Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, August 23, 1855, Image 4

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    I M k g i N r -.=
qaps 4 io lotioqs.
corrilioredenee of ;he Buffalo -Daly iteptfblie.
•ptl ST VILLAGE, N.l Aug. 13, 1835.:
. This part'Of 'the cOuntrY is wild with ix
citement. The immense snake, with varions.
descriptions of which' the papers have been
croWded - for two weeks back, is at length cap
tured.'You-have undoubtedly hear 4 all the
particulars of his appearance, the many doubts
. and Sneers as' to the existence of a hunts ste
turs of this character in .ft lake but•fourruiles
long and not quite three _ ,quarters of a Mile_
wide: - Daniel Smith, an old•whileriiin, came
• here about two weeks -since, after hea k ingrof
the appearance of the creature, and while
'bere.had z . the good' fortune to see him. He
immediately sent to - New York for an old
shipmate of his and his " iron and on .I'ri
day.last both with harpoons, cordage
. and everything necessarY ,tocsitch the mon
ster,-Many- .strangers who are stopping •at
the Walker House' in this city, attracted to .
~this part M . the country by the excitement in
regard to the monster, and who had obtained
no: glimpse of him, laughed_ at them': for their
- pains ; but they kept on with their prepara-:
tions in 'spite of sneers
. and jeers. Boat.:
have been stationed all over the lake for up
ward of eight days, and the whtilemen had 'a
sharp look-but kept all the time, beside watch-'
ing themselves.
This lake has - several outlets, the largest
of which runs through this village and finally
empties into or becomes Genesee River: In
• -•the vicinity of this . outlet he was seen first,
.and -on Sunday he came •to the surface,. dis
play ing about 30 feet of his long, sinitous•
body, remeining„however, but a very few .
Arioments. The boats were: on. the watch all
Sunday night. The Whalemen had,l2oo feet
.of strong, whale line in their boat, the end Of
- whieh.ran ashore and was flistened to a tree.
On Monday ,morning everything -was on the
7 alert. The shores were lined - with town's
people and strangers, and everybody seemed
very lunch excited. Ab out 9 o'clock the ani
mal made his 'appearance between the'svhale:
- men's boat and the shore, revealing twenty
or thirty feet of his length. He lay quiescent
.upon the surface, when .the whalemen's boat
• moved slowly toward him-s-lfr. Smith of
Covington poising a Lilly-iron in the air.' (A
Lilly-iron is a- patent harpoon, a heavy cut
-. ting knife being attached by the middle to
the end of, 'the iron by a rivet.. As soon as
the knife enters the body
,of the animal this
, . moveable blade turns at right angles to the
Wound, and being entirely- blunt and- flat'on .
one side, it is impossible to extricate it -ex
cept by.eutting out) When they, had got.
. about ten feet from the animal .the - .iron
whistled through the air and went deep into
his body. In a moment the whole length of :
the monster was, lashing the air,* at a bound
revealing his whole enormous length,. and
then making the water boil in'every diree
lion, he described rapid, foaming circlesaand 4
. arcs of circles, with such a swiftness the eye
could scarcely follow him, Then he 'darted
ofd' itsanother direction toward the upper part
of the lake; the suddenness of bis movement
almost dragging the boat under water.. Line
-was gradually given hint, and a ft er the .space
,ofitalf an hour it was 'plain that his strength
was almost exhausted.. The. whalemen then
came ashore and
,gradually hauled the bins
The body. was. within fifty feet - of the
shore, When renewed life appeared to have
Leen given him, an&wlll7,ibe dart he carried
n e arly - all the line out. This was his last
- great effort. .He was slowly dragged ashore,
amid 'the wildest 'excitement and tumult- ever
known in the vicinity of Silver - Lake. Four:
or five, ladies fainted upon seeing the Mon..
iaer,„who, although ashore, was lashing, -his
body into tremendous folds,andthen straight
ening 'himself out in his agony, with a noise
. - and power that made - the very earth tremble
-around him. The harpoon had gone entirely,
through a thick "muscular part of him,'about
eight feet from his head, -
. •
•The snake, or animal, 'is fifty-nine feet five
- inches. in length, and is a most disgusting
looking creature. A thick slinie covers 'his
.hideous length; a quarter . of an - inch thick,
- which, after being removed, is almoSt instant,
ly replaced by exudation, The body of this
creature is variable. in size., - The head is
zabout the size of a full-grown calf's; within
eight feet of the. head the neck gradual
swells to the thickness of a foot .in ai
vameter . which continues .for fifteen' inches,
-and. then tapers down the other .way; con
stantly. increasing in size, however, as it re
cedes from the head, until, the body -of , the
monster has a diameter,of over two feet in
the:centre, giving a, girth of over' six feet.—
It then, tapers off toward the : tail which ends
in a fin which can be - expanded n the shape
of a fan Until it is threefeet across, or closed
in a sheath. Along the belly, from the head
to the tail, are double rows of fins, afoot in
length—not opposite 'each other, but ahem
. ately 'placed. The bead. - is """ a most singular
affair. The eyes are very large, white, star
ing and terrific. • Attaehedstis the edge of the
upper and lower tide, which those:of
a human being, as transparent film, or mem
brane, is seen, which, while it -protects the'
eye of the 'animal, 'does notinterfere with its
vision. He has no nostrils, Or gills, appa
:rentiy. The mouth of this serpent, or what
ever it may he r is underneath—ii almost a
counterpart of the Mouth of the fish milled - a
' sinker, possessing the same valvular' power,
pursed ups—but it cqn be stretched Sc) as to.
take - in a body of the diameter of a foot or a
.foot Balt half. No teeth can be discovered. ?
hard bony substance extends in two pars&
lel lines around the upper and lower part Of
the bead. His color is a desky'brown on
the sides and back but underneath the belly
-isof a dirtyirhite: It is sinuous like a snake,
but 'has along its back, mid cm each side; a
row •of hard substance; knitt-like in, shape,
. the largest raised fonr inches froth the, surs
face :of the body, extending from bend to tail.
The newaszif his capture spread like wild
fire; andbeforenight 'hundreds and hundreds
.of psfile from the neighboring towns
iitrakes had,collected to see this wonder.—•
• The animal still has the barpcion in him. • . Its
.through the muscular portion of 'his
back and touched no mortal part. He
in the water, an ingenious contrivance . of
ropes hating been 'plaited on him while he
was on shore, keeping' this body in a Curve,-
preventing 'him from getting away or pror
ir. g. dungen - Si&
.• use but his bead ;and
tail,. with whigh he Occasionally stirs 'up ,the
water all about him
,for rods. • fieloitepa. - hia.]
head- under water, except rears it
' ,
if looking around, and presents si mkt
fearful aspect. When reOirt . he . exppdiel
his..meuth. and exhibits - a'avity blee4ed,
most :terrible to look upen.„l4,sitilisi.this,
7A - fr . : rashes forth with a - beifstkitnifinit •
I have no snore time
hotel is full, and ..peCiple htivegreat diffieults%
- .in•gettings•s Meal in the village: :Some Cat'
-go - -np . tO east: to
The whelemenssantemPlate keeping the mon , .
-ter in his_pritisientpcisitioitintil an agent. of
been' 'tele ,
graPhed, : o; : expeeped - here to4j,ibt. - , ,
Vert truly yonisfrhitd,:iindaitbscriber ,
, tairrha family of 'Alexi:Potts, in Washi- .
ington county. was poisoned* few -days Am ,
- by `eating-mushrooms, - so AMC, shoe,,, -- pt his
left two: Mb* ehittleisi and
tbo parents in a pz*CariOUS gate; ;
. .
Ano d Joke:
• There is_many .an old tale - :and of epi-.
gram, which,' after ly ng bifor years, eomes
up like the
.bowstrin in ".IWfutte not, mant
not," at very', approp late Amolitg'the
tales . applicable in t. se allti- Catholic times,
we fecal, that of a pl itt. Scotch Protestant far- .
mer, - who had autititeld much and desired ,re
lief from . his - landimil, a "Catholic nobleman.
Going to the . sub- deputy cleriett as
sistant., he was:ungrailibuslyreferred fro in one
authority toilMotheri until he With difAculty.
reached, the etibleman when he - ibeard
his story,- at once gaive the regitired
Being struclewith tit intelflgence
and wit of his tenan “heolOni sheaved hitti all
his Castle,.until they iNitne to a Chapelin!which
~vice pictures tifknin ts,t he Virgin Mary;L'hrist,
and the Lerd. "'What's yon folk r ipquir
the, fanner., 'lley are the saints who take toy
prayers to the Virgin," replied • bird.—
"And what does sliu do wid em?" '•§lte taucs
them to our §aviour,:who bears. theca to our
Lord,". "BLit," rePil . ed the farmer, "why not
to the Lord at oncel When Icanui to the
dippitfA chick he sqnt the fra ane to atiither,
and hither and thith'er, - till 1 nigh instibeart.
Had I,,gane to yourilairdship at,oncei tit had
been muckle. the b - l.ter for trte.?'• . Reflection
on this remark is slid to hare converted his
_lordship• •
. ; .
. -- . • .
'• . Li. .
' SE'
PIICCIIIC of the PipiCl•r :Magazine, San 'l'l7.lti
disc o, has been givi 1 some very. extraordina
ryi lectures upon - strotioiny. lic!is the
" Professor CzcAar . . Ijannlbal "- of thell Heav
ens.• •
of Jupiter, our iinPort
lilte a -.small: star the
itude.! releolleo some
with — astonishment i:Knt the
Kf Water developed by i r
re, secretly•wotideringl
e not renstmable "beings,
i It is not ultOether
that) a icientifiemiliabi
.With a teleset4 of in
fie pursuing a4tnilar t
anil indulging in l't‘i,tnilar
ing stir earth airdl, its in.)
withcurious-eye '4lis atJ,
• attracted by the. move.:
telebration of the Fourth
‘, or A lniglity .eotttention
ud bless my soul !!! ex!
these little creatdites ;
Here'S' a touch
To the inhabitant
ant globe-appears
fourth or fifth tnagn'
years ago, gazing,
inhabitants of a. dr
the "solar Tnicrosco
whether. they wtit
with souls to be s;,
a : pleasant icflectio,
bole of Utipiter, aey
conceivable form,
course of inquiry,
Speculations regal.'
habitants. Galin'
tcution is sudden!'
meats of a grand .1
Jujy in NewYor '
dare, they're (tare!
see Mein teiygle !"
There's sotnethi
proud people to tl
their difficulty.
T „
itc.Dsvies , 'BLeore.--An' Indian who hat
been horn and brOught up at Minisink, near
the Dela War e• Water Gap; and ' who. WJE
known in that nei libOrhOod by the namC o'
Crnelius' Posen tum, had Mice, When:mle!
the' Influence of •c rung liquor; killed the beyj
Indian friend be' elver had, ilineYing hint to In
his inveterate enemy. Itc . i said that .whil{
intoximted, tlid. £4ee of hisl.frienitpresented
to his eyes, all Obi features of the man with
wion he ' 4 state of lh.! mot: dead IY
hostilit . i • . . ,
When he awohe from his delusion, he. wai
struck with born)... and•4l.l.,:oripin A troni that
ninment never- again tti . taste :the - maddening
poison, whili - he was convinced was invented .
by the.d . t':vil, as i could cin)y, have been htin
who made Juni see his etietnytwlien his friend
was before )lim o acid prodnee, 'so strong a de.
.eeption oil his bevildered senses that he actu,-
, ally killed Fitt, I
: • _From that time
I pened thirty ye • arl
a drop of ardent j
devil's blood, belt
• devil, or some of
ageney in:its pre,
Too GOOD • TOI BE L • ST:H-Itie citizens: of t i
1 - 1 7 -- 7 -ti ;Miss., assembled at a church to rill- 1 1
ebrate the 4th of July, tiY !readink; the . pecht-Y
ration of Indephndence: and Vi , ashingzont'S
'Farewell . Addre+. An old vntleman, corn
ing. in rather latti, walked up near the pulpit
while WashingtOn's addreis teas being read.
The old Man listened nntill:he heard. "Against
the insidious ~,wos of foreign influence, I - mn
jure you, to believe me, IfelloW-citizens,
,itlousy.of a fVe,e peoplei ought to be con
scantly awiike,iince history and experience
:prove that foreign influence is one of the most
baneful. foes' 4[_republimn I government4--
When this waS'reail, lititook up his hat in a
passion .and' lit the house. At the door lie
ei4 .l
met - some fri .s
, . - "Gentlemen," said be,
"1 came 'here ' celebrate the Fourth of ltt 7
' lyi 'and hear t ' : Declaration of Independence
and- Washingt: n's . Farewell Address .; read:
But," said hey;" ' the first thing -I heard mias
that fellow in 1 here reading 'a d—d Know-
Nothing doetint nt, end
. 17li whip hitt as soon
as 1 . 1.: leaves ti houSe."
I-Tow To atoO k NIT A lioßsr... i —A letter frOm
an officer on holiTd the U.S. ship St. Mary's,
data at St. Mary's AnchOr, Peru, publisleti
in the Dartington Free gives a ludi
crous mode orinounting a -horse. The o
men do all the' w twork, and the men area g4,d
for nothing - set: )fgamblers and thieves. the .
women ride on the hind • quarters of their
horses, without a saddle, ;cross-legged, with
the load on the berstVont., They monk
the animal. by bola of his lung
making a loop by doubling it up, and cla.P
nig with one h nd the . upt•er and lower parts
of the tail, and then putting.ope foot in the
loop and . the-ober foot on" the joint of the
horse's leg, thcfy ascend as if going up stairs.
They - usually +bind erect on the ,horse, be
fore sitting ddwn. The horse S- never kick
I or . stir. 1 •
. A PROMIBIIS r WlDenr.".litli 4 . PrOViett, t!
since the dear ,of herintsband„ hag; edited
Yazoo() Whig,
.Iriving rtaleicied an offen i
note, replied nil follows': - If the.'biped
sent Us tin an . ytnotis'.lettqlfrotti 'Jack!
signed' 'Chem use Will come to - Yu/xi 1
and Cal l at th Whig office, two noble 1
boys,:one eight and.the 'other six: years
shall tie a leather medal round hi neck,
duebill fOr a lambing ;they Owehitn, pay'
some ten y • rrs hetic:v with coinpoun
terest." • - i - , i
A Wxsz A
with that litti
eious 'parent.
"But, ma,l like her.;; she is a good I
girl, and Fin sdre she dresses gui prettily
ever I do; Ifild she has lots of toys." .
"I cannot help that, rhy , deem, respo t
the foolish anti-Ameripin, "her father
shoemaker:" d , i -•- _.,
"Batidourt, play with her fathei, I
with her; she ain't a . shoernaker." .
IN VIE S ' 4 , 4 -,The yropr i ietOr of a r
tattmilt in ittiburg, tuts had; displayed at
Ada 400 r, ton iedously, the .fullewuig . sign
"Oysters fri .and roasted sin shelf."—
Oysters ha ' .vot.out of date he has i *O)4
.stituf:4 fir : - -...*Ord,' "(sprtpg' .- ebiekenS . ,l
and ei - Pi 43.1idil says ;, that _ imilfurp.
t i st
ishes ' that - dtilieper In. !:taet accordanee with
his nimouricilnent'? ,: ' ' --1' ;.. '' - t
Jt saidol th e
yeti Sit' Celt' * Oren
: by. t,rie baud f., , tootw. - 1304 : not .to - the
veil,thoretbre.„"ke sadness t;tight, be, to
*bide th e ;ErOckr that &flex, ;bad arloyid iO'
smiles pfilw; 'Tess. - '
►g for very, vain fir very;
*nk ofnlay be 'net
, h:ip.
idOleat Weil
afterwards, he never drank
vg, firmly persn'aded.thaf tn
his inferior spirits, hat an
You must not
girl, my pear,' said an la
. .
~ • -
gar Hire, pepper got: the .I;ctter 'at the
.hilosopher, - the. other • daY,. in arguing the
,Whether:teMen or men .talk the
.".You B ;tornan can talk a man
mostio death, 4 saittMrs. P:, "but I'd 10:e
Pknow if SampiOn didn't . jaw a thousiMd
hilistines to death?" The philosopher gave
-fn, gild that very . evening presented Mrs. P.
with a ticket to a s,tr4wberry festival, shire
hat respectable lady got into seventeen sharp
disputes and enjoyed itierself amazingly.•
,:T. B. *retard, M. D..
ronYsiciAN AND SURGEON, Jackson, SusAine
hanna county, I"'!1. '.:;Residence at the Postotpee.
I -- - '----
. . Hall & Lanib
, . , - 1
CABINET MAKERS; haie recently opened aNttare
room in New Milfori, Pa., And will keep rota
stantly on band all kinds o.Cabiiiet-ware ; also Ready
made Coffins. Funcialt 11U - ended with or with Out a
hearse. Wart. - .-rooMmeitly opposite J. Dickerntan's
Store.f •4 . .
• New Milford, May 15; 1855. 9.(1-- c
. . • , L- 1 '
- -- ,
A.. & WBaldwin f .l
1.1.1 ir
Trunks, I
i Whips,'&l., in the Basementof Searle's
Hotel; Montrose, Pa. , r' -
1 • , C. X. iimunOns, .--- j
.100 T AND SHOE MAKER.i Shgp first di - ..0 , east
XI of Odd Fellows' Hall, Turnpikarst., 3fontroxe.
" ' ' W. Singleton .‘ .-I •
. , .
j'AIN now be found at his new stand on Owego st.
VJ two days west.of.Searle t a Hotel, where lie ef
fectuntly repairs with' - .;dispateh, Watches, Clocks,
Jewelry, Guns, and evity description of Machinery.
.Wheel.cutting; .tluo and Watch tfiate?ials supplied
to the trade. i ,
~ 1
.., ,-_
. -
. -- Dr. H• • Smith, -'- ! I
URGEON DECTIq, Montrose, l'a., at Starle's
hotel, MondayS and - Tuesdays of each week.
, :
• Henry S. Knapp,
TONTROSE, P.A.. • Rya., ll'oodrali" 4 Car
ter, Wholesale iilfocers and Commission Mer
chants, Nn. 173 Washprzton street, between court.
twat and Dcy streets, Wets 7 York.
Caleb Weeks. •
tinge Trinneti. :Aop , al- hiit dwelling Ilionse,
early opposite Henry Drinlier'A.. lionirosc, Pa.
Mine* & Fowler; •
and Solicitors in cqtaneery. Office So. 411 Clarke
street, Chicago, hl -
Pacific Hotel ,
TIREENWICEI STARET. (near liroultra,
York. Salisbury! b Co., Proprietors.
ciClnit•V of the principal steamboat landings.
.ThOMEL3 ingStral3l. •
1.." Crockery, Dtiotsliutd fie., Suspf
' .. liepot, Pa. '
Bentley .& Fitch,
'l._ AGENTS, pa;
il et. g. wENTI.Kv. . 1 . 1 ,1.. el
3 . 4 n Groves, , .
'Hotel, Maine .tfiiet .Ifontrose, 1'44
'D.';D. Hinds,
i; I_4 in the rear of )Vlh4on's Store, Montrose,'
• .1 •
•• • Colsten,
rAtALEn STOVES, Tin, Copper, an ,
Iron Ware /ji.,fi , r , vriil< pear Grelt Ben ,
Di ember 4.. . ; • • ', • .. •
• L.P. Hinds,
A tTORNEY AT LAW, •Siineteltanna, Pir. Of fi ce
PA-1 on Maine strOetf one door east of Lenhoines.
'Prater & Case,
/A.! Office on Turnpike street, one dooil
Post's Store, Montror, Pa. ,•
H Oitit. Chamberlin, •
A ,TTORNEY AT LAW and Justice of
over I. L. POst k Co's. Store, Motitror
Win. H. Jessup,
tl DtEDS, fur thelState of. New York,
to all business entrusted to him with prompt
Oflice on gublic Square, occupitull
Wm. Jessup. . . •
I _
. - Abel Terrell,
1 E
I)gnEtrt ,
g, tiroccries:
arilmtre, Stoncsra*, Glawrrare,,CloCks;
jewelry, Cilrer Spoons,•SpOctaclm4, - Music.
merits, Trueses, Surgical lustful's:mob, Ligli
rum'ery, Mirrors, ,St4tioncry, trusheit, Shoef
Notions„ &c._
- -
. B. R. Lyoni & to.,
• Dry Goop, Pmeerics, Salt, Flour;
wart., Lants4ro;
- •
F 4 B. Chandler,
TIESLEII ; DRY GOODS, Ready Made Clothing,
13 Groceri, BoOks and .gtatieinery, ate., Public
Avenue, Montrose,lPg.. - 1
• •
P.attick & Dimock,' ‘ I .
1 Owego street, fifontrost, Pa.
;1G L. Yost & Co.,
IMEALERS IN'ORY GOODS, Groceries,rrockery,
1-/ Hardware,' Lenther, Flour,
etc., corker of Turn
pike street and Pulite Avenite; Montrose; a.
' - • :7.ltyons & Sta., • -
TAPALERS IN DRY GOODS, Grocerici, hardware,
Crinicery,Thiware, Groceries, Books. etc.;; also,
carry on the Book :Pindini business—l'ublic Avenue,
Mottirok, Pa: .
Bentley & Read, -
DEALERS IN ;DRY GOODS, Drugs, 3103icines,
Paints, Oili Groceries, ,Ra - rdware, Clocker,
Iron, Clocks, Watches, Jewelry, Silver Spoons, Per.
(=cry, &S.—Foot. of Public Avenue, ifontrogr:
Sagre,Bentlby &Perkips;
.1.11 ktric? of Casting, 'Stoves, Agricultural Imple
ments, etc: Of6ce ,at Sayre 's Store, Public Avenue;
Manufactrot?,- at tl6 Eagle Foundry, Foot' of Cherry
street, Moittrose, l,ea.
*phi* & William a ,Tessiip,
CLTTOUSTSS !AT LAW, Nord rose:, Prac
tice in Susquehanna; Bradford, Wayne, Wyo
ininpzaud t f uzerril coantim , •
• - •
W. litith & Co.;
rIABDIET -MAKERS.Th ey keep constantly. on.
V/ 1120 ► gooll assortment of all kind. 4 of Cabinet
Furnitnre.V Simi and Ware Rooms at 4 1 the foot of
Maine fltr4t, Mottfrote, Pa. I •••
IR4mlcwell, Winton & Co.t o
1. Voi , da, =eap„an.LTDßEitirmbr*llasi7 Straw
sole, Ribt4na, No. 20 Cinutlamiti st4et,. New
York, (nP istairs.) ' ,E •
kranklin Fraser. -
ri ifoltrosr, Pa., will attend faithfully to a bust.
ness eutrnsted td him in the county of Susquehanna.
Couveyanemut a il writing of all kinds will be done
neatly, and c moderate. -He wtil also attend to
the, presedution claims of soldiers, their widows
against the United States Government, for
Bounty Lind, P,,e.nsions, tc. May be found at all
l p
iours Jae I ce formerly occupied by J. T. Rich
ards. Esq; of the Cowl. Rouse. i 1489.
tti 0
is n
Iplay ,
- .
• . )1. (I‘.. Tiler, .1
I"NTERESTEII with LL. HUNT, Importer of and
lir - Hardware and Cutlery, Carriage Springs,
&v., No. OA fried aireet, - ;21 - ew, York, where his Met
contd. e frtenda, fb this and other counties, are kindly
invited, and carpestly solicited to call and purchase.
A, n
A ga
AssogiricENT of TM' eat.. Iran
and Copm Ware of my °um marmacture-and
made of :bear pplate for sale by
yy .1 DICKEEN.L\ jr
~; Novi 3lilford,gJulp 12,185 x. -
F.Vl44lllnont of Hardware, Oupenter and
loicene Toots. Puuip Chain, Awl fixtures St
New Milford,*ly, DM.] DICKERIAN'S.
SA S tCAMM MR" the, hest ileality, tar sale
at -
camp 1 - ' DWORMAN'S--
0 " •
i; . I. L. 110 ST
„„e EA RNED..
tITTMNI3ERG BRO., Montrose ro., take 1
this mettuid l o - iltriling their old flienis and
customers suld the public at large, that they have just
received and opened the targest, - prettiest and cheep
cot stock of READY 11.4 DE CLOTHING ever bro't
to this place, vrhlch they offer at a small advance from
cot, thereby Offering: purchasers' the rare opportuni
ty of obtaining goods' !at about two thirds the usual
Also a lame assortritent of Dry; Goods, comprising
I for Ladies Weir, near styles Brocade, Stripe, Plaid,
Plain and changeable Silks, D.elaines, Muslin, De Bago
Berage delaines of ne* and elegant designs. All the
latest st! les-of Ladies :Dress Goods,- French Lawns,
Prints and GinghanitN l A handsome assortment . o
•Dress Trimmings, Embroidcd Sleeves, Collars Cuffs,
etc: Jaconet and Swist; Edgings and Insertings,Gloves
lifts, Hosiery, Veils and Parasols.
Their assortment ofShawls 14 very large, embracing
every thing that is rich and fashiOnabie both foreign
and domestic.
Their Bonnet Department is large and complete,
embracing the very latest styles,--xvith Trimmings to.
An - extensive assortment - Of Irish linens,: napkins
toweling, table covers; curtains.&c.
We have also a supply of thirts, Gebtlemett'X
Suspentleas, GloVes,•tmbrallati and a good many
other articles too numerous to' mention. For bar.
gains the public is respectfully- inxitedlto call at the
cheap store of 1,
corner of Chesnut &Owego Streets, ft)tfr doors east
of Post's store. : 1 •
(A . RADUATE and Member of the 'Adversity of New
i I.A , York,will be hi Montrose on the 6th, 7th and
Bth breach' month,.. end may -be consulted at Hatch's
- IHotel, for three &all, upon all - diseases incidental - tr . )
i the human , system, via: CONSUMPTION; Broil;
chitin Inflamation of the- Longs, Throat, Live; Plettra,
' I Kidneys., and Spleen,l Dyspepsia, (indieteslion,) Liver,
Complalet,,Ritruatavisia Scrofula ,: Eruptions , Spinal
I Complaints, Diseases, of the eve and car,---Nervpus
A 'E`v
and singularly intecessful remedy for the Weakness, &c., &C.!, Particular attention given - to
the diseases of Fernaleti and Children. The venom
' ; cure of all- Billions diseitses-Coltiveness, Imli-.
the Uterol 'radically cured.
gestipn; rftuulice, Dropsy, Rheumatism Fevers, flu- affections-of
, Dr. Harris is well,! acquainted with bothHorneopa
more,- Godt, Nervousness, Irritability, Inflammatiorts,
thy and AlloPathy, having been inconstant stUdYand'
Ileadachd, raiDS in the Breast., Side, Back and Limbs,
lire practice for the last twelve years, and having first in-
Female Cemplaints; /re. &e.i Indeed, very few
t h e iii s e n 4 es i n w hio a Purgative „Medicine i s pot I . troduced Homeopathy into Binghamton, h. Y., in
1847- • His plan of treatment i s mild, safe and efiTea- •
more or less reimined, and much sickness and suffer
efeeet„i j cloth, and: different frOm thatfof any other physician,
log Might be prevented, it a harrnlegs !Iris
and cures nearly all stages of the disease.
cathartic w ere more freely utied . . No Ipersion can feel I
ileab wat i ao b a t ik o e, b o d y prev oni t h es i4 e s, I l:glrDr. Harris has testimoniala of character}
ity and skill, from a number of the most eminent
it sciOn iienerates serious and often! fatal diseaSes,
which mislid I.medical men in the eity of. New York, aniong:thent
ght have been avoided -by the timely
iiilietous'use of a good purgative. This is alike true 1 the celebrated Dr. Yt , "alentinedkintt.
Persons wishing prompt relief or permanent cures
of Colds FeveriSh symptoms, and' Billions derange-. I
molts.. They all tend to bedorne or pruduCe tins deep L will do Well to cull Without delay. Charges moderate:
seated ind formidable distmpers which load .the 1 Consultation free! ' Patients visiled attheir residences
hearses till over the land. _ ;Renee a; relialde t i nnily lif desired. Office hours from 71n the morning until
physic isL of the first importance to the 'public health, I 9 in the evening.. !.I • . ; .- - *
and . dila; pill has been perfeeted with consummate L. • • • Advantages.
skill to Meet that demand. lAn extet The advantages Of „the' Illiimeriathic treatment 'of
sive trial of its.
virtues ilik Phyiriehots, Professors, and; Patients,; has , 'diseases_ are : -• i . -.; ' •
shoWn results surpassing aft; -thing hitherto.knovin of i Ist. That pationtOreittedHomeopathicallv, usual
any medicine. Curbs - aveleen effeCteif beyond be- ,ly are cured much sooner than by any-other . practice.
lief, were_they not substantiated by-persons of auch I 2d. That many, patients . can be - cured by. Romeo
NeW GOODS: . . exalted !positions and character as to forbid the :sus. 'I pathic remedies, who! cannot be cured by any other
7 - BEiVTI;E.Y ttri RE. : 11) - picion of untruth'. Among the eminent gentlemen I treatment. • I.- I , . „ •
whii haVe testified in An. of thesis` Pills, we - :may I _ ard. That patients treated llorneopathicallY, de
!ARE now receiving their
,usitai supply. of SPRLVCI retention!- •1 ' • I, - I
' .1 not have to labor Under the bad effects of the niedi.
Ai S cif if ER 0 00pS, which tkCY offer to their \
Doct.,,.A. A. liar ras, Analytical Chemist of BoSton; tine-they have taken, cure the disea:se.
enstomera, and'the lle generally; °a the most rea- and State .kssayer of Mlisaidtusetts . , H. J.GARONF.II, i . - 1 •
Ron - able" I, rout, for C lash,. Ilutter, Eggs, Grain, Bees- G - rlf
overnor-o....a.auchusetori Emorivl,AyasiinetaL Ex. ' • .RV GOODS. . : .
wax, or on approved Credit. I-• Car or Massachusetts; StUEON BROWN, Lieut. Gov. . .
Montrose, May 1,:1555, I ` , 1. c IaLLEN & ARK returh their grateful
-' of piiiissi; E. M. \Velem; S.Leretary of State of• Mass. ;. it 1 . .—. . •
Tiflo - 111CI:OTIIS", IKJiseyinin•es, kentueltV 3.•ans,' Joni 11, FITZPATEIK, (lath Bishop of Roston; P, of • . . acknowledgements to the public, and invite at
t., Summer Stuffsi and •a, g;•iteral stock of Staple Jolty Toansy, of the College of PhYSielans l and Say- ; t' l 't ian t° the very } e
rgs. stock of Spring and Stan-,
Pry Goads, just received and for sad. + right bv • gt4ms, New York city ;DrC. T. Jacksos; Geologist. to -r Geniis they arc , Inow receiving and o ff er for sade
' • ! 1 --% • BENTLEY & gran. ofjthe I.'tiblic Lands of the United States; Dr. J. R. at vaat bar priteo, .:in addition to their usual tr - ssort. ,
C - 7 , if.SlSl'i.:lt De Lartf..:4 Lavio;A, Chttilie,l, Ginghruns - Citit:roii, Practical Chemist / Of New_York City, eildor...
.--- meta Of stapfe Dry (Nods Groceries, Hardware Crock-
Painta and Oil ' &L.e they are prepared '
kJ. Mertiac and e.,), heco Prints, Ae. &e. for sale h
el , y Bea. W. T.,. sIA Rl'S', • , , tte . :tt•tikri • id statist ,lirm. , e rr ,
.... • . . •
r i , S i ii d i -.—
s. Li ,. i ,,, k exmint a large. asso meat o n es Dress Goods
by •--- ; . ! BENTLEY & READ.. - Ili:As - rim, the richest man lei Autarica-;
--- i • - CO. Proinietors of the Metropolitaa ..11otel and of - every desetiptionFigured, Plaid and Plain Silks,
I..IONSETS; Rililtons. Parasols, Summer *Shawls,- : Bonnets, Shawls, - Ritillies, Gloves, Hosiery-Ladies
. .
.I_, Black-:lily?, Press TtimMings &e. lec... for sale ~ Oti p l e . i r , - ;'!_ „
Ur • , i•-; • BENTLEY & READ. ; • . a pace reran[, we Could ere
~m any hundred • and M,ises slim 49 off
-- - „-- -- --.J.---_ - -__-- _-,_____ a eerti fi cates from all parts- Meese tlr,, 1 Ills have been !R EA DICMA DE
~7.1.0 TH !NO, Clottei,Cassimeres,
(„ZILK,.Fur, I. , ghoiit, Panama., Straw, and Palen uied, but *evidence even More connticing than, the - lo ha •eatin c Cap?,
Tweeds., Jea`ns, Summ er C t ~V -g., Hat. ,
ki Hats, Umbrellas, Satchels, Window Paper &c. eXperlence of eminent Public men' i- farad in then
4. ,7: Boots and Shoes,. ttit.' . .
c • t.;ENT LE Y &Ill . .." ) . etrectatipon trial. -- i i , j They respectfully solicit an earl- call from _those
, " _ . .
r I ARDW ARE, Crockery, I.atent Pails, ue a Put- / j Theae pills, the mainly it long investigation and i! who wish:te purchaie good goods at low ,vices.
LI ty, Glass &c.I a - BENTLEY & READ: s toly,la:"C offered to the Public as the best and most ; . Springville, Mar 24'5'4,
___,....___ . ______......--.___
11' - 11.1745, MedieiiiC.. ,• Painol; 0i1i . ,11 Vestuffs,rtrila .e mplete which the pre - seta stare of 'medical sciente j --
.- - -7 -- . ,
... ;
•I -, 'general a.ssortment of-Patent Mi.;dicinea, just in c. n afford- They are coMPoutiliell riot of the ilt•iiga i •
_No I.itee to the Public.
and for sale liy I, - Al t'aG jug returned from N w York . I wish to
DENTL Ey. & READ. theinsilyes, but of the medicinal [,,hoes (oily of Veg• 1 11... . .. , e .
-r-- --'•-- -- --- -- --- etable!rentedies eatraeted by chemical procesS, in a call the attention of ray old customers, and of
Q OLE and Ur.per Leather , Patent Kips, Calf :skins, -
s ate of purity and combinedtogether in such a man- . the public in general, to my ... - .
I,D and a good supply of Bo and Shoes constant
tile, r. all to insure the bestl results.l. This systeni of I • .NEW STOCK OF GOODS, - •
ly on hand. • '-
r' .BE N TLEI- & Er' An ' eDmpCkitiell for medicine , * has. beet[
beeli found in Cherry j which being }weight with cash , at the letwest prig,
Pectoraland' Pilla both, .to - product; a more e ffi cient j and Wi.:lting to sell iirincipally for•the,saine, I will of-
IVI ACK E - REL, by - th;l.e ' irrei or one-halt l a} - i - --a - 1-
remcdy t han had hitherto ! been obtained by ally pro-': fcr thn] at greatly `reduced prices-'
.IVI so, Codfish. :. ' - -I . Basertav BEAD. &
des:al I The reason .i. - perfectly °loiters. While by 1 Cochcco Prints, !warianted fast colors., for only . 8-,
VTATCHES mid JEWELRY.-A full assortn.ent the old mode of composition, every rinolichie is bur- 1 cents a yard, Goof} Brown Sugar, 18 poundaforone
1 of 'Gold alio Lepines, and Detatelied, iiendd with more or less - ef iterimooiou.. and injtn ion:. • dollar. - Boonton Nails.; acknowledged by all to be
Levers, in double and single !cases, Ladies' fins, Ear f utilities; by this each hrilitifitial [,pale only that is --. the hest N:til in use, 85,50 per keg. Hats and Caps,
Drops, Rings, Gulird Chahar, lee. •&c. Also, Sill-M r t esirvid for.the'curative tt - feet is piraient.. All the in- , Doors and shoes Btiffillo - Rolies of all prices, all wool
Table, Tea! Deert; Salt aril Suitr,r Spoons, warranted t. rt and 0111101 . 10ns (politica of each inlistanee cm-. 'De Lades, Caah ' meres Paratneltas, me - Silk, Silk
pure, for sale by - - J ... - .1 Ils.Nriss & Rean. I, l ol'etl are left behind, the eiiraiiie . ,virtues - only be- I Velvet, &C. -- Minerlin Be 'alines, 1
,shilling per - yard,
--- • - .. - • Mg retained. Hence it iis self (Indent the 'effects I Satin Bonnets •iuul . Moleskin Hats, • ttpche Shawl ? ;
QTOV.ES and TiNWAREI Clocks, Naila, Candles - , alieulil r ore, as they havo proveall More purely rem- ' \ Doulde Long shawls; Thibet do-, selling at inconceiv
ai Lamp Oil; Cidupliene tizia &c. ; . 4dial,. and the pillS a iiine, powerful antidote to din- I ably low prices.,! 1 ; can safely- warrant perfect satis
. - Montrose; Ilay . l, '55. !BENTLEY & READ. ease th:m any other medicine knoWn to the world. I faction to all who Will give me a call.
.-----i- , - - --.- - ---------- : .:asiit is fretpiently yam... Hera that many medicines 1 Laneshoro, Apr4s, 1854. - S. A. IXO.NS. •
PIP - ill's ! iiumrs ! • , shcaild be [alien under the coanSel of an- attending !! CLOCKS-- ' ^' i Iltne kee ter. only one dolhua •
ets ti ; ; i ~
The Grc(ittst 4),l».oremeal of the ..lite-P-:--r. PIO - Avian , and as he cou ld lint
• . pi eperly judge of at
• I • • ..-, i $ :. A. LYON'S.
remedy -without knowing its co:olioI:akin, I hail!! suer
IL Trii11,,,,,' Dolid,-,,teti;al B; dl rulve , . Lanesborti, - •
t . - - Apr ;',._ . .
.„-laffilti'al , the aeclzrate fount - II:v . 1w which both mr ,, Pce.o . ~ . , . •-.----
- forc crud rift Pump- ' : f - .T . 2-i-a - 1, - ..a. - Ad Pill. are made; lo ilie whole bralv:or Practi- ! 11/ ANTI:D-11tou Hales, for which the higne•st
• - • t
A ).,. improvem •nt, above all other pumps or sitane., ;
, ii - S0 t-., in the Uaited States and British American i ' price will b paid.
e- - S. A. LYONS:
Il._ chines for lining, throwing, and carrying watera!---I•f.Pro-iinces. If, however!, there Atrailil be any one' . I Lanesboro, Apr', 5. - , .
combining both a Pump an d a Fi re Engine. This I, !wino Pas not received tbeiri; Vie to f-- d 1 COUNTRY - P ODUCE taken- in exchange for
'tail!. .... o. riar et.
Pump, patented in Vebruary,•lBs4,- is the Whole of it 1 - - v marl at Lip re •ea -'' I' ' - 1 / Geed: at ani store. -,S. A. I.YONS.
, , .., ~ . . ip,... . , , , .
metallic. NO bolls or sereWs about it to rust, Consz.‘• ! I
li. or all the Patcot - Ifeilicinin ttint are offered, howl laineshore, )iinlil 5 . •- ' • ,
emeitly it will List a man's life time. It can be used ',few Wotild betaken if their - cointiosition was known!! --. ' -- '- - 1- • ----- ...—
in every variety },f - form-cart draw water from any l!Their lift. consists in their myrtert - 2, - I have i' . .ofinvs- I, 1 DA1R;173.11, 7 N, TAKE NOTICE! .
Situation, and curly it to any part of a building. It riteries. The cemposition of aty:Preparations is hid ' e r llE suhscribia havieisetured the sole tight to
is superior to all lother Pumps for Distilleries, !Paper ,
: lopett • to all Men, and tilllwho arelcOnmetent to jud.a? I !_ll - _ . I)AIrIS' D-It'S.I'ABLE CULTS A ...1 - 2)
Mills, Tanneries,- Brick Yards,- Iron Works and Man- .
'lon the.subject freelv aclin -1 I t.their• - • ' s
'p r - r
ufacturing establikitments of all kinds- '
. , themintrinsic merits. The Cherry Pectoral Was pro- ' ad joining countieS re - spectrully invite all Bulter.mak-
All orders mnSt be addressed to Anoisma DialUics, i nem i ee d by scientific men to be it . wonderful Medicine I
alai TEST the merits of this new and
Lodosville, Pa., 'r . lio-has the sole light for SitS'que- : before it s e ff ecta were know. 11' - - J . ~, (1-s to ex.n.l'untl. ,
}donna county. -, -. ! il •-•
, I siciaps have declared tlie'saine titir,g. of my
9. a :rily ennnent r - tiy- ; valuableanvention. lie propose to furnish each and
Pills, and..; all of you With I'o CM:MN that. will produce 'as much'
even more confidently, and are *-illiegao certify that ' butter in as short a time as any otdter churn-one
their anticipations were More than, realized by their I that will- compiesda exp./ . the; int termilk, crash med .. '
efrecits upon trial. They °petite Iby their powerful I tro rk in the salt . ; ditrwing it perfeetly through; the
influence on the internal viscera to purify tile blood i, tarter and fit it ler iag•
use, .withoedoving it from the
anal istimulate it into healthy actio3i-remeve; the ob- •
I ehurn. s. This Chbrn is \simple in its constrUctidn,.sci
struetions of the, stomach; -boiael-n, liver, and Other or-, I ; cuticle in its operation, and easily cleaned - and kept, in
gars of the body, restoring their regular! action .to • order, mid can be easily - attached to any propelling'
health, and by correpthat wherever they!exiii, I
such rawer; . . . •
derangements, as are the first Origin of disease. • j I For further pa l .rliculars, apply personally • or-by let
. Prepared by Dr: J. C. AYER, - Practical and And- 1 ter to JAS . , 0. - BUSHNELL, mid J: N. BRONSON,
lvtiCal Chemist, Lowell; Mass. I - Price 251 cents pen'. 'Alcarat, c - si inP. - • --
...usqua i na coun ty, a:
bor e . Five boxes for $1,00.. Saild by ADFIITERELI., 1
Montrose ; B. F. &R. li,. Earitx„ l llarforcis Clicacrt 1
& PIIINN ET, .D1111(111E, and by all dCalera hi medicines
eveky where.
1 n Alt-fl'ee
S , a rl e's
ince in
I Pa.
East o
CAPITAL, $200,000.
Sccitred by flonl and ifortpage on the Real. Estate
' pf the Stockhviders.
Insures against losS bv Fire, of-Houstis, stores, and
otter huilditigs Goods, Wares, and Merchandise, on
as favorable tetins as any sitniLir:lnstit - ution. ';Lome:
promptly adjastcd and paid. - •
! • •
Dtnr.crons.—Hon. Horace Willisston,•Alhens:: Fran-.
cis Tyler, do. • George: . Perkins do.; J. T. D. Meyer,
-do.; C. N. Shipman, do. ; C. F. Welles, Jr. do, ; J. E.; Hon. John Laporte, Towanda ,• Pen. B.
Wakeman, Lacekvide; goy. M. Hollentrack,
bark.; Michael keylert, Laporte, Pa. .
. OrFiccr.s.—Hon. Horace Williston, Presidnt ; C.
F. Wells, jr., Pres. and Treas.; J. E. Canfield,
Secretary. - '.• •
- Agent, 0. S., Montrose, Pa.. , (15:12n14.1
)IsER of
• l 1 atteud
es and,
b Hon.
• Instrn
pm Per
- Yankee
cubseribt - will act as agent for buying and sell
ing Real Eiitate--Farms,'llouses, and Lbts--lo
cated In St:squat:ulna County, Pa.. All who Iwish to
offer their prop4rty for side can give a minute descrip
tion of their Farms or. Lots as follows:.NuMber 'of
acres, how matt] iniprtired, and bow watered, build
ings,. orchards, grafted or emunlon fruit ; other fruit
trees; and the nearest point to the D. L. & W. R. R.
and N. Y. S.: E. It. . !
6 farms on the list, .13 unsold. ..11Y.calling thei
subscriber a minute description, price and terms can
be given.— .
Office on !IVA:pike St. - .ldoors west of Main st.
Montrose, 44gust 16,.1854. - 1. A. BALDWIN. ...I
1 •
ERS fl
, a d liard-
i III: subscriber is receiving his Sprhig and Sam 4,
mer stock i Of Goods, tomprbsing a great Variety.
I which Will be sold - as, low as any in this Market:-.4 4
I ;Please ,call and,exatnine. . F. B. CHANDLER.
I HATS AND CAPS-,,A good assortment of tbd ,.
I latest style. _ . • i • • .
1 of Spring and. Summer Clothing of the latest cry.
I DRY GOODS—A general assortment
out. Also, DRESS GOODS, consisting or
Barege Delaines, Freneh Delaines, - -Persiatt Delairtp;
Printiid Lawns Fancy Prints, Ladies' Worked Col*
Jars .Insertions, Edgings, Black Silk Mantills.,
and Cashmere f :Shawls„Parasols,llbsiery, Gloves, &I.
BOOTS AND SHOES.' Clocks—a large assort;
ment of evert description and style. Also, aFe al
variety of Faney Articles, Yankee Notions, v&c.
'Crockery, Ifurdware, and Groceries of all kinds.-4
Trunks t a gold lot for sale cheap. Books and
I tionery—Walliraper—also, Flour of the best gnaliti.
Montrose, May 9, 1855. ' F. B. CHANDLER.
- .New Liue of Mail Stages,'
- FROM •• 11
QTAGES will leave Kirkwood, through Cot.-
bettsvfile,, ) Liberty, ttc., every morning after the
arrival of the SlailTrains of cars, both East and Wel,
reaching Montrose at 1 P. IL Returning, lea's*
Montrose daily (Sundays excepted)-at 2P. re.a4-
Mg Kirkwood'in time to take the Mail trains of carp;
both East and West, being the nearest and most felt
ale route torach the New York and Erie Railroakl.
This fine-intersects a triweekly line for Dimoci,
Tunkbannock, - Wyoming, and Wilkes
barn, which leaves Montrose at 7 a. M. every Mon
'day, Wednesday and Friday. Also, a line toFriends
vllle, Leraysville, &c.
Good &anti and comfortable 'Carriages"are prop
dell, and the proprietors will spare ntt pains to ac
commodate the public. W. K. HATCH, ,
6. 1654. . MORGAN &VEST.
THE subSeriber takes this method of advertising
his frieUds and the public generally, that he hp
fitted up a store just across tbe stroctifrom his qid
quarters, in 7Breoltlyo,..arbere he is prepared to re
tch* customers ani sell them goods a as low rates
as any other establishriamtin Sump/antrum county..
My assortment largeindeed, embracing flair
-1y every article ulually ealled for in a country store. -
As lam ditermhted• M . & business isr) as to avoid
"bad debts which responsible credit purchasers are
taxed to par, I can offer superior inducements to eish
And °theta.* mootra.sTma patrons. Call and tee
` me.. O. G. I.IEiIFAEAPi
litooklytr,;April 80, 1855. .
rPhe copituelsbip heretofore exietiog between e
mibeeribere under tho fiim of E.ll Kent & Co la
tide day disehlre.d by mutual consent. -
E. S. KENT &
Brooklyti Apr. 2, 18:55. • •-• i 11*4
;Clover*nd Illisnothy Seel fur sale 14
Neer 11111Thrd, Vara 8, 1855
•• - .
105116 - juet opened; and /Some tir
,6 eta. 'Ter
roll, h • m. soy.
i. ALL; riE _Wt. .
: .-. PtOPI.t. ', i -
AA TOO D RUFF &ELbRED hitve'constAntiv on band
!I a large and well seteefed astortuleitt, of:tin
i .
ware, Reels : and Chain for - !veils, pumps,' cistern
pfutsps, &c., Itydraulid Rums, glpftnneil waics, lead
piprs/of all sizes &c., *c., Joli wOri: done with neat
neis and despatch •, all orders fsroinptiv : Rttefoletr to.
.9 T 0 NtE S&l'Ti P fi I ,
kept constantly on band, a large assortmcnt of stoves
of the latest improved]-and approied :patterns. Our
experience in the business enabk4 us to !select those
thrit we call safely wasigutt to .isiveri entire 'satisfaction,
Atisongst cur nutuerosis stock !pnlse found the '
Paings, us . air tight S . Stariof the , West, Elevated
Ncw World; - " ."; Clinion,l / / [Oven.
Atlas, " .f '-Cultivator, . ' "
Phoenix, ." ' Fire Fly; :,t
Three States, - " / Weltern Queen; : j `.`
(Abbe, ' : • " I • / / Prekiluin. '
/ .•
ti. A. WOODRUFF. i • • R. D. ELDRED.
11 acidwore M or e; .
14 • B st U tp i p : t ß es ofTdisokialloiwbir;heVvllinegniii:rellitraar:/de,fiinll
cltidlng a new and.elegint asportaient of Frruch JP
miftqcs„.3frrinn and f!axhorrte , plaid.; Plaid, Fan
cri,and Plain De Pmerti -Pariantetlas,Bragr,Sinare'
altd Lony Shatels, all of new !andiliet stylett, rind witl
bc sold at 25 per cent. less tin ja,t coat's
Al=o a new c.sortnte;it of .iri4h. Rihh,onst andßonn , t , .
107de Silktr#l, , pfi ,r dm/ ,tranti4ai,
Side[ mad Velvet '1)r , :o,- jf 71, , ad
, Di% gs. 3 Rir6tels kol Sc., with n; g. , neral ft.ssort
off. other STAPLE (1114 FANCY iG(HSPS, as usu al, which
hiving bought underl the prer
entessure of the ensh
tnitrkel,_ will be sold int coriespnuding and. reduced
prides. . -
tNew Milford, November 7 21, 1 i's 4:
- - I
• 1 -1 11E-subscribercarryink on. thd .CHA MAK
' - INV CrS ESS in all variOus branches at
the Chair and Warc!Shop in Irarford, where may be
found a greater voiety of Windsor and; Rocking
1 (links than at any other establishment in the county ;
also Flag and. Cane. Seats, Eltreau`s, Bedstm.ds, Loung
ek, Settees ; Tables, Stands, tic., all of Whieh will •
be sold at the lowcit Prices at retail, (or Wholesale,
With short .notice.); All work-Warranted Well made ,
1 and of good material: ' Shoit credits and sthall profits,
will be my motto: deMoseitnstion of the obove
facts, please call at MY shots in Ilarford
Ilarford, October 12, 18$4. ! • . 1546m6
Jewelry, Jewelry.
:IV' • GOOD assorfaient of civelry, consisting of Ear
Rings,' Ear DH:is, Breastil'ins; Finger Rings,
&C. &c., justreceivcd 'at ;BENTLEY "A: READ's. '
n. Silver. Spo9us.
Tea, Table, Dessert;Stigar,lSait,*e:, ira4inted pure,
r sale by . I r BENTLEY &I, READ.
It - - add SI
.040 a.,_ i,hoes4 .
An unusually goodiassortrient of the best make, all
,yesh and perfect for sale by BENTLEY k, READ. - '
. - Druortistil.
A fresh stock genuine DrUgs and Medicines, Patent
Medicines, Paints, Oils, Dy'e-stuffs. ke., for sale by.
• Dec-13.] BENTLEY. St READ,
rrillE•Spring GoOds now being re..
.1., etived cit./. .4. ,P OST & CO's. are desirable in
!luality, style and pric e ... . l ' •-.. - I • •
i . StaPls D'y quids, ,1 -:- ColleirtoSleeres,
i . -Dress Goods,' . J '.., Edgings,. -
i Cloths and CtissinteriS, '',. Bonnets,;
i White Goods i ; and. Partook
i VLOTIIING—aIfine sock. :Groceries,of all van
?eties-: lierdware„ Crouker)•, LoOking Glaises, and in
;ovary department Itheir assort m ent is gOod,.and at
airicv; to suit. I 1
i Montrose; Max4.2o, 1555. irE
John Groves';AdVertiseintent.
AS nature, who farnishe2i the birds and beasts with
!an extra coat for winter, put net made-a similar pro
; vision for man,l have concludeft to take it upon nip
iself toittend to. " t department; and 'therefore I ,
It think proper to atmounq that till aldiering male hi.
peds, thit need riew apparel; Onions ~or inglorious ;
fashimuilde unfitabionable, eau' have their wants
Hsupplied and their tastes*lted hyrtalling' on in& at inrslmp nigh
n tlyse, i- •
PtOw SHOP. . •
AN DE. I T AIOTT. would rpectf\dly inform the
..k.!l. • public, that they are maoufactutingSlatebley's
Celebrated -Pleas. They alsci keep constantly on
hand, Side Wayne County, and Idea
. Plowx,
Cultivators, Dog Churivi, Sleigh and Cutter-Shoes,
-Plow Points'[or Various bottoms, too numerous to
mention. Wit hobe, by strict attention to_ business,
to receive our Share of .Publie patronage.. Manufac
tory, D. Poses stand. Foundry, M. Mott, near
Searle's Mill. r
_M - RepairinT done on shortnotice.
Feb. G.
. , ..
Mil E subserilie r is agent for the following Insurance
! ..1_ Comp: niei doing business at the lowest safe
tides.. ! 1
' ! .State AHffetat Harrisburg. -'• - -- --
i - Capital *850,000:
i .
Cash Mittltat at Harriftburg. .'• ' '
. Capital $200,000:
i •
Home Insitrance,.lVize York . City. . .
- - 1 1 - • Capital $500,0.00 - .
Montrose 'AO:ril 0, '54. F. B. CHANDLER.
snliscilbers are now burning and will keep
consiaUtl.on blind, Lime. of a very superior
,qoality at Morose Depot, and will sell it in any
iquantities.. at itifair price. Persons wishing a large
nuantit cask *supplied , „_'on a reasonable notice.
Sapelior gtopial 'Plaster will be kept constantly n
'Baud bert.ailerzl S EL. POST,
Moutrosei vepot, ApFil L. SEARLE.
130 ST BROTHERS 'having Purchased the above
establishMent, Will keep constantly on lined -Su
7.Prfine aid, Rite Flour, Corn Mear , of superior
ily, also clinpja?id Braii'at the lowest cash
Custom work Will be-done t•tth . despatch, and in all
' \cases yearriintk.' 1381tf
Montrose. .Ittly; 1853? . ' ; •
4 ": 1 .• o •. ;
NOTICE: • . •
Those *sins Indebted to the subscriber for fees
as Register, Rrcorder and Clerk of the Orphan's court
mould confer favor by settling the same soon. 4
Montrose, Pc°. 8 1851. J. T. LANGDON. •
.\ .
Window Sisk.. • • • •
Q 11. & AYRE having been appointednt as
CI,• for in 4tensive sash blind and door manufac
tory are pep4ed to furnish any articles in this line at
less rates than; they have usually been sold
'July 2.44 • S. H. & D. $.
P . Shavihg Cream. - -
N artiel4 which every man should try for sale
by 1 S. U. & D. S,
VATS -4 new lot of Summer 'Hats' and Cloths
for summer wear just received 4 and for sale chomp
by- ' D. R. L. fi CO.
ATAT be tlnind in 8. 8. Mullint's old store, East
.IYJL aide ofPublic _Avenue. .
Montrose, nvember 15 1854. •
, .
• - _ Buffalo Robes.
Acud= lot Just received, and offered low by
• ' Shawls! • '
.It. 'll i)lCF. lot of Wool Long Marla very cheai
December 2. •
ATAXTED, Butter, Cheese, Eggs, Smoked Hams
V APphis, Potatoes, Beans, ike. . S. S. M.
A New Vatter:and a two horse Pleasure Car
nets (or sale cheap by A TITIIRELL.
A fresh Suptily of Silver Spoons,Valches, Jewelry,
kc.,lusthedeived. ' BENTLEY & READ,
1111USIC i MUSIC, 1'
YRINCE'S ImpßovEr! MELOVEOICS, more just
reciivia by LLtONS & SON.
CONITI.LY ON HAND or furnished to order
On UOtke. LYQNS & SON.
LA. '..2 toPrints, - Summer Staffil l and. The common
sous of .Der Good% At ,1 TURRELL'S.
• • - • A. SELECT! STOCK OF -'
I. L. POST CO. -
TTE now offer to the public the moil choice an 3
the I t.ivirr trrnts lot . Goods to be raid and
where in the country, and , for the very lowest priced.
without variation. • •
READY .11:414E C L OTHING.."-
QIIIIMER STYLPS, I. L. Posy & Co.' have . just
made a large addition to their stock "ef clothing,
consisting now of everyt hing desirable for the buyet
at such prices as are sure 1.0 suit - . -The , . goods ate
made first rate, and we warrant the work to be equal •
if not superior to any ever] before offered in this mar.
ket: Our stock comprises Ctiottrt fine. black French
Sacks, Frecks and Business; Tweed, Ctuseimere and
dealt Sacks and Frocks, ilso brown and white Sum.
mer plain and twilled. Vtars—Wbite and *Wired
Valentia, Lasting, figured Itarathia, tigur:
ed silk and Satin, and every -variety, go o d an d c h ea p.
Patms---Yine black cassimere,. doakin, cot tweed,
Summer stuff, linen drill, cottontule, -atdp ec per.
cheek and plaids, so cheap as to he sure:of sale , to
all who desire to buy. .
('..'LOPES AND HOSIERY--Ladies and Gents
Vt white and coloreil did Gloves of the beet gnat.
ty warranted. A large assortment of all kindsoft:due,
brown and slate hose, and hose gents . and ladiescotton, Lisle thread, Berlin , and 'silk Gloves, Bled(
and-colon; a large rsiortment of black sOk4ind lace
Mitts, long and short.- POST lc CO'S.
1)001'S AND SIIOFES-:-New • fine Boots, Owns
Boots, Ladies fine Gaiters, Boateesandßusitins,
a full assortment of Cheap Shoes, Children, and MlSS
\es Shoes and Bootees,'Ladies 'fine Slippets; 4
at - ' T. 1.•; it Co's. ..•!
WHITE GOODS—AIt styles and qualities, Me:6-
V ed Shirtings, Pillow Cotton, Jae. and Cainibio,
3luslins, Swiss and Book:Muslims, Barred Muslins,
Bishops and . Victoria Lawns, &e„ figured and don.
Swiss Muslins at P. &CO's..
L L. POST &" CO'S:
ROC ERIES.—d the best and cheapest kind. A ,
.k)F tof Sugars surprisingly-cheap at T. L. POST
& Cc
iar/S---the'most desirable stbck in the Conn
trAat very low prices. 1.,L. k CO:
3 A RMS - GOODS—Silks; Musltns , De:Latiei,
1. ;es, Ginghams, LairicsAct or every desirable
yle. 11,:.POST & CeS.
(... -I _I'SPLE Goods 4it the lowest price.
- I. L. POST &Co
(LOTUS, - Cassimeres, Tweeds, Kentucky Jests
V and Satinetta, very I. L. P. & Co's.
_ _ .
VITO ODEIf WARE—Patent 'ails,Cedai Pails
, V V and Wash Tubs, Cocoa KutXlippera, Butter.
Ladles, Prints,. Willow Baskets, Rope Hailers, Bed
•Cords, Ifani)la Ropes, Broonds, a good lot at the store
of L L. POST & CO.
riOD-FISII AND 'MACKEREL of ,lhe best
1j quality at the loweAt posgible "retest: , '
A ril 5, 1854. . - L. POST s
SOLE LEATHER, very cheap, at
. POST & Co's.
lot at low vices. POST & CO
Carpet:, Amin paper and Window Shades
• • POST & CO
(ZIL K — HAI'S,. spring style—best quality very
0. cheap. • POST k CO.
180,16 - .ETS anil Bonnet Ribbons of all kinds, Par
as.ols, large and small at very loi prices.._ \
POST - k CO:
T A RESS . TRIMMINGS—every style. desirable
11 and-very cheap. POST k Co.
t'i --- /irii //V BAGS--o f — the - best
- O
• . s P ST k CO.
. .
1 Q 4 l/.7, Lime and Plaster at
T 4 .A.DIkS" LLA- - -A very . choke tot of 6
11 latest CO R.
styles; 13ook Embroidered Lymerie, Lace.,
Media and Hopiton imitations. , 1. - L. P. .l
FIIFTRO - 115BRED and Lace tinderslocreei all
• :lbw , .worked and embed. :Edgings
and Insertings and Flouncing,-
1 - ACE Edging,s and Insertingii; imitations of every
Lkind; almost as. good as genuine and very cheap;
1 0 'also pure bind;,
Lace.. . .L.L. P.* CO.
i •
INGRAINED and Hemp Carpet-for sale ai •
1.:1_ _ . - . .I. L. POST & CO's.
UMMER HATS—Panamd, fine and coarse trite
mcd And &nay bound, Pedal and 'Palatka, foi
boys and men, sold very cheap. •I.L. P. &.CO.
- -
LADIES! and Childreu's-}lats,. a good variety,
LA, so a new lot of the latest styles of Boennts at the
store of • ' • I: L. P. & QO.
• -
e_I_RAI.N . of all kinde-;-Betuts, Dried Apples; Tel:
VI low, Butter, Beeswax, all Wool socks, Eggs, &c.,
for which we , will exchange goods at cash prices.
April, - 5.• • • • . • 1. L,POST.
S" -RE' BENTLEYS PEEKINS having purtho
ed of -Wilson d: Co. the Eagle Foundry, are Dow
prepared to fill orders from the trade, aitd do work in
their tine with skill and- despatch. ' They will keep
' constantly on hand Plows, (best kinds,). Stores, VI
.;kinds,) Cularatora, Straw Cutters, Corn .Sheller,
&C. dc. &c.
We invite particular attention to the Plows which
we manufactuse. We manufacture. and keep for die
The Celebrated Itlatehlek Plow.
We have purchased the exclusive right to; mond*
tune and sell in this county, Wayne, Wyoming ad
.Bratiford q Virßicies Patent iron Beam Plow.. Tye
• Plow is made entirely of iron . excepting the handl6.
It is Celebrated for its easy draught; being one4bki,
easier than any-now in use, while its strength and dz.
rability are greater. . . •
of all, kinds manufactured and repaired by esperiefi•
ed maebinests. • " . -
Steam Engines, Gearing for ~llls,°Sliingtt fm :
I . • chines, dr.e. he • • ,
Among the Stoves-which we manufacture, are it - .
Keystone Cooking Stove, Rough and lite* do., 'For
est Queen do., Premium do., and 'other kinds all sr
ranged for burning wood or etal. Also, Selfißept•
lator, Parlor
..Store, Cottage Parlier do., Stanicp,'
two sizes, do., and wvariety of other Parlor Stara.
both wood an coal burners. We keep-also on handl
Grindstone trimmings, Dog Churn trinxmings,Fa'
tirella and Shovel and Tongs Stands, he, Arc., •IS ork;
done to order on short notice and at the lowestL'atet
tgir Orders for Stoves, Agricultur,al Implement',
he., are sclieited.from those in the trade, and 'Mt , :
filled at reasonable wholdsale prices.: • -
an. SAYRE,,
11:13; BENTLEY.
Oi any place on Ike Globe cannot present
greater induceniente I- than
T RICH is now filled with: .a new and exted!i,
assortment of articles in their line, embracing
a general varictrof new and elegant styles' of lad
and • gentlemen's wear, among .which are Lad
Freneh, Silk Lasting and Prenille Gaiters, Kid cif
Enameled Polkas, Kid, Fateni Leather.. and Broiled
'Jenny Linds, Buskins and Ties ; Gentlemen's Rona
and Philadelphia, oak tanned calf skin and kip , Boy:',
Morocco, Calf and Cowhide Brogans &c. 'Boys tip,
calf and cowhide Boots and Brogans ; - -all kinds ef
Misses and Children's wear. • Also, a general atVri*
ment ofFindings which •erinsist in part of lists, peP
.sparables, Hungarian =DS, tacks, *raid, wax, &`` des,shoe binding, awls; sandstones, shoekuires.
&c. Also oak and bendoel4. tanned iialf upper .
soleleather, Moiocto skins and UAW.
Work made to order and ;ensliing neatly dons.
Motiirose, April 6, 1854. ' - •
*Divisible Lands v lroe Sale.
OR DALE Di ONE BODY; shout 5500 are
FLand on the - waters of Spring - Brok, a brat
of. the Lackawanna river, in Luzern County, Peal.
about midway.betion .the. thriving towns of Sc
tea and Pittston., _ese hada are covered with"'
nada timber, and bdng situate in the most este*"
mineral region in Peunsylvsnia—known to main
iron ore—tuul Waved to abound in coal, and bet=
aim in the immediate vicinity of several ratio
Mule and now In progress—offer to the c apitalist;
opportunity`fori the investment of money that
occurs.. For farther information apply. to N. P. lic ,
sack, Pig., No.! 11, Wall intent New York, or to tta.
.subtu, !Aber, at Montrose, Susquehanna county,r l 9 lll
attorney in fact of die owners,' ."
April 6, 181.1.F ; ICCAY DRIN
Montrose, Mara' 4
Austrilla,. Calif4mlo.,
PLENDID Printa and Ladieeßaadcloth, Delano'
just: opened And fox Aldo by
J. LYONS . & SO..
Timothy Seed.,
taidey Tuteks oelebaded Thnotby Seed, watterS-
Q A4/4341 pure.. or : sale dy Jou. TvAltso
Montrose, lifexch ibl, 1185.
I GLES.--,Shaved Shin twitniea bY -
October 141 - J:` LYONS S SON
0 - "O en ° be
OT C" I"
V10N .1 4
A_fcenh Bupp