—The Burlington .F3ve -Press 848 the Know Nothing Council of Vermont adjourficd without nominating a State ticket. 'The con trary had been asserted. —The news from the Mormon country is thst the third crop of grain has been destroy ed, and the prospects _of famine are lima meet. • Alb le . :The Tribune has a telegraphic v destelt from Washington, stating that the- policy. of t h . e government respecting the acquisition Cuba remains unchanged,,althou h i well known to the administration is now =hostile to.. the.cessio —A Ititle . girl fell.inteNtave burg, a day or•two since.- A man, who was standing by , was implored, by the. mother to rescue her child, but refused on the plea that it•a'ould :Spoil his clothes. The girl was sir. ed through the heroism of's little barefooted ' school - boy.-- Troy Timm • —A letter was presented to It& Co u rt , Aug. 24, - by ,the physieianot Passmore:Will. iamson, Di. Wilson) asking that Mr:' istusbA-vbee/d - be transferred, to the Debtor's Ap.srtment. .fudge quOstione4'll.-..5:,•1 MandialllKynko3p as to the matter.. The Marshal•stated, that when abOut to• convey 31 1 , Williamson to prison, he proposed_ that he go to his owu house before-premed.. ing to prison, as he (the Marshal) wati ling..to show Mr. WilliamSini all the eourte- , r and attention which was in his poorer,, but courtesies were rejected -by- him. • The Court refe,rred the matter to the Mar. A s ], with directions to provide such ii place o f confinement as to might think the . health o f t he.prisonot required. gialrlmportant from Mexico-Abdication 7 - v , 7 - Of Santa Anna ORLEANS, Aug. 25, 1855. The steamer Orizaba has • arrived here with dates front Win Criii to.the-22d inst. Santa Anna left the City or Mexico on the .Dtkinst. with an escort of '2,500 men and • signed his abdiattion at Percite. He 'em barked on the 17th at Vera - Cruz for Ha vana. • Two days after he left Mexico 700 or 800 of his escort revolted,- killing one or two cif their officers. They. then joined the insur •cents. The Alvarez platform has been_ adopted. General Carrie is Provisional Pr esident of" ' , Mexico, and La Vega Cothmaniler,in-Chief of the army; All the State prisoners= had liberated: - A mob had gutted a large number of hous es, inchfding 'that of San to Anna's mother-i n - - ' The appointment Of Senor Vidal as Minis ter to the. United States (who mimes i.i.iteer in the Orizaba) is- rvoked. • A fiett occurred at Vera. Cruz between two'revolted battalions and a regiment that continued faithful to Santa Anna. The for mer were beaten and left Cm the."monintains: Fifteen or twenty were kille before order' was rc!,..toreti. - sr.comp DESPATCH • • Further adriees from Mexico tttform US: that Santa Anna left ,the capital on the prey tense of firOcceding in person to quell _Atte revelation in Vera Cruz., - -- (in the 13th In t., the - Citizens of Mexico s&pted the . Osn_Of Ayinitama. _ During the excitement following • gat) ta n n a's deseri the of the, Universe! a ows:eipor, up ivard.et forty other buildings, were deneil ishet The military interfered, killingiri,rty rersims and Wounding many more: • Delegates met in the. City ' of- Mexico oe 10th, in conformity" with a reqn est of the wincild Government, and chose Carrera , sident for silk' months. They also or led the fr44om of the prees. The stat= of Santa Anna was trampled 'upon -by populace. The Presidential Sneeessicm- It. Is Irn error that 11i.. Atchison is vet a Jer;of the United States Senate.. • His etipiret! last•Mareh, \ and Mr.' Jesse D. ight, who filled the"-ehair of the Senate for .te time previeras to ,the adjournment, is tw the presiding officer of that body. Mr. ight would become the Acting President the event of the ',death of Gen- Pierce.— provisions of the law upon. the subject of cession are these : : The Constitution (Art.- See. 1) mys that " in case of the removal the President froni office, or of his death, i'gnation, or inability to discharge the pow - - and duties of said _office, .the Stime shall - tlve on the ViceTresident ; and the Con may by law provide for the itase . of death, resignation, or inability, both the President and Vice:President, - declar-. what officer shall then act as President,. 'such officer shall - act accordingly,' until disability be removed, or a' President Ibe elected.' This is all that the Con=. don says on. tha subject.. But in. March, ' Congress passed a law, pursuant to the ' authority conferred-in the Constitution. 'hid: it is provided that in case • of refrto, death or inability of both President and ...-President, the President of the Senate impure shall act as President of the - U. ad incase there be no President of the then the Speaker of the 'House of .natives will act as President: But . section provides for a special' elec. )y the people, enacting that whenever Of both President and Vice-Pre,t• become-vacant, the Secretary ,of State notify the Governors of the States, and itsti in at least one /aesispaper in .each that Electors must be, chosen within dirty-four dayi preceding the first Wed i of the Corning December. This' of • - notice must be given at • least two 1.5 before the said Wednesday but_ in the time is less than two. Months, the election would go over until the next attbe same time, unless a regtilar elec 4tould intervene.—N. F. Tribune. - •- Baby-Show and Female Fquestriaa-: .wows, - PA.. Friday, Aug. 25,.1855. great iLthy-Show cave off at the ex isVkisure yesterday. The attend vas exceedingly- large and ,there is sup -1 tuba been 25,000 people present.— brAie s were entered, to contend for Thu first premium $5OO was l kd t;1 - 10en \ Eckhart of Easton; Pa., Years and six Months. old, and- weighs :t eight pounds. Two Other premiums awarded to babies--nion es 'unknown. 'ay twelve ladies entered on t.he race: as competitor s .for prizes, among were three - profeSsional riders front .adelphia and Boston,. who figured con- Daly.. The first premium .was awarded Mary Ann Roberts of asylestown; second premium to. Mrs. Aaron l nf Nor, ro, Pa,; and the third to Miss Jenkins :itgomery-square. • re were .about 30,000 people in sitem.l7 to witness the ladies' horsemanship,— of th e most magnificent riding ever I.,was displayed here . to-day, ..Bets irOly made on the different ladies' s Howard met with m accident on thr kat by her. horse running against ode Ilarshal's horses, which threw her over tic's head, but it did not injure her, `it the Fair is very brilliantly Wu- Three bands of music are in at-, At 10 sicibek a splendid display " . . - -.lks took place. I: • 1 , _... . • It pinbllctilli stsiCkeieficilas. . . . $ 1 1.•-•-* i 'of tie Re- At, a nieetlng 0'44. ty ttee „ ~ übrkiv . Party of ~ , na County the fidlowbig rso _ were app tinted to aupeeintend the, election of 1110 tea to the /topublltnut Convention to bobeld at thl, ' HomilWifon*te.„ oziyoaday thelith ' of d a da ttest,ne o'clock r. st.: 4 e ' . ' .dPoiceets7.-MO7 MsanseN:Letiis W. /liken 'John Kimble. __,_ .. i , . s,. 4, kNo s Ard_,rat--.W. W. Stesaltetr,"ifigbaikirlllialna7Mll - Hloxham. .ss ; : S. * _ i AsOut . w - r - Johnlsstirksbuty,, B. S. Di Joseph, Spencer. ;, 1. : •It i b ir l o eiva : ir4 lN W 4 * It• a .", 1 9 10 arrio .,- .., 1%; • Is, ► . • W. 34 1%\5„ lity4/el44.`STe kiburt. Daniel T r ati ' 211,, Gicu l lus Cli - ionl4. N. Miller, ,Tiornas D.) Rees, Edward Ora. , 1 ; • .. ; •• ' . .1 Cke+lawf,--, Roane! t. Cluvialti'Lenis ChinthedhYl Jr., Charles Neal. _t- , - , • I" ] Dimeek--filamuel titterer, „Abel Comedy Mbar' ii 1 H. Any. • I • i ; • Dunde4-I; ; Wfillat a • 11. Slocum, Dr! Ira Goodrich, Gen. IF, Oney. ' c . Jivnit/int-James L eighton , D..L.' North, James B. Smith. , -.. , , 1 • . Plieildsvi//e-;-.T. Roston!, D. D. BrOwn, J. C. Hen drick. ; I 1 ' , -; - • /Port* Lake-41 S. Towne, John Brown, James E. Patch: 1 ;-. 's .! * , . (irk Bend-7•Shiseon Et Chase, Dr. James Grriffin, Nelson Baker ; ' l l i * _ Viision:-..Seah Abel, I. L. Gillet, James C. Powers. • Herford-talaties Tlngiey,.Dr. A. M. Tiffany, Lo rin Gates. i s , Rermoky-1- - Seth I A. L yons , Jacob Taylor, Benja min Conifor:l4 . ; Jackson--0. Lush, J. W. Cargill, Philander Hail jesswp---4)rydon Caswell,Renjamin Shay, Simeon A. Bollea. I . , Lathrop-.:OrsonCase, Roger S. Searle , Philander Bronson. I .Leni4-• C.; W. Conrad, Luke Reed, H. N. Smith. Li6ero-B. W. Bailey. Hiram T. Law, Asa Flab. 1 . New Milfard.---G. B. R. Wade,Tract- :11a •-. Ha yden , yid Suminer . 3l Ifitkiletowit-Johp Barnum, Jahn, , Bradshaw s D. T,,.. ilindkick;; , ' • , 1 Morttiore-4Cbuza Hollister, Jiss'eph Cockayne,l A. J.Breter. i ' 041 ' d.-4G...T.Fiazier, Edmund B. Brush, Eltjah West Edi; 1 . -' • • ' Rush,--Mablon Griffis, P. Hinds, J. W. G:anglir. Spriniyeini--'..k. P. Stevens, William White, ILI!. Phillipti.g, • SittsenLakt-Daniel•D. Gage, E. W. Rose, Jabez Smith. , - • s Suscsurhen . a=-Henry Day, J. B. Scoville W. W. I Skinner.,' 1 ' , • 1 ;• Thom4on--L. 0. Blandin; William Jenkins, .A.1T..'; 1 Galloway:: 1 . ' 1 :• , Ifertqk—lfa Nichols, GeOrge T. Lyons, C. C. Ellis...f, 1 : . i 1 ' • It it propesed to bold the election; for choosing Delegatdc, at the usual place of holding General Elec tions, oniSituiday the 15th of September next, be tween the hours of 3 and 6P. fi t. • 1 Tout Comnlittee, after mature dell'beration, would sttggessOthe propriety of voting directly for the sev eral caildidateA, at the primary elections. • Cat-didees or the - several offices are requested to send in their !lames to.the Chairman - of the County Committt.:..t they may be annonnced in the pa pers pre 'pus to the Delegate Elections. All of e inilepeudent voter of Susquehanna coun ty, whe acre that in:Consequence of the subserv iency of • the aid political parties to the interests of }..., 1, -. Slavery, ere is\ an urgent necessity for forming and sustaining =a new party, the fi rst and grand object of 1 which *hall be to resist the eitension of Slavery be- 1 yond die ilimitl of the Shire St4tea, 'are invited to at- ; tend arid take pert in the Delegate elections. I CLIARLEfi F.. READ, Ch'n. Co. Corn, amp 31eetittg- Noti6.e ~ Litrehes ,composing the State Road, Fairdale liiirti,l'Apalacbian, Candor, anion, Tioga and irruits; Syracuse Confoitice., are making a 7••• its ;to Rold. (.lamp Meeting,. to commence r I iith find continue till the following Mon a • eartip is. to, be loCated ten miles from the eipMty seat-of SOquelianna co., N.., on Road West_ It is expected that the pledge • thren 4lom . the Rochester conference, that rto been with its, will be rittle'enitsl,• so that he no hack or 'help. It is also that Bros. Lee aral.Matliek, with .many r brethren of the SpOrmad Conference, and llawley of the Illinois. Conference ; will be The South A Athens ci rangerneul Septemb, l day. Th Montrose,- the State 1 of our br4 huve lain there will expected more of o Bro. C. F present. 1., . Now, br i ethre ' ir these arrangements arc being made in the na eof tbe„Lord, for the sole purpose of ad vancing a ere Gospel, wet° bring the unconverted . `to embra Bible christianitv. In; View of surround clp ing eircrunstartees, not a iroi.d need he said to you to urge the importapee of making , a united and mighty effort in G)CrA naive, and in behalf of crushed and polluted humanity. It renmins for all concerned to say whether this shall !be done, and: our Father in heaven glerified. The undersigned are pastors on the charges named in Orli notice. i . :8r0. , D. IL Ilicitok is chalrman of ',I 'very efficient committee of anatigentents, and any; communication in relation to tents or entertainment will be promptly attendedhi him if coming in 'seascin. Preache , ltheir wires, and teams Will be provided \for free of For tufo informatihn in relation to the meetin , Bro. M.4 - rird: canalsci be enquired of. tet harge. D. H. HiPkOk, ifontro.se, Susquehanna co., Pi. ' ' Edgar 111 High, State Road circuit' E. B. Meinti, Fairffide " /. Timothy Po'Orts, South Auburn Circuit - M. B. Porter, Apalachiau IL. Loun.ibury, catidor l. * 4 .. M. Frinki Tioga kAthens P. O. Adess Tiaga Centre, Tioga Co., N. T. • t:4 . ItiontFose Fibre .Company, No. 2. Will hold fis regular! meeting on Monday evening,. September d,-at ftiLh'clock P. K. '.All the members are desiredto attend:F. B. CHANDLER, Sec'y. I G ' °lice. Rev. W.1 . 1f.. DeLohg will preach in the Universal ist March l an Montle, the Stst-Stinday. in Septem ber, (next Sabbathjiinorning and aftvrnoon:i I ipocipty • Meeting. • - The atm:4k meetint of the first Univers*ll4 Socie ty of Montrnse and Bridgewater will be held In the Univensalist Chnrch on Monday the 8d of September next, at 10 io'cloCk a:€ at. • By orderriof the Trintees. • • 11 , -- .ougb and iteady_Take Notice. The members of the Rcugh and Ready Fire coin pany No. iiare hereby notified to meet at, the En gine house tie= Sittirdar-at 6} o'clock, P,31., at which time candidates forOEU - ceis of the Com pany will be nominated, ME SEVI ' tANXICAI. EV:YriON for-Forenian and oth er officers of the Coulpany, will be hel&On Monday, September 3d, at 14 o'clock P. st. Aug. 27,- 1855. • fiD. Sarn.r., SeF'y. , • Tvactae34 9 Association, r • . A. meeting of the Teachers' Association will be neld in New Hillard on Friday. the 14th day of SeputOtber, at one o'cloci P. M. The! time and place of helding a County Institute w 271 then be considered. A full attendance Os earnestly desired. .--- —t r i ( 1 IlikaplED. . !. . On the .2,5 th inst.,l by. Rev. DeWitt C. Ry . lief‘hy, Mr. JEROYS B. Lrox€o 4 suid * Miss Aix ELis.t, daighter of the Ron, D. D. Warner: .; ' . • J f DIBD , In Brookl Augurs ltth, lizt.cox Trirrsxr, aged 43. Thus er enly abd Mexpectedly, after a brief illness, a good man has Wien, and one of our most 'active and et terprising citizen/1, possessing the MA. dence and esteem of all *ho knevr him , has been called away . i j a the prime of ,rmsdiooct and usefulness. The bereaved companica;mourosi the departure of the faithful partner of her life—the sharer cf her joys and sorrows, and Abel:kid and affectionate fath er of her children. And the Universalist Society of which he wee a member, deplore the lona of one of their most worthy mantul, and liberal kupporterri.— Quiet and mirntotnislve stribis manne.rsi he made no -loud professions of religior2 or arrogmit pretensions to piety, yet few in ail the o h, Of life. exhibited, mare practirially the chriatien virtares.l His philan throphy was expansive. He was tittlyg, the friend of God and man. He had a heart of Xynipathy and a hand of, relief for the wants.and the-otrar of oniv.enol humanity. , • The unus y large - congregation Of all denomina lions whoxitended on the funeral aerlycks, evinced in what high estiniation the deceaserit was-heki. . I May the nemerfrus mourning frier* 'find relatives 4are richly and be comforted by the elf ,the gospel .I,' The memory of the ;NS is blessed." "Let fn die the rieath-of the rizhteone CCM. SF~A IiLIE I I9 COACH ES EAVE Xontense for D. L. k W. RI R. et di A. X,for Express Freight Train $o Sgeento n . At 11 o'clock 4.111. for Mail Train to Or*, Dent• At 3 F. X for Express Freight to Great - 14nd, and Xaß Beinntort. tLeave Depot for Montrose on arriltall *above trains at, Station:l Foiseate apply at Searles Motel, Millircee, Pa: • .... Angnet 29.1 II MCI TNEI3SHIP. Ttzundersdgned have this day associated Under tile firm of Dickennan and Garnett, fivthe pur pose of transacting the inertaiatikkbusiness arthe old Stand iofJ. Dickermanjr. ..IDICKERMAN , • Newts If GAANETT.., fr. lrford,,Tuty 28, 1855-1 MEM - - NOTICE ENT .I%ts c an found at the-old filnd' and .4 trot " : n ail w ill ite the neeeesity jof dettliig pith - out ;lather notice:lt • i; c eir4sAFAZioegytitbi # • sovivelipt remed y for ra Cholera Want:tun- or Summer complainte—enthely vegetable, and'has never &lied in a Angle Instance of produriing the depired erect. For sale In bottles at ir•O cents and EI. BENTLEY & READ. MiStitme, 4guert, 22;1855. - Exece4ors' Notice. • - ,All persons indebted to the . oistate of EN. J. B. Worden, late of the township ofi Jackson, deceased. are herpby'botified to make immedisteoayment, and those having claims against said estate will present them duly authenticated for settlement. 444 all perions having booki, in their possession belonging to the late Eld. Worden are requested to return 113e,same to his late residence in Jackson. - •• . EVANDER TUCKER,. } ; . • REUBEN HARRLS, • mars Jackson, Augtist 20, 1855. ': • • • . . I NEW GOODS AGAIN, A • . • . t I Ae "'.Exchange," Tsubscriber takes this oppartunity of thanking his friends for their very liberal patronage the 1 past season, and of saying to than' in addition, that, having ,just reelved fresh' invOies .of seasonable Goods df various descriptions, he is still prepared to supply almost any; article usually called for at A coun try star*. His assortment is now complete,-and be ing the,largest An town, offers the greatest or went to purchasers, either : for Cash, Barter, or Good (short) Vredit. ;:Call and see. • 0. G. HEMPSTEAD. Brooklym, Augnst 20; . 4 Itledilneti *laid Drggig. YR' 4 ?.....5' Cherry Pee toral--s6knowledged to be I the best pahnonary. Remedy extant—Pand's Extract! of Witch hazel --In, 'exceedingly valuable remedy for dfrens ills—Dr. Baker's Compound—tt grand specific ftir 'Diarrhea, Dvseatery, Cholera Mor bits, itc. l —Ayresl, Jayne's, Kinn r ey's and Wright's Pills, MerChant'S Gargling Oil, together with a great variety of Drugs in common use,ikept constantly on hand by: • OG. HEMPSTEAD. • • t Please Take illetle.e, That if is very deanable that the accounts and notes of the late firm of Smith & Hempstead should be set tled, and that speedily. 0. G: HEMPSTEAD. Brool4n . ,'Auft. 20, 1855. . • `"ALT by the barrel or load, at the market rates,, 'KJ by . : 0. GI HEMPSTEAD. •PHE highest market price paid for Butter, Eggs, JL Land, Firm fPeoduce of all kinds, good Shingles, prime Wool Socks, ;dc., iu G00t1.4( by G. HEMPSTEAD. ': ll,4l *lllCliG—The subscriber has :on hand, V and no* •manufacturing; 1 a small stock •of Ready-rui-de Clothing, of good quality and workman ship, which he ofrers: at very low pi keg. • - • • .0. G IHE PS.TEAD. as,.:ortm e nt 4..1 of - excellent titiatiqes, kept cOnsomily on band by ' 0. G." HEMPSTEAD. . *to oks, Books,. Hooks: AT' THE MONTROSE BOOK STORE. rPHE A4bscribt*.would inform his friends and the .1. public generidly that he htt oft hand the largest and be. ° lected assortment of BoOcs and Stationery : r to y where in Susquehanna county, which .he or ray pay at priet.s that e.lnitot fail to sui • ' • Atuon'the mist•tillaneous Books Inlay be found the Lift of Washington; Jackson, Tayltir, Isaac T. Hop per, lioraise Greeley, P, T. Barnum; and others; Star Papers, (Beecher.) Humanity is the Cite, (Chapin,) , Bell Smith Abroad,. M v Courtship arid its Consequenc- • es, (WyloMl,) Ruth • Hall,- (F.ttty Fern,) aI&o Fern Leaves OA - and Isecond se:ie3 American Agitators_ and Rt.:folpues, TliOugh& and Things at Horn.- and Abroad, Getting AlOng, The Old Int), Hood's Works, Stanhope 1 11inleigli,,The News Boy; 1.. Dow's COM pick' WoOzs, The'Slave of the Lamp, The Escaped Nun, Lewie • or tiie Bended Twig..; ;Memoirs of the Countess 131.issingititt, vols. Goldunith's Animated Nature, The Chendstry Commcin Life, Clarke's CoutmentUiry, Nei, Testame - nr, Barnes' Notes; on same, IludieS,lZeliious Anecdotes, Testaments, Bi tdvs, frostocket Site to - large ( 41114. hymn, Prayer, Gift, Toy, ...terap, Note, Receipt; and Blank Blooks of all sizes, ke. kc, • 1 St - hoof/looks—ill kinds used in the county or fur , nishell on Prort notice. . I • • Law Boi,ks—A god variety constantly on hand or furnished to order.V. Stalioniry. A pod lot first rate la thing paper at 1 shilling trer quint—Gold and Steel Pens—Writing Ink, the bsst in.nse; besides lots of other articles too numerous to mentinn, Please call and examine, be fore purch4sing el.4where,.at the Mcintrose Post Of fice. • A, N. DULLARD -Montrose, August 15, ;855. THE DUNDAFF ACADEMY. • 'HE NETT• TERM of this Instittition commences the first Monday of September 13d) and contin ues 22 weeks: And taz classes will then be arrang ed, and the studies assigned, students are particular ly requested 'to be present - ; and they will thereby avoid much labor on the pa.-t of the leachers and em barrassment to thenucelves. Board, under the ,present hard times, is /t 2 per week ; and; ti-i)1 be proportionally leas if they cease, which we have every reason to belicre from the ap proaching harvest. 3w • 5 NEW GOODS. FB. Clik.NDLEte Is now ?Tidying a large addi. • lion k4:l his state of Qoo4*, which will he sold cheaper th an ever. 'please call and examine. August 15 , 1855. Tr;eop riptht iGtart Erckm. Don't?. be forgetful, friends, one l and all— Agedor youthful, great or stnall—' E (If not too lunap Thst itt Odd Fellon - s' Hall Is thA place to call, - To :get your faces done up bit/. Montrose) August 15, 1855 - • lEzetqatorls Notice. . ALL- 'persons indebted -to" the estate of Thomas W heaterofti . late of Forest Lake township, deceased, are hereby notified to make innneiliAte payMent, and those havin4 elaimswpinst mid exult& will present them duly anthenticated for settlemeut. ior.-11ZY •IV/LEA TCROirr, E • LIAM • BOOTH, lig. For-est Lake, July 31, 1855. • CLERK WANTED. • • ,t N &oh+, and intelligent young min of about 17 1.1. ytuirs of age; wanted as clerk in a store. One wishing to atxplire the business and di4posed to make himself useful,' r.ill find good couragement by ap. plication shartly to LBLTRRITT. New Hilfvrd , July." 22. 15.5. A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OP STAPLE A - 1 and Fancy Dry. Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Bits, CePs,.l3oots and Shoes, Wall Paper, Drugs, Dye Stuffs, and kc., which will be sold u cheap as the cheapest for cash or approved credit by • Hayford, June Ist, 180. • S. H. JONES. of excellent .quanty 1. at ' ,H. 11. JONES'. DROGUE 'and Cashmere shawls at an prices, also .ILP a few t4ntalas by H.IX. JONES. READY aide dothbg ic - Pir:y.,ovEs. jY• • C AEII paid for Wool by H. M. JONES. Iforford. June IK 1855.1 )Aliti pail for Dairy Butter by JOS7ES. A gc.„. asionsoent ((Boots and Shoes at H. Y. JONES. IETS, gators and Coffees of,fine qualities . and at low prices by H. M. JONES. _ _ LAtTIEs will fi nd a great variety of Bonnets and itibbonsiet IL M..JONES. AWNS, challi;Borrege de Laines and Ginghams at N. M. JONES. MEIROLOIRING and Win4w•Draperies at Hirford, rune 1855. - 11, M. JONES. • C HEAP GOODS. 100 1 - fromrints 4 to 11 eents per yard. 1 13e i ng w ee*m Delains, Lawns, Gingbains, Ladies nice . 123 ' etb—Stuiwls,.Linen and Car. peting at the lowest notch, now selling by. July 11th . • • J. LYONS it BON. NiALCKEAL selling at al:cents Perk' by ;• • J. LYONS a SON. IVEW kit tiOrtieiniesjust opened by . J. LYONS & SON. SICKLES 1014 Y • 1111 E II lIM .ed at the i' • ' 4 i i EA R 31.JF0.11.. SALE. ' than two.i rilllE subseriber otters for sale, on the moat liberal i 5,09 1 _1 terms, • oite of the best firms for Making money, i 3,00 jin Northern ,PennsYlvenia. The said farm is situated , , ; _5,00 i in Dintock,Susquehanna connty,convehient to Church •.. _3,00' i Grist-mill, and ant-mill.. It contains 160 acres, one ,acres,6,oo ; hundred and l tweirty . five' under a.' good state Of 3,00 i cultivation kell watered and timed, one good 'frame , one half i house, 28 by . dc; fetit, two good barns, one hundred 1 5,04).:' feet or goOd shed,hog houpe, and a good young orch ..!, —3,00 I ard, all - grafted fruit thereon. Possession will be givett ty;certilii to suit the Phichas'er. For price applY to the pro • 1 i ,Prictor on the:prennses.. , . • W it. BAKER. • , • ' II LA CKSIIITIII MI. $$ , Dirnock JAY 18th 185.5. •• -29 w.f. For thelaitt, lot of Horse Shoes kir the d. -.81,04 i - - i I 4 --------- --! ---•- - -' Fur! the Kist fot the farm, ..... .:....... ... 1 . :WA ! • i• i NOTICE. r To the Bermes who will chew the greatest iresulq rIOCT. P. THAYER, takes t h i s method of saying froth his (irm, for the past year, in proportion' to the, i . 1.../ to his fiends Und customers; that be has again nurither et acres improved, _a cerficate . of merit , resutned the practiee of medicine,' at his old stand at • , an ,• . •..6,00 1 Montrose, Where he-may he found at all times unless , d best.i....do - d0.r.d0. ' '..3,00,..i professionally employed. Ile would say to those in prez,, i ,debted to hini, that he will deduct twenty-five per The Ex Co interns for ecuthle mmittee in Presenting the 4 855 ;• tire grat ifi e d i n ° T er i ng to c o m p et .; i cent on all accertSpaid 14fore thefirst of April next, *Odle. myself 1 will deduct fifty.) ' icons the nicestliberal list that has been laid lbeform (or if any them; and it isihoped the exhibition will tie more ex - Montrose Feb; 2p; 183.5:: . tensive than at any former period. There !never was!: --- -- -- Pr* --- , ..-t ---- 1. -- ------ I a time when the Agricultural: interest was solprom-i i)r., Pir l otlharies Morris, SI CCCESSOIi of 4arles Tillman, BARBER, hav ing remok-e'd his shop from its former location in inent in the cotinty, and , held out ! such. in eetnents.‘! It is trusted therefiare, that an institution Which has; i aided so esaentially to develop the resournes•nttheti the basernentrcif Sh e a r Hotel, to the room in the i ecienty willibe liberally supporte(l. l ,APPliosts fie' re.; same building . in the rear 4f_the bar-room, is prepar ' miurns on (raid and Potatoes are requested to gave! e d to exerc i se hi s .-L-1-. in the most scientific anner, , the mode of cultivation, and furiuth the Society with ,Z: on all who pleasethto entrust ;their beads or complete'proof; of the quantity raised. Applicants I . ; & c i s to his hand •.-. i . fee prominent on Milch Cows for Butter, wilistate thel •. i - i ' • 22y 1 greatest .quantity made in any one week dring the season:* . !• .) • • - I 1 • Persons Presinting Agricultural implementS, are requested no furnish a description of , the ;article. To enable the;Couuldttee to give 'an additional in terest to the exhibition, it is earnestly requested that those who take an interest in the success of the So ciety, and, irbo possess any thing that is ornamental or curious, ; will bend it for inspection. 1 1 " i . I Taostas Nrcnotsox, 1 i i ' • I Atrium Bscowts. I, ii 1 Tam Amino; 1 !! N• B. If any thing ban been overlooked In the an nouncement of nrendums, it will be rectified, nn ap plleation toany "ember of the committee. 1_ _ : 1 . - W. J 3. DEANS . . . , 1 'anti S. S. ISlorps.Temperance Sidoz ___.. ' Grote eT -; REPOVITM fritm the rear of Lyoos k dices Imildhig toltalwe street, opposite the Farmer's Store, where he hdends to keep on luusd'airciodatook of Groceriek.forls4e cheap for cash. Cash I paid for .4As.. ._ 1 I , S., FAR , 'Montroae i lJuly i 25, 185.5. • Wool, Wool! 077Thiwant at the 10,()Q, g . r.hlhi g re; rieewill be mid in Oa by:: ". June 124, A. LATHROP Ile o. Xassiser Stuffs. A large stol i Wool, Linen, and Cotton stuffs or 'sum- i mer wear. l enty of 4 and 6d-Prints. call 1 and see. F. R. CHANT R. hay;, Flour and Salt By the load,lterrel, seek, or polnd. by [August It. 1855.1 CRAM) ER r , , J. LYONS & 60:1 pazatrantrimir -. i , I OF THE3IISQUir.II/11iN A COR Tr 40190CL1 4 ISRAL i 1 • somrry.l - ' ~' , 3 Fair and Cattle Shoimi to be beadle' Illinntrase, Oct ijlth illB3. • . . !, v 1, • 4 • • N es „ - titan _,eiti793. - •, •• i Forlhe t Dusitun Bell, two yvit , s old a nd . up. wardo. „I , . st „ %. 41 .. •.: ... z . . ... $5.00 2d; best,. ••..... ... • , " ;s2'• .1.'.., . . ; .111,00 For the best Devon Bull, do , ... .. , .7• .......... lic,libe-5t,.... ..... e 1 j .... ', . . ... i s t op For the best Grade or Mired; . i .... I, . . ....;.. :,00 241; bolt:— ••• • • ' 1 '', ' 3 ,00 Kor beettlsr, es regardilforts ;sod appiii ime4s,oo • 2d;beet, - - t l• •1 . I 4,00 Per the lest tniikkeow air appears repel results,i 5,00 2d•best • 1 • 1..... a ft,oo FOr the best two years old Heifer:. . ; .. .. 1.... • ;•18,0 2dbest, ; • i • .'.1..... ;,00 • Bd ',best, ... .`..., ... ... 1 ..• .4. • • • ...... 42,00 For the bttat lot of store Calves, l ei*aria five,ls,oo 2d best, ; ; -' 13,00 3d best, ,• • .. 1. •• • •• • • • 4,06 Por t s best pair of Working Oien, ..... -I'. .. :.;15,00 2d I, • t . .1. .. j ... ; .... 4,00 1 341 'best, , t ! 1 VA For the bitst pair two year old Stecra~..l ......... sd Pest: - . ... :', .. ...... ... . 00 Yor the b6t lot of Yearlings, not loss .2, thee five, .3,00 2dbest,' .. ; .... ' ....., ......... .. ' ..; ..... '3,00 ...:i. ) ,00 To the towruship that wM.send to the F;irthetbest ten yoke ef:Woridng Oxett, ........ '. .-. !....10,00 2tl tieitt; ' —••• • •;•• • 1......5,00 SHEEP. .‘ I • For t h ee best fine wooled Duck,. ••.. y .• . • • .. .3,00 2 ( 1 ) asti ••: , .- : 1 2,00 For the best molith Down 'and Middle' Wooled 3,00 ,2d best;. 1 2,00 For the best long wooled Beck, '• [ hOO 2d- best'. ............ .: ..... . .. ~..'.....„4,00 For the best lot of fine wooled Eics, • 'not', Iftis than three,l .. 24 best, .. , ...1 ..... 3,00 - • , .6 . 00 For the beat lotof..gouth Down or middle wooled .st,oo , • 24 best, l' 1 , 1 (x) ~1 • " For the best lot of long wooled , . ; •„ 2d best, • ! ' 2,00 , I 110 GS. • 1 1 , For the best Boar, . 3 00 24 best, 2 00 i • , Best `?.,ow, ... ...... . ...... . 1 .. ~ .. 5,0. 2cl best' 1 - ... • 4 00 Best lot of:Pigs, 24 Oest,'... k, '.. ' 2,00 :. noesr.s. For bet Stallion 'for all work, • .' • • • • • .4,00 . 2d best,; ' ,I, . . ... '..... • ...; ... ... 3,00 Best brood /dare, with cede. by her 5ide, .. . . . . 8,00 . ...............'...L...... ....' 4 00 Best pair matched Horses; raised in the county, . 4,00 , 2d best, l, , . i . roccvt. . For the beit lot, of any bree ns d, not less , 24 -lest,; .... td hest,'...• lICTTER. For tlui beet firkin of Butter,... 2d best; " , Sd Pest, 4 • • • ' ' CHEESE. • 1 • For th*best Cheese, not len than 2.5%, 221 best, GARDEN VEGETABLES. Best 'Arley, e !aest., rant., . • For the best variety of Fall Apples, not Ii bushel, 2d - Best specimen of Grapes, 2d best, nosey. For the - best 2046 Honey, tram the MI6 straying the Bees, 2d best, ' t '' ' ; DOMDITIC MANICFACTCRIN. 1 ! i IFor the best, Flannel, not less than ten yard's,...,Val I 2d hest,.:.. I 1 41 - s - o 1 , - I i na best, . ' , I 00 For theibest Woolen Cloth, do.. ......1 1 . 3;00 24 haoot,,l . 4... . - I - ' 204) 3d best,. t.. • .•• • , ' I ,F IO . - Foe the best , Woolen*Carpeting, not K' than fifteen . , , yards,...l, ' -i f - • 2d best:: i.. • .!. .• !, ...',iiK! 'For the best' Rag Carpet , "d 0... '!, .'.....3,ig) 2d best,. i • ••• i• • • '; • • •-• 00 • For the lx•st ; Quilt of any descriptioo`... } ~.. ....ILIA ) ''d beSt,. i.. . * 1....i....2,60 For the.he4tl half dozer. Woolen Socks, .i . ' . I . ..2i - to 2,1 best,. 4 . ; • . 1 , .. - .1,i,5) For the !best Ornamental ' Needlework, "certificate 4., . i Merit. , 1 ' . , , .. . . For the best W orated work, certificate o r For the.best 'iarietc of Flowers, eertifical , T. ~. P , •' . LIRATTINI AND • ITS MANtrACTU9 For the b e st lot Sole leather, 110t.lot bf Efirnesg leather, s ! Ben lot of Cilf 5kin5,...... Best double Carriage harriess,... . I Best double Teatn. ...do. .... BeSt single Carriag....do Foe the hest Saddle and Bridle, ... 1 • - fi CADINF:T-WORK. Foe the hest 'exhibition of Cabinet Work, 2d .liesit.,.. ; . •FJHY IMPLEIM4TI4. For the best Flow, for general use,. id bet, g do For the best BarroW, . • best Cultivator for Corn;.... best Corn Stalk cutter :" (test Corn Sheller,. .. . . best Churn, . best O's Cart, ". best Morse rake, " best Bay rigging,. '" best Fturm Wagon,._ best lot of Butter, Firkin and Tut best Cheese Press,...:; , the pq*n who shall exhibit any it his•own invention, Which, the opinion ii'worthy of merit,.... PasmitiWa *ea 9aitst are to be air meeting of the society in'January. -For the best crop of Winter Wheat, noel sores,. . •i•i•p••• r 2d bean......• d 0.... For' the hest crop of Spring Wheat, do., 2d best' • . 1 For the beat crop of Corn,not less than thret i ld best do. Fokhe heit crop &Potatoes, not Ices th~ acre,.. . _ gd besti • ' • '4 O . For; the bust COoking Store; cast in the co • cute of merit. El ~.,.._ . , peuestotritalilt nialainingirspiLllitr Lily .-- 1. , i ..BINIVELMSTIOIL ... •••' •' -' • • i" i . - I AND : -' ' BUIIIIIPCS Maa's Legal Guide.. - ~ New futiii Sixth - Ed ition, thitigitrathe La i r . l down to 184.3. 1. - i , . • A ttvatise i on the ofticiantl . dutiett of Aklernien , and Justices 4 the Peam in'Alie Conmoonwesith of Penn -- sylvanite, luchnling all tberequired Forms-of Process ,and Doeket Entries:: andembodying not Only what. may bet Asetn'txl valuable to italics, of the.Peaft, -but to .I..atnloits,. Tenants, and General Agents; and mekingthis *lime what it purports to be, A Safe Legal Gwfdefor Brisivirisa Meta. *John Dino, late Aklermim:of Walnut Ward, in -the City of Philadel phia. Ti: Edition: -Revised, c or rected, and greatly ,enlargedby Frederick C. Beightly, , Esq Au. ttior of ,"A ,Treatise on'the Law of 'Costs,"_ "EquitY Jurispriaileneer "Nisi . Prius Reports," Edito: of "Purdoil e arDigest,wBm. . In; one. thick volume: Oc tavo. l'rice only 14,00 * - - '-_. . A 410 , • ectrupa nidte to Billies Justice.' - i ; . 2. ! 1 .GBAYDOIII3 PORI& ' - '• Form ia Of Oonveyancing, and Of,,ractiee in, the Courts Of Cotninon Plea; Quarter Session 4 Oyer and, Terrainr„the Supreme and OrphO's Mures, and the, offices o r the various Civil officers and Justices of the. Peace. f Fourtii 4dition, fevised, corrected, enlarged; and adairted to the present state Of -the laws i with copious! etplanatory .ZOtes and References, and "ti new full; arid Wrght', Eq. comprehensive O l c n t d e . e_ V o V . o ß u y m R e . . bP r iceonly $3,50 'Acso, , 3. Stioitd and Brightly's IPurdonhs Digest -1700 to .1833. A Digest of the LawS of Pennsylvania, from the year 1700 to the Bth day of May, 1855. The First Four Editions . by the late John Phrdy, Esq. The Fifth, SiXth;'and Seventh by the, -Hon. George •M. Stroud: lEighth Editionit evised, with Marginal Ref erences.' Foot Notes to the Judicial Decisions ; Au. alytical Coqtents ; a Digt4ted Syllabus of each Title; and a Nesi, Fit% and E x haustive :Index." By Fred. erick C. Ilttightly, Esq., author of "A . , Treatise on the Law of . Costs ." "Equit3; Jurisprudence," "Nisi Pri ns Repots;" Editor'of 4j:times JUstice," &c. " One thick Royal 8vo: -Price' Only $5,00. • rarThe: fre4 - iness and permanent yalue of Par don s Di cat are preservid by. the; publication annu ally of a Digest: of the Laws 'enacted in each year.---. These ailnial Digests are arranged in precise con formity to the 'plan of Purclon's Digest. They are, . , , each of q‘ol, republished annually; are - connected together' by a General Index, (prepared anew each year,)- which ethbraces the contents -of the Laws of each year since; the publiCation of Purdon's Digest, in one alphabet ; And are bciund up With. Purdon's Di gest, and also-s Old separately. • . . Thus the; purchaser 6f Ptirdon'a Digest will always be in possession of the cquiplete body-of the Statute ' Laws of POtnsylvania down to : the very hour when he purchAses it; Those Who have already purchased . Purdon's,Digest may always complete it to date for the small stint of 74 . t7.11 C'eutr, the price or the vol ume containing; all the aininal.Digests issued since I St - AND DRESS GOODS. the first-publication of tW present edition of puri.bn's . ItITAN ~LAS, Laces, Berages, 'Worked Collars, Digest, at heretofore stated. A P.i As, Lawns, fashionable Bonnets, Fans, (a NAY & BROTHER, chhice assortment in each department,) a splendid - 'Liw BooxsuLses AND Pentisirs:ris, lot ; of yno'ire'anti9ue Trimming, Staple Goods of large •17& 19 South lifth Street, . I variety, plothin g , (a large stock) Gents'land Boys' First "Store above Chestnut, Philadelphia.. • Mils, (silk and sum mer.) Cloths, very low, Calicoes ray - Orthirs or letters of inquiry for Law Books from 4 ce,nts to 1 d ulling, Carpets, Matting - , Oil-cloth, from the counter firsniptlY attended to. 28m3 and Rug 4. . liar • K!lives a pro ' Corees, ' Grimm.) Per - t rat•eua, ' of Fancy Far Rakes, • thati six, . • L ... • • ! '7\ 4.00 1,00 2.00 t l • • t - •-• I ' o ° ••4• • • 00, 1 .. .... 1;00 1111.911SERIOLD WORDS. ! r \• • USfr: OONTENTS 'iOf NO. XX!X. The Toad's' Tree—Mother and Step. Mother (Con ! eluded} - * Cidp,Brimstoii---Poultry Abroad--TheStory of a' King. A Leviathan Indeed—Mechanics in. Unifortn--P,OetrY on the Railway-- . -What the Land lord Belitiv44,The Wind?—Australian Carriers—The' Rocinm e' HitglishMan, Rusichuck; the Passage of the Danube --;Doctor 'Dobois+Cheap Patriotism,-Yesu vim; imErupitionl-nStrictly!Financiat—French Love— Strive, Wait, and Pray 7 ludia Pickle—Petition Er traordinarytLSpechnen or the Alchilnists, two eliap , ters---The I first Ileath—A.Very Little House—Quite Iterolutiointry,-By Rail to Parnassus. • Tenns.4-i'liree Dollars a year, or. Twenty-five Cts. a number. [Those remitting Three Dollars! will_re ceive •thel Magakine free: of 43lubs—Two copies, FivePolrars . ; copies,`Six Doha's . ; lire sopies,•Eigid Dollars and Sei•entv-fire•Cmits, Put nanfa- and llousdlold Words:Tire Dollars. , .1 • ,S; EDWARDS, 1 !- 10 . Park Place. New'York". fga .than half : . .. ; :400 without ue -4100 1-11(X) • • ILocilk lie re • OCKET NI.VBS. A. good assortment of the best .1 kinds it market. AL•lo Table Knives and Fork ~SPOONS. ;Silver, Silver Mated, Gerinatt Silver, Alba= to; and Brltailia-bare spooas. AlSo Silver, Silver Plated, and (lernian•Silveli Butter Knives. VIOLINSTBINGS, Bows, rind all the fixtures, Vi olins, Aecordeons, Flutes, .Tuning Yorks, hnitrnetion Books, FLUID '1...1.31P5, Xluid, Candles, Lamp Oil, &e. FAMILY tint/CERT ES. Afitltassortment, nett- and, good. I meriteri ,. t le (if merit. 1 82,0 —2,00 • .2;00 DRUGS dr ;PATENT MEDICINE A first rate as sortment, and genuine. PAINTS & DI LS. A generalassortMent, and of good quality. - _ • . JEWELRY. AI splendid variety of the neat pat terns. FANCY GOODS. Nearly every thing in this branch. PERFUMERY; A choice variety: ( New supplies received ne'arly eery week.] - In 'short, nearly Avery thing persons want, and cheap at the variet store of -. • A. TURRELL. Montrose; ,Tune; 1855. - 4 • ESTATAY. AME i-ntd theieuelosuic of the subscriber, in F0r k...11 eat Lake toWnship, about the I§th of June last, a pale red yk4irling heifer, with some white on. the bellY, and *int htdf the bush of the tail gone, appa rendy cut off.° The owner is requested to par charges and take awitli th&; same. • - SETH :WARNER. FOrest Latie, Jtily 18th, 1855. 1... 3,q0 2,00 r - 0;00 2,00 2,00 2,00 2,00 ~• 2,00 2,(i0 2,00 L 2,00 2,00 2,00 splehlent cif .f the Conk -3,00 -- t ' . Mali and lillnai. • iTINDOI% sall ild"vario`ussizes constantly on hand • 1 _i_ fi 1 . J. LYONS 00N. . -.,_ , : New Goods Cheap -fo'r Cash at, the Head of Navigation. • rrilE undersigned would respectfully announce that he ia still (selling' Goods at the old Oars, a:id that he bas . l an entire n e w stock of Goods which he Kill sell cheap, _L C . Vt. MOTT. BAREGE DMLA IRS for one shilling; Lawns, tot colors, a;vard ride, rot. one shMlng, and Vali roes it all prices, at C.• W. MOTT'S. Montrose, Wr 80, • 1855.. • • I 100111(CE.. A.N Ipplication - has beep made to the Court of Common Pleas Of Susquehanna county; to grant a Charter to the First Presbyterian Church of Dim. lock Comers; or which all :persons Interested will please take notice and:Rl:nem themsehies tumor/ling i y. ' WELLS;•Proty. 1 per PRANICLDIPRASFII, Depy. Prothonotarea office, Montrose. June 13, 1855—E4 Cash . :10 - r Land Warnuiph. MAJUK F T-PRICE paid by --- • nrcH. Montrose, Jane 0, 1000. - 2314 Ninrit.E. • • tuEpublic nee hereby eautioned against parches lug* note given by , the Midgcsigned tO Richard CUQord Ibr the annt of one Winked and twenty-bre A**. Nnte is' (fated 4nlyl4th; 18511. The '• Nom was Omitted - by deceit,' and vrill content the , % payment or the aitnie tn the last ir • - JO HN S. tITENLET. I • Choconnt; Julr 17,1.855. , ralya I • ' . E Great Atinicilloic•- -• • - - • Al' _ .. `OUAH- STOAIi.", TinffebigriWa' *Add airainWntoUnte:lolo CUS \ • I. e ra and the . publie generally that he g., te re .. veiled a large inceortment of BOOTS AND SlitllEg which i Intends selling' for Read , : Pay tritety per Cent, Caper than cambe bought in thiamin ket,(the (Jennie •Boet. dud Shoe Store down Toren or the Rare L ' ccibr.Raigainis, niterin, nit - eicpptpl}....: '!Ouch tomb" may be found the' first door Eastettite Odd F . ws' Ralf, Turripike street, first Boor. • Al ihough no t: guite so . opmmodloris as some Ntoahs,” yet it was our purpose veity well for the present.i lie* ten we promise our customers that our I .:e.e. tablisesti' wilt not be usurprusedn by any in 'the ' country soon, but we will promise owrcustomerillutt ll Boom and Shoes to suit in giudityend \ price. r stock embraces a general variety renew lad el t Styles of Ladies' and Gentlemen's wear, among bleb. are •Ladim' Silk Fox Gaiters, Colored ' Gaiter., Enameled Gaiters, Black and ßraved Kos- 1 girth B ti, Enameled Boots and Enameled Buskins, 1 Kid B ins, Polkas, Galflace Boots and Buskins, 1 lir i 1 Misses . Boots, Jenny,Lind 6dters,.- Gents con- 1 gress, tent Leether, Eimmeled and Buckskin Gait- i em, Pat it Leather. Oxford Tie..s; Toilet Slips, French' chif Elogis;-'Thick Boots,'Enstneled Calf and Cowhide Bro„ ! Boys' Patent Leather Montereys, Kin - Boots, &0., Yo Ors' Montereys and Kip Ties, Children ' ' Tay.. for Tie Paridoes Roan Boots, dc.: Silk Boot Laces, ell Min - . trl ~ . I Work Please made 'to order, and repairing doite neatly.— . 1 and examine. - - tours in the Boot and Shoe trade, e, May 1, 1055. C. M. SIMMONS. I rE! STRAYED.. : the enclosure of the subscriber in Silver About the 20th of May last, four yearlingi, epshled bull, tiro heifers, one pale red the tulle, one red steer. Whoever will , give any on of the above sill be libentllv. rewarded_ •' - . THOMAS HARTNETT. , Lake, June 18th, 1855. .3 . • 2&-w3.. F RO Oiee whi other b Intormat :Silver Ir, 91,00 ItEWAR.D.- • TRAY ED.or stolen . a livesCeolered Pointer bog. ik._7 The above reward will be paid to env one return inp• him to the store of 'A. LATRRO & CO. • Mon trese; June 12th, 1855.'. ' 25—w3 T00.1 . 9g, . • A. good nvsoriinent,'Seythes, tidatifs,,Riikes, Forks, —And kinds of Horse. Rakes—and superior Revolviiik nakes,Ut F. D. cIIANDLER'S June h, 1855, • • toL. 1. - 7INK Pali ,41 Lanp Oi I :Tune ;loth, 1855. 1 L IIL . 1 - -... 11 Pain'll.6 amid`Oi Is. - int, Blokes fire Proof Paint, Linseed - and lil,lFtuid and Phosgene sold low by F. B. CIIANDLER. our. arm]. Sitqk on pound 1 3 y t Mont June '2oth, 1855 ware=—German Silver k Plated Spoons, d For - • Leries-4Figh, a fine assortment' of Teti, Bronia Tapics, Rice, Chocolate, Raisins, orroC, Corn Starch. umery,--Bay Water , - Toilet do., Genin I. Extracts, German Cologne, a large stock Soaps, &-c. II lug Forks,Scythe Snaths, c. &e. I. L. POST & CO. LINESB 9110 IF rnishing Establiithineist. - - iHE s bscriber keeps constantly on hand, and will i knake to order, Boors, Blinds, Windows & Window 1 sasit ;31 r and Window-frames and all other.artieles '• made of ood and' sed in building. Muds :tinted and hung on short notice.: Gl a ss of allizes,ortatities and.qualities for sale. oath g planed and matched at $l6 - Cr $2O Per 1 - 1 1 liar feet Turning- of all kinds done' to order, also , a general assortMenr of CAII&ET WARE. ! Hureat s, Tables St. d 'of all • • CI • 1 " in s vartettes, tams, ,BetiStead , Settees, &c.,-Ae. ' • ~ • ' Good ine, Cherry and. Whitewood lumber, and Gl4ll of • 11 kind.s.taken in - exchange for the above. -1"" T ruts ready pay, or three months time up- Koko! •dit.... 4p ' orders . achiressrd to me will re. ceiie pru npt attention.. - JACOB TAYLOR. Lan.4 ro, June 18th, 1855. i I .__ . IrIALLY . lIIIE sr 1 l‘rose the !Grote in Hvon4 in the bor sortinent hand, Floc Mackeref, ! Figi Pint Peaches a Beer, YaU taus lo met mos kind: shatle of pi 3fontrol t —l.-- - --t 'ii' r.,00, itlrAtLoo, Tilts WAY. ;abscriber Would inform the citizens of Mont ! and the publiegeneridly that he has bought Ty formerly kept br F. H. Fortnum A. Co., tild Chaddler's building on Chestnut 'street, ugh of 'Montrose, where he has a fresh as f Groceiies; and will keep constantly on i., (Ilystc.i., Cheese, Sugars, Syrup, Molasses, , Nuts,';C.andleS Toys, Orringes and Lemons, es ' &Idiom :Soaps, :Vinegar, Coffee, dried dPlun4, 'lining, sack Salt, l'iw, Cakes,' kee Notu?na,,tind other things too nurner ntioni which igr,l be old cheap for cash or Is of colintry pre Call and see. .A übile patronage ted„,' S. S. MOTT. ze, March 7, 11 ~ . • TO;; - DAIRY. KTTER WANTED. The in will be paid in cash-fur good Dail Jul.. ne 2tith,-18ki. -B. 10itiTE15,ii!Wie11anii76;i . „ . . , , . . ' : ~ms; Reeawax, Grauvat Mindror. Jut. 6, 1555. • • • , -------7-----7--- ' ---- '-------- ... t Bouneibnit Reduced Prices.- Illi BUBRITT will sell-his remaining stock of% Sil , ---- Laijn and Straw Bonnets, a good assortment,' at reducei: Prices to close - the - business of the-Olson; man* of them at cost. . .Nqw 11.1.f0n1, June 18th,..1855. 25- . : nEini - —___ AItRIVAL OF NEW 090D13. all receive during the present week, a large, ion to present stock of SUMMER GOODS, render the assortment complete, and to write the , attention of all who wish to buy , BEWLETS READ. , June .).Bth, 1835., Ti TE addi which .rill • which' we Goods, eked • Mtlintro::, Hemoved. . • rgil Dentist has taken rooms oies . .13: store, where it will be his pleasure -to see as quick as possible. G. D. VIRGIL. 855. -' ' Resident Dentist. , C. xl. v Chart;diers liL Trends; JJ New Goods. HE Tspliscriber 49 in constant receipt of New I . Goodii, in his line of business ; nearly every week The public will find his assortinent.lico. 1, and his articlo new and , of good quality.- The stock con-' si.its . as usual of Drays, Medicine*, Paints, Oils, Dye Stain, 6'4x-cries, Taney Goods, Jewelry, • Pliant.. ry, - (f. Store at the lower end of the burnt district • Molt , June 6,1855. A. TURRELL. Ilirtikuip NEST GOODS At - _lMayi22.] I. L. VOST & CO's, 11 ) aWilli 'Morse Rnken - F OE sale at the partner's Eitehange by e . •- ' - • I.' LATHROP & CO. June 20; PULL ASSORTMENT or Tin, Sheet Iron and copper Ware of my own manufacture and made bf heavy plate r fer sale by • • New Milford, July 12, 1853. J, RYAN; Jr: •' • • • ,assortment of Hardware, Carpenter and L ;ohm .' Tools, Pump Chain, and fixtures at New Hard, July, 1854.] DICKERNAN'S. - QASLI ABD BLINDS of the best quality, foe sae kJ cheap lit r . DICKERMAWS. IV To the **,o the eve of my departure for the West,. liwould say to my friends and patron that my DAG VEARROTYPE ROOMS will be elned for a fea weeks: is I will duly apprise you of my return, and then hope so find you deeply itnprmed with:the ite. eesaity' of Set in year'. flees taken. = • Odd Yell's' gontnia . e, t, W. B. DEANS. y 28. 1856. • • D113801.11T10N., • - THE '..artstErship heretofore existing under the Aral fr. Hawley it Rote is this day dissoh.eff. April 1, 855. G. R. 118.WLEY. .0. W. ItOTT, • The sates and aitcotlitts are in the hands Of 0.. W. Mott f. Collection. Thou interested will please call ai soon as oonvenient.! • - -• -• • NOTICE. I Tilt p , .r•truustersof' the Borough of Moutrtme,. desiire bind out three.children, one white 'girl.- aged 8 ear*; one black` hey and one black girl about the srua age. Any pereou,desiring to take one or awe of . said childre-n - can call on either. of' the Poor- , o atiNek.,WILSON ''' • ' S. FOSTER,. Pao 12/uter/P• `, rotitice.te,l.rnly 9, TM: . • F. B CHANDLER • . , • . r Champ of Time. - 1434.1VM; lA.CK'AWAFNA:'ANDIIinimackn' ItAILKOAD. • • ' • /AY and after Kohday,". May' l& - 1810 i the. Nan ~/ Passenger Train will 'depart frorniBcran, toh at 10.20 a; v. - Due at Great Bend at 1:2011 Y. (fon.' l.neeting with the Dunkirk Express West mush° N. 1 0 '.• R.' " Passengers taking, tEds train will arrive , in Dunkirk at 11:15 P. at.; and in New T,ork tit 11:15 • Rettiiming, Will leave. Greatsend a- 4' 44' lit Scranton at 6:45 • Thelreight Accommodation, witliyatasengar car attached, will leave Scranton at 1 due at. r - Great Bend - al • Ersi.' 111:- clitineeting *KC the Sair Irak West, and tbs. Night Bare** VidajAriast..l,_,, Passengers taklngthil uaffi and the Nigh 4 - West, will arrive in Dunkirk at 12 m.,Ur by taidue- MtilllTrain West, will anire.st Dunk/A l ai 18:40 Returning, will leave Great Etend on' sr sisal of Cincinnati' 'Express East,' Doe 3i►tl ptesr •. •••••;••••;•.-:`>-'1. Passengers fur Wilkesharre,. Pittston Tits, bon1 ' 111g: {Philadelphia, (via the Cattiitissa f 'Erie and Reading Railroad, via Tama - n )4124. - 1 on, and all, intermediate places, will ;Aar doillo- - '4: I stage coaches in readiness at ficrantii, t4e of the Paisenger and - Accommodation-16th to cOti , 'P' 4 ye e y, them to the above places. Those ehoolting•,-,t*:;•.." into conveyances will find the beat of lionten and eir-r. Lieges of every. dese: iption, at reascandide:•charge ready to order. 1 • • • - D. 11. DOTTEREII, Supeilnipndent.' Superintoident'Offico.. • Scranton Mai 10 1855. J . • NEW SPRING GOO DS,; TTEIiRY BURRITT would astir ii tQ w LJ. his friends and the public that heirs now open—:-; ing an unusually large stock of 5P.R.1.10 ANA :* SUMMER' GOODS; including a great Variety ‘ idir Prints ff from : I cents. to ls ed per. yard; Plain tusk, : printedorawns, Barege-Delanes,.Ginghtuns, ;Broc renade, Black, and fkney Dress Silks, Silk Dress nies and , Bareges, Poplins, &c. kc., with a superior ahoo' rtment' ofsilk„ Breehe, Cashmere, and Thibetßlutvilai-Mart,'. tillas, Parasols, French Lace' and - Straw and!Silkitono', nets, rich Ribbons and. iloivers, with a large-variety - of other Staple .qad Fancy Dry Goode., ;!. OROCERIF,,S;. OROCKERY,i.A.Y.D 41.4 RD - - RE , Iron , Nails; Boots and Shoes, ;Hats - eitetk r Caps, Carpeting, Wall Paper, Poor OilClgtha,-Pahit,' ed _Window Shades, _Clocks, Stoves, 0 - as and.Painta• Proupts, &c. &c.";- in short, the largest - kinitof„pilea, of rich and cheap Goods, ttoo numerous to-,,tneotion,...' but just the things to pur c hase; all of WhiCh will tlek!` sold at the most reduced prices and on they moe t Ai=v ront.ble terms for cash or approved credit.' N. B. Flour and Salt constantly on handi= New Baron/ May 5, 1855.. 1110311 LABOR I - • • WOODRUFF & T_T AZDARA9 rn . AVE'reovedlo s the burnt distric t ; where atey. .1 1 will begladto see all their oldcustoMero And as many new ones as please to give them call.-- They intend to keep . it generel'assortinent Stovec- 4 ,_ of the best kind - andquality, among which may be ound PIICENIX and PARAGON A1R4270212; THREE STATES AND ORANGE COUNTY AIR-TIGHT, PREMIUM; STAR OF THE WEST ELEVATED OVEN AIR-TIGHT, - CLIIVTONi.atur . • WESTERN OVEN. - The Elevated Oren Stoves alit have - double fire-places, which makes. theit ;far supe- , rior to the single fire-place Stoves. -We keep con-,:., : staidly on hand a general assortment of T.LVIPARE;_ of a first rate quality, for home trade; also, Well and Cistern Pumps, Pump Chains and Reets;,.audPilir of all sizes, Jappanned Wei.% &c., all Of which. they proinfseto sell cheap for'ready pay or appioyed, credit. - Job work done with despatch and lir orderi . .. •S. A. WOODRUFF. _ G. B. ELDRED. Montrose, May .30, 1855.... 4 , ti .22yr.. THE LIGHTNING EXPRESS! Times ,Bared Reduced •• •by Daylight ' - • - • WI,,EY Sr., JENKS!! - H AVE formed a partnership . in -Montrose , ford e .ll purpose of doing everybody's .113Litek, S4IT BUNG, at the old stand, near kee er's Ho t6l. ..We hare purchased an entire netr, - Stoil of IRON. eumprising.a full assortment of all Itindg, reet.f-om .the.eity. W C . slmll , keep constantly oti 'l.h:lT:d i - Ulster, round and square Nail Rode, titlzt Stud.. Toe-cork - Rods, Refined_Tyre Ir,m," all Sizes, Band Iron, Kprin;..l•St,:el, a large a'sortment of malleablO Iron Cull Carl ia,ge Bolts, fie: 'A 6"- .4 .Y.l) Ironed on shrill notice, and"stoek found; or Madtticia! order dr t:ghoi,t, as I,,ay best suit our pot All business transactions niest • bo settled once year.- Short settlements' ~- 7 1(4, • - c cmg: motto.. Br sttiet attention to busine.zs me liope•tis reeeivcr a liberal share of patronage. • All 'murk •warranted: IN. B. A good Journeyman wanted, to "Worn , steady-employment and high wagei will be given _ E. ll..twx.EY. • *PEuitr JENKS: • 13i on trose, May 30, 1855. ' • 22;1'; New Goods, Cheap for 'Cash:* . 3LOTT has just received anotherlot of New. 'Goods, Such as Chalks, Brage Delaines; De' Rages, Collars, zXtubroiderieti, Lawns, &c.; which he offers at verb Sumnier ,Shawls, a new lot • some beautiful patterns at irery low prices, alsoßlacki. Silk Shawls equally - low for Cash. •i• Parasols latest style at • C. - Tr.• NOTTS. • Black. Dress Silk, a 'splendid article, at 0. W. 31. • . Summer Stairs it, great varieties„'at C. W.l‘.• - Groceries of all kinds; -very cheap., Syrup, a grit, rate article at 50ets per gallon. You hixe only la , call and examine, to become satisfied that the," Readi'.. of Narigatioti" is .the• place to "my Cheap,r- Wauted, 'Butter, Eggs, Hams, Lard; Socks, in fact all kinds of Country- Produce •in exchange - for goockat Casni• Prices. - , - • . 11" MOTT: Montrose; June 15, 1855. GENERAL FURNISIRENG group • °, 4 ' A X:D • Manorial; Estalilisluttent . - SCSQUERANitA DEPOT.,, . /... ... XL 'S ' rilfErißentiCaond lv tl: l e ui p ti nblii . i pe g e e ti n u e li nt i dly, ' ttt la t ric t e he i r keep C nstantly on hand a full n.ssortmcnt of Ready Made - C 'thing ,! Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps, and, every thin ' else necessary fur men and women's rwear- We weal] il rticularly call the attention Of country` 11 Merchhnts to tii large stock of Ready-MadsElothing, of our own ma Tetnre, which •Ive offer aticholasidei• at ptices that till afford great inducements ,to \ i , and short:time customers'. A large stock of Cl ths Cassimeres, VOtings o tc., kept constantly; on halt , 'for persohs desirous of har ing clothing. made topr r. • • 1 - Ordms puncinally atten ed to.- • i * ...- Thankful 'forlpasrfaror4,..,- . 0 hope- to merit a cOrt-..- tinuance of the same.- -,- - •- J. ASHER ,t, Co:, Susquehanna Depot, Pa.. Ma; 12, 1855.: • t • ' 'Ad Jai is•ittorla IVFOTICE is hereby given thatletters4admlnistra- I -LI lion upon the estate of (WWI I° UNNELL ; late of the town ithip of Aulturn,cl have beett granted to . the subscriber, and allpersol:debt ed to said estate will please, italic. iaimpay. meat, and those baring claims against - the:: will please present them duly attested for acid dONATILANBUNIaLIi,_Atiner.' Acucar, Jiine 13th, 1885. _ . • mew - inooo k WE :we receiving this week a lot Of Neir Maw* just purchased- in the city, width menders=our sesortment 'complete, and which we offer on the most favorable terms, at the new .- ilding, one 'door above - the Poet Office. •. • "} ItENTLEI4.ItEAD... - Montrc)se, Febrei 455.- Hooks. ant'Stationery. • T HAVE. received a Urge addition to myt stock of -L• 'Books and • Statinnern!nntiong which aro: A Long Look, Ahead, (Roe!) --Wolfert's Roost ( irving)-Dr. - Spinier% Sketchesonderful Adventures, of,Capt. - Pri_ kt4l , -The Rime 'Holder's Daughter--Life-'of Sant' Noviston--Jane May—The May Flower (Harriet B. Stowe}—.Rag Bag Ac.—will sold' cheap. - . s - F. D. CHANDL May U. 1855. , • ,- ____ - New York Prices ; 4 ,, ARE noir being paid by A: Lathrop. .& 4 .0. all ru t those who consign their butter ,and produce-pa eat..-' ,. They basing made arrangerfienta are 110 w a . qci t , send' all kiials or prodUce to-lies -York, - itn&J'-' :yid the samsfat' the bigliesetriarket- Prices. :':'4llAl'-'.: • isho wish good prices and gulch retails we, hiiiiiiX . call upon - -- A..LA'rIIIIOI" fit.G0.:....:, - Montrose. Marl, 1853:;-:. ',!z - - , alflnfl Milk Pons of alf! -- ;sizelr, and* made !from , 4 liiilldouble cross ti i at. legs than Ilerthanti mivalty pay to`sell again, for axle by the Sutpser?her.• We hare ecru° to the conclusron to sell pans to Far: mere its low a* Re Will to the trade,. thereby : sing to the Fanner our profit. Our wares are, w - tedk . to he perfect M every Particular or no sale: : ... ' Terms—Cash or abort credit. . : . . 1 4 - .. .- . - "iv . 'N'ew Milkd April I. 1A.3 . 0. - ''= - - L _ I.IOItIC, FLOUR AND SALT the build 0: erwisa.nt the lowed prleetrat DICER.IIIANV". ff As . IPAIO ~I POU: WOOL bi . % P.on MUM ME