Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, September 13, 1855, Image 4

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Why IxeedForiwtchewntotiti;7o6:lll23ll:l,2lael'Plitmthioinernan.
over blast
hopes. We were riot made for time alone. Eter
nity with ' its fund of illuminated knowledge is before
ns--"Titr beneath al soul immortal is mortal joy". 7
"We. Ifve in deedsß;not years; in thoughts, not
breaths. Ile most Ores who thinks most; feels the
noblest, acts the best"
When this beautifji earth was young, and budding
.flowers 'first rtjoidedlin their existence, then a voice
'ringed is way through the air, and the mind sprang
forth to meet it. Iu the still night it "fell like a
And ages rolled avra y,.and yet it sounded on. It
aroused Genius, and bride lofty minds tune their harps
to a glorious theme.. And yet it tinging. It
speaks in the flower, Me whispering winds; it soon&
in the roar of the falling cataract, it murmurs In the
gentle rustling of thelleares—ever, ever crying, high
erl higher! 1
Life is wsaina. Barth' is nearing its final-destruc- ,
tioti. Onward rollsime, and mind ; should progress,
keeping pace. Jui;ll how much is lost' by brooding
over, isappointment
l and lost aspirations! • ' .
That trumpet voi ` "Eacelsior,r has roused many
to deed; of daring ; i ' sensed noble souls In the arena
of life, and echoing in their depths,still is the cry,
higher! higher! Y4s, a triumph more glorious than
the conqueror of taStions bath , achieved, is to be
gained. 1 '• .
Wars, oppressions and innumerable woes encom
- pus this world. Wrong is to be subdued, and hu- •
manity is . -to rece i ve its 'due: Some have fainted by
the way, some are sloping, regardimts of the trum
pet7Call, and some have turned away, disgusted with
the werld's i vasuties. ,1 Despairing of abetter era, they
turn, tiorld-weary,Trom the conflict. They see not
the golden fringes bf the cloud which overshadows
theta; they base hung their harp on a willow, forget
ting that they are to "sing of hope to the captive,
and preach deliverance to those who are in bonds,"
both spiritual and inerial. '.. ,
_Some noble spiri h ave fought manfully ever, keep
the conscious° , of the high trust committed to
'them in their if ; and they have gone up; they
are •on high. Th e of life" rests on their
brows; they hare entered the rest "Be giveth to his
beloved.". -
Yet, is there for u L a battle of life to be fought. Yet
is there a - call—" liigher." 0, soul, let it oink into
thy depths! Aim- higher! . " Thin is the world of
the 'actual," and dieSmers of a better life—diOluners
. only, and - not worktrs---will never fill their station.
There.are hidden fillings even in the outer world to
be discovered—much more in the inner, Why should
minds be locked-in such fearful ape i minds capa
ble of , diving bencat , h the chill wav of common life
'for pearls. Though oft misled b., w rong opinions,
though oft baffled in the search f ' wisdom, yet the
more we seek rifteril truth, a clearer, more intuitive
~ .1
.perception_shall we have of it. -
c• • .
•" or needs an l'rrtest man to put aside one joy
which the father has given him; he must enjoy; for
to him who striv4, comes strength : to him who
tons, comes rest ;• i 3 him who seeks, comes knowl
. .edge ; to 'him who oyes, comes love,"
Be earnest—trut*ul—aim higher, and although
' - thy reward, pereha' 'ee, - comes noton'earth, yet shall
it be reserved for ee, "eternal in the heavens."
. 1 ‘ Rose WIITERTON.
le Christian Adtivea te,
From t
Whew what a vile subject for a cornposi-
Aion. But before I write, : I must go to c9n
.fession. I once Used tobacco. When emerg-
ing;into my teens I tried to eat-it as others
• did. I might a 4 well have tried to eat Lobe
- ha. Then I snuffed a little, and succeeded
better. That, 11! I did not get so horrid sick,
and it was a shade
-politer to snuff than to 1
‘ • spit! Ohl—Then I tried the. pipe,=--eigars 1
1 1' weie . not as plenty or fashionable in those
.old:tameg as th y are now,—and-sucked a
.l way, and - puff away, until I was quite smart
at the foul busipess. j feel penitently ash,sm
, -ed of it, and beg the r&der's pardon for pre
seating myelf in such a fix. oto think of
it ! SAnd how must have looked ! In my
bed estate too ` ! 1‘! homely "'to be in danger
with-the ladic - 4 though, by the way, man
never, succeeded better in getting that " good
thing" of which Solomon speaks (Prov) than
I did,;' (and that, bit of success, 1 parentheti
cally confess, has been the making of me, so
far 41 have ever been made;) hair red enough
(it's . quite grey) now) to make nearly eirery
body think how hot the scalp must be l_ and
.. mercury enough in my composition for adoz
_en such puny fellows. 0 how I must
loOked. eating ,and snuffing tobacco, andsuck
' • ing a filthy old pipe, too vile fir the mouth
of a llottentot. _And' vet jrconfess I once
did it. But I left off the ifnlovely and -un
cleanly habit twelve years and gut along first
rate. hi the Meantime I became a minister,
and ministers Sometimes get a sore throat or
cankered mouth, or some other - mighty ail
ment, and tlie !cure-all is to smoke or eat. to
' Vasco,
e t: both, At the end of twelve years
' - I had canker in my mouth, and bought
one cigars and went to burn it
. out ; but even!, after the canker was all gone I
_I kept on smirking. ° Reason why, the real I
reason, I loved it, and if you will- hold your!
- breath long enough, I will just Say , that is the
reason why \4l menkeep on smoking. They
' love it as wel l as a toper loves his grog ; and
not a sinoket• clerical or-lay, dare deny it.—
My love for cigars became a passion; and I
ate arulansok,ed, met a friend and smoked, j
said 'my praiers and smoked, read my books, !
Bible included, and smoked, preached and I
smolted„and '*3 true as you are , horn, I have
written a got:4 many articles for the North. I
ens before, aOd while, and after - smoking.— I
That 'Will **tint for their dull, hazy charac
ter lam ashamed to make such a confession, 1
but as the materials are on hand, I must use t
them up, and get a
_little revenge on. tobacco. 1
But if my confession places mein an unprom-
' ising light and position, I protest I have not
° been - worse than other smokers. .. There are
• hundreds of Preachers, and iota of doctors of
divinity, amo ng them, who are now-living as
bad as• this poor penitent ?id ; . and worse-;
they vvill smoke in the streets and ladies' par
' lora a degree in smoking depravity to which
Inever.deirded- z -thank the Lord. - I was
bad enough , but never so bad as' to insult
the out . s public, or befoul the sweet
- homes of , ose who have kindly entertained
me ; and ~- = have been very many.
" Vac wsii - the man, 'a id foolish quite,
Who fkist in 'smoking took delight, :
. - And led Oe mein thing so base, '
Thus nag and smoke tobacco." :
But I left Off smoking allat (mei no whin
ing, whiffing, or tapering; broke, short off,
square off, 'years ago, and have lived a de
- cent life, sol i far as this habit is concerned, ev
er - since, lam weaned - from tobacco. Don't
love it, or *ant it, loathe the sight and fumes '
• of it, and pity the slaves. of the weed. Re
peat it. - again, slaves Rf the ;weed. The land
_ An d the Chfrela are full of them. They are
on the '• farm, in the shop, counting room,
school, eoliege; Theologieal Seminary, Presi
. dentist cluiir and professional chairs, ' in, the
- yury hoz, .
on the Bench, in studios, edito
rial cantatas, (who can report for the editor
, of the NOrtlietit?) in the pulpit, in ber-roome
- and 'brothek and gamblers' hells, in legislat
ive assemhtles and congressional halls,er
erywhere,liheEgyptian-frogs.: ' Grey heads,
ant _revered , heih -, kand No - ahead', an aliie
' perfinuail. with 4,be nroma of tobacco; and so
, .
ar smart young hlttl i and boys in pettieoa!s,
or who ought Le 6. More than all 4 tun
sorry to say' *omen are rentangled IS this '
vast : thraldom. , They ' tat, and snu ff attil
smoke. tobacco. O horrors! Where shall
we look ; by-and-by, for purity and cteanli
nesil It 'is bad enough fhr men to l;defile
their mouths and noses-withjtbe unspeakable
nastiness of tobacco; but for, women todo it,' , .
out-horrors ell horrible vileriess. Just"
of it. The NVOIT) I
who mist be our oth-•
era, sisters,. frien d , sweethearts, wires who'
set. such examples of deliescy, refits es;
purity, cletinlinev4 who must take care of us,
nurse us, cook tbr. us, (think of that, virtth a
snuff box in her 'Pocket ; and the contests in
her nose, I mean' "be cook,) and be to its sit
gels on earth--:Ok !.think of,tbese angels eat
ing, and ssuffing„land smoking tobaccO! if
the doctrine of total depravity is noti j true,
then I doubt the existence of truth.
I have no doubt I shall greatly offend some
godly. old father,or dear old mother in " Ism
el by my bungling confession, (it's very sin;
cere, though,)-but I cannot: help it. They,
eat, or snuff, or sehoke their idol just as rum
drinkers guzzle the - Strong Orink for which
they work and fteht.! ilut they start with
horror at the ideal of praying in secret with a
nice little bottle of brandy in the pocket!-
Why not? If any.miut will , dare say, this itt
a stn, then L will presume to say, on strict
examination it ‘iill be found 'also a sin to
pray with the tobaced box, cigar box, or snuff
boi in the pocket. I 'shall' rouse the wrath
(pious, Of course)lof some ministers, by these
remarks; but cenie on, brethren. 'lf you
can ,make yours appear they better c_ajtse, you
smokers,-or cheers,--or isitffers, do it in
God's name, and' in quick time. You cleri
cal tobacco_ users who defile every place into
which youcome,. by your selfindulgetit hab
it, you are boutiii to 'ye a good reason to
the world and to thelurch why you use to
b; - Y guiterl of- economy and self
1 -
Jacco. .ou pre;
-denial, you that f
the people you
day-light • with
world -and the•qi
ed. on . that, that
on tobacco. - EI
It is, the narcotic
the rum drinker,)
plod ,for liberality among
!r4, just Walk CM t 'here - into
k)ur note-book, and tell the
mrch hots 4 much it costs you
rum; you *Mould get exeit
a littlo Idrunk.;. so you do
kt what. dt you use it ftir ?L
-effect yoU s are after, just as
is after the.alcohoticl effect.
You want stiniulus, and y o u chew, or-smoke,
snuff. For ' moment sit down arid look
over the cost' ofising tobacco.
1 0
1 1 -
•Ourßepublic xports thCarticle to twenty
two nations or . p vinees of the earth ;it im
ports it fromi tw , nty-one..:'l he valuelpf ex
ports, per annum, is about $99,289.251.
The value of imports, cigars only, is $2,520,-
812.. \re .cilltiTate tobaceo in tirepty-eight
States and .territories of the Union. In 1851
we raised- 1.99,22, , 194 pounds!: National
consumption of t balm°, tog,oocvioo pounds!
Cost to the con / Sumers, $20,000,000. New
York city (orit4 people) pays $lO,OOO a day
for cigars! andB,soo for bread. In 18-10,
1,500,000. menwereapiployed , in the manu
facture and cul tivation of tobacco in ' this
country. But ¶orse - than 'all, he members.
of the American Churches expend. annually
for tobacco ss,oposoo. - Siir . e shall '. tbink the
milleniumnigh when the American Churches
raise ,$3,000,000 annuallY for missionary
purposes. . I -
Now, brother ministers, you cannot Win
Off this subject Iwith a joke. •It you try to,
God pity you. I There amount' of re
sponsibility about this tobacco using-which
we have,gottl s ook at, -weigh, i measure, and
feel in our hear where we keep the love of
God. Let earl ministers and. Church mem
bers lay aside or Christ what they annually
expend for tobacco, and devote the time to
prayer or somform of doing good which
they kill o ff in 411
oking; and the treasury of ,
the Lord would, not, be quite as empty as it '
is now, and thelsongs and_shouts of revivals
would ring through the Land tolebeer the sac
ramental hosts, and alarm' the ltrions or bell. I
I have looked at the subject between two
and three year ,and the longer and more
careful I look it, the more lam convinced
of .the great er lof tobacco using . So pow-
erfiiil a poison snot be otherwise than evil.
It induces phvlical diseaslways, to a
greater or lesi t extent, prostrates the nervous
power, thus insuring, partial or total mental
imbecility. is influence roaches to the
moral nature, Ind scatters perversion and sin
through the 'abide realm of ithe soul. The '
time will coin+, I certainly! rbelieve, when ! 1
men will look upon these tobacco -using hab
its as auistian, men now look upon thelum
drinking habitS of former years. Why not
blow away 'with the breath of candor and
resolution the 'smoke otlthese tobacco' burn
ings and t look at the subject now? Just now
throttle_thedemon's appetite and habit, and
carefully exainine the question. How can a
Christian indulge in a habit tonooded to be
useless, and a habit ; too, which draws around
itself a host Ofi physial, Intellectual, and mor
al results 44 the highest character, and be
guiltless in the light of GOd t 'Are you right,
brethren, in ithe practice of ki loathesome, a
habit I and if you doubt, you are condemned.
What a eight all the tobamo-boxes, sniff=
boxes, aid pipes and cigars in our Church
would be 1 I),would fly from them as I would
from the acctimulations and eruptions of Ye
suvius • mind you, I would, iftthe pipes were
all ligh tedi and the cigars on fire! _
My best b l ow to grandmother, who, when
she hears this read, adjusts tier glasses and
takes 'another pinch,' and so all round the
circle of Chiiiitistr tobacco users.
I Fmaurza.
Our *dater& to Nicaragua.
Some fatigty seems to hang over that un
fortunate mission to Nicaragua., A black
shade rests forever mournfully upon it.—
Our Ministers to Nicaragua seem predestined,
to collisiOns with iegroes—collisions in which
.they also seem d est i ne d to wine off second
best. 1- • -
As Mr. Solon mo o rland, in all the - conscious
dignity of a Minister of the United States on l
a salary of *9,000 a Year, is enjoying the
sweet eVening air in , the City of Greytown,
an insolent Negro flings a bottle at his head
and puts his nose out of joint: The fate of,
Minister - Wheeler is still more deplora-'
ble. He gets into
.a squabble , with a negro
woman, by !Arne Jane Johnson, out of which
he comes, ifinot with a broken noie, with
what is still worse—a decidedly damaged
reputation fir truth and veracity. The tes
timony of Jane Johnson given on the late'
trial at Philadelphia fully convicts Mr. Wheel
er. of havinglon previous occasions, and among
others thatlof the traversing Of PasSmore
WilliamSonrs return to Judge Kene's writ of
habeas corpUs, told a story comjlately false,
endow there is too much reason - to believe,
deliberately and maliciously . false.
To retrieve the honor'of the United States,
wounded i s the - , person of Mr- Minister Bor
land, and aiplaster for his broken nose, the
Administration Caused Greytown to be born
herded and destroyed. Whatstepa they will
take to ebb
.drelief to themselves and Mr.
Minister , heeler, in the case of his damaged
• , .
reputation for veracity , yet ns to be
seen. In "hie i case the rem dy of, bout
liardment by it! ship of war, to in
the case of Jiorlaticl, is not. precisely ap
plicable. If the Mamba had ady succeeded
in nabbing J ane Johnson; while she was at-'
tending as a witimis Judge_Killey's court,
the whole attefr might 'have been settled ve
ry easily. It would only have ..been neccpes-
Eery to pq a chide into the , hand Mr.
Wheeler,:and his ciln wrong; and the insult
to the United States would hive been speed
ily,and amply, avegc4 on olsne Johnson's
person. 'As twitters stand We confess our
selves very Much in the dark as to how ei
ther - the United - Stites or Wheeler. I. to
be avenr d ; and still more en as to how his
dairbaged reputataoh is to be !needed.— Trib.
T. B. _orchard, I. D..
banns, county, Pik. Residence at the P
L4O, •
CABItiET MAKE ES., have recently opened a ware
room In New Milford; Pa.,. and will keep eon
steady on band all kinds of Cabinet;ware ; also Ready
made Coffins. Panel* ettended;iritb or without a
hearse.. Ware-room nearly oppoelte J. Dlelterman'a
Store. .
New Milford, May 45,.1855
A. it P. Baldsitn,
131 Trunks, Whips, Le., in the Duernent ofSearle's
lintel, Montrose, '
• 'C. 1111.
DOOT AND SHOE MAKER.' Shop first door oas
.1.3 of Odd Fellows-=Hall, TOTDm at, Montrose.
- . .
• .. .W. Fangio - ton
. , .
'AN now be found at his new 'stand on Owego au
two doorS west', of &arle's hotel, where he ef.
feettially repairs -vrith diipatar; Watches, Clock s,l
Jewelry, Guns, and every description of Machinery.l
Wheel cutting; Gun and Watch'. nuttealals supplied
to the trade. • i 1 - - - I
• Di. R. Smith, ;
QrRGEON DENTIST, llootreise, at Searle'zi
/0 Hotel, Mondays . and Tuesda} . o of each week. 1,
7: • - Heiuy S. Enilpp, ji
I,IOSTROSE, PA., with Roth, Wiwxirtstr Coril
ter, WholesalC Grocers and Conunission Mer4 l .
ehants, Wohington 'street, between Court:lJ
andt and Dey streeti4, New ,roik,
- .
Ci►leb Weeks. ,
riage. Trimmer':i. Shop it :his dwelling hod
early- oppp6ite Hen rDrinker;a:'.ofontrog,e, Pa.
Wileeiticrileri I • h
and Solicitors In Chaneerv.l Office No: 44 Clarke
street, Chicago, 111., - • J '•
REENWICII STREET, (near ,Broadway,) Nes i r
or York. Salishttry k CO., froprietors. In tht
vicinity of the prinCipal atentnboat landings.
Tomas Instruia.
EALER IN DRY GOODS,;!Groceries, Clothing
Crockery 'Boots and ' Susquehann •
Drpot, Pa.' l is
• . Beixtley pk' Fitch,
AGENTS, ifoittrom, _;!'11.! .' •
B. S. 3 !; :;, L. T. TITCIi.
John (kayo.
F.ASIIIONABLM TAILOR. ,:Shop "Under Searle l ,3
• Hotel, Maine street, itosrOse. Pa.
- .p. D..
in the rear ofNihion'a Store, ..liontreae, Pa.
• - !I J. Coisie
ii, ~ 1
DEALER IN STOVES, yi Copper , and Sheet
Iron Ware, Lh dersrittrOtectr Great Bend Dept*.
December 4. '4 • :
.1. P. Hints,
A TTORNEY AT LAW,i.Sualudial . na Pa. Off'
L On. Maine str§et, one o .Lenheim's.
:...I._ ,
7------ '* ier eg Oise, I
1 • i
Office on Turnpike 1. street , .oni
.Boor. East
1 10
P 4t's Store, Montrotte, PeF. , ~I ..
Albert Maniberliii,
TTORNEY AT LAN T and 4ustice of the Peac h ;
.4.. over I. L. r4t &C 4 Stoic, Montrose. :I*
' Wm. IL jpisFu p,
.L DEEDS, for the StateL of "few York, will atteid
to all business entrusted to hint with promptness and
fidelity. Office mi PuldiciSqu a re occupied by Ilk..
Wm. Jessup. t
Leber -
I_l Paints, Oiler Dye-stutlii, Groceries, Dry Goods,
Hardware, Stonerrare, Glassware, Clocks,. Watches,
Jewelry, Silver Spoons, Spectacles, Musical
ments, Trusses, Surgical Instruments, Liquors, Per.
fumery, Mirrors, Stationery, Brushes, Shoes, Yankee
Notions, ke. '
- RR. Lycnit At Co.,
AVIV ry LES•AIt t ro Xt ri ßET es, " RETAIL DEALERSuri.Fro .Ig.
ware, LanesboroZPa. •
• ..B. Chinger, J
TARALER 11 r DRY GOODS; Ready Made Clotinnf,
1.-/ Groceries, DookS and Stationery,, etc., Ptrc
Avenue, Montroae, Pa. • .
_ & Dimock,
Owego street, ifontrose,lPa. ! -
L. Post & Co.,' -
DEALERS IN. DRY GOODS, Groceries-Crodtery [ ,
HardwureLeatber: Flour ' etc., corner of Turn
pike street and Public Avenue, llaretrose, Pa.
' . ' 'J. Lyons it Son.,
DEIT.ERS DORY GOODS, G roceries Hardware,
- Crockery, rinware, Grocieries, Booke,-etc.; also,
carry on the Book Binding bliainess—Pablic Asekrue,
Montrose, Re. i' ... I
. . Bentley dS Head,
DEALERS Di DRY GOODS, , Drugs, Medic a,
rain* ORA, GrOnezien, litirdware, Crockery,
Iron, Clocks, Watches, Jorelq, Saver Spoons, IPerr
emery, ke.--Fooit of Public n 'Arenne, 3fontrose.l
!byte,- Bentley: & Perkins,
kinchs of?Caatings, Swell, Agricultural fipple
inenta; etc.' Office at Sayre'A Store, Public Avenue;
Manufactory at the Eagle koundry,"poot of Cherry
street, Mottirotie, Pa.
. .•
• WAliam & William H. lesrap,
i t TTORNETS AT LAW, Montrose, Pa. Prue
/A_ flee in Susquehanna, tßradford, Wayne, Wyo
ming and Luzern counties. -1
. • i
WM' W. Smith & Co., - , 1
CABIN - ET " ,RS. They keep constantly on
hand a good assortment of all kinds of Cabinet
Furniture.' -Stiop and Ware Rooms at the foot - fof
Maine street, .Montroae, Pa.:,
BOOkwell, Winton & Co:,
Goode, Hate, Ca ;Furs, Umbrellas, 'para
sots, Ribborgs,4e. Eke., "
COurtlandt sheet, Nat;
York, (up stairs.)
.B. naciors4. J.
Irranklin t _Praser
ifeuireie, Pa, Rif attend faithfully to all
ness entrusted to him in the county of. Susquehanna.
CemTerneing and _writing', of all kinds Grill he. done
neatly, and charges =deride.- lie will also attend to
the preeecutiOn of claims ofsoldiers, their sridcOrs and
heirs, against the United States Governmeig, fax
Bounty Land, Pensions, #c May be found at all
hours at the„•oltice formerly occupied, by J. T. Rich
ards, . Esq.. Orth of the Court House. • . 1449.
TimmEffrtr, with I. HUNT, Itemise of and
Dealer intardware and Cutlery, CarriageOprings,
ay.., No. 215Yeari street , New York, where lib Mer•
cant& &kw*,in this and other counties, are kindly
invited, and ea rnestly solicited to call and purChase.
WE are recto&h:g week a lot of New GkKods, just
purchmed chi', which renders our awrtment
complete, and which we cdfer on the most fasorabk
'terms, et budding, one door above the Post
Office. ' BENTLEY & READ.'
Montrosejebruary 8, 1856.-
• •
11E' ka as Statiosery.
RAVE received a large uidition to my stock of
Books aid Stationery; among which are :I A Long
Look Abend, (Roe)—Vrolfert's
_Roost (Irving)--IX
Sketches—Wondeffht Adventorea of bsp4.
Priest—Malvin HoldexPe Daughter--latre% Dam
Rottatoane May—The May 'Flower (It 'et B.
Stowe)—ling Bag, (Willis,) kc. be sold
cheap. . S P. E. : • • LEI.
Ma,y 22, 3855. • -
R. w,2ffoo,
C. Tyler,
T MITTENBERG It BRO., Meatreae, ra„ take
•'' this method of advising their old friends and
'customers and the public at large, that they hare Just
ece.ived and opened the lirkest, prettiest and cheap
est stock of READY MADE CLOTHIN6 ever bro't
to this Owe, which they oiß.r at, a Scull adranie from
post, thereby dieting purchaseni the rare opportuni
ly of obtaining goods at aBout two thirds the usual
trice. ' ! •
Also 'a large assortineut Of Dry Goods, comprising
,for Ladies Wear new styles Brocade, Stripe, Plaid,
Plain and change:4lkb Mks, Dashes, Musliri, De Rage
IBerage delaines of new and :elegant designs. AU the
latest st 3 les of Ladle* Dressy Good Remit - Lawns,
Prints and Gingham. A handsome • assortment of
Drew Trimmings, Kmbroided Sleeves, Collars Cuffs,
etc. Jaconet and Swiss Edgings and Insertings,Gloves
Hosiery, Veils and
Their assortment ofSbawls is very large, embracing
every thing that is rich and fashionable both foreign
And domestic. - - _
Their Bonnet Deparinient. is large and complete,
embracing the vary latest Wiles, with Trimmings to
An extensive assortment of- Irish linens, napkins
toweling, table covers, curtains &e.
We have also a supply of Shirts, Gentlemen's Col
lars,Buspenders, Gloves, Bmbrallas and a good many
other articles too numerous to mention. For, bar
gains the piiblic is re:peel:fay invited to call at the
cheap store of'
corner of Chesnut & Owego Streets,-four doors east
. of Post's store.
ARE now receiving their usual supply of SPRING
AND SUMMER GOODS, which they offer to their
customers, and the public generally, on th€ moat rea
aonabk Struts, for 'Cash, Rutter, Eggs, Grain,- Bees
wax, or on approved crdtt t.
Montrose, Stay 1,
_1835.; ' •
B ROADCLOTHS, Ye - r ÷— seyntercs, Kentucky deans,
Summer Staffs, and! a general stock of .Ststple
Dry GOMA, just received laid for sale right by
S UMMER - De-Lanes Lawns, lies, Gingham,
Merrimac and Cochrico Prints, ..kc. kc. - for sale
by - 1 BENTLEY d: READ.
I3ONNETS, Ribbons, IParisols, Surat We - Sliaw
Black Silks,' Dress Trimmings &c. &c. for sale
SILK, Fur, Leghorn, Panama; Straw, and , Palm
Hats, Umbrellas, Satchels, Window • Paper &c.
CroWiery, Patent Pails, Tubs, Put :
11 ty, Glass &e. BENTLEY & READ.
DRtlGS, — Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dyestuffs, and a
general assortment "of Patent Medicines, just in
and for sale b ' BENTLEY & READ.-
SOLE and Upper Legt
IJ and a good supply o
lc on hand.
/1 - I . k . CKERELI)y thO or One-half barrel—al
-LT/ lin, Codthh. B NTLET S READ.
NITATCHES and JEWELItY : -4-A full assorttLent
of Gold and Siller Leptnra and Detatehed
Levers, in double and single eases, Ladies' Pins, Ear
Drops, Rings, Guard Chains, Sze.r &v. Also, Silver
Table, Tea, Desert, Salt and Sugar;Spoons ' warranted
pure, for sale by • BP:CTLEY AL nr41.1):
STOVES and TINWARE, Clocks, Nails Candles,
Lamp Oil, Campberie ke.
Montrose, , Mai 1,'55.1 BENTLEY k READ.
T he Gereatest Improvement of. ;he Ayc!—C
H. Williams'. Doable-.Actika Ball Vale
Force and iLifi Pumps—.
ANimprovement above all other pumps or ma
chines for lifting, 0/rowing, and carrying water,
combining both a pump and a Fire Engine: This
patented in Yebtiaary, .18p4, is the whole of it
metallic. No bolts, or sierews about it to rust, copse=:!
qttently it will last a man's life time. It can be used ,!
in every variety of ford;--can draw water from any
situation, and carry it: to any part of a building. It
is suPerior to all other 'nmps for Paper I
Mills, Tanneries, Brick Yards, Iron Works and 3lan
ufacturing establishments of all kinds.
All orders ' must be addressed to Aninsos tcK,
Lodersville, Pa., who has the sole right for Stisque-1
hanna county.
2 .•
CAPITAL, $200,000.
*cored by Bond. and portgage- on the .Real Estatei
of the ;Stockholders.
Insures against loss by Fire, of Houses, Stores, and
other buildings, Goods; Wares, and Merchandise,' on
as favorable terms as any similar Institution, Losses
promptly adjusted and paid.
Diascroas.—lion. Hbmce Williston, Athens ; Fran
cis Tyler, do. • George A. Perkins do.; J. T. D. Meyer,
do. • C.. N. Shipman, -do. ' • C. F. Welles, Jr. do. • J. E.
Canfield do. • lion: John Laporte , Towanda ; den.. B.
Wakeman, iaceyviile; Geo. M. Hollenback, Wilkes
Barre ; Michael Meylert, Laporte, Pa.
OFFICEItS.—Iion. Horace Williston, President; C.
F. Wells, jr., V. Pres t and Trees.; J. E. Canfield,
Agent, 0. S. Bizans Montrose, Pa. . [113.4m3
THE subscriber will act as agent for buying and sell
ing Real Estate--LFarms, Houses, and Lots—lO
cAted iq Susquehanna County, Pa. All who wish to
offer their property fok sale can give a minute descrip
tion of their Farms n 4 Lots as follows : Nitinher of
acres, hoWmany iMprOved, and how, watered, build
ings,, orthardi, grafted or common fruit ; other fruit
trees; and the nearest point to the D. L. & ITV. R.
and N. Y. St E. R.l R.l •
' 62 farms on tbelist, 43 unsold. By caning on the
subscriber a minute sieseripticm, price and fermi can
be given. ,
Office on Ttuupike St. 4 doors west of Main st. i•
Yontrote, Angwst t 5, 1854. A. BALI/WIN. I
rr HE subscriber is ireceiving his Spring and Sum!
mer stock of Gcomls, comprising a gr,t variety,
which will be sold as low as any in this !market--
Please call and examine.• F. B. CHANDLER.
HATS. AND CAPS -A goOd assortment of the
latest style.,
,READY-MADBiCLOTHING—A g4od varie y'
of Spring and Summer Clothing of•the latOt err.
DRY GOODS—A general assortment through
out. Also, DRESS] GOODS, consisting of Lawns,
Barege Delaines, Freneh Delaines, Persian Delaine,
Printed Lawns, Fancy Prints, Ladies' Worked eo.
lars, Insertions, Edgings, Black Silk Mantillas, Thibet
and - Cashmere Shaw's, Parasols, Hosiery, Gloves, Air..
BOOTS AND SHOES. Clocks—a large assort
' Mont of every description and style. ANo, a grCat
r variety of Fancy articles; Yankee Notions, &c.,
' Crockery, Hardware,-and Groceries of all kinds.
Trunks, a good lot for sale cheap. Books and Sta
tionery—Wall Paper---also, Flour of the best quality.
Montrose, May 9,t 1855- F. B. CHANDLER: •
New Yale of Sail Stageo,
TA.GESwiII leavO Kirkwood, passing through Cor
bettsville,, Libel ty, ke., every morning after the
arrival of the Mail Trains of cars, both East and West,
reaching Montrose ;at 1 r. Returning, leave
Montrose daily (Sundays excepted) at 2 rot., reach
ing Kirkwood in tinie to take the Mail trains of cars,
both East and West, being the nearest and most fea
sible route to reachithe New York and Eric Ralirciad.
This line intersects tri-weekly line for Dimoek,
Springville, Tunkbannock, Wyoming, and Wilkes
barre; which leaves Montrose at 9 a. ::every Mon
day Wednesday-and Friday. Also, a line to Friends
ville, Leraymille,'&e.
Good leant* and icomfortable carriage! are
dell, and the prtopri ill etore w spare :17P l a i in; fc4ac
cornmodatelthe pu b lic .. W. K. HATCH,
April 6. MORGAN . A WEST.. I •
THE subscriber:takes this method of advertising
his . frfends and the public generally, that be has
fitted up. a! store just across the street from his old
quarters, in Brooklyn, where be is prepared
cave customers and sell them goods at as low rates
as any other establishment in Susquehanna county.
My assortment is *cry lam indeed, embracing near - -
Iferery article u4slly ed for in a country store.
As I am determined to do business So as to avoid
Li b" debts," which responsible credit purchasers are
taxed to paya.Can offer superjor inducements to'resA
and otherwise saciarr-Psiute patrons. Call and See
me. •
Brooklyn,'April3o, 180.
rrhe copartnership heretofore existing between the
/ subscribers udder the firm of E. Kent & Co. is
this day disSolvediliy mutual consent.
E. B.,KENT & do.
Brooklyn 18b5
C lover and Timothy
/few Wilford, iamb 8, T 855
500. Ro ro _ys_jtou opened, and_ooin i l for s 6 k e s ta c;s. per
a l I '7. .
tr, Paterit Kim Calf Skins,
Boots and Shoes constant-
B Nrz. r& RTAD. •
for sale by
ANE* 'and singularly successful remedy fur the
cure of all Bilious diseases—Costiveness, Indi
gestion, Jaundice, Dropsy, Rheumatism, Fevers, Hu;
more, Gout,Nervousness, Irritability, Intlimitations;
Iteadsche,Paitis in the Breast, Side, Back and Uni b a
Female Comp . kiints, &c . &c. Indeed, very few are
the diseases in which a Purgative Medicine is not
more or less r e quired, and much sickness and suffer=
ing might be prdvented,:if a harmless. but effectual
cathartic were jmoro freely used. No person can-feel
well while ii.crOtivo habit of body prevails; besides,
1) ,
it 'soon - gene tes seriou4 and often fatal diseases;
which might ve been avoided by the timely and
Odicious use • a good pitrgative. This Is alike true
of Colds, Feiprish symptoms, and Billions derange
ruents. They r all tend tehecome or prudnce the deep
seated and•'.. formidable distempers - which load tlw
hearses'all over the land. React! - a ,reliable family
physic Is of the first importance to the public health;
and this pill Chas been perfected with consummate
skill to meet - that demand. An extensive trial of its
virtues by PhYsicians, Professors, and Patients, . has
shown results: surpassing any thing hitherto known of
any medieine.' Cures have been effected beyond be
lief, were they not substantiated by persons of such
exalted positions and character. AS to forbid .the sus
picion of untruth. Among the eminent gentlemen
who have testified in favor of these Pills, we may
mention— i
Doss. Havcs, Analytical Chemist ofßoston,
and Slate Assayer of Massachusetts • 11. J. GannNan,
Governor.of Massachusetts ; EMORY ' WASIIBU tor Ex.
Gov: of Haitsiachusetts; ; SIMEON Bnowi, Lieut. ' Got.
of Maski.-; E. M. Watery, Secretary of State of M'ass.!;
JonN B. FtricarttieN,,Cath Bishop of Boston; Prof.
JOU? Tounr+. of the College or Physicians and Sur
geons, New York city ; .Dr. C. T:JscKsoN, Geologist
,of the Publid Lands of .the United States; Pr. J. It.
CukritiN, Practical Chemist of New York City; endoraz
ed by llon.V. Msnev, Secretary. of State; Wet.
B. Arrron, the richest nian in America; S. Lm am) A 7,
Co.; Proprietors of the Metropolitan Hotel, and
Others. !
• I
Did space', permit, we could give many hundred
Certificates f - rom all parts where the Pills have been
Used,. but evidence even. inure convincing than the
experience* eminent public men, is found in their'
effects upon trial. • : I
1 These Pills, the 'result of long' investigation and
study, are offered to the•public as the best and mot
complete Which the Present state of medical'scienee
can afford. i ;They are Compounded not of the druo
themselVes, but of the Medicinal virtues only. of Veg
etable remedies extracted by chemical process hilt'
state of purity, and combined together in such.a man
ner as to insure. the hest results. This system of
commisition!for medicines has been found in Cherry
Pectoral arid Pill; both, to produce a .mote efficient
remedy than had hitherto been obtained by any pto
cess-. • The ',reason iS !perfectly obvious. -While by
the•old 'wide of compbsitioncevery Medicine is bur
dened with More or less of aCrimonious - and injurious
.qualities, this: each' individual virtue only that !is
desired -for the,Curative effect is present. . All the in-,
ert and olnioxiou4 cialities.of each substances
ployed. are left behind, the curative virtues only 'tie
ing retained. llence:it is self‘ evident the elieCIS
should Proy j .e as they have .proved, more purely rein
edial,. and the pills a wore powerful antidote* to dis
ease.than any ether medicine ,known to the world.)
As it is fiequent)y expedient
. .that.many mediCines
should be take_
aken under ' the counsel of an attending
physician, an as he' could not properly. judge of a
remedy without knowhiWits composition, I have sup-.
plied the a4curate forinu r he by which both my Pectd
ral and Pills are made, to .the whole bodv.of Practi
tioners in I the
,United States, and British AmeriCan
Provinces; If, howeVer ' there should- be any one
who has not receivedithem, tNey. will be : forwarded
by maliathis request:
Of, all the Patent Medicines that are offered, how
few would iw; taken it their composition was known: !
Their life e:Onsists in "their mystery. I have no mys
teries.. The composition - of my preparations is laid
open to *men, and wh'o are competent to judge
on the„subjeet freely acknowledge their convictions of
their innintie nierits.` : The Cherry Pectoral was•Pro
.nouneed by scientificmen to he a wonderful medicine
before itsffects were, known. ' Many eminent Phy
sicians' hay declared the same thing of my Pills, and
eVen morel confidentlY, and.are willing to certify that
their atitielpations were more than realized by their
effects upon :rial. • They operate by their powerful
influence ;in the viqiera to purify the btood
and stimulate it intolhealthy'action- - --reworc the oh
strttctionS:',?r the stoMaeli,howels, liver, and othCr or
gans of the body, re..!•"toring their regular action to
health, and by correcting, wherever they exist, such.
derangements as are: the first origin of disease:
Prepar4d by Dr. J. C. AYER, Practical . and Ana
htiCal Chemist,. Lmcell , Mast:: Price 25 cents per
fiv'p boxes for. $1,00.: Sold bY. Ann. TUNNEL!,
Montrose; B. F. SIR. H. EATON, Ilarford; Cnrnctt
& PntsNkv, Dundaff, and by all dealers in medicines
every. vrhive. - • .
ocitmuFF S
have constantly on hand a
large and , well selected astortraent of tin ,
ware, Reels and. Chain for wells, pumps, cietern
pumps, ke., Ilydraiilic Rams, Japanned wares, ';lead
pipes dial sizes &c., dx. Job work done with neat
ness and despatch ; orders promptly attended to.
kept constantly on band, a large assortment of stoves
of the improved and approved patterns. ; Our
experience iu the bixsiness enables us to select those
that we . * safely warrant to give entire satisfaction,
Amongst our numet-ons stock can be found the ! L
Paragon f air tight ,- Star of the West, Elerated
New World, "; Clinton, [Oven.
Atlas,. "t Cultivator, ' . tt
PhOenix # : " i Fire Fly, .it
Three States, ": Western Qnecn,
8. A..:it00DR177.!
More and MorO New GOO' (11,4
Htußßlrr is now receiving. new and full
• ' Supplies of Goods for the Win ter Trade, in
cluding it new and elegant assortment of French ..Ve
rinoes, :VeripO and Cashniere Plaids; Plaid, Fan
cy and ),'Thin Be Janes, Paramettai; Broche, Square
and LA!, Shanls,'all of new and best styles, and will
be sold: at 25 per cent. less than last year's prices.—
Alsova new assortment of Rich Riblnms and Bonnets;
117 d• Silk Velreti for Cloaks and Mantilla*, Rick
Silk arid l'eteet .i)ress Trimmings, Mohair 'lead
Bressesi, Riyalcts &c., with a general assortment
of otherdSrart.E. and FANCY GOODS, as usual, which
having bought under the present pressure of the cash
markei,!will be sold at corresponding and reduced
prices)! -
Neu' 31ilford, November. 27, 1754.
THE' subscriber is carrying on the CHAIR fifA K
ING 'JUSTNESS in all its varimis.bntnelm , s at
the Chair and Wiire Shop in Ilarford, where may be
found a greater variety of Windsor and Rocking
Chairs than at anY other establishment in the county;
alsoTtig and Carlo Seats, Bureaus, Be4teads, Loung
es, Settees, Tables, Stands„ &d. de., all of, which will
be sold at the lowest prices at retail, (or wholesale;
with i‘liort notic6.) All work warranted well made
and of good material. Short credits and small , profits
will be; my motto, For dbmonst,ration of the, shove
facts, please call at-my shop in flarford village. -.-
Marford, .6ctol)er 12, 1851. ' • 154t1ni6
A GOOD assortment of Jewelry, consisting . of Ear
1 - 1
•Sing?, Eat! Drops, Breast Pins, Finger: Rings,
&c. Justreedired at• - BENTLEY & READ's.
I Silver Spoons. • •
Tea, Table, Dessia•t,.Sugar . , Salt, &c., warranted pnre,
for Eli* by • . • • BENTLEY & READ.
• 1 , Boots mutt Shoes.
An unusually OW assortment of the best make, all
reak had perfect for sale by BENTLEY k READ.
-- Drijgs and
A fretili stock gCnuine Drugs and 'Medicines, Patent
lifediOnes ' Paints, Oils, Dye-stuffs, dc., for sale by:
Dec. 13.] BENTLEY & READ.
rrijlE %pr ng Goo__
1 Ceived at f L. POSTe
quality, style and price.
•'saple ..Ikr4 Goods, Collars, Sleeres,
' Greta GoCes, Edgings,
Cloths and eassenteres, Bonnets, I .
"Flits GoOls, aid Parasols-
CLOTHING±4 fine stock. Groceries ofi all vari.
setietii Hardware, Crockery, Looking Glasses, and in
every, departnidnt their assorttnent is good, and at
priceS to snit. [ • .
Montrose, Mitrch 20, 1856, -
John lirovt.4o Advertil*ment.
AB Uature; whit furnishes the birds and beasts. with
an 4tra coat for winter, has not made a similar pro.
vision for man II have concluded to take it uyem my.
self;!W attend to that department; and therefore. I
think proper tti announce that. all shivering male bi•
peds, that nee t l noir tipparel, glorious or-inglorious,
ofashionahle or, unfashionable, can have their wants
supplied and their tastes suited by calling On me, at
ray`hop in Montrose.
D - 0 7 a l t0tt - itAtiti4 -7-
RADUATE And member of the 'University of New
\X. York, wll4 be in Montrose on the Bth, and
Bth breach month, and may be consulted at Hatch's
Hotel, for threle dun, LlPon all diseases . Incidental t o
the human system, viz: CONSUMPTION, Bron
:chills 'dilatation of the taings,-Throat ; Liver, Pleura,
Kidneys and Sp*n, Dyspepsia, (fruligestion,).Liver,
Complaint, Rupiwansx, Scrofula, Eruptions, Spinal
Complaints, Diseases of Abet-eye and ear, Nervous
Weakness, •& ,e`, &c.-.-Particular attention given to
the diseases ofFetrudes and 'Children. The vitriol]:
affections of the ;Uterus radii:oily erred *.•
Dr. Mania . 4 well acquainted with both Homeopa
thy and Allopittliy,lanng bein in constant studyand
practice fort a last twelve years, and having. first in
troduced Homeopathy into Binghamton, It. Y., in .
1847.: His pldr of treatment is mild, safe And eifiett,
eimsa, and different from that deny other,
and cures all cases in all stages of the disease.
ar . Dr. Hirris has testimonials of character, abll
ity-and a nuinNer -of the most eminent in :the. city of New York, among them
the celebrate Dr. Valentine Mott.
Persons wiihing prompt relief or permanent cures
will do well tet'eall without delay. Charges modersl L .....
Consultation free! Patients visited at their resillence.
if desired.. Office hours from 7 in the morning until
9" in the evening. .
The advantages of the HommPathic,treatment of
diseases are i E •
Ist. 'That patients treated Homeopathicali. „Utmal
ly are cured uch sooner than by any other radio!.
2d. Thaty patients can be cured by omeo
pathic remed es, who cannot be cured, by an 'totliv:
treatment. E. ' 1 1 i
.. • ,
3rd. Thkti pitients treated Homeopathically, tic
not have to littler under the bad effects of the mein.
eine they haseEtaken to cure the
1 . ~_
"ITO. REFitr;TARK retureturn
their grateful
acknoirlcdgements to the public, and invite at
tention tote
in li very large stock et Spring and Sum
er.Gotods ttev now receiving . and oiler for sale
at rerp /ow prices. In addition to their usual assort
ment of staple Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crock
cry, Paints auil Oils, &c. &c., they, are prepared to
exhibit a largej assortment of Ladies' Dress Goods
of every despription—Figured, Plaid and Plain Silks,
Bonnets, Shavils, Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery,—Ladies
and Misses i l . hOes' of all kinds—also a large stock of
READ Y, .ADE CLOTIIING, Cloths, Cassitneres,
Tweeds, Jeans, Summer Cloths, Vestings; Hats, Caps,
Boots and .`.Mess, &c. . .
. .
They respetfully solicit an early call from those
who wish to! purchase good goods at low prices..
Skingvillc, May 3, '54. 31cMILLEN & PARK. .
HAVlNgjust returned from New York I wish to
call die: attention of my old customers, - and of
the'public It general, to my -
• . . . ' NEW STOCK — OF - GOODS,
which being bought with cash at the lowest prices,
and wishing to sell principally for the same, .1 will of
fer them at' reatly reduced prices. - ,
Cochcco Prints, warranted fast colors, for only 8
cents a yart„.! Good Brown Sugar, 18 pdands forone
dollar. - Boonton Nails, acknowledged by all to be
the best Nail; n use, g. 5,50 per keg. Hats and Caps,
Boots and qipes, Buffalo. Robes.of all prices, all wool
De Laines, pishmeres, Paramettas, Dress . Silk, Silk
Velvet, kcd ; I Mouslin De Laines, 1 shilling per yard,
Satin Bon m ots and Moleskin Mate;. Broche Shawls,
Double Lotnishawls, Thibet do., selling at. inconceiv
ubly„low pr ces. I can safely warrant perfect satis
faction to a Ilwho will give me a call.
i f ,
- Lanesborm Apr.-5, 1854. 8. A. LYONS.
I"I LOCE.- - good time Iteepers, only- one dollar. ..
V I . - - S.. A. LYONS.
. -
esboto; Apr. 5. ~ .
WANTED -1000 Hides; for which the highest
1 priqe - will be paid. •• . S. A. LYONS.
Lanesbm-o; Apr. 5.
.. . - •
etODNTBY PRODUCE taken in exchange for
qood f ,;ot. my store. - S. A.. LYONS.
- Lanesboro, - April 5 " - -
rIIIIE suWeribers having secured the sole, right to
11117111 Mr WORKER, for Striquehanna and Several
adjoining initutiei, respectfully invite all !hitter mak
ers to e.x.aluitie and TEST ,the merits- of. thii% new and
valuable tayention. We:propoSe to. furnish each and
all of you i s With a Carus - ,that will produc* as-much
batten iniaS short a time a. 3 any other churn—one
that will fiolupl etch, expel the' buttermilk. I trash awl ! I
work in i.lO salt, ;lifusiug it perfectly tkrough the
butter" ; an( tit it for use, without removing it from the:
churn;. his Chun is simple in its construction, sei
entitie in t. 4 operation, and easily cleaned and kept in
order; and :can be easily attached to any propelling
power. , f h . .
• For,furdier, particulars, pply personally or_by let
ter to JAS. C. BUSIIN .LL And J. N. BRONSON;
Ararat, SUsquehanna co nty, Pa..
.. ..
' • -
- - 1" , •i 'I',FIV ESTABLISHMENT.
Al - A., , cp.E. MOTT would respectfully inform the
:al. •Olilie that they are manufacturing Blatchley's
Celebrated, Plows. They also keep - constantly -. .0n
hank Sitllill, :Wayne 'County, ctnti Ideas , Plows,
Cultivat ri,' Dog Churns, Sleigh and ,Cutter Shoes,
Plow Popits of various,' patterns, too numerdus to
mention. , Ne hope, br strict attention' to business,
to receive ;bur share of public patropage. Manufac
tory-, D. Post's old 'Stand. Foundry, g. Mott, near
Searle's MM. I . .
riii - R . ppairing done on short notice. - -
1' 1 - , \* MERRIT MOTT.
Feb. fi. i . : • - . ELLTAH MOTT.,
THE litilocritter is agent for the foll Owing Insurance
CoTpanies, doing' business at, the lowest safe
State Mutual at Hairisburg. , •
Capital $350;000.
Cash ..ifUtual at. Harrisburg.
• Capital $200,000.
Monte Viusurance, New York Oily.
• Capital $5 0 0.000.
Mont • April 6, '5l. F. B. CHANDLER.
I -
a; D. unnitn.
. I
HF4 Subscribers are now burning and will keep
copStantly on bind, Lime of, a irery superior
quality it Montrose Depot, and will sell it in any
quantittei. at a fair price. Persons wishing a large
quantity.can be supplied a reasonable notice. ,
Supe-inr. ground Plaster will be kept constantly on
hand hireafter. I. L. POST,
W. JESSUP. " •
1,0 I
,IBROTFIERS :having purchased the above
JL e tablishrne.nt, will keep constantly on haed Su
perfn ,d -rd Fine Flour, Corn Meal of superior guq
ity, al o : Chop and Bran at the lowest cash prices.—
Custo work will be done with despatch ) , and in all
cases lyirrented. . • .. 1381tf
Montrose. July, 1853. "" - - . T •
I -
Tile persons indebted to the subscriber for fees
as Re 'Ster, Recorder and Clerk of the Orphan's court
wouldichnfer a aver by settling the - sanie soon.
Rio trose, Dec. 6 1854. J. T. LANGDOIi.
. .
' . Window Sash.
Q " .id; D. SAYRE having been appointedm agent
. 10 • ifdy an extensive Sash blind and door manufac
1 7
tory. `rl prepared to furnisha any articles in this line
less r tes than they have usually been sold
Jul g 4. ' S. H. &D. S.
r t
A 1
M. 5.:W1...130NA SON.
ltiflky - be found in S. 'MtWord's old store, East
1-11.1 side 'of Public Avenue.
• Montrose, November 15 1864.
\.T r.
now being re-
CO's. are desirable in
*Once to the Public.
ii i r
t c
,P i e t i i.
d h r
Mon rose . Depot, ' April 3.
' !
e t:
i ,c
i 0
qhavln g Cream.
i articlu which every man should UT for sale
S. 11. ,D. S.
new lot , of Summer H e
ath and Cloths
,for summer wear just received - and for sale cheap
- D. R. L. & CO.
Buffalo Robes.
CHOICE lot just received, and offered low by
1. Shawls: Shawlsi '
CHOICE lot of Wool'Long . Shawls very ebeai
-- .gcxyriwcagisToNkim
December 3.
VILITrANTED, Butter,' Cheese, Eggs, Smoked llama
VT 4 Apples, Potatoes, Beans, &e. , S, S. M.
.1 New Cutter a two horse Pleasure Car
liagtribr Isale cheap by A. TURBELI4.•
A frCth supply of Silver Spoons, Watches, Jewelry,
die'idtr. just received. BENTLEY & READ:
J. iNCE'S 1111 1 40. 1 Z ED MELODEONS . ' mare j
received by LYONS dr. SON.
,ONSTANTLY ONIL&ND or furnished to 'order
short notice. • J. LYONS & 8015.
14AWNS' Prints., Summer Stuffs ,, and the common
aorta of !hi Goods at TURRELLI3.
Steintff*: 11111114 , < Tire.l l1 /001
' ' '• \ - Sate N-
rrflE inhscribers have made arrangements to fur: .
, Weir to 'persona who maybe Iti %quit O'them, , the
above mined invaluable Sofa, at the same prices fi)r
whieh they can be obtained at the manufacturers....
Having e*perienced the benefit of etch anuiticle
ring the late conflagration ourselves, we.wohid earn
estly recommend - to others having valuable bOolmand
papers, the presiving of which would bci dimmer%
importance to them, not tO dcr without one.
Pricei l range from $5O to $500; and we ail esplai n ,
to y any one wishing . to purchase, "the difference in
N 6 2e•
price, &c., and furnish them - on 'short
mice, with the internal arrangement to snit( the par.
chaser. BENTLEY b AEAI.
Montrose, becetater 19, 1854. •
. New Goods.
Jlll Otli JIG Bros. are now receiving their sup.
• ply of ;Spring and Summer_ Go o di, and being
convinced dale advantage of having ready, pay, are
determined in sell goods at so low a rate as to con.-
vince their ctudomers and the public getieially that
it 'will tie tol their advantage as . `cell as Inns. 'Our
stock consists in .part of. Broadcloths, Cassimers e
,K ;
etituckY. Jeans, Summer stuffs, Delaines,. Lai rt „ ,
Gitighams Prints, &mete, Ribbon's, Par a .
soli.Sliawlsiand Black Silks, together'with a stock
othir..Stsple and Fancy Dry Goods, Groceries,
Crockei7, Hardware, Boots and Shoes, Hats, I,: e .
Also, a; goo 4 assortment of. Shoemaker? Findings._
Call and examine onr stock, and judge for yourselves
as to tbe trtith of our statement. Our motto is, quirk
sales and mind. profits., Most kinds of country pre.
duee taken in -exchange . for good's.
rd, afar 15, 1855
mpsck he grelit variety of Medicines atTurrell's
Store,l may be found, all of Dr. Jayne's justly
clebritte,:d Medicines : Ayre's_Cherry Peet43.
ral and Ca .artic Pills; Halsey's Forest Wine and
Forest4'ills - .llOt2fbunP,s Celebrated .Gertian Bitten;
s ,
Louden's ries .
of Family Medicines ; Merchant'A
Gurghng 0 . l the greatest rawly for sprains i n man
or itestia ev r known ; Mathewson's Tad:abler Beate,
.4, and liorlse Remedy; Orick's Vermifuge, a n d ,
variety of other.kinds; Trask's Magnetic Ointtnent, I"
die great remedy,for'buins, rheumatism, and all b 3. ~
liammittory complaints; 'Pond's Extract, a first - rat e •L
tiling ifor similar purposes as above Ointment; An. T 1
diewe. Pain Destroying Agent,Agoodarticle ; Wovkli
cock':) Balsam and Bone Liniment; Atwood's Jiiiiti
dice Bitterly Canker Drops, Liniment, and Pysentert'L.
Drops;; Baker's Compound for Dyienteiy ; gene...
ton's Pepsin, lid Dyspepsia;
Eelmbold's Extract of .
Buda., and Extract of Santapahlla; a variety a
Salves, the best in market, \ Pills, &c., and an shim
endleSs variety of Patent Medicines, altogether too
numerous to enumerate—but suffice it to say, 11 1 1.,
the public will find . nearly. very thing in this line, a
prepared to fill orders from the trade, and do work
their, line with _skill and despatch. They will ktep
constantly on hand Plows, (best kinds,) Stores. ( L I
kinds,) t'ultisators, Straw Cutters, ;Corn Shelter,.;
We invite particular attention to the Plows
ive manidiature., We manuLcture and keep forirl.
?'he Celebrated Blatehley j Plow.
We.have purchased the exclusive nght to-man&r
ture and sell .in this county; Wayne, Wyoming and
Bradford, 11W Rich's _Patent Iron Beam Plow. The
Plow is made entirely of4ron, excepting the handle , .
It is celebrated fur its easy draught, being one :hi~i
easier than any now in use, while its strength
:rability are greater.
of all kinds manufactured and repaired by . eiperitt6
ed machinests. _
Steam Rngines, Giciring for Mills, Shingle Ile.
eke. eke. • -
: Among the Stoves which we manufacture, are tilt
Keystonk Cooking Store '
Rough and Ready do.,
est Queen do., Premium and other lands, all 24.
ranged for burning Wood or coal.
lator, Parlor Store,
_Cottage :Parlor' doc, Stailley . 7i,
two sizes, do., and a-variety of stort,
both wood and coalburpers. v i r thviOn hail
Grindstone trimrpinV, .Dflg acorp u s., and
brella and Sho*ti by.- ••e
-done lo order - On short 'notice umrui mar ilowest ratee.
Itjr-Orders for •Stoves, Agricultural Limplcnalitz,
ke., are solicited from those in the trade; and Will t,
filld at reasonable wholesale prices.
S. 11. SAYRE.
Montrose, . 4
Tailoring Establishment
ASHER & Co.. would- respectfully announce w `= Jtheir friends and the Falblic generally, that: they
keep constantly on hand a full assortment of Rea&
Made Clothing, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, :id
every thing else necessin.Y.for men and women's
We would particularly call the attention of country
Merchants to our large stock of Ready-Made Clotlik;
of our own mannfacture,..which *e offer at Wholesale,
at prices thak will afford great induceinents to 4fh;
and short-time cnstomers.
A large stock of. Cloths, Cassimere s s,-VeStings,ic„
kept constantly on hand, for persons degirous of bar:
ing clothing made to order.
Orders punctually attended to
• Thankful for pail favors, we hope to merit am.
tinntuice of - the same. J. ASHER L. Co',
Susquehanna Depot, Pa., May 12, 16 - 55. -
• Australia, California,
Or any place on the Globe cannot Trap!
greater intlacements 'than
VITHICII is now'filled with a new and '
V V assortment.of articles in their line, embracing;
a general variety, of new and elegant styles
and gentlemen's wear, among which are We. i
French, Silk - Lasting and Prenille Gaiters, Kid:arc,
Enameled Polkas,Kid, Patent Leather and Brteill
Jenny Linds, B uskins and Ties ; Gentlemen's Freed
and Philadelphia, oak tanned calf skin and kip Boos.
MoroccO, Calf and Cowhide Brogans &c; Boy 5.14
calf and -cowhide 'Boots and - Brogans ; nil kind! 4
Misses and-Children's wear. Also, a general aim 1
anent of Findings-which consist in part •of lasts, iitO
sparables, Ilungaritua nails, tacks, thread, wax, :B4 4
tles,shoe binding, awls, rasps, sandston, shoe him
&c. Also oak and hemlock, tanned -calf-upper
soleleatber, Morocco skins and linings.. • .f
Work made to order and repairing nelitiv Os.
•• 1 -
Montrose, April 6, 1854' - -
Valuable Lands For Sale.
1j OR SALE IN ONE BODY, about 55041 - aCto
.112 Land on the waters of Spring Brook, a btana
of the Lackawanna river, in Luzern Coenty,
about midway between the thriving towns of f.c:rtc
ton and Pittston. These lands are covered
uable timber, and being situate in the most exterev
mineral region .in Pennsylvania—known to came
iron ore—and believed to abound in coal, and beqr,
also in the immediate vicinity of several ianraPH_
made and. new in progress—offer to the. capitakta....',l.
opportunity for the investment . of money that
occurs. For further' information apply toI.T.
sack, Esq., No. 11, Wall street. New York, or is :a.l
subscriber, at Montrose, Susquehanna c.ounty,l i a., a, 0
attorney in fact of the owner*.
April 6, 1854,• - HENRY DRINKF..`i
Estmyed from the premises of subseribei.S.
or near the first of June--fit'e.'yearlings.
Steers, one darker - than the other. Three
mostly red, with sonic white on each-, the emall?t s•
having more white than the other. Any pers;r 4 2-
ing said yearlings. will oblige the subscriber hr-t 4
them up and sending him word, by letter orotia4 4 %
and he will pay them for their trouble.
Jackson, July. Ist, 1855 WY. Luts.titia
• 1
krIlE, NEXT TERM of this Institution come.
JL the Brit Monday of September - (sd) and cd,+
nest 22 weeks:l 'And - as classes will, then be .
ed, and the studies assigned, students are pardc,
ly requested to be present; • and they will the .
avoid much labor on the part of the teachers I.o*
barrassraent to theMselves. •r• '*
BOard, under 'the present hard thues,,is p'er
week; and will be proportionally less if they eta ,
which we ha'vo every reason to believe from q* :.
preaching harvest.
Adnaluistrator's NOtire.
ATOTIO's is hereby given tbitlettem of.adueP lo
tiott uPon' the- estate of GURSUOM BUNIELL
late of thelownship of Auburn,deceased, hsve be
g ranted to the subSeriber, stud all perkug 4.0
ed to said estate will please, make immedia4
mcnt; and those having ,elauns agaiusi the rm
iwAlplease present:them duly attested for settle
, 61L
o tinuuns,'June-13111,1855. • - "
. " . 'IIIiEW GOODS . .
0 16 - pfaiD .
c ip Prints and tidies' Broadcloth; - ; Mau
r.,.1. 4 , just opened and for salad* '. .. i . E
j t. a NS -" I
- .. , lj
. .
, { ~
. I