd,44,P ntsiV":.-Pleuivato
and see, . I3:tSA77IrER. - • -
flour ao
By thii bore!, sack,
1141inti, H i le 0 , i t , t h e y •