Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, August 16, 1855, Image 4

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    ?ads eohlet.
GOD'S eine.
God gate a et to earth,
Weak, ismocent, and undefiled,
,Opened, ita ignorant eAs and smiled.
.It lay so helpless, so forlorn, • •
Barth took it coldly and in scorn,
Cursing the day when it• was born.
She me it first a tarnished ;lame,
For heritage, a tainted fame,
Then cradled it hi want and shame.
All influent* of Good or Right,
All ray of God's most holy fight, ,
She curtained closely from its sight.
-• Then - turned her heart, her eyes away,
'Ready to look again, the day
Its little Teetbegan to stray.
' In dens of guilt the'babyillayed,
'Where sky' and sin aloge, was made •
The law that all around obeyed..
With ieadi and obedient care, •-
lie learned the tasks they taught him there;
•Blick sin 'for lesson—oaths for prayer.
Then earth arose,. and, in her might, •
To vindicate her.mjnred right,
Thrust him in deeper depths of night. •
Branding him frith a deeper brand
Of shame, he could not understand,
The felon outcast of the land.
God gave a gift to earth child,
Weak, innocent, and undefiled,
Opened its ignorant eyes and smiled,
. .
And Earth received the gilt-and cried
tier joy and triumph tar and wide,
ftho answered to her pride.
She blest the hour when first he came
To take the crown of pride and fame,
'Wreathed through long ages kir his name.
im bent herutmost art and skill '
train the supple mind and drill,
And griard it from a breath of ill. ,
4 She strewed his morning path with flowers,
And love, in tender dropping showers,
NourishetrthOlue and dawning hours. -
4She shed, in rainbow hues of light,
halo round the Good and Right,
, To tempt and charm the baby's sight. •
And every step, of work or play;
Was lit by some imeltdazzling ray,
morning brightened into day_
And then the w(AI, erotic, and said-- 4 ,
Let added honors now . be shed S
On mach a noble bean and bead!
0 World, both gifts were puro and Night,
Holy and sacred in God's sight: •
God will judge them and thee aright!
, , Vi,seefißlizoto.
In 1849, the principal institutions: of the
chance kind in. San Francisco, were the 'Bel
la Union,' 'Verandah,' Mine de Or,' El Da
rado„" Parker House: all situated . about the
Plaza, and each employed a band of music to
lessen. the tedious hours of that rainy winter
. and to drown the noise of the Yngling gold
and k t ilver, and the cursing ejaculations of the
gamesters. Many a sad scene 'has taken
place within these saloons that Ips chilled the
blood of the beholders, and will long be. re,
membered with . horror. I was sauntering
. carelessly, through one of these places. MY
attention was attracted to -a person who had
large piles of-gold ° before him ; the starting
. eye-balls, the swollen 'veins upon his clinched
hands, told of heavy losses ; niingled escla
• mations of horror and conteMpt would es
cape him ; he . seemed unconscious. of all else
going on around him ; his gaze bent upon the
cards as , if his life's blood was the stake at
sue; an in this case his last dollar . was p
within the dealer's bank, when with the limn
zx of a maniac he drew a long 'knife and
plunged it up to the hilt in his own body,and
sank a corpse upon the table. A few rude
jeers followed the act; The body was renrov
. ed, and the game went on as though/nothing
. had happened—as though another victim had
- not been-added to the page'of the gambler's
damning record ! or another• soul gone to its
. final account.
I learned this much of his history. Ije
:started with a large stock -of goothic-givcn
, him by his father to sell on commission, and
the father's fortune depended on a sure re
turn of the money so invested ; but, as is 1141-
al. with young men, he indulged in the full lib
erty of unbridled license, and while the ship
Awed at. one of the South American ports,
'he engendered the first seeds of play,' but
for,a while after his arrival the excitement of
the trade, and the energy to accomplish a suc
.cessful issue, kept his mind busy. One day
by Appointment he was to meet a mercantile
friend at this house, and while „waiting for
his friend he staked a few dollars on the
-morning-cards, when the Went diseasevtang
into life; and it carried him headlong over
the precipice, and ended in the tragic manner
ielated. '
. The 'Mine de Or' was a gambling saloon,
situated on Washington street, and °write
the El Dorado, and in 1849 - was the
tiple resort of the disbanded soldiers who
bad been engaged in the warla:ith Mexico.— .
}hind one of the largestvsk.o4-banks in the.
room, sat a man who litiV for himself
honorable mention, .officer's _ commis
sion was given him for - his bravery in the
storming of MiMteiey ;" but prefering the
climate ofPaliforrit and its golden prospects
to a mOre northern "borne, he embarked for
that tiountry at *; close., of the war with
Mexico, and upon? his arrival be opened a
bank for.gainbling. The emigrants came in
by thotisands,and a few nights after his arrival,
a young man entered his saloon aid seated
himself at the-bark, and staked various sums
upon -the cards, until he had lost all the mon
' ey he possessed. Excited with the play and
maddened by his losstsZbe accused the-deal
_ er of cheating;: the dealer replied sharply to
the accusation—tht lie passed, when 'the
young man struck theitkrtera - severe -11115 W
in the face ; as quick as thonght the sharp
report ot a pistol followed and the gambler's
clothing was covered with the young man's
blood=he had shot him through the''fight
- breast. The room was soon cleared of the.
:-apectatnea present, and 'medical attenditice
called in to the.aid of the wounded man.—
The gambler-sat moodily over his bank run
- ming the small _grunge cards through his fin
gers, and" perhaps thinking over the 'deed just
perpetrateli, when the wounded man gave a
moan of as the doctor's probe reached
the bottom of his -wound. " The doctor in
qUired what" pfatefri - im, and the
wounded man *Vied— - •
• VermontS- , -
The gambler , raised his , head, for it was a
long time -sines lailad soma person from the
Acme of his thildhood, and Vermont being
• native Eltate;the mere mentionVitatutme
`,..iintliested. him.. The doctor neat inquired
i thit'ssme the_plice where his parent x reel
-4144..ifhe had.any. The wounded-/ 'man re
plied— - - 4
ThessuntlerArligg tolls feet, his limbs
'trembled and hiefilee-was as pale , as tenth,
for klkuttpelier WaS - the home of his youth,
and:perhaps the wPP.Pded man might have
been a playmate in • - _,,ehildhoodiapii-a
Aumf:liiii'-brothers and -.alt.
r •
consittWely „to the table,
And with contending aminfioaa *Pt.
intthe weight of the injury -he bid htilieted,
he *Mid soreely keep,his feet. , A stimulant
was, given the wounded man.; and he was
~ ; ..
.. ..
.. _ .... .
Momentarily revi l ed . t r ier . knees the
. is scrsulieet,..tti. r
ac i
When the doctor inqui •if .there was any
'friend - iii the city he shed sent for.. : - i :,.- --..
. -*Yeq-i*i.!plied. - 'Xii Witetshe is ikt, au . )
,firitel f on tlit . einet -. es f Plaly.andrilier
nay streto , ... - - Tell- Mary t o .4aten;,forlut
badly _- hurt .' 1 . , 1 ' .T - . ! .._ - -..''?, - • '.- ;'- • , -
;• Arthatt.: was sent.- fogy his wfe. --, :- - -
' • 'Doctor;' - 'said i-the gambler,: 'sa 13 that
lain's, life, and there's ,Amy batik and $10,090
in Burgoynei-'-i-You shall have it all' - -.. 1 ; •
The doctor . ..felt the pulse ii, the 'wounded •
man, and ' probed the wound anew: - The
gambler Watched him 'with the greatest anii!...
ety until his 'insretiOn ' was finished, whin•
the, doctoi'ilinok his head at its impossibili
ty. The gambler sat down by. the side_ of
the wounded man anbathed his head with
water, and staunched he note of blni?4 from
thewound until the a rival lof his wife:- she
carne accompanied by A fewlfriends.and as a
.hcrotc woman; bears .; misfortune, she bears
.hers.. Not a Word of -reprtatelr esesped4ulir"-; -
words - of eheerfulnes4 ..only 4came frihn:, her
lips `as tears coursed !down i ter cheeks. To .
her - inquiry - as to the :chancesof her htisbanci's
.recovery, theidoctor assured `her that there
was no hope; that 4e wound wasinortal,
and:that in a few hours he ;Would 'die. She
sank down upon her!knees and invoked the
meres of .a forgiving God fiir her dying Ims
bund and his murderer. Thegambler asked
forgiveness of the ' airtanold Man, i,.fer. the
wrong he , had emniitted,lalso' that of his,
wife, which was-seadili granted; • •• ' .
' This,' • said
.11e; ' is fin diOneying the in-:
„junta it of my 'agedither and Mother not to
gamble. ' I .tebv.e . 'faeed death :-st thousand
' times,: intilstilt 1 haVe IC aolped : ! the balls Of
the, enemy
. .have whistled past - my ears as'
''thick as hail-Stones, and bombs.have bursted
under my feet still Chavelitied;-,oh„ Goa!
and 'for ihis! , .. ;Highithore the red.tide . that
won me a name-atm)* men--. When not one
contraAe was left; to cell the deeds nf bottle ,
- I escaped 4111Se:tali:A. Why was I ItOt killed
like) -the rest ? All th t was proud and pleas
ing to-Anan Lhave ha ; and if. I eonld recall
this last- net -by .iii , itif . on "carrion, sleeping in
a pauper's grave, and•renottneing. evry proud
act-of my life„ I Woulllflo it. 1 ,- was born in
the, same,village with that man; +hive re-'
ceived _instruct icing from the mine aked- Man ;
we were horn under ;the same t.oof, and ioh
God ! the same nietlo.gave us ibtith birth!
Ile Must not die-hel - is my brqhvirl" I. .
And the.gambler sunk : in a swoon 'tipon.
~floof., The-wounded';man :raised Upon
his elbow; his glassY eyett• wandered about
' the table as if in sea eh of some partickilar
person': , 1 -.
'Mary,' - said he; 'is brother Nyilliani here.
I-.' and.the words choked in his throat, the
gurgling blood stopped his utterance, and he
sank back a corpse Upon the pillow. The
wife knelt . again. belt it was,tbeside ',a dead
body, and invoked the merey of God Ivor(
his wife,and forgiven e.s Of the mtirdr-J -- - lie
gambler awoke froni his swoon, am r
ing,up to the.wite, s 9 il3- . --
' Mary, would it were otherwiSe...,r / i nave
nothing to live for now, and the)"
want anything in .thiit world.:
titicate of deposit to jour aged . and tell
our parents we are 1 ead—but !du not
tell them how we die r .
.. . ,/
Before the; woman could reply or any one
i interfere, the. report of. that /pistol Sounded
• again, and-the fratrielde hO/ - ceaSed to live.
- On the hill near Riticon Point were two
graves, a few:Sears ago, enclosed wit k a white
‘ picket fence; and one ,tombstone nnzood at
their head,. with. the simple - inscription:•;-
3 BROTHERS.' 1 '
~, 1
In the way of denfiStry, Dr. Tnsliinaker,
the iniima.i., cricsn.:} I .4 l .tuirrr rtnems,\ or visa. ,
PioneerWagarin4 gdo.s ahead of all compet
itors. Noth ng appalled him, and he wai :t
ready to pull a tooth 'as:large as a Polyglot
Bible, as to extract one of a i:hild's 'front
teeth. As pratif Of this, John relates the fol
lowing: - I I : -
`Dr. Tuskmak4r was never regularly bred
as a physician, or:surkeon, but he possessed
naturally a st rong mechanical genius and a fine
appetite; and finding Ihis teeth of great ser
vice in gratifying thec latter propensity, he
concluded that he cou ld•do more good in the
world, and create more happi ness therein, by,
putting the.seeth of its inh abitants in good
order, than i i lly other wayi; I so TuSkrnaker
became a d tilt. Ile was e man that first
invented the method of plaei - g cog-wheels in
cr i l
the, back tee for,the more perfect mastica
tion of food, and he claimed to he the origi
nal discovererl, of that; method of filling cayi
tii with a kind -of putty, which, becoming hard
directly, psii4es the tooth to ache so grierdus
ly that it has to be milled, thereby giving } the
dentist two 4ucce-tive fees fin-Vie same jobs
Iruskma)4r waso e day seated in his
fice, in' theviry of n, Masa.; when a stout
old fellow nimed By es, presentSd himself to
have a toothl draw n. The dentist seatedlkis
patient in the ;chair of torture, and "opeoing
his mouth; discovered there an enormous
tooth, on the tight hand side, about as large,
as he afteisratqs expresses it, I :tas a small
Polyglot Bi le! I shall have 'trouble with
I this tooth,' ought Tuskinaker o ' but; he-clap
ped on his e asiest iforeetsplind, pulled, It
'didn't come I Then e tried the turnscrew,
exerting his utmost strength, but- the tooth
wouldn't sti 1 1 t . ' ' t' .
' Go awa froin here,' cried Tuslitnaker to
ByleS,' and return in a wpck, and 1111 draw
that tooth fi i i you Or knciw the reason why.'
' - Byles got up, cjiliped tibandkerchief to his
jaw, and; pu forth. Thisti the dentist went
to work, an , in three days he invent'ed an in
strunient w h ich he Was onfidentwoizid pull
anything. t was 'a combination of the lever,
pulley, wh ee l and'axlet, itielined plane, wedge
and screw.
-The etstingi , were made, and ,
'th e muelim put up in the offieS, over an iwn
chair__. rendered nertstis p;inflonniy 'by 1......,
rods going down ihio the foundation ,of the
building. In li week old pylesietu ' ed ; he
vies clamped' into the iron chair, th foreeps,
connected'with the Inaekne at arinlY
to the tooth, ,and Tuskruakor, statio ing him
sell in the rear, t o o k hold of a, lever four feet
in length.. Inc turd it slightly. Old Bytes
gaven groan and lifted his right if. . An
other turn; .tinothetl,groan,* up - ent, the
leg again. 1 I`. 1 ' I - i - - i
, ' What , - 'you raise leg fo I' asked '-• ~. , - I. ,
, 'I can't help it,' the patient. - .
L,t Well,' replied ushrnaketi 1 tha tooth i its
bound to cSin.e no ,' I; 1
Ile turned thelever clear rointd,w th s sud
den jerk, and snapped otilllyle's h ' clear
and clout trim his Shoulders, !am* ' ass
of tour inches betwSten the severed !--
They bad a :pod *orient exirniruitkiitiit.4he
roots ofthsWooth Werefoupd extending down
thS right sidt; through .the right leg,iod turn
lug up in two pkings under the sole of th e
right foot 1:: ; ; . ' , , :
'No wouder,T sa i d;
fi Tushin aker, flis raised
'his right leg.' -1 A 1 .
. The jury thou g h se too, but thSy found
the roots nilleki, ,'' • 4. -and- - . 43l (:4orge° l lB‘
awearing - lisit t.i • ' ' . on w ol o . blie emu.'
ed iu a feii, - :; ° .';: r; •Tusktnikeiritvitared
on a verdiettlenfrA'ttitifitible - i
hOnxeliti." - Re
was a little'Sli "; !iittitiatt*itiiitiTh - ttir Wine' ,
i time afterward !;. .„i' ' 44/0 AllY law* l id Yi
feeble - sad .. _ . Ithyhitaat i ltdrima t
and thinking it . d 'coil. - '4iut' ;viliiiatri
Tuskinaker oitsiolt • tid,;j4StAly way rf '.'iiraria
t,y, to try m
the machine. : He' did so 'and at
the firtst.turia6 - 4itbeil old lady's Skeleton
- .
oomPlotelyand ordirell
from hilr body, lei•
lug her a mass of quivering jelly in her chair.
Tushmaker took her home in a
She lived seven - years lifter thitt, and they
called her the India fibber Weraan. l She
had suffered terribly the' rheumatism,
but after thli eeciiiren4e, never bad spell) in
ber bones!• Thu dentiStkept thetriltra glass
case. After this, the Machine was sold -
the contractor of the Itoston Custom House,
and it'wits found that child three years of
age could, by a single turn of the screw, raise
astoop weighing twenti.three tons. Smaller
ones were made, on thP same Principle, and
sold to the keepers of hotels and restaurants.
They' were used for inioing turkeys.
There is no moral tO, this story whatever,
and it is possible that the eircurnstonets may .
have become slightly eviggerated. Maws°,
.there can bp no doubt [of the 'truth of the
, main incidents.'
T. It Orchirdt-111. D..
-1 banna.couuty, Pa. I,tesidence ht the Postoffice.
grt ABINET MAKERS; hive recently opened a ware
‘..) room in Now Milforiljl'a., •anll will keap con
stantly on hand all kinds of,Cabinet-ware; also Ready
made-Coffins. Funerils attended with or without a
learse. Warr-room nearly opposite J. Dic.kennan's
`Store: • -
New Milford, May 15,.155.
• :_•••
• . A. &B. Baldwin, ". •
1 •Trutilie, Whipa, &c. 4 in the. Basement of &ark's
incite); Montrase, Pn. • . . • •
. • , .
, : C. AL Simmons,: i
. 11)0t3T AND.SEIOE 11. 0 4 C; RR
.Shop.first dixir.eab
JL/ of Odd Fellows' 1,4 Turnpaie it., Monti-toe.
irIAN now be found at Ma new stand on Owego st.
two doors west of liikarle's Motel, where he ef
fectual repairs with dispatch, Watches, Clocks,
Jewelry, Guns;. and eve description of Machinery.
Wheel cutting; Gun and Watch materials Supplied
to the trade. -
Dr. Smith,
QUiIGEON DENTIST, Montrose; Pa., at Scark's
33 Hotel, Mondays tuid . inesda".s of each :week. .
Henri , * Kaapp,i-
AIrONTROSE, PA:, ''ecith Roe, IVOodr4 & Car
ter_ , 'Wholesale Grolers Auld •ConnuissiOn er
cbantS;No. 1174 'Washington street,'beticeen C
andt and Dey - streets, /Vela York. •
Caleb ',Weeks.'
isi riage Trimtiter. Shop at his 'dwelling hotise,
'early opposite Henry Diittpter's. Montrose, Pa. -
Killer 4, Fowler •
-lA. and SolioitOrs in C*cerr. ;Office No. 44 Clarke
street, °hie/go, /11.
Paci,to Hotel,
STREET, (near Proadway,) Kele
I.X .rrk. Salisbury:Ati Co., Proimietors. ,In the
vieinif of the principal steambegtt landings.
• Thotaas Pigdelun.
DEALER IN DRY . GOODS,.Grticeries„ .Clothing,
Crockery, Boots and Shoes, se.; guequihanna
Depoti . • -.
• i
..., ntley; Vic Fiteli,-
-L - 1 AGENTS, initrosei Pd... • '; ;
u. s. lirsn.rf. --, i 1 -; , • 1.. 1". WITCH.
John Droves.
^VASIIIONABLE TAI!.OR. , Shop under Searle s
L. Hotel, Maine street, itVontrose,' Pa. ' •
D. D.I Hinds, -
I_l iD the rear of Wit 's Store, Montrose, Pn.
rtEALER IN STOv mt., Tin, VAipper, and Sheet
.1.3 Iron Ware, Lodcrar#le, near Great Bend'Depot.
1- - • • - - -
. ~ .
, c i • ' L. P. alias, -.
TTORNEY AT-LA ST, Susquehanna Pa. Office
LA.. on Maine street, onk dooreastocLenheitn's.
• ' Fratiei! & Case,
Office on Turnpike street, one door East o
Poet'Otore, -Ventroar, Jim
• 4
• Albert
!1T.141, and Justice of the Peace; •
over L COs Store, Montrose.
_ _ I
1 Wm. & Jessup,
. DEEDS, for the State of New York, will attend
to all business entrtsted to him with PrcffnPtmess-atid
fidelity. Office on] kublkt Square, occupied by Hon.;
'Wm. Jessup. ' L . f • : 1
- - - el frarrell,i_ . - 1
DEALER IN 111304, MEDICINp, Chemicals,
•sraznts, Oils, 1 1:lye-stuffs, Groceries, Dry Good,
Hardware, Ston* LN Gfiassware, Clocks, Watchei,.
Jewelry, Sitter .. ' tpectaeleS, Musical Ingram
mentS.Trusses, •Sur.ical ilnstnunerits, Liquors, Per; I
&men!, Mirrors, Stritionorr,- Brushes, Shoes, Yankee I
1 .
Notimts, &c. i ' ' - 1
It R. Lions dr. Co.,
V T Dry Goods, Groceries, Salt, Flour, and Hard
ware,'Lancsboixo,, Pa. 1 _ - • • -
-; P. B. Chandir,' •
riEALER Ih DRY - GOODS, Ready Made Clcithinii,
.1-4 r Groceries', Books eiad Stationery, :etc., Public
Ayenne;Noutrose„ . Pe.l • .
I Tatricklit'Dimoak,
lintrisiclANs AND, 'BURGEONS. Mee No. f
Ciwego st.reOt, No4ross, Pa.
7 1101•111i111 , •
Igo & C 0 .;..
TIEALERS IN ART4OODS, Give cries, Crocke
'..llardware, Loathe; Flour, etc., eirner of T -
pike itt'reet and Public Alrenue, -Montrose, Pa.
I - Lyas & 8034.,
INEVLERS DI DRY GOODS, Groceries, Hardware,-
Crocker; Ifinwar4Groceries; Books, etc.; aI4,
carry on the hook BirogitgAnsinens 7 -rithlic Avenue,
Monti,ou, Pa. 1 ' -
setae► & Read, • •
Paints, Oils, -Groeeries, Ilarthntre,, CrockerY,
bon, Claim, Watches, ilewciry, Silver Spoons, Per
nmery, kc.—" Foot of Pnblic. Avenue, Montrose.
• Sayre Ben _ _
.a. ainue coves Agricultural Imptc
menta, etc. Office tat yre's Stoie, Public Avinui;
Ihukufactory at. the' Eagle Rum*, Foot of Cherie
street, - /fontrose, 1
WNitillistin t Japing),
ITTORNEYS Al 'LAW, Moiaroie, Pa. Pnic-
A:,;lice i n susque,mingt, 8ra4f,9111, Wityne t. Wyo-
mini and Lucerne cot Oles.. . . • .
* ' win= " smithAco.,
. - .
_The). keep constantly. on
mma T een
Ill_li hand a good '' tor 3kll kinds of Cabinet
Turidtatre: theti and , :Ware Rooms a; the .foot 0
Kg* street, MontrosC l i gat,' .. i . " I
" --'
"4 & Co,
li - AmarAcramita and JEALERS Str•-
•01. Gamic H Furs,' Umbrellat7 Pa •
sok Ribbeum, da. tkr.hilo..2o plairtlandt street, Nno
Toy*, (up Asks.) ,••
zocrwEa. Bowater,. w.
A TTOBNET AND 0013148E16414,4T LAyr,
111. Manircise, Pa., AM attend EritMuWto all bla
ze's entrusted to him4.ll the collaty of susqueluiplia•
Courva , . g and writing of all lwtds will be date
may, and Aorta moderate. He will also attend to
the prosecution of drdas of soldiers, their widows and
heirs, 'against the traitimi Stool Goverment, for
Brumty land, Perstio' oh,
.4tc. Bay be found at all
hours it the •oface . frly occupied by J. T. !Ba
wds, Bart. • north of tb4 Court Haase. 141iA.
____________. Vic. Tyleri - - 1
,with'il. L: HIM, Uiporter of 4.nd
.upeider In Rardirari and cutlery, %mar SPriAgs ,
lite., No, 211 NMI Nes rerk,"irbere his mer
cantile frier* in th str ie, other imuuties. are Wei*
United, sad **is aw* Aci eall anditurehaso.
, ,
fDAMEI • PAlDirolt-woos.. b
. I. L: PUS'S` CO,.
• =
Hall 84 Xdunb,
W. Silagleton
4 t PENITY O.:VED-'-'svoistmetiewo
1. _ • , - , EAdam)bim c. -- _- , ;.-- , ..-Ts :.- -..-
IT 'wirrEmigßo.4, - BRo., xonuocle,o*., take
0 'e
Shin, nnitiiod of b r(ising their: Old'.4i and
instomerit acid-the * at large, that *Ohms jest
xlecelved and oPened the largest,. prettitsitinid ebeap•
ssortn i chisere
est stock ontrADY Iif;DELCIATBING Wier bro't
lo this place, - *ldeb'the °prat a tune adiance from
ettst;therebY offering pc the rare opiwirtuni
ty of obtandng goods ! a abinit two thirds , the usual .
Price. , • '., . . 1 '
fAbe' a ll n ' t .of , Dry Goods, comprising
or Ladies Wear, new ityles Brocade, Stripe, Plaid,
Plain and cliangeableEglk•Delaines. Muslin, De Beget
Berage ticialnes of new and elegant design*. AU the
latestogies of Ladies LtrecOoods, French l i mns,
Prints and Gingham.' :A handsome assortment o
pram Trimmings, Emfiroided,Sleeves, Collars Cuff's,
ete. Jacotiet and Swiss Edgings and Itstertings,Gloves.
its, hosiery, Veils and Parasols. - '
Their assortment ofShawleis very large, embracing
every thing thatia rich and:fashiohie both foreign
and domestic. ...• . . • •
Their Bonnet Depitictuent is large and , complete,
embracing the very West styleit, with ,Trimmings to
match.• •• i - • • •
An extensive assooment!of liWilinens, napkins
toweling, table coverf, curteins Ac.
We have also ii snpply of Shirts, Gentlemen's Col
ilars, Suspenders , Gloles,TiiibmUns and a good many
jother articles too riunterous to mention. For bar
%sins the public is respectililly invited to mention.;
at the
cheap store of
, .
cornerof+Cheinut kOatgo StreeLN four doors east
or Post's store.
ARE now receiving their Usual supply of SPRING
AND S Gil MER 'GOUDA whith - theroffer to their
customer k and the pUtille 'generally; on the most rea
.-aonable terms, for Cash,. Butter, Eggs, Grain, Bees
wax; or on approved; credit.
Montrose, May 1,1805;
BROADCLOTHS . , K i ers4ymeres, ..Kentnelcy Jeans,
Suniroe - Suilfs i t and h general stock of Stiiple
Dry Goods, just received and for Me right by
DeEalietf Lawns, Challies,' Gingham,.
Merrimac and Cl:Kilteda Print:a, &c. &c. for sale
BONNETS, Itibbono)iiasols, Summcs Shawls,
Black Silks,'Dtieeb.Tiimmings &c.t &c. for sale
be • • •• "; BENTLEY & READ.
ILK,Yur, Leghtii, Panama, Straw and 'Palm
"Hata, Umbrellao, liatalelA, Window Paper, ke.
rirARDWXRE, (free : ffy, Pater'ubs, Put
ty, Glass &c. • BENTLEY & REA);).
-I •
VI RUGS, Medici nes,'Faints,.oits, Dyestuffs, anal a
15 general iisortthent or Patent Medicines, just in
and for side by'i BENTLEY lc READ.
SOLE and lir.per*Leatliir, Patent Rips, Calf Skin 7-
and a good supply .of 'Boots nd Shoes constant
iron hind. I ENTLEY St. READ.
MACKEREL by the barrel mi one-hallbarrel-41-
so, Codfish. 1 & HEAD,
WATCHES and. JEWVLRYi—A fun anaortn.ent
or Odle! 4..nef I.t.ilN4r Lep acs and Detatehed
Levers, in double and single ca. ds, LadieS's Pins, Ear:
Drops, Rings, Guarid .Cliains &0.. Also, Silver
Table; Tea, Desert, Salt and Sugar spoons warranted
pure, for sale by j : , DErrcsv S REan. •
STOVES and TISW.A.TIE, Clocks, Noll; &dies,
Camphene bc. &r.
• Montro.qe, May
.4'450, BENTLEY
' •• 1
The Gregiest Im p' . ior . etnent - of the ; .elyeV—,-V.
• .11:. Williams' Double -Acting Ball . illve
above „ , , i.
AN improvement ail other pu t pr ma
i ; chines for lifting, thiowing, and care -in water,
11 combining, both a *Pitinp, ttnd 'a Fire! 'Engine. This
Pump, patented. in Fehrugryi-1354, is the while of it
1 ~ .
metallic.- No bolts be screws about !t. to , rust, conse
quently it will last a Man's:life time. :It ',can be used
j in every variety of , form--can draw water from any
1 situation; and carry it. M. any part of a builiiiig.. It
1; is supefior to all other Pumps for Distilleries Paper
Mills, Tanneries,, llt'ick Yards, Iron Works and Man
!l uflictiiring establishineiiti of all kinds. " -
1. All orderti Must be addriesSed• to ArinisoN Diismick - ,
llodersrille, -Pa., who has tl:ie,sole right for Susque
hanna counts.
, .
• CAPITAL; $200,000.
Secures {,g tilond and Mortgage on Ma i ßeal Estare
Insures against loin; by Fire, , of Houses; Stores, and
other buildings, Goos, Wares, and Merchandise, on
11 as favorable tertrrs•as•any situilar Institution. Losses
I. promptly adjusted and paid. •
-Dr RECTO&S.—IIori. Ilorace Williston, Athens Fran
cis Tyler, do.; George A. Perkins do. ; J. T; D. Meyer,
1 do. • C. N. Shipman; d 0..; C. F. Welle.4, Jr. do. • J. E.
1 Canfield ; lion. gobnlaporte L aporte, ; den. E.
Wakeman; Later-Me ; Geo. M. Hollenback, Wilkes- -
Litharre ; .Mir.hael Meilert, Laporte, Pa.
' 5 Orviczas.--Ron.'llorstee Williston, President;
F. Wells, V. Pres. and Tress:; J. ',E. Canfield,
Agent, 0. S. Bgiiar., Montrose. Pa. E1332m3
7 • VARtiS FOR
THE suloicriber illact as agent for buying and sell
ing Real Estatie--Firtns; Houses, and Lots---lo
cated in Snsimehanna Cohnty, Pa. All who wish to
offCr their property; for tale can give a minute descrip
tion of their Fartnsi or Lots as tollows: ; ;Number of
acre, how many inipros4d, and how watered, build
ings, orchiaids, grafkd or common fruit; other fruit
trees; and the nearest point to the D. L. & W. R. R.
and N. Y. R. It.
62 farms ou the list, 40 unsold. • By calling on the
subscriber a minut4 description, price and terms can
be given. ,
• i
Office on Turnpike st. 4 doors west of Main; st.
Montrose, Angutit 15,'1854. A. BALDWIN:.
: ----- - - -;GOODIl 11001)S1'.
rr tilt subscriber 'hi re4eiving his Spring and Sam- 1
-I.mer stoat of GOod.S, comprising a great limier, i
whtelt will 14 soldk low as any in this market.—
Please carand exaMl s
HATS ANDA P* — A good asso rt ment of the
l e
latest Style. ; I . .., , i
REA DY-3fA CLOTHING—A good-variety
of Spring and Sum e r Clothing of the latest env.
..- DRY GOODS4-lA. g e neral assortment through
dut. Also, DRESS G ODS, consisting of Lawns,
Barege Delaines, Fine Delaines, Persian Eelaine,
Printed Lawns, Finny. Prints, Ladies' Worked Col
lars, Insertions, Edging 4 Black Silk Mantillas, Thibet
and Cashmere Shatvls,Rarasols, Hosier*, Gloves, &c.
BOOTS ALND isgaps. Clocks—a; large assort=
tent of , every derienption and style. Also, a great
variety of Fancy !andel!, Yankee Notions', &c.
Crockery, Ilardittre, and Groceries of all kirids.--:.
Trunks, a.good lot for. Sale cheap. Books and Sta
tiOnery—Wall PaPelso, Floor of th best quality.
Ifontrase,Nay 9,:184.5. F.. B. 'CHANDLER.
lie* Line of Mull Stages.,
J iltom • 1
c,T.A.GES Will leave Kirkwood, passinepr--stitsoo
--. Labiartar,/LC every morning after the
arrival of the MailToiindears, both East! and West,
reaching Montros e Ir.• x. ,ResurXing, leave
Montrose daily (Sundayi excepted) at 2 i t sr., reach
ing Kirkwood in time til,talre the Mail trains of ears,
both East and. Wei t, being the nearest maid most fea
sible route to reach the iNew York and Erse Railroad.
This line intersects altri-weekly fine fair Dimock,
Springville, ' Tunkhannock, Wyoming,and
bane, which leaves Montrose at 7 a. w. every Mon
day,- Wednesday and Friday. Also, a linto Friends
ville, LeraysVille, &e. 1 .
• Goedletans aud . eoratrtabls t iarriegei are. provi -
ded, and the propiletorS will spare no pains se ac
commodate the pUbliel WK. HATCH,
April, 8. 1854. 1 MORGAN .1' WEST.
I. .
'FELE subscriber taken' this method of advertising
. 1 14 friendi arid the public genendly, that he has
fitted up a ware- just across the street, from his old
quartens, in BrlNlyn,)where he is prepared to re
ceive customers and sell them goods rit•ss low rater'
as any, other estriblisli*ent in Susquehanna •cbunty.
My assortment la ivery-iarge indeed, embracing near:
ly every article infually kallerl for in ;a country store.
As I am deterinineA to do business so as to avoid
"bad debts," which rtmillet Credit purchaskrs are
.taxed to pay, I csur-ofth superior Inducements tocush•
- and otherwise floury 1.11110 patrons . Vail and • ',
me.. - , 1 1- - . O..O,IIMMPSTIrAD/
Broiddyn, Api.l SO . 18564 ' • 1
118,16114PLVTITI . . - , •
he.oopertneiphip heretofore 'twang hatpin the
Subscribers ttr the firm of E. geo L - Co• is
this 4eg dlagolreo ay theteal pavan
lE. . KENT & CO.
isrlXbklya 42, 18. ! 14w4
01loiter ii TiNtothy **II for sale by
LI 4 `-. : 4 nurtanT.
New lik!chii, Msll___ . ,
501 alper-latiph i
0 - ni ir"1"
cei, some for 1 ,6 eta per
1. !)!? •t . iJ. LYONS & SON.
1r• 1
. .. ~
„- -A L YER.S. - .PLLS°:'...-
• •
ANEW and singularly sump essful remedy for the
care of . all Billions ditieast*-Costiveness, Indi
gestion; Jaundite; Dropsy, Rheumatism, Fevers,lfu
moiv, Gout, Nervotumess, Irritabinty,. Inflammations,
Beadatle,Paitti In the Breast;' de, Back and Limbs,
Femalei Comp . liiints,. ke. 'dm. Andeed,lier7 few 'are
the&stases -111,,Whiell - a Purg#tive Medicine is not
more 0 less required, and much sick - nets and suffer
lag tut lit be prevented, if a harmless but effectual
• ' c were more; freely used.. No person can reel
'Well while a coative.habit of bo.dy.prevaili; besides,
it Soom generates serious .and often - fatal diseases,
which aught have been avoided by the timely. and
judicious use oPa,good purgative. •Thill hi alike true'l
of Cols,'Feverish Atymptoms,'- .. andltillious derange
me,uti. 'het 01 tend to become or prudice the deep
seated and ibr . Midable distertipera Which load the
hearses all • the land. • Irene a reliable fluidly.
.physielia of thelfirst importanCe to the public health,
and tips pill has been petfeCted with: consummate'
skill tai meet that demand. .14n extei.siie trial of its
Vali:lei by Phytticiaas; Profesiors,•and Patients, ;has
shown;results surpassing any thing bitherto.knowit of 11
any medicine. cures hare Mien effected beyond be-i
lie 4 were they ;net substantiated by persons of such:,
exalted positions and-character as to forbid:the autt-1
•picioniof' untruth: Among the ernineet: gentlemen:
.who hare testlfied in, favor Cif these Pills, we may
mention= r . .; .1, ;. .i t 1
Doct. A. A: ; 11 . 1178; Analytical' Cheinist of Roston,
and,Sbite Assalver of M4ESacltiitiettal ff..J.Gattnaxa,l
Governor of Mt ssichnsetts; itliton t W:ttrunceN ' Ex:l
Gov. Of MitvaChtalettif;••• Sratox Baowx, Lieut, GOY.;
of Mass.; E. R. Witour, Secietary? of, State . of)lass. t!'
' Jolts" B..Frrxiirnica, Cath ilishnp of Boston;' Prof.'.
Jolts Tenney; of the CollegeforPhysiciatornitil Sur-!
geona New York city; r Dr. 0. T. Jacksorr„'Geologisi
of the Public Lands of the Vnited States; Dr. J. R.
Ctuttiot, Praciical Chemist or, New York City, endors-r.
ed by Hon. WI. L. Ittscv, Sticretary 'of State; Wit.:
41.Asron, the richest man iril America ; S. LE: ANn iii
Co., Proprietors of the Metropolitan -Hotel,' and
othel. / - .i . - - - - •..- . .
Dir space permit, we could give many- !Mildred
certificates from all parts wh'pre the Pills lntve been
: used, [hut evidence even mre convincing than the
. L experience. of '', eminent public men, is found in their
1-effects upon trial. - 1 •
1 These Pills !the restilt of
investigation and
1 -stutlyl,' are ()Mired to the public as the best:and 'most 1
complete wliih the present:State of medical scienc9 i T --- - - r - , ,
I can afford. They are crunpounded ;not of the drugs I'. I , 111 tice CO the Public. ••
I thentielves; bat ether ruellieluid virtues only of Veg r I- - 1." - AvING , ust returped from NeW York Iwish t0..1
I etable remedies extracted IA- chemical recess in 4i, AA. call the; atton,ioi of my old ' customer4od of
state of purity', and combineit, together in such a inarir• 4 . the - Public in ' etient l . - tP my -•.; . ...-53;1 . .4: ,.. ,--.
net. as to insure the best '.r.eults. . This system - of ',:A. 'I • r -r,w Tr OF. GOODS, ; ,- 1, - .,-..
comp r osition fOrwiedicines lilts been f o und in cherri 8 taut being - onglit with cash at the low . est 'prices,
'Pectoral andtPills both, to produce a more eftitde4. ..l i i i ttiiraiing _ sell principally for; the saute, I will,of
remedy than hid hitherto been obtliitied by any pro. - - .- ,at early redticeil pric e ., ,_. ,„;. , . .
cess. I 7 The reason -Is perfettly - obvious. While 14 1 11itrC.* . ?. 'AV ~.- • - t iax, . •• • -
I r.
die old mode bf cbt4poAtioii e ..,. r. r medicine Is htiri. rei' •, .1 osc pit Aiarl: le. West tri'ore!ritirl
dened with mbre or less' of ai-rimoniotts rind injuriou'P ' vli
qualities, by this each indiiidual virtue only that - il4 e ) ;'. . Ileil:;niii Frick, Nor4luinherlai
desired for thi, curative effe4 is present; All the • i ' . • '''' 1 . ,- NizOtitt liel4 Blair cbititt y,, .; -
ert a:lidolinokiCus . qUaliiiisi:of cacti SlIbStalICV e i n n l, -4. ; , Ch4i , ... r:).' RcNal, Susquel - lunnt co
played are 14. behind. - Ore'6lrative virtues only bc ~..tWin• l '
li. 11,_ F x .iii,r: . ~ •
- Mg - !etaiiied.i Hence it is::?telf evident the eirect,eilloti't 'm . . .11.0,,ht, Tid:44l county.
shou d prove us they have Ploved, more purely reiii p Ak i w,:l I
cm:Hill and thei pills a more lioWerful antidote to ilisi,V• - Th:o(i - ou3 , S:i ' .. - 011, I.nneaster co
ease Torn ally, other inedieitie known to the work. T i ., t .,„„57- P . : l ,' A Itl• K. MO- 71 "`:7 -I !... r3tikiln . ' c(l ' l .
t j,
0 ' I
As; it is frequently expediiiiit that many mediciiiei "i j j A ii1,..,41 Mitlltia. - 4, intlianz enmity
slumld be taltr - M Under theleminsel of . an attenilinkt - ',.. : Pa lers friel l i tl:y .1.0 the cause -
phyla can, and as he could properly
_judge of 1411Z.e2.• ' ',. , ,-, 1 11 A .i..„,!, - . lne i - i 't,'
reme ly without knowin , eit4' ! e9tnirositinit, 1 have ,iiiii ilidi '''';•-. 0 . s' il, `• 't , ;'' t k. 1 '.'• ' ..
1 2 . , dm . ati en , ..:itie fri:mi :t Irtuni tit ens:
Plied the aettirate,forniuTim Uly nhich both niv.:Pect are : tilitliinlJ
,'ni and l'ills are made, to Ott, whole bodv of Ptact• iv! ' i ':r . ' , .. N .10,s,. 2 .11:1;f11:rs Will be duly nil.
* 1
tione . rs in the United State and Ili - itish -American :‘,Y I -
+Provinces. r,f, l 4iow. , rei, thCre should be tmy mill
„„gar- .:
alo . .lias not received thern'OCiey will be forwaroleiiA th a :-
by mail at hii request. ;:l ;- . ..J.r,... I, TL
Of all the -patent Mediclite's that are offered, itieit.T . 1 " - 1 + 11 ,'" 4 .
few **mild be ; taken if their eonipositiow nas knownlt.P " 1 - 1.1 e1;
Their life 'etiMiists in their nirstery.: I hive no my? -I Tlbizt , -.4 " -
terie The Composition of preparationS is' laid • 'HEr subs
1 .
open; to all men, and all,who are competent to judge I DA I'l
the subject freely ackunwiedga their convictions o i - 81-TTER. Ii
their l intrinsic!,merits. The" Cherry Pectoral was pro- ' adjoining ent
nounced by-sbientific men to be a wonderful medicine ers to exam'
before:its effects were..knotV'.n. Many eminent phY- - rateable int
sicians have declared' the +iiitie thing+of my Pillsfand a ll o f y ou w i
eren!more mirifidently, and . are trilling to certifv, dial . laitt:r in as
• their; anticipations titre tul l Z:e than realized by their that will' eolt
effects upon pita. They Operate - br . their pow = erful work in' the
influence on:the internal viScera _to purify the Maid t o ,: t er a n d fi
and ktimulat4 it into healtlig 'action—remover the oh- ' alarm - This
struntions Of the. stomach, tkiwels, liver, and other n't ~ ent itl e i n r t .. 4
gans . of_the ltodr.. -restptit i ii their regular action to ', order, and e l
!leant], apd by correcting wherever They ekist, such ' rimer:
derangements as are the ti4t origin of cli.. o a-'-‘ 4 •• . l` • For' furtho
Piepared d!tr':. y DJ. C. ‘lYER,..Practical and Ann- , (Cr to J : 1;4, 1 1
lytical Chemist; 1:S4i!: . +11, 3 is-er. Pi lee: : :;:"+ Cent. 1) - .!' ; .Ararat, Sus('
box.t Fire bbies fOr .;11,t o •:;.1. , :4elni i'..t. A nr.t. Turatxt.t., : ,____...!
Montrose ; R. F. &M. li - EAT++), 11..atford:. ent•acitt
& i'I.NNET, ))undafr, and 14- ;dl dealers in me di' c i n t.i.!
evert.where; :, - - ~ ii , -.. .
' !•
: + ALL 4,- . :A . 111 . ,' .
STOVES SAND Ti:),i,i WAU,E i , 4 )I:' Tl 4
I :,- ' -.
PEcTiLE: ' t r. ',
1; 1
tOODKCYFA ELIE 0 baye eonstatitly on hand
a large . and well . elected 'astontment of tin
wa , Reels,t and Chain if9r wells, pumps, cistern
+pumps, +s:e '
' Hydraulic Raniit, Japanned wares '
pipes of all sizes Sc-, &c. I Job work done with netn
nessand tlesfmtch ; all orders promptly -atttnilctl to.
. 'i
kept cons.tarttly.on hand, a large assortment of stoves.
of Abe latest i 'llnproved and lapproved:patterns. ', Our
experience in the business tymbles us to select thei:§e
that we can safely . tiarrant to give -entire satisfaction,
Amongst, our turnerons siqk can he found the ! . i •
Pinagon l'airtight SIM! of the West, Elerated
New Wortd,ll • " -Clinton, ' - [Oven.
Atla.s, "• - - Cnltivator, .•.- IC
Phoenix,' '
' '". . Fire - Fly, . -.4 I.
Three Statei, " Western Qneen, - .'" ',
Globe, ;,- " . Pxemitnu. : . .. -
. , s.l.i. woottnt"rv. .! . .1 .... . -.. _dis,,s. ...r.t.totrai
Molrie ii.nd
ft . .l)(o#e !telly •ilii9Olts.-
. •
•BURIMI is nitiw receiving new' and flill
• supplies of Goods :,for . the Winter Trade, in
-eluding a new and eleganeassortment.of French Mc
rindev, Minim and Caidnhev Ptaidi; Plaid, Ftin
ey anui Plain De Liner; Aarantettas, Broche, Squire
artd Laity Shthrls, all of nfis and best styles, and weal
be Sold at `.ll, — Per cent. less; ` than last. year's pries..—
a new its4ortment of Biel Ribbons and Ilciinfl a ,
. lVi •• Silk tVilvets of Cle . u • :kr and Mantilldt, Rich
E 4 e
• - and relvet Drean nrimmingx, lrohoir.:4letiti
ir sari, Ripe Tels ac. &c., l icitly a general sisortment
-of Other Sr;sstE and FANO- goons, as. titia,, whiCh
!laving botrOt: under the ritesent pressne of the cash
' ma -rkei; wiil be sold at correspondiny'and . reduced
- '
rice.s. -,1; i 11 i •
I New Mil(brd, Novembeil27, 1'154." ! - 1
1 .
.4_ . __ f .. 1
I 1
i r -
4ritr e rh OPL i
E . .
I . 11 P/C s G u rit i. V i E s S a S r 7,!rel ' it th, :ti e o ll us li b i n i:„ lci f ie -i st;
the Chair alt Ware Ware Sbopir4 l ? . fot'd, where may be
- Mood a .gteater Variety Of .Windsor and.. Rocking
Chairs thoot tnraily other eitsblisbment in the coinit,V i
•ballelag.aitd pane Seats, lreaus, B'edsteads,lung
es, ettees,iTables, Stans' s4& - c. he -, all of whici . ardi
be cild at 1141m:rest pricts at retail, (or wholentle,-
wi shortindtice.) All Tiork - warranted wditnaile
an. Of good material . Sh4t credits find small profits
nil be my motto, For .dt)nonsttation of the- s ol0A:0
- 3 , '
'OD'. !'
(loth/ atatrdanirnerta:, IBo.ariet,1 Bo . ariet,
11 7 hitelGoods, • and Aires°ls:
CLOTHING---a fine stoiik. Groceries of all rail.
ttieS: Hardwire, Crockery; Looking
. GlasseS, and in
cry department their assortment is good, and $
prices to - • • - ".
MontreseWarch - -20, 1855. .
.1101. Groves" - Advertisemeiat.
AS ature, Who furnishes Abe birds; and beasts with
an_ xtra cost for winter, has not made.* shnilar
iisibn for man, I have eokluded to take it upon Miy
mall to attehd to that - depisrtnient ; and • the ofore I
think pitiPer tilt:announce, that all Altering male. Id
pe4, that *ficediiew appaitl,- gimiati inegriocuit
lashionahlei br unfailionalMe, - can hive their wants
a7lied and their tastes Suited by
.calling on me, ',at
my shop in Montrose. . .
TI , .
ISOPATIIIIgT,. - - ---
IrsiSADILli 'and Mather of the University , pfed ,
A.J4 York i it be In Montrose on the 41t14: tb-and
llth'of each Mogth, and `lklay be consulted at' teh's
tel for tifietrAirktelitiOn all diseases meld . - fa] to
'thelbutaan - ay, tn, Illif corsuvpriox Ikon.
I chitia.kifist not the Pings, Thom Liver, Pletra,
!Kidneys and een, Dy?pepsia, (litdigestion)Liver
Complaint, R 43034 &whilst, Eruptions, spinal
IComplabsts, Deases . *, the eve' and car, Nervous
i Weakness, Sic: lic. IPpticuliir ,attention givery to
the diseases of croaks land Children. The carious
affections of th I.Tterlis Oadieally cured.
Dr. Harris is well acquainted with both Homeopa
th Mops y, having been in constant studyand
,practice for th last 'twelve years, and having gratin
trodnced lionsmtpathy Into Binghamton, N. Y.i, in
1841. His pia) of trt:atmcnt is mild, safe and ',m
ama, and different Conti that orany other physician,
and cures near y all lunis in all stages of the disease.
far Dr. Hatiris bas testimonials of character, abil
ity and skill, frOm a friumber to the most eminent
Medical mien Inl the tit 7 of New York, among them
the•celebratel/r. caletetine Mott,
Persons wising prompt relief orpermanent cures,
:will 'do well to Oall without delay. Charges moderate.
Consultation / free ! Patients visited lit their residences
if desired. Oft,ce hoin4 from 7in the morning until
9ln the erenitip 1' 1
' Adaran'tagtgli.
The advantages or the Hommpathic treatment of
appeases ire : : :, 1
. -
Ist. That patient:l treated Homcopatbically, usual
ly are cured :finch sooner than by any other practice.
2d., That many patients can be cured by Homeo
pathic remedies, alai cunt be cured by any :other
t treatment. 1 1
1 .'rd. That f•ativits i treated Homeopathically, do
i not hive to labor wider the bad effects of the medi•
1 eine they hard; taken' to cure the disease.
;VIC MIL L ~&', PARK return their grateful
_ill acknow edgement.s to the public, and invite at
tention to thefivery large stock of Spring and Sum
mer Goods thoy are; now receiving -and offer for sale
at very low pt , `ces. ' , lln,laddition to their usual assort
ment of staple ry ' -, Groceries, Hardware, Crock.
ery, Paints ai Oils, c. Sc.;-they are
_prepared to
exhibit a lug iissotttm nt of Ladies' Dress Goods
of every desc'iptio--igured, Plaid anti Plain Silks,
Bonnets, Shmtht, Rib as, Gloves, Hosiery—Ladies
and Misses Shoes of ail kinds—also a large stock of
REA DY.II:4DE CL9TIIING Cloths, Cassimeres,
Tweeds, Jeani, Stalinist: Cloths, Vestings, Hats, Caps,
Boots and Sh i es, &e. •'4 -
They respectfully { teolicit an early call from those
who! wish to 9 archase 400 d swods at low priers.
Springyille, fay a` . '5l. ..11e31ILLE!.3 & PARK.
tte4tovia coc. Reg-e.l
y JOltritta hat, 0 ~
1 - Otei rewin al a Govt•rr.
vim titin ttt
Tiber:l haVing secured . the sole right to .
...4.4)J4TSPABLE CIICR.N_ "1-‘7,0
forttscpfehanna and 'several
nties,'resitectfully invite all 'Butter mak
e and the merits of this new and
propose to furnish each and
h a One . x - that produce, as Muc h .
short ime as any other chi-int—one
IJekb,e.;7 u.l the buttermilk, wash and
rsp, j7 it perfectly, through the
it for;, us without removing it from the
Churn i. simple in its construction, scr
peration4 and easily cleaned and kept in
ha ayily attached to any prOpelling
r particulars. apply personally or by let-
elialind nifty, Pa. .
iph.tivw sIIOP, - • -
IE. MOTT would respectfully inform. the
• I 114 ', tl* art man ufactui ing Biatchley's
~Inws. 1 ey al:Q(11 .keep constantly on
nil, 11" ne Connty,'amr Men . flows,
te . r z. i., : I f i -op, Sleigh and Calk?. Shoes,
,of vitri: us- too numerous to
,Ve hoPe,l q strict atteiftloil to business,
Le shaivi f public patronage. llantifac
ts old, st al.- Foundry, M. Mott, near
co/ ra . torx,
119 tr. Point
to receive o
tory, D. Pot,
Searle's Mill.
Feb. 6
riber is a cut for the
ui following"lnsurnace .
g bwins at the lowest safe
THE subs
rates. 1,
State Aro
Cash. Ab
al at
pril 6,
'bets re now burning and will keep
rontin h. d, Lime of a very superior
tr4e pepot, and will sell . it . in any
a'f.tir price. Persons Wishing a large
supplied on a reasonable notice.
fund Piaster will be kept constantly on
I " I. L. POST,
AV. JF qt 7 P.
T ' BU
quality at
quantities a
quantity cani
tulttd herea
• •
Moirtrose tlepot;
establis meni, w
perinc ald lite Fla.
Custom wor .w - HU be
, eases tearr• tret, 4
Montrose. July,;lB
Those pet
as Register.-
;•ons ihde
n favor
ti I
( i a -H. & SAY,RE,
for an xtettliir
tory.arepreEntreil to fy
.less rates than they hi
July 24. sI.
i i
of -Ear
1:08. '
A *
-7= l
7 1.1riTS.--4 nevi lo
_LI forsunmeri - yea'
by ' I; ~1 !' .
....,.,14 ll'
It l 4Y . be toundi iti, '
'NI; RM. - --
Ike,. a
e bpi J
Iff re«
rabte in
V V Appl i Et, Ntat
A *New Itiettir and a two honni . Pleaaure Car=
11 rinse tnelsalis .clienp• A .
A fresh sup
, 1
the. ice.,jutt
i, Is g /
RlNcy,4!at #l'
Ireeetv bv il 4.
. ,
ooNsT. T L,1 , ...,
Y 4,./ on ebo no4ee.
' 4 ' ".•
TP AWNiS Yrink : C,--
~- ~ i
sorts- , Drili..n
1 ri• ,
lr or Sitver Spoons, %Lebo*, Jnweliy,
ig dont on short notice.
arrisburg. •
'Capital' $350,000.
rapital Vao,ooo.
'ew Fork City.
_Capital $500,000.
F. rt.l3r.viDt.ata.
having purchased the abbve
11 keep constantly on hied
Conijfeal of superior guar
an at the lowest .push
with despatch, and in all
. .
ted to.tbe subseriber for fees
tuiclerli-a- 4 -- • -
1; S. - re - tiling the same soon..
, „ .2. T. LANGDON.
dow Sash.
having been'appointedm agent
sash bli,nd and-door manufae
irnisb any articles:in this line at
, vo usually been sold— .
8: H. A D. S.
13 aging Cream..
11i0t•prery man 'lA:mold try* for solo
A. kD.. .9. -
of Summer Rita. and Cloths
just received'andlorsale cheap
D., R. L. &
8011 E & SON.
S. MuMod's . old Moro, Ylait
10 Robei,
eeired, and offered low by
I Shayilii / z,
Long Mewls .very eheai
-,Vhecrse,.Eggs, Smoked Hans
me, Beams S. S. M.
iVED MELODEQNs, tutu* just
....E J. LYONS :k SON.
1.1 & 11D : orfursilsied. to order
• .
Jet Stul4, and. dicitommon
iat .• nrititEpf'S,
SELICT liret Olt
00011)15 AT
L. POSVVii . CO.
_ .
11911 E now offer, to the - publit the meet r aholee an -..j
T. the LA I MI MUM Of .Goods ti be hell I:arsili
where in.themountry, and for the very lowesti*e.
withotit'veriatiott. - .` I 0- ;
1411 AD rmAlog j
SUMMER STYLES: I. L. Forer-k Co.:-h a ve Just'
naide a large Whim to their stock of 40thing,
consisting now of everything desirable for the buyer
at such prices as are sure Wault _The - geode are
made first rate, and we warrant the workto be equal
if not Superior to any over before offered - 1u this mar—
ket Our stock comprises Coate; fine black French
Sacks,-Frocks and Business; Tweed, Carehnere and
Jean Sacks and,FrOcks, als o brown and arldte,Sem...
mer plain and twilled. .Vesirs.+White ,and- **red
Marseilles, Valentia; Lasting, figured Baratitikllgur=
ed silk and Satin, and every variety, good and cheap.
Purr*:—Fine., black Cassimere, doeskin, cOL Oreed,.
Summer, stuff, linem drill; cottoimde; stripe;,)AaM,.
cheek and plaids, so:eheap as to be stub ofeai4 to,
all who desire. to buy.
(11LOVES AND HPRIBR Y-4 :and gents • ,
Vf 'white and colorodi , Sid Giorgs of the best.quali—
ly warranted. A biigekasortnient oral! kik& ofblue
brown and slate ` lose , arid &me' gents ',and
cotton, Lisle thread, Serliii and silk Skives,' illack. • •
and colors ; a large rssorinient of black silk and laoer,
Mitts, long and short. POST - 4k CO'S. •
1.)00TS AND 81104 S—New fine-Dxsta; Voarimr.
II Porta, "Ladies 1100 ignite* Booteelkaasißutidas,•:
a funamortnient of.Che:ap Shoot,
es,fooes and,Dooyes, Ladies, fine ailiolinealftperi,.
.at.; . 1...14.4 1 1, lir, CA
lITIUTE GOCBS--411 atyloiandipiaßtiea, bleach: \
ed Shirai*, Pillow Cotton, Jac. and' Castbrio-
Mnslins, Swiss tuvd Book , *Wins, &mil -- ]*farms;.
Bishops . and Victoria 'Lawns, &c., tiguredantidttt -
Swiss Muslitis at " - -P. &Co's.
-L L. POST •
GROCERIESf the — t7e;t and
t of Supra surptisiti•ly cheap at 'I. L.- P05T"...,4
St Co ° . •
. .
it/N.TS---the most desirable stock in the tom:
1 try, at rely low prices. :
_ ,
I IMES'S GOODS = -Silks, Muslims,- MeLanet, Delia- -
.1 ges, Gingltatus, Lawns &a.; of lefery desirable
yle. - I. L. POST & Go's:
QT.APLE Goods at the lowest price: •
0 I L. POST at t 6;
('CLOTHS, Cassimeres, Tweeds, Bentaelq• leans
‘J and Satinetts, very &eel!. L L.P.I - 1k Cita:
,W 0 ODEN. REL:--Pittent - PAR, Cedar Pails •
and Wash Tubs,' (*Oa Not Dippers, Bitter.
utiles, Prints, - Wpow Baslieb, Rope Halters, Bed -
Cords, Rdirc - Brotinf.t, good lot at the More.
of .. - I lit. POSTA-CO.
AND MAdKEREL of .the
• quality at the lowest possible uttett ,:-•
April 5, 1854.. . • L U.POST & Co,
CZ OLE LE:4THER, very cheap,l4' t -'
- 1
• - j&T & Co'e.
%._) lot at low prices.' _ • • :POST 4&CO.
IL;Carpet, Peom paper anl...
Window & a / 1 k
: POST & CO.
Q. 11417 HATS, spribg quality very
cheap. ! POST k C 0.,:
O s t".:E:rB and
v b e bo ry n . t ow of all kinds,_Pa[:
L, l ar g and
.79?/..WMINGS-;-every style - dal/able
Dand yery,heap. . TOW &
RALV GSt•Of the best quality.
• • . IPOST it CO.
'44T, brae ai;ul . llaspr at.
TT ARIES' COLLARS—A 1,-I , :y Choke . lot of thd
L 1 latest styles-, Wok Embroidered Lymerie, - Lace r
Hearn and Honiton imitations. - L L. P. & CO.
.r I I 4 .3II3ROIDEREp and Lace Undersleeves; pirdesi-‘
I ' rabic Styles ; also, vtiiked and embed. Edgings:
,and Insertings and Flouncing. •
y ACE Edgings and Inserting ; imitations orEitery:-
,I_l kind, almost as good as genuine and very.eheap,-
also pure linen-wrought Lace.. I.:L1 P.`& •,-•
' -
INGRAINED and-Hemp "Carpet Tor sale at ,
I. L.. POST & COW.
173131 ER fine and ~coarse. •trit'n•
iced and fumy hound, Peda l and. Paholea fox •
boys and men, sold very cheap, -I.L. P. & co.
T A.DIFS' and children's Flats, a good vaiieiy,
LI so a new lot of the latest styles of Soentaa lathe
store of - lA. P. k-CO.
eRAiV of all kinds--Beans, Dried Apilei," Tal
lowt!Dutter, Beeilwax, all wool socks,
for irhicli:we will exchange goods at elah4.price&- •
- I. L. : P(IST & Co.
• •
QAYRE, BENTLEY'S PEREDIS basing purchas-,,
k.D ~-ed of Wilson & Go. ihe Eagle Foundry, are now;
preparedito fill orders froin - the trade, and do work-in '
their lino With skill and despatch. They will keep . :
constantly on hand Plows (best lands,) Stara, (all
kinds,). Uultirators; Straw Cutters, Corn Shellere i ..
the. . • - - '
We indite particular attention to the-Flow-s which
we manufacture: We Inatinfietare'lina Iktep Tor Bale
. ; The Celebratird BlatehlegPlow, '
We havcpurchased the exclusive right to mantifite•
tare and Sell in- this county,-Wayne; Wyoming and'
WRisles Patent Iron Beam Plow. The
Plow is Made entirely olVvon eXedritirrg *e bandies:
Itlis celebrated-for its easy daught, being one-third
easier thin any-now in use, while its strengtkand du
rability ale greater.- .
, ef all kinds manufactured and•repaired by experienct
ed maeldnests.• •
Steam :Gearing for Mille, Shingle- Ma-
; • chines - , Iv. - .
Amont_the Stoves which we manufacture;
Keystori.# Cooking Stave, Rough - and Readydo.,-Por
eat Queen do., Prerniuni do., and. other lithilkt 1 4 1 . 11 "
ranged for burning wood or coal. ffelf-Regu
litior, Parlor Stove, Cottage Parlor — do., Stanley's,
two sizes; do.,- and a variety of other Parlor- Stoves,
bothwood and coal burners. We keep also; a band
.Grindstone trimmings, Dog IL)huin - trimmings, Um
brella and Shovel and Tongs Stand:l;4C: ke. - Vircnk
done to order on short notice.and at the !aired rates.
. tgr Orders for -Stoves, -Agricultural Impleinents,
&c., are solicited from those in . the trade, and wino
filled at reasonable wholesale Ptices, I
- B. S.itIEBTLEIr.
Montrose, March 4.
Australia; Calliontla,"-- - ---
Or any place 'on' thd Globe cansig present
\ gfegter indpcentents thqn• ,
•-- .
- . • SBELBIL Ai STODDARD'S •••••.,- i .
• IIbOT.AND SHOE STORE :..;.: .'
\V il'eurtimsennotwoif'dleCilneslin t a tel e r ir linic; embracing d '..".lve
a here! riiiriety-of ne'w and eligant V ofladiet
re Ladies.
Frenc , Silk Lasting a Prannio-13/all
Enameled Polkas; Kid, ,atent I.eather.. an .
Jenny Linda, Buskins aid Ties: Gentlethen'i i*4
and Philadelphia; oak tanned calf skin lad kip__llic#ln4
Morocco, Ca/fand,Cowli de Brogans drO. r 2 Boys _kip,
calf and cowhide Boots iiild Brogans ; all linds.of
Misses and Children's wear. Also, a genera in*,
ment of Findings' which consist in part,olper,
sparables, Hungarian nags, -tacks; thread, Wu, -Bra.
des,shoe binding, awls, rum sandstones, sbnekniSes,
&c. Also oak:and. hemlock,. tanned -.arK upper and
solelearlfer, Morocco skins imdliningi.
Work made , to order and`repairing neatly - dons,
' . -• ' -.-- ' SIDORLER4-STODDARD.
MOntrose, April G. 1854,1' - - -:.
Valuable La dii:Far settee
VOR SALE IN ONE BO itY, about RiCK, was or
'Land on the waters of 'Spring 8r00k,;,-..* branch
of the Lackawanna river, Jai Lumina County, Penn's. ,
about midway between the thrlvitkitawno-ofEcroo*
ton and Pittston. • Theso Ueda are:cevereCwith val
uable timber; and. being situate intlie - Most 'extensive
mineral rqionPenniryivanilaionri to :co n tain
iron ore•—and. believed to abOund . `coal,' and being
also in the hmnedlate vicinity of several Witold°
made and now la progressfibr - to" the capitalist an
opportunity for the investment of Money that seldom
For furtherinfinmation atvbr 'kw N. P. no'
sack, Esq., No. ii, Wail street New 'York or to the
stOserilmr, of Montrose; Busquelmnria,counq i pa,, the
attorney in fact of the
APril 8, 1854. . • lIENRVDRIVICEB.
aPLENDID:erints and Laos! Bra*l44, Dawes.
Jiro opened and for ego'
- 11Y011841,4*.
- - , .-k: -, • : Tfinothy..Seed.:;,Y.A .- -."- _- - -
.111111tauley . 15irreks. celebia . te#ll*othiieinli - wierent...
ed pure: ': Foe sabi dt - - :: 1 ,-J . i..?.' . .! , . , • , 4414::_ipmair4
I No#trosre,-16:411i - 11001: l'-' , ' '-', ,: ''.: t - •-•:': ":, - .. Z 2 , .. _ .
V n iintinita;44i-O*4 .iviilitift._* ,.. .-
ka.-[Octobev2tV:.',. ,- -- . '-,. -: - _,i,' ...,...14-nlitlisolll-'
freoh 1RM0.% of Grocoriajust opened b 7::' ° -
POST k Cc)'ei