j"1 ~ y~c`e~f~jeo~S.=. . ' 'Ar the .Republi - ' ' .- :DEAD - , boll moutufully, uld bell ! Dead ! dead l. dead! " :Man dieth and . wa%teth away.!! r."' Loelts'ishiterien by the snows of 'truant win- ters' A g e ,eoveredsby the damp earth—the_ hfe L , eutlidiaintid to the dregs—and age - , has been exchanged fur iinmortal yoittli; "-littSt to dust! ashes to ashes l'e - and Ihesbadowy„ toi r, ni of the dettthangel glides `awny—_'ivliitheii ' Sweet .rosy lips grow pale; rounded arniti stifen, and blne's.yes close. 'Aie,'grint: • stricken tnotlier, press your last kiss caf2t6t 1604. t!tOir; ,whlsper.your last :‘lgeod - night," for It :is all Ingbi k ... to you now. , While we plfteethe,bright.„yoUng head on its earth p11:' low,ant plant..sweet flowers over thotomiti *let the oldibell tell to the world— • - `.'.To earth, a child is lost—to Ifekrea, a cherub bone. ;.'There sits the stricken' mother,. stroking softly a tress of Olden hair, but from the set Bps there comes no prayer, "Thy wilt be , done." She murmurs at the Father's 'am 7 1 date; and while thus murmurs; the $ , - aa owy forth . again crosses the threshold, and a manly form bows to the earth at the stroke. The earnest, loving heart has stilled its heat; ings; and she 'whose life; only a few short tiays-.ago,.had. been only. another name for happiness, is now written, widow—childless. Forth from the quivering, lips came the age. nizeti cry;." Me; too—take', me too.. 0 fur death 1', 7 , But death came not then—not until long after, when the' murmuring . heart had bowed and whiSpered, "Not as I will, but as ' thou wilt "arid the." Cotnforter came and wilt".' arid took up 'his abode with her." - Peace, such, {react as only the tempest-tossed know was written; on her biow. Whea l after- long years' of - sorroiv and Struggling, the release came, from the depths of her tried. soul she blessed the. Holy One that ithad been hers to be:f,,f- made perfeet. through suffering." . - Still the busy bei'n of the world goes on \ Fairy forms- flit to and fro ,in _the:mazy 'dance, *. \warbling - snatches of 'delicious .Mu:;;C.4.:; Whisper of love under the, bright stars, all unheeding the ShadoWy form movinesilently aroundXone its gone, and another, and oth- 1 era.rnove fro in their places, : alike un • heeding. Some few there are, gliding hither • .and thither, with 'pa Hid lips and tear-filled., =eyes, murmuring, " He is gone—dead ! dead! dead ! List .to the tollinghell." "Site 'is . . ,gone—our* sun-beam has vanished: :Come .and see—death here! 'ah, here .• . • Gaze on that peerless broWthe .fringed lid drOoping - softly .over _at ure-tinted orbs. • The summer air comes - through, the open - window, rustling, the muslin Curtainil -comes laden with fragrance; and gently stirs - - the golden hair floating over the pillow.; kiss= • - - :ing the rose-buds loving . hands have placedln she taperfing,ers. 0, so young, so beintiful, to 'die- so soon.. Fold the, shroud tender ' ' ly around the white - . shoulders; caressingly . smooth the beautiful hair; late her gently in - Ithe-eoffin— "Gather the beautiful home to her rest, Strew the pale roses over her. breast ; Like her in beauty, let them decay, When the most beautiful passeth awry." And the . .old . bell tolls', mournfully - in the Lair, 'ever breathing the sante--Dend I dead Alead•l•for, - "trian goeth to his long home, and :the.'lnourners go about the streets." ROSE WTLVEETOIL. ERILdirDS or THE BREEZE. \ We extract the following exquisite mor \'ceau from " Bizatie," a singularly graceful, -quaint, and 'scholarly little Magazine, pub 'lished in. this city. The article.reminds us, in its style; of many of the German writers ;of ~the, second school.' , Sweet evening breeze! said the birds perch % , ed upon the ledges of their Nests, bear our. :lays to the young maiden musing up yonder, -seated at her window ; murmar that it is for lair we perform our concerts -amongst the ' , trees. Yes, said the.lark, it is I 'who awaken her in the morning. And it is 1 who sing her to sleep, said the nightingale. Sweet evening breeze! said the church tell, take my chime upon thy wingsand bear it - to the ooritemplative maid as she looks !-(fortla upon the landscape. lily silver notes esill recall the little, church in -which she has kneeled i and die happy tranquillity which she dma-experienced. : Sweet evening breeze said the crickets, bidden beneath the grain, take our trill upon thy wings and bear it to. the "young uaaiclen. It will bring to her mind' the , ripe harvest; and t'he•field flowers she wove into chaplets in her younger days. . 'Sweet evening breeze ! said the, young man sitting alone in . his lighter] closet, to her musing afar up there, seated at het. -window, conVey the voids of my lips, and murmur. them softly her ear.. Waft away 'nay thoughts and let them hill gently upon her any!. Take my lisses,'and r. fi x them upon he r ftirebo3, when .thou earesse4 her gold ? ealeeka, -13 ear upon thy wings,this love of mine for her, withal! its tear; its smiles, its fears, and its hOpes, hearmthem to the young girl who musing far- away there, seated at , her window. - . td,ihe breeze flew with . its mist. rapid, flight to_perform its messages. • • Evening'breeze I said the young girl, go say to the birds that they shall eall nie if they fan into the hands of the fowler: I -will go and deliver them from the cage and , the net, and, will give them back their open •skies andr_their nests in the woods. - _Sayto the bell. n the:,church top , ehlming, And I do not forget its little chapel--that. its MellOw sounds - dispel all unholy thoughts and moderate the throbbings of my heart. . Say to,the *ickets of the fields that I ..re . member them. When the snow will • - Uover the plain I them a neat the' old fire-place, where we all assemble during the long evenings. of winter.' Sweetevening:hreezeli9rtile oung. shun alone afar down theie_'jailis: lighted clOset.. batir upon thy wing,s.thisiMun;f embroidered - fAy my bands. The flowers that deckitinive received the dew from my -eyes; lips have oft confided to it the secret of my heart., breeze ! bear my Ipvexpoi thy wings.. - And die - breeze fled fraught with its new ~ .thessageg. : , I . or c owi m g , iri kis excellent `` History of --Plants,' notices the virtue of hemp thus imps: . laity : "BY virtne of this cordage ships are , Not A v t f BAD Gi msgi .-. 7 .,..:D uT ins . ar i u k vArm ry, ided, bells are fling, add rogues hone— slime in w Ne_ York, 'a; boy : askeo his compan-, -Hemp:appears to have greatlyexercised the ion what: as the relitam ie sO many_minis , o ld wri ters—there are a few more modem 1 tiers t"eeting tigether eveii year ? .- The cbth ones to whom it might be beieficially ap- ier eon fi deotly AArn-ch:A, 4 ' Toexehange ser • plied. . I mons! to be sure," .• - • • . • . . . . • . . . . . - ..1 . . .. . ~ . . . . . , . . . . .•.. , . . .I . . . . . i : . . 1 . . . - . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . • . , . . . . • • . . . . . . „,..., ... ... .... .....„... ..,,....,,.,.....,,,.. "I. ' ' , ...,,,..-.R0.{..,•0.,..,...,....,-.1...3,-;~;.,•,.,5'..i.../, ~.,...n.Y.Z.K.A.,,..,j0, 4,...‘.,..11773,..ert,,,...•,54,E.a7.1. ..t!.j.V........; -,....5i .fr:.. - ... 7.r . ...V . 1.. ?...f5 , 1X.4 , _ ... . 5 2 .. .....,. ...,.._7 .- . .._. : 4 ... 1 [,.=: 4 r . 74 . 'r.. _ '''': "..44. _ .3 . 1:*"..74r". ... -.'. . . ' ''' ''r''' . ' -'...'4'" .... ..# 'l .. ~ ''''. t..s._''''''''..l4:lll.'•"'l.3L''''` .4-.::'.4l`''''''l4..".."‘ir'44.:;.' 341 ?..r .16- 1'44'717.1....;,':','..' ....7-44,12%.4,1, .4-+14.r..5......,:W.,',"..,... ... -:`,..,,,;',..-..t.•";''',Z417-....Vi. .. ,,- . , ';''.g., - ' , ...... , •.. : —.sat _ . . • ... F_-. - r4es -1 ("iotte: '1 ,: ' -,: k A DOSPAThYDIPPICIILTT. ~.- The Procceanis were uttetrUptltd ,by,,,the entrance of a coariel ydressed , remal4dlittlie. proportions, who'tushed-ferward to the rail ing and eon - menmil siddressing the Je ,dtte, .- - :'Jiutgi:(s.iiii-slft-want"yefurtfilsile a At liiilf of coypus kihristi: .-, ..1, , '' .....; :. 4 I dont understand sou,'- said the_Judgei , 4) t vii't:y 1 'bad luck - thin-1w yexcondher , l vtanain i r -- isitidl*ne - to tht4 court - for lie i glt-,ooVitiii'ti),r.e44:r'etl4 eilii4i-:tAlin 4 Well° Shea•whO litn.:jist len, m - e, Itit• "" ITife, 4- , 141 Teight elirder st 3 iii e bretuit, and every , 3noth. II er l s - ii tifthim, nrqt4 l rho liria, - - widout the mates for,tO ! tiny antunihntessureof-pea , ties', and has ii,00.1141 il4 Ailibili4r. 4o tuam i, , 1 'III your int-Oistufheen guilty . .of - any lits orderly -eonduet fur'whieb be 'can be arrest: .; ~- _ 1 ' And v dare d Can't iniferied 1 1- nin' .o%;iff anoaier ir4uall"tlr4e_TrY .- 1 1 1. timP ,ye intpeached; to mid ' he sarpint; I tell ye what I• w itnei•t;t rwritinof corpus chris6- 1, • Yon art. evidi•utle Jthesd, of me in the law y o u are Calling for 3% - ritin4 of which] have no hnowledge.!... 1 -- -.ti - ' Ai - coorst3 -yed say sot ! what was ye *put up there fur tti do but tG Dervint the public kindaceney of a blaeitgaircl ItuAl.tiind desertio' ('his unperteete4 - I.viiikand 4oce;tit bablitesl? I 'Do you mean that you :want tne to issue a writ of habeasicarpust I I-: ' 'Yes, it's a writ to hail his , carcass that I'm after wantitf.' how stupid ye was, to be sure, that ye did , not approhind me melanin' betore; - !i, - f , 4 1Velll it unflirtunately, happens that sou. 1 don't tuiderstand the nature of the habeas cor- i pus act. If you did yne would s not hai..e i wasted your time And Mine with your impn deuce.' 5 1 - .., `By the said ed broguet o f f Paddy the Pi= per, who was cite by the cow, do you think that . I'm to 10.0 my hil.baini and my chillier a father beeau,e Yer lazy ; old bonoi wants to be shirkin' yer,juty ? If ye think it lies in er breeches ti' do it ju-zt ' , make a • thry, and ye'll find BiditY Shea wid her back tip afther Vie, ye ow id heathen.' 4 11tr,. Shea; if y'ou -speak to the Court again in that. iin pertinent manner, I'll have N 441 1' .eked tip in the T4tittb. for contempt.' • Contempt its it? Aitt ye a nice nut for the divil to trai l lt, and yell vatic ,if cora empt; will ye—' , 1 .., . , 4 Officers, hick' that %%mita', up for twenty., fipur hou> , .. mid perti.m 4 ; liy tgo-morniw morn,. ing ..he may have learnili -.'no: d.felency; if not a little Niitclie-s.' ; ; Mr-. Shea (ti. i the oflieeo-4 Will lyez dare to lay yer dirthy tbievin' bands on aipoor un perfected temale 1. Take, "that for e'er pains.' Mrs. Shea_ hit tine of the oflieetis a violent blow in hi.,titee. m bleb staggered . ; li'm foi y, the m-uueat .l Other?; ( - dicers, , teeing the belligerent attitude of the Mile , .lan . 4 Amazoir, succeeded in letting her into a eel without her being abl/ to do .any further r injury.— N. I'. Tribune. 1 y. ! * 1 CorwrSion' i air , LiCTIVA - ING:---WO: find - in the Albany .k.gus,.(if August 1 stl . 4.tite follinv. ing story of it ; Cournfhip and C1100111(.4 - by telegraph, which is :rather .• fast,' cvien in this', rapid age:: l' 1: . •1... -•• . • h , • Some nniiittis - since, a young genileman Of .this city entlied the Morse telegriiPh: office; and requested to be ; instructed in 4itch_of the mysteries otlteh•griiFilling as the. ;operators.. could or wo, i)(I inti;rin him--...such ja-i Would not interfere Iwith the secrets of the. offtee.— The obliging loperatOr proceeded tii.d6 so, and in 'the:course • ; of his hist ructionsi eyioi i iimi . to i -the•freshmatil:the ntf l li operandidys 6t t ii ritipg: It ~.s.hinildbe l}nown iltat at one of the fr.tations., 1 west of this city, in quite a small.ibitt -enter- 1 prising . village; a . female—the si..ll‘tol I l titie , resS 1 of the villiige-r-is the operater at. the tete graph station. ' ' '•_. . I - , . .. .1V hile the operator in this - cityl i iell_s going through his. eNplanations, the 7 - 1 -., Office call ed Albany; and made a• linAncs . s . rn4iiiry, to which an sin,nr:er wits returned by ithi._Alb:uly operator, .wh , t, in - a Profes.sh , nal ifr;pner - ,' in qiiired the. ninne of the auxious inquirer; and sent it, wial Ithe gentlenian's compli:rriento, to the —.-- oft is . (whiFb the .'innate beret charge . of). '.litisa - c•-!-- - -.(we' 'mean - - 111 pperiiior) replied, retiOohig her compliineatq and gave the state of the weather, &c., at [ , . The gentle: c num‘Fai. 'immensely .", delighted with the idea of Witerrogitting a person, i and that . persona fetnale, one - hundred and fitly miles distant, inid liriiii . gli the kindness blithe opera tor addressed several interrogat4riis• to her,. altol-whiclircre Answered _in ii,trinst gratify::. ing manner-f The novice in telegraphing was 'delighted, not to say -enchanted.? 1e called Ar e .odn the tiext dot% and Perm:n . l443 the opera-, tor to again summon the Office. • • : . Again iiid he enjoy a most delightful tete v-tete—thirtk of a tete .a-Ote 4STiertundred and, fitly milesi einoved !—with his !thartning in- . Cognita, or We should say i inartratn,for.the novice wasi or . abserbed in -Miss ---.; ,C, ti the seqiutl(‘‘ill prone. .- For seierat . 4yadid be -Call andshold. converse with the 7 ---- . - - -' -office and its Veryphliging operator, I each" day be coming milre and More interestol. L- The sal. jeat. of discourse, too, was maternally changed, -insomuch that the Albany operater. began to ~ ~ . he feel•in rather a-i peen:tar . predicament,' hero; a.sOrt...of Mediam throiigh Which two , : lorers wet*. holding comunication. To .be - m brief. the novice continued to call fir a space of two wdeks, eaehday.. growing more inter ested, until at. last he put the question, direct and: pluinp: t Will you -marry me 1' . The telegraphl.neVrr hesitates; •it is a fast in.stitu ' tints ; and Itiai ! , ,e abed areconnected with Who eeme `;fast.,".tts iif Gjr ' ;inhibition.:, The. Ihdy . 'consents[;,-.arid 1:130:melee, a few days after, sent tit 4H.„clairyed his bride; and • av:as marri:4l. 1 T*. parti l es..are' now resident‘ . of this Otv.l- -- -1:1:: :•- - ' -.• 1 i - - A PROTimilANT'Cow.—Att lri , hrrian, 'who i, the p t+vii, it t ,t. fvf it hi ia rd I i ig, Alin ty iin the C. O. Raiir4ild. 1;114. of this .e,tv. - says, the Z a nesvi,ile-Auroru, reeentiy. i.urc.L'ased a how, whiyh, b 1 nithr wilti, lie, ,had to halter , - and le i h4itne. , When ne-arriied at the door of the shanty his better half opened the i_conversiitionithus: ! ./ , ....W24 , Pah where did - you get that brute r 1 . &Stine; 1 g'Ot her Of Mr. H—.' • ' 1 'W i t! 4aia ~ v, :clic! put buy a. cow of a ~ Piotes ti i But, a' , you bore dt_ine so, it Won't b ',aril, hard to put a little holy 'water 1 upon. .„ r.'' . .„ - ' • 'Faith, that' f.. said Pat; . so withOutlinquishi4hisbuld of the brute he heldlota 1 is hand to .remive the -holy war : 4 ter, 'and p= . I: . red "--it on :the aid:ruins bark i snaking, elastithe . a+tistomed sign* the time of pert " whig tlit 'o*lthal: ~ 1 ' ', ..- - -.. it.e9 happened that the fild --Ixoutatt hatid exl hint- b y mistake, a hottleofyitriol, and Pat, hying: tiwitre 'of thejact,!e.ltastonished that die 4t4t l d!. l illiree' 6o IMPertheoPer*u ; bit; pa -pouring 44 - the.aufipo,4 holy...sl;afer a 'time, the infuriated 'animal hieked up 4e i• : birls -and brOke loo.e ,animal Pat, to the *cold gtest I , 4t4isiiient - of Mai ty, - WhO exclaimed ; ! 'Soli! sniai.r 31 . Moteisiktimkprutes tent sOongin. her- yetin- I:- .....-;- . ._ ...:.=!: th '-truth •of the itgry-le 4tcruchcd for, by fine o f the hoardeis 10,-the - thenty. : : ' z f!! I MIN . . . S. want lily - • - IIYSICIAN r ANDOP S u V i ue bannsciaittyl*:;l4l.l4loce.l4 ce. • •" -• , C 4 xenwr mAssok toe reeioto*to loom to weir itaiwc:Pit.rill1 . 1 rißt.Wep.Ora : Uwe" on tirrO retlnbinetenanitiaiso-RWj-'5 Tuiittlanlafinded*liti or nittOt z r Wiii-ronta tieinlys4#lfin:!lt k Dic*trzikan t n: Nor! MilfOnAilitt:lol-111,#',_ ' .12.-sdawW - • orge jm us TANUPiu n to Buitteutoreoultil _ l *ilrma°, WhIP-I,*, i Hotel, IltsurgaosiV '- - IopOOT 2001reMAMMR.,:lthop first doo cast of Odd Fello *VA . teelOiia at Ida Sing l e ley stimd!ori Oiego at. 'IV two dooti west Or Seitileli Hack *hero he el . : fedu"4 ll ,o ierabs- - fl*tch; liratChftt,..qocks* 'Jewelry:tuns, and' °Very diatptkin Of Machinery. *tied coning; : Oun,!'aitd Watch inateaiAis anpplied :to the tradti.: . ;• _ , - I , I , SSURGEON DEFTIST: 119iitrpse, ra., at et earle's 'Wet( rienT r y 8. Snapp, , . 0 - fritOsE, PA.; w4th !Row, .11;504fraf Car. I.v.L ter'Virlaoleaalti Cikkeria 'and Cooonission Mer chants, to; 173 .Waidditgton : etreet, between I Court. -andt and Del streett Net r.ork. , ---, • •lett Weeks. QADDLE, ITARNESS,.TR:EK MAKER and Cur riage Trimmer.: sup 'at his dwellitig I houge, early opposite .lleni= Drinkers. ,ilontroe, - & Yowler, A trORNEV'S AN O COUNSELLORS . All LAW, /IL and Solicitors in Chancery. Office No. 4 4Clarke street, Chicago, 1114' . • P cHotel; — CCREENAVICH STREET, (near Broadway,) New York. SalKiury - & Co.. Proprietors. t In the vicinity of the prineiMtl steamboat landing;. j . • • Ihoinas Ingstrum. - TVALER IN DRY, GOODS, Groceries, Clothing, 13 erOchory, Botts and Shoes, SusOchann!‘ Depot, Pa.. , . . Bentley & Pitch;*. AiT"TiSkTSAT LAW ,' ANI) BOUNT Y LAND AGENTS, .314htroie,Pe; B. B. ROTLKY. I • . • L. YITCH. , • • -- - - --- -- • ; - 3 . 01111. %roves: . • - I.I"..ASIIIONABLE.TAIiAR. Shop under Searte's 1 Ho t el , Maine ' tree; ..3iodrose, Pa. . D. D;ilinda, WERT AND tekTil.q.GE STABLE. Office in in the rear ot a Wilmni'A Store, Montrose; J. Colsten, - !TIEALER IN .fiTOVER, Tin, Copper, and Sheet. ! i•lron Ware todrrsqltr, near Great Bend Depot. December ;. • • ;'.L; P. Hinds, A ITORNEY AT LAW; Susrzehanyut, Pa. Office LIL on Maine *tied, one door east Ad' Lenheinis. ... - hazier' & Case, . A TTORNETS AND CQUNSELLORS AT LAW it: Office on Turnpike %treetv one door East o Post's Store, ,Voltrive, Pa : 1 - c•Albert Chamberlin , • A TTORNET IT LAW - and Justice of The Peace; .1 over' l. L. Post & Co's Store, ifontroe.. • .• • H. Jessup, , • • .TTORNEY AT LAW AND COMMISSIONEW OI ilk. DEEDS, for !the Suite of New York, will .attend to all business cotrusted to him with promptness and fidelity.. Office On Public Square occupied by Vm. Jessup. • - , 1 1 ' • k Abel Turin, I rtEALER Ilki Dnucs MEDICINDc Chemicals„ . ;1 7 , II Paints, 4)11.:4„ Dyc-,s4ffs; Groceries, Dry Go - ods, 1 • • ii . •FAIrIttERIS I Hardware, Stone,ware, Glassware, Clocks, Waterha, 1U 3110 N tNSISRANCE CO7PANii Jewelry, Saver '; ; Sp,xnut.„ Spectacles, Musiell lustru- •_. •• OFKICE, ATHENS, BRAPIFoRD COL - ..STY, PA, rnento,TrusSes, F•nrgicill Instruments, Li/uors, Pet- , • , . . . _CA.J. ITAL . ., UOo,oo l o_ fumer . ., Mirrors,, , Stationery;i Brushes, Sham, Yankee ,?. _ i .s(cl/rat oy /scow said_ Nor: gay. on hel Rea! Eseatt. Notions, d:c. ') . l li of the Sinekholders. - ! 11 Insures arAinstloskg by Fire, of House* Stores; and other buildings., Goods; Wares, and , Mere.,handise, on as tivomble ti ms. as any similar Institution. Los - promptly adjitited atilt paid. i - Dr ae.croirtS.4;•lion.;;Borace Williston. Athens; Fran. : ..' ,i F.IL Chandler, 1 . 1 eisTvier, do. i 'George A. Perkins do, ;J.T. D. Meyer, 11EALER INiDRY GOODS, Ready Made Clothing. I do.; C, N . Shipman,; do. •:' C. F.Welles, Jr. do.; J. E. 1/ • Groceties4BOoks . and - Stationery, etc., PublicCanfield do. ;! Hon: John Laporte, Towanda ; Gen. B. 'Avenue, Afaitter, Pa. *- . • - -.' • i Wakeman, apeyriile; Geo. M. liollenback, Wilkes - -----,-- - • ' ---=-------- — l, i barre; MiChatil Meylert, LaPorte; Pa. 1 • ' Patrick &Unlock, .1 . , Orricr.r.s.--4lon.lHorace Williston, President E. C. 1311TSICIAX 8 AND SURGEONS. Office N_ rt. 4 IF. Wells, jr.; !Y. Pt.s., and Treas.; .1. E. Cattrieltl, 1 - Owego 'ettiet, Nontrose , Pa- • ' ''; i Secretary.-• ! i i 1 . Agent, O. S.'llEr.rtr. *Montrose, Pa. •• ,t153,2iii:3 , I —,-, Lyons & 'Co. . 11.grLvEtl.E. Fll)E dur La l E v l ill IN . ware, lanesbora, Pa. FL L. Post, & Co., . EALEIiS Aii DRY GOODS, Groceries, Crockeq, D liardwari,°Lenther,-FlOur, etc., co-ner of Turn pike street andTublie Avenue, lifoottrosc; Pa. - S J. Lyons & Son., • - TIEALERS IN DRY - GOODS, Groceries, Ilnrdwarc, iJ Crockeryi Tinware, Groceries, Books, etc.; also, carry on the Bpok Binding businesa--Public Aventie, NontrosP, ; Bentl ey ey & Bead, I ' TVALERS =IIC DRY poops, Drugs; liedicincs., I ..1-1; Paints, Oils, Grocr;ries, Hardware, Crockery, Iron,1" Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, gdrer ,poons, Per- - vinery, &c.—opt ofPOblic Avenue, M ont role. t - . Bentley & Perkins, Al-A.frFAc'TUREI:Lq OF AND D*LERS IN all . kinds or Castings, Stoves, Agricultural Imple ments, etc.._Office at Sayre's Store, Public Avenue; Manufactory at tbe Fag% Foundry, Rad, Of Cheri"' street, .3foritrime, Pa! • • •'• • 1• • 1 VirMitiallc William H:Je , ssirp, ATTORNEMS AT LAW, ..lfontrose, Pa. ;Frac tice in.Stisquebanna, Bradford, Warne, Wyo . ming and Luierne counties. 1 j - smith & Co., CiABINY.LI RAEF.RS. They keep I constantly on kJ band a good . assortment of all kinds of Cabinet Fumiture.l Fhop and Ware Rooms 'at the foot of Itaine streng Montrose, -Pa. I Rockwell, -Winton & A f AnyIi,CTURERS and DIALERS in Strar Goofic Hats, Cap, Fara, Utabrellas, Tara 4ots, Ribbnn.ekr.. No. 20 Courtlandt street, .Ner York, (up', Eitairs.) r. e.or> wku. s. 110WAILD. INC. W. irwroc. - 'Franklin Fraser; A TTORIWT ' AND COUNSELLOU AT LAW, ...thwitrfose, Pa., will attend faithfully to all busi ness entrusted to him in the county ; of Susquehanna. - Iclonveyanrik and writing of all kinds will be done neutlehatreS m Il oderate. e - will also attend to the p rosttion of Maims of soldiers, their widows and heirs, Kmitist Abe. United States Gorernutent, for I Bounty Latld, - P . enni - ons, .kc. • May be found at all hours at ;the office formerly occupied by J. T. Mir ards. Esq.; „north of the Court. gousel 1489. 11L C. Tyler, VITERtrEp _vitt L. OtINT, Importer of and Dealer,, Hardware and utlerY, rorrineSprings, kc, ,tif• Paul -street, Yew York, where his . Her cantle frieridOir this and other cotinties,"are kindly invited, Mstearneitly solicited tb call and pnreluuse. , _ , Tif . 't IND EiENDES'T ktOtAUCAN .,- _ - - , rrEttshirl, avian . TITCHSDAT LIOIINISCiI, AT 'XONTII:O6 S,- • P 44) LT .$1 , 50 PZIL L 151401. 1$ ADTASE. s . - . , . , - 4 Rates of Advert ag. . ', ..,.- One squire (10 lines or less) one week, - $0,50 1 One NUM* • .... :"- •-' . . TWO weeks,.,.. ..o,i One Arm 41e - `-. -.: - three weeks, ,A,OO One square 7 ' .!* one tn0ntb,.......1,25 One square -.I . " - two months,2.23 One equetei , " .__,three months; 3,00 One square. -, .- , r • ,: . sistupnths,.....„ . Eyoo One square - M . :one,vear; .8,00 I Fnr`ll")..nrAnOtlff(lnerest insiitell by the.,Year, a 1 dednaloe, from:the above - prhtes is *We.., Yearly ad • vertisenOwaissite the privilege of Oteting in•eltinig intg_theiriadvertis' cements without additional charge. - Businees' aids, not.exceetneg ifiie lines, inserted at 0,00 per annum." , ',.." ' '--- ?I -i•-‘,... ~.:' ' •, „,;_; - ',.- :jell *eel ; , Tags osee-4e;imitae44gith ii- asiint . of ! xod Jobting*aters' . de.artorell s kinds; rlikblirteir.:enit sate* PseitarPainpldets; Ite. l Will be .41a*VeLT #844 ralliPOY.- •' • 1 '' - - -.. -.. .. . , - .... • - - plow. LO* OF. T oNtioN . TWIST DOUBLE BARREL GUNS ; do. .11 tinkle barr e l, and extra findl Rifles, for sale by Mav ,f.. 1 A. LATHROP k CO. .• . - , ME • ~~ A.,pstirlitirAMY'lvolgiruvwo ' ' 1 - V _ POOTOR AiAil l ittg, I -...._-., • ' 11BAItitED. 1 . noneoPATlHiltsir., .. n RAwAisamble. „ g _milltatitollivertitttof.Pield T ...WiTTPMERGI a B 4.i Mog!troi , ; r 4 • 11 4° 8- - . 1 l • el J. tbiii_riti4(id,Adyising_ Op?: -0100416 anti , 1 s . Ail _I am, rikbp it,i. Ilairattir. t alttsttle 6th, '7lll and te nt atto • Illfe! ptitilic al largo, that *hey have • att 1, 1 , \ , ~, 'i Slit orketlcm9nl i f; wad llutY*eoelimitkd tn'EateMill set:aired and 'opened aire lariatl`.Pft•tiiest , and a P• 1 1 `., "1-11otel,-lOr.-altree_da,X4,,ll,l4l,l to t Vittilittee." - Ineittebbid f a ' i eat stock4R,UOT IlliA-DE OIATR4Gt 'ever ; 'I. it - i the hutiniii jiStef, - viz: * ed„lY,S;infi'r/G.AT tm o 1 , to t e t her ace„*ltict ;Vey ,oll'erat a itimM adranCe from ~ I . ;., ;_ehltla lullanitttlon'of the Ltili - kkvi - Liver„Aleial eosteby offeringpnrchasets tilt Pre- OPPlutual”. I. • I ' - • - - !•, - ;$4. iltidliir 4 01 14 0e l e*Di s R 641 ,,! ' ettrioa,)-Liver,' _ ay of obtaltdug good: ,tit aborat twittrilat:th.OUal ..I`l .. -,, F A i - its, , ittis ._ c o m puint, R ii,liATlsu,itr.. , ,, , o kiiit, '414. price, r ._, . , I . ,'. ,"es. ~. . . ,`:-- •es -t ~; .. L•, ,i'-' , • •• , • ''' Coin' 11 ;Sea 'of the.:tttkr told, - ear,7 s ,l"retwoui ~.- Also-aline Oesorlieent Of .iit Caadas- 41 g 411 P riabl k 'i': ' leiitPtY• Atte .‘• '• - ! ' 7 .• ilimmedY fur thaai A es e,.. ,ra&cultir• atteetionAived lii ' '... al t , t.' ; for Ladies Wear, .. rmw sayies.Brocatie, &dale. Flitidil, • . 11 ~ , us. ~u . • _ cost i yeneo udi:, the - disraratf iiiall•Wlatin.-- The'etiain •PWlltaddiaigalOgePilitaiplaKrliairteillagt- 0 1 , -,'„ 41 , 7, ~ ,- Iv:: .„ - ;y6, - Arm u : ,- isectionktpf ..Titeri-rqgli i ii eul?4-.7. ` - Z ..., ertigardeltdoes Ornew and, elegant ,designa. . ,' ' t ... ,1,1 rt . . V 011.., s; i l o n on , mat i on ,„, APr.'7lttrt *ell 1 ticquandeilsitikbOth llotnetid-` lateast lea et Ladiefl Drell o . 9dl Y'' re l /ch - IAW/t9 ' lea . - • *e.' lilialo ti''' Itr atit,ltille;Back and LintliS, M t ali t a;tkaViVg*Vll 1 Stnii i tn-4' ritildA Ptildallud Gin g /ig " - A ' llantlawllC -1/B " "alena-Pf ' . Etideie : iiiiPlailfrk•tc.. .c. .trideed, very few am Pr 2 eli c eA r 4. ..(elvel itir •havb# trat,lti D e maritraminga, E !t i l becided Shiestert, Pollara- rtlffe, - , 1 , tlie - ti4e u d i h i wh o i • i t_p o -i tat i t ,&. itzedlein Is flo t,' - traduced otileopality Jute Bit zesilimoyi e lt: In, iri ste-- Jite*ue t and Blttlut'E ngllltnltiP se r tlll g sl43l9tes- s yi3orc oillOi r reqtilred;and. much 1-ickness and iiilfer•-"Mlf• Illaillinlottftatitithrig-mila(*a.fr•itiiderl. „kiwi:l:stern 1,,,..ib t : 2 1,1 a ra_ao m ., , u , , , 1,... , . 1... ., , v . g m i g l, t , b e prevented,qf a liaindees but efreCtUkt, ei° l4 at alid-dffe;•tnt from that:A:lra/I other pleeSrlint e dl it, -Titelr alamatalialltw Quail I" I ' ye " ..ilte *' enl. ' - ''' 4x:that - tie were more freely used : No person eau feel - 1 and cur'tf nallki• tit caa•allt • all stages ef thalseaseL; sacety OE% that:is rick and - fashionable both. foreig? I „y et oleic ri costive eabi ,t of I ,4 de ~,,e vni i6 , hoides, 1 r er, Dr. Her •• has untitnotainla of character, ablg ant/domestic. .... t , ,' ,•. . ._ ~ -.-: -',, t I , ~,., rat a it i4 u 4st - ud i tt. 4 l .,,r u - clot ' dispue ,, ity and skill; frorn "a;sriitimbirs Of' the.'lliosl emitieiii . Melt:Bonnet Department is,, large:sand complete,- i. 1"". °n •i4 :-4 .1 1 -b e - 41 . - - --. • ~i'• • med i cs men in 'tlte;city of New Yorielmaionglltein - ---"` watch mr , lit ave en *voided by the timely "an • -- - • ' i v • ' s s- - -k.:,---- ~-, ---:- 1 " 'tatablitemg the Itilllatest styles, *jet- TrittuttinKa. WI l u de o th e n .i o f ~ good 0 0 . g i t,,, 'ispidii i , Ali o tru e .I.lie'caebrated r. i ateridne Molt. •s' ', -,.. thatch:,: ' ' ' ' • ' '' II 1 , i of Colds; Feverish syintitohi4irrni Billions ddraitge• - Perso ns IviA Pl n g ! oP mul -P t r ellef • ar Permaaaat 4 0 48 An extmisiteLnasortment of, Irish Knew,. pki toweling, table covert., curtains &c. .-: - - pa- - UN 1 LantOt. whey -all tend tdibeeoltie or mid:teethe-deep -1 t tor ficlible iste •'• ere' which load' the l Callaaltat i aaf r e l4l ;will do sail to call Withollt (Idly.' Charges iiiodetate; ',Palients,visited at dillii•residehtell- -salr'.iftiloe'i"..6. ~. ... 1 . WephaSe Aso a supply of Shirts, Gentlemen's ea. s eg. ' asst n . - 7 . ~. . if 11 .eiretf ' 'Mee !tours from 't in the Moining until' lags, s ospon d em Glows, L i m b n db o , , ou t s goo d mapy, t.hkeasiigofotrheerfitrsnteilnain. : T.ta . ! l i ce! tir o t a il s v tela b lt i le 6 . Jr li ly , ‘ 1 .9 in! 'ss• the u • euuitio. ; , . , other atticlea toe ritimeecius to mention. 'For bar - I 1 ' wit 1 consummate ... . 3 3 . t e hls pill has licenlerfecited • I P ' s Nditilitages. ' - gains the public is respectfully i nvited to call al. the l 113 i .....-. aaui to meet that.dematti, An cutet.sive trial of its Th e of :li d ua dm zec t h t , u ommiz tid o Itestwom „of disealies are i I cheap store °I . --/' tI '' • ' - '•! '- ! - !tirtues i by Physicia. ns;:sPrbre;iti. ors, arid Patients, has i J 'WITTENBERG & RO. , ; corner of Chestiut & Owego Streets, four doors 'rig an"" thing hitborto km:mit Of ,_ Ist. -That patienttureated Rom Im& , east shown results surtrosei , , , , , eopitthicali us I ,;any medicine. Cures have been effee ed beyond be- ly ere cured mtich sooner than, by any other pis:take., of Post's store._ - - Ilia, were they not.aubsialstitiacd by, ns of such - ed. Thalsiane.-Tatktreas pan , be eured,by.s4ooo.. -- _' ---- ' ,--- 1 ' NEW GOODS. I exalted positions'And efetiattiel its n_forbiti the Putt- •pethie remedies, echo caenot be'eured til.s. any , ,othet il picion; , r, untruth the • t. Inent gerdleMen treatment. - • ' BENrEF,y . tC! BEAD ' • • , I who have testified in Avor'iif, these Pills, we _may erd. Thet on •nts 'treated jlomeopathicallt de ._ I 1-. . , ARE now reftiving their.usu , il supply of SPRIKG .I menti o n _ I, • . • - not tetra to labor underthe bad effects of the ,medi• AND, SUMMAR GOOPS, Which they offer to their i ! Duet A.'A.IIATEs, Anitypeiji ohe ni i..tof Bogton. I cioe they have taken to cure - the disease. 'ls , customers, and thj publiwierelly, on the most rec. -• and State Assayer of miivaeltusfetts; H. J. Gaanarat, i . ~..., ..,. 1 • 1 s- ; , .-4------ , ---- - aomble remit, for • ;Caigh, tier, Eggs, Grain, Bees--;i f. :„ ~,e to I wax; or on approved credit. ~overeCte.....LlSiae.niSkits; Ettany WASHBURN, Ex. i - ........ - • l DIZMi)GOODS. - _ ' Gov. of Mitesaeltiteetts;! StutoN' Bunn's, Lieut. Gor. t n via • .. ' , Montrose, Mac I , 1855. ' ".. -of Ma t 's. E. M. 'Wntatrr, Seeisetziry of State - of Mass.; I l klu .r..y. & ARK'reftwn their grateful --1-)llo'.%.DeLtlTllS,Kerre-yincres, ientueity Jeans,' Join( I. FITZPATIIIiIE, Path Ili-hop of linA011; Prof 1 tt‘ , . uck o tt t ° l 7: l 4 Fe tt ?l t , t e ,i to, the. s P., ll 7;_,•!tutl/ s n'f r it i ; u a nz t: 13 isatnnier Stuffs, and' a general stock of Staple:, .lonslottumr, of the College of l'ity.icians aid Sur- . i ` n" ._ ll t _ , ! I. ) . ta o 5t".5.. ' PT:nt. ,;" v . Dry Geod.., just receic.•,l and for salt; right by 'lt geone„ Nee York city z. Dr. C. T. Jaceitos, Geologist 1 f"r Good!! they are tow re . ci . . t‘ing an? oner or .1, e - BENTLEY ,k• READ. . of the Public Lando 'of , tlw United Stalest 1) r. J . R . at rerp Tow preee;. In, adthnon to their unal assort • Goods, Groceries, Ilurdwarei•Crock- ' • -(,;;OtkER-be fdirii.:,- ).,:i;i1;„ Chance, Gingham., 1 Citivrox, Practical Clieuist of Ni,y York City, e miors. , 6 .. "etit orstarlebr t_lisiy are pre' pared to 10 Metrituac; and Co; hero Prints ke. fie. for ale_ ;. 'l; ediv: Boa. W. L. Matter, Secret:it,: of State; Wm. • ,L (. l : l ; ib r i ' t ti l l e ita hr a „..t ' d s : 0 1 -: , tin tre n • t k o a f - ladi . by i : BENTLEY & READ. B Aaron., the richest Ohm ill America; S. I,r; atm & , es' Dre_lB °milli =C o., p,, pr i oto „ of 6 , 110 „ i , polit „„ Rotel, it ,, d ~ of every dese g ription-Figured, - Plaid mind Plain , - Ikt. ).oSlETrilibie7i-wSunnite. Shawls l' 4 - i , - - Bonnets, Shatede. Ribbons, Gloves, Hosiery e -Ladies ,Parasols, ' I othere • - • , I/ Black Silks, Ttimmiegs &e. C. for sale; . Dia ., Paee permit, Ts'e retold ! f ive many binal: - .ii ' awl I lifiseee Shoe% of all kinds-- also a largo stock of by • ... BENTLEY & RE.S.D. I .„ - , 1 , ./ 1 1 ~.ii man y . t RPA D Y-3/.4Dfr: CLOTIIING, Cloths, Cassinieres, _- -...--- --- • - --I cm 'ocates uoni a i [lyre w tere t le,' i i nye wee I t Summer Cloths, Vestingz Hat. , Caps Q1.17K, Fur, r L-glaorn.."-Panama, Straw, and Peltikl ~.,e d ,,,, b u t eviderico eiren More,s - contincing that. the Taveds, , • taus, .. -, , , 13 Ilats, Linihrellas, llatclicls, 'Window Paper &c., experience of eininelli lIIIII[ik . MCI), ii fxliiil hi th• ir Ilth l . t ' s 114 i Stin H ° &e. .. - • . ° .ke. , ' : I, BENTLEY & READ. . 1 etrects upon trial. l ' • ; . Ti et - •• •spectfelly Follelt an early call from those ve•4 l i 1 1, to pureliase gnarl geode at tow priers. T_T ARDW ARE, Crockery, Patent Pails,Tubs, l'uts-, These Yill4, the restilt of 11 - 4 e I-Ye-tie:trio' , er d ~, ~,„ 4 , t•• , . ill, t i M:1 , 3 r e '5l. MeMILLEN & PARK. 1.1 tv, Glase Ap. BENILEY & READ. s! • stud,T, • are offered to the ptittlid a- th - hi...At ; :1 , 1 , 1 ..le-- D RUGS, Medicines„ Paint and "a 1 etnnOlet 6 u Melt the Pie-e•• 1 al.it• of el •?Ileal -ei ..t.- - • - • l ; ; general isesertmeitt of Patent Medicines. Inst in can lama.- They alai unutl. o - 1 l a' l ••ot of , tit , ' d'leze. - , . 4 .'s AN LNG ,m , and for sale by t BENTI.EY & READ. .' i theni.selves, but of the i !ma liele.i iii toe , tody of Veg- 1 I LEandl7 ----- I.per L -- eather, Pat.nt Kip --- s,("alf Skin 4 l arable remedies extrateed l, klientil.4l irlOC , :sA in a t 1 a 4.1.111 the a; statj of 'lurks - , and combin'ed ti.g..ll._ns ill :etch a mihe the public iti, go Sand a good 4upply of Boots and Stiles coast:lntl: , Her laS In insure the te•st leehlts. _.- This ,system -oi t i • 1 , NI ly on hand. - • ' BENTLEY .S: REAL , . '1 I lU-F- - - - boi FTni lo ,4,i„„ f or me di ne , I,..i e . er e mt d i l Cherry d Aizflilto I 2-- - Pectoral an d Pills both, produce a more efficier4 g: ACKEWEL:by the barrel or t r i t r n s e 4 l l l;l y f li n rrl i tal l - I •, remedy than Wad hitherto both obtatived by any pro- fle- thole at grei 1.T.1 so Codfish. t h I eeet, The r-••11.01t it pe. Coed v 01,00 , 3-:. AVitn.‘ hy eu-slieco rii• _ 1,. b. ' II bid modeoy ea , ' , -0, ~ „. • r y m ,fl e ,•. : . is l ee - ell It.•• A 111 i IL WA' o r f r. c ll ,o l4 tt a n n il a Jl7 .( E r l.t e Y pit - ies A ,..l ft r i l l d l 4.. r es e o t r a t t t e t rt. ied ' i t ie l t;ll with 11107 e. Ort111:4:10.1.):1;ii'llIVCI;ii0'114 i tnliiljll, ict,;.; (inn tr. - nni ! ,-,t Levers, in double and,single cwt.'s, Ladies' Phis, 1 7 .1 r mudities, by this t•ac•lt heti, ideal yi! tue oi.l that i. , Ilw ite , t S.ill in ; Drops, Binge, gurird Chains, &c. &c. Also, Silver do-sired - for the ciu ittr‘•,• elfect;is pi eienit. , All the {Soot , oel abort Table, Tea, Desott, Salt and Sugar Spoons, warranted ert !.and oleioxious (vial:tie,- cif each steestene.. eiti. l . t t a i..:, C t pure, for sale b- . Brertev & Rian. I, • played are left lallii.d , tlit' l , eil ItiN.-i \ r me , old; • le.- 1 . 1 ' ' 1 in,; Tanin , ll. Ile: i• it f. , .. :kit evcderl. the eel•cts .. DI 111V:-:., QTOVES andTINW ARE, cl oc k., N a il s , Candle . should p•oye as the!, li tyti le es .1, lion pli ;.1 Imo- Dettlia' r"tfel KY' Lamp Oil. ICampliene &c. &e. etlial. and the pills a Ilieri• pee teed :• lithe.- in di-- al;1 low nrie:•, Montroie, MaY 1,'.. BENTLEY & READ.i case than any CO , ' eiediCiee'lii 01% It to the 1% orb: f letititi 10 .41 w, 11 .------- ' ” i As it is f,equeetV'expal•lit-i, t that 1, a -, nee li c i ...... I„ent..to •o, i . . i PEMPI,4 ! IPI; 'MPS I, . :; shotald be talent urtder tbe gritet...4" or on ntt.lidi:lg if ALOCK..4.--i . , i TAe Grcairst,:imp•ortment of the .19e!- a oty,,i,ians, cur} as ho could ilot evetpeili• judge of a 1,, - ; IL iiriiiia4,,, Dun/dr-Acting Pa ll l'airel I reteetly without kilo:Whet its Coneys-iiitm; I have sup- • Lituesboto, tpr . s. ..-. _ _ _ plied the aecurate to; nittlaa lA., elitelt t•oth ma Pecto- h th.• hi;lie. , ,t WANTEI --111; , 0 Tiiii.‘s for elite . ,_; . ~. 1 • FoPc e and Lift Pumps- ral'and ,Piliq are made, te tl;t• all Irbi-of Ptned. , 1A N improveMent .i,bove all other pumps or ma- tioaeis in the V t ed Feate-i., awl 13;iti1I ' n ptiee fill he paid. .S. A. LI - 01;4S. i ili. chines fotYlifting, throwing, and eate,ing waLii.,T, Provinces. I , La Peshm o, lip:. 5. • , It, howlayer„ duke -should b c _ ' ' - - ------------------------- I , 1 7 4,4 G I. Ir. r - 4,: 4 4 :it DRY. 1 co mbining both, a Pump and a Fire Engine. • i f 101.1NTRI HODUCE taken in eexhange for ~.. s- _ _,, , , . This who has not reeeirMl tliten,lewy will be -ur Pump, p:aentel in February, 1854. is. the whole is, , it - imma ii at he i „, (1 .,,, - ; .. t. 1 : • , -t N. Gentle, ar m y store. Sr A • rxess, L'l ATRE, BENTLEI & I I.Rh.IINS having perd u . metallic. N bolts or screws about it to rtu't. e" ll ,e - Of all the Pateei Me•lieltit-.+ flee ar•••,offeeed, 'how • Lratesboro, A - lil 5 . . , IP k... 7 et! of Wilson & Co. the Eagha•Foundry, turret p loks xi •Ti• 32 , c„.7 . 11f, TA, K _r: Is__ OTIC E: . to till orders from the trade, and do Yortir, t luently.it tit l ill a man's life time. It can he u......‘A f ei- would be talteie if thi ir ejmiposition Ise. ken,. le! ' - . .,i - - - --- --- - - ---- prepared . Intl • • in every vatiet of it d raw wate r . from troy Tlieir lifa consists it:. there iii- ter}'. I ; have en mys- ' d h Thstilt their with skill and espatc .. elap situation and carry it to any part of It blllitilff r . 'I It t t e.. • • , , . , - e e... The ceineteition oi l my preptration.- is laid rrlIE 2,0)41 itors havieg secured the tale right to I . . , 't constny on hand Plows, (hest kinds,)tlll kinls t Callivators Straw Cutters, Corn EAtilet; is superior to ell other Pumps far Distilletiee. Paper o pe n to a ll ne e', a i.,l ii wi l e a, e, e onip, : tent to judge ' .I. D.l I 'i,t;' 'l4 DJUSPABLE GIIITRIC .../..YI) , .. f . ',/, ' • • , , mim , , Tazioerio, Brick Yards Iron Works and slan- o:i the sul•lect fleet, nelsorreietll.;;• tie ir c oeyietite.s . o • BUY7'Eff- irlite.hrit.7?, for Sitsquelemnit and seyeral '' e " 4.- • ' . ufactering esmblishillents of till kinds. I I ,i Ih - • • • l'• ' 1 t 1 ir lite tome litera t i. The Cherly .. cto-a. ells IV 1.- • a djoiatine comities., respectf u lly ittvite all Butter Ptah.. . . 1 , ! We invite to the Plows einth £ . W pa r ticular - attent i on tif• ct d keep far. It ec menu ecturt . e man a are an . p All orders inhet ho addreesed to .Aetsits B I MITI E, re i enee d b v . ...ei e r,tirm me t a re b e a ee,eierfel medicine et '' tl 'T ti • ntribz. Of tide new anti • sto einniiFte au Its 'I , L e The CelehroicdiagfehlexPlow. I,odersville,- Pet., who has the sole right ;for Suslie• -.1 . IMtere its 111 . ..et,4 we; e kiinWn. 11.411:t enditent Ply= valuable inveleion. li - e. propose to furnish each and henna coentv.ii ' a have purchased the exclueive light to, tr.snafte 1 ' 1 ' sielans have derlatiel OW same thil:g of m y. Pills. end all of,you with a Cams that w il l produce as much •P , • ' ... • - , tire and sell in tielticotmtv, Wayne, vosonung ait e ven netre'confidelitly, fir id are eilliag to el- tit% that butter in al short a time as any other ehurre-one .nrinifetd, b y - Rith ,,,, jeater ; t Iron 'jean , Plow. 'lre, t.iciraiitieipatio:,.=(.. ,,,, more that, Tvalizvd by their that will come/dere erpe/ the bunereriik , trash. mei ea..; ~ i iew ie male (-Wirth, of 171 ,- on, exeepting the hassle., 1 ; effects upon tri e .l. I The, Op.: ate bv tie it powerr,ii work in i/ei salt, dwrsoing it , pvr.f.cao fu ' r "" !lh `'` e It it. celelehted fOl - it- 4 rosy draught, being onSelei l 1 influence on the iliterin l x isce n to pliriti. the blood •i„, utter nod qt it for use, without removing it from the ea .i er th a nlany now in rise, while its strength D.F.d de I arid stimilate it itto hetdthy aetio••- emir% t• the oh- churn.' Thr Churn ix simple in its censtruction, sei- t Tabiiiit are ! ~t e ater . styuctione of the sleitial:ll, Lee el- livers :0 ,, 1 0 .1 1.. r 0 - - ,ntifie in itasoperation. and eaeily cleaned and kept in i • • l c. .i - Ai 'InNFPLY . . ie.ens of the'Lotly4r•etto.ing ilo•ir r: gutit- actiou to order. awl tali be'easily attached to any propelling l ;. , i, health ; and by eorrectine 1, here'ver theY exist, such r ow e r. i - . ;of 411 kir de maeutuetered aged tepaired byseiperier, ' 'd 1 l'nCels 1. ; disrangements Tl 4 me thti' fi tst tei t en of tliscaee. - For further partieulme , apply personally or by let- •, e mei' ,-.• • „„ de. „_. . . , I Steam Engines ,Gearing 6r mails, Shingle It. i Preparml by Di'. 3. el. AVER; Prectle il mid ATM- ' ter to sf AS. r. BUSHNELL and J. S. BRON'SON, - i . , - . , I ... chines C. ay. ) Ducal Chemist , leevell,; Slaw. P;ict :!:1 cents per Antrat, St county, Pa. , . tiee. Five hoses for C.41; 6 ( 1 . SOl.l by Aria, Teen ELL, • - -, - -- 7 --- 1 - 1 -- 7- - . ---- . - Among the Stoves which we rnanufacmre, arch Ilootrose ;B. F.;& R. ,11. Eerore Batton]; Citenett ' i lall,(1.11V firlioP. " Keystowe C'ooking Store, Rough' andißcady dd., hr. al PIIINNES, Dundaff, and by all d_taleis in medicioes ' i NEW ESTABLISHMENT. - . ea t 1 `Premium Id other kinds dr. .Queen i do., Pre, do, ai , every where. • : ' . • 1 • Yr "ND E. MOTT would re-ipectfully mform the ;,, Par lor ranged for burning wood or coal. Also, Selfikt. • • i Store, Cottage Parlor do., Stottleit, -- . -- ' - . - - _LTA • intly:lic that they are manufatctuting 131atchley's 't ator t, . . . ALL iII 11". A DT., 1 two sims s do., and variety of other. Parlor Free Celebrated Plows. They also keep constantly on ~ , , !,_ and coal , • . ~..,. STOVES AIN:I) TIN wAirp: FOP. TILE hand, ,Sitie Hill, `ll - a.lne 'Comely, and Idea Plows, i botti wood _ burner& We keep 4_2) an hd r eultiraiori, Dog. (Aunts, Sleigh and Cutler Shoe; , Grindstone trimmings, Dog eh trimming„ e • . ' '' PEI WI.E. ' - . Plots Ppiata of various patterns, too numerous to , --a. au- - , . &c. lILTOODBUFF4. ELDRED have constantly on hand ,A •, done to oilier on short notice and at thelowet rat i f ive li by ' t ' to b -e a l arge „ t o we e 5 d t . 0 ,,,,i ast e, tt ,,,,,, of tint mentiou r ope, Ftaiet a tentrou . us . m i st., . I rgi - Ortlers for Stoves, Agricultural Implteel. Aare, Reels and Chaiii fur melts, Pumps, _cistern to receive lone share of, public patrounge. Mom' ac- . soncittel fron thos • in the trade, and in tore, D.Tost's old stand. Foundry, M. Mott, near 41 M , - 1 e pumps, gic.., Hydraulic Rams, .I.Lp:l:teed 'ilexes, .lead ~,..., „., ... 4 ,,. . ''... . , filled at reasonable wholesale prices. - I pipes et :111 sizes thee, &C. Jolt work done with neat- 1 - 4 -. 1 • le ' , 31 ; " . . done short , , 1 ' , s• S . ..S . S II APE.' ~,nrr Hess and despatch ; all lo•ders promptly attended te.. t•- 4 7 -" ---"' e airing on nonce. . I i . -.- , 11,-S. 11EN1,,,...-- STOVES & PIPE , . ~, MERRIT MOTT. 1 . • ELIJAH MOTT. ! Nontrorse, March 4. S . v• PERKINS. is , - kept constantly on hand, a large meenrtnier.rof stove ? Feb. p- . . , lof the latest 'Unmoved mul apProved patterns,. Our experience inehe-tifsiness enables lei to select those 4 . ~,E 1 3r ' thr.t we can safely warrant to eive entire ttati4actien. I " 1 Cone 1 Anaor.get oar ninneronf stock 3 rates:' be found the Paragon air tight ' Star of the West, :Eli:rated ra ... ; , • New World, .i . " l Cliqon, [Oven. State ' t liiitualut liarrisbUr)j. , ; iAtlas, " 1 - Cnitivator, " ''a - Cepital $:i50,000. , I Phoenix, " I Fire YIY, ' " Cash. Virtual at Ifarrisburg. . l'hrt.e States, " ; Western Queen, " l' :, . , ' ' 'Capital r. , 200,000. • Clobe, ', .; ‘" I.Preiy. if n m . I 1 ffunal i lvsurance,„.Vete Yark City. it F. A. woeenrer. ''' • I G . 11. r.t.mten. , I • ' - 'l' •Capital ci,500.00 0 . 1 '[ 'tore and Ill'ore C!AI. ' GOOdS. l.lontri;lee April ft, '54. F. B. CHANDLER r •. ; • •._ —. .1 T BTl'llitiTT 1., eow a eeeivieg'new an ti full 3 a ;1 1• 1 LIME AND PLA.STrER. ' t, . supplice of C,41,0(1 ,, ,,t&t, M. Wiefrr Troth-, in clulieg a new and etch tot aelortnitiet of French _I P- ' , rrHy. ; , ; eilese-rillere are • now burning and Inil keep ' re/rev, Merino end 17aAlont Pla;(1,- • _Pl a id, p ate . • 1. conrantly on hand, Lime o f ti -very superior cy and Plain Dr> Lani, , A, P o i-, in ,,,,,,, j?,,,.7„.. R, 7 „,„ civalitk at Montrose Depot, end will sell it in any and Lony Shaw l A., alliti tle..r iwtel best styles, and will tpuintitis at a fair price. Persons wishing a large be sold at 25 per etani. lees than last rear's prices.-- quantity-can be supplied . --on a reasonable notice. Also a new assortmeet of illelet .I:igno,.; an d p,„„„, i , s 1 . Strictior ground PlcL.ter kill be kept comittintly on , fir Cl Ind , Silk 1 . 4,• tit o l ks and iferlitillole, I:itl,' -hand Pre-Teafter- •-I. L. POST. . Silk and l'tlt'tt Dres,l Tri , nuniny,t, 31.-Fur 11.-ad , I 1 1 11. DR.LNKER. Dressre, Rieeir:!s &c..ke., wilh a general assortment • - . W. JESS'LI-P. of other STAPLE and Fatiev Grunts, as teem!, ehich Montrose Depot, April.a„, L. SEAIILE 7 haying bonght iroder 'the pi eeent prterstire of the cash • 1 11 - - - --- ---- 1 marlsei. will bei sold at corresponding- and reduced ••- fvrir4lo/ GRIST AND SAW MILL. i 1 , DOS'It BROTHERS huying‘purchased the above tuice. 4 . • I s 1 New Milfoidi Noveinher fil, 1754. " ' I 1-stal•li-littient , wilt keep votestantly on tined Sit •r, , sitte ft ,d line k'to4r, corn Meet of se x -Hoe Tani 'a, -:re .'h er , ad Bran at the lowest cash prices•-r - F.; ,' 1.. h! v:4l-1c till he done with - despatch; and in all C. -- 4A ,- i .(1 , 170 , t1 , (i...- , •... '''' ...- . • •-• 1381 d It, Litso,, - .W, Julys. 1853. ' - ' I . , • F ARIIIS FOR SALE. THE subscriber Will Act as agent for buying anti, sell ing neat Estate—Fartns, 'and Lots--Iti mted in 3us4ehanna County, Pa. All who wi4h to offer their, property! for sale can give a minute descrip lion of their Farms ior Lots as follows : Number of , acres, how many improved, and how watered, ibuild- lags, orchards, grafted, or common fruit.; other{ fruit trees; and thb, nearest point to the D. L. & W.lll. R. and N. Y. & .11 62 faruis the-list, 48 unsold, By calling on the subscriber a minute description, price and terms can: be given: . • , Office on Turnpike 0t,,4 doors west of Main, It' Montrose, Auguit 15,1854. , WILDA\ . . ' • GOODSiI - GOODS ! , , „ . . • -- rtvE aubicrihei is receiving his Spring and Sam- __—.. oaoreJ CAI" GOOdS. ._. 1.. met. stock of,Goodi, comprising a jureat Yarietyi ~ ~ r Btrinvior f- ---- , - which will lie sold RR low as -any in this Inaritet..— . 1 " Please gill and , exitinine. " F. D. GIIAN'DLER. HATS 4 Y.l) r .l PS--A good assortment bf the latest style. t 1 - , READ *MADE bLOTILING—..k good i alariety of Spring aid Sunimer Clothing of the latest e pr. • DRY,, 0 OODS—N general . assortinent through- i out. , Also.; DRESS GOODS, consisting of "fawns, Barege Delaines, Freneh Delaines, Persian Helaine, - Printed! Lawns, Fancy Prints, Ladies' Workt4l Col.:: tars; InsertionS, Edgings, Black Silk Hantillits, Tiiihet ;-, and Caihtnre Shawls, Parasols, Hosiery, Glossa, &c. i • BOOTS! AND SHOES. - Clocks,,-a ]argil ' l nssort-.! ment of eitery description and style.: Also, ,n great; variety' of Fancy •Artieles, Yankee ;Notions, lie. ..- .. I: Crockery, . Hardware, and Groceries of all kinils.--1 , , . t,, - , . Trunks,' a;g0011 lot for sale cheap. Books Old Sta.-. 1, . - . triicT ii i E t i n .. 7 :71 , 1 is -.. tti Es, ..T, •,..- tionery—Wall Paper-also, Flour of the best: ipiality.'.. r e,, nz 4 „,,,0 ier b ,,i, ; ,-,.,.„-,„.„ n „ the ell A I 1: .1r A i: - . Moll;r 0 0, May 9s 1855- , - - F. B. CBAND,Ie ER; it I ri7G , Bun i v's i n .iii jr , v• 4: iou 4 lirsit!elivs at , ... - .1 .t • • .l• the Chilit - andiWare Strop: m 0p,1•4 Ila•-ford, where ay he • . , New 11-iiil e.of,]lair fita s g i l 1 Ii • found •a . 'greater variety of- Wir:il-or and • Roei:ing - '. • l ' '' -i- . FROM - - ' 1 '. ' 1. 1 Chairs than atany other eAt:thlislitilent in the county - hiRKWOOD TO 1110111Tift-E• I Litho Flag mid !Cane: Seats, Bureaus, lleilsteads, Leung. QTAGES will leave:Kirkwood,. passing dtrOughCorT , ea, Setteei, Tables, StandS,;Ae. /it- till of whichlwill 1 , ..7 - bettsiille, Liberty:...kc-, .every- morning after the I be sod at tb4.inwes i prices at retail, , tor. , n , boe i ate, , anival•of '•he- Thiirrillina of cars, both' East. PO 'Wet% t with short notice.) 1 .ill _Work Warranted_ well Made reaching •Ifontiose at l• r. 31. ' - feeturstino,- leave; and 01 .4 00 d „ intetia b 6.110 rt credits and salad profits lifontrOse daily (Sundays excepted) at 2.`pitt:, reach - - ~,,in b e m y A l tftte t :•,• Fob:" dentonittrWtioi. - tirthe:pbol.C. ing Kirktiood in time to takelhe Bail trains Of ear 4- ; acts,.piate call at coy aria(]( in lin , r u d fi ,„ ‘n ,„ . both East and West; being the nearest and most felt!, • ,l • ... ;.i. " i . It-A. W GRF.ENWOOI). •.: sible - innee to reach the New York and Erie lhtilroad. • i hr ib r d;o c i te b er i.. 1., .lsi i. L • . 1546 ,46 This'line intersects a tri-weckly line forl;Dimocli, —:_ _-.:_—__. _.. - •,r,.. •. -- - 7 ----,--•--- . --- ..t. Springville, Tankhanncick; . Wytimitig,'no4lW l ßieiSr 1 ' '',.. . - ''' 44nwelry. JeNVOrY• s• - • barie. 'Of& leaves Montrose:at- 7 i-• 1 - elt4rY Moil-_ j 0001) BOOHaSs.orhaliut of •TQwel.iv, ,consisting of Far day, ,Wednesdayand.FrkW.• Also,' line tp Friend;s- IA Itrug:i ; Ear Drops, Drili-t Pi.: , s,. Fi: z - Bing', intlei'LerWytoille, ke... . • - ''• -, '' II - • 4 tze, be., justeceeived at • ,BENTLEY . A:H.EAD>i. ' Good 4tams and comfartalile.cariinges lie prod •-- -- -.--11-.. si f ver • 1 . 11,041.1 . ,. . ~ ~---,•••• for sale 4Y'' li. . , ' " ded,'. axidlthe proprietors will • spare no • mtilas•-:to at- , commodate Out public. -' •• W: K. HATCH; -, • Tee Table D'essert;.Sugar,ii-Ilit,:ke... air :ranted iiiiic, HEN_ TLEI. A. M EAD._ Jinni i, 1854. . - -4.• ~ • MORGI4.T _At wpst , ._ , . _ _ . . 'lll . LW: (1015.1 5 i llEllutrieriber takes .this.uretbed ,efrUleertisipg T hisifriestiS and the puliie.*errefrallyi.triat he this fitted en a store- just across the street - (mini _his old 94.11#3e • pi,, Brooklß, srhere ,he . prepapett: tat re f eet!e euetorriers sell' tlieroloOds at% 11 1 4 low . rates as Ant (other estahliSliment iri.Susqueluoina,poue:ty. miAstirtme4 is Ten ' lake buleetl i erOiLehig of nr- iisuri/l7 called .fOrin i a. coils sterp. ail determined to de burriness So is to sitid "bad, tlebti," trhleh rraliciasibte ererlitptirehaSeris Jiro 1. tided t 6 psi, can ofrer superior indueemOts Wraith I anilotherwise racoar-rattsG pairowi. 7. go. and hee in °' • Q. a,iIIF..IIPSTtAI). Ilrootrryn, 1111SiCIOTION.. ~hek , ipertiewhi iubvcribeis S..S Kqnt is this da'Y ii!ssolve4o4 ;Praia'. FoPsg o. , f , 13 - tcotklyn Apr.: 4, .: rl .M 1 44 . • • u Gioreit l l Adireitiseinenu: - ~. f.. ,• ~... .... Isitls i rTs i c !.._ . , ... A§ nalare,;wliO-t&nishis the birds and lieaptsi. 1,4114: ; t wiry* rstpßoymlitlol y goloti ' n i c k , jr -, q , an estric . coneln:_ivlntril bitinot mailis4 - ielmilai :inn:ti.:, -tic- z i - v ikii 4 - .--. r.,• 7 7, - ,-,,, lc LyeNs & SON. thdonfor nian i 'lhtere 'concluded to. j. it uportmy4 , t-5... -, .-..-, .. 4 .1-,..i. , . :---;-------t --- liar tq atoll t6 ; thitd4p4tlnOntf - had' theretol7t; ~' . • :,,,,,,,-...;.-- i ,cl-,-„zivhoodeou, -, . - ~- t r ihink . prmio - rutti antioante that all shivering milli bir ONSTANTfir ON HAND oefurnisbett i to o rder . , . , 1 iteds, that iced new apparel,- glorious - orlngltirlaus; ~, on oborttoolim. - - . :., ~.: :J. LYONS 1:1_ _ "r ' Paper Hangings. . 1 fasVoilatibi or iinfbshionahle, can have their vfants ; -;—- - -- --------- -,, - . • r.;(1/1 Rolls just opened, and some 1'91. 1 6 ets.; per I Supplied mi . a-their tastes suited by calling on me , m; I AWNS, Prints, Subuner Stuffs, and the common it? V !kJ roll, 1.1 J. LYON'S & SOT. i my-shop M Montrose, 1 -• ' '1 I ILL sorts of Dry Goods at -- 1 TREWS ,r 4 i - . I. • I • 1 , . , • . 014ivei and T, isnothy-Seed linage %.1 • - " • 311 R .-- Nevi Milford, Mtiel 8, 1855 - , :laid . An tintrguall.t sixtcrissorttneri itf the besi nmite, all reek and perfectr4sale 13,7 'BENTLEY & READ. •, 5 • Otega r' stud edi eine*. • • A fresh 'fade genultd.Dritgß and Medicines, Patent r . aints, OtT , T,,Die-lithitrt://kkt.'," - for, tode Dee. in.] = . BENTLEY tk. READ. • " r 4 ' THE f4p mg. t* Rood% ttipw beilig it.- .ceivedak L-L1P042 1 •17 CO'a. Are detzint4le -In 1ua1i17. 14 :7 1 f and price; 1 - _ • 1 :- IStepie ,if ;try Gopelei i .,, Collars; Sleeve*, -I)iess 'floods, .. 1 - Eduilige, ,-- 'Cloth* 'find flastiolevea, , llounqs, , . illite;Gaods; t and -Para: .. *OiP. - ! - - CLOTIIIVOL— li fine siorii..• ,Groevriei of all viiii ttitii: Ilarc4iraiT,,,C*3;o7, Loolds : GlaFivs, and in elever" depapitrietit tbair - aaStlitnlafit IS good, and -at Otitei; io silk - -; ' '• -. I ' '''' ' ' ' ..; i '.: ! ' --112(), 1 4 355: • •-: . ' . EN 44011 IMII , . ice to: the Public. p , eturned fi out New- YOrk I. w ishcto iteration of tuy old • castoniers„ tiinrof _ .. I,•enil. to my W,.STOCK . .-OF GOODS, - bgbt with cash at 'the lowest pricek,, dll .principally for the•_sauie, I will pi iitly reduced prices: ts, ,wartviit'ed fast, colors, for only IC swill Blown-Sugar, IS poun4 for one, t Sails, .acknowledged by all- to lie t,tise, $5,..5!i per keg. Hats Fuld Caps, - Iltiiildo Ho'bes of ;ill prices, all wool uncles, Pa ittnetts.4 Dress, Silk, F.. 111: ouslin' De Laines, I ,pilling per yard, 1 :ir.d, Mi'desskin..llats, 8.. oche Sh:livls, lauls, Illibet do., selling at inco_neelv , I can !=afely wirntht perfce't •sutis:- ',II° will give ine,a ; call.• , ' itpr. ;., 1554. , - S.A. LYONS. .- .. ~. •......._..— uoti tinie keepers, -cfnly one dollar. -' . . . S. A. LYONS: • FIRE I-NSURANCE. • •, )scriber is agent for the following Insuranee anies, doing business at the lot Fest safe ''.71.0T11117 - imlebted to- die subscriber - for re& amltir" air, Recorder- and Clerk - of the Orphan's coast vroutrirm.fer a favor liy_s,ettling,the same C.lon. Dee. 6 iBs4: • •••• 'J.. T. LANGDON. - Nihniow "- SAYRE hayine been 4pointOitrotgent tor tin extensii - enah ;and • door mannfac ife p-,epazed to furnisktinv articles in this line at ibau. they baiqiitinally been sold 241'; S. Li I ' 4 tore'a 41 Shaming Cream; extiele which Avery. rnalr-shottkl try; :for. i~ L T~T • .1 J.-~ lot.of Slimmer - Ants and Ctotl;s iir`snntt 9' hear inqtreceix'ed nniifoi.sitlc-ci4Cap wt.: SON et,:sloN,—. y be totuld • in - S. ,S.l,lolfurd's 014,:stcre, : Eallt side of Public 4 iLvenue. _ „ bioic; • ,Pe mber i 5: 18b4. Eg CHOICilot Jim received; Kin! offered tow ' " - SCOTT, - JOHNSTON keo: • , A CHOICE lot - of Wool Long Shiviiii°••reey obi* by 7 SCOTT, Jg11111•IST0N 5t.00..;; ingvinte, Deco:flirt-3. - •' - , -• • •-• -;:=' 11 I MI ViiUttri.CheesN. Egr ! ,s4olceftHalifi AEPIeNPOW° s t 130119).4e. A , Cutt . , view - er au a. olvorserlPleattrire-Oar. `tinge; fiii , see''clienpl)t - , A.frOli'vtiapptilot-Siliailapoinuct•Yritecttes; Jewetiy,' &c• rAIWAN7I4EY,!t READ. •-• ~, ePasnitinaik:lntinanstr:: ,, .4 , 1110.11;51 , ,P . :' %.---:::; ,' ... "of4rkistr-Wars of For m veriloklm7ilbuiteSsed by.' tifo - Adte : Osres of Cuppdo Soho Smitt e rriddimt .4 I NI, reht, aid •AdiurFal',Of tii;ir, Eiteliod: .- .*‘: .Toutli.r ';'- The 14.11VOlier.'" Unknown •TaiiiiMm4- 4 The Lon 'of 'Apincoix.:.• ;About Babies": ILiforAustmg : Alle . e giverinibertv3 of Noith Atom. ies,-+.'Prop*, , otionpf. F W. . Cope Cod-- . '1 The Iteiet: Misr riienastif). 'LitiOk Ili , tioiCaiin. try%- -, ,Vflountry firsi•Plime, - ;- - -Ltsli , l64 - 1 1 'enitest; Sen. ; -timmiti Spring:Vegetable* inAho-ilOro4 A Ahrdmi oo t..! P*Perclirorsa Weather...A ,Feid* siKL:ir- 01 1 4 °n:4 4 4 94.0 * 'ost,Woiod... Law., etc:- ' , zoo JO= . 1 'Suckling. - ' . ifiliied - .)" 'the Aimi - es 41'EnroPS. it._ . • (itti:4ltieritisti'Llieritture - and , Roprinternell orksi.M4oritii,liiecellatte- , i . cwt.: p 41.011,. ~,Lttemturo ~..y.9g1it04,..F.r00ce,,, , Ger-i f n i a „ - K megary;lmfi. ,Ilusie„ Tea PAirmatiou.s , ! „Isoli'Aditrtrsemf.n! ,, S -,.:' BE tirWitifs ypi t i ew r i 4 • j sOlsenlam e - ariiogiments, to A ut . - nighktti persons ,who toe b e - L *ant of them, the ebesiceitiutleidifteilhable: thi'Saiii ,corket for I , whiaAeritik be , : at' the.plOoketuive's... l .. ifipilnitOipetieneeciffii‘..betieftt4sA c k iiit t l it tide : d u , ring the. LlOlepoilotroilop ourWirel f le we ciuld pet; ieckatomend laving ratutiWSOO,_jes out papers, the iihieh - trould befit irroe inaporturieecollhomi,tot tot . rice*itholit 00. r.rjles ret4Ce. Pouk.W.toa s "% - iold-,Yeteeitat i htilii to attY.oee , olettotg; - , to purahuse.,:". thieopf. iu' sixes U.,' and . furnish Ahiehu - on:uhort coo- ace, vithe:the - foltroat itrionfencisit' iniit the per. chase. AIENtiMr: & READ, • Montrose? December 1854. f .• -New - goods.. T Mos** aro*. 02 now receiving their map.o a ply of Spring - and Skimmer. Goods, and being .convinced ofthe , advantage.of haYing ready pay, arG determined to sell goods at so lOwil rate' 'as to can • since their customers and the public generally that • it will , be to their.advantag,e - 114 4 h/red as ours: Our ...stnek.',eontiWan.; bf 'Broadelodni,,Caminunresl, Kentucky Jeans, Summer. audis;:-Delaines, Lawns; .Calieties,,Ginghams, , Prints, Bonnets, Ribbons, Para, sots, Sliassis' atill • Black Silks } -together with 14 StOti of other: Staple add Fancy Dry. Goods, Groceriei, Crockery, ' Bardware, - Boots and . Shoed, , -Bats, Ai. Also, 1 1 '1; 00 4 'easter:dent Shoemitkits',Fandings • Call and examine our otock, and judge for 'yourselves as to the truth of oar-statement., Our mottols, quiek - sales and allot!! profiti. :Most kinds of :country pro : I duce taken ioexchange for goods..' ' O - RO5 t, . - J M & 1- New; Milford; MaYr SS -150856:1, 'PA ICIIIT 111)EDIClINI0 1 5. •; , . . ALMONlfthe'great variety ofMedicines at turrcll'A ...A. &Ore, may be found all of •Dr. Jayee's justly. celebrated Fdmily Mediei..es : :'Ayre's Cherry peeto; rat. and Cathartic Pillt.;. Ilalsey's Forest' -Wine and Forest Pills; Itoofiarad's-celebrateti German Bitteis:,..! Louden's series :'of Family Medicines; : "Merchant's . Gargling Oil; the greatest remedi for sprains in ttis l y or beast ever known; Mathirson's Infallible Mae. dv and Horse -Memedy; ()rick's - Vermifuge, and A . • variety ,of 'other kinds; . r.ritsk's Magnetic - Ointment, - the great remedy for burns; rheuritatism,:and all in l'ilammatory complaints; -Pond's'Extract,.a first Me .1 , thing for similar purposes as 'above Ointment; - At, (trews'. Pain Destrciying Agentot gook Article ; WOod , i cock's Balsani and Bone Liniment;., Atwood'4l .Ulia• • diet; Bitters, Canker Drops, Linirrient, and DYsenterr f Drops ; ,13aker'sCorupoupd for Dysentery; Moue; 1 tort's Pepsin; for Dyspepsia; f, flelmbolo Extract . of I Salves, u c v lz I land lebe E n xt i r t n n t ai o l f e , t B,: r t li tar: a l i ta . : jut , 14::: an sfari . ety c : i f endless, vat icty. of . Patent , Medicines, eitngether I too numerous. to enumerate—but suffice it to"say, that the public will'find neatly ever.* thing frt this line,i; I the Drug, and FancylSoire or. ABEL TURRELL. -Montrose, '3uly., 1855. - . ; • -. . . Calilortila,% Or any place, oti the 9.14 e - cannot pro:r : ..greater-intinetni Cuts Mari! . - KEELER S STODPARD'S BOOT, AND .ssios: bTORE. W n n i g i rtm ig e n iroPa " rt e tl w e! t i h n t a b l ei e r w lM an erei e n r 4 a general variety of new and elegant.styles' and. gentlemen's wear, among wbick,4re- 1 Er,nch, Silk. Lagting andPrenille Gaitera,;Di Enameled Polkas, Ri4l,.Patent Leatber and Bu' tinny Mils.' Ruskin's - and Tics Gentleilieerfr 'and Philadelphia, oak tanned.caliskirrand kip Morocco, Calfzititl V , owbide Brngans Vie. Bop' calf and cowhide -ffoots and Brogans; alllti Ilisses and Cbildren's wear. Also; a. general:- filent of findings which consist".in part of laSt•r sparables; llntgarian nails, tacks. - thread, n , tles,shoe - binding, awls; rasps, 'Sandstones, sloe in.' Also of k and - bemlock, tanned calf appa. sPleleather, Morr:cco skins and - linings. • Work made to order 'and r'epahing neatly 331 n IzEtLER - ez sivitua Ifontrcrse' , April 6, ISB4 • '` ' . . .. 4 ' Valuable Lauslstirsilr Sale , r!,Olt SALE IN . ONE BODY; Omit 5500 :al [, -4 'Liiid on the iretteis of :Spring - Brook,! a elf the I.ttchawanna.riva, - in Ln%erne County; L i 4boutonidWay between •the thriving towns or: . Oa' and Plasm.. 'These lands tire covered liable thither, and-beingsitaate in, the most e inineial Tinian '-in 'PentisylVania;—lmmiii fto lron.oic—rand believed to abound 'in Opal; sDij idsis in. - the: _immediate . vicinity of several ii inade and now in progress—Oer to the Ca l l , i oppo . rtunity'for the investment of,money.din , 'occurs. , For further information apply to .N.I L I lsack, f.sq.',.No - . lt, Wall Street New Toile, ce: subscriber, at Montrost,Suiqueluinita conntlA ' attiiriterinctuci of the owners.':;: ,:. :::' ,' . 1 April 6, 1854. 1- - " - - 11ENITY DIIINT ~ -•- ' ESTRATEII):: . • Estrayedfrom the. premises "of the subsera 4 , l or: near the first of,:Jutifive, yearlings.; 1 :„ J "' Steers, o , d!tricer 11 ; _jfie - ; other. • Three 0 1 Inostlf,ro;fditiiwThe-whlie-on each,"theCollel having more thati4e . other." Any, ret o oblige the sub Scriber af theta np; audziending him word, by letter arse •ind.he..will.p4 them for. thejr trouble. ;%Ttielison; Juky s ;l4 13355 WILI I AdminilitraticinNoti ee• ottc . E_ is berebtgiren that letters efshill, ;1,1 tjott upon the s etuatte - of Vesaltss Wrial SpritigviDe "township, dee'd, hare been grsrit il per Ons. Indebted teat will. please *co., intritetlinte-psyment, aid 1:4414111.uk 4.nt the.. same'dulv ;0160 litirturtePt: i ; , .fune 6, 184'5. =Adorsinistrato*lii Notife. VOTICE- Is, hereby given that letters, ell tration' de ;born: :now rum redont,Mt ° .iap4in the estate, of Wise Wright. decess4 l,s '.; .granted to the subseriliei' and Call persesic...l to said estate ate r'equesteti to make inlire'n merit, and-those having elaiviin to preott thet „attested for settletnent:r .E. F. BAILYP I Ilrooklyn, Mar 1855: ; May • ' !NEW GOOD• QPLENDID Prints and I t adies'Broadri otb, 1 , 47 Auk Azo., junkopened and for sate by JLYONS i , _ :Timothy Se . tauley Tursels oelebnitedlintorbYP" 4 gw,_id;pure, For sale +1 ,pABEL liiiiatiostff; March lot, itisk OnNei.EB.—Shived fitness wanted tti [o.clober 24.1 LY0.145 I