Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, August 30, 1855, Image 2

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Y 1 'August 39, JAW
- COILRECTiON:—In the list ofTownship Com
mittees of the Republican party published
by us last week, New Milford was acciden.
fully omitted. 'The mistake is rectified this
Week. 'l'
larTo cell the meeting last Monday eve
ping at the Old Court House, a Free Soil
meeting, would be a misnomer. R. B. Little,
Esti., recently, known es -ii leading - aboli
tionist in this county, declaredthat
Nothin,gisin was to be, the only issue- in
this Fairs campaign. So we have discover.
ed what party it is that is in favor of ignoe :
ing the 'Slavery question, and . leading the
minds of the Ispeplo off from the real issue.-v
Mr. McCollumassured his hearers that , old
' party issues were not dead, and referred :ex
ultingly to the recent Democratic triumphs
et the South as showing that his party still
liver--smd we suppose, that' - it is Free Soil.
Bela Jones, Esq, although claiming to be a 1
Free Soil man, declared that, but fur the raid
of the Missouriansinto Kansas and the treat
moat of Governor' Reeder, he would not
have lifted a finger in opposition to the ad
ministration.' We , presume, then, that he is
in favor of "tiler sovereignty," as it is
understood vernor Reeder, but not as
it is interpr led by Atchison and Stringfel
kiw. ' The most striking feature in the speech .
of. Mr. Little, aside. from Ms extraordinary
willingness at such a time as this, to ignore
the Slavery quintion, was the pre-eminent
Claims he set up for the Democratic party, -
which still seems to have all the charms of
novelty to him, although he has been con
nected with it now nearly 'two years. It
was the Democratic party, be' told his bear
ers, that framed the Constitution. Patrick
Henry opposed, its adoption on the ground
that it, had "an awful squinting towards a
monarchy," and we ale afraid that some who
zealously labored in its favor • acquired the
- name of Federalists for doing 50... Mr. Lit- ,
tie also informed us that Washington was a
Democrat, ' , which we are very willing to be
lieve, though he has been accused of being a
From the ex-Speaker we had an entirely
:new reading ~r or intterpretation.of the Consti
-tutiOn. Having dilated, like' the speakers
-who preceded him; on-the.awful wickedness
of Making any distinction between native and
foreign born citizens, as regards their hold
ing office in thiecountry,he gravely asserted
that a foreigner is eligible to the office of
President of the United States,lwben he has
_ bePn in this country fourteen years! Now,
this is' truly refreshing. It is--worth - &time
thing to get hold of a new idea, now. and
- then.' , The Constitution, indeed, .provides
that none ' but natural-born' citizens of the --
.United Statei, or such as were citizens when
the Constitution . '' was adopted, shall be. di-
Bible to the office of President; but the,Con- 1
stitution must give tray before Chase's dead- 1
-I y onslaught Upon the unconstitutional Know-
Nothings. - Mr. chase asserted that hehad.
-no political Opiniiais to conceal, and we there
fore take this occasion to inquire whether he
--is in favor of .restoring Kansas and . Nebraska
- . te freedom b act of Congress, of a repeal of
"'the Fugitive SlaVe Law, of the acquisition 424.
, Cuba, and of the election ofJamei Buclutriab
..for the next President.
.C. 1.. Ward; Esq., of:Towanda, took a difL
-' tercet view_ of Denaciciacy, from any of the
Other speakers. He spoke as an outsider.--'
-- He wanted to kno* how it was that a Dein=
°erotic meeting in Susquehanna happened to
.omit from its resolutiOus one indorsing -Ar
nold Plumer, the party nominee - for, Canal
Commissioner, He was surprised. at , the
=omission, and surprised that Mr. Chase did'
~not raise the name of Plumer at the head of
,paper. Every Democratic paper in the
zState had iaised - . his tuime at its mast-beid,-
-lint Mr. Chase's isper bad not tone it.'
iir. chau....- - ,I thall not explain my - course
to-night; I will explain in the piper. ' '
Mr. Ward—But why (*this' meeting not
'endorse Arnold Plumer, one of the very' best
men in the State, an old acquaintance and
particular friend of mine? Why not endorse
or tlennunce him ? Why this cowardly pol
. 1 31 r. Chase--Will the gentleman permit
ine to ask one question. Why did not Frank .
Pierce mention the Nebraska bill in his next
message after that act passed ?
Mr. Ward-4f President Pierce did a fool
ish this, is that a good reason for ymir do
. ing another ? ' ' ..
He believed there were-many Democrats
who: were true to the party still left' in Sus
luebazina county. What had , the party to
. Ala with the 'nigger question 'l' It -was ail
nonsense to make' so much fuss - about the
- .‘.
_,Why should Pennsylvanians trouble
' - themselves about Slavery in &Territory three
thousand miles off? There was no danger
that Slavery,
,would be introduced into Penn
sylvania. He :was acquainted with Gover
nor Rieder, and be had no doubt but be
would come: home still a Democrat, and
. -
would sepport Arnold Plumer for Canal
Commissioner. The course that some of the'
party are taking ; in this county, would lea
them off into the Republican party, where
other bolters , and disorginizers had already
gone. The convention seemed to be making
wak on the Know-Nothings. They were
fighting ghosts and Shadows. Know-Noth
ingista VAS dead and buried, and its mem
bers would be fo und in this pew Republican
party. He concluded as he began,' 'with an
eibOrtation to the Demoeracy to vote for
Firmer. (A voice in tbe crowd : " Wo'&41l,"
...; And elect : hirto) And so tiie crowd attend
- - ing this 'anorottions convention, about two
:-- 'tbirdirof wbOni, we should judge, Were out.
' Alders, iittractedt to the spot by curiosity ,
Aispesned. isp - , , _
:The Kansas Hersh! the 17th ; . reiter
ates in the most solemn"mintier _ :. Its fmrner
,junertion that a project is ort:Avt to annex
Platte Co. Mo. to Kansas by pailcbase.
FIRST mills. £ ! 4,.' .• -,--
Qmmonwealth - vs. ichael Gtnan. t Aai
i.-4 .
"W it 11114 k -lne fi c- ; , ' 1148 ,P! *WS eil t Y;
.13. 1
sad is sOitericed *pay kfine i onlve d,rillaro
tri the Gininnronwealth,l with ecrittif Prnseritv
Goo, and stand
idmpied iiitil. .'=:•-:'- --' '• .I - . 1 k
Coinmonwealth ys. W i illiain M. Sheriood.
Indictment for adulteri and bastardy.- TrUe
bill. Verdict guilty. 7 Sentenced th Pay a
line of one oiler to t*3 ComMonwealth, and
th cos t on, to ) r rndergo three
months' imprisonmiint- in the county jail li and
the Courtrorde.r that be pay ti, the Supervis
oriof Auburtiztciwriahip thole= of - thirty
dul,lars, t9,lndenutify. !.said.fair nship fi* the
charges ; and expenses ineurrec in the support
of Harriet 'Bennett ands her child; and further
order that he pay tolMilton flarrii in trust
fur Harriet Bennett and for 46 eirppo i rt 'of
her said child, the suM of seienty-frve comb,
per week froth; the present tir4e till JaMiary
15t,.1859, and the further *tuft of fifty cents
per week - fronr that time till January Ist,
1882, payment to be} secured by beard. and
surety; and tErr Couri. furthei order that hir
give ' security to inddmnify the township of
Auburn against the support of said child, and
to stand committed till the sentence and or.
der-a be complied with. ' ! • : -
' Commonwealth vs. l David Wilmarth.: In.
dietment for keeping a tippling house. ; Bill
ignored,- and prosccutor,Chafle. Tiffany,. to
pay the costs:: . 1 I ,
Commonwealth csi' Charle s Morris.' In
dictment,' Assault anl battery. - Mary!flOo.
"he, proseeutria. Billl ignored, and the 'pro's
, 1- ,•
ecutris to pay ! ire colts. ,:, . .
Commonwealth -v - George; Probert.:, In.
dietment for Lareenyi-in steaJiskg a horse of
!mac Griggs.of Great Ben 4. ' Defendant
pleads guilty. • ,
Commonwealth . vs' Rufus 4).. Clark: In
dictment,' Adultery. Verdi4t s not. gpilty,
but that defendant pa
_co4s iifi-proseeution,
and sentenced accordingly. '1
4 i
Commonwealth va.ilifary q'Laughlin;, In.
dietmext, Assault andlßatteryi 43i1l ignored,
.and prosecutor, George .4gleiitein, to pay the
costs.- . _ - 1 i •
Commonwealth vr i, Royal Glifts. Indict
ment for passing co nterfeitimOney. IVer.
diet, not guilty in i
nner aodforrn as set
forth in the indictm ent, but !hut he pay the
costs, arid sentence accordingly.j.
ammonwealth vs.ißichari Manning. In.
dietment,,Assaultnn'Battery. •••. Bill return
ed ignoramus,ii and ecutOh,Tranklin D.
i .os
Thayer, to pay the costs. 1 • . 1
Commonwealth vrl. Fmntilin D. Thayer; ,
Indietthent, Assault and. Baiteiy. Richard
Manning, Prosecutor. 13111 iinOred, and the
county to pay the costs. i 1 I
Commonwealth vs. •
Bolireri s Mills. Indict
meat, False 'Pretences. Bill !ignored, and
prOsecutor, H. C. Conklin, to paY the Costs...
~:epplionwealth ca David An Indies-
,meat, Perjury,` `iii ignore 4, and -prolpecut
or-; IL S. Dayig,,itu p. y the est..s. H •
G.mmonwealt E!iwai'd Griffis,' In
dictment, Larceny. 3ill returned iinoramus
by grand
(„).+Ariaimilivyaltli vs.
Ve.rdiet, guilty - its ilk
.gtlilty as to the othe
Corilmonwealth . v
diVtment for furnish
Ac. Bill ignored,
Sayre, to - pay costs.
& Son vj
• , •
of debt. Verdict fu
Of 4344. Verdict for
Commonwealth vs,
dictment for passing'?
!Amin. ;_, i
Commonwealth .vs Truman Thomas. In.
dictm .tk Assault. .auli. an 4 . Batie 1. 0 Ignoramus; ,
prosecutor, William ftarron, i pay coats. .
. ; ' szccum witetti 1 '
flfirles J. Biddle 'vs: Benjamin Giage.—
Itepliiin.. ' Appearance andiplea for defend
iy*Witlidravi and judgment fob plaintif£ .
' . M. B. Stewart v; , Joab !Tyler. Action
on the, case : ; Verdi for ph4ntiffor $76,61.
.T., Bratiofiti. S. e.rkins.llAction of Cove
nant.t; Verdict fir p aintiff for $lOO damag
es„.and, costs, and t, L the Oefendant 'within
one month execute ;a deed In fee simple to
the plaintiff for the t described. in contract
under a penalty of - a ,000.
- • 1.
. ' • ' in-Kaias•
' 1
That gang °finial naffs (tailed the Kansas
Legislature, hate al' yd ri ten Freedom out
Prainkn ad
of the Territory, as car as thiir h*,islationycan
do it.' These men ii. must ibe remernt4red
are Pets of. Pierce's ednunisiration, son* of
theta. supported by 1 govern6eat, patronage,
and it -waS at .their Idernaral that. GoFeinor
Reeder was removed for Wng "a clog to
legistation." The
. clog hatiiilg been removed
by the embodiment 'pr mo4rn Detimeiacy.
Franklin. Pierce, thetlegislatKolmachine goes
ahead, and grinds oat soda liwa as the . Follow--
. I -• ;
rag : . 1 . , ~ , '
Sac. 13. 'fan) free persoks speaking or
by writing, assert or maintain i i that persons
have not the right to hold sta:ses in this TeiTi
tot7, of shall- introd see 'into Kansas, print,
publish - 5 write, eirelate,.or fatrse to be intro
duced into this Terr tory, A is..' book, paPr,
magartiVe, pamphlet; or cirenhle containing
any dual 9f the rights of ': to hOld
slaves in thla TerrltOry; person shall be
deemed guilty of fekcmy, and punished by lin
priscinment at hard labor fora term not less
than twiryearq.'
_IS it possible tbatithere ie a Party in the
Free State* base *ugh tttl uphold the ad
'ministration that giVes aid land CoruOirt to
these lawl e ss law.taSkerst ':Look at the res.
olutions of the sev eral sham pemoeratlc State
Conventions reeently held, endorsing the
present adrainistratinn, for. an answer* But
fortunately, though ithe leaders of that once
great party are""erupt 'enOugh' to endorse
Pierce and Slavery; ; the tioithet* people of
every party are honest enough to oot+innit,
and are about Pierce; 174ougles, and
the whole.tribe ' t •ffe.v:-seeking donthfsees .
to the tender then* of their rnastets, the
slav e4ri vers. It .41y. be elitsy enough to get
a - State Couiention 'Of old party hacks, to "-
dome the infittlioutt fficttdeeiiJri . of Franklin
Pieta, but to induce, honest iOnt
men to sole the sa ' 'he Aiund a
Rle way en ,
A. N.. 1 A., nnd•F. Al-
A,ssatilt and Batters.
. A.ldrieh, and not
, Searle. In
ng int+icating drinks,
nd prvsecutor, S. 11.
J. B..ScOville. Action
r plaintit for $130,17.
.S. Lenbeim: Action
plainti ff for $2,405,03.
Stephen Pettis, Ip
icounteribit coin. '
'VirkalifiCtStinattCi7 : l - filittiC 9 l44 of thii
North, ihat the outrage,s on the spititoffreeint
stitUtio4 and the rights of Am e Ean 4t611•1!‘
that* - eeethteeill faking Piet% ftql:
stop and Moire isi;:riltyy a governatent
by _,the people,'-aria th people ',are true to
theolselies, they-20 be eteri4 -
Wears sending pur - -parr into anus{
and ae‘ding to the , l i ta (tooted above, our
subscribers there Aire guilty of aj high crime
'in taitlng it, and liablerto ingersomunent
hand /after for furo,y4s jut that ottersee !
-114 whole 'people ot our country;' _arc ee l !
countable for this statit of things*, if they suf
ler to!endure. riat, say you, sovereigll
voterS, (for it is for, you to say,) shall it ...en/
dunet: ,
.4 - - 4
P . •
Sate Covesition
• To
,iadieations are; that thiC-iCon: ventioa,
41 . atly - stieitclid. The distingniaheti
apeli.ket4 w. nr to ;be' p resent, would of
thefnieltfes 'be a `sufficient ra
iniluceent" to
bring together a lareconcourSei to say notb i t
ingof the importance of the oceasion.. !Dr
Peitsbuis Gazelle
,initorns us.. that Senator
ClUse of Ohio, and Rimy Wilson of Massitil
clursetta! hare promiscii to be there, and Sent
atek Wade and Mr. Giddings of Ohio are e=t
iteted. Iniitationa have also been seat tit
Daniel Mace, of Inditina ; Lewis; D. Camp,
bell ' Thorne* Furl and others of Ohio;
I • -
David Wilmot, It.' G 4 White, John C. Kunk
el, Thaddeu s Stevetrs land other, of Pa.; W i t
H.l&ward and B. Y. r:Butier of N.Y.; John
P. 'Hale of New . lla4shire, and Cassius .
Clay oflli.y.` • . •
, The Convention is !likely erect great, 1
goed y inithe State;' but all 'depends on the
amnsela that prevail I,n it. ' If it is made to
serve as a means of d)viding• and distracting
the anti Lavery sentirnent of the State, it will \
do I much harm; ; if to kilts and strengthen iii
it will do much good. , The patriotic, unself
ishl and liberal courseof thelree Soil men
of Ohio, is an exantpl worthy to be follow.
edi l The recent titsion movement in Kmutl
chusetts, where Republicans, Kniow Nothing ,
and know Sotnething prOposo
. :to unite on.,'
the single •platform ofloppositi - ort to Slavery
extension,.is 01E0.W-0111v the emtsideration 'of
the Republicans of Pqnpsylvania. The Fre
Soil feeling isnOt soirevalept in this State
thet We :am afll,rd Clive it split up and disi r
tra'eted by tiinor, rues. Let no man or
clique set - theraselyes 'up as " exclusives" in
Abe Convention , as Was dune by a rim in DlaS
sachuseits; bin. let Convention shoW
itself liberal, actuated; ; by no petsonal consid
erations or privateanimosities, and willing tO
pfintpoite other
till the Contest with
Slavery for contro of the getteral govern--
mentis decided. , • .!
, -1
Car At a late meeting in CinCinnati, Hon , .
S. P. Chase, the IlePublican candidate for
Governor of Ohio, deClared that he was n i t)
disunionist ; that he 4oeld not interfere. with
Slavery where it exisis, but wa: opposed to
its i . cateti%ion into ncW territory:; that SlaV
ery must not interfere with us ; tat the great
purpose of the Republic part} ow was to
rescue. Kansas from {her Slave -State invad
ers; that he was in fdvor of retrenching the
expenses of governmnt.;' and'tjuit he had al
way. i ..;.
s favored nternaomproveMent4. .
At the iDcinocratic Convention of
Allegheny county, beild at Pittsburg, Aug.
22, a series OC rest lutiens l'ere adoptel,
strongly denouncing know Nothingism ; de
daring the Nat(onal)ty of the Democratic
party; approving' theiiidininistration of Gen.t
Pierce, and heartily endorsing the nomination
of Arnold Plumer for Canal COinmisisioner
1, ,
For the ircepubliraw,
The Deskoste
The "great unterr!fled" have at last held
their long looked foricenventitin, that is, if
the cr.:worse that-filled-not uncomfortably
fun—the.old CoUrt f 4 lonse. on.l Monday eve-
King last, could be called a Convention.dthe
old' line Democratic party—but in
ion, if we except's feW of its pioceedings,•an
unprejudiced person ;would lutie pronounced
it 'a second edition revised- tl*fugh not inn
proved-rof the Republican o:4lrention that
imet one week firevis--and to prove our
assertion we shall gifte a syn opsis of its .pro
oegdi i jugs- ! • •
• t • -
jTbe Conventlon wits organized by the elec
tiOn of Bela Jones Eq., Chairipan, and
Gerritson and' 0. S' t :Beebe, Secretaries,
Mr. Jones, on tztkin 4 the Chair, favored the.
Convention with a btief, pointed : address ; in
which-he gave an . oafline of 030 struggle no w
beingvaged betweetf the hosts'of Liberty and
Despotism in all quarters of the world, and
closed his remarks b . y,observiag that he Felt
it his duty to state, `that in Consequence-Jof
certain proceedings ttm the part of the variOus
. political parties of the day, he had become an
out and out Free SOoer. - • 1
As s the honest old "Democrat (1) concluded
his remarks, a few of the old liners were (b•• •
served . to squirm,. bat.the great majority , of
freemen present, manifested' • their pleasu e,
1 'by great applause....
1 After the electiOn', of several Vice Presi
dents and the,appei4tinent, bi the
Chair,. of
aeorntnittee on resOltitions. J. B. McCollUrri
(Of the Pemocrat):4lress+l the meeting in a
speech of considerable Which he called
the Know Nethitio all kits of naughty
names, but taking his forOlC:r predilections
into considenitiOn, -slid allowing for 44 . 8'4a- -
rent ignorance of the main 'Object of the or
ganization, we consiiler his ;speech a credita
ble effort. Mr. *Conniff was frequently
applauded. The pOsientiini'lhen listened to
the remarks of R. I. Little Esq., who
larded -an atiti•slar:ery speech with pretty
phrases respecting the Know . :Nothings,
far to- those with which his Predecessor. &ior
i-e4 theCtmiention: I. We think, notw ithsts.nd:
ling Messrs. liL.Collin 814 Little accused the
- Republican - Contention of Favoring the Ktiow
Nothing alliance, *it were they put.through
the mill once more,; they would coine Oat
full-blooded Repubticans. At this stage 'of
• tbkproceedingctMeotornittee appointed; by
the Chair reperted fieries..of resolatiOns,
which were unanimously adopted, after which
E. B. Chasi (of. the Dernberst) gave
Know Nothings* Nothings* . Visfreledit.iott Of nangls;
ty epithets that eltailkteriied the
.speeches of
Messier lud
closed by expressing s fervent hopathat
The Staripengleil tteurei. might evermereutre
0* the l,dof *Orr d the home of tStinte.
-At the :irnel4ka speech z ;ithe Son
vention—itatiatett .4ith p a triotism, sl ij o li t ied,
and after ibe,44l9oniiitent, Warifi of
Bradsard'Counly;adiCaiiited with Considers:
ble warmth, the claims of Arnold Plumer,
the Democratic' Candidate for Canal Own
"MaNgell 68- ' 64 gra ltl , Un
terrified,7 but perceiving that his auditors;
were fast departing, and ,doubtless fearing
be would be left "alone in his glory," be
donned his chapeau and vaniosed.
Nowlet, us see Where* the ' i ßPublican
Conv.en,ii9A August 20th ,and the ' Demo
craticConventiim of August27th agreed,'and
in -what resp e c ts they differed. -
l. The . RepulteaniConvention denounced
the policy of the adiuinistration in resnoing
Governor Reeder from that executive posi
tion he so"honorably'; filled.
The Democratic Convention not. only: did
this, but also denouneed the State Demoerat
ic Convention for supporting the adniiniatra
tion in this high-handed outrage.
2. The Republietuißonvention c ondemned
the course of Congress in repudiating that
solemn compact with ; the`North, whereby the
territories of Nebraldia and Kansas were for
ever consecrated to Freed Om.
. .
The:Democratic 'Ceti vention resol:v "That'
the provision of the act of Congress
ing the territories of
and ansas,
which struck down, the so called Atissouri
OompfomiSe ofitrrige!against Northern
sentiment and - Northern feeling, a measure
alike Uncalled for and unjbstifiable by any
principle of justice and goOd
3. The Republican 'Convention solemnly
declared "That we never will consent to the' ,
acquisition of tinothei , foot of SlaVe_Territory
,nor the admiasion 'of !another Slave State into.
our Union." i j
•.! . .
'The Democratic ponvention deliberately}
asserted . "That thirieral GovernMent
should in no Wise lend its chuntenance„ or sup
port the extension or; perPetuity .of SlaFery,
and that we will resift anyi 'such .use :of the'
powers of the General G6.erninent as 4ctia
geroys usurpation* a 0 fi'lgrat,it a,buses." .
4. The Republican: ConVentifin . di,iavOwed
all connection with -the Khowl Nothing and
Know Something . organir.ttioni.
The Democratic; univentien resolved;
That we look uPonlali attempts to drag the
question of religious itoleration into the polit
ical arena, as subVeridve cif the CunstitUtion,
repugnant to the principles of Republicanism,
and likely to embroil the country in the
horrOrs pf religious perseeution and strife."
So much concerning resolutions in. Which
the two ConventionsiadoPted and rprochiimed
similar sentiments. I A ftl i W , words respecting
the particulars in srlich•they differ. The Re
-1 - t
publican - I - Tarty were {conscious that the one
great iSsunon whichtli''reemen of the .North
will be called to join battle is " unco . Mpro
mising hostility to titeen*oachtnenes- Of the
Southern Oligarchy and they, therefore, in
Convention Resolved "That, Whereas,!in the
i 3
crisis that is now uppn us, and in the fifru
gles between the opi)osing principles of Lib :
erty . and Slavery,. it ibectimes the friends . of.
Freedom every , :here to take counsel tf)geth
er that they may. act ittcdncert upon the great
question which, so nearly' , concerns the ;inter
ests of all. i
Resolved, That'ibe Republican patty
Susquehanna Counts di e s avow all cunncetion
with Democrat or Whig, Know Nothing or
Know Something, hui ehrdially invite men
of all parties to unite wi l th us on the 'broad
platkrm of Free Soil; Free speech and Free.
The Demoeratie'partY, on the contrary,
while they ackneWledgelthe necessity pf re
sisting the efforts of the youth to fa•-fen the
accursed institution "olOavery on thelFree
men of the - North, attach too much - inwort
:lnce to the influence wiqlded by , the Dark
lantern Propagainiti=and would. therefore,
make Know Nothinkisni the principlel issue
between the oppctsing ptirties of 1856 This,
combined with the tibstird idea that olds party
issues are still in ezistetke t prevented them
from taking that boid stand for Freedo'rri and
Right, in their ConventiCn, which should char
acterize every Freeman who engeigeS in the
struggle between Liberty and Slavery that
must soon inevitably take place. j
For tkr I,leiubtica.
En4.Rzeurincsit :---I attended the Conven ii
tion held in Montrose on Monday' evening,
and was much surprised at the tone of the
speeches. The great i effort seemed to !be to
show the vast superiority of our foreign born
population over Amerid.ans burn. Thai spirit
of patriotisfitsecm4,llo have no existence in.
the hearts of the speakers. The comparisons
they drew were certainly not favorable to
our Republican Institutions. If the institu
tions of the monarehiei of Europe are so
much more favor/ e l to human deVelope
ment than ours that even their most igno
rant and debased serfs;on being transplanted
into this country, at once show themselves
models of intelli,genm, purity, and patribtirn,
more _obedient to the laws, and better quali
fied for hiw-makera than native born:citizens,
we had better change bur government', into 'a
monarchy at once. U a large'Portionlof the
most intelligent and virtuous of thorie who
have been educated under our vaunted' sy's
tem of self-government, have shovin them
selves so depraved and so unpatriotic as to
have bound thetruielveli by horrid oaths in a
wicked midnight conspiracy against the Gcn
stitution of their country, then the experi
silent of self-government by an educated' Da
mocracy,-bas failed, and the American pea
ple should have masters appiiinted over them
without delay. IN is true that in the elec
tion riots which have from time to time tak
en place, between ;native and foreign born
citizens, the forme were wholly to blame,'
.and the latter wholly innocent, then we had
better offer a preiniuM 'for' foreign voters,
shOrten the perio4i tor naturalizatiOn, . an 4 if
possible give to thir4e; law-abiding men isho
have never been cimtSrninated by Republi
ca:lista, the numerical superiority at the bat
lot:buziOcesiuiry io preserve ;,its purity, or
better still, depriviS . the untrustworthy Aincr
lettite'efilteight . efvotin - Ifogether.
thing tnustbe done to shOW the people's ab
horrence if that monstrops doetrine„ that
AFteriessia shotild,rnioXineriea," and as a
atop' in. the' r right 1 4%eclipti Ii proi)ose„ithaiihe
i l whopontrcOld the .trieetiki s ti; ntlit,tipste
none hut ails better eleiss!oi eititensabails,
the ibi•eigt4Orn, : ftir Ttuit wilfitake
a fair issue` with the Knoir ;Nothings.
- /Weston,.
*fin* Aug. 28i 1825.
BainioliesiXeithur ad
1 .1 sjon:Contemphited. .ri.J '• 7
A meeting of Citizens favorable to tiie 'Or
gartization loreßepublicap!Party,. for ;Phila
delphia conneyWas beldlit'Clarkson Hall, on
.Tuesday eikeningl'2lst . ..hiii . t.',....,The Chair was
takiril by Mr: Chas. C. liettson, and Mi. dos,.
Af:,Trumiti),_elected as *oetary.
• • Mr. 'William! 8.. Thomas said , as there
. ,
i . in ,
were a nuthber o f stranger* t h e room,. he:
woal4 state that the object of -the Deiricrerat, -
ic I t .eagne {vas:: tO, prevent the further spread
of slavery,land laboring to fplace the Federal
,GOVerturient on the side )1 . 1 freedom, instead
of prostituting it, to slaveri. lie hoped all
thtitel present , wOuld'partieipate in the pro.
eeedihgs in viewiof a . morrej extensive Organ.'
ization, and that' they *mild speak freeli their
opinions. -',.1-le Moved thatall haver:thn priv
ilege of voting onall-queitions brought i before
thorn: H 1 l,•
,; • •
'Agreed to. • ;., 1 . ! -
The Chair stated that ea rls had been issued
to 'elect delegate& to 'the Pittsburgh COnven
thin to fOrtn a iteptiblit4 iParty.' • ' . •
Mi.. Thomas Submitte4 the fillowin g t—.
Btu it re.iolYed, That We!, tail as the har
binger of a brighter. glory tor the nation, the
formition 4 a can Reptli !party, the leading
1 . • t
principles i of'. Willett are--nn .• more ',; Slave
States, n_ ,d *slarcholdilig Outside the' ! SlaVe
States; th.b div4stinent Of National Gikt
erninent of all responsibility for its cOntinu.
anee ,every i wberti ; the plaCing of the Natio
nal Admnistrtit4 actively on the side, of lib . -
erty,i for the pro!notion a t : which the side;,
itself; was formed, i .
i Z .
•IRCsolveil, That we are ready and anxious
1 with. ;
tol tip-opeate . ou t fellow citizens, by
whatever •politibal . nattiest they may have
. been called heretofore, ‘t!ho hate tyranny in,
every flirt)), and , who are, no. more disposed
to' submit:to the; yoke, When imposed by a
i - lavt,-holding oligarchy at, home, than bit a
foei . ,ini despot. ';.And tharve will meet them
1 ;; A
0 the 30th day; of ugif,St, .in Convention,
for the purpos.- Of forming a Republican As
&gelation for the; City of Philadelphia, and al
SI for the purposeof noininating a ticket to
be supported b, the frednieh of the city and
cOunty at the . ensuing, Oeti,ll)er . election. - • •
Air. W'. 13. Thomas stiid this resolution
was hi the words of A r. - Chase, of Ohio. It
et llsifurAtie exclusion of, slavery &inn . every
State or Pistriet over i ]wilich Cotmress has
• .1
oi ... ; ; • .: -'"
contr.• • ''; !;
!;Mr ; . John M. ltelintsW. said a great revolt,.
tion had taker!; - in the vie*s:: of. the
cwt erners—particularly•; among' the. press.
Their, for Mer arg,ument was the necessity.—
Now, the inan4who'doef, not 'concede - this. a
ti essing,isi called a ;poltronn—and that slave
i ; •
ry is morallyand Politieally right. They 'con
sider those traitors wh4 does not advocate
the extenaion of slaver , ;It is expedient that
tlhe outhlshoni'd possess that equilibrium of
ONVi!..T illihtl 00yertlITIttti. so neees•zat.y to
them,and. to. he Nonth..".iS ai , plied a' simple .
question.. i Whether . the National Govern
melt-shall or shall not lend its i•,wer for the
. .ix .i tension'of slavery. - - Aceept this issue i n .... 1.
; is; ;that man in t he ;
h 'North. will assent
to the diicitrinethat the. NOrtli shall be bound.
down not!to progress flittir than the S ., ,iitli ?
1 Mr. J. X. Kennedy iifftired the ffdlon'ing,
• ,
Which wag laid lover until ; the next . Meeting
Of the League. ! • i .., ;
• AV hereini, the S outhern slav eh oldingStates
, assert •
with great utiaimity, it is
terest and the duty of Viosiernment-tri foster
and extend the area' of 'slavery, and: as this
opinon; sq boldly and frankly asserted by the
a . dyOcateti of slavery,
on the free-
States an issue! to' be 'lieu . and decided—an
issue also which must ;be 'definitely decided
to satisfy', publib opiniOn, therefore
.Resolved, That it is both the duty and the,
interest of the Country; to confine the area - of
slave' ry to its Present State limits, regardless . :
4 ;•
1 of any eqWlibriiimlof political power between
I Slavery and .Freeilmilliti the National Gov-,
I erniiient. . i - 1 I --. .. _ ... . •
1 i Mr.- Penrose spike ht. Some length in . fa.'
I !yor iiif inserted the wordti," no More.
Slave States, " and in filing Well what ttlev ,
'undertook to dO.: I : 'I, • . .I • •
Friday? .evening Ai ig.' 45.—This evening:
an adjourned meeting Of persons favorable to
;the i formation; of, a itepubliain party, was
'held in Clarkson Hall .1 ( The President of the.
former nieeting, - Charken C:, Jackson, took the:
Ichatr. In the alisense!Of the former Seereta;
;ry, Joshua Clendenin Was elected to. fill his
~.. !
!place. . i . I l ' .
The minuteS of ;the Meeting were read and
. •
'app ~ :. 4 i
:-. • ,
A discussion aros e e i i i. t 4 whether the 'resi
I!9lutions Offered . at thellasthneeting had been
';adoptedlir noti It waS agreed that - the.first
i , ;
0-esolution had !been adiipted. _
H ,. Pt) mOtion,-the• inectir4 proceedtid to the
litotiSideration of the second resollitiOn. -
II ' Mr. Kintzingasked for lint:win:Altai in ret
'gard to *hat the frietiO Of - the valise were,
;doing throughout. the State; If they; intend -d
':to make.` fusion,.theil it would be advisable
in this •city. ! i !
4. , gentleman stated, 'that he had' received
information that it fusion. Was going on in the
Western; part iif the stittel : • : ,
_... •_
Mr. Sailor advocated.the resolution, looki
ing to the formation Ufa great powerful anti
slaVery party.: ThiS csiule be done without
any sacrifice of principle ;i,n the part of the
Free Democratic Leagitei
Mr. D. T, Burr. said - the resolution did
not: explain itself. He! wanted to knob
whetherAelegates weitee be elected to. the
Pitisburi ConVention. i • •
Mr. Wm. B. Thorn explained the put;-
pose of the resolutions. He took it for grant
ed that all were 'in favoe ,of a.union of all
thoie who desired to p lace the natlonal- . goii,-
erninentlon the side of liberty. That govern
ment bad long, been prostitute 1. to; the,. par:-
pies ofelavery. :alluded td the case of
Passmore Williamssiul a.'t a fearful illustra
tion of the power of Slavery in our own city.
The Republican party! *ii* destined to tn.
ntriph. :Why should effdrts-to that end be
postponed I He earnestly hoped the resolu
tions wOuld be - adopted. I -
Mr. Burr said that it we wanted to form a,
Republiian, party, ve 'rust net question
what party a man, bel, ngee- to
. before he
came to ; the meetingt I
tfr. Oiier said that the time foraction•luid
arrived. , If we-want to eo anything we:mtnit
dot it before frost comes.',. ‘ There was a gen
era! disintegration :;of parties. The Whig
patty was admitted tar be dead. The Dem -
ocrats were about strnekt i by lightning. Some
peOple were afraid Of idle Know .Nothings ;•
yet, tbeifr national eonvention was the first ,
great battle ground between freedom and
slavery 4 Look at Ma4achusetts=look at
Wilson;—look at Gilirdnig. He hoped thi.
* all! parties would be itivinid to, join the new
movement. The the North was all
right. •
George C. Coirns; supported the lathe
VIOVS, and argued that Shivery was the great
' iblii - '66inite • Cot.
lateral. Our conscience* bad - been wozTied
as had beim well said, they had beittl,
burnt throuili. - : -
Mr. CO* Otim the interior of the Stott;
said be knew something about '.thit, condition
of affSirs sonic 'of the interior lioun 1 ..
He could predict what would occur within 4,
mouth. Ile,zititil&stSte that it wits artithge4
that the whole Convention—whole meet
fumassing of now Nothings !should go oVer to the
sion K
• .m l ovement..- The Whig
party mall :those counties was dead-and
dead, boiause of its pitiful subseriieuey to
slavery. He'denounced : Wrn. F. Johnston,
as a traitor to-the cause, and said he voted
against a resolution in \ the National Conven
tion, denouncing the Nebraska4attrage. • And
that man now opposesthe 'movement in Al- i
1 legheny. County. How are the mighty fat-
lent .... He continued at length in denunciation
of the old parties; . and
,of the slave power.--
His remarks were frequently interrupted by
applaUse. - The question'was thenjsken upon
the second resolution, And it was unanimous
ly adopted. • I
On motion, a Committee of five was ap.
, e inted to confer with those gentlemen who
are engaged in making arrangements for bold.
ing a-Republican Coniention in this city; on
the 30th.
The conunittee consists, of Messrs. Jut),
O'Neill: Ed - Le,
J . i 3
, /lei'', , ward ;w %Geo. C.
O. Kintzing and Win- S. Pierce.
The prearuble of th. resolutions was then
I Mr. - Win. a.
Kane,.and said ibat h
more Williams4m w
that had brought the
the block, and that w
the head of/Judge .Ka
-On inotion, adjourn'
for the -"Republican"
The Legislature Of,
ed . an act adniiii*Tg
the rights of cititenshi
holders. •A Correip 1
Republican. says that
to a close,' and That t e .
:up its business fast. , rait
‘:enworth to. Lecompto has bi,
,ed.. The various acts )f the Legil
entirely disfrauchisccl. he free State\
:one of ;these gives to l the comity eta
election officers. Thcounty courts ar),.
pro-slavery. ' Anothe , act allows any. Man
to vote without , regar to residence, on. the
payment of a dollar and the taking of certain
oaths. This adinits a,I - Missouri, or, in fact,
people 'front. any, where else... But' the vari
ous enactments respee 04 : slavery .make fel
ons Of all the free State men, and thus 'de
prive them of the right s of citizenship. The
oathS required of the'?
. al,e .to support the
liatilvx.s bill and enforce
,the fugitive slave
law; wltich most:of th 1 refit'Se to d 0.., Any•
man may
.challenge a voteii'and 'upon such
,challenge the voter ru y be required . to take
these oathi. Govern r Reeder has official
ly_ nOtified the Legisl tune of his removal,
and that the . Territori. I Se4etary, Mr. NV ood
I son ; is Governor pr tec h. 'A correspond
• : .
lk ent'of the St. Louis . , Re p gives the
following items:.
A .message fri)in e.
handed into the How
forming the A's.seinbl
moved from the fund
ship, and that. t bereft
upon the Territorial S
son. When this m
joy lit up every &cc
prevent the whOle H
an uproarous expres.
It was good news to
a Governor ' to court
C(' - .1.• Woodson will 4
Pierce will send. us
shape of a new Reed
him, to issue, comm"
laws -of the. Territb
laSt message •is curi
in effeci,..thusi ;'" T
and House of Repres
ritory Although.!i—
edge you as a legal I
still of the same t&
should inform you ti
cial notificationrof ni
til my_successor ar
office of Governor w.
tary Woodson." .
- There is some - talk:of Judge Elmol
resisting „the. &nem! 'government.
that he says that President' Pier
right to remove him ;•..because
'terfere with the Judiciary. ,
In the House, to-ditY, Dj.-Stringfellow of
fered a resolution bit the - effect that - a Con
vention- be called tx frame a. Constitution,
prior to Kansas *ng admitted into the.
. union. , It sets': the . rst Monday in October
as the day- on *hich pie polls should be open-•
ed, and the people are to vote "Convention"
or "No Convention,# on that day. - If the
Majority are
.in favor. of a Convention, pro
vided this resolutiOn,passes, 'we may. expect
a pet.ti4uk fro o Kalfsas, to be adinitted,as a
State at the next 'Almon of Cofigress. .-Dr.
S.'s resolution was referred to a select com
mittee .of Messrs. Marshall, Anderson,...and
Mathias. Th4.l 'w i 111 report . to-morrow. : I
expect it will.earry.i " .. •
This afternoon . a 'sharp debate sprung up
about naming a comity Pierce, in
_which the
President got fits., `Some thought it a-dis
- grace ; others that it was springing old party
issues upon the pro-Slavery party . ; but final
ly it. was named Wise, in honor of the Gov
ernor elect of Virginia. .
It is not likely that President Pierce cares
• much for the g,ood topinion of such a set of
outlaws as Stringfellow and his . hand ;- but,
there is a a sort of retributive justice in that
debate in the mob legislature on the subject
of Pierce county,lhich must unavoidably
attract attentiOn. fatty persons are 'apt to
suppose the representations respecting the
. .
doings iif thesn legialators to be exaggerated.
TO all such-we commend the .following .. .
tracts from the lima pegged by them' Here
.• • •
are two sections fr4m . a bill respecting, free .
negroes :. '! - i- , , .
ti p .
• Section 1. That no person shall keep , or
teach any school within this territory for the
instruction of :slavegs., free negeoes oe mulat
toes. I
Section 2.- No meeting or assembly of ne
gioes or mulatto es ; for any purpose of reli
gious worship; or 13ir any other purpose, shall
he held or permitted where the services are
conducted by slaves, free negroes or,mulat
toes, unless :a:sheff, constable or justice of
the peat* for ihe county in which said meet-
ing shall be held, shall be present during the
time of such meeting, in order to prevent se-s
ditious speeches end disorderly- conduct..of
all kinds .
Here is a section from a bill relative to
the qualification ofijurors:
Section lg.; Nol person who is conscien
tiously cppolied to holding slaves, or who
does not admit thi right to hold slaves in
co denounced Judge
conduct towards Pass
one of aeries of acts
head of Charles 1. to
s the proper place for
with" three 'cheers;
,arty. >••
his. Territory.- has pas-
he hawnee Indians to
They are -all slave
dent (of the St. Louis
. session drawing
_islature is doing
vay ,from Leav
', nineorporat
atuae have
ts the
-GOvertioi Reeder was.
• and council also, iri
y that he was now re.:
lion's of . the Governor
re - they would. devolve
.cretary,: a • 1 Wood-
ssage was read aloud,
and it was difficult to
mieffroni going off into
on Of their gladness. =
s -all. fOr we only, lack
ission officers, mitt that
o at once„ for fear that
a new scourge in. the
-ri'who will refuse, like
ions for enforcing the
y. The , ex-Governor'
usly worded. It rims,
Ahe Honorable Council
•ntativeS9f. Kansas Ter
refused to acknowl•
. y, and although lam
nd, yet it is due that -
ha -
it, I have received ofti
- removal, and that 'un
iVes, the duties of. the
ill devolve upon Seer
, I learn
.e has' no
e cannot in•
t litterritortidurifle si juror inany rraiii
in wfillit,,the right. to bold any - peraret
Shrsaq i s . involved, nor in any cause in which
any injury:done to, or committed, by any
slave hi in Issue, nor in any criminal prose
tutionlor violation of !atty law enacted
for the protion oT slave Property; and .for .
the pUnishitient of crimes committed against
the right .tor such property.
But here is the crowning act of Hums
wisdom : •
Section 1. Every persim . i bond or•five, cow
victed Of raising a- rebellion of slaves, free
negroes or mulattos, shall suffer - deaal.
Section 2.. Every free person who shall . •
a id i n any rebellion of slaves ' dcc., or do any
overt act in furtherance thereof, s h a ll serer
death, ; ,
Section S. if . any perspn, shan i hi, /peak.
frig, writing, or Printing, advise,
any slaves to rebel, - conspire . „ again t, - or
murder any citizen -of`- Kansas, or-shalt im
port. or aid in importing such dOcuments, _
shall suffer death. , ;
- Section 4. If. Any_ perso eflualli
coy, or carry out of Kinslia any slave 41ear
ing to another, with intent- ta'deprive „the
owner thereof of the services of'sttch
or proem* the freedOm of such alai*, 6 Aid
suffer death,.or bec'imprieaned at hard labor
for not less than ten years.
Section.s. If any perm* shall twilit -
tieing, etc., (as above,) he shall suffer Efiath, or
be imprisoned at hard labor - for not less than .-
ten years. . •
Section 6. If an y person shall entice or ditti
ry away outof any State or Territory of the
United States any slave 1' * land shall bring ,'
Such slave into thls.Territori, etc., * ,* he .‘
shall suffer death, or be imprisoned at hard,
labor for not less thari ten years. - -
•-. • ' The Comity. Cairrentioii... •
The Democratic Counti.Convention whia
meets at this place on Tuesday evening, Sep. ,
tember 4th, will assemble - undereircumstanc- -
- es widely different frOm- previous occsaions
and demanding: at theliands of the assembled, • •
delegates an unusual degtfie of discretiottas -
judgment. - The power ff such assemblages •
to control the action of the voters has pained .
away, and they will be neeful ottly- -solar as ,
they truly and faithfully represent public sea- .
timent. We may get together as.-usual iq
'the Court House, place in nomination.,a fall
ticket; hurrah as we plc - Use . .about "regular
nomitiatiOns,": invoke toi:, our utmost party
names and•party
,organization, and yet, if the
candidates are not stmepthble' to' the -voters,
'not a dozen will support • , the ticket bet:mute
the forms of a . nomination have been gone
through, with.
. . . .
A:new subject of consideration will come
"before the' Convention. We. allude to the
proposition made by, the Whig County Com
mittee, viz: "An union ,
of Northern forces
upon a common phi fform:ofFreedons." This :
recommendation. made thus openly and fair
ly, we cannot evade. , It would he
attempt to do-so. I:he party in. the North,
which stai.di in the "way of the dete:rmination
on the part of the people to act in . common;
will commit suicide, and ; will be overwhelm
ed by the popular - voice. If we are met with -
a proposition trim our sometime joolitical.
opponents, to throw the strength of Freedom
in this County for but two Representatives,
how can we refuse to exercise the liberality,
without making our defeatat the' polls cer
tain, and without rendering ourselves obnox,
ious to the charge of inconsiStency mid want
of devotion to principles, Are we organized.
to perpetuate a name, or to advance princi
ples 'I If the latter, and no principle is vio
lated, may not the earnest voice of voters for
. .
comes Freemen. -, '
, For ourselves, .we shall not permit the
great question of the day, to he'crowded.out
of view for personal or. polities] consider&
Lions. ..We are not so tenacious of name**,
to permit load' questions to deter us from do 7
ing what
- we consider our duty. We'ehall,
without regard' to Conventions or van:uses,
in everythsng attempt to promote the cause
of Freedom, in the manner' test calculated,
in our judgment, to be most efficient.--Brad
foid Reporter.
Free Soil Convention in Mu
Sr. Loins, Aug. 23;,
• The Free Sdilers of Kansas held a. mans meetink at Lawrence on the. 14th init. It
was attended by six hundred persons;• and
resolutions were adopted denouncing the the:-
tion -held on the 13th of March last, ast great
outrage, denying the . legalitypf the
tune, and pledging themselves to resistitaan
thority. rfhey also recommend the electicail
of delegates to 'a Convention, to forma State
Constitution, with a view to an iramediata
State organization, and application to'the nixti
Congress'for admission into' the Union. A
resolution of thanks to Gov. Reeder
adopted. In pursuance of - the resolutions, -s t
State Convention is called, to meet at Big
Springs on the sth of September next, to form
a State Constitution. The convention is to
be composed of five delegates from eaelk
representative district..
FALL ELECTIONS.—Elections have yet to
be held this year, we believe, in twain
States. - In most of them Legislators and
State offieers are to be \ chosen, and in *Mr
of them Repreientntives to C6ngress. Of
,latter chosen,' Louisiana, Missis4ppi,
Georgia, and Maryland, Which are entitled is
the ag,gregate to twenty-three members.—r
The elections will as follows :
California, Tues day; September 4. .
Vermont, Tnesday; September 4.
Maine, Mimday, September 10,.
Georgia, MOnday, October 1. *
Ptinnsylvania, Ti esday, October 9.
. Tuesday i October 9. .
Ohio, Titesday,. October 9.
Louisiana, Monday, °November 5, -
Mississippi, Mbnday, November 5,
NeW York, Tl!esdny, November 6, _
Wisconsin, Tuesday, NOvember 6.
Maryland,'Wednesdair November 7...
Mamachusetts, Monday, November 12.
GEN. PtKnot—The Washington Organ
mentions a rumor that Gen: Pierce has late.
ly bought a farm of 500 to 600 acres, our
Qdesville, Montgomery, county,: Maryland,
as his)future residence. 'Should be reeigV B
the Democratic nomination in 1056 i ho
runlts a Maryland and not as =a Newltatopt ,
shire man. This May or may Dot b.t l 01.414,