Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, September 06, 1855, Image 4

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    ei)ji.elivieotts. - - ',
Prom the Squatter Sovereign of Aug. 28th.
Great 'Excitement in itchisoa—An Aboli•
• -Preacheißhipped on a Raft.
• • •
On Thursday .evenini last, one Pardee But.
lee arrived in town: with a view of staking
for the East,. probably: for the purpose of
porting a fresh supply-of Free-Soilers, from
the penitentiaries and p 524 holes of the North...-
ern States. Finding it inconvenient to - 'de
part before morning '
,he took lodgings at the
hotel, :and . proceeded to Visit numerous por
tions of our town, everywhere avowing him
self a Frec-Soiler, and preaching the foulest
estsbolitien heresies... declared the re-
Cent actidn of-our citizens in J. W.
B: infaMcius and .unlawful proceed
ing 4 of a mob—at the flame time stating that
many. persons in Atchison who - were Free-
Soikra at heal, had• been' intimidated there
by, and feared avow their true sentiments;
but that he' (Butler) Would express his views
in defiance of-the whole community. •
On the ensuing morning our townsmen as,
..sembled en masse. and deeming the presencft
:of such, persons highly detrimental to. the
safety of, our slave property, appoilfted a corn
.thittee of wait on Mr. Butler and re
quest his signatifiv to the resolutions pep,sed
J , fit' the late pro;.slavery meeting in Atchison:
After perusing the said resolutions Mr. B.
positively refused to sign them, and was in
stantly arrested i by th'e committee. •
After various plans for his disposal had
been• considered, it was finally decided to
place him on a' raft composed .of two logs,'
firrilly lashed together; and that his : baggage
and a loaf of bread be given Min-, and having
attached a flag to his - primitive barque, em._
blatofied with Mottoes Indio tive of our.con
, tempt of such characters,l . Butler. was set
':adrift on the great Miss ri. with the letter •
R legibly painted en hisforAead.
He was escorted some distance down the
river by several of 4:our citizens, who seeing .
him pass
.several rack heaps in quite a
. mpiner, bade him adieu , and returned .to
Aikhison. . .
• • Such treatment may be eXpected by all,
scoundrels Who visit our town for the pur
rinse of interfering With our, time honored in
- stiAutionS,, and the same punishment we will
be happy to award 'all , Free-Soilers, Abolic
tic:mists, and 'their emissaries.
-The victim of Ilie.above outrage,- the Rev.
-Mr. Butler, publishes the following account
of it. r. •
• I went to Atchison for the purpose of-
. 0, - -
king a boat down the: river. Mr. Kelly is
postmaster at Atchison. After transacting
some busibess at :the post Oflice,.l said. tp him
in the presence of Arch Elliot, Esq., Sir 1
should, some time since, have become a. reg
ultir subsciber to your paper," only 1 do not
• like. the spirit of-violence that characterizes
He'said, `I look upon all-
rogues, and that they are to be treated as
such.' I replied; Well sir, lam a 'Freesoil,
- , er, and expect to vote for Kansas to be.nfree
. :State.' lie'said, I don't ,expeet you wfltbe
.allowed to vote.' •
Not another word was spoken 3' I left the
house. Nothing • more : transpired on that
• 'an next . morning. Mr. Kelly entered rmy
boarding hauselollowed by -a number of men,
and a aeries of resolutions, cut
.out of the Squatter Sovereign, and pasted on
*.a sheet of white, paper, and denianded that I
.shtifild 'sign them. •
r cOmtneneeil reading the resolutions aloud,
• havingfirst glanced over them. I wanted to
give myself time to frame a wise and 'pre,
-dent answer. • • Ile fiercely interrupted. me
and demanded that rshoold sign. • I felt
- -that.' wanted witnesses to what
-should transpire. rose up, walked down
.stairs, and into the .street. Ilere they stop:
ped me_and demanded,.' Will you sign
. said NO! 'They seiied me and dragged me
to the river, cursing me for •ft d—d Abolition--
- - Ist, - and saying to me that they were going to
- Arrived at the bank, Mr. Kelly went
through the 'Very interesting ceremony -of
painting - my face with black paint-L--thus
marking upon
.it the lettr - R.
This •cerernony, being ended, and the: corn-
Tian.) , having now grown to some *thirty o
forty persons, (vs included) for the :space
- of-about / two hours I became the target at:
• whichswere•hUried alt sorts of misselS, in the
shape of imprecations, argnments, entreaties,-
'accusation;.. and interrogations: Acting on
•• : the principle that, the Holy Roman Inquisition
• • doeswhen she demands that the prisoner shall
testify against , himself, they proceeded' to
question 'me concerning my motives; actlons
and intentions ; while I 'replied,' as best I
could, that my coaling to Kansas was .pro
. • jectod before it became apparent that a eon.;
troversy would arise relative to slavery ; that
I . came for reasons hide - Pendent of and extra
.neous to this question;_ that.l never:had any
• .connection with. any - - emigrant aid society.
-whatever, and that I‘..never made any com
s.inunication to. exiy: paper in Kansas or out of
it concerning. Kansas affairs.
I . even proffered them that if they would
make out in my presence au impartial report
for the-Squatter,Sovereiffa, Make no
. report to other paper* o e f this outrage upon
• my person. I, was not accused of tampering
. with slives. T explained to them that I
could :not. countenance any interference With
the relation of master and slave in liansqs,
while that question remains an open question.
'The very in -ad and front of_my'offending
bath thiS extent, no more.' I had spoken
knong my neighbors' favorably to making
• Kansas a free- State, and had said in the of
'flee of the Squatter Sdvereign,`l-am a Free
sailer, and inten,dlo vote in favor of making
Kanzas a free Side. • •
At length they came to consult what -they
should do Ali ith me, Ira Norris, Esq., late
• . . - rc;sident in Platte „city, and , Clerk of thel
COunty Court of Platte ..county, , (a Yankee i
by hirtli:.atieducation) . came to me. and said,
. • : advise you as_ a friend, when
you get away-- - -just keep away.' 1 said, 'Sir,
expectto go -away,- but I intend to come
back again. I 'said 'I =Mot leave* own
' real estate here -close by Atchison, in the
• State of Missouri, and I have a claim. on
Stranger Creek.; and - I cannot leave.'- Some
one remarked, tau •can sell your claim
- through an agent.".
. • 'vs' I said, '",l Will neither sell my 'claim through
.• an agent, nor in my own proper person. -If
you do not take my life, 1 .intend to. dive on
tt.' They said to me -again;.,` Well, stay' on
• your claim, but keep away
. IrOm 'Atchison.,
said, Gentlemen, if you dent take oiy life,
and,rovidence*-perinits, 1 shall coin's) biek
_to Atchisom' They said; 'lf you iconie -hack
:AO_Atehison, we will hang you.' Thayloffered
to shtiw me :the very. 'tree on "whioh they.
wouli hang me. _
They, mali c e another proposal : live
in: the coiliit4;and vote as you, think best,
I" but -tongue.' NO, I Will
•: speak When "please.' I said„ 'Gentlemen
I hare...done .yousto wrong.. had . as good
.- a right come here as,you, and have as
- good right t:0; speak My mind- as you. I
,shall domy duty as tunderstand it; now do
• you do:,the same. You .are many; I alit but
• one : mean;---dispose.'of Me a yon think best.
• - .- -J ask mi;favors of you.' •
They. Sent rite -doWn the Missouri river
. ' a raft,-Without.eithefOar. .or rudder, the ed-
itor of the .Squatte , Severeign holding the
rope that towed - me into the 'middle, of the /
stream. ' - • • ,
•Dly flag *as inscribed - folloWstEitstern
Emigrant-Aid . Express. i :The` R4v. But;
ler's Agent.for thel Undergrotind Baiiroad.
The way they
. are Sertled in Keniits.t :
. .gor
Boston: Cargolestired unayoidnbre . danger
of the Missourians, and the MiSsotiri! river
excepted. Let further !emmiliariesifroni the-
North beware. . Our hemp eroplis 'su ffi cient,
to reward all. such i:cpundrelir 1 -1
Of the enablazonry • 'of niy II will not
speak. I shalt notltax Myself or the reader
with details any • farther. haVe !beard of
men before this,• Who -are 'sitidi tol. look •as
though they came downoti a raft. I I shall
keep those colors, under which II tube made
my first voyage, as' aimemento of !these evil
days.. H 1
While I was in the-handS of theSe gentle-.
men, (they don't like be called ruffians)
they taunted me with, - assurance that I could
make a fortune out or this affair at; the East.
1 desire. neither the wealth 'nor the; notoriety
that may lit7purchasesi by, such means. I
desire to be permitted to 'remain!peaceably
in Kansas— to at a nd to my own proper bu-•
siness—and to enj - Jr those rightS which are
sacred to.every Ainerican citizen!; I ask to
be let 'alone. I • .
Very respectfully, I mi.?... r
Steamboat Pular Star, Missouri river,
Aug. 2311, 1855.
. .
From the Ifational Intelligencer.
- - •
ti )
It is probabl i
e l i iat no department of the
healinff b art,. is Su ;titled' to more frequent
abuse than that r l rtating o totne treatment
the teeth, and 411 1 intellitient persons tiliould
know that no praCtiser of that speciality can
.be safely trusted 'vhose character and profes
sional- standing, a e unknown to them. . I
=would attenti n to the subject because of
having heard or. -ent abuses practised in
this city. 'rho to th should never be clean
ed - by other than mechanical -mean's. - Any
chemical agent that will act upon the tartar
on the teeth will eti upon and destroy the en
amel of the teethillsel. Hence, although the
teeth may Pe made to look Very white lin a
minute or two b..
a the use of acid, they_Soon
become darker t n ever, to be whitened no
more, and . early". decor and -Pain are sure to
follow. In cleaning the teeth by mechanical
means, the only ; Caution: to he observed - is
that they should not be broken nor scratch
ed, and that the tartar should be so perfectly
removed. that a ;sinooth surface shall be left,
as upon a rough! surface there:is sure to be a.
'fresh aceumulatio 1 of tartar.;To have this
don, properly itl
ii necessary to obtain . the
aid of a practised hind, witla. appropriate in
struments. To keep . theteeth clean, When
once made so, .a full soft. brush should be ap
plied in a rotary naanner at least once a day,
with -ter not very Bold: As often as once
a week, prepared Chalk :may be used for a,
dentrifice. When mere . thanthis is needed,
it is best to obtainth assistance of the dent
ist.. Chareoal; pric'e, stone, &c., wear away
the teeth too sevrelic and, indistructible as
the first named is, it insinuates itsenetWean
the guns and the neck of the-tooth, which, lat
ter, not being colvered 'by enamel, Soon de
cays when thus-exposed. Filling and filing
_teeth are operations which no one but an,ed-,
ucated dentist should attempt;- nor will a
prudent person ever have a tooth drawn by
any; other if a,deittiSt is near-_ , Aif one is not,
then let a handv . and firm, person, ,haVing
first; cut, the guL .well frimi the neek,.ent
brace the tooth- as. near the root, as possible
-with a • pair•of foreepsi'aitd extract the teeth
just_ as he wontextractritnail from a pies.of furniture hew uld notlike to injure. - For
each. class. of t eth there; 'is a peculiar mo
tion in drawing; butltl*el none but a dent
'lst will be-likely! to remember. • To relieve
an aching tooth applY a drop or two. of any
essential oil or can get - it in
to the_cavity, or a Single drop of creosote:-
.not around the tooth,! but in the ceivit,i • and
having &he so, eloSeiup khe cavity; - rst, with .
a little,diatton . and th t n With a little ecsvrax.
The repeated application: Of such a remedy
will , sometimes destroy 'the sensation f.. the
tooth, but more powerful ,agents for this pur
pose should 'be applied by theLdentist !alone.
Even these are sometimes injurious k.O the
mouth when celeasly aPplied: 4bctre all,
however, nevermist.
- your 'teeth (injury to
which Can never be repaired.) any . person
in whose personal integiity and profeSsional
skill you' have riot entire confidence; `. -
. . Sharp' i Betting. .
The editor of *the;, Albany Register gives
the following as the result of his experience
in betting on elections: . -, •
_ ".We were a great; Jackson' man, we were,
the last time !hat the old General ran for the
Presidency, and whenever a COneral Jackson
runs for that office Shallhe ',so again, We
lived in the oontitry then, and had a neighbor
who was on the other side ; of the political
fence; who . wasi a gr4tit dealer 1 in horses.—
Well; we, got iito an argunient;with , him one
day, and so sure w4s he of success that he
'offered to hetl a hdrse against fifty', dollars
that the old hero of .New Orleans would not
be elected! Nye took' the bet. Tde_argu
rnent beirig oe that_ has,no.end, was renew;
ed from tnue to time with ''..11 . 1e same result,l
st. ; .
until fiveliors s on one sidetand $250 on the!
other were ked on the issue of the elec-1
Lien. ;We wori.-•-• But we had forgotten to
designate the animals, and such alot of hors
es as was. tenered in payment of the l deb t
was a sight to sec.. If there was an ailment',
to which horse flesh was subject that *as not .
exhibited by One of_ these five horses, we
should like to be \ informed of its diagnosis.—
There was ringbone, and sptivin, and string
halt, and blindness, and heaves; and one ven
erable old roadster had all these, and in ad
dition was deaf as a post.l .We kept them a
week as a collection of enriosities in the ani
mal line, and 'then sdild them - at auetiol3. Ac
_cording to our recollection, four of them sold
for forty dollars in the aggregate, and we
gave a . tin pedler ten
, ftir taking the other.
We have nott
et on elections sinm, and - don't
want to' win any'tnore horses."_ "
( 1 '-
/, ~.tiidAGE TO, THE CoaN CROP. '.-h.
.of a recent date,
says : . 1 r ' -
" We. ask a farmer resident in south=
western Ohio!, who celled upon us yesterday,
whether the recent rainy weather was- doing
I much damage . . in the country.` His reply
I was : " 0 yes, the Cars of corn are so long
and heavy that they !read' across the roves,
and very much impede locomotion . in tie
1 fields." ThiS is really too bad. What will
the farmerso for cribs to contain the big
ears? " The -
untrris in a dreadful condi
tion. ~4)
• -.
The Ohio' tesman adds : • -
" We and rstand that this fesrtil eslamiti
threatens to eroach into the Seipta Valley.
The. nly . ho is...that th e stalks will have
grown_lugh Hough to carry the :, above
the head as 3rou pass.. Of this • : care some
slight prospects."
• - -The Atelaison•partY'itie goin to hold a
Convention to make aState Con4ttution for
Kansas; They will find themssl43ltoo late.
The people litave taken the ma in hand,
:and-will see that .a Constitution I provided
in due time.' . !
.. , .
T. 1,13. oi - chard, M. D.. . ..
13 H YSICIAN AND NIIRGEON, Jackson; &sq ue
-1 banna county, raj: the Pos.toffice.
Halt Lamb,
ABINET MAKERS, have recently opened a ware
room in Niw Immo, Pa., and will keep con
stantly on hand all kind 4 of Cabinet-ware ; also Ready.
made Coffins. Funerals attended with or without
hearse. Ware.roOm nfarly opposite J. Dickerman's
New Milford, May 14, 1815.
A. & Baldwin,
IV Trunks, Virhips, 4c., in the Basement of Sende's
Hotel, Montrose, Pa..
C. Simmons,
OOT AND 8110 E MAKER. Shop first door east ll of Odd Fellows' Kall,•Turnpikeist.,: Montrose.
. ,
w., smgieton
OAN now be found bis'new titand on Owego st.,
NJ two doors west cif Searle's Hotel, where he 111
fectually -repairs with. dispatch, Watches, ,Clocks,l
Jewelry, Guns, and eitery, description of Machinery 4
Whirl cutting; Gun 'wild Witch niatehials 'supplied,
to the trade,
Dr.H4 Smith,
URGEON DENTIFT, Montros e; , et Searle'
kJ Hotel, Mondays ap'ru
d. esdays of each week. 1
• Hens 4 S:KnaPP ,
VIONTROSE. PA.) ,with 'Row, Woodruff' d• Car.;
ter, Wholesalo Grocers at►d Commission Iter;
chants, No. 113 -Wasitingion street, between Court;
andt and Dey stree*Yeit!
- • Caleb iWeeke. ,
Ic7 riage Trimmer. i.S.ItOp at his dwelling houg
early opposite llenryiDrinker's....lfOntrose, Pa.
IdillOr 4 FOwlOr,
aid &inciters iqCnaiicery. Office X. 44 Clark
street, Chicago, 111. ;
Ptipific Hotel;
. .
REENWICII STREET,. (near jiroadway,)
Rtlisintiv 1.; 'Ptoprieton;. In thi.2
vicinity of the.princiriiil sterimboat.landings. •
Thotias Ingstrum.
TAEALER IN DRY GOODS, Groceries, Clothing,
1.../ Crockery, Booth . anti 'Shoo, Via, Sttaquehann t a
Depot, Pa
Battier & FitO,
1.11 AGENTS, Ml:pip-oat., l'a.
DENTILIKY, 1.. P. 112C17.
John Groves.
Hotel, 'Maine street, Montroso,
- D. Rinds, . •
1.4 in the rear o(-Wils_on''s Store, ifontrose,'Pa. , .
• • • •
D EALER IN . STOVES, Tin, (dipper, and Sheet
I_l Iron Ware, logertrille, near Omit Bend DepOt.
December 4. . • i
_-t L. P. Hinds,
ATTORNEY AT LAW, Susquehanna, Pa. Offiee
on Maine street, one door emit of Lenheim's.
i - Frazier & Ciie, '
.... Office.' on Tuinpike street,; one' door East ;,o
Po4t's Store, .Aftintrp . se, Pa. 1
Albirt Chamberlin, -
: v TTOIiNEY AVLAW and Justice of tbeTeac i
AL over I. L. PosEi Co's Store, '3l - ontrose.
f ' Wja. IL Jessup, [
±t. DEr.os, fur tlui State of New York, will 14Mo-1
`lO ill' business entrusted to him with promptiles.-4 aid
fidelity. Office on Public square,: occupied by. tor.
WM. Jessup. - . 1 '- , ,
I_ •
Abel •
Paints, Oils, Tive-stuffs, Grot•eries, Dty - Goods,
Hardware, Stonewari:, Glassware,', ClOckq, AVatch4ti,
Jewelry, Silver Spoons, Spectacles, Musical Instru
ments, Trues, SurOcal Instrurnents, Liquors, Per
fumery, Mirrors, litstionerr - Ilruche, Shoes, Yankee
Notions, &c. -
- • ; . B. 11 , Lyons &Co., i
I V , Dry Goods, 'Groe,Fies, Sat; Flou . r, and I!#d
wait!, bresboro, Pa.. : • - • I
„ • . -
BLChandler,- •
EILER DAYtOODS; Ready Made Clothing,
droceries, Bdoks and Stationery, etc., Public
Avenue, 3.l"ontroge,r':Pa.
thatirick & Dimock,
1: Owego streetj-Voritrose, Pd.
I.cL. Post & Co., •
DEALERS I\ IfItY.GOODS, Groceries. Cr9ckery,
Hardware, Ldather, Flour, etc., earner of Turn
pike street and Puteilic Avenue, k t nerose, Pa. -
- -
- .J.!Lyonvit Son.,
DEALERS IN DRY GOODS, Grocerio, Ilardwure,
Crockery, Thivrare,Groceri&, Rooks, etc.; riso,
carry on the Book Binding business—Public Avenue,
llontroxe, Pc. 4 - I
. B6tlejr & Bead,
DEALERS I N ;CRY GOODS, Drugs, Medicines,
Palots, Oils,t Groceri es , Ilargl7rare, Crockery,
Iron, Clocks, Watibes, Jewelry,' Silver Spoons, Per
umery, ke.—Footi. of Public Avenue, Montr;oar.
Salre,l,Bentle3r & Perkins, •
1.T.L." kinds of Cakings; Stoves, .Agricnititral
ments, etc. Mc at,Sayre's Store.,:Public Avenue;
Manufactory att* . Eagle Foundry, Foot of Cherry
street, Montrose, ,
William! 4 William; H. Jessup, 1 •1
t A TTQRNETS 'AT LAW, Itontrose, Pa: Pm&
11.. tice in Smirrebanna, Briidford, Wayne, WY°.
ming and Luzerna counties- •' i . - 1
~ , .
1 - Williami W. Smith & Co., .
f '1..i..131N ET 11AXESS." ,The keep constantlje on
T\J. band a goodjassortment of all kinds of Cabinet
Furniture. Shop and Ware i4ooms at the fait of
Maine street, IfoOrote, Pa. '
-------- I--
: -. . • Rockwe 4 11, Winton & Co., 1 1 .
ATANITACtc"REPS and - .DEALERS in stram
IUL Goads; flats, Cap,' Furs, Umbrellas, Para
'tags; Ribbons, ike: d:c.,'No. 29 Courtiandt strtiet,!Netc
. York,.(up stairs:) ; ...
. II- r.ocrwil.L. $ a. nowir.p.. Nc.x. c . wiirr9s.
• Pras' er.
_LA.. 'Mon/roar, ,ra., will attend faithfully to all!busi
ness entrusted tAim in the county of Susiuehitnrat.
Conveyancing aid writing of all kinds will done
neatly, and charge. s moderate. - He will also attend to
the prosecution or claim's of soldiers, their widols and
heirs, against ttie United Sates Governmen for
Bounty Land; Ilitsions, /cc: t May be found .4 all
hours at the offi6e formerly Occupied by J. T. !Rich
ards, Esq., nortl4of the Co House. 11489.
. * . 't IL C. Tyler, • . 1
IHTERESTEDI= With I. L. HUNT, Importer Of and
---- j te__ -1 Dealer in Hatdware and Cutlery, Carriage Stirings,
4,,,, • , No. 215 Pearl street, Pl4O Fork, where hi* Mer
intUe friends; iti' this awl other counties, are Lin*
invited, and cari t iestly solicited to call and purchase: -
. . . .
11,111111.11 ED ETII.I4T 1111:1118pArXOPIN0i AT 110101 LOSE,
PA.; .0 11,50 PIS ANNT:II..IN •ADvAact. I
.:. , . • - - ; 4 ---, . 1
Rates of Advertising. 1
One square *(l6 tines cir less) ono wea l .. ~., i5 0,50
Ono square 1," two weeks !.075 1
One square, " three - weeks, ..1 .1,00
One square ! one month, • f 1,25
One Squire " •' 'two months,:... .2,25
One square I " three Monts,: .8,00
One square , " , • six months,. • ! 5,00
One square
. • one year, .1. 8,00
Fortino or *ore squares,linserted by the Year, a
deduction from the above prices is made. Yearly ad
vertisers will hSve the privilege of altering or Chang
ing their advertjsements without additional charge.
Business cards, not: exceeding five lines, hi-vsted
at e 2,00 per anpum. '
Job Work.
This office i supplied With a 'good assortment of
Jobbing Inlieri 18 . alld all kinds -of Job Work, such
as Cardds, Posts**, Pamphlets . , &c., will be done neat
ly and promptif. -
_ .. I
A FINE 14 . 0 T OF .. 1• •-
ARM. GrlfS ;
single batiel, and extricfine fur oat by
34 . 1 0 /1 • '4 H , A. LATHROP ,c; CO.
IA tplartivir SAItEn WORTH TWO
1 • - EARIED.
.1 - WITTENBERG & BRO., Montrose Pa., - take
10 • this method of ;idvis,ing their old iriends and
customers mid the_public itllarge, that they , have just' l
'received and openedthe la gest, prettiest and cheap. 1
est stock of READY MAD E CLOTHING ever (wet. i
to this place, which they o or at 'a small advance from '
cost, thereby offering purtlntsers the rare opportuni
ty of obtaining goods at about two thirds the usual
' price. -i
Also a large assortment Of Dry Goods, crimprising
for Ladies Wear, new stiles Brocade, Stripe, Plaid,
Plain and changeable Silki,Delttines, Muslin De Rage .
Rem& delaines of new and elegant designc,. All thd
latest st; les of ladies DresS Goods, French- Lawns,
Prints and Ginghams. AI handsome assortment of
Dress Trimmings, Entbroided Sleeves, ll.'rs Cuffs,
I etc. Jaconet and Swiss Edgings and I tings,Gloves
1 Mita, Hosiery, Yells snd Parasols: • ,
Their assortment of Shaves is-very large;embmcing
every thing that 1$ rich' and fashionable both foreign
and•siomestic. . ' ,i •
Their Bonnet Department is large and ;complete,.
embracing the very latest 'styles, with Trimmings to
match. `.-" ~, - . !
An extensive asso rtment , of Irish linenS, napkins
toweling. table covers, curtains &c: • . . -
We have also a sepply of Shirts, Gentlemen's cot,
tars, Suspehders, Gloves, Umbrallas and a good many
other articles too unmet-C.lm to mention. ! For . bar.
gains the public is respectfully invited to call at thv
cheap store or , i 1
corner of Chesnut 4 Owep Tercets, four doors cast
of Post's store. : ..
- - - - .. •
ARE now receiving tbeirl uSaal supply of SPRING
AND SU.II3IER gopp,s; which they offer to their
customers, and the:public generally, on the most rea
mmable tern's, for Cash, Butter, Eggs, Grain, Bees
wax, or on approved credit.
Montrose, May!l,• 18;51'.'
T.) ROADCLOTIIS, Ke - rscymeres,,Kentiicky Jeans ;
Summer Stuflk, ani - a general stock of. Staple
Dry Goods, just reCeiveiPand for sale right by •
QV-ISMER. De Lane:t • Challies, Gingham:,
L. Merrimac And Cochl!co:Prints, &c.-&c. for sale
13731 N ac E k T silkrtre l) Ze P iitn al i ( :1 1 :. 1 S & u c n e e s for
by • • BENTLEY 3z READ.
,lia.l•Tin;,;;•7ii-iiw, and Palm
Hats, Uinbrdlas, I;;;Ptcholg., Window Paper &c.
. • •. • ; .BENTLEY & BRAD.
. • ___,_ . .
TT A RDWARE;. Crockery, Patent Pails, Tubs,Put
.l I. ty,,. Class &c. 1 I_. BENTLEY & READ.•
lARUilS.,.Medicine, Paints, Oils, DyestUffs,a - tid'a
.1 • general tissOrtutenti of Patent Medicines, just in
and for sale by . :: - ' " BENTLEY & READ.
SOLE and.l7l:porLolifliir, Patent Kips, Calf Skins,
and ti good supply of Boots.and Shoes-constant
ly on hand. - BENTLEY ..S; BEM). .1
"iIifACKERELIfy the ;barrel or one-half barrel—al
-1.V./ sb, Codtish,:. • BENTLVX
1• -
VILTATCRES•and JEWELRY!—A full assortment.
of Gold anti Sfl er Lepines and Detatelted
Levers:, in double and stngle cases, Ladies' Mg:, Ear
Drops,• Rings, Guard Chains, fie. /cc. 'Also, Silver
Table, Tea,•De,sert, Salt and Sugar Spoons, warranted
pure, .for sale by Ti,fctirtyx 45: RFAT. '
STOVES_ and TINWARE, Cloclik Nails Candles-,
Lamp Oil, CaMpllene"&c. &c.
Montrose, May.l,'bsj BENTLEY & READ.
The Greatest knproirement of the Age!—C
H..Trilliame DoUble-Aging Bull Valve
- Force anfl;L;11-Put4s-17
improvement above all other pumps or ma
• chines for lifting, throwing, 'and carrying water,
combining both a Pump and a Fire Engine. This
Pump, patented in February, 1854; is the whole of it
metallic. No - bolts or icrews about it to rust, conse
quently it will laSt a.m4na life time. It can be used
in every varietykif forin—can draw water from ;Inv
situation, and carry it to any part of a building. it
is superior to all otherlPumps for Distilleries,Paper
Tatuieries, prick ,Yards Iron - Works and Man
ufacturing estati l lishments of all kinds.
All orders =it be addres..--ed 'to AnnisoNDIMIIICK,
Lodersville, Pa., who has the sole right for. Susque
hanna county. *:
CAPITAL, *200,000.
Secured by Bond and ',Mortgage on the .Tictri,'Etbite ,
',of theiStaCkholfb-cs. .
Insures againSfloss be Fire, of Houses, Stores; and
other buildings, Bootle, W4e.s, and .lerchandise, on
as favorable terms as iOl3 - Instieution. Losse,i
promptly adjusted and:paid.
Dia}:crons.—,llon: . Hotacb Williston, Athens; pian
cis Tyler, do. ; George fl. Perkins do. ; J. T. IL Meve.r.
do. ; N. 'Sbiprnan, do. ; F. Welles, Jr. do. ;J. E.
Canfield do. ; ITon. jOhn Laporte, Towanda ; Gen. B.
Wakeman, - Laeciyviile CcO. M. Hollenback, Wilkes
barre ; Michael •,Meilett; Laporte, Pa. -
o rFicEns : - ...11 an j Horace Williston, President; C.
F.- jr., V.*eel . . and Treas.; J. E. Canfield,
'Secretary. •
Agent, 0. S. 11}:iint 3iontrose, Pa. L1532m3
'TIRE subscriber Willinct,as agent fOr buying and sell-1
.1 ing.Rcal Estate==-Farm,Houses, andLots—lo
.cated:in Susgitehatina ;Connty,Ta. All who wish to;
offer their property f 4 Bale can give a minute dc:ctip-1
Lion of their Farms or; Lots'as follows: Number of
hoW many ittipipTecl, and how watered, Intild-1
orchards,„ 'grafted or common frith ; other fruit;
trees; and the nearest point to the D. L. .k. W. R. R.l
and N. Y. -A: E.!
- 02 farm# on the ft4, - 43 unsold. By calling on they
subscriber a minute desctiption, price and terms can
be given. •
Office on TurnPihe t. 4 doors west of Main sit..
Montrose, August 15, 1854. A. BLDWIN. .
tTHE subsc*ier is :receiving hi.i . Spring and Sum;
me! stock of Goods, comprising a great variety; '
*bleb will be :told low as any in this market.—
Please an ani es:art:if : no. -F. 31-CH ANDLER. .!
HATS AND . C.'4-PS—A good assortment of the
latest style. • • ,
TEA DY-if.-IDEift OTIIL7—A good variety
of Spring and Surnmiir/Cloihing of the latest CIT.
DRY GOODS-4 general. assortment through;
out. Also, DPESSIGPODS, consisting.- / of
Ilarege Delaine." - Ft4nelt Delaink,
Printed Larrns,Fariey P6tiLs, Ladies' Worked Col
lars, litscrtitmn, Edgings,lllack Silk ; Mautillas, Thibet
"an 4 Cashmere! Shawls, Parasols, lio 7 ..iery, Gloves, &I.
' BOOTS AjF . D.SlfOEti. .Clocks-z-a large assor
merit of every,desctiption and'style, Also, :a great
variety of FatiOy Articles, Yankee NOtions, &c. • il
Crockery, Hardware., and GrocerieS of all kinds.+
Trunkt, a gotid lot tor sale cheap. Books And SO:
tionery,-Wallj'apetr---also, Flour of the beet rjualitt.
Montrose, May 9, 1855.- -F. B. GILLNDLER.
Nest/ Liiie of :Mail Stages,
- 1 •F
• ; FROM , - - - 1
STAGES will leav*Kirkwood, passing through C-Or.
bettsville Liberty, Sc., eyery morning after the
arrival of the lfailTrains of can both East and Went,
reaching Montrose lit Ir. Returning, leave
Montrose daily . (Sun ays excepted) , at 2 r. x., reach-
Kirkwood in tiinh to take the Mall trains of cars,
both East and Westi•being the nearek and most fee-
Bible route to:reach the Mery York and Erie Railroad-
This line interseto a tri-weekly line for Dimook,
Springville, TunkhanuOck, WYoruing, and Wilkes
barre, which leaves iMontrose at'7 A. M. every . Win
day; Wednesday an Friday. Also, a lineto Friends
ville, Leraysville,
Good ecan4 and tonifortianiagez arc provi
ded, and the proprietors wllll spare' no pains 'to id
commode° the puhlic. W. K. HATCH,
April 6, 1854. . • MOHGAIi . k. WEST.
rr HE subseriber takes Ibis method of advertising
• X. his friends and the public generally, that he has
fitted up a store jtist across the street from his Old
qtiarters, in Brooklyn, where he is ..prepared to 1-e
-ceive customers and sell them goods at: as low rates
as' anylathei establishment in Susquehanna county.
My assortment is v4ry large indeed, embracing near
ly'every article usually called for in a country store.
'AS I am determhied to do business so as td avbid
"bad debts," ; Whichtrespoluibie credit purchasers ire
biked to pay,l can hirer superior inducements toerth
arid otherwise PROXPT-PATING patrims. Call and See
me. • O. (1... HEMPSTEAD.
'Brookifn, April ZO, 1855.
The copartnerablvheretofere *slating between the
subscribers under the firm of g..S Kent & Co; is
this day dissolved by mutual convent ! •
. E. S. KENT! & CO,
Brooklyn 'Apr. 2.' 1 1855. ; 14w4
' - -1 • . !
L %
i lover !Itdririinotlw fleet fa. f l iV,) ,
' New Milford, M4reh 9, 1855 •
Pa#er gll.'
olisiust opened, antr i sOni e for A eis:
t/400- R
roll, by J. ITONS Et $O N l7-
. • .
• T. • •
AI NEW and singtdarli successful remedy for the
tI cure of all 13ilflotts diseases--COstiveness;
gestion, Jtiundice, Dropsy Rheumatism, Fevers Hip.
moil, Gout, Nervousness, Irritability, Inflammations,
Headache, Pains in the Breast, side, Back and Limbs,
Female Complaints : as kc..- !Indeed, very few are
the" diseases in vluch a Purgative -3fedicino la not
more or less required, and much sickness and suffer.
ing might. Ist4ravented, if a harntleSs but effectual
cathartic were more freelY, used. No person can feel
well while a costive habit.lof body prevails; besides,
it soon generates serious !an& often fittal
which might have been avoided by the timely and
udicious use hf a good. purgative. This is alike true
of Colds, FeYeiish syinpt:onts, and Billious;derange
mepts. They all tend to beiotne or pruduce the deep
seated and ihrmitiable distempers which .load the
hearses all over the landi— Hence a reliable family
physic iS of the first importance to the public health,
and this pill s ! has . been Perfected with commtranate.
still to,:neet.that dentaati. An eXtfT.EiVe \ tri;ll.ot . its
virtues by Physicians Pe i efessors; and :Patients, has
shown results surpassing any thinehitlierto: known of
any ntylicine. Cures have been effected: beyoifil be
lief, were they, not substantiated by persons of such
exalted positions and character as to forbid - the suA
preien of untruth. Arming: the eminent gentlemen
who have testified in favor of these'Pills, we may
:niention— • '
110 ct... A. A. llAyr.:4, Analytital Chemist of Boston,
and State Assayer of ,MMiSaehusetts ;
Governor of Massatinisetts; Emonti - WAsnnvis, Ex.
Gov. of Masaehusetts; SignoN BnowN, Lieut. Gov.
of Mass, ; 111 M. Wntitwr,'Setretary of State of Mass.;
JOIIN It..Ferne.vrthen, CAI Bi`shop of Boston; rrof.
JOIIN Tont".of the College of Physicians and Stir
genus, New York cite jir. C. T. JAcKsON, Geologist
of the. Public Lafids of the United states; R..
enturoN, Prietical Claunist of New York City, endors
ed by Hon. 'W. L. MAM4 - , Secretacy of State; Wm.
AsToit, the richest - xi - twin America; : S.: - Ln•AnNtt
Co., Propritors• of , the Metropolitan Hotel, and
others. : •
Did spnc . ot Permit, \yd. could give many hundred
CertifieaU!s from all •paz4 . where the Pills hail: been
u'sed, but eliden'ae even More convincing thaw the
experience Of emintint pnrbiic meu, is- found in their
effects upon: trial. • r , . . •
These Pills, the result of long investigation and
study, are diered to; thd public as the best and most
complete which tim preient i state•of mediCal science
can afford.: They are compounded not. of the drugs
themselves,but ortltt; medicinal virtues only of Veg
etable remedies extracted by chemical: profess in a
state of purity, and combined together in such a man
ner as to insure the best results. . This • System of
clartipositibri for medicine:3 has been found in 'Cherry
Pectoral- 41 fills both. -tó - produce a more efficient
r'entedy-thaff had hitherto been - obtained by any pro
cess.. The! reason is :perfattly obvious.: While hyd
OM old mode of emppoSition, every modirine is hur-,
dened Withimore or less of acrimonious :mil injurious
qualities. ht this. each individual virtue Only that is
I desired for the 'curative idreet is present. the in
ert and .obnotious qualities of. each s s ulainutee em-
Ployed are left 'withal, the curative - virtues, only be
vet:tined. ,Ilence it •is self evident the effects - 1
Should proVe as they have proved, more Purely rem- 1
edial, and the pills a More powerful antidote to dis
ease than any. other nfildicine known - to the world.
As it is ffequently.e*pedient that many Medicines
Should be taken - under, the counsel of afi attending
physician, and as he could not properly, Judge of a
remedy without knOwitig its.composition,; I have sup-
Plied the aicurate forniuke by which both my Pecto
ral and Pills are made, to the.whole body of Practi 7
tioners in I the United. States and British American
Provinces.: If, hoWever, there should be any one
. 1 •whO has-not received them, etey will ,14 forwarded.
;•by mail at his request. '
)f all the Patont Medicines that are Offered, how
i lfew wotrldibe taken if their composition was known!,
llTheir life eonsists in their. mystery.. • I have no DVS
iteries. The corimositinn of my fireptirtions is laid'
open to alt men, and all. who are competent to judge
; lon tIM subject freely aeknovidedge their onvictions of
r their inttinsie merits. The. Cherry PLictoral was pro- I
l i nounced b y scientific men to he a wondeiful medicine
r before its Ofects werd known. 5111.ny eininent Phy
haie declared the .5:1111 , 2 thing 'of ii;y Pills, and .
even umrei confi.b , 4tly; ffrc willing IC, certify that.
1! their anticipation,-re more than realized by their.
effects upbn trial. .They operate by their powerful
hither:cc ten the iutcrrai vi,c:ra -to purify the blood
anti stimulate it into ljealtiv 'action--retnovp:the ob-
Structionsof the stimeleh, bowels, liVer, and other or
gans_of the body, 'restoring 'their regular action to
health, aid by correcting wliervvcr they exist, such!
derangentimts as are the first erizin rf disease.
' PreparOd by Dr C. AYER; Practical and Ana
lytical Chemist, Mass. , Price !!:i emits per
box.. • Fit - o..oxes :301l by AM:t.:Tmtnmt.,
1f •ignore.} 13: F. 4: 11. 11. EATON, ITaxford; Cuuncn
it-PtfiNssiy, Dun4ll;•;and by all dealers:M. medicines
every where. .• •
. 111 , .:()PLE.
Avoopupp& ELDRED have constantly onhand
a jtirni and Well selected astortment of tin
ware, ROL; and Vtain . for - wells, pumps, cistern :
pumps, a., Rams. Japanned wares, lead'
pipes of all,sizes SC., lA:c. Job work dOne with neat
ness:and despatch t. :di orders promptly attended to.
• 'I ST 0 ES S.: PIPE
• •
kept constantly on lind, a large assortment of stoves
.of the lati4t imploced and approved patterns. Our
experieneb in the business enables us to select those
that we can safely 'Wtirritt,t to give entire satisfaction.
Aintlngst our nuns robs stock can he found the i . • - •
Paragon'; air tight' Star of the West, Elevated
New Woild !i * Clinton, :
` [Oven
`Atlas, I • :Cultivator,
Phoenix,; "I Fire Fly,
Three .Stittes, f s esiern Queen,
Globe, I ; • Premium,
.1 • I •
S. A. lii I OODRUFF • • i
M'pre amid; lore New crOOds:
H BIIRErit is now receiving new and full
• supplies of Hoods for The It inter Trade, in
eluding 4 new and elegant, assortmeid lof French Me :
rinoea, Jferino *mid !Ca . shOztre Plaids Plaid, Fan
err and Plain' Belt-riles., ParamettaS, Brnehe, Square
I and Lot,.: hauls, all of new and best styles, and will
he sold at, 25 per' cent. lee than last yeaCA
Also a ni,tv ussorttneht of Rich Rattc,fig aio/Boaro.i,
Wide Sr,7k !Werra. ti"'yr Maks and Mantillas, Rich
.-and Veled J.Prcss Mohair head
Dressesl,!igolels with a general assfirtment
of othee,Sralu.s: and Fitd . :v Goons; rap usual, which
having bought unilti the );+fe,;ent pressure of the cash
market; be sold ; at corresponding and reputed
prices: 4 •
New Slilford, IsioVembet• 27, 1751. 1 .
ricirs FOR !rem. ticopE.
rrHE imbscriber carring on the. `ll AIP MAK-
I Bli SlaVit S itt all its various branches at.
the Chair and Warti Shop in Buford, %there mac be
found agrcarter; variety of Windimr and Rocking
Chairs tban at any Other estabLishmeat in the county;
alsO Flag and Cane Seats, Bureaus, Bedsteads, Loung
es; Settees, Tables,lStands,Ac. etc;, all of which'will
he sold fat.the ldtveStprices at, retail, (or wholesale,
with shotl, notice.) All work. warranted well made
and of good mantrial. Short credits'and small profits
will be.nty Motto. For demonstration of the ~bore
filets*, please ,call at my shop in Hat:ford village.
. . , A. W (113,EENWOOD,
Harf9rd, Octolie4l2, 1554. 1546m11
A GOOD assortment of Jewelry, Consisting of Ear
Binge, Ear Drops, Breast,Pin#, Finger Dings,
&c. justreceiv4d at BENTLEYA - REAlrs.
.777 •
Table ; Dessert,-Supr, Salt, fie.; witrrantecl 'pure,
fur sale by ;i BENTLEY & READ.
. Btiots and
An nattsually,gMxi assortment of :thel best make,-all
rssh dm( perfeit for saki by BENTLEY dr, READ.
Afresh stock gOoine Drugs and.Mndicines, Patent
Weilicines, Paints, Oils, Dye-stuffs ; ,5z4, for
Dec, 13.] •;; BENTLPY 4t . BEAD.
r[VIE Spring Gooch
L ired at LI. POST 4:
quality,, style andrice.
Staple DO G oods, • Colt's, Sleeves,
-.Dress Goods,, - . Edge ills,,
Cloths antil Cassinzeres, Bonnets,
White Golds, . and Parasols.
CLOTIIING; , —ai fine Stock. Grqeeries of all vari
eties; Mardiraie, crockery, Looking Glasses, and In
every.department itheir assortment is good, and at
priceslo suit. , • !
Montrose, March 20, . 1855
John iGroveso Adveriisessieut.
AS nature, whe tarnishes the birds and beasts with
an•esfra coat. for jwinter,bas not made a similar pro.
vision for man,
bare_ concluded to take it upon my
self.' to attend to that department::: and , therefore
think proper to announce that all-shivering male le
,peds, that need new apparel, glorious or inglorious,
fashionable or tittfaiddottable, can, liar° their wants
supplied and theiti, tastes salted by calling on me; at
my eltop In-Montrose, . .
DOCTOR I 4 . . .
;• , - .. • . : - - .__.______,, •
I.Aillki S., - 1 ' i Sienr - n' oi -141.4 - . Act - irinhi - -...rire;Pro6
lIRVIIFEOP'.A.Tiiitivit, •* '• . !• - .- ..- . saicfs.•
G )of New !
RADEAT.E arild nember of the University ! r.i'pE subscribers have made nrrangetnenti : to fur- .
1 York, 1)4 in Montrose oii the Gtb, 'Mt and ' .a.., nish to per.-mm! who may be want of then, the -
• Sib of each .tritmtN and maybe consulted at m a t c h' s . Alive nathed invaltna.)le Snit's, at the'sanie prices for _
`lintel,' for three dit3-S, upon all diseases incidental to . . -which they can be olitalnea at, the inannfaCturer's.--,.
the human - ststem, !viz: CONSUMP.TION; . M. OII ..',: ' tfc‘ing experienced the benefit of such - an article titi
chitis Itiflani4tion i-ff the-Lungs, Throat, Liver, Pleura,: ring the late conflagratiori mu:selves, we wouid. earn-
Kidneys and Splinm i r Dyspepsilf, - Vadi(estion,) Liv er enly recommend tf) others haviiig.valuablebooks and.
Complaint, Itaxvrtsx;:Scmfula, Eruptions; Spina :Tapers, the pri.‘'serving of %Olio would ire of immense
Cornplaintsi•t .4e erial of the: eye and ear, Nervoutt . imilertree to them, not to do-without one.
ka„ c.,
Weaknai . , Particular - attention - givqn to, i Priees-muge from $5O to i.,--`,:50), and we can explain ,
the diseases of Females and Children. The ;TarioMJ to no)" one wishing to .pnrchase, - the differenee- in
affections of the Vterua radically cured. i .:, style, size, price,-ke... and ,furnill them 'on short no-'
Mr. Barris. Is well; acquainted with bdth llemeopa-L lice, ,with the/internal arrangenient to suit',the pur
. • ..
thy and Allopatbi, having been in constant study and it
chaser. 1 - .- BENTLEY MEAD.
practice for the testi twelve-years, and haidnglfirst in= Montrose, December 19, 1854.
troduced linmeopathy intO•Binghamion, N 4 Y.,in. . -- 7 -- "" ---:---- '
1847. His plan pf!treatment is mild, sale and e . 01;;
China,. and diffe:Nnt from that of any other, pliysiciam
and cures nearly lull cased in all stages of the !disease:,
Or Dr: Ilarriale., testimonials of chatactei, abil:-
ity and skill, front A., p wilier . of the . .molt ;eminent
me di ca l men in i.hi: city of New York, imengiiheta
the celebrated IYr...Valetithie Mott. • . 9- . !a„ : 'l,; . i
~. I'ersons wislii4g ; prompt relief or peimanent cures;
Will do well to withoutdelay. Charges niciderate;
'onsultation creel 'Patients visited at their risidene e s
if desired. Office hours from 7in the 'morning until
9in the evening{ - ~ . . :• - - - ; . .:
.01 .....,
. . 'lAdvasitageto• . •
- Itages,or the Ifonicepathic treatment Of
to it: van _
diseaies -- nre : -
Ist. That patients treated Homeoputhieally,.nual
ll.are - cured math sooner than by any other practice,
2d. That malty patients can he cured by Homeo
pathic remediesi4ho cannot be cured by any othei:
,treatment, . ~ . - . . .
L'rd. Tliat..ptttlenti treated Homeopathically, do
not have to labor limier the bad effects of the meal.
cine they have tahen to cure the disease.
C MILL'EN & PARK..iethrn their grateful
acknowlyilgentents to the public, and invite at
tention to the Very large stock of Si r4n,a and Sian
incr Coot the tie now receiving ,and '<e l. for
at rend loin 11.rqc!..1. In addition to"their usual assort
ment 4stapl4l.‘ DOI Guods, Grciceries, llardwiire, Crock--
ery, Paints 'andke, ke., they are pinared to
eNhibit a large itilgortment of Ladies' Dress Goods
of every descrifilion—pg,ured, Plaid and Plain SilkS,
Bonnets, ghauli-lißibl.ons r Cloves,
,llosiery : --Ladiqs
and of kindsalso a large stock of
REA D niLIDE C.LOTHEM, Clotbs,.Cas‘dmeiO,
Tweeds,"Jeans,'(sitntiner Cloths; Ye:Ai-age, klats,CaN4,
Boots and ShoeS Cc. • • •
They reipectfl
who wish - to por;
,Springville, Ma
I~VING kips
call the . ut
the public. in ke
• NE
and wishing to-rzl
for them at grt
Coelteco Win
cent.; a yard. 1,,(
the 1). 1 :4 \ail iii
Boots - and Atotis
LaineP, Cat)),
Velvet. &e;
t 4 atin ihnittet4
Double Long 4hl
ably lot. prieet , .
faction to all tilt
V T -price 1r
IL./ Goods, :it
THE subso.r
.I•7 , i'
adjoining man
ers to examine
vain:lllle larch
all of you w4l
heater in a.4:-
titat wiil eoti i i,
buttfr and tit:
churn. Thizi
entifie iu itz.:
Order, and ca
rower.. •
For furtixtir
tir to JAS.}
Ararat, Strtzcit:
C'Hitiratant, J
.1 1
to receive o i l
tory; I). Post'.
&arle's Milo. I
11:: 6. I
THE . sub4ctlber is agent for the following Insurance
Compaqes, doing business at' the lowest safe.
rates.!l / .
i'; . . . . ..
. .
State Atittrial at Ilarri,q;arg. . • . --
• 'Capital , $330,000.
Cash MaNal at Harrishilrg.
:Capital $209,0Q0..
Hume Inthirmlce, - Niqa rork City.
• Capital 500;000:
3fontrosci itpril 6, '54,
rrilE suhkribcrs' are now burning and will keep
.1.• constantly on hand, Lime or a very superior i
quality-14 ,Montrose Depot, and will sell it in
. nnyl
quantities WI a fair price. - Petsons wishing a lnrge 1
quantity,tari be -supplied t.:.•on a reasonable notice. -
Superior round Plaster will be kept Constantly on
band hereafter. ; ~ ..I. L. POST,. •- '
'H. DRINKIiit. -
I D -. . ; •• w: JESSU .
Nontrose t epot, April 3. •L. sEAnLE. • 1
SA t., .GEIST AND: SA w nIEL... 1
)' ST IP:A(111PM hiving purchlised the above
estddif , binent,-will keep constantly on hoed Sri- '
prr . fine a-idiFine f•'/wtr, Corn Meal (f 3aperiar optql
ily, atm , ' Olay marl Brim--at the lowest cash.priees.-- -
Custom. 1V.411-
k will be done . with despatch, and hi All
cases wary'( 1ii , .(1. .' : ' , 1381tf
MontroA July, 1863. :-, , -
1I : NOTICE. .
I Those,rilrsons indebted to the subscriber for fees
as Ile(!isten Ittrorder Mal Clerk orthsOrphan's court
woukccoull.n. a favor by settling 'the same soon. ' -; Dec. 6 1844. ' 1 J. T. LASGDDN.
.- i - • Window-Sash. - - -
Q 11. kr. SATRE having been .appointed rif:•ent,
k 7. • fur a 1 etensiVc sash Mind and door niannfac l
tory are pi pared tofurniSh any articles in this line at
less rates; tan they:have usually been sold • • "-
.Fuly 24 : ... " S. 11. d: D. S.
Shaving Cream. •-• -
i t .S article which every man . shmilti try for sale
-./.1. by. 11 • • .S. 11.-s.: •D: S'...
IT _ AT..H.A. new, lot of. Rummer Bats ?thil Cloths
-for ninter wear jutkt received told for 8;11e - eh : cap
H - • . A. • L &-CO.
In. S. WILSON 44- N
Nl ALr of f:T i i i nA ie ink v .S e . n t. e llplford's old s t ore, East.
31outre e, November 15 1854. • .
A 6CTI i
/A. by
not being re-
COL re desirable iu
ly solicit an early call from thil46
lase gemd good.v 'rft loin pries.
:3 ; '54. Mc:MILLEN & PARK....
ce to the . s
returned from New York I Wit.h to
tuition of my old customers, and of
oral, to me ' -
171 it with cash the'ltrwest prices,
111 principally for the same, I will oi
ly reduced prices..
t,s, warranted fist colors, for only *8
oral DrowitSugar, 18. pound's for one
aeknoWledged by all to be
use, 5 5 , 5 n per keg. Rats. and Caps,
Minh, Roberti of till prices,..all. wool
noes, Parametta.s, Dress Silk, Silk
uslin De LaineS, 1 shilling, -per,,yard,
and Moleskin Brodie Shawls,
Thibet do., selling at inconct
i- I can safely i i carrant perfect saw
will give Inc rt. call.
pr. 5, 1854.. S. A. LYONS:
..od time keepdo, only one dollar.
I pr . 5..
for which the. lii lief
il be paid. • S. A. LYONS:
'pr. 5. • 1'; . ?7 .
• PRODUCE, to :en in exchange
•iy *tore, - , , S. A. LYONS,' ,
Aril 5. -
ers having sectiredtlie sole:
. right to
R.A.-ER,, for SuS4uehanna and s.e;v.ral
ies, respectfullOnvite'all Butter mak
and iEsf . the merits of • this new Mid
ion. IPe prOpOse to furnish each rind
a Citt:Ths that 'will produce ms . mitch
eon, a time as :any.lather churn—one .
del)/ 'hutietieilk. Imilt g•tad
tit dirrgsing itspsrfiettg thrortyh',ithe
for use, without rinuoving it front: the
'hunt ii simple in its construction, 'sci
eratiom and eaAll, - .-cleaned and kept in
t be -easily attached to any, propelling
particulars. apply p6rs Onally
or tir"let-
HHann county, • • • '
MOTT wouldlrespectfidly - niform the
that they are toruifacturing Blatchley's
ows. They also keep constantiv - . on
ii, Wayne . County:, ornd Men
og. Churnit,.Sleigh • and Cutter Shoert,
f various patterns, too numerous to
hope, by strict attention - to busitiess;
share of public pationage. Mapuftic
. old stand. Foundry, M. Mott, near
ig lone on shoit notice. • .
• , !3iERRIT 3!,OTT
• • '.ELLTAII 31017
, .
Buffalo Roluis. , , , -
CE lot just received, and offered low by
1 Shawls! SkaWIEW! 1
'ICE lot of Wool Long Shawls very cheap
Mlle, December S.
ED, tutter, Cheese, Eggs, - Smoked Hams,
ples, rptatees, &c. - S. S. Ir.,
• Cutter and a two horse :Pleasure Car.
foe sale cheap by " .A. TURItELL.
pply of Sitter Spooni, Watches, Jewelry,
it received, BENTL E Y & READ."
A fresh - 6j
Ite. te,, j
111USICJ mulswit - • - •
ved by . - : 14, LYONS &SON. •
Als - TLY ON HAND 11...fOriii.v.he'd. to order
ort notice.. . -. J. LYONS &RON.
kJ on:
Printa, Suiunior and the:cointnoli
Goods: of'Dry Goods at TiITIIRELL'S.
1.1 "
'New Goods.
1t.10,4s a. 3.111094. are now reeeiving 'Greif. sup
t.) • ply of Spring' and Sarni -Tier (,;pLs and being
, geirerally that -
conrinced irf the advantage of 11 . aq11(Ady p a y, are • ;
determined to sell- goods at so low a rate as to COrt
viuce their customers piddle
it wilj be- to their advantage as well us ours, ca w
stock consists in, part of Broadcloths,
Kentucky deans, Summoner miffs, Delaittes, Lawns,
Calicoes, Gingluttns, Prints, Bonnets, Iliblions, Para.
sots, Shawls and Black Sills, together -with a stock
of other Staple And sane_' Dry ;Goods, -Groceries,.
Crockery, Hardware, ~ - Boots and Shoes,' Bits, tfc.
Also, - a good assortment of Shoemakers' fintlings 47
Call and examine our stock, and judge for yourselves
ILA to the trial t of our stat. nsent. Our motto is, Wok
sales and small. Profits. - 3rost kinds of criuntrypio
duce taken in exchange ydods.forl
New Mifford, - Ilay 15, 1655.
A - - .%ti):..; G the grCat variety of!).l.ellcines at Turrtfil's
I S,toie, t'nay he ! found all of - .l)c, J a y 4:l ,:' s -i l i,i t l y ;'!!.
eelebrated Family Mcslicittes : 4yrc-.'.4 Citerry Pecto- , l
-,ral and Cathart l'ills ; Ilalsey's Forcrst. Wine and - '!.
Forest Pills ; lion uld's r :celelnlaccl Gelliliiii IVA:6s3 ; . ;.-
Lottatt! ' s series of Fair,ily . ! -Me.licines ; 14 etc h a i,f s - "..
flargllng Oil, the gte 'test renicife:for sprr.inF, in itlati .:
or beast ever known - ; l'fatliet. - son's Infailible. Bettie. .!
dy, - roar Ilopie Item6dy ; Orielc's Verinifitge, and . a .I
variety of other kinds; Tra.,,k'sl'a;,; - . nctic Ointment, !!
, the gre4t remedy - fcir hurns, - --illeurnatoqu, and cilL in--
tianiunqpry complaints; Pond's Extract, a fiat rate
1 thing fir siiitar,rtf.: ! :po'ses - as almve Ointntent; 'tn-
. (Ire ws'• 'sin itestioying Agent, a good -article ; \Von&
... cliCtif.i l lilsani - and Bone Liniment ;-. Atwood's Jana-
dice Bi, ter , : Canker Drops Liniment, and Dysentery i
Drops :i Baker's Co:bpi - gm:l for.Pysentary ; - Hough-
ton's,; for DySpepi,c;- lien (hold's. Extract of
1 Buchit,inind Extract -of 'Sarsaparilla; a -variety of ,
I Salves,ilie.bestirl-ntar.ket, Pills, &c., and -an - almost
etallestilvttriety a Patent. 3lcclicinen, altogether too 4
mutter( to 19 ettunicrate=-but; suffice it to say; th at "..!
I the ,put lie. w'i rind nearly evel-yqiiing in this line, at ;
1 the Dr' , t- and ililee of ABEL TERRELL. 1
, t, - Store-
Mora rose, Ju • 18,55. . .. . ,
. .
E.AWI• ,1 7 0011 . 11101t1"..
111:11TLE1,&. PERKINS having.-purehas-!
edi of W ilson4. Co. :the Eagle Folindry, are new ,
prepared toEll Orders fro • the trade, aut do workin
their Vile with - skill alitl,4l \ - - prifrit. Thifr will 'keep;
constantly on. hand P/gree;:kst• kinds,)ll.Str- ---
kinds, CaltivaNri:c Straw Clitti - r- '
cke. &e.
We avite pat ticniar litten
we nia'nulheture. manntlt
The rote.d 114 a
We have purcheir , ed the cxci
ture 'and sell in thir-z . county,.
.Bradford, I:7l;ielr's Patent.
- Plow is, mole . etitirely of iron..
It is celebrated for its • easy
easier than any now in use, wl
• " MACHIN . _
of all kinds nuyaufa - etnre - d and sepaired by emperienc,
- ed raaeldnests.
Steam - Engiaeg," Gearing Ifet
a• -e. •
Among the Stoves mhieli We : thanufaetnre, are the
KPYRIOTIC Cookinq Stori-, Rough and Readggo.",:li;rl.;
tat Quren. do., Prelnioin do., - and other kinds, all 2.r,
lunged for burning wood or coal. Also;• Sdf-fleint 7
lator, Parlor Store, ("Ottag , -; Parlor do., StenleyN,
'two sizes, do.; and if:variety cf other PatlOr "Stores.'
linth wood and ebal burner:, We keep :Ilse on banil
Grindstone trimining-i,' Dog Churn Utti•-
brella and Slwvel and Tongs Sta:lds, Wolk
done to order on short notice and at the lowest
: Orders for Stove.s,tiral.lmplentelly , ,
ke, are solicited from thits.o. hs the tri.lll.ll
filled at-teas-on:0-1e whole ate. • -
B. S. 11PATLEY.!
- i•
' 3tontrose,.3larch 4
Australia, Ca lifornia,
Or any place mi the: Globe (mutat preseht
. • greater inflaconents 'lain •
irsooT.A iN D. ERIE "41‘011LE. -
AATHIC,II is now ;filled triol. a new . and extenslys - -
a , , , sortme nt-4 - 2 1 art#elozz 11111.1(-ir Inse, enthractit;
a general variety of new;and elegant styles - of.-ladirs
and 'gentlemen's wear ,. among. which are Ladies --
.French, Silk Lasting and - prcnille Calms, Kid gild
Enameled Patent Luther ,and Bronzed -
Jenny Linda,-Buskins and Ties .f - Gen . tlemen's }WO
and PhiladClphia, oak tanned calf skin aid kip BOts,
Morocco, Calf and Coniiide Brogans &cr. Boys 14.
calf and cowhide Flouts aud - Brogans; all I;indket
Misses and Children's wear. •• Also, a general assart- .
meat of Findings Which consist in part -of lasts, pep,
sparables, Ilunprian Mdls, tacks; thread, wax, allyis• •
fles,shoe binding; awls, rasps, sandstones, shoe knives,
- Also oak and hemlock, tanned calf upper Old
soleleather, Morocco skins ainl linings..
Work-tnatle to order and repairing neatly-dono.
Montrose, April C, 185-1.
• .
Vali‘ribiti;yids Vor Salo;'
- about •5500 , aere...
, Lam! on the water = of Spring.llrook,' a In*irt.
of the Lackawanna river,lin Luau ne -County, Penh's..
about tnithvay, between the thriving towns of ticiaa•
to am! Pittston. These Ilan& are covered withca!-
uable, timber, and. being 4tuate in the Most exteniiirt•
mingrul,regioh in .P e nrylvania—known to contsin
iron or , e-:-ancl believed tri abound in coal, - And,hping
also in. the immediate'Vicinity* of several . raihisith
made tunl' progress—Otter to the eapitalili't
opportunity for the investment of money that seldom ;
occur`. For further Arply to
. 15.T. " I11e•
N-o: 11, Wall street New Yorlc, - tir
subserib sr, at Montrose; Susquehanna - count y,Pa, the•
attorney in-fact cif_the owners.
AprilklBs4. • rgsty DRINKE4
, EsTitAvroo - . •
Estrayed from the- prorai:;t::= or the subset-11*A
or near the first of June—tire
Steers, one dart:a . ..rill:ln the oilier. Three-Heifels!
mostly red, With some whit...on . eteli", the safallezt . or)
having, more white than 'the other; Any person setl,
ing said yearlings willoblige tho subscriber by ilki4 4
then) up and "sendingitint Word, by let terpr otherwise,
and he will pay them for their trouble, ' . .
Jack - 6611,-July jig, 1855 Wm. It.traLtintr..
• AtlinOatistration.Noilie. - I
VlVerehy given that hatters of athninistrt
-131 tion upon the estate of Wannts W.eta.s 4 late ef.
Springville township, deed; ltaytt - beeti granted t'o
untlersig,ned, and all pet-sons Indebted to said tistate
will please make linntedi(tto paYment, and thost4hat
jag-el:dui:: will present- the sjiOi dilIV attested' tj
settlement. WILLIAM WIiITE, Adler.
I Springville, June 6, I :
• TIE F 1 DUN D A VPAC, A1)E1 1 11V. •
M ILE NEXT TERM oC,thia lrrsutution comment
the first
. Monday of September. Old) and eantin , .
ues 22 weeks. And as eltise's will, then be arrang
ed, and the studies assigned, students are partihig ,
ly requested to. Ve present ; • and they will tit&riy•
ft:old / Much labor on the part of the teachers andem-, -
barrassmene to lemselves. • •
Board, nndcr be present hard *times,
week ; anti will I,te proportionally less If thev
which wo have efrery reason do believe from . .iiii , sp•
proaching harvest. •• • .
I . AUG UST. E •
Tho Toatly-Tro,e-3tother an.d.-SteoAlother .(Con•
eluded trip, Priaustoaeoultry,..ikbro , a l-- 4 1 ' 4 "
Story of.a King4A Liviathan Met:ll:aril! ,
Uniform. , -Poetry the Ilailway-a-What the I,ar.d.
lortErtelieved—The-Witl—AustniliatiVartiers4 e
Roving Euglishniali, Rustchuck, the Passageth e
Danube,-Doetori Dubois—Cheap Patriotism—Yo u '
vius in Eruptiott.--Strjetly Financial--,Frenylt 14h
Stri‘'e„ Wait and Pray•-ltalia
traortlinary--:',Speelmen of the Alchemists, tw.o:c ll4 r
ters--The.first Death—A Very 'Little liousi :4
Rt..volutiOnary—lly Rail to l'arnassus; -1 •
Terms.--Tlire Dollars a year, or Tireuty-tlve
a number. TboSe rimiiiting Three Dollars NOT rt". :
ceice the ltbigazine it'es Clubs44 l "
copics, -- Five Doihtra; 'Three impleS, Dollazst
copies, Eight Dollara 'and ,Sevoitr:tive Cents. ' Pa
lma-41s Ifentlity and //ouclonfer nye PP /iilr ''
. . • . DIX & EDWARDS,
Ifil'ark Place, New Yokk.
. . '3, T.'570 . Nz3 &SOS/