Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, September 13, 1855, Image 1

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I .• " • I
CHARLES F. lii . -k-;t l D oc H.
If e s
- •
Fran the Albany Atka
"Oh, Let me Sing To-Night, Mother." • .1
Oh, let Me sing to-night, mother,.
That song I used to sing,
When hope was bright, and my heart was light
As a bird .upon the Wing!
I know thoult miss the voice, mother,
That warbled with the strain,
But let me sing to-night, mother, • . •
The dear old*gong again;
Y know 'twill bring sad thoughts, mother,.
Thy tears may taillike rain,,
„vol. a loving eye and a fair young :4m
Thou Ile'er may'st set again,
Ttut I'd have thee send each tear,-mother,
Back to its seeret cell, -
Aud let me sing to-night, mother, •
The song she loved so well,
And let me sing to-night, mother,
Therong she loved so well. • -
It will bring bright dreams to my heart, mother,
Bright dreams of the joyous past, . '
I•Ched hope, all minhaw:hued, mother,
Her hold around me ca .
I know the light grows , mother, '
But still) fondly c • .
To the bright dreatni, hat come b , mother,
With the song I Oed to sin ' ' "
To the bright dreamt Lome back, mother,
With the song I-used to sing.
As' I sing that song of boy, mother,
Faith upward lifts his: eye, •
Towards the land of •rest, tnothr;
- Where, hope can never die. •
Where ties that strunOy bindi.mother,
' May ne'er be riv'n iutwain; a
Where tears are dried, and the hearts mother,
May never know sorrow again. . • .
Then let me sing to-night, mother, . ,• •
That dear.old soUg.of old, - . •
And pray when I sleep at last,- mother, -
By her side, all silent and cold, -
Our spirits may meet ne'er to part, mother,'
. lleav'n-born music ring, -
And our oices. be mingled T.there, Mother, 4
In the songs the angels '
dud our Voices be mingled there, mother,..
• In the songs .the alige t ls sing.. • ,
Mischief Makers. •
Ohl mid there in . this world be found
some little spot of happy ground,' - •
Where villageEpleasures might go round •
, • Without. the village tattling.
flow doubly blest that place would be,
Where, all might dwell - in liberty, -
Free from the bitter misery •
Of gos4's endless 'prattling.
Ti? mischief Makers that remove
far tronr our theatts the warmth of love;
And lead us d i ll to disapprove
What gives another pleasure.
They seem to4alte one's part—but when
They've heard our cares, unkindly theta-
They soon retail them all again,
Mixed with their poisonous measure.
_kin" then thO'Ve such a c,unnitig way 4 :
of telling ill-meant tales: they sat-, .
"Don't mention what . I'vesaid, pray,
• I would not tell another."
Straight to your neighbor's house.they go,
Sarrating everything they know ; .
And break the peace of high and ton,•
Wife, husband, friend and brother.
Oh! that the mischief-making crew
Were all reduced:to one: or two,
And they were l'inintet red or bhie,
That every One might know, thimil.
Then would our Villagers forget
To rage and quart 4 fume and fret,
And .fall into an angry pet,
• With things;) much below them.
For 'tis a sad, dt..4p-xOng part
To make another "bosom Smart,
And plant a. dagger in the heart
_ We ought to lore and cherish:
Then let us ever more he found. .
In quietness with all around,
While hiendshiMay, and peace abound, '
And angry feelings perish!
c 'W ifeeess4 of flpioq:
in the Imerieazi Cottiitil at Sprisizfiell, Aug- 7, 1855
Entertiiining as I do, Mr. President, . the
that 9se vote we are
about to 'take will' have a decipive influ
tem upon the' po4tical 'relations of men
and parties, upon the position of Massachu
setts in the coming conflicts- of the future, I
feet Ceesri:aired to ask, for a few moments,
the indulgent attention of the Council.
, -
The gathering hosts of Northern freemen
t4every party and creed, •are . banding togeth
e:‘ to resistltlie aggressive policy of` the Black
-Power. Treedoth . , Patriotism,'and Human
itdemand the union of the freemen of the
"Lepublie, for ; the sake 'of Liberty nits peril-
O. Ileligioti sanctions ; and blesses it. -
..: nor :and where stands Massachusetts T-- - -
'lull slit , range .herself in. line, front to the
' Black Power, with her sister States? or shall
she maintain the fatal position of isolation ?
Bert; and now, we, the chosen representatives
: the American party of this Commonwealth,
are to meet that .issue, •to solve that preb
- Pent, • . 1.
The, American party of Massachusetts,
dashing dtli,,,r . organizations into pewerless
fragments, had grasped the reins of power,
*;laced - an unbroken delegation in Congress,
i r ' ' /lllV:e'd 'to the policy of Freedom, ranged
this ancient (. - ',ommonwealth • front- to front
ir_itb the State Power, and written, with the
, - iron pen of History, upon her sstatntes, •
-elarations of principles and pledges of acts
* hostile to the.uggressive policy of the slave
- holding power. When the Black Power of
the imperibus Sud], aided by the Servile
Power of
. the faltering "Mirth, imposed upon
1114 "National American Organization. its 'prio•
~ril , les, weibtri!.s, 'and policy; 'the repreteut
, t . , tires of the American party of this Common- .
- , ealth spureed the unhallowed decrees,* turn
ri their - baeli.s forever upon that ;prostituted
. organization,z and their aetion received the ap
• proving -sanction of this State Council, by -.a
• vete approaching unaulnii. The Amer , .
inn party, as• a national organization, is bro'-
keit and shivered atoms. By its own - act;
the American panty -of Massach usetts h as
s'erered itself froiii all connection with th a t
1 , •
- nroduct of Southe'n dorainlition and . North-,
ern submission. .
, The . American party, of Massachusetts has
duriug its brief existence, uttered true words
and performed noble deeds. for_ Freedom.—
1...'L,e gust at least is secure. Whatever may
, ..aar e seen its errors of omission.or ieoinmis
it,n. the .slave and the Slave's friends -will
rf,ever- teproath it. Holding'',.aB it does, the
;rms. of - power, it now has a glorious opix)r
-I?;inity, to .give ito the.cduntry the magnan
us otainpleofn greatand dominant party,
".',: the fell possession of consummated power,
1,• .,
cely: yielding:up that power, fur the: holy
c4lof Fr'eedorn, to the'egual possession of
opiir Parties, who are willing to co-operate
tt? it neon a common platform. litre and
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noW,ive., Its rcprilsentatifes, are to show by!
our acts whether we cak rise above the de
of partisan - policy,;to.the full compre,
- bettlan of the condition 4f public affaits—to '
the';ftill realizationsof the obligation. which
fidelity to Freedom now imposes upon us. , '.
Yottr'Ponttnittee,. Ur. President,eudeavOr--
Cd 'to; comprehend 014 Condition Of the 'coun
ty and the position Oflllassachusetts—to re- 1
alize:: the duties imposed upon all .of us win):
are.opposed to. the 4911iinatiorr of the Black
Power, *and to the ;policy of its servile instru
nientthe present ':Administretiok.;. •'• The
"Platform ;of principles - reported by ...your
_Committee embraceS the ideas that underlie
the American moi.ement=the essential mod
ifiieation of the naturalization laws, to the end.
that the. iitunigranti may learn something of
1 -ottr institutions ,before he exercises - political.
power; stringent rCnalti g s againA the trans-
! fer of neturaliiatiOn Papers, to the end lhat
the purity of the_ elective frivichise may be
secured . ; Military 'and : political organizations'
Icompoz•ed of foreigners dicouraged, to - the.
I end that the sons of the' Old World may
more. readily cast ofr then; 'national associa . :
tions; and assimilate with the masses of the,
A:Molest - 1. citizens;' efficient laws to : prevent.,
the deportation of . eritnivals and paupers to
our shores by foreign autherities, but a hos
pitable reception extended to the persecuted
and oppressed of . every clime ; grave diplo
triittle: trusts withheld. from men of foreign
birth, tofthe end that the'represcntativeS of
tthe Republic abroad; may not be, swayed ,by
!foreign asseciationslor interests; the right to
worship God to be preserved to all inviolate,
j hut all , attempts 'nu
. Ithorities tO aequ ire pOlitical power, to exclude
the Bible from tht sOlools, to be. Sternly re
'eisq,d... - . '
r - ~•. ~_ --- : ..‘ ,
1 Sir '.the heart or, old Puritan .11fassaeltu
}• , ts 0,.
s4...tbats•responsie to tite.' r e' ideas—ideas
in perfeet harmony . With our-, Democratic in
ntitutions. Sir, the Antericini movement in
ot. based •upon . big(itry, intolerance, or pro-,
.teription. If there ,is anything of bigotry,
Intolerance, or proscriPtion, in the - American
oyeent—if there is any disposition to op
press or. degrade- the Briton, the 'Celt, .the
erman,or any one ot another clime or race,
• r •to deny to them the fullest protection . .of
fitst and equal laws, it is.time such criminal
fanaticism Was sternly 'rebuked by the intel
licrent.patriotisM of the State and countrY.-
- %eeply , deplore,. sir, the adoption/of the
wentyotte years amendment. It will weak
en the . American •moyentent ut,hofne. and in
titte West, •• and - tend Ito defeat anY trioditica
ton whatever of Unit naturalization laws.. I
iarn • gentlemen ; who desire/the .correction
of the evds-growing Ont of the abuse's of: time
tiattiraliziation laws, iorain:st . the adoPtion of
1 . ts
.extretnebplitions. . 1; tell: you. gentlemen or;
- 'the Ceuncil,: . that this;intense Nativcisto hills i
-L-Yes sir. it:kills ands killing a",
and unless ,I
ii is speedily altandOned, Witrticfeat.;'all - the I
- needed ritforms the Movement Wasitlangu
-r Act] to. lieenrc, and Overwhelth us all in dis-.
li nor. livery attempt, by Flannsoeree made,
t t 'ilzteriobites:inta the American maYement
.a piling inconsistent with the theory of our
Democra is institutions—anything inconsist
eitt, with !the - idea that
. "all men are.created
"nal "--itnything contrary to the comtnand
o God's Holy Word,. that " the stranger that
dweileth witll you shall, be untoyou as one
brit Arnow , you, and thou shalt love him as
Iltyself," isdoinff that which shall baffle the
w se policy which strives' to reform• existing
e ils and• to; guard against future abuses.
' The platfOrni reported by your Committee
p nounces . 'American Slavery to be "the
t onestion of the country' and the age''-
it expreSsly declares that "Freedom is. Na--.
tiimal, • and Slavery SeetiOnal , " 7 -that "Oro
General .Government must be relieved frOM
all connection with and* accountability for
Atnerican Slavery "—" the
.sovereignty, ,Of
th States maintained inviolate=-the prolii
bltion of Slavery
. in -Kansas and Nebraska
re.tored, and the actual settlers protected in
their legal rights."
.-Personally, 1 go farther
than these rcsolutiens go, but they go as far
as thC publib. of . the North arc prepared to
gO; and' I am anxious to - adopt 4 moderate
platform, upon which conservatiVe men, out
ragedby the-repeal of the Missouri prohibi-,
tin, can stand with us.
Having (laid down a platform of principle.,'
your Committee, Mr President, reported the.
reSolutions tiow pending, which pronounce
the pos itiim (IA the present Admini.tration to
.betone of up diSguised hostility to all the p rinci i r
ples welrr i r:ofess—that the, exigencies of th 4
tidies demandd united political action—that
Wei, are -ready to co-Oper.ate with all the oppot ,
4?etits of btir common enemy. and that a corn;
rni tee. belapPointed to; call a Convention, in
eoi neittkin 'i with other txtmmitteeS, of delei.
, ,
gates chosen by the petifile in their primary
.rneetings, to nominate candidates to he. Sup'
ported at the coming election.. , -..- !
Sir, thisJs• a clear altd distinct proposition
for 'the ifuSiont'. of parties--the union of the
pe plej---fcir, placing Masst)chusetts in harmo4
ny with the rallying hints of the rising North;
Th member', from Newton [Mr. Ely] 'pro.
t s
po. . to . . strike out. the words ' co-operate
with' and inSert the words ' invite the co-op;
era ,ion of
~. . i 1 -• 1- . • • ,
. • tf this.ainendMi .nit,; Mr. President, • re..!
. .
ceives the Sanction f the Council, the untoni
of lie peoplel:Will h defeated. The people' ,
will-spurn your' 'in itatiOn. At your lasts
meeting yOu.'t invited their, co-operation,' and
froM one and all, from presses and - people,l
havt. Come n 4 responsive words, but wordsi l
.of. d sapp'ointinent and: defiance rather; When;
_State iCeoncil meti in June last, M.assal
chu .etts exp pc' tea that we.should -take niess-1.
1 'uie .to seettro l the united action of men of all; '
I par ies; who . think alike and feel alike, and
..wh are ready. to Crate with each other)
in 'the, restoration of the Missouri •probilail
tiotn .• 1 - . • ' * . . . i
- Sir, the occasion ;. was one that gave the!
. Atrirican 'intrty of 3144tichusette an. oppori
tent y to p ace this old:commonwealth at the
'head of the.. battles Of the .. fu-i
ture. Sir, it wills one Of those grand. ets:ietui
,to public • men. That 'd'it
meal lopportunitiy for s tory ' was Wally flung.
a l vV , • We - failed to. meet, the high•raiied
expeetation's of the People: Sir, had the prop-
- osition prepared by Governor Gardtter,whiehi
. .rec4i %'ed: -. your , approval and the approiral of !
sPtcle of then most sagacious men of - the An3reJ
iican party, to call a Co:lnvention of the Peo4
pie -I to- organi;e am American ~Republican.
.party,been 44:10aPted;ife, should thiSday be in a
proud anal commanding position. before the,
country:. ; ~, , :::: ; : ;'.;_ - -.- . i ,
1 )retired; from - iliat meeting With a sad!
heart, but with 'an unconquered soul 1 knew;
the (ionise of Freedon*—eye, of Americanise
, J r
6,,dr[ - .i,Eoon . :4.iti - ~:...0 00. . ` T- . 'A 4 4t(o - '
.13 -7 0 ... ' . : ,- g'' 2-v- -. - - - .A' 'im -l irf..VA : l(o' ...-a;_i'''9-'...9.--'
•-would be weakened by that day> proceed
ings. Shall we here and now repeat' he -
tahnistake of that day'? Shall-we again, `ire
vitae tbei co-operation '' Of others? -. Sir, the
propositiOn is ungenerous, unmanly; unwor
thy of, high-minded men. Let us . ,
whn . are ;in the majority, be liberal and
,erous=let us meet men of other organiis
4ions at;' least
-- half Way and extend to them
1 •
the grasp of hands warns with the blood that
;courses through geterms!and manly - beams.
Sir, the member fronts' Boston [Mr. Moke]
'fiercely denounced !this, proposition for
tunion of: the peopl e.. lie is pleased to pro . -
nounce it, a proposition to sell out the Amer;
party to the KnowSomethings,or Fies
'S 1 ' ' I ' nothing•
1. or ers,
_Sir see in the priapositibit
Ito warrant any gentleman in the use of such
li anguage, and lam greatly mistaken in the
:lone of this assemblage, if its members see
anything ,'in it to justify:, this talk about bey
-Ipig. and selling men in this Commonwealth..
Several gelitletneit. Mr. 'President,
hlluded:lo the KnoW Somethings, in no very
complimentary term's. Sir, lam not'a i nterW
ber of that st orraniation, and never have been;
_ , ,
`and never - can b e while it continues to be; a
' Oecret politica organization,althotighT Mainly
agree in the principies.and believe their niern
hers to be gentle Men of intelligence" and char-
Actor. Tire Amerit*ii party - is the only . Se
ret political organiz a tion that I am or ever
Hive been connected with, and 1 assure yOu
is, will he,, the Aa',st. I ,have long been ("On
zinced that the secreey, should be abondoned,
and. have labored and draft continue to labor,.
Induce'the orgatiiiation to fling away all
secrecy, and stand out in the broad light of
rioonday; so' that the country may see and
commend our principles and deeds that are,
4-ortlty of commendation, and rebuke what
'ever of fitnatieism oetblly it may .see in otir
ifrprinciples or
d believe, air. President;
that at an immense
Majority of the people of Ma;sachu.sCtts are
this day hUngering arid thirsting afler that po
litical union that shall bring together men
Nthl . 6e jleaits beat responsive to the tunes of
treedoni. ' Sir, the instinctive sagacity. of the
pe ople,' wiser than the': wisdom of 'political
Itsrlers,t!ees that by fusion alone can the peo
nle. of the free States battle the darling schemes
of the Chiefs of the Black Power. It tuAim
i defeated in Idassachinetts—in the North
.--4-it will not be the: work of the unselfish
masses, but it will be owing to the selfish am
bltion and - the criminal tally of political lead
.1 wain the political chiefs of all parties
against . permitting. their 1, little petty inter
es.ts, their unreasoning prejudices, to blind
diem, to the great fart that the people want
~.union, and trill hove i-it, Ihro , to 'your
otganizations.or orcr 'yotit' organiratiOps. • -
i My. friend from Ipswieli [Mr. Carey] op
pscs `fusion,' because some of the political,
leaders demand, as a condition, that certain'
t- -
ntleen of the Anierii.ian party shall be
sacrificed. 1 hope_gentlemen of the Amer
kat, party will givetlieniselyes no anxiety
about these conditions. The people are gill
erbus-- they demand no sacrifices. The Men
who permit_ their ' little personal .: prejudices
•anil animositie s' in this great crisis to control
:their actions, are not inl a condition:to die-
tale toariy body of living men in this Com
menwealth.. Sir, I would say to the politi
,ciiin'who. asks 'the question, ' Where am I to
gel' who haggles about terms, whodernands ,
the immolation, of . opponents. of other days,
that-the people will settle in. their own good
,tilde: all -1 these dist urbing`questions. ,:. in cri
,se4 like thepreserit i the politician who. seeks
to'isave his life.may lose it. , .• I
When the Kansas-Nebraska act - was forced
through a reluctant, Cengrei, - by the corrupt
aptiliapoes Of it Willing instrument Of the
Blitck Power, the people of theftee States— '
Whigs,.Free•Soilers,lndepnndent bentoerats,
anal Americans- , -instinctively rushed iogeth-,
er 4,3 the .ballot-box, to rebuke a faith-break
in i dynasty:. 'By their limited action the
A ministration of Franklin Pierce Was laid
pr , strate, and that dishonored Administra:
tion lies to-day low in the dust at - the feet of
tht betrayed and indignant freemen of the -
Mirth. ' .Di.t . ,' gentlemen believe that the peo
ple; a the free States are new any less hostile
to4he aggressive policy of the 'Black Power
thin when, it abrogated the `.ordinituee of
Freedom?' ' Do gentles Pen .believe that
Atchison, Stringfellow, and their hordes of
aribed . Missouri - ruffians, leave . commended
the beauties of ' Squatter Stivereigitty v e to the
peOple of Massachusetts? Do gentlemen
thipk they have forgotten their suns, brotherst
neighbors, and friends, whiise - lives are peril)
ed,,this day by the'violencelof border riitTrans;
and whose rights are invaded byleglalatora
imposed upon:them by armed and - invading
hordes of Missourians ? • lid, gentlemen be.
Beige the removal, of Governor Reeder will
con }wend President Pierce to the regards of
Northern - freemen'? Do gentlemen believe
that.the alarming assumptions and arbitrary
deelsiotis of ''Judge - Kane, by which"hel,asr
sigried. Passinore Williatpson to liMitlesi
imprisonment, fur the crime • of. informing a
woenanL--a Native AtneriCan woman—that .
sheiwas free pa the soil of Pennsylvania, are,
'mliinlated to quiet the apprehensions . of the
people concerning encroachments on our lib. , .
ertiki 'I . . '.
The freemen ofMaine, New Hampshi r e,`
and have comin'ed for, Freedom.,
NeWYork Pennsylvania are moving,'Ohio,c,
undr the lead of one of thel L niost aecomplish-T,
ed 'statesmen of the Republic, is bravely bat-'
tling to retain the glorious position by which' :
she ient an nnbriiken.delegation in"Congr,ess,
by t4;00o majority. I ' have recently wit
nes 's'ed the Mighty gathering of the -freemen',
of 4diarta, and beard her gallant sons pledge: .
tine* their combined action' for Freedom.
1 ,
The Whig party can oppose- no harries to:
the. lack ,Power, 'to the Administration. '-
It.lies.broken and powerless':
Adthinistraticin sees a stiaiiiht-out Whig
mot r ,ement,'it , ,:hastens to pull its shoulder be
nen* it, in the hope Of belt) r able to raise up
thati powerless organizatio ; for it feels
satire; that if it' gum make th issue with' that
'it -will *asily retain its pOSitoti. , The - :
oust Natl AmeriOur party hr gone over to.
thießlatte„Potver ; its bead
.Tirei in the South=
ite tail is in the North. American or-•
, i
gantydrons of the North cannot alone carry
raorf. - than two States 'against the Adritinis- -
tii.m.',. : By the 'union or the Anti-Nebrisha
ineniof all Parties alone can! the Administra
tion be defeated, in 1858. r No one doubts
hawiltsissaehisettsifill votf: in 1856, but she
owed it -to the clause ofFreedom to'giVe the
foroi of her example to her, sister - States, in
favor of the union of the peOple: - •
If i ttie Teprisentatives: of the American par
ty A'ejoet this proposition for fusion, I shall
I: . 1
•50T0T8E,41,3 4 , i 1855.. -.'
~ ..
; i -
go- borne once inore with a 'ad heartbut I
- - ~ -
shall not go' home to sulk lip, my tent—to
mail and fret at the folly of Men ; .1 -Shall 4 .
'tome, air, with a' resolved l spirit iMd iron
will, determined to htipe on and struggle on,
until I see the lovers of universal'and impart
Oa! Freedom banded together in one organ
ization-.-moved by one imptilse. }stir seven
yeirs l). have labored to break up Old organ
itationt, and to make new OombinatiOns, all
ttiding to the Organization o r the great party
Of the future Which is to relieve the (.ITovern
itient from future,
iron doniinion of th l - Muck.
. _ .
Power, I • : '• ' .
1 Sir,'gentlemen • may defeat this proposed
gentteo,... _
fitsion ibere toidity4l.ut they Cannoveontrol
the action of .the people. tiA fusion!move•
nient-ikill be made,. under thin lead of, gentle-
Men Of .-tbe ig, Democratic, and Free
parties,,Foil of talent. and character: The
Movement willjie.itt harmony with the peo
Moveme4a, in the_ Nora), 83r.1 , such a
movement with put a majOrity of the men
Who voted withlyou last ant:lmn in a false pc: :
Sition before tht country, or driVe then from
Antr ranks, I,icannot speak for others, but
I tell you, frankly, that I eannot bt. placed in
it; false; posititm!-1 cannot, even for one mo-
Mein, consent to stand arrayed•against the
hOsts of Freedom now preps rag tor the con
' tlSt of 1856. I tell you, frankly, tha.t.wheii
ever I see a formation in position to strike
1 effective blows 'for Freedorn.'l shall'- be with
it in the conflict---Wheeeveri see; an organ
iz:ation in,l!position antagonistic tO nieedom,
Lkball not be false to the ideas which Underlie -
the Aniericart movement.. All my hoPes . for
li-e'edoin, all my hopes for the triumph 'of
those American ideas, are based wholly upon
the united action'of the people.
;'These. avowals are not ineoiisistent with
iity past avowals and acts. I Never ',since I!
*aline a member of the American( organ
ization,:have I failed to utter I . my sentiments
frtinkly; inpubiie' aial in private. By the
unsolicited kindness, of my ifriends.'l have
been .aSsigned a po;ition , lit the National
Cbiiii.eils—l say unsolicited kindness; for
whatever may have been 114 14es : iiiid,de
sires, I never asited - sa single Minoan tieing-to
vote kir. me, I never travelld 4 ,ingic mile
oneipended a single dollar t 4 seeu rot Note.
I ice an eloquent gentleman present, • who
ca)led on me, while my eleetiOn Was pending,
to request me Lb write something to ntodify
ley 'opinions on Slavery. He willrentember
Wet I stated may my views oat . that question
--that I told him my 9pinion4 were the ma
t&red convictions of years—that I would not
qualify - diem to win the lof4st position oh..
earth ; hat I should carry them with, sue, if .
' eleeteikinto the Senate ; and that if the party
with which I acted proved recreant to Free
dOiti I .*would. cruidi it to atonis, if I bid
pOwer to doo it! Chna,en to represent; Mass-,
achusetts in the! NatiOnal . COuncils Without
the ..s4 , crifice of my Anti-Slavery opinions, I.
st ,. ..t.edan,d shall continue to act up to those
_opinions. On my. arrival at jWashington, I
saw at a glance, that . tlw p4ilitieian*or the
South—men who had deserted their North
ern associates' upon the N ebrask issue, were
resolved tb impose upon the American party
by i the aid of doughfiv..-es from New York' and
Pennsylvania, as the test of nlitionality, - fi.
Aelity to the SlaVe Power. Flattering words •
from veteran statesmen were poured into my
eats---flattering appeals were made to me
to paid in the work of nationalizing.the party
- whose victories in the SOuthWere to be .as
brilliant as they . had been, in the .North. But
I resolved that 'upon my soid the sin and
satanic of silene& or submission shouldinever
rest.; . I returned hOme, deterthined to baffle
if li could the meditated treason to : Freedom
and to the
. North. . Since my i, returni from
`Washington, I - have visited t , irteen States,
travelled more than nine thousand Miles, ad
drt....a4.,.d thousand* of freemen, consulted' with.
hundreds of true Men, and written hundreds
of reiters. Southern politicians whoSe de
feats are now
.dashing over the; wires, North
erniMen 'by *hese treactieryithe Anieri
party -was laid ht the feet of the slavehOlding
propagandists atl .Philadelphi:4 have their
sympathizers:even here in Old MassachtiSetts •
but; their misrepresentations have, not de ,
terred me in the past from giving my htunble
support to the holy cause of Freedom, and
theirmisrepresentations will net prevent my
opPM•ition in the future to ' every -kind of
oppression over' !the minds and bodies of
MO.' . I'
T . ain not, Mr. Presidect, insensible to the
. that many lof my- personal friends;
friends whose generous manifestations of con'
fidepee 1 shall ever gratefully remeicher, do
notl4 this time approve 'of the poicyl I see
fit to support: . SO anxious am,l to prOatrate
forever the iron }rule of the slaveholding ari l
istoeracy; to rebuke a faidareaking -Admin
istration, to baniiii. from the National Coun- ,
eilslthe voice of Iservile doughfaces, and to
inaugurate an era of Freedom, Viand' so -Confi
dent am I that 114 union - of - the people will
aehieVe these desired results; that- I an wil
ling', in incur even the censure of such frihnds,
if by 'so doing 1 am hastening the accomPlish
inent4 of Objects dear to them and me. They
d 4 nib the justice, I am sure, td believe that
-I an not Influenced in my-course hype:omnd
iniete'st, for friend and foe cannOt fail tO see
th4il!can have no other "interest in this great
qtleation than ,what belongs to eVery patriotic
and liberty-loving citizen of Masatichuse,tts.
1. 1
Mr The loveliest valley has a muddy
swaeop, the noblest mountain a Piercing blast
and the prettiest thee some ugly feature:—
The 'fairest face is \ most subjeet , l ) to freckles;
and the handsomest girl is apt t ► be proud;
the Most sentimental lady:loves cold pork
and the gayest mother lets heil children go
Mr 't d.
• he', kindest wife will sometimes overlook
an absent shirt button, and the b l est luisband
forgit'to kiss his wife every time he steps
outside the gate, and the best dispositired
children in the world get angry and squall;
andthe smartest scholar will miss a .lesson,
and: the wittiest say 'something stupid, lattd
wisest essayist write some nonsense; and
mire will fall, slid the moon suffer celipSe—
and inen won't be angels, nor earth heayen.
. ,
GataT Yrittn or RYS.—The alenn:',.ol)-
zerver has a speeimenlor rye raised this'seti,
son Upon the town. farm of Soull Dancers,
on apiece or ,
land of ordinary ravelly
tneas i nring seven serei and one hundred kand
twenty rods, which yielded two hundred;and
twenty-nine and h half bushels. lit weighed
.fifty4l4 pounds to the bushel.. Ci r ne hundred
and fifty bushels of it Were sold for $l-50 per
•` l
~OjcGe ~~pgt'f~.
. ,
: .
..' After the usual reprimanding and filling of
a Score of drunken persons, there - wis a , case
of rather pectiliar nature came up, which
may he called. •• . "
~ i •
- This ease was - one in which, Owen Shaug
neesy, Patrick 'Mulholland, - 'Michael . O'Shea,.
Timothy Leahey, Dennis - Maioney,,,Derniot
*Derma,. Phelim Flannegan, Bridge (.)'-
-Keefe, Mary '..Meßridge, Ellefi Dougherty
and Bridget Casey were•the defendants. lA.s
the Judge caped out their names the piker'.
ersseverally responded, They wereel4 i as
their names Would indicate, of Irish birth;
the nten evidently laborers and the Woinen
servants, though on the present occasion they,
were dressed in their best garments and Pre
sented; So far as their clothes were -concern
..ed; a'-very • respectable appearance.. Their
garments in some instance,s, however, 'Were
torn and in other ways disarranged and soil
td; The inch,
and in one. or two instances
the women, showed bruises about their 'flees
and hands indicating their active partie pa
tio!" in a recent scrimmage, from the effects
of ;vltich they bad not had the time, Soap aid
water to enable them to recover. • .1 '•
Mr. Gerald O'Grady, who.. stands at the
heAd of the bar at the Tombs, ' and sihoit,
under adverse . circumstances and strOftg
competition, is enabled by his talents to keep
tip his tariff of fees, fro f in which he has 'never
' deViated; appeared as icounsel for the priSini
j_er. Mr. O'Grady ha's never been known{ to
defend a case for less ?than fifty cents, unless,
actuated by feelings of cominendahle philan
thrOpy, he has Volunteered his professional
services gratiS. it may be reasonably snpi
to*d. that his, success has excited the euvy, of
the : "Shyster," for. while- they have to Isit
oftentimes e'WhOlearoning beside their re
granite coluirins at the Tombs with: .
out; beilfg called' upon; to defend a case, Mr.
I O'Grady's Presenee 'in the . Court .room is
lin frequent demand: Mr. o"Grady had heen
retained in this.ease by seven of the dere:W.7'
ants at five shillings each, he volunteering his
professional :4:ei'yiees to the ladies with Out
I charge. • He anitounced to the Court that lie
represented - the defendants, and that - they
were ready to, have the trial continence. ?,
The witnesSes'.were Sergeant Ferrett 41 ,
Officers Snap:Clutcher s .- O'Grasp, .Ketchum'
Holder, and Van Kitabeln: •. ,- 1 '
. y
Officer Holder stated that while patroling
his heat
. during Thursday- night, the inmates
of xi house, No. S 3 12 Pacific-place, began to
act Very disorderly. ' • rretn the howlings and
noises which heheard 'he came to the eclat
'elusion that there was a wake - the houSel
N'ot desiring to stop -the disturbance by anY
violent means, he. knocked at the- door with
the view of telling them that they
. were dist
turbing.the public peace, and requesting theal
to desist. No response was Made to hit
'kit*. He then put.his thouthi to the kity i
holeof the dour and announcedl• to them ':,a
audibly as he could that unless hey - desist',
he should haVe to ail! other officers and ar
ree(them. No attentian. was i paid to hi
.Sergean Perrett arrived soda after
and.ina.smuch as the disturbs:Mee continue
to increase they called, in the other officers f.
make a descent tin
_the place, riot, however
until they had first endeavored by their yoi
es to. make the inmates of the house under
stand the consequence to them: in case they
persisted in their : unlawful course. Office
Ketchum, who had formerly patrolled thel
beat; knew of a rear entrance to the houSel
through an alley,' and they :accordingly 'ea
tered the houee by that way.. • They foundi
about twenty persons present, men and Nqi
- lithe; engaged in - a promiscuous serimmagei
hoWling, drinking and fighting. . The orders!
of the.sergiemt to cease their disturbance did;
not /tied anything,. 'which 'decided them iol
-'arreat the leading actors in the -, which
they ,forthirith,aecomplished after some cot;-!
• siderable -resiStanee- on
_their part. They'
brought them to the Station-house. - The .re
mainder of the party subsequently retired Or
left the place, whichwas quiet ; for the rest of
the night. • • ' i•
• I
The temainina Officers Confirmed- the el?.
debt 4 of Officeilloider in sfich of its partied
Uteri as.they Were acquainted with. All Ofl
theta, were cross-questioned moreor less by I
Mr. O'Grady; Without, hoWever, eliciting any.
new facts of material interest.
• - . Mr. O'Grady introduced as a..wituess .lOr
the defense Mrs. Kathelen Hennesy. '
-'' .Mri. Hettneay is 0 lady of about 45 year's
of age, 5 feet 10. inches •ta . 'hight, weighing
about' 50 pounds.' She has'a florid . face--+
Her. I dress was remarkable for the e*ten
which it.was ornamented With highly-colored
ribbons and laces - , gathered in fantastic bow*
Mi. Blotter, ,the - Clerk, administered the
usual` -oath; as follOws : : - ,
' Yon_do Solemnly swear in the presence of
Almighty. God that the evidence which yoii
shall give in thiS case now pendingbefore the
Court shalt he the truth the Whole truth ; and
nothing-but the truth kiss the book and stand
up before the Judge: ' . f .• , -
Mrs. Hennesy having taken' . the'eath; the,
examinatten was commenced. -!•-.. . . ,
Mi. O'Grady—Witne - ss lietinesy; Will, you
stateta jheCourt if you ard i the proprietor
of the,house:No. 83 12 Pacific-place? ' . •.
• Mri , ..HentiesY--Av course l am and divit
ahap i py is there owin-to any man for what's..
inside rof it. - •' • • ' - - , i.
Mri O'G.—What kind 'of al house do. you
keep there ? - - • '
Mrs. H.-4s it fcir to insinnisate that, the'
eliarriether of in house is not goodthat;Yeki
afther Aftin' the - questiOn:t '''.' '.' '.,,;,,.' • . ...
Mr. 0 1 G.—Misthres.s,-Henneiy, could ye
make it convanientle thrate this I .Coait i witlL
becoming respect •by
that I 'Put to .ye for the ptirpeSe of, eStabli*,,
lie a definse of these liiiiek.atid. - gintleirten,'
- some Of Whoin I: sin' ' towld ,are, inniatee: of,
yer hcinsel . ' Whit kinit,,o , -a hettie,.. Ptt aft',
ye wohst-more, do Ye keepi „
• Mii.- A.— onest It's-O respectable 'h lariord
,,, . .
in' house;- bad hick to the. - bleekgaird : that
' says it's not: ' i' .• -.- ' ' -. . , •
_ Mr;lOV. - --Will you plaii to state, to. the,
. . ,
Court Pie facts of the unfortunateoceurrence'
that'traspired in kei ho4sa last night 1_ .„.,.
imri„ H.—Forthe mathei '9' that there's,
inighty little for to
,tell , for it. Ws : S.4oin'.
thooreinor : awake; •barrln that "the corpse
come`o life widout shOwin' the civility • of
firatellin ) the mourners that he wasn't dead
at all and saying,' "By yer. lave I'd rjaher
,not be; av it's all_the same to yez.!' , .
• , • 1 ,
ii:LAZIER: -VOL:' T 6:
- . .
!Mr. -OrG.—lt's'about that Misthresl Hend
tic-Sy that his -Honer is , a wade fo `ye to
spoke • of. will - •ye 'relate -thel
'Mrs.'. H.—Well, plase "'yet honor, it -Was .1
yeatheiday - motnite - . fairly - that I - heard 'that
Timothy Garrett' Was up . stairs ithis room
very sick and like to die. • 1 dhressed myself
and sent for,the dot:Aber-and went up. stairs.
And troth Tim was a lyin'. there -in -.Wan of
his fits wid - which he had been Often th,roub.,
led bereore; . and befote the doctor , could
come to him the•cireulatiitn 'of his bresithie ,
had stopped entirely. Well,,yer hontaltrt
had many friends in the
. houtie, And
an old hoarder we thot' to in:010a wake over
his body.' He Was laid out' and put. Into a cOf.'
fin: At night all of his friends' come into - the
room where everything was illee b untly
ranged for, a wake. • They hadbegitn to
dhrink their• whiskey, and was:enjoyhe
selves in a'ginteet way, whin Put Mulholland
. he sthruek, Mike O'Shea over tile eye for
somethin' that Mike had said, :and wid that
Mike's friends and Pat's - friends got them= 1
1-selves'inixe - d up in a'free• fight together. At
that time, plase your honor, • wile should
see arisits' from the coffin hut Timothy • Oar-.
retty ifiritsect, and restile on -his hands, By
my so_vil - I was affrighted, for I thougldit was
Tines apparition that was appeatin.!:: Thin
Tim spoke up " Back luck to yes," 'says -he,'
" isn't it a fi ne thing yes is . doin—havin the
whisky, floniti' free and a free fight trio, and
keepin'meat lybf in this blackgaird -box on
the broad. (time bask. Wid that soj - nettody
who *as - a'strikin' happened td hit, Titilothy
a clootin the eye :Which knocked him back
into.the coffin:, "'Who the divil did
sez Tim, as he made a spring from the coffin
on to the floor, dhres:st' in, his white
clothes. "''Sh ow Inc the man whd situ-tick
nte in me eye," and wid that Tim . lie tem..-
mented a strikba' out, and he sthruek Den
nn Ilarony' under the but, of his lug.: Whin
they saw Timout of his coffin they stopped a
and fell on their knee;and cormrienced
saysitviiC their' p rayers. " What's' the 'Matter;
in '
yez ?" says Tim. " Are ye .not dead 7"
says Larry O'Brian. " Yez, as deadas a neat
of live fleas," says - Tim: "Thai
says they: •" :Wry fine wid ionic • ivbisky,"
says he; and wid that they got up :aid 'give
Tun some whisky, which - be never dlwarik
wid a bether grace nor thin. Well, as Tim
wasn't dead, they 'couldn't howid the wake;
but they agreed that - they'd have the spree
just - the same. , Tim was party wake from'
-his fit, ,mid so it.didn't take long to Make hini
dead dhrunk, Whin Welaidlinr in his bed. -
!Afflict that, yer',',Hanor, they. kept. on a
dhritikin! an oi Wallightlie in-the Ines kindly
way, whin 'the P.'s come into the door,
and illek Seene of tlaitn o ff to the station-honse:
I thin shut up the house and'the test Went. to
bed. -
-Judge—Mrs. 'Hennesy,' where is Timothy,
the corpse .
,Sir," said a cadaverous-looking
Hibernian,." a little the worse for din' Avid
out bein' very dead." . • -
. Judge-.-I think you're good fur a few years,
y 4 if -you take care of yourself. Mr..
Grady; have your 'other -witnesses anything
to testify in addition to what 'Mrs. - 1-lennesy
,hasiStatcd • • • -
Mr. O'Grady--4-helave not,- - yer :Honor.'
The itateriarfacts of 'the difinse are Bak
icritly proven by Misthress liennesy's evi
dence. AV the Coort plase 1- have *a _few
words to -say in behalf' of me clientS here,
-which av the Coort will hear me I will make
briet and .to' the point. •' -
Judge—Go on. • *
Mr. o . G.—Thin., av the.-Coort plase,
will state the ground of my deduce of these
gintlemen and ladies against : 'the unfounded
chalrge of their disturbiu''lfiepublie pace, is
that. the Chair Lie is \ untrue in point of fact.—
Sir, what are the facts ? - A . 'man** dies, and
his friends ;congregate • about the corpse .to
*perform their last friendly - offices :to his re
mains in accordance with a custom justified
by thLdition, ratified by usage„ . ianctified by
antiquity; vilified, by theta.: Officers of the
law whin they call* it a disturbance of the
public quiet; crucified- when *they burst. in
.the house of mournin' and - interfered wid it
in / the nave .of the law ;. and, Sir ;, l shall
now proceed. to establish-a defence, bone fide,
with the soundness of , which-1 belave .yet
Honor will'be 'satisfied. Sir, the Constitu
tion guarantees to. My. clientsfreedoni of con
- ucienee— the .staira and stripes 'wave proudly-.
-over a land in whiehreligiouadiispotigrn
er dare show its repulsive form ; and Yet: ,
theSe offwera dare to say that si custom which ;
is almost a pairt of the religion of these my
clients,.isii disturbance of publie-pace;— . 4
Sir, the institutions of our counthry . air .en
dangered by, such preeeeilitts.'* And . , w4O•
was theydisturbin'? 'Wasn't • every man
and woman:and child in Pacific Row - of the
same: : nationality
,as these my 'clients ? • Air. :
n6t their etheological instincts tannin' in the - .
same channels? Was they distiirbed ? No!.
Bvery manen&Woman and child thereweold
have admired the devotion of these - ray chi
cuts to their ancient national thraditiOns• and,
eti,‘tonis.- There they was widHivaii anOther
dniu their list friendly • offices to their' 06-
.cleased friend a fraternal fight 'ever his
corpse.. Sir, ,what .a suhlime ; spectacle 'for:the
nrnirf mind to contomplitte ,
Judge-4fr. - o',Gt:adY, think that the &et
Of the dead having:come to having
been pitt,:t6 bed • dead drUnkiiproves'idisas- -
I•troue fOr'Yotii argument, even admitting its
[soundness.'' •
Mr. O'Graily-Tiirne it is - yet.. onor that,
the wake was pricedin - Witheuethe
thrudition has' it, that- wOrtst:titioti a time,
liaml et Was., playetlL wident YthiS l iPrince of!
Denmarhishntier honor,. ft,cavaa the 'fault of
the burp* and not of that assembly of mourn
lens. If .. ririlesthy '''Garretti, - , had .Chosen,
have. remained le-drkintly" - behaiietteerPse,
thin the objeCtion-which yet , hohor has' rained
a9nl& not have, Weighed sttinstrwie , eftenter
here, -and, I, 'press at noW.;epoti; 4st...honer.
iilt'onld hay'clients here be - ,,held aikountable.
4)r the fietcleineatr =the.'eerpsel - 1
think not,
Sir. - ' - ;"
• Judge---I think; Mr.- O'Grady,' 1411 may
dispense with further :argument as it would
be. superfluous.. - HenneSY'* house tioi
fits inmates have ever been CgalPhkilied , gf4.
ifore that I, ate aware of, and in eensider#?n,_
ipr this filet Pill discharge
_eke 'prisoiiers,
ii them:, warning, hoWever, in the futuie that
if they are any of them brought _before 'Me
;Again, I shall not deal with them eo lenient
:You may go. , ,
The interesting party left the Court.—N,
IY. Tribune: - •
• . '
4 '
,1 ! .1; .
, ':i.. , ..1_.!:1 - 07.5..t_.
- . t ! , :tit_•.•3d .liv - . - -s ,- -- ,
' - ' Clumnical Combintioni •
.... .
l a
--: rvery farmer should lElll* otigh of chem
istry, to tell the combination forms the
different 'vegetable 'aiiiitionS.
..Every plant,
and vegetable Is formed of the same substan-,
ces, only ,united: in different propertione.- f ,.
'All too, are,formed of -cagy 'fifteen elements.,!
The names of these elements we; Wive often'
given • but its it valued subscriber.. hai asked
uts "iVhat is the best `fray. fbi A' &ruler of
limited means tip et:quire wit ~ ledge of Ag- •
ricultural Chemistry '1" www • • =peat what
we have often said, by recurring to the first .
principles of Chemistry;'and if our" subscri
ber," of Sullivan, _will learn this lesson fully, -r
he prepared to be tip uivif teacher af- '
tervrards, by exprimentaYtraining; '
~ , , ,
The-fifteeu simple elenients , are oxygen,
hydrogen, nitrogen, ehlurine, *bon, potash;
Soda, lime, abiumia, magnesia iren,,manga
nese, silei, sulphur, and phosphorus. ,
„' '..;
Some, of these. names may beletterutor
stood by calling them differently. Thus
call chlorine, muriatie acid '.; virbori, - coal,- 'ox :
' , or
the part of a thing that will burn; alumnla . ' , _,„
clay, and .silex, sand--they will
~ perhaps, be,
better understood. The- , other
a Ubitimeei
are probably understood :by :heir 'chemical
Noiv, by differentcirnbinatietts of these . •
substances, are all oer substances formed. .
Thus beygen and n; it' gen, form the air we
breathe ; nitrogen- an hydrogen combined '
t ll
forth ammonia, or hartshorn;', chlorine and
ammonia combined for ' Sal atranonine ; (ix-`
yen arid sulphur fur sulphuric acid;.sul
phuric acid and, soda f i rm gbOVer sa u si,su t. '
phurie acid and'magnesia con Ined form 'ep
sum salts ; sulphuric acid; aiid pininnia, or
clay 4 form alum ; sulpharl6l6id a Volved:A
bitted form green vitriol ; inflphitrinid,and .=
fine combined fur white vitriol; sulphuric-ac
cid and lime combineillOnn "4Plaster of Pa
ris•;" oxygen and phosphorus cotribinedfoi'm
phosphoric acid ;'phosphinie acid., and lime
combined formboties, or phosphate of lime •
- oXygen and carbon combined form carbonic
acid; (so fatal in roornswhere . binning eiyale'
are kept ;) carbonic acid and lisne•united form..
chalk, and litnestoni.,s called cat:bentite eflime,
potash and aqaafortis combined' term Saltpe
tre; soda and chlorine cornbined form com
mon salt, Potash, soda, 'and anitnenia Eire
called alkalis as they -a, siarp, bitter,-
bninin,,,,e taste. Potash isdderive'd from. ,the
ashes of land vegetablesi soda from sea plantar
and ammonia from animal substancei..
No*, by th ese chtnges a a,combinat
all plants and vegetables, as well as animals.
are formed. Thus, a siick'of green wood Is
formed by the combination of oxygen aria
hydrogen ;:the sap, or water, carbon or coal,
and the ashes, or earthly matter, are' drawi
front the earth. By burning it, the water it
ehanged back into the two gasses, and throsit
off into the atmosphere. You have coal, id*
carbon -left.. This; . though_ aPParently dry
still contains water in the shape of oxygei
and hydrogen
"disunited; and ,in i solid, dr:
form. Burn the carbon, or coal, and the bi,„
anee of the oxygen and hydrogen_ is' drive ,
off; and the remains ark ;earth... .Analys
these ashes, and we shall find all of, the - fl
teen- elements, except the gases, l which hag;
escaped into . the .aunosphire.• To. Babettet
the amount of gas in a stick ef;_weod, weig
the stick; then•char it in a pity and weigh
gain; then reduce it to asheS, and Weigh ther : ,
In the first operation, you get -the. wel,ght. ,
the gases united into sap, which' are- throv,
off; in the second, the weighttif,thegnsesii
:combined, existing in a solid state.' Su wi.
lime, -which united witbearbenie -acid, fon
limestone. A busliel of lithestone weig
142ibs;burn it, and it weighs ODi a t 18 '' lb
showing that 07 lbs. ofclirbonie acid shad
ter have been thrown off;"add_2o lbi•Ori
ter to_ it, and it will crumble into dry -pc
der, - weighing 23 lbs., shciwing, that' 4
tchange of 20 pounds of water into solid :i,'
substances, has been effected with a loia
only two pounds. • • . 1 ' ' —.-
In analyzing the ashes-of; wood; we . 1
what" earth is used in terming - the plant.,
tree. The apple tree . shows a large prev
tion of alkakand lime ; the peaCh; mop.; pc
toes, potash ;,wheat phosphatEl of Bine ;- 41::
ver, lime ;_andlhe cmnberri, of potash..-I'.
When the fartner has got7tlius - far l y perff
ly, he knows what' cOmposes. his , crops,
that his apple trees need ashea; the pet
iron scales; potatoes, leached ashes ; Ai
meal ; and. ViT
clover, limo., , hen,heiliaskt
pletely learned this lesion, , we*will,trli
gire'hin another.-:z- 'Ohio - ' '
Oar -Rome IS at loggerheads-with, er i
favored and cherished' daughter; SPain, A
appears to have: dared.actually: to launch',
thunder's against:all that . isplost digiifted'_
respectable in Sardinia. :•By,:an.-
_r.) es'
addressed= to his secret ceniisteri_V t i s !"
has denounced ds " kt,
cklall the acts passed by the SOntsh
specting ecclesiastical propertyi.,al4 l .ll,cl
Mandcd his Nuncio immediately lto.quitf'
•Covrt of 'Madrid., By the 54tmet, alico,
the whole of the illegal end ' , ,unconstitutct
conduct of the . Somish'prelatei'ia`slerif ;
approved „of,. and their; .etarAPfe'com . „'-‘:
As regards Sardinia,
.Rountriarlingtute -:
presumption appear to lukvep:nveeded, t ' .
greater and 'presumpttinipcarito-luiv
ceeded .to stilltreate.ti 'itif iniire ' anda
lengths: In the same consistery, the r`t,
" to the indonipariftil - ci — g - fiacif pis.m - o,
clarei that a ll Wild have`prep&ied; app
or sanctioned the slate deeries' in the:. 'N.
WI •Sta t tes. as ,well: as the atiaters; Orii'''
Counsellors, , adhcrents and executers oft:a.
, ~
"/tare incurred the - greater ezeoniMiltal',
and all ether4palus and "penalties :4A
cred canons, -and , espec tally ofithelp iiii „,
Trent.", „ ..
- - I: , • •
7 Ity the 'English PaPera
gist ex-President:Fillgipmkial?f,.
etiyed"at the lakes pf.,ltilittrytiT,ir i t:.„lll*
aquisita:style of
-other things, asiiefiiteirlit - one - tate
114 the scenery, - be - ka.s .
die." hnpassed, the boats tinti - t:
in different pads of tbe,:avetite,'-go,.f •
ilireOlfeariy cheers At s .
vt their gratittidn t he great . re
,:America. -
change states that an Irishman tut
tney liferrpey was sold ati - Decatu
State on the 4th inst., f9y iagrane
the vagrants were 'sold throughouttlh l ,
Jimnriey would have plenty of cet . 4
Chicago . 1 . / rus• -I: