Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, August 30, 1855, Image 4

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~ y~c`e~f~jeo~S.=.
. ' 'Ar the .Republi
- ' ' .-
boll moutufully, uld bell ! Dead ! dead l.
dead! " :Man dieth and . wa%teth away.!! r."'
Loelts'ishiterien by the snows of 'truant win-
ters' A g e ,eoveredsby the damp earth—the_ hfe L ,
eutlidiaintid to the dregs—and age - , has been
exchanged fur iinmortal yoittli; "-littSt to
dust! ashes to ashes l'e - and Ihesbadowy„ toi r, ni
of the dettthangel glides `awny—_'ivliitheii '
Sweet .rosy lips grow pale; rounded arniti
stifen, and blne's.yes close. 'Aie,'grint:
• stricken tnotlier, press your last kiss caf2t6t
1604. t!tOir;
,whlsper.your last :‘lgeod - night,"
for It :is all Ingbi k ... to you now. , While we
plfteethe,bright.„yoUng head on its earth p11:'
low,ant plant..sweet flowers over thotomiti
*let the oldibell tell to the world— • -
`.'.To earth, a child is lost—to Ifekrea, a cherub bone.
;.'There sits the stricken' mother,. stroking
softly a tress of Olden hair, but from the set
Bps there comes no prayer, "Thy wilt be ,
done." She murmurs at the Father's 'am
7 1
date; and while thus murmurs; the $
, - aa
owy forth . again crosses the threshold, and
a manly form bows to the earth at the stroke.
The earnest, loving heart has stilled its heat;
ings; and she 'whose life; only a few short
tiays-.ago,.had. been only. another name for
happiness, is now written, widow—childless.
Forth from the quivering, lips came the age.
nizeti cry;." Me; too—take', me too.. 0 fur
death 1', 7 , But death came not then—not until
long after, when the' murmuring . heart had
bowed and whiSpered, "Not as I will, but as
' thou wilt "arid the." Cotnforter came and
wilt".' arid
took up 'his abode with her." - Peace, such,
{react as only the tempest-tossed know was
written; on her biow. Whea l after- long
years' of - sorroiv and Struggling, the release
came, from the depths of her tried. soul she
blessed the. Holy One that ithad been hers
to be:f,,f- made perfeet. through suffering."
. -
Still the busy bei'n of the world goes on
\ Fairy forms- flit to and fro
,in _the:mazy 'dance,
*. \warbling - snatches of 'delicious .Mu:;;C.4.:;
Whisper of love under the, bright stars, all
unheeding the ShadoWy form movinesilently
aroundXone its gone, and another, and oth- 1
era.rnove fro in their places, : alike un •
heeding. Some few there are, gliding hither
.and thither, with 'pa Hid lips and tear-filled.,
=eyes, murmuring, " He is gone—dead ! dead!
dead ! List .to the tollinghell." "Site 'is
. .
,gone—our* sun-beam has vanished: :Come
.and see—death here! 'ah, here
.• . • Gaze on that peerless broWthe
.fringed lid drOoping - softly .over _at ure-tinted
orbs. • The summer air comes - through, the
open - window, rustling, the muslin Curtainil
-comes laden with fragrance; and gently stirs
- - the golden hair floating over the pillow.; kiss=
• -
- :ing the rose-buds loving . hands have placedln
she taperfing,ers. 0, so young, so beintiful,
to 'die- so soon.. Fold the, shroud tender
' ' ly around the white - . shoulders; caressingly .
smooth the beautiful hair; late her gently in
- Ithe-eoffin—
"Gather the beautiful home to her rest,
Strew the pale roses over her. breast ;
Like her in beauty, let them decay,
When the most beautiful passeth awry."
And the . .old . bell tolls', mournfully - in the
Lair, 'ever breathing the sante--Dend I dead
Alead•l•for, - "trian goeth to his long home, and
:the.'lnourners go about the streets."
\ We extract the following exquisite mor
\'ceau from " Bizatie," a singularly graceful,
-quaint, and 'scholarly little Magazine, pub
'lished in. this city. The article.reminds us,
in its style; of many of the German writers
;of ~the, second school.' ,
Sweet evening breeze! said the birds perch %
, ed upon the ledges of their Nests, bear our.
:lays to the young maiden musing up yonder,
-seated at her window ; murmar that it is for
lair we perform our concerts -amongst the
' , trees. Yes, said the.lark, it is I 'who awaken
her in the morning. And it is 1 who sing her
to sleep, said the nightingale.
Sweet evening breeze! said the church
tell, take my chime upon thy wingsand bear
it - to the ooritemplative maid as she looks
!-(fortla upon the landscape. lily silver notes
esill recall the little, church in -which she has
kneeled i and die happy tranquillity which she
: Sweet evening breeze said the crickets,
bidden beneath the grain, take our trill upon
thy wings and bear it to. the "young uaaiclen.
It will bring to her mind' the , ripe harvest;
and t'he•field flowers she wove into chaplets
in her younger days.
. 'Sweet evening breeze ! said the, young
man sitting alone in . his lighter] closet, to her
musing afar up there, seated at het. -window,
conVey the voids of my lips, and murmur.
them softly her ear.. Waft away 'nay
thoughts and let them hill gently upon her
any!. Take my lisses,'and r. fi x them upon
he r ftirebo3, when .thou earesse4 her gold ?
ealeeka, -13 ear upon thy wings,this love of
mine for her, withal! its tear; its smiles, its
fears, and its hOpes, hearmthem to the
young girl who musing far- away there,
seated at , her window. - .
td,ihe breeze flew with . its mist. rapid,
flight to_perform its messages. • •
Evening'breeze I said the young girl, go
say to the birds that they shall eall nie if
they fan into the hands of the fowler: I -will
go and deliver them from the cage and , the
net, and, will give them back their open •skies
andr_their nests in the woods.
- _Sayto the bell. n the:,church top , ehlming,
And I do not forget its little chapel--that. its
MellOw sounds - dispel all unholy thoughts and
moderate the throbbings of my heart.
Say to,the *ickets of the fields that I
. member them. When the snow will • - Uover
the plain I them a neat the' old
fire-place, where we all assemble during the
long evenings. of winter.'
Sweetevening:hreezeli9rtile oung. shun
alone afar down theie_'jailis: lighted clOset..
batir upon thy wing,s.thisiMun;f embroidered
- fAy my bands. The flowers that deckitinive
received the dew from my -eyes;
lips have oft confided to it the secret of my
breeze ! bear my Ipvexpoi
thy wings.. -
And die - breeze fled fraught with its new
~ .thessageg. : ,
or c owi m g , iri kis excellent `` History of
--Plants,' notices the virtue of hemp thus imps: .
laity : "BY virtne of this cordage ships are , Not A v t f BAD
Gi msgi .-. 7 .,..:D uT ins . ar i u k vArm ry,
ided, bells are fling, add rogues hone— slime in w
Ne_ York, 'a; boy : askeo his compan-,
-Hemp:appears to have greatlyexercised the ion what: as the relitam ie sO many_minis ,
o ld wri ters—there are a few more modem 1 tiers t"eeting tigether eveii year ? .- The cbth
ones to whom it might be beieficially ap- ier eon fi deotly AArn-ch:A, 4 ' Toexehange ser
• plied. . I mons! to be sure,"
.• -
• • . •
. . . .
• .
. . .
. - ..1 .
. .. . ~
. . . . . , . . . .
.•.. , . .
.I . .
. . i
. . 1
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. .. .
. . .. . . . • .
, .
. . .
• . . . . . .
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—.sat _ . . •
F_-. - r4es -1 ("iotte: '1 ,: ' -,: k
The Procceanis were uttetrUptltd ,by,,,the
entrance of a coariel ydressed , remal4dlittlie.
proportions, who'tushed-ferward to the rail
ing and eon - menmil siddressing the Je ,dtte, .- -
:'Jiutgi:(s.iiii-slft-want"yefurtfilsile a
At liiilf of coypus kihristi: .-, ..1, , '' .....; :.
4 I dont understand sou,'- said the_Judgei ,
4) t vii't:y 1 'bad luck - thin-1w yexcondher , l
vtanain i r -- isitidl*ne - to tht4 court - for lie
i glt-,ooVitiii'ti),r.e44:r'etl4 eilii4i-:tAlin 4 Well°
Shea•whO litn.:jist len, m - e, Itit• "" ITife, 4- , 141
Teight elirder st 3 iii e bretuit, and every , 3noth.
er l s - ii tifthim, nrqt4 l rho liria, - - widout
the mates for,tO ! tiny antunihntessureof-pea
, ties', and has ii,00.1141 il4 Ailibili4r. 4o tuam i, ,
'III your int-Oistufheen guilty . .of - any lits
orderly -eonduet fur'whieb be 'can be arrest:
' And v dare d Can't iniferied 1 1-
nin' .o%;iff anoaier ir4uall"tlr4e_TrY .- 1 1 1. timP
,ye intpeached; to mid '
he sarpint; I tell ye
what I• w itnei•t;t rwritinof corpus chris6- 1,
• Yon art. evidi•utle Jthesd, of me in the law
y o u are Calling for 3% - ritin4 of which] have
no hnowledge.!... 1 -- -.ti -
' Ai - coorst3 -yed say sot ! what was ye *put
up there fur tti do but tG Dervint the public
kindaceney of a blaeitgaircl ItuAl.tiind desertio'
('his unperteete4 - I.viiikand 4oce;tit bablitesl?
I 'Do you mean that you :want tne to issue
a writ of habeasicarpust I I-: '
'Yes, it's a writ to hail his , carcass that
I'm after wantitf.' how stupid ye was, to be
sure, that ye did , not approhind me melanin'
betore; - !i, - f ,
4 1Velll it unflirtunately, happens that sou.
don't tuiderstand the nature of the habeas cor- i
pus act. If you did yne would
s not hai..e
i wasted your time And Mine with your impn
deuce.' 5 1
- ..,
`By the said ed broguet o f f Paddy the Pi=
per, who was cite by the cow, do you think
that . I'm to 10.0 my hil.baini and my chillier
a father beeau,e Yer lazy ; old bonoi wants to
be shirkin' yer,juty ? If ye think it lies in
er breeches ti' do it ju-zt ' , make a • thry, and
ye'll find BiditY Shea wid her back tip afther
Vie, ye ow id heathen.'
4 11tr,. Shea; if y'ou -speak to the Court
again in that. iin pertinent manner, I'll have
N 441 1' .eked tip in the T4tittb. for contempt.'
• Contempt its it? Aitt ye a nice nut for
the divil to trai l lt, and yell vatic ,if cora empt;
will ye—' , 1
.., . ,
4 Officers, hick' that %%mita', up for twenty.,
fipur hou> , .. mid perti.m 4 ; liy tgo-morniw morn,.
ing ..he may have learnili -.'no: d.felency; if
not a little Niitclie-s.' ; ;
Mr-. Shea (ti. i the oflieeo-4 Will lyez dare
to lay yer dirthy tbievin' bands on aipoor un
perfected temale 1. Take, "that for e'er pains.'
Mrs. Shea_ hit tine of the oflieetis a violent
blow in hi.,titee. m bleb staggered . ; li'm foi y,
the m-uueat .l Other?; ( - dicers, , teeing the
belligerent attitude of the Mile , .lan . 4 Amazoir,
succeeded in letting her into a eel without
her being abl/ to do .any further r injury.—
N. I'. Tribune. 1 y. ! *
CorwrSion' i air , LiCTIVA - ING:---WO: find - in
the Albany .k.gus,.(if August 1 stl . 4.tite follinv.
ing story of it ; Cournfhip and C1100111(.4 - by
telegraph, which is :rather
.• fast,' cvien in this',
rapid age:: l' 1: . •1... -•• . • h , •
Some nniiittis - since, a young genileman Of
.this city entlied the Morse telegriiPh: office;
and requested to be ; instructed in 4itch_of the
mysteries otlteh•griiFilling as the. ;operators..
could or wo, i)(I inti;rin him--...such ja-i Would
not interfere Iwith the secrets of the. offtee.—
The obliging loperatOr proceeded tii.d6 so, and
in 'the:course • ; of his hist ructionsi eyioi i iimi . to i
-the•freshmatil:the ntf l li operandidys 6t t ii ritipg:
It ~.s.hinildbe l}nown iltat at one of the fr.tations., 1
west of this city, in quite a small.ibitt -enter-
1 prising . village; a . female—the si..ll‘tol I l titie , resS 1
of the villiige-r-is the operater at. the tete
graph station. ' ' '•_. . I - ,
. ..
.1V hile the operator in this - cityl i iell_s going
through his. eNplanations, the 7 - 1 -., Office call
ed Albany; and made a• linAncs . s . rn4iiiry, to
which an sin,nr:er wits returned by ithi._Alb:uly
operator, .wh , t, in - a , nal ifr;pner - ,' in
qiiired the. ninne of the auxious inquirer; and
sent it, wial Ithe gentlenian's compli:rriento, to
the —.-- oft is . (whiFb the .'innate beret charge .
of). '.litisa - c•-!-- - -.(we' 'mean - - 111 pperiiior)
replied, retiOohig her compliineatq and gave
the state of the weather, &c., at [ , . The
gentle: c num‘Fai. 'immensely .", delighted with
the idea of Witerrogitting a person, i and that .
persona fetnale, one - hundred and fitly miles
distant, inid liriiii . gli the kindness blithe opera
tor addressed several interrogat4riis• to her,.
altol-whiclircre Answered
_in ii,trinst gratify::.
ing manner-f The novice in telegraphing was
'delighted, not to say -enchanted.? 1e called
Ar e .odn the tiext dot% and Perm:n . l443 the opera-,
tor to again summon the Office. • • :
. Again iiid he enjoy a most delightful tete
v-tete—thirtk of a tete .a-Ote 4STiertundred and,
fitly milesi einoved !—with his !thartning in- .
Cognita, or We should say i inartratn,for.the
novice wasi or . abserbed in -Miss ---.;
the seqiutl(‘‘ill prone.
.- For seierat . 4yadid
be -Call andshold. converse with the 7 ---- . - - -' -office
and its Veryphliging operator, I each" day be
coming milre and More interestol. L- The sal.
jeat. of discourse, too, was maternally changed,
-insomuch that the Albany operater. began to
~ ~ . he
feel•in rather a-i
peen:tar . predicament,'
hero; a.sOrt...of Mediam throiigh Which two , :
lorers wet*. holding comunication. To .be -
brief. the novice continued to call fir a space
of two wdeks, eaehday.. growing more inter
ested, until at. last he put the question, direct
and: pluinp: t Will you -marry me 1' . The
telegraphl.neVrr hesitates; •it is a fast in.stitu
' tints ; and Itiai ! , ,e abed areconnected with Who
eeme `;fast.,".tts iif Gjr ' ;inhibition.:, The. Ihdy .
'consents[;,-.arid 1:130:melee, a few days after,
sent tit 4H.„clairyed his bride; and • av:as
marri:4l. 1 T*. parti l es..are' now resident‘
. of
this Otv.l- -- -1:1:: :•- - ' -.• 1
i - -
A PROTimilANT'Cow.—Att lri , hrrian, 'who
i, the p t+vii, it t ,t. fvf it hi ia rd I i ig, Alin ty iin the
C. O. Raiir4ild. 1;114. of this .e,tv. - says, the
Z a nesvi,ile-Auroru, reeentiy. i.urc.L'ased a how,
whiyh, b 1 nithr wilti, lie, ,had to halter , -
and le i h4itne. , When ne-arriied at the
door of the shanty his better half opened the
i_conversiitionithus: ! ./ ,
....W24 , Pah where did - you get that brute r
1 . &Stine; 1 g'Ot her Of Mr. H—.' • '
1 'W i t! 4aia ~ v, :clic! put buy a. cow of a
Piotes ti i But, a' , you bore dt_ine so, it
Won't b ',aril, hard to put a little holy 'water
upon. .„ r.'' . .„ - ' •
'Faith, that' f.. said Pat; .
so withOutlinquishi4hisbuld of the brute
he heldlota 1
is hand to .remive the -holy war :
ter, 'and p= . I: . red "--it on :the aid:ruins bark i
snaking, elastithe . a+tistomed sign* the time
of pert " whig tlit 'o*lthal: ~
1 ' ', ..- - -..
it.e9 happened that the fild --Ixoutatt hatid
exl hint- b y mistake, a hottleofyitriol, and Pat,
hying: tiwitre 'of thejact,!e.ltastonished that
die 4t4t l d!. l illiree' 6o IMPertheoPer*u ;
bit; pa -pouring 44 - the.aufipo,4;afer
a 'time, the infuriated 'animal hieked
up 4e i• : birls -and brOke loo.e
Pat, to the
gtest I , 4t4isiiient - of Mai ty, - WhO exclaimed ;
! 'Soli! sniai.r 31 . Moteisiktimkprutes
tent sOongin. her- yetin- I:- .....-;- . ._ ...:.=!:
th '-truth •of the itgry-le 4tcruchcd for, by
fine o f the hoardeis 10,-the - thenty. : : ' z
f!! I
. . .
S. want lily - • -
bannsciaittyl*:;l4l.l4loce.l4 ce.
•" -• ,
C 4 xenwr mAssok toe reeioto*to
loom to weir itaiwc:Pit.rill1 . 1 rißt.Wep.Ora :
Uwe" on tirrO retlnbinetenanitiaiso-RWj-'5
Tuiittlanlafinded*liti or nittOt z r
Wiii-ronta tieinlys4#lfin:!lt k Dic*trzikan t n:
Nor! MilfOnAilitt:lol-111,#',_ '
.12.-sdawW -
• orge jm us
TANUPiu n to Buitteutoreoultil
l *ilrma°, WhIP-I,*, i
IltsurgaosiV '- -
IopOOT 2001reMAMMR.,:lthop first doo cast
of Odd Fello *VA .
teelOiia at Ida Sing l e
ley stimd!ori Oiego at.
two dooti west Or Seitileli Hack *hero he el . :
fedu"4 ll ,o ierabs- - fl*tch; liratChftt,..qocks*
'Jewelry:tuns, and' °Very diatptkin Of Machinery.
*tied coning; : Oun,!'aitd Watch inateaiAis anpplied
:to the tradti.: . ;• _ , - I ,
SSURGEON DEFTIST: 119iitrpse, ra., at
et earle's
rienT r y 8. Snapp, , .
0 - fritOsE, PA.; w4th !Row, .11;504fraf Car.
I.v.L ter'Virlaoleaalti Cikkeria 'and Cooonission Mer
chants, to; 173 .Waidditgton : etreet, between I Court.
-andt and Del streett Net r.ork. ,
---, •
•lett Weeks.
riage Trimmer.: sup 'at his dwellitig I houge,
early opposite
.lleni= Drinkers. ,ilontroe,
- & Yowler,
/IL and Solicitors in Chancery. Office No. 4 4Clarke
street, Chicago, 1114' .
• P cHotel; —
CCREENAVICH STREET, (near Broadway,) New
York. SalKiury - & Co.. Proprietors. t In the
vicinity of the prineiMtl steamboat landing;. j .
• • Ihoinas Ingstrum. -
TVALER IN DRY, GOODS, Groceries, Clothing,
13 erOchory, Botts and Shoes, SusOchann!‘
Depot, Pa..
, . . Bentley & Pitch;*.
AGENTS, .314htroie,Pe;
B. B. ROTLKY. I • . •
, • • -- - - --- --
• ; - 3 . 01111. %roves: . • -
I.I"..ASIIIONABLE.TAIiAR. Shop under Searte's
1 Ho t el , Maine ' tree; ..3iodrose, Pa.
D. D;ilinda,
WERT AND tekTil.q.GE STABLE. Office in
in the rear ot a Wilmni'A Store, Montrose;
J. Colsten, -
!TIEALER IN .fiTOVER, Tin, Copper, and Sheet.
i•lron Ware todrrsqltr, near Great Bend Depot.
December ;. •
• ;'.L; P. Hinds,
A ITORNEY AT LAW; Susrzehanyut, Pa. Office
LIL on Maine *tied, one door east Ad' Lenheinis.
... - hazier' & Case, .
it: Office on Turnpike %treetv one door East o
Post's Store, ,Voltrive, Pa : 1
c•Albert Chamberlin ,
• A TTORNET IT LAW - and Justice of The Peace;
.1 over' l. L. Post & Co's Store, ifontroe..
• .• • H. Jessup, , • •
ilk. DEEDS, for !the Suite of New York, will .attend
to all business cotrusted to him with promptness and
fidelity.. Office On Public Square occupied by
Vm. Jessup.
• - ,
1 1 ' • k Abel Turin, I
Chemicals„ . ;1
7 ,
II Paints, 4)11.:4„ Dyc-,s4ffs; Groceries, Dry Go - ods, 1 • • ii . •FAIrIttERIS I
Hardware, Stone,ware, Glassware, Clocks, Waterha, 1U 3110 N tNSISRANCE CO7PANii
Jewelry, Saver '; ; Sp,xnut.„ Spectacles, Musiell lustru- •_. ••
rnento,TrusSes, F•nrgicill Instruments, Li/uors, Pet- , • ,
. . .
_CA.J. ITAL . ., UOo,oo l o_
fumer . ., Mirrors,, , Stationery;i Brushes, Sham, Yankee
,?. _
i .s(cl/rat oy /scow said_ Nor: gay. on hel Rea! Eseatt.
Notions, d:c. ') . l li of the Sinekholders. - ! 11
Insures arAinstloskg by Fire, of House* Stores; and
other buildings., Goods; Wares, and , Mere.,handise, on
as tivomble ti ms. as any similar Institution. Los -
promptly adjitited atilt paid. i
- Dr ae.croirtS.4;•lion.;;Borace Williston. Athens; Fran. :
..' ,i F.IL Chandler, 1 . 1 eisTvier, do. i 'George A. Perkins do, ;J.T. D. Meyer,
11EALER INiDRY GOODS, Ready Made Clothing. I do.; C, N . Shipman,; do. •:' C. F.Welles, Jr. do.; J. E.
1/ • Groceties4BOoks . and - Stationery, etc., PublicCanfield do. ;! Hon: John Laporte, Towanda ; Gen. B.
'Avenue, Afaitter, Pa. *- . • - -.' • i Wakeman, apeyriile; Geo. M. liollenback, Wilkes
- -----,-- - • ' ---=-------- — l, i barre; MiChatil Meylert, LaPorte; Pa. 1
• ' Patrick &Unlock, .1 . , Orricr.r.s.--4lon.lHorace Williston, President E. C.
1311TSICIAX 8 AND SURGEONS. Office N_ rt. 4 IF. Wells, jr.; !Y. Pt.s., and Treas.; .1. E. Cattrieltl,
1 - Owego 'ettiet, Nontrose , Pa- • ' ''; i Secretary.-• ! i i
1 . Agent, O. S.'llEr.rtr. *Montrose, Pa. ••
, I
Lyons & 'Co.
11.grLvEtl.E. Fll)E dur La l E v l ill IN .
ware, lanesbora, Pa.
FL L. Post, & Co., .
EALEIiS Aii DRY GOODS, Groceries, Crockeq,
liardwari,°Lenther,-FlOur, etc., co-ner of Turn
pike street andTublie Avenue, lifoottrosc; Pa.
- S J. Lyons & Son., • -
TIEALERS IN DRY - GOODS, Groceries, Ilnrdwarc,
iJ Crockeryi Tinware, Groceries, Books, etc.; also,
carry on the Bpok Binding businesa--Public Aventie,
; Bentl ey ey & Bead, I
TVALERS =IIC DRY poops, Drugs; liedicincs., I
..1-1; Paints, Oils, Grocr;ries, Hardware, Crockery,
Iron,1" Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, gdrer ,poons, Per- -
vinery, &c.—opt ofPOblic Avenue, M ont role.
- .
Bentley & Perkins,
kinds or Castings, Stoves, Agricultural Imple
ments, etc.._Office at Sayre's Store, Public Avenue;
Manufactory at tbe Fag% Foundry, Rad, Of Cheri"'
street, .3foritrime, Pa! • • •'• •
1• • 1
VirMitiallc William H:Je , ssirp,
ATTORNEMS AT LAW, ..lfontrose, Pa. ;Frac
tice in.Stisquebanna, Bradford, Warne, Wyo
ming and Luierne counties.
1 j -
smith & Co.,
CiABINY.LI RAEF.RS. They keep I constantly on
kJ band a good . assortment of all kinds of Cabinet
Fumiture.l Fhop and Ware Rooms 'at the foot of
Itaine streng Montrose,
-Pa. I
Rockwell, -Winton &
A f AnyIi,CTURERS and DIALERS in Strar
Goofic Hats, Cap, Fara, Utabrellas, Tara
4ots, Ribbnn.ekr.. No. 20 Courtlandt street, .Ner
York, (up', Eitairs.)
r. e.or> wku. s. 110WAILD. INC. W. irwroc.
- 'Franklin Fraser;
...thwitrfose, Pa., will attend faithfully to all busi
ness entrusted to him in the county ; of Susquehanna. -
Iclonveyanrik and writing of all kinds will be done
neutlehatreS m Il
oderate. e - will also attend to
the p rosttion of Maims of soldiers, their widows and
heirs, Kmitist Abe. United States Gorernutent, for
I Bounty Latld, - P . enni - ons, .kc. • May be found at all
hours at ;the office formerly occupied by J. T. Mir
ards. Esq.; „north of the Court. gousel 1489.
11L C. Tyler,
_vitt L. OtINT, Importer of and
Dealer,, Hardware and utlerY, rorrineSprings,
kc, ,tif• Paul -street, Yew York, where his . Her
cantle frieridOir this and other cotinties,"are kindly
invited, Mstearneitly solicited tb call and pnreluuse.
, _
Tif . 't IND EiENDES'T ktOtAUCAN .,- _ - - ,
rrEttshirl, avian . TITCHSDAT LIOIINISCiI, AT 'XONTII:O6 S,-
• P 44) LT .$1 , 50 PZIL L 151401. 1$ ADTASE.
. - .
, .
, -
4 Rates of Advert ag. . ',
One squire (10 lines or less) one week, - $0,50 1
One NUM* •
.... :"- •-' . . TWO weeks,.,.. ..o,i
One Arm 41e - `-. -.: - three weeks, ,A,OO
One square 7 ' .!* one tn0ntb,.......1,25
One square -.I . " - two months,2.23
One equetei , " .__,three months; 3,00
One square.
-, .- , r • ,: . sistupnths,.....„ . Eyoo
One square - M . :one,vear; .8,00 I
Fnr`ll")..nrAnOtlff(lnerest insiitell by the.,Year, a 1
dednaloe, from:the above - prhtes is *We.., Yearly ad •
vertisenOwaissite the privilege of Oteting in•eltinig
intg_theiriadvertis' cements without additional charge.
- Businees' aids, not.exceetneg ifiie lines, inserted
at 0,00 per annum." , ',.." ' '--- ?I
-i•-‘,... ~.:' ' •, „,;_; - ',.- :jell *eel ; ,
Tags osee-4e;imitae44gith ii- asiint . of
! xod
Jobting*aters' . de.artorell s kinds; rlikblirteir.:enit
sate* PseitarPainpldets; Ite. l Will be .41a*VeLT
#844 ralliPOY.- •' • 1 '' - - -.. -.. ..
. , - .... • - -
plow. LO* OF.
.11 tinkle barr e l, and extra findl Rifles, for sale by
Mav ,f.. 1 A. LATHROP k CO.
.• .
- ,
A.,pstirlitirAMY'lvolgiruvwo ' ' 1 - V _ POOTOR AiAil l ittg, I -...._-.,
• ' 11BAItitED. 1 . noneoPATlHiltsir.,
.. n RAwAisamble. „ g _milltatitollivertitttof.Pield
T ...WiTTPMERGI a B 4.i Mog!troi , ; r 4 • 11 4° 8- - . 1 l
• el
J. tbiii_riti4(id,Adyising_ Op?: -0100416 anti , 1 s . Ail _I am, rikbp it,i. Ilairattir. t alttsttle 6th, '7lll and
te nt
atto • Illfe! ptitilic al largo, that *hey have • att 1, 1 , \ , ~, 'i Slit orketlcm9nl i f; wad llutY*eoelimitkd tn'EateMill
set:aired and 'opened aire lariatl`.Pft•tiiest , and a P• 1 1 `., "1-11otel,-lOr.-altree_da,X4,,ll,l4l,l to t Vittilittee." - Ineittebbid f a ' i
eat stock4R,UOT IlliA-DE OIATR4Gt 'ever ; 'I. it - i the hutiniii jiStef, - viz: * ed„lY,S;infi'r/G.AT tm o 1
to t e t her ace„*ltict ;Vey
,oll'erat a itimM adranCe from ~ I . ;., ;_ehltla lullanitttlon'of the Ltili - kkvi - Liver„Aleial
eosteby offeringpnrchasets tilt Pre- OPPlutual”. I. • I '
- • - - !•, - ;$4. iltidliir 4 01 14 0e l e*Di s R 641 ,,! ' ettrioa,)-Liver,'
ay of obtaltdug good: ,tit aborat twittrilat:th.OUal ..I`l .. -,, F A i - its, , ittis ._ c o m puint, R ii,liATlsu,itr.. , ,, , o kiiit, '414.
price, r ._, . , I . ,'. ,"es. ~. . . ,`:-- •es -t
.. L•, ,i'-' , • •• , • ''' Coin' 11 ;Sea 'of the.:tttkr told, - ear,7 s ,l"retwoui
~.- Also-aline Oesorlieent Of .iit Caadas- 41 g 411 P riabl k 'i': ' leiitPtY• Atte .‘• '•
- ! ' 7 .• ilimmedY fur thaai
A es e,..
,ra&cultir• atteetionAived lii
' '... al t , t.'
; for Ladies Wear, .. rmw sayies.Brocatie, &dale. Flitidil, • . 11 ~ , us. ~u . •
_ cost i yeneo udi:, the - disraratf iiiall•Wlatin.-- The'etiain
•PWlltaddiaigalOgePilitaiplaKrliairteillagt- 0 1 , -,'„ 41 , 7, ~ ,- Iv:: .„ - ;y6, - Arm u : ,- isectionktpf
..Titeri-rqgli i ii eul?4-.7. ` - Z ...,
ertigardeltdoes Ornew and, elegant ,designa. . ,' ' t ... ,1,1 rt . . V 011.., s;
i l o n on , mat i on ,„, APr.'7lttrt *ell 1 ticquandeilsitikbOth llotnetid-`
lateast lea et Ladiefl Drell o . 9dl Y'' re l /ch - IAW/t9 ' lea . - • *e.' lilialo ti''' Itr atit,ltille;Back and LintliS, M t ali t a;tkaViVg*Vll 1 Stnii i tn-4'
Ptildallud Gin g /ig " - A ' llantlawllC -1/B " "alena-Pf ' . Etideie : iiiiPlailfrk•tc.. .c. .trideed, very few am Pr 2 eli c eA r 4. ..(elvel itir •havb# trat,lti
D e maritraminga, E !t i l becided Shiestert, Pollara- rtlffe, - , 1 , tlie - ti4e u d i h i wh o i • i t_p o -i tat i t ,&. itzedlein Is flo t,' - traduced otileopality Jute Bit zesilimoyi e lt: In, iri
ste-- Jite*ue t and Blttlut'E ngllltnltiP se r tlll g sl43l9tes- s yi3orc oillOi r reqtilred;and. much 1-ickness and iiilfer•-"Mlf• Illaillinlottftatitithrig-mila(*•itiiderl.
„kiwi:l:stern 1,,,..ib t : 2 1,1 a ra_ao m ., , u , , ,
1,... ,
. 1... ., ,
v . g m i g l, t , b e prevented,qf a liaindees but efreCtUkt, ei° l4 at alid-dffe;•tnt from that:A:lra/I other pleeSrlint e
dl it,
-Titelr alamatalialltw Quail I" I ' ye " ..ilte *' enl. ' - ''' 4x:that - tie were more freely used : No person eau feel - 1 and cur'tf nallki• tit caa•allt • all stages ef thalseaseL;
sacety OE% that:is rick and - fashionable both. foreig? I „y et oleic ri costive eabi ,t of I ,4 de ~,,e vni i6 , hoides, 1 r er, Dr. Her •• has untitnotainla of character, ablg
ant/domestic. .... t , ,' ,•. . ._ ~ -.-: -',, t I ,
~,., rat a it i4 u 4st - ud i tt. 4 l .,,r u - clot ' dispue ,, ity and skill; frorn "a;sriitimbirs Of' the.'lliosl emitieiii
. Melt:Bonnet Department is,, large:sand complete,- i. 1"". °n •i4 :-4 .1 1 -b e - 41 . - - --. • ~i'• • med i cs men in 'tlte;city of New Yorielmaionglltein - ---"`
watch mr , lit ave en *voided by the timely "an • -- - • ' i v • ' s s- - -k.:,---- ~-, ---:- 1 "
'tatablitemg the Itilllatest styles, *jet- TrittuttinKa. WI l u de o th e n .i o f ~ good 0 0 . g i t,,, 'ispidii i , Ali o tru e .I.lie'caebrated r. i ateridne Molt. •s' ', -,..
thatch:,: ' ' ' ' • ' '' II
1 , i of Colds; Feverish syintitohi4irrni Billions ddraitge• - Perso ns IviA Pl n g ! oP mul -P t r ellef • ar Permaaaat 4 0 48
An extmisiteLnasortment of, Irish Knew,. pki
toweling, table covert., curtains &c. .-: - -
pa- - UN
1 LantOt. whey -all tend tdibeeoltie or mid:teethe-deep
-1 t tor ficlible iste •'• ere' which load' the l Callaaltat i aaf r e l4l
;will do sail to call Withollt (Idly.' Charges iiiodetate;
',Palients,visited at dillii•residehtell- -salr'.iftiloe'i"..6. ~. ...
1 . WephaSe Aso a supply of Shirts, Gentlemen's ea. s eg. ' asst n . - 7 . ~. . if 11 .eiretf ' 'Mee !tours from 't in the Moining until'
lags, s ospon d em Glows, L i m b n db o , , ou t s goo d mapy, t.hkeasiigofotrheerfitrsnteilnain. : T.ta . ! l i ce! tir o
t a il s v tela b lt i le 6 . Jr
li ly
, ‘ 1 .9 in! 'ss• the
u • euuitio. ; , . ,
other atticlea toe ritimeecius to mention. 'For bar - I 1 ' wit 1 consummate
... . 3 3 . t e hls pill has licenlerfecited • I P ' s Nditilitages. ' -
gains the public is respectfully i nvited to call al. the l 113 i .....-.
aaui to meet that.dematti, An cutet.sive trial of its Th e of :li d ua dm zec t h t , u ommiz tid o Itestwom
disealies are i I
cheap store °I . --/' tI '' • ' - '•! '- ! - !tirtues i by Physicia. ns;:sPrbre;iti. ors, arid Patients, has
; corner of Chestiut & Owego Streets, four doors 'rig an"" thing hitborto km:mit Of ,_ Ist. -That patienttureated Rom Im&
, east shown results surtrosei , , , , , eopitthicali
I ,;any medicine. Cures have been effee ed beyond be- ly ere cured mtich sooner than, by any other pis:take.,
of Post's store._ - -
Ilia, were they not.aubsialstitiacd by, ns of such - ed. Thalsiane.-Tatktreas pan , be eured,by.s4ooo..
-- _' ---- ' ,--- 1
' NEW GOODS. I exalted positions'And efetiattiel its n_forbiti the Putt- •pethie remedies, echo caenot be'eured til.s. any , ,othet
il picion; , r, untruth the • t. Inent gerdleMen treatment. -
• ' BENrEF,y . tC! BEAD ' • •
, I who have testified in Avor'iif, these Pills, we _may erd. Thet on •nts 'treated jlomeopathicallt de
._ I 1-. . ,
ARE now reftiving their.usu , il supply of SPRIKG .I menti o n _
I, • . • - not tetra to labor underthe bad effects of the ,medi•
AND, SUMMAR GOOPS, Which they offer to their i ! Duet A.'A.IIATEs, Anitypeiji ohe ni i..tof Bogton. I cioe they have taken to cure - the disease. 'ls ,
customers, and thj publiwierelly, on the most rec. -• and State Assayer of miivaeltusfetts; H. J. Gaanarat, i . ~..., ..,. 1 • 1 s- ; , .-4------ , ---- -
aomble remit, for • ;Caigh, tier, Eggs, Grain, Bees--;i f. :„ ~,e to I
wax; or on approved credit. ~overeCte.....LlSiae.niSkits; Ettany WASHBURN, Ex. i - ........ -
• l DIZMi)GOODS. - _
' Gov. of Mitesaeltiteetts;! StutoN' Bunn's, Lieut. Gor. t n via • .. ' ,
Montrose, Mac I , 1855. ' ".. -of Ma t 's. E. M. 'Wntatrr, Seeisetziry of State - of Mass.; I l klu .r..y. & ARK'reftwn their grateful
--1-)llo'.%.DeLtlTllS,Kerre-yincres, ientueity Jeans,' Join( I. FITZPATIIIiIE, Path Ili-hop of linA011; Prof 1 tt‘ , . uck o tt t ° l 7: l 4 Fe tt ?l t , t e ,i to, the.
s P., ll 7;_,•!tutl/ s n'f r it i ; u a nz t:
13 isatnnier Stuffs, and' a general stock of Staple:, .lonslottumr, of the College of l'ity.icians aid Sur- . i ` n" ._ ll t _ , ! I. ) . ta o 5t".5.. ' PT:nt. ,;" v .
Dry Geod.., just receic.•,l and for salt; right by 'lt geone„ Nee York city z. Dr. C. T. Jaceitos, Geologist 1 f"r Good!! they are tow re . ci . . t‘ing an? oner or .1, e
of the Public Lando 'of , tlw United Stalest 1) r. J . R . at rerp Tow preee;. In, adthnon to their unal assort
• Goods, Groceries, Ilurdwarei•Crock- '
• -(,;;OtkER-be fdirii.:,- ).,:i;i1;„ Chance, Gingham., 1 Citivrox, Practical Clieuist of Ni,y York City, e miors.
, 6 .. "etit orstarlebr
t_lisiy are pre' pared to
10 Metrituac; and Co; hero Prints ke. fie. for ale_ ;. 'l; ediv: Boa. W. L. Matter, Secret:it,: of State; Wm. • ,L (. l : l ; ib r i ' t ti l l e ita hr a „..t ' d s : 0 1 -: , tin tre n • t k o a f - ladi .
by i : BENTLEY & READ. B Aaron., the richest Ohm ill America; S. I,r; atm & , es' Dre_lB °milli
=C o., p,, pr i oto „ of 6 , 110 „ i , polit „„ Rotel, it ,, d
~ of every dese g ription-Figured, - Plaid mind Plain , - Ikt.
).oSlETrilibie7i-wSunnite. Shawls l' 4 - i , - - Bonnets, Shatede. Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery e -Ladies
,Parasols, ' I othere • - • ,
I/ Black Silks, Ttimmiegs &e. C. for sale; .
Dia ., Paee permit, Ts'e retold ! f ive many binal: - .ii ' awl I lifiseee Shoe% of all kinds-- also a largo stock of
by • ... BENTLEY & RE.S.D. I .„ - , 1 , ./ 1 1 ~.ii man y . t RPA D Y-3/.4Dfr: CLOTIIING, Cloths, Cassinieres,
_- -...--- --- • - --I cm 'ocates uoni a i [lyre w tere t le,' i i nye wee
I t Summer Cloths, Vestingz Hat. , Caps
Q1.17K, Fur, r L-glaorn.."-Panama, Straw, and Peltikl ~.,e d ,,,, b u t eviderico eiren More,s - contincing that. the Taveds, , • taus,
.. -, , ,
13 Ilats, Linihrellas, llatclicls, 'Window Paper &c., experience of eininelli lIIIII[ik . MCI), ii fxliiil hi th• ir Ilth l . t ' s 114 i Stin H ° &e. .. - • . °
.ke. , ' : I, BENTLEY & READ.
. 1 etrects upon trial. l '
• ; . Ti et - •• •spectfelly Follelt an early call from those
ve•4 l i 1 1, to pureliase gnarl geode at tow priers.
T_T ARDW ARE, Crockery, Patent Pails,Tubs, l'uts-, These Yill4, the restilt of 11 - 4 e I-Ye-tie:trio' , er d ~,
4 ,
t•• , . ill, t i M:1 , 3 r e '5l. MeMILLEN & PARK.
1.1 tv, Glase Ap. BENILEY & READ. s! • stud,T, • are offered to the ptittlid a- th - hi...At ; :1 , 1 , 1 ..le--
D RUGS, Medicines„ Paint and "a 1 etnnOlet 6 u Melt the Pie-e•• 1• of el •?Ileal -ei ..t.- - • - • l ; ;
general isesertmeitt of Patent Medicines. Inst in can lama.- They alai unutl. o - 1 l a' l ••ot of , tit , ' d'leze. - , . 4 .'s
,m ,
and for sale by t BENTI.EY & READ. .' i theni.selves, but of the i !ma liele.i iii toe , tody of Veg- 1 I
LEandl7 ----- I.per L -- eather, Pat.nt Kip --- s,("alf Skin 4 l arable
remedies extrateed l, klientil.4l irlOC , :sA in a t 1 a 4.1.111 the a;
statj of 'lurks - , and combin'ed ti.g..ll._ns ill :etch a mihe the public iti, go
Sand a good 4upply of Boots and Stiles coast:lntl: ,
Her laS In insure the te•st leehlts. _.- This ,system -oi t i • 1 , NI
ly on hand. - • ' BENTLEY .S: REAL , . '1 I
lU-F- - - -
FTni lo ,4,i„„ f or me di ne , I,..i e . er e mt d i l Cherry d
Aizflilto I
2-- - Pectoral an d Pills both, produce a more efficier4 g:
ACKEWEL:by the
barrel or t r i t r n s e 4 l l l;l y f li n rrl i tal l -
I •, remedy than Wad hitherto both obtatived by any pro- fle- thole at grei
1.T.1 so Codfish.
t h I eeet, The r-••11.01t it pe. Coed v 01,00 , 3-:. AVitn.‘ hy eu-slieco rii•
_ 1,.
b. ' II
bid modeoy ea , ' , -0, ~ „. • r y m ,fl e ,•. : . is l ee - ell It.•• A 111 i IL
WA' o r f r. c ll ,o l4 tt a n n il a Jl7 .( E r l.t e Y pit - ies A ,..l ft r i l l d l 4.. r es e o t r a t t t e t rt.
ied ' i t ie l t;ll with 11107 e. Ort111:4:10.1.):1;ii'llIVCI;ii0'114 i tnliiljll, ict,;.; (inn tr. - nni ! ,-,t
Levers, in double and,single cwt.'s, Ladies' Phis, 1 7 .1 r mudities, by this t•ac•lt heti, ideal yi! tue oi.l that i. , Ilw ite , t S.ill in ;
Drops, Binge, gurird Chains, &c. &c. Also, Silver do-sired - for the ciu ittr‘•,• elfect;is pi eienit. , All the {Soot , oel abort
Table, Tea, Desott, Salt and Sugar Spoons, warranted ert !.and oleioxious (vial:tie,- cif each steestene.. eiti. l . t t a
i..:, C t
pure, for sale b- . Brertev & Rian. I, • played are left lallii.d , tlit' l , eil ItiN.-i \ r me , old; • le.- 1 .
' ' 1 in,; Tanin , ll. Ile: i• it f. , .. :kit evcderl. the eel•cts .. DI 111V:-:.,
QTOVES andTINW ARE, cl oc k., N a il s , Candle . should p•oye as the!, li tyti le es .1, lion pli ;.1 Imo- Dettlia' r"tfel
KY' Lamp Oil. ICampliene &c. &e. etlial. and the pills a Ilieri• pee teed :• lithe.- in di-- al;1 low nrie:•,
Montroie, MaY 1,'.. BENTLEY & READ.i case than any CO , ' eiediCiee'lii 01% It to the 1% orb: f letititi 10 .41 w,
11 .------- ' ” i As it is f,equeetV'expal•lit-i, t that 1, a -, nee li c i ...... I„ •o, i
. .
i PEMPI,4 ! IPI; 'MPS I, . :; shotald be talent urtder tbe gritet...4" or on ntt.lidi:lg if ALOCK..4.--i
. ,
i TAe Grcairst,:imp•ortment of the .19e!- a oty,,i,ians, cur} as ho could ilot evetpeili• judge of a 1,, - ;
IL iiriiiia4,,, Dun/dr-Acting Pa ll l'airel I reteetly without kilo:Whet its Coneys-iiitm; I have sup- • Lituesboto, tpr . s.
..-. _ _ _
plied the aecurate to; nittlaa lA., elitelt t•oth ma Pecto- h th.• hi;lie. , ,t
WANTEI --111; , 0 Tiiii.‘s for elite . ,_; . ~.
1 • FoPc e and Lift Pumps- ral'and ,Piliq are made, te tl;t• all Irbi-of Ptned. ,
1A N improveMent .i,bove all other pumps or ma- tioaeis in the V t ed Feate-i., awl 13;iti1I ' n ptiee fill he paid. .S. A. LI - 01;4S.
i ili. chines fotYlifting, throwing, and eate,ing waLii.,T, Provinces. I , La Peshm o, lip:. 5.
• , It, howlayer„ duke -should b c _
' ' -
- ------------------------- I , 1 7 4,4 G I. Ir. r - 4,: 4 4 :it DRY.
1 co mbining both, a Pump and a Fire Engine. • i f 101.1NTRI HODUCE taken in eexhange for ~.. s- _ _,, , , .
This who has not reeeirMl tliten,lewy will be -ur
Pump, p:aentel in February, 1854. is. the whole is, , it - imma ii at he i „, (1 .,,, - ; .. t. 1 : • , -t N. Gentle, ar m y store. Sr A • rxess, L'l ATRE, BENTLEI & I I.Rh.IINS having perd u .
metallic. N bolts or screws about it to rtu't. e" ll ,e - Of all the Pateei Me•lieltit-.+ flee ar•••,offeeed, 'how • Lratesboro, A - lil 5 . . ,
IP k... 7 et! of Wilson & Co. the Eagha•Foundry, turret
p loks xi •Ti• 32 , c„.7 . 11f, TA, K _r: Is__ OTIC E: . to till orders from the trade, and do Yortir,
t tit l ill a man's life time. It can he u......‘A f ei- would be talteie if thi ir ejmiposition Ise. ken,. le! ' - . .,i - - - --- --- - - ---- prepared .
Intl • •
in every vatiet of
d raw wate r . from troy Tlieir lifa consists it:. there iii- ter}'. I ; have en mys- ' d h Thstilt
their with skill and espatc .. elap
situation and carry it to any part of It blllitilff r . 'I It t t e..
• • , , . , - e e... The ceineteition oi l my preptration.- is laid rrlIE 2,0)41 itors havieg secured the tale right to I . . ,
't constny on hand Plows, (hest kinds,)tlll
kinls t Callivators Straw Cutters, Corn EAtilet;
is superior to ell other Pumps far Distilletiee. Paper o pe n to a ll ne e', a i.,l ii wi l e a, e, e onip, : tent to judge ' .I. D.l I 'i,t;' 'l4 DJUSPABLE GIIITRIC .../..YI) , .. f . ',/, ' • • ,
, mim , , Tazioerio, Brick Yards Iron Works and slan- o:i the sul•lect fleet, nelsorreietll.;;• tie ir c oeyietite.s . o • BUY7'Eff- irlite.hrit.7?, for Sitsquelemnit and seyeral '' e " 4.- • ' .
ufactering esmblishillents of till kinds. I I ,i Ih - • • • l'• ' 1
t 1 ir lite tome litera t i. The Cherly .. cto-a. ells IV 1.- • a djoiatine comities., respectf u lly ittvite all Butter Ptah.. . .
1 , ! We invite to the Plows einth
£ . W pa r ticular - attent i on
tif• ct d keep far.
It ec menu ecturt . e man a are an . p
All orders inhet ho addreesed to .Aetsits B I MITI E, re i enee d b v . ...ei e r,tirm me t a re b e a ee,eierfel medicine et '' tl 'T ti • ntribz. Of tide new anti
• sto einniiFte au Its 'I , L e The CelehroicdiagfehlexPlow.
I,odersville,- Pet., who has the sole right ;for Suslie•
-.1 . IMtere its 111 .,4 we; e kiinWn. 11.411:t enditent Ply= valuable inveleion. li - e. propose to furnish each and
henna coentv.ii ' a have purchased the exclueive light to, tr.snafte
1 ' 1 ' sielans have derlatiel OW same thil:g of m y. Pills. end all of,you with a Cams that w il l produce as much •P , • ' ... •
- , tire and sell in tielticotmtv, Wayne, vosonung ait
e ven netre'confidelitly, fir id are eilliag to el- tit% that butter in al short a time as any other ehurre-one
.nrinifetd, b y - Rith ,,,, jeater ; t Iron 'jean , Plow. 'lre,
t.iciraiitieipatio:,.=(.. ,,,, more that, Tvalizvd by their that will come/dere erpe/ the bunereriik , trash. mei ea..;
~ i iew ie male (-Wirth, of 171 ,- on, exeepting the hassle.,
1 ; effects upon tri e .l. I The, Op.: ate bv tie it powerr,ii work in i/ei salt, dwrsoing it , pvr.f.cao fu ' r "" !lh `'` e It it. celelehted fOl - it- 4 rosy draught, being onSelei l
1 influence on the iliterin l x isce n to pliriti. the blood •i„, utter nod qt it for use, without removing it from the
ea .i er th a nlany now in rise, while its strength D.F.d de
I arid stimilate it itto hetdthy aetio••- emir% t• the oh- churn.' Thr Churn ix simple in its censtruction, sei- t
are !
~t e ater .
styuctione of the sleitial:ll, Lee el- livers :0 ,, 1 0 .1 1.. r 0 - - ,ntifie in itasoperation. and eaeily cleaned and kept in i • • l
.i - Ai 'InNFPLY . .
ie.ens of the'Lotly4r• ilo•ir r: gutit- actiou to order. awl tali be'easily attached to any propelling l ;. ,
i, health ; and by eorrectine 1, here'ver theY exist, such r ow e r. i - . ;of 411 kir de maeutuetered aged tepaired byseiperier,
' 'd 1 l'nCels 1.
; disrangements Tl 4 me thti' fi tst tei t en of tliscaee. - For further partieulme , apply personally or by let- •, e mei' ,-.• • „„
„_. . . ,
I Steam Engines ,Gearing 6r mails, Shingle It.
i Preparml by Di'. 3. el. AVER; Prectle il mid ATM- ' ter to sf AS. r. BUSHNELL and J. S. BRON'SON, - i .
, - . , I ... chines C. ay. )
Ducal Chemist , leevell,; Slaw. P;ict :!:1 cents per Antrat, St county, Pa. , .
tiee. Five hoses for C.41; 6 ( 1 . SOl.l by Aria, Teen ELL, • - -, - -- 7 --- 1 - 1 -- 7- - . ---- . - Among the Stoves which we rnanufacmre, arch
Ilootrose ;B. F.;& R. ,11. Eerore Batton]; Citenett ' i lall,(1.11V firlioP. " Keystowe C'ooking Store, Rough' andißcady dd., hr.
al PIIINNES, Dundaff, and by all d_taleis in medicioes ' i NEW ESTABLISHMENT. - . ea t 1 `Premium Id other kinds dr.
.Queen i do., Pre, do, ai ,
every where. • : ' . • 1 •
Yr "ND E. MOTT would re-ipectfully mform the ;,, Par lor
ranged for burning wood or coal. Also, Selfikt.
• • i Store, Cottage Parlor do., Stottleit,
-- . -- ' - . - - _LTA • intly:lic that they are manufatctuting 131atchley's 't ator t, . . .
ALL iII 11". A DT., 1 two sims s do., and variety of other. Parlor Free
Celebrated Plows. They also keep constantly on ~ , , !,_
coal , • .
STOVES AIN:I) TIN wAirp: FOP. TILE hand, ,Sitie Hill, `ll - a.lne 'Comely, and Idea Plows, i botti wood
_ burner& We keep 4_2) an hd r
eultiraiori, Dog. (Aunts, Sleigh and Cutler Shoe; , Grindstone trimmings, Dog eh trimming„ e
• . ' '' PEI WI.E. ' -
. Plots Ppiata of various patterns, too numerous to , --a. au- - , . &c.
lILTOODBUFF4. ELDRED have constantly on hand ,A •, done to oilier on short notice and at thelowet rat
i f ive li by ' t ' to b -e
a l arge „ t o we e 5 d t . 0 ,,,,i ast e, tt ,,,,,, of tint mentiou r ope, Ftaiet a tentrou . us . m i st., .
I rgi - Ortlers for Stoves, Agricultural Implteel.
Aare, Reels and Chaiii fur melts, Pumps, _cistern to receive lone share of, public patrounge. Mom' ac- .
soncittel fron thos • in the trade, and in
tore, D.Tost's old stand. Foundry, M. Mott, near 41 M , - 1 e
pumps, gic.., Hydraulic Rams, .I.Lp:l:teed 'ilexes, .lead ~,..., „., ... 4 ,,. . ''... . , filled at reasonable wholesale prices. - I
pipes et :111 sizes thee, &C. Jolt work done with neat- 1 - 4 -. 1 • le ' , 31 ; " . . done
short , , 1 ' , s• S . ..S
. S II APE.'
Hess and despatch ; all lo•ders promptly attended te.. t•- 4 7 -"
---"' e airing on nonce. . I i . -.- , 11,-S. 11EN1,,,...--
ELIJAH MOTT. ! Nontrorse, March 4. S . v• PERKINS. is ,
kept constantly on hand, a large meenrtnier.rof stove ? Feb. p- . .
lof the latest 'Unmoved mul apProved patterns,. Our
experience inehe-tifsiness enables lei to select those 4 . ~,E 1
' thr.t we can safely warrant to eive entire ttati4actien. I " 1
1 Anaor.get oar ninneronf stock 3 rates:'
be found the
Paragon air tight ' Star of the West, :Eli:rated
ra ... ;
• New World, .i . " l Cliqon, [Oven. State ' t liiitualut liarrisbUr)j. ,
; iAtlas, " 1 - Cnitivator, " ''a - Cepital $:i50,000.
Phoenix, " I Fire YIY, ' " Cash. Virtual at Ifarrisburg. .
l'hrt.e States, " ; Western Queen, " l' :, . ,
' ' 'Capital r. , 200,000.
• Clobe, ', .;
‘" I.Preiy. if n m . I
1 ffunal i lvsurance,„.Vete Yark City.
it F. A. woeenrer.
''' • I G . 11. r.t.mten.
, I • ' - 'l' •Capital ci,500.00 0 .
'[ 'tore and Ill'ore C!AI. '
GOOdS. l.lontri;lee April ft, '54. F. B. CHANDLER
•. ; • •._ —.
.1 T BTl'llitiTT 1., eow a eeeivieg'new an ti full 3 a
;1 1• 1 LIME AND PLA.STrER. '
t, . supplice of C,41,0(1 ,, ,,t&t, M. Wiefrr Troth-, in
clulieg a new and etch tot aelortnitiet of French _I P- '
, rrHy.
; , ; eilese-rillere are • now burning and Inil keep
' re/rev, Merino end 17aAlont Pla;(1,- • _Pl a id, p ate . • 1. conrantly on hand, Lime o f ti -very superior
cy and Plain Dr> Lani, , A, P o i-, in ,,,,,,, j?,,,.7„.. R, 7 „,„ civalitk at Montrose Depot, end will sell it in any
and Lony Shaw l A., alliti tle..r iwtel best styles, and will tpuintitis at a fair price. Persons wishing a large
be sold at 25 per etani. lees than last rear's prices.-- quantity-can be supplied . --on a reasonable notice.
Also a new assortmeet of illelet .I:igno,.; an d p,„„„, i , s 1 . Strictior ground PlcL.ter kill be kept comittintly on
fir Cl
Ind , Silk 1 . 4,• tit o l ks and iferlitillole, I:itl,' -hand Pre-Teafter- •-I. L. POST.
Silk and l'tlt'tt Dres,l Tri , nuniny,t, 31.-Fur 11.-ad , I 1 1 11. DR.LNKER.
Dressre, Rieeir:!s &, wilh a general assortment • - . W. JESS'LI-P.
of other STAPLE and Fatiev Grunts, as teem!, ehich Montrose Depot, April.a„, L. SEAIILE 7
haying bonght iroder 'the pi eeent prterstire of the cash • 1 11 - - - --- ---- 1
marlsei. will bei sold at corresponding- and reduced ••- fvrir4lo/ GRIST AND SAW MILL.
i 1 , DOS'It BROTHERS huying‘purchased the above
tuice. 4 . • I s 1
New Milfoidi Noveinher fil, 1754. " ' I 1-stal•li-littient , wilt keep votestantly on tined Sit
•r, , sitte ft ,d line k'to4r, corn Meet of se x -Hoe Tani
'a, -:re .'h er , ad Bran at the lowest cash prices•-r
- F.; ,' 1.. h! v:4l-1c till he done with - despatch; and in all
C. -- 4A ,- i .(1 , 170 , t1 , (i...- , •... '''' ...- . • •-• 1381 d
It, Litso,, - .W, Julys. 1853. ' - '
. ,
THE subscriber Will Act as agent for buying anti, sell
ing neat Estate—Fartns, 'and Lots--Iti
mted in 3us4ehanna County, Pa. All who wi4h to
offer their, property! for sale can give a minute descrip
lion of their Farms ior Lots as follows : Number of ,
acres, how many improved, and how watered, ibuild-
lags, orchards, grafted, or common fruit.; other{ fruit
trees; and thb, nearest point to the D. L. & W.lll. R.
and N. Y. & .11
62 faruis the-list, 48 unsold, By calling on the
subscriber a minute description, price and terms can:
be given: . • ,
Office on Turnpike 0t,,4 doors west of Main, It'
Montrose, Auguit 15,1854. , WILDA\
. .
' • GOODSiI - GOODS ! , ,
. . • --
rtvE aubicrihei is receiving his Spring and Sam- __—.. oaoreJ CAI" GOOdS.
1.. met. stock of,Goodi, comprising a jureat Yarietyi
~ ~ r Btrinvior f- ---- , -
which will lie sold RR low as -any in this Inaritet..— . 1 "
Please gill and , exitinine. " F. D. GIIAN'DLER.
HATS 4 Y.l) r .l PS--A good assortment bf the
latest style. t 1 - ,
READ *MADE bLOTILING—..k good i alariety
of Spring aid Sunimer Clothing of the latest e pr. •
DRY,, 0 OODS—N general
. assortinent through- i
out. , Also.; DRESS GOODS, consisting of "fawns,
Barege Delaines, Freneh Delaines, Persian Helaine,
- Printed! Lawns, Fancy Prints, Ladies' Workt4l Col.::
tars; InsertionS, Edgings, Black Silk Hantillits, Tiiihet ;-,
and Caihtnre Shawls, Parasols, Hosiery, Glossa, &c. i
• BOOTS! AND SHOES. - Clocks,,-a ]argil ' l nssort-.!
ment of eitery description and style.: Also, ,n great;
variety' of Fancy •Artieles, Yankee ;Notions, lie. ..-
.. I:
Crockery, . Hardware, and Groceries of all kinils.--1 , , . t,,
- , .
Trunks,' a;g0011 lot for sale cheap. Books Old Sta.-. 1, . - . triicT ii i E t i n .. 7 :71 , 1 is -.. tti Es, ..T, •,..-
tionery—Wall Paper-also, Flour of the best: ipiality.'.. r e,, nz 4 „,,,0 ier b ,,i, ; ,-,.,.„-,„.„ n „ the ell A I 1: .1r A i: - .
Moll;r 0 0, May 9s 1855- , - - F. B. CBAND,Ie ER; it I ri7G , Bun i v's i n .iii jr , v• 4: iou 4 lirsit!elivs at
... - .1
.t • • .l• the Chilit - andiWare Strop: m
0p,1•4 Ila•-ford, where ay he
• . , New 11-iiil e.of,]lair fita s
g i l
1 Ii • found •a . 'greater variety of- Wir:il-or and • Roei:ing
- '. • l ' '' -i- . FROM - - ' 1 '. ' 1. 1 Chairs than atany other eAt:thlislitilent in the county
- hiRKWOOD TO 1110111Tift-E• I Litho Flag mid !Cane: Seats, Bureaus, lleilsteads, Leung.
QTAGES will leave:Kirkwood,. passing dtrOughCorT , ea, Setteei, Tables, StandS,;Ae. /it- till of whichlwill
1 , ..7 - bettsiille, Liberty:...kc-, .every- morning after the I be sod at tb4.inwes i prices at retail, , tor.
, n , boe i ate, ,
anival•of '•he- Thiirrillina of cars, both' East. PO 'Wet% t with short notice.) 1 .ill _Work Warranted_ well Made
reaching •Ifontiose at l• r. 31. ' - feeturstino,- leave; and 01 .4 00 d „ intetia b 6.110 rt credits
and salad profits
lifontrOse daily (Sundays excepted) at 2.`pitt:, reach - - ~,,in b e m y A l tftte t :•,• Fob:" dentonittrWtioi. - tirthe:pbol.C.
ing Kirktiood in time to takelhe Bail trains Of ear 4- ; acts,.piate call at coy aria(]( in lin , r u d fi ,„ ‘n ,„ .
both East and West; being the nearest and most felt!, • ,l • ... ;.i. " i . It-A. W GRF.ENWOOI). •.:
sible - innee to reach the New York and Erie lhtilroad. • i hr ib r d;o c i te b er i.. 1.,
.lsi i. L • . 1546 ,46
This'line intersects a tri-weckly line forl;Dimocli, —:_ _-.:_—__. _.. - •,r,.. •. -- - 7 ----,--•--- . ---
Springville, Tankhanncick;
. Wytimitig,'no4lW l ßieiSr 1 ' '',.. . - ''' 44nwelry. JeNVOrY• s• - •
barie. 'Of& leaves Montrose:at- 7 i-• 1 - elt4rY Moil-_ j 0001) BOOHaSs.orhaliut of •TQwel.iv,
,consisting of Far
day, ,Wednesdayand.FrkW.• Also,' line tp Friend;s- IA Itrug:i ; Ear Drops, Drili-t Pi.: , s,. Fi: z - Bing',
intlei'LerWytoille, ke... . • - ''• -, '' II - • 4 tze, be., justeceeived at •
' Good 4tams and comfartalile.cariinges lie prod •-- -- -.--11-.. si f ver • 1 . 11,041.1 . ,. . ~
for sale 4Y'' li. . , ' "
ded,'. axidlthe proprietors will • spare no • mtilas•-:to at- ,
commodate Out public. -' •• W: K. HATCH; -, • Tee Table D'essert;.Sugar,ii-Ilit,:ke... air :ranted iiiiic,
Jinni i, 1854. . - -4.• ~ • MORGI4.T _At wpst , ._
, . _ _
. .
'lll . LW: (1015.1 5 i
llEllutrieriber takes .this.uretbed ,efrUleertisipg
hisifriestiS and the puliie.*errefrallyi.triat he this
fitted en a store- just across the street - (mini _his old
94.11#3e • pi,, Brooklß, srhere ,he . prepapett: tat re f
eet!e euetorriers sell' tlieroloOds at% 11 1 4 low . rates
as Ant (other estahliSliment iri.Susqueluoina,poue:ty.
miAstirtme4 is Ten ' lake buleetl i erOiLehig of nr-
iisuri/l7 called .fOrin i a. coils sterp.
ail determined to de burriness So is to sitid
"bad, tlebti," trhleh rraliciasibte ererlitptirehaSeris Jiro
1. tided t 6 psi, can ofrer superior indueemOts Wraith
I anilotherwise racoar-rattsG pairowi. 7. go. and hee
in °' • Q. a,iIIF..IIPSTtAI).
~hek , ipertiewhi
iubvcribeis S..S Kqnt is
this da'Y ii!ssolve4o4 ;Praia'. FoPsg o.
, f
, 13 - tcotklyn Apr.: 4, .: rl .M 1 44
. • •
u Gioreit l l Adireitiseinenu: - ~. f.. ,• ~... .... Isitls i rTs i c !.._ . ,
A§ nalare,;wliO-t&nishis the birds and lieaptsi. 1,4114: ; t wiry* rstpßoymlitlol y goloti ' n i c k , jr -, q ,
an estric . coneln:_ivlntril bitinot mailis4 - ielmilai :inn:ti.:, -tic- z i - v ikii 4 - .--. r.,• 7 7, - ,-,,, lc LyeNs & SON.
thdonfor nian i 'lhtere 'concluded to. j. it uportmy4 , t-5... -, .-..-, .. 4 .1-,..i. , . :---;-------t ---
liar tq atoll t6 ; thitd4p4tlnOntf - had' theretol7t; ~' . • :,,,,,,,-...;.-- i ,cl-,-„zivhoodeou, -, . - ~-
t r ihink . prmio - rutti antioante that all shivering milli bir ONSTANTfir ON HAND oefurnisbett i to o rder
. , . , 1 iteds, that iced new apparel,- glorious - orlngltirlaus; ~, on oborttoolim. - - . :., ~.: :J. LYONS 1:1_ _
"r ' Paper Hangings. . 1 fasVoilatibi or iinfbshionahle, can have their vfants ; -;—- - -- --------- -,, - . •
r.;(1/1 Rolls just opened, and some 1'91. 1 6 ets.; per I Supplied mi . a-their tastes suited by calling on me , m; I AWNS, Prints, Subuner Stuffs, and the common
it? V !kJ roll, 1.1 J. LYON'S & SOT. i my-shop M Montrose, 1 -• ' '1 I ILL sorts of Dry Goods at -- 1 TREWS
,r 4 i - . I. • I • 1 , . ,
• .
014ivei and T, isnothy-Seed linage
%.1 • - " • 311 R .--
Nevi Milford, Mtiel 8, 1855
- , :laid .
An tintrguall.t sixtcrissorttneri itf the besi nmite, all
reek and perfectr4sale 13,7 'BENTLEY & READ.
•, 5 • Otega
r' stud edi eine*. • •
A fresh 'fade genultd.Dritgß and Medicines, Patent
r . aints, OtT , T,,Die-lithitrt://kkt.'," - for, tode
Dee. in.] = . BENTLEY tk. READ.
• "
r 4 '
THE f4p mg. t* Rood% ttipw beilig it.-
.ceivedak L-L1P042 1 •17 CO'a. Are detzint4le -In
1ua1i17. 14 :7 1 f and price; 1 - _ • 1 :-
IStepie ,if ;try Gopelei i .,, Collars; Sleeve*,
-I)iess 'floods, .. 1 - Eduilige,
,-- 'Cloth* 'find flastiolevea, , llounqs, , .
illite;Gaods; t and -Para: ..
*OiP. - ! - -
CLOTIIIVOL— li fine siorii..• ,Groevriei of all viiii
ttitii: Ilarc4iraiT,,,C*3;o7, Loolds : GlaFivs, and in
elever" depapitrietit tbair - aaStlitnlafit IS good, and -at
Otitei; io silk - -; ' '• -.
I ' '''' ' ' ' ..; i '.: ! '
--112(), 1 4 355: • •-: .
' .
. ice to: the Public.
p , eturned fi out New- YOrk I. w ishcto
iteration of tuy old • castoniers„ tiinrof
_ ..
I,•enil. to my
bgbt with cash at 'the lowest pricek,,
dll .principally for the•_sauie, I will pi
iitly reduced prices:
ts, ,wartviit'ed fast, colors, for only IC
swill Blown-Sugar, IS poun4 for one,
t Sails, .acknowledged by all- to lie
t,tise, $5,..5!i per keg. Hats Fuld Caps,
- Iltiiildo Ho'bes of ;ill prices, all wool
uncles, Pa ittnetts.4 Dress, Silk, F.. 111:
ouslin' De Laines, I ,pilling per yard,
1 :ir.d, Mi'desskin..llats, 8.. oche Sh:livls,
lauls, Illibet do., selling at inco_neelv
, I can !=afely wirntht perfce't •sutis:-
',II° will give ine,a ; call.• , '
itpr. ;., 1554. , - S.A. LYONS. .-
.. ~. •......._..—
uoti tinie keepers, -cfnly one dollar. -'
. . .
)scriber is agent for the following Insuranee
anies, doing business at the lot Fest safe
''.71.0T11117 -
imlebted to- die subscriber - for re&
amltir" air, Recorder- and Clerk - of the Orphan's coast
vroutrirm.fer a favor liy_s,ettling,the same C.lon.
Dee. 6 iBs4: • •••• 'J.. T. LANGDON.
- Nihniow "-
SAYRE hayine been 4pointOitrotgent
tor tin extensii - enah ;and • door mannfac
ife p-,epazed to furnisktinv articles in this line at
ibau. they baiqiitinally been sold
241'; S.
Li I
' 4
Shaming Cream;
extiele which Avery. rnalr-shottkl try; :for.
• .1 J.-~
lot.of Slimmer - Ants and Ctotl;s
iir`snntt 9' hear inqtreceix'ed nniifoi.sitlc-ci4Cap
wt.: SON et,:sloN,—.
y be totuld • in - S. ,S.l,lolfurd's 014,:stcre, : Eallt
side of Public 4 iLvenue. _ „
bioic; • ,Pe mber i 5: 18b4.
CHOICilot Jim received; Kin! offered tow '
" - SCOTT, - JOHNSTON keo:
• ,
A CHOICE lot - of Wool Long Shiviiii°••reey obi*
by 7 SCOTT, Jg11111•IST0N 5t.00..;;
ingvinte, Deco:flirt-3. - •' - , -• • •-• -;:='
ViiUttri.CheesN. Egr ! ,s4olceftHalifi
AEPIeNPOW° s t 130119).4e.
A , Cutt
. , view - er au a. olvorserlPleattrire-Oar.
`tinge; fiii , see''clienpl)t
- ,
A.frOli'vtiapptilot-Siliailapoinuct•Yritecttes; Jewetiy,'
&c• rAIWAN7I4EY,!t READ.
•-• ~, ePasnitinaik:lntinanstr:: ,,
.4 , 1110.11;51 , ,P . :' %.---:::; ,'
"of4rkistr-Wars of For m
veriloklm7ilbuiteSsed by.'
tifo - Adte : Osres of Cuppdo Soho Smitt e rriddimt .4 I
NI, reht, aid •AdiurFal',Of tii;ir, Eiteliod: .-
.Toutli.r ';'- The 14.11VOlier.'" Unknown •TaiiiiMm4- 4 The
Lon 'of 'Apincoix.:.• ;About Babies": ILiforAustmg :
Alle . e giverinibertv3 of Noith Atom.
ies,-+.'Prop*, , otionpf. F W. . Cope Cod-- . '1
The Iteiet: Misr riienastif). 'LitiOk Ili , tioiCaiin.
try%- -, ,Vflountry firsi•Plime, - ;- - -Ltsli , l64 - 1 1 'enitest; Sen. ;
-timmiti Spring:Vegetable* inAho-ilOro4 A Ahrdmi oo t..!
P*Perclirorsa Weather...A ,Feid* siKL:ir- 01 1 4 °n:4 4
4 94.0 * 'ost,Woiod... Law., etc:- ' , zoo JO= . 1
'Suckling. - ' . ifiliied - .)" 'the Aimi - es
41'EnroPS. it._ . • (itti:4ltieritisti'Llieritture
- and , Roprinternell orksi.M4oritii,liiecellatte- , i
. cwt.: p 41.011,. ~,Lttemturo ~..y.9g1it04,..F.r00ce,,, , Ger-i f
n i a „ - K megary;lmfi.
,Ilusie„ Tea PAirmatiou.s , !
„Isoli'Aditrtrsemf.n! ,, S -,.:'
tirWitifs ypi t i ew r i 4 • j
sOlsenlam e - ariiogiments, to A ut .
- nighktti persons ,who toe b e - L *ant of them, the
ebesiceitiutleidifteilhable: thi'Saiii
,corket for I ,
whiaAeritik be , : at' the.plOoketuive's... l ..
ifipilnitOipetieneeciffii‘..betieftt4sA c k iiit t l it tide : d u ,
ring the. LlOlepoilotroilop ourWirel f le
we ciuld pet;
ieckatomend laving ratutiWSOO,_jes out
papers, the iihieh - trould befit irroe
inaporturieecollhomi,tot tot . rice*itholit 00.
r.rjles ret4Ce. Pouk.W.toa s "% - iold-,Yeteeitat i htilii
to attY.oee , olettotg; - , to purahuse.,:". thieopf. iu'
sixes U.,' and . furnish Ahiehu - on:uhort coo-
ace, vithe:the - foltroat itrionfencisit' iniit the per.
chase. AIENtiMr: & READ,
Montrose? December 1854. f
.• -New - goods..
T Mos** aro*. 02 now receiving their map.o
a ply of Spring - and Skimmer. Goods, and being
.convinced ofthe , advantage.of haYing ready pay, arG
determined to sell goods at so lOwil rate' 'as to can •
since their customers and the public generally that •
it will , be to their.advantag,e - 114 4 h/red as ours: Our
...stnek.',eontiWan.; bf 'Broadelodni,,Caminunresl,
Kentucky Jeans, Summer. audis;:-Delaines, Lawns;
.Calieties,,Ginghams, , Prints, Bonnets, Ribbons, Para,
sots, Sliassis' atill • Black Silks } -together with 14 StOti
of other: Staple add Fancy Dry. Goods, Groceriei,
Crockery, ' Bardware, - Boots and . Shoed, , -Bats, Ai.
Also, 1 1 '1; 00 4 'easter:dent Shoemitkits',Fandings
• Call and examine our otock, and judge for 'yourselves
as to the truth of oar-statement., Our mottols, quiek -
sales and allot!! profiti. :Most kinds of :country pro :
I duce taken ioexchange for goods..' ' O
- RO5 t,
- J M &
1- New; Milford; MaYr SS
'PA ICIIIT 111)EDIClINI0 1 5. •; , .
. ALMONlfthe'great variety ofMedicines at turrcll'A
...A. &Ore, may be found all of •Dr. Jayee's justly.
celebrated Fdmily : :'Ayre's Cherry peeto;
rat. and Cathartic Pillt.;. Ilalsey's Forest' -Wine and
Forest Pills; Itoofiarad's-celebrateti German Bitteis:,..!
Louden's series :'of Family Medicines; : "Merchant's .
Gargling Oil; the greatest remedi for sprains in ttis l y
or beast ever known; Mathirson's Infallible Mae.
dv and Horse -Memedy; ()rick's - Vermifuge, and A
. •
variety ,of 'other kinds; . r.ritsk's Magnetic - Ointment,
- the great remedy for burns; rheuritatism,:and all in
l'ilammatory complaints; -Pond's'Extract,.a first Me
.1 ,
thing for similar purposes as 'above Ointment; - At,
(trews'. Pain Destrciying Agentot gook Article ; WOod ,
i cock's Balsani and Bone Liniment;., Atwood'4l .Ulia•
• diet; Bitters, Canker Drops, Linirrient, and DYsenterr
f Drops ; ,13aker'sCorupoupd for Dysentery; Moue;
1 tort's Pepsin; for Dyspepsia; f, flelmbolo Extract
. of
I Salves,
u c v lz
I land lebe E n xt i r t n n t
ai o l f e , t B,: r t li tar: a l i ta . :
jut , 14::: an sfari . ety c : i f
endless, vat icty. of . Patent , Medicines, eitngether I too
numerous. to enumerate—but suffice it to"say, that
the public will'find neatly ever.* thing frt this line,i;
I the Drug, and FancylSoire or. ABEL TURRELL.
-Montrose, '3uly., 1855. - . ; • -. . .
Or any place, oti the 9.14 e - cannot pro:r :
..greater-intinetni Cuts Mari!
BOOT, AND .ssios: bTORE.
W n n i g i rtm ig e n iroPa " rt e tl w e! t i h n t a b l ei e r w lM an erei e n r 4
a general variety of new and elegant.styles'
and. gentlemen's wear, among wbick,4re- 1
Er,nch, Silk. Lagting andPrenille Gaitera,;Di
Enameled Polkas, Ri4l,.Patent Leatber and Bu'
tinny Mils.' Ruskin's - and Tics Gentleilieerfr
'and Philadelphia, oak tanned.caliskirrand kip
Morocco, Calfzititl V , owbide Brngans Vie. Bop'
calf and cowhide -ffoots and Brogans; alllti
Ilisses and Cbildren's wear. Also; a. general:-
filent of findings which consist".in part of laSt•r
sparables; llntgarian nails, tacks. - thread, n ,
tles,shoe - binding, awls; rasps, 'Sandstones, sloe
in.' Also of k and - bemlock, tanned calf appa.
sPleleather, Morr:cco skins and - linings. •
Work made to order 'and r'epahing neatly 331 n
IzEtLER - ez sivitua
Ifontrcrse' , April 6, ISB4 • '` '
. . ..
4 ' Valuable Lauslstirsilr Sale ,
r!,Olt SALE IN . ONE BODY; Omit 5500 :al
'Liiid on the iretteis of :Spring - Brook,! a
elf the I.ttchawanna.riva, - in Ln%erne County;
L i 4boutonidWay between •the thriving towns or:
. Oa' and Plasm.. 'These lands tire covered
liable thither, and-beingsitaate in, the most e
inineial Tinian '-in 'PentisylVania;—lmmiii fto
lron.oic—rand believed to abound 'in Opal; sDij
idsis in. - the: _immediate . vicinity of several
ii inade and now in progress—Oer to the Ca
l , i oppo . rtunity'for the investment of,money.din ,
'occurs. , For further information apply to .N.I L I
lsack, f.sq.',.No - . lt, Wall Street New Toile, ce:
subscriber, at Montrost,Suiqueluinita conntlA
' attiiriterinctuci of the owners.':;: ,:. :::' ,' . 1
April 6, 1854. 1- - " - - 11ENITY DIIINT
-•- ' ESTRATEII):: .
• Estrayedfrom the. premises "of the subsera 4 , l
or: near the first of,:Jutifive, yearlings.; 1 :„ J "'
Steers, o , d!tricer 11 ; _jfie - ; other. • Three 0 1
Inostlf,ro;fditiiwThe-whlie-on each,"theCollel
having more thati4e . other." Any, ret o
oblige the sub Scriber
theta np; audziending him word, by letter arse
•ind.he..will.p4 them for. thejr trouble.
;%Ttielison; Juky s ;l4 13355 WILI I
AdminilitraticinNoti ee•
ottc . E_ is berebtgiren that letters efshill,
;1,1 tjott upon the s etuatte - of Vesaltss Wrial
SpritigviDe "township, dee'd, hare been grsrit il
per Ons. Indebted teat
will. please *co., intritetlinte-psyment, aid 4.nt the.. same'dulv ;0160
litirturtePt: i ; ,
.fune 6, 184'5.
=Adorsinistrato*lii Notife.
VOTICE- Is, hereby given that letters, ell
tration' de ;born: :now rum redont,Mt °
.iap4in the estate, of Wise Wright. decess4 l,s '.;
.granted to the subseriliei' and Call persesic...l
to said estate ate r'equesteti to make inlire'n
merit, and-those having elaiviin to preott thet
„attested for settletnent:r .E. F. BAILYP I
Ilrooklyn, Mar 1855: ;
• ' !NEW GOOD•
QPLENDID Prints and I t adies'Broadri otb,
1 , 47 Auk Azo., junkopened and for sate by
_ :Timothy Se .
tauley Tursels oelebnitedlintorbYP" 4
gw,_id;pure, For sale +1
liiiiatiostff; March lot, itisk
OnNei.EB.—Shived fitness wanted tti
[o.clober 24.1 LY0.145