Independent Republican. (Montrose, Pa.) 1855-1926, August 16, 1855, Image 2

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71, a 11%.)
i;7IARLES S. READ ..101041:.EL, iRAZIER, EDIT°.
sihursativ August le, 10.6.
I'aILtSITED EVERT TlltatiDAT uorcincli A 7 Nrc.
Itates.of Ad veitithing.
thae sqdare (16 lines or less) one week, 1 . 10 ; 50
• )ne square two weeks; - 0,75
:Me square . • " three weeks,. , .1,00
due square . " one month,-
Z) . n.c. square it . . two mouths,
4) 11 c square. " - three mouths,.. : -3,00
- (lne square _" • slit Months, 5,00
- , ()ne squire one year, 8,00
- m
For two or oreisquare...4, inserte by tbe joar,
,*7.fuetion from tlM'above prices is made. Yearly ad
t!xtiserslikhave the. nWege idietingar
17, their advertisements - without additional charge.
• • Business Cards, Mot eseeeding five linee, inserted
v.t . 11,2,00 'per annum...' ' • •
" • : job Work. -
\Thisolfice -is .supplied with a good assortment of
.Tobbinnaterials, and nU kinds of Job Work, such
ri Cards, Posters, „Pamphlets, &c, will be done neat
ly and promptly. .
The Repittletin,Conventien.
Although the Republican Meeting. at Mont ,
-tese,- on Monday &cub% next, occurs: hi
laying tirne: l, .it is expected that many of
-the faritierc its well as ethers. from the dif
t":4ent townships, will find time to attend it.
Tile spirit of .resistanee to the agreSsions of
.§lavery, lives and grows, with abundant all
tneti*,:among, the freethen of Susgnelianna
t: - eitt4 ; 'and it is desirable'that they should,
yeom time to timeonevt nnd take counsel to
gether respecting the best course. of action
"Or them to pursue, as a portion of the.pco
t le on whom devolves -the duty . of: resiiting
; !lose aggressions. As the Republican pally,
yhose'm ission it is believed - to be to - roll
i;ack the rsti‘ss tide of Slavery and-confine
it to its Present litnitsonikst lac cOrmed by, a
Laion of all who believe the Slavtry question
,:te one great
. issite., and . are willing to act: as'
_ believing, all such; Avid : lout .rd'erettee to'
I_,rmer party connection:cuff:3. -consider them:
:_;;lves appointed delegatcS" to this P . EOPLF..'S .
rks-CoNvEN-vioN., .
Judge Wilmot has consented to address
•i.e meeting, which will probably be an unu
ually interesting one. The following is an
%tract from o letter just reCeived
"I was rejoiced to see that your committee were
+ring. in the right direction. If the high-handed
croachments of Slavery ; upon the rights of the peo
and the States,if ittCdangerous assaults upon the
...ustitution, and the , hilherto well-settled laws of the
entry, are to be met and arrested in, our day, it
:I be under and through the organization of a "Re !
, liticart party "—it party that sfiall.noti strive to ig-
Are the momentous issues forced upoh the country
: the aggressions of the Slave Power, but that shall
Ildly meet .those issues, and make heni the cardi
-1..11 and fundamental basis of its organization.
In baste yours truly,
You Make too much of these Nigger's."
,Such is the language of solne:Of'the oppo
-I...;nts'of the.liepubliean party: Those who
y so, we believe do not understand the real
sue before the American people. The Re
,bliesin party are . not now battling for the
c. ulition Slavery, but against the übelition
Freedom. The question involved in the .
•,gle with Slavery for the .pos \ ktiSlon of
i'.a new territories, is one dint - affects the: per
.• nal interests of every freetimn; and eveciat
every free laborer, of the . North.
Pertaps.there arc no twoThations - in. the
A. .;rid whose social systems present a more .
;. ri •*pg contrast than those df the Free and
Slave States of this truiorl. •
. .
'e inhabitants of the South . are*pritx-ipal
` divided into three classes, namely :—the
' -...,:ve holders, or privileged aristocracy, fur
. ~ hose benefit and interest the laws of - the
IL:~ate are ' made . ; the slaves, huruan- beings
; ho have no recognized rights; but are held
. ::• .
:, i. chattels, or things, of their piasters;' and;
- I..stiy, a considerable body of poor whites,
•v.ho are obliged to live by :labor, which' is
. t. , rtsidered adisgrace,.and Who arc described
7 :A amongothe most degraded of human be- i
1 ‘g•, a sort of Parahs or outcasts, despised 1
...,.: r.i' . .d derided even the Slaves, but 'a aose I
i-indition is a natural conEalueuee of the
javery system. The Slave holders, in fact, i
:..,nbtitute a privileged elass, which in other
countries would 'he styled the nobility.
‘vealth - and learning as well as •the political_
70 14 . el: of the South, arelg their hands. They
;Ire privileged to have - their property -repre
f.ented in CongTes; I,shich no other persons,
, North or South, ate and in most of the
l'Southern' States'a property 'qualification:es 1
' ....t§, whiehdesthe poi u - hite population
... i irptn.**reite of the electiv r e franchise.
, : t 4allfl# an- imperfect sketch of the system.
4‘;,ifSciuttern'society—a system without a sin
';-,.'"'TTe feature of -genuine Democracy., On the
-4.1-_ - .Jritrary, it is the worst sort of an aristocra
. .... ,
: 4.14-ur rather an aggregation of petty dspot
'The Social system of the North presents a
triking contrast to that of the South. it is
lastly our boast that nowhere else is labor so,
fionorable, so independent, or so well reward—
td. the doettine of the natural equali
ty of all men,licar -ft..”-c—rerreetty
. .Em it is or ever has been anywhere else in
.he world., It is this, our system, and mg
Slavery s.ystetn, that givs-_,our country
31. s power, and makes it the envy. and ndmi
mtion of nations. - Atid the *cation and
freedom - of those who labor, are the Very ba-
I; of our system. - • _:
. - - Now, let it be admitted that Slavery: :is
"0, that it is better to plant the institLtiuns
44. the South in,the territories, than our own
-- :.--44 - the.territottes .be settled accordingly,
- cue! wilat ""fijould - beNl:effeet On 'our system
Nl . .,4oo:llttior ". The Sosult Avjuld soon oluin
iiisadifte and /permanent control of Congress,
!which hitherto it/as only controlled through
divisions at the North; and once,' assured of
clear COngressionai majorlty, and proVidi4
vith a praziavery President, the South
once proceed to legiilate for the promo4on
of its interests-41x, interests of Slaseey.- 7
The legislation of Coogrws . .h as a i rea di•- . been_
:4)r thibcoefitotthe Slavery intiles-t;
to the aiitritlent of tbeinterests of flee labOr
but- with'at4: ; -;.,pbso.ote tiouthcrn mi4ority in
'tr . ald. doubtless be much more
zw — likagenerailMan'eme their o‘Vn in terest;
the intaiima , offraelabOr and of the Slay.
6 714 41 P areAnill .I:er'aristke. conflicting
gtoso Demwraoy antitijkapolisp.
--• _I. • • j.. '... . 11 . - . .
The question at shall . we ; the 41ave- sod greund. ..It .looks well. ~M y fence fit .
holders the . poW4; - 4ti shape the action of the made .by • 'driving
. eatt stakes 'tour feet apart *
Igi l iriehd 'Otl . 6l;*l :l iitiiititSfinateitigt!finOlfiiiiiiilfrOt i V l T a g ri kl aiti O litelfcti'
eu.Slitiery, oris,,we retain the ihrtOority . nailed. ' :. f, .r i 1-1,.,,, , ..; ...,----, - I
1 • !, •-.
... e , ,,,, . . . ,-• • , , : _ --.• ~, - 1 -
wenow.Posg 4 l§ . ~ • ' --.l' : ., v 1 have leased . try house* ',l l ~..ite 1 s i x
• tx . , -. i...ft;
• 7711ist. in t ,qttestiorpluser • t e eskeriou t o r
. deilars wrnet4h. - F, i s !Site AS i, , by I L I fit- I
- #oll ll oivint l '''N - ortl ' ul; . '''iti - e ' 4; 1 1 4 4 . i iiiit e: li M y 3 t on Imy I
-• •••'.•... •-i' . •7 , - ':,•-•,*.;,, ••
l etatli -- 4f f4 - lab hers.' e I Vetlites 4 ' claim iii-jtirriThy . liffle: fefli Witiga ehirnhey
Sl#veo7l affirin tliat..4terv'quift, li
~ t* of the raisde cit'ttt ip ,-,„,, .Itit :sitnatedin; i• ~-. .field,
o:4,*itlllitr' jiiitt' - nt . , , ritleKl - 4urvri . rr'= t - e *den
of those who lator.: - 14 it Safe to have our around it.-*eSti'by it are groWing. the Sun- i
1 • I
government cont
rolled;byinen Who hold such , flowers and' that last. year grew
doctrines? ' W may be sure that, if pessi- by y our.w in t io4-3-• , ,,..!• , ..-..-- , ..:•- - - - ..--i- ,, , -,,,,,- - -,- - - f , ..1 ---vi
bk., thelr laws % ould degrade labor to its feat- ..•- I- anilivingon illy y - claiin now, 'lreepingbach
ltrattoilditioia. , : ; •• , „
_.; : 1. ~ elors hall, and: .. .'Fxtravagiotly liindulgint„in
• We .relieve i'iite..if the free laborers—who high rving.
..I am
. rioting on the priaduettons
form the greatiilaSS of the ;Norther
n 4 people of my
garden ,eohsumlugall sorts of vegeta
- ould ..lo il: al,thissubjei n! th e . it o f I tiles 7 -bcana t peaSfternipr4 beeti,-squtihes o
reasOn raid, ceartmoniens e, they..,Woilld rise LT ..4;,-c7.3„,..:..P1,?,!!!!,,g.,,•.)-1'j1, -..c.e1.g.4.-.tonshing ,, . l n,l
maniir,-ousft . to protest agalnst,extendinithe I myself, at. least,ciitsitlering . my recent 'dYs,
sySteni'oftrittnan vitssalage, that eX;ista at the iffeptie habits . . My potatoeshappened' to. be
Seuth,-,loneitichibtryondthehoundartes of ,the
L a late % . ariLty, so that I cannot boast of their
Slave iStatelt.,.. 'fhe nal u're-Of the Coat roVer.. I qualities es yiili' , ..nt they appear to , be doing
i t y_is bsgin oiq ..i 0
. _b e w id e i s t oo d sad opf i re „, 1 their intrt„.:ereAitably. I hens about three
elated -hy.thernltsi of the, NOrthern p 6 op h., I t hundred' eelittage ;plants set .out, i gritivin , •'
in spite of the eiota Of dOuAfaie.ditinagogueS linagpificently. tly 'ldolatries look as fine as
and-of the itru
err :classes of
l ar iai teinatoes cati: n ail I expect to,hitvel at least
: e -
_fills No b, Whose interesta are linked' i ten
bushels, ~1 /hive ra Much Witter garden
' II %
with t rise of th, South} to direct ~ attention! than
froth e real isue.- •I - . ' - Water-t?telons, muskmelons, encumbers; ruts
NO.;' it.lS . trne. that .re,. . .
ir ma l e t o o 1 bagas, scinishe;i4eVt corn, potatOes . ,heets,
Much 91 the nigger'." • Weo - -May feel' t h ati . .radislies,•all look: well., Common turnips do
they - 41re a' Ncingetl and' Op r pressed pople, 1 not do well on ••,this mellow ground... It I is
but iteitates the North Isaid they do tes tl on sod ground. .. -1.,
. I that eoirtirriS ritirSelves; our owniitter.. I liai:e just partaken of a couple of nice
jthat . , -.I
__,.. i
id tan. oi, n liberties., . -v.. , squashes for inylditmer, and have got to go,
i i
•t.I- ._ , 1-- f---- -_ - , 1 this afternoon, an Indian neighbor's
Anlßl6rucifiting Platforai. :-; i for•aniiron kettl. he is going to give . 'me, as
The edititr o : the .M( l tntr;?se pemocrat fail-.
4 he-bast no use''. -I should like - to show'
cd to indnee t party to adOpt . , his pl4o of Father iny'-fitrining :nal gardeiting operations,
political warfare, in the State Coieention, but.} and . wish You .only had such laud as I liave
he appears to-be more Suceicssful ii.t this'coun- got he e. Tlrer is just-sand enough in it to
. t ~-
ty. • The Statec'onventioal adifpted. ' - st, pro
1. make it met lOwl and -very easy to work. I
Slavey plank.
i n their plattliirin s 2 bet laid the - fi nd -1 bin a much better farinei_ than house
`anti-Slavery plank on the tablet the• County l ‘oe[K . i:. I •di,i;:t! iiiiiik I should like tr . ) have
Cononittt . ,e• have adopted • both. • : .mother and E. inspect my domestic fitore
- 1 •
By the Arid tesS. of the Committer Count; . ment4-•-•I -am af r aid they would fir. - dal good
published in lieft'Week's Democrat,-it appears I deal t , criticise . !- • I .. i
that A:man ti, belong to thelD4nocratie par- i i n uoy i k i s i,-,„;. I w ill say i -
nefit of
nt.V . iii; 'be to (he • fol. - ~I , is o f ....-.1. for the 'be
... . . . sb ~_ fin d b,
it. on C
his Couny, must su
tv in . t S erit,
1,.t 1 An micompromisinki. Opposition to
the extension o t f Slavery liitu -the 'territories .
of the nation,-140 the . repeal Of the Missouri
co promise, and to the Wanton acts of
Usurpation and outrage by *Web kilaVery is
sought to be panted ih iheierritoriesi: in de
fiance.,(lf the pOpular Will:
4th, Adherd,nee to the financial and :general
policy Of the: Denmerat ie party .as extikainded
by it-
,pa. 4 libiory and AdMinistrations. .
- NObody is tto be permute a to vote at the
primary 'elections till he haS riven in iris. ad ,
hesiorhto both ihe above. 1:How many are
therein the Cluntytbat Can ilo it? : Mow
many are .prepared to (Lc:l4re in the - 1 1 . same
breath that they are : Opposeid to Slavery ex
tertsiOn, and cnlorseA the general 1.14,1 icy .of
Pierces :id nt in i stration ? h Th.. attempt to
stand on these widelyi separated planks must
Lave lait effect on nice of<tO nmon build, file
that .PrOdue.ed
i lin a certain d ilitiaeompany in
which after the election of ittlicers - there . re
mained but one private whq went through the
evoltitions vet well till luii was regnired to
divide into.seltit - '!us, which process he 4et,lar
eti --"ts:t i ratirti • ' filny--t*TIDly, -- : -:- •-- .2 . .
• !., - . 71 ,''-' • ' ! , _
- .TriF. LATE AELECTIONS.—State PeCill)ll3.:
havelieen reCF4ntiv'held in'Kentne-ky, Tennes
-lor 1 .
see,'Nttrf_lairolina, and Alabama. The, re
snits sh . ov r tluit the pro-Slavery, .platfo'irp of
the , Nothings avails them lit
tle again. t .tlie National Democracy. The.,
Denioch t tshi - ve r;lected their Governor- in
Tennessc3 ant 'also in Albama, and show a
hirge majority it Mirth Carolina:. Kentucky
is dOtibttuV bbt theKtio4 - ,lslothiags. claim to,
have c.rriihe State. . ..; i. '
It was g cat folly' in the . I . Knciw Nothiag
leaders to liiilk of seducing: the; Slave dri
vers' from h4Standard of sham Democracy.
The' Deereie:party havii% saOriticed ' et--
cry ',thin I ' the Soutkimd . ,.beconte a mere
tool to ex9etite its behests, is sure of carry •
inzs n. the Bltivd l Sta against at , ainSt- all' competitors.
'4 . , • , i
1• • •
M "'s,ortie of the "Cossazk " Lee aiitiele
from the!iCati
i'ona/ .40) newspaper'r in Penn
syllianiaihcl ly_ proclaim, in the face of the
laiir it that Wheeler, or any other slateholder, ,
bag aright ttiltiOid his Slaves in Pennsylvania,
while passing though the State, and - that'
Judgeli - nne:s perfeetly, jUstifiable in impri%. 1
coning Plassm , Ore Williiunson! The Hones- , ,
dalelletaldt'4:)f this elaßs. The Mg: arose
De:nov.4kt serms Title oblivious Of the whole
affair. 1 .
trW"' The prospect now is that. Chase, ,
Ford, and Brinkerhol will carr'7 Ohin by 1
overwhelinto majorits ~.)s. It is estimated 1
thit eighty out of.ninety et:Titles in the State.'
will go in il*. favor. _ ~ , I
.1 * i
The Ting Agitatar iaises the name of i
S. V. Chase) of: blitu fur President and Dav-
id WilmOt 7 .of Prnsvh:atlia, fur Vice Presi- i
debt ' . ; --, • 1
" ` Letter frouillansaut
INe are pferrnitted to make the following.,
extracts from a letter written by I l e 'resident
of Kansas, t his friends in this eopnty :
1 • PZIA, KANSAS, July S. 1851 .
It is preit i ., ~ ' quiet now .here. pl. gradual;
iiiiProvement :is and abOut our town.:
Since my, lat. we hayeglad a newspaper , es-,,'
LI/dished he . called the" Kansas Fr einutti.''
ILO first ,rnt bcr issued the ad ins& 1t is es-
tituated by;who should know, that who- i
, ever starts a rper, in this country tuaiitluse,
the first year, one - tb64nnd dollars, but thnl
publisher of:the Freem ~
04. is able_to bear the 1
Loss. Acl
l b - t ef. 20 #U,S made , up here; a
short time ego, fur thell\evt„ York Triituire;
myself ono d j.lie niniiher, so: that we have
to paper , ne*.evcry, lweek. ,
- ~.
We'buvelitist built a bridge - across a creek
I (ealled the gini t ngauunia,) uear by the town,
left cost '4l - e'lintuireti'dtitlaia.
The live ino lvarmer, so far, than at
tlaEasi."' *eier Sap.. a - mOre favorable
iiiiktg 44'90 diatt we have Aiad since they.
were lint- hi._ f . Weather warts entemlf and
. sikiwerslierAn4'euough'‘ - push vegetation
14 0 1 t 0-c,!..1.g.-1 I
-, oefe : 'aro /4rg°, goantiti . s of
• • e°1711424: P : ''' .1 .i,.1 1 4 g ; tlicaeaselloon
iinpellfSy . ... *we w i ill*enebundatice.
I htie, • . .1 . 1;4:4104* oci:40" planted on
all stalls of mechanics who wish 'to tint,,
tressd licalthV And beautiful country, let
an a
theM conic to Tv' "Tiey. We have as gbod
collection. of inhirbitants, as sober andrnoral
i con-umidly nqenn be found. I may aft well
mention that , oti pre;ent Topeka is a poor
place for either zrwyers or doctors. I ! think
a Majority ofthe people here are believers to.
the_Water cure. Seven-eighths are thorough .
temperance met:. One of our merchants, un'-
• der 3 mistaken gioth n of :policy, brought in
sonne whiskey, had sold to the Indiansland . a
feW loafers. This we . emptied out
prairie, and knit'ppd it up—as_ much tif. it as.
-would burni• and the nest day we went to a
'nei!;hborin7 Dtitchtrian. a mile and a : halfout
of Town, to des-tr4 his likewise. But 6e . fore
we got thero liquor had' disappeared, no
one, knew ichittler. Our party nut being sat
isfied, nor thus 'pasily foiled, a recoonnisanco
I was determini , d,on;and after a little beating
among busliesAnd brambles, one or two of
1 our keen-set-MO seekers pounced upOn. one
jug and two barreli , . The jug was ruthlessly
; smashed, and, removing the bting,s,-theispark contents ,of,the''.barrels were • permitted
to flow down- in I right rivul 9 to
wittt the turbid. waters of the' u
:• . _ ,
.'y=t" Cain:tilt . Cattle was the proprietor of
a fine watch : • ". Set 'er for'ard 'elf an 'our
in the forchoon,.aml:n 'alf an 'our in the niter
noon, anil'she i *as a Watch as would. do any
nimi credit." The Captain was very much
attaehed to :We old • watch. •So, certain cap
tains in politi4s, that recently published an
address:, are; or clidin to be, proprietors Of a
party: The Ohl thing is . a slow time piece.
Individuals tinit govern themselves,h24 its in •
des haVelatterly been 'discovered getting up
too bite in the!moriting.
• But still a few_ fos
sil renuti isdried L uP, Old ones, and Wlithered
:. • 1 -
young ones, venerate the old time piece, By
setting her . "ll4'ard 'a 'alf an 'our in the morn
ing - and !elf an 'our in the arterimoh" they
'expect to flobtlealong as fast us a cOuserva-.
I tive.jackassoUght to travel.. ,
~ 1 • ,
Il ie"
'Like the
.`finn,s' Corte e .•
ererice, the y
trained four points, and from these ll y c .
been taking ah Observation upon the . , t
address--have atternpted • to Obtain the reCk
.onitiff'Of the Old:hulk: .. Let' its hipk 1 at the
production in ;various lights,,,‘ I- • • :„.
• First, then;. , ..artestically.
_lt is ornamenten - 1
with . ..2a bird-4an •.American Eagle, of thettr. I
pearance that tyou might expect of an old bird
that had set :,soinetime on the Detnocrat,
le roost. "'iliere She stands=look ht her." I
You see., further, that the bird has something 1
in her moutle!--a . /Oh,. , ,This figure-hetul - is
embleniatietllOyarious thing,, , i. It illitstrates,
first, that thel.,?,*t: rnissiOn of-that +4l is to
flap her witi4i over all sorts of Grey towns;'
to .kill lediaits beyond Fort Lararnie• whit.-
..Minnie riflesi and leave lituisus at the tpercy:
of StringfellOw, - Atehison; Democracy, and
Popular SoVercignty . . - 'Tye
.niouilitolioW,that no wars are to,he cotn
thence:4; but . ;fur the propagation of the " pe
culiar instituilint . no territory. • purchased •
except 'it resound with fthe slave ;driver's
whip--;:that the . lei' h• which Winds rehnd * - the
baelc - of the African is the Only, cord 'ffitit can 1 •
securely bin the union of the States.; Final
the:Eagl4 is emblcsnatical of -the great
perils . anti inptations throtigh whiCh those
'n - tultt pass
,ssip Ometithes go down to Har
.risburg..- A4l; fiat approving 'conscience, and
empty pOtkio, are the rewards of melt who
Vote . honeStli,"io tender points • and kigtes .
are the refit and of Others.. It is to be engrav ,
an us. the coat-ed:oms otpolitielats . who grow
• indeisl,tificlutby. serving their country at three
dollars per cqem, without Mileage. - r ' :' • .
sOMuch arttstittilly.. Ttilfgraminatical view
Of the address has oeeaaioned Mitch rouble.
Be good --1 44,5 4 h,' lie '* l :-taittAr." . , Aoiet . ..ol )
the first sea 01:Iowa-Abe hotly .of..thel address
*italics. • ,' lt•reada' thus t.'..'i -- e: .- • .' - - -
"Apr aware detiterstiesi ate coirarfuee . iire . of
4 , w - i ii e p t t 4,41. .-#4,1 3 f thil)64l 't`ileitiliii 90/4faitili df
dart their adkrtssialvio thelollowing Peiftieit it*
irbjel atui,l4#4r,.. iftellinness toitypport. 1004 Mir
wise - jilt 6i milted to tes;:i7 part, tatAtl-pristo*
'statism.* , • - -- 1 ...! 2 : .- ;Ai
- - 1 . - ~ I - ;--..;::?' ..,1 • • ,• -
', No* . ig4tit, ..hiiik-iitir it, twist it about,
t;onigi.ue . iti*:what ii.): - .) , 94 . .piake of it?--
There IszeiOita Oline, reason; 14e #r graw:
Iner - ,•ln'the'presaible. • 4 Aftr rnittit i c -*la.
ter tige Repuyicai!
nation . the . ..eiMaixtittee , are. lid': opinion'.,'—all
.that ii P 1 a h t . .... 4 i t ' 3 4 1..--" - _ittP'..o ll .,,in,i it .P o , - .10 , 91 ,
- togilw - -- - b - ta - lititiVitat sireinNeiii-:" that's
. . ,
tholuestion.l 3 _: . jti - iiiioo3, fitiji ! .. :c l alt 4. ngain, I
thao is en opinion ias is an . 01010n.7 Ma-,
tuviElitiboita" , '' . 'i-altste . .colg'''‘at'ett•*eg
a -sat"ri-00'4Ti li 1 ' aketii- ' it fie gin - heiiii4
'7 , ..;f4 ' - • - . 1 ~' -, . - i- :::; . 4 1 :il ' .. * 7 '•:-.. ,3 1
witka sp -d . "" • lei ! ~,.%, '. "....y.:i 1 . t .„:‘,....:,.
,qmiNti i t tit=! 10-.4resilikk!) 4 lll,l4 1 f , ,,
a ttbf - Tit'i4:tt :1 inide-biiard, fiY whit li t he
pilgrims of.T)i'4l4eracy may be - directed,,let
us look at ei.e thing politically. The . And
iasarinsitic.ri l . b t ittfig't -; Tlit'lo7 : lttiONibtikiiiiigi r ir
. ,
hostility to..the ex tension of Aar - cry, into the
territories ile,tiii) natiOn'•=4 the repeal a the'
Missouri cAnnprOtnise, and • tti the ,wanton
usurpation. end untrage- by which, slavery is,ll
sought to be:lllfuited in th territories in.4:10 - -; ,
fiatieel of 'the t ,p0pu1ar,w,111,7,,,,...Tiu4
,is, imolo-.1
jectiottable sit fai,a,s it-reaChes. ; •Put,twc) im- a
'portintt'queStietts:aresuggeSted, to Which no
pbiij, out.spAceti
. .ansWer is found in the first
. .
, . . , ,
- If Kansas, 'With a pro -sliprery const itution,
applies for adthiasion; wotild.' a man elected
on that platform ,lie bound to .oppose . itS ad
' Mission ?..- Again', Wotild We be bound to yote'
for the ; repeal , Of .so 'much of ;•the Nebraska
land Kansas' Dill, at repeal; - or conflicts with
the Missouri"tOmpromiski ? ' , You "say that ,1
'e . ed totheit '' slavery
ycip are "opp a$ e enston,of
into the territories of the Path n 1
•" but it lies
• ~
been done by tlit.i'xotes'of just s'uch . men, elect.
. ....
c.. 3 on just aS:sfrOng platfottos as you havel
builded,and ,'wliat do you propose ; "to do?—'l
This iFaying :that .you are oPPOsed to. what,
hasbeep done-- 7 hye, done by your own vi,tes,'
with no. prOmlie to assi s t_ in . undoing the,
• '
great wronu.. s•iltfustiat. Just sb, Y.ou sav,i
you are oppoSed to the repeal , -of the Nilsson
ri Compromise: But, men, it has • been, rei
pealed: the; ink of the inftmous squatter'
sovereignty aegis not yet dry- 2 the head of
IteedeOtas-notiYet rolled otT, the charger on
which your standard-bearer placed it. Now
r -
we ask--will uti aiti iit restoring the Com proj
mise? tatd.YouansWer that Yon are opposed
to what has 'been done.. What you say is
well enough; hntsit comes so : late in the thiy,
that it is of ilittlemse; 'and lthe .question at
,You ark'We' r with the saner reply that
you would $. to the one! that has beett
, t
The seconi"T-filank is "non support•of a!! - , -- •_,- ~- -- sn. ...,---:-.' t (...; Itas. -.•: , ll‘..i'ad, -- ..
. ,•• . due: avattk .,t Sl a v e ry, north (if .3O oegrees 00 runt. - I L -IL . 0., t -i : . • ,:. . -Santa Anita at the histintelligence front
nominations ituatecimitet with the abov% ..- ,
.. .. . .., _ t . , .. .5. , .„. i
on A .
vive ti;‘,l
,i.. our tataLts, pu t lok nM. . 150 t• ; V : ff. qt,bh, Tiiig:i•eolinty. , -•- • Mexico, had abdicated the governmentonit
trines." .Its a , coiellary of the Pic-t. At,
and nits frit:n:l4,ll:oe)
_.k tt .hi,,,,, 5tyi, t 4,..1;,, w , l Thailde4s Stevens, Lancaster county... ' ' Alvarez, the insurgent:leader, wa.a..mareling
honest Man tiotes for men Whose I , rinciples i an d, their as-sot:tails, ano• tlit.fre., ment- every; Aleelore, Frietklin. county. apon ttli.'•. cal:au I with 3 o,oao, _. men.. r .
.T . he rev..
• 'de will; his own. It' toast have Lee:4 i:ioility for eiarvin , v out their.tlevph Fehenick
.• 4 ,
t '.: A iS '. l l ( li x ,:il K Al. 'l Halltia4, Indiana (ountY. _ . , oletion is likely - to -be'-f,ul t .
_lt Is said
" :lI I '
Put in tip' . a c ress because. it is a new rote ol s%l;visl'Y' P'n . ?l , :l'iandisl?). -• '' " I).. t .ters friend:3f to the cause will •pletsc that, Sant is coming . :te:.rede , in th 4
" • ' •' I • •l''" '''
-' I i '
. in ' ; 1 W 40.11. trout! the 4th ot Mare I. • , -.0-• . c „,i v ! Aerangt..nuetits are .making to sceure. 'United States. • .- : • :
... . . 1
with the Dttnoi•raev. . Ther.will not Itereaf- :, ~..,.' , . : , . • • 1 t ~1„, , ?••• 1
. : (le v e e 1.,, 1 111 .4- • 'wo e, th e tine ~v,..r. . .,- Mt.') A .`-',..-' Ult.l 1111C11 , ..: 11124 .) 019 $l.) 11.14. 0- L I:I 111 llt I
4 , i - ' ,
ter pass restitutlons
. .itgirliist 4h,- . 4. renewa., nil eliaraeterit.tie..„of tli,is Ailittiplstrat.iO: I . 114.; item'',
; , r i ., :i w i los . l - nil ' m f •:,,, „.. 11 1. r h,., .d l ii i t ;
. .• n i li i iil ,. un ,! o `: ) ,J 6 . - " k :' , 1
_. . - --The latest. l 'intellioenee - Tremiliainisyde
§ - ii4oes ta•shoW that'the Iris were armed ses'-
Gmicrress . oridui of Congress, of the slitverx tintleViati, i';:tlie t iltittityi ever-:neiiVe t'ilitail- t: i•• . : , ---- ,1 •--t--------..-- : ,
• b • 1., .1
.agitation, an t i yen elect, a :set of inell !.ti a+. CDC(' ;ci) OW Will t/ the tr Ol i ty. tr . - •
timibb thents'elves with the agitittion theirBoi:: ehY• •:: NI)? i• Yet it ritilliA Sl ;; ' : : l l ) l ::t i n d f l ie ' 7:te . Y.;inl; . 'l l 1'i,..,'
. 4 . .; , e „ t1 y i° ,77 7 „ 1 ,.7,?:,;7 4 . .1: 7 3 ,. 8. ti e h e: •1 1- . .+ e i - i r . 11 . . Ta i./.... r. s . - 11 : .-'- : r-11 ---. 1 ` d \ .!I V Y i s ls : o tfY n th- Sh e ati l ti e b et n i h f :I . Sae cepted the a
~. . .. . v
produce, he Comity tAwnmittee itert , ht'v .
T ' the party that.sustains it , .
~ I- • z; - .. • i 'l i e
011111 1 1
ejnership . of . Kansas, -and- will degart fortiv
styli it Acme,. 1 nr‘rk-A :on 'he
.I , :eitioNal
. of
.1 . erat le': __ _ 1
gives tititice;ithiit it will n:) look onti 4va4. 142 . ij ,, s in ,, / „ 1 .,, 4,,: i „ Itr i inan. s' . • i .1.11 e 4-.conttin matter lor
. reflection :--• .:::-1- 1 F:
„..' ,111 .that territory, ,-
and . row aiiouier any lung4:r.• - They, will fiat ilt , tittradaetion 0 . every , , ~,hi ' vel'l r ...,; fi • ‘,
511 turniicr Gio'v. 'Reeder out. .of offite the
f t ' .'i''''.."
• t - . 1 , ; . , , , P ni/ "P' e ul' '' -1-i t'' . i Ilijesideittrts sart,• : ll the Auti-Nebrasl:a or- ;
hereafter 'sa),' but hat it
. w......_ ...:::y mean, or. sa V, „ 11-1( , “:11",.. 111111 t'lL! ftllrry" that tlphtld: it,. con- ii,.:,. t . , . ..,., „ , deal- c
, alailzau(ntl waeeever it exists, 11.gr1.11. of
as in this eitse; a considerable -1
' ' ' - ' • ••' li I illy it, I.' t 1 Cow • '1 '
•• s i gn ifyi ng : nives at or )3 r . IA
~ 1; 1 i. A , t 1
tr t ,It11)10. Ihe neeessityzof a conibinatiOn of
:claim to Lite title, tbein.Oetulic, than the Co , :
ttothing." .• ,: . Fieti•nasi e le , hich they have lweti mouths in
• `asks whom the Azar lett; loose upon Poland , „,. :
The third is opposition to all 'F-1 , •- • I 1 1 .„ ~ it i , . \,. ..i ,•• , . t ..
~ , oe i nonstri tin;;, h e •pi•u‘t_ks by.' :t single, ' actr.- .
. utnrary. :, IL t I
,t.unts,r.t ton ca.unp, s 4 itn , as l ies hi his . 1 ,,,,,, % -„ : „. , . he
.4,,,,,., that
eret„: oath-la:Mad political s•ocieties, 44 1,
i ( ,,,,-,, t • i r,„ North are the G,... sa i : ks o f Atli.
, th'er ' e isAi iitlefr:tilteritlifiVe. lie could linve
those doetritta which_ seek'', to make birth. ! Slitvi• Pt.r,Vcr ins.t i .yuntents of its will, depou:;-t
-di,:visrd r'b better ex - I,, , dient for building up
•,• .1 . 1 ;
place, and retigton the'test to'rights of eittze 1- ! cat''-"1")n its iJulit) •, • '1 . , 1 ti l l:, party , i that ampulla e, him.- Titus-It
.. : . Already they aire.•preparing for‘the cam
ship and sutrrage.''... - -- - isk hat " Otiose whom the gods would- destroy,
i painit of 1650. :They moet t(igetliot. hi Staile
, tliky first6uadtt - toad." . . - - ... • •
Th.,. -I- c • j --21 1 ----.1 .4.:-..1 cluck_ I.ll•POrdhiLi 1.11. - " -_ . , : - • . ,••,;-,•
° My notions:4 f only Wolide'r that at resOlit- Y4',:',s:.`i, ; ( l 2 ,: s r" .•?D h ,.'• i i l i i ;l. „;;; ; ;lr e ''''''' . r -s e .,: t r o .. 'tlZ i " 3 ::', l l-7 , iii .. ' ;Trim i.:14.: as made on by rierve, AteitisMi
-1. • . mid 'Doultts: few the'-people to decide upon;
tion about the, Gaited States Bank did not:
. lifttet" Detnocrati'e". candidates, pledge -still 1!
• it i • ~.., N., ~ ~ stl'lnds thtis ': - ' s 1 'r - ' • -: , •
follew it.. Demeenttteconv.entions and conli. portlto the " I)64loer:oat . ..tantal Admin.. I,The, Piesident,- tli, eonstitut - ioital pretzeryell
istratioti-and their opponents, with extt•ailr
rnitt4Ces are; w‘tiderfully yttliane .in kiekiti , r ow, Larst iiiid Order. trucklinu to the baest_s.
' ; l' dinaiw antiabiiitY:' , reetignise thoir.. impudent•
dead eareat•:;• - .i 1 . 1 he,y were grolt on . the; pre Le. T is .. i ,, us. : by - e c 1 that they are 3., i . ()e l a gtinglol rioters'- andusu e tpers! , ..
Luc scrtin' .t II • • • r • in
United Stites 13:ink, and now that .they ate ileed„•• the Deino,cracv.'! - liThe;Vilfe PreSident, beaditsu the ganu of%
.i:. • • ,i, 0 .
to tin,
, insoiabie ,
7;4. rioters tuyi usurper's to . whom the President:
satissed ; 014 Khoo-Nothingistit is gourd to •• Let us put it sop ti4tickles.! 2 . • - . - ' -
mini they propose to sbe eloquent on *hitt '0.• 1 1.' ,, t15, inpeker,r. Otace t&t , did exist a..
liCotryres A, the Legislittive and Representa
- i.; ; . , II•74 : , and a -Drazocrtitic part; and their ~.• . ,-,:' J,,
subject.' •'4 t . . ~.. , i ti •c: I omp,•breakitig its awn inirgains of alit
nalits , u . estgn .L atet , ..t pretty . iiiir 3, .
. • I'il ' • I
. t ~
• 'the laSf. i l lai IJ in this wonderful, polit'ijal letr -e-l'lrat" i N t'' , ye;irsl, standing •. and . ' I . :011;11111y iheying
1 ter.s3 o ut the .... g uesttons at Issue between e
address Is singhlarly comprdieusive. It i• a them liav e ht.ftli s!ettled,i or are tiOw oyerrid- minority .l. l l'& :t rii l kdjel , lr ,„;` , tB ( t e . : ) „ ll , l - t n i ., : _ t _ t tl .„ .e t n i i t :',.i g i d. a. pe .
I - 1 '. -
grand - fOrtnalalbY .WIIICII 11 . 6 11Zell'S demoera. den by
. awitlier) and inure vital ono---the .l
, sitt'atid IPropet 7 ty, anti afraid to apPlv the .
'cy can be 4•ei4lied'out or measured. It is Q"c,''ll'ili a Fi . 4" 7 a P - 41 4 ' l. Shtee'T for i lip.v . ,' lest the .erimittals arraign and cendeain
...W.I. The terms; Whig; find• pe_iftocra ter.. as : 1 , • , I' I
worthy Of TatleYrand in his :brew:lest . nip- t, tbekolir l t .•• 1 . t. . , .
. . i I . ~., ~ , '„ . - : ~ 1 pally names, na y i e stow ni porttnenee. There. l..
mints Atessrs...Luttors, :.nail CallS N't 011 It, •.. . . ti - / • : t , ~ii A Territory that came to our Cullers •ii'e2,
:t , „' ~ , r • ~' -.____ i, 's "le "lb "" ?-r- ) !-In.f;cro 4 ict. Pnl,'t.).• There i that- theii handed
. lowtt tree •to u-:, that is fl•eo
hardly put !It'll ! "conclusion,er the WdO le 111'.:Il- ar e 1 / 1 11. tWO plrties-:--..tme. Party f; , ,t Frieda:a; 4 the Liwi,- of Nature, frk: by the .of
ter" ihprtipeti shapt;. . . . • [. whieh finds its rirresentative in, such men h , :l.'. 't id State=, free by the - will °idle Mal
4 .
as Chase, Seward. Preston" Rini, Sumner;.. t. ' , "' al '.3 free b
_, t \ . . •
. "Annvati4l in Mt! nsAxel.kt. Asa uF..iin..ll. r u.- ;, , , ,` .„,,; ,_ :Ara)* ano free by die epoiceof its inhabitants
ICY 1111' ?MC fOrtOen.enc 'PARTY .1)3 =Kir:map BY Ts ', AO:D:4., \'t I t.zon4 141ie.„ ' .6.!": ameen, Giddings; i i
! forced', to , swallow tie: nauseous • doSe of.
PAST ifisTOlitl/LNICI ADIIINISTIUTIOISS."! -' d 111 inn, Cassius M. Clay, an a host like them ! di al r. e . r) ,. ~.
.'in order that SlaVehuldos may have
with - tits . head in . . There yeafibaYe- it--the ruling passion i 311(1111e Party I . oil -,r.'l,
i, ths is' outa rued' till In. the North, its Oita's, 1 , I
f i i, o ei:prep i 'itide ran ce over Vreen I en.' 111 th e. COII-
strong_ in -ileitit-the -sow: that was parity , i., •,,, ~ ~... ; Of the Federal tiovernment ! '
.t -31itel•I'utotan„7"kpigat•etty,'1_ , Ls . ; ;i...r4i . •2 - -
washed .'" /1 ''
. ."”.--.'
. h ad 1
in t e,comtneneement of t ea rots, l-, 1 Oti straitue that such a state ontffairs
-.- , -...7.1 . Pletee, Casg. Ditliglas,•and• Marcy, witlalt t e- ' 4 eir"
. .-
‘." Democrat-- ,_ I 1 . 1 i ,' ti just t 7 e,
sitiiuld - W-ii - keill' ort-tts p..3.' ..t .., a .t. e .
returned' to' her wolloWing. - •: • . - .1-stsiielates; offm.-kiolders and offiee-expeeta c ntsi
1 . •-=, , return. to tilt.. prmetp es upon .
, t theriet ' return• • 1 - --91 a '
If in- tin:ll 4 l4st history"•of the Democratic •witt; lobi occa‘'; anal Ckinventinns tln .the tree Which t e UniOn 'was fimnded and to " estah
: ). ~
party Wes:idid pot find the 'record of .all the .-s-ta,,t;3.- whiilt .. th y afil!et to C .ll . l insure:denteuric traaqiiillitY; tin&
ie.• . lt !s non....:tnse, or worse, to itais of any. Lt.
Pro•SliCerf leUislation that kris disgraced the i sOtire t:eb . les'ttings Of Liberty lit the instil ves
, b . - mina. rho I,,tiestion, wl'ether : Slavery ,
or 1 grid theit posterity "':: -• • : • - , -- - •
nation ;if `Outrage had not followed 'outrae; Friiedom -;11811 frule this eptOlie and the I,' - • . .
.i ~ , .1 il'
and wrong .! - .3et.u . uesped upon. Wrong by pftst. flcnititt;Jit it is' i'tntraeing,lhagfthrest aside 1 i l l ...AN',
,441tErt. E. 7%. ; SERPE,ST7.--Nl.) lk.l X.-we
Dentocratie.administrations,until;heeonsuM. all tit her.issnes„aild own niust range. thertl- :t , -oJuro :rood upon the most tniquestionable
mation- of till Political infinnY, under the ores- selyes . un olle..aii!e or the oti"Altiti - Slavery alithorl that there. exists in, the •Dtanore
II ~
ent,' has dr yen all men from i4s ranks, 'we i;rif
x t \ - . ( i ) i - , 7ll c u i ' l e l ry,, t ifor yreednat or again I.t it.- pond, si Ai" Duipipire;• on the' line: of the Pa..,
1 0 - imnlier of I o,,al'Cori m ; ; liiy's-Rai:.lload., a Male ilf. Minn- I
no •ra IS • uytier .
might :pun the last ph i nik. It is all Lii;t.rty, must' t4ke his•-face "under the bl'i,ek I
. riioth size. . Some. days -since, a. number of : 1
tiousense; . h4ever,, to talk to the committee thig of Slavery 4 Ile, / Alio • WM: rlOt OF'llly- 1 %foam? 04ntlem011. 4-this:place, started in pu r••• 1
~Irtny of Ft4edomrntist
of the'Conneetion bet Ween theOry and plae.. ,enroirhitteielf it; the { ;pit, of 1114 turtleshiP and sue-coded in ,fasten.
•- i• be held an 'illy iuf -
lii Slave Oligat.4.:lty 'let i •- n • r " Is' ' •but ..
tice • ofi - 'there they cut in announcing • • - - . - . • . -.1. . ip b n Inok in I flesh, the
3 • ~ t._ ;Pia - • ••- - hitri.shout .I..)k."ltibLq - AcY till he be 6 : 4l '''''• -• the . de - • '' 4: tl 4u' • t t ' ith f themonster
ices .. ~. -, . ,
~,,y.nn . a, „yea s rem, o
their principles itt- three resolutions, and .in -
All. kind ofi•iiev Lave .been trial to l ion:ifOfte.d tho wits so ,far froth -
shore that:
, ._ ~
the fourth
.'seletnnly vowing to support a par-1 • .
:•sta:e off or' up this • great Issue ; but , ;t: A Liet.N:4:Lied itt making his :eseiv- - lie k
Intilt- of ', 13 - • CI rn 0 Hut have • [leen atmo.:.: , ; ,v• •;' . I.• . • ' ' t'' . •:• '• .
ty opposed to 'those principles. or .4 . ~, - larts ti c il• n r ,ogis •, • -.-- saw - , oyittiose who. have :wen 'h its, to be at 1
the • Misstur . k7ontoromise . 0 tia • . r ooka-! to i exitausted---;the i•efuges of lies..are failin67,-.. - 14, a ,, t
5ei;,,.41 Poet. loin, atd to have mode a. l
' , borne Iris-t•nuo ,t the I Arty -fit Slvery Itch' , t I •4' • . T •, .• •
' ' •
iha'Atchison ind Stnngfellow liutaness, they 1. •.,• . . ..-- ..,;, r , • . ,,• , , . .„,.,,eatippot.ort in the Avlttar'_: , after-ha_.Lnkkit...l4 H
conclude' to Stand by theta: . [;rout friends I .
t..,i'• , it ve n I ion in ame. , It (tet:l:trio . its 111.114.'- I b t ild . en 0•,„.1-ea,- a t .,„„ %hion ..„,,,i zet i 0inai . :1 ., 0 ,, tt.. _
• -, , • t -1 - 1 d
• - 1 . i shin to the •Adnuinistratton,..init - ii.wl ore to 1 - V IA 4 II ,_ n ' i . , attquipt ,„ tit - tis,
capture twill doubt- °flight, theyrwed the angel of dtrkues.S. I„ 1 exPre3u approbation Of its '.:(c!traska polls i 6.•ssi he , tiu• I r which - .it• 1 " t
it y ;
~,,, • i cm- e,p,,,, O•
• The platthrtn was intended - to ibe . a careful-1 cy,! vaittly - hopitt,g, b y t i nt c,'4 , irsalirt‘uns . ue- i.tippri,e 1 ',41r readers.--P; ittton Gazette; :
ly prepared platfornipaPan which Old Hunk- ! vice, to disarm' I.lni. h - ostilh•Y of the • People- 1 't , .• ' iii, ... - _.__...'_::.:_. 4 ._____:-. ••'' -
ors and Free:Sailers mink stand tocrethm_s_ i Not long after, like tiOnYeation was held 1, t'rhe WAhingt;n Correspondent of the. New"
0• . . 0 ,i i n Ar t , onoi • . in J ,, s h.,iilar ival'ae ipqrsued.- l'' York 7' , res *says: . :„ •t• ..: t:it.: ' ' -
We shall ;see Who can stand on it. .. Lex. I ' is-s 4 same- - ! , •«.3.. , .., ; - -, .1 • . • .3 i -••
.The. thou • - -3.°‘• 3 • .3
- -, 1 - • _ • _ .. I .i In Pennsylvania, 6 7 poi icy, .tl;auepte, 1 los! :ittou teeins - ,witlJarkteiesuenouneing
1 the;Adnitis - traiio- - !'
sustained, while the u . .,i5n- -1 , t, e .people et. Pennaylvainia _and the.. Free
Y.eation-cif- its Ntainers declines !to .expre.4, A, tatty iOr theliberatietk of Wheeler's slaves.
any direct ophiqm of the Nebraska Act. ..And i it si i ,:uld not be forgotten that this' Organ of
now in. New retk f tile central organ . 14' itts_. .the txt r limtiVi:',
GliverMtient is paid for 'work
siipperters.,visiS s-that lotheir State: Ckinven- (if this kind-at the'raft'of nearly„l'one thous: ,
Owl the .rue policy .wljl hi', p- ) niaintain 1,•• lint dollar:4*er thiy, -, twoOirrlst - if 1
t e - p c ii:,.i•it' the glii!NO1 , 11 . )I . .F,ree! Slave- witlehliipaid : - .by people of the North.' With,. 1
1 .,,, : 1 . thus . tli - litting t.O'l•itdorse an act of the i.. i..
~.f..... ) t h e
(1(1t .010 iiti Mitt it r •c• •iy 4s-frt. at Treas ur y '
AiNninistrittion, i lieetally }
0 -) 11 " 1 " 123 . Ili
,t he 114fioeh t j!.ut rim! 0 illid,. exist a tnimth in this'
Nat'',ll,: While thev.•pledgo thettiselqi - to' its . - Ilti'lirie:p'Alid• Yet this pampered cOttrt faVer
• • ,„ . • . .
s . app ! ,,rCand•Jabor- to Shield:it frOut•reteibu• ' 'ii yetPii - day'iitio:r `day with this tlit;Print ` hi-,
thin: _These al,fes,, oi l; the . Slare . :_gligarely tlideptv a its. tribe abono 'Not•thern fanaties,''
liiii . - my silty,t he People,
.and tiOuce theta 4'negro .I3stealers . ,tif the -North.'' - . • -`, , Northerti, - ,
ini *4l.tly into 'kt brai4siini te ,- the - .:Slavi3 Id-
,isenioinSts; - raii.dging tberpurlieus of Biiligs• - '
teretitt• - i.What eitie• - they,that the Adininistra- 4 t e ,G,014,,, ri p,i - i-;c .0 14,, ( hy, a im . N -4 0. 0 0 . 3t i 0n
tie* Which'theyieridttrile. hasetottitnitted ntore ' ';ith''‘if t iii oi „io s uft - 'No - r thai t - ;f e oi n k,,i , j u id
*rant no4gaiu , t Lbrtyth irf o asia rti icietY . tiet : '.arng.'mutt.,gv,4 an pi
its predecessonfii ,;,syllat. earo
,t4y;..thikti la -.04 mai gnant - denuticiations•-'- - evea - theT pulpit
basesidnitission, to slavehOlding. - dietatien,. it r
therfeh.ot.the-Noitti.:. , .:l 4 .rin , the local
has rooted the hoti,,lavehiilliers 4::tli,e.ccipn- tress . A ,
, r ibil . Soto It which .la.tupported,..iiii tort
tjoi, of - init4ense' , doniairi Ceaseerated to 'one.Y of it!i - gOutherp reuders, -Wo .Mtn toles-
Free LANA.. iiistitutititia'ri , What I !are 114,6. to an,) 1 aihdtint:. Of_ sectional but .
.that it has-nurtured:the, med.:whp.:ft-whet.: 2 hat •r h t ita: h•••••. -:V h' - ' - '•••• - -'-- 1) -
.. ,. . .„.,.., W ,-IS o . e To‘i . . ,ty `..creatures., w 0
volt,v4, civil strife on .: , ,r. horderAt,in id 't
Y-.-P, a ' r01“..i :i' - -upowour tounty,la tin Outrage:np
-1.r9 TerF4o. - ry,.'i:PYP.r2ef!'wero.,litikia.ctuai ilel , . .who 4n.petionue.alu*t.tou,:grkut , fik- . -lot-'
tter, uitirped - the'tegtarative . ..poWitr t virtotd• IMO- gi duraticti t - It the :bitterly, : ma tut u .
ir Oil r 9 rtud .. K4 ll i4g• !nti ) a 14 i 4 idurt C. 4) kniYt • 'lotion ',...ireiiii . w . Melt -sertdalttrth,its diatribei
an d , 00,..0.0051,e.• pains and • penalties' ti r iiitnat tom i :i4..alittrici, can • - .tidy . Ilee'...upotit the
any;. one. - whp . 8 - 6411 chge..- ijenoutic4-thsir.;Ayt. 'rile rtiWredeiiii.: TNitato*.i it'. OuAlit . 44
.. .-. i.i. -._ .: ~ ... •.. •••-- . . y....-,.. - --...,
84v 4 ity* Kansas.—A Plot. -,, i • ,
Whtet!er.Cotbei act of insanity .00 • tOm- 1
hers of the _Kansas Legislature may be gni] t y i
- of, there iS•liitle danger that Slavery will) be I
formally itarildueed into theTerritori iby,l
legtslatire..ita until the - SetiaiOnt of tineW - Oiter I
of 18.5& :
.iir NV,h state - upon • the authority 'of a. : l
Pro•Slavy official,' 'appointed . by (,leiairal,
Pierce to responsible postin Nebraska, tliat l i
this .step ..,ili..not be taken until ;the
.I;vrnid I
intervening betWeen'ihe Presidential elect or
next year And the 4th of March, -1857. • Itl 1,
saw and en', nyersed with Atehiscm;goi l 4 to
house roe , Itittliirp 9 se, • and he was assured
. I
the - enadr. that in this matter the M
souriatwyleldad to the judgment of the
Frei State Mends,
.irho < recoimuended '.(
Hon. 8, 4:-L)onglas amongtheinimber) t
the tilie'stibn Wad •be suffered: to :rein
open unfit the President teAt_shhuld
'tbseidel, ter the reason that the North eo
tueantbie bi l l p ac ified •by asiutanee tliat-K
Os w , lftildifin4ily mai* the' infliction CI i
•Tht4i - 06risiii: are 'eo eciati,cleut ltt:.the
In_typort off" 1„14 President and the . .Ca' bit*te
Wyk. Ntort,',and'io sUrOthat they calf' 'a
ontrol thi..:Legislaturi and .efect trhoinsoe.e:
- --,---. - --7. -- - - . -- -- • - - Y - 7 -------- 7 • .
F --
r they please, simply b?' the exercise of the radny 1 Whit care they - „ilthough its whole
violence : ondpetjery„which accomplished A ainr has:. been it
_war .- of :_aggression.-. on, the
Itiitiffißi",:-.:iiiiinhtrtkutti*T'irthdlitamfiee *-Ilitellichtw offreeitietiiiilititritk
ley Of . their :Northern' confederates, ingknow labor . 411 e word of rebulte,-. not even. it.
i t ,i, i i sign" . taloa sfactlon, escapes them: 3 ,-..,0640
t ..:_ t , i• ,
Met tbejgarrie•i*.in heir: own .-Ithi.„ '
believed that_ the leidin - g Neb . . ~'' - •lnien-pf ' runt k - -itheSi . affirm -tlieir eonfiderel*lnthg"
,t._hit:'g-sentry pgiv - - . .. _ this 4" ii .;,itter . O .( 9o; - :Mrt I4l)AkiOtt Ouilty.ofthese.iborniiiitions;
litti it Sthiti tr • t - . 1 7. Is thitli:7";and ' • - rg i furOv to :entoj,thq isllogn of' i
eillip*, l y f , diln iveriPt"inifki thAtingit7 r otril 1 humble reteTnitd'ofahetticeurs - 1
Slave:4o 10:e6.4. .....-' - . 1 74 - ..sf' . -4 3 .--,..! d FP' - iiir -hi .11 is laborin4o castaiut. the/.
a... : .. f 4. -....,':.... ,:l . e .. : ) -... 4 .0 ,
• . o* . ,I.....throtenifitiptisetqfhtiz,spiri .9041 be, y. , - -,. i - S- - ;•- ,--- h- 1 % . ' r
fPOlifkal skY::iti ."- oiimPhl . a chi:lige' '.o plan, 7 - T se inert these ConVehtiOns,lmpudeirt:;'
and that. the tri!:::eritts win h as ten to mate ly a •Dg-t., 1 1e naniif of Democrrits, ore treif
hey while the_stiOilOnelito•introddce Siay. isrs o the ci ise of -Derrocracy::: - Their Inn
ury.,:ivi 4bthey.earkvibuithet we ha Ve correct! guag; ..tO the ,. lave Oligarchy ia'r. l o - : Your
ly stated what. the'plan IS at present,lwe have will I.natt:Fd.ltzo :SlaVpry— plaint it - every-
- t)
national- flag—Aet: biose your I
414; a Wert' ofdoetti ':..Vor - autheritf We re ; 'Wire - under‘Oe
r lcrlo J;tihn Calhoun; Gen; Pierce's Surv'eyer - slay 'bands 4pon OZ!i 'sod—bring y our slaves
qeneral of i Nebraska; who. is the - rOe1:11 t) if it lease :iron; to ot:f .Statei,retain . the'
whom we rely.: • His - rt..purt of the interview Privtlency -.and . alt the 131.' 4- o ffi ces . cf the 1
0 .6 •
,VII,I. i r
iki l 0/I*n'''iiiiidici - a distiiiguishcd chi.; - i, GO trnment4dHitt ate:our, te
•, - ,
'Te r n_ of this state, is th e o rigin of this artiehi. I ticit 'liey---ielter no free State' to ctitn. In,
-vs eliilip'titliri..tilliciiiiii.-tiit - fii4 - in IlliiiolS,l till y- it liit;: - ;t4 State - tO ' Match it:'- tint` ,
1E reign. ;:ild domes..
and .1f ,ivh have . male misstatemetiei me in- 1, out - limiest,* Oregon, 'and -Washingto 0 I
v4e deo4 ; thin. Wp will, fOok fur the proof:I til It . nsas ii, l ready to send. Ateldion n' a u rid - t
--Chita Tribiiiic4 ---- 2 : - ,
•, - . - - - {Stei lt%;ll.llowlg,' A - its . "§'eti a tots' •AO Washington I
thtu t yilqr ha r
the teople'l
THE COSSACIiISTHE:FREE;Sten.I treasury, and enrich every claimant Who'has ,
that 0 ne.gre—sfeal •or tidy'. Cuba; mild as l
_ . ls.itltrot timeto ideny: tO - the. p:irev
gupporta . the Adiniiiistrittionthe titl4N .. Don ,:ltrtuelt triore; , ' territory: for." Slavery - as .youi
will do
. nothing„ .ay.. nothing 1
antic t' .VV hat is, phat .party.- but in instep- 1 efi° `.-r -7 ""'
mien to', ilii3 I r io ti.' e r 1 :, Iv bait
.Th Anoir 1 agsr?st y.ori,',' but . continue steadfast in ourde- 1
t... 1 1 Votiori to ill:,
.I.iiiien;the ceinproitiisek'Of thej
crane trineiple has k illustrated, what, Dem
, Constittitiott and to tl - ..e..lizittin - toreplatforml"'
oi:retie iieli , ure executed, shies ft foN:e its a ,
Presldent in I.*kiilll, Wasi it riersideratie to,re: litrid,t . when oou . :have - triumphed over ell-,
youk enetnii#, silen - ced tefanatie
peal aii ancicat Conipreinise, . . for.
of mitionalizitig Slatciry in. 4111 Unite Stan 's lamilau'. l. e s hlished you r empire kmi.YOlict a l l .
,*(ip;lkit and.! ' settlement,. then w e will „hap
territorY.l.,..-Wai ic-Dernocratic io Plot a war '
against Spaini with ii vieVe to rub her of he 1 ° z `'..l, lt in th. ' " the:a 1) " 1 " e6le Y' ----2‘rathin- `
richest \ colonY:-,:ind, failing, in thriti to
om r e l al 4ra :. --•••• : . • - :
two hatalred milliohs of. the People's. money.;
IttP in II B4C — Aiiiiiii -w— COAV — EIirTION, . '.
wit hunt their - con•iefit,fin., a poisessiOn intend- 1 -' . • ::,.:
Illio citizens of Pctinillvenia, without re
ed to helve , to, the' leinetit. Of a seltishie.ction ire
terest i ? Wes it Derhoereqe to lay one niillions i' gari to foriner . party distioctions, wlio are
i will:pig to Unite in a netv organization tO re their monde without without askityr . leave,
silt ithe i fort ter spread - of Slavery atuf:the in
for enough Mexi c ali territor'io.opi•nii slave
holding • lijAliway - ti', the P;leilie)- '.
.Was it i clea t' s° '` . r f4ll: ' Sia" power, .arc: requelted to
1).• lerittic to stiilie down i n , ib i r ,ii c „, ..... rot,lLltili : - 1 . , .. COUVent at.-Irittsburg, on
'"" LI - ' .44ttly the.ath ( 1 - -- - Ser' ih.... 1805"
Clll4 S,
11;C! Slaver, Prooa4anda Thnina , l - EL Benton,
that :tiieWran ehanWon of Dennkraey, to
eject from •offiee. tho friend-4 of the (only .shave-.
StateHtatesman 14444-aide to free institotiOns
in Knnsas, and to 1111 the:r phtee_ti With Bic
ercatliriT; of his swcan (ineloy, .thee "leader. of.
V ‘
,444441;t1 horde ihielt . subjng:lted Kan
saS and vhdene l e •
NVtioi those Nofthertniy: Pi'erek', Mar
land Cushing, ulna ditto -Thomas
U. 143.k1i3 ii and the/ Liberal . f4arty in Nisl-ion
. ri were dominant in' that 'State, and had they
rot - witted SO, the count ry ..wouldi not 'have
!. been di hon4447ed f}y the intuitions deed:: of
! hOrkier Mit those Northern men,
not siniAied with hreaknig dOwn the bartl-2r
I be
WistineSda)'4 thc.sth day of September, -I,J AA,
at 1 1 1 o'cloc , A. 1I.; to organize a •REPtatiz 7
cAts+party lilt this. State, which shall gil.4, eyc
-- : .
pregon to the popular mill on the : m.o) . lcm.;
invklved iWithe repeal of the: Missonri corn
prtiiniso, :ntd vo-operate with other orgattiza
tioqs -Of a siMiiar 'character in, °titer Sfax - 4s:'-
OeOrge 1 ;irsie, All:then!" county. -7- ', -. -. - ._• ;,
- .1:olin NV Ile;we i ertsv ford county;:. .•,: • -
,ltphn a : Linn, Potter - county.. : : : -• •
olin son4e Al i . Beaver county.
ulna,,, •
.L Kenneth, . •
' Philadelphia vOtinV.
Win. B.i Thoone, ',•44 ... 4.1... .
• d'o , ndi INlarkle..Westmorefand eouidy.
OenjattO Frick, Northumberland county.
144rtirs IIuU, 131 air county. ,
put Wits -nature and assume the virt l i e of ,
neutrality as between North and o S
- -7Pth; or
_ .
- • .
r ?AMY AM) StAkililll(.4A l l. tHrinitelin
asfas:artiele in the Pittlibutt yisiteri treating .
foltirOygainy among Mormane, says
"InVermsylvania lier.ei.f-ediere..Men hare
,:come w ith - dogs; an . if hunted a
Arestettl - *omen, to Ceinpil hei to live as tie;
-paijOmir Of s; purchaser, konead 'of tho wife,
-of the man ,Shelutd Chosen for her husband-;.
where • they did bunt" her,at mid' winter,for.
hundreds . ot miles, .f(!r, such a parimse, and hi
obedience to law ; it would - Sot be rnuelt-out,
1 'of the way to keeps cOminiasiOner for cAtsli t
ing runaway .wives froin.l3 tale:
5 L.V”A. mass - Meeting or tho iscpubficins
I was held at West. Unity ; ‘lVllJiainspminty, 0„
on the 128th ult, It was adarvied by lion.
;TOseiShCible, yearwititsi,atobefizico 'nem ,
of,..cOha*firOla -04-Stitta . r,,-, 9 l) l _,ere is
~;,r.areely a friginent or the old
I racy iz'it in the great Northwest. The Itepb•
armY" gweeis -,eveiYithitig-heforo. it in
thai, suction uf t.e.Sote.-;-0 4 Jou:.
nal. !
Louisiana,; publishes a.leiZ,r hi the 'Pre* Or
leans papers in reference to POillit Po
mndition of the country;', - hi' - ;7 1 gell the
indeavots to' sltoOrthit d4union is irninitZint,
because, at the - ii'Pli r rnaelihig session of Con.
g r e si4, an attempt Co be ttjade to restore the
Missouri Compromise, and repeal ' tb.eFygitive
Slaire LAW ; or, ttiling that, to.defe.4 the Gen
eral Appro p riation bill.
- ' -
Brougham ta r s presented a p e titi on
to.the British -Timis° of Lord praying for the
removal of the, present Lord- High
sioner, on the ground that he owns a planta.
Lion a.nd slaves in 'DutekGuinea.
the Il.unker Native Americani4Ohio,
dissati.lied with the nominathm iwf Chase fur ,
Governor, hare held a Stgto Conyentionvand.
ninnlinned as. their candidate ftit ,.. .that, of ice.
Lx-Governing A.llen-Tritnhle.. •
.1 •
__President Pierce_ has appOiuted
Shannon; - of Ohio, Governor or Kansan,
place of Mr. DaVnto?n,
;-Yell*:" - feVeriiincreasitigr • nt POrtsinoinh,
nd' wen. of the population'ti
the 4ity have • .
- • —Gtiorgo W..Paynp, of Farmington, et.. i
has a lot of,Minnesotarice growing upon his
firm; ' full- eight feek'high,.ood promising Cul
abundant yield.' .He thinks it equal to. the!
Sunthern rice, and i 3 cotiOdent that it can be!
pilfit:ibly-iaj , :ed in that inbricliati:: It isovil l ;
nu - swampy land; unfit fur other-tuAtivationj
~_pa ssmo- r e
,Williamson anti the ta;gree,' 4 '
who aided the-vs-shives of Mr. Wheeler .te
est•ape.froui his cuStody; have been indicted
in the Criminal Court of Philadelphia for
adult and- battery. The N. 1C,.-Tribune
I Marks that Whe&ler . him:self should be
!.dieted.,,.. under the act ofTM.arch 3 2 ._ 1847, f . t
attempting by fraud - or false - pretense to ell.
Oct: free alegroesOlit•4.)f this Commonwealth,
With the itite'uttett detaining such free - tte.
; groes as Staves. . •
i• •P
_—Our report of the eondition,of the Anter•
ic:ut - Iron business i very .encouraging and
I sin4s,•that the prosperity of the ;trade . 0
Int . increasing,. - •
. ,
• :,
• :—The Crawford; Pa., JOUrnal
plitees the
:I.ltaine i of 4. IL" Reeder, *kite. :Gro4-errinr i 4
I Katsai, - at the head --- of its ebltitnns, - .as a cast
l•didate,j tin. - Cana I Commissioner in this St 4.
- .L—lllin. John L :Dawson lies ,-arrived it
. Pittsburg On his way: hotrie,- and declines 4.:
appoint anent of governor of liiansas.
i {
-:--The old Constitution friffate;:'whieb Lis
hattlrii the:eleinent-i for. si :years,
. .
about to undergo a surveylit
. Pittsburg
Yard,: and will prObably - Lbeleetideinned is
nnaeaWorthy, and :Will be . r/paired
. - •
DTI Boston
*Times . - say that Mr.
Eyck; Of Louisimni,.Who - always means a*.
lie.• says. has I strcred, in - .the. city of -New Yor:i,
to bet 50,00'S' that Gen: Pierce obtiz
twenty States, and $50,000; more that he
be L;leeted President at the. next election``)
n inated t PoinOciey. . 7 - •
. - .
When Ificheon, the ereCk'Phyi,c•
ian way slain; HOmer. said a I,i*
ninelt , :Ba4- whale F. 1
: Then. -a' - good • Malkin's - like
~Cathartic worth - „a:great deal. m re
bet arise - carea :as welt, works rider, nI
'lasts longer:: The - cirele of the best Phytie
Mak. be- narro . W,'. - While - s4 I
, remedy- is aVailable.-40.. be • heal)!
every body;. and is worth haying', .•. .
• —The Conductors ` of_ f)lasseitiger .traitulta
the Erip have - adopted:l . a- unifuna,
consisting of a bluelroek - Witt With- app
1 -
prime :buttons buff vest atid':-.4tek;
This ui l it; Tin . is worn at - the' -request . of; tk
ani b ffer •cif,tlre - • -
• .. .4
Trish LiV—AO
•• ; Friar
Cushman vs. Cn:se.....
Wilson Vs.,Adatnil
Belcher vs. TaylOr.
Perrine 4 sokys. stov4ll
Biddle vs. Gaige.s .. T
3foacl vs. Cook.
Binnsger vs. Scoville.t'
Wenn= 'va We
Taylor v.I.•N. E. R.
.Stowart Vs. Tyltv.
Braudo vs. Perkitut
COtnneth. vs:, Italics..
Curtis 'B A 'Qantas:
Roach va 4 Mali:Lbs. . . -
Robinson & Lloyd vs: Bri-,
Coburn vs. Beardslen ,
Young vs. &Y' B. mesa- S t e •
R. CO. • • Relloßvs.
Neivton - vs. D!lYtOn• sho r ti n g vs , ,"
Han vs. ;N:ortop. S . Ti4"'
Seale:Vs. f
Chur 1 Rockwell v& "Ite•
e.hill vs. Vg 1 .7 115 '
. • -
,' --- .:::-:' - :::4Tiilt.'314ST:• . . - - 1
Curt - c-4iiriiiiipipk Aui t ti(ii:Sik 10
- 1'::::,:'• '-.-..- ~- ' oWp,:itintik* -- -', , .. I
T.. Wilson, JobaiLlm,ble;
- Alumni—John Green, Virllliait -Whim
--Ilarnaawafart-4. W.-Curtle, Abel Patrick.. I
-Bnomturr—Charlie Kent. - • , I
errocorca—Janrea Kinney.,.• •-. , I
Durocia—N. A. Lane, Jultn.Youag.
num - Ws-00d* Greek - - cor i
Wnl. P.
Friend Burt, s.: Do Doolittle,'Jae. *tom -
Lariat-4101*X: Uttey,- Levi 1
Ilitrimmows—ltelion Gimp.
[Y.oritaost- - -D;rAistbr.., - '
IRuen-=,Nailniniel - , 1 s
Ifir - Orsitioare6 ,, Lawrenee
lut iLL „ leqamin.
--h ' • '
j p9v/c9letner twurtyn.
it Terns 1555.
Lathrop vs. Searle q t:!
Lions -vs. ',{
Ball „vs. Ctarlc.. i
RoSerts Robertv.
Bennett vs. LentLei4
_II,4ES. - -
I.AznaVis Stevetn6
triiilatin vs. Bryant..!
Bell vs. Wilinarth. I
TR , Willtarth_ •
uarmalt`vs.: - stone.
Young vs.,Brackriey; •
Drinke.r . vs., Henry. ,
Caetnidt vs. Weirdo;
Bailey vs. Brainard. ,
Whitcomb dt Nool2'll ll
r ßa ialto& vs. Stailh• l
Pips vs; Beebe et . T.
ndkinson vo. Tenet.
_ _